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THE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP NATURAL AND ANTHROPIC … · The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania 4 PROGRAM

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Page 1: THE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP NATURAL AND ANTHROPIC … · The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania 4 PROGRAM
Page 2: THE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP NATURAL AND ANTHROPIC … · The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania 4 PROGRAM


3rd Edition

29th of September – 01st of October 2017 Orșova, Romania






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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


Comitet științific

Prof. dr. Florina GRECU - președinte

Prof. dr. Laura COMĂNESCU

Prof. dr. Alexandru NEDELEA

Conf. dr Ionuț SĂVULESCU

Conf. dr. Robert DOBRE

Asit. dr. Mădălina TEODOR

Asit. cercet. dr. Sorin CARABLAISĂ

Comitet de organizare

Prof. dr. Florina GRECU - responsabil

Asit. dr. Mădălina TEODOR - responsabil

Dr. Cristina Petre-Ghiță

Asit. cercet. dr. Sorin CARABLAISĂ - responsabil local

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania



Orșova, 29 Septembrie – 01 Octombrie 2017

Vineri, 29 Septembrie 2017 – Stațiunea geografică Orșova

17:00-20:00 – Primirea și înregistrarea participanților

. . .

Sâmbătă, 30 Septembrie 2017

08:00 – 08:30 – Înregistrarea participanților/pauză de cafea

08:30 – 08:45 – Deschidera simpozionului. Cuvânt de deschidere – Sala de Conferințe”Stațiunea

Geografică Orșova”

08:45 – 09:00 – Pauză de cafea

09:00 – 17:00 – Aplicație de teren

19.00 – 22.00 – Cina festivă

. . .

Duminică, 01 Octombrie 2017

09.00 – 09.30 - Înregistrarea participanților /pauză de cafea

09:30 – 14:30 – Comunicări pe secțiuni

14:30 – 15:00 – Sesiune de postere

14:00 – 15:00 – Masa de prânz

16.00 – Încheierea simpozionului și plecarea participanților

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


Duminică, 01 Octombrie 2017

09.00 – 09.30 - Înregistrarea participanților /pauză de cafea

09:30 – 14:30 – Comunicări pe secțiuni

14:30 – 15:00 – Sesiune de postere

Prezentări & postere

Maria ALBU (DINU) - Eroziunea hidrică pe microversanţi în bazinul Călmățuiului (Teleormănean)

Sorin CARABLAISĂ, Florina GRECU, Carmen DRAGOTA, Adrian CHIȚAN - Current climate trends in the

Danubian corridor, with an impact on the Iron Gates Natural Park

Robert DOBRE - Relief suitability for Ploiesti – Pașcani fast road construction

Robert DOBRE, Mădălina TEODOR, Ionuț SĂVULESCU, Laurențiu ILIE - Early Warning Intelligent System

for Road Transportation Risks

Ana Mihaela GHITOIU, Manuela MEMA - European projects at Decebal Technical College

Florina GRECU, Sorin CARABLAISĂ, Mădălina TEODOR, Mircea VIȘAN - Vulnérabilité à l’érosion

hydrique sur les versants de plateau en Roumanie

Laurenţiu ILIE, Laura COMĂNESCU, Robert DOBRE, Mădălina TEODOR - The relief suitability influence on

the efficient development of Obarsia Lotrului ski area. Case study: stage development and connection to

Transalpina Ski Resort area

Daniel IOSIF, Florina GRECU - Geomorphosites from Buzău Mountains: Geomorphologic sites

management in areas sensitive to natural hazards

Diana MAROLA - The use of satellite images in the morphological analysis of the Siret Riverbed between

Cosmești and Galați

Anca MUNTEANU, Narcisa MILIAN, Mădălina TEODOR, Robert DOBRE, Irinel GRIGORE, Laura

COMĂNESCU, Alexandru NEDELEA, Brândușa BALAN - Condiții meteorologice pe Valea Caprei de pe

versantul sudic al Munților Făgăraș, la momentul exercițiului de declanșare artificială a avalanșelor cu

sistemul Daisy Bell

Ioana Monica MUSCALU - The study soil erosion and lanslids in the lake Mountain Spring

Mihai – Claudiu NEDELCU, Laura COMĂNESCU, Robert DOBRE - Suitability relief in the Câineni – Boița

area for transport infrastructure development

Mihai – Claudiu NEDELCU, Laura COMĂNESCU, Robert DOBRE - Raportul de condiționalitate dintre relief

și procesul de transport pe calea ferată cu privire specială asupra vitezei de circulație a trenurilor

Mihaela OGLINDOIU, Sorin CARABLAISĂ, Florina GRECU - The rainfalls precipitation recorded between

14th and 16th September 2014 and morphological consequences that have affected the town Orsova and

the village of Eselnita from the area of the Natural Park Iron Gates

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


Amalia Mihaela OGLINDOIU, Ana-Maria ROANGHEȘ – MUREANU - Impactul antropic asupra spațiilor

verzi din Drobeta Turnu Severin

Marius PAISA, Florina GRECU, Raluca ALEXANDRU - Slope susceptibility to landslides in the Târnava Mare

corridor between Mediaş and Blaj

Cristina PETRE-GHIȚĂ - The map of educational risk. Aplications for Ilfov County

Gabriel STĂNOIU - Potențialul morfodinamic în Munții Iezer

Mădălina TEODOR, Robert DOBRE, Florina GRECU, Laurențiu ILIE, Gabriel STĂNOIU, Diana MAROLA -

Analysis of the ski areas from the Romanian Carpathians. Models, patterns and trends

Mihai VLADU - Riscuri geomorfologice în bazinul hidrografic Bahna

14:00 - 15:00 – Masa de prânz

16.00 - Încheierea simpozionului și plecarea participanților

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


Eroziunea hidrică pe microversanţi în bazinul Călmățuiului


Maria ALBU (DINU) (1)* (1)

Universitatea din București, Facultatea de Geografie

* Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected]


Situat în totalitate în regiune de câmpie – Câmpia Română, bazinul Călmăţuiului (afluent al

Dunării) se particularizează prin suprafețe relativ plane- câmpuri și microversanți. Aceștia au înclinări și

dimensiuni morfometrice reduse rezultate din adâncirea reţelei hidrografice și a morfodinamicii

generale gravitaționale și pluviale.

Agentul principal al eroziunii hidrice pe acești microversanţi, este apa provenită din precipitaţii, iar

acest proces este extrem de complex şi se produce evolutiv, în mai multe stadii, acesta fiind de multe ori

greu de separat: a) eroziunea prin picătura de ploaie cu energie cinetică mare – pluviodenudare, b)

eroziunea prin curenţi peliculari – eroziune în suprafaţă) eroziunea prin curenţi concentraţi – eroziune

torenţială.Cea mai mare parte a bazinului Călmăţuiului teleormănean (cca. 76% din suprafaţa acestuia)

nu prezintă risc de eroziune deoarece este reprezentată de suprafeţe plane, cvasiorizontale. Pe cca. 18

% din suprafaţa bazinului eroziunea medie anuală este foarte redusă avănd valori cuprinse între 0,0001

şi 2 t/, pe aprovimativ 5% din suprafaţa bazinului eroziunea medie anuală este cuprinsă între 2 şi 4

t/, în timp ce eroziunea medie anuală depăşeşte 6 t/ numai pe o suprafaţă restrânsă de cca. 5

km2 (reprezentând 0,5 % din suprafaţa bazinului).Bazinul Călmăţuiului este dezvoltat în roci moi şi

deosebit de friabile (soluri, loessuri şi depozite loessoide),favorabile eroziunii hidrice. Procesele de

ravenaţie au o largă desfăşurare și dimensiuni apreciabile cu profil transversal în formă de „V” ascuţit. În

urma proceselor torențiale, desfăşurate timp îndelungat, unele ravene se lungesc şi pot fi transformate

în văi cu regim torenţial. În acest caz, eroziunea de fund şi de mal încetează, iar versanţii se stabilizează.

Materialele grosiere transportate de către curentul de apă torenţială sunt depuse la gura de vărsare a

văii sub forma unor conuri de dejecţie sau de împrăştiere, iar cele fine ajung în râul colector care le

transportă la distanţe mari. Acest tip de evoluţie este caracteristic întregului BH Călmăţuiul


Procesele de eroziune hidrică a versanţilor duc în timp la degradarea terenurilor şi la scăderea

potenţialului lor economic.

Cuvinte cheie: eroziune hidrică, microversanți, Călmăţui

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


Current climate trends in the Danubian corridor, with an impact on

the Iron Gates Natural Park

Sorin CARABLAISĂ (1)*, Florina GRECU. (2), Carmen DRAGOTA (3), Adrian CHIȚAN (4) (1)

Geographical Research Station Center, Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest (2)

University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania (3)

Institute of Geography of Bucharest (IGAR) (4)

National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering – Horia Hulubei

* Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected]


The hereby study analyses the transformations produced by the termic and pluviometric regime

from the Romanian area of the Danube Gorge, between Bazias and Drobeta Turnu Severin, emphasizing

the vulnerability of the slopes in front of the hydro-morfological hazards, induced by the weather


This research is based on the observations and studies on the ground, as well as based on the

cronological series’ analyses of temperature and precipitations (monthly and annual quantities,

between 1961 and 2014), at the weather station in Drobeta Turnu Severin, from the Danube Gorge. For

emphasizing the frequency of the normal years, rich and poor from the point of view of the

precipitations for the studied area, the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) were synthesized.

