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1 The Lost Realms of Cormanthor Volume Two Ilodhar A Realm of Broken Dreams Compiled, edited & in parts written by ‘Snowblood”

The Lost Realms - · The Lost Realms of Cormanthor ... Contents A History of Broken Dreams

May 18, 2018



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The Lost Realms of


Volume Two

Ilodhar A Realm of Broken Dreams Compiled, edited & in parts written by ‘Snowblood”

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A History of Broken Dreams page 3

Map of the realm page 9

Localities of Ilodhar page 10

Arcane Secrets of Ilodhar page 18

Resources Used page 19

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-12,000 DR The Crown Wars Begin/Rise of the Vyshaantar Empire: After centuries of fruitless diplomacy, the impatient, grasping rulers of Aryvandaar attack Miyeritar and begins putting political pressure on Shantel Othreier to join them or suffer the same fate. -10,900 DR The Third Crown War erupts as accords finally fail between Shantel Othreier and Aryvandaar. -10750 DR The High Mage Lady Eshcalona Durothil leads most of her clan along with the Moonflower and Taurntyrith clans of Aryvandaar, (along with gold and moon elf

clans of from Shantel Othreier, Ardeep and Miyeritar), flee the Vyshaan and establish the realm of Ilodhar along the western shores of a mountain-nested lake (present-day Lake of Miir). The gathered council of elders selects Lady Eshcalona as the settlements first Coronal. The accompanying High Magi begin the new city by raising several interconnected towers which later becomes known as the Palace of Dreams. -10688 DR The first Lore Gems are laid down in the Grand Caves of Eshcalla, the wizards and priests of the real establish a series of hidden portals leading east away from Aryvandaar. More and more refugees flood across the border to be met by the Hidden Knights, a force of war-blades & spell slingers dedicated to the eventual

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over throw of the Vyshaan and the protection of refugees on the Silent Road. -10,600 DR Shantel Othreier conquered by the Vyshaantar Empire of Aryvandaar after the mysterious death of Coronal Ynloeth. Many nobles and commoners alike flee down the ratline known as the Silent Road, making their way to Ilodhar. The persecutions and mass executions back in the old world provide a continual trickle of those seeking freedom away from Vyshaan violence and repression. -10490 DR Coronal Easchalon leads the city’s armed forces against an incursion of Vyshaan forces from Sharlarion. After several bloody and pointless battles the legion from Aryvandaar is driven away from the city’s walls and back throught he portals from whence they came. The War of Brothers is the only time that the Vyshaan attempt to annex the distant realm. -10357 DR The Halls of the Nexus is established as a clearing house for refugees from the Crown Wars. The vast covered portal nexus becomes a way for the distant realm of Ilodhar to stay in touch with the disapora of the shattered western realms. -10089 DR After a long and glorious life Lady Eshcalon elects to become the first Reverend Guardian of the growing Grand Library of the Burnished Wyrm. Stepping aside she selects her great grand-daughter, the High Priestess of Corellon, Lady Ahskahala Durothil as the next Coronal of Ilodhar.

- 10082 DR Fleeing the growing population of the lands around Ilodhar, the first Green Elf clans move into northern Arcorar. The people rename it Rystallar in honour of their leader Rystalln’har Audark who leads the people out of slavery from their dragon masters in the east. -9900 DR Aryvandaar’s covert persecution of High Mages and priests begins, as they attempt to destroy or control any who might somehow force their descent as they did the drow. While not destroyed utterly, Illefarn & its colony in the Llewyrrwood is annexed by Aryvandaar as its nobility of priests and High Mages died under the persecution of the increasingly-crazed Coronal Giilvas Vyshaan. Many elves of both lands flee to the remnants of Shantel Othreier and Ilodhar to the east. This sudden influx of powerful magi and priests sees the raising of a powerful mantle over the city. The population swells to over 50000 elves of all races and creeds (except Dark Elves). The city continues acting as a clearing house for those seeking to flee far from the grasping reach of the Vyshaan devils. -9800 DR The Vyshantaar Empire’s forces occupy all elven realms (save Keltormir) from the High Forest of Aryvandaar to the sweltering southern forests of Ilythiir. -9718 DR Lady Ahskahala is slain by assassins from Occidian sponsored by the grandsons of Prince Ectoriss Vyshaan. Her middle daughter, the Araegisses Lady Synnorha Durothil is chosen by the council of elders

