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The Lightning Legacy: Chapter Seven

Jan 25, 2015



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Chapter Seven


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*sing* Welcome back! *sing* to the Lightning Legacy. This chapter had been giving me lots of issues. Basically, I’m in the process of begging my dad to move the CD drive to our new computer so the game will 1) stop being so laggy, and 2) stop having horrific quality. So I apologize for that ahead of time. Anyways, where we left off last time, Bellatrix and Batman had become children, Belle had become a toddler, and Annabeth had just found out she was pregnant with an alien child. Let’s catch up with the twins right now.

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“I’m getting you back for that!”Okay, so maybe Batman didn’t get over being locked in his crib.“Like you’ll be able to catch me! I can Apparate!”“I will follow you with my bat-tracker! I have put a tracking device in you!”“Ew.” Bella wrinkled her nose. “Gross! How’d you do that?”“I put it in when I helped you with that scrape on your knee yesterday! Ha!”

“Ewww! Batman!!”“You can’t escape my batly powers!”“You’re bluffing! I’m Apparating anyways!”Bella, you’re not old enough to Apparate.“What?!”You have to be of age. “And what age is that exactly?”It’s embarrassing, but I forget. Somewhere in your teens. Seventeen, maybe?“Augh! No fair!!”

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“You’re my special little princess, Belle. You know that?”The toddler giggled. “A prwincess? That’s siwwy, Granddaddy. Prwincess arwe onwy in books!”“Well, then, you can be the first in real life.” Belle’s face screwed up as she thought over Caleb’s words. Then she yawned and her eyelids dropped. “Time for bed, my little princess.” Caleb kissed her forehead as he put her in her crib. “Always know that your dreams can come true.”

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Oh, that’s a great Saturday activity. Don’t get them addicted to the bubble blower so soon!Bellatrix: Oh my gosh, did you see New Moon? It was so stupid. Batman: Oh my gosh, yes, I did. It was stupid. Bella only had like one expression on her face the whole time!Bellatrix: Just like the first one!Caleb: They’re too easy on her. At least they’ve succeeded on having intelligent conversation.

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Belle loved her xylophone and she was often to be found singing along with the notes she played.“Beauty and the Beast!” she sung happily. “Wait. Who’s this Beast guy?”

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She wasn’t as skilled at her xylophone playing as her cousin Apollo, however. Apollo is Anakin’s firstborn, named after the god of the sun and music from Greek mythology. You’ll see more of him once I post Anakin’s spare-story on the exchange. I’m too lazy to make him and Sunny a whole slideshow. XP

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“So, Chandler, I’m pregnant again….”“Cool. But wait, where’d your maternity wear go?”I finally downloaded the pregnant sims wear anything hack.“I see. So, what are we going to name him or her?”“That’s kind of the least of our concerns at this moment….”“What do you mean?”“Uh…. ask me again once the baby’s here…”Chicken.

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Hey, hey, hey, what the heck? You’re not supposed to go into labor yet! You have SO not been pregnant for three days! (no joke)“I know! I don’t know why it’s gone by so fast! Chandler, get over here!!”“I’m coming, I’m coming, let me finish my meditation first.”“NOW!”“Okay, okay, I’m here. Just breath.”“That’s easy for YOU to say!”

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A frown came to Caleb’s face as he saw the new child. “Annabeth, I know you’re a Knowledge sim, but I really thought you were raised better than this!”Annabeth’s eyes flared. “I haven’t been cheating on Chandler, Dad.” (Protective of her friends, remember?)“Oh. Okay then.” Caleb walked over and cooed over his new grandson then went off to work.

Annabeth bit her lip as Chandler came over. “I swear, I haven’t—” she began before he shushed her. “I know. It’s an alien child, right?”Annabeth started at him. “How did you know?”“I have a Knowledge sim as a wife, and one that enjoys running with aliens.” He smiled up at her. “What do you think I was doing all that reading in college for?”

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BuzzIt’s baby Buzz, named after Buzz Lightyear of Star Command! No, he is not getting a nose ring. So Buzz Lightyear isn’t exactly an alien, but he arrives in Andy’s bedroom under the impression that he is from somewhere else, so close enough. He and Woody fight a lot at first, but they eventually become friends after realizing that it doesn’t matter who is Andy’s favorite toy.

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Much to Annabeth’s relief, Buzz was accepted by all his siblings. Bellatrix in particular took favor over him. “You see,” she told her mom. “I’m the oldest, and he’s the youngest, so I have to protect him.” “You’re a twin, honey.”“But I was still born first.”“…That’s true….”“Now can you tell that to Batman for me?”

