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7/31/2019 The Intergrated Leadership System 1/113 The Integrated Leadership System

The Intergrated Leadership System

Apr 04, 2018



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The Integrated

Leadership System

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For more information contact the APS Commission on 02 6271 6560Or email [email protected] or go to our website—

© Commonwealth of Australia 2004This work is copyright. You may display, print and reproduce this material in unaltered form only(retaining this notice) for your personal, non-commercial use. Apart from any use as permitted under theCopyright Act 1968 all other rights are reserved. Requests for further authorisation should be directed toCommonwealth Copyright Administration, Attorney-General's Department.You are not permitted to distribute or commercialise the information or material without seeking prior written approval from the Commonwealth.

ISBN 0 975105 4 4

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Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 2

1 Leadership development imperative............................................................................................... 3

2 The Integrated Leadership System ................................................................................................42.1 Capability development partnerships ....................................................................................... 5 

2.2 SELC Framework and the Integrated Leadership System ....................................................... 6 

2.3 Finding the balance ..................................................................................................................7 

2.4 A values-based APS .............................................................................................................. 10 

3 The Leadership Pathway..............................................................................................................11

3.1 Comparative view of the Pathway: Overview ......................................................................... 13

3.2 Individual profiles: Overview................................................................................................... 18 

4 Support Tools............................................................................................................................... 23

4.1 Comparative view of the Pathway: Detailed information.................................................... 24

4.2 Layers of complexity.......................................................................................................... 45 4.3 Critical transition points ..................................................................................................... 47 

4.4 Individual profiles of the Pathway ...................................................................................... 48 

4.5 Self-assessment tools ....................................................................................................... 79

4.6 Development options.........................................................................................................95 

4.7 Mapping for individuals .................................................................................................... 100 

5 Where to from here? .................................................................................................................. 102

6 Appendices ................................................................................................................................ 103

 A Embedding the Values: Framework................................................................................. 104

B Further Reading............................................................................................................... 108 

C Glossary of terms…......................................................................................................... 110 

D Profile of the APS ............................................................................................................ 111

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The Integrated Leadership System is the latest initiative to be

released by the Australian Public Service Commission. It takes

us further down the leadership development path we started

some time ago, by providing capability descriptions and

desired behaviours for Executive Level 1 through to SES

Band 3, as well as tools for both agencies and individuals to

use in their leadership development.

This system is the result of extensive research, and

collaboration with many APS agencies, and expands on the

Senior Executive Leadership Capability (SELC) Framework to

give a broader framework for executive and senior executive

development. It provides practical guidance to agencies and

individuals on APS leadership development.

Earlier this year, the Management Advisory Committee report No. 4—Connecting Government ,

highlighted a need for the wider APS to develop skills and behaviour such as collaboration, trust, and the

ability to mobilise teams and work well in groups. It also noted that capabilities (of APS people) are

critical to effective whole of government work—both in terms of leadership and the range of technical

and implementation skills called for to address complex policy and service delivery issues. These

findings are not new, however the MAC report has perhaps brought the development of our people into

sharper focus.

In 1999 the SELC Framework pulled together for the first time a set of capability descriptions for Senior 

Executive Service (SES) employees. Departments and agencies in the main, utilise the SELC

Framework for the selection and development of their SES. The Career Development Assessment

Centres, run by the Commission, also use the SELC Framework to develop high performing Executive

Level 2 staff in preparation for potential SES selection.

In our devolved APS environment, the adoption of a system such as the one in the following pages is not

mandatory. However, as with the SELC Framework, I am confident that agencies and individuals will see

the benefit of the System, and use it appropriately for their circumstances. It certainly provides a system

that supports whole of APS leadership capabilities, and therefore provides a common language to better 

deliver whole of government outcomes.

 AS Podger 

Public Service Commissioner 

16 July 2004

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Leadership development imperative

‘Agencies need to

ensure that 

sufficient “bench

strength” is

available to replace

key people in

middle and senior 

management and 

specialist positions

likely to leave in

the near future.’ 

(Public Service Leadership

Emerging Issues. A report 

for the Australian Public 

Service Commission, 2004)

The introduction of the Public Service Act 1999 (the PS Act) defined

a new operating environment for the APS by formalising thedevolution of powers to Agency Heads and the move from a

prescriptive rules-based to a values-based environment.

The PS Act introduced specific obligations for the Public Service

Commissioner to foster leadership, coordinate APS-wide training and

career development, and promote the APS Values and Code of 

Conduct. It also introduced specific responsibilities in these areas for 

 Agency Heads and members of the Senior Executive Service (SES).

In the same year the Senior Executive Leadership Capability

Framework (SELC Framework) was launched and formed the

selection criteria for the SES. It defined the leadership capabilitiesrequired to secure the long-term future of the APS.

Since 1999 the SELC Framework has become ‘the standard’ for SES

selection and development, particularly for promotion and/or selection

into the SES at the first level—SES Band 1. It became clear to the

 APS Commission that it would be useful to expand the SELC

Framework to support a wider range of executive and senior 

executive development. Nearly two years ago the Commission put in

place a strategy to do just that—expand the SELC Framework. The

result of that strategy has been the development of the Integrated

Leadership System (the System), described in the following pages.

Bench strength planning is different from succession planning.

Professional sporting teams always have a highly qualified

person waiting on the bench capable of filling each of their 

critical positions and replacing players.

The public sector is no different. Each position should have

bench strength, especially for key positions and that does not

simply mean the top executives.

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The Integrated Leadership System

‘MAC has

identified the next 

five years as

crucial to the APS 

in the development 

of a sufficient 

cohort of potential 

leaders to meet the

environmental and 


changes that are

expected. In

 particular …

agencies need to

ensure that:

x a sufficient pool of 

 people with the

right capabilities is

available to replace

key people in

middle and senior 

management and 

specialist positions’ 

(APS Commission, State of 

the Service Report 2002–2003, 2003)

The Integrated Leadership System is designed to link all aspects of 

leadership that impact on the APS. It balances the relationship between

leadership, management and technical skills in public service careers—it

is not a traditional leadership model. The System provides a common

language to support consistent whole of APS capability development. The

System is designed to ensure the APS has the leadership capabilities and

behaviours to meet the challenges of the future.

The System provides a basis for collaboration between the Commission

and individual agencies, to support the needs of agencies and the

broader APS. It applies specifically to two sections of the PS Act relating

to the Commissioner’s functions:

x s 41 (1)(i) ‘to co-ordinate and support APS-wide training and career 

development opportunities in the APS’

x s 41 (1)(j) ‘to contribute to and foster leadership in the APS’.

The System reflects the Commission’s statutory functions and clarifies the

respective roles of agencies and the Commission. Through the System

the Commission collaborates with agencies to develop leaders capable of 

meeting the current and future challenges faced by the APS. It recognises

the Agency Heads’ responsibilities as employers and their accountability

for delivering business results.

Key elements of the System are:

x understanding the capabilities required of APS leaders

x developing a systemic approach to capability development

x common descriptions of how executive and senior executive roles

change in response to increasing complexity

x behavioural indicators for the increase in role complexity

x capability development partnerships.

The System has guides and tools to support professional development,

career planning and agency bench strength or succession management


x links to the Senior Executive Leadership Capability Framework

x  APS Leadership Model

x the Leadership Pathway

x layers of complexity

x critical transition points

x self-assessment tools

x development methods and options.

The System assists agencies and individuals to build and

sustain leadership capability by further establishing the SELC

Framework in the APS culture. It gives a clearer understanding of the leadership capability requirements at

executive and senior executive levels.

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. Capability development partnerships


Individual commitment to development

APS Commission role in capability development

Collaboration between APS Commiss ion and agency

Agency role in capability development

‘In a devolved 

management environment, Agency 

Heads are responsible

for the development of 

the capabilities

required to achieve

their agency’s

business objectives,

including participation

in broader whole of 



(APS Commission, State of the

Service Report 2002–2003,


Individual agencies are best placed to undertake capability

development in the context of their own organisational issues.

However, the APS Commission is in a unique position to promote

interaction amongst the SES, and the feeder group for the SES,

which is an important ingredient in building whole of government

capacity in the APS.1

During 2004, national consultations with

agencies supported the unique roles of both agencies and the

Commission. These consultations reinforced the importance of 

collaboration between the Commission and agencies.

Collaboration can range from joint APS-wide activities such as the

Career Development Assessment Centres to services and products

tailored to an agency’s needs.

This relationship is reflected in Figure 1. As a person increases in

seniority and their APS focus widens, the Commission’s role in their 

development increases—helping prepare candidates for the next

level, then assisting their transition to a new level, or a new role.

Economies of scale may make the Commission particularly helpful

for smaller agencies and in the regions. Therefore the

Commission’s role may change depending on an agency’s context.

This is a generic partnership model—agencies and individuals may

interpret this model to suit their own needs.

Figure 1 Capability development partnerships

Page 5

1APS Commission, State of the Service Report 2002–2003, 2003.

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. SELC Framework and the Integrated Leadership System

The introduction of the SELC Framework in 1999 represented the first

step to creating a common understanding of the leadership capabilities

required for high performance in the APS. The SELC Framework is built

around five core capability clusters:

x Shapes strategic thinking

x  Achieves results

x Cultivates productive working relationships

x Exemplifies personal drive and integrity

x Communicates with influence.

In 2001 the SELC Framework was confirmed by Agency Heads as the

most suitable tool for SES selection and development. The APS

Commission has now expanded the SELC Framework and identified

descriptions and behaviours for each capability of the SELC Framework

for executive and senior executive levels. This is the Leadership

Pathway (the Pathway) and is a major component of the Integrated

Leadership System. The SELC Framework remains the selection criteria

for entry to the SES. The Pathway supports the development of 

executive and senior executive levels at different career points.