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as the next Coronal of the realm. Her first act is to send agents (along with a contingent of Song Knights) through the Silent Road to eldritch Occidian to seek out and destroy her mothers’ killers. A task they set to and achieve with bloody efficiency and enthusiasm. -9626 DR Lady Synnorha dies suddenly during childbirth leaving three young children without a mother and a realm without a leader as the first of many Orcish hordes begins to gather in the mountains to the east and south. The Paladin Songknight, Lady Fionulla Durothil becomes the Coronal – Araegisses of Ilodhar leading the realm’s forces in a crushing defeat of the orcs upon the northern shores of Selu’miir. -9438 DR Lady Fionulla resigns her crown so that she can carry on her fight against the hated Vyshaan and their allies in the west. Taking a large army of volunteers with her the ex-Araegisses leads her 5000 strong army west along the Silent road into the woods of northern Ardeep to begin a holy war against the hated enemy. The more pacifistic members of the council elders elect the peace loving, Angharadian priestess, Puraea Dahast as the new Coronal – Aradoness of Ilodhar. -9200 DR The First Proclamation of Elven Court leads to the revolt of the nobles of Aryvandaar and the last Crown War begins. The Elven Court, the Seldarine priesthoods, and the long-hidden High Mages restore pockets of resistance and freedom across the entire Vyshantaar Empire, fragmenting the armies and

nobles to limit their coordination. Coronal Puraea’s calls for a peaceful solution to the coming conflict fall upon deaf ears as the tide of hatred and reprisal threatens to overwhelm the people once again. -9188 DR At the Coronals behest a series of way stations and hostelries are set up for those people fleeing the conflict that sets much of the northern and eastern High Forest ablaze. Thousands of people flee east taking full advantage of the Coronal’s generosity. Many settle in the city and the lands immediately surrounding Ilodhar whilst thousands more, after a brief respite, continue eastwards to greater Arcorar and beyond. -9000 DR The Vyshaan are utterly defeated and Aryvandaar is dissolved. Much of the High Forest is abandoned for an age, leaving the forest open so the gods might restore its peace. The madness of the Vyshaan clan compelled even their most fervent followers to abandon them before all the elves lay dead at their hands. Many elves begin migrating back to Elven Court in its eastern forest. -8900 DR A desperate band of Vyshaan sympathisers are flushed out of the mountains in the nearby Rystalmiir Valley. Hundreds of former Aryvandaaran troops led by the exiled Prince Faeran Vyshaan die in battle with forces from Ilodhar. In a titanic battle upon the slopes of Mount Vaearin, high upon the Wyrms Back Coronal Puraea Dahast lays low her evil nemisis, at the cost of her own life when she shatters the Staff of Occidian over the Princes armoured skull. A monument in

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the form of an obsidian obelisk is raised using high magic to commemorate the Lady’s sacrifice. Her only daughter, the High Mage, Allyssa Dahast becomes the next Coronal-Aradoness of Ilodhar. -8800 DR After much consultation and guidance from the matriarchs within Ilodhar Lady Allyssa grants the charter for the founding of a fresh colony resulting in the founding of Rystall Wood and the crowning of its first Coronal. -8582 DR Lady Allyssa orders the building of a stronger wall and fortifications about the ever expanding boundaries of the city. This granite and marble wall is further strengthened through the liberal use of spells by the city’s resident geomancers and high magi. Just before the main gate house’s completion and giant piece of masonry comes free crushing to death the Lady Coronal and her party on guests as they inspect the almost finished walls. Her Grand-Daughter, the High Mage, Athalasstra Dahast is handed the crown with little fanfare as a giant orc horde pours down from the mountains. Just in time the new fortifications are completed and Ilodhar manages the weather yet another angry horde. -8400 DR The elders of Ilodhar push for the establishment of a second colony to relieve the increasingly crowded conditions within the confining walls of the city. Coronal Athalasstra proclaims a new realm across the Saddle named Jhyrennstar. The new realm first Coronal is selected by the council elders and is crowned by Lady Athalasstra who hands

