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VOL. IT. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, FEB. 24, 1872. NO. 10 The Iron Era PtmiiiBitED Evunr flA-runuAi at BKNJ. II. VOGT. EDITOR AND rit01UET0I(% OJKe* Car. Blorrl* anil 111ucltwell Street* TEIOI8 OFSUllBtniPTIO.V t I«rAniAnr.r i* ADVASPK. Ono Year, - » - - - - - $2.0C Six Months, - - - . . _ _ _ 1.0L vhreo mouths, - - - ' - . - - (JEO. KICIIAUDS & Co., BEI4,TICKETSI'OnT'tll 1'ltIHCirAIj LINES ' Otf STEA3lEIt8 TOANT FIIOM Quccnstowii pml Jjiverpao DKAl'TK ON . Qroit Dritnln, Ireland, Chirmany Snfl Franc to per £i. PASSAGE TICKETS TO AKD rnoit Liverpool ant! Queenstown on tlto following Stoannshlp linen : INNAfi, NATIONAL JjiTtrpool ami tiri'iit West ftrn< ' Drafti on Enirland mid ltnynl llnnk of Irrlnii rttualowcitnW \ BlBckwcH'stroot. Dover, N.J. SEGUR'S BAtTK, ' UOVEK,JV, J., BUCCEStiOIl TO Tho TJnion Ilmiic nt' Dcvvcr. Seven pur cent Gold Donds vt tho IloiUiou am Toxim Contrail Itfcihvuy Company-'Hun, Win. E, Dodgo, 1'rusldcnt—for MIOnt 00c. nnil tuutfili intercut. AW, sovon-thirty Nor. hem ttwii lUtlruiil llonils at par and nccmud iiiteml. Circulars and particulars furnished on apjilit: tlon. A. Q. P. BEGXJlt. Unnltor. G m MUItPHVH f.J« X • FABtllOaiBLH HAIlt OUKRH BhftWntf null Sliiiitiponlurf lQitfiiliUalmicii Cpr.'ISUoltwoll owl Biwws fili., Dovwi, N. J. H.n,—r»rtlcnlnr alt ton lion given tu cutting and drosvlng lutlion* nud children'H linir. RISKM bonod, s6t and ground. 1-lyr W AI. II. insVuius, . WCOLEftALUA OETATb VEM.TJi IK Foreign and Domestic Tobacco, BXUVE Aiid OIOAllfl. Aim, conalMilt* un litml, A grout nriotj of HMOK1NU Mid Clfr.WING I : TOBACSOO, r i a l u -mul fnnrf X , BBIAJt nud MUEHSCIUUM I'fflS. Dlaekwull at root, Sl^n of ilw Infllnn _i-i yt ' povi:n,_K. J. -jTyTANSlON 1IOUS1C. ! Corner of Blackwell nnil Simnoi Rl«. 'DOVER, N. J.' J..B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. noraou MidCiUTiagen loLot. S T " ' 'DOVElt, N. J. Civorj Rinlil«B uttacliml lo tbo Hotel Ho. kept l>y tho dft.v, wcok or month. Licensed Auctioneer, 13OVE11, N. J. ftdoa attended to lit anj part or tlie cmuitrr, PrivMn cutlnntlonn pr.impllj nttimilnl to, k comnilmlon ulinrROtlinilylipunnutUBlciilloctioim. ' Counsellor at Law, AND JtASTEU IN CnANOEBY, Offlco imxt tloor to Qco. Hiclianl* AGJ'R Ktore, 3rU»Kwrj.T, ST., PQVEI1, N. J. ; VriCIGilDOlIIt OS O PHTII, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, Cor. Blndnroll onu SUIRCX81a. DOVEE, N. J. LAW OFFICE, 1IMON HAI.I* tliriLDINa, VTK'Ji: Dover, N. J. i ( Furnisliing'lJndertaker WnrriH.noarDlackwoUitt. : Beautiful Sets of tvoth fur tlC.OO. Toutli oxiraotod posltlvoly without tiain, by tfio nso of Nitrous Oxide, or Lnuglilng Gas. D n Carriages and Sleighs Of Evc-rj- Ilt> jrlptlon. Cor, niiwhwoll ond Bcrfr J 8ts, IMtVKR, N, j. N. H. DXKESIAK, CEO, McCpACItE-f, rar'tioiilar attontioa paid to ropalrini . putniiiig. lllR (ltl( Frank. V- Amsden, Architect mid CIVIL ENGINEER, Office on BlaokwcU Stwot, noar SAMSON MINING Co., 0HESTEB, Monia Co.. N. J. Miners and Shippers of Iron Ore. Address 0 . W.-MILLER, Hue, 8, W. GKOKnE, Rp 20 Jlrond Kt. New YorU, Chester, Murris Cu. 20-C1* N^ A. TAYLOR, MANUPiCTUItHn ASU DrJlMA II* LlOIIT AMD HARNESS SADDLES, &c, J)OVI3R, N. J., AntiniinrcH to tlio piiMin Ibatlio lms rccutvcl III V'haur i-lockfjru'iudB. niuUnvitcHBii cxamiau tloii of Ms ftilimdld uclnullou uf Buffalo and Wolf Skin Fancy Lap Robes, Horse Blankets,' Sleigh Bells, Whips, Brushes, Combs, OILS for Imiliricnting Harness, Oinlmcnis, J^liiimciitfl, And In fftct nil tlion« nrtkli'* nc»dc<l \,y i pond tiurHutnnu In tlio pronnt cai"o of Hint uuuful aul- inai. Iluvlni; boti^ht an utliiBuslly Large Stock of Horse Blankets IiunftbloloiiolUtimioh . Below the Usitul Prices. ItKPAIlilNO <1mio iinntlr, miliatantinlly tmil jirouiptly, Cull arid examlnu niyntoi-k. 1guarantee yatnifueUuii, •Benonilior 2itli. 1H70. 1-ljT Free Passage Tickets 1'IIOM Dover to Morristown AND IllSTritN. On und after Aug. fitli, 1871, the BiibBcrihcr wi >y tliu iwasagc, OVCT tho St. As li. It. It. fron _ liter to Slorriutowii and rettim, of all cltlxoiis u JJovor and vicinity who wilt purolmsu or hint suit of clotln's of Hity (leucriljtioii. ' Bjilnnilld antl entirely nowstock of Heady i Clothing linn juut l>ocu pnl in my new f tor o old Iron Hunk JJuildlng, (hinting tho Par mriHtdivii. SAMUISL HAM. inistowu, Aug. 5,1R71. Dl)-y C. II. niOttRISTOWN, N. J. Pcalor In Medicines; Chemicals, Dye Stuffs EIU, ETC. IEMUINE PATENT MEDICINES. MINERAL WATERS of all kinds, TOILET ARTICLES, Soaps, Brushes, Perfumery, and everything imisily found in n First Class Drug Store. Tl> tha vory reipoiistblo duty of compounding aud dlnpoucing Phyaioir,i)B* Prescriptions, nitlWAXD OPI'ICIXAL CHARACTER 01' All. MH1IKUMM USED IX O. H. DALKYMPLT3, . Druggist_ NEW GOODS ! ! BOUGHT AT CASH PRICES ! !! And BB I nball 8EIX FOtt CASH, I enn AJETORD to SEH CHEAP ! JUST HECEIVED, A SPLENDID 8'IOCK OF Dry Goods and Notions Cum prising the very latest Stylos of Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, SHAWLS, ' WEAK Evur offered in Dovur. AIB» n flno Aasortniont of EESHGiEOCEIlIES Riich variety aa (o meot Itio wants of every UCUBQIIOU, Crockery & Glass-ware Tlio latnnt clooigiis and Dncut worV-manuhip, ni rrell an tho more Biibsltuitkl u-tlclcB In lltif lino. Ilifivo just oncitcd, und Invito iho oilizcim o! Dover to enmo nnd ruamlno my gondn nail pd(!OH. Under tho IKON ERA OfTlco, corner of Ulackwcll ind MorrisStreetH1.I)ojsj1|Jt+, J. T" .WOOD, reii's Shoes 113APEST. WUITL0CK & LEWIS, New Store NEW GOODS ! Having recently mured tv our Largo nnd EU B«at New Store Kooin, Cor. or Blackwell and Morris Streets, Wo slinll bo iilcngcd tu wtlnuiljn otir old diatom, em, nii'l nil utfinrs trim inuy fnvur us with n cull slid tauerrully nhow our NEW AND SELECT STOCK 0 GOODS ! Wliioli Tor QDATJTV, QUANTITY and J'HICJK Wu foci nwmre.t ennnh! b«i mirtmsfiflil I>Vnnv Mon in i!i? count ry. Our New Hiionirf IJUHK ubuu four tlniCH Iho Hl/uf.rtlmaowfl funimrlv iHCiipioi! tmnljk-H na lohccim full nsBorltnont of all artu-le cou nee ted wiih our buduwtfl, and ivhicli consist In ]mrt of Dry Goods &Funcy Goods, Knuli ni IMIILV faRlitmmbin t\ri\»n goo-la, nil vari tiimiiiul Krutlcx; cidiiriii'n, uiutiliiDt, uliccliu^H, tiu IiiL-a, HlitrtinyH, tiiwclIngH, Jniainry, i-ottun llirtwl dill; nnil Idd glortu, ilrci-B mid clunk tmnmlngh ribbnim, Inti-j, nhawls, ulunlUr.gH, llaiinuls, tiireu °GENT'"FURJ^SHING GOODS, Hiicli an clotlis, nnsn(ir..*rciii, HnlluuttH, JOIUIH, rtt_ \mn, linen nnd (.'uttoncoodii, coilara, craratu.nee) lios. Imcli, IIHIO, tvui>], i:uttu:i, Mk nud Idd glovcH ivoiil and ciilitm half LOBO, m\k and linun humlkcr "'BOOTS and SHO^S. lultua* audchildrcu-a hiph stioeii, (jnitcrn, buaUr jwrs, rnliiicru, A-i>. Jtoii's nml lioyu" lioavy ni buuta, BIIOUH, guilormind Hli|ijii>rn> Groceries and Provisions Tuns, coffees, gugsm, niolnRflc-u uu! nyrupH, nl crndi'H, vnrJtilius und priced, (.'ftiineil und dried rrnitH, fssouwfl and liavorinir oxtrnctti, tMirk, nnoked linui und Hliouldora, ilrlud be of nml liucuu, mlt nmtkw:., cudlleh, nlittctishmidlienlng. A'GO, always on hand, a Choice Article ol Frosli Butter, Cheosa and Eggs. Crockery, Ciiilery arid Olitsi ennaortincnt-tnblo ntul pookot etillt-ry, tnl.l croeUory nnd ftlftBS-woro, parlor, hall, dining nui HARDWARE AND EDGE TOOLS. l'nll p(it« uf Carponttirfl' nnd other inueUa tools, uf tho bent niamifuL'tura. Iron, Steel, Powder and Fuse. full nflnurtnu'nt uf Herd mi it Iron nnd Rlmd, In iidrt and burti, miiUlHu furlilnuliHinillis' or ini HO; alwj Bprting and mininff prwdur.nml s ilHD, pnajiipcfl and liUinytt. horuo HIHICB ILIK! nrpuntcrh' nnik und mukus blkitl 1 . horuo us, blac CLOTH, In this bmuuli of biminuaa, wo intend kcrplng n Itand a full Biipnly of mrlur mill?, badrouiu HIT! jnnrh!c-toi> tubic », ctinln,; ami ('xtoiixitm MAc uofnB. loungos, liitu-tt-tutou, r>tt(ininn«, ulinin rork(.'i-u, onny clmits, biirenun, tintiw, ward rubOK, h-iitaudB, bndfltcoilH, towul rni'kn, Ac; nl noli I'laio nnd Aiuurioun BHrrnnt and LonSiiii RK-H. Hair, fottmi, wool nnd utmwnmtlrcna nd pllloiTu; hcAWunkotrt and lnioii, nil kindn. it' Our Una of oarpMi. nro wull pi>Icctnd, in..! .jnnistHor KnRllKlinnd Amcnnan UriisBBlu, In. grain, Hrnip and llarr, 1'uvlur Jluts, kv* Oil (JlolllB, ull wiiltliH. TIIIIBI of our Htoult 'jf goods hnvo bocn recent] pui-clmncd nt tha iiruAcnt ieduced inlctu, nil hnvobcmi seleott-dfrom tlwbiwt houeCRln No York, with en o, nud n hldi wo intend to dif imAu of at |iric<!H nn low ns cun lw niliirdcd.- lt Q«ick KilfiHnnrl BIIIBII gnnfltH," hehif,' our inottr Wo Uavu cii(/.igfia tlio Hurviccn of KHIIIO younggei tinmen anB,iic6men, ivho-w lonutiitl'-ii forliunuut nd iiolituiioan nro wo! I -known, who will clicui illy nxliiliit imr atoelc of" gnodi>t nnd inform yo i iho prictH. whctlior yuu jmrclinej or nut. l'lcnsf -ivu \\a a, unll. Xi'mTUKUt & LEWIS, THOMAS BOLITHO WlicliwUo and llutail OYSTERS FUES1I BVISBY DAY, Ilv tlio 100 or 1000, or bytlto Quart, Half Gal- n and Gallon Kvyn, nt lifs SALOON, i BlwUH-ril Stroot, or delivered. -io-tf pora», N. j Astonishing, yet TRUE -PBEIN.E THE HATTER 18 BELLIKO CHILDREN'S FURS AID $2 Per Set, ' Call nnd look nt them* Tlio b<»t Ansortrnwife of HONKS ovor offered in this City,' ' VALUABLE Mineral Property FOU i TUo Snbscrilwr effern for wnlu obont Twenty Acres of Land With nvrihinbis minimi depnmt, PitnalfiiV In ;onthfni purl uf Jlnvcr, near riir;.'«iiil «fri crnlslmftsliavn tmen nnnk and onnBidr-ni tnkon out. Tlio property is alao very di'g. FOR BUTLDINa PURrOSES, . Uovor, It ii , - . nililing HUCH, oqiinl lo any otlior jirojmrty In Iho icinity nf tliu town. Tho pricn In l'ivo Thotifnnd Bolliri, and the ^niiH »BUIMUTVI nfi am bo doRiml. Also far Halo euvcrnl building lots la tlm iwlgli- Ijorhiwd. PersonB whliins ' n vlcsr tho nrcmUcd nmj coll i>on O. H. Miitiaon, iu Wnrrcu ntnvt, or .vm.0S JIltSHaN, on tho wviuisva- over, S. J., Nor. i!3,1871, i'Mt. Morristown Advertisements FURS! FURS!! LAWRENCE & Co., HATTERS & FURRIERS, PAUK.IIOW, MOltRISTOWIV, K. J. Tho Lnrjfot and Finest STOCK t,r LADIES' FUMS Evor ott'i-url In M'li-rfi Comity, nl 1'riuc. ua IAIVI nH tlio L'jwunlt Alaska Sable, Mink, Seal, Ermine, Otter, Astrican, Siberian Squirrel, River Mink. A Lnrgo ABaoittiient or Gent's Fur Cnpes, Collars & Gloves. ClilLDltES'H RKT.S Incmlk'Si Tarioly, very eheap. Buffalo & Fancy Robes Aixl tlin largest and ilueul titwk of HATS and CAPS GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Kvcr befurn otfurorl by ns. Call Boon ivliilo tho Aiwrtiuunl !B largo. OLD Furs Repaired. LAWRENCE & OS. nrriHtoini, N. J. fij-tf. STILL SELLING AT HOLIDAY PBICJ3S ! ! tm't foiiiit thiil vim miglit POWHIHIJV find HUlIEl'inSO (Wrnhlc mid ACC'EIT- A11LE in mil- HTOCK or HOLIDAY" PRICES, Elogiiiit l'nisley, Ilroclic, Nilson, Long Itrancli, Iion- iln, (Jiicciisliiiid, Saratogn, Itovcisiblo Extrn, .Uoiigal Stripes iind otlier styles" ol' SHAWLS. FUKS, FUES, rOBS, Russian, Sable ( Alaska Mink, River Mink, Siberian Squirrel, Furs for Children, &o. Dress Goods t Dress Goods!! SUITINGS, LYONS POPLINS, SAT- TEENS, EH1-HES8CLOTHS, EPINOK- L1NES, *a BLANKETS, FLANNELS, CASSI- MEHES, COliDDKOYS, ka. Ami don't forcct tlmi onbi>r lUnwii "AiUnrii™ Ia<i1{ Grim Ornm Billiti" Wunld tirota an clnn^'it - a n l a InhC (lie l'odpiont Cur yann, auAdaaha lint* of luoAgimtfl, W. S, BABBITT &Co. Tlie Reason KING & JOHNSON tru luiBT ivliilo HOIimny nro- crying "dnll biisfnefls, linnl times," kc.', is Iw- * ctuiRO they nro iriliuy nearly nil tlicir STOOK OF GOODS LAST YEAR'S PRICES Tho iiicronno of Rainn In thrlr 11row Goods, Larger and greater variety of. Styles than heretofore, Aiut are umr rundy uith a New & Splendid'Stock Xlic only TIoiiRoiu^hU, tlio IMALL PROFIT SYSTEM Mprrietown, N. J. THE ONLY HOUSE IN TOUT; TIUT siit.u airchild's Double &Twist Cas simeras, Flannels &Yarns, KING & JOHNSON'S. IT WllX. J>AV All who denire (o pnrclinne Domestics, Flannels, Shawls, loakings, Cloth Cassimeres, nder Garments, Gent's Fur- ishing Goods, &c, To Mill nnil MBinhio tlm Ktoel; nf KING- &-JOHNSON. ADIIIMBTUATOIl'S Sale of REAL ESTATE IK HubKcriU-r, lutmlniHtrat'jr cf tlio Kstatu uf _ John J. Crater, luto or tlio county of .Morris, K. J., il'wanuil, by virtiin ut nn order of tin 'JrplniiH 1 Court of aniil County, niuiU' on the iu lay of May, A. D. 1871, will mill mi tliu, S.\ that pnrt of tho Kcnl Lstato nf uLidi ttniil Jo] J. Crnlur Aitd ndzotl, in thu cuunty of Murriu, as TUESDAY, Mnrcli 10th, 1872, ...•Iwenn tlio honrB nf 111 nofiii Atirl S uVlo^lc ii tin: nftiTiiuuii of nniclilnT. HuMltcal ivHtnio bell pur uf tho r u m on which mid ilnroiiHod liv( Hiitinti'd inthfit'imiahttifl of Cbealnr nml IVns iiiftuii, in nnid county, liuiuuli:<I un the south . 1 i<ln of Jtlcliard Htcnhuns nuAI'.liui Hockoiil.ur) tlm nunt by Iflii-U of iMrfil W. Tinrr, OH tin --rth liy lanrfi of Jool Y.-ntiK, on tliu OUBI 1>; lands (i»Hi(,niml u dnffc-r tu Jlcry Crater. On tho land may bo found a Rixxl TWO-STORY DWELLING KOUS Ami ill noccRsitrv Oul-bulldlnKS, a cood sprit of wat'-r near thu uour. Al'P* E OncUAIlD AND A VAItlCTf OF FnCITfl; IN wi'liiMl"i.tfia n r«r e Bra!!iii(,' < or winning 'i'hci tiro gimil iurlicnttonH or Inin Or^ on Uio plarr "'hof'urnii'uiiti.iiiH 125Acnm, 80 nctea of tft.ui tuber linil, Chestnut nntl Cak. Thr. linnl mtuntnl nl>nut .linHcs frnm Choxt. nilron'l Ktntiim, <•*> tlio rufttl loading from Coo :'s Mill tu Unicnvillo. CoiiditliiuK mnriu known on j a y of Rnlc( hy _IJnti^Jnii. 18th, 1B72, TEMPERANOE HOTEL, B. J. SKAIITXG, ProjirK-to Sussex St., Dover, N. J, niliiff by tho Day or WVck. JlrnlB al himra. OyBtcni In trrry Btyto Cuiifectiunery, \c. J-IV BUY HTAItLES In cdiincctlnii Tvlth tlio JICUBO. THE DOMESTIC MAOHITsfE Is the Best of all. tnil lo- Iho DUUESTIU lwtoro buyluii nu- r Uac» Ilucn thread or EIOOO witlou.