Figure 2 SELC Framework 

Page 6

The Pathway 

embeds the SELC 

Framework in the

 APS culture by 

x describing a



focus for each level 

of the executive and 

senior executive


x strengthening the

capacity of the APS

to appropriately 

identify and develop

members of the

SES feeder group

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. Finding the balance

Increased complexity of role





The System assists agencies and individuals to address their 

particular requirements for leadership, management and

technical expertise.

‘Capabilities are critical 

to effective whole of government work—

both in terms of 

leadership and the

range of technical and 

implementation skills

called for to address

complex policy and 

service delivery issues’ 

(Connecting Government: Whole

of government responses to

 Australia’s priority challenges,

Management Advisory Committee

Report, 2004)

 APS leaders require a mixture of technical and management

expertise as well as leadership capabilities as shown in

Figure 3. The precise balance will depend on the level of 

seniority of the individual. For example, a policy advisor 

requires subject matter expertise, skills in administration,

communication and relationships to ensure the advice takes

account of stakeholders and can be implemented in practice.

People in service delivery agencies need technical expertise

as well as management and leadership capabilities in dealing

with clients and stakeholders.

The following pages give some examples of leadership,

managerial and technical components taken from the

Leadership Pathway tool in Section 3. The particular mix of 

capabilities will vary depending on agency, and the level

and/or role of the person.

Figure 3 APS Leadership Model 

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The leadership component

The leadership component requires capabilities from all five capability clusters. However, there is a

strong focus in Shapes strategic thinking, Achieves results and Cultivates productive working 

relationships, as can be seen in the examples below.

Capability Leadership component

Shapes strategic thinking

Inspires a sense of purpose and direction Demonstrates and develops a vision and strategicdirection for the branch/organisation

Focuses strategically  Understands the organisations role withingovernment and society, including the whole of government agenda

Achieves Results

Ensures closure & delivers on intended results

Strives to achieve, and encourage others to do thesame

Cultivates Productive Working Relationships

Values individual differences and diversity  Capitalises on the positive benefits that can begained from diversity and harnesses differentviewpoints

Guides, mentors and develops people Offers support in times of high pressure andengages in activities to maintain morale

Figure 4 Leadership component—examples from the Pathway 

The technical component

Technical expertise and knowledge are fundamental requirements of every job in the workplace. Therequirement for technical knowledge shifts with increasing seniority, from a requirement for depth of 

knowledge to one of breadth of knowledge. At all levels, technical knowledge and capability continue to

be linked to effective performance and credibility. It is the agency’s responsibility to identify specific

technical expertise and knowledge requirements, however there are examples in the Pathway as can be

seen below.

Capability Technical component

Shapes strategic thinking

Harnesses information and opportunities Identifies and sources relevant information,

identifies information gaps and recognisesopportunities

Shows judgement, intelligence and commonsense

 Analyses and evaluates information to drawconclusions

Achieves results

Marshals professional expertise Contributes individual expertise to theorganisation, and encouraging others to drawupon the knowledge that is held

Figure 5 Technical component—examples from the Pathway 

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The managerial component

 As with the leadership component, the managerial component requires capabilities from all five capability

clusters. However, for this component there is a strong focus in the Achieves results capability clusters,

as can be seen in the examples below. Relevant ‘management fundamentals’ have been indicated in

each component to demonstrate the firm link that exists between the System and the fundamentals of 

good management practice.

Capability Managerial component

Shapes strategic thinking

Shows judgement, intelligence and commonsense

Undertakes objective, critical analysis and distilsthe core issues. Presents logical arguments anddraws accurate conclusions.

Risk management

Achieves results

Builds organisational capability and responsiveness Evaluates ongoing project performance andidentifies critical success factors. Respondsflexibly to changing demands.

Project management and risk management

Marshals professional expertise Manages contracts judiciously. Actively ensuresrelevant professional input is obtained from others.

Knowledge management and talentmanagement

Steers and implements change and dealswith uncertainty 

 Adopts a planned approach to the management of programs. Operates effectively in an environmentof ongoing change and uncertainty.

Change management, project management,

and resource management

Ensures closure and delivers on intended results

Monitors project progress and identifies risks thatmay impact on outcomes. Adjusts plans asrequired.

Project management, risk management, andresource management

Communicates with influence

Negotiates persuasively   Approaches negotiations with a strong grasp of the key issues. Presents a convincing andbalanced argument.

Negotiation management and relationshipmanagement

Communicates clearly  Confidently presents messages in a clear, conciseand articulate manner. Focuses on key points for the audience and uses appropriate, unambiguouslanguage.

Stakeholder management and relationshipmanagement

Figure 6 Managerial component—examples from the Pathway 

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. A values-based APS

The APS Values (the Values) give management the flexibility to

address change and to manage ambiguity. The Values apply

across regions, organisational structures and activities, and

underpin the cultural fabric of Australian government agencies.

 APS leaders play a vital role in modelling the Values and

ensuring they are embedded in the APS. The Commission’s

publication Embedding the APS Values (2003) (Appendix A)

offers practical advice for Agency Heads and senior executives

on how to achieve integration between values and actions.

APS Commission

APS Leadership Group

Whole of government and

Agency/APSC collaboration




Figure 7 A Values base for Leadership

The above model identifies the principles of innovation,

sustainability and integrity, coupled with core APS Values, as its

fundamental components. By linking innovation with agency

business outcomes and sustainability with a whole of 

government and agency perspective, the model provides for 

leadership at both the operational and a whole of government

level. There is an emphasis on the shared role of the APS

Commission and the senior managers of the APS in developing

and modelling leadership.

Page 10

‘ Values need to be

explicitly linked to



decision making,


(SES Band 2, 2003)

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The Leadership Pathway

The Leadership Pathway identifies and describes leadership

capabilities that stem from the SELC Framework. It illustrates the

levels of complexity in which the APS operates and identifies new

behavioural elements for potential leaders at each stage of their 

career path.

The Pathway is designed for use by current and future leaders of 

the APS and people who are responsible for leadership

development. The Pathway:

x supports a whole of government perspective

x provides a foundation for development activities

x clarifies capabilities and behaviours that are expected at

executive and senior executive level

x builds on and links to the SELC Framework.

The Pathway is useful in guiding leadership capability development


x those aspiring to leadership positions at executive and senior 

executive levels

x those in transition to the next level or a new role

x those who want to be more effective at their current level.

Human Resource practitioners will use the Pathway to:

x coordinate leadership development opportunities

x workforce plan

x understand bench strength

x support individuals in career planning.

 Agencies are at different points in the development of their leaders.

In the devolved APS environment this is inevitable. The

components of the System have been designed for flexible

application. Agencies will select those aspects of the Leadership

Pathway that suit their requirements, adjusting as required to meet

their particular context.

The Pathway specifically relates to behaviours that describe

leadership at executive and senior executive levels. However, each

agency is unique with particular structures, roles and contexts that

may offer opportunity to exercise leadership capabilities at levels

other than EL and SES.

Page 11

‘Steps need to be

taken at all … levels

to increase the

capability of the

 APS to deliver whole

of government 

outcomes … such

capability requires

effort to improveService-wide

leadership, and to

 promote cultural 

and behavioural 


(APS Commission, State of 

the Service Report 2002–

2003, 2003)

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The Pathway’s descriptions and behaviours are level specific

rather than job specific. The Pathway may be applied differently

by agencies depending on size and location.

The Pathway is a cumulative model, with behaviours identified

at one level becoming the ‘floor level’ for the levels above.

There are complex, subtle differences across the levels. The

most significant changes in capabilities across the levels are

found in:

x Shapes strategic thinking

x  Achieves results

x Cultivates productive working relationships.

The Pathway

The Pathway is presented in two ways:

x comparative view of EL1–SES B3 levels

x individual profiles.

Comparative view of the Pathway

The comparative view in Section 3.1 scans across the levels

from EL1 to SES B3 to identify the changes in capability at each

level. An overview of the capability descriptions is included in

this section. More detailed information on the behaviours that

illustrate these capabilities is included in Section 4.1.

Those capabilities where new behaviours have been introduced

are shown in bold, while increased complexity is shown in


Individual profiles

In Section 3.2 the Pathway defines a profile for each level from

EL1 to SES B3. The profiles complement agency specific

capabilities and individual job requirements. Individuals may

use the profile as a guide to identify areas of strength and areas

for development. The profiles enable a complete view of the

capabilities that would be expected at a particular level.

 An overview of the capability descriptions is included in this

section. More detailed information on the behaviours that

illustrate these capabilities is included in Section 4.4.

The profiles do not contain any mandatory requirements but are

a tool to assist individuals to identify development needs and


Page 12

‘In the context of 

change within the

 APS, and its external 

environment, a critical 

challenge is…

ensuring there is a

strong pool available

to take on leadership

roles into the future,

both in the short to

medium term and 

through capability 

building for the longer 


(APS Commission, State of the

Service Report 2002–2003,


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. Comparative view of the Pathway

Shapes strategic thinking


Inspires a senseof purpose anddirection

Provides direction to othersregarding the purpose andimportance of their work.

Illustrates the relationshipbetween operational tasksand organisational goals.Sets work tasks that alignwith the strategic objectivesand communicates expectedoutcomes.

Translates the strategy intooperational goals and creates a shared sense of 

 purpose within the businessunit. Engages others in thestrategic direction of thework area, encouragestheir contribution andcommunicates expectedoutcomes.

Develops the strategic direction for the businessunit and creates a shared

sense of purpose bydemonstrating how elementsof the strategy fit together and contribute to higher-level goals. Encourages others’input and communicatesrequired actions andexpected outcomes.

Champions theorganisation's vision and goals and promotes a shared 

commitment to the strategic direction. Helps createorganisational strategies that are aligned with government objectives and likely futurerequirements. Encouragesothers’ input andcommunicates expectedoutcomes fromorganisational strategies.