him a plain, archaic looking longsword said to have been brought to Faerun from legendary Tintageer. -8210 DR The population of Ilodhar continues to grow as migrants pour in from the west. Several clan elders petition the Coronal to allow them to establish a second library city far away from the increasing threat of orcs. After months of debate within the council hall, Lady Athalasstra signs the charter leading to the Founding of Uvaeren and its First Rysar with the crowning of its first Coronal. Uvaeren is founded by one Sun and Two Moon Elf Clans led by the Rivleam clan. They establish the land as a civilization dedicated to knowledge both magical and mundane. Uvaeren becomes known as the Lorelands. Close ties continue to be maintained between the two cities as any lore gem created in either city is copied and sent to the library caverns of its sister realm. -8105 DR Lady Athalasstra and many of her knights fall before yet another orc horde as it sweeps through The Saddle and threatens to engulf the new colony realms of Uvaeren and Jhyrennstar. Standing shield to shield at the top of the pass the Coronal and her knights hold the line long enough for the three realms combined high magi to annihilate the 300000 strong horde. From the survivors, the Araegisses of Jhyrennstar, The Spellblade, Gildoraen Irithyl becomes the next Coronal of Ilodhar. -8130 DR The continual arrival of Elves in Rystallar from Ilodhar, opposed to the increasingly

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militaristic leaders of the city, leads to the building of the hidden city of Yrlaancel. The ‘City of Peace’, is built deep within the White Mountains at the far end of the glacial cwm in which sits the shimmering Lake Rystallar. Many Moon and Green Elves migrate from Ilodhar to this secret haven of peace, searching for something long since lost in Ilodhar. -7863 DR Coronal Gildoraen orders the Grand Library Caverns sealed and begins discussing the possibilities left open to an increasingly isolationist council of elders. The option to abandon the city is discussed openly amongst the common folk and by several families of Moon and Green Elves but out-rightly rejected by the more stiff necked Gold Elf clans. -7774 DR Lord Gildoraen is angry frustrated at the continual bickering and political manoeuvring that takes place within the council hall. After beating off a ragtag horde of goblins and ogres, he abdicates in favour of a more traditionalist leader, and leads a large group of migrants east across the saddle where they settle beneath the shaded eaves of Arcorar. In his place, the aged High Priestess of Labelas, the Lady Tanalashta Irithyl is crowned the newest ruler of Ilodhar. Despite this the city continues to haemorrhage people as they move to safer homes further east. -7609 DR Despite the increasingly vocal demands to abandon the city and save its many priceless treasures, the dogmatic stance by the Coronal and her advisory council infuriates many lesser Moon and Gold Elf

nobles. One in particular, the High Mage Oluvaera Mistriven decides to take things into her own hands. During the abortive coup the Coronal, most of the elder matriarchs and High Mage Oluvaera are slain in a cataclysmic explosion that demolishes much of the Palace of Dreams. The surviving senior nobles elect a more moderate thinking ruler, the Songknight, Paerisia Irithyl who immediately orders the cataloguing and securing of Ilodhars many artifacts. Many items are sent to Uvaeren, the Elven Court, Yrlaancel and Jhyrennstar. -7557 DR Lady Paerisia orders the people to begin a full evacuation of the city. The last od the original Gold Elf families choose to stay and defend their holdings. As if to emphasise the point trying to be made by the Coronal, a large migrating horde of goblins manages to slip into the tunnels and basements of the abandoned parts of the city, setting many fires before they are finally routed. Lady Paerisia and many lesser priests and mages are killed saving the city from being consumed in a growing conflagration. The Duskblade Phorm’loan Haladar becomes the city’s Araegisses in the absence of a coronal or rulers council. He immediately orders the rebuilding of some of the city’s key strong points whilst at the same time ordering those not capable of defending themselves be sent east to Uvaeren. -7400 DR Finally, a realm in name only with large sections of the city already abandoned ruins, the almost empty city of Ilodhar is finally over run by the orcs and ogres of Blackened Axe Horde. Fleeing long before