—Tcnhimn o easily managud, bofiig soir-mymtiDg, uoi CRimot bo i»ut out wf tUna-4\M no cnim ;fcur wliBfls, Cannot miss Bllcl)i;B-»rrinK HO nlftao—ainl nccu- iivr motiflii «f noiidlo bar U»s liable to break undlcfi bceautw it lias round shuttle. Dors not Immk HircnilR, irecniiHn or minmlo: •tiHiunn—In less lioblo to oiit of ordor—Im nnu hundred IUBH umabvr »f iiitnls thnn lllo^ i>ihcr«-liBw 50 iiolntu of enpuiiurity over a Tbcan excellent mnclilnntt urn Riven out o trial anil tlmroiifjli fnstniutinnn free. Anyporflfin Imylncouo of tliflso nuclifucit nn ocotniiii; diaatislicil tlicrowilli, can oxchunf< •oo nrctinrgf), far nny othor iniimfiwituror. Talra no dnnlRr's wm-d that thoynro noi th Lmt until you haro tried one, F'OR SALE J1V MOHIUSTOWN, N . j AKD G. W. KENNEDY, DOVER, Iff. J. All WndB of flowing Mndiino Noodles for Hal< l Neiccllcnt lloTPiTroj>crty koiToral forcntc, fl (Jtuntit nt Stnnhnjio, jiwt nwr tho-SmiRc* r, yiKi \-d3. (l-oin tlio Iron Workn nnd ivitlitn ntiUetnricauftliD ili-rnt of th,o Pol. Liu'k, ft ret. IV it. Thf luitkUut; linn jnnl boonrcimi'vi d is in n pood oomlitioii—jilonty of Fruit I'n-cii •on Ilin Int. Titlo porftjot. Terms nnusnnlly pood for •noli (h-Bimtiloproporty. ]'urmjiiH (TuBiring to view tlio pranortv rnn do by calling upon WIljfJAn HKOWX, ui nianhimh S. J.. or W. T. I.EI'OIIT, 20-tf POTCT, S. J, DENTISTRY. Dr. W. H. HcBOXALI countr>-, tlmt h \lm»taiin np li i resMmtco In Uo- vcr,n1)oralio»il bcplrnnad tn nt tend nil profes •tonal raffs with skin, ni;ntnofla and dispatch. Dr. McDonald ban tlio nxpcnoncu of tircln jonrH*clono (ipplication in Iho r>ractl«cnf Dcnfist ry, and fools conflfivnt in gmrnntootng to lh< public cntirclnntlRfactiun, nsiiiK all tho Ink'ot im provunifiitB in ibu nrt and w.-ituec of Dmtistrv, fa altlo tu iiiurl t^tli fm «wary lutti. All disc .raitcirwithtboiiim vithuiit imm hy Iho i o cliargu nindu for tvm- OHoftbcmoulhniKltc.-lh ntc. Tcutli pxtntcti-i] of nitrous oxidu ges Full ret of tcotli, nppor nnil tower, on the In tost l face, acftnowk'gcd hy llumjamls to be M t thononrcM to nature n u most natural i i ByHtriii of oirythins yot dincovornd, fur thirty-fiTu iiollarn, partial aoln In proportion. Ttvth HHwJ with gold frum nun dollnr und up ; omlxihwfiftyeontB to one dolhir. All work wnrrnntod to t'lro entire laihftLt IT uo clinrgo. j . g g hnro taken nrarkiu:»i* nt tho SticMu n u n « hero I tJiiiH ton^iiu unMl I somtru nn ofllcc Povcr,l>f!e.S0,1871. MnnuFactnrcr of choice Sweet Pure Cider mhh BlIUUK, N, J. Also dealer ii\ *H Ultima of MINING TIMBER, PLANK, fto,,ftp,,at very ii|W r r ' CCfl - N. D.-Orderit hit nt Picnuia'a Hnt &Fur Rtnto Duvir, HJ1I rtcoivo ]iroii]|it attciitimi, . The Pretty Machine. tnity sue tLrm at n<irl< nny timr In tlio rtny— Ot), "list a dittuty ptrfcodou t U i r muvciui-utti TIJ'H a rustling nnJ Bwuj-ing nn ouward thi-y Aud thudirt ortboptvvciiH'ut before them tlmy honjt; Il'e tholliirnt invention Unit CTVF wnnFircD, I protty, new-faiigk'd utruut-DWL-qjiiig nrn- They itfe tdmplo In glmpe, iiitiy arc ra-.yfaIIIOTO, And tlto wall; ot a cily they vimtly imjinive i Vuu may havo thouiof nillr, of banm 1 , or da- laino, trimmed (-ally, or hare thtni (tulto Thcru nre aorao uho drclnro they dtin a: id tuo Tliof) nro tiomo who prefer, too, tiio old Blvlo of broom Dut nil Ihtu old fo({icH, who uhraygcry tlnwn Kvcry liriglit innovnticnwiili anger i It's thu nii\»t itiVL-ntiiiu thiit L-VIT IV«H Thin pretty, iiuw-fuuuL-d slr.-i-t-Hivi In.wl.nt (Wit-nlc fulili Jlow! Tun-baldhlmmcritigB rohhd tliu vcbivnt tl Ftrcot, >Mioi« tho Julys meet? It's tho rarest ii Tliii pretty, i chine. to the jt of eimtracture fir dt-ntiinj the iifiitly iluno by tho fairies w voullou that cvor vca Tfrnt fW-fanclcd Ktrut't-BWceniiK,' ma A Model Lovc-Lcltcr. laugUt* 11 *" faiieciiui.y when the luvo-lt'ttcra uro l'on 'lie risibility of tlie Court rs- ""L'tl. *- N . havo benii favored, from a irougbt }l trustworthy source, *itli n lettor wlutJ wiia not lend Iho otlier ilny when n for lirt'iicU wna tried in one of tho Jlifllnml liomittea, Had it lieeu, ])cr- h»}i9 tliu climinRos given by the jury would hnvo been more thnu they were—viz., C00/. Wn jirint tlie fiiiatlo moru ua u win- ing tliun uu L'Xiimplc. It run thus :— My "luar Mma M.,--Every tinio I fhink of voti my hcaitilopH up ami down like nn cxJiled txl in n limo-lmfkot, HeiiHutions »t JtitUus on nn uut-huufiu iroiil; nnd thrill throiipu it lilto broken bottlea on thu lop ui a gurtlen wall tbrtmghthtl tight trmsaital thu noeturnnl tliief. As n 'frosting Hwitn- ineth in a inud-pudillo. HO swim X in u sen of filory. Visions ot ecstatic rnpluro thicker tliuu tho liaiia df ablnckingbrush, und brighter thnn thecyca of a lunnmlng bird's pniioiiH, viHit inn in iny alumben, nud, bunifi nn lhciir invtsililn wtngs, your iiuupc stniids befora TOO, nnd I renuli nut HOME, SWEET HOME. John Howard Vuyua, Iho author of "Home, Sweet HomiV'mnrte nn extend- ed tour of tlio Southern country; vlien it wiB » very hnaurdoua \iiuccv<liin! tor a inun iroui tbo North tu tittempi llio tbmg without Kuino writ ten pjijinrn in bin jios- isosKion likfl ft "trci jma." Wrll, P«yuo ivuH unedited un nn nbolitiutl rtnuuiiry, and na tho lounlUy wiw «oiuc uiilns fiuin any Justico of tLo 1'OJIW.', ho wn* iJnucd on n hMJie. his IIIIUIIH wra tieil bnhintl him, and liia tnui nmde fnnt together undLT tiie home. He wun timi comniitU-il lo tlie care of a Yuhoo, t<» whuin R pnjier wna given, eontainiiiR tho uaiue of \he prisoiit'r, nud Htiitiny tin: uflVuun ol which !i(! WHS HHHpucteJ, nud his ciiftodiun hud orders to conduct him to tlie nearest Jufitic'c of tho l'enco for csnniiniition, wliilo tl-e wilniMses should start aoon after, nnd proceed bv aiiotlii.r route. On tho way to tlm ueut of jttstlefl, Ibo journey being u tedioiiH oue, l'nync'fl cou- diurtor bt'^nn to BIUK "llojnej Hwnet liome," nnd nnid to Pnvne, "That's wlicro I wnnt to IIP, fitrniigei-; but its over a hundred niilcB off, nnd I reckon I Won't yet tlioro to-nigliti That nr 1 Bong pivca mo some ernnfort, thongh, anyhow. You've hecr'u Hint »ouy, I dur Bny, utrau- gi'r, nud tnobbe vuu hiuusit m wull us I do." 11 Yes, my iiieiid," caid Payne, "I knew it bnforc nnv IIIQU on earth ever lu-ard Hmilig," "WJinll you dim't iiienn (o UT that you made it—limt you nuteriy writ it ycr- HL'1, do ycr, stranker V I've (ji>t llio book that il'ft printed in, right here in my over eoat pockot, aud the uaine is thar, right over the sung." " Well," sniil Payu^i " before you open tbo book, jiiKt liKik* at the paper you hnvo in your pocket, uild lvnd the ntiuio under wbieh IIIMC been lnude n iirinoiier." Tlio comluctnr dirl go ; and then ho opened tho book of fsoiigo nt n \v6ll-\voru pliioa nud feml aloud, "Home, Sweet lioiiifl. liy John Hoivnrd 1'ayne." "*rfinr'H no miatnko Iibont it, elrrMgpr," tfdd the eonduetov, "you're tlie man, ond you toll tho troth." HG fhen diBhiountitt nml drew a bowic, mid npiiroachiiig I'nyne, paid : "Btrnngcr, mebbe you don'fc know.what I'm gwino to do, but j'on ahull flPe." Thereupon ho cut the corJn llmt bound his hundfl and fivt, nud told Pn.vuo tu dismount and Inko, his euse—wnlk ftkmp iW he plttuaed, untl mountTvheu he suw nt. Poor Payne, who was Biifieriug Beverly frnm his fetters, thnnk^d biin T'ith all his heart, nua pledged hid houor that lie Mould not attempt to escape. " I know tbnt, HlwinffOTj" unit! fhc con* dnntor ; '' tho ninu tlint tttit tlint nr' BOIIJJ it 1U lo ho trusted HS II man of honor, nnil fitraiiger, I'm yer f«i-t friend, wliieh if you filiould swear to it on n stuck o' biblea B3 big «B n linuno, yer wouldn't ramintt per. jury. You'll see bimoliy," So they juggiid alony tha road in plea- sant conversation until they ruaoheu tha •Tiii-tiee'ij Couit, when tho examination took plnco and Pnyne TVUHmorat honorably ncquittcil, tho mont inipurtatit witness in .,._ n ronntvy towil, and I lifted up my cr-ratncntehthcMlvprv nceent^ of ymir mice. My tuiigiicrcfiucd to wag, nnd in Bileut ndorntion I drnuk iu tho sweet infection of love iy» a thirsty luini RvniUoweth a tuinyei* of iced Ifiinonmle mul sheny. Since the lipht of your face fell upon iny life I soifictimes feel as if I could lift myself up by my liootjnck toUio top of tho church steeple, find jiull tlin boll-rope for niomiiiK srhool. IJay anil lifiht you nre ininy thoughts. "When An- »irn, lilnsliing liko n hridn, rises from hci- nDroll-Colored couch ; whpft tlTn. fijrnrroi pipes hw tuneful Iny in the iipplv-t: when tho ehantieiecr's shrill clarion liornldi the c iiic morn ; when the awakeuins f II bl d tth i pig wiMis- from IIIFI btil r.nd ynmteth, aud goeth fox his morning refrcshincnta ;whcn the drowsy beello wheels to droning Iliglil iltry uooutidc j anrl when tho .a tiirao homo nt lnilking time, Ithin of tht'O ; nnd Jiko n pieco of gultniioivlin my lionrt sei'ms Btretclu:d clenrncross in; bosom. Your hnir is like the ninne of eliestimt homo po^iJered witti gold; ami the braK.4 pins skewered Ihroiigh your •watorfnll fill mo with unbounded nwe. Your foreliPnrt Ls suiontiier thnu tlie elbow if nn oldcont. Your eyes nro Rlorimisf behold. In their liquid depths 1 sto li gioiis of littlo C'ipids bntliiii«, like A en- liort of nnts in an uM WpfiinRlon boot. WIIRH tht-ir flrp Lit upon nry mntily bi* t it penetrated my whole nnatomy, as chargo of bird-shot through a lotteu aji p]e. Your nuso is from a block of Parian marble, aud your mouth is jiackercd wttli Hwcelupsij. Nectar Ungent on your lip liko Jionoy ou a benr'a puw ; anil myriad of iinfleilgetl Itissea uic there ready to fl\ ant nud light wiincwlwre, like young-birds out of tlicir pnwnt's nest. Your lnugli rings inniy ears likn thcjuw'B-hnrp'f) strain ir thp blent "f the atr.iy lamb no the bleu'.! lill-isido. Tho dimplos on your cheeks nr* 1 ikobowent in beds of rosiw, or hollows « of npplo-pies. Iamdjyi'ng [he puffy pimto to fly lo thy pn v , reseuco nnil jiouv iwL th. eloqiirneo of iny low, ns thrifty con pour out J*ot eiiiVou. Amij from you I atu ii * ujulnnelmly «s n sick rat. Konititimes I can lionr tho cookchnfi ipontloney buzzing in my ttiaa^ ui i cold liznrda of desjinir crawling down ny bmsk. Uncouth f(«ra, like a tlionsand nuinowa, nibble nt my spirits, mid my ionl ispiprcocl with dwiibltt,' liko "ah. ulIl iltocw wbored, with mites. My luvo, fc ind In^t^r, or tlib.liiGJtoJEii yoiui^. cow, --" - *--- : " ! ~ ^ tbiin. a ltrttL-n'a flwt catfr»;fliiu ^ light of day,'tlio cnu^tiojis niousa for (tift oiifiteil diiiose in tho trap, as a ICAU pup laukeru for new milk, EO I Ln^t ^ur llieo. nu pre fnivor thau n. speckled l>orliiiiy .•n^.w« v ter than n riuspbeny tari fried iu lencle, tu-ighter thnn tlmphinuigL* ov* fhe ipad. HI L> Husnpvy duck. Yon'nru lunydy id y$at,ut \fi.LH lots b( mfpir in it, ""' " If tl\eso few l'GtqnrkH will enablo v«i* to ;c t^e^iviido t\f nw Bind, ami iaa to win our nttyetioup, I Bluill lie i\s happy na a •udpet'licr on n eheny-.troe, cir n coaeh- irsu in a green pasture. If you c:iiinot L'ciprocato my UyilUnp pu-ssioh I will pine way liko flea, and fall awry roiu n iloumhiiiy vino of life, im untimely irancli iittid, in pominff yearn, vbf»n the intlowa frvov; iyom tii« hill:;, and thep,hi!. ipphietu fn.ig Kings hiy cheerful tivnniiifj mms, you, hnpjiy in nnother'H lo\". ^ l » imo nnd drop a tenr nnd rjittib n eolil up- inly, Y ' linvultoru £10(10 nfjii io vory ]Q\\b\.-rrJtvnt?oii fVyaro I tlji .......... villtiga nnyliody uiidertonk to harmhim. men l':iynu titnin becaiue a lion, aud that night the tiirorn ami ninny other IIOUSOH iu Iho villugc rnng -with tlio vocal musia of " Home, Sweet Homo 1" Alexis as a Hero. The Emperor's third mti Alexis, is in Ihi; nnvul service.- Hoiupwlmt more tli£*n R yenr ago, when holding thoi'aukof,aiiUi>. Bhipmnn, tlio flag-nhip in -which, ho-^Qa son-ing, i^« wrecked on tho cctsfrof Den-, mnrb/ 'i'hb r.dinir&l orilerc\fillc lifo-bsatg, to bo lowered, unddircctcul JllfJiiH io tflko- charge of tho first bnnt.. Tho ioval mid-, shixjnum dccb'tidil to, al>ey Uic oriler. It, wad pt'iemptni-ilji:- repented: "I, yonr. comnmiuihi0 oilieer, order you. iuto tlie. boat." " A'diniAlt I oamiot obey you,,"* -ifLHl thoyoung prince, "It would, auf become tue Himui tlio omporor to: bt^- i&a Hvsc to- leave the t>hi\). I ahijJl *<}ii«aiu with you to Hie last," "But H ahfili put you under wrest for disobedience of or- ders na soon its ci'cauistimcca. will nllowj. me to do no," *' i. meai but I canuot obey/' hero. Indue tiisie nlinusS tho entire crew reached the olinro in safety, only Bomu. four or live liaviup 1 pcrishod in tho transit, from the ship. Among tho last to land; wero thoAdtnmd nnd tho Grand* Duke, Alcsis. Tents warn hastily erc^teu from' tho soili iind spara Bayed Iroii^ tho '-ftTcclt,' nnd tho rigid discipline of- Rliip-life W pi-omptly ruauinpd. Thg "young princo_ wsplneed under niTP?^"for lu'n provious diuoliedicuco of ordprw. Ai conii anpoHsi-. ble tho UiiKsian iniuisfcr^'ut Coponfiagen" ed them to tV« EuJiujrw*,' from whomho" received the following reply : " I approvo :>f the iiyts^vf the Admiral in ])lnciug tho; inid'jliipijinn imtbi 1 aiae.slfur tliaoliudienco "»f orders, nnd I lilaas and laws my aon'Tp't," "iyiug them. "—Lippincott's Magatinc, A Yankee Trick. '" ' ^Vhilo itidul^iiipr in & fiCyf.ccniiniflcciics, of thu past ajaopEf ;*. party of friends a few? ni ^iip broker of. idciit l of TUJJ L^^j-* dr.y entered,' djsobeilionce^ tho youthful o entire crew . _._ t pc u. p daya m;o, a wflFknnwi 13o-=t(in related'nn incid sttiu*' related iTLJipru'iicn^ A lu.fofittowUh l'.'Ek-ia nt iiitrutt.urriop, pro-' piisiufr to ojinrter a vossbl" to procbeil to," the (Juatzaconleiia river, in Mexico, end' brinjr a cargo of dyewoml to Ubaton. Ho' produced a elniit of tho river, pointed out. tlie, fxsacb ojiob \vliero, tho woyd would lio, found, nud giiva siieh 'interesting jnfiir- mation in regiu\l hi llio country nml its produoticn,s,_ 'shovdug, nil iutimnte no- qRainUiucc with tlie ' buNWC3s a in, hand.' Ho reuinvlLcd thiit if tUo ih-st rnfgo of womt brought' itsrn ahntiltl BWIV nt a. profit n & would\vnnt t<) cliftrtoi* several yesspk fir. tho t.vnde.- '.^'bnrgij^n Wii^'ti^ootdinHlV, mado with' liita, lui'^nn lurnisheda'vesocl, in vliiith ho toblt puayago and hho pro^ ;o.oued tt^liei' desttnntiou. On arriving in lie j^vcr mini 1 vi hero the chrgi'WiU oxpect- 1 1*0 found, thn dealer iii dyewupd lauded" id iiaini'd lately struck *fo,r fho' woods," anppoiiring lu-f<ire the nbtoui-shed oyea jf the eapUtiu, mid" never wiii snon nftor- ivards. The trjilli was soon made appar- ent. The fcllb\v liting flhbrt of funde,' md desiring, ic. vcaah that country, lrhioh io evidently ]if(l visited hpfnro, had ro- •Uteil to t^iuoi 'tin? best concocted i>lt>w k : er mfl^mwl \>v a ioguo to obtaiu a freS ;is.sai;oi' It i^ unnecessary to saythnt the man wan n Ynukne. posisessed of morn thaii ordinary injji'iiiiitv of tbo rneo." Ho ivns fiubapqnt'ntly lirhrd from on the Pfl- ;iff(i (uitist. It was not, limvover, a losing ipertiHon to, tho owiimfe of tho Vesatil, for lio foriiiii-iMy I'biiiinetln freight in fl» T: ' uyulo n Iiandsnmc profit out of

The Iron Era New Store FURS! FURS!! NEW GOODS · it' Our Una of oarpMi. nro wull pi>Icctnd, in..!.jnnistHor KnRllKlinnd Amcnnan UriisBBlu, In. grain, Hrnip and llarr, 1'uvlur Jluts,

Oct 04, 2020



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Page 1: The Iron Era New Store FURS! FURS!! NEW GOODS · it' Our Una of oarpMi. nro wull pi>Icctnd, in..!.jnnistHor KnRllKlinnd Amcnnan UriisBBlu, In. grain, Hrnip and llarr, 1'uvlur Jluts,


T h e Iron E raPtmiiiBitED Evunr flA-runuAi at


OJKe* Car. Blorrl* anil 111ucltwell Street*


I«rAniAnr.r i* ADVASPK.

O n o Year, - » - - - - - $2.0C

S i x M o n t h s , - - - . . _ _ _ 1.0L

v h r e o m o u t h s , - - - ' - . - -


' Otf STEA3lEIt8 TO ANT FIIOMQuccnstowii pml Jjiverpao

DKAl'TK ON. Qroit Dritnln, Ireland, Chirm any Snfl Franc

to p e r £ i .


Liverpool ant! Queenstownon tlto following Stoannshlp linen :


Jj iTtrpool a m i tiri'iit West ftrn<' Drafti on Enirland mid ltnynl llnnk of Irrlnii

rttualowcitnW• \ • • BlBckwcH'stroot. Dover, N.J.



Tho TJnion Ilmiic nt' Dcvvcr.Seven pur cent Gold Donds vt tho IloiUiou am

Toxim Contrail Itfcihvuy Company-'Hun, Win. E,Dodgo, 1'rusldcnt—for MIO nt 00c. nnil tuutfiliintercut. AW, so von-thirty Nor. hem ttwiilUtlruiil llonils at par and nccmud iiiteml.

Circulars and particulars furnished on apjilit:tlon.

A. Q. P. BEGXJlt. Unnltor.


HAIlt OUKRHBhftWntf null Sliiiitiponlurf lQitfiiliUalmicii

Cpr.'ISUoltwoll owl Biwws fili., Dovwi, N. J.H.n,—r»rtlcnlnr alt ton lion given tu cutting

and drosvlng lutlion* nud children'H linir. RISKMbonod, s6t and ground. 1-lyr

WAI. I I . i n sVu ius ,. WCOLEftALU A OETATb VEM.TJi IK

Foreign and Domestic Tobacco,BXUVE Aiid OIOAllfl. Aim, conalMilt* un litml,

A grout n r i o t j of HMOK1NU Mid Clfr.WINGI : TOBACSOO, rialu -mul fnnrfX , BBIAJt nud MUEHSCIUUM I'fflS.

Dlaekwull at root, Sl^n of ilw Infllnn_ i - i yt ' povi:n,_K. J .


Corner of Blackwell nnil Simnoi Rl«.

'DOVER, N. J.'J..B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

noraou Mid CiUTiagen lo Lot.ST

" ' 'DOVElt, N. J.Civorj Rinlil«B uttacliml lo tbo Hotel Ho.

kept l>y tho dft.v, wcok or month.

Licensed Auctioneer,13OVE11, N. J.

ftdoa attended to lit anj part or tlie cmuitrr,PrivMn cutlnntlonn pr.impllj nttimilnl to, k

comnilmlon ulinrROtlinilylipunnutUBlciilloctioim.

' Counsellor a t Law,AND JtASTEU IN CnANOEBY,

Offlco imxt tloor to Qco. Hiclianl* A GJ'R Ktore,3rU»Kwrj.T, S T . , PQVEI1, N. J .


Attorneys & Counsellors at Law,Cor. Blndnroll onu SUIRCX 81a.


L A W O F F I C E ,1IMON HAI.I* tliriLDINa,

VTK'Ji: Dover, N. J .i


WnrriH.noarDlackwoUitt.: Beautiful Sets of tvoth fur tlC.OO.

Toutli oxiraotod posltlvoly without tiain, by tfionso of Nitrous Oxide, or Lnuglilng Gas.

D n

Carriages and SleighsOf Evc-rj- Ilt> j r lp t lon .

Cor, niiwhwoll ond Bcrfr J 8ts, IMtVKR, N, j .N. H . DXKESIAK, CEO, McCpACItE-f,rar'tioiilar attontioa paid to ropalrini

. putniiiig.lllR (ltl(

Frank. V- Amsden,Architect


CIVIL ENGINEER,Office on BlaokwcU Stwot, noar


Miners and Shippersof Iron Ore.

Address0 . W.-MILLER, Hue, 8, W. GKOKnE, R p

20 Jlrond Kt. New YorU, Chester, Murris Cu.20-C1* N ^



J)OVI3R, N. J.,AntiniinrcH to tlio piiMin Ibatlio lms rccutvcl IIIV'haur i-lockfjru'iudB. niuUnvitcHBii cxamiautloii of Ms ftilimdld uclnullou uf

Buffalo and Wolf Skin

Fancy Lap Robes,Horse Blankets,'

Sleigh Bells, Whips,Brushes, Combs,

OILS for Imiliricnting Harness,O i n l m c n i s , J^liiimciitfl,

And In fftct nil tlion« nrtkli'* nc»dc<l \,y i pondtiurHutnnu In tlio pronnt cai"o of Hint uuuful aul-inai. Iluvlni; boti^ht an utliiBuslly

Large Stock of Horse BlanketsIiunftbloloiiolUtimioh .

Below the Usitul Prices.ItKPAIlilNO

<1mio iinntlr, miliatantinlly tmil jirouiptly, Cullarid examlnu niyntoi-k. 1 guarantee yatnifueUuii,•Benonilior 2itli. 1H70. 1-ljT

Free Passage Tickets1'IIOM

Dover to MorristownAND IllSTritN.

On und after Aug. fitli, 1871, the BiibBcrihcr wi>y tliu iwasagc, OVCT tho St. As li. It. It. fron

_ liter to Slorriutowii and rettim, of all cltlxoiis uJJovor and vicinity who wilt purolmsu or hintsuit of clotln's of Hity (leucriljtioii.

' Bjilnnilld antl entirely now stock of Headyi Clothing linn juut l>ocu pnl in my new f toro old Iron Hunk JJuildlng, (hinting tho ParmriHtdivii. SAMUISL HAM.inistowu, Aug. 5,1R71. Dl)-y

C. II.

niOttRISTOWN, N. J .Pcalor In


Dye StuffsEIU, ETC.


of all kinds,

TOILET ARTICLES,Soaps, Brushes, Perfumery,

and everything imisily found in n

First Class Drug Store.Tl> tha vory reipoiistblo duty of compounding

aud dlnpoucing

Phyaioir,i)B* Prescriptions,


O. H. DALKYMPLT3,. Druggist_


And BB I nball 8EIX FOtt CASH, I enn



Dry Goods and NotionsCum prising the very latest Stylos of

Dress Goods, Fancy Goods,S H A W L S ,

' WEAKEvur offered in Dovur.

AIB» n flno Aasortniont of

EESHGiEOCEIlIESRiich variety aa (o meot Itio wants of every


Crockery & Glass-wareTlio latnnt clooigiis and Dncut worV-manuhip,

ni rrell an tho more Biibsltuitklu-tlclcB In lltif lino.

Ilifivo just oncitcd, und Invito iho oilizcim o!Dover to enmo nnd ruamlno my gondn nail pd(!OH.

Under tho IKON ERA OfTlco, corner of Ulackwcllind MorrisStreetH1.I)ojsj1|Jt+, J .

T" .WOOD,reii's Shoes113 A PEST.


New StoreNEW GOODS !

Having recently mured tv our Largo nnd EUB«at

New Store Kooin,Cor. or Blackwell and Morris Streets,

Wo slinll bo iilcngcd tu wtlnuiljn otir old diatom,em, nii'l nil utfinrs trim inuy fnvur us with n cullslid tauerrully nhow our


Wliioli Tor QDATJTV, QUANTITY and J'HICJKWu foci nwmre.t ennnh! b«i mirtmsfiflil I>V nnv Monin i!i? count ry. Our New Hiionirf IJUHK ubuufour tlniCH Iho Hl/uf.rtlmaowfl funimrlv iHCiipioi!tmnljk-H na lohccim full nsBorltnont of all artu-lecou nee ted wiih our buduwtfl, and ivhicli consistIn ]mrt of

Dry Goods & Funcy Goods,Knuli ni IMIILV faRlitmmbin t\ri\»n goo-la, nil varitiimiiiul Krutlcx; cidiiriii'n, uiutiliiDt, uliccliu^H, tiuIiiL-a, HlitrtinyH, tiiwclIngH, Jniainry, i-ottun llirtwldill; nnil Idd glortu, ilrci-B mid clunk tmnmlnghribbnim, Inti-j, nhawls, ulunlUr.gH, llaiinuls, tiireu

° G E N T ' " F U R J ^ S H I N G GOODS,Hiicli an clotlis, nnsn(ir..*rciii, HnlluuttH, JOIUIH, rtt_\mn, linen nnd (.'uttoncoodii, coilara, craratu.nee)lios. Imcli, IIHIO, tvui>], i:uttu:i, Mk nud Idd glovcHivoiil and ciilitm half LOBO, m\k and linun humlkcr

"'BOOTS and SHO^S.lultua* audchildrcu-a hiph stioeii, (jnitcrn, buaUr

jwrs, rnliiicru, A-i>. Jtoii's nml lioyu" lioavy nibuuta, BIIOUH, guilormind Hli|ijii>rn>

Groceries and ProvisionsTuns, coffees, gugsm, niolnRflc-u uu! nyrupH, nlcrndi'H, vnrJtilius und priced, (.'ftiineil und driedrrnitH, fssouwfl and liavorinir oxtrnctti, tMirk,nnoked linui und Hliouldora, ilrlud be of nml liucuu,mlt nmtkw:., cudlleh, nlittctishmidlienlng.

A'GO, always on hand, a Choice Article olFrosli Butter, Cheosa and Eggs.

Crockery, Ciiilery arid Olitsi

ennaortincnt-tnblo ntul pookot etillt-ry, tnl.lcroeUory nnd ftlftBS-woro, parlor, hall, dining nui

HARDWARE AND EDGE TOOLS.l'nll p(it« uf Carponttirfl' nnd other inueUa

tools, uf tho bent niamifuL'tura.Iron, Steel, Powder and Fuse.

full nflnurtnu'nt uf Herd mi it Iron nnd Rlmd, Iniidrt and burti, miiUlHu furlilnuliHinillis' or iniHO ; alwj Bprting and mininff prwdur.nml silHD, pnajiipcfl and liUinytt. horuo HIHICB ILIK!nrpuntcrh' nnik und mukus b l k i t l 1

. horuous, blac

CLOTH,In this bmuuli of biminuaa, wo intend kcrplng nItand a full Biipnly of mrlur mill?, badrouiu HIT!jnnrh!c-toi> tubic », ctinln,; ami ('xtoiixitm MAcuofnB. loungos, liitu-tt-tutou, r>tt(ininn«, ulininrork(.'i-u, onny clmits, biirenun, tintiw, ward rub OK,

h-iitaudB, bndfltcoilH, towul rni'kn, Ac; nlnoli I'laio nnd Aiuurioun BHrrnnt and LonSiiiiRK-H. Hair, fottmi, wool nnd utmwnmtlrcnand pllloiTu; hcA Wunkotrt and lnioii, nil' Our Una of oarpMi. nro wull pi>Icctnd, in..!

.jnnistHor KnRllKlinnd Amcnnan UriisBBlu, In.grain, Hrnip and llarr, 1'uvlur Jluts, kv*

Oil (JlolllB, ull wiiltliH.TIIIIBI of our Htoult 'jf goods hnvo bocn recent]

pui-clmncd nt tha iiruAcnt ieduced inlctu, nilhnvobcmi seleott-dfrom tlwbiwt houeCRln NoYork, with en o, nud n hldi wo intend to difimAu of at |iric<!H nn low ns cun lw niliirdcd.-ltQ«ick KilfiHnnrl BIIIBII gnnfltH," hehif,' our inottrWo Uavu cii(/.igfia tlio Hurviccn of KHIIIO younggeitinmen an B,iic6men, ivho-w lonutiitl'-ii forliunuutnd iiolituiioan nro wo! I -known, who will clicuiilly nxliiliit imr atoelc of" gnodi>t nnd inform yoi iho prictH. whctlior yuu jmrclinej or nut.l'lcnsf -ivu \\a a, unll.


THOMAS BOLITHOWlicliwUo and llutail


Ilv tlio 100 or 1000, or by tlto Quart, Half Gal-n and Gallon Kvyn, nt lifs

SALOON,i BlwUH-ril Stroot, or delivered.

-io-tf pora», N. j

Astonishing, yet TRUE




$2 Per Set, ' •Call nnd look nt them*

Tlio b<»t Ansortrnwife of HONKS ovoroffered in this City,' '


Mineral PropertyF O U i

TUo Snbscrilwr effern for wnlu obont

Twenty Acres of LandWith n vrihinbis minimi depnmt, PitnalfiiV In;onthfni purl uf Jlnvcr, near riir;.'«iiil «fri

crnlslmftsliavn tmen nnnk and onnBidr-nitnkon out. Tlio property is alao very di'g.


. Uovor, It ii , - .nililing HUCH, oqiinl lo any otlior jirojmrty In Ihoicinity nf tliu town.Tho pricn In l'ivo Thotifnnd Bolliri, and theniiH »B UIMUTVI nfi am bo doRiml.Also far Halo euvcrnl building lots la tlm iwlgli-

Ijorhiwd.PersonB whliins ' n vlcsr tho nrcmUcd nmj colli>on O. H. Miitiaon, iu Wnrrcu ntnvt, or.vm.0S JIltSHaN, on tho wviuisva-over, S. J., Nor. i!3,1871, i'Mt.

Morristown Advertisements



MOltRISTOWIV, K. J .Tho Lnrjfot and Finest STOCK t,r

LADIES' FUMSEvor ott'i-url In M'li-rfi Comity, nl 1'riuc.

ua IAIVI nH tlio L'jwunlt

Alaska Sable,Mink,



Siberian Squirrel,River Mink.

A Lnrgo ABaoittiient or

Gent's Fur Cnpes, Collars &Gloves.

ClilLDltES'H RKT.S In cmlk'Si Tarioly,very eheap.

Buffalo & Fancy RobesAixl tlin largest and ilueul titwk of


Kvcr befurn otfurorl by ns.Call Boon ivliilo tho Aiwrtiuunl !B largo.

OLD Furs Repaired.LAWRENCE & OS.

nrriHtoini, N. J . fij-tf.


tm't foiiiit thiil vim miglit POWHIHIJV findHUlIEl'inSO (Wrnhlc mid ACC'EIT-

A11LE in mil- HTOCK or

HOLIDAY" PRICES,Elogiiiit l'nisley, Ilroclic,

Nilson, Long Itrancli, Iion-iln, (Jiicciisliiiid, Saratogn,Itovcisiblo Extrn, .UoiigalStripes iind otlier styles" ol'

SHAWLS.FUKS, FUES, rOBS,Russian, Sable(

Alaska Mink,River Mink,

Siberian Squirrel,Furs for Children, &o.Dress Goods t Dress Goods!!



Ami don't forcct tlmi onbi>r lUnwii "AiUnrii™Ia<i1{ Grim Ornm Billiti" Wunld tirota an clnn^'it

-anla InhC (lie l'odpiont Cur yann, auAdaaha lint*of luoAgimtfl,



tru luiBT ivliilo HO Iimny nro- crying "dnllbiisfnefls, linnl times," kc.', is Iw-

* ctuiRO they nro iriliuynearly nil tlicir



Tho iiicronno of Rainn In thrlr 11 row Goods,

Larger and greater variety of.Styles than heretofore,

Aiut are umr rundy uith a

New & Splendid'StockXlic only TIoiiRoiu^hU, tlio


Mprrietown, N. J.THE ONLY HOUSE

IN TOUT; TIUT siit.uairchild's Double & Twist Cassimeras, Flannels & Yarns,


All who denire (o pnrclinneDomestics, Flannels, Shawls,

loakings, Cloth Cassimeres,nder • Garments, Gent's Fur-ishing Goods, &c,

To Mill nnil MBinhio tlm Ktoel; nf



IK HubKcriU-r, lutmlniHtrat'jr cf tlio Kstatu uf_ John J. Crater, luto or tlio county of .Morris,K. J., il'wanuil, by virtiin ut nn order of tin'JrplniiH1 Court of aniil County, niuiU' on the iulay of May, A. D. 1871, will mill mi tliu,S.\ that pnrt of tho Kcnl Lstato nf uLidi ttniil Jo]J. Crnlur Aitd ndzotl, in thu cuunty of Murriu, as

TUESDAY, Mnrcli 10th, 1872,...•Iwenn tlio honrB nf 111 nofiii Atirl S uVlo^lc ii

tin: nftiTiiuuii of nniclilnT. HuM ltcal ivHtnio bellpur uf tho r u m on which mid ilnroiiHod liv(Hiitinti'd inthfit'imiahttifl of Cbealnr nml IVnsiiiftuii, in nnid county, liuiuuli:<I un the south .1 i<ln of Jtlcliard Htcnhuns nuA I'.liui Hockoiil.ur)

tlm nunt by Iflii-U of iMrfil W. Tinrr, OH tin- - r th liy lanrfi of Jool Y.-ntiK, on tliu OUBI 1>;lands (i»Hi(,niml u dnffc-r tu Jlcry Crater.

On tho land may bo found a Rixxl

TWO-STORY DWELLING KOUSAmi ill noccRsitrv Oul-bulldlnKS, a cood sprit

of wat'-r near thu uour.Al'P* E OncUAIlD AND A VAItlCTf OF FnCITfl;

IN wi'liiMl"i.tfianr«reBra!!iii(,'<or winning 'i'hcitiro gimil iurlicnttonH or Inin Or^ on Uio plarr"'hof'urnii'uiiti.iiiH 125 Acnm, 80 nctea of tft.ui

tuber linil, Chestnut nntl Cak.Thr. linnl t» mtuntnl nl>nut .linHcs frnm Choxt.nilron'l Ktntiim, <•*> tlio rufttl loading from Coo:'s Mill tu Unicnvillo.

CoiiditliiuK mnriu known on jay of Rnlc( hy

_IJnti^Jnii. 18th, 1B72,


Sussex St., Dover, N. J,niliiff by tho Day or WVck. JlrnlB al

himra. OyBtcni In trrry BtytoCuiifectiunery, \c.

J-IV BUY HTAItLESIn cdiincctlnii Tvlth tlio JICUBO.



Is the Best of all.

tnil lo- Iho DUUESTIU lwtoro buyluii nu-r

Uac» Ilucn thread or EIOOO witlou.—Tcnhimno easily managud, bofiig soir-mymtiDg, uoi

CRimot bo i»ut out wf tUna-4\M no cnim;fcur wliBfls,Cannot miss Bllcl)i;B-»rrinK HO nlftao—ainl nccu-

iivr motiflii «f noiidlo bar U»s liable to breakundlcfi bceautw it lias round shuttle.Dors not Immk HircnilR, irecniiHn or minmlo:

•tiHiunn—In less lioblo to oiit of ordor—Imnnu hundred IUBH umabvr »f iiitnls thnn lllo^i>ihcr«-liBw 50 iiolntu of enpuiiurity over a

Tbcan excellent mnclilnntt urn Riven out otrial anil tlmroiifjli fnstniutinnn free.

Anyporflfin Imylncouo of tliflso nuclifucit nnocotniiii; diaatislicil tlicrowilli, can oxchunf<•oo nrctinrgf), far nny othor iniimfiwituror.Talra no dnnlRr's wm-d that thoynro noi th

Lmt until you haro tried one,


M O H I U S T O W N , N . jAKD

G. W. KENNEDY,D O V E R , Iff. J .

All WndB of flowing Mndiino Noodles for Hal<

l N eiccllcnt lloTPiTroj>crty koiToral forcntc,f l (Jtuntit nt Stnnhnjio, jiwt nwr tho-SmiRc*

r, yiKi \-d3. (l-oin tlio Iron Workn nnd ivitlitnntiUetnricauftliD ili-rnt of th,o Pol. Liu'k, ftret. IV it. Thf luitkUut; linn jnnl boonrcimi'vid is in n pood oomlitioii—jilonty of Fruit I'n-cii•on Ilin Int.

Titlo porftjot. Terms nnusnnlly pood for •noli(h-Bimtiloproporty.]'urmjiiH (TuBiring to view tlio pranortv rnn doby calling upon WIljfJAn HKOWX, ui

nianhimh S. J.. orW. T. I.EI'OIIT,

20-tf POTCT, S. J,



countr>-, tlmt h\lm»taiin np li iresMmtco In Uo-vcr,n1)oralio»ilbcplrnnad tn nttend nil profes

•tonal raffs with skin, ni;ntnofla and dispatch.Dr. McDonald ban tlio nxpcnoncu of tircln

jonrH*clono (ipplication in Iho r>ractl«cnf Dcnfistry, and fools conflfivnt in gmrnntootng to lh<public cntirclnntlRfactiun, nsiiiK all tho Ink'ot improvunifiitB in ibu nrt and w.-ituec of Dmtistrv,fa altlo tu ii iurl t ^ t l i fm

«wary lutti. All disc.raitcirwithtboiiimvithuiit imm hy Iho i

o cliargu nindu for tvm-OHoftbcmoulhniKltc.-lh

ntc. Tcutli pxtntcti-i]of nitrous oxidu ges

Full ret of tcotli, nppor nnil tower, on the In tostl face, acftnowk'gcd hy llumjamls to beM tthononrcM to nature n u most natural ii ByHtriii of oirythins yot dincovornd,

fur thirty-fiTu iiollarn, partial aoln In proportion.Ttvth HHwJ with gold frum nun dollnr und up ;omlxihwfiftyeontB to one dolhir.

All work wnrrnntod to t'lro entire laihftLtI T uo clinrgo.

j . g ghnro taken nrarkiu:»i* nt tho SticMu n u n «hero I tJiiiH ton^iiu unMl I somtru nn ofllcc


MnnuFactnrcr of

choice Sweet

Pure Cidermhh BlIUUK, N, J .

Also dealer ii\ *H Ultima of

MINING TIMBER, PLANK,fto,, ftp,, at very ii |W rr'CCfl-

N. D.-Orderit h i t nt Picnuia'a Hnt & Fur RtntoDuvir, HJ1I rtcoivo ]iroii]|it attciitimi, .

The Pretty Machine.

tnity sue tLrm at n<irl< nny timr In tlio rtny—Ot), "list a dittuty ptrfcodou tUir muvciui-utti'H a rustling nnJ Bwuj-ing nn ouward thi-y

Aud thudirt ortboptvvciiH'ut before them tlmyhonjt;

Il'e tho lliirnt invention Unit CTVF wnn FircD,I protty, new-faiigk'd utruut-DWL-qjiiig nrn-

They itfe tdmplo In glmpe, iiitiy arc ra-.y fa IIIOTO,And tlto wall; ot a cily they vimtly imjinive iVuu may havo thouiof nillr, of banm1 , or da-

laino,trimmed (-ally, or hare thtni


Thcru nre aorao uho drclnro they d tin a: id tuo

Tliof) nro tiomo who prefer, too, tiio old Blvlo ofbroom

Dut nil Ihtu old fo({icH, who uhrayg crytlnwn

Kvcry liriglit innovnticnwiili anger iIt's thu nii\»t itiVL-ntiiiu thiit L-VIT IV«HThin pretty, iiuw-fuuuL-d slr.-i-t-Hivi

In.wl.nt (Wit-nlc fuliliJlow!


rohhd tliu

vcbivnt tl

Ftrcot,>Mioi« tho Julys

meet? •It's tho rarest iiTliii pretty, i


to the jt

of eimtracture fir dt-ntiinj the

iifiitly iluno by tho fairies w

voullou that cvor vca Tfrnt

fW-fanclcd Ktrut't-BWceniiK,' ma

A Model Lovc-Lcltcr.

laugUt*11*" faiieciiui.y when the luvo-lt'ttcrauro l'on 'lie risibility of tlie Court rs-

""L'tl. *-N . havo benii favored, from airougbt }l trustworthy source, *itli n

lettor wlutJ wiia not lend Iho otlier ilnywhen n for lirt'iicU wna tried in one oftho Jlifllnml liomittea, Had i t lieeu, ])cr-h»}i9 tliu climinRos given by the jury wouldhnvo been more thnu they were—viz.,C00/. Wn jirint tlie fiiiatlo moru ua u win-

ing tliun uu L'Xiimplc. I t run thus :—My "luar Mma M.,--Every tinio I fhink

of voti my hcaitilopH up ami down like nncxJiled txl in n limo-lmfkot, HeiiHutions »t

JtitUus on nn uut-huufiu iroiil; nnd thrillthroiipu it lilto broken bottlea on thu lop uia gurtlen wall tbrtmghthtl tight trmsaitalthu noeturnnl tliief. As n 'frosting Hwitn-ineth in a inud-pudillo. HO swim X in u senof filory. Visions ot ecstatic rnplurothicker tliuu tho liaiia df ablnckingbrush,und brighter thnn thecyca of a lunnmlngbird's pniioiiH, viHit inn in iny alumben,nud, bunifi nn lhciir invtsililn wtngs, youriiuupc stniids befora TOO, nnd I renuli nut

HOME, SWEET HOME.John Howard Vuyua, Iho author of

"Home, Sweet HomiV'mnrte nn extend-ed tour of tlio Southern country; vlien itwiB » very hnaurdoua \iiuccv<liin! tor ainun iroui tbo North tu tittempi llio tbmgwithout Kuino writ ten pjijinrn in bin jios-isosKion likfl ft "trci jma." Wrll, P«yuoivuH unedited un nn nbolitiutl rtnuuiiry,and na tho lounlUy wiw «oiuc uiilns fiuinany Justico of tLo 1'OJIW.', ho wn* iJnucdon n hMJie. his IIIIUIIH wra tieil bnhintlhim, and liia tnui nmde fnnt togetherundLT tiie home. He wun timi comniitU-illo tlie care of a Yuhoo, t<» whuin R pnjierwna given, eontainiiiR tho uaiue of \heprisoiit'r, nud Htiitiny tin: uflVuun ol which!i(! WHS HHHpucteJ, nud his ciiftodiun hudorders to conduct him to tlie nearestJufitic'c of tho l'enco for csnniiniition,wliilo tl-e wilniMses should start aoonafter, nnd proceed bv aiiotlii.r route.

On tho way to tlm ueut of jttstlefl, Ibojourney being u tedioiiH oue, l'nync'fl cou-diurtor bt'^nn to BIUK "llojnej Hwnetliome," nnd nnid to Pnvne, "That's wlicroI wnnt to IIP, fitrniigei-; but its over ahundred niilcB off, nnd I reckon I Won'tyet tlioro to-nigliti That nr1 Bong pivcamo some ernnfort, thongh, anyhow.You've hecr'u Hint »ouy, I dur Bny, utrau-gi'r, nud tnobbe vuu hiuusit m wull us I do."

11 Yes, my iiieiid," caid Payne, " Iknew it bnforc nnv IIIQU on earth everlu-ard H milig,"

"WJinll you dim't iiienn (o U T thatyou made it—limt you nuteriy writ it ycr-HL'1, do ycr, stranker V I've (ji>t llio bookthat il'ft printed in, right here in my overeoat pockot, aud the uaine is thar, rightover the sung."

" Well," sniil Payu^i " before you opentbo book, jiiKt liKik* at the paper you hnvoin your pocket, uild lvnd the ntiuio underwbieh I I I M C been lnude n iirinoiier."

Tlio comluctnr dirl go ; and then hoopened tho book of fsoiigo nt n \v6ll-\vorupliioa nud feml aloud, "Home, Sweetlioiiifl. liy John Hoivnrd 1'ayne."

"*rfinr'H no miatnko Iibont it, elrrMgpr,"tfdd the eonduetov, "you're tlie man, ondyou toll tho troth."

HG fhen diBhiountitt nml drew a bowic,mid npiiroachiiig I'nyne, paid : "Btrnngcr,mebbe you don'fc know.what I'm gwino todo, but j'on ahull flPe." Thereupon hocut the corJn llmt bound his hundfl andfivt, nud told Pn.vuo tu dismount and Inko,his euse—wnlk ftkmp iW he plttuaed, untlmountTvheu he suw nt. Poor Payne, whowas Biifieriug Beverly frnm his fetters,thnnk^d biin T'ith all his heart, nuapledged hid houor that lie Mould notattempt to escape.

" I know tbnt, HlwinffOTj" unit! fhc con*dnntor ; ' ' tho ninu tlint tttit tlint nr' BOIIJJit 1U lo ho trusted HS II man of honor, nnilfitraiiger, I'm yer f«i-t friend, wliieh if youfiliould swear to it on n stuck o' biblea B3big «B n linuno, yer wouldn't ramintt per.jury. You'll see bimoliy,"

So they juggiid alony tha road in plea-sant conversation until they ruaoheu tha•Tiii-tiee'ij Couit, when tho examinationtook plnco and Pnyne TVUH morat honorablyncquittcil, tho mont inipurtatit witness in

. , ._ n ronntvy towil,and I lifted up my cr-ratncntehthcMlvprvnceent^ of ymir mice. My tuiigiicrcfiucdto wag, nnd in Bileut ndorntion I drnuk iutho sweet infection of love iy» a thirsty luiniRvniUoweth a tuinyei* of iced Ifiinonmlemul sheny. Since the lipht of your facefell upon iny life I soifictimes feel as if Icould lift myself up by my liootjnck to Uiotop of tho church steeple, find jiull tlinboll-rope for niomiiiK srhool. IJay anillifiht you nre in iny thoughts. "When An-»irn, lilnsliing liko n hridn, rises from hci-nD roll-Colored couch ; whpft tlTn. fijrnrroi

pipes hw tuneful Iny in the iipplv-t:when tho ehantieiecr's shrill clarion liornldi

the c iiic morn ; when the awakeuinsf I I b l d t t h ipig wiMis- from IIIFI btil r.nd ynmteth, aud

goeth fox his morning refrcshincnta ;whcnthe drowsy beello wheels to droning Iliglil

iltry uooutidc j anrl when tho tiirao homo nt lnilking time, Ithin

of tht'O ; nnd Jiko n pieco of gultniioivlinmy lionrt sei'ms Btretclu:d clenrncross in;bosom. Your hnir is like the ninne ofeliestimt homo po^iJered witti gold; amithe braK.4 pins skewered Ihroiigh your•watorfnll fill mo with unbounded nwe.Your foreliPnrt Ls suiontiier thnu tlie elbowif nn oldcont. Your eyes nro Rlorimisf

behold. In their liquid depths 1 sto ligioiis of littlo C'ipids bntliiii«, like A en-liort of nnts in an uM WpfiinRlon boot.WIIRH tht-ir flrp Lit upon nry mntily bi*cn.ittit penetrated my whole nnatomy, aschargo of bird-shot through a lotteu ajip]e. Your nuso is from a block of Parianmarble, aud your mouth is jiackercd wttliHwcelupsij. Nectar Ungent on your lipliko Jionoy ou a benr'a puw ; anil myriadof iinfleilgetl Itissea uic there ready to fl\ant nud light wiincwlwre, like young-birdsout of tlicir pnwnt's nest. Your lnuglirings inniy ears likn thcjuw'B-hnrp'f) strainir thp blent "f the atr.iy lamb no the bleu'.!lill-isido. Tho dimplos on your cheeks nr*1

ikobowent in beds of rosiw, or hollows «of npplo-pies. Iamdjyi'ng

[he puffy pimtoto fly lo thy pn—v , reseuco nnil jiouv iwL th.

eloqiirneo of iny low, ns thriftycon pour out J*ot eiiiVou. Amij

from you I atu ii * ujulnnelmly «s n sick rat.Konititimes I can lionr tho cookchnfi

ipontloney buzzing in my ttiaa^ uii cold liznrda of desjinir crawling down

ny bmsk. Uncouth f(«ra, like a tlionsandnuinowa, nibble nt my spirits, mid myionl ispiprcocl with dwiibltt,' liko "ah. ulIliltocw w bored, with mites. My luvo, fc

ind In^t^r, or tlib.liiGJtoJEii yoiui^. cow,--" - *--- : " ! ~ ^ tbiin. a ltrttL-n'a flwt

catfr»;fliiu ^light of day,'tlio cnu tiojis niousa for (tiftoiifiteil diiiose in tho trap, as a ICAU puplaukeru for new milk, EO I Ln^t ^ur pre fnivor thau n. speckled l>orliiiiy.•n^.w«vter than n riuspbeny tari fried iu

lencle, tu-ighter thnn tlm phinuigL* ov* fheipad. HI L> Husnpvy duck. Yon'nru lunydyid y$at,ut \fi.LH lots b( mfpir in it, ""' "If tl\eso few l'GtqnrkH will enablo v«i* to

;c t^e^iviido t\f nw Bind, ami iaa to winour nttyetioup, I Bluill lie i\s happy na a•udpet'licr on n eheny-.troe, cir n coaeh-irsu in a green pasture. If you c:iiinot

L'ciprocato my UyilUnp pu-ssioh I will pineway liko flea, and fall awryroiu n iloumhiiiy vino of life, im untimelyirancli iittid, in pominff yearn, vbf»n theintlowa frvov; iyom tii« hill:;, and thep,hi!.ipphietu fn.ig Kings hiy cheerful tivnniiifjmms, you, hnpjiy in nnother'H lo\". l»imo nnd drop a tenr nnd rjittib n eolil up-

inly, Y'T l i o v . - m U f l t s h o n . i l l i n v u l t o r u £ 1 0 ( 1 0 n f j i i

io vory ]Q\\b\.-rrJtvnt?oii fVyaro I tlji

. . . . . . . . . . villtigannyliody uiidertonk to harm him.

men l':iynu titnin becaiue a lion, aud thatnight the tiirorn ami ninny other IIOUSOHiu Iho villugc rnng -with tlio vocal musiaof " Home, Sweet Homo 1"

Alexis as a Hero.The Emperor's third mti Alexis, is in

Ihi; nnvul service.- Hoiupwlmt more tli£*nR yenr ago, when holding thoi'aukof,aiiUi>.Bhipmnn, tlio flag-nhip in -which, ho-^Qason-ing, i^« wrecked on tho cctsfrof Den-,mnrb/ 'i'hb r.dinir&l orilerc\fillc lifo-bsatg,to bo lowered, und dircctcul JllfJiiH io tflko-charge of tho first bnnt.. Tho ioval mid-,shixjnum dccb'tidil to, al>ey Uic oriler. It,wad pt'iemptni-ilji:- repented: " I , yonr.comnmiuihi0 oilieer, order you. iuto tlie.boat." " A'diniAlt I oamiot obey you,,"*-ifLHl tho young prince, " I t would, aufbecome tue Him ui tlio omporor to: bt - i&aHvsc to- leave the t>hi\). I ahijJl *<}ii«aiuwith you to Hie last," "But H ahfili putyou under wrest for disobedience of or-ders na soon its ci'cauistimcca. will to do no," *' i. meaibut I canuot obey/'

hero. In due tiisie nlinusS tho entire crewreached the olinro in safety, only Bomu.four or live liaviup1 pcrishod in tho transit,from the ship. Among tho last to land;wero tho Adtnmd nnd tho Grand* Duke,Alcsis. Tents warn hastily erc^teu from'tho soili iind spara Bayed Iroii^ tho '-ftTcclt,'nnd tho rigid discipline of- Rliip-life Wpi-omptly ruauinpd. Thg "young princo_wsplneed under niTP?^"for lu'n proviousdiuoliedicuco of ordprw. Ai conii anpoHsi-.ble tho UiiKsian iniuisfcr^'ut Coponfiagen"

ed them to tV« EuJiujrw*,' from whom ho"received the following reply : " I approvo:>f the iiyts^vf the Admiral in ])lnciug tho;inid'jliipijinn imtbi1 aiae.slfur tliaoliudienco"»f orders, nnd I lilaas and laws my aon'Tp't,"

"iyiug them. "—Lippincott's Magatinc,A Yankee Trick. '" '

^Vhilo itidul^iiipr in & fiCyf.ccniiniflcciics,of thu past ajaopEf ;*. party of friends a few?

ni ^iip broker of.idciitl of TUJJ L^^j-*

dr.y entered,'

djsobeilionce^tho youthfulo entire crew

. _._ t pc u. pdaya m;o, a wflFknnwi13o-=t(in related'nn incidsttiu*' related

iTLJipru'iicn^ Alu.fofittowUh l'.'Ek-ia nt iiitrutt.urriop, pro-'piisiufr to ojinrter a vossbl" to procbeil to,"the (Juatzaconleiia river, in Mexico, end'brinjr a cargo of dyewoml to Ubaton. Ho'produced a elniit of tho river, pointed out.tlie, fxsacb ojiob \vliero, tho woyd • would lio,found, nud giiva siieh 'interesting jnfiir-mation in regiu\l hi llio country nml itsproduoticn,s,_ 'shovdug, nil iutimnte no-qRainUiucc with tlie ' buNWC3sa in, hand.'Ho reuinvlLcd thiit if tUo ih-st rnfgo of womtbrought' itsrn ahntiltl BWIV nt a. profit n&would\vnnt t<) cliftrtoi* several yesspk fir.tho t.vnde.- '.^'bnrgij^n Wii 'ti^ootdinHlV,mado with' liita, lui'^nn lurnisheda'vesocl,in vliiith ho toblt puayago and hho pro^;o.oued tt^liei' desttnntiou. On arriving in

lie j^vcr mini1 vi hero the chrgi'WiU oxpect-1

1*0 found, thn dealer iii dyewupd lauded"id iiaini'd lately struck *fo,r fho' woods,"anppoiiring lu-f<ire the nbtoui-shed oyea

jf the eapUtiu, mid" never wiii snon nftor-ivards. The trjilli was soon made appar-ent. The fcllb\v liting flhbrt of funde,'md desiring, ic. vcaah that country, lrhiohio evidently ]if(l visited hpfnro, had ro-•Uteil to t^iu oi 'tin? best concocted i>lt>wk:er mfl^mwl \>v a ioguo to obtaiu a freS;is.sai;oi' I t i^ unnecessary to saythnt the

man wan n Ynukne. posisessed of mornthaii ordinary injji'iiiiitv of tbo rneo." Hoivns fiubapqnt'ntly lirhrd from on the Pfl-;iff(i (uitist. It was not, limvover, a losingipertiHon to, tho owiimfe of tho Vesatil, forlio foriiiii-iMy I'biiiinetln freight in fl»T: ' uyulo n Iiandsnmc profit out of

Page 2: The Iron Era New Store FURS! FURS!! NEW GOODS · it' Our Una of oarpMi. nro wull pi>Icctnd, in..!.jnnistHor KnRllKlinnd Amcnnan UriisBBlu, In. grain, Hrnip and llarr, 1'uvlur Jluts,

T I F F T T - > ( ) V P ! > \ j - . : r . . . £ . : : . i:. n.i>,:.-.^L-7oo.i i WANTED. 36 HORSES fgrSAI^; MORE LIGHT ; n . . J ^ ^ W w

CHF'TM-T TI-I—R iLlTcrj-i Exchange Stables,I •***~.^.:™.?.\r«"*-aI ! S e r i n s : Maohinss ,

niny. r -b . 51. •'"I^.iVjjf/.Ui^.'l'Lff'LS.;! BUYING 4 SELLING HORSES.

-cr.r 1>71 tLs

FOB SALE,A l l O l ' S E ,


w. A. « AI:K.

Mr. Cash and his Prices. i


The Long-credit Prices1



jWhoitialo and retell dealer to

PORK, HAMS, & LARDBasement of old Presbyterian.Cliarch,

^^=^=rs:;-^'4 COP. Blackwell & Prospect 8ts,,

: [ . • •> : , • - • : . : . • : . : ; . - . -

i : l i t . : • : . ; •

1-= .: .*-.- : i.

( . ; ; . i f : - . .

' ^ : : j ; i : : ^ : ; ^ ^ : r ; ; ^ ? ^ Q^-- 2">>--'- ^•^«>-n=;: -' 'r3ffsf*2/£l •!'?i«» £ .Goods at such LOW PHI!.'Tun iir.sT i.\ Tin: WORLD. ,

Dover,*N. J..,.!.

150 Packages of lardIn tut*, anil

',1 or 500 in smiill Packages >'I

To Buit Cuitomera.Tim fork fa ot my own parking, pn& Ilia

Lard of my nivn inuuuficture,•nd in warranted to lie


L^K k y;yMtriS EXPRESS, :i LAMPS !

, : ; u ! ^ , :L-.::.-a :i-: Ej:i-'-. 1^1 jn-'t ;

or 71= f m . - A


W A N T E D ,$5.00 REWARD.

AHEAD OFI ALL. !H?*; '•-'}. ''S'^il.""ifei?;''" ; Pure and of the Best Quality;

a ./V.-ati^'irmi.-i^'e'-i-'i"" MJX>1 ' '

vf; tLia!ii^i'="' ! \£l;^:H;k!:. S .*ri".";,Siiio]{caTfcngiicH,IIniiis nnA

Li GLASS-WARE, j ^ ^ S - - ^ ••U.S.-^i"', AT LOW PRICES.


rnrchi CTB at irLoh-ift'.o aai TBUU « » rt qo(11.1] to call »nd cxamhio my Stocli.

1. A . D K H l t V . i "•"'•'•' '-'-]l

S r ^ r i Blac^U Street;"^ E-«:^;^K;Sfv"11B'-'| H. P. SANDERSON, j|

Mr. C-.:".«r L-i-.r.:-": 1 - i ; --.;,;.:•••-.=' M --"2 s i «-i=ii <-= lue josrarr, clitics; ia

t ;r.;.1. LM i.T^fu-: iiy ^•-;--^l r.^t.i til fc'J fel tl>?i>, ujil tiio-gh nuny cf the

NEAB cm:

iar. TL'i Lol

t n-T III\Hr« ! fr-..b. aal t!.-: cU/.«.-. Kltciiju <Ut t!A l l . l h 1 } L - M . A L > S I I Jbrbt i!>3 rr>b.-c st

For Sale.

jriv :Lo i-.-'-i-.i -iiri''— ; Business Stand in Dovsr.


Fresh Fruits !CANNED FRUITS !

raslrp, C'ST, winl or "r>'ri t-r. rL*:-' fill frrci tb*. lliiii'.upjii to the Rockv jtbirJ-Tawli?- ia ?J*r n•••.-•:. at which tLc-: Mo::ntiiu.*—wLai vill be tho cocsAyjce-'qnwtioaof UWZLX l&l h\ u-:o:doa l»v • as shoaM th-^3 !>- a radJen end general',popular lwliot. l a t-1! e- i i i c Liij-jritv oi; tharr, •=-jth the addition of he-arv epriu^'tbs rote.; ca.-t aai'J uud.le ~"ueth.-r lictni-5 j n i a s or;r £.11 that vist rcgiyn ? The coa-fclmllbo ^rante-i, ar.danv^or.—hosLail I E*XJGCC«A will bo snch floods doira theneU or dsAl ia iawrlciiiis? I:ii.::or?, ia auv I £-rcat ILii^'jari aud tlie Fiatte aud theI>IACC Tthere " no lic-s.-.-/' li-*- '.K-ta w,t«l Arkan*^ and tlie Eed Itivtr, a.1 trill pro-t>r tho people, shall iw lici'd- :iot ic^3 tbaa| l^iblv Jelnge the citv o* II'CT Orleins.foOnorcior.1; tluin i-l&j i ;r the f:r:t &f-: Tlie authorities and the citizeos of tliat

ad not !cc-s t1;*~ c'lM for c^ch pr>ai><rons city, therefore woalJ <lo well

aSC«S . ! f c t eS t e uP i e d !p


Pure Confectionery•Organs! 3Modeons !!


, : : . J.,

O. S. Davison,




fc.in5i.«.^j3^j^.fxaca. >..« R e d , w h i t e a n d B l u e .


CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE. IAnnual WintlT losing Sale, I B00k and Music StOM,And Early Sprint; Opening, j SUSSEX STRKKT,

DOVER.H. J.! MARVIN DODD & Co.! J^^r^T'''" r™""- •na "m "•

Call =-! c-r.-ir.--h l

cverr dTCti-JU.

. S. D. HCWE'S


two names it»r Juticr-'.j tif EJerii-ju, nor

o( the latter tLoli Lci-.-iig to the same

P Tlfp o-.j>ct in r,.ca w io K r a mliairity ' F ° U C O X S i: 31 P T I O X ,rcprcHcntaitir.a. t^.l t ' 'vc C^-IJ partr aD&iniicriti nil C-I^ci.* Xii ^rr"uniciit in i^-vor of tiid R

Give 3» & call befor

t dror to Urn Ires Era

iTc 3» t caU before gxnj t l^li-rs. ! r ^ [ ^ p * I J\ | f^

r...»i™o.. P E R I N E

Important from Geriuauv. TToi-fnt* n 'Store nr M. F. A J. W. Seiriaj'*. Pert r. -r.i =tt.

j U l f D A IK sCIIEi;-? KPltN*! W' I l ib i iStore nr M. F. A J. W. Seiriaj'*. Pert r. -r.i =tt.a "mpj<! Uittlp cf DR. A. IK tsCIIEi;-.? uKP.ltAN*!

Aad IU D!«C3K« of tho

fa that, M tb« I,- nOW i THROAT, OHEST& LUNGS ! - t ^ S^ a r e c D n i i J ' 3 S - | ! f«> «»ti.r«crna i

j.arty, cveu ) (Tlie or.ij Mc-iUciac of the kind ia the world.)

n Ia csliibitiog the Ut«( stylet or

,GAPS & FURS!u«aMnf^hMUroitaii"ittM?.^ls1M"eIi-!j!itin | ETcroff rwl in ih:« A*r.


DEY GOODS,CocjTirifir.g in [«ri

Wool T^ons Slin-wls,Winter DrcM Goods,

Jlcrlno r

n liaeO, Em

FURS AT COST I !G.-ca: :r.-:^«=: -Lis sro naif PSTLTP^ itt


Early Spring Trade.2 1

Fur Store,eel ontuvh- o:uhcrc the jM-jpniiirioit ia nearly cauaUv ili- [., ,- r _ _-. , , - ,. , , . * * * * .It cares oriaiir CtxiKMt tnd Co!J» ia & IJT

vi,.lea. tar> Large miL.nnfv hiving no ri>r>-. , ..,reseutation what^T^r. <

<" • • ' | 1,'ssi) i- co-. iM?iio!i Tiith nnWTTS ARAP.IVNKcrr is County Courts. | TOXIC, lig-xsftiri'itw uwaVtiscuringconsuop-

In the ca.'rt of (jc-orge E. Babbitt xz. \ t[oa.ailsadiran«Jsapes,taanaiiyprcp»ralieaJohn II. oE:-i.*il>urroTipIij V'lucii "33 oa ; A TrorU over *IT? ! T^r IT 1when w: ent t i F K J . :.-.>: nock, tiic inn- Co i id i c t t Geo rge ,on Fnda j rct-an^d a verjict in favor of j P'jU-A-eat?, Di;vcri "<. j .l.lsi&tiff (or SKO.

Ih»nc««a. triBlrra, itr.t of Braj.l -r:. ri/r earnTrtTfT -jrD. BOT::san T=. Jthi-l K. » i t I t?! •C l j ' -LVJ" " J-J-wJ^-LjIL,jury TC-mlertil a rtruiot for piiaiaf ofj HOl'SE Al'D SttlN'

rerak-t ot c3oo' taken in favor of | Prospec t St ree t , Dover, N. J.pLtintilT, by c-jn.-scut subcitt^u to tlie de- GLAZING, GKAIM^G, AM) PAPER-cliiou t,f a question of 1=.- rr.i2-:il bv tlio', HjSOISO AT THE LOWES! RATES.coEinsol 01 tliG dcff'udtint*

A jury wn-3 called and cmpancl^il in the

^",?gsir | | , r |5S;- ' 'S; :*i! i^i ; .•.CUOICS.KF.SO^HT.^OT • j Bleached and Brown Muslins. IS^Krl iS^ 1 " 1 ' " 5 '" '"ns ln"a"cS'itSif'AcSsT'f/.oSiir^-'iv.. I Children's Hats, Turbans, Round! ' ^'iU£a."r7m?™\V'rl"'" 'Genu ine Mink Sets ,mt^i^VtmJ^ .»- WhiteDrawer Muslins, Tacked j Hirer Mink.o^rfiLi. I- M. CZKZS Trn-ri.

ry, S . J. Also 11M by I. y. UEECH,

SAttOI! HATS,And otlicrs too nncieroTii to cieiillon.For Sale or Rent,

\™5,"™fa?SL"™^r-S],5!BROADWAY STYLE- - - '-rills!.' t j - o p


fTlHZ Firm of GA«E A CL.VRS, LnmU:r

J. S. H. CLl]

F. GAftJ.

All aw.-nnta cf *iiil Sna will Iv i*it!M h? tUailersigncil. at the ofaco of T- rJn.l«V*- Ti-,vn

Mi J.

For $5,alltd far q-jilitr or prici*.


Hirer Mink,Fitch,

Sibeijan Sqiiirrel,Coney, &c.

SOW Li t te time fir maWntr np lliea* srr»>la. Oar **» f1'15 '•"< taie alvintign or tui* extraassortmc™ti will l» tw.ip^te, »tid price j ! in lactcn;*:.

T. P. Skellenger, - - Prop'p

_ .wctfully annnun«>» io hi*. ,-..,„ und tlin nubliii RoueraU}*, that»'»I"1" "*T

much flnlnrflea widgnmllj- liniirotwl irhatifM*s thu

Muslins and Skirtings, Gil-bert's Flannels, Ham-

burg Embroideriess Llnetu and Shirt Front*

Cor. Uroad and West Park Sts. chii..> a,iw f jr tlio nesi Season,

ETtrrfa;ti_5 i;i ihe line ol"



Hat & Cap Departmentl i e Klo^i; asc tk* rn,pr.t lraanE .IJI.B : -

May Hat,I Groceries


H)1I3. Verdict for de:t;Tho circnit coort ami f'ycz sail tcrminer

were adjourned on Ta«d»y nntil next

. oci ar. rpHE PTOUE nnT oomp-o.l h* S. Tl HortiIn the C3M of the State TS i-.oenc2CT L. ^ J . en Diickw.u St. 1* " ' • •

MiUt-r, indicted ;or assanlt and battorr, \ l o r ' - ( r o l B . i c - -IIk if>the prosecutor catered a r.olle prosc^ni." j . lM s . r _ C. II. ?.Itmson. R E A L E S T A T E .

In tho c -'c of tho Stata Ta. th" inli^hi-1 —^-^-"-°'C *°^?_ *'* r T t B ? i t r e f-- 1 0 - t f ! muEPa!»MTibcr5.Exjmtrtr=orth-Ust wil! and, , . » . . , t . . i^*^*^™ X tegument of the htcChas. Itccnsi. tk«;U.ut3 uf Eociiraiiy, fur ugt .rej.sinns j M A I I R I E D . ed, mil .ill atnsid* tlio itnj- retnmeJ a TsrdJct of i O 3 l t , u , u K [ . b , , . . , . , , r

Orin.lsr anil the n n a J o h O T , snfl! E ^ g - t l = r I " " 1 rf S t°° I" (

all other convicted andcrimiiuls will be testcacetl en iloar'jiT ; ,ncrt ' }^e«e»reniatnInBnncI

1!sB P O 2 ? * f

Publio Vendue,At the l i t ; of »iM d«ccaj^i, at

G I ' l ' r

Gay's Patent Excelsior Fur Band i F R B S 3

_5tli Avenue,Grand Duke Alexis,


Strict attention paid to having i T , . , . ' o p ' ! ' ' l ! l

i Ladies' & Gents

I HE niitkins this branch of,Trade a Specialty. j

lYEUEF,Wbich •nrpa.-'S'M Bajihtn; ia M

prtscrcition of lining, aaJ

A fine BtHirliacnt


el»ruar> i j , 1872.ATMM, T. Mf-oW-r Lim'- St.Aiutin, J. «. B Mnmhr A "r il

I ia h«arizEthe appeal*—Jndgc Cobb iinsidicg.

" - ' • " " I • • ^ ^IVLIT, U L £

lutin, J.«. B. Marphr. Am^_ »L'.rj.araa, Jlnii^ct Olittr, Wm.

. Xlie man who 13 too poor Io take a itisTiai,*, \t"m. thiip, All*ii

nn<l a 52 -watch. He edr-cate* lus clul-11-jon-J"h"n 1(.dr^u in the street, and bu&nU Ida cliickcn • i ^ / ' i l ^ ^ l "

f^ghr, J^i

One h-indred aaJ .v-rrTiiT-two <v.nui- Iantes for President arid Vica T.-tsident;are in Iht ficIJ. i

J 1 I.TOU, Isiar—2 ll-naui, Tliomai| Ii-mlS, Jti«t!lii&e Wright, TlwU;


THCESDAT, JUT.C'H Hth, 1872,

, ' ! ' • „ _ „ . IPURNISHING GOODS]A part loo of •Rhicli i* tilUMe, tiie 1'iTin1**1 wood

and raroai hurt. Coaitaatlr on l iaai* Th«* IimliEniTS consist or & BWFXLPfG-norST.' 'if-TfillE HOUSE and lar^e commolioua BARS,all in good repair.

Location pleaaant and dwinUe tu a SrEBCAS-TU.5 STASn, (The 8tw^ Hon.!. having bwnnie.l fnr ih&t pirpose by \hi «I— • -

BUTTERConstantly on Hand.


SKATING CAPS.Varies Stj-Ica of


. Boys| Hats and Caps

OPPOSITE THE DEPOT, &0 ^ r ~ ^ , _


tnjof th~-kn«

ood lrjsinc»» !oe»Uon willi t t l 'd/> *eU to e f t this their attcntinn.

Sal? tn Use jil»cs tin Ihe!***, and to com-

Tenai ni^ls kttnwri on fay nf Sale Lr


UMBRELLAS, etc., etc.

A. R. PERINE,Blackirell Street,

TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS,&c.To Bent or For Sale, j _ ill.

nccasunna.WHITE sniliTS IO-MIC to order ia M J

dei<n4, lad mmat td to fit.

. BEEiirr., !•. M. ! B.uar«b.iothri5i:.

n- ire in cao<Imnditioo M-I plats.;tnur iiirat^L, oppo it-* MB HraUt. Thu i* k IJ.>XI I^rTTttimtT for * mHis£rr bnjiufsj cf r*frfili-1- - ii. En-r-Jreat tfwPotMy./iref

_„.,_„ . , , 1 J0HS P. KECXZMiX.• O V E R , N . J . t Snct»itmai,S.J.,Jaa.!,T2. j - n r .

HATTER & P^fill


Tlio Best In tlio Market!

Best Selected BEEFAnil tho

Choicest New Fruits >Thla rcl^bratod Minro-Mcat hna boon

thoroughly tried l)f anlno of

UilaClty, . . .

Pronounced Excellent!'TRY IT! !




nA la now prcpftroil to roftelvo vlnltor*- - ,Thoaccoiiimoantionsror minimnr boardfln It

tlio mo»t ainpleot any other ealaUli»lim«nt In th«

"chestot IN iitimtod upon tlio moil rfor»loaground in HotriP fount!,nnd conioqucntlj «• •ilaccof Bummer rciinrt Tor licnltliiii uncquftlcdto



Chcalor. S. J-, t t .


Machino and Ivou Compniiy,



8tojra Eugtaci, Boilers nnichincry, y,-.

Oil plpo eat and fltlod to onjsr.

Iron and Brass Castings

•f all ascriptions furniBlml promptly.

Particular nttcotlon gtron to


' WOBK f

Bolo MvnJactnrcra of HUTSON'S A

Patent Gar-Pudiers

for th; stiles oJ SuffYnrk ana Saw Jcrioy.

Page 3: The Iron Era New Store FURS! FURS!! NEW GOODS · it' Our Una of oarpMi. nro wull pi>Icctnd, in..!.jnnistHor KnRllKlinnd Amcnnan UriisBBlu, In. grain, Hrnip and llarr, 1'uvlur Jluts,



;»"•• J©°* On account of illness we nre un-able to do juBtico to our lucid culumi:'thiiiweek.

.'• S&~ Tlio Siiftftfx JJny/sfcr notices nnn<l-IHUICM.1 iiiturubtu uf D»

&B follows:X Mr.-Lewis Adnnis, Into of Ihn firm ofAdams A M iirgartmn, loft town ou Tuosdnyto take charge of tho • dry ffoodij ilo\mout in tlic ftturo of Geo. Rioliunla & Co.,

,-et Dover. Kir. Ailtiuiu IUIH IJCUU in husi-

f iuias in Newton during tho pant twelve. years, nntl by hifl gmiiiil inunnur iiutl Iioil-

•)MA orablo dealing liua uindo n lioat uf fri'mil*,JASS.. not only in town but tlirdtginrat tlick # oo'nnty, who express regret ut liia leavingf$g&-tia. Wn eiingtutulnto MiMflrs. Riannnia fc$>?'• Co,, upon RDCiiring tlic noi-vii s of nucli mi,'y. l cfBoion^ ftld, Mr. Atlnni'i* family will re-i'>] main in town until tlio fiist of April.tiiV1 ' ' JK&- Tho village of Newton, in Sussex,'pf Cuunty, in getting ncurud. Tlio mpiil dt.-ijw' velopmorit of limimus ih tbo rillngt$ P ' r o u n d about Nuwton, nnd tho interimsfft mftnifoBtcd by iiulividuitls iu tho inorofesl northern ]iarc of the comity IH leaving'•"']{ Nowton but in tlio'cold, und lior citizoniv;* begin to oliiver, Tlioy nro waking ui>.•ftfli* liowevor, to tlio iniportnucouf tkofact thut:>"' they cannot bo "forever nnd elernnlly"•',•'; grabbing nt tlio almighty dollar mulrliiig-,: • ing tlu>n>to till death cloth part tliom, pre-vj fairing tu Bpyud tliuir lives bufoi-o illi,$: upend a cont. At n "Hliivcring" of citi-

,'^r * e a B hold last TiiMilny oveaing to.*'Vj' vlint eoulil bo tloiio to iucrauo tlio Imsi-- •i nefls prosperity of thoplitco, itwiwtlioiiglit

;>| that 82B.O0O would ntnrt u inonnfuotory "f••'••*, agricultural iui})IcimHitH, coal and freightt'}$\ enra, ft npaiting mid foundry EIK>I>,",']%}!_ Tlio rpmovnl uf iho county mint of Hunscx;*$. . » "whispered in tho nir," nnd wo expect'.•.SB'« riiortly to Ren nno of tho moat, bloodiesv'Tp* flghts on rooonl between rival villages ii•k*' that -"litiou.

' M «Qr Mr. E. A. Apgar, Stuto Snnm-iii•$&' tcntlent of Public IimtrmHiuu, in cmifurm-'•i,i: Wy "with tho Library Act, br.8 issued ft cir-:'•&;• onlar wtatiiig tlmt ho Inu offtdiid nrrnngc-

'foments wberoby iifty-two dollnvs' north of: ^liookn nud u.miipivill bofumM.otUn uaoli.'"'v'districttlmt raises tlio twenty dullars, cr'0 if it in preferred (Ifty-ms dollars worth of

•: i i boolca without tho map will bo Bent. Tho.'£:• map in now and c;nituui:i jimfc tluws fen-•$'turoa ol our Htuto ivith which every diilil

••"• ff flhouW ho inndo familiar.'\pf ' Full mul simple directions nro given forO ^ l drawing tho atalo, which with a lilllo pra-•sijfe tico will enable every im\n\ to draw tho!^V map with nil it contains from memory,>**!•• BS5~ Mr. CanfloM, AsECinblymnu from| | \ { this district, ban introduced n bill before'£'f the logialatiiro to incorporate tho Stan

' 'Ji"ij liopo llailroad Company. Tlio 'eorpowi-i torn oro aonrgo Ilichartls, Isano B. Jolley,r^ilmitnd Canficld, Wm, Aliisun and Wm.. JaokHOD—with n capital Htoclc of 630,000,

in shares ot $100 cnoli. Tlio rotul to cx-: from HOIUO point ou Wnllkill moun-

tain \vitliin thi'eo raik'H of Lnko Hujtalcougto Homo point on that kite or tu Sltui-

B®- A lectiu-o on " H o w t o eliooso nMntriinoninl Oomimuiou," by Wra. Aii-

- dcrson, n lieportrr on Iho A. T. IferalJ,. will bo given iu the Port Onim Hull, on' 'Friday evening, March let. Proeoerta for, thp benefit of tho church. Tho lecture isnpolien of in tho highest terms by tho

,, Press, and wo hnvo no iloubt but that the' 'entertainment wilt bo highly imtructivo

m well w aniuitiiig,

VST A siipplcnicnt to tho LoiiRwood; ,-yftlley Railroad has been introduced in

tho legislature, Giving power to extend>,their main linn to Ploinington in Hunter-

don comity und npur-s or brnuohc3 to anyiron mino in Huntci'don county, nud theright to connect with any intersectingrailrona, RIBO power to exceed their capi-tal stock to ouo million IIOIIUM.

. -?Qr-Wo congratulate tlio JrorrifltownBanner iii Imving recently Hotllcd BUC-cossfully witli a gentloman n small matterof ninotoon years' subscription to that pn-•per.- ' Ko wonder tho oditor is getting richwhon ho iaiu reclpt of mich laryo uuniathese hard times.

„ J5"Birth, day in this


obseiTttncc of 'Washington'sthi l t dfuittcd in tlio

of about ono-lmlf tho Btoros, nd^ilay"of bunting ki eovonil places, nhi^ijjaromotor and a low tliermometor,

" ' 'a the Dover Cornet Baud ?

that M{, Samuol Schochtnnd-as Snjwrint«utlont of

ija, nnd Easox- Enilroad a wockit, a

it« witlidrawnl.I, howover, has renewed it, undm its n:eoplanco. JTx. Schoch

has been connected with this road forseventeen years in different reanonaiblo

fRQfftuwfi, was Aftsislant-aiiporuitcniloutflta yflars and Supcrintcudout three. Ho

advisement aa ofibr to take

people, by tbo peojilo, and Im the pen-pie." Ho nnid"fruiu tliih hour I IcnvothvDemoernt ic pnrty. I t boara tho mbut thR name only. Its nctioua lirfie H.It utanda aluiost enliiUy in tbo Jiafhimoral rcfunn nnd huunm progi-esH, and Ilectho thn men who have soiled tlicmime of Democracy. 1 call upon everyOhrititmu Democrat, every liouetit Dom<ocrnt, t-vcry dnefmt Dcinoeiiit to CDIUC outuuil lcavu tho unclean, jjoliutcd ttni]tU,

o sacred to tlio caueo of uipjnl right*

forall."_ «-«-+


reoantly toolt plueo mnong Hie Btnne-cut-tors at Westerly, llhntlo Island, tennina-

g ntlhcr ilin'ercntly from tlio nding of BUCII profocdlnfpk Tlio rules

of the Btnno-ciittcnT Society jiroviileil tljlimited number only of npprcntirdiikl bo employed to everj" hundredn-lunen, ami tbo cinpinyiira diiiro^tiria rule tho men utruct work, Inr.lcaG,

however, of ivniitinj; their timo in idiotthey promptly fonned a Co-o]icrntivoSUifiQ-UuUing AnnoL-iiitlon, Bidjscrlbed t<iU filoclt, ulRcted ofllcevs, leased nquniTyand resumed work on their oivn account,

id nro l-oporled to bo doing a thrivingtlHitlCSU,

• • - • - •

John J, SlcCarter died at ColnmbiiSouth Carolina, on tho lVth in^t. at illago of 71 years, nnd wasbiiriod utOliurlna-ton. tlownflborn at Mendliam* Morriscomity, N. J., Dcoombor 14th, 1800. Hewns tho FOII of John McCarter—" tlioman of tho mountain"—nu nblo politienl

tor ot his time. Mr. MuCiirtcr went tiiiiloHton in 18-3, nud (in^iigod in tl:

tniHincBH of hook HCIICV nnd publisher,•hero ho remained until 18C3, wlion hi

removed to Ciilumlim, nutl uoutinncd tinlnos.1 in iiartiicntui» with IUH bmthcriw, Mr. II. L. Bryan. He was a mem-

ber ottlm South Onrolinn Lrgihlaturo in1859 and 1800. Mr. M:nCnrtcr was twicemomed. Ho married HWU'IH—Smithoraladies. IIo luis beon accust'uincil for yennto spend conBiderablo timo ntNe^ion^ each ntinininri as ln i relativcu uoivrlynil live here. Ho left Nowton only n lcweeks since Ho V;«B n very courtcoiu

al mid intelligent old ReutWunim nndhis gtniiftl fac^ nnd bis agreeable com

ibip will lie roally liiifujcd, and his deathcroly mourned by his mnay frivnda in

tlint eomumnity.

Fur tho EliJ

Tho Chronicles ofHorcm.1. And it anno to pasa in tho reign

UlyHis, whon iTooT wos eidlfid tn rnlo ovatho people of Jcraoy, thepman from tUu liu'i nd dv

e amis iv wine•It in tho Inmi

of Horem..2. And tho man brought also his wife

with him.3. And tho mrtn and his wifa were passncA of much lc^riiinj?, infiomuchtliatthe

Horctnitcs HOI thoin AS instructors in tl:iarj- of Heroin, to inalruut tlia chil-

dren of the Horomitea in tho things theywere want to know.

4. And it enmo to puss an tho mini andhin wifo did go iuto tho nemiuiiry oC learn-ing tuo cliildrcn did go in unto tliom to

i iiifitmctcd in tho Miingp thny Woro wantto know, tho mnu in the west dido and thawoman in tbo cast Bide.

5. And it camo to pass m tho womnuna instructing tlio childron of tlio

Horomitca, bahold Ihoro wns ono Elijnh,(ft dull youth, mid not much given tolearning.} Now Elijah, (by reason of liialUillnoss,) failed to understand tlio tbingntho woman did oxpoimd unto Jiim, and herwratlt wns kindled against Elijah. Andbehold, nn tho wuinan did oliaatiso himthe rod did. imrt asunder.

0. And nbo straightway took a occondrod nnd did severely chnatiso Eu'jnli till hocried out by ronaoii of tho dmatisoin

7. But Elijnh wns no *' olny in tho baudsof thu Totter,'" and stayed not her hand

hnrkonod unto hhs crim.8. Aud ngnin did the rod part nsnnder,

but her nngor wao n»tk

and slu

olwgo of a &juthctti road,- 1 J •»«».»


At a meeting of tho Washington Temple •„,_«„ .,.ul l fcJ — « »..™ — ,,.—.of Honor at Ornnge, tn Priday oveniiifr' l i . And Sucan nnd Elijah, did go down

*"* Jftflt, addrcssea wpro mado by Gfoorgo I from- Horem to her homo sorely bereaved

straightway took tlio third rod nnd didagain cha»tiac Elijuh till hia ilcnh wnsgrievously soro by reason of Iho chnstiso-meut.

9. And bolmld, tho third rod did partrounder Iiki3wine. But tho anger of tliowoman wns rot yet nsmuiged, tliougli «lnchnstiaed Elijah no inoru by reoaou of thofailui'o of the rods,

10. Ami i t came to pans tlmt Elijah wentiwn to tlio homo of Stisim hia mother.

And M'licn tJnsnu lehcld hor son RIIO fluid,Why U this thusly ! bchohl tho blaok-

lyissof'tlry fiesli." And Elijah Bnid thewoman dit it, oven tho iromata in tho sem-inary of learning.

11. And Susan's anger was fdndlcdigainat tho womnu for this great wrongdona unto her non, and sho aaid unto him,

molco roady nnd lot us go into Horemaud show thyself unto tlio officers of thescnunnry of lenrning.

1£. Kow Johufr mid Aaron, tinil Josinhwere tho officers, nnd Susan tho motherof hor flon tlid show him unto Joint, nndAaron, and likoviisa mnny of the' Horcm-itcs.

13, Kow John nnd Aaron, TOTO men notmueli given to words and said not muchto Susnn beenuso of tho povcro chastiso-ment of hor HDII Elijah, not so much'ni tnbring Iho woman boforo Uie law, (they,V cing officers of tho Bcmiiiary.J for tho

wrong Hint had been done Elijah.

Shephard Page, nnd Major Klotz,ing tho coureo of the LcgiaJnturo in du-

• Jofthnff-tbo Cnmden Local Ojition bill lnatweek. Mr. Pago commented severely ontho failure of Mr. .Toy to vote, and uponthe "negative' voto of Mr. Williams. MajorKlotz criticized tho course of Mr. Hem-ingway* nnd proceeded to arraign thoJJcmocrntio party, with which, ha lmd. rioted over sinco ho firstvoted. They hud

inijuatly uudurtxihcn to mako this a jiuroly_; local,'moral nnd social queation, n party"•'dtosure',7 and with the exception of Iho

noblo Bourquin, of Camdou, recorded• thomBelves solidly agniUBt Camdon'8 Deni-

ocratiorcquctt, "Representation of the

by reason of tho sovcro clmstiocment ofElijali her HOD.

15. Aud behold there wn« ono Jacob,an officer of tho law, and sho allowed Eiijah

10. And Jncob BHW Hint Elijah wns fiorc-ly chastised nnd lie took Elijnh and show-oil him unto tho woman. And Jncob saidunto tho woman, "Behold tho hid thnttliou hnst smitten, oven witli three roilsthat thou diilfit chaotiso him with till theywere not. H in too grievous to bo borne.Thou haat broken tiro law."

17. Anil tlio womnn nnswercd unit nnidunto him, " I t is my right to chfwtieo tliohld b H h Echildren uf tbo Hoi ^ ua in the Enst

•hero we dwell, that they may uwfarstantlthe things wo would havu them to know.

IH. And Jacob naid unto her, "Ourlaws nre liot aa your luwa; ucUhnr nre ourwnys aa your vnyu ; for tlum innyest not

fj tho clildron ol the noreuiitus atliou didbt iu the Emit whore* Uimi didstdwell."

19. And Jacob &nid unto her, "Thaimust njaka i*nufc:sHton unto Ktijuli andSuHun In* mother fur tht« great nndOIIH wrong Hint tb-m limit ilnno tn tliiu ladElijali, or thoa mayRt be disftlt with nc-cordinfj to iho mnjoxty of the hw.

2t). Audit came to ]»aa3 that thn manand hiu wife rmtdo ready and did go dmvnto tho li'jino of Elijah nud fjti:;nu hiHinotli-ur, ulid did nuke con'iiwion uufi \\wm ufIho Brent wrong Unit bnd been inflictedupon Elijah by rennou of liirt dullanswer tlio things that tvaro propunto Mm.

21. '.Therefore did not Jncoh bring Jici"to nuowcr before tbp inn]cftty yf the lnw.

For tlio EnA,Mr. .RiUr.r:Tho merit, modoit' ptitienl, perficcnted

mid long snuViring'viutiniB of tomnciiincffunalicijiin HCCUI tu bavo ilnully ooncludedthat a point liao been reached where fur-bcaninco ccaHL'a to bo any Ion{"a" a virtuand have accordingly put forth a vomon-Htraiico retn&rknblo for tho clearness andtruth of its statements, (with a tioiion ortwo trifling oicnptiona,) and ulna for thoearnustnesH and cunrgy uf Ha rhetoric, lithis remarkable iiioduetion a touchingnnd patlicfio nppeal is inudo tu thcpowen>that bo, to BRVO them frtyn thoir over vig.ilnut nnd rcmorscOcKs foe. It is rtiflicultto conocivo how any indi\-idunl (niilt!«s libenfriond of liuiiinnity,) can 'withholdbii dci^icbb nyinpntby fi-om thaso iuti'lli-gent, but Hiiflbritig r.nd down 1people. Who can bave the licart to denythem llitnr exceedingly roasonnblo findmodest request tu bo let uluno V Nobodytlmt can bo conceived of extfniit n tompa-rauco fanatic. I t is jiiu-paHHJuglj Etran(to gin he-ids] tlmttheHapDiu!<!-kiviiig(aipcuco-producing 1) people should bu madetho BUbjcoU of aucli coutinual ition.

In whatever liglit tliia mnttor be viowcilit is pliu'uly ovidout (to tlio minds of tinhoncut nud unnRht dealers in pure andunadulterated benzine,) that tho advocatesof tcinpcranuo reform mo actuated only bytbo villniiiDUS intent <i£ dculroyiut; tliotrndo of tlietio highly industrious but Iiajilem and unfoctmiuto jtcoplc, in order (tiquote tlio ndmirablo lnngiingQ of tlioir re-moilHtrdiicCi) "t<> gratiily tlio fanaticalidca-in£u f«v." Oauilbo juibniblo thatthe mtelllgent CIUZLMIH of this "laud offreemen" liavo becoino so clojjononvte, im.moral and corrupt that they hnvo lost nilap[>i'ccintion for, and inlorust iu tbo jwoa-orvation of n trade, the products of wkicliare BO caflentml, nay, indispcusiblo to tliowclfaro, prospoiity nnil Uappincss of Ihobumaii rucc ? Buck a lninQiitablo slate ofaiTaira would seem to n mind properlytoucd (with liquid atryelmini!).imppsniblo."Wliat then filiall wo think of LIIOBQ fanaticawho go still farther and manifest a deniioto destroy this branch of product!'dnstry ? Blinulil theso fanutici succeedwkoro on earth aro wo to go to got a sup-ply of crime, ignornnco, domestic misery,poverty, pauperism aud suck Hko plonaont,nltractiro and useful article.! ? What nro

to do when deprived of ourivranlcharm-ing midnight ontortaiuraonti in tlio formof brawls, ilglils, gioansnnrl other pleiuantconctmritfmt-iof inobrintiun ? Wlint ovawo to do for our usual tlnlly appetiser, tkocolumns of tho daily paper, filled with no-cmnita of wife-boating, neglected nudatavving cliildron, osanult nnd battery,riots, murders, and other oquully clelight-ful products ot thin branch of humnn nkill?Docs it not seem ntrnngo that, men olntin-

tn bo iutulligcut uucl pbilunthropic,should piitertain tin) dreadful intention ofdestroyiug nlmainrai which yields suchimpurtant products ?

But happily tlicso poor, pcrsecnttul,nnoctmt, blcudng (and bloiitud) lamb»iro enjoying n ' brief roapita, A wise

nnd benificent legislature has spreadits jirotooting Oont tails ovor their boatln,and warded oil tbe Htonn of pursccutiouby which tlioy w.cro buiug BO morcilesdypelted. 'Warned, however, by tho cxpo-

;O of tho past, theso good pooplo who,whon unmolested arc so entirely and im-'Illicitly confl'ling nnd trustful, ecem toliave resolved to mako the most o[ tbcitn*expected turn in tlw tido of their uiliiii'sand not to tolax thcit cflorta to fortifythcnwelvea nt all points, Tlioir nntnrullytinauspcofiug disposition hns become BHR-piuioua oiul it is plain, that lliey bavo re-solved to Bleep with ono oyo opon.

It is a deeply affecting spectacle to wit-ness tho affectionate tenacity and almost

is fidelity with which tneso peoplecling to tho occupation to-wliieh tlioy oroso iioculiarly adapted. No troubles din-courago tlicm ; nothing daunts them. For

'**!!iongli troulilcB BHaail hnd dnngprB nffrlght,"Of nil Hootking [irollla tllcy novcr IOUHU mght.

Now, huvc not rcosona onnugli lienngiven why tho fanatics should teaxo theso jpoor creattiros- nlono ? Why kcop themconstniltry hopping about lflio live tur-

ya iu n hot oven ? First tliey aro }>os-socuted in ono direction thcu in another,Now they may bo seen, nervously huddledtogether, anxiously watching a cloud ofindictments which looms dark aud tkreat-lingly over their heads. Next they aro

tlicmmiuto confusion nnd nro h.'ardmak-ing dolorous comjilnintfl nnd uttering tlia-m«l cries, the result of their fri^lit at wit*

tho appearniiOB nf their mortalenemy dressed in tlio g,-rrb of " Local Op-

Then come.1) an ovil npjinrition inthe sha])0 of a threatenedt;tnto prohibitorylaw whiiuli throws tlicm into an agonizingsweat, and yet thoy endure. Is it not ro-marknblc ? Indocd, ia ib not enough to in-duco tho reformers to ctop tho- wheel ofprogression, and thereby relievo theso poorcrcaturoa from their exceedingly romfort-

5ss condition ? H. F.

Dovt>r Fob. 22nd 1873.