The impact and the effect of the precipitations over the environment and over society in the

area of Natural park Iron gates, are followed in the dynamics of the river beds affluents of the Danube

(Berzasca, Liubotina, Eşelniţa, Mraconia, Bahna, etc.), in the dynamics of Danube’s river banks, in

producing floods and excesive erosion on the slopes from the area of Orsova town, of Eşelniţa, Berzasca,

Cosla villages, where have been affected and damaged houses and ways of communications, infields.

This hereby study aims as a research theme, emphasizing the fact that among the sloping and

lithological characteristics specific the area of study, the mojority of modelling earth cover processes are

due mainly both to some climatic agents but also to human impact.

Key words: precipitation, Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Natural Park Iron Gates, hydro-

morfological hazards

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


Relief suitability for Ploiesti – Pașcani fast road construction

Robert DOBRE (1)*

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania

* Corresponding author: [email protected]


Ploiesti – Pascani fast road one of the most important infrastructure project in Romania. Based

on the economic and environmental indicators generated by the National Transport Model used in the

General Master Plan for Transport (MPGT) in Romania, resulted that the project is a priority

transportation of our country. The estimated length is 327.5 km and total value for the full

implementation of the project is 1304,41 mil.euro without VAT. The implementation period will be five

years (two years to achieve technical and economic documents, feasibility study and technical project

and four years for work execution).

Currently, the municipalities Ploiesti, Buzau, Focsani, Bacau and Pascani are connected by the

DN2 national road and DJ208 county road, whose capacity is exceeded on several sectors where traffic

speed is limited either by the conditions of relief. Ploiesti – Pascani fast road is located approximately in

the east of the country. The analysis was focused on the first critical sector, one of Ploiesti and Buzau,

65 km length. A detailed (geomorphological and geomorfothniqe) analysis is absolutely necessary

because of the geological context and because of geo-morphological peculiarities.

The identification of the main general geomorphological processes that affect the TEN-T Core and

Comprehensive network

We were used detailed analysis made in the field in conjunction with GIS techniques analysis, in

order to establish the required types of construction solutions needed in order to build the project (road

junctions, bridges, culverts, road crossing, railroad overpass, railroad overpass, intersections overhead

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


electrical lines, deposit demolition). The GIS provided solutions were subsequently validated based on

the performed work in the field. This analysis demonstrated that this type of study is a good point for

infrastructure road project starting.

We consider therefore that the geomorphotechnique analysis is an important step from the

major project implementation. The geomorphotechnique map can be considered a very useful tool for

both designers and engineers.

Key words: fast road, techinical solution, geomorfology, geomorfothniqe analysis

Auto rote The location node Dumbrava road speed (km.52 + 150/0 + 000) wide.

44 ° 50'51.61 "N, long. 26 ° 12'23.82"


- Dobre, R., Relatia dinamica reliefului-infrastructura de transport, Editura Etnologica, Bucuresti, 2016.

- Dobre, R., Pretabilitatea reliefului pentru căi de comunicaţii şi în Culoarul Prahovei (sectoarele montan

şi subcarpatic), Editura Universitară, Bucureşti, ISBN 978-606-591-235-9, 2011a, 245 pagini – teza

de doctorat.

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


Early Warning Intelligent System for Road Transportation Risks

Robert DOBRE (1)*, Mădălina TEODOR (1), Ionuț SĂVULESCU (1), Laurențiu ILIE (1)

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania

* Corresponding author: [email protected]


This project is based on an action that is agreed with the Innovation and Networks Executive

Agency (INEA) and is based on Intelligent Transport Systems. Romanian TEN-T network is seriously

affected by natural risks such as landslides, torrential erosion, rock falls, avalanches, floods and heavy

snow. These natural hazards lead to numerous road accidents which cause important casualties and

material losses every year.

The overall objective of the action is to improve traffic safety and reduce congestion of the

Romanian road Core and Comprehensive Network by putting in place a compatible, accessible and

interoperable intelligent transportation system (ITS) that will provide traffic and travel information

services in all European languages via web.

This project is based on an action that is agreed with the Innovation and Networks Executive

Agency (INEA) Department C - Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The action aim is to contribute to the

implementation of the comprehensive network, horizontal priority: Telematic applications systems for

road (ITS), and on the core network Corridors: Orient/East-Med, Rhine-Danube. The project is

representative for the country of Romania and is based on the TEN-T Core network corridors.

The identification of the main general geomorphological processes that affect the TEN-T Core and

Comprehensive network

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


Romanian TEN-T network is seriously affected by natural risks such as landslides, torrential

erosion, rock falls, avalanches, floods and heavy snow. These natural hazards lead to numerous road

accidents which cause important casualties and material losses every year.

The overall objective of the action is to improve traffic safety and reduce congestion of the

Romanian road Core and Comprehensive Network by putting in place a compatible, accessible and

interoperable intelligent transportation system (ITS) that will provide traffic and travel information

services in all European languages via web.

To deliver on the overall objective of the Action, there are three specific objectives, which will

be met by carrying out eleven activities within the Action:

1. Sizing risks that can affect road transportation

2. Identification of the data sources

3. Elaboration of the tender documentation and public tender process

4. Back-end platform and applications architecture design

5. Development of the back-end platform

6. Developing the web application

7. Developing the mobile applications

8. Collecting user's feedback

9. Improving applications on the basis of the collected feed-back

10. Validation and testing

11. Information and Advertising Campaign

12. Project Management

Keywords: intelligent transport, roades, geomorphological processes


This project is co-financed by the European Commission - Innovation and Networks Executive

Agency (INEA) Department C - Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), 2015-RO-TM-0435-W Grant.

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


European projects at Decebal Technical College

Ana Mihaela GHITOIU (1)*, Manuela MEMA (1)

(1) Colegiul Tehnic Decebal

* Corresponding author


Through ‘’ European Practice by Erasmus +’’ project, the practice has become the main link

between Decebal Technical College and the needs identified on the labor market and at the same time

attractive and useful for participants (people in initial vocational training) in their transition to a job

after graduation.

The aim of the project was that all the people involved to be aware of the importance of

practical training stages in order to pass from school to active life, through a training based on practical

activities from the lower cycle of the high school.

The specific objectives of the project were:

O1.Developing key competencies and practical skills specific to Environmental Protection for a better

transition to the upper cycle of the high school and preparing the transition from school to active life.

O2.Developing competencies for life – knowledge, skills and attitudes for personal development,

knowledge of at least one foreign language, active citizenship.

O3.Creating new sustainable contacts at the European level of Decebal Technical College – as an

Applicant- in order to develop the cooperation between the world of work and professional training.

The project has assumed an innovative approach of the practical training, providing technical

and financial support to pupils in groups with difficulties in accessing training on the labor market for an

adequate practical training at the European standards in modern companies.

The occupational training activities were correlated with the basic training of the participants -

Environment Protection- in order to recognize the learning outcomes of the trainees (internship

partners) and to achieve the widest possible impact of the project. Based on our previous experience in

European projects, we have developed a collaborative and sustainable partnership with European

institutions with direct implications for employers who need motivated individuals with multiple skills as

well as for the educational environment. The partnership was made up of Decebal Technical College

from Drobeta Turnu Severin and Doutor “Ricardo Jorge” National Institute of Health (INSA) and

Agrupamento de Escolas de Alcochete (AEA), Lisbon, Portugal.

The partnership was focused on the 32 students from Decebal Technical College in order to

acquire these skills and abilities, certificates and diplomas that allow them, at the graduating moment,

to achieve their primary professional aspirations.

The target group, 16 students/flow from 10th grade - Environmental Protection, who had

practiced the 90-hours practice training at INSA during 09.05.2016-27.05. 2016- 1st flow and

07.11.2016-25.11.2016- 2nd flow. All the 32 students were minors, and 20 of them were from the

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category of people with low opportunities, with difficulty in accessing training, people living in rural

areas, people from poor families, single parent families or divorced ones.

The project evaluation was conducted through the use of specific assessment tools

(questionnaires, analysis of documents, interviews) which measures the degree of fulfillment of

objectives and outcomes. These aim the professional development of participants, language acquisition,

the experience of living and working in another country, validated by - Europass Mobility document

(recognized by the partner schools through ECVET) and international certificates language, training

certificates. The Project sustainability is ensured by the action of presenting the experiences gained by

participants and best practices in the local community members, and rural communities from which

they come, in order to increase the employment of graduates of high school education

The impact of the project on Decebal Technical College in 2016/2017 school year: It is foreseen

the full realization of School Plan by increasing the attractiveness of the educational offer and

sustainable development in the field of environmental protection; reduce absenteeism and dropout by

ensuring the specialized modules ( labs and practice ) as required by curriculum and regulations in force;

developing the European dimension in the school policy; greater confidence that the school and

European programs offer a real chance of success employment , improving language teaching policy,

improving cooperation between teachers, school management development and community image.

The long-term cooperation with Portuguese partners by signing a Memorandum of

Understanding aims:

-extension of number of training placements for the qualification: Technician ecologist and

environmental quality in case VET trainees;

-increasing quality practical training by using tools developed in project regarding monitoring and

evaluation ( observation cards, evaluation sheets , worksheets daily practice books ) at stages of practice

organized by the school and implementation of ECVET elements at the institution (Learning Agreement,

Europass Mobility document). At present, DECEBAL TECHNICAL COLLEGE runs the "Erasmus +

Knowledge, Skills & Attitudes for Profession and Life" project number 2017-1-RO01-KA116-036028.