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the hordes arrival, the last soldier citizens, led by Lord Phorm’loan arrive safely

within the glittering walls of Ilodhar’s sister city, Braceldaur.

Coronals of Ilodhar


-10750 DR to -7400 DR

Length of Reign Rulers Name Race & Sex Coronals Of Ilodhar

-10750 DR to -10089 DR Eshcalona Durothil Gold Elf Female -10089 DR to -9718 DR Ahskahala Durothil Gold Elf Female -9718 DR to -9626 DR Synnorha Durothil Gold Elf Female -9626 DR to -9438 DR Fionulla Durothil Gold Elf Female -9438 DR to -8900 DR Puraea Dahast Gold Elf Female -8900 DR to -8582 DR Allyssa Dahast Gold Elf Female -8582 DR to -8105 DR Athalasstra Dahast Gold Elf Female -8105 DR to -7774 DR Gildoraen Irithyl Gold Elf Male -7774 DR to -7609 DR Tanalashta Irithyl Gold Elf Female -7609 DR to -7557 DR Paerisia Irithyl Gold Elf Female -7557 DR to -7400 DR Phorm’loan Haladar Gold Elf Male

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The Lands of Ilodhar -8000 DR

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The City and Localities of Ilodhar’aar

Ilodhar - Ilodhar Mythal: No – Mantle - Yes Population: 37500 (Sun Elf 40%, Moon Elf 40%, Green Elf 10%, Forest Gnomes 5%, Others 5%) Products: mithral weapons & armour, magic items, fine gems & jewellery, precious metals, fine clothing, fresh water pearls & fish, silks & cottons. meat & meat products, wines, beers, meads & ales, lore crystals & information storage devices, pottery & ceramics, glass & crystal ware, art & music, leather goods, unusual pets, leaf boats, horses. Who Rules: The Coronal & Council of Chosen Advisors Who Really Rules: The High Council of Matriarchs & Patriarchs Temples: All the Seldarine & Seelie Court, Eldath & Deep Sashelass, Silvanus, & shrines to various hunting, elemental & nature deities. Notable Mages: Sisterhood of Freedom, Amethyst Moon High Magic Lodge, Hunters of the Hart Arcane Archers, Faeress Bladesingers Guild, Pentrillium Crytallomancers & Lore Seekers, Arcorfaer Battle Magi, Lore Lords & Ladies of the Nexus Halls. Notable Organisations: Halvanaar Dragon Riders Guild, M’ytorash Weavers & Furriers, Bassavin Smithies & Armourers Guilds, Gaeron Hunters Collective, Kraalfaor Skinchangers Lodge, Silver Feathers Bowyers & Fletchers Guild, K’vaaroth Jewellers & Gem Cutters, M’ldarinshee Knights of the Stone, Arms Masters of the Academy of Ilodaanar, Locations of Note: The Tourmaline Palace of Dreams, Elsamiir - Grand Hall of the High Council, Slivers of the Sun – Docks & quayside halls & houses, Halls of the Nexus, Ynetelavar’s Librarium, High Sun Tor, Arms Academy of Ilodaanar, The Crystaline Tower Pentrillium,. White Hart Lodge, Argentyr Battle Magic Hall, Wyrhinn Minstrels’ & Spell Singers College, Atornath Green, Stone Sayers Citadel, Crimson Sage Palace. Local Lore: In the year -10750 DR the Durothil Sun Elf clan and Moon Elf clans Hawksong and Moonflower of Aryvandaar, along with gold and moon elf clans of from Shantel Othreier, Ardeep and Miyeritar, fled the tyranny of Vyshaan Emperors and established the realm of Ilodhar along the western shores of a mountain-nestled Selu’miir. They sought a place where the people were free to love as they pleased in freedom, peace and in harmony with nature. Soon the glittering white walls of a fantastical city, as spectacular as any ever created by the elves graced the shores of this isolated mountain home. Over time these 6 clans were joined by individuals and families fleeing from the vicious and nihilistic Vyshaantar. As populations grew several Green Elf clans left the lands around Selu’miir and established the realm of Rystallaar in the dense coniferous forests to the east. Soon others came seeking the free life away from the confining imperial traditions of Aryvandaar. Before long the elves of Ilodhar established many colonies, chief amongst these being Jhyrennstar and Braceldaur. In time the rulers of Ilodhar realised that their idyllic life was under threat, orcs and giants threatened the borders and frequently spilled over into the Miir Valley repeatedly laying waste to the surrounding farms and villages. Centuries of constant harassment by orcs and ogres and goblins split the clans and sundered their plans for a peaceful realm. Three Sun Elf clans, Durothil, Starym, Aelorothi elected to stay and fight for their lands, while the other six Sun and Moon Elf clans led by Melendath

