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The LCJE 10th International Conference Jerusalem August 16–21, 2015 Conference Program

The LCJE 10th International Conference Jerusalem August 16 ... International Conference 2015/__LCJE...“Messianic Interpretation of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Its Use in Jewish Evangelism”

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Page 1: The LCJE 10th International Conference Jerusalem August 16 ... International Conference 2015/__LCJE...“Messianic Interpretation of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Its Use in Jewish Evangelism”

The LCJE 10th International ConferenceJerusalem

August 16–21, 2015

Conference Program

Page 2: The LCJE 10th International Conference Jerusalem August 16 ... International Conference 2015/__LCJE...“Messianic Interpretation of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Its Use in Jewish Evangelism”

LCJE Conference Program

The Tenth International Conference of the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism (LCJE)

August 2015


© Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism

Jim Melnick, International Coordinator

Printed by: Wave Printing & Graphics Fredericksburg, VAUSA

LCJE INTERNATIONALP.O. Box 5501Falmouth, VA 22403 USA

[email protected]


HOTEL MAIN DESK:02-6322777

Jim’s cell phone: 055-225-7459

Sar-El ToursDavid Katz:052-457-0145

From the Coordinator

WELCOME TO JERUSALEM!As your International Coordinator, it is my joy and honor to welcome you to Jerusalem and to the meeting of the 10th International Conference of the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism (LCJE). We are delighted that you are here as a participant, member, or guest in what we hope will be an historic conference for our network held in Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) in the City of the Great King — Jerusalem!

As you look through the activities planned for each day, please take a few minutes to pray for the speakers and for all of the daily logistics of the conference. I would also like to encourage as much participation as pos-sible in our morning prayer sessions led by Mark and Robyn Warren. As many of you know, there is opposition to the conference itself by those who oppose Jewish evangelism. We want to remember to pray for those who oppose us, that the Lord would open their eyes and hearts to the truth of the Gospel, even as He did for the Apostle Paul.

Besides those who are fully registered at the Hotel Yehuda, we will have a number of Day Attendees coming to the conference who are staying in the area. These include many Israeli believers, both Hebrew and Russian speakers, as well as other guests who will be joining us on various days. Many of these are not members of LCJE. Please welcome them in the gracious spirit of our wonderful network and make them feel at home within our ranks. My hope is that many will want to join LCJE as a result of their experience with us here in Jerusalem!

As you can imagine, there are many additional side expenses associated with putting on an international conference such as this. We will be taking at least one offering for LCJE during the conference to help defray some of these expenses. Please consider how you can help.

I have had a tremendous team working with me to help make this con-ference possible and am so thankful to each one of them. First and foremost, I express my very deep thanks to our Country Host and Israel Area Coordinator, David Zadok, his executive assistant, Yulia Zlatkov, and our LCJE Secretary, Christine Fulcrod, as well as to the rest of our conference preparation committee for all of their hard work, insights and assistance on so many levels: Alec Goldberg, Efraim and Jeannie Goldstein, Ann Hilsden and Dan Sered. A special thanks also to Tuvya Zaretsky, Mitch Glaser, Susan Perlman, Gary Hedrick and to all of our speakers, volunteers and other helpers. I am so very grateful for all of your support in so many ways. I also want to thank Wayne and Ann Hilsden for facilitating use of the Pavilion for our Thursday night meeting, to the Hotel Yehuda staff, and to David Katz of Sar-El Tours for his assistance in conference preparation.

Praying the Lord’s richest blessing upon our conference, and in our sure hope for the coming salvation of Israel.

Jim MelnickIsaiah 45:17: “Israel shall be saved by an everlasting salvation...”2

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Program Hotel Yehuda, Jerusalem

Sunday, AUGUST 16 th

09:00–11:00 11:00–12:00 Check-in: (as available) 14:00–16:15 15:00

Current ICC Meets (Board Room) — Area Coordinators invited Area Coordinators’ Meeting (Board Room) At Hotel Yehuda, 1 Haim Kulitz Road, in the Giv’at Masu’a district. Hotel website: PPhhoonnee:: ++997722--22--66332222777777.. RREEGGIISSTTRRAATTIIOONN —— Voting cards distributed at registration to LCJE Members Official check-in time at hotel


RECEPTION at hotel sponsored by Apple of His Eye and the Caspari Center (TOPAZ ROOM)


[Background music as participants gather] — LIBRARY/SYNAGOGUE ROOM OPENING SESSION – Prayer

Welcome to 10 th LCJE International (TUVYA, JIM & DAVID) — 20 min President’s Report — TUVYA ZARETSKY Worship (Jamie Hilsden coordinating Worship/Music) — 20 min Host Welcome to Israel (DAVID ZADOK) From 1995 to 2015: from Jerusalem to Jerusalem (DAVID ZADOK) — 25 min

17:30–18:30 18:30–19:45


Dinner and fellowship 20:00–21:30


Worship/Music — 20 min Honoring the Messianic Pioneers in the Land Opening: ‘Telling the Story’ (BILL BJORAKER) — 20 min (2–3 honorees) 20 min (6–7 min each)

Main Speaker: Lisa Loden (30 min) Fellowship (No late evening option)


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Monday, AUGUST 17 th (The First Three Centuries)

07:45 08:15 08:00–09:00 09:00–09:15 09:15–12:30 09:15–09:45 09:45–10:00 10:00–10:20 10:20–10:35 10:35–11:00

Prayer Meeting — Opening: JIM/BOB MENDELSOHN/MARK & ROBYN WARREN Breakfast in Hotel Dining Hall Ministry tables can be set up in BAREKET HALL as soon as the hotel clears the room sometime early Monday morning (Table coordinator: YULIA ZLATKOV) Worship/Music — JAMIE/ANN HILSDEN

FIRST MORNING SESSION: BAREKET HALL (JIM MELNICK, moderator) Bible Devotion — DAVID HARLEY Jewish Evangelism within the Lausanne Movement (LM); introducing the first speakers (TUVYA ZARETSKY, Senior Associate for Jewish Evangelism in the LM) GRACE MATHEWS, Lausanne Vice Chair Bringing greetings from the Lausanne board SADIRI JOY TIRA — Lausanne Senior Associate for Diasporas Presenting Diaspora ministries in the Lausanne Movement Break and Fellowship




Second Morning Session: LCJE Business Meeting (Chaired by LCJE President)

Brief report on status of former Procedures & Nominations Committee Election of new Procedures and Nominations Committee (from the floor) Report from the ICC and Financial Report — LCJE International Coordinator Conference Statement procedure explained; voting procedures explained Nominations to be received for ICC officers

Lunch and Fellowship



Track I (Academic/Historical) — BAREKET HALL T-I :: ““WWhhaatt hhaappppeenneedd dduurriinngg aanndd rriigghhtt aafftteerr tthhee AAppoossttlleess’’ ttiimmee??”” ((TTIIMM SSIIGGLLEERR,, mmooddeerraattoorr))

““MMeessssiiaanniicc IInntteerrpprreettaattiioonn ooff tthhee DDeeaadd SSeeaa SSccrroollllss aanndd IIttss UUssee iinn JJeewwiisshh EEvvaannggeelliissmm”” ((RRAANNDDAALLLL PPRRIICCEE)) RReeppoorrtt ffoorr OOsskkaarr SSkkaarrssaauunnee,, eeddiittoorr ooff JJeewwiisshh BBeelliieevveerrss iinn JJeessuuss:: TThhee EEaarrllyy CCeennttuurriieess —— JJeewwiisshh bbeelliieevveerrss ffrroomm aannttiiqquuiittyy tthhrroouugghh tthhee mmeeddiieevvaall ppeerriioodd ((RROOLLFF HHEEIITTMMAANN ttoo rreeaadd DDrr.. SSkkaarrssaauunnee’’ss ppaappeerr)) —— 2200 mmiinn

QQuueessttiioonnss aanndd ddiissccuussssiioonn —— 1100 mmiinn TTrraacckk IIII ((PPrraaccttiiccaall//CCoonnggrreeggaattiioonnaall)) —— LLIIBBRRAARRYY//SSYYNNAAGGOOGGUUEE JJOOIINNTT RROOOOMM TT--IIII :: “ Congregational Planting and Evangelism: Israel and the Diaspora” (LARRY FELDMAN, moderator) “Falashan Jews in Israel” (ZACHARIAS BALAY) “South Africa” (MICHAEL & TERESA SISCHY)


