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THE MAGAZINE FULL OF SURPRISES issue one Bickerstaffe School Magazine COMICS TOP TIPS NEWS INTERVIEWS REVIEWS PLUS ! ALSO Olympic bands! Min-y-don Min-y-don The big adventure in pictures Y6 top tips Y6 top tips Pupils sha r e sec r ets Pupils sha r e sec r ets The amazing The amazing The amazing teacher interviews teacher interviews Fi n d out who is i n the hot seat Fi n d out who is i n the hot seat Editorial Team

The Juicy Word

Mar 23, 2016



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Bickerstaffe School Magazine. Issue 1.
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Page 1: The Juicy Word


issue oneBickerstaffe School Magazine



TITLE HERETitle here

Title hereTitle here

hereMain title

Sub text to run here


Min-y-donMin-y-donThe big adventure in pictures

Y6 top tipsPupils share secrets

The amazingteacher interviewsFind out who is in the hot seat


Y6 top tipsY6 top tipsPupils share secrets

The amazingteacher interviewsFind out who is in the hot seat


Y6 top tipsPupils share secretsPupils share secrets

The amazingteacher interviewsFind out who is in the hot seat


Y6 top tipsPupils share secrets

The amazingThe amazingteacher interviewsteacher interviewsFind out who is in the hot seatFind out who is in the hot seat


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A small schoolwith a big heart

Tel. 01695 722 957 C.E. School, Hall Lane, Bickerstaffe, Lancashire, L39 0EH




We aim for every child to achievetheir full potential

As a Church school we also aim to develop Christian values and foster a respect for other people and their beliefs.

Bickerstaffe C.E. School

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Meet our Headteacher, Mrs Hall

Day in the life of ...


Chatting with Mr Draper

Mrs Teachen’s 2012 Challenge

Yr 6 Leavers Album

Fun Stuff



Inside the mag.. .Features

Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

Cross Country Success

Team Tag

The Adventures of Min y Don

The One Mile Run

Hen House Rocks

Jubilee Treat




Photo albums


Welcome to the first issue of The Juicy Word. After several busy months in our schoolnewsroom we finally have the first edition in ourhands. We hope you enjoy it as much as wehave loved creating it. The editorial team have had a great time findingout teachers’ secrets, taking pictures andinterviewing people while making the magazine.We have loved writing stories and asking otherpupils or teachers for quotes. Having pupil powerto make decisions about which photos to useand getting to track down teachers at lunchtimehas been brilliant.We have interviews with Mrs Hall and MrsTeachen and, before he leaves our lovely school,we chat to Mr Draper to find out just what hethinks about his time here!

The Editorial TeamJoe, Matty, Oscar, Daisy, Alex F, Lawrie, Isobel, Sophie, Ted, Alex B, Jessica, Andrew

doo do

do do dooo







Front cover photograph by Ted HoltbyFront cover captions by Andrew Mercer

and Alex FotheringhamMasthead design by Isobel Housley

Special thanks to: Jonathan Rawlinson, Jon Ashburnerand Dave Fillingham (Fillingham Photography)

The Juicy Word has been created and produced by theBickerstaffe School Editorial Team.

9, 16, 22, 26, 30-31

Juicy News

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A Royal Knees UpBickerstaffe School celebrated the Queen’s Diamond Jubileein June with a patriotic party for everyone. From pupils andteachers to parents and the local community, the flavour

of the day was most definitely red, white and blue.

Local Community Celebrates

Words by Alex Brogan and Jessica Burgess

All set for the party Anyone for food?The Queen!

Proudly flying the flagWaiters at your service

Spotty about the Jubilee The ladies

Queen Catherine

Photography by Fillingham Photography


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Flags at the ready Miss Thomson and her class

Ah a nice cup of tea A two handed royal waveYear 1 get ready outside

Is that Big Ben on your T-shirt?

Royal friendships Should have gone to ‘Stripesavers’Full house

Andrew Ormesher gives a helping hand


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Musical notes A crowning smilefrom JasmineA red, white and blue spectacle

Lottie and Charlotte in party mood An afternoon of games

I can pull a rabbitfrom this hat! Game on

Good old bunting Tuck in

Family generations sharein the celebration


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Mmmm anychocolates left

in the tin? Miss Thomson flags up a smileThe party continues outside

Girls get traditional

Sir Luke looking regal Holy Trinity choir

Reuben, Reece andCole enjoy the food Ready for the party to begin Is my hat on the right way?

‘Prince’ Harry! Cheers girls, Sophie, Isobel and Faith


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On a sunny Tuesday evening in April pupils from year 1 to year 6 took part in a cross country race.Hundreds of pupils from primary schools across West Lancs converged at Scarisbrick Hall School for

the event. In glorious weather everyone competed in their individual races finishing with a smile.Elliot finished in a fantastic second place in his year group and went on to also run in the year 6 race.

Another great performance came from Reuben who said: “It was definitely not a mile but it was stillgreat fun.” Mum of Thomas, Sarah Ralfs commented: “It was great to see so many children from our

school participating with such impressive running from them all.”

That’s me done

Joseph has a great finish

Thomas happy withhis run

Group hug Faith comes instrong

All smiles (beforeshe fell over and

hurt her knee)So tired Team talk

Reuben races in Still smiling

On your marks, get set, GO!