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Moonflower, abandoned Ilodhar in hopes of finding another realm they could settle more peacefully. Three clans headed farther north, where they met the elves of Rystall Woods and established the northern most settlement of that realm: Yrlaancel, the city of peace in -8130 DR. The remaining three clans eventually settled in the west-central forest and founded Uvaeren, a civilization dedicated to knowledge both magical and mundane in -8200 DR. Finally, a realm in name only with large sections of the city already abandoned ruins, the almost empty city of Ilodhar was finally over run by the orcs and ogres of Blackened Axe Horde. Fleeing long before the hordes arrival, the last soldier citizens arrived safely within the glittering walls of Ilodhar’s sister city, Braceldaur. Ilodhar’s lot was not always one of war and battle, for much of its existence the city and the lands of its isolated valley were at peace. Millenia passed between Orcish incursions during the early years between Orcish raids and the people developed many fine arts and continued traditions thought lost to many during the ruinous Crown Wars. Only one time did Aryvandaar attempt to annexe this isolated realm of peace loving idealists. Sending a legion of footmen, knights, archers and duskblades the Vyshaan Prince Ectoriss found little welcome in this far flung land of independent priests and mages. Soundly defeated by the ‘peace loving’ people of Ilodhar, Aryvandaar never again tried to conquer the distant realm, deeming its subdual too costly. This battle of brothers taught the people of Ilodhar one very important lesson when three of their precious libraries were destroyed in the fighting. Even though the people may die, their stories and lore must live on for the future generations. Elven lore-keepers from this realm invented an ingenious method to store knowledge in clear, smooth-surfaced crystal spindles as tall as an elf. The interiors were carved from within using finely finessed magics wielded by crystallomancers of infinite patience. The forms of animated, semi sentient holograms appeared within the hearts of the crystals in response to the questions asked and lore sought after. The secret of the construction of these Lore Spindles was though lost with the fall of Uvaeren, but only a few hundred Spindles were rescued from Ilodhar from the many thousands that were laid down within the catacombs and vaults deep beneath the mountains to the west of ruined Ilodhar.

Places of Note


The ancient forest holds the remnants of the Creator Races as well as their artifacts. So dense is the central forest that it appears to flyer as a mass of solid grey- green foliage. Its rich soil supports hundreds of species of trees, flowers, and plants. Claret & golden ash, oak, shadowtop, wierwood and purple beech trees make up much of the forest. Chestnuts and red maples grow south along the southern mountains. Firethorns, spear-grass and bracken decorate groves of ever-green alders, Blaetherworts, dogwoods and she-oaks. This primal forest is home for large bands of roaming Green and Moon Elves, Humans, Orcs, Kobolds, Goblins, Wood Giants and a green dragon or two Long before this forest appeared, this was land controlled by an

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ever-moving glacial mass that ruthlessly severed any tree or living thing that tried to bury roots into the ground. As the High Ice gradually faded away into the north, the rich soil provided the base from which the forest could grow and prosper.