Champions theorganisation's vision andgoals and unifies business

units with the strategicdirection. Helps createorganisational strategies thatare aligned with governmentobjectives and likely futurerequirements. Encouragesothers’ input andcommunicates expectedoutcomes fromorganisational strategies.


Understands theorganisation's objectives andaligns operational activitiesaccordingly. Considers theramifications of issues and

longer-term impact of ownwork and work area.

Understands theorganisation's objectives andlinks between the businessunit, organisation and wholeof government agenda.

Considers the ramificationsof a wide range of issues,anticipates priorities anddevelops long-term plansfor own work area.

Understands theorganisation's direction androle within government andsociety including the wholeof government agenda.

Considers multiple perspectives whenassessing the ramificationsof issues. Develops plansthat address both currentand likely futurerequirements. Seeks toalign business unitactivities with strategicpriorities.

Understands theorganisation's role withinsociety and considersmultiple perspectives whenassessing the ramifications

of key issues on theorganisation and community .Provides advice togovernment that reflectsanalysis of a broad rangeof issues and the whole of government agenda.Considers emerging trends,identifies long-termopportunities and alignsorganisational operationswith strategic priorities.

Understands theorganisation's current and

 potential future role withinsociety. Considers multipleperspectives when

assessing the ramificationsof key issues and developssolutions with long-termviability for the organisationand society. Provides adviceto government that reflectsanalysis of a broad range of issues. Considers emergingtrends, identifies long-termopportunities and balancesorganisationalrequirements with desiredwhole of governmentoutcomes.


information andopportunities

Gathers and investigates

information from a variety of sources, and explores newideas and differentviewpoints. Probesinformation and identifiesany critical gaps. Maintainsan awareness of theorganisation, monitors thecontext in which theorganisation operates andfinds out about best practiceapproaches.

Gathers and investigates

information from a variety of sources, and explores newideas and differentviewpoints. Probesinformation and identifiesany critical gaps. Maintainsan awareness of theorganisation, looks for recent developments that may impact on own business areaand finds out about bestpractice approaches.

Draws on information and 

alternate viewpoints and monitors informationchannels to understand new issues of importance to thegovernment. Monitorschange in the environment.Seizes opportunities andadjusts approach torespond to threats.

 Addresses any critical information gaps. Usesknowledge of theorganisation to provide acontext for others.

Draws on information and

alternate viewpoints andmonitors informationchannels to understand newissues of importance to thegovernment. Monitorschange in the environment.Positions the organisation toseize opportunities and minimise threats. Addressesany critical information gaps.Uses knowledge of theorganisation to tailor approaches to differentissues.

Draws on information and

alternate viewpoints andmonitors informationchannels to understand newissues of importance to thegovernment. Monitorschange in the environment.Positions the organisation toseize opportunities andminimise threats. Addressesany critical information gaps.Uses knowledge of theorganisation to tailor approaches to differentissues. Recognises theopportunities offeredthrough whole of government approachesand seeks to realise them.

Shows judgment,intelligence andcommonsense

Undertakes objective,systematic analysis anddraws accurate conclusionsbased on evidence.Recognises the linksbetween interconnectedissues. Breaks throughproblems and weighs up theoptions to identify solutions.Explores possibilities andinnovative alternatives.

Undertakes objective, criticalanalysis and distils the coreissues. Presents logical arguments and drawsaccurate conclusions.Anticipates and seeks tominimise risks. Breaksthrough problems andweighs up the options toidentify solutions. Explorespossibilities and creativealternatives.

 Applies intellect andknowledge to weigh upcomplex information andidentify critical factors andissues. Works effectivelywhen all of the informationis not available. Exploresthe options in full andmakes sound decisionsunder pressure. Considersopportunities and anticipatesrisk . Applies lateral thinkingand identifies innovativesolutions.

 Applies intellect andknowledge to weigh upinformation and identifycritical factors and issues.Demonstrates effective

 judgement to weigh upoptions and develop realistic solutions. Anticipates risks,addresses them quickly and helps others to recognisethem. Capitalises oninnovative alternatives toresolve complex problems.

Engages in high-level criticalthinking to identify links anddiscern the critical issues.Identifies the implications for the organisation and applieseffective judgement todevelop solutions.

 Anticipates long-term and strategic risks, addressesthem quickly and helpsothers to recognise them.Capitalises on innovativealternatives to resolvecomplex problems.

Note: Bold reflects new behaviour and italics reflects more complex behaviour Page 13

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Achieves results


Buildsorganisationalcapability andresponsiveness

Reviews project performanceand focuses on identifyingopportunities for continuousimprovement. Identifies keytalent to supportperformance. Remainsflexible and responsive tochanges in requirements.

Evaluates ongoing project  performance and identifiescritical success factors.Instigates continuousimprovement activities.Responds flexibly tochanging demands. Buildsteams with complementaryskills and allocatesresources in a manner that delivers results.

Investigates ways to improveeffectiveness by harnessingtechnology and implementingcontinuous improvementactivities. Builds teams withcomplementary skills andengages in successionplanning. Responds flexiblyto changing circumstances,deploys resources astutely and identifies optimumresourcing combinations.Creates a flexibleenvironment that enablesothers to meet changingdemands.

Focuses on activities thatsupport organisationalsustainability. Nurturestalent and engages insuccession planning.Facilitates informationaccessibility and sharing.Investigates ways to improveeffectiveness by harnessingtechnology and implementingcontinuous improvementactivities. Monitors and manages resourcing

 pressures for optimumoutcomes. Creates a flexibleenvironment that enablesothers to meet changingdemands.

Focuses on activities thatsupport organisationalsustainability. Nurtures talentand engages in successionplanning. Facilitatesinformation accessibility andsharing. Seeks operational efficiency, streamlines and adapts processes.Investigates ways to improveeffectiveness by harnessingtechnology and implementingcontinuous improvementactivities. Engages in flexibleresource management and looks beyond theorganisation’s boundaries toachieve the optimumresourcing combination.



Values specialist expertise

and capitalises on the expertknowledge and skills of others. Contributes ownexpertise to achieveoutcomes for the businessunit.

Values specialist expertise

and capitalises on theknowledge within theorganisation as well asconsulting externally asappropriate. Managescontracts judiciously.Contributes own expertise toachieve outcomes for thebusiness unit.

Integrates professional 

expertise into theorganisation to improveoverall performance and delivery of business unit outcomes. Managescontracts judiciously. Activelyensures relevant professionalinput from others is obtainedand shares own experience.

Integrates professional

expertise into theorganisation to improveoverall performance anddelivery of organisational outcomes. Managescontracts judiciously. Activelyensures relevantprofessional input fromothers is obtained andshares own experience.

Integrates professional

expertise into theorganisation to improveoverall performance anddelivery of organisationaloutcomes. Managescontracts judiciously. Activelyensures relevantprofessional input fromothers is obtained andshares own experience.

Steers andimplementschange anddeals withuncertainty

Establishes clear plans andtimeframes for projectimplementation and outlinesspecific activities. Respondsin a positive and flexiblemanner to change anduncertainty. Sharesinformation with others andassists them to adapt.

Establishes clear plans andtimeframes for projectimplementation and outlinesspecific activities. Respondsin a positive and flexiblemanner to change anduncertainty. Sharesinformation with others andassists them to adapt.

 Adopts a planned approachto the management of 

 programs. Defines high-level objectives and supportstranslation intoimplementation strategies.Operates effectively in anenvironment of ongoingchange and uncertainty and maintains flexibility. Activelyensures stakeholders arekept informed during timesof change.

Oversees the implementationof multiple change initiativeswith a focus on the desired outcomes. Defines high-levelobjectives and ensurestranslation into practicalimplementation strategies.Operates effectively in anenvironment of ongoingchange and uncertainty andmaintains flexibility. Activelyensures stakeholders arekept informed during times of change.

Drives the change agenda,defines high-level objectivesand ensures translation intopractical implementationstrategies. Coordinatesprojects across multipleagencies. Recognises theconstant nature of changeand maintains flexibility.Secures stakeholder commitment to change and maintains opencommunication channelsduring the change process.

Ensures closureand delivers onintended results

Sees projects through tocompletion. Monitors projectprogress and adjusts plansas required. Commits toachieving quality outcomesand ensures documentationprocedures are maintained.

Seeks feedback fromstakeholders to gaugesatisfaction.

Strives to achieve andencourages others to dothe same. Monitors progressand identifies risks that mayimpact on outcomes. Adjustsplans as required. Commitsto achieving quality

outcomes and ensuresdocumentation proceduresare maintained. Seeksfeedback from stakeholdersto gauge satisfaction.

Drives a culture of achievement . Ensures ideasand intended actions becomereality and that planned 

 projects result in expected outputs. Strives for quality,and ensures compliance

with regulatoryrequirements. Putssystems in place toestablish and measureaccountabilities. Managesrisks that may impede on

 project outcomes and ensures that key stakeholders are across all relevant issues.

Drives a culture of achievement, and fosters aquality focus in theorganisation. Ensures thatideas and intended actionsbecome reality and thatplanned projects result in

expected outputs. Enablesthe achievement of outcomes by identifyingand removing potentialbarriers to success. Keepsstakeholders informed of progress and any issues thatarise.

Drives a culture of achievement, and fosters aquality focus in theorganisation. Ensures thatideas and intended actionsbecome reality and thatplanned projects result in

expected outputs. Enablesthe achievement of outcomes by identifying andremoving potential barriers tosuccess. Keeps stakeholdersinformed of progress and anyissues that arise.

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Cultivates productive working relationships


Nurturesinternal andexternalrelationships

Builds and sustainsrelationships with a networkof key people internally andexternally. Proactively offersassistance for a mutuallybeneficial relationship.

 Anticipates and is responsiveto internal and external clientneeds.

Builds and sustainsrelationships with a networkof key people internally andexternally. Recognisesshared agendas and workstoward mutually beneficialoutcomes. Anticipates andis responsive to internal andexternal client needs.

