Top Banner / 1 BUDGET 2014/15 The path to a brighter future BUDGET 2014/15 The path to a brighter future * Going West - The Young LNP * Your LNP - Heroes and other achievers * Going West - The Young LNP * Your LNP - Heroes and other achievers STANDARD LNP Queensland EDITION 1, 2014 The STANDARD LNP Queensland EDITION 1, 2014 The
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    BUDGET 2014/15 The path to a brighter futureBUDGET 2014/15 The path to a brighter future

    * Going West - The Young LNP * Your LNP - Heroes and other achievers* Going West - The Young LNP * Your LNP - Heroes and other achievers


    EDITION 1, 2014



    EDITION 1, 2014


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    9 Premier Campbell Newman - Spread the word,

    theres a lot to be proud of

    22 Q&A with new Federal MPs Michelle Landry and Luke

    Howarth who reveal their secrets to success

    24State Election 2015. Meet our new candidates

    30Your LNP

    32Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie on the battle against

    organised crime and sex offenders

    34 Treasurer Tim Nicholls On a path to surplus,

    now we have to tackle the debt

    40Young LNP members head west


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    The LNP State Council in Toowoomba was one of our most successful. Close to 300 delegates attended from around the state with important resolutions on policy and party administrative matters debated.

    Key speakers at the event included Premier Campbell Newman and Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of The Nationals, Warren Truss. Both gave important insights into the achievements and plans of the state and federal governments. We thank both of them for attending this important LNP event.

    A highlight of the weekend was a tribute dinner for Barnaby Joyce who resigned as an LNP Senator for Queensland last year to successfully contest the seat of New England in the House of Representatives at the September election. Barnaby is now doing a great job as Federal Minister for Agriculture and has not forgotten his Queensland background.

    The list of motions which were carried is on Page 12.

    State Council March 2014


  • to deliver for the community you have to have a vibrant business sector.

    In the four economic pillars that weve talked about, whether it be agriculture, resources, tourism or construction, weve set about deliberately and carefully and systemically to unravel needless bureaucracy and red tape to make it easier to get a new mine going, to lower the costs of running a mine, to actually make it easier for real estate agents to run their businesses and sell real estate to members of the community, to make this the best place in the nation to undertake property development, to actually get tourism going again in terms of promoting the State.

    So those are the sorts of things we have done, we lets just quickly see what the results have been after only two years of this government, well the figures released only in recent days by the Treasurer demonstrate that this is the lead economy in the nation.

    The facts dont lie ladies and gentlemen, 4.1% growth in Queensland, 1.9% in the rest of Australia, three times as many jobs were created in the past 12 months in Queensland as in the rest of Australia, business confidence in up, all sorts of surveys, retail sales are up, recently the ANZ and property council released their survey of business confidence in the development sector and it is now the highest than any Australian state.

    Weve just had a fantastic tourism season on the Gold Coast, in Cairns and other parts of the State. Arguably the best tourism season that weve had ever on the Gold Coast and what I say Ladies and Gentlemen, none of this, none of this happened by accident, in the case of tourism, it wasnt the dollar coming off in the 8 to 12 weeks the revival had well and truly begun under the leadership by Jann Stuckey, the relevant minister and it happened because we are promoting

    the Gold Coast, weve increased the funding to promote our state, weve doubled the funding for the regional tourism organisations, weve attracted airlines back to putting those flights into Queensland, and were branding Queensland and selling it restlessly, and they are coming back.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, you asked us to sort out the economy, you asked us to create jobs for Queenslanders, you asked us to get investment into this State, and I say to you and to all Queenslanders, we are delivering, absolutely delivering.

    So let us move to that other area, the revitalisation, reform of government, and thats a very interesting one and thats where government has had to make most of those tough decisions.

    We inherited a situation where the finances were shot, where every year we had a deficit, a fiscal deficit of billions of dollars and it is a fact Ladies and Gentlemen, that we were borrowing not only for capital works but we were also borrowing to pay public servants, to put petrol in the tanks of police cars, and keep the lights on in our hospitals and schools. Over the last two years, weve taken the necessary decisions to turn that around, weve actually made those decisions and next financial year we only run, only a 1.3%, 600 or 7 hundred million dollar deficit in an approximately 50 billion dollar budget and the year after that, for the first time in over a decade

    we make a small fiscal surplus, of again around 600 to 7 hundred million dollars, so again we start to eat away at the debt, for the first time in ten years.

    Now there is a problem here, we might be balancing the books ladies and gentlemen, but there is still this big, black cloud that hangs over Queensland and its the $80 billion dollars of accumulated debt, the $80 billion dollars of Anna Bligh and Andrew Fraser, and Peter Beatties debt that sits there like a big lead weight around this State and Im going to talk a bit more about that in a moment, but just focus on this, that

    debt is costing $450,000 an hour in interest payments, think what we could do with $450,000 an hour, hour after hour, day after day, week after week if Queensland wasnt shackled with that debt, Im going to come back to that in a moment.

    So what have we been doing in government? Well we have been reforming the public service, weve been making sure we change the culture, we want the service to be a service again, to be there to look after Queenslanders, to protect

    them, to serve them, to think about their interests, to plan for the future, to actually deliver the service and infrastructure in the most effective and most efficient way. One of the big focuses though of our government has to been to revitalise front line services with these reforms, we see lots of negativity from our opponents, we saw that in the Redcliffe by-election with people who were fire-fighters and people who were fake fire-fighters saying all sorts of completely outrageous untruths. So lets just talk about how some of the reforms have worked, lets talk about health. Two years ago our hospitals were a mess, two years ago we had the Tahitian prince scandal, two years ago for the former Premier Anna Bligh said that Queensland health was a dysfunctional organisation and she wanted to break it up, well in two years what has Lawrence Springborg, as our hard working Health

    Premiers address TO STATE COUNCIL CONTD

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    Minister and his team achieved. Well Ill tell you this, elective surgery times are now the best in the nation, the best in the nation.

