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"The Largest Paid Circulation in Woodbridge Township" THE OLDEST NLi W8PAPEB IN WOODBtUDUti TOWNSHIP AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THK INTEREST OF WOODBRIDQE TOWNSHIP ,.STY- Y-THIRD Y I A * WOODBRIDGE, N, J., FRIDAY, APRIL I, 1932 THRBE CENTS PBR COPY CHINESE SAILOR RETAINED ON MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE John Watson, Aged Guard At Sewaren Docks, Diet From Injuries Sustained In Fight With Chang Ah Wong CHINESE CONSULATE INTERESTED .John Watson, 70, of Mariner's harbor, Staten Island, \ Y., a guard at the Sewaren docks to prevent illegal M iry of aliens, died Wednesday night at 10:15 o'clock at •li.' 1'orth Amboy General hospital from inuries sustained i, a fight with a Chinese sailor Chang AhWong, 30, a mem- i,r of the crew of the motor ship, "Horn Shell" at Sewaren. Wong, who appeared before | H————_- ,.,,„, n. w. Vogel Tuesday an.!, . ^ committed to'New Brunswick \ JhieVes Rob Drakes rlmvue of atrocious BBsault b h l d t , |, n rlmvu , ,,1 tottery, will now be held tor the Grand Jury on a manslaughter ; ,,ir<!o. Ut Valuable DtUgS AQUILA CLUB TO PRESENT COMEDY '"The .Clay's-the Thing," a thren aot comedy, will be presented by the Anthony Aftuila Democratic Club on Monday night, April 46. at Fords School No; 14 audito- rium , The production Is,under the dir- ttuuipof Mm. Gained, who has Had much experience In amateur work, The. cast, which will be an- nounced shortly, comprises local luieni who have appeared in many I.lays* in this vicinity. Tickets arc now on sale and muy be obtained irom any member of the club. Oancing will be held alter the per- formance with Ernie Christoffer- SOH'B orchestra furnishing tho mimic, Tbechairman of the affair is Hugh Mansagli and he Is being assisted by Dan Panconl. popular president of the Second warders. : Drugs and narcotics valued at ionUw? to the repor'. of the about J75 were stolen from the h lit made by Sergeant Benjamin drug store owned by Thompson i'liraon* and Patrolman Allan Me- Drake, on.Main Street, Saturday. Imnnoll, who Investigated the The thieves entered the store by r;i:;i- the aged guard was,on duty netting Into tho cellar and tril Ing ,i i!it> s'ewaren dock when he saw away a piece of the celling Into! Woisf; In company with another the store. They searched the! riiiin^ sailor come down the store and evidently falling to find • an^plank ot the "Horn Shell," iiiny money-took the drugs instead. 1 «i,jch is In command of Captain! A few weeks ago tholvea at* ft' 1/ Allison and Is tied up at tempted to break Into. Drake's Township G.O.F, Reelects Nlosher Club President Merrill Mosher was unanimous- ly re-elected president of the ilork of the Shell Eastern store but were evidently frighten- j Woodbrldge Township Republican Th oli intl l iht Township Man Is Held In Peekskill; AttemptedHoldup Wai Fined Here For Driving Car With Fictitious Plate. Theodore Jaaowski, 36, of Mel- bourne court, Waodbrldge, allac, John Qanancl, was arrested Tues- day nlfht with three other* ln an unsuccessful attempt to hold up a lunch wagon In Peekskill, N. T., according to a notice received by Police Chief James A. Walsh. Janowskl Irst gave his name as John Ganand, of 94 Huron St.,' Gregus stop. Gregus came Into Woodbridge, but Investigating 1 the house and when he asked him the report, loeal police found that! to stop, he refused. An argument there was no tnoh street here and ( started, with the result that the that the prisoner wa.i Janowskl, younger man knocked him down who was arrested hers over the and broke his nose, Dargo hald. week-end and fined tlSO tor drlv-' ing a car with fictitious plates. If 1 • * 117*11 According to the Peekskill pel HailKlIlSOll Will Ice, Janowskl, In company with »»i ww«- • » « . Nicholas Rusnlck, of NBW York City, Stephen Shalck, of Oerman- town, N. Y., and Frank Parkei, 29, of West Roselle. entered a lunch wagon and told Edward Layton, tre counterman, to empty the cash register, When Layton taile to comply with their demand, OLD CUSTOM GETS MAN INTO TROUBLE Uecaosu William Oregus, 21, a laborer, ot Campbell street, Wood? bridge, Insisted on following sn old Hungarian custom ol sprinkl- ing water on a girl on Easter Mon day, he beat up ail elderly man and was held for grand Jury un- der a 9500 bond Tuesday night by Judge B. W. Yo|*L The complainant, Btm Dargo, told the court that his 13-year-old daughter and two of her chums were out on the street Easter Motiday morning dressed up In their Easter finery. Oregus, he said, came along and insisted up- on sprinkling them with water. They ran Into the house, Dargo nays, and asked him to inake COMMITTEE DISAPPROVES TYSON BROTHERS' REQUEST . \ ' Proposed Boiler Room Would Be. Contrary To Zoning Or- rliniLnce—Residents Object To Fume*. NEW FLASHES FOR CROSSINGS The petitiott of Ty»on Brothers, Inc., of Edgar Hill section of the Township to erect a boiler house adjacent to their plant, was disapproved at a meeting of the Town-" ship Committee held Monday afternoon at the Memorial Municipal building. The proposed structure, 12x24 would have been contrary to the recently passed zoning ordi- nance which set aside theEdgar Hill section as a residen- l tiolrum Company, Watson or- ed away .i.wl them back, the other sailor j returned to the ship, hut WonM hisi«h <1 upon going on saying the iMito bad ordered him to load stores from a truck on the dock. An altercation arose and the two •in>-n started a flBt fight. Wntnon ; n! WonE fell, off the platform throe or four te«t to the dock, 1 Watson'8 head stMklng one of the unity pipe lines that line the dock. Tin injured man was rushpd to a, -liahty near the dock and Dr. C. Howard RothfusB was called to •lip scene. He ordered Watson i to the Perth Amboy General ho had a fractured skull. An attempt life The police are Invest!- fUlb( , u a meeting held last night ut the Hungarian "Parish house, on School street, at 8:00 o'clock. ! Other officers who were re- ! elected to serve tor the coming year were: Mark D. McClain, vtce i president of the first ward; John i D. Mattenson, vice president ot ! the second ward • 0. P. Nilson, j vice president ot the third ward; Frederick H Turner, financial sec- letary; T. Wesley Llddlo, treas- urer; Stanley Naylor, recording the mombe™ ol «*™ { ^ ^ Fttnnle , B ° 0Z '.r.r me memuers ot i tl9tant recording secretary. The next meeting will be held some- time during the month at the call of the chair. Board Reaches Agreement With Election Body lias finally been iho \V'ooilbiidRe District of th« Board of Elections ana the Coun to a between John rally to Captain '"1 ut the "Horn 8heU", he had glv- • n orders to the mate to detail f'Mir men to load stores on tlie !-!it!i. They liad Just finished load- iliclr cargo. Tlie federal law Mutes that alien members of crewp may leave the ship only" under umril of an officer of the shin. Captain Allison states that the mite was rounding up tho other two men to help load the stores and that Wong an.d his companion iwd not waited until the mate was ready. Thu "Horn Sbell" Is owned by il:i; Anglo-Saxon Petroleum-Com- 1'iiiiy, of St. Helen's Court, Lon- dn. The, Chinese consul Is Inter- e-ted la. Wonj's case. for the Township woTkera and the counsel of the county board the 72 members of the dlstrlet will re- ceive 153 «>ach 'r.. .?v.-«tirae work In connection with the permanent registration. At this time.of the election, the Woodbridge members received ixiynient for the regular election work but no pay WHS tort for the two days and 'two evfe- ninMH, work for the registration. Several conferences wore held and ilthou-Rh bills were signed py tho Township 'Clerk and O.K.'d by County Board of Elections,-they were tield lip by the Chosen Board of Treehol'ders. FlnaVy Mr. 3to-, ikel was engaged to represent the district and it Is btyleved that now fh,e compromise lias, been made that ckecks will be'.sent, to the members ot Election Board., -the Township MANY WIN PRIZES AT ST. JAMES SODALITY PARTY Twenty-seven tables of playere were present at the card party held Monday nlgftt by the Sodality of St. Jiiines 1 churqh at the Hi James' auditorium 'and over sev- enty-three prizes were twarded^ i h dte they Btruck him over tbe heal just as a patrolman ei.te>-ed the diuer and caught them In tlio act. ri.*y wew neid In 110.000 bull h t d t e.icli on ^is ot a': niptod rot; Captain Bleeds To Death In Boat At P. Reading Docks Not Run Local Track ln 1932 Rumor* Of New Track Jersey Before Fall. In tial area. At a meeting of the Board of Adjustment held week ago a number of residents A ruptured blood vessel was given as the cause of death of Charles O'Neil, 60 a cap- tain of the boat "Harold M. Wall- lag", who was found dead ln his cabin, Sunday at the Port Read- ing dock, according to a statement issued by Coroner Eugene Mullen, ol Perth Amboy. At eight o'clock Sunday night a call waB received by Desk Ser- geant John Egan from P & R Of- ficer Wasko that a man was dead on one of the boats. Patrol Driver Andrew Bimon'sen was sent to in- vestigate and teund tbe body of O'Neil propped * up against, the Ralph A. Hanklnson, who In 1931 operated the Woodbridge ; Altoona and Langhorne speed ways, has definitely announced his retirement from all three pro- jecU and will supplant the board i.nd dirt speedway activities of last year with ten ruclng datee at (astern lialf-mlle tracks of New- Jersey. Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland and Massachusetts. The official NewJersey opening will be at Flemingtou on May 30. Hrtnklnson's retirement from speedway activities In this section will likoly be only temporary as there is a current report that he will be In charge "of a new speed- way In New Jersey before the fall. In the meantime there Is no indi- cation of racing at the local half mile bowl this season. iHREE HURT IH AVTO ACCIDENT Two women and a child were lightly injured early Saturday evening when a car driven by Jos- eph Z.emiiin, 28, ot Linden, soutn ut St. George Avenue, near Al- wat Stroet, collided with a car (.raveling In the opposite direction uwifed by Mrs. Sophie Schilt and driven by Mrs! Ida Solirr, of Ridge- Held Park. Mrs, Sohn, Mrs. Ziemlan and Mrs, Sohn's daughter, Norma, were cut about the head and treat- ed by Dr. Mark. Both,cars were stightly damaged, ^" rom that section of the Township objected to the heating plant be- ot the tumei. Although the adjustment board favored ttie ap- proval of the petition the commit- tee evidently took into cuugiuera- in the objections ot tlie reaUieiua of the section. New SigmOa The Uoa.sU ot Taxpayers Must Shun Politics. Says A. Everson Benefit Card Party for Milk and Ice Fund ree p v ^ „„ door prize, a ham donated bufll| . coroner-Mullen waaJnotl- j Plans for a, card party, tlie pro- by Charles Kenney, was won by Miss Elizabeth Dunlgai:, and' »o jiold piece was awarded to Mlsa Margaret Romond. The non- players prizes went to M; Klley, 1 Thomas Campion, and T^ilU%hi Van Tassel. In the ga,mes prizes were won a% follows: Bridge, John figan, Anna Bergen, Colette Urauuam, Marlon Moll, Eleanor Moll. Mrs. John Egan," Irene Scttwartz, MrB. Anna Herron, Lau- ra Lager, Helen McCann, Gane- viove O'Brien, James Snyder, An- na Stanclk, Mrs. K. TJioraton; tuchre, Rev. Charles Sutton, Mae Gallagher, MrB. 3. Cautleld, Mrs. p\ Olbrlck, M ^ t Hlohan Alice gandabl, K Holohan, Thomas Larkln, V l, T Harry Van Tassel, Mrs. A. V. TbirkelBe'n. MrB. E. Falconer; Marie King. I . Fan-tan, Mary Krewlnkel, Kath- erlne Somers, N. Bemafc, Mrs. Lawrence .Campion, M. ST Gentile, Helen Jardom Florence Schneider, ROB6 Gels, Kate Van= Tassel, flel- Klein, Marjorle Krewlnkel, Ryan. Mro. M. Jardon. Mrs John McGulrk; pinochle. Mrs. M. Coupjand. Mrs. C. Braun. .Mrs. Schlcket, Mrs. WHUam Wha- H Rh>d Alfred Coley on fled, i ceuds ol which will be turned through Jamea MnyUatj, Jr., of Bureau ol Kailroada, sent the following report to the couiuia- tee, relative to the request ui Coniiultteenuin William 1*. Camp- bell that there be better protection al the Avenel street crossing: "The present nastnng s.guals are old type with small rounueis. Tlie improved 8 3-8 Incn rounuel type nasties should be Bub^tiluiea. With the latter Hashes ana iu"- U'ctlon by llagman from ti:uu A. M, to 6:00 P. M., in view Of the volume of travei, it wumd appuui' that Home reasonable proiectiuu would be uftorded. Would there- fore recouimeud tiie substitution of the larger roundel lluaiieu." > The report also lucludeij a BUI- vey ot the traffic at tlie! Avenei Ltreet crossing of tUc I' nla railroad, showing tbe amount "Keep Out of Politics" was Urn udvise givun the Woodbridge Township Taxpayer's association by A. It. ttvei'Bon, secretary ot tho New Jersey Taxpayer's a/.ociaUon at a meeting held Monday, mghi of traffic passing that "point dur- at the Memorial Municipal build- Ing certain hours oi the day. Tim lug. Mr. Everson said that the or- report was received and filed, ganlzatlon should keep out of pol-j D Y. Geddes ot the Pennsylva- nia an* work with' the view of ilia railroad, notified tbe commit- reducing tbe entire tuv burden in tee that his engineers would place a broadband constructive manner better lights on the gates at tbe rather than holding-protest meet-' crossings in the Township as re- Ings. , I seated by tbe committee. Mr. Everson, who attended the; HuggeetH Athletic Field tax Institute at Rutgers University i Committeeman Anthony Aquliu urged the audience, to put on a; presented a plan as a suggestion catnpaign to swell'the'mcmbei-j lor an ath.etlc field. Mr. Apulia ship, stressing the Importance of uuggdsted that the Township prop- having enough voting power In the] urty north of Elmwood avenue and According to ihe Investigation over to the milk and lse fund ot; ags0 ciatlon If It hopeB to acconi- the Woodbridge park be.used tor it was shown th&t O'Neil ruptured the Woman's club, were made at, p , lsh a re d uc tton of taxes. ; the purpose. He suggested that a blood vessel Friday when he pull a meeting of the Mother's club, Tbe me6 ti ng WO s presided over fie unemplayed, who have been ed up a hawset and evidently strained himself. A. hemorrage started and a doctor was aent for and stopped the flow of blood. He warned O'Neil to be careful. Sunday O'Neil was alone. Tbe nearest boat .was about GOO feet away. From tbe evidence In the cabin It looks as If O'Neil Buffered hemorrage and tried to stop the flow ot blood himself, He had a basin a! water near him.' had part of hie clothes oft and a piece of adhesive plaster across his stom- ach. He evidently got weaker and leaned against his bunk where he was found dead In. a sitting' •pos- ition. Coroner Mullen notified the owner of theboat, James wall Ing, of Union City. held Monday night, April 4. by the temporary chairman, Julian getting money from the township The card party, which is the one 6r0W _ Details for a permanent be put to work on the project and public social event of the club for organ i ia ti on an d a larger mem-; that they would feel aa if they were a year,, promises Jto be popular, I berB j,ip were, discussed during the being paid sot only because.the fund for - - • • • "•-- "--' - which It Is being* held haa been used for such outstanding charit- able work since. UB start, but also ttecailse ot the delightful plant) that are under way. Mrs. Stanley C Potter and Mrs, Irving J. Reiiners are co-chair- men and tickets are blng sold by all members. ^ Mrs. Schlcket, Mrs. W leu, Mrs. H. Rh>de, Alfred Coley. WUheredge, Arthur De- ,„,„„ Mrs. C.I Rodner, Helen as usual the lo'Brlen, Mrs. Hirold Troter, Mar- Hlbblt jUlla Romond N James laney, ion Hlbbits, Julia Romond, N. Moore, Mrs. L. Netaon, J. Olbrlcn, John Somers, Mrs, Adam Snyder, Mra Joseph Ruth, Joseph Som- ers- whist, Joseph Catherine Ryan Marie [Campion, Mrs. O. 1 S. Dunl- in, Helen Camp-on, Ellen Cam plon, Peggy Ryan, Julia, Grace. Ethel Campion, Mary Boblne and Mrs. H. Miller,. Refreshments were served. Miss Tassel and "" CWo hear that there was quite an Easter egg num y Smith street Sunday =• We also, hear that Mo* -...I" was playing bridge Tuesday night, talking about cards, understand that there are pnVochle players among the members of Woodtoidge Fire Co. No. 1, who have all the4rumps and don't know enough to melt And while we are still .on the subject of cards who is that tears off corners of cards BO that he will Know what the cards are? Congratulations to Ser- vant Ben Parsons w"ho celebrated hia 15th wedding " nivumry yesterday!..... : A certain Spring is just around the corner and ..- orms who haven't had any attention all w nter are atn- ">" m their beds 1 The worms around Neville -, Perth Amboy, are making fteir-debut,m.the way an anonymUis letter writing Write more (they'll ket the same attention! And believe it or not the navigator met two w°men uver the weekend, real chums whose names are Mrs.Needle mid Mrs. C6tton " • And you can't put; it over tl.ese "heathen chinee" The other day.one_of u w _ them was arrested for striking a man and fracturing his Camp i on were in charge of ar- .skull Sergeant Dick took his fingerprints and1|. ap sement8. asked him to sign his name, fully expecting him lo put TOOLS STOLEN down an "X* ..... Instead Chang Ah Wong, neat- TOOLS »*vn«» ly and laboriously printed his name in. Chinese script.-...,.--- Fred p O povit%; of the Lafayette *" Tear Sat there was quite an Easier egg hunt g,, ^the ^ighway, super-highway, Iselln, w,hlch was partially damaged by lire last Fri- day, reported to patrolman John Govellts that the tool Bhed near the building was broken Into some time Sunday night and the. fol- lowing articles were taken: live bags of cement, two shovels, one hoe, two mason's palls and 50 feet of garden hose. Miss Gundrum Speaks \ At Arts Convention Miss Mary Gundrum, teacher of domestic science In the Wood; bridge Township schools, was a speaker at the 15th annual conn- veutlonn of the New Jersey Vo- cational and Arts Association held recently at the Berkeley-Cartoret hotel, at Lakewood. MIPS Gun- di urn spoke before th'3 Homo Econ craics division, which numbers t«»rr itO members. Her stubjed vms, 'Making ihe BiV: of <i 1'nr.r Ci j.r« > <m." TO HOLD OAKB SALE JIRS. MARY C. Puberal services for Mr*. Mary C. Larson, 80 years olf, who died at the home ot her soil, Tax Col- lector C. Albert Larson, of Wood- bridge. Township, at Fords, Wed- will be held to from Mr. L4r- 3umltt avenue, Robert at nesday raornin morrow afte*n sen's home on 2^:30 o'clock. - ter pastor ot the Grace/Lutheran church, will officiate. Interment will be In Alpine cemetery. , Besides her son, Mra, Larson la survived by a daughter, Mrs, Em- ma Lybeck, of Fords and three grandchildren. WANT8 GAM The Woodbridge A. C. has or- ganlwd tor the 1932 season and is seeking games with the senlo" hesslon. It Is expected that the; Township Engineer George R. by-laws will be adopted at {he next Merrill, however, said that It meeting to be held next Monday, would not be practical and a lot night, .ptBtrlbutlort of member-' of money might have to be spent ship card will be held at the time. : That particular piece of land, he I said, |s full at springs. The orl- , ginal park plan was to make a ' lake out ot It. Either one end DANCE TONIGHT would httve t0be flUed ln - or tlM> immx ivmuni othtr end cut down ln order t0 nako an athletic field, Mr, Mei- rlll said. If. however, the hlgU HEINIE'S BOYS TO •Helnie'B Boys' club, composed of members (if the 1930 Woodbridge High School * championship 1930 football I team, will hold a benefit dance tonight at the high school gymnasium. Dancing will be held from nine to one oklack. Music will be furnished by] Harry Brown and'his Laurence Harbor orches* tra. Refreshments *ltl be served. -JohnAoullB,, headsjhe commit- tee on arrangements and n6 is ne- tng assisted by all the members of the clu*. The proceeds are to be used to. purchase a plaque for tlift high school. Tickets may be .pur- chased from any member ot the club or at the door tonight. \ FIRE DAMAGES DWELLING A fire of unknown origin slight- ly burned the exterior ot a frame dwelling on 289 Oak avebue, oc- NICHOLAS IHNAT Funeral serlces tor Ntchojas Ihnat, ot Charles street, Hope- lawn, who died Monday night at his home after a long illness, were held yesterday morning, 9 o'clock at,- 8t. John's Greek Catholic church. Interment will be in St. John'B cemetery, at Hopelawn. ' . The late J*r. Ihnat was the jan- itor ot the Hopelawn Fire Com- pany for twenty-live years and was an active member of that de- partment. He Is survived by two brothers,, John of Carteret and George- of Perth Amboy and a Bister, Mrs. Mary MorrU, ot JM- jabeth. teams ln thto section. Managers I cup ied by Albert Takacs, shortly may arrange game* by rcalllng after 3 o'clock Wednesday morn- 1 John AnderBon, at Woodbridge 8-ifog. The. fire was put out by Al- 19^8W between 5|and 6 o'clock jtert, Jr., and MB mother Who were iu ,il\e evening. .awakene- 'own haven't" written to him KOOd time will be had by alt forget, today 1B AH Fool's day I . LOOV GABAGB Thirteen doljan in cash was stolen from tlaty'a wnrlce station on ihe super-highway near tbe clover-leaf between 8:30 P. M. Wednesday and ona o'elook Thurs- sale at the home of day morning according to t re- Main vtnet, port nude to the loeal policeby , ^ Woodbridge, tomorrow •afternoon tha owner. Alex Maty, BntrwLM club »t J"30o'clock. Advance orders to the building was gained by Don't w m D e taken over the phone by breaking tbe flMft In- a side win- awakened by the, smoke. ONfl SLIGHTLY HOR'i 1 A boy was slightly hurt Wed- nesday night when a car driven by Michael Kachera, of Charles at., Carteret, west on Green street col- lided with a car operated by-Rus- sell Randolph of Prospect street, Perth Amboy, who was traveling on the same direction and was about to make a left turn Into School street. Michael Kachers, Jr., was slightly injured and watf treated by Dr. Mark. Both* cars were damaged. part were cut down It would not be In, line with the street. On a motion made by Committeeman Robert Suttler, the plan was £?•• celved end filed for future consi- deration. f | John Hassey, ot Iseltn, reoprted to the committee, that there Is a large hole on Dial street, evidently dug, for a ceBspool and on private property about 10 feet off the side- walk.' He said that children play round it and the parents are afraid that they ml&ht fall ln anddrown., Committeeman Aqulla mnde a motion that the property owner be notified to fill It In or take steps to protect it, or tbe Town- ship would take the neceaaary action. Mr, Hassey also asked that ac- tion be taken to abate the mud nuisance on Fiat .street, Iselin. Comraltteeman' Jacob , Grauaani, chairman ot the Improvement com mlttee said that the matter would be taken care of as soon as the weather permits. Discuss Budget. Thf matter of the Lehlgh Val- Florlda Grove road. FOR BALK . 4 Cyl. Hlto Quad Outboard Motor Pan Yan Hull, Complete, Extras. ley UIIU&D m jtwiun mwfij ,_ Perfect, 8peal 40 M. P. Hour. Hope i awll waS taken up . T he Cost WOO.OO—Sacrlnce $100.00, br , dge Care Loader, Bo* B. calling Woodbridge 8-088T dow. OOLONIA MINSTREL Tbe Colonia Parent-Teachera' Aesoclatlon will present a minstrel tomorrow night at the Colonta school. The production ID being coached by Mrs. Rober< WondWy. The "endmen" are Mrs. Woodley, Mrs. PltlUp Pen Blykar, Mrs. Na- thsulol Green. Mrs. J. 13 'lavlor, Mn, Josephine Miller will be \he Interlocutor. HARDIMAN'S PHARMACY Gd 1. Hardlman, formerly ot Seaman's' Perth Amboy Prescriptions railed For and Delivered C'ir, Itnhway Avenue aid Green Street - Tel. H-OIM. Woodbrldgl*. V 1 at Public, w cloMd , or glx or eig:bt weeks to make the necessary repairs and the children have no way of getting back and forth on the street. It Is feared that un less precautions 1 srre taken some- one might get hurt. On a sug- gestion made by Mayor Willlaiu A. Ryan, it was decided to notjfy the Board of Freholders to construct a temporary crossing. The Freeholders were also re- quested to meet with the Town- ship committee' at their conve- nience to discuss the conditions on Woodhridge ave., Port Read- ing rad. During the heavy rain at the beginning of tbe week, ac* cording to committeeman Joseph Gill, the road was flooded, and this be «aid was due to the small site culvert owned by the county. Woodbridge tvenue l» a eounty road. \-

The Largest Paid Circulation in Woodbridge Township

Dec 18, 2021



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Page 1: The Largest Paid Circulation in Woodbridge Township

"The Largest Paid Circulation in Woodbridge Township"







John Watson, Aged Guard At Sewaren Docks, Diet FromInjuries Sustained In Fight With

Chang Ah Wong

CHINESE CONSULATE INTERESTED• .John Watson, 70, of Mariner's harbor, Staten Island,

\ Y., a guard at the Sewaren docks to prevent illegalMiry of aliens, died Wednesday night at 10:15 o'clock at

•li.' 1'orth Amboy General hospital from inuries sustainedi, a fight with a Chinese sailor Chang AhWong, 30, a mem-

i,r of the crew of the motor ship, "Horn Shell" at Sewaren.Wong, who appeared before | H — — — — _ -

, . , ,„, n. w. Vogel Tuesday an.!, .^ committed to'New Brunswick \ JhieVes Rob Drakes

rlmvue of atrocious BBsaultb h l d t

, |, n rlmvu, ,,1 tottery, will now be held torthe Grand Jury on a manslaughter


Ut Valuable DtUgS


'"The .Clay's-the Thing," a threnaot comedy, will be presented bythe Anthony Aftuila DemocraticClub on Monday night, April Fords School No; 14 audito-rium ,

The production Is,under the dir-ttuuipof Mm. Gained, who hasHad much experience In amateurwork, The. cast, which will be an-nounced shortly, comprises localluieni who have appeared in manyI.lays* in this vicinity. Tickets arcnow on sale and muy be obtainedirom any member of the club.Oancing will be held alter the per-formance with Ernie Christoffer-SOH'B orchestra furnishing thomimic, Tbe chairman of the affairis Hugh Mansagli and he Is beingassisted by Dan Panconl. popularpresident of the Second warders.

: Drugs and narcotics valued ationUw? to the repor'. of the about J75 were stolen from the

h lit made by Sergeant Benjamin drug store owned by Thompsoni'liraon* and Patrolman Allan Me- Drake, on.Main Street, Saturday.Imnnoll, who Investigated the The thieves entered the store byr;i:;i- the aged guard was,on duty netting Into tho cellar and tril Ing,i i!it> s'ewaren dock when he saw away a piece of the celling Into!Woisf; In company with another the store. They searched the!riiiin^ sailor come down the store and evidently falling to find• an^plank ot the "Horn Shell," iiiny money-took the drugs instead.1«i,jch is In command of Captain! A few weeks ago tholvea at*ft' 1/ Allison and Is tied up at tempted to break Into. Drake's

Township G.O.F,Reelects Nlosher

Club PresidentMerrill Mosher was unanimous-

ly re-elected president of theilork of the Shell Eastern store but were evidently frighten- j Woodbrldge Township Republican

Th oli i n t l l i h t

Township Man IsHeld In Peekskill;AttemptedHoldupWai Fined Here For Driving

Car With FictitiousPlate.

Theodore Jaaowski, 36, of Mel-bourne court, Waodbrldge, allac,John Qanancl, was arrested Tues-day nlfht with three other* ln anunsuccessful attempt to hold upa lunch wagon In Peekskill, N. T.,according to a notice received byPolice Chief James A. Walsh.

Janowskl Irst gave his nameas John Ganand, of 94 Huron St.,' Gregus stop. Gregus came IntoWoodbridge, but Investigating 1 the house and when he asked himthe report, loeal police found that! to stop, he refused. An argumentthere was no tnoh street here and (started, with the result that thethat the prisoner wa.i Janowskl, younger man knocked him downwho was arrested hers over the and broke his nose, Dargo hald.week-end and fined tlSO tor drlv-'ing a car with fictitious plates. I f 1 • * 117*11

According to the Peekskill pel Hai lKlI lSOl l W i l lIce, Janowskl, In company with » » i ww«- • » « .Nicholas Rusnlck, of NBW YorkCity, Stephen Shalck, of Oerman-town, N. Y., and Frank Parkei,29, of West Roselle. entered alunch wagon and told EdwardLayton, tre counterman, to emptythe cash register, When Laytontaile to comply with their demand,


Uecaosu William Oregus, 21, alaborer, ot Campbell street, Wood?bridge, Insisted on following snold Hungarian custom ol sprinkl-ing water on a girl on Easter Monday, he beat up ail elderly manand was held for grand Jury un-der a 9500 bond Tuesday nightby Judge B. W. Yo|*L

The complainant, B t m Dargo,told the court that his 13-year-olddaughter and two of her chumswere out on the street EasterMotiday morning dressed up Intheir Easter finery. Oregus, hesaid, came along and insisted up-on sprinkling them with water.They ran Into the house, Dargonays, and asked him to inake


— . • \ '

Proposed Boiler Room Would Be. Contrary To Zoning Or-rliniLnce—Residents Object

To Fume*.

NEW FLASHES FOR CROSSINGSThe petitiott of Ty»on Brothers, Inc., of Edgar Hill

section of the Township to erect a boiler house adjacentto their plant, was disapproved at a meeting of the Town-"ship Committee held Monday afternoon at the MemorialMunicipal building. The proposed structure, 12x24 wouldhave been contrary to the recently passed zoning ordi-nance which set aside the Edgar Hill section as a residen-

l tiolrum Company, Watson or- ed away.i.wl them back, the other sailor jreturned to the ship, hut WonMhisi«h <1 upon going on saying theiMito bad ordered him to loadstores from a truck on the dock.

An altercation arose and the two•in>-n started a flBt fight. Wntnon; n ! WonE fell, off the platformthroe or four te«t to the dock,1Watson'8 head stMklng one of theunity pipe lines that line the dock.Tin injured man was rushpd to a,-liahty near the dock and Dr. C.Howard RothfusB was called to•lip scene. He ordered Watson

i to the Perth Amboy Generalho

had a fractured skull. An attemptlife

The police are Invest!- f U l b ( , u a meeting held last nightut the Hungarian "Parish house,on School street, at 8:00 o'clock.

! Other officers who were re-! elected to serve tor the comingyear were: Mark D. McClain, vtce

i president of the first ward; Johni D. Mattenson, vice president ot! the second ward • 0. P. Nilson,j vice president ot the third ward;Frederick H Turner, financial sec-letary; T. Wesley Llddlo, treas-urer; Stanley Naylor, recording

the mombe™ ol «*™{^ ^ Fttnnle, B ° 0 Z ' . r . rme memuers o t i t l 9 t a n t recording secretary. Thenext meeting will be held some-time during the month at the callof the chair.

Board ReachesAgreement With

Election Bodylias finally been

iho \V'ooilbiidRe District of th«Board of Elections ana the Coun

to a between John

rallyto Captain '"1

ut the "Horn 8heU", he had glv-• n orders to the mate to detailf'Mir men to load stores on tlie!-!it!i. They liad Just finished load-iliclr cargo. Tlie federal lawMutes that alien members of crewpmay leave the ship only" underumril of an officer of the shin.Captain Allison states that themite was rounding up tho othertwo men to help load the storesand that Wong an.d his companioniwd not waited until the mate wasready.

Thu "Horn Sbell" Is owned byil:i; Anglo-Saxon Petroleum-Com-1'iiiiy, of St. Helen's Court, Lon-dn. The, Chinese consul Is Inter-e-ted la. Wonj's case.

for the Township woTkera and thecounsel of the county board the 72members of the dlstrlet will re-ceive 153 «>ach 'r.. .?v.-«tirae workIn connection with the permanentregistration.

At this time.of the election, theWoodbridge members receivedixiynient for the regular electionwork but no pay WHS tortfor the two days and 'two evfe-ninMH, work for the registration.Several conferences wore held andilthou-Rh bills were signed py thoTownship 'Clerk and O.K.'d byCounty Board of Elections,-theywere tield lip by the Chosen Boardof Treehol'ders. FlnaVy Mr. 3to-,ikel was engaged to represent thedistrict and it Is btyleved thatnow fh,e compromise lias, beenmade that ckecks will be'.sent, tothe members otElection Board.,

-the Township


Twenty-seven tables of playerewere present at the card partyheld Monday nlgftt by the Sodalityof St. Jiiines1 churqh at the HiJames' auditorium 'and over sev-enty-three prizes were twarded^

i h d t e

they Btruck him over tbe healjust as a patrolman ei.te>-ed thediuer and caught them In tlio act.

ri.*y wew neid In 110.000 bullh t d te.icli on ^is ot a': niptod rot;

Captain Bleeds ToDeath In Boat AtP. Reading Docks

Not Run LocalTrack ln 1932

Rumor* Of New TrackJersey Before



tial area. At a meeting of the Board of Adjustment heldweek ago a number of residents

A ruptured blood vessel wasgiven as the cause of deathof Charles O'Neil, 60 a cap-tain of the boat "Harold M. Wall-lag", who was found dead ln hiscabin, Sunday at the Port Read-ing dock, according to a statementissued by Coroner Eugene Mullen,ol Perth Amboy.

At eight o'clock Sunday nighta call waB received by Desk Ser-geant John Egan from P & R Of-ficer Wasko that a man was deadon one of the boats. Patrol DriverAndrew Bimon'sen was sent to in-vestigate and teund tbe body ofO'Neil propped * up against, the

Ralph A. Hanklnson, who In1931 operated the Woodbridge;

Altoona and Langhorne speedways, has definitely announcedhis retirement from all three pro-jecU and will supplant the boardi.nd dirt speedway activities oflast year with ten ruclng datee at(astern lialf-mlle tracks of New-Jersey. Pennsylvania, New York,Maryland and Massachusetts.

The official New Jersey openingwill be at Flemingtou on May 30.Hrtnklnson's retirement fromspeedway activities In this sectionwill likoly be only temporary asthere is a current report that hewill be In charge "of a new speed-way In New Jersey before the fall.In the meantime there Is no indi-cation of racing at the local halfmile bowl this season.


Two women and a child werelightly injured early Saturdayevening when a car driven by Jos-eph Z.emiiin, 28, ot Linden, soutnut St. George Avenue, near Al-wat Stroet, collided with a car(.raveling In the opposite directionuwifed by Mrs. Sophie Schilt anddriven by Mrs! Ida Solirr, of Ridge-Held Park.

Mrs, Sohn, Mrs. Ziemlan andMrs, Sohn's daughter, Norma,were cut about the head and treat-ed by Dr. Mark. Both,cars werestightly damaged, ^"

rom that section of the Townshipobjected to the heating plant be-

ot the tumei. Although theadjustment board favored ttie ap-proval of the petition the commit-tee evidently took into cuugiuera-in the objections ot tlie reaUieiuaof the section.

New SigmOaThe Uoa.sU ot

Taxpayers MustShun Politics.Says A. Everson

Benefit Card Party forMilk and Ice Fund

ree p v ^ „„door prize, a ham donated bufll |. coroner-Mullen waaJnotl- j Plans for a, card party, tlie pro-by Charles Kenney, was won by

Miss Elizabeth Dunlgai:, and' »ojiold piece was awarded to MlsaMargaret Romond. The non-players prizes went to M; Klley,1Thomas Campion, and T ilU%hiVan Tassel. In the ga,mes prizeswere won a% follows: Bridge,John figan, Anna Bergen, ColetteUrauuam, Marlon Moll, EleanorMoll. Mrs. John Egan," IreneScttwartz, MrB. Anna Herron, Lau-ra Lager, Helen McCann, Gane-viove O'Brien, James Snyder, An-na Stanclk, Mrs. K. TJioraton;tuchre, Rev. Charles Sutton, MaeGallagher, MrB. 3. Cautleld, Mrs.p\ Olbrlck, M ^ t HlohanAlice gandabl,

K Holohan,Thomas Larkln,

Vl, T

Harry Van Tassel, Mrs. A. V.TbirkelBe'n. MrB. E. Falconer;Marie King. I • .

Fan-tan, Mary Krewlnkel, Kath-erlne Somers, N. Bemafc, Mrs.Lawrence .Campion, M. ST Gentile,Helen Jardom Florence Schneider,ROB6 Gels, Kate Van= Tassel, flel-

Klein, Marjorle Krewlnkel,Ryan. Mro. M. Jardon.

Mrs John McGulrk; pinochle.Mrs. M. Coupjand. Mrs. C. Braun.

.Mrs. Schlcket, Mrs. WHUam Wha-H Rh>d Alfred Coley


fled, i ceuds ol which will be turned

through Jamea MnyUatj, Jr.,of Bureau ol Kailroada, sent thefollowing report to the couiuia-tee, relative to the request uiConiiultteenuin William 1*. Camp-bell that there be better protectional the Avenel street crossing:

"The present nastnng s.gualsare old type with small rounueis.Tlie improved 8 3-8 Incn rounueltype nasties should be Bub^tiluiea.With the latter Hashes ana iu"-U'ctlon by llagman from ti:uu A.M, to 6:00 P. M., in view Of thevolume of travei, it wumd appuui'that Home reasonable proiectiuuwould be uftorded. Would there-fore recouimeud tiie substitutionof the larger roundel lluaiieu." >

The report also lucludeij a BUI-vey ot the traffic at tlie! AveneiLtreet crossing of tUc I' railroad, showing tbe amount

"Keep Out of Politics" was Urnudvise givun the WoodbridgeTownship Taxpayer's associationby A. It. ttvei'Bon, secretary ot thoNew Jersey Taxpayer's a/.ociaUonat a meeting held Monday, mghi of traffic passing that "point dur-at the Memorial Municipal build- Ing certain hours oi the day. Timlug. Mr. Everson said that the or- report was received and filed,ganlzatlon should keep out of pol-j D Y. Geddes ot the Pennsylva-n i a an* work with' the view of ilia railroad, notified tbe commit-reducing tbe entire tuv burden in tee that his engineers would placea broadband constructive manner better lights on the gates at tberather than holding-protest meet-' crossings in the Township as re-Ings. , I seated by tbe committee.

Mr. Everson, who attended the; HuggeetH Athletic Fieldtax Institute at Rutgers University i Committeeman Anthony Aquliuurged the audience, to put on a; presented a plan as a suggestioncatnpaign to swell'the'mcmbei-j lor an ath.etlc field. Mr. Apuliaship, stressing the Importance of uuggdsted that the Township prop-having enough voting power In the] urty north of Elmwood avenue and

According to ihe Investigation over to the milk and lse fund ot; ags0ciatlon If It hopeB to acconi- the Woodbridge park be.used torit was shown th&t O'Neil ruptured the Woman's club, were made at, p , l s h a reductton of taxes. ; the purpose. He suggested thata blood vessel Friday when he pull a meeting of the Mother's club, T b e m e 6 t i n g WOs presided over fie unemplayed, who have beened up a hawset and evidentlystrained himself. A. hemorragestarted and a doctor was aent forand stopped the flow of blood. Hewarned O'Neil to be careful.

Sunday O'Neil was alone. Tbenearest boat .was about GOO feetaway. From tbe evidence In thecabin It looks as If O'Neil Bufferedhemorrage and tried to stop theflow ot blood himself, He had abasin a! water near him.' had partof hie clothes oft and a piece ofadhesive plaster across his stom-ach. He evidently got weaker andleaned against his bunk where hewas found dead In. a sitting' •pos-ition. Coroner Mullen notifiedthe owner of the boat, James wallIng, of Union City.

held Monday night, April 4. by the temporary chairman, Julian getting money from the townshipThe card party, which is the one 6r0W_ Details for a permanent be put to work on the project and

public social event of the club for o r g a n i i a t i o n a nd a larger mem-; that they would feel aa if they werea year,, promises Jto be popular, I berBj,ip were, discussed during the being paidsot only because.the fund for - - • • • "•-- "--' -which It Is being* held haa beenused for such outstanding charit-able work since. UB start, but alsottecailse ot the delightful plant)that are under way.

Mrs. Stanley C Potter and Mrs,Irving J. Reiiners are co-chair-men and tickets are blng sold byall members. ^

Mrs. Schlcket, Mrs. Wleu, Mrs. H. Rh>de, Alfred Coley.

WUheredge, Arthur De-,„,„„ Mrs. C.I Rodner, Helen

as usual the lo'Brlen, Mrs. Hirold Troter, Mar-Hlbblt jUlla Romond N


ion Hlbbits, Julia Romond, N.Moore, Mrs. L. Netaon, J. Olbrlcn,John Somers, Mrs, Adam Snyder,Mra Joseph Ruth, Joseph Som-ers- whist, Joseph Catherine RyanMarie [Campion, Mrs. O.1 S. Dunl-i n , Helen Camp-on, Ellen Camplon, Peggy Ryan, Julia, Grace.Ethel Campion, Mary Boblne andMrs. H. Miller,.

Refreshments were served. MissTassel and ""

CWo hear that there was quite an Easter egg numy Smith street Sunday =• We also, hear that Mo*

-...I" was playing bridge Tuesday night,talking about cards, understand that there are pnVochleplayers among the members of Woodtoidge Fire Co. No. 1,who have all the4rumps and don't know enough to melt

And while we are still .on the subject of cardswho is that tears off corners of cards BO that he will Knowwhat the cards are? Congratulations to Ser-van t Ben Parsons w"ho celebrated hia 15th wedding "nivumry yesterday!..... : A certain

Spring is just around the corner and ..-orms who haven't had any attention all w nter are atn-">" m their beds 1 The worms around Neville

- , Perth Amboy, are making fteir-debut,m.the wayan anonymUis letter writing Write more

(they'll ket the same attention!And believe it or not the navigator met two w°men

uver the weekend, real chums whose names are Mrs.Needlemid Mrs. C6tton " • And you can't put; it overtl.ese "heathen chinee" The other day.one_of u w _them was arrested for striking a man and fracturing his C a m p io n were in charge of ar-.skull Sergeant Dick took his fingerprints and1|.apsement8.asked him to sign his name, fully expecting him lo put TOOLS STOLENdown an "X* .....Instead Chang Ah Wong, neat- TOOLS »*vn«»ly and laboriously printed his name in. Chinese script.-...,.--- Fred pOpovit%; of the Lafayette

* " Tear S a t there was quite an Easier egg hunt g , , ^ t h e ^ i g h w a y ,super-highway, Iselln, w,hlch waspartially damaged by lire last Fri-day, reported to patrolman JohnGovellts that the tool Bhed nearthe building was broken Into sometime Sunday night and the. fol-lowing articles were taken: livebags of cement, two shovels, onehoe, two mason's palls and 50 feetof garden hose.

Miss Gundrum Speaks\ At Arts Convention

Miss Mary Gundrum, teacher ofdomestic science In the Wood;bridge Township schools, was aspeaker at the 15th annual conn-veutlonn o f the New Jersey Vo-cational and Arts Association heldrecently at the Berkeley-Cartorethotel, at Lakewood. MIPS Gun-di urn spoke before th'3 Homo Econcraics division, which numberst«»rr itO members. Her stubjedvms, 'Making ihe BiV: of <i 1'nr.rCi j.r«><m."



Puberal services for Mr*. MaryC. Larson, 80 years olf, who diedat the home ot her soil, Tax Col-lector C. Albert Larson, of Wood-bridge. Township, at Fords, Wed-

will be held tofrom Mr. L4r-

3umltt avenue,Robert


nesday raorninmorrow afte*nsen's home on2 :30 o'clock. -ter pastor ot the Grace/Lutheranchurch, will officiate. Intermentwill be In Alpine cemetery. ,

Besides her son, Mra, Larson lasurvived by a daughter, Mrs, Em-ma Lybeck, of Fords and threegrandchildren.

• WANT8 GAMThe Woodbridge A. C. has or-

ganlwd tor the 1932 season andis seeking games with the senlo"

hesslon. It Is expected that the; Township Engineer George will be adopted at {he next Merrill, however, said that Itmeeting to be held next Monday, would not be practical and a lotnight, .ptBtrlbutlort • of member-' of money might have to be spentship card will be held at the time.: That particular piece of land, he

I said, |s full at springs. The orl-, ginal park plan was to make a' lake out ot It. Either one end

D A N C E TONIGHT would httve t0 be flUed ln-or tlM>i m m x i v m u n i o t h t r end cut down ln order t0

nako an athletic field, Mr, Mei-rlll said. If. however, the hlgU


•Helnie'B Boys' club, composed ofmembers (if the 1930 WoodbridgeHigh School * championship 1930football I team, will hold a benefitdance tonight at the high schoolgymnasium. Dancing will be heldfrom nine to one oklack. Musicwill be furnished by] Harry Brownand'his Laurence Harbor orches*tra. Refreshments *ltl be served.

-JohnAoullB,, headsjhe commit-tee on arrangements and n6 is ne-tng assisted by all the members ofthe clu*. The proceeds are to beused to. purchase a plaque for tlifthigh school. Tickets may be .pur-chased from any member ot theclub or at the door tonight. \

FIRE DAMAGES DWELLINGA fire of unknown origin slight-

ly burned the exterior ot a framedwelling on 289 Oak avebue, oc-


Funeral serlces tor NtchojasIhnat, ot Charles street, Hope-lawn, who died Monday night athis home after a long illness, wereheld yesterday morning, 9 o'clockat,- 8t. John's Greek Catholicchurch. Interment will be in St.John'B cemetery, at Hopelawn. '. The late J*r. Ihnat was the jan-

itor ot the Hopelawn Fire Com-pany for twenty-live years andwas an active member of that de-partment. He Is survived by twobrothers,, John of Carteret andGeorge- of Perth Amboy and aBister, Mrs. Mary MorrU, ot JM-jabeth.

teams ln thto section. Managers I cupied by Albert Takacs, shortlymay arrange game* by rcalllng after 3 o'clock Wednesday morn-

1 John AnderBon, at Woodbridge 8-ifog. The. fire was put out by Al-19^8W between 5|and 6 o'clock jtert, Jr., and MB mother Who wereiu ,il\e evening. .awakene-

'own haven't" written to him

KOOd time will be had by altforget, today 1B AH Fool's day I .

LOOV GABAGBThirteen doljan in cash was

stolen from tlaty'a wnrlce stationon ihe super-highway near tbeclover-leaf between 8:30 P. M.Wednesday and ona o'elook Thurs-

sale at the home of day morning according to t re-Main vtnet, port nude to the loeal police by

, ^ Woodbridge, tomorrow •afternoon tha owner. Alex Maty, BntrwLMclub »t J"30 o'clock. Advance orders to the building was gained by

Don't w m De taken over the phone by breaking tbe flMft In- a side win-

awakened by the, smoke.


A boy was slightly hurt Wed-nesday night when a car driven byMichael Kachera, of Charles at.,Carteret, west on Green street col-lided with a car operated by-Rus-sell Randolph of Prospect street,Perth Amboy, who was travelingon the same direction and wasabout to make a left turn IntoSchool street. Michael Kachers,Jr., was slightly injured and watftreated by Dr. Mark. Both* carswere damaged.

part were cut down It would notbe In, line with the street. On amotion made by CommitteemanRobert Suttler, the plan was £?••celved end filed for future consi-deration. f |

John Hassey, ot Iseltn, reoprtedto the committee, that there Is alarge hole on Dial street, evidentlydug, for a ceBspool and on private •property about 10 feet off the side-walk.' He said that children playround it and the parents are afraidthat they ml&ht fall ln and drown.,Committeeman Aqulla mnde amotion that the property ownerbe notified to fill It In or takesteps to protect it, or tbe Town-ship would take the neceaaaryaction.

Mr, Hassey also asked that ac-tion be taken to abate the mudnuisance on Fiat .street, Iselin.Comraltteeman' Jacob , Grauaani,chairman ot the Improvement commlttee said that the matter wouldbe taken care of as soon as theweather permits.

Discuss Budget.Thf matter of the Lehlgh Val-

Florlda Grove road.

FOR BALK .4 Cyl. Hlto Quad Outboard MotorPan Yan Hull, Complete, Extras. l e y UIIU&D m j t w i u n m w f i j , _Perfect, 8peal 40 M. P. Hour. H o p e i a w l l w a S t a k e n up . TheCost WOO.OO—Sacrlnce $100.00, b r , d g eCare Loader, Bo* B.

calling Woodbridge 8-088T dow.


Tbe Colonia Parent-Teachera'Aesoclatlon will present a minstreltomorrow night at the Colontaschool. The production ID beingcoached by Mrs. Rober< WondWy.The "endmen" are Mrs. Woodley,Mrs. PltlUp Pen Blykar, Mrs. Na-thsulol Green. Mrs. J. 13 'lavlor,Mn, Josephine Miller will be \heInterlocutor.


Gd 1. Hardlman, formerly otSeaman's' Perth Amboy

Prescriptionsrailed For and Delivered

C'ir, Itnhway Avenueaid Green Street -

Tel. H-OIM. Woodbrldgl*.



atPublic, w

c l o M d , o r g l x o reig:bt weeks to make the necessaryrepairs and the children have noway of getting back and forth onthe street. It Is feared that unless precautions1 srre taken some-one might get hurt. On a sug-gestion made by Mayor Willlaiu A.Ryan, it was decided to notjfy theBoard of Freholders to constructa temporary crossing.

The Freeholders were also re-quested to meet with the Town-ship committee' at their conve-nience to discuss the conditionson Woodhridge ave., Port Read-ing rad. During the heavy rainat the beginning of tbe week, ac*cording to committeeman JosephGill, the road was flooded, andthis be «aid was due to the small •site culvert owned by the county.Woodbridge tvenue l» a eountyroad. \-

Page 2: The Largest Paid Circulation in Woodbridge Township

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Page 3: The Largest Paid Circulation in Woodbridge Township



Phone P. A. JSQ9 -





Woodbrfdg*. N. 4.


Copyright by Sourtney Ryley Coopet . . . (WNU Service)

Not a "Luxury"


Advertis-ing a Sale!•W-yOU don't Uav«1 / your i i | In the

- !£•> middle or th«road and to to a f«nc*« 'pott to re*4 a M1« Mtd« rout Th«n don'texpect th« other W-tow to do It.Put *• t4 in ihu wfm. tkM,rtftrdl*** »f th« wmthm,Itt f i l l t * »»u wmt »•r«Mh r«*4« r*ur ni»*u»c*>ntnt* white w u 4 M Mftr«tld«.If h* t* • m m i r t u *#r*fyvuil hiT« hl« tl rvurwl*.Oh* «stn bi»r"• •fwa Mr*tk« fnrlr* «•*•!»• W tkaid, in« If» « I H T M * •wtn't pull that hurt.An«dl»tfcl»——rmrtnlb« M « * U v*u m rfur.Bill* mnr •« » • nmHi.fcttb* *d k Ik* OH* CM AM*ttohtutMM-D«B1 thisa af k*rM ••MCUl *«U vttteut lufal*•4v«ni*ia4 »r»«* la tfctepapa-.

OneEitri Buyerit»iak etas fin *s•tin cpew if at t i

Get That Buyer

|TTHI-V flrovn moat of- the R

1 -Mni-ti i»f it WIIH i|<m« Hlicntly."VViiiit'K your racket, Kuilhoimo?"

4>«! MNki-d r«l In HI."Hli'.i,iii(« pool. I bundle n Roml

••'if, »iHiiiKh to mkfl jtliMity of Jnckon mi l Mutt, after l'v<t ttiriiiiK n miynlnriK for ii whlln. I'll work It alonemull WI'TB out of tins rnK. ThenI'll IIM: yim to Hllr u(i mirkem."

Ji.« Hurry moved Impatiently."1 wnnl Iri itinku Rimin hlx ni'tiicy "

Itn nitlrl, "guli'k. I want to hireWlllHI |(ood iHW^rH;1^

i "I'll UKy yriu n w i ) monoy. H"|({-l tut hu^klrtg tin; r«p, *ht"

H whil*.1'"llnw y*ni arntn, nfipr s wftlle?""Afti-r 1'vi! icotti-n my inniH>y nml

<l«»tiH wlnjl I liiiciifl U'llti^."win no fnclrnlrainn In tljo"'J tn-ii I'll n.'t iHwyirfii."

rmiN'mw; t,f«'U|)li'il hlinsi-lf forBi'.ijn.fjt*ii( thw IhtrlcurlfHfif JorkyK t ' c r i j i K

"W.-H," (,«• Mild at limt. "IfyWrv l;i n ilsjlit plan;'for. 'kale. Ijfiii-tfK »!•, <-(Milil prowl n dump. Il:ii'i.v II R*I<II joint we coul'l prowl,'In- mi<li'f|.

I"i- Hurry b«nt forward, hi* ach-

"l.Uti'n, Kullhmise," cimns nfterrii'ifituiii. "| ii,|(] y»,u' It wuxn'tright to tak« me with you. I'm'lf-KimrflM;. '1 hi-re Isn't anything . . .II;« lit liV«! for, eiCP|lt tllR Hlltlsflk-il'-n of O'llnit the one thing I wanttr, >!r>.Hfjr| then trying-to. beat tjiePenalty, Jutst so I can laugh, atli'-m. Thnt's all. They've ma'dia rjnjrilf-rtr out of me, and whentfcej/KH me, they'll have a.mur-di-rft. If that's going to help themIf . n^rtr'i any-Justine, I'll hnv

accounts for somebodtwo men that wen

*4 on the Orr's Mill road.'H—!:** exclaimed Fullhouse.

fisrnrtng on humping ftonu4y oft You're tough, eh tfwtlfif>o «t with an afterthought:W k « * p blattln' about wantingtiieibirig. You mean setting *ome-Ay 'ovw. What for?"-Fol!h«nw," asked Joe, "did you«?r fj<-ar 'A a man named Big Fri-

"Ahoui ttiem hotels,' said Full-1

MIK(<, IbokliiR. up suddenly at thealKht of a street sign. "I'll drop

<>u qiit on a dnrk street nnd you(to In first. I'll come In Inter, likewe didn't heloni together,and goto another ro<yn. You're half dead;

I'll probably uleop nil day. So'llfor' thnt' matter. If you don't

sleep, lay low, gtny in your room.Tomorrow night at eight o'clock;It'll ho dnrk1 then. This place Is«'nyettevllle; tnought 1 knew Itloon through here-a million times.

There's a pnrk down 'about twoblocks from the hotel where we'llstay nt. Knyette house; I'll put you"tit on a side street. Meet me atthat pnrk, eight o'clock tomorrownight." , -

At last Joe wns in the hotel, pay-Ing for his lodging In ndvunce o\v-Inn to a Inck of luggage. Once Inhis room, he Btrode to the writingdesk and pulled opun a drnwer.

"Bring me up some stationery,'he rouunnniled a bellboy. "A hunchof It. I've got a lot of writing todo."

Suhrlse found, him still nt, a hngganl iniin, bent low overtin* .writing desk, his free hnndbrushing often nt "his red-lidiledeyes. Bright day nnil he sngsed inhis chnlr. The tusk wns dune.

T.linre hnd been no excuses.There hnd been no plea for faithno extenuation, to hint of a fu-ture. It hnd beim a strnlght-for-ward, brutni letter, In whk-h hhad asked forgiveness, nnd In thnext sentence, commnmied thatshe do not give It. Joe Bnrry hadput his soul on paper to mive a girlthe possibility of police embnrrass;

ment. Here was his Btory, Shcould hnnd. It to the officers. Certalnly they could ask no more oher than that

Joe uld not know that he haplaced Into Ink and paper a classicjf manliness. Just as he had takenils blows from the first momenthnt four men knocked at his door,

hnd he taken them now, without

7it-re was a bad piece pf road.'r'S'i: FuilliouH did not answer


Got Something

Wfcnt to Sell?Mo«t people hire •• pice*of fumitvirt, a Jann imple-ment, or •otnethini elaawhich they haw dtscard-«d and which tbey no k»tf tt wantTheee thlngt ire pot toihe attic, or stored away

•bout; getting of WM andleaa Value, each year.

• N•->: what's he do?""1 «o'a:d like to find out. I've got

i t'V'-ts ti* and liartin sire mixedup in f-Rit way. I think I'm go-*t to t* able to pro\e lissome

- - « - ? • - ' i '

1 > t r Fullh<iu»e jerked a glancett him. tfc'w. returned to'his Meer-Df "Thai"! the guy you said was

(••wlnt "Tfr In a corner. Now, getmt nrraiclit,. keed. 1 never__sf

' i-.:st 1 »in't saying he wasn't there;I i-iit never saw him. Tou thinki'.- act! this Friday was mixed'up


*1 almost know It. I've got an'ten rhat Big. Friday Isn't going tor? tanl to trail He's been In mist;-» I'm not wrong. I canfind Martin through him."

"Yob*" Fullhouse swung' hishpfl.l ajraln. VYou all done? Wellnow I'm • K''ing to tell y«\\ some-ti.'Aff. V-PU'W going to nick withv.\e pfitil Jrou gel *te;id,v on yourfert. You!™ Ill shot. You wouldiphump a tniy off," Fullhoiise argued."Say. llston, 'i\Vhat ymi vwijit fodo i* to e#,t yourself a \yitl of Jnck•nnd h!o\v. This ain't the only cnun-try where thoy gtit p.lares to, Hv

i .There was a lone silence; whilethe rattling nuu-hine ' imule ittflmlj Itshted way'tlironulil dnrk-

' now*. Ten ntlleb passed."Ulsttfn," wriii Irullhouw.' HWe'l

•lit! tlho loapttig tu*k when* we stulki• tho Wxt burp. Oo to different ho

see? That's

weakness, save that of which he ac-used himself.That evening, as he left the ho-

el to meet Fullhouse, he askedbout air mull, and dropped his mla-Ive Into the box. It had beenis sole concession to himself, to

wait until its arrival could notorm a clew for a telegraphic order:o arrest.

That night, the wandering proc-ess began. It was a haphazardcourse, altered to the whims of"ullhouse and his hopes of a pool-

room gold mine. Fifty miles oneday, a hundred the next; travelwas usually done Just followingdarkness.

They stopped at cheap hotels,rooming together, now that Full-house hnd decided that direct chasewns eluded. They ate at cheaprestaurants; meal times nnd traveltimes were about the only .oneB InWhich Joe wns allowed to leave hisroom. Thus life continued formore than two weeks.

The horrible loneliness of Itgnawed at him, hurt him like acanker. The old hollows were re-turning to his cheeks and the cir-cles under his eyes. He hnd devel-oped unkemptness, shirt loose atthe collar; tleless; he went un-shaven from (lay to day. Fullhouseleft him alnne only for short Inter-vals; sometimes he would come


behind the big picture In theving i ;om. It's got works -(Ike nnilnrm clock; spring it with a canopener."

"And Where's he?"Fullhouse grinned. -"He's down In Florida nnd the

ld woman and the brat with him.Didn't I any 1 worked for' him four

ears? Why do you think I'veleen writing him letters ever since,elling him how happy I wns with

hlmT To moke •" collection? 1Idn't see him leave grand, after

grand. In that matchbox for noth-ng—"

"Then—" ""Keed," asked Fullhouse coldly,

"do you think 1 risked myself aJolt In atlr as an accessory afterthe fact just to give you a freeride? Think It over."

There was no more satd. A diYypassed and three more following.One afternoon Fulilimise walkedbrimkly Into the dingy room.

How much Jack you got?" heaslred. . -" .

''1 don't know! about forty dol-lars."

"Giinme It!" He reached eagerlyfor the money and was gone. Inan hour lie was back, walking slow-ly through the door. He turnedhis .sour eyes to Joe until thewhites showed. Then he rammedhis hands deep Into Ills pockets andfished there, at lust to extract alone ten-dollar bill which he tosseddisgustedly on the bed.

Joe sensed the explanation."You met somebody better than

you were?""If you'd had ten guesses, you

couldn't Jinve done better."Joe smiled for the first time in

weeks< But seriousness soon re-turned.

"Well, we've got ten dollars be-tween us." *

"Have we?" Fullhouse rolled hiseyes. "Well,, we're going to havemore. We're going to prowl thatJoint. What I mean, we're going toprowl I f

Joe pounded a flat Into his openpalm.

"I don't know, Futlhouse.""You don't know? You're want-

ing jack, ain't you? What I mean,you've got to have It?"

"Yes. but I've been thinkingabout something. Suppose we didrob that house. 'Suppose 1 got allthe money I wanted»and wentthrough with everything that keepspounding In my mind. 1 wouldn'tbe committing a crime In my ownconscience if 1 fought back againstmen that have tried to sehd me tothe chair. But what's this Jamisonever done to me? Why should I goIn there and rob Ms house—takeeverything he's got?"

Fullhouse merely stood andlaughed.

"Can that stuff. What the h—1;don't you owe me nothing?Where'd you be, nnvv If I hadn'tcome on the circus? Suppose I'dlet you lay—*' ,

"You hid your own plans, Full-house." ,

"Well, suppose 1 did," ihe mansaid, "Suppose I came out therejust to get you to help me.pull ijob. Does that change tt 'anyWould tllut make it any sweeterfor you If they wus a death watchstamping out'your time-sheet up atthe college?* I guess, them guyswould wreck the Stinging Lizzie,

h "


he(teH for thliiEt! hoa Jcsfii .

8om«bodyvery thing! which hav«become of no uae to you.Why not try to find that•omtbody by putting awant advertisement fa

THIS NEWSPAPER?tiaaaaaaesii1 • *M

I IV11 .ihj; xh'm car. Ami llsti'ti. I've beenihi!ikiiv«. You' ain't P'ins to bewriting any IfUera to nubodj-r., ,1,10 liKikyil up t|iilckly.."Of ismrse not," he wiid, a cer-

liiin hiinliu's* In bis vou-t>. Thewariih'^s wlilrli hml conu1 to him Inilii"«u>ti:isor|e toiu Inul not rOluxed.Kiillhotise hint bwn revealed to himlonirfhi »s a vastly, different per-s'tijt fitini the eniutliHiU'sx, oftenliij'ttlirn person he had luiown nt

l.oui{>law wiWHS a

..ortohnl'8. As f»r ns the\ otin.l'rned. Joe Mled'oil, henuirderer How; whnt more

i-milil be done? Supjmselie killed men who must be worselimn dogs to ijildly. niHllclously,cmnleinii \n Innocent pprson. to thertwlr to protect tlicinselvos. Itwouliln't ho murder to kill them;

ADVERTISE U» t**l thtal »o»luv* hi •tock *i rout nor* » » •

F t r t W.*> oof. TIMH *U <•

•ion u d « t*eIM*I «4 row wtatoM H

THE Merchant!who advertise in

this paper will giveyon best values (oryour money.

back to display riioney in rilenty, atotqer times be- was riot so prosper-out He talked, little of his aijtiv-»Ws, but he seemed insntlnhle re-gnrillns .Too—how he felt, If Jie wnsnt'rilting It all right, whatever mntlehim think that man-putter of a Pet'eMnxwell would ever help him, whntkind of n guy this Hymle Fradkewas nn-yhow. _ |

"Why are you alwaysthat up?" .Joe,snapped oneE£MV.;*rtte...Mahrrltable, fed up,glowering. "Haven't you ever heardi joke, or seen; a funny thing Inrour life? rtlun't anybody laughn the, poolrohm? N6, It's got to

be these ghosts of mine, over andover nnd over. Don-'t you think Ilive with 'em enoughV

'II—I!" suid tollhouse. "Don'tgo dramatic over It. Can't a guynBk a question thnt wants tb liolpyou?" Tlien with a new tone.] "IfI'm your friend, ain't I got a rightto know everything?"

"Jf you're myl friend," said Joe|Barry slowly, "there may he a day

just If you asked them."BJoe Bnrry shook his head; this

man could draw ghoulish pictures.Fullhouse went oiif "I guess Inever done nothing, -keeping youunder cover nnd supporting • youall this time. Oh,'no, I ain't donenothing hut just look, after my ownInterests. I nln't done-a thing foryou. 1 ain't token risks and stalled.for you nnd kepi yo'n covered—;•

"Never mind the rest, Pullhnuse,"snid Jos huskily. "I'll go-.wltfi.^ojjs"

ahvuys something happened,turned and stwUed.-

"Hello, fullhouse." .he «ntd,the man slid1 through' the door.

"'Hello, this is a Hump! Oh well,It don't make no difference. We'llbe taking tt ensy on big jack thistime tomorrow, . I'uy in advancehere?"

"Yea," • , •"That's good. Makes blowing

easier, All you'll have to do Isgrab your kelster and beat It No,"he said, "I got a better Ulen. Leaveyour Junk here, tt ain't notliln' you'd•want Bring your kelster empty.Good thing to put the cream In.Then I'll Just drive you to the sta-tion, and. you catch a train out oftown, and I'll meet you."

"How do I know you'll meet me?""H—! t" exclaimed Fuillwuse

enrnestly. "You'll have all thedivvy, won't you? Don't you thinkI want my end?" l ie changed histone. "Ain't that a swell thing tosay to a pal."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Joe rubbed ahand across his forehead, "I'm Justa little shuky. I guess It's the heat,this room—everything."

"It sure nln't no movie set,"agreed Fullinnrse. "1 wish I'dknown. I'd of traded dumps withyou. I butted Into « swell JointCarpets in the hnlts, radio in every,room, swell bed."

"Where Is It?""Down the street a ways. I

never do Unow the names here.Can't even remember the name ofthat hotel now. One of them fnncyones. Don't make any difference;I know how to get there."

"Isn't thnt It, the Uegls?" askedJoe cnsunlly.

Fullhouse sat up quickly, fum-bling at the afternoon paper whichhad fallen from his pocket. Hejerked It from Its place on the edgeof the bed, and smirked nt a pen-ciled notntlon on the blank margin:942—Hegls." •

"That ain't It," he said. "Thnt'sa telephone number—of the guragewhere I'm at." He tore of the no-tation and shoved It Into his pocket."Better keep It in ray hend Insteadot billboardlng, like that."

I'll do the same," said Joe. "Oneol us might forget"

"Yenh? Maybe so. I'll remem-ber, though.

He put his hands behind his hendtheq, and closed his eyes, apparent-ly comfortable In spite of the heatJoe sat upon the one, straight*backed chnlr.

Three hours passed. Ouce Full-house dropped to sleep, snoringheavily, only to nwnken, as Ifstartled, half raise, glimpse Joe stillon the chair, and settle back again.At last darkness cume. They leftthe room and went down to thelittle restaurant. Then back tothe shabby lodgiug and more wait-ing. \

Two hours more went by. It wasnine o'clock now. , Fullhouse gavea coWnand and departed. Ten ftdn-utes later, a shnbby automobilestopped at a street corner. JoeBarry, his face ghastly gray In thelight of the street lump, moved fromthe curbingvand climbed in besidethe driver,v Then onward, to • acountry road. Fullhouse slowed thevehicle nnd. freeing one hand fromthe jerky •steering wheel, reachedto a pocket.

"Here's your cat, keed," he said."A gun? What do we need a gun

for?"Who said ve'd need It for any-

thing? IJut it in your pocket.""I don't know much about auto-

matics." The nut foe! of It tind toldhim that It wus not an ordinary re-volver. ,

'Don't need. to. Put It In yourpocket!" I

"I'd rather not hove the thing.",."Yeh? Y«u gnt to have some-

Dentistry is not a "Luxury," but a vita! "nWhen positions' or "job&" are scarce It Is the mtn orwoman with the good appearance who is preferred . .,..and good-looking teeth are the dominant feature of tn

-impressive personality,

A Vital "Necessity"Come to us and have your teeth cleaned . . . those yel-lowed or blacKened tooth "stump*" rftnoyed 'or tbb&tunsightly "gaps" closed up.We can improve your appearance . . . make you morehealthy . . . increase your efficiency . . i better tble tocope with the present depression.

Our PricesAre the Lowest

f in Our HistoryWe perform all branches otdental wor>—Fillings, Extrac-t i o n ^ Plate and Bridge Work,Crowns, Pyorrhea» Treatment,X-ray, and Dentil Cleanings.All at the lowest possible cost.

Nervous Peopleand ChildrenOur Specialty

• . !'•i


would bo Juslli'e «HII retributionami humanity toward some othertoy, stumbling .'about the maze ofNew York until he fell Into their

It'did not even nffwt Mm to real-II that perhaps Fullhuuae hadiikwl us.much to his own desires

as to altruism In his rescue ofJoe fruni Impending arrest. Full-house hnd un nx to grind. JoeUnity Mi sure, but ho found thathe mred itllle. I'erlmps this maninight he lending him on to moresinister things than he had hinted,taking i«lvnntnj?« of the fuct thatJoo already wns a fuiilllye fromjuath'c, to nssure himself of a part-ner In crime. It mifile little differ-once, Joe told himself. After all,there were only two things p a r tmount, the protectioni ol' • &M andhis own escape. Of the two thenrift was ot tremendous mpor-tnncft He had" lied to FuUhouaeabout writing. There wua a wayhe knew, to halt W ll«n«f,r. ''a,might threaten- her from Chuveuind MiuweM.

wlien you'rej glud you didn't knowtoo much." '

"Oh, yenhT You still got thatbughouse notion, eh?"

"I'll ulwuyS1. have It,"Fullhouse sat for a long time,

limp as ushnl.* At Inst he stretchednnd rose, "Well, * keed," he said."Maybe you're right. 1 wouldn'tlet no guy pull a slow drop on melike -tlmt and 'get away with It.I'd set him over, [ guess. But yougot to Have jack to pull H college,gug like that. Thirt ain't no pettylarceny stuff;-that's a Job for thesehere big electricians that know howto keep a guy from gettln' a.shock,

got to have plenty of jack fortbut," He veered. "How aboutyaujP me doing a Job ot prowl-ingT1


"Where's the mojiey In that?" Joeasked cuustlcally. • .

'Tleiity Jack where I'd prowl,",said Fulihouse proudly. "I knowmy luy. Just outBlde/Washington,D, 0, nig estate stuff i drivewaysand all that. Didn't I work forhim four years?. Oughtn't ,1 knowsomething?"' "That this Jamison you've talkedabout?" • ' • .

"Lousy with Jack," satd Pull-house luedltutlvely. "I've seen himput twenty grand In that little wall


' ipHEY separated when they,1 reached Washington,, joe to goto ' his usual' type ot cheap hotel,Fullhouse to seek lodgings In anentirely different portion of thecity, l ie lux] saljl that this wouldbe best; Fullhouse, once Joe hndacquiesced to his demands, had dis-played considerable agility of mindrecording the niceties of burglary.

For two. hundred miles* hp hndrehearsed, dwelling chiefly

h f f h

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ri ^


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395 Amboy Ave., Woodbridge, N. J.

upon the safety of the Job theywere about to 'Undertake, :th« re-ward, the need for nnturnlnesaand a lack of excitement.

Joe Barry was pacing the nar-row, shabby foom which wns to behis until night September! Earl*September—He remembered that this had been a month towhich he ortce had looked forward.This week, the Dayton brothersshow lind begun its engagements atthe various fairs. There would beas long as ten days at a stretchwhen the tents would remain erect.The fairs; Sue and he had talkedof them often, the fun to be hadaround a circus when there wereno moves to Interfere, the exhibitsto be wandered, the change fromda; to night broadcasting nnd thebetter programs they would beable to give, owing to the greatertime possible fit night for sendingthem out upon the air. There wouldbe powerful stations, top, where aperson could receive a worth-whilereward for ,the extra work In get-ting up an unusual entertainment.

And here he paced, In the stickyheat of a colorless room, waitingfor night and a Job of burglary. Qhwell, tt was all right Somethingelse would have happened. Hishaunted eyes swept the faded room j

it Iri your p^ck^t,^ Just beeuus^'you got n roil' on you ain't noyou've got to, shoot It. Just insur-ance. Stick It In your poke' andforgtt It."

Jolf Barry stuffed the gun Intobis coat pocket. The car rattledon

Fullhouse lenned far over thewheel, studying the road ahead.Suddenly he swerved Into thickwoods, which yielded suddenly toan open spnee and a semicirculardrlvewn'y. Then the car haltedbefore the hlgh-plllnred veranda of,

•a rambling frnme house.'"Wel l / snUT Fuilhonse. "A guy

couldn't ask for a nicer lay thanthis. ,Eh, Keed?"

There was DO need for. Joe toanswer. Fullhouse |hnd left thewheel and swung out of the skirt the house in quick, fanill-lar fashion. For a moment, Joecould hear the rustling of foliageas Fullhouse plunged through It,evidently on his way to silence the

, "telltales." Joe was alone withhlniBelf—with his realisations. Thiswas"some one's home. He wasabout to enter it, to steal that someone's possessions. Whether theywould be missed or not, he real-ized now, made little difference. Itwas <he crime Which counted, nndnot the extent of It. Qten cents orten thouBnnd dollars, he would bea thief, nevertheless. The wordhad a cheap, sneaking Quality, de-structive of self-respect.

Ten' minutes passed, «o manyhours to Joe Barry, Then Fullhousecame briskly back,

"Reach In the tool box and getthat pinch bar," he commanded. Joewas slow in complying, fumblingand clattered the tools in thedafrkBess. Fullhouse came besidehim,

ao as


Pay* dividends of 5l/g% per annum on PAID UPSHARES from date of issue to date of withdrawal.

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Page 4: The Largest Paid Circulation in Woodbridge Township


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Page 5: The Largest Paid Circulation in Woodbridge Township


i"i _.«. 1 A CitAHBAv Lydia's Monarch SecondI C a s e y s t o S p o n s o r tQ Solomon in RichwT

The wealthiest man In the historyof the world wns t'ropstw. Inst king

A *

Columbian Club

,1.1111 street.| m u ui a B«iltiM.

Other Activities. ArtPlanned For Near under the direction of

liH. r oKd," a section of Middle:,.„' Council, Knight of Columbu*"ttlll uu held tonight al Hie clubmoms at the jUolumbian club on

dqiic'e Is & seuiii- nrst he.u t

ui weeRS »KO by the "Four-nm w a -uefs, uim even-promP iu. surpass the ultairUs tuu taller. Novelty and old

,,. * milieus- will" be featuredthe ev«dlna.

„ „ „ . teuton, cualrlnan of.,,„. -uuga", wilt be asslmed by)ui)ii ivii.eon, Jack Mullen, Hugo;„.,„ John I'oweiB, CtirliTtlan

Uemler, oJlin lire.L.uwu'ntu Campion,

Michael Kilieen,t.aui and Uavld Gerlty,

Minstrel to bo HeW.Plans are under way for the an-

nutti minstrel to be held underdie auspices of the local councl-owe time In the latter part oAurll Old time favorleH In tho

In tills section such a*Kgan, Joe Koniond, JackIpn and Jack Keating, have

,v..u."x... to appear. Tho nrst te-iH-arsml will be held Tuesday nightal the Columbian club. Joe Ro-•iKiiid will act an coach and MissDuncan will have the charge ofthe. ladles of the ensemble.

\ debate will be held betweenthi' Middlesex Council debatingteam and members of other coun-c i l on Tuesday evening, April 12,The question to bo debated will be••Should Prohibition Question beSubject to a Popular Vote." Leettn-er John Turk la planning a spe(1,1 entertainment for the eveningThe. debatorH will be announcedlater.

of Lytlla, who from his conquest, hitmines, and the golden minils of thePnctoitis, accumulated so muchtreasure that hi* wealth has lie-

proverbial—"Hk-ti us'tfwienow BlRnlfylnj? rich Jieyund the

iiiim of nVarice. l.lo reigned frortiH. r,.'600 to Mil,' but' dissipated.,itnd yielding lilmnpir up to sumptuouseitnivniiHnee and I In: plenwfR oflife,"' declared i.tint ho.wnVjhe. un-luipplest ninii In tl*. world. Wefeom-Inn the.Oreeks to his court, he wasvisited by the great Athelilun Inw-gfver, Solon, of whom lie .asked thequestion: "Who -was ilie hnpplestman tn the world tiyit lie Imtl seen?"to repelve" In reply,. "No mun siioAild

be called hnppy until hi* death."

Comlng'lnto conflict with Cyrus, thePersian king, Croesus wtos defeat-ed; his capital Sunlls token, nnd "hevvns condemned to death li,v burn-Ing. AH he stood awiililnj* the fir-Ing of the pyre, he reculled Solon's

'aphorism, and exclaiming "O Solon I"three limes, aroused the curiosity ofCyrus who, Inquiring Into the renson;

Fatness a R«qutsitefor Business Success?

I have heard of many secrets ofBUCCCOS and have tried qnlt* ashare of them to no avail, but untilrecently 1 remnlned Innocent of thefact that an Inability to get fat maykeep • good man down. Then aImmlsome young man of lithe andsupple figure confessed to me hisgreat desire to add 50 or 100 poundsto his weight as a stepping stoneto comhierdnr advancement

"In my business," he complained,"all of the bosses are fat fellows.Tlipy look at me and, I can see themsnyldg to the-nselves: 'He1* toothin to be much good!' 1 am, as amaUer of fact, very good Indeed,'farbetter than my bosses realise, butV\\ never have an even chance' tin-til I acquire more weight."—Balti-more'Son.

W a r / l o r e Woodbridge Cardinalsr i a n l v e o r W U M"

To Meet StrongGarwood Team

l«rtou, Joe Dunlgan, Cam GloeSeveral of the boys, who are

away at college, will report whenthe June term ends.

The Woodbridge Cardinals are'planning to reorganise within thenext two weeks. Efforts are be-ing made to put back on the field

The Fords Firemen will meet "othtr championship team simt-the Qarwtiod Five, tnlon County> »« t 0 t n 0 M ot • f e * Tears back.

team, at the


. fc _ . . . . ., The Port Reading. Field club w|llFords The Cardinals were at onetime (Start Its baseball season'on Sun-

Benkert Calls ForDiamond Candidate*

Old man weather, bidding goo<ibye to an exceptionally rainymontnh, balked the II'BI call forpractice for baaoball at the Wood-bridge Hl«h School yesterdayafternoon. La*', weok thn athleticcommittee of the Ifoard of Edu-cation decMia that there would


h -

i t FoodSeaweed (dulse) was chewed In

Scotland before tobacco took Itsgays--*'bulletin5 of the Na-


whirlwinds eti the diamond, "but day, .AprlJ 24. The club wouldiris will w ^ e n t h e l r a t a n l e f l t 0 «° t 0 l l k e t 0 °°ok !«»»»•. w'th dome

Victory Olrls, also ot «hool the boyi stopped playln*. strong senior teams. They willAs usual dancing wM Among the stars who will stage 4>lay either home -or out ot town

anil after the * comeback are: Jimmy Z'.lal, Joe sanies. oFr fames write to Patsyo r . Campion. Yock Nagy, Tony Car- LaRusso; manager. Port Reading

Charley tee, Tom Jago, Held oiQb, Port Reading, N J,,,rf«• •«>•- «-—• —<—• ------(Jteason, Andy Notchey, or phone Woodbridge 9-?H «ny made Ms first call fur candidate*:

arcellona, Joe Ruddy, aVl lime between 1 and' 2:30 p. m. If the w&ther permits today; thdBrown, Harm PartrWge. Roy Ful- expert Sundays. , ! boys will have their first practice

The Oarwb'od team comes> to

cation decMia that thbe baseball at tho Bnr'-on navenu«Institution an hin -i" be»an tomove. '

Faculty Maager Stephen K.Wer-lock sat to work onn the dchedule,which haan'l been cofeplrteil, asyet. And Ooach HOIUIP Bi-nkwt


for the ejneulntlons, was told the I.story of Solon's precept, nnd sparedhis life.

Hut the First Hook uf Kinjifl tellsns that "Klnjs Solomon oxeeeilrd allthe klnns of the eiirlh for riches andfor wisdom." (tO:SKI).—I.IU'rnry III-gen.

y(olnal, Geographic society. NowScotch and Irish cookB use It toIlilcken and Rive a red color to soup.

Woodcut Designs StillUsed to Stamp Fabric

FI:ittil w i n i d l i | < n l ; l n i ! . t l i c o l i l c sC o n n u f | i i i i i l i n e k i u i w i i , s t i l l s u r -vIvi-*i i n thi> nmdi 'TO imis^t i ir inl i l i 1-

' l i i > n i n i ' t l i m l H of t h e I n u l i t l n i i u l l y:'..<Kii>-yi-ur-old liiolmlr text i le Indus-try. •

A grnup of nrtlsiina whose fa-thers nnd griniilfiithcrs before llu-niwtTy woodcut designers and carvers,nre pi i|irtu:illiiK the art ut Stand-ford (Mi1.) mills, mnlmlr velvet\v(.iiverrt. They work, uniquely, al--must In the center of forests ofI'liin^iiijt machinery, lomus niu! spin-dies ibut Hue Ilic fmir [iiltr-nlsU-a o(i he tilg iiltriiHUKlrni mills,

Their J<>1> Is to ki'i'ii mi hiind con-HnuoiiKly uiorp thmi 'i,V*r IndividMill woodliliick di'^iijns fur anj>HcH'lion on niulmlr velvets a» tliuy comenfT the looms.- Miuiy of the wood-Mocks an1 hlclily (liM'oriitive imd de-lulled In de*lffn, Tlu-y are stampednil the falirlir hy huml.

Methods of luuxiiiWk carvlnsli.nt- .ctiuiiued little since tlielr In-n-ptlun. Somi-limea moturlzed dieslire ust'il to Hjn-t-il • proiluetlon, butnmny uf the first type of tools are

till useil, nuil tln> pfrsmi:U hundl

Walking "Cane" Had ItsOrigin in the Orient

The ferula or staff o( fennel woodwas one of the curliest supportsused hy elderly pmonsi in'cnuHP Itwan-long, tough, and llj:!it," TJIP des-ignation of "cane" pn ui'iierully usedIn till* country originated In |(fleOrient, where hollow piilnisiiinl)nini-boos we're rmiurull.v o»i-«l fi>r jlvalk-1 t \Ing sttiliM. Pope's Sir PluiiiihltiiHi'lf on Hie tilpc vnniluct (W illsclouded cune, white finj celelirVcjlIn verse. Aie Ktroni.' rime and theanihiT il|ij)ed wine. Henry VIII .hadone cane "Biirnyshed with «ylverimd sllte, with AHtronniule ii|i<«n It."nnd another ''giirnyshpd with guide,liuvtnp a perfume In the lopjie.11 An-clent ICKMitlan wHlklnc sticks modenf flicrrj' wnod. rtjlh curved kmilis,have been discovered.: Comedy caneshnvlriR heads curved In the grinningllkenera of Punch, Merry Andrew,end Toby Flllpot still can be foundIn the shops, It is eaUl that a col-lector o cunes In Madison, Neb., hasmore tlinn 100 on display In hishome.

taver In England, also knownas sk>ke In Ireland and slack InScotland, Is n palatable cookedseaweed. Japanese Reuyveed "plnntatlonB" .produce from $150 to t$Onworth of seaweed per acre. Kombuand nmiinorl are two of the chiefseaweed products which have fig-ured largely in the development ofthe Japanese seaweed Industry. InOsnkn there are 4!i kijmbn factories.Shredded konihu Is cooked withment and soupB and served withvegetables. Powdered kornbn Is anIngredient of snuoes and soups andrice dishes, while komhu leavesmatte a popular tea.

Countyq". The play«rs are parti-cularly noted for their clever floorwork which makes them danger-ous at, all Umes. > |

The Second Warders howeverare confident of victory. Latelythey Save conquered a number- of,stong teams Including, the strongY. K B 4 , team of Perth Amboy.The Hebrew, club Is composedchiefly ol players who perform-with the state Y. M. H. A. cham-pions.

The regular line-up of Fordswill be available for the game,which will be one of the closingconflicts of an unusually fine


of an unusuallysoason. The ltne-up will IncludeMickey Toth, Bill Handerhaa,"Oats" Orr, Bob Hantterhan and;Eddie Bwart. ,

DII Hit* tinHplnilt field,mostly on the Riimtcur flclil. nremine numeroils tlmii n,iy other kin'lof roiTpnllnn B W I I H U H , even morettmn xwimmlna nml

MEN'S TROUSERS$1.19 - $1.50 - $2.45

$2.95 - $3.45 - $3.95GREATEST VALUES IN THIS SALE!


Now You'll RenumberIt wns the ancient custom of ring

llsti churchy during Rotation week,a custom still followed In remotecountry parishes, to ussemble thewhqle congregation, particularly theyounger element, under the leader-ship of the beadle and church nfflcers, and trace from bourn .to bournthe limits of the parish.-

The straggling procession followed the line like H packtof hound;on t h e scent of a f»s. It wns agrout day for the .children, but thetdera, too, hjhl some'entertainmentfor when an old moss-covered stonipost' wtts discovert'd one of them

II uwd. and tli« personal niiii.u- w W Pll'l« "P 'R1 likely. Ind iindV.rk -of tin- i-iirvw controls (lie buthp him so severelj; atlitlnst It thatlUtrv of deslctk • ' n* would,always romoniber It. It

WHS essential (hut future beadles nndchurch wardens should lie nhle tohuml on to their MHnnssors exactknowledge of tlic litnlts of the par-ish.—Atlantic Monthly;

Mytteriout Grat*. •. chamber of commerce of

Uark Ind., snjs Unit It believes thegru -ti which lies near Gary In the

Idle of the steel plants is thatof Andreas Zini^ibll, Which lieswithin the city limits of Chicago onthe main highway between Garynnd Hint city. Mr, Klrngibll Is

to have owned large trncts ofmid on the Boutliern shores of

Mk'liljxiin which wus cousld•red. In ltl« time-as wnflte land,rthen he died he willed that his re

be hurled In this hind amihnt It nevtr be disturbed. Al,'lioucl) the will Is hove beenliro'ken, the grnve still remains InJts original place almost entirelysurrounded by Industry. The dateson the crude hendstnne are, Born1707, died 1SW, and It bearslegend In German.


and Luncheon102 MAIN STREET


Strictly Fresh OQ<Jersey. Egg*—doz, ... LJ

Our Own Baked BreadSmall 1Ocloaf 1LLargeloaf - 25C

finest CountryButter—lb. roll

Swiss Knight CheeseCheese—6 portions ...


25c BEAUTY SHOPPEPingerwaye • Haircut • Marcelle

Manicure - Shampoo • Hot OUFacial - Eye Brow Ar b.

Opeir 9:00 A.. M. <to 9:00 P. M.Permanent Wave $3.50

477 RahwayAv. WoodbridgePhone: Woodhrldge 8-8290


Small..: i*

Large, i



$16.50 - $18.95Values up to $35.00Extra Trousers $3.95

Let us tailor you a suit you will be proud to wear.Over 500 pure Virjrin Wool New Spring Patternsto select from.











nrtistry of

Shoe* Denoted Rank ,About the year 40.A. O. t)ie shoes

uf the w«#illh!er cliisst-s .were en-I-ICIIIMI, with preei.ous stones, fhei.iitrtciiins wore Ivory iTeswnts on,Hie Insitep to distinguish tlretn fromi he lo\Ver runlts of' people. An. In-ti-restlng explanation of the ohll.liniKc '•hj-roiN of. the St)( lk a n ( |

Mwkin" rect-ived |ts origin nt tlilxtime, notes a Vmuouver (B. C.) pa-in'-r. The of ?h'» period used


"It1* Thrifty to Dol

ly small. To remedy .this and tonilse tlielr stature,\n order to.op-

• Mm .of the FutureFollowing prettent lendem-les Into

the future, Dr. Alea Hrilllcku of theSniltlisonian , Institution, regardedas America's- grehtpst nnthropolo,-gist, finds that future man will have

.a longer and easier life than man-today; he will be somewhat

., »fld liandeoiii r; his uj-ia. willdeeper set, noso, prominent anij

narrow, mouth smaller, tenth small-er mill' fewer,' hair scantier, chin

i he-buskin. This shoe was -usod,liowever. only In tragedy scenes; Incomic scenes a shoe ultnllar to the.solea or slipper called the m-cuswas used.

lureer, likull wall thlnner< tiralnface more expressive, feet

more refined, fingers longer, chinthinner and squarer. Little toes,wledonl teeth and many Internal ves-tlges,-deluding the anpendlx, will bennnlclllna Qf SOnC I

E u t Indian Traiti, Am'a*lug BB It'teems, even East'Indian-doctors who have studied i|n'European universities and Indiannurses who have* been trained inEuropean 'hospitals sink back Intothe unbounded tilth and foulness ofHie Orient If Uiey chance'to be sta-Htuied In some remote spot whorethey are out of touch with Kuro-

| i.ean methods. This Is the only ex-planation why the water of the(lunges IH n"t jmly'drunk hy believ-ers at a moment of ecstasy hut Isconsidered a soveroltn remedy andInvaluable cure and Is shinned allover India.—Wxthnnge.

Ff.'d Know th« Wont I „Husband and1 wife sat tnunchlnjt

fruit. ^ ( • 'Suddenly she stopped eating nnd

a thoughtful look came over her

face.1 "Say, Jim," she Bald, "what wouldyou feel like If, just after you hadtaken a large bite of thnt apple, yousaw a'jhuue caterpillar In It?.'- Her husband went on eating hap-

pily. • •"Not'halt so bad As If 1 saw half

a caterpillar left in it, my dear,"he replied.

U r f « Land Holding*There uewns to be little doubt that

the distinction of being the greatestprivate lund owner In tha historyof the United Stutee should-go toRobert Morris, sinner of the. » « •luratlon of Independence and Inter,u senator from renjisylvnnlft. At onelime he owned the wsstern Imlf ofNew York state, liOOO.OOO, acres 1"Pennsylvania, 1v0O0,000 acres In Vlrk'lnlti, 1,000,000 acres In Smith I tornUna and 2,000,000 acres In (icoi'liiuHy way of comparison, theowned by William Pen». l»'..' Peungylvanla, amounted to280.

Rifln Induitry GrowingIn 1884 the-c'opuer kettle and con-

denslng( worm were tlrst used fordistilling crude resin. Practicallythe same form of mill l» in use to-day. By 1850 the world was find-ing new uses for bot'h turpentineand resin, 'which (c6uHtmitly In-creased the deiiniiill, causing isteady growth of Ihe Industry, To*day about two*thlrds of the world'suuvuf stores are jyodnced' In thesouthern United States, and approx-imately $30,000,000 are Invested lathe busings.

JTx Trenton gentleman completely

forgot the birthday of his niece in,

HarrUburg, Pa., until the morning

of the day itself. But when tKeyoung

lady returned from school that after*

noon, hit present awaited her,

marked "FromUncle Fred." A tele*

phone call did i t Cost?—70 cents.

Long Distance gets things cjone

quickly, at low cost

AVm ifflstwlMhw Badwd by NottoMl SMMW

YourBill Heads


WOODBRIDGE 8 - 1 4 0 0


Page 6: The Largest Paid Circulation in Woodbridge Township


When the Bank Rate Was Reduced in London MercolizedWaxKeeps Skin Young

SHE used to call him "darling"... Nowhe's so tired put that he never takes heranywhere. So weary, that she no longerloves him.

Yet it is so ea»y to hold fast to youth,to bring back the bloom of young vigorand health. Millions of average peoplehave done it with Fellows' Syrup, thefine old tonic which doctors recommend.You can start feelingbetterand younger,tomorrow. Just get a bottle of genuin$Fellows'Syrup from your druggist,today.


W1IFN COD Ll^Cm^J^k London


BOOTH Dwdnil! 3tof» H»ir FklltoaI Impart* Color MidBwatr loCnr " d Fmltd r W

« K d l M p * i u

T h i s l<>"!;; I I » 4 ' k n o w n i

[ c < ! h a n k m e s

s lil;i' :\ Hint iis.- liSfiiL'"-:^. s

it s r e t i e . I m t i l o n l y - I I , I \ Y > t | i , i v \ t i l c i M ' t i t i n l . < i n , I n n ' s I i i i : i n < - i n ! il >•!•'.•• w ' > - n It l>ei n k t i f K t i f i l i i i i i l h a d i l e i ' i d c i l t n r i '" lu i . - e t i n * O i - ' ' " i i n t m e t o 4 p e r • • - : i \ T l i - 1 h i - l i - t w t -u i i e w i t h s p e c i a l g i t i i r d s , n r e r u s h i n it f u r t h t " s i i r e n d t h e g l u d t i e l *.

This Whole Village Is to Be Swept Away

t u u f u f i n n d fluffy. K> « n i » b y m i l l o r » t d r,. H i c o x C h t m i t t l W o r U I ' l l r ' - ™ - N

Deer Reicued byTin1 railing experience of Kverett

vWiyMr..!, former wrstern cowboy,hel|«ei| him rescue n ileiv which hadwandered onto tl?e ice "f a Inke inConnecticut. The deer w:is exhaustedfrom fiki'l'lina nniuiul w'.u-n Gaylordtiiwopil I t , a n d dnitfi'fil I' to shore.

t e deer uoun<l>>l into, the

Scientists Fight PestsWith Natural Enemies

EntnmolrtL'ists, ll Is reported, nregradually chandii i: l lu i r method ofwarfnrc n^nin^t mir insert foes, in-stead of n t t i ' u r^ s in discover ef-fective Insect IrMes, tliey nre nowseeking methods nf musing Insects%> vtjir ngalnst wn-h other. Fortu-nately the Insert world is never real-ly at peace at uny time. The tre-mendous reproductive powers ofthis form of life nro offset by thebugs, flies and birds which preyupon them.

The best vny to keep the coddlingmoth under control, It has beenfound, 4s through a tiny wasp nndlikewise the meally bug is best keptunder control by Its natural enemies.

Instead of searching for Insecti-cides, therefore, the search Is forthe natural enemies of the pest It Isdesired to combat and these are thenImported or Increased hy protectionfrom their natural enemies in turn.

# / FATIGUE?I \ust postpone

"No, I don't have 'nerves.' You can't tanvp fhold this sort of position. My head usedaround three o'clock, and certain days, >,iyittt worse than others.

"Then I learned to rely on Bayer Aspirin."The sure cure for any headache is real, |i:

times we must postpone it. That's v,i,. ,'Aspirin saves the day. Two tablets, and th.-fiain is gone until you are home. And aw >comfortable, the pain seldom rcturnsl

Keep Bayer Aspirin bandy. Don't put itor put off taking it. ^ghling a headache t•>:day may be heroic, but it is also a little f,,.sacrificing night's sleep because you've ;m.cold,or irritated throat, or orumblinjj tooth, ineuritis. These tablets' always relieve, lidepress the heart, and may be taken frnl,medical opinion. It is a fact established bytwenty yean of medical practice.

The only caution to be observed is win nbuying aspirin. Bayer is genuine. Tablets vBayer cross are soft.



AH Inlatatiail pobani t n Mpp

JThis village of Honeoye, N. I . , of less than 500 Inhabitant?, will be swept away soofl li.f.r.- the march

of progress, when it will be submerged In a reservoir 15 miles long that will be a source ©f water supply furthe city of Rochester, 3o miles away.

rgy, •temllm yoar pep,you 111. Take M


Berlin Has the "Dumb" Post Office T0UCH 0F HOMELAND

^1 n SLTJUgfat. Grttttebcn. % ALRIGHT

Th* AU-Vegetabk Laxative

From Back Seat"Have you ever driven a car?1'

the Indy applicant for a, license wasasked.

"One hundred and twenty thou-sand miles," put In her husband, whowas standing near, "and never hadlier hands oh the wheel." i

CHEST COLDSYield Quickly When You Use


Druggist Can Supply It

Large-size $1,25


Another Ax ts GriildThe Kfder—Aren't yoii glna to

have that insurance man .joiu ourcongregation?

The I'rcai'her—I'm not sure; Ihear he's sold policies to all theother clergymen in town.



The best way to prevent colic,doctors1 say, is to avoid gas In stom-ach and bowels by keeping the entireIntestinal tract open, free from waste.But remember this: a tiny baby'stender little organs canQot standharsh treatment. They must begt'tuly urged. This Is just the tlmaCastoria caa -help most. Castorla,you know, is made specially for ba-bies and children. It is a pure vege-table preparation, perfectly harmless.It, contains no harsh drugs, no narcotics. For years It has helped moth-ers through trying times with colickyLabies and children suffering withdigestive upsets, colds and fever.Keep penuine Castoria on hand, withthe name-:

MemorieiTh^y were confiding together."Yes." said the need professor, "I

suppose even .u Christmas, when theworld Is gay and gliifl. th?se comes toa mat sad and solemn thoughts."

The young man nodded."Yes," he replied. "And the sad-

dest are those that come to a fellowwhen he reads of the marriage of a

girl to whom last Chria diamond ring and <>nis still paying the wn-ments."

Beards are wellunder control.

Auctioneers arebid disposition.

Food for thoughtMIN and women find thit those recurrent irJrtag coUs t:' •

their »!«tn«i o< mipd lad podf. t o avoid, wch aui.j ,

doctors advise them to increase their bodiei' »tore Dt V:-.

A. It is recognized that Scott'* EmaUioa ol Cod Live:

contains i wealth of this valuable protective yiumin .

well ai Vitimin D, »o indispensable for loucd bun: .

teeth. Children and adults find the emuliioo an easy, (•'.

way of taking cod live: oil. Scott & Downe, Bloomlic.;

Sales Representative, Harold F. Ritchie iiCo., Inc., Ne«


Scott's Emulsion0 / SORWl.CIAS COD LiVIR Oil

IHooked Blut jay T H i i t o r i c i l

A hlucjay w a s c;ipmreil with fish- • Si-s-yeftr-<\l(l lttii!], wi

n tackle ut <ir;ila, l'!;i. K. A. ' l lan- ly started ln>the tlrst - r ,•jitard was pnii-ti'iiv.' c;i>tiiiK with a i came home proudly c \ i

ture of Uoorse "\\':i#ili;: -int-n in a , boat. In «-\.picture, she ssi id:

''This i s (Jeorge \Va>t.Ing the sllverwtire,"

Geography Simplified •, huokless l ine in his own iwrkyurd

" a" ti>y iiic;m uhcn t h e y i w l ) ™ a Jay junipej nt the w.-i-hit-dsiiy \V:ishinvion," D. CV" usked the « ' d und-tangleil itsi-lf up. There ' much coinniutlun before Hansard was

,de capital," piped ahle to relpnse the bird. ,

a link'

This is Berlin's "dumb" post office, which opened recently. An auto-matic slot muchiiiL' {jives furth stamps In any deiuiuiiuaiinn, un>] a tele-phone booth also opeus auinmatieajly. '

A first-class price doesn't alwaysIndicate a llrst-class hotel.

ilesller always sells hisThe shyo, .._.,.... „.„.goods at bottom prices.

The spirit should never-grow old.

RheumaticPainsRelieved thisQuick WayIf stabbing painsshoot across yourback and crippl* *.you, rub on goodold St Jacobs OiURelief comes beforeyon (an count 601...Relief without burn*ing or blistering,This famous o ibsimply draws out {Inflammation and]pain. It is soothing, |heal ing . For theaches and pains otRhojftdtlisim, Neuritis, Lumbago,Neuralgia or Backache theio'» noth-ing BO quick or sure to bring relief.Get a small bottle of St. Jacobs Oilfrom your druggist.

Tunney Looking to ti^e Senate?

A word to 'lie wise is sufficient; ato \\\(- iinwi<e is Impossible, i

They won1! IStfii. . j

h'i n Ion? way from1

\Va*hingtiyi pi ••Finland; Leonard;Astroin, .Finnish minister' to the;L'ntted S u d s , finds a little• l>lt ofhis lioinL'land on the snfuv-clirf hillsides of the Cuiintrvclub.' ;

rree yuurfur iilneiippli'-jii-;ir.'h will li.e f,ralt-,


J. l,

lias lu-ard the report thut (!ene Tuiuii-y, rt'tirt'd heavy-weight clutuipiun, is 1'iiut gri>«u;t'd lor U"' I uiu-d Siak-s sdiule as beiuu-.'fttlic «i»pouuitt uf iSL'iialur Iliruiii Bitiiihiiuj l>f (."ounecticut. Tunney,,vho ig a battalion chief of the Crusaders, wet organization, is here seen

Representative r'red Britten of Illinois, who was ipiit« a btier Inyounger day*. .

CutleurASoothes aod cools Fatln r'and removes the after-rlshine, comlorta Baby s 'skia-and preveaU fhatmin-itation,,and give* the iiu itouch to Mother's toilet..


' Price 2k;. Sold «»CTywhnr. ' ! -Potter Dmg A Cbawlc&l Corp..Maw,

' Try Cnttoar* Shaving,fre

Now easy to getrid of Gray

Keep Hair Naturally DarkNow without using dangerous dyesyou can darken gray hair naturally,quickly restore its original shade bythe world's finest, safe way which ianow keeping millions of heads younglooking. Benefits the. hair as it dark-ens it to the shade you want. As sim-ple as brushing. Try it. Pay drugsist75c for a large bottle of WYETH'SSAGE & SULPHUR and just followeasy directions.

Rcaton EnQugh!"Why (1" J'HI l,r;,.l Jull! V.lfl'V'•Sl.i- keeps s:i \ i i i - she's unhappily

iiirrnMl,"— I. !>>ri Tit-Il iw,

It Is puhstiinti" tu MW-ve, thml deal i of fi-elile-mindednc

an affect ut Inn. • > '

Goal1lf'ie uld-tlme liem tn

V l i - k s It.

I'on'i tell itliiive to l | | t i od i loIf )ou have hear

t p | l i - i i :



t.'ul. V. 11. Fawcett, famous Brit-ish L-x|ilnriT who disappeared IntoUi<; truckles wilds of the BrazilianJmiylts seven years ago, may still beullvu. Tli« iirltlsb consQI generalat sao Paulo has announced a mostdefinite clew as to the whereaboutsof Kawcett. Stephen Rattio, trap-per, told the consul that he conversed with a man who claimed tobe Fawtelt, at an Indian encnnipwent approximately six weeks' Journejr from Sao Paulo,

DoBbla"I've lost an untbrellu," said tht l

fussy fellaw, I"What kind of a handle did n j

have?" asked the inforniatinn clerk.'"I dou't know," siyhed the man,'

"I only borrowed It yesterday."- 1


cold like • nugnet when rubbed onchat ioj throw. Eua breathing

wheo imcrttd in uutfyDMtrili. I


Incest con per day of any ports. Complete W'Kvatw route to Cullfuniia. America" watcr-ruilni'J'u8'1'1* "' y o u r ^ome» o n *y $300 — Grur«Ueligr+tful inland ejcufsions through the Pananiu•»• - - " « expense. ^E3ST^v to California'at small24 joy-packed daysafloat and ashore.Sailings every otherweek from NewYk K

return tocity byyouror coniult



- I t )

, ,nt

MIM , » . . . . WAMOVII N.

Page 7: The Largest Paid Circulation in Woodbridge Township




? ? 3 ! M W WHAT r n AMONG

Next, the Sheriff's Sale

"TN hard times it's possibleX toTHE FEATHERHEADS


BR <*» W FAC6 AN' U T IT <50 ATWAT

Felix Applies a Patent Mask


oAlong the Concrete




make a husband save »«money. But it's hard to make VIhim tike It. I've found a way.

"John used to smoke at least ^ ^a package of ready-made ciga> ^ prettes a day. I suggested thathe roll his own, when hard timescame. He sneered at the idea.

"I bought a package of Tar- • •get and made John try it. Now Wmhe says he won't smoke any- |SJ|thing else, because Target is ^4real cigarette tobacco, just like ^ ^the "ready-mades use. He soysthose forty gummed papers youget free with every package •would make any dub a good _cigarette roller.

"Well, John's happy, and •I'm Jiappy, and we save atleast 50)! a week."

AND GET THIS: Tax ocrtO cigarette*•mount! to U. On 20 clgarcttnyou roll from Target Tobacco thetax it juit about U. No womfcryou»et auch value Cot • dime I


SEE WHAT YOU SMOKEWrapptd in Melilunpraef CtllophwM


Btowo & Williamsoii Tobacco Corp.Louisville, Kentucky


Current n'nd nut-irf-|>rint publlrittlan'iLBnidfor uur tiw monthly U. t <tt luteHl bo^iih

TIIK uoousuiarSII W(Kt SI.,. Liilim (lly. New Jeraty.KANTSUP UMGERIE SUPPORTS iraamntood to hoHatauuldor straps hi pliuxi comforutilr. Va aewlDC

ulred. Quid plated Samplo 3to (ooln). AnnWi \otea. uitsur ire. co., AIM IM|., niuiotV,ra.

GF.OBfiR WASHINGTON'S T R A V E L S , , , L , B y ^ ^ , ±Hlltontilly Corrnt Sl.ttVrt


M . .unfunded by ant«.ken foreft. « 4 untrod volley.,uetfrf for the R«> man. -the boy aurveyor bejan hufoTLrd Fau^x. Two .maU .lab. of foundation te.

J«d bv the trunk, of dead tree.. « « the only ofejecl.

I a thit outpoA of clviliratlon, Aandln^ new th*rear of Greeaway Court, the boy Washington

recorded the findings of his Instruments in the field.The building, known to folks roundabout u "Wash*ington'a Office", remains In flood condition today.To the rigjbt is the "Powder Horn" where armsand munitions were kept to rape! Indian fttsoks.

ftir » in -1'i^ivs'ih ^ I U I i'<iit» r n r o t l u s r* quii 'i h i i i i l i ' In < ;L•'I> r n i n i i u i n i ^ y il l 1 ,00)

o r t i m r r poi^ii l i i i i n n . \ V r U c

'I.KVKI.AM> HIHIN/.K riumrcTS ro.UBI4 M'tNtrrn Avriiuc, Clrvrlunil, Ohio.


Even when <n»\ la surrounded byToiimiice, lie doesivt wntit to tiecomstoo ronmntic. Roiuance can be dan-gerous, •

One jwho tins tended an onion bad .can under'gtum) why fiinnefs do notrush Into truck'funning. *

NewKbrk's SupiHotel Value...

1000 ROOMSUCH wrm A






| /OUR advertising dollar bujtX something more than spac*

and circulation in the columns eithis newspaper. It buys space andcirculation plus the favorable con*•Jdeiajion ol our (eadets lot ihiffnewBpapsv and id advcrdsini p»-trons. Let m Ull you mor« about i t


Page 8: The Largest Paid Circulation in Woodbridge Township


Fords FiremenTake Hebrews

In Fast TiltMeadowbrooka Five Defeats

WoodbfSdge AntlerGirU.

Playing a retoarfcably One g*me.the Fords firemen" de1eat«d "thePerth Ainboy Y M H. A., 3»-Itat Fotd? Sclwob No.. 14 court ap(Jreuitart<i fox their defeat »t the

of the Hebrews ulew wt«k» Kfb, ' ' ,

Sabo, again led tliV B*rondWarders jn scoring. geUing away11 points, made, up, of ( fieldgoals and a foul. BUI Haadtt-ban trailed him with «i«bt, «W1«"Oats' Orr, Frank HeenananilEddie Ewart tallied 3 two point-ers each. Thou&h he only scoreda lone duece Bob Hacderlun didhis bit toward his team's victor)'.

The Firemen had the Hebrtwsall tied up.- Benny Goron andSewitch were the gniy two thatdid any scoring that amounted toanything. Goron, the diminutivestar, tallied three times from the


A fire. cauMd by a short cir-cuit in the wiring, broke out Inthe "" on CUlrt aftnut.shprtiy a l t « "MTM o'clock l u tnight. WoOdbrWg* f ir* Compa-ny S. 1 responded to t t» alarmand put tbv b la« out to »h,ert fr


G F.Sabo. t . _ . . rW. eUnderhaa. iOr;., « ..__:—%-R. Hanflwhan, g _^:H '



Ewart, g

Woodfcridge Pott Hold.Benefit Skew Tonight

Woo4brldgt Pott. No. 87, of theAmerican Legion will hold a ben-t£t morl« tonight at lh« StittThe*tr». Tn« twturc picture willbt "Cock of t i e Alrv with Chester

' Morris .and Billi* Do**. Th«re[ will" .alto be a comedy and n»w«' r t t l . . ' ••••" TiektU may bt procured' atJackson s Drug Store, Langin*.Hfttaurant or from any member

j cf tblr following eofflmlttee; COM..Franks, .chairman; Je-hn H., Bay-: er.° Arthur O l m , Selmar Cfcris-:teuen,,Foster3)usmger, CharlesJAvaeM,, Michiet Ungan and8. Jensen; The Legion will notreeefre aal benefit, from ticketsgold at the box o«e*.

HameM SWItTn* basking sharks sometime! at-

tain • length of SO feet or more, batthey hare Tery small teeth and theirdiet consists Dectesartlr of smallflatlet that travel In thoali and otheramall soft sea creatures which the?take Into their bofe riiouihi whilelying latllj <m the' surface of theocean. Tbtl tpecie* of" shark l»hunted for Itt oil. a larje one yleMIng as much • • a t'rfn nuj a half

It ) 3»

Thomas, tToboroslty, (Goron, t ,Sewitch, c••_J.Dubin, | ..Sle»el, g —Horowlu, gTurtletswb, i



Fords 7 127 JV7—39


Jaeger, f 3M." Mf)ler, f 1'Plsano, f — 0Van Tassel, c — 1.Miller, g —.-.- 0

field and once frotn the foul line,while Sewitch mfcde the baskettwo times from tbe field a d threetimes from the penalty line.

The Firemen took the lead attbe beginning of the tilt and atquarter time led by three, points,7-4. The half ended 20-11 andthe third quarter, 32-14. Duringthe final gtania, the Fords outfitand visitors registered sevenpoints each. ' • '

Antler Girls LoseThe Meadowbrook Girls dfJMassagll,

Perth Amboy- won a close game, Bjork, cfrom the Antler .Girls' In the pte-jPucci, glimlnary The score was 13-12 ,M. Shihar,-gwith a fourth kuarter rally uet-jting the deciding margin for thej U'hrleh, g ...Amboy outfit. Dot BJork andjAlma Pucd with ten points be-l-A*U«rB 2ween them led the visitors while, Mead br'ks 4Jaeger again was thescorer for the Antlers.

iaV. M. H A.* 4 7 3 ' 7—*l

Referee, Dubin; timer,-Krause:Scorer Perry;



Catholic D*uf ht«r« ToHold Public C^rd Party

Court Hercedee, Catholic Daugh-ters of America will hold a pub Ifcard party Monday evening. Aprili, at the Offlumbian club. Thegames will start promptly at 8:15o'clock. In addition to the manyattractive prlter tor high score,there will be door prise. Mrs.John Coagrore is chairman incharge of tbe arrangement*.

The regular monthly businessmeeting of the court will be heldThursday evening. April 7 at theColumbian club. Important busi-ness will be discussed and allmembers are urgently, requestedto be present. ,


E. Norman, f L_B. Shihar, 1

f ...

leading! Referee, Lupo; ifmer> Bagger;| scorer, Perry. I

. TaUag Precautions ,During the con.vemtlon the qnes-

tton of superstitions arose.! "Of course; knever walk under a( ladder," arlawM Mrs. Smith, "1[think that*! the onluckiest thing.**1 "Bn^ how absurd!* put In Mrs.

Wilson. ^*hy I walk jwaer everyladder 1 meet! I Just cross myheart, and cross rny fingers, and Imftkf sore that I have s piece ofwood to touch, and when ! havepa»ed nnder the ladder 1 torn Inmy tracks three times. Too see. It'sstaple, nndif you do that everytime you walk onder a ladder you'llbe perfectly safe. I really can'tstand these silly superstitions."—,'Strty Stories.

Es-Kay MillineryShoppe

the LAtesi In

SPRING STRAWSYour Choice of Any Hat

In tbe Shop

Come In and look around; ifyou don't see what you want—we will obtain H tor you!

. We Feature Large andSmall fit^fedv-Slies


4 Cherry S t Rahwaj

Phone 7-1

Irnte Woman ProbablyHad Time for Regjett

Tbe bus terminal hn-l !»-"» f*')r

gan'ied since the \"« '^< !r'P-bat »he etentualiy Hwnw"! her »>u»,and, fcatlng three mlnun-s w -=i>:ire.paced op and down b.wid* ».

From the waiting :roi.:ii w>ririI couple.engaged tn-word}-. *-"i»illJ*Vthe husband,/a* o»U»i; l<.sn,*. l*'t|«battle. Op and on ro?."J <hf wire,her jpouse meekly folleyiita ,wlU\his arms full of A«»i1>«•fot on the b « , hehandfj ih* l '* ;dies to her i n d prepare!-to tomsway, '. " . .•• •

-Poat.yo* dare to be.l<rte fpr «upper:" shrieked. hl».si«mv.-'- T!w,uRfortunate nulei his dmMi..-a«t 'mwl,

humbly ov« the-,bu«. started

"he began. •.'Don't, you.'Llty1 me:",«^S^<><1

the-.'wrraan, »ti(rtlng off e«u!tt."Tou—". • :". ' • ' •' -Lissen^ a Ail'nutel1" legged • th*i

and drove mf.lenvlng Mmmouth open- •

The Woman met his eves with anl " A l n w » r 1 n » p f e i d

o n ; . . .V Het«e. Woman. . inruwtnn " • »J>B»bou1den.-"l onto-.wanw* to tellber »ne'» on h *«n« BU» » »d.«kled. ^ Wloon,' The ttr«ritopf«r, t

H Philadelphia. -And «•.•.•!*• m

IiUnd!"—Sew Y>ork 9utt.

Editorial Ai»a«etin»««<»Tfipre li an m f v m M i t 1

>.AHieflfnn >«w»p«per • ,which we' look, wHh n favornh e- t B e eifiployniMil .«t tiil^tHs* ^ouduoions." n-u-l th*da*a, <N, t.) • B « l t t ' '°ifto! "Btft a few1 ven

•since the busltH?" pi A rt'^piipeditor was:i!e*nt("l••!).'«' <ft a n!Vr'

'' t «« h who wmthr mo«

"Usien tc yon! Every tsnie t til-•en—" She flnUhetf an Irate tn^no-logue and disappeared Intp-tiie'bu*

"Usfen." the little ma:i calKoafter her. Bat she was slr^ty "«t'ed Iwide, As tli# little roan made

the h'i< It Je'r::''d *n' '-'^y

cotnptlef, •««expert with »rt?"i*:«thflhiwit cmnr^**"' *"* l1"1 ™"* '*dltrprent. nmJ th*> *i1ltoi«ol ^hnlrs ofsome 6f,'e«f •pi^Mft are, filled IJJmen of the fir«t «wV' -* - W flbn

rlty. while yiV-prrn r'.JurNt^ nnd1 tt» h's'v rnnk •*"> ft"' c«n

sldrrfrt a* dl«em^-'l'Kv '"'-n

slonnlly em;>i <"l tn ..-rtr


Th« Wicked FU,A homanittirlnn from n

who wished to Insure his <]„_..fort, sent a hurry-up mewiiivMerlden Journal. "Kindly t.he urged, "a« soon us yoii'r.irIS good for flewr -Thin i|. 'stalled the editor. "What1! ti.t«r with the S « u r ! . . , . •


TAKE NCitCE, that on ,i,ninth ijpHr « Aptfl, ioaa ,ten o'clook A* M., 1 shall ...pose to Mfe one Ltocnii,<iwi, Mpi «4«, lflite, h,.,,

inn Btffftne No. 4ilT() ami ,litl no, -Ml70, owned l>j » ,gart-t Miller, at the Ra^u, ,XlchnUli £ . UutowHkl, .Itante 4, sooth Of tirei,i .WoodbrliM Township, \\

dlese* Caahty, Hew Je,,,.- fur m>n-|«]rm*ni of MI.,I-juul refMstr chswgea, am,,,,,

Ing Jo t M S . This sal<- ube conducted under ami rvirtue of ..the garage kf*vU e n Act P. L. 19ia t ,,,i9M and thethereto KMthereof.

JOHN H.(V>n«Uible of M»Jdlew\ <

|>H(.MI: April 1, IMS,







i P. M.Saturday

andSunday '•







"My Wife's Fanuly"A GREAT ENGLISH COMED\*:

—SAT. MA • IXEE OXtY—' Another Chapter



5MdimGAy and TOMORROW"—arid—

"Uw and Order"Also: "PUSS IX BOOTS" '


• — ' a n d — •








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H « ttflK ss«i> is trib-tttc to tb« ateattd foot rap-port jr»«B by Eosm JetUefc


Enna Jettick Sho«sBM enated foe wo-

Tbe 177 iiie« n d vtdtbs,fraoi 1 to U, AAAAA to EEE,r u f i o f from tke S«M«B'*•JMTUM fawt» to ika • « • eoo-MrrMrre uutoantk ModcU,enable our £ • » * iek! • • • • all AMk>«.B - - * - - ' " * •

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Down-Draft Carburetor with Silencer,

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Larger, Roomy Bodies. , j r

sy Steering.

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