Lake Miir (Selu’miir)

River Porfonael

This deep, wide and fast running river flows through great stretches of virgin forest that have never seen axe or blade. The local bands of Forest Orcs and Green Elves are equal in their contempt for outsiders to make their permanent marks upon the land. The river itself is home to colonies of sylphs & nixies as well as the odd bunyip and pygmy merlion. Huge numbers of salmon like fish mean that large numbers of bears, giant lynx, leopards and wolves abound in the surrounding valleys. The river is navigable for most of its length and joins many small Moon Elf hamlets that can be found along its many tributaries and back waters.

Teshan Mountains

Known to the elves as the Mountains of the Gods or the Jewelled Peaks, these pine oak and aspen covered mountains are the abode of wild orc, dwarf, human and ogre bands all vying for control of the rich open iron pits and copper deposits. The humans and dwarves also breed small, shaggy coated mountain ponies that give them the edge over the numerically equal orcs and ogres. Little known are the veins and pockets of beljurils found dotted amongst the many canyons, gullies and sinks holes of the range. Many small lakes and spring fed streams feed the rivers that flow down into the Selu’miir. Most are filled with

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many varieties of small fish whilst the lower rivers and streams teem with knuckle-headed trout, wall-eyed gobi, and hakshar fish. Covered in deep snows in winter and filled with clouds of midges, mosquitoes and marsh flies in the late spring and summer, the Teshan Mountains are an inhospitable place at best. The elves of Ilodhar are happy to send trading caravans to gather pig iron, copper and uncut gems from the dwarves and humans who in-turn trade for medicines, rare herbs, fine steel weapons and the like. Several tribes of Green Elves of Rystallar, owing no allegiance to Ilodhar often raid the trade missions from the city, seeking to drive back the invaders from Aryvandaar.

Pass of Uvaer

Peaks of Dukaarin

The upper slopes of these towering peaks are covered all year round in great sheets of snow and ice and are mostly void of vegetation. This leads to numerous rock slides each spring, and travel through the mountain range is generally avoided. The soaring and isolated mountain peaks are home to many large aerial predators especially dragons and some stone, cloud and mountain giants. There are several isolated avariel colonies who refuse to have anything to do with the people of Ilodhar despite several approaches by the land’s rulers. In spring and autumn sudden electrical storms lash the northern slopes of the range unleashing violent flash floods that roar down the jagged spurs and gullies sweeping all

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before them before emptying their rushing waters into the many streams of the Tears of the Wolf. The mountains many mist-shrouded upland meadows and pine forests are exquisite, if often deadly.


This small inland sea is deep at its centre whilst the banks extend into shallow fens, water meadows and grass filled marshlands. On several occasions throughout its geological history the valley has filled and emptied, alternating between and deep blue marsh fringed lake to a lush valley filled with wildlife. The frequent earthquakes, lahars & mudslides and the general geological instability of the valley has meant that the elves of Ilodhar have not settled here in any great numbers. Several bands of roving Green and Moon Elves, along with a large clan of Lythari and several centaur herds all call the lake and its encompassing valley home. The lakes mineral rich waters give it a deep, sky blue hue. The valley is full of bird, animal and insect life but few fish or crustaceans call Rystalmiir home. The Elves have seeded the lake on several occasions but the highly acidic nature of the waters mean that fish and shellfish do not last long.