Builds and sustainsrelationships within theorganisation, with theMinister's office, across the

 APS and with a diverserange of external stakeholders. Looks for shared agendas and usesthese to bring peopletogether. Shows acommitment to client servicethrough own actions and those of the business unit.

Builds and sustainsrelationships within theorganisation, with theMinister's office, across the

 APS and with a diverserange of externalstakeholders. Encouragesstakeholders to worktogether, and establishescross agency approachesto address issues. Shows acommitment to client servicethrough own actions andthose of the organisation.

Builds and sustainsrelationships that provide arich intelligence network.Establishes an effectiveworking relationship with theMinister. Encouragesstakeholders to worktogether, and establishescross- agency approaches toaddress issues. Shows acommitment to client servicethrough own actions andthose of the organisation.

Facilitatescooperation andpartnerships

Involves people, encouragesthem and recognises their contribution. Consults andshares information andensures others are keptinformed of issues. Workscollaboratively and operatesas an effective team


Brings people together andencourages input from keystakeholders. Findsopportunities to shareinformation and ensures thatothers are kept informed of issues. Fosters teamwork and rewards cooperative and 

collaborative behaviour.Resolves conflict usingappropriate strategies.

Brings people together andencourages input from keystakeholders. Facilitatescooperation within andbetween organisations.Promotes the reciprocal sharing of information tobuild knowledge. Fosters

teamwork and rewardscooperative and collaborativebehaviour. Resolves conflict and manages thesensitivities involved .

Consults broadly to obtainbuy-in. Draws on theknowledge of key stakeholders within and outside the organisation and facilitates cooperation by sharing information.Promotes information

exchange by maintainingopen communicationchannels. Personally manifests stronginterpersonal relations and rewards cooperative and collaborative behaviour.

 Anticipates and resolvesconflict .

Consults broadly to obtainbuy-in and recognises wheninput is required.Communicates theimportance of consultationwith stakeholders to others.Overcomes organisational silos by facilitating

cooperation betweenorganisations. Engages theMinister’s Office on keyissues. Personally manifestsstrong interpersonal relationsand rewards cooperative andcollaborative behaviour.

 Anticipates and resolvesconflict.

Valuesindividualdifferences anddiversity

Recognises the positivebenefits that can be gainedfrom diversity andencourages the explorationof diverse views. Harnessesunderstanding of differences

to enhance interactions.Recognises the differentworking styles of individualsand tries to see things fromdifferent perspectives.

Recognises the positivebenefits that can be gainedfrom diversity andencourages the explorationof diverse views. Harnessesunderstanding of differences

to anticipate reactions andenhance interactions.Recognises the differentworking styles of individuals,and tries to see things fromdifferent perspectives.

Recognises the positivebenefits that can be gainedfrom diversity and capitaliseson these for the benefit of thebusiness unit . Harnessesunderstanding of differences

to anticipate reactions andenhance interactions.Recognises the differentworking styles of individuals,and tries to see things fromdifferent perspectives.

Capitalises on the positivebenefits that can be gained from diversity and harnessesdifferent viewpoints. Usesunderstanding of differencesto anticipate reactions and 

enhance the operation of theorganisation. Recognises thedifferent working styles of individuals, anticipatesreactions and tries to seethings from differentperspectives.

Communicates the value of harnessing diversity for the organisation.Capitalises on the positivebenefits that can be gainedfrom diversity and harnesses

different viewpoints. Usesunderstanding of differencesto anticipate reactions andenhance the operation of theorganisation. Recognises thedifferent working styles of individuals, anticipatesreactions and tries to seethings from differentperspectives.

Guides,mentors anddevelops people

Identifies learningopportunities for others andempowers them bydelegating tasks. Agreesclear performance standards

and gives timely praise andrecognition. Makes time for people and offers full supportwhen required. Deliversconstructive, objectivefeedback in a manner thatgains acceptance andachieves resolution. Dealswith under-performancepromptly.

Encourages and motivates people to engage incontinuous learning, andempowers them bydelegating tasks. Agrees

clear performance standardsand gives timely praise andrecognition. Makes time for people and offers full supportwhen required. Deliversconstructive feedback in amanner that gainsacceptance and achievesresolution. Deals with under-performance promptly.

Encourages and motivatespeople to engage incontinuous learning, andempowers them bydelegating responsibility for 

work . Sets clear performancestandards and gives timelypraise and recognition.Makes time for people andoffers full support whenrequired. Deliversconstructive feedback andmanages under-performance. Offerssupport in times of highpressure and engages inactivities to maintainmorale.

Identifies and developstalent. Encourages andmotivates people to engagein continuous learning, andempowers them by

delegating responsibility for work. Sets clear performancestandards and gives timelypraise and recognition.Makes time for people andoffers full support whenrequired. Deliversconstructive feedback andmanages under-performance. Offers supportin times of high pressure.Celebrates success andengages in activities tomaintain morale.

Identifies and developstalent. Encourages andmotivates people to engagein continuous learning, andempowers them by

delegating responsibility for work. Sets clear performancestandards and gives timelypraise and recognition.Makes time for people andoffers full support whenrequired. Deliversconstructive feedback andmanages under-performance. Offers supportin times of high pressure.Celebrates success andengages in activities tomaintain morale.

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Exemplifies personal drive and integrity


Demonstratespublic serviceprofessionalismand probity

 Adopts a principled approachand adheres to the APSValues and Code of Conduct. Acts professionallyand impartially at all timesand operates within the

boundaries of organisationalprocesses and legal andpublic policy constraints.Operates as an effectiverepresentative of theorganisation in public andinternal forums.

 Adopts a principled approachand adheres to the APSValues and Code of Conduct. Acts professionallyand impartially at all timesand operates within the

boundaries of organisationalprocesses and legal andpublic policy constraints.Operates as an effectiverepresentative of theorganisation in public andinternal forums.

 Adheres to and promotes the APS Values and Code of Conduct and acts withutmost integrity and 

 professionalism.Encourages these

standards in others.Operates professionally andwithin the boundaries of organisational processes andlegal and public policyconstraints. Represents theorganisation effectively inpublic and internal forums,and advocates the corporateagenda.

 Adheres to and promotes the APS Values, the Code of Conduct and aligns business

 processes accordingly.Addresses breaches of protocol and probity.

Operates professionally andwithin the boundaries of organisational processes andlegal and public policyconstraints. Represents theorganisation effectively inpublic and internal forums,and advocates the corporateagenda.

 Adheres to and promotes the APS Values, the Code of Conduct and aligns businessprocesses accordingly.

 Addresses breaches of protocol and probity.

Operates professionally andwithin the boundaries of organisational processes andlegal and public policyconstraints. Represents theorganisation effectively inpublic and internal forums,and advocates the corporateagenda.

Engages withrisk and showspersonalcourage

Provides impartial andforthright advice. Challengesimportant issuesconstructively, and stands byown position whenchallenged. Acknowledges

mistakes and learns fromthem, and seeks guidanceand advice when required.

Provides impartial andforthright advice. Challengesimportant issuesconstructively, stands by ownposition and supports otherswhen required.

 Acknowledges mistakes andlearns from them, and seeksguidance and advice whenrequired.

Provides impartial andforthright advice. Isprepared to make toughcorporate decisions toachieve desired outcomes.Challenges and encourages

debate on difficult or controversial issues. Standsby own position and supportsothers when required. Takesresponsibility for mistakesand learns from them. Seeksguidance and advice whenrequired.

Provides impartial andforthright advice. Is preparedto make tough corporatedecisions to achieve desiredoutcomes. Clearly voicesown opinion and challenges

difficult or controversial issues. Stands by ownposition and supports otherswhen required. Takesresponsibility for mistakesand learns from them. Seeksguidance and advice whenrequired.

 Acts as a role model for leadership courage by consistently raising critical and difficult issues. Providesimpartial and forthrightadvice. Is prepared to make

tough corporate decisions toachieve desired outcomes.

 Accepts accountability for mistakes made in theorganisation and ensurescorrective action is taken.Seeks guidance and advicewhen required.

Commits toaction

Takes personal responsibilityfor meeting objectives andprogressing work. Showsinitiative and proactivelysteps in and does what isrequired. Commits energyand drive to see that goals

are achieved.

Takes personal responsibilityfor meeting objectives andprogressing work. Showsinitiative and proactivelysteps in and does what isrequired. Commits energyand drive to see that goals

are achieved.

Commits to achieving key outcomes for theorganisation. Demonstratespersonal drive, focus andenergy. Galvanises othersto act. Acts decisively andinitiates urgent action to

overcome difficult problems.

Commits to achieving keyoutcomes for theorganisation and usespersonal drive, focus andenergy to enthuse others.Galvanises others to act.

 Acts decisively and initiates

urgent action to overcomedifficult problems.

 Acts decisively to ensurestrategies are implemented and issues are addressed.Demonstrates personaldrive, focus and energy.Galvanises others to act.Commits to getting the job

done. Maintains control andinitiates urgent action toresolve issues whenrequired.


Persists and focuses onachieving objectives even indifficult circumstances.Remains positive andresponds to pressure in acontrolled manner.Continues to move forwarddespite criticism or setbacks.

Persists and focuses onachieving objectives even indifficult circumstances.Remains positive andresponds to pressure in acontrolled manner. Maintainsmomentum and sustainseffort despite criticism or setbacks.

Persists and focuses onachieving organisational objectives even in difficultcircumstances. Monitorsown emotional reactionsand responds to pressure ina controlled manner.Displays a positive outlookand maintains momentum indifficult situations.

Persists and focuses onachieving organisationalobjectives even in difficultcircumstances. Monitors ownemotional reactions andresponds to pressure in acontrolled manner.Overcomes obstacles andrapidly recovers fromsetbacks. Displays a positiveoutlook in difficult situations.