    Well on matters in Redcliffe, I refer to those fire-fighters, not one fire station has been closed in Queensland, there have been one or two that have been closed but another new one has opened down the street, there have been no curtailment to fire services, in fact the budget has increased, on police, there are 676 at least, this is a number thats a few weeks old, at least 676 extra police on the streets of Queensland than there was two years ago, a net increase and thanks to our stance against criminal gangs, armed robberies on the Gold Coast are down 40% and assaults and burglaries are down 20-23%. And just thought Id talk about a regional city, Im told that robberies in Rockhampton are down 80% ladies and gentlemen.

    Look my point is this, weve seen two years of negativity and lies from our opponents, the union movement and from the Labor party, but facts speak for themselves and this year, over the next 12 months as we head to 2015, the next election, we will be selling the great story, because things are coming together in 2014 for all Queenslanders. Weve have been totally faithful to the promises weve made, to revitalise front line services, to get the economy going with a four pillar economy, to reform government and to restore accountability.

    So let me now talk about the challenge going forward and it is one, that the treasurer and myself have a big responsibility to talk about, again its the big, black cloud, $80 billion of Labor debt. What we are doing this year is having a conversation with Queenslanders, we might have balanced the books, we might have sorted out those sort of day to day issues with the finances, but there is a big issue that Queenslanders need to know. As I go around the State, communities and mayors are always telling me about the roads that they need, the bridge they

    need fixed, the school that needs to be refurbished, or the new school, we hear about the extensions to hospitals, we hear about all the requirements of a growing state, and a vibrant state, but the simple answer is ladies and gentlemen, when you are paying $450,000 an hour in interest to service Labors debt, you are limited in what you can do. We are not saying that these assets have to go, that is not the conversation, were saying we want to talk to Queenslanders in a grown up way about this challenge. If Queenslanders say they need these things, then there are only two choices, one is to look at the

    recycling if you like, of one asset here, it could be a port like Townsville, into assets like community centres, libraries, roads, hospitals and schools or as the Treasurer said, to sadly have to put up fees, and charges and taxes, thats the conversation we want to have with Queenslanders this year. The choice is fairly clear, we have to do something, but this is a decision that Queenslanders will get to make, because unlike Anna Bligh and Labor, and indeed the Labor party seem to have amnesia collectively on what they did only 3-4 years ago, we are going to talk to Queenslanders in an upfront, honest way about the choices that we have to make, so ladies and gentlemen, we hope you will work with us to actually have this conversation with Queenslanders this year.

    Before I finish up, I just want to reflect on the great work that Andrew Powell has lead, as the Minister for environment but also assisting me on a very

    important project, which is developing the Queensland Plan. I know that many people, particularly the MPs in this room have been involved in that project, we spent about 8 months last year looking forward 30 years in terms of the future of this great State.

    As an LNP party team and as a party, we have a plan for the here and now, probably for the medium term, but what we ask Queenslanders to do is look to the long term, to actually do something no other state has done and have the level of engagement in any other jurisdiction in Australia. Were proud that over 70,000

    Queenslanders have had their say, we had the conference in Mackay, we had the conference in Brisbane over two days, and we have some exciting initiatives that are now reflected in the draft plan. People are saying they would like to see a very strong emphasis on building up regional Queensland which is fundamentally the philosophy or indeed the DNA of the LNP. Thats what we stand for as well, the support, the building up of regional Queensland and our country areas, so we will now be finalising that

    work, putting the final plan through the Queensland Parliament, and then using that input from Queenslanders to guide our future policies, so I encourage all members of the party, particularly our policy forums, to grab the Queensland plan with both hands, think about our values and our aspirations, and weave that into new initiatives that we can implement in a future term of government.

    I say to you today, you have a parliamentary team that knows what it has to do, that is strong, is firm in its resolve, that is working every single day of the week for Queenslanders delivering what is right and proper, always with their interest at heart. A grown up government, accountable government, government that is financially responsible, government that will take this state forward, and in the year 2014 will see it all come together for Queensland, a great state with great opportunities. Thank you.

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    That this State Council of the LNP request the Government freeze land rental on leasehold land while there is a review and overhaul of the system to ensure that land rental becomes affordable and sustainable.


    That this State Council of the LNP seeks a commitment from the Federal and State Governments to assist in the provision of solar energy installation in areas that are not serviced by the national power grid.


    That this State Council of the LNP calls on the LNP Government to:

    a) Direct the incoming Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) to abolish the Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) district panel review process,

    b) Direct QCAA to replace the discredited QSA moderation process no later than January 2015 with a senior public examinations in each subject to provide 50% of overall assessment (this was passed by Resolution No 2 adopted at State Convention 2013)

    c) Direct the QCAA to ensure that all school based assessment is to be completed in schools under supervised conditions to address the potential problem of cheating and plagiarism raised in the Menkens submissions.


    That this State Council of the LNP calls on the LNP Government to:

    Direct the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) to have the current Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) syllabuses rewritten to make explicit what knowledge, skills and processes pupils are expected to master so that numerical marking may be used, consistent with principles adopted by the Minister for Education in his response to the recommendations of the Menkens Inquiry.