Jacob breezes home

Well done Isaac

Dads look on

SuccessCross CountryWordsbyLawrieO’Brien


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Splodge is the school’sresident rodent. Pah who am Ikidding Splodge is the cutestrodent I have ever seen. She isthe school hamster, lives inreception and sometimescomes out to say hello.

Splodge has a hamster balland once, when the lid was

not put on properly, escapedand ran around like a snailwith a pin on its tail.Eventually Mrs Teachen andMrs Aitken cornered the littlemidget and popped him backin his cage.

Splodge arrived in schoolback in March and spends her

time in school but sometimesat Mrs Teachen’s house.Splodge is very clever and canmove her bedding with herown hands. When we comeback after summer MrsTeachen is going to letreception class take turns totake her home – yippee!


On 25th June 2012 it wasworld sports day but atBickerstaffe School wewanted longer than a day soMrs Hall announced that wewould have a sports week!

During the week we hadmany events such as tennis,sports day and much more.We were put into differentcountries according to thestarting letters of our schoolhouses. Orion’s countrieswere Oman and Oslo(Norway), Gemini’s wereGhana and Germany,Apollo’s were Argentina andAustralia and finally Saturn’swere Spain and South Africa.

Lots of people came to ourschool to talk to us aboutwhat they do and how theyhave achieved their goals.First of all, Olympictorchbearer, Danny Hallamcame with the Olympic torchto explain why he waschosen to be part of theOlympic torch relay. He wasnominated by many peoplefor being one of the beststudents at his schoolachieving top grades andgetting to the best level hecould.

Next we had a visit fromJosie Cichockyi, a Paralympicbasketball player and athlete.With outstanding

achievements in both fieldsinternationally she shared herinspirational story with us. Afriend persuaded her, whenshe was young and boredone day, to go down to thesports centre. She did andstarted doing very welleventually joining a big team.Once she was enjoyingherself and doing well shejoined the basketball teamand started to practise everymorning and night shootingbasketballs. Josie later joinedthe Paralympic team andbegan to win lots of medals.Finally Gary Williams aParalympic cyclist and fatherof former Bickerstaffestudent, Sam Rosbotham-Williams, visited school. He

talked to us about his lifeand all the other Paralympiccyclists he has met. He alsoshowed us some of hisawesome bikes, medals andthe actual outfits he wore forracing.

OLYMPICS STRIKE BICKERSTAFFE A week of sports takes place for pupils


JUICY NEWSTaking a peak at our favourite recent news stories

By Joe Cotterill

By Isobel Housley


During July girls fromjuniors went toOrmskirkHighSchool totake partin a danceshow. The girlsdanced to the song ‘Proud’by Heather Small as this yearthe show had an Olympictheme.

Other schools thatcompeted in dance feverwere Pinfold Primary School,West Head and many more.The girls performed twodances at the show andboth were tremendous fun.

The costumes of red,white and blue leggingswith a black leotard andblack tutu along with blackpumps looked amazing.With hair in pigtails to topoff the look the girls lookedas great as they danced.Faith Currie, who was partof the dance team, said:“Dance fever is great funbecause as well as dancingyou get to miss some schooland go and visit anotherschool.“

The dance troupe went onto perform at the school’ssummer fair to hugeapplause and an encore.

By Alex Brogan andJessica Burgess


Class 4 with Josie Cichockyi


Danny Hallam with Matty Webster.

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Is it fun being head andwhy? It’s a little like arollercoaster ride with highsand lows, sometimesfeelings of excitement, othertimes being a little scaredand of course there’s thepaperwork! But I wouldn’t wantto do anything else.

How long have you been head? 7years. I became a head because I had avision for this school; I believed I couldsee that through better than someonenew coming to the school and taking upthe role. I wanted to be a leader andmake Bickerstaffe School aneven better school.

Why did you wantto become ateacher? Fromhaving my ownchildren I developeda love of learning. Isaw the world againthrough their eyes andit was exciting. I still seethe world through the eyes ofchildren in this school and it keeps mylove of learning and enthusiasm forteaching strong.

Where did you learn to be ateacher? Edge Hill. I started a part-time

degree course in the eveningsso it took me a long

time. I achieved aBA Hons (2:1) in

History and

Communication Studiesand went on to do a PostGraduate Certificate inEducation. It wasn’teasy studying andhaving 3 children under

the age of 6 but I wasdetermined to succeed.

What was your favouritelesson at school? At primary school itwas P.E and later, at high school, it washistory.

What was it like when you went toschool? I remember making daisychains and rolling down the

embankment in my first school. WhenI moved to a new school I began to

enjoy writing and performingplays.

How many female headshave there been at ourschool since it began? I

know of 2, Mrs Burrows and MrsSaunderson.

How many children are in schoolnow? Do you think the school hasgrown? 96 at present. In 2005,when I became head, therewere 53 and we areexpecting 100+ inSeptember.

What pets haveschool had inthe past?Chipmunks, landsnails, stickinsects, bats, fish, ahamster and nowchickens – andalthough it wasn’t really apet I can remember a crowthat used to visit school every

day, sometimes picking toast out ofchildren’s hands.

What kind of books do you like toread? Fantasy fiction is my favouritegenre. Anything with dragons, mythicalcreatures and adventure. Terry Pratchettis probably my favourite author andI have read all his books. I likethe way he takes things fromour world and weaves a storyaround them.