There are organized mobility activities, professional internships for a number of:

-14 students from 10th grade - Environmental Protection, at Doutor “Ricardo Jorge” National Institute of

Health (INSA), Lisbon, Portugal during 20.11.2017-08.12. 2017;

-7 students from 10th grade - from the qualification of Mechatronics Technician in Germany during 26

.02-16 .03.2018;

-10 students from 11th grade, from the qualification of Furniture Designer and Interior Designer

Technician in Poland during 19.03-06.04 2018.

Key words: European practice, projects, partenership, Tehnichal College

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


Vulnérabilité à l’érosion hydrique sur les versants de plateau en


Florina GRECU (1)*, Sorin CARABLAISĂ (2) Mădălina TEODOR (1), Mircea VIȘAN (1)

(1) 1Université de Bucarest, Faculté de Géographie

(2) Université de Bucarest, Faculté de Géographie, Station Géographique Orşova,

* Corresponding author: [email protected]


Le hasard du à l’érosion hydrique du sol est le plus dangereux et le plus actif en raison de l'action

permanente sur de grandes surfaces, avec des pertes variée mais constantes du sol. La vulnérabilité à

l’érosion hydrique dépend largement de: l'érosion des eaux de pluie (érosion par la goutte de pluie) et

l’érodibilité (la réponse du sol à l'action des gouttes des pluies torrentielles). Le but de ce document est

que grâce à des calculs mathématiques et des enquêtes de terrain puissent être soulignées les valeurs

de l'indice d’érosivité pluviale dans les régions de collines, mais variés en fonction des expositions à la

dynamique des masses de l'air et autre facteurs: Le Plateau de Transylvanie, les Souscarpates Gétiques,

les Gorges du Danube. Pour qu’une averse soit érosive (efficace), la pluie tombée doit être supérieure à

la somme des pertes et l'intensité doit dépasser la valeur de l'indice d'infiltration dans le sol. Il résulte

d’ici le rôle de la pente, de la végétation et des caractéristiques du sol. Les résultats obtenus sont utilisés

dans la formule générale de l’érosion du sol USLE, avec des applications GIS, réalisant des cartes

générales d’érosion hydrique.

Mots-Clés: érosion des pluies, érosion hydrique, alea, Roumanie

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- Alexandru R., Cătescu G., Grecu F., Paisa M., (2012), Comparative analysis of the erosion in hill basins (Săsăuș

and Mislea), Analele Universității București, Geografie, Anul LXI, p. 25– 42.

- Cernescu N., Florea N şi colab., (1964 – 1994), Harta solurilor României, scara 1:200.000, Institutul Geologic

- Grecu F. (1992), Bazinul Hârtibaciului. Elemente de morfohidrografie, Editura Academiei, Bucureşti, 160p.

- Florina Grecu, Sorin Carablaisa, Mircea Visan, Madalina Teodor, (2017), L’erosion des pluis et l’erosion hydrique

sur les versantes de plateau en Roumanie, in vol. « Climat, ville et environnement », Actes du colloque AIC du

Sfax, 3 - 6 juillet 2017, p.311-318 ISBN : 978-2-907696-23-4

- Institutul de Cercetări pentru Pedologie şi Agrochimie., (1987), Metodologia elaborării studiilor pedologice.

Partea I-a Colectarea si sistematizarea datelor pedologice 192 p., Partea a II-a Elaborarea studiilor pedologice

in diferite scopuri 350 p., Partea aIII-a Indicatorii ecopedologici, Bucuresti, 226 p.

- Moţoc M.,Munteanu S.,BăloiuV.,Stănescu P.,MihaiG., (1975), Eroziunea solului şi metodele de combatere,

Editura Ceres.

- Wischmeier W.H., Smith D.D., (1958), Rainfall energy and its relationship to soil loss. Trans., Am. Geophys. Union

39, p. 285–291.

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


Geomorphosites from Buzău Mountains: Geomorphologic sites

management in areas sensitive to natural hazards

Daniel IOSIF (1)*, Florina GRECU (1)

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania

* Corresponding author: [email protected]


The aim of this study is double: firstly we identify, assess and rank the geomorphosites from

Buzău Mountains. Secondly, we discuss about the geomorphosites management in area sensitive to

natural hazards, like Buzău Mountains.

Scientifically, landforms are valued foremost for their geological and geomorphological

importance. A modality to do this is by using the concept of geomorphosite. A geomorphosite represent

a geomorphological heritage site, recte a landform to which a value can be attributed. We can find it on

any part of the Earth`s surface, but it must be important for the knowledge of Earth, climate or life

history. Normally, the geomorphosites are identified, evaluated and ranked so that exploitation and/or

conservation efforts can be prioritized. At this time we can say that methods and metrics for

systematically quantifying and qualifying of geomorphosites are developed. In function of our needs, we

can also promote new evaluation methods. The discussion is open. Finally, geomorphosites can be

assessed through either purely scientific, geophysical values or through a broad range of scientific and

socio-cultural values. In addition of geomorphologic characteristics like structure, composure, dynamic,

the scientific value of a site may also depend upon its potential for research and education. Socio-

cultural values may be attribuated to a landform of a landscape; a multiplicity of values ranging from

culture and aesthetics to economics may play formative roles in shaping its geoheritage. A

geomorphologic site is understood to be a landform that has acquired a value owing to human


On the other hand, understanding adequate management of geomorphosites in areas sensitive

to natural hazards is absolutely necessary. Buzău Mountains are situated in very proximity of an

important earthquake epicenter in Romania. Risk management can be defined as a „systematic

approach to setting the best direction of action under uncertain conditions by means of identifying,

assessing, understanding, acting on and communicating risk issues”. We propose in this article a scheme

of interacting key elements, expressed by a geomorphosites risk management model.

Key words: geomorphosites, Buzău Mountains, natural hazards management

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


The relief suitability influence on the efficient development of Obarsia

Lotrului ski area. Case study: stage development and connection to

Transalpina Ski Resort area

Laurenţiu ILIE (1), Laura COMĂNESCU (1), Robert DOBRE (1), Mădălina TEODOR (1)

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania

* Corresponding author: [email protected]


The relief and climatic conditions represent two defining elements for the development of a ski

area in a mountain area. This study proposes an assessment of the morphometric and morphometric

parameters of the relief in order to identify the precious areas. Analysis of the slopes and aspect, to

which we can add the geology and the land use, constituted a high accuracy GIS project. For the efficient

development we proposed several new slopes in order to create a new ski domain and alto to connect

to the existing ski area Transalpina Ski Resort. The technical longitudinal profiles of the proposed slopes,

constitutes a good tool for determining the degrees of difficulty of the slopes.

At the same time, the study proposes the validation regarding the profitability rates of the ski

area and the gradual development of the ski area as well as the realization of the connection with the

neighboring domains.

Key words: Relief suitability, sky slopes, GIS, relief, Obârșia Lotrului

Map of ski domain’s pretability (methodology)

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


The use of satellite images in the morphological analysis of the Siret

Riverbed between Cosmești and Galați

Diana MAROLA (1)*

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania

* Corresponding author: [email protected]


This project aims to use satellite imagery for obtaining advanced information related to changes

of the relief, geographical elements, and changes of function of the landscape.

The area of study is a low plain area, influenced, in particular, by the dynamics of its main element, the

Siret River Valley. The Siret River Dynamics has a major influence on the characteristics of landscape and

anthropogenic elements.

The studied area is located between Cosmești (North) and Galați Municipality (South) and is

located at the contact of the four counties, namely: Vrancea County (Northwest), Galați County (North

and East), Brăila (South) and Buzău (Southwest.

The objective of this study was to observe the dynamic of the pixel distribution between 2003

and 2016, on different satellite images. The images were classified using the Maximum Likelihood

Classification that uses the principle that each cell chosen from each class is distributed normally. So, for

each satellite image, it was used a certain combination of bands, the areas of interest were chosen and

the supervised classification of the image has been carried out using the specified method.

The methodology used for the analysis was based on the identification of several categories of

land use on two satellite images, in order to observe the dynamics of their distributions in space and


The results of the analysis of satellite images based on processing are represented by small

differences identified between the categories of land use in the proximity of the Siret River within the

area studied, between the years of 2003-2016.

Key words: Siret Riverbed, satellite images, morphological analysis

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


Condiții meteorologice pe Valea Caprei de pe versantul sudic al

Munților Făgăraș, la momentul exercițiului de declanșare artificială a

avalanșelor cu sistemul Daisy Bell

Anca MUNTEANU (1)*, Narcisa MILIAN (2), Mădălina TEODOR (1), Robert DOBRE (1), Irinel GRIGORE (3), Laura

COMĂNESCU (1), Alexandru NEDELEA(1), Brândușa BĂLAN (4) (1)

Facultatea de Geografie, Universitatea din Bucureşti (2)

Centrul Meteorologic Regional Transilvania-Sud, Serviciul Regional de Prognoză a Vremii Sibiu (3)

Centrul Meteorologic Regional Muntenia (staţia meteorologică Sinaia 1500) (4)

Facultatea de Regie, Universitatea Hyperion

* Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected]


Lucrarea prezintă modul în care erau prezente condițiile meteorologice de avalanșe de pe Valea

Caprei, la momentul exercițiului de declanșare artificială a avalanșelor cu sistemult Daisy Bell, ce a avut

loc în februarie 2013. Valea Caprei de pe versantul sudic al Munților Făgăraș reprezintă un areal unde au

loc numeroase avalanșe, unele din acestea producând victime. Accesul aici este facilitat de construirea

Transfăgărășeanului. Acesta însă este închis iarna în partea înaltă, tocmai datorită avalanșelor, în ciuda

faptului că există unele amenajări sub formă de copertine. Acestea sunt insuficente la cantitatea și

frecvența producerii avalanșelor de acolo.