Plains of Marna

These undulating, marsh and river filled plains are home to great herds of antelope of various species and the predators that prey upon them. Lurking amongst the marshes, moorlands and water-meadows are alligators and flat-headed spinefish . Living amongst the vast nerds are bands of nomadic humans with their own herds of shaggy ponies whose lives revolve around the seasonal movements of the animals they follow. Winters upon the plains are frost biten and harsh, whilst the late spring and summers the plains are one giant cloud of gnats and mosquitoes. The nomads compete with bands of lizardmen and gnolls for the few pieces of solid ground and frequent range wars across the summer lead to great fires as the summer grass lands burn for weeks on end.

Hills of Mariish

Located at the southern end of the Wyrms Back range, these hills are also known as the Snout of the Dragon are home to the exiles of Ilodhar. Hidden amongst these heavily wooded hills amongst the many granite outcrops and caves are those who are no longer welcome in the city, or who reject the rather elitist and confining traditions of old Ilodhar. More than 5000 Green, Moon and Gold Elves call the hills home, along with hundreds of humans, gnomes, dwarves and half elves all living in relative peace and almost everyone armed to the back teeth against the frequent orc and ogre raids. Many small hamlets with inordinately powerful wizardly and priestly protection can be found dotted throughout these upland meadows and valleys. The people are naturally hard-bitten and somewhat suspicious of outsiders, but most beings not from Ilodhar will find a warm if cautious welcome.

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Wyrm’s Back Mountains

This sheer wall of granite, limestone and basalt is the great barrier that divides the Valley of Ilodhar from the marshy swamp lands of the Rystalmiir. The Wyrm’s Back rises like the spines of a great dragon, with its towering mist covered peaks, protecting the isolated Selu’miir from the worst of the northerly winter storms. Conversely summers within the mountains are hot and sultry with periods of intense rain marking the height of the mountain summer. Large pockets of primeval temperate rain forest can be found in the deeper, more isolated canyons and sheer sided valleys of the central range. Most are inaccessible to all but the sure footed mountain sheep and the few flyers who make the mountains their home. Like the ranges futher to the south and east, the peaks of the Wyrm’s back are a mixture extinct volcanoes and weathered karst peaks. Below the limestone and dolomite surface layers lie vast stores of iron, tin, platinum, copper, and mercury that are carefully guarded by the few Elven families with mining and smithing in their traditions. Large areas of sinkhole and subterranean river activity has left large cavern complexes that the Elves use as store houses, homes and redoubts in times of war. Many such caverns are filled with stunning geodes and other crystalline structures that have been enhanced and strengthened with high magic. It is within these stalagmite & crystal filled caverns, sealed off from the rest of reality, that the Elves of Ilodhar stored their vast numbers of Lore Crystals. With each complex becoming its own demi-plane the great libraries of Ilodhar remain untouched to this day.

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The Saddle

This group of undulating drumlin hills forms the pass sepearting Rystallar from Greater

Arcorar. The rocky and jagged pine, oak, shadow top and silverspear covered slopes are

home to large herds of wild sheep and the rock gnomes who tend them. These small

communities are connected by a vast network of secluded tunnels linking at least 12

Gnomish hamlets guarded by giant weasels and minks. The hills above are studded with

quartz outcrops which occasionally yield up veins of gold, silver or lapis lazuli. Dwarven and

Orcish prospectors often feud amongst themselves over the rights to these sites and many

small inter-tribal claim wars have erupted over the millennia. The many paths and trails

winding through the hills make this area popular with bandits who often seek to attack the

trade caravans and groups of travellers moving between the different Elven lands. There

are three watch towers maintained by the Elves and each is linked back to Ilodhar by

portals. The towers are topped by signal fires that can be seen for at least 30 miles. The

distance between each tower is only 20 miles, and regular patrols of mountain pony

mounted infantry make sure that the trade ways are kept open for all.

Tears of the Wolf

Flowing west from the perpetually cloud covered peaks of the ….range the Tears is an upland area of numerous fast flowing rivers and streams that have cut deep canyons, gullies and rills through the ancient seabed creating a limestone karst filled landscape of isolated woodlands, ponds, lakes and treacherous rivulets and streams. The area is rife with lime stone caves and sink holes that make travel through this goblin and wolf filled area hazardous at best.