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15:10 15:10

“Australia” (LAWRENCE HIRSCH) “North America” (ROY SCHWARCZ) Track I (Academic/Historical) — BAREKET HALL T-I :: WWhheerree ddiidd tthhiinnggss ggoo wwrroonngg?? (DAVID ZADOK, moderator) “A Synoptic History of the Jewish Mission” (ALEX JACOB) — 30 min “The Lost Gospel of Jerusalem” (JIM SIBLEY — ICB) — 30 min Reflections/ small group discussions — 20 min Track II (Practical/Congregational) — LIBRARY/SYNAGOGUE ROOM T-II :: ““HHooww ddoo wwee ddeeaall wwiitthh ooppppoossiittiioonn//ppeerrsseeccuuttiioonn ttooddaayy?? WWhhaatt lleessssoonnss wwee ccaann lleeaarrnn??”” (JIM MELNICK, moderator) ‘BLERP: Bless, Love, Endure, Rejoice, Pray’ — 3 min Panel Discussion/Presenters: Israel: opposition issues HOWARD BASS, DAVID & LEAH ORTIZ — 40 min France & Anti-Semitism: JOSHUA TURNILL — 20 min Small group discussions — 15 min

16:30–16:50 Coffee Break

16:50–18:30 Global Jewi BAREKET HALL (WES TABER, moderator) Global Jewish demographic trends today : RENAE KOOY — 20 min Introduction by Area Coordinator — 5 min Region: Israel — 15 min Introduction by Area Coordinator — DAVID SEDACA Region: South America — 15 min

Former Soviet Union Russia/Western FSU — ALEXEY SHEPELEV — 20 min Russian Far East — LAWRENCE HIRSCH — 20 min

18:30 Dinner

20:00–21:30 20:00–20:15 20:15–20:25 20:25–21:05 21:05–21:30

EVENING SESSION — (JIM MELNICK, moderator) Worship ROB STYLER - Honoring Messianic pioneers (BILL BJORAKER) - Celebrating what God has done in Israel among the Jewish people: among in israel

MAIN SPEAKER: Richard Harvey

21:30 Late evening option: Hosting Israeli Travelers (HIT) Program — New Zealand


Celebrating what God has done in Israel among the Jewish people:Among Falashan Jews — 10 min; Russian Jews — 10 min; Holocaust survivors in Israel — 10 min (video)


Global Jewish Demographic Trends; Israel; South America; Former Soviet Union

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Tuesday, AUGUST 18 th (4 th through 19 th century)

07:45 Prayer Meeting — MARK & ROBYN WARREN 08:15 Breakfast 09:00–12:30




09:15–9:45 09:45–11:15

Bible Devotion: EREZ SOREF Track I: ““WWhhaatt hhaappppeenneedd dduurriinngg tthhee 44 th –19 th centuries?” LIBRARY/SYNAGOGUE ROOM (AMY DOWNEY, moderator)

“Jerome and the Jewish People: Friend, Foe or Something Else?” (AMY DOWNEY) — 15 min “Jewish Believers: The Medieval Period and the Spanish Inquisition” (ZHAVA GLASER) — 20 min “Felix Pratensis and Jacob ben Chaim” (JIM SIBLEY) — 15 min “Caspari and His etc (ROLF HEITMAN) — 20 min

Panel Discussion 09:45–11:15 11:15–11:30 11:30–12:30

Track II (Practical/Congregational) — BAREKET HALL Track II: EEvvaannggeelliissmm PPaanneell : (JOSEPH STEINBERG, moderator)

Evangelizing Israelis thru the Media — EITAN BAR Evangelizing Israelis and Others thru Public Outreach — JOHN PEX Evangelizing Jewish Young Adults — RYAN KARP Soldiers & Youth — JOEL GOLDBERG

Panel Discussion Break Regional Meetings and Election of Area Coordinators by Region