Persists and focuses onachieving organisationalobjectives throughoutperiods of extreme pressure.Monitors own emotionalreactions and responds topressure in a controlledmanner. Retains focus onthe end goal and overcomessignificant barriers and obstacles. Rapidly recoversfrom setbacks. Displays a

positive outlook in difficultsituations.

Demonstratesself awarenessand acommitment topersonaldevelopment

Self-evaluates performanceand seeks feedback fromothers. Communicates andacts on strengths anddevelopment needs. Reflectson own behaviour andrecognises the impact onothers. Shows strongcommitment to learning andself-development, andaccepts challenging newopportunities.

Critically analyses own performance and seeksfeedback from others.Confidently communicatesstrengths and acknowledgesdevelopment needs. Acts onnegative feedback toimprove performance.Reflects on own behaviour and recognises the impacton others. Shows strongcommitment to learning andself-development, and

embraces challenging newopportunities.

Examines own performanceand regularly seeks feedbackfrom others. Confidentlypromotes areas of strength,acknowledges developmentneeds and proactively identifies related learningopportunities to extend skillsand experience. Reflects onown behaviour andrecognises the impact onothers.

Demonstrates a high level of self-awareness andacknowledges areas of bothstrength and limitation.Confidently promotes areasof strength and proactivelyidentifies learningopportunities to extend skillsand experience. Reflects onthe impact of own behaviour on others and is responsivein adjusting behaviour .

Demonstrates a high level of self-awareness and acts as arole model by openly communicating strengthsand development needs.Uses self-insight toidentify areas in which owncapabilities complementother people’s. Is open tofeedback and is responsivein adjusting behaviour.Strives for continual learning.

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Communicates with influence



Confidently presentsmessages in a clear, conciseand articulate manner.Focuses on key points anduses appropriate,unambiguous language.Selects the most appropriatemedium for conveyinginformation and structureswritten and oralcommunication to ensureclarity.

Confidently presentsmessages in a clear, conciseand articulate manner.Translates information for others, focusing on keypoints and using appropriate,unambiguous language.Selects the most appropriatemedium for conveyinginformation and structureswritten and oralcommunication to ensureclarity.

Confidently presentsmessages in a clear, conciseand articulate manner.Focuses on key points for the audience and usesappropriate, unambiguouslanguage, and explains theimplications and ensures theconclusion is clearly conveyed. Selects the mostappropriate medium for conveying information andstructures written and oralcommunication to ensureclarity.

Confidently presentsmessages in a clear, conciseand articulate manner.Focuses on key points for the audience and states thefacts. Structures messagefor brevity and presentsmessage with precision and confidence, harnessing themost appropriate methods of communication. Createsmeaning for the audienceby using analogies andstories to illustrate keypoints.

Confidently presentsmessages in a clear andarticulate manner. Focuseson key points for theaudience and selects themost appropriate medium for conveying information.States the facts and usesstraightforward language toaid transparency. Createsmeaning for the audience byusing analogies and storiesto illustrate key points.

Listens,understands andadapts toaudience

Seeks to understand theaudience and tailorscommunication style andmessage accordingly.Listens carefully to othersand checks to ensure their 

views have beenunderstood. Checks ownunderstanding of others’comments and does notallow misunderstandings tolinger.

Seeks to understand theaudience and tailorscommunication style andmessage accordingly.Listens carefully to othersand checks to ensure their 

views have beenunderstood. Anticipatesreactions and is preparedto respond. Checks ownunderstanding of others’comments and does notallow misunderstandings tolinger.

Seeks to understand theaudience and tailorscommunication style andmessage accordingly.Listens carefully to othersand checks to ensure their 

views have beenunderstood. Anticipatesreaction and prepares aresponse to address theaudience’s’ concerns.Checks own understandingof others’ comments anddoes not allowmisunderstandings to linger.

Seeks to understand theaudience and reads their non-verbal cues. Adaptscommunication style andmessage to meet their needs. Listens carefully to

others and ensures their views have beenunderstood. Anticipatesreactions and prepares aresponse to address theaudience’s concerns.Checks own understandingof others’ comments anddoes not allowmisunderstandings to linger.

Seeks to understand theaudience and reads their non-verbal cues. Adaptscommunication style andmessage to meet their needs. Listens carefully to

others and ensures their views have beenunderstood. Anticipatesreactions and prepares aresponse to address theaudience’s concerns.Checks own understandingof others’ comments anddoes not allowmisunderstandings to linger.


 Approaches negotiationswith a strong grasp of thekey issues, having preparedin advance. Understands thedesired objectives and

associated strengths andweaknesses. Anticipates theposition of the other party,and frames argumentsaccordingly. Encourages thesupport of relevantstakeholders. Strives toachieve an outcome thatdelivers benefits for bothparties.

 Approaches negotiationswith a strong grasp of thekey issues, having preparedwell in advance.Understands the desired

objectives and associatedstrengths and weaknesses.

 Anticipates the position of the other party, and adaptsapproach accordingly .Encourages the support of relevant stakeholders.Encourages debate andidentifies common groundto facilitate agreement andacceptance of mutuallybeneficial solutions.

 Approaches negotiationswith a strong grasp of thekey issues. Presents aconvincing and balanced rationale. Anticipates the

position of the other party,and is aware of the extent of potential for compromise.

 Acknowledges and addresses disagreements tofacilitate mutually beneficialsolutions. Encourages thesupport of relevantstakeholders. Focuses onthe desired objectives andensures negotiationsremain on track.

 Approaches negotiationswith a strong grasp of thekey issues. Presents aconvincing and balancedrationale. Focuses on the

way in which the messageis delivered, and usestechniques to illustrate theargument persuasively.

 Anticipates the position of the other party, and is awareof the extent of potential for compromise. Acknowledgesand addressesdisagreements to facilitatemutually beneficial solutions.Identifies key stakeholdersand engages their support.Focuses on the desiredobjectives and ensuresnegotiations remain on track.

 Approaches negotiationswith a strong grasp of thekey issues. Presents aconvincing and balancedrationale. Focuses on the

way in which the message isdelivered, and usestechniques to illustrate theargument persuasively.

 Anticipates the position of the other party, and is awareof the extent of potential for compromise. Acknowledgesand addressesdisagreements to facilitatemutually beneficial solutions.Identifies key stakeholdersand engages their support .Focuses on the desiredobjectives and ensuresnegotiations remain on track.

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. Individual profiles

Executive Level 1 profile

Shapesstrategic thinking


Cultivates productiveworking relationships

Exemplifies personaldrive and integrity

Communicates withinfluence

Inspires a sense of purpose

and direction

Provides direction to othersregarding the purpose andimportance of their work.Illustrates the relationshipbetween operational tasks andorganisational goals. Sets worktasks that align with the strategicobjectives and communicatesexpected outcomes.

Focuses strategically

Understands the organisation'sobjectives and aligns operationalactivities accordingly. Considers

the ramifications of issues andlonger-term impact of own workand work area.

Harnesses information andopportunities

Gathers and investigatesinformation from a variety of sources, and explores new ideasand different viewpoints. Probesinformation and identifies anycritical gaps. Maintains anawareness of the organisation,monitors the context in which theorganisation operates and findsout about best practiceapproaches.

Shows judgment, intelligenceand commonsense

Undertakes objective, systematicanalysis and draws accurateconclusions based on evidence.Recognises the links betweeninterconnected issues. Breaksthrough problems and weighs upthe options to identify solutions.Explores possibilities andinnovative alternatives.

Builds organisational

capability and responsiveness

Reviews project performanceand focuses on identifyingopportunities for continuousimprovement. Identifies keytalent to support performance.Remains flexible and responsiveto changes in requirements.

Marshals professionalexpertise

Values specialist expertise andcapitalises on the expertknowledge and skills of others.Contributes own expertise to

achieve outcomes for thebusiness unit.

Steers and implements changeand deals with uncertainty

Establishes clear plans andtimeframes for projectimplementation and outlinesspecific activities. Responds in apositive and flexible manner tochange and uncertainty. Sharesinformation with others andassists them to adapt.

Ensures closure and deliverson intended results

Sees projects through tocompletion. Monitors projectprogress and adjusts plans asrequired. Commits to achievingquality outcomes and ensuresdocumentation procedures aremaintained. Seeks feedbackfrom stakeholders to gaugesatisfaction.

Nurtures internal and external


Builds and sustains relationshipswith a network of key peopleinternally and externally.Proactively offers assistance for a mutually beneficial relationship.

 Anticipates and is responsive tointernal and external clientneeds.

Facilitates cooperation andpartnerships

Involves people, encouragesthem and recognises their contribution. Consults and shares

information and ensures othersare kept informed of issues.Works collaboratively andoperates as an effective teammember.

Values individual differencesand diversity

Recognises the positive benefitsthat can be gained from diversityand encourages the explorationof diverse views. Harnessesunderstanding of differences toenhance interactions.Recognises the different workingstyles of individuals, and tries tosee things from differentperspectives.

Guides, mentors and developspeople

Identifies learning opportunitiesfor others and empowers themby delegating tasks. Agrees clear performance standards and givestimely praise and recognition.Makes time for people and offersfull support when required.Delivers constructive, objectivefeedback in a manner that gainsacceptance and achieves

resolution. Deals with under-performance promptly.

Demonstrates public service

professionalism and probity

 Adopts a principled approachand adheres to the APS Valuesand Code of Conduct. Actsprofessionally and impartially atall times and operates within theboundaries of organisationalprocesses and legal and publicpolicy constraints. Operates asan effective representative of theorganisation in public andinternal forums.

Engages with risk and showspersonal courage

Provides impartial and forthrightadvice. Challenges importantissues constructively, and standsby own position whenchallenged. Acknowledgesmistakes and learns from them,and seeks guidance and advicewhen required.

Commits to action

Takes personal responsibility for meeting objectives andprogressing work. Showsinitiative and proactively steps inand does what is required.Commits energy and drive to seethat goals are achieved.