În luna februarie 2013 a fost organizat de către Serviciul Public Salvamont pentru prima dată, un

exercițiu demonstrativ de declanșare artificială a avalanșelor, cu explozibil transportat cu ajutorul unui

elicopter. Au fost alese trei puncte unde s-au detonat explozibilul, dar, deşi era zăpadă suficientă, nu s-

au produs avalanșe. Multe avalanşe se produseseră cu câteva zile înainte. O asemenea acţiune

demonstrativă trebuie oraganizată din timp, când a fost stabilită data, nu s-a putut ţine cont de cum vor

fi condiţiile metorologice în acel moment. De asemenea, în momentul exerciţiului era nebulozitate şi

ceaţă, ceea ce a redus consideraibil vizibilitatea.

Cuvinte cheie: avalanșe, sitemul Daisy Bell, Munții Făgăraș, condiții meteorologice

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


The study soil erosion and lanslids in the lake Mountain Spring Ioana Monica MUSCALU (1)*

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania

* Corresponding author: [email protected]


Mountain Spring basin is affected by multiple forms of land degradations is dominant gravity

processes such as landslides and denudations. Landslides are favored by lithological composition,

specific exteren flisch cretaceous sanstone clayey – cretaceous strata represented by the Hangu.

Landslides in the area manifested as primary material movements deluvial and reactivation of slumps

old, some dating back to 1914.

In the Lake Spring Mountain evolution slopes was made in a long time, under the rainwater

influence and stopsoil erosion. Periglacial slope modeling processes occurred under periglacial requires

a humid climate like cold arctic climate like cold arctic climate, with temperatures above 0 0C existing

only for 3-4 months a year during summers, what determined the seasonal thaw, annual rainfall of 300-

400 mm. Ceahlău slopes are shaped by numerous landslids over the lake not be felt directly. Another

type of mass movement processes is the pseudo-fluxiun.

Estimated volume delluvial affected by lanslids was done by calculating the negative side relief

amount remaing on the slope. We analyzed geomorphometry indicators such as: aspect, hypsometry,

drainage density, fragmentation depth and slope, making correlation with other factors involved in the

developpment of a landslide and with the climatic factors constitution and with the lithology

composition and anthropogenic intervention.

Landslides in the study area

In order to reduce land erosion and soils in particular in the area studied the use of techniques

that serve to maintain soil structure by methods such as field cultivation, addition of synthetic soil.

Agent energy to reduce erosion, geothenical methods are reccomanded: umbrekment , establishing a

network of drainage water to away affected by erosion.

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


Suitability relief in the Câineni – Boița area for transport

infrastructure development

Mihai – Claudiu NEDELCU (1)*, Laura COMĂNESCU (1), Robert DOBRE (1)

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania

* Corresponding author: [email protected]; [email protected] / 0773720753


In the present geo-political context, Romania plays an important role at the level of passengers

and goods transport, as a basis between Central and Western Europe on the one hand, and Asia Minor

and the Middle East on the other hand. At the end of the 20 th century, the mountainous axis Bucharest

– Pitesti – Sibiu was one of the most circulated axes from the entire Carpathian bow. Railway traffic, but

especially road traffic had already exceeded the infrastructure’s limits, even if it was extended and

modernized in different stages.

The land suitability analysis must represent the preceding stage of an infrastructure project

because this perfectly highlights the favorability of certain designed routes and exempts from possible

maintenance, rehabilitation and redesign costs in the post construction stage, improving the project

reliability prediction. Geomorphology together with geological features, land cover and economical

limitations were considered the most restrictive factors in infrastructure planning (Mihai, Dobre, &

Săvulescu, 2014).For the land suitability map in the Olt River Valley we identified and analysed four

factors significant for the transport network distribution: lithology, geodeclivity, pedology and land use.

The obtained cartographic maps were reclassified in stages, according to the attributes of the

analysed elements. Thus, in the attribute table of each map marks on a scale of 1-10 were assigned to

each element. These marks quantify the suitability for the transport infrastructure of a polygonal

surface. The same mark can be assigned to one or more surfaces. The suitability value is directly

proportional to the assigned marks.

We reclassified this last cartographic map into four classes of suitability values.

The methodological schema for land suitability map

For map validation we overlapped the new major infrastructure projects and in the case of those

lacking feasibility studies we tried to suggest a route as sustainable as possible and on sites as suitable

as possible.When designing new routes we took into account the basic parameters of each project. In

the case of motorways, the route must be calibrated for intense traffic and high speed, the site for such

projects being able to assure these parameters.

Based on the elevation contour lines extracted from 1:25 000 scale topographic maps, through

interpolation, a numeric terrain model was generated where each pixel equals 1 square m. At a later

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stage, based on the DEM, absolute elevation points were generated, 3 m apart from each other,

intersecting the previously established axis of the motorway.

Land Suitability map,modified after R.Dobre (2009)

In order to properly analyze the motorway design, the 17.7 km long section was divided into 724

sectors, 25 m long, which were further included in a database and analyzed against several parameters

such as: absolute elevations at the beginning and the end of the sector, sector difference in elevation,

elevation variation, and extreme absolute elevations within the sector.

Highway, Câineni tunnel, longitudinal profile

Key words: highway, suitability, relief, transport infrastructure

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


Raportul de condiționalitate dintre relief și procesul de transport pe

calea ferată cu privire specială asupra vitezei de circulație a trenurilor

Mihai – Claudiu NEDELCU (1)*, Laura COMĂNESCU (1), Robert DOBRE (1)

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania

* Corresponding author: [email protected]; [email protected] / 0773720753


Lucrarea Raportul de condiționalitate dintre relief și procesul de transport pe calea ferată cu

privire specială asupra vitezei de circulație a trenurilor are ca scop să scoată în evidență raportul dintre

relief și transportul pe calea ferată, fiind analizate elementele morfometrice (în mod special declivitatea)

și viteza de circulație a trenurilor a magistralelor de cale ferată din România ce depășesc 12 %0

declivitatea medie a terenului. Prin așezarea sa geografică, România, se află într-o zonă de intersecție a

magistralelor feroviare de transport, care leagă atât nordul de sudul Europei dar cât și vestul de estul ei.

Ca un obiectiv strategic al activităţii de reabilitare și a creşterii calităţii transportului de călători şi

marfă pe calea ferată, CNCF „CFR” – SA are ca scop circulaţia trenurilor de călători cu viteze maxime de

160 km/h şi 200 km/h şi a trenurilor de marfă cu viteze maxime de 120 km/h, pe anumite tronsoane de

linie, şi anume pe acelea care nu necesită valori deosebit de mari de investiţie. În prima parte mi-am

propus șă identific condițiile morfometrice și morfografice ale reliefului ce stau la baza restrictivității

vitezei pe calea ferată.

În elaborarea acestui studiu am apelat atât la tehnicile clasice de documentare, urmărind

studiile de geomorfologie aplicată, analizând materialele cartografice analogice sau digitale (hărți

topografice 1:25000, planuri topografice 1:5000, ortofotoplanuri, etc.), cât și tehnicile moderne prin

digitizarea, analiza și interpretarea în G.I.S. a materialelor cartografice, la care se adaugă consultarea

unor lucrări tehnice de specialitate și discuții cu specialiști din domeniu. Se poate constata că

particularitățiile geologice, panta, energia de relief, procesele geomorfologice au un rol foarte mare în

influențarea traficului feroviar atât în proiectare, exploatare și management feroviar dar și în

influențarea vitezei de circulație a trenurilor.

Configurația reliefului joacă un rol important în traiectoria căii ferate și determină variații

importante ale vitezei de circulație. Pentru a stabilii viteza de circulație a trenurilor pe calea ferată se iau

în calcul valori și factori a infrastrcturii feroviare determinate în special de configurația topografică dar și

factori de natură geomorfologică ce pot influența temporar sau permanent viteza de circulație a


Prin configuraţia topografică se înţelege atît forma (relieful) terenului, cît şi poziţia în plan şi de

nivel a di¬feritelor obstacole naturale şi artificiale. Configuraţia topografică, sub aspectul de relief al

terenului, are o măre influenţă asupra volumului lucrărilor de terasamente şi al lucrărilor de artă ce duce

la o bună siguranță desfăsurare a transportului feroviar. Configuraţia topografică, sub aspectul

acoperirii terenului, datorită pre¬zenţei unor obstacole naturale (păduri, lacuri, cursuri de apă

importante) sau artificiale (localităţi, instalaţii industriale, construcţii căi de comu¬nicaţii) poate impune

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şi ea traseului liniei anumite orientări convenabil alese, pentru traversarea sau pentru ocolirea acestor

obstacole care automat poate duce la micșorarea sau creșterea vitezeii de circulație

Harta pretabilității reliefului în sectorul Balota –

Drobeta Turnu Severin

Alternative feroviare în sectorul Balota – Șimian

În concluzie, relieful prin configurația sa topografică este un prim factor în stabilirea vitezei de

circulație a trenurilor. Remarcăm faptul că declivitatea și raza de curbură a căilor ferate constituie un

principal element în stabilirea vitezei de circulație a trenurilor.

Cresterea vitezei de circulație se poate realiza prin două metode: îmbunătățirea căii de rulare și

protejarea acesteia prin amenajări în albie, pe torenți sau versanți, repectiv prin atenuarea diferențelor

de declivitate și prin succesiuni de forme antropice de relief (deblee și ramblee) și lucrări de artă

inginerească (tuneluri și viaducte).