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The region gains its name from the numerous wolf packs that call the area home. Large packs of Gray Wolves hunt through the canyons and out onto the plains whilst smaller packs of Wargs, Lythari, Silver Wolves and Bhargests call the more inaccessible areas home. The packs of goblins that infest the deeper sink holes and cavern complexes are kept in check by the predations of their furry, four legged competitors.

Woods of Esterech

This dense, dark and dangerous stretch of fey woodland is filled with sylvan glades, this timberland filled with pixies, sylphs, sprites, brownies, quicklings and many other fey spirits. Several faerie mounds and stone menhirs dedicated to the seelie and unseelie courts are dotted throughout the region. Nightmares & unicorns are found in equal measure as are ancient elder treants and hangman trees. The place a is fey crossroads that connects the Shadowfell with the fey wild, the prime and Arvanaith. Its chaotic and unstable, arcane nature means that travel through the entire region is fraught with dangers both fey and mundane. A being attempting to pass through one mist covered dell may well find themselves in a fog bound glade upon a distant plane filled with strange beasts intent on making them the next meal. Or they could emerge from dense undergrowth into carefully tended gardens overlooking a spectacular alabaster palatial residence of Labelas or Hanali.

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Arcane Secrets of Ilodhar Lore Spindles

Grown from diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, rubies or beljurils of unusually fine size and

quality by crystallomancers, the Lore Spindles are designed to be talked to at length. Lore is

spoken into them (or read) and then the crystal is ensorcelled in such a away so as to be

inhabited by a fey spirit of unusual intellect and sagacity. The knowledge contained within

the crystal is accessed by directly addressing the being within who may or may not provide a

detailed answer. For fellow Lore Masters and those with the proper pass words the inner

spirit is obedient and cooperative. It will answer all questions honestly and even has the

ability to inscribe lore onto metallic, wax or wooden tablets via light beams it focuses with its

will. It can also project holographic images of what has been shown or cast into it. To those

without the proper connections or pass keys the spirit within is at best indifferent and at

worst totally hostile. The spindles can teleport themselves and often generate their own

complex defensive mantle . Spindles are generally immune to most magic and supernatural

powers. They are however as fragile as any toughened gem of the types from which they

have been grown. The sprits within are generally capricious and nasty to all non-elves and

are happy to send all such beings to their deaths if they attempt to access the lore kept

hidden within.

Staff of Occidian

This ornately carved, seven foot staff of blackened wood was once the symbol of the Grand

High Mage of Occdian. Made from wood grown in Tintageer, the staff has the ability to open

portals or great size and across vast distances. The staff also has the powers of a great druids

staff and a staff of thunder and lightning and provides the bearer with several key

immunities: fire, electricity, poison, winds and sound based effects, The bearer can rebuke

undead & lower planar beasts as a 21st level priest and its destruction unleashes the effects of

a holy word/backlash and retribution fields. The staff then reforms 3d6 years later at a

random point within the plains.

Crimson Sabre of Fionulla

This simple sabre of reddish gold metal radiates only slight magic. The sword is +3/+5 vs

goblinoids that glows soft pink when they approach within 500’. The swords unique powers

are that it is capable of defending its bearer as a sword of dancing whenever its wielder is

asleep or incapacitated. When in this mode it gives off a radiant crimson glow the colour of a

red dawn sky and emits a piercing howl that inspires fear and protection from evil 20’ radius

until its owner revives or expires at which time it falls dormant.

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Resources Used Demi-Human Deities Forgotten Realms Campaign Settings 1st -4th Editions Lost Empires Volo’s Guide to All Things Magical Cormanthor: Empire of the Elves The Fall of Myth Drannor The Ruins of Myth Drannor Elves of Evermeet Complete Book of Elves

Forgotten Realms Adventures