Break out into various rooms in the hotel for regional meetings 12:30–12:45


Group photo — meet at BAREKET HALL prior to lunch

Lunch and Fellowship



Track I (Academic/Historical): BAREKET HALL T-I :: Development of the Hebrew Christian/Messianic Movement in Europe, North and South America, and the Puritan Hope (THERESA NEWELL, moderator)

“CMJ History — Its European Roots Come to North America” (THERESA NEWELL) — 15 min “On the Restoration of the Messianic Movement in Chisinau, Moldova” (SHIMON POZDIRCA, Moldova) — 15 min “The Puritan Hope and Jewish Evangelism” (MIKE MOORE) — 15 min “Development of the Hebrew Christian Church” (DAVID SEDACA) 15m

Reflections and small groups — 20 min

“Development of the Hebrew Christian Church” (DAVID SEDACA) — 15 min

“Caspari and His Theological and Practical Impact for Jewish Evangelism”


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move times




Track II (Practical/Congregational) — LIBRARY/SYNAGOGUE ROOM T-II : Service Ministries in Jewish Evangelism and Congregational Life Presentations on Ministry Service: (MICHAEL ZINN, moderator)

“Working with Holocaust Survivors in Ministry” (MAXIM KATZ) 15m “Aviv Ministry to Drug Addicts” (DOV BIKAS)

Questions and discussion time Break Joint Session (Practical/Congregational) — BAREKET HALL “East Meets West: The Aleph/Alpha Courses in Jewish Evangelism” THERESA NEWELL, moderator & North America; JIM MELNICK — short expl in 3rd line T–III : 1300–1630. Outside Visits and Lectures on Historical Ministries in Jerusalem (Outside visit sign-up. Coordinated with Shoresh at Christ Church)

Coordinator: Alec Goldberg (support by Linda Cohen and Yoel Seton) Lectures/Historical Visits. Leave right after lunch. Historical Tour, Christ Church (DON STANLEY) Visit to Caspari Center (ALEC GOLDBERG) Visit to Pavilion/YUVAL/Arts Ministry in Clal Building (IRIT IFFERT)

16:30–18:00 North America and Europe. Joint Session — BAREKET HALL

NORTH AMERICA: Introduction by Area Coordinator — 5 min Presentations from North America — 20 min Moderator: Gary Hedrick EUROPE: Introduction by European Area Coordinator — 5 min Moderator: Jean-Paul Rempp “Ministering to Israelis in Berlin” (V. PIKMAN) “Anti-Semitism in France: Its Impact on Jewish Evangelism” (JEAN-PAUL REMPP) Discussion Panel on Europe — 30 min (JEAN-PAUL REMPP, V. PIKMAN, AVI SNYDER)


Spontaneous ‘Short Sessions’ — BAREKET HALL (Moderator: Jim Melnick) 6 SLOTS x 5 = 30 minutes. These will be opportunities for persons not otherwise presenting at the conference to have a few minutes to address the whole group about their ministry, project or a key insight to share. Sign-up will occur at the conference from those seeking to speak and approval of desired topics to share)

18:30 Dinner

20:00–21:30 20:00–20:15 20:15–20:25

20:25–20:40 20:40–21:00 21:00–21:30 21:30

EVENING SESSION (JIM MELNICK, moderator) Worship ROB STYLER Honoring the Messianic Pioneers in Israel (BILL BJORAKER) — 15 min Greetings from MICHAEL OH, CEO of Lausanne Movement — 20 min Main Speaker: Mitch Glaser — 30 min Late evening option: “At the Crossroads” film (CMJ)


move times




Track II (Practical/Congregational) — LIBRARY/SYNAGOGUE ROOM T-II : Service Ministries in Jewish Evangelism and Congregational Life Presentations on Ministry Service: (MICHAEL ZINN, moderator)

“Working with Holocaust Survivors in Ministry” (MAXIM KATZ) 15m “Aviv Ministry to Drug Addicts” (DOV BIKAS)

Questions and discussion time Break Joint Session (Practical/Congregational) — BAREKET HALL “East Meets West: The Aleph/Alpha Courses in Jewish Evangelism” THERESA NEWELL, moderator & North America; JIM MELNICK — short expl in 3rd line T–III : 1300–1630. Outside Visits and Lectures on Historical Ministries in Jerusalem (Outside visit sign-up. Coordinated with Shoresh at Christ Church)

Coordinator: Alec Goldberg (support by Linda Cohen and Yoel Seton) Lectures/Historical Visits. Leave right after lunch. Historical Tour, Christ Church (DON STANLEY) Visit to Caspari Center (ALEC GOLDBERG) Visit to Pavilion/YUVAL/Arts Ministry in Clal Building (IRIT IFFERT)

16:30–18:00 North America and Europe. Joint Session — BAREKET HALL

NORTH AMERICA: Introduction by Area Coordinator — 5 min Presentations from North America — 20 min Moderator: Gary Hedrick EUROPE: Introduction by European Area Coordinator — 5 min Moderator: Jean-Paul Rempp “Ministering to Israelis in Berlin” (V. PIKMAN) “Anti-Semitism in France: Its Impact on Jewish Evangelism” (JEAN-PAUL REMPP) Discussion Panel on Europe — 30 min (JEAN-PAUL REMPP, V. PIKMAN, AVI SNYDER)


Spontaneous ‘Short Sessions’ — BAREKET HALL (Moderator: Jim Melnick) 6 SLOTS x 5 = 30 minutes. These will be opportunities for persons not otherwise presenting at the conference to have a few minutes to address the whole group about their ministry, project or a key insight to share. Sign-up will occur at the conference from those seeking to speak and approval of desired topics to share)

18:30 Dinner

20:00–21:30 20:00–20:15 20:15–20:25

20:25–20:40 20:40–21:00 21:00–21:30 21:30

EVENING SESSION (JIM MELNICK, moderator) Worship ROB STYLER Honoring the Messianic Pioneers in Israel (BILL BJORAKER) — 15 min Greetings from MICHAEL OH, CEO of Lausanne Movement — 20 min Main Speaker: Mitch Glaser — 30 min Late evening option: “At the Crossroads” film (CMJ)


move times




Track II (Practical/Congregational) — LIBRARY/SYNAGOGUE ROOM T-II : Service Ministries in Jewish Evangelism and Congregational Life Presentations on Ministry Service: (MICHAEL ZINN, moderator)

“Working with Holocaust Survivors in Ministry” (MAXIM KATZ) 15m “Aviv Ministry to Drug Addicts” (DOV BIKAS)

Questions and discussion time Break Joint Session (Practical/Congregational) — BAREKET HALL “East Meets West: The Aleph/Alpha Courses in Jewish Evangelism” THERESA NEWELL, moderator & North America; JIM MELNICK — short expl in 3rd line T–III : 1300–1630. Outside Visits and Lectures on Historical Ministries in Jerusalem (Outside visit sign-up. Coordinated with Shoresh at Christ Church)

Coordinator: Alec Goldberg (support by Linda Cohen and Yoel Seton) Lectures/Historical Visits. Leave right after lunch. Historical Tour, Christ Church (DON STANLEY) Visit to Caspari Center (ALEC GOLDBERG) Visit to Pavilion/YUVAL/Arts Ministry in Clal Building (IRIT IFFERT)

16:30–18:00 North America and Europe. Joint Session — BAREKET HALL

NORTH AMERICA: Introduction by Area Coordinator — 5 min Presentations from North America — 20 min Moderator: Gary Hedrick EUROPE: Introduction by European Area Coordinator — 5 min Moderator: Jean-Paul Rempp “Ministering to Israelis in Berlin” (V. PIKMAN) “Anti-Semitism in France: Its Impact on Jewish Evangelism” (JEAN-PAUL REMPP) Discussion Panel on Europe — 30 min (JEAN-PAUL REMPP, V. PIKMAN, AVI SNYDER)


Spontaneous ‘Short Sessions’ — BAREKET HALL (Moderator: Jim Melnick) 6 SLOTS x 5 = 30 minutes. These will be opportunities for persons not otherwise presenting at the conference to have a few minutes to address the whole group about their ministry, project or a key insight to share. Sign-up will occur at the conference from those seeking to speak and approval of desired topics to share)

18:30 Dinner

20:00–21:30 20:00–20:15 20:15–20:25

20:25–20:40 20:40–21:00 21:00–21:30 21:30

EVENING SESSION (JIM MELNICK, moderator) Worship ROB STYLER Honoring the Messianic Pioneers in Israel (BILL BJORAKER) — 15 min Greetings from MICHAEL OH, CEO of Lausanne Movement — 20 min Main Speaker: Mitch Glaser — 30 min Late evening option: “At the Crossroads” film (CMJ)


move times




Track II (Practical/Congregational) — LIBRARY/SYNAGOGUE ROOM T-II : Service Ministries in Jewish Evangelism and Congregational Life Presentations on Ministry Service: (MICHAEL ZINN, moderator)

“Working with Holocaust Survivors in Ministry” (MAXIM KATZ) 15m “Aviv Ministry to Drug Addicts” (DOV BIKAS)

Questions and discussion time Break Joint Session (Practical/Congregational) — BAREKET HALL “East Meets West: The Aleph/Alpha Courses in Jewish Evangelism” THERESA NEWELL, moderator & North America; JIM MELNICK — short expl in 3rd line T–III : 1300–1630. Outside Visits and Lectures on Historical Ministries in Jerusalem (Outside visit sign-up. Coordinated with Shoresh at Christ Church)

Coordinator: Alec Goldberg (support by Linda Cohen and Yoel Seton) Lectures/Historical Visits. Leave right after lunch. Historical Tour, Christ Church (DON STANLEY) Visit to Caspari Center (ALEC GOLDBERG) Visit to Pavilion/YUVAL/Arts Ministry in Clal Building (IRIT IFFERT)

16:30–18:00 North America and Europe. Joint Session — BAREKET HALL

NORTH AMERICA: Introduction by Area Coordinator — 5 min Presentations from North America — 20 min Moderator: Gary Hedrick EUROPE: Introduction by European Area Coordinator — 5 min Moderator: Jean-Paul Rempp “Ministering to Israelis in Berlin” (V. PIKMAN) “Anti-Semitism in France: Its Impact on Jewish Evangelism” (JEAN-PAUL REMPP) Discussion Panel on Europe — 30 min (JEAN-PAUL REMPP, V. PIKMAN, AVI SNYDER)


Spontaneous ‘Short Sessions’ — BAREKET HALL (Moderator: Jim Melnick) 6 SLOTS x 5 = 30 minutes. These will be opportunities for persons not otherwise presenting at the conference to have a few minutes to address the whole group about their ministry, project or a key insight to share. Sign-up will occur at the conference from those seeking to speak and approval of desired topics to share)

18:30 Dinner

20:00–21:30 20:00–20:15 20:15–20:25

20:25–20:40 20:40–21:00 21:00–21:30 21:30

EVENING SESSION (JIM MELNICK, moderator) Worship ROB STYLER Honoring the Messianic Pioneers in Israel (BILL BJORAKER) — 15 min Greetings from MICHAEL OH, CEO of Lausanne Movement — 20 min Main Speaker: Mitch Glaser — 30 min Late evening option: “At the Crossroads” film (CMJ)

THERESA NEWELL, moderator & North America; JIM MELNICK — short explanation of KEMO program in Kiev, Ukraine; SHIMON POZDIRCA — Aleph/Alpha in Moldova and Israel; JOSEPH STEINBERG — Experience in the U.K.

“Working with Holocaust Survivors in Ministry” (MAXIM KATZ) — 15 min


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Wednesday, AUGUST 19 th (The 20 th Century)

07:45 Prayer Meeting — MARK & ROBYN WARREN 08:15 Breakfast 09:00–09:30 Worship

09:30–12:30 09:30–10:00 10:00–10:45

MORNING SESSION (JIM MELNICK, moderator) Bible Devotion — VICTOR KALISHER The Return to Jerusalem: EFRAIM GOLDSTEIN — 25 min Messianic Pioneers — BILL BJORAKER — 15 min

10:45–11:00 Break and Fellowship 11:00–12:30

Track I (Academic/Historical) — BAREKET HALL T-1 :: DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff tthhee MMeessssiiaanniicc MMoovveemmeenntt iinn tthhee 2200 th Century (STEVEN GER, moderator) “Overview of the Messianic Movement in the 20 th Century” — STEVEN GER “Birth Pangs of the Hebrew Christian/Messianic Movement” David S “History of the Modern Messianic Movement in South Africa” — CECILIA BURGER Reflections, small group discussions — 20–30 min

T- II :: Track II (Practical/Congregational) — LIBRARY/SYNAGOGUE ‘ Congregation and Community’ (EVAN THOMAS, moderator)

“A Fear of Loss of Community as a Hindrance to the Gospel in Jewish Evangelism” (AMY DOWNEY) — 15 min Counterpoint: “Messianic Community-building as a Witness to Jewish Seekers” (KIRK GLIEBE — North America) — 15 min “The Israeli Perspective” — 15 min “Mobilizing Messianic Youth in Short Term Missions” (YOKHANAN STANFIELD) — 15 min “The Camping Experience in Israel” (MARSHA SMITH) — 15 min

Discussion, reflections, small groups — 30 min

12:30 Lunch


AFTERNOON SESSION (first part: 14:30–15:50) — BAREKET HALL (GARY HEDRICK, moderator)

Region: Asia — 24 min Japan — CHARLES KLINGENSMITH — 8 min

China/Hong Kong — MARK LAM — 8 min Korea — PAUL MORRIS, paper — 8 minIntroduction by Area Coordinator — 5 min Region: AustralAsia — BOB MENDELSOHN — 20 min Introduction by Area Coordinator — 5 min Region: South Africa — CECILIA BURGER — 10 min

“Birth Pangs of the Hebrew Christian/Messianic Movement” — DAVID SEDACA


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15:50–16:00 16:00–16:50 16:50–17:00

Break Specialty Areas of Jewish Ministry (BODIL SKJOTT, moderator) “New Resources and Developments in Hasidic Ministry” (JIM MELNICK) 5m “Youth Ministry in Jewish Evangelism” (KIRK GLIEBE) — 10 min “Jewish-Gentile Intermarriage and Evangelism” (TUVYA ZARETSKY) — 10 min “Pro-Life Ministry in Jewish Evangelism” — 5 min (to be confirmed) “Ever Again: The New Anti-Semitism, Its Global Impact and the Response of Jewish Evangelism” (AVI SNYDER) — 15–20 min Break

17:00–18:00 Second Business Meeting — Announcement of the new Area Coordinators > Jim/Tuvya open and pass to Procedures & Nominations Committee Chair Present the slate of ICC candidates — P&N Committee (if more than one candidate has been nominated, the various candidates briefly address the conference voting members on behalf of their candidacies) Reading of draft of Conference Statement — Moderators: Jim / Tuvya Conference Statement Committee Discussion of any additional business

18:00–18:30 Spontaneous Short Sessions > 6 short sessions x 5 min each = 30 min

(Moderator: Jim Melnick) 18:30 Dinner

20:00–22:00 EVENING SESSION — “The Next Generation” (DAN SERED, moderator) Worship — Band of young Israelis leading worship — 15 min Honorees — 20 min Honoring Warren and Linda Graham Honoring Victor Smadja Three Speakers on the Theme of “Building Up the Next Generation”

­ ELI BIRNBAUM — 15 min ­ JAMIE HILSDEN — 15 min ­ MICHAEL HEDRICK — 15 min (paper to be read by Dan Sered)

Discussion Theme in Small Groups: “How Can We Ensure that LCJE Continues Strong Into the Next Generation?” — 20 min (DAN SERED, moderator) Wrap-up — 5 min Announcements for Thursday Schedule (JIM MELNICK) — 3 min

Late evening option: None planned at present — OPEN

NOTE: Ministry tables in Bareket Hall must be taken down by organizations after the end of the evening service on Wednesday

“New Resources and Developments in Hasidic Ministry” (JIM MELNICK) — 5 min


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Thursday, AUGUST 20 th

(The 21 st Century and Beyond)

07:45 Prayer Meeting — MARK & ROBYN WARREN 08:15 Breakfast 09:00–09:30 Worship — LIBRARY/SYNAGOGUE ROOM — Note room change

09:30–12:30 09:30–10:00 10:00–10:45

MORNING SESSION (JIM MELNICK, moderator) Bible Devotion — HOWARD BASS The Israeli-Palestinian Question A word on the Lausanne Movement and a response to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — TUVYA ZARETSKY — 15 min Moderator: Jim Melnick — A brief look at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in light of Jewish evangelism; what are small steps we can do? — 10 min Small Group Discussions at tables: “ Where do we go from here?” — 20 min




New Tools/Developments for Evangelism Evangelism and Electronic Media and Internet Evangelism blogs/Social Media outreach — “In Search of Shalom Update” — 10 min (LIFE IN MESSIAH REP) Publications — Moderator: David Zadok Comments on Traditional Publications (DAVID ZADOK) — 5 min Update on Publications for Ministry (BARRY RUBIN) — 20 min “Evangelism and the Arts” (ANN HILSDEN and IRIT IFFERT) — 20 min STRATEGY SESSION: “ How can we work better together in light of what we have learned in reaching the Jewish people with the Good News?” Strategic Initiatives (Jim Melnick, moderator) “Combined Strategic Initiatives in Messianic Work” (HERBBY GEER) — 15 min “Working Better Together in Germany” (ARMIN BACHOR) — 15 min Future Strategy: Group Input & Discussion” (JIM MELNICK)

12:30 Lunch

13:15 14:15–18:30 17:00–18:15

LCJE General Meeting: Prayer & Scripture: New ICC Officer Election (LCJE President, TUVYA ZARETSKY moderating) Fellowship and Free time “Guided Tour of the Israel Museum’s Original Artifacts of Biblical History” (TIM SIGLER) Optional side tours can be arranged ahead of time with Sar-El Tours ( ). Note Organizational Meetings :: TThhiiss ttiimmee iiss sseett aassiiddee ffoorr ppoossssiibbllee mmeeeettiinnggss ooff ggrroouuppss aass ddeessiirreedd aatt tthhee hhootteell pprriioorr ttoo ddiinnnneerr aanndd tthhee eevveenniinngg sseessssiioonn aatt tthhee PPaavviilliioonn

( Note: A Sar-El representative will be with us at the hotel


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EVENING SESSION at The Pavilion (in the Clal Building, Level P1, 97 Jaffa Road, Jerusalem) Moderator: Jim Melnick opens Worship music Main Speaker: David Brickner “Building on the Past: Looking toward the Future” Offering for LCJE Transition to Susan Perlman as Moderator

Honoring Our LCJE History Slide Show from past LCJE International Conferences

22:00–22:15 22:15–22:30

Honoring: Israeli pioneers and the LCJE Task Force and first Messianic Jewish American halutzim in Israel Worship/Music Closing Post-session fellowship in hallway of Pavilion >> Buses return to hotel ( No late evening option )

Dinner // Following dinner, buses will take conference attendees to the Pavilion


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Friday, AUGUST 21st

08:15 Breakfast 09:00–11:00 09:00–09:20

CLOSING SESSION — JIM MELNICK, moderator Worship/Music





Bible Reflection — JOEL ROSENBERG

Conference Statement Presented

Adoption of Conference Statement by Voice Vote

Concluding Remarks by the LCJE President and LCJE International Coordinator

Charge to Participants and Members by DAVID ZADOK, LCJE Israel Coordinator and Country Host


----------------------------------------- END of CONFERENCE -------------------------------------

Hotel Checkout: 11:00

12:30 New ICC Meeting @ working lunch, with new Area Coordinators invited


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ISSN 1016-2089

President Tuvya Zaretsky [email protected] Coordinator Jim Melnick [email protected] Coordinating Committee (ICC) MembersAnn Hilsden [email protected] Glaser [email protected]

Area CoordinatorsAustralAsia Bob Mendelsohn [email protected] Jean-Paul Rempp [email protected] Kong/China Mark Lam [email protected] David Zadok [email protected] Teiichiro Kuroda [email protected] America David Sedaca [email protected] America Gary Hedrick [email protected] Africa Cecilia Burger [email protected]

International Coordinator & International Mailing AddressJim Melnick, LCJE, P.O. Box 5501, Falmouth, VA 22403, USA

[email protected]