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The rainfalls precipitation recorded between 14th and 16th September

2014 and morphological consequences that have affected the town

Orsova and the village of Eselnita from the area of the Natural Park

Iron Gates

Mihaela OGLINDOIU (1)*, Sorin CARABLAISĂ (2), Florina GRECU (1)

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania

(2) Geographical Research Station Center, Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest

* Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected]


According to the analysis of the recorded values from the days of 14th- 15th-16th September

2014 at the weather station Drobeta Trunu Severin, the most important weather station situated near

the Natural Park Iron Gates, resulted the fact that the clouds systems powerfully developed, have

brought rich precipitation, recording 170,4 mm with a maximum of 102 in 24 hours (the first day), the

total quantity of precipitation from September was of 228mm, an exceptional value for the analysed

preiod of time. The recorded value from September 2014 is the highest from all the row of analysed

data for September month betwen the period 1961/2014.

The most affected area by the hydromorphological hazard is inside or in Orsova town and

Eselnita village with extension to Tekja, a village situated on the Serbian shore of the natural park in

front of the two Romanian settlements, where has been recorded a powerful impact over the

environment and over the local communities. Heavy rainfalls have produced floods, pluviodenudal and

sudden gravitational processes on all the studied surface. The negative effects of the

hydromorphological processes produced as a consequence of the precipitation from those days, have

been measured in damages of billions of lei, important material and human losses, destroying and

affecting the houses, the roads and the agrarian lands from the disaster area. The big amount of pelitic

sediments at the mouths of Danube’s affluents and from the afferent bays have been accompanied by

accumulation of biogenic which were over one meter thick, which led to blocking the mouths and from

this to bridge breaking and bridge collapses, flooding the meadows and low terraces with devastating

effects over the houses and touristic cottages situated on that border. To this has been added the

stopping of electricity, of phone mobile network on all the rainfall precipitation period.

Key words: hydromorphological hazard, precipitations, Natural Park Iron Gates

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The International Workshop Natural and Anthropic Risk 29th of September – 01st of October 2017 – Orșova, Romania


Impactul antropic asupra spațiilor verzi din Drobeta Turnu Severin

Amalia Mihaela OGLINDOIU (1)*, Ana-Maria ROANGHEȘ - MUREANU (1)

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania

* Corresponding author: e-mail [email protected]


Spațiile verzi din așezările umane suferă modificări importante ca urmare a presiunii exercitate de factorul antropic. Asemeni majorității orașelor României, Drobeta Turnu Severin dispune de o suprafață (10,94mp/locuitor în anul 2017) mult inferioară normelor europene (26mp/locuitor) și normei OMS(50mp/locuitor), însă în ultimii ani se poate remarca o creștere a acestui indicator, pe fondul creșterii suprafețelor de spații verzi și a scăderii numărului populației și o preocupare tot mai accentuată din partea autorităților administrative locale pentru conservarea, reabilitarea acestor spații, precum și o preocupare permanentă pentru extinderea lor.

În contextul urbanizării actuale alături de problemele privind poluarea aerului, intensificarea traficului, acumularea de deșeuri, criza locuințelor, a spațiilor de parcare, etc., se adaugă și problematica spațiilor verzi. Restrângerea spațiilor verzi intraurbane este o problemă globală, ea este generată de marea și permanenta presiune exercitată în interiorul teritoriului urban de cererea tot mai mare de spații de locuit și de birouri, de locuri de parcare, de spații destinate transportului urban, spațiile verzi fiind adeseori convertite în suprafețe ocupate cu construcții și drumuri. Cresc astfel riscurile ecologice urbane afectând în sens negativ calitatea vieții și starea de sănătate a populației urbane. Se conturează astfel ca o condiție vitală pentru dezvoltarea durabilă a așezărilor urbane necesitatea extinderii spațiilor verzi, revitalizarea celor existente, amenajarea unor spații ample care să îmbunătățească situația spațiilor verzi intraurbane.

Orașele din România prezintă o situație deficitară în privința suprafeței medii de spațiu verde pe locuitor dacă avem în vedere norma OMS de 50mp/locuitor și cea a Uniunii Europene de 26mp/locuitor. (OUG nr. 114/2007 pentru modificarea şi completarea OUG nr. 195/2005 privind protecţia mediului, se prevede obligativitatea autorităţilor administraţiei publice locale „de a asigura din terenul intravilan o suprafaţă de spaţiu verde de minimum 20 mp/locuitor, până la 31 decembrie 2010, şi de minimum 26 mp/locuitor, până la 31 decembrie 2013” (art. II, alin. (1)). Dacă ținem cont de aceste norme putem spune că multe orașe din România dispun de suprafețe net inferioare( chiar sub 11mpspațiu verde/locuitor) celor obligatorii prin lege. Este și cazul orașului Drobeta Turnu Severin care înregistrează în continuare astfel de valori inferioare, însă un lucru îmbucurător este faptul că suprafața ocupată de spațiile verzi este în creștere.

Spațiul verde prezent în intravilanul unei așezări valorifică potențialul biologic și estetic al vegetației, el reduce agresiunea mediului construit (clădiri, infrastructură) asupra populației, atenuează sau reglează parametrii unor factori climatici, hidrologici, atenuează acțiunea poluanților asupra mediului, ameliorează starea de sănătate a organismului uman, asigură recreerea și odihna populației, constituie un mediu favorabil pentru practicarea de activități sportive, artistice, jocuri pt copii, completează prin componentele sale ansamblurile de locuințe, centrele comerciale, de artă și cultură ameliorând astfel estetica peisajului urban.

Dacă în România situația spațiilor verzi urbane este mult inferioară standardelor europene (18mp/locuitor) datorită micșorării suprafeței în detrimentul spațiului construit, în orașul Drobeta Turnu Severin se constată o conservare a acestor suprafețe și o preocupare tot mai accentuată din partea

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autorităților administrative locale și comunitatea locală de aici pentru revitalizarea, modernizarea acestor spații, precum și preocupări privind extinderea lor.

Calitatea spațiilor verzi intraurbane s-a îmbunătățit prin reabilitarea spațiilor verzi existente -parcuri, grădini, scuaruri, aliniamente spații verzi ( 52% din totalul spațiilor verzi), prin acțiuni de plantare puieți arbori și arbuști, flori ornamentale (platani, arțari, arbori de lalea, sorb, castani, thuya, hibiscus, buxus, ligustrum, spirea, etc.), dotări și echipări destinate odihnei și activităților recreative, cultural-educative, sportive ale populației.

Harta parcurilor și sensurilor din localitatea Drobeta Turnu Severin

Cuvinte cheie: impact antropic, spații verzi, Drobeta Turnu Severin


- Butnaru M.,(1998), Monografia municipiului Drobeta Turnu Severin, Ed. Prier, Drobeta Turnu Severin

- Butnaru M., (2012), Monografia municipiului Drobeta Turnu Severin, Ed. Prier, Drobeta Turnu Severin

- Cândea M., BranF. (2001),Spațiul geografic românesc: organizare, amenajare, dezvoltare durabilă, Ed.


- Cândea M, Bran F., Cimpoieru I., ( 2000), Organizarea, amenajarea și dezvoltarea durabilă a spațiului geografic,

Ed. Universitară, București

- Matei E., (2007), Ecosistemele umane. O abordare din perspectivă geografică, Ed. Universitară, București

- Chipurici N., Măneanu, M., (1972)Catalog de documente privitoare la istoria municipiului Dr. Tr. Severin, 1833-

1944,Tr. Severin 1972

- Arhivele Primăriei Turnu Severin, dosar 1/1833, f. 211; - Arhivele Primăriei Turnu Severin, dosar 24/1899, f. 61;

- Arhivele Primăriei Turnu Severin, dosar 34/1899, f. 261-262;

- Documente Primăria Dr.Tr. Severin, Serviciu monitorizare (spații verzi)


- PUG Drobeta Turnu Severi

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Slope susceptibility to landslides in the Târnava Mare corridor,

between Mediaş and Blaj

Marius PAISA (1), Florina GRECU (1), Raluca ALEXANDRU (1) *

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania

* Corresponding author: [email protected]


A number of qualitative and quantitative models and methods are available for computing

landslide-hazard and susceptibility maps. Landslide susceptibility zoning involves a degree of

interpretation. The landslide susceptibility assessment is necessary to prevent terrain degradation and

the evaluation of landslide susceptibility requires understanding the factors that influence slope

instability. Even though landslides are mainly associated with mountain areas, they can also develop at

lower altitude areas, such is our case where they are caused by direct anthropogenic intervention

(through slope excavation, deforestation, improvised roads, etc.).

Târnava Mare corridor, between Mediaş and Blaj

The susceptibility maps that resulted from this study express the terrain conditions and have

practical use for identifying the landslide areas within the corridor. The spatial distribution and rating of

the terrain units according to the propensity to produce landslides is dependent on the topography,

geology, geotechnical properties, climate, vegetation and anthropic factors such as development and

intensive deforestation.

Key words: susceptibility, hazard, Târnava Mare river basin, landslides

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Share of vulnerability classes to landslides within the Tarnavia Mari corridor


- Paisa Marius (2017), Culoarul Târnavei Mari intre Mediaş Şi Blaj – Dinamica reliefului, teza de doctorat,

Universitatea din Bucuresti.

- Gârbacea, V., Grecu Florina, (1994), Dealurile Şoalei – Caractere geomorfologice, Studii şi cercetări de geografice,

XLI, p. 49-58, Bucureşti.

- Grecu, Florina (1992), Bazinul Hârtibaciului. Elemente de morfohidrografie, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti.

- Grecu, Florina (1993), Tipuri de evoluție a versanților din Podişul Transilvaniei de sud. Evoluţia versanţilor afectaţi

de glimee. Analele Universităţii "Ștefan cel Mare", Suceava, secţia Geografie-geologie, anul II, nr. 2.

- Grecu, Florina (1996), Expunerea la risc a terenurilor deluroase, Lucrările celei de-a doua conferinţe regionale de

Geografie, Timişoara, p.18-24

- Posea, Gr. (1969), Asupra suprafeţelor şi nivelelor morfologice din sud-vestul Transilvaniei, Lucr. Şt. Seria A”, Inst.

Pedagogic, Oradea.

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The map of educational risk. Aplications for Ilfov County

Cristina PETRE-GHIȚĂ (1)*

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania

* Corresponding author: [email protected]


The map of educational risk is an important component of the educational quality management

system and a tool that can facilitate a correct assessement of the conditions in which a school functions,

on the one hand, and of the effort made by the teachers in order to add value through education, on

the other hand. Based on it, the schools that get good results in terms of value added can be motivated

and rewarded, while the beneficiaries of education can be directed to those education providers that

meet best the expectations. This topic has been highly debated and has been included in the projects of

the Romanian Agency of Quality Assurance in Pre-University Education (in Romanian, ARACIP). Such a

project is The Development of National Management and Quality Assurance System in the Pre-

University Education 2008-2011.

It proposes a model of educational risk map developed by GIS techniques, namely the ArcMap

10.1 software, by using the most representative general indicators (selected from the 15 risk factors

mentioned in Annex 4 of the Ministerial Order 6517/2012 regarding the External quality assessment

methodology of education in secondary education). Besides, this cartographic approach also takes into

account specific indicators of Geography discipline, which might be able to increase the value added in

the schools lying in the Ilfov County. For our approach, we have employed a number of indicators that

refer strictly to geography teachers and the geography class (for instance staff qualifications, teacher

participation in lifelong learning programs, the percentage of students coming from vulnerable groups,

the number of absences recorded at geography lessons, the existence/the equipment of the Geography

Classroom, the use of Information and Communication Technology at geography lessons etc.). At the

same time, we also used performance indicators such as the percentage of graduates in geography of

the total number of students attending school classes, the rate of success in High School Graduation

Exams etc. For the analysis of the associated risks of the identified problems and the establishment of

the frequency intervals corresponding to the risk classes, we used the method of Risk Priority Number


Through constant updating of the employed indicators and the rhytmic analysis of the map, a

number of measures can be taken both at central level (The County School Inspectorate) and at school

level (school, curricular area, chair, teacher, local actors with decision-making responsibilities or

partners in the educational system). Thus, we are sure we can address properly the real problems with

negative impact on the teaching and learning process, in general, and the geography school results, in


Key words: educational risk, map, geography, Ilfov County

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- Măntăluță, O. (2009), Aspecte privind riscurile în sistemele educaționale. Contribuții metodologice la elaborarea

politicilor educaționale, bazate pe analiza riscurilor (teză de doctorat, coord. Iucu R.);

*** Metodologia de evaluare externă a educației în învățământul preuniversitar (OM 6517/2012);

*** Risk management in higher education. A guide to good practice, prepared for Higher Education Funding

Council for England by PricewaterhouseCoopers



***Proiect ARACIP ID 2984 (2008-2011), Dezvoltarea Sistemului de Management și Asigurarea Calității în

Învățământul Preuniversitar.

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Potențialul morfodinamic în Munții Iezer

Gabriel STĂNOIU (1)* (1)

University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania

* Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected]


Scopul lucrării este identificarea potențialului proceselor geomorfologice din Masivul Iezer-

Păpușa, subdiviziune a Grupei Munților Făgăraș. Fiind o zonă preponderent montană (în proporție de

90%), se întâlnesc procese de versant precum pluviodenudarea, eroziunea areală și liniară, procese

torențiale și procese fluviatile și avalanșele.

Prima parte a analizei a fost identificarea proceselor geomorfologice existente, stabilirea

factorilor naturali și antropici care favorizează declanșarea sau formarea acestor procese. Partea a doua

prezintă anticiparea unor posibile procese geomorfologice deja întâlnite în arealul Munților Iezer și

analiza zonelor susceptibile în care se pot produce sau declanșa.

Cele două etape conțin reprezentări cartografice rezultate din analize SIG. Cu ajutorul hărților

topografice la scara 1:25.000 s-au obținut hărțile morfometrice și parametrii necesari analizelor de

susceptibilitate precum hipsometria geodeclivitatea, structura pedologică și litologică, dar și imagini

satelitare între anii 2001 și 2012. Pentru anul 2001 s-au folosit datele furnizate de Institutul pentru

Cercetări și Amenajări Silvice (ICAS) pentru ocoalele silvice Rucăr, Câmpulung, Berevoiesti si Domnești.

Aceste date au fost prelucrate în sistem SIG prin trecerea lor în format digital. Pentru anul 2012,

informațiile au fost extrase prin aceeași metodă din ortofotoplanuri.

Principala cauză a declanșărilor proceselor geomorfologice a fost identificată ca fiind intervenția

antropică – supraexploatare forestieră ca urmare a incertitudinii situației juridice a terenurilor sau

pentru amenajarea unui domeniu schiabil, proiect care nu a mai fost finanțat si finalizat.

Riscul la avalanșe poate fi diminuat prin amenajări antropice, însă nu poate fi redus la minim,

deoarece avalanșele sunt condiționate de factori naturali într-o proporție foarte mare.

Cuvinte cheie: procese geomorfologice, Munții Iezer, exploatare forestieră

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Analysis of the ski areas from the Romanian Carpathians.

Models, patterns and trends

Mădălina TEODOR (1)*, Robert DOBRE (1), Florina GRECU (1), Laurențiu ILIE (1), Gabriel STĂNOIU (1), Diana


(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania

* Corresponding author: [email protected]


The aim of this study is to analyse and assess the ski areas from Romanian Carpathians in order

to identify specific development models. All 92 identified ski areas were inventoried and grouped into

characteristic models. In this analysis were considerate geographical (position, accessibility, the ski

slopes aspect) and socio-economic factors (the services provided, related tourism services, the state of

the ski slopes, the types of the existing tourist facilities).

Statistical elements were calculated to determine the correlation between the altitude, the

difference in the distance and the length of the ski slopes depending on the degree of difficulty. The

result obtained is relevant for the patterning of the ski areas in the Romanian Carpathians

The distribution of ski areas: a. according to year of establishment; b. within counties of Romania

An efficient management of the ski resort is influenced by the climate conditions and involves

providing of a wide range of activities and a good maintenance of the ski slopes. From the analysis

achieved we observed that the future of profitability of the ski areas, because of the climate change, will

consist in developing the tourism infrastructure to be used. Other types of activities will attract tourists:

artificial ski slopes, fun parks, adventure parks, mountain biking, hiking.

The study reveal that although the mountain potential is very high, the ski areas in the

Romanian Carpathians are not very developed and require better management for a more efficient


Key words: Carpathians, ski area, model, pattern, statistic element, trend

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Riscuri geomorfologice în bazinul hidrografic Bahna

Mihai VLADU (1)*

(1) Universitatea din București, Facultatea de Geografie

* Autor corespondent: [email protected]


Riscul geomorfologic reprezintă ansamblul de amenințări cauzate proceselor care conduc la

modificarea caracteristicilor suprafeței terestre și care au un impact negativ asupra populației, procese

exprimate calitativ și cantitativ” (Grecu Florina, 2016). Procesele geomorfologice actuale și inundațiile

crează principalele areale de risc din bazin.

Arealele neomogene cu risc geomorfologic rezultă din gradul ridicat de fragmentare,varietatea

rocilor din care este alcătuit bazinul și energia de relief cu valori diferite. Sectoare cu risc mare sunt

reprezentate de sectorul nordic afectat de defrișări pe suprafețe din ce în ce mai mari și de Depresiunea

Bahna, situată în sudul bazinului.

Cuvinte cheie: risc geomorfologic, bazin hidrografic, procese geomorfologice

Depresiunea Bahna cu vulnerabilitate mare la hazarde geomorfologice


- Codarcea, Al., Răileanu, Gr., Pavelescu, L., Gherasi, N., Năstăseanu, S., Bercia, I., Mercus, D. (1961), Privire

generală asupra structurii geologice a Carpaţilor Meridionali dintre Dunăre şi Olt, Ghidul excursiilor, C. –

Carpaţii Meridionali, Congresul al V-lea, 4 – 19 sept, Asociaţia Geologică Carpato – Balcanică, Bucureşti.

- Popescu N. (1966), Observaţii geomorfologice asupra Depresiunii Ogradena-Bahna, Analele Universității din

Bucureşti, Seria Geografie, XV/1

- Posea Gr., Grigore M., (1963), Observaţii geomorfologice asupra Defileului Dunării, Analele Universității din

Bucureşti, Geol. Geogr., 32.

- Posea Gr.,(2002), Geomorfologia României, Editura Fundației România de Mâine, București.

- Niculescu Gh., (1971), Consideraţii asupra zonei de interferenţă carpato-subcarpatică în Muntenia, St. Cerc. geol.,

geofiz., geogr., Geografie, VIII, 2.

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- Török – Oance M., (2005), Munții Mehedințului (Teza de doctorat)

* * * (1983), Geografia României, vol I, Geografia fizică, Editura Academiei Bucureşti.

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Danube, the second river from Europe (2857 km) after Volga, in length as well as in debit, has as source Padurea Neagra Mountains (Germany) and disgorges in Black Sea trough its three channels: Chilia, Sulina si Sf Gheorghe. In its way, passes several mountains, eight countries (Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Ukraine) and three capital cities (Vienna, Budapest and Belgrade). In our country enters from western Buzias and until the disgorging in the Black Sea has a length of 1075km, which means more than a third from the total length.

The defile develops on a length of around 144 km from Bazias until Gura Vaii. Between these limits are a series of sectors of narrow valley as the ones from Pescani, Cazanele Mari, Cazanele Mici, Porile de fier, as well as the sectors of large valley (depressions) at Moldova Veche, Dubova, Svanita, Orsova.

The Danube Defile differs markedly from the rest of the Danube’s course, because on this stretch the valley is squeezed between mountains that tower over the river, rising up several hundred meters. In addition, the highly dissected slopes fall in steps towards the river’s channel and the base level is very low: 70 m at Baziaş and 43 m at Gura Văii.

Figura 1. Danube Defile

The Cazanele (the Boilers), represent the most spectacular part of the Danube Defile. They are

composed of two distinct stretches, namely the Cazanele Mari (the Big Boilers), between Plavişeviţa and the Dubova depression, 3.8 km long, and the Cazanele Mici (the Small Boilers), with a length of 3.6 km. The Cazanele are carved into the level of Romanian deposits lying at an elevation of 300-320 m, which in the area of the Ciucarul Mare peak shows well-developed surface and underground karst topography. As far as the Ciucarul Mic peak is concerned, this is dissected on a northwest-southeast direction by the Mraconia valley, which following the creation of the Iron Gates dam has been turned into a small inlet, 1,5 km long and 250 m wide. The area presently attracts many tourists, especially after the figure of Decebal (a famous ruler of Dacia) has been carved into a calcareous cliff watching the entrance into the Mraconia gorges. The Dubova depression, about 600 m in diameter and lying at 55-60 m altitude, has become in its turn a semicircular inlet with a diameter of 1.5 km.

In the aftermath of the creation of the Iron Gates hydropower station, water level rose and consequently, the whirls and rough waters that menaced the Danube Defile, and especially the Cazanele area, became a thing of the past. In fact, the name Cazanele (the Boilers) was inspired by the dark foamy waters that roared through the corridors and fjord-like inlets.

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Upstream of Orşova, near the Eşelniţa village, is the entrance into the Cazanele Mici (the Small Boilers) (fig. 1), a stretch flanked by the Ciucarul Mic summit (313 m), on the left, and Mali Strbac (626 m), on the right, both representing Mesozoic calcareous massifs. On this reach, which is about 3.6 km long, the width of the channel is the lowest (150 m). The vertical walls of the Ciucarul Mic exhibit a castellated relief, but bushes of wild lilac (Syringa vulgaris), hornbeam (Carpinus orientalis) and wig trees (Cotinus coggygria) can be seen on their calcareous benches. Farther downstream, the calcareous walls are split by the Mraconia brook. The road accompanying the bank has been cut here and there in the hard rocks. From its height, one can see a rock spur emerging from the water, where sailors used to stop and say their prayers before engaging in the dangerous crossing of the fierce Cazanele stretch. On the other hand, looking up from the bottom of the valley one is impressed by the vertical cliffs, falling in steps to the water surface.

The Golubac Fortress (foto 2) was built seven hundred years ago on a strategic position, at the upstream entrance into the Danube’s Cazane and the Iron Gates. Presently, they belong to the Djerdap National Park, stretching out on the Serbian territory. The fortress was meant to safeguard the terrestrial and river traffic and at the same time, it served as a tollgate. In order to fulfill its mission, it was equipped with a huge iron chain, which could be lifted whenever necessary in order to stop the boats that might have tried to pass without paying. A similar method was employed by the Byzantines in their endeavor to protect Constantinople from being taken by the Turks.

The fortress was erected on the site of a Roman settlement lying not very far away from the Tabula Traiana, a Roman memorial stone plaque dating from the time of Emperor Trajan, and the Bridge of Apolodor. The Romans called the place Columbria and the Serbian name also suggests a place where pigeons used to live. The fortress, surrounded by strong stonewalls, ten towers and a mote was heavily disputed and used in turns by Serbs, Hungarians and Turks, either as a last refuge or as an outpost of the Ottoman Empire. The stronghold, which seems to grow by itself from the mountain rock, was once inhabited. This explains the name Stari Grad (the old city) by which it is designated by the locals, so that to distinguish it from the present Golubac city and resort, lying 4 km downstream, on the Danube bank.

Foto 1 – The Small Boilers (foto, Carablaisa S.)

Foto 2 – The Golubac Fortress (source, Internet)

The most popular landmark from the Boilers is represented by the stone sculpted face of the

Dacian king Decebal, situated in the Small Boilers, on the Mracunei Valley at the confluence with the Danube, between the villages Eselnita and Dubova, at about 18 km of Orsova. This stone sculpture is the biggest of Europe, with a height of 55 m and a width of 25 m. It was done after the model of the Rushmore Mountain cliff and has 6 m less than the Statue of Liberty and about 10 m more than the height of the legendary Colossus of Rhodes. Its construction lasted 10 years (1994-2004), the idea belonging to the business man Constantin Dragan, who invested over 1 million dollars in it. Besides, under Decebal’s face you can find a Latin inscription: “Decebal Rex – Dragan Fecit” (“king Decebal – made by Dragan).

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In the same area you can find also the Tabula Traiana (foto 3, left), a monument of almost 2000 years old, when leaving the Small Boilers, on the Serbian bank, not far from Decebal’s statue. The monument was built by the enemy of king Decebal, the Roman emperor Traian in order to mark the triumphal march of the Roman imperial troupes towards Dacia and to commemorate the Roman Empire’s victories over the dacian kingdom in the year 105.The most popular landmark from the Boilers is represented by the stone sculpted face of the Dacian king Decebal, situated in the Small Boilers, on the Mracunei Valley at the confluence with the Danube, between the villages Eselnita and Dubova, at about 18 km of Orsova.

This stone sculpture is the biggest of Europe, with a height of 55 m and a width of 25 m. It was done after the model of the Rushmore Mountain cliff and has 6 m less than the Statue of Liberty and about 10 m more than the height of the legendary Colossus of Rhodes. Its construction lasted 10 years (1994-2004), the idea belonging to the business man Constantin Dragan, who invested over 1 million dollars in it. Besides, under Decebal’s face you can find a latin inscription: “Decebal Rex – Dragan Fecit” (“king Decebal – made by Dragan) (Foto 3, right).

Foto 3 - Tabula Traiana (left) and Dacian king Decebal stone (right) (foto, Carablaisa S., 2011)

Mraconia Monastery (foto 4). On Mraconia Valley, there was an old monastery called "Mracu-na", flooded by the reservoir lock water. The old halidom was positioned in front of the old Roman road from the Serbian shore, where "Tabula Traiana" still exists. Today, a church was built on the Danube River shore in order to remind to the people about the old halidom and fishermen-monks.

From the Dubova inlet and as far as the confluence with the Plavişeviţa brook, the Danube enters the second narrows, the Cazanele Mari (the Big Boilers), flanked by the calcareous cliffs of the Ciucarul Mare peak (318 m) and its Serbian neighbor, Veliki Strbac (786 m). The walls of the Cazanele Mari are more than 200 m high, whereas the channel width is 150 m. Here and there, the cliffs are pierced by caves, of which the most important are Gura Ponicovei and Veterani. The karst topography is well represented by surface forms (dolines, grykes, the short and wild gorges of the Ponicova brook) and endokarst forms (a few avens and several caves). The entire area is part of the Iron Gates Natural Park, created in order to protect the Submediterranean species and the exceptional landscape, which is unique in Europe.

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Foto 4 - Mraconia Monastery (foto Carablaisa S., 2011)

Ponicova Cave (foto 5, fig 6) the largest in the entire Danube Defile (the galleries total 1660 m)

can be accessed from land or by boat on the Danube. It is located in Cazanele Mari of the Danube. It's accessible even to less experienced people; the equipment can be one of circumstances. We recommend the active gallery (of the river Ponicova) and the archaic one (Hall of Columns of the Great Snake).

Foto 5 – Ponicova cave (foto, Carablasia S., 2011)

Figure 6 – Ponicova cave map

Gura Ponicovei Cave presents several levels of galleries, the lower ones being active. From the galleries of fossils, the most spectacular is Concretionara Gallery and the Room of columns. Here, water and time have created the stalactite and stalagmite of different shapes and sizes, domes and columns, floor of white calcite, cave pearls, curtains etc. Also in this cave were found bones of bear and cave hyena. Enthusiasts can visit the Bat gallery with guano. An informed companion is recommended for those that come first. Structure of rock: limestone. Maximum wall height: approx. 80 m.

The Veterani cave (foto 7), 87 m long, is known since ancient times. It was worshipped by the Dacians as the sanctuary of the supreme god Zamolxis. The name derives from an aide named Veterani, who served under Ianovici, the commander of the Austrian army, who strengthened the cave at the end of the 17th century. Due to its strategic position on the Danube Boilers, but also to the generous size of the Great Hall, the cave was used as a military garrison, being disputed by the political powers of those times. At the entrance, as well as inside the cave, fortifications, walls and dwellings were built, and later on maps were drawn, thus making of it the first charted cave in the world. Most of these constructions, the water tank and numerous inscriptions can be seen even today. The access is possible from the Danube. The tourists may step on a small mooring pontoon lying at the base of the access wall, from where must climb a short declivity to reach the cave’s entrance.

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The Tricule fortress (foto 8), or the medieval stronghold Tricule (also Tri Kule or Triculi), which is lying about 4 km downstream of Sviniţa, on the left bank of the Danube, dates from the 15th century. It was erected with the clear purpose to stop the Ottoman expansion north of the river.

Foto 7 - The Veterani cave (by Carablaisa S.,


Foto 8 - The Tricule fortress (by Carablaisa S.,


Initially, it boasted with three towers, but one of them was subsequently destroyed by the floating ice chunks and what was left of it was covered by the waters. At present, the towers are flooded and the southern one, lying on the right bank of the river, is totally submerged. However, when water level drops during the hot summer days it becomes hardly visible.

The Drencova fortress or the Dranko’s Tower (Castrum Dranko) (foto 9) is found 2 km downstream of Berzasca, right in the middle of the Danube. Its ruins evoke wonder and curiosity to the travelers, who rightly ask themselves what secrets they hide. The stronghold is a historical monument. It dates also from the 15th century, when it was built on top of a former fortress in order to protect and control the boat traffic. The information about this place is rather scarce, but it is highly probable that a Roman construction existed here before, between the 1st and the 3rd centuries A.D., as part of the Roman fortification system along the Danube. It had its first documentary mention in a court order issued at Timişoara in 1451, by which Iancu of Huedoara reconfirmed the mastery over this territory to Mihai de Horna, the Ban of Severin, to his son Nicolae and to a knight named Nicolae of Byzere. In fact, this was a renewal of the acts issued by King Albert I of Hungary (1438-1439), who had donated the Dranko camp to the three people, in exchange for their contribution to the fight against the Ottomans. Later on, the fortress was destroyed by the Turks and in the modern days, after the creation of the Iron Gates I dam, its ruins were covered by waters.

Foto 9 - The Drencova fortress or the Dranko’s

Tower (Castrum Dranko) (by Carablaisa S., 2011)

Foto 10 - The Gaura cu Musca cave (surce,


The Gaura cu Musca cave (foto 10) also known as the Columbaca cave, was formed in the left side of the Danube Defile, 3 km downstream of Coronini and 28 m above the water level. It has a dry

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tunnel, as well as an active one, the latter showing two lakes, 1 and 2 m respectively deep. These are drained by a small stream, the waters of which are collected at the resurgence point located on the side of the road going to Moldova Nouă. The flies that seem to get out of the cave are a species of Chironomidae. As a matter of fact, they do not really get out of the cave, but come here to lay their eggs in the waters that emerge from it and flow away to the Danube. It is worth mentioning that these Chironomidae eat eggs, larvas and Simulidae nimphs. Legend goes that the flies come from the head and blood of the dragon killed a long time ago by Iovan Iorgovan, a local folk hero. In his turn, Abbot Grisselini mentioned a Vlachs’ legend according to which the flies come also from a dead dragon, but supposedly killed by Saint George.

The Golubac Fortress (foto 11) was built seven hundred years ago on a strategic position, at the upstream entrance into the Danube’s Cazane and the Iron Gates. Presently, they belong to the Djerdap National Park, stretching out on the Serbian territory. The fortress was meant to safeguard the terrestrial and river traffic and at the same time, it served as a tollgate. In order to fulfill its mission, it was equipped with a huge iron chain, which could be lifted whenever necessary in order to stop the boats that might have tried to pass without paying. A similar method was employed by the Byzantines in their endeavor to protect Constantinople from being taken by the Turks.

The fortress was erected on the site of a Roman settlement lying not very far away from the Tabula Traiana, a Roman memorial stone plaque dating from the time of Emperor Trajan, and the Bridge of Apolodor. The Romans called the place Columbria and the Serbian name also suggests a place where pigeons used to live. The fortress, surrounded by strong stonewalls, ten towers and a mote was heavily disputed and used in turns by Serbs, Hungarians and Turks, either as a last refuge or as an outpost of the Ottoman Empire.

Waterfall Bigăr is in Caras-Severin, between Bozovici and Anina town, on keys Minis, National Park Nera-Beuşniţa. Access is very easy, waterfall being meters from the road DN57B. The nature reserve was founded in 1982 and declared a protected zone. The natural area covers 176 hectares, and is included in the National Park of Cheile Nerei. Izvorul Bigăr (English: Bigar Spring, but more commonly known as Bigar Waterfall) is a protected area (nature reserve IUCN category IV was declared a natural protected area by the Law Number.5 of March 6, 2000 (published in Romanian Official Paper Number.152 on April 12, 2000). The reserve comprises of a hill area studded with springs, caves; shafts, gorges; calcareous ravines, valleys; and meadows. The fauna includes the Carpathian bear, lynxes, wolves, foxes, and various birds and fish.

The Bigăr rivulet springs some 200 meters away, from a subterranean river traversing the cave with the same name, ending in the 7 meters high waterfall. The Bigăr spring, cave, rivulet, and waterfall are all close to each other, in topography as well as in legend.

Foto 11 – The Golubac Fortress (by Carablaisa S.)

Foto 12 – The Waterfall Bigăr (by Carablaisa S.)

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Though it doesn't impress by size or flow, what sets this waterfall apart from others is its

peculiar shape - resembling a mushroom tip or a princess' gown - and location; a moss covered extension of a cliff over a small river (Miniş). All these features combined, which directly influence the way water spreads and flows into the river below, and the fact that the waterfall is located exactly on the 45 parallel, being halfway between the Equator and the North Pole, have placed it in the top of the most unique waterfalls in the world.

Băile Herculane - the city and spa of Băile Herculane is situated in the southwestern part of

Romania (the Caraş-Severin County), on the Cerna Valley, between the Mehedinţi Mts., to the east, and the Cernei Mts., to the west. The settlement lies at 168 m altitude above sea-level and spreads along both sides of the Cerna River, on the bottom of a narrow depression, bordered to the west by the Mehadiei Ridge (with the summits Coronini, Doda and Ciorici) and to the east by the Domogled and Suscului cliffs, which tower over the city by as much as 1000 m.

The calcareous mountains shelter the depression and keep it warm during the cold season and consequently the climate is very much alike the Mediterranean one. On both sides of the Cerna River are dwarf tree forests composed especially of lilac (Syringa vulgaris), while the black pine of Banat (Pinus nigra var. banatica), with large umbrella-like canopy, which can be seen on the steep crags, lends the gorges an aspect of Mediterranean valley.

After conquering Dacia, the Romans paid particular attention to the hot springs, building here a large spa, famous throughout the empire, where important officials used to come for healing and recreation. It is believed that the Roman baths were chaining along the river’s banks, taking advantage of the manifold sulphurous hot springs, which popped from the mountain rocks on a distance of about 7 km. The presence of the Romans on this territory is testified by the ancient coins discovered here, but especially by the votive inscriptions left as a sign of gratitude by some of those who were healed by the hot springs. From what is known, at that time the spa was called Thermae Herculi ad Mediam. In the aftermath of the Romans retreat from Dacia, the hot springs at Herculane continued to be used by the local people for centuries. All the while, the periods of reconstruction and development alternated with destruction intervals, brought about by the wars.

From the point of view of anthropogenic attraction the spa is clearly divided into two distinct parts: the old, Austrian part, with beautiful and stylish buildings, true architecture monuments, and the new area, made up of the big communist hotels, which contrasts sharply with the previous one.

LACUL PORŢILE DE FIER Caracterizare fizico – geografică și funcţională - Nicolae Șelău

Prin edificarea Sistemului hidroenergetic și de navigație Porțile de Fier a luat naștere lacul omonim, care ocupa cursul Dunării între km fluviali 943 – Gura Văii-Șip și km 1214, respectiv gura de vărsare a râului Tisa. Trebuie menționat că amonte de Baziaș caracterul lacustru se manifestă din ce în ce mai estompat, doar prin remuu, astfel că lungimea sa variază în funcție de nivelul de retenție la baraj. Acest nivel are o amplitudine cuprinsă între 63 m – nivelul minim de funcționare a turbinelor și 69,5 m – nivelul maxim de retenție, în altitudini absolute față de Marea Adriatică. Datorită cuprinderii văii între munți, care domină fluviul cu sute de metri, a reliefului în trepte, puternic fragmentat, a nivelului de bază foarte coborât: 70 m, altitudinea absolută a luncii la Baziaș si 43 m la Gura Văii, defileul dunarean se deosebește net de restul cursului Dunării. Între localitățile menționate, Dunărea a fierăstruit pe 130 km unul dintre cele mai spectaculoase defilee din Europa; în cadrul său fluviul este încorsetat într-un culoar tectonic și de eroziune adâncit cu peste 200 m și larg între 3 și 10 km. Malul stang, românesc il constituie munții Locvei apoi munții Almaj, cu altitudine maximă în varful Svinecea Mare (1226 m), munții și podișul Mehedinți, cu altitudini medii între 500 m în munții Locvei (max.794 m în Talva Cornului) și 950 m în munții Mehedinți (max. 1466 m în Vârful lui

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Stan). Malul drept il formează munții Debrianske Planina cu înălțimi medii de 800 m și în continuare, Miroci Planina cu înălțimi medii de 500 – 550 m și max 768 m în vârful Veliki Strbac. Urmare a geologiei și tectonicii, cursul fluviului în defileu este alcătuit din sectoare morfologic și structural diferențiate, porțiunile de îngustări alternand cu lărgirile din bazinete. Construirea barajului de la Gura Vaii s-a realizat în parteneriat cu Iugoslavia în perioada 1964-1972, producând mutatii semnificative la nivelul ecosistemelor naturale si umane. În prezent lacul de acumulare Portile de Fier este utilizat pentru producerea de energie electrica, regularizarea debitelor Dunarii, piscicultura, navigatie si agrement, fiind un habitat preferat pentru multe specii de pasari.


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