Displays resilience

Persists and focuses onachieving objectives even indifficult circumstances. Remainspositive and responds topressure in a controlled manner.Continues to move forwarddespite criticism or setbacks.

Demonstrates self awarenessand a commitment to personaldevelopment

Self-evaluates performance and

seeks feedback from others.Communicates and acts onstrengths and developmentneeds. Reflects on ownbehaviour and recognises theimpact on others. Shows strongcommitment to learning and self-development, and acceptschallenging new opportunities.

Communicates clearly

Confidently presents messagesin a clear, concise and articulatemanner. Focuses on key pointsand uses appropriate,unambiguous language. Selectsthe most appropriate medium for conveying information andstructures written and oralcommunication to ensure clarity.

Listens, understands andadapts to audience

Seeks to understand theaudience and tailorscommunication style and

message accordingly. Listenscarefully to others and checks toensure their views have beenunderstood. Checks ownunderstanding of others’comments and does not allowmisunderstandings to linger.

Negotiates persuasively

 Approaches negotiations with astrong grasp of the key issues,having prepared in advance.Understands the desiredobjectives and associatedstrengths and weaknesses.

 Anticipates the position of theother party, and framesarguments accordingly.Encourages the support of relevant stakeholders. Strives toachieve an outcome that deliversbenefits for both parties.

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Executive Level 2 profile

Shapesstrategic thinking


Cultivates productiveworking relationships

Exemplifies personaldrive and integrity

Communicates withinfluence

Inspires a sense of purposeand direction

Translates the strategy intooperational goals and creates ashared sense of purpose withinthe business unit. Engagesothers in the strategic direction of the work area, encourages their contribution and communicatesexpected outcomes.

Focuses strategically

Understands the organisation'sobjectives and links between thebusiness unit, organisation andthe whole of governmentagenda. Considers theramifications of a wide range of 

issues, anticipates priorities anddevelops long-term plans for ownwork area.

Harnesses information andopportunities

Gathers and investigatesinformation from a variety of sources, and explores new ideasand different viewpoints. Probesinformation and identifies anycritical gaps. Maintains anawareness of the organisation,looks for recent developmentsthat may impact on own businessarea and finds out about best

practice approaches.

Shows judgment, intelligenceand commonsense

Undertakes objective, criticalanalysis and distils the coreissues. Presents logicalarguments and draws accurateconclusions. Anticipates andseeks to minimise risks. Breaksthrough problems and weighs upthe options to identify solutions.Explores possibilities andcreative alternatives.

Builds organisationalcapability and responsiveness

Evaluates ongoing projectperformance and identifiescritical success factors. Instigatescontinuous improvementactivities. Responds flexibly tochanging demands. Builds teamswith complementary skills andallocates resources in a manner that delivers results.

Marshals professionalexpertise

Values specialist expertise andcapitalises on the knowledgewithin the organisation as well asconsulting externally as

appropriate. Manages contracts judiciously. Contributes ownexpertise to achieve outcomesfor the business unit.

Steers and implements changeand deals with uncertainty

Establishes clear plans andtimeframes for projectimplementation and outlinesspecific activities. Responds in apositive and flexible manner tochange and uncertainty. Sharesinformation with others andassists them to adapt.

Ensures closure and deliverson intended results

Strives to achieve andencourages others to do thesame. Monitors progress andidentifies risks that may impacton outcomes. Adjusts plans asrequired. Commits to achievingquality outcomes and ensuresdocumentation procedures aremaintained. Seeks feedback fromstakeholders to gaugesatisfaction.

Nurtures internal and externalrelationships

Builds and sustains relationshipswith a network of key peopleinternally and externally.Recognises shared agendas andworks toward mutually beneficialoutcomes. Anticipates and isresponsive to internal andexternal client needs.

Facilitates cooperation andpartnerships

Brings people together andencourages input from keystakeholders. Finds opportunitiesto share information and ensuresthat others are kept informed of 

issues. Fosters teamwork andrewards cooperative andcollaborative behaviour.Resolves conflict usingappropriate strategies.

Values individual differencesand diversity

Recognises the positive benefitsthat can be gained from diversityand encourages the explorationof diverse views. Harnessesunderstanding of differences toanticipate reactions and enhanceinteractions. Recognises thedifferent working styles of 

individuals, and tries to seethings from differentperspectives.

Guides, mentors and developspeople

Encourages and motivatespeople to engage in continuouslearning, and empowers them bydelegating tasks. Agrees clear performance standards and givestimely praise and recognition.Makes time for people and offersfull support when required.Delivers constructive feedback ina manner that gains acceptance

and achieves resolution. Dealswith under-performancepromptly.

Demonstrates public serviceprofessionalism and probity

 Adopts a principled approachand adheres to the APS Valuesand Code of Conduct. Actsprofessionally and impartially atall times and operates within theboundaries of organisationalprocesses and legal and publicpolicy constraints. Operates asan effective representative of theorganisation in public andinternal forums.

Engages with risk and showspersonal courage

Provides impartial and forthrightadvice. Challenges important

issues constructively, stands byown position and supports otherswhen required. Acknowledgesmistakes and learns from them,and seeks guidance and advicewhen required.

Commits to action

Takes personal responsibility for meeting objectives andprogressing work. Showsinitiative and proactively steps inand does what is required.Commits energy and drive to seethat goals are achieved.

Displays resilience

Persists and focuses onachieving objectives even indifficult circumstances. Remainspositive and responds topressure in a controlled manner.Maintains momentum andsustains effort despite criticism or setbacks.

Demonstrates self awarenessand a commitment to personaldevelopment

Critically analyses ownperformance and seeks feedback

from others. Confidentlycommunicates strengths andacknowledges developmentneeds. Acts on negativefeedback to improveperformance. Reflects on ownbehaviour and recognises theimpact on others. Shows strongcommitment to learning and self-development, and embraceschallenging new opportunities.

Communicates clearly

Confidently presents messagesin a clear, concise and articulatemanner. Translates informationfor others, focusing on key pointsand using appropriate,unambiguous language. Selectsthe most appropriate medium for conveying information andstructures written and oralcommunication to ensure clarity.

Listens, understands andadapts to audience

Seeks to understand theaudience and tailorscommunication style andmessage accordingly. Listens

carefully to others and checks toensure their views have beenunderstood. Anticipates reactionsand is prepared to respond.Checks own understanding of others’ comments and does notallow misunderstandings tolinger.

Negotiates persuasively

 Approaches negotiations with astrong grasp of the key issues,having prepared well in advance.Understands the desiredobjectives and associatedstrengths and weaknesses.

 Anticipates the position of theother party, and adapts approachaccordingly. Encourages thesupport of relevant stakeholders.Encourages debate and identifiescommon ground to facilitateagreement and acceptance of mutually beneficial solutions.

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SES Band 1 profile

Shapesstrategic thinking


Cultivates productiveworking relationships

Exemplifies personaldrive and integrity

Communicates withinfluence

Inspires a sense of purposeand direction

Develops the strategic direction

for the business unit and createsa shared sense of purpose bydemonstrating how elements of the strategy fit together andcontribute to higher-level goals.Encourages others’ input andcommunicates required actionsand expected outcomes.

Focuses strategically

Understands the organisation'sdirection and role withingovernment and societyincluding the whole of government agenda. Considersmultiple perspectives when

assessing the ramifications of issues. Develops plans thataddress both current and likelyfuture requirements. Seeks toalign business unit activities withstrategic priorities.

Harnesses information andopportunities

Draws on information andalternative viewpoints andmonitors information channels tounderstand new issues of importance to the government.Monitors change in theenvironment. Seizesopportunities and adjustsapproach to respond to threats.

 Addresses any criticalinformation gaps. Usesknowledge of the organisation toprovide a context for others.

Shows judgment, intelligenceand commonsense

 Applies intellect and knowledgeto weigh up complex informationand identify critical factors andissues. Works effectively whenall of the information is notavailable. Explores the options in

full and makes sound decisionsunder pressure. Considersopportunities and anticipatesrisk. Applies lateral thinking andidentifies innovative solutions.

Builds organisationalcapability and responsiveness

Investigates ways to improve

effectiveness by harnessingtechnology and implementingcontinuous improvementactivities. Builds teams withcomplementary skills andengages in succession planning.Responds flexibly to changingcircumstances, deploysresources astutely and identifiesoptimum resourcingcombinations. Creates a flexibleenvironment that enables othersto meet changing demands.

Marshals professionalexpertise

Integrates professional expertiseinto the organisation to improveoverall performance and deliveryof business unit outcomes.Manages contracts judiciously.

 Actively ensures relevantprofessional input from others isobtained and shares ownexperience.

Steers and implements changeand deals with uncertainty

 Adopts a planned approach tothe management of programs.Defines high-level objectives andsupports translation intoimplementation strategies.Operates effectively in anenvironment of ongoing changeand uncertainty and maintainsflexibility. Actively ensuresstakeholders are kept informedduring times of change.

Ensures closure and deliverson intended results

Drives a culture of achievement.Ensures ideas and intendedactions become reality and thatplanned projects result inexpected outputs. Strives for 

quality, and ensures compliancewith regulatory requirements.Puts systems in place toestablish and measureaccountabilities. Manages risksthat may impede on projectoutcomes and ensures that keystakeholders are across allrelevant issues.

Nurtures internal and externalrelationships

Builds and sustains relationships

within the organisation, with theMinister's office, across the APSand with a diverse range of external stakeholders. Looks for shared agendas and uses theseto bring people together. Showsa commitment to client servicethrough own actions and those of the business unit.

Facilitates cooperation andpartnerships

Brings people together andencourages input from keystakeholders. Facilitatescooperation within and between

organisations. Promotes thereciprocal sharing of informationto build knowledge. Fostersteamwork and rewardscooperative and collaborativebehaviour. Resolves conflict andmanages the sensitivitiesinvolved.