    That this State Council of the LNP calls on the LNP Government to:

    Withdraw funding for the Queensland Core Skills (QCS) Test after the 2014 calendar year.

    The QCS has been shown to be a poorer instrument for moderation than an external subject examination and it will become redundant when the discredited Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) moderation process is abolished and replaced with 50% external subject examinations.


    That this State Council of the LNP calls on the LNP Government to:

    Endorse the principle of a separation of responsibilities between curriculum writers and curriculum assessors with independent markers at an external examination at Year 12 exit.


    That this State Council of the LNP calls on the State Government to exclude potentially high economic areas of better agricultural soils from the proposed Strategic Environmental Areas in the final Cape York Strategic Plan.


    That this State Council of the LNP calls for the responsible Minister initiate a thorough investigation into Cultural Heritage processes and practices to ensure that unnecessary and costly practices do not exceed the requirements of the legislation.

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    That this State Council of the LNP calls upon the state government to legislate to extend the Queensland State Government term to four years.


    That this State Council of the LNP calls on the Minister for Transport and Main Roads (TMR) to:

    a) Embark on an education and awareness campaign to target improving public awareness of roadwork safety issues and to influence driver behaviour.

    b) Require TMR staff and contractors to monitor roadwork sites for signage compliance with the MUTCD including local government roadwork site signage and introduce penalties for non compliance.

    c) Use enforcement practices and techniques to encourage and result in speed limit compliance at all major, permanent roadwork sites.


    That this State Council of the LNP calls on the Commonwealth Government to consider relocation of the C27J aircraft squadron from RAAF Richmond to RAAF Garbutt in Townsville in line with the Coalitions policy of supporting development in Northern Australia


    That this State Council of the LNP recommends the LNP Government take a whole of government approach and implement innovative robotic technology (Unmanned Aerial Systems - UAS and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - UAV) and associated technology carried as payload into; emergency services, law enforcement and other identifiable departments to develop their effectiveness, efficiency and improve public safety.


    That this State Council of the LNP call for the amendment of the Local Government Act 2009 to ensure that Local Authorities are required to assess rates under the same principles specified under the Valuation of Land Act 2010.


    That this State Council of the LNP calls on the Federal Government to as a matter of urgency to fix the mess that was created by Labors mishandling of interim internet satellite services prior to the launch of Australias new satellite capacity in 2015.


    That this State Council of the LNP asks the LNP Government to review and act immediately on solar PV feed in tariffs for both existing and new connections to deliver lower and fairer electricity prices for all Queenslanders. The existing solar PV feed in tariff scheme alone is now forecast to cost on average each customer, in 2015/16, around $276 per year (Queensland Competition Authority).

    The government should deliver lower and fairer electricity prices for all Queenslanders by:

    a) Requiring all new solar PV connections to be a on a true time of use tariff that includes a fixed yearly network fee.

    Requiring retailers to contribute a fair amount to the solar feed in tariffs that ensures the 44c and 8c feed in tariff is protected for existing solar PV owners.

    b) Removing the existing solar PV feed in tariffs for any new systems with immediate effect.

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    That this State Council of the LNP ask the Queensland government to restore to local government the authority to approve or decline Adult Entertainment Permits.


    That this State Council of the LNP agrees to the position that:

    1. Each level of Government should be financially independent.

    2. The responsibilities of each level of Government should be well defined to avoid wasteful and conflict creating duplication.

    3. The Federal Government instigates the legislative changes required to allow each level of Government to be financially independent.


    That this State Council of the LNP requests the Queensland Attorney General recommend to the Electoral Commission of Queensland to conduct a review of pre-polling booths in regard to access to the elderly & disabled.


    That this State Council of the LNP proposes a Queensland community health and wellbeing lifestyle program to achieve a decrease in obesity in the Queensland community, by implementing a program known as Women as Role Models programs.



    That this State Council of the LNP call on the state government to provide opportunities for compulsorily retired specialist police officers to engage in mentoring, training, or advisory roles within the Qld Police service



    That this State Council of the LNP requests the LNP government to investigate the feasibility of employing police officers who reach the compulsory retiring age of 60 in ongoing roles supporting training, mentoring and other ancillary functions.



    That this State Council of the LNP calls for the LNP Government to put into policy:

    The re-instatement of retired Police Officers into the service on a part-time or casual basis:

    a) That these officers are re-instated at a Brevet Rank*,

    b) That these officers are re-instated within 5 years of their initial retirement date to maintain a recent level of training and currency,

    c) That these officers perform non-operational administrative and training functions as directed and required, in order to relieve operational police officers from those functions and enable the operational officers to be more actively engaged with the community and conduct frontline policing duties.


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    d) That these officers skills be utilised and engaged in mentoring activities as required, in line with their particular expertise, policing experience or specific area of speciality.

    e) That all retired Police Officers re-instated into the service on a part-time or casual basis maintain all benefits and pensions they would be receiving as a retired person. And they are additionally remunerated as fitting to their Brevet Rank* status, for their work in line with current services pay structures

    * Brevet 1n. document conferring a privilege from sovereign or government, esp. rank without corresponding pay in army (brevet rank, major)


    That this State Council of the LNP requests the Minister for Transport to urgently review the Translink bus timetables and services within the Gaven electorate with the aim of increasing and improving services to the people of Gaven.


    That this State Council of the LNP calls for a review on the legislative framework of all schools, including Catholic schools that receive funding at a Commonwealth or State level, so that volunteer efforts and fundraising are used to the schools betterment in partnership with the P&C and P&F and so that volunteers fundraising cannot be absorbed into a schools general revenue.


    That this State Council of the LNP calls for the Gregory and Staaten Catchment Wild River Declarations be rescinded.


    That this State Council of the LNP extend their support to the Prime Minister, the Hon Tony Abbott, Queensland Premier Campbell Newman, the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport and Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon. Warren Truss MP, Minister for Agriculture, the Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP and the Minister for Agriculture, the Hon. John McVeigh MP in their efforts to meet the needs of drought affected farmers and their communities.

    We favourably commend the Government for their recent decision to provide a further rural assistance package and urge them to immediately implement those measures which support drought affected farmers, businesses and farming families including the income support measures, concessional loans, assistance for water infrastructure, pest management and mental health.

    This State Council asks the Federal Government to conduct a full investigation into the live cattle export ban particularly looking at the financial impact on individuals and family businesses exacerbating the impacts of the drought.


    That this State Council of the LNP calls upon the Health Minister to amend the requirements of employee nurses who work in Queensland Health so as to accept the Queensland Governments indemnification of its nurse employees as acceptable Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance policy in order to be registered to work as a nurse.


    That this State Council of the LNP call on the Commonwealth Government to extend the Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative (GABSI) post June 2014 for at least two years (with funding allocated to existing partnerships with the State Government/s) and a further commitment to develop, fund and implement an additional five years partnership program.


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    The 2013 election was the LNPs most successful federal campaign. From the high watermark set in 2010, we increased our representation in federal parliament, taking the seats of Petrie and Capricornia from Labor and regaining Fisher. The LNP now holds 22 out of a possible 30 Queensland federal seats and gained positive swings in nearly all seats we already held before the election. Labor does not hold a federal seat north of Blair. Oxley (5.77%) and Blair (5.26%) are the only seats held by the ALP with margins over five per cent.

    Congratulations to our new federal MPs. Keith Pitt (Hinkler), Michelle Landry (Capricornia), Luke Howarth (Petrie) and Mal Brough who returns to parliament as the Member for Fisher.

    The loss of Fairfax was our biggest disappointment where a late advertising avalanche by PUP and media-fuelled expectations of an easy Coalition victory contributed to the result. Candidate Ted OBrien achieved 41% per cent of the primary vote compared to Clive Palmers 26% but lost by just 53 votes on preferences after a drawn out re-count. A big thank you to our volunteers who spent weeks working throughout this process, headed by Ian Prentice and Carol Cashman and all of those who worked with them.

    In the Senate, our targeted LNP campaign led to the comfortable election of three Senators and the highest vote of any combined Liberal-National Senate ticket in the nation.

    With our new Senators about to take their seats, our Senate teams office locations have now been confirmed. Senator Ian Macdonald will maintain the interests of Queenslands north based in Townsville. As from the 1st July, Senator-elect Matt Canavan will base his office in Rockhampton while Senator-elect James McGrath will become the first Senator to be based on the Sunshine Coast working out of Nambour.

    Senator Barry OSullivan, who was sworn in in February, has set up his base in Toowoomba.

    Senator George Brandis will remain based in Brisbane and Senator Brett Mason at

    Mt Gravatt looking after the interests of Brisbanes south and Gold Coast.

    We owe a debt of gratitude to our candidates who didnt win their seats. They all put in just as much as hard work as those who were successful. Despite their personal disappointment, many of them turned out as volunteers in the two recent by-elections which shows a true loyalty to the LNP. We thank them sincerely for that.

    They are;

    Ted OBrien - Fairfax

    Dr Bill Glasson - Griffith

    Malcolm Cole - Moreton

    Teresa Harding - Blair

    Andrew Nguyen - Oxley

    David Lin - Rankin

    Rod McGarvie - Lilley

    Noeline Ikin - Kennedy

    Against expectations, Noeline achieved an outstanding result against Bob Katter taking the contest to the wire. She easily won the primary vote meaning it was only preferences that got Bob Katter across the line. A special thank you to Senator Ian McDonald, Regional Chair Jane McNamara, our Far North Queensland Campaigns Officer Dennis Quick and their teams for helping and guiding Noeline.

    The 16 per cent swing she achieved has reduced the margin to just over two per cent.

    The Hon Warren Truss MPDeputy Prime MinisterMinister for Infrastructure and Regional Development

    Senator the Hon George Brandis QCAttorney-GeneralMinister for the Arts

    The Hon Ian Macfarlane MPMinister for Industry

    The Hon Peter Dutton MPMinister for HealthMinister for Sport

    The Hon Stuart Robert MPAssistant Minister for Defence

    Senator the Hon Brett MasonParliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs

    The Hon Steve Ciobo MPParliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer

    Seven Queensland MPs and Senators have been appointed to Tony Abbotts first Cabinet and Outer Ministry or as Parliamentary Secretaries


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    STATE BUDGET 14/15million for reef protection in 2014-15, bringing total reef protection funding to $55 million over five years.

    At the last election, we promised to deliver 1100 new police officers on the frontline. This Budget sees funding allocated for 267 new police officers as we deliver our promise over four years.

    The Government will invest $44.5 million over four years to implement the Safe Night Out Strategy, to deal with alcohol and drug related violence in entertainment precincts.

    Madam Speaker, no one doubts the Governments commitment to law and order. This Budget contains $132 million over four years to address capacity constraints in correction centres and undertake security upgrades, including the recommissioning of the Borallon Correctional Centre.

    I am particularly pleased that this Budget contains further funding for our Great Results Guarantee in Education.

    With $131 million set aside for the Great Results Guarantee, Principals and school communities are being empowered to decide how the money should be spent depending on the unique situation in every Queensland school.

    The Health budget will increase in 2014-15, by over 6%. But improvement is not always about spending more money.

    The results of our hard work are evident

    in the figures that matter most to Queenslanders.

    Since this Government was elected:

    The number of category one patients waiting more than 30 days for surgery has been cut by 83%

    The number of category two patients waiting more than 90 days for surgery has been cut by 69%

    The average time between ambulance dispatch and being available for the next job has been reduced by 18.75%.

    The number of long-wait dental patients has been reduced by 98.5% in the last 14 months and

    The long term social housing waiting list has been reduced by 37% over the last two years

    Madam Speaker, real results matter most to Queenslanders. That is part of our strong plan delivering a brighter future.


    The change of Government in Canberra has paid dividends to Queensland in terms of infrastructure funding.

    We have been able to secure almost $1.3 billion for the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing project one of the largest regional roads projects ever to be undertaken in Australia. And today I announce that I have signed the much anticipated Memorandum of Understanding with the Federal Government ensuring funding for this great project. I can also announce that tomorrow the formal Expressions of Interest document will be released to the market.

    Make no mistake, after 20 years of talk by previous Governments this LNP Government is delivering on its commitment to the people of Toowoomba and the Darling Downs to deliver this project.

    I acknowledge the great work of local members Dr John McVeigh of Toowoomba South and Trevor Watts of Toowoomba North in supporting this project as well as Mayor Paul Antonio and the federal Member Ian McFarlane.

    The Federal Budget will also provide nearly $1 billion for the Gateway Upgrade North project, as well as funding to

    deliver critical works on the Bruce Highway $6.7 billion over ten years.

    More than most, I know what it is like to inherit a Labor designed fiscal time bomb. But we, as the Queensland Government, have a problem with Canberra and that problem relates to the national partnership programs and agreements that have been unilaterally terminated as part of the Federal Budget.

    States operate big service delivery systems that cant change course quickly. With nearly a quarter of our revenue coming from national partnership type payments, the unilateral cutbacks announced in the recent Federal Government Budget hit us hard.

    In particular, the Federal Government has reduced its funding for concessions by some $50 million per annum. The Queensland Government is increasing its funding for the affected concessions, but this will not be enough to offset the impact of the Federal Governments decision.

    There are also other agreements that face an uncertain future.

    At this point, a particular concern we have relates to Early Childhood Education. In 2008, the then Queensland Government signed up with the Federal Government to provide universal access to kindergarten programs delivered by qualified teachers. These programs are delivered to approximately 60,000 children in kindergartens and day care centres.

    Unfortunately, the federal Budget provided no certainty of funding beyond the end of this calendar year. We are seeking urgent clarification from the Federal Government.

    Without a doubt though, the most pressure relates to Health. The problem is serious:

    National Partnership on Preventative Health terminated.

    National Partnership on Improving Public Hospital Services terminated.

    From 2017-18, the Federal Government is turning its back on the challenges of health funding. With the ageing of the population and rapid advances in medical technology, health expenditure is expected to grow by around 8% per

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    annum into the future.

    But the Federal Government thinks the States can survive with less. Their funding falls well short of what is required to meet the reasonable expectations of Queenslanders.

    Queenslanders can be assured this LNP Government will engage in a robust and vigorous debate with the Federal Government to protect their interests.

    This is the discussion we intend to have with the Federal Government over the coming months.


    On 13 April, I launched the Strong Choices campaign to ensure Queenslanders could access the information they needed to have their say about reducing the States $80 billion debt.

    The centrepiece of this campaign was Australias first interactive Peoples Budget.

    I know there are some for whom consultation with Queenslanders means assembling the usual suspects in George Street on the basis that they represent Queenslands so-called key stakeholders. I have never subscribed to that theory.

    Ultimately, more than 255,000 people visited the Strong Choices website, and over 55,000 Queenslanders submitted their own Peoples Budget online.

    Almost 20,000 people attended public forums or participated in virtual town hall meetings.

    I travelled more than 19,000 kilometres to meet with Queenslanders personally to discuss the Strong Choices available.

    The public response clearly showed Queenslanders recognise the debt and interest problem, and support a disciplined and methodical plan to reduce the States $80 billion debt and the accompanying $4 billion interest bill.

    I have always acknowledged that the decision as to how to best reduce the debt would be one for the Government to take and ultimately, and rightly, decided by the people at the next State election.

    I am proud that this Governments

    approach to the issue in terms of its

    treatment of the people of Queensland

    stands in stark contrast to those opposite

    who took the get elected first tell

    Queenslanders later approach.

    The Government expected Queenslanders

    to have a mixed view about the Strong

    Choices campaign. Our research shows

    that 70 percent of Queenslanders approve

    of the campaign and recent media

    commentary supports this approval.

    The popularity of some choices over others

    relies on ones individual circumstances.

    Analysis of the Peoples Budget tool

    shows that 28 percent of submissions

    mostly favoured increasing taxes, while only

    18 percent of submissions mostly favoured

    service reductions.

    Most significantly, 46 percent of submissions chose to raise the majority of the $25-30 billion required for debt reduction through the sale or lease of some assets.

    Overall, raising taxes or reducing services were the least preferred options for achieving the $25-30 billion in savings required to reduce debt to sustainable levels.

    After cutting waste, reducing the size of the public service, and lifting some taxes and mining royalties to stabilise the Budget after coming to office, the Government recognises Queenslanders are concerned about service reductions or tax increases.

    With spending cuts and increased taxes in the recent Federal Budget, it has become even more important to avoid fuelling cost of living pressures felt by everyday Queenslanders.

    Now is not the time to burden people with taxes upon taxes, or to reduce services that have already been made more efficient.

    The State Government has taken this new economic context, framed by the Federal Governments own debt reduction efforts, into consideration. The strongest choice for Queensland is also the smartest: the one that secures Queenslands future, without placing an undue burden on Queenslanders.

    That is why the Government is now proposing a program of asset transactions. The transactions will

    vary, depending on the asset. Most transactions will involve either long- term leases or sales.

    However, in some cases, the Government will propose an innovative option of private sector participation, where the Government will retain 100% ownership of the ordinary shares, with private sector investors funding future capital expenditure.

    The Draft Plan I have released today as part of the Budget provides for debt reduction of $25 billion down to $55 billion. This new debt level would mean Queenslands annual interest bill would drop from $4 billion to $2.7 billion.

    Significantly, this Draft Plan will also release $8.6 billion for the Strong Choices Investment Program, a suite of new infrastructure and investment funds designed to build more schools, hospitals, roads and other vital infrastructure to ensure this States growing population can enjoy a brighter future.

    After a period of further consultation, in which Queenslanders will be invited to nominate projects in their communities that may qualify for funding from the Strong Choices Investment Program, the Government will deliver its final plan for the Strongest and Smartest Choice in September 2014.

    None of these proposals will be implemented until the Government has taken this methodical and disciplined plan to the next State election.

    Not everyone will agree with all of the choices this Government has made about how to pay for things into the future. But at least Queenslanders now know we will have funding certainty into the future, so we can invest in the things we need for a growing and ageing population.

    Madam Speaker, the LNP Government was left a legacy of debt and deficits by the previous Government.

    We do not intend to leave an ongoing debt legacy for our children and grandchildren.

    Now is the time for decisive action and new investment to build a brighter future.

    This is what the LNP Government pledges to the people of Queensland A Strong Plan for a Brighter Future.

    I commend the Budget to the House.

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    Greetings to all from the Sunshine Coast.

    After a hectic 2013, we all enjoyed a pleasant Christmas break with friends and families getting ready for the challenges of the new year.

    There has now been time to reflect on last Septembers federal election which drew the national spotlight to our region. In the Sunshine Coast regional federal seats we saw Wyatt Roy re-elected in Longman, Mal Brough win back the seat of Fisher for us and the narrow loss by Ted OBrien in the seat of Fairfax.

    While obviously a result of 3 out of 3 was preferred, it was not a lack of effort by the members and supporters of our Fairfax campaign. Rather it could be put down to the vagaries of the preferential voting system, a formidable opponent, and an electorate which includes a current independent state member that openly supported the eventual winner and marshalled his own supporters to assist the polling booth manning efforts.

    The result in Fairfax is probably a timely reminder for us all that nothing in life is certain. In a strange way this result has provided us with a clear message that we need to be fully focused on our campaign execution and the needs of our current State electorates.

    However I should not let the result in Fairfax stop me from applauding the efforts of both Wyatt and Mal and their respective teams in achieving their success. We have two fine representatives for the region in these men.

    The Federal Campaign once again highlighted the work ethic and dedication of our Sunshine Coast members. To all members congratulations on your efforts and support during the campaign. There is no doubt that without your contribution the LNP would not be the success that we are within this region.

    It is indeed this dedicated membership that will form the basis of fighting the challenge of our new additional opponents. It was clear from the federal election that the efforts of our members in traditional activities such as delivering direct mail within the electorates, presence in shopping centres and attendance at both prepolling and polling booths made an impact with voters.

    It will be no surprise that we expect that there is a greater effort made by our new opponents on the Sunshine Coast than other regions. Given that we experienced a Promotional Cyclone (acknowledge our local member Pauline for that quote) here for the federal election, the same will probably follow for the state campaign. This highlights our other challenge which like many regions will be to raise the requisite funds to support both our State campaign strategic activities.

    The good part about the challenges that lie ahead, is the comfort of knowing that we have a team of members that will be prepared to step up and take them on.

    STATE SEATSBuderimCaloundraGlass HouseKawanaMaroochydoreMorayfieldNicklinNoosaPumicestone

    FEDERAL SEATSFairfaxFisherLongman


    Tony RiddleSunshine Coast Region Chair

    The Member for Glass House and Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection, Hon Andrew Powell MP, leads a local tour group through state parliament.

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    The communities in Central Region continue to recover from ex-Cyclone Oswald and the flooding of early 2013. This has been followed by a cruel drought in the central and west, compounded by the effects of the Live Export ban, which was imposed for a time by the previous Labor Federal Government. Such is the nature of Queensland and Australia with droughts and flooding rains, however poor legislation and bad ministerial decisions are not something we need to deal with on top of all that. Many flood damaged state and local roads are under repair and reconstruction, and travelling throughout the region can be a little slow and frustrating. However, the end result will be a better, more resilient, and safer road network. These are the vital arteries of our regional economies and lifestyles.

    The highlight of the Federal Election win was gaining the seat of Capricornia. Congratulations to Michelle Landry in what has always been a difficult seat for us to gain and hold. In Michelles maiden speech it was obvious that her motivations to contest the seat were born out of real life experience and the hard work ethics of her parents. Both of them were in the public gallery, along with her two daughters and extended family to savour the moment. Well done Michelle. She has made a good start on task of building on her win over the next few years, listening to all her constituents and representing them in Canberra. Michelle had recently worked for Ken ODowd MP to gain experience with the demands of an MP this will be a huge benefit to her.

    Our Central Region Meeting last October was held at the Leichardt Hotel in Rockhampton. This was attended by the LNP President and State Director, giving an analysis and collecting feedback on the Federal election.

    The Flynn FDC met in Emerald on November 23rd followed by a thankyou BBQ held in the Rotary Park. I personally could not attend mainly due to storm activity and commitments at home, however I understand it was a successful meeting and social occasion.

    Whilst in Canberra in early December, I met with Ken ODowd and Michelle Landry at Parliament House and also spent some time in the gallery watching debate. I met up with Government Whip, Scott Buchholz and the Minister for Agriculture, Barnaby Joyce. These MPs also have strong interest in the issues affecting Central Region in rural, urban and industrial areas.

    Recent state legislation concerning Regional Planning and also changes to the Vegetation Management Act will have a positive impact on Agricultural and Resources industries. Repealing the Carbon Tax will also have a very direct impact on the industries and people within Central Region.

    Holding Government at both state and federal levels, we are directing our energy to retaining our state seats at the 2015 election. It is important we attract the most capable candidates who have strong connections to these electorates, their industries and communities, and a vision for the region to maximise our chances of success.

    The LNPs Latitudes North policy forum was hosted in Mackay on the weekend of May 10/11 and was a great success. Regionally focussed policies will feature strongly at the next election and were determined that our region achieves an even stronger voice in the Newman LNP Government by fielding strong candidates backed by strong campaigns in every seat.

    STATE SEATSCallideGregoryKeppelMackayMiraniRockhamptonGladstone

    FEDERAL SEATSCapricorniaFlynn


    Terry Cleary Central Region Chair


    ND T

    HE R



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    As the LNPs largest geographical region in Queensland, 2013 was a very busy year for our LNP members. Our efforts were focussed on the three Federal Divisions of Dawson, Kennedy and Herbert. In the build up to the state election, attention is now turning to our SECs of Burdekin, Dalrymple, Mount Isa, Mundingburra, Townsville, Thuringowa and Whitsunday.

    Looking at the last nine months we were proud to contribute to the election of the Abbott Government. Both George Christensen (Dawson) and Ewen Jones (Herbert) were re-elected with increased margins. Congratulations to George and Ewen as well as their hard-working campaign teams.

    Special mention must go to Noeline Ikin along with her FDC campaign team led by Bryce Macdonald, who nearly pulled off what many thought was impossible in the seat of Kennedy. Noeline covered thousands of kilometres over the course of the campaign winning over voters. The end result was the achievement a 16.5% swing, easily defeating the long-time sitting member Bob Katter on the primary vote.

    As the Regional Chair, my role is to network with members and party units to build our grassroot supporter base. This will in turn lead to more support for our MPs and strengthen their chances of winning their seats at the next election.

    It has been a time of great rewards and challenges. We are proud of what we have achieved but are always looking to improve our standing. Congratulations to all of our local LNP members who helped to achieve results.

    All of this would never have been possible without the unwavering support and work of Bruce McIver and the State Executive, Premier Campbell Newman and the State Parliamentary LNP Team, and the work of the Federal Coalition Team for the great result that was achieved during the Federal Election. Congratulations to Tony Abbott and his team for a great win for Australia in 2013.

    STATE SEATSBurdekinDalrympleMount IsaMundingburraThuringowaTownsvilleWhitsunday

    FEDERAL SEATSDawsonHerbertKennedy


    Jane McNamara North Queensland Region Chair

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    Retiring Senator Sue Boyce with Redcillfe candidate, Kerri-Anne Dooley (left) and Yeerongpilly candidate, Leila Abukar (right)

    LNPW President, Tamara Foong

    Candidate for Blair, Teresa Harding with Member for Brisbane Teresa Gambaro MP

    Member for Sandgate, Kerry Millard MP

    Candidate for Mulgrave, Robyn Quick with Joy Glennie

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    OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARDThe criteria for the Outstanding Service Award should reflect the highest standards of Party membership. Nominees should be those who have made, or continue to make, an outstanding contribution to the success of the Liberal National Party.Candidates for the Outstanding Service Award must satisfy the following criteria through: Active and tireless service for the

    Party at Branch, SEC, FDC, Region, Committee or Executive level over a period of many years;

    A significant personal contribution to the Partys development through member recruitment, policy development, fundraising, campaigning and the like;

    Demonstrated continuous active involvement in Election Campaigns, Annual Conventions, State Councils and/or Party


    An Award is the highest honour that the Liberal National Party can bestow on a party member.

    The LNP Constitution provides that the State Executive may acknowledge any member who has rendered service warranting recognition with an Honorary Life Membership or other award.

    The Award Committee is appointed to assess the merits of each nomination, with the decision to accept a nomination at the discretion of the Committee.

    When submitting a nomination form, there are a number of mandatory requirements:

    1. Nominees must meet the minimum requirements of the applicable award criteria (see below).

    2. All questions in the nomination form must be answered.

    3. Nominations must be supported by a Party Unit and individual testimony from three (3) Party members.

    HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIPHonorary Life Membership is the partys highest award. Candidates for Honorary Life Membership must satisfy the following criteria through:

    Long and dedicated service to the Party, above and beyond what could normally be expected;

    A major influence on the development, direction and achievements of the Party;

    A significant and recognised contribution to the Party by way of leadership, innovation, policy direction, political thought or administration;

    Epitomising the values and philosophy of the Liberal National Party.

    Given the evaluation criteria reflect the Partys highest standards, it is expected that no more than one Honorary Life Membership per year will normally be given.

  • Road to AmalgamationAt State Council we launched the book Road to Amalgamation which was compiled by Party stalwart Ken Crooke. Ken is a former State Director of the National Party and is a Life Member of the LNP.

    The book delivers an in-depth account of the events which led to the amalgamation of the Liberal and National parties and includes a series of detailed interviews with key players. It is a must read for anyone with an interest not just in politics, but also Queenslands history.

    Commemorative signed copies of Road to Amalgamation are available to LNP members for $25 plus postage. Visit the shop on the LNP website to order your copy,

    (Back, L-R) Gary Spence, Lawrence Springborg and Bruce McIver (Front, L-R) Mark McArdle and Ken Crooke

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    Young LNP

    On Saturday 15 and Sunday 16

    March, 25 members of the Young

    LNP embarked on our inaugural

    Four Pillars Tour to Stanthorpe.

    This was an amazing experience

    for our members and one we

    now hope to make an annual

    component of the Young LNP

    calendar. We firstly want to

    thank Bob and Sue Johnson,

    local stalwarts of the LNP in

    Stanthorpe who worked with us

    for weeks in advance to organise

    the logistics. Special thanks to

    Party President Bruce McIver who

    agreed for HQ to pay for the hire

    of our mini buses.

    Our first stop on the tour was to the once small potato farm and now well-known freight company Wickhams Freight Lines. A family owned business that has support for local families and the community at the heart of its operations. We enjoyed learning about how Wickhams started off as a relatively small potato farm in Stanthorpe until he purchased a single truck and started transporting his produce to the markets himself. From this small beginning has grown a huge transport business that carries produce all over Queensland.

    From there we proceeded to the Rizzato familys apple orchard and packing shed. The Rizzato family has been farming in the area since 1954. They are one of the largest apple growers in the Granite Belt, which is the second largest apple growing area in Australia. Whether it was sampling the tasty apples or watching the state-of-the-art packing line which literally goes for hundreds of metres, this was an experience we will never forget.

    We stopped for lunch at Suttons Cidery where we all enjoyed a cold cider and a home cooked country lunch. From there it was onto the Sweets Strawberry Runner farm. For the last ten plus years they have grown to be a very large strawberry nursery, supplying strawberry runners around Australia and also exporting overseas. During peak production they employ up to 300 back packers. It was a unique business and we very much enjoyed learning about their processes and how far and wide they supply their Strawberry runners to.

    After a fantastic first day, it was a real pleasure for the YLNP to have dinner at the Queensland College of Wine and to be joined by Bruce McIver and his wife, Christine, the Local Member Lawrence Springborg MP, President of the National Farmers Federation Brent Finlay and other LNP members from the region. The College of Wine kept us hydrated with some fantastic local wine labels as we watched Will Hodgman declare victory in Tasmania. A fantastic evening!

    Our first stop on Sunday was to Gows produce, owned and operated by the Gow family who are local LNP members and active within the farming community. The Gow family has been farming in the Granite Belt since 1908. They started as a mixed farming enterprise, planting as many as 2 million seedlings in one season and they are now one of largest capsicum producers in the district. This is where we again got a taste for how tough it is for farmers with weather conditions, Government regulation, and the Carbon Tax (just to name a few) making it harder.

    From there it was onto Kominos Winery where members of the YLNP indulged in some wine tasting and certainly lots of purchases. Kominos Winery is another family business, making wines principally for export. We can safely say that YLNP members of the YLNP certainly boosted the local economy and many of us are still enjoying their many fine drops.

    After a busy morning, the famous Stanthorpe Show Ground ladies treated us to a Sunday roast lunch before heading to David and Prue Bondfields family owned Stud farm Strathgarve. Situated on the New England Highway, 3kms south of Warwick and 31kms north of Stanthorpe, this was one of the best stops of our Tour. David and Prue are very successful exhibitors of their bulls and cows at the Royal Easter Shows around the country and they now export their genetics around the world. Palgrove has grown from strength to strength through innovation, vision and expansion overseas. Our sincere appreciation to David and Prue who opened up their beautiful home and made us so welcome.

    The inaugural Young LNP Four Pillars Tour was a great experience for our members. Whilst many of us now call Brisbane home, lots of our members grew up in rural and regional Queensland and it was great to head home, even if it was only for the weekend and learn more about importance of the Granite Belt and the Darling Downs Region to the State of Queensland

    Hermann Vorster YLNP President (former) Luke Barnes YLNP Vice President


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    Rockhampton Break & Enters

    Down 23%

    Mackay Stolen Vehicles

    Down 37%

    Cairns Common Assault

    Down 27%

    Townsville Robbery

    Down 45%

    Toowoomba Armed Robbery

    Down 54%

    Regional Crime Statistics Highlights

    We are also investing in the modernisation of police and emergency services by investing over half a billion dollars in technology over the coming decade to make Queensland a world leader in the field.

    Queensland Police Service officers are in the process of being issued with iPads, unshackling them from behind their desks and enabling themw to spend more time out on the beat, with access to CCTV footage, criminal records, and other data on the go. We are bringing our communications technology into the 21st century through the roll out of the $500 million Government Wireless Network in time for G20.

    These two years worth of investments in Queensland will serve us for the next twenty years. We remain more committed than ever to revitalise our frontline services, keep our streets safe and deliver world class Police, Fire and Emergency infrastructure where its needed most.