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Bellatrix, you’re supposed to be loving and protective of your siblings, as the oldest!“I also get the rights to torture them! Mwhaha!”That’s mean.“Don’t tell me you don’t do this to your own siblings.”That’s not fair! I don’t torture them…. Often. Besides, how did you know I’m the oldest in my family?!“The Dark Lord told me.”Voldemort doesn’t exist yet. You’re about 20 generations early.

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See, Bella, this is what an older sibling should do!“Heehee! Stop, Batman, stop. It tickles!”“That’s the whole point, Belle, you silly girl. I got you where I want you, and now I’m going to get you! Ha!”

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Before she and Buzz grow up, here’s some Belle spam.

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Buzz grew up into a happy little toddler whose alien features were apparent, even if he does have the Lightning eyes. He’s absolutely spoiled by his mom.

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The first thing Belle does after aging is grab a book off the shelf and begin to read. Like it surprised anyone. I predict that this is what we’ll find her doing a lot of her life. I also predict that she’ll be the first kid to max all of her skills. She’s beautiful, but we can’t really see her face in this picture.

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There. Now we can see her. See, beautiful. She’s the only one of the kiddies not to have the Lightning eyes. She has her mum’s dark blue ones.

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Batman and Belle get along great. It’s a pity they aren’t the twins.“Hi Batman. I’m a kid now.”“Sweet! We can play together. But only for a little bit.”“Only a little bit? Why??”“I grow up again soon.”“Oh.”“It’s okay. I’ll read to you when I’m older.”

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Walking is the only skill Chandler got the privilege of teaching Buzz, as his mom usually dominated him. However, no longer preggers and at work, Chandler gets some time with his non-son.“Good job, Buzz! Mummy would be so proud of you if she were here!”“Where is mummy, dad?”“She’s at work. But don’t worry, she’ll be home soon.”“Yay! I love mummy.”

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“Look, look, Grandpa!”“That’s pretty fancy, Bellatrix. I could never do a handstand.”“Not that, Grandpa! My skirt isn’t falling down!”“How are you managing that?”“Magic, of course! Silly Grandpa!”“Oh, yes, silly me...”

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“Anna, you have the most amazing singing voice.”“Why thank you, Caleb!”“You should join choir.”“Uh… I’ll think about it.”

Seriously. Why do people keep telling me this?! Sure, I can sing Elphaba’s part in Wicked. So what? I really don’t think it’s that impressive!! I will not join choir, dangit!!! I am a band nerd through and through.

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As much as I hate burglars, this made me laugh SO. HARD. Belle and Batman: I can’t believe there was a burglar! Wahh!!!Bellatrix: Wimps.

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“What’s wrong, Belle?”“The burglar, Grandpa!” The seven-year-old sobbed.“But he didn’t get anything or hurt anyone. It’ll be okay.”“I know this happens in books, but it’s not supposed to happen in REAL life!”Caleb bit his lip, not knowing how to reply to that. He pulled his granddaughter into a hug.“It’s okay, Belle. You know how when things like these happen in books, it changes the person for good?”Belle sniffed and nodded.“Well, then how about we let it change you for good?”“But for good doesn’t always mean for the better,” she protested.“Well, I believe you will be changed for the better*.”

*yes, that was a Wicked reference. The song For Good in particular will be featured many times in the legacy, and it has a very special place in my heart, which you find out the meaning for in generation H.

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“I can’t believe he did that. It’s not as if we did anything to him.”Whoa. When did this burglary turn into a characterization tool? I really didn’t plan this. Oh well.“It’s not fair. It’s not justice.”Well, the world just isn’t fair, Batman. You might as well get used to it.“Someday, I will make it fair.”You’re not all-powerful or anything. You can’t even fly.“Someday I will be the most powerful….. Batman ever.”Hey, hey, Anakin was last generation, and is your uncle. Don’t go delivering his lines. And right now you’re more like Batboy. Why don’t you go off to bed now?“*fume*”

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Snow. Swimsuit. Shower? “It’s something I want to do before I die.”Crazy old lady. Yeah, I just downloaded the mammoth shower from modthesims. Hopefully it won’t be as pervy as Lauren’s from her BC.*“Oh, I see you are the one they call Anna. Any chance of me meeting your simself? You have the most wonderful voice.”Okay, my hope is gone. And NO, there is no chance. Bad pervy mammoth, who, from now on, shall be known as Floyd*!

*Lauren, or wonderfulweirdo, writes the Marmite Alphabetcy, which you totally need to read. Like right now. Off you go.

*Floyd, because it reminds me of fluoride that dentists put on your teeth which I hate!

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It appears that Liberty isn’t the only one going senile.“Woo-hoo! Look at me, guys! I’m home! I lost my job! Yee-ha!!”

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I know present to you, the very first fire of the legacy. I’m surprised we got this far without one. And who to cause it but Miss Maxed Skills since she was 15, ANNABETH!“Ahh! Fire! Fire! My whole life’s work is in the stove!”In the stove?? What the heck?!“It’s my bacteria farm! Save my bacteria farm!”Ew.“Don’t you worry, FIREY GRANDMA is on the case!!”Sometimes I really worry about my sims. I really do. On a side note, I have no clue where the flames went. They’re still freaking out and Liberty still has the extinguisher, but the flames have disappeared. Hmm. I bet it was Floyd!!

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Hiya, Batman! What’cha doing?“Playing catch.”With who?

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Oh, hi Tiffany. TIFFANY!! Gah!! Quit stalking Batman!!!“Bat…man… *drool*”I mean it, Tiffany. Oh, by the way, this is my friend Tiffany’s sim-self. I promised her she could marry Batman, as she is obsessed with Batman in real life. “I’m allowed to stalk him, Anna! I’m his future wife!”Ah, don’t tell the kid yet!“Actually, that doesn’t bother me in the slightest.”“Ha!”Oh, shut up, both of you.

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“Ahh! Ahh! Simself! AAAHHH!!”So meeting your future wife doesn’t creep you out but seeing my simself does?!“Hi, Hayden.”Oh, hi, Anna. Hey, don’t you dare call me by my middle name!!!“You know you prefer that.”True. But my sims know me as Anna, as does everyone on Quit confusing them! Note to all you out there: Call me Anna. Or Hayden, I guess. Whatever. Dang it simself, you’ve got me all confused!!”“I try.”*fume*

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ATTACK OF THE SIMSELVES! Sheesh. This is my one of my other friend’s simself. Meet Emily. Funny how Liz hasn’t put in an appearance yet. She’s the loudest out of all of us….

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Birthday time! But before Bella, Batman and Buzz can grow up, I am obligated by a contract signed in my own blood, to give you your Buzz spam. Sorry there hasn’t been much Buzz. I’m just so sick of toddlers, having played through Anakin’s 2 kids and A’Tuin’s 3, plus these four on the main lot.

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Batman and Bellatrix go first, followed closely by Buzz.

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“Ha! Got you!”“Oh, very funny, Bella. Let. Me. Go!”“Your batly powers are no match for my magic!”I see nothing’s changed much. Now, Bella, would you mind releasing your brother so the readers can see your faces?

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There’s the girl. “Grr. ‘Batly powers.’ As if.”Even angry, she’s gorgeous.“I. Am. So. Mad.”That’ll probably be the hormones. “I want to smash my head against the wall.”An angsty Bellatrix? Oh, I’m just jumping for joy right now, let me tell you.

Bella rolled Knowledge, by the way.

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“Oh, I got batly powers, and you know it!”Someone’s happier than his sister. Batman rolled Popularity. Tiffany, I hope you’re pleased with how he’s turned out. I sure am.

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D’aww, so cute. What’cha doing, Buzz?“Smustling. Wanna join?”I’d love to, but being a disembodied voice, I can’t really do that.“Oh. Pity.”Batman: “So yeah, I have like 5 cousins. What are their names? Oh. Um. Anna?”Apollo, Alice, Albus, Aberforth and Ariana.“Thanks.”I love my spare spawn so much. I know I already said it earlier, but you’ll see them soon enough when the spare stories are posted on the Exchange. But, since I’m so nice, I’ll let you see the kiddies right now. Plus, I want to show them off.

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And here’s where I leave you! But I’ll be nice again and tell you the cousin’s namesakes. (They all have A names since I had too many that I didn’t get to use in the main generation.)

Albus: Named after Albus Dumbledore himself.Aberforth: Named after Albus Dumbledore’s brother.Ariana: Named after Albus and Aberforth’s younger sister.Apollo: Named after the Greek god of the sun, music, and healing.Alice: Named after the heroine from that new, wonderful movie with music by Danny

Elfman that you really need to see, Alice in Wonderland.

Albus and Aberforth, by the way, are twins, and natural twins at that. Unlike Bella and Batman. Shh!

I think you could tell from the genetics which kids have which parents. Also, a refresher on our main kids, just because I can:

Bellatrix: Named after the witch from the Harry Potter series.Batman: Named after the superhero, of course.Belle: Named after the Disney princess from Beauty and the Beast.Buzz: Named after the toy spaceman from Disney/Pixar’s Toy Story.

Thanks for reading and all that! Join me next time for some deaths and birthdays and more “adventures” with Floyd.~Anna (or Hayden. I’m still so confused….), otherwise known as clarinetplayer15