Are you mostly a strict orkind head? Others wouldperhaps be better answeringthat but I myself try to be fairand I would like others torespect me for what I do. It isn’talways an easy job but I alwayshope that children and parentsunderstand decisions are made in theinterests of all children. The schoolplaces children at the heart of all we do.

Do you like art and why? Art is agreat way to express yourself. I don’tfeel I am particularly creative but I cancopy pretty well. I love the way childrenhave the courage to be creative and

constantly make work their own.

What do you do out ofschool? I love to ski

at Easter when youget both the snowand sun. I alsoenjoy reading,cooking(particularly bakingcakes), and

badminton. RecentlyI have taken up

climbing but with a fearof heights it has been a

real challenge, however I ambeginning to feel more confident.

When Mrs Hall’s eldest son was born back in 1980 she became aplaygroup leader and a school parent helper. Inspired by her

experience she went on to qualify as a teacher in 1993 and beganher career teaching at Ormskirk C.E School. Jessica Burgess andAlex Brogan, Year 4 pupils, caught up with their headteacher to

find out all about her role as head.

InterviewbyJessicaBurgessandAlexBrogan Mrs HallMeet our Headteacher


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Are the children in thisschool progressing

in theirbehaviour? I’vetaught manychildren atdifferent schoolsduring my careerand children’s

behaviour here isvery good. We all

sometimes makemistakes and have to

learn but I wouldn’t wantto be at any other school. Ithink we’ve got a really reallygood school and all thechildren are great.

What has gone well thisyear and what has beenthe highlight for you? Min yDon and the Olympic Values.For the first time I got to do thetrapeze on the schooladventure trip which was greatfun.

Finally, what is it like beingmarried to Mr Hall? Mr Hallis my best friend and I’veknown him since I was at highschool. We enjoy doing lots ofthings together and I know Ican always share anythingwith him. He not only supportsme in my role as head but heis incredibly supportive of ourschool too.

You probably want to know ifthere is anything I don’t like?Well he does have a habit ofpinching food that I have putaway for special occasions.Chocolate biscuits and crispsare a particular favourite of his!


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Bickerstaffe School played host to two matches of tag rugby in June. The first match took bookclub by surprise when they were asked to play unexpectedly. Despite being unprepared the

bookworms did themselves proud against a slightly more prepared team, Pinfold Primary.Instead of turning pages they took turns tagging their opponents in an attempt to score a try.The second match, a few weeks later, saw Bickerstaffe’s tag rugby regulars come together to

take on Pinfold again and also Mount Carmel School. With glorious sunshine, along with plentyof parent spectators it was another enjoyable and fun game.

Elliot sprints for a tryBeautiful day!

Team talk Pinfold break

Elliot tags as Bickerstaffebeat Pinfold 2-1 Jacob earns a free passFree pass for Pinfold

tagTeamWords by Sophie Ruddock and Lawrie O’Brien


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Match kicks off

Tunnel of sportsmanship Hungry work

How did this happen?

Isobel gets a well earned drinkGuest teams tuck in

Jacob enjoys a juicy orange


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Tuesday morning I wake with a shake because my Mum literally gets me up. I have a quick slickbreakfast and it’s time to put on my trainers. After a year of running club I have finally got my hands on a

pair of proper running shoes. Am sure that my new red addidas will help. However no time to lose,thinking about my trainers, we have to get to school. By eight we are ready to run, we pick up any

stragglers as we head out the school front door. Today we do cross country. We warm-up, stretch and areready to go. When we jog to the start the horses come galloping out of the mist and all of the girls say

girlie stuff like ‘Look at the chocolate brown horse.’ We boys don’t get quite so excited. Kim, who happensto be my Mum, gets us into groups. Elliot is usually at the front with all of us chasing him down like a hare,

which makes it good fun. The length of the cross country is two miles. The course is bumpy, rocky, slippyand in places marshy with lots of twists and turns before the homeward straight. It is now time for the finalpush up the hill to get to the finish. One by one we all get back. I feel exhausted but happy. Just enough

energy to do some 100 metres sprints.

Another day at running club!

Back to school

Daniel strides inMuddy waters

Wiktoria completes her two miles

Off we go

Final push home from Isobel and Isaac

Everyone finishes the final leg

Mind your head

A quick warm up

A day in the life of ... running clubWordsbyLawrieO’Brien


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On a wet and windy day, when our schoolcelebrated the Queen’s Jubilee, we asked some

patriotic pupils for their royal thoughts.

What would you do if you were Queen for the day?Sit down and enjoy a lazy dayNever get off the throneChange the laws about schoolBasically bring peace to the countryBan child poverty

If you could ask the Queen forone thing what would it be?A billion pounds pleaseWhy do we have homework?New lawsTo be her servant for a dayTo be kind to every family

What do you think is the best thing about being Queen?Being in the Royal FamilyJewelsAll the free tripsDefinitely having powerLiving in Buckingham PalaceTo be famous

What is the Queen’s job?To work at Buckingham PalacePromote Great Britain and its peopleMaking sure laws are fair Bring peace to everyone and do what parliament tells her

How old do you think the Queen is?85, 60, 86, 61, 48 or 89, 80

What has been the best part of the Jubilee celebrations in school?Having funComing in this tent!The partyPlaying charadesCake decorating

How would you sum up today?EpicFunNo lessons, great!Hectic

Best food?Sausage rollsCocktail sausagesStrawberries and creamCookiesCoronation chicken

What is your favourite Jubilee colour and why?Blue, just like itRed because LFC ruleBlue – Chelsea are the best team in the world


sydnireuben and thomas alexcamron and colejacob



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In March three children fromBickerstaffe School took part inChris Evans Breakfast Show’s500 WORDS short storycompetition. The pupils whoentered were, Thomas Ralfs,Isobel Housley and LawrieO’Brien.

Lawrie’s story was called‘Strange Day’ and was about anorange moon and his charactersall had funny nicknames, egInflatable Issy and Nana KnickerBocker (which were looselybased on pupils and teachersfrom school). Thomas wroteabout children finding treasureand Isobel created a story about

a boy who had beenkidnapped. The children all feltnervous at first entering such abig and national competitionbut gave each other courage tohave a go. As recognition fromschool they each were awardedthe band of excellence and theirstories were displayed proudly inMrs Hall’s office. Judges of thecompetition included children’sauthors David Walliams, CharlieHigson and Lauren Child.

All three children enjoyedtaking part and are lookingforward to entering againnext year.


JUICY NEWSTaking a peak at our favourite recent news stories

Sunday 22nd April 2012 was a very specialday for 12 pupils from Bickerstaffe School.The story began several months before whenpupils were asked if they would like toreceive their First Communion. Childrenthought long and hard about their faith and12 pupils decided they were ready.Communion lessons took place every Fridayin school.

Dressed in smart clothes the 12 childrenarrived at church along with their parents

and Godparents and other members of theChurch congregation.

Rev Andrew asked all the children if theywished to be admitted to Holy Communionand to share regularly in the meal. All thechildren answered yes and Rev Andrew wenton to ask their parents and Godparents tohelp them to grow in their faith. RevAndrew finished by saying the very specialwords: “In the name of James, Bishop ofLiverpool, I welcome you to the sacrament

of Holy Communion”. The children thenwent to the alter to take the bread and winefor the first time. It was a very specialmoment for them all.

After the service everyone went backto Bickerstaffe School for a wonderfullunch. The food was delicious and itwas a chance for everyone to chatand spend time together. A Certificateof First Communion was presented toeach child and a beautiful book ofprayers.


All about our young authorsBy Isobel Housley

By Matthew Webster

Lawrie O’Brien, Thomas Ralfs and Isobel Housley

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Mr DraperWe catch up with our Class 3

teacher before he leaves us for anew adventure. Good luck!

Chatting with


How does it feel to be leaving ourschool? It’s very sad because I havereally grown very quickly to like all the children and staff. It has been apleasure to teach at Bickerstaffe and I willmiss everyone.

Would you come back and teach usagain? Yes, definitely without a doubt.You have been a great class to teach.

What do you like most about ourschool? When I first arrived what struckme most was the friendliness of everyoneand the great welcome I received. I havealso really enjoyed all the fun activities Ihave been involved with from chess tocricket plus running to tag rugby.

Who is your favouritepupil in Year 4?

Oh I’ve got nofavourites, I likeyou all!

What is yourfavouritecolour? Well

that wouldhave to be red

as I am a hugeManchester United

fan. They are the bestteam in the world! (Lawrie interrupts atthis point “They’re not...Barcelona are”)

Do you have a favourite lesson toteach? Maths as it has so many aspectsto it from subtraction and addition to allthe practical stuff.

When did you start teaching? I startedteaching in September 2002 which,thinking about it, is 10 years ago. I firsttaught just up the road from here at aschool in Skelmersdale and it was also aYear 4 class.

Who is your favourite teacher in thisschool? Everyone has been great andI’ve enjoyed working with them all.

Do you havea favouriteband?Westlife, agreat Irishboy band andI can honestlysay I like alltheir songs.

What’s your favourite food? Oh verymuch a good steak with peppercornsauce and definitely with chips. You can’tbeat it!

Do you have any hobbies? I particularlylike running and biking so I try to get outfor a run or on my bike whenever I can.

You are getting married this summer,who are you getting married to andwhat are you most looking forward to?

I will be marrying my partner Miss Milne and we are

getting married up in the Lake District.

It’s really not long now and I am getting

very excited

about the whole


What do you like most aboutteaching? Simply teaching children andhopefully making a difference. Helpingchildren to learn is very rewarding and Itry to be the best role model I can be.

How old are you? 33

What would you like to achievebefore you are 40? That’s a hard

question. I would love to try to getdown to the other side of the world

and visit Australlia for six weeks onesummer. When I was

16 I really wantedto move thereand it issomewhere Ihave wanted togo since.

What will be your favourite memoryof your time at our school?Friendliness! Pupils, teachers and parentsalike, everyone has been so friendly that itwill be a wonderful lasting memory of mytime here.

If you were stranded on a desertisland what single item could you notlive without? That would have to be myfuture wife.

That’s not allowed. OK if it couldn’t beher then I would takesweets. Yes I know theywouldn’t last verylong but I would tryto ration them.

What is thehighestmountain youhave climbed?Skiddaw in the LakeDistrict.

If you had children whatwould you call them? For a girl I wouldchoose Poppy and for a boy Luke.


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the a-team lead the way

the boys...


owen reaches the top...

..but was stillworking out howto get downthe smurfs

the hunt iS on

HELP, the sea ischasing me!

my beach isbetter

i bet it doesn’thave sand

i sure hope this

doesn’t go on


why are they

staring at me


ha! that beetlejust poopedwhoops....I just farted

get off mytree house

bagsy not onthe top bunk

think i may befalling off!

ByJoeCotterill, Oscar

Hampson MattyWebster andAlex


ByJoeCotterill, Oscar

Hampson MattyWebster andAlex



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the boys get competitive..

back at base

operation oliverson

the smile of death!

concentration boys


beat that

robin hood!

do you thinkthey’ll notice thebuilding is gone..?


stop staringat me

hey, daisy sent

me a text

so then i jumpedoff this cliff

i did that atmy cousins

beat thatspiderman!

what are y


going on about?

how abo



sing t



a on m





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the telling off

getting tired

tree huggers

grass monster1

group photo


I’m ST


sydni sween!,where do you

think your going?

excuse me

i can still smell it!!

don’t leave, it’s

about to get


who’s got mysandwhich?!

get it away

from us..!

time to leave,quick



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what a view

one direction

lunch break

who’s lost the keys

say cheese

get offmy rock!

doo do yeaahhh

do do dooo

i hope there

isn’t a sp

ider on

my back

sooo, anyway

i hope this

bridge doesn



this is mybest friend

cheese my bike hasturbo drive

my bike iscooler

Where haseveryonegone?

here we

go againright you

horrible lot

i’m sureit’s in here


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JUICY NEWSTaking a peak at our favourite recent news stories

This year everybody in school has been learning aboutthe Olympic values and striving to achieve them inorder to be awarded the Olympic bands. Each of theseven Olympic bands represents a different value fromdetermination, excellence, courage and friendshipthrough to inspiration, respect and equality. Not justthe children but also teachers and parents have beenaiming to get the bands. Andrew and Jo Housley alongwith Catherine Ormesher and Alan Ralfs are just someof the parents who have earned bands. Ted Holtby, Year6, was the first pupil to achieve all seven values in theschool. He said: “It was unexpected to be first but I amreally happy and the band I am most proud of isinspiration”.

Isobel Housley and Joseph Ormesher closelyfollowed Ted in second place in reaching thegoal of seven Olympic bands.

OLYMPICCHAMPSPupils complete the seven values

The annual book quiz tookplace in March to see whohad the best brains in school.Four panels of Orion, Saturn,Gemini and Saturn took part.Different questions were setfor different age groups. Thequestions started off simpleand then got harder until itgot too hard for the childrento answer. However eachteam carried on as they wereall determined to win. It wasa great opportunity for theinfants because they also gotinvolved.In the end Saturn wonand it was a fun day.Everyone can’t wait untilnext year.


Monday 14th May was thefirst day of SATS. We were allvery apprehensive as wearrived in school and a bitnervous about what the daywould bring.

It was very tense as Mrs Hallopened the packagecontaining the papers. Year 6had the reading paper first andthe subject was “The Great

Plague” which fortunately wasquite an interesting topic.

Mr Ballard commented: “Myclass have shown courage,determination and although Ihave not marked year 5 testsyet I am hoping they havedone well”. Mr Draper, Class3, agreed and added that hisclass had been very calm. MissThomson, Class 2, said: “The

children are showing goodprogression with a fantasticattitude towards their work”.The SATs week was achallenging week foreveryone but it ended withan afternoon of fun with aSAT’s party which everyoneenjoyed. Now that’s it foranother year.

Bickerstaffe sits SATS

By Matthew Webster

A testing week for puplis

Ted Holtby with seven Olympic bands


By Isobel Housley

By Oscar Hampson


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Mrs Teachen has set herself anamazing challenge – to run every dayin 2012. Matthew Webster caught upwith her, whilst she wasn’t running, to

ask her some questions about this andher other sporting achievements.

What motivated you to start thischallenge? I wanted to challengeand push myself to ‘be the best that Ican be’ in 2012 the year of the LondonOlympics. I also wanted to be a goodrole model for my daughter Caitlhanand inspire others. My other aim wasto have a goal that lasted a long time,not just a week or a few months. Ihave a friend called Dave who thoughtof the ‘run every day in 2012’challenge for himself so I decided tojoin in with that.

How many miles would you like torun by the end of the year? Ideally2012km in 2012 would be great, whichis 1257 miles. I also want to move 2012miles in 2012. This can be running,walking, cycling and swimming (notdriving). To help me achieve this Ientered the Liverpool Triathlon whichtook place on the 1st July. I swam 1500meters (just under a mile), cycled 40km(approx 25 miles) and ran 10K (approx6 miles). Despite being a terribleswimmer and this being a realchallenge for me I loved it but it wastough. I have already booked tocompete in two more!

Have you run in any marathons?This year I have completed theManchester marathon in April in4hours and 44 minutes which wasgreat because I had an injured calf atthe time. I ran a half marathon downin Plymouth in June with my sisterand my next marathon will be inChester in October. A week later Imay also be tempted back outrunning again for the Liverpoolmarathon.

Would you do this again next year?Yes I probably won’t stop running –ever!!! And no... as I have to wash myhair every day, which is a pain. Mylaundry bills have also increased as Ihave more clothes to wash and myhouse is full of trainers.

Have you got any tips for people atrunning club? Give it a go, whetheryou are terrible or terrific. You don’thave to be great to start but you dohave to start to be great.

Encourage a friend or family memberto do it with you and then you canmotivate each other to keep running.

Don’t compareyourself to othersand when youstart begin with aslow walk/runprogramme.

Keep a log ofyour progress soyou can see howwell you aredoing.Set yourselfrealistic goalsand rewardyourself whenyou reach thatgoal, then setanother.

Do you have any final words forpeople who are inspired by you? Iremember that on day 11, at thebeginning of this challenge, it was dark,freezing, with gale force wind warnings.I really didn’t want to go for a run. I kepttelling myself it was too windy, too coldand that I was too tired so decided torun around my couch instead. LuckilyCaitlhan persuaded me to run outsideand I’m glad she did. I finally went forthe run at 11.30pm that night.

Finally, how many miles have yourun so far? Nearly 1,000!

Keep on runningInterviewbyMatthew Webster

Mrs Teachen’s 2012 challenge


Encourage a friend orfamily member to do itwith you and then you

can motivate each otherto keep running.


Keep a log of yourprogress so you can seehow well you are doing.


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run!one mileTHE

Please no press-ups Bit squished

Oi no cheating Team tiger When can I go?....

I think we need more room Just one more bite Call me

On 23rd May there was a one mile running raceat Victoria Park, Southport. It is an annual eventorganised by Southport and Waterloo athletics

club as part of Sefton’s festival of sport. Many people are not used to running even halfa mile but the Bickerstaffe School Running Club

are frequently running two miles. IsobelHousley, one of the competitors, said: “There wasa big course to run round with twists and turnsalong the paths. With some hustle and bustleplus some pushing and shoving at the start it

was an exciting experience.” Hundreds of pupilstook part and all of running club achieved

personal best times for the one mile distance.Wordsby IsobelHousley


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Must...get....doughnutDaniel and Jacob

nothing between them Phewf I’m tired

Wait up Cole Ha I passed you Drive those arms

You’ll wish you never did that I’m right behind you little bro Yikes an army soldier

I need space man Lick those lips you’ve crossed the line


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JUICY NEWSTaking a peak at our favourite recent news stories


During this Olympic year of2012 many pupils atBickerstaffe School have takenup new and excitingchallenges. We tracked downthe children who have madethis year an Olympic one bytrying something new. KieranSands joined a football teamback in January set up by hisuncle and plays in a matchevery Tuesday after school. Hetrains on Saturdays and hasalready made new friends andis looking forward to nextseason. Climbing to the top ofher ambitions is Isobel Housleyand with regular monthlysessions at Awesome Walls sheis well and truly hooked.Keeping his feet firmly on theground Camron Ventry joinedrunning club inspired bywanting to get fitter. He said:

“It makes me feel sportier andalso more energetic.” He alsosaid he felt really encouragedand supported by the rest ofthe group and parents whoalso run. He can now run amile without stopping. Addingto his swimathon achievementthis year, Joseph Ormesher hastaken swimming to a new levelwith ambitions to be in the topswim squad at Everton.Although he finds butterflystroke the hardest he continuesto be inspired by his swimminghero, Michael Phelps. Taking tothe saddle Isla Webster hasachieved a personal ambitionthis year by cantering for thefirst time. Her hardest momenthas been jumping in a straightline but her funniest was goingthe wrong way. Joe Cotterillwas inspired by Oscar

Hampson to take upgymnastics. He would love towin a competition this year buthis best moment so far hasbeen learning to summersault.Knitting a master piece is whatRebekah Hodgson would like toachieve in 2012 as she pickedup a set of needles and tookup this new activity. With closefriend Isla Webster to takeinspiration from she has alreadygrasped the difficult blanketstitch and will have her firstscarf ready for winter for sure.Added to all of this AndrewMercer has found time to takeup rugby and is aiming to beman of the match before theyear is out. It’s certainly beenan Olympic year in schooland we look forward toupdating you on everyone’sprogress in our next issue.

Rory Holtby has recently undertaken a two week work experience placement at Bickerstaffe School.He has acted like a teacher and has helped Class 1 and 2.He has mostly helped them with their reading but he has also had the heroic courage to help themwith their maths. Rory has been helping out with the school’s recent arrivals, the chickens, by feedingthem each morning. Rory’s goal is to be the best of the best and his work experience is going to helphim accomplish his ambition.Rory Holtby attends a high school in Crosby but he used to be a student at Bickerstaffe School and healso lives in Bickerstaffe.Asked about the work experience he said, “I have loved it here, especially playing withYear 1 and Year 2. My favourite lesson has been reading with Class 2.

During book week thewell known epic illustrator,‘Tim Quinn’, came andvisited Bickerstaffe School.Tim Quinn was the creatorof Beano comiccharacters. He helpedpupils create their owncharacters made out ofbasic fruit shapes, forexample Class 4 used abanana. To lots of peoplehe has been an inspirationand he certainly inspiredBickerstaffe pupils.

Joe Cotterill, Class 4, said:“I thought his artworkwas awesome. He hasdrawn great charactersfrom Spiderman to Denisthe Menace”. AlexFotheringham added,“Tim inspired me a lot!”.In assembly Tim Quinnbrought in the famousinvisible plane made byWonder Women.

He told pupils thatwhile he worked atMarvel Comics he hadto draw a picture ofhis boss in 60 seconds.



By Andrew Mercer and Alex Fotheringham

By Ted Holtby

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off to an egg’sellent start!The project begins..!

It’s finished!

snip, snip, snip

During the last few weeks in May pupils from Class 4 andMr Hall were incredibly busy designing and building a

hen house. Eggs-asperated at what to do with the chicks,that were growing every day, school happily decided tokeep them and give them a home. With the willing helpand talent of the children, along with Mr Hall, the wholeschool can now look forward to looking after them andgetting their first Bickerstaffe school eggs! Let’s just hope

there is no ‘fowl’ behaviour from them.

What do wedo now?Drill Daisy

lets go!

I would love

a cup of tea

Anyone wanta haircut?

What a day

This is hardwork, but doesmy hair look OK?

cluck cluck,we have a newhome!

Now for mymagic trick

Mind thefingers

Drill of

the day



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Despite the wet and windy weather the village annual treat day, dating back to 1877, washeld in full glory this year. Bickerstaffe School pupils began proceedings by Morrisdancing their way into Bickerstaffe Hall farm accompanied by the brass band. The

eagerly awaited maypole dancing did not disappoint with ribbons of colour taking centrestage. To mark the Jubilee year pupils created heraldic shields providing a beautiful array

of colour set against a backdrop of hay bales.

Class 3 shake their stuff

Walking in the rain Welly good funLove the socks

A delighted Jacob holds up his shieldPretty as a picture

AJubileeTreatWordsbyJessica Burgess and Alex Brogan


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Round and round we go

Isobel and Sophie Keep on playing

Well done!

A royal rendition...

Nice work

A ‘Ballard’ of laughs

Mrs Hall watches on

Class 1 show how it’s done


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JUICY NEWSTaking a peak at our favourite recent news stories

New Arrivals

In March this year school took delivery of some eggsfrom a farm in Tarleton. It was a few weeks before thechicks finally hatched. The chicks very soon grew to fullsize and their cheeping got louder and louder. Thechicks arrival in school was a real talking point withmultiple names, too many to mention, as most of thepupils tried to name them. Some of the names were,Freddie, Dave, Bobble and Joe. Sophie, Year 4, said:

“It’s really niceto have thechicksbecause wehave neverreally had aschool pet ascute before”.

By Daisy Latimer Not so blandFamous poet visits school

On the Monday of book week, the poet Ian Blandcame into our school. He encouraged pupils tocreate a poem about themselves, for example ‘Canyou hold your nose?’Class 2 wrote poems about animals usingalliteration, for example ‘Two fat tigers chasing their tails.’When he came into Class 3 he showed us a type of poem, which wasintroduced to us by the Vikings, called kennings. From cats and footballplayers to people this is a section of one ‘Fast runner, long jumper.’Basically they are a list of words about something and a bit like a riddle.Class 4 wrote a poem about what they wanted to be like, for example ‘I’dlike to be manager so I could boss someone about.’At the end of the day school had a big assembly all about Ianand we read out our poems. Everyone enjoyed the exciting day.

By Lawrie O’Brien

In January budding athletes in the school’s running club setthemselves a challenge of running 2012 miles during the Olympicyear. The pupils have completed the remarkable distance betweenthem braving the cold, wind and rain to hit their target. The children also completed a series of individual distances rangingfrom 13 miles up to 78 miles and were able to earn a colour codedwristband from bronze to gold for each of the mileage distancesachieved. Daniel Harrison, Year 4, took the challenge one step

further with a combined walking and running effort to take himover 212 miles!In recognition of the children’s effort a special commemorative t shirt was awarded to each of them at the last running session ofthe school year. The ‘Team GB’ styled t shirt is printed with all thepupils, parents and teachers names that helped reach the 2012goal.(See picture of running club above)

GOLD MEDAL EFFORT FOR SCHOOLTeachers, pupils and parents strap on their running shoes

Ian Bland

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This term pupilscompeted in atriathlon eventwhere they didrunning andswimming.

JosephOrmesher wasone of thechildren whoswam and that iswhy I called thisstory ‘Joseph’s bigsplash’. As well ascompeting in thisevent for hisschool Josephalso embarked ona personalswimathon byswimming as faras possible.

AmazinglyJoseph swam atotal of 25,800 meters and also raised a staggering £300 forMarie Curie cancer care, a charity that means something tohis family.

As recognition for his achievement Joseph was awarded aspecial medal from swimathon and also earned his Olympicband for equality in school.

Joseph said: “It has been great and the experience at thetriathlon event was an amazing day.“

The Leaving of Bickerstaffe A service to remember

The Year 6 leavers’ service, which took place in June at the LiverpoolAnglican Cathedral, was fantastic. It started off by Mr ‘B’ taking Year6 boys off on a site seeing trip and then he did the same for thegirls. Included in the mini tour were paintings of parables and statuesof the last supper. We travelled to the Cathedral by bus and whenwe arrived had lunch. During the service Year 6 pupils got to singtogether in the Cathedral and also pray for good luck in the future.I was there and thought it was amazing. My Mum was there tooand she said she loved it all. Andrew Mercer said: “I really enjoyed itbecause it was fun and a great experience. The building wasawesome.” Matty Webster added: “It was amazing because it was afirst for me and everybody else.”

Greek gods turn pages

Lots of different challengeswere set in school duringbook week for pupils to getinvolved with. Children wereinvited to match particularpoems with teachers and tryto guess which their favouritewas.

The week was filled withvisitors from Tim Quinn, ofMarvel Comics, to Ian Bland afamous poet.

Added to the fun filledweek pupils got to dress up astheir favourite Greek hero orheroine. We interviewed eachother about our differentcharacters whilst we each satin the hot seat. The questions

proved a challenge as alwayswith each pupil demonstratingthe depth of their knowledge.

Matty Webster arrived atschool with green hairand thorougly enjoyedbeing Poseidon for theday.

By Joe Cotterill

Luke Clancey

Joseph Ormesher

By Ted Holtby

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Rebekah HodgsonAndrew Mercer

Q1 Ted’s booster joke.Q3 P.E. Q5 Policeman.

Owen NunesErin Kenny

Q1 When Georgia thought that an ice cube

sank the Titanic. Q2 Min y Don.

Q5 Marine Biologist. Q1 Making friends. Q2 Min y Don. Q4 Global renewables. Q5 Joiner

Q2 Min-y-don

Q3 Art Q5 Vet







My top tipConcentrate inclass and youwill succeed

My top tipSchool is theplace to be

My top tipGood luck

My top tipMake the

most of yourtime


TIPS Questions asked

Q1. Best time at schoolQ2. Most enjoyable memory

Q3. Best lessonQ4. Best school trip

Q5. When I grow up I would like to be





by Daisy Latimer & Matty Webster



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Ted HoltbyQ1 Min Y Don. Q2 Everything in class four.

Q5 Photographer.

Charlotte Hislop

Q3 Project work. Q4 Quarry Bank Mill.

Q5 Forensic Scientist / Marine Biologist

Matty Webster

Q1 Ted’s booster joke.Q2 Min y Don Q5 Barrister

Georgia-Anne Walker

Q1 Making new friends. Q2 When we all had a water fight.

Q4 Min y Don. Q5 Midwife.

Eleanor RamsdenQ1 When Kelly dunked Elysia’s bear in thejam jar. Q4 Farmer Teds. Q5 Hairdresser.

Daisy Latimer

Q1 When Georgia thought that an ice cube

sank the Titanic Q2 Min y Don Q5 Hairdresser.




My top tipKeep your

head down



My top tipHave fun

My top tipAlways listen

to your teachers

My top tipStay in school

My top tipEnjoy the


My top tipWork hard

and bepersistant












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Joe Spud is 12 years oldand lives with his Dad whoworks in the toilet rollfactory. One day Mr Spudhad an amazing idea, tomake special smooth toiletroll, which made him veryrich, so rich that he gaveJoe 2 million pounds for hisbirthday.

Joe becomes friends withBob who is overweight andvery unpopular. Bob isbullied by the ‘Grub twins’

for being fat and Joe tries topay them off, which upsetsBob and they fall out.

Later on Joe makesanother friend calledLauren, which we find outlater in the book, that hisDad has paid her to be hisfriend. Joe realises whyBob has been so upset andeventually they make up.

I found this book fun andeasy to read but it has fartoo many lists (groan) in it!

What’s that!?

Bookreview by Isaac Benson

Billionaire Boy by David Walliams

The film is all about a girland a boy called KatnissEverdeen and PeetaMellark. They are takingpart in a fight to the deathcalled ‘The HungerGames’. Katniss’s sisterPrim was originally pickedfor the games but asKatniss is scared that hersister might die, she

volunteers instead.Katniss and Peeta meettheir mentor Haymitch.

The film is both goryand sad but alsotouching. If there was afilm to compare it to itwould be one that hasn’tbeen made yet becauseno film, to me, could belike it.

Filmreviewby Isobel Housley

The Hunger Games


Can you identify all of the up close objects?All can be found around school.


Iratethisfilm..A CB D




Fun stuff

Why do wolves have holes in their underpants?

So furry tails can come true•••••••••

What happens when you play ping pong with a rotten egg?

First comes ping and then goes pong

•••••••••If Frozen lemonade is iced

lemonade and frozen cake is iced cake, what’s frozen ink?


An i Pad – does it help school and lessons?

The older children were buzzing with excitement andsaid they loved using it and liked the fact that they couldtake it anywhere in school. Making class fun with theoption to play games appealed too. Accessing musicacross all classrooms ticked a box for a few teachers.However not all pupils are fully engaged yet and despiteit’s very hands-on nature have yet to identify a real valueto their lessons. For some younger junior children theythink it’s an expensive gadget and that the schoolcameras are just as portable and take betterphotographs. In conclusion the appeal of the school’s i Pad definitely seemed to be strongest in Class 4 withyounger children yet to be convinced.





Answers next issue

By all the editorial team


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Saturday6th October

DOORS OPEN: 10.00AM - 4.00PM

Bickerstaffe Hall Farm, Hall Lane(nr Ormskirk), Bickerstaffe L39 0EH

Saturday 6th October

To book a stall please email:[email protected]

All proceeds distributed between school & church

Food stallsCooking demosLocal chefsLive music

WorkshopsFarm produceHome bakingHog roast

A small community gather in a big, big barn

Sample local food drink&

2 0 1 2

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Bickerstaffe C.E. SchoolHall Lane, Bickerstaffe, Lancashire, L39 0EH

tel. 01695




With special thanks to our editorial team for the making of this magazine:Matthew Webster, Joe Cotterill, Alex Brogan, Lawrie O’Brien, Oscar Hampson,

Ted Holtby, Andrew Mercer, Jessica Burgess, Daisy Latimer, Isobel Housley, Alex Fotheringham and Sophie Ruddock.

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