Different Grades at Different


Kolil us C'lirnp ns ut t lie JYew York

AVholCHitle llotiseSjUl'TIIE

Barrel or Oar Load.



for Tnnlng nntl Hepr.trlng of PianoFortes, Organs, Melotleonn, and other lilnda of

I N J d NMujieal Jcitrumonti', In Now JerseyTliiiitlimriBrniin (liu moitt cctoliraleii mills It:! York City promptly atteuUud to. Hanoi kept

?Iicliifiiii,ia-1lv.-nj;Hl;qtt on linutl rrrsli cnmm] ' ' ~ " ' - "nnd tlic- rjunHtT nlwuvu I.H ropr-wwili-il. 'J"!iIUUBt haput'lur lirauUi, nu well an tliclotvrflt \nanC?\can l>o biul. - j

Itkiilivitli (bo mnnufwitiircra ti tboir Mills.)ami not «H1i New York IIOIIEUH. Ttio Dimr comiliwpt tn my -viirclionso nitlioilt i;»ii]({ to NL

McrcbnnfB null (ittit-rH tlmiiiKfiout tlila Buctinnjof count rr Will ttud it to tlieir iwlpantBKi

tlm ai>i>vu brntul uf llnttr, ot I m cthey OBU iiroouro it In Xa\r Yorii.

Richard Poarco,Jlunnon'u bulldiug, c

nvtfWam-n Klwctn,

in TUDC \,y tha jear at hit. Dollars,

Musical Iflstrnments Bought &SoId,

Piano Fortes, Organs kMelodoons,TrvnliTJoUnrtio 11OO Dolhri,

Bend far a Circular and FciccsiAudreua,y\'* H. WpWHT. . noven, u. J.

Sliooting Gallery,At tin- Tuiiiiiurajjou, Huasei, I)ntt

Old Newspapers



CROCKERY, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE,Mining Materials of all kinds.


Limo, liatli, Piaster, Cement, Brick, &c.A1SO, DEALEIt IN





D R E S S Q O O D S,Black and Colored Alpacas,

From 25 GVuttt u p ;

Paramattas, very wido,At 371 Cunts ptr jnril ; (-hoific colm-s.

Empress Cloths and Merinos,Vcvj C'Ucap.

Ladies' Vests and Drawers,Men's Under Wear,

A L L A T R E D U C E D P R I C E S .Infart, wo offurBi-aatiinlaccineiits toCiiwli Ciixluincru in our VlwliiBalc lino of GcotlJ,


Dry Goods,Groceries, '



Iron and Steel for Mining Purposes, and Jesstip's AxcSteel,Powder, Safety Fuse, &c.


STO"VESPSTOVBS!!Groat Reduction in Prices at tlio New Tin Store at Port Oram.

i' Jiiat ri'cclvrtl n Inrgp ctocl; or Ktrwn o cvti J- iYMTi|.lirn, vp nM- r(.»v rrcj rn a to I til al

All tll.ll> or IIIII Very hilett H.vllcs of

Coolung Stores, Parlor and Heating Stores, Ganges, &c.

Tinware, plain and japanned ; Tin ^Roofing,A very fiufi nRorlmcut of

LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, LANTERNS, &o.Ami a vnrlcty of otlicr artlclcn iimmlly kept hi n. well nnpplka Tin Store.

PLUMBING and all kinds of REPAIRING

Xcalljr dono anil ptamptly nttcndoil to. ' Wn giiGrnulcc to'glro ijntinf i tloill

FALL. Special Attention.TO



AT HEWSOW'S,Cor. Van Houten & 146,148,150 & 152 Main-st

xtf. a1.'

The Slock is the largest and most varied inkind and quality ii the STATE of


DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENTS,Moiirning Goods, Silks, Sliawls, Cloaks,


Domestics, Wollens, Table Linens and BlanketsTVILI, BEMAM AT LAST SEASONS TEICES.

DE3:i3"T57SrS O N ' S .


Tlio Dross and Clonk Making Department"Will continuo imilcr tlio Bllcccnahil ranimgcmeut or


•^1 gooJs- sol J nt timlonii picun, ntfil rnurked iu plain figiiroa, from wliic&. t&cro i\ill

3 3 o 3STO X J a i f t n A T I O M " , .

N, B.—U. S. Transfer "Ooaclr will couvey iinssungors to imct Irom tho Depot touwBou'a, uud lor (til tmius ou D. Ij. & "\V. Tl. It.


Sovcn pcrcenE. Goltt BuniU for colo, Iulcrcr.t aud Princixial imyatjln Iu Gold. Price5eb and um'ticcl Uiturouti

!O11 TUB


Has the Tjiii-gcst and Most Extensive Stock ot

Foreign and Domestic Dry GoodsCOLORED DRESS GOODS OF ALL KINDS.


Cloths, Cassimeres, "Worsted Plaids, Delaines..

. Shawls, Flannels and "Worsted Goods.A LA1IGE AND EXTENSWE ASSOKTMENT OE



White and Grey Blankets,OIL, CLOTHS AND DOOR MATS*



Cannot be Excelled in DOVER.Lister's and Allcntowii Ground Itoue Supei'iiliosphnto or

Limo, Clover H M Timotliy Seed, Lime,

Cement and Plaster, &c.

Tho tallies ami dt'iitloiiiun will ]u.-JLwl)Car In luiaa tlmt R. J, Bobort**


- licst iu Ilia Wurld," pilvcrjlu iiolinli (tml grncrful in slinpu ; dso, HoborUk



Efccfmi nf I-'ulHli Klul Kern or Kil;;o.

Give me i cull, I am bnniiit 10 SELL Tor LTC5B rilOFIT thnu any otHer liowsu in tlio city.

Blackwell-street, Dover, ST.

E. Hairhouse & Bro.,Watches, CLOCKS, Jewelry

- A S B -

P L A T B O -*3%r a. H E!Ahvajs on llnntl, n Fine AsaottloCEt o£



And Jevveiry of Every Description!. Repairing Executed with Neatness


Page 4: The Iron Era New Store FURS! FURS!! NEW GOODS · it' Our Una of oarpMi. nro wull pi>Icctnd, in..!.jnnistHor KnRllKlinnd Amcnnan UriisBBlu, In. grain, Hrnip and llarr, 1'uvlur Jluts,

PEAHCE, BED. RICHARDS &TCO.,' GEO.w. DRAEE, P : B L H o f f i n a i l ,


•'-=*=• ;BOOTS AXD SHOES Merchant Tailor. S T O V E a n d T

; MORSISTOWIS", Moiristo-cm. X. J. S T O R E .

<•• Ovster Eay Restaurant I

Esting House.

V.V.-iiiu's £.sd F.eU.!!.

i'.->;,ir:J 1-LIWU l ic l t -J . A. J .

W I N T E B G O O D S , GARMENTS Of ALL KINDS ^ ^ - V E S ^ ™ ™ 1

: . Tlui^-r-.^i-JH-u. Itata.. . ,- „ , E A 5 6 E S .


Oysters and Clams [


<>f Slaterial.

!, f. c.Fashionable Styles. COOKIXG STOVES,


4 p ,i:.a. t« loo PC.UJKK H a r d w a r e ,

it-' B-n-i-i P r o v i s i o n s ,

-^L->-.;_ ; - v TT ; Rubber BOCLS & Shoes. SHirtk. tollan. Tit*. Gin. n-Sns- " ' " ' '

L/ 13.

O and O

A< the Dover Book Store ' H A R N E S S


r lliHE ill Hnr other Slor*


• - — * . ^ ,

. Kobe* Wolf Kobe,


iiiKJ Hinted Hums

For Sale Cheat).P HP. H.


F o x Robes ,

Lamps Lanterns *& Lamp Fixtures E LTSDSLET k SOX, _Ti-*!-—• in •*• eplcndid assortment of . ,

Revolvers, Trunks, Carpet Ita^s, Valises

i:.T.*a ^r^ioTi : ntclicls, &c.; VuJs. ir.. Bnmlit-B, Cuny-Cosil*, Card*, end HDTM>f Uai*dH a l f« Bcr»itT«( HjwngtB, Cbaaiolj Kltia*.

-_ , „ . p u a i i . » u JV r-«-i>v*--»i-» «• f . JT f), rt_s^ and Feather Dratcr*. '

As Cheap as the Cheapest

H. ?. S^IvDERSOX, •

Sol? Ag-ent lor Dover/

' • ' • •

Rice's Celebrated ;

M1NCE-EYIEAT!The Be-1 in Hit Jlartet I

B e s t S e l e c t e d B E E F ;


S ,M o r r i s t o w n . N". J . F R E S H F R U I T S ,

, _ i .

P e t e r Mt"y-

^ I S T 1 ^ * £Zst—• stOT-Furniture, m-L^-LjJ"L^^ELX t7Ti:fiM I L L I N A E . T

Mining Mate rials. F a n c yOF ALL K.IHDS, ; ! Street,

J , W. S A M M I S.

T H E OLD r?T.VNT>, :

.__.,,„ CTI,T, , . - . _ _ . - . C t y M a r k e t ,

; ^ : , ™ : ^ r J M UNION HALL BUIUIIHB,:c- — - « - . — • •»<.-£. CW-i Hrsa.4. h-:|;-!->. luiui.-lltdiaaa. ; _^^_ j , jTXT.- K. J.

:_ii2 , ; H o t Air Furnaces , . ; " m , . v~.,,, a«. dtr,

m,!.rfel!e.c»- F T! T i H J! E A T S .

Choicest New Fruits !

Tl:if - • lLlnti-il ::I:i]f -^•rci Las biCE Opiwdt« It. R.Seven

;SS!i^;™^i,:;;., ^^i^av^ A p o t k e c a r y , ; STOVES, RANGES, i ^ 'ToULTBY.

j Fall and Winter Styles : : u ^,,^^,1 • ttfc.fc^-r«.ti™?.i«.I>i<*kt'rs<iii Street. . ' i°m

GAS ;H A ^ T S I""'I'1,;,--.,,i, I 3° i E» E I ; | Feather* ct Flowers, ;

" ^ ! ^ Sash Ribbon and Bows, PURE DRUGS,

Proaouneed ExeeUent! F I T T I N G S ' * * • " • " • • * • - ^ — --—« I . CHEMICALS,

T E Y IT ! ! i I Chignons, Switches. :

SATISFACTION: GUARANTEED. ! Constantly on Hand, j


iB uonsus.

N & JAPA2J WARE, ^ ^ i S i l i r y a ^ ^ s ^

CHESTER HOUSE,: Q e o r g e F e d e r f


Braids and Rolls,: PATENT HEDICDJES,

Zephyr Goods,


FaraNliins Gooils,j And Fancy Articles i ^ " . 1

McFarlan, J


" and




T. P. Skel'enger,. - - Prop'rj

Tii' rr,i!.,->.rti"i!'f.!ii!.'T ftCTtrrwiur ,;•,!•: -..-. -.i-j-'Li;- fii-esJiv. (lit- in-hi..-. *


Ontsi:-?. >\ J-. 11-


iicliiuc a:Id I ron C<*nri(an y .

, r-uBes» tnfl ril tiafl* «T

Iron and Brass Castings

J'iir;ieulfcr tt;« alias


Jv.ik- Jliusl»ctuicr»

Patent Car-Pnsliers

i"ioSv'iiu^a'™*!1^?*?^"^'?" mSii": Physicians'^^Fl * T • d*rniifciiiliof nur lircnzijiii*" mtii BafciBlBCi

T, iicxl door to VluHuck L \ \ ^ \^t \ ^

o o oA A A

DOVER, -N. J-Qtnnullj ITS Lniidt. Hue

S-weedisli Leeclies j

1 TUT • imuuitiirja -TOliml.™

! ; o£ unr nniin-ii. dtiontd 1* ui'irimn-il if vri- ITIJJI ti> Cora p a n I d . I

; Hardware wtOre. i S i j ^ ^ ^ S ' S ^ f S Liverpool & London & Olobo

! Toorhees Brothers. ^n-SSiri^r^Zi| • ;« l i lim-rt.,r- ,mi-r.!n

Cloths and Cassimeres,'

Cut and Made- tv Order. I C ^ ^ . ^ . JC-a 9wi-j s piiua Ci Trtimnivi. j At tlie Loire^t Marke t Pritfc.

Beady-ilade t'lotliin^ ! Wliolesale and Eetflil.

S T J T T S F O B M E N ,

Boys a n d Children,

Gentieraens' Furnishing Goods, i


IKTtllUiL 1U l i l t XUIvUt' &Dd U^t: llf Hi*' CCIrClfk.


1 'All >izt-s ConBtauUj oulland.;ZJhE, :

Beal Estate Aerent, !

BlackweE Street-

H T I 11 r l Q T - S l_4 o T ^ . TT7"O T*O • tiuiii bv 1. j^nscwts and hv

Insurance Co.

•jL?!!. llmTUl! i"*«iSv?SS-i'; j Roynl Iiisnrnnco, Liverpool.

Franklin - Philiidclphiii.

Hudson - - .Jcrecy City.

People's - - - Kcwark.

i priitm* liavi j^ll conimsa-;-in tiiia nrniMiwituii,; uiiujmrrcp I.-- ti,f anvoaii. tinn- tiut <i. L. H. ti. in- ' u w kum.-iiun Hit- wnrhl Tor In

l d



C-.tV.iSiiMrni.iJJirahini, i BRASS

J-J i M o r r i s t o w n ,:iRON FOUNDER,

Wooden Ware and MACHINE SHOP,

M. & !. Searing,CARPENTERS,



DO VEE, X. J.imm Kiifi Bi^tuS'S.Uinit fur iinii'Iinps, Otrntrscit

Jobbing in General




j House Furnishing i j - l Q1JCO

I»^cr. On. r. isn.


I * IT ~~° -Mme, Cement, Plaster,;

LasOXS 1 _ ^ i ltoit-IiUB-., SniiorriiufljilUi-'PDfLJnit.BJiQall |

E c i J E««UJ Builders' Hardware.! ..^1.^=^ j

. D t t l Y i t n . : TTc wnulil naracnlarlr O.U eUcntiwi tu our ex- -«™«,,,™ T.- -:n. i*«r, T. I^ ! v-i-\Jiw..u*l,ilUil 1am. tiirfjrt, oppoaiw the Dopot,

V. 0. D0]N"0GHUE. | Mecnanics' Tools, j W. H. McDAVIT,

Book. Stationary and j vhich •=*JOET wmait^to^uitiwbi. ! H D U ^ , Sign and 0rna.mBnt2J j


I DOVER. X. .7.Xi» Rclwaibcr hut Tvneuiiy fit!M x.

COT. UittctTreU and SIIBHCI rtroetK, oj>]it>-! "




j K A L S O M 1 X 1 X G , j R»aaDirJallcniFaictaT»liiiB1iBiiUciUt'



— Inrpc nn3-tt(3i.. , .2'.:i:ikk. 3:JiJir il-mtit. snd miitwjiiinetiuk TmWies- [ . r — i t i z - v t i e C * " ^ D A K I T n i L i 'tiniit. ftiw. wridnB inim-tir fwrj iieiusnRinu , LEHIGH & 5CRANTON .^•r.n^-Umt- Xate Lf- nJ <jq>. liiH Cop. Tpfil Cij). :

Bill of Fare

DOVEK.N.J-. I*"1"1*r»dCT Goo. ju=faa.tov. acre'B E S T A S S I S T A N T S



S v § ! S c r c n e d a n d

J5Iii!sicA:?InsicalItts(nuaents j A t t*e s

A Specialty.


Coal for Blatksmitlis.

3I0UDISG & BBACEETS I Ai Less than NEW YORK Pries, j

! B O O K - B I H D I N G :

DoTer,^. J .

Orders for Sawing and • P l a n i n g j ^Or BCEUEF Sil, 5


DOTER. Jf. .1.

1 CJ

TOBACCOK>riE ST.. MtrniiWini, X. J.

Home - Colnmlnis, Ohio. '

M u n i Benefit Life, Newark I

Choice Lots in Dover, j

for sale cheap, also lerenl

Houses and Lots, . :

. Also,* TOiJflno ' • •



75 Acres of Land,.

Ifc&r Su t*c ftn n fi ft i

December 3-1, J6JO. l r

The New Empire

Hot Air. Gas & Bns&Jrarn-

ing Cookins Storci, ;


Alan, i Large JLjMtrtment of other Stylei of Cook-ing Siorcft, Hi-necs, Parlor Sto»«*, i c ,

TOR SUMMER & WINTER USE.Also, a choice slock of

Hardwire, Cutlery,GUSR, Wooden, Copper, PUin «m3 Japuin^d

TtSWARE.Oil Qcths, Carnots TJimp", P»lnt« tnd Oilli

Biril Cagt*. Feather*, Prait's Astxal Oil (ooa-ei*plntrre.) Also,

U E A L E U E f COAX..

Rooihig, Pluinl)iiig and JobWork promptly attended to.

JAS. U.nitUENkSON, Itockawij,X.IySFairimnlt'a Scales at manulkc-

turer's prices ;nU Imn ( W . Tln.. J**± 1}«C« "