Values individual differencesand diversity

Recognises the positive benefitsthat can be gained from diversityand capitalises on these for thebenefit of the business unit.Harnesses understanding of differences to anticipatereactions and enhanceinteractions. Recognises thedifferent working styles of individuals, and tries to seethings from differentperspectives.

Guides, mentors and developspeople

Encourages and motivatespeople to engage in continuouslearning, and empowers them bydelegating responsibility for work.Sets clear performance

standards and gives timely praiseand recognition. Makes time for people and offers full supportwhen required. Deliversconstructive feedback andmanages under-performance.Offers support in time of highpressure and engages inactivities to maintain morale.

Demonstrates public serviceprofessionalism and probity

 Adheres to and promotes the

 APS Values and Code of Conduct and acts with utmostintegrity and professionalism.Encourages these standards inothers. Operates professionallyand within the boundaries of organisational processes andlegal and public policyconstraints. Represents theorganisation effectively in publicand internal forums, andadvocates the corporate agenda.

Engages with risk and showspersonal courage

Provides impartial and forthright

advice. Is prepared to maketough corporate decisions toachieve desired outcomes.Challenges and encouragesdebate on difficult or controversial issues. Stands byown position and supports otherswhen required. Takesresponsibility for mistakes andlearns from them. Seeksguidance and advice whenrequired.

Commits to action

Commits to achieving keyoutcomes for the organisation.Demonstrates personal drive,focus and energy. Galvanisesothers to act. Acts decisively andinitiates urgent action toovercome difficult problems.

Displays resilience

Persists with, and focuses onachieving, organisationalobjectives even in difficultcircumstances. Monitors ownemotional reactions andresponds to pressure in acontrolled manner. Displays apositive outlook and maintains

momentum in difficult situations.Demonstrates self awarenessand a commitment to personaldevelopment

Examines own performance andregularly seeks feedback fromothers. Confidently promotesareas of strength, acknowledgesdevelopment needs andproactively identifies relatedlearning opportunities to extendskills and experience. Reflects onown behaviour and recognisesthe impact on others.

Communicates clearly

Confidently presents messagesin a clear, concise and articulate

manner. Focuses on key pointsfor the audience and usesappropriate, unambiguouslanguage, and explains theimplications and ensures theconclusion is clearly conveyed.Selects the most appropriatemedium for conveyinginformation and structures writtenand oral communication toensure clarity.

Listens, understands andadapts to audience

Seeks to understand theaudience and tailors

communication style andmessage accordingly. Listenscarefully to others and checks toensure their views have beenunderstood. Anticipates reactionsand prepares a response toaddress the audience’sconcerns. Checks ownunderstanding of others’comments and does not allowmisunderstandings to linger.

Negotiates persuasively

 Approaches negotiations with astrong grasp of the key issues.Presents a convincing andbalanced rationale. Anticipatesthe position of the other party,and is aware of the extent of potential for compromise.

 Acknowledges and addressesdisagreements to facilitatemutually beneficial solutions.Encourages the support of relevant stakeholders. Focuseson the desired objectives andensures negotiations remain ontrack.

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SES Band 2 profile

Shapesstrategic thinking


Cultivates productiveworking relationships

Exemplifies personaldrive and integrity

Communicates withinfluence

Inspires a sense of purposeand direction

Champions the organisation'svision and goals and promotes ashared commitment to thestrategic direction. Helps createorganisational strategies that arealigned with governmentobjectives and likely futurerequirements. Encouragesothers’ input and communicatesexpected outcomes fromorganisational strategies.

Focuses strategically

Understands the organisation'srole within society and considersmultiple perspectives when

assessing the ramifications of key issues on the organisationand community. Provides adviceto government that reflectsanalysis of a broad range of issues and the whole of government agenda. Considersemerging trends, identifies long-term opportunities and alignsorganisational operations withstrategic priorities.

Harnesses information andopportunities

Draws on information andalternative viewpoints and

monitors information channels tounderstand new issues of importance to the government.Monitors change in theenvironment. Positions theorganisation to seizeopportunities and minimisethreats. Addresses any criticalinformation gaps. Usesknowledge of the organisation totailor approaches to differentissues.

Shows judgment, intelligenceand commonsense

 Applies intellect and knowledge

to weigh up information andidentify critical factors andissues. Demonstrates effective

 judgement to weigh up optionsand develop realistic solutions.

 Anticipates risks, addressesthem quickly and helps others torecognise them. Capitalises oninnovative alternatives to resolvecomplex problems.

Builds organisationalcapability and responsiveness

Focuses on activities that supportorganisational sustainability.Nurtures talent and engages insuccession planning. Facilitatesinformation accessibility andsharing. Looks for ways toimprove effectiveness byharnessing technology andimplementing continuousimprovement activities. Monitorsand manages resourcingpressures for optimum outcomes.Creates a flexible environmentthat enables others to meetchanging demands.

Marshals professional


Integrates professional expertiseinto the organisation to improveoverall performance and deliveryof organisational outcomes.Manages contracts judiciously.

 Actively ensures relevantprofessional input from others isobtained and shares ownexperience.

Steers and implements changeand deals with uncertainty

Oversees the implementation of multiple change initiatives with a

focus on the desired outcomes.Defines high-level objectives andensures translation into practicalimplementation strategies.Operates effectively in anenvironment of ongoing changeand uncertainty and maintainsflexibility. Actively ensuresstakeholders are kept informedduring times of change.

Ensures closure and deliverson intended results

Drives a culture of achievement,and fosters a quality focus in theorganisation. Ensures ideas and

intended actions become realityand that planned projects resultin expected outputs. Enables theachievement of outcomes byidentifying and removingpotential barriers to success.Keeps stakeholders informed of progress and any issues thatarise.

Nurtures internal and externalrelationships

Builds and sustains relationshipswithin the organisation, with theMinister's office, across the APSand with a diverse range of external stakeholders.Encourages stakeholders to worktogether, and establishes cross-agency approaches to addressissues. Shows a commitment toclient service through ownactions and those of theorganisation.

Facilitates cooperation andpartnerships

Consults broadly to obtain buy-in.

Draws on the knowledge of keystakeholders within and outsidethe organisation and facilitatescooperation by sharinginformation. Promotesinformation exchange bymaintaining open communicationchannels. Personally manifestsstrong interpersonal relations andrewards cooperative andcollaborative behaviour.

 Anticipates and resolves conflict.

Values individual differencesand diversity

Capitalises on the positive

benefits that can be gained fromdiversity and harnesses differentviewpoints. Uses understandingof differences to anticipatereactions and enhance theoperation of the organisation.Recognises the different workingstyles of individuals, anticipatesreactions and tries to see thingsfrom different perspectives.

Guides, mentors and developspeople

Identifies and develops talent.Encourages and motivatespeople to engage in continuous

learning, and empowers them bydelegating responsibility for work.Sets clear performancestandards and gives timely praiseand recognition. Makes time for people and offers full supportwhen required. Deliversconstructive feedback andmanages under-performance.Offers support in times of highpressure. Celebrates successand engages in activities tomaintain morale.

Demonstrates public serviceprofessionalism and probity

 Adheres to and promotes the APS Values and Code of Conduct and aligns businessprocesses accordingly.

 Addresses breaches of protocoland probity. Operatesprofessionally and within theboundaries of organisationalprocesses and legal and publicpolicy constraints. Representsthe organisation effectively inpublic and internal forums, andadvocates the corporate agenda.

Engages with risk and showspersonal courage

Provides impartial and forthrightadvice. Is prepared to maketough corporate decisions toachieve desired outcomes.Clearly voices own opinion andchallenges difficult or controversial issues. Stands byown position and supports otherswhen required. Takesresponsibility for mistakes andlearns from them. Seeksguidance and advice whenrequired.

Commits to action

Commits to achieving key

outcomes for the organisationand uses personal drive, focusand energy to enthuse others.Galvanises others to act. Actsdecisively and initiates urgentaction to overcome difficultproblems.

Displays resilience

Persists and focuses onachieving organisationalobjectives even in difficultcircumstances. Monitors ownemotional reactions andresponds to pressure in acontrolled manner. Overcomes

obstacles and rapidly recoversfrom setbacks. Displays apositive outlook in difficultsituations.

Demonstrates self awarenessand a commitment to personaldevelopment

Has a high level of self-awareness and acknowledgesareas of both strength andlimitation. Confidently promotesareas of strength and proactivelyidentifies learning opportunitiesto extend skills and experience.

Reflects on the impact of ownbehaviour on others and isresponsive in adjustingbehaviour.

Communicates clearly

Confidently presents messagesin a clear, concise and articulatemanner. Focuses on key pointsfor the audience and states thefacts. Structures message for brevity and presents messagewith precision and confidence,harnessing the most appropriatemethods of communication.Creates meaning for theaudience by using analogies andstories to illustrate key points.

Listens, understands andadapts to audience

Seeks to understand theaudience and adapts

communication style andmessage to meet their needs.Listens carefully to others andensures their views have beenunderstood. Anticipates reactionsand prepares a response toaddress the audience’sconcerns. Checks ownunderstanding of others’comments and does not allowmisunderstandings to linger.

Negotiates persuasively

 Approaches negotiations with astrong grasp of the key issues.Presents a convincing and

balanced rationale. Focuses onthe way in which the message isdelivered, and uses techniquesto illustrate the argumentpersuasively. Anticipates theposition of the other party, and isaware of the extent of potentialfor compromise. Acknowledgesand addresses disagreements tofacilitate mutually beneficialsolutions. Identifies keystakeholders and engages their support. Focuses on the desiredobjectives and ensuresnegotiations remain on track.

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SES Band 3 profile

Shapesstrategic thinking


Cultivates productiveworking relationships

Exemplifies personaldrive and integrity

Communicates withinfluence

Inspires a sense of purposeand direction

Champions the organisation'svision and goals and unifiesbusiness units with the strategicdirection. Helps createorganisational strategies that arealigned with governmentobjectives and likely futurerequirements. Encouragesothers’ input and communicatesexpected outcomes fromorganisational strategies.

Focuses strategically

Understands the organisation'scurrent and potential future rolewithin society. Considers multiple

perspectives when assessing theramifications of key issues anddevelops solutions with long-termviability for the organisation andsociety. Provides advice togovernment that reflects analysisof a broad range of issues.Considers emerging trends,identifies long-term opportunitiesand balances organisationalrequirements with desired wholeof government outcomes.

Harnesses information andopportunities

Draws on information and

alternative viewpoints andmonitors information channels tounderstand new issues of importance to the government.Monitors change in theenvironment. Positions theorganisation to seizeopportunities and minimisethreats. Addresses any criticalinformation gaps. Usesknowledge of the organisation totailor approaches to differentissues. Recognises theopportunities offered throughwhole of government approachesand seeks to realise them.

Shows judgment, intelligenceand commonsense

Engages in high-level criticalthinking to identify links anddiscern the critical issues.Identifies the implications for theorganisation and applieseffective judgement to developsolutions. Anticipates long-termand strategic risks, addressesthem quickly and helps others torecognise them. Capitalises oninnovative alternatives to resolvecomplex problems.

Builds organisationalcapability and responsiveness

Focuses on activities that supportorganisational sustainability.Nurtures talent and engages insuccession planning. Facilitatesinformation accessibility andsharing. Seeks operationalefficiency and streamlines andadapts processes. Investigatesways to improve effectiveness byharnessing technology andimplementing continuousimprovement activities. Engagesin flexible resource managementand looks beyond theorganisation’s boundaries toachieve the optimum resourcingcombination.

Marshals professionalexpertise

Integrates professional expertiseinto the organisation to improveoverall performance and deliveryof organisational outcomes.Manages contracts judiciously.

 Actively ensures relevantprofessional input from others isobtained and shares ownexperience.

Steers and implements changeand deals with uncertainty

Drives the change agenda,defines high-level objectives andensures translation into practicalimplementation strategies.Coordinates projects acrossmultiple agencies. Recognisesthe constant nature of changeand maintains flexibility. Securesstakeholder commitment tochange and maintains opencommunication channels duringthe change process.

Ensures closure and deliverson intended results

Drives a culture of achievement,

and fosters a quality focus in theorganisation. Ensures ideas andintended actions become realityand that planned projects resultin expected outputs. Enables theachievement of outcomes byidentifying and removingpotential barriers to success.Keeps stakeholders informed of progress and any issues thatarise.

Nurtures internal and externalrelationships

Builds and sustains relationshipsthat provide a rich intelligencenetwork. Establishes an effectiveworking relationship with theMinister. Encouragesstakeholders to work together,and establishes cross-agencyapproaches to address issues.Shows a commitment to clientservice through own actions andthose of the organisation.

Facilitates cooperation andpartnerships

Consults broadly to obtain buy-in,recognises when input is

required. Communicates theimportance of consultation withstakeholders to others.Overcomes organisational silosby facilitating cooperationbetween organisations. Engagesthe Minister’s office on keyissues. Personally manifestsstrong interpersonal relations andrewards cooperative andcollaborative behaviour.

 Anticipates and resolves conflict.

Values individual differencesand diversity

Communicates the value of 

harnessing diversity for theorganisation. Capitalises on thepositive benefits that can begained from diversity andharnesses different viewpoints.Uses understanding of differences to anticipatereactions and enhance theoperation of the organisation.Recognises the different workingstyles of individuals, anticipatesreactions and tries to see thingsfrom different perspectives.

Guides, mentors and developspeople

Identifies and develops talent.Encourages and motivatespeople to engage in continuouslearning, and empowers them bydelegating responsibility for work.Sets clear performancestandards and gives timely praiseand recognition. Makes time for people and offers full supportwhen required. Deliversconstructive feedback andmanages under-performance.Offers support in time of highpressure. Celebrates successand engages in activities tomaintain morale.

Demonstrates public serviceprofessionalism and probity

 Adheres to and promotes the APS Values and Code of Conduct and aligns businessprocesses accordingly.

 Addresses breaches of protocoland probity. Operatesprofessionally and within theboundaries of organisationalprocesses and legal and publicpolicy constraints. Representsthe organisation effectively inpublic and internal forums, andadvocates the corporate agenda.

Engages with risk and showspersonal courage

 Acts as a role model for leadership courage byconsistently raising critical anddifficult issues. Provides impartialand forthright advice. Is preparedto make tough corporatedecisions to achieve desiredoutcomes. Accepts accountabilityfor mistakes made in theorganisation and ensurescorrective action is taken. Seeksguidance and advice whenrequired.

Commits to action

 Acts decisively to ensure

strategies are implemented andissues are addressed.Demonstrates personal drive,focus and energy. Galvanisesothers to act. Commits to gettingthe job done. Maintains controland initiates urgent action toresolve issues when required.

Displays resilience

Persists and focuses onachieving organisationalobjectives throughout periods of extreme pressure. Monitors ownemotional reactions andresponds to pressure in a

controlled manner. Retains focuson the end goal and overcomessignificant barriers and obstacles.Rapidly recovers from setbacks.Displays a positive outlook indifficult situations.

Demonstrates self awarenessand a commitment to personaldevelopment

Demonstrates a high level of self-awareness and acts as a rolemodel by openly communicatingstrengths and developmentneeds. Uses self-insight to

identify areas in which owncapabilities complement other people’s. Is open to feedbackand is responsive in adjustingbehaviour. Strives for continuallearning.

Communicates clearly

Confidently presents messagesin a clear and articulate manner.Focuses on key points for theaudience and selects the mostappropriate medium for conveying information. States thefacts and uses straightforwardlanguage to aid transparency.Creates meaning for theaudience by using analogies andstories to illustrate key points.

Listens, understands andadapts to audience

Seeks to understand theaudience and reads their non-verbal cues. Adapts

communication style andmessage to meet their needs.Listens carefully to others andensures their views have beenunderstood. Anticipates reactionsand prepares a response toaddress the audience’sconcerns. Checks ownunderstanding of others’comments and does not allowmisunderstandings to linger.

Negotiates persuasively

 Approaches negotiations with astrong grasp of the key issues.Presents a convincing and

balanced rationale. Focuses onthe way in which the message isdelivered, and uses techniquesto illustrate the argumentpersuasively. Anticipates theposition of the other party, and isaware of the extent of potentialfor compromise. Acknowledgesand addresses disagreements tofacilitate mutually beneficialsolutions. Identifies keystakeholders and engages their support. Focuses on the desiredobjectives and ensuresnegotiations remain on track.

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Support tools

We have developed a number of tools to assist individuals,

leaders and HR practitioners to apply the descriptions and

behaviours described in the Leadership Pathway. The tools form

another significant component of the System.

 All components of the System have been designed for flexible

application. Agencies and individuals will select those tools that

suit their requirements, adjusting as required to meet their 

particular contexts.

The tools are listed below and each is discussed in detail in the

following pages.

4.1 comparative view of the Leadership Pathway

4.2 layers of complexity

4.3 critical transition points

4.4 individual profiles of the Leadership Pathway

4.5 self assessment tools

4.6 development methods and options

4.7 mapping for individuals.

Page 23

‘Culture and 

capability can be“make or break” 

factors for effective

whole of government 


(Connecting Government:

Whole of government 

responses to Australia’s

 priority challenges,

Management Advisory 

Committee Report, 2004)

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. Comparative view of the Pathway: Detailed information

The comparative view of the Leadership Pathway scans across

the levels from EL1 to SES B3 and describes the behaviours,

and the changes in capability at each level. Those capabilities

where new behaviours have been introduced are shown in bold,

while a more complex application of the behaviour is shown in


This tool is highly versatile for individuals and is particularly

useful in guiding leadership capability development for:

x those who are aspiring to leadership positions at executive

and senior executive levels

x those transitioning to the next level, or to a new role

x those who want to be more effective at their current level

HR practitioners will use this tool to:

x coordinate leadership development opportunities

x workforce plan

x understand bench strength

x support individuals in career planning.

The most significant changes in capabilities across the levels are

found in:

x Shapes strategic thinking

x  Achieves results

x Cultivates productive working relationships.



frameworks are an

integral part of the



 process in both the

 public and private


(Corporate LeadershipCouncil: Development and 

application of leadership

capability frameworks, 2001)

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Shapes strategic thinking

Inspires a sense of purpose and direction


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Provides direction to othersregarding the purpose andimportance of their work.Illustrates the relationshipbetween operational tasksand organisational goals.Sets work tasks that alignwith the strategicobjectives andcommunicates expectedoutcomes.

Translates the strategy intooperational goals and creates a shared sense of 

 purpose within thebusiness unit. Engagesothers in the strategicdirection of the work area,encourages their contribution andcommunicates expectedoutcomes.

Develops the strategic direction for the businessunit and creates a sharedsense of purpose bydemonstrating how elements of the strategy fit together and contribute tohigher-level goals.Encourages others’ inputand communicatesrequired actions andexpected outcomes.

Champions theorganisation's vision and 

goals and promotes ashared commitment to thestrategic direction. Helpscreate organisational strategies that are aligned with government objectivesand likely futurerequirements. Encouragesothers’ input andcommunicates expectedoutcomes fromorganisational strategies.

Champions the

organisation's vision andgoals and unifies businessunits with the strategicdirection. Helps createorganisational strategiesthat are aligned withgovernment objectives andlikely future requirements.Encourages others’ inputand communicatesexpected outcomes fromorganisational strategies.

* Encourages others toprovide input and commenton the strategic direction of the business unit.

* Engages others in the

organisation's vision andencourages comment;articulates the need for action.

* Champions the vision

and communicates the wayforward; encouragesothers’ input to strategