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-- & .;iiw..lJAUH"Me"-a-- !' '' Mui2&'&iMMii3&ztaB&trr2Bna THE KENTUCKY GAZETTE, NUMBER 5l8. SJTURDjr, April gy, I797. VOLUVIF x - 1 LEXJNCTO N : Printed on Wednesdays arrd Saturdays by J. BRADFORD, on Main Jrreet - toWf Subscriptions, nfTwrlty-On- e Shillings Per Annum t Adoertifcments, Jirtichs of Intelligence, Fjj'ays) in., are thankfully receive Jt and Printing in general executed in a neat and torreft-i.-ianner-. "V. FOR SALE, : Trti f i.ATMn. ik uravcrn m mr "'"" J ' ' AT 0) ot.TA SOUSE and iOT, the mod converiienj Z-80- OO Aci'S On tlie WatCLfe J Jfr i, said Town for a Public House, m.. ,i . near the Iron Works, witb'sFabies "?cjfor yea: , oralonaer time. entered and patented in the name of William - "Tow acres on the north fork of Licking, in , ,n... .... hMf of Samuel Henry's 2000 acre rey And creeJD 53-- acres, sv"" ' ;., h,,. mme of tohn PemUertou. ' timHIic ..... sold low for calh, or AHCrtUUVS, laita advantageous - terms ... it. II ... ,. on l&b on Green fiver, or for good lands, GurmwrlaWl country. Tte SSV4lWly to thefubfenber, hv inginScottcounty. Wm HENRy Apnt for frld Bedford. a .. .0 5 1796. "?:Ci'.' PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT Jtf for man and horse, i ,, 1. OrTm street, nextdoor to uocroruowmng:., By WILLIAM ALLEN. 1?DOCTOR DUHAMEL, QL itsppCTFULLY informs the pub JA. lie, that he has ..,, lately . began :. to ,is- - Plwfic. at MiUcriDurc ami jia ieichboui hood-a- nd that he propotes to continue' with zeal and attention, and on moderate terms. it 77 FOR SALE; Thet traftof LAND on whioh . . i.-- .. twm frnm I.X- - luow nve,.iyinS auWU. :- - -- :z ", ,,f Sfo hondwd acres ; it is well watdwd dtimWfTl the title indif about JO acras. da"Jd hered .' .. . ...... qnnlv so the fubfciiber r or luu yrj - X RANbsDILL tf Marcb24- - Unfiles- - and Fitzkigb, AVE for e",t tteir Ft ft6ry, new Ha- -' B, Kerrfoivn,Va(hi4gton countv, Mryrand, " GENtRL ASSORTMEWT OF X iUJS AND N A 1 JL S, which they will dispose of on reafpnabje ws. i March 20, J797- - Notice to Debtors. rrUIOSE indebted to Dr. John Watkins, are and fctti- - I renuefted to come-forwar- acounts, either with Dr. R.dgley, Tefpec-liv- e . -i- iA - k. 4iiV.rrnitp.r. vi - Mr. tk "routed (4j3b in the handsof Mr. mt.11.1 .ind bavins Riven this early nonce, .., mr!(. that it Will pro. mltu lent. is .ffa'me-fui- M should be sound neceiu-Ty.- in I mull Jui order to enforce parent, recour.e to the rigor of .the Law- V B1R.D, Attn. in tt.icl for John Wailvins. Timv.ton, April 12, l(l- - i2 11 j-o- r falB, 'THE FOtloatKC TRACTS OF J.AMJ. VNE tratl l)lng in the county oi Campbell, J .nlh6 voters otLocWtcrc,rv... Qpe tsp,OTg 1111 liiuiili. The above1 liud rviU be dlfpofed of on mode- - yate terms' ohe half of the parcnaie ijiuiiw w "ha paid'down, for tbe iot)ea.frcit)f twelve HSiJSXJSW- - 'PV - j - .jL'to uuiwiwivi Robt. Craddock inTJinvllle, br. V. HOlr, otto. in laj0f 3vtf for rrfrtQs.-HOL- NiOSl ICt,: A LL those indebted to (lie ettate of Willm L& .... ..nfp nr book, a." JT. L'arKer oec cy huw, - count, WW9K IPffiftf 'nlhave nd fettle-taem- an demands aia4JM to r'n.g tbc? forward prpperiy auffienticated foi letticmem, as thedebts of the deceased mult be in.mcdi- - awly paid. No Indulgence , can pe e?pci.." , Alexander Parker Adm. Lexiogton, Apr'd 12,' J797V Lamb's Ivool. , The hlgheft ..:,,. price wi)l be fiiTen for anmntltVOI LAMB SWOOL. A N apprentice wanting to theiiattipg wm A. jiest: a bov about the age of 4teeri or ftventen ycaK, wlU be preferred. Apply to the fubferther living neaUy opofite to Stew- art's Pnnting-OlBc- e. GEORGE WEIGHT. Lexington, February 21, 1,737- - i . Wanted, A Young Man, as an as- - fiftanf m a ftorerabouttlic age of fifteen yeai s, whj can come well recommended, and can vnt? ? ta Uandt Apply t.o the Printer h?rof, . T0 B-- R E NT E D, one ' - - m- - lt- - . For terms apply to Benjamin HolladaV, living rJr ivrilfnnl SAMUEL ESTILL. Nov. 7. Wanted Immediately, A N Honest, Indulhions OVER- - s-- SEER, who underllands the ma- nagement of negroes. Also an AP- PRENTICE to the Tanning hoftnefs. LEWIS CASTLEMAN. V NEW STORE. HAVE just received into my care in the brick houle, lately occu P'ed by mr. William Kelly in Bourb on, a large and general allot tment of Dry Good ,la,d Wa Grocer:es' and Oueen'sWare: which I am authori- - fed to sell upon the lowelt terms or Cafli, well cleaned Hemp, Wheat, Rye, Tobacco, raw Hides, Fuis, full proof Whilkey, Salt, ugar, and good j,low in bareIg . fof w);ch fa;jr?; cles of produce, a jjenerons price will bt given. I have also Iron and Nails lest in my hands, to be sold for Cash. A sew good Horses Under feen'year3 old, will be wanted. AMOS EDWARDS-Bouibon- , March, 1797. tf MM LAi'L Ni) ? partnership ot Lvl'Coun & Caftleman has been some time 'difroved,,bv' tnnfnnl fnnfpnt. whtfh V!lz . mjHp t'nnnti Tiv a .. - 7 ...- -- v,...., Jormer acnertuement. au peiions indtbteJ to them, are earnestly rcquefteir to make payment of their respective accounts to Jaraei P.TCcJlin, befCBe the 10t!i oi April next. Those hodo jjptavi"! tiiemfijjves of thinojice, may depend pn baying Jljpir accounts p."no the Inadc of proper offices for calfticn, Mnourtfeer iiidul-gen- cai be given. ' JAMES MCO UN, : " JOHN CASTLEMAK. March 27. rOt.-ALJb- ., "ooffierw of Military Land, LYING in t'h county of Clarke, twelve miles fionv Lexing ton on the majn road leading from thence to ClaiKe conrt lioufe. adjoin ing the land of HuWiai 4 Taylo- r- 'this land lies Well, is all of the firlt quality, and of indlfptable title a aeea or general warranty wm ue giv- en. An j pei ion inclirfcd to see it will be gratified by mr. Taylor '1 he terms may be Itnowmbfy applying to ins. Jo-fe- Colby in Lexington" or to Capt. Richard 1 errell'on Beargrafs. Aarw bontahie. JefTerfon, March)?, t797 ,. , t 1. whftm i loca- - " r-r"u- "- "i rw are 'deored tcf come forward and pav ces, m order for a the different courts for a divifipn Also all persons who ba e ai)Y oeuianai agamii m mr ianu, jc ucium tp Coino forward, as I am ready td difcr.arge thIe for sale t.velvet'houfandcrof land, on Little Kentucky, and Fiord's . Fork, be- - miles irom the Falls r,.wha level. 4ieh I will sell on reasonable terms for cadi or ne- - groes, and make a general warranty deed B. NETHEiiLlND. Marefi 16, 1797. tf Mason C oSh-Tj'S- March Court, I797 Hxm,m yttfiari Ctmpliug f' Ac aims r li t'rJ&i WPTfiil; htfr at Ism U Join Tells, an J TborJfi Ctrvixs', 'l'N CHANCERY. i tvveea eighteen and thirty Ohid, of agood quail Hkewire defendant of aflembly ?nd the rules" ot this pearjng to th fatisfationjof, tpe court bat the defendant is. no inbabitart of t(i& common comaifianeV t':. ...' u .. ...i .,,ti,. jiu.. tDpear1iere on the ornect eoiij-t- , and anlwer the complainant s but ; and tht a tpy iof,thi$jrder be in one of the Ken- tucky Gazette's for two rnpntbs fuecellively another polled at the court house door, this tpiiatv, and that this order be pabhfhed at the door of tne Baptist meeting house in to 1, Sunday immediately aster divine fer-v.- e, or eoinolainariti bill will be for confifiedj It appearing to fie court that the forui.--r orde,r mdde hejein, vt not execu- ted a Co?r) Tdftc ( MARSHALL Jan. C. M. C. George Adams, JFt5 ESPECTrULLY infoimshls A friends and thd public in ge- neral, that he has opened Tavein, tfiat commodious houle on Main street the thiid door below Cross street ; wlieie those who pleaTc to savor him viirli their enflom, ihall meet with ev- ery poftible attention. Six Lt. -- 7l ..- - a rn re J t xita juubd'.Ny fivitzo utr jrvxxi 7 NTERUDSTor rmy John Mofoy, dec. and by, heir aPXid Joi-- Molbv; ly'mg on By.aPer attorney, Licking, bsmTSi t of Untho'ufand ecl in the ofhee ot the conrt oi ap beginning at one hundred poles above the peals. Ashe to pi acftice law ia to the ditFerent will Ot eoi.tra!tluS wiin mm any ot thole places. 01 i creek that runs nttomam Licking on the nort'i east side, about fo.f miles below the south, forlf of T.inl'ini, nnrl pvtpn.hnir itmirrt TiL'itifr u,tfurv IrsunneenarvtodfcTS send. M the' Dur,hafcl d.fDored to make t'.ie necefl'arv enquiries previous to his making anvp'-BpoM- s TI title i iuppofed by tKoTe p who havecarefi ly examined is to be unrjuelli-onab- le Upon paying part of the pnrchafe mo- - n. a rppinrvnKl" pri-H- t- will lip niupi inv hp baUnce. James Brazsn, Atto.jnfatl For Littleberrf Molly, jurt. Lexingtcn, June N B. IwillaUodirpore ot any other Lands in claimed byfaid Molby. T75 ALL ' PERSONS iNDEKTSD to the late partaerfliip of IRWIN are refcuelled to pay thcirac- - eountywnotes to Thomas Irwim or JohnA. Sitz, who only can give discharges. One months indulgence will be given. FOR SALE. C&M$5i jilJCTS OF I LA N D IN T H I S T' A T E : 5000 acrLes on the waters of R,pugh iCreek, empties' into Green river. ,acres .Cumberland road, near Pottinget'i station. 1000 acres in the bjg bpnd of Gieen river, ten miles above Barnett's ftati- - 1600 acres near Severn's valley, on the watejrs of Salt river. 500P acres in Shelby qojinty, join- ing Lea'heman's settlement. 00 aerqs on jniain EJUhoi n, six miles from r'lankfort, 4J acres cleared. AL5U, - 20 crc5 of afi Illinois grant, oPPo - (iteOiehalboijOhio. And a laige body of Land in the big bend ot i ennqllce river. This will inform thole who incline to pui chase, that I have Jately return- - ed from ejcploiing molt of ihe above mentioned lauds. Darticularlv that on Tcna?fee and find it to be a body of soil, timber, and range, fupe-ri- oi to any I hae ever seen. above mentioned tracl on Elktorn, will be either old or rented. For, terms apply to the Oibfcriber in Lex- ington. . BENJ. S. COX. Feb. 3. , is J79 ke Notice XWWM 1 am intorttied a certain VCjpeoige Adams, hatter of the toWmnLexinrrton, has taken his bars tp the aifFerent court houses in this slate, and sold them as my mann- - faduring-theref- oie this is to notify the public, I intend hereafter to my name in each of my has to prevent the character of my flioj be- - ins injured by any perfoU. As "l intend moinc shortly to Georrjc- - hat will certify they were in tnat place Is JOHN LOWREY. A STOP T.HEM. " T3N awav frofti Golflon Sjrpp'sorttfie MtU X of IVlarth, three negroe?, vu- - A iTian na- - raed Isaac. a Wack fellow- - about 35 yars oi9 - ..!. .1. age, about 5 feet 10 incnes nign, iu: lormeiiy to It.chard Higgins, GolftCji Stepp and James Knight-Lv- dia i? mmmnn firffi (liahas a child named Anaea, about year old. is fuppofsd tEey ore in the neighbourhood of Joieph Ciaig. Wljo-e- er will dehvci the above negroes to the si living pn Jellanune, Ihall be handfomcly rewarded. tf MAaSTIN CLAY rpHE Tebbs, not having entefeo!;," lhe ticket tliat will be in each X his flppearancd. agreeably toHm aft that made cqurt, ?nd.ltp- - advertized of Wafhlng- - same the taken in FOR SALE, StX HUNDRED THOl'SAND ArrES VALUABLE LAKD, W. retot-rfia- in acres, month means ,vjnbe I5,179G- - Kentucky .hich 4000 water The that put such belonged fiimalc QITUATED in the counties' of KJ franklin, Clarke, Bourbon, Ma-so- n, Madifoii, Lincoln, Haidm and Gi eene. 'J he taxes hall be paid, and other incuinbiances discharged ar the time, and in themannei prefciibed by- law. The fubfefiber, who will hereafter1 reside in this town, is miihnri(jl tn dilpole of the stbove mentioned pre in; aojactnt courts, peilons deiirinjr Charles W. Bird. Seventy -- five Dollars Reward. T UNAWAY ijom the fubferiber, tie tentl S of'Detembar lall, a likely Negro Fellbw,. 2am'ld 1hmi"h out twenty-si- x vears of age, five feet or ten inched high, flout, well "-- "' V " : ';::..y.v ' ' iuppofeJ that he is induration purchate traits ave opportunity . at on one It mne & of a certain Mrs. Alary Netherlands or some-o- her aflbciates the said Mary Netherland, was formsrly the wise of John Netherland bt' Virginia. Also, a "Negro Fellow, uarnod Erfb vni Moleiitlv taken from ire byacer- - tain MarUu Hawkins,) about forty years of age, with a blenuui iq one of his eyes, about five feet eight m nine inches high, limps in lus walking, otcafroned by a hult in his hips. Al- - so, (runaway,) the fourteenth inft. a Negro Fel- low, nasaed "Fhill, dbout forty jeaTS of age, five fiot nne or ten ii.cfces bh, well set, and lias a large sear on one of his legs, occasioned by an old sore, winch is not yet cured. The above said negroes, I expeel, w ill pfs as tie property of the fa:d Mrs. Man Neruerfcuuf, jnd notwithftanaing the many alpertions againlt John Netbeiland, it is hoped, no perion of cha- racter, will be so unchautaWe as to condemn 4iim, unul a full investigation of the circum-ftanc- e between hini and the said Mary can be ; all persons will be particularK cautldus from purchasing or hinng said negroes fiom said Mary, or other Persons, aDd a!ft, the laid Ma- ry is legaUy divefled of all power of making nfe of any proport belonging to the ftid John Netherland, and further, apy property in. my ponelion, belonging to the said John Nether- land I am ready to deliver td said Mrs Nether- land, on hei legal application, agrceaMe totbeir mutual separation. The above reward, trill be given, for the the three negroes, delivered Jo me on Hickman creek, Fayette county, or lodged , in auyjail . , in the T ltate, or twenty-fiv- e U3TS eacn' ana a" TrU paul by Agent for JOHN NrHERLAND. March , tf "" NOTICE or our aUo attend with the- - VV comnufiioners appuinted by the court ot Shelby, on the twenty-nin.t- h day April next, ac a settlement of John Eowman's arid Edward Worthington's-alfignce- s of Thomas Brian, oir. Fox run, adioming Miller's line, then and there to take the depofirions of witnefles, and perpc- - tuate their tellimony reipefting laid settlement, and do suck otlier afts as may Iw agreeably to law. JOHN GOirMAN, EDWARD frOkTHINGTON. March Jl, 1797. '3taB A.UP 1 going once iriore'tc great bend or Tenneliee, have thought proper to give tfti friendly notice tp those who widi'tc Jn nte at Lexington the :?th day 0f . JJay next-- Ht HarrOdlburgll the &&. and (jrecn town, on the 25th-an- d irom thence I mail pioceed on to the mouth of Crow creek, on Tenneflee. t is expecled every mart will come vell prepared for the journey. ' ' (BEJ. si C0X Lcxingtpn- - April 19, 1 797,, """"" " . ' . " ' , - lNOClCe, ' 'nfl 1 cominnuoners appointed by- - oF-- f; 'the1"""!"- - Ut r . .. a tne court ot rranklfn county, Will meet on the eighteenth day May "riekt, at Gore's flation, m'tiUdL county, and proceed from thence to an entry of sour hundred acres' 6t" land, made May 22', 10, in' name of Abfahain Le veunfe, lym-tJi- t, maitx hlkhorn, about soul iiiilei trofii - - ,' J tne niouth, then and thcie to tfike jha depositions of' Witn'elfiK; ih order tr perpetuate their tiftimonv to dlablifii I lUid claim, and do Iheh other act at mail be deemed neceilkry and agree- able to law. BEJ. S. COX, April tp,, 1707 5

THE KENTUCKY GAZETTE, · 2012-06-04 · THE KENTUCKY GAZETTE, NUMBER 5l8. SJTURDjr, April gy, I797. VOLUVIF x-1 LEXJNCTO N: Printed on Wednesdays

Apr 24, 2020



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Page 1: THE KENTUCKY GAZETTE, · 2012-06-04 · THE KENTUCKY GAZETTE, NUMBER 5l8. SJTURDjr, April gy, I797. VOLUVIF x-1 LEXJNCTO N: Printed on Wednesdays


.;iiw..lJAUH"Me"-a-- !' '' Mui2&'&iMMii3&ztaB&trr2Bna


- 1

LEXJNCTO N : Printed on Wednesdays arrd Saturdays by J. BRADFORD, on Main Jrreet - toWf Subscriptions, nfTwrlty-On- e Shillings Per Annum tAdoertifcments, Jirtichs of Intelligence, Fjj'ays) in., are thankfully receiveJt and Printing in general executed in a neat and torreft-i.-ianner-.


: Trti f i.ATMn. ik uravcrn m mr

"'"" J ' 'AT 0) ot.TA SOUSE and iOT, the mod converiienjZ-80-

OO Aci'S On tlie WatCLfe J Jfr i, said Town for a Public House,m.. ,i . near the Iron Works, witb'sFabies "?cjfor yea: , oralonaer time.

entered and patented in the name of William-

"Tow acres on the north fork of Licking, in, ,n... .... hMf of Samuel Henry's 2000 acre

rey And creeJD53-- acres, sv"" '

;., h,,. mme of tohn PemUertou.' timHIic..... sold low for calh, or

AHCrtUUVS, laitaadvantageous

-terms ... it. II...,.on

l&b on Green fiver, or for good lands,GurmwrlaWl country.

Tte SSV4lWly to thefubfenber, hvinginScottcounty.

Wm HENRy Apntfor frld Bedford.a .. .0 5 1796.


PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENTJtf for man and horse,i ,, 1.OrTm street, nextdoor to uocroruowmng:.,


1?DOCTOR DUHAMEL,QL itsppCTFULLY informs the pubJA. lie, that he has ..,,lately


,is-- Plwfic. at MiUcriDurc ami jiaieichboui hood-a- nd that he propotes

to continue' with zeal and attention,and on moderate terms. it


Thettraftof LAND on whioh. . i.-- .. twm frnm I.X- -

luow nve,.iyinS auWU. :-- --:z ", ,,f

Sfo hondwd acres ; it is well watdwd dtimWfTlthe title indifabout JO acras. da"Jdhered.' . . . ...... qnnlv so the fubfciiberr or luu yrj -

X RANbsDILLtf Marcb24- -

Unfiles- - and Fitzkigb,AVE for e",t tteir Ft ft6ry, new Ha- -'

B, Kerrfoivn,Va(hi4gton countv, Mryrand," GENtRL ASSORTMEWT OF


N A 1 JL S,

which they will dispose of on reafpnabje ws.

i March 20, J797- -

Notice to Debtors.

rrUIOSE indebted to Dr. John Watkins, areand fctti- - t..irI renuefted to come-forwar-

acounts, either with Dr. R.dgley,Tefpec-liv-


. -i- iA - k. -Mr.

tk "routed (4j3b in the handsof Mr.

mt.11.1 .ind bavins Riven this early nonce,.., mr!(. that it Will pro. mltu lent.

is .ffa'me-fui- M should be sound neceiu-Ty.- in

I mull Juiorder to enforce parent,recour.e to the rigor of .the Law- V B1R.D, tt.icl for John Wailvins.

Timv.ton, April 12, l(l- - i211 j-o-


VNE tratl l)lng in the county oi Campbell,

J .nlh6 voters otLocWtcrc,rv...Qpe tsp,OTg

1111 liiuiili.

The above1 liud rviU be dlfpofed ofon mode- -

yate terms' ohe half of the parcnaie ijiuiiw w"ha paid'down, for tbe iot)ea.frcit)f twelve

HSiJSXJSW- - 'PV- j -.jL'to uuiwiwiviRobt. Craddock inTJinvllle,

br. V. HOlr, otto. in laj0f3vtf for rrfrtQs.-HOL-

NiOSl ICt,:A LL those indebted to (lie ettate of Willm

L& .... ..nfp nr book, a."JT. L'arKer oec cy huw, -count, WW9K IPffiftf 'nlhave

nd fettle-taem-

an demands aia4JM to r'n.g tbc?forward prpperiy auffienticated foi letticmem,as thedebts of the deceased mult be in.mcdi- -

awly paid. No Indulgence , can pe e?pci..", Alexander Parker Adm.

Lexiogton, Apr'd 12,' J797V

Lamb's Ivool. ,

The hlgheft ..:,,.price wi)l be fiiTen foranmntltVOI LAMB SWOOL.

A N apprentice wanting to theiiattipg wm

A. jiest: a bov about the age of 4teeri or

ftventen ycaK, wlU be preferred. Apply to

the fubferther living neaUy opofite to Stew-art's Pnnting-OlBc- e.

GEORGE WEIGHT.Lexington, February 21, 1,737-- i .


A Young Man, as an as--

fiftanf m a ftorerabouttlic age of fifteen yeai s,

whj can come well recommended, and can vnt?? ta Uandt Apply t.o the Printer h?rof,

. T0 B-- R E NT E D,


' - -m- - lt- - .

For terms apply to Benjamin HolladaV, livingrJr ivrilfnnl SAMUEL ESTILL.

Nov. 7.

Wanted Immediately,A N Honest, Indulhions OVER- -

s-- SEER, who underllands the ma-

nagement of negroes. Also an AP-

PRENTICE to the Tanning hoftnefs.LEWIS CASTLEMAN.


HAVE just received into my carein the brick houle, lately occu P'ed

by mr. William Kelly in Bourb on, alarge and general allot tment of DryGood ,la,d Wa Grocer:es' andOueen'sWare: which I am authori- -

fed to sell upon the lowelt terms orCafli, well cleaned Hemp, Wheat,Rye, Tobacco, raw Hides, Fuis, fullproof Whilkey, Salt, ugar, and goodj,low in bareIg . fof w);ch fa;jr?;cles of produce, a jjenerons price willbt given. I have also Iron and Nailslest in my hands, to be sold for Cash.A sew good Horses Under feen'year3old, will be wanted.


March, 1797. tfMM LAi'L Ni) ?

partnership ot Lvl'Coun& Caftleman has been some time 'difroved,,bv'tnnfnnl fnnfpnt. whtfh V!lz .mjHp t'nnnti Tiv a..- 7 ...- -- v,....,Jormer acnertuement. au peiions indtbteJ tothem, are earnestly rcquefteir to make paymentof their respective accounts to Jaraei P.TCcJlin,befCBe the 10t!i oi April next. Those hodojjptavi"! tiiemfijjves of thinojice, may dependpn baying Jljpir accounts p."no the Inadc ofproper offices for calfticn, Mnourtfeer iiidul-gen-

cai be given.' JAMES MCO UN,

: "



"ooffierw of Military Land,

LYING in t'h county of Clarke,twelve miles fionv Lexing

ton on the majn road leading fromthence to ClaiKe conrt lioufe. adjoining the land of HuWiai 4 Taylo- r-'this land lies Well, is all of the firltquality, and of indlfptable title aaeea or general warranty wm ue giv-en. An j pei ion inclirfcd to see it willbe gratified by mr. Taylor '1 he termsmay be Itnowmbfy applying to ins. Jo-fe-

Colby in Lexington" or to Capt.Richard 1 errell'on Beargrafs.

Aarw bontahie.JefTerfon, March)?, t797

,. , t 1. whftm i loca--"r-r"u-"- "irw are 'deored tcf come forward and pav

ces, m order for athe different

courts for a divifipn Also all persons who ba eai)Y oeuianai agamii m mr ianu, jc uciumtp Coino forward, as I am ready td difcr.arge

thIe for sale t.velvet'houfandcrof land,on Little Kentucky, and Fiord's

.Fork, be- -

miles irom the Fallsr,.wha level. 4iehI will sell on reasonable terms for cadi or ne--groes, and make a general warranty deed

B. NETHEiiLlND.Marefi 16, 1797. tfMason C oSh-Tj'S-

March Court, I797Hxm,m yttfiari Ctmpliugf' Ac aims rli t'rJ&i WPTfiil; htfr at Ism U Join Tells, an JTborJfi Ctrvixs',


tvveea eighteen and thirtyOhid, of agood quail



aflembly ?nd the rules" ot thispearjng to th fatisfationjof, tpe court bat thedefendant is. no inbabitart of t(i& common

comaifianeVt':. ...' u .. ...i .,,ti,. jiu..tDpear1iere on the ornect eoiij-t-, andanlwer the complainant s but ; and tht a tpyiof,thi$jrder be in one of the Ken-

tucky Gazette's for two rnpntbs fuecellivelyanother polled at the court house door, thistpiiatv, and that this order be pabhfhed at thedoor of tne Baptist meeting house into 1, Sunday immediately aster divine fer-v.- e,

or eoinolainariti bill will befor confifiedj It appearing to fie court thatthe forui.--r orde,r mdde hejein, vt not execu-teda Co?r) Tdftc


George Adams,JFt5 ESPECTrULLY infoimshls

A friends and thd public in ge-neral, that he has opened Tavein,tfiat commodious houle on Main streetthe thiid door below Cross street ;

wlieie those who pleaTc to savor himviirli their enflom, ihall meet with ev-

ery poftible attention.

Six Lt. --7l ..- - a rn re J t xitajuubd'.Ny fivitzo utr jrvxxi7 NTERUDSTor rmy John Mofoy, dec. and

by, heir aPXid Joi-- Molbv; ly'mg on By.aPer attorney,Licking, bsmTSi t of Untho'ufand ecl in the ofhee ot the conrt oi ap

beginning at one hundred poles above the peals. Ashe to pi acftice law iato the ditFerent will

Ot eoi.tra!tluSwiin mm any ot thole places.

01 i creek that runs nttomam Licking on thenort'i east side, about fo.f miles below the south,forlf of T.inl'ini, nnrl pvtpn.hnir itmirrt TiL'itifru,tfurv IrsunneenarvtodfcTSsend. M the' Dur,hafcl d.fDored to maket'.ie necefl'arv enquiries previous to his makinganvp'-BpoM-

s TI title i iuppofed by tKoTe pwho havecarefi ly examined is to be unrjuelli-onab- le

Upon paying part of the pnrchafe mo- -

n. a rppinrvnKl" pri-H- t- will lip niupi inv hpbaUnce.

James Brazsn, Atto.jnfatlFor Littleberrf Molly, jurt.

Lexingtcn, JuneN B. IwillaUodirpore ot any other Lands

in claimed byfaid Molby.



iNDEKTSD to the late partaerfliip of IRWINare refcuelled to pay thcirac- -

eountywnotes to Thomas Irwim or JohnA.Sitz, who only can give discharges.

One months indulgence will be given.



5000 acrLes on the waters ofR,pugh iCreek, empties' intoGreen river.

,acres .Cumberland road,near Pottinget'i station.

1000 acres in the bjg bpnd of Gieenriver, ten miles above Barnett's ftati- -

1600 acres near Severn's valley, onthe watejrs of Salt river.

500P acres in Shelby qojinty, join-ing Lea'heman's settlement.

00 aerqs on jniain EJUhoi n, six milesfrom r'lankfort, 4J acres cleared.

AL5U, -

20 crc5 of afi Illinois grant, oPPo -(iteOiehalboijOhio.

And a laige body of Land in thebig bend ot i ennqllce river.

This will inform thole who inclineto pui chase, that I have Jately return- -ed from ejcploiing molt of ihe abovementioned lauds. Darticularlv that onTcna?fee and find it to be a bodyof soil, timber, and range, fupe-ri- oi

to any I hae ever seen.above mentioned tracl on Elktorn,will be either old or rented. For,terms apply to the Oibfcriber in Lex-ington.

. BENJ. S. COX.Feb. 3. , is

J79 ke Notice

XWWM 1 am intorttied a certainVCjpeoige Adams, hatter of

the toWmnLexinrrton, has taken hisbars tp the aifFerent court houses inthis slate, and sold them as my mann- -

faduring-theref- oie this is to notifythe public, I intend hereafter to

my name in each of my has toprevent the character of my flioj be- -ins injured by any perfoU. As

"l intend moinc shortly to Georrjc- -

hat will certify they werein tnat place



T3N awav frofti Golflon Sjrpp'sorttfie MtU

X of IVlarth, three negroe?, vu- - A iTian na- -raed Isaac. a Wack fellow- - about 35 yars oi9

- ..!. .1.age, about 5 feet 10 incnes nign, iu: lormeiiyto It.chard Higgins, GolftCji Stepp and

James Knight-Lv- dia i?mmmnn firffi (liahas a child namedAnaea, about year old. is fuppofsd tEey

ore in the neighbourhood of Joieph Ciaig. Wljo-e- er

will dehvci the above negroes to the si

living pn Jellanune, Ihall be handfomclyrewarded.


rpHE Tebbs, not having entefeo!;," lhe ticket tliat will be in eachX his flppearancd. agreeably toHm aft that madecqurt, ?nd.ltp- -



Wafhlng- -same

the taken




W. retot-rfia- in

acres,month means


I5,179G- -









QITUATED in the counties' ofKJ franklin, Clarke, Bourbon, Ma-so- n,

Madifoii, Lincoln, Haidm andGi eene. 'J he taxes hall be paid, andother incuinbiances discharged ar thetime, and in themannei prefciibed by-law.

The fubfefiber, who will hereafter1reside in this town, is miihnri(jl tndilpole of the stbove mentioned pre

in; aojactnt courts, peilons deiirinjr

Charles W. Bird.

Seventy --five Dollars Reward.T UNAWAY ijom the fubferiber, tie tentlS of'Detembar lall, a likely Negro Fellbw,.2am'ld 1hmi"h out twenty-si- x vears of age,five feet or ten inched high, flout, well"-- "' V " : ';::..y.v ' 'iuppofeJ that he is induration

purchate traitsave opportunity .



one It



of a certain Mrs. Alary Netherlands or some-o-

her aflbciates the said Mary Netherland,was formsrly the wise of John Netherland bt'Virginia. Also, a "Negro Fellow, uarnod Erfb

vni Moleiitlv taken from ire byacer--tain MarUu Hawkins,) about forty years ofage, with a blenuui iq one of his eyes, aboutfive feet eight m nine inches high, limps in luswalking, otcafroned by a hult in his hips. Al- -so, (runaway,) the fourteenth inft. a Negro Fel-low, nasaed "Fhill, dbout forty jeaTS of age,five fiot nne or ten ii.cfces bh, well set, andlias a large sear on one of his legs, occasionedby an old sore, winch is not yet cured. Theabove said negroes, I expeel, w ill pfs as tieproperty of the fa:d Mrs. Man Neruerfcuuf,jnd notwithftanaing the many alpertions againltJohn Netbeiland, it is hoped, no perion of cha-racter, will be so unchautaWe as to condemn4iim, unul a full investigation of the circum-ftanc- e

between hini and the said Mary can be; all persons will be particularK cautldus

from purchasing or hinng said negroes fiom saidMary, or other Persons, aDd a!ft, the laid Ma-ry is legaUy divefled of all power of makingnfe of any proport belonging to the ftid JohnNetherland, and further, apy property in. myponelion, belonging to the said John Nether-land I am ready to deliver td said Mrs Nether-land, on hei legal application, agrceaMe totbeirmutual separation. The above reward, trillbe given, for the the three negroes, deliveredJo me on Hickman creek, Fayette county, orlodged

,in auyjail. ,

in theT ltate, or twenty-fiv- e

U3TS eacn' ana a" TrU paul by

Agent for JOHN NrHERLAND.March , tf

""NOTICEor our aUo attend with the--

VV comnufiioners appuinted by the court otShelby, on the twenty-nin.t- h day April next, aca settlement of John Eowman's arid EdwardWorthington's-alfignce- s of Thomas Brian, oir.Fox run, adioming Miller's line, then and thereto take the depofirions of witnefles, and perpc--tuate their tellimony reipefting laid settlement,and do suck otlier afts as may Iw agreeably tolaw. JOHN GOirMAN,

EDWARD frOkTHINGTON.March Jl, 1797. '3taB

A.UP1 going once iriore'tc

great bend or Tenneliee,have thought proper to give tftifriendly notice tp those who widi'tcJn nte at Lexington the :?th day 0f .

JJay next-- Ht HarrOdlburgll the &&.and (jrecn town, on the 25th-an- d

irom thence I mail pioceed on to themouth of Crow creek, on Tenneflee.t is expecled every mart will comevell prepared for the journey. ' '

(BEJ. si C0XLcxingtpn- - April 19, 1 797,,

""""" " . ' . " '

, - lNOClCe,' 'nfl 1 cominnuoners appointed by- -



Ut r . . .a tne court ot rranklfn county,Will meet on the eighteenth dayMay "riekt, at Gore's flation, m'tiUdLcounty, and proceed from thence toan entry of sour hundred acres' 6t"land, made May 22', 10, in'name of Abfahain Le veunfe, lym-tJi- t,

maitx hlkhorn, about soul iiiilei trofii- - ,' Jtne niouth, then and thcie to tfike jhadepositions of' Witn'elfiK; ih order trperpetuate their tiftimonv to dlablifii

IlUid claim, and do Iheh other act atmail be deemed neceilkry and agree-able to law.

BEJ. S. COX,April tp,, 1707