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May 2012 The Lamb’s Pen A monthly publication of Abiding Shepherd Lutheran Church BRING them in...LIFT them up...SEND them out” I planted the seed... ...but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 1 Corinthians 3:6-7

The Lamb's Pen, May 2012

Mar 29, 2016



You are invited to worship with us at Abiding Shepherd Lutheran Church, 406 W Cottage Grove Road, Cottage Grove, Wisconsin Sundays at 9 or 10:45 am or Mondays for Contemporary Worship at 7 pm.
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Page 1: The Lamb's Pen, May 2012

May 2012

The Lamb’s Pen

A monthly publication of Abiding Shepherd Lutheran Church

“BRING them in...LIFT them up...SEND them out”

I planted the seed...

...but God made it grow.

So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God,

who makes things grow. 1 Corinthians 3:6-7

Page 2: The Lamb's Pen, May 2012

Abiding Shepherd Lutheran Church

406 W. Cottage Grove Road

Cottage Grove, WI 53527

(608) 839-3770

Pastor Nathan Krause

Vicar Nathanael Abrahamson

MISSION UPDATE (Ruthann Mickelson)

58% of Peru is Amazon jungle. There are 25 tribes living

there. The largest of these tribes is the Chayahuita

tribe. Our Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) has

thirteen congregations among the Chayahuita tribe.

Mission work began in 1999 in a village called

Tarapoto. Presently there are 738 members, and we

have ten Chayahuita seminary students taking classes by extension. These

men are being trained to teach, preach, baptize, confirm and perform

weddings. This extension seminary is called “Project Philip”: “The eunuch

asked Philip, ‘Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or

someone else?’ Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and

told him the good news about Jesus.” Acts 8:34-35

Pray that God will bless this work among our brothers and sisters in the

Amazon jungle.

“When you have THE SHEPHERD… have everything you need.”

Visit our website at The Lamb’s Pen - 2

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3 - May 2012

Piper Violet McGowan was

baptized on Sunday, April 22 at the

early service. We celebrate with

her family as she is adopted into

God’s Christian family.

Reesa Evelyn Wegner was

baptized on Sunday, April 22.

We thank God for His

gracious gift of Holy Baptism!

We enjoyed the music of

Steeple Chase Brass Band on

Sunday, March 25.

Jonathan and Jorgi Madson were

married on Friday, March 16 in

California. Pastor Krause

officiated at their wedding.

As you work on spring cleaning projects, please pack

up items you no longer need or use and mark the box

“Abiding Shepherd”. We will begin accepting

donations in early summer.



Friday, August 3

Saturday, August 4

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FYI… (Pastor Krause)

Spiritual information… “There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under heaven.” Most of us

are familiar with those words. They are some of the few we

may know from King Solomon’s inspired book of

Ecclesiastes where God taught him the difference

between human knowledge and divine wisdom. Most of us also are familiar

with the next few verses that are part of chapter three. They are the

“seasons” verses… “a time to be born, a time to die; a time to weep, a time

to laugh; etc.”.

But most of us are unfamiliar with what comes next… “What does the worker

gain from his toil? 10 I have seen the burden God has laid on men. 11 He has

made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of

men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. 12 I

know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while

they live. 13 That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil -

this is the gift of God. 14 I know that everything God does will endure forever;

nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men

will revere him“ (verses 9-14). It is these words that come to mind now that we

are in the season of spring. It is now that season when it is time to plant.

As the weather turns warm and we begin to tend

our lawns and gardens, we cannot forget a very

fundamental truth - this all grows because of

God’s grace. While He has created us to subdue

the earth and to care for the beautiful creation

He has made, if we are not careful we will soon

believe it is our green thumb, or weeding and

feeding, and our watering that accomplishes the

miracle of this cycle of growth.

There is one other thing in the less familiar words of Solomon that we may too

quickly overlook and too soon forget - God has set eternity into our hearts.

We get temporary happiness from a beautiful sunset. We enjoy the smell of

blooming flowers. We like a thick green lawn and a bug-free evening on the

deck. But none of these things that bring us joy now will last. They are only a

small blip on the screen known as eternity. God has created us for more, and

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even in the springtime we long for it. We want to be with Him, in heaven,


I bring these thoughts to your attention before the

days turn too hot and humid and the mosquitoes

start their bloody summer war with us because it is a

time to give thanks. It is a time to appreciate the end

of another season of winter and another chance at

new life to spring forth. It is a season when we can

give God the glory for His creation and His blessings.

Solomon offered that as a final thought to the less-

than-famous part of Ecclesiastes chapter three…

“God does this so that men will revere him.” Now, more than ever, is the time,

the season, to thank God for who He is and what He daily does for us.

Congregational information… There are only a few items to bring to your

attention regarding administrative and congregational activity:

The newly designated Strategy and Planning Team is moving forward as it

works to complete its job description and specific duties. Soon it will hold

its first formal meeting and begin plotting what items need to be

evaluated and strategized concerning our future.

We move ever closer to the Seminary call day (May 10). Everything

required of us to call Vicar Abrahamson as our second pastor has been

officially submitted. Now we wait, but please continue to keep this

important matter in your prayers.

The AV upgrades have been completed (and just in time for Easter). Many

people have commented on the better quality of the projector and the

larger monitor available in the lobby. Please thank God for having

provided the necessary funds to accomplish these important upgrades.

The first Direct Mission and Ministry support project has been completed

and the final numbers are available in the financial report on page 15.

Thank you to all who helped with supporting the Ukraine VBS program.

Our second quarter project is Salty Earth Pictures of Fort Atkinson,

Wisconsin. Since we are a visually savvy congregation, we can

appreciate the benefit of communicating God’s Word in the era of

modern media. Please keep this project in your prayers and make your

contributions to this project as you are able and moved to do so.

5 - May 2012

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MONUMENTAL MAY (Vicar Abrahamson)

I’m not sure you’re aware of it, but we are heading into a monumental

month! It’s monumental for at least three reasons.

The first has to do with my call here as Vicar. The

vicar call is a twelve-month call that includes

eleven months of service. The final month is a sort

of transition month for the vicar. Being that my

vicar call began in July, we are now entering the

eleventh and final full month of me serving as a

vicar here at Abiding Shepherd! While I’m sure I

will never stop learning, my last official year of

training is almost finished and graduation is in sight!

The second reason May is so monumental is that this is the month that we will

find out if I will continue serving Abiding Shepherd into the future as Associate

Pastor. The synod will announce its decision on whether or not to place me

here during a 3:15 pm worship service on May 10, in Mankato, Minnesota.

Please continue to pray that the Lord’s will be done in this placement

process and that I might continue to serve here. Also, please do keep Stella

and myself in your prayers. As that day approaches, the stress level will

definitely increase a bit as we anticipate their decision. God willing May 10

will be the day that Stella and I begin formally planning our future here in

Cottage Grove!

The third reason May is monumental is that, as many of you know, Stella and I

will be getting married this month. The big day is May 27 but I will be heading

to Minnesota a few days before that to help with the preparations. We’re

planning an evening ceremony in a park in Mankato and then on May 29 will

head to Greece for 2-1/2 weeks for our honeymoon! Yes, I know, I’m spoiled.

It’s one of the many benefits of marrying a beautiful woman who has family

in Greece!

As I think about the exciting events ahead in May and about all that has

occurred these past months, I am so thankful. I especially want to say thanks

to all those who are taking part in our wedding shower. As you read this the

shower is either about to happen or will have recently occurred. We

appreciate so much your gifts, your support and your friendship. Now, let this

monumental month of May begin!

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E.P.I.C. YOUTH MINISTRY (Vicar Abrahamson)

When fun and faith come together, it’s amazing

the things that can happen! The highlight this

month was the release of the Original E.P.I.C. Mini-

Movie. What was originally intended to be one

short film turned into The Original E.P.I.C. Mini-Movie,

The Original E.P.I.C. Interviews and The Original

E.P.I.C. Outtakes. These three videos had their world

premier on the big screen in the sanctuary during

E.P.I.C. on April 15. If you haven’t seen the videos

yet, just search “epicyouthwi” on YouTube to find our channel. Pastor Krause

even makes a special guest appearance so you’re definitely going to want

to check them out! I also wanted to thank all the youth who took part in the

filming of the video. What a fun way to tell your friends about your church

and your Savior!

It’s hard to believe, but summer is almost here! As we approach June, July,

and August, the E.P.I.C. schedule changes just a bit. Starting in June, plan to

meet Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm instead of Sundays. Stay tuned for

special announcements regarding summer activities, especially for the

month of June when Ed Wren and Dan Samuelson fill in while I’m out of town!

In thinking about summer, there is a special event that I especially want to

draw your attention to. July 26 - 29 is the annual LYA convention for youth

who have been confirmed through those having just graduated. It’s an

event that will give you memories for the rest of your life! Check out page 11

for more info!

7 - May 2012


Each Wednesday, 7:00 am

It’s probably not a secret or surprise to many, but I’m not exactly a morning

person. However, I just can’t stay in bed on Wednesday mornings because I

know something pretty awesome is going on at church. Every Wednesday

morning men come together for some coffee, rolls and a casual discussion

about faith. Each week we’ve been using one of the resolutions from the

movie “Courageous” to get started and then God guides our discussion from

there. It really is a fun and empowering way to start your day. Whenever

you’ve got a free Wednesday, stop on by!

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EVANGELISM (Paul Perkins)

Evangelism is a word most of us are not

comfortable with, and for many years I felt the

same way because I don’t like knocking on

doors to share my faith. I’d rather knock on the

doors of someone’s heart, and I’ve found I do

that best by just being me, going about my

daily life and activities. However, as I’ve

gotten older, my sense of urgency to share the

Gospel as often as I can has ramped up.

Let me tell you about my friend Lance. We worked in the insurance industry

together for many years. A few years ago he was diagnosed with his third

bout of cancer which would eventually take his life. I’d always assumed that

Lance was a Christian. Mark my words, never make assumptions. I had

heard that he was not doing well, and I still remember calling him on my way

home, on my cell phone, and could tell you exactly

where I was on the Beltline when I got him on the

phone. He sounded like death warmed over, but I

was calling to remind him that he was going home,

that he had so much to look forward to and that I’d

be stuck schlepping insurance for who knows how

many more years. To be honest, I envied him. So, I

said to Lance, “You are a Christian right?”. He didn’t

miss a beat and said “No, Paul, I’m not”. I felt like I’d just been punched in

the stomach. I knew that I could not change his heart, that was up to the

Holy Spirit and all I did was tell him that I was going to keep him in my

prayers. Lance died three days later. There is not a day that goes by that I

don’t think about that conversation. I’ve shared that story with many people.

I believe God had me experience this so I would share Lance’s story. While

we cannot judge hearts, only God can, I must admit that I did not have any

comfort in Lance’s passing as the likelihood is that he is in hell. That thought

has never left me and I won’t know until I get to heaven. How I hope the

Holy Spirit changed Lance’s heart.

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9 - May 2012

Whenever anyone dies that I know, the very first

question I ask is “Was he/she a Christian?”. Matthew

7:13-14 states "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide

is the gate and broad is the road that leads to

destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the

gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a

few find it”. I’m afraid that my buddy Lance entered the wide gate and it

breaks my heart. Did you know that roughly 56.5 million people die each

year? That’s 155,000 people a day. I wonder how many of them are

Christians? Based on what Christ tells us in Matthew 7:13, only a few

probably are. How soon will it be before we are part of the 155,000 or

someone close to us is?

So why am I sharing this story with you? As the Evangelism

Coordinator for Abiding Shepherd, I wanted to break the

mold of what we thought evangelism had to be. There is

a phrase I love that says “The definition of insanity is doing

the same thing and expecting different results”. While

there is nothing wrong with knocking on doors, I wanted

to give each of us an opportunity to share God’s word

without the need to memorize Bible passages or be a

great speaker.

We have some very nice travel thermoses with our church logo printed on

them. Each will be stuffed with a flier that talks about our church. The flier

includes a mini bio on me, not that I’m anything special, but because I lead

by example. My hope is that you will check out the flier and be interested in

sharing your story. Holly Freund has already submitted a bio on herself that I

hope to put into use shortly. Ideally, I’d like fliers on several people from our

church so that the outside world can see that Abiding Shepherd is filled with

everyday, normal, sinful people that are in need of redemption as much as

they are. If you are interested in being on one of our fliers, please let me


These thermoses are for you to use at your discretion. Do you have a Lance

in your life that needs to know the saving truth of Jesus Christ? Then get him

or her one of these mugs. The goal is not to grow our church, but rather to

grow the body of believers in Christ. If you are interested in getting your

hands on some of these mugs, please see Pastor, Vicar, or myself.

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QR CODE (Vicar Abrahamson)

You may have noticed this little symbol to the left popping up

various places. It’s called a QR code. Anyone with a smart

phone can scan this code (with the proper app) and then be

taken directly to the website it is associated with. The code

that you see here is associated with our church website and

will begin appearing on many church materials. So smart

phone users, scan away!

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Sunday, May 13

Mother’s Day and Confirmation

On Mother’s Day, Abiding Shepherd offers a special opportunity to express

your thanks to your mother and to God for His gift of life. Roses will be

provided on the altar. Please help yourself and present one to your mother

(or someone special). There is no fee for the roses, but we

do encourage a free-will gift. The proceeds are donated

to Wisconsin Right to Life as a way for us to honor God’s

gift of life and His gift of our mothers. Donations help

supply diapers, formula, clothing, support and education

on life issues.

On that Sunday we will also be privileged to witness the

confirmation of eight students during the second service.

We celebrate with them as they confirm their understanding

of the promise God made to them when they were

baptized. Please note that communion will not be offered

during that second service.

Monday, May 28

Memorial Day The Contemporary Worship Service will not be held that

evening. Please take time to remember those who have

served and sacrificed for our country and enjoy the day

with family and friends.

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11 - May 2012


Our final spring Sunday School class will be held on Sunday, May 20. Please

take a moment to thank the teachers who have dedicated their time each

week to teach the truth of God’s Word to the children of Abiding Shepherd…

Pre-School through Kindergarten:

Alyssa and Marty Scharrer and Lydia Hecht

Lower Grade (1-3):

Kathy Pohlman

Upper Grade (4-6):

Ed Wren, Vicar Abrahamson and Pastor Krause

Most recently our lessons have focused on New Testament accounts of the

life and death of Jesus as well as the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul.

What a blessing to hear the questions your children ask as we open His Word

for study. Thanks also to the parents who commit to bringing their children to

classes each week.

New this fall… To celebrate the beginning of the fall session of Sunday

School, we will have a pig roast on Sunday, September 9. Save the date on

your calendar today - more details will be available later this summer.


Camp Indianhead

Sunday, July 15 - Friday, July 20 Kids ages ten through sixteen are invited to join other ELS youth

from Wisconsin and Iowa for a week of camp. Cost is $240*.

For an additional $20 Abiding Shepherd students can ride to

and from camp on the Holy Cross bus. Deadline May 1.

LYA (Lutheran Youth Association) Convention

Thursday, July 26 - Sunday, July 29

This year’s theme is "From Beginning to End You Are Mine”. The convention

will be held at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. This is open to all

confirmed youth of the ELS and their friends! Talk to Vicar about a group

going from Abiding Shepherd. Cost is $235*. Deadline: June 20.

* Should the cost prevent any family from considering these fine summer

activities, please speak with Vicar or Pastor regarding scholarships.

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Saturday, May 12, 5:30 pm

We return to Williamson Street in Madison (just off of John

Nolen Drive) for another great restaurant experience.

Their menu lists an eclectic variety of sandwiches, salads

and dinner plates. Please sign up in the lobby as the

church makes a group reservation. Each person is asked

to cover the cost of his or her own meal.


Friday, May 18, 6:30 pm

Experienced players as well as those who would like to learn are invited.

Most folks bring a snack to share. If you would like to join or find out more,

please contact Sue at 332-3622 or [email protected]. Sign up at church!


Saturday, May 19

Carnival - 11:00 am to 2:00 pm

Magician - 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Koiné Concert - 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

This event will not only be fun for our members,

but it is a great outreach opportunity to Cottage Grove and the

surrounding area. And it’s FREE! Old-fashioned carnival games will be held in

the parking lot, Dave Schumacher will perform amazing feats of magic

(that’s why he is called “The Amazing Schu”!) and folks will enjoy hot dogs,

popcorn and nachos. As a special feature, the Christian band Koiné will

perform at 2:00 pm.

Volunteers will

make this a



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Saturday and Sunday, June 23 - 24

Three full campsites have been reserved (some with

electricity) at this beautiful WELS campground in

Wautoma. The fun of a secular camp ground with a

unique Sunday morning worship service!

AMERICAN PLAYERS THEATER, Sunday, June 24, 6:00 pm

Join us for one of the greatest comedies ever written.

Shakespeare and American Players Theater deliver a

night of laughter. American Players Theater is a

professional, classic 1,148-seat outdoor amphitheater

located just outside Spring Green (about an hour’s drive

from Madison). Please sign up at church by Sunday, May

6! The church will order the tickets but asks that each

person cover the cost of his or her ticket ($36). If you pay

for your ticket and cannot attend that performance, they

will let you exchange it for another day.


If things proceed as we prayerfully hope they will, “Vicar” Abrahamson will

become our second called pastor and will be ordained “Pastor”

Abrahamson that Sunday. A celebration of “E.P.I.C.” proportions to follow.


Sunday, July 8

Enjoy a nice lunch provided by the church

and then stay for the meeting. The wording

in the Constitution By-Laws as well as several

other items will be discussed at this

important meeting.

13 - May 2012

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Grace Lutheran Church, Madison

Tuesday, May 1 at 7:00 pm

Men and women are invited to the next Bethany Auxiliary meeting. The

keynote speaker will be Dr. Jon Bruss. He will discuss “Lutheran Higher

Education: What It Is and Why You Should Care.” You do not need to be a

Bethany alumna to attend - just have an interest in Christian education!

The Lamb’s Pen - 14

CHURCH PICNIC, Sunday, July 15 Travel to Cambridge for good food and water fun at Richard

and Holly Freund’s pond. This is a private pond so you can

fish without a license. Try the “zip” line, hop on the paddle

boat for a tour around the pond or have fun on the water

trampoline. The church provides the meat and beverages,

everyone brings a dish to pass.

MALLARDS GAME, Sunday, August 5

Tailgate at 3:00 pm, Game at 5:05 pm

This annual event draws a big crowd. We’ve

already ordered the tickets. Again the church

provides the food, all you have to do is come and

enjoy an afternoon of fellowship and baseball.

ROOKIES, Sunday, August 26

This place has an “Authentic Regulation Wiffle Ball Field” - really! We’ll take

the beautiful drive to Mazomanie for lunch and a pick-up game of Wiffle Ball.

SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC, Sunday, September 9

To celebrate the start of Sunday School as well as many of the

other Christian education programs, a fall picnic has been

planned. Chef Ed has offered to prepare a special pig roast!

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WOMEN’S MINISTRY MEETING (Regina Kolbow, Adult Ministries)

Wednesday, May 16, 5:30 pm

brain-storm-ing [breyn-stawr-ming] noun: A creativity technique

designed to generate a large number of ideas to solve a

problem, amass information, stimulate creative thinking and

develop new ideas through unrepressed and/or spontaneous


Women - please join us for an evening meal and brainstorming

session as we ask, “What do women want from Abiding

Shepherd”? Is it a place to develop friendships, grow spiritually,

heal from life experiences, serve others, build mentoring relationships, get

radical about our relationship with Christ? Can it be more?

YOUR input is needed! Come and offer suggestions, ask questions or just

listen. The hope is to set three or four attainable goals for ministries designed

specifically for women. Come see what the excitement is all about!

15 - May 2012


We recently saved $40 on communion wafers and

cups by redeeming Ministry Builders stamps at a

Madison area Family Christian Store! For every $5.00

spent in a Family Christian Store, customers get a small

stamp (you must ask for the stamps at check out). The

stamps are collected at church by placing them in the

blue envelope on the bulletin board. Even one or two

stamps helps. Thanks to all those who participate in

this program.

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July 10 through August 7, 6:30 pm

Do you find it difficult to commit to a Bible

study during the school year? Enjoy Family

Education Night or attending a small group

study and miss meeting during the summer

months? Please consider joining our study of

the Book of Revelation this summer. Sessions

will be held on Tuesday and Thursday

evenings at 6:30 pm. Childcare and snacks

will be provided each evening.

The schedule below outlines the study topics as well as the dates for all

sessions. This is an aggressive schedule, but necessary to complete the study

and keep continuity from session to session. Come to any or all, but please

sign up for dates you anticipate being able to be present. For those who

would prefer to study on their own at home, or for sessions you may be

unable to attend, materials and recorded sessions will be made available.

Session Date Study Topic Text

1. Tuesday, July 10 Final Daniel Review, Intro to Revelation 1:1 - 11

2. Thursday, July 12 Vision of the Seven Letters 1:12 - 3:22

3. Tuesday, July 17 Vision of the Seven Seals 4:1 - 7:17

4. Thursday, July 19 Vision of the Seven Trumpets 8:1 - 11:19

5. Tuesday, July 24 Vision of Seven Visions 12:1 - 15:8

6. Thursday, July 26 Vision of the Seven Bowls/Plagues 16:1-16:21

7. Tuesday, July 31 Vision of Christ and the Antichrist 17:1-19:21

8. Thursday, August 2 Vision of the Church’s Final Victory 20:1 - 22:5

9. Tuesday, August 7 Conclusion and Final Review 22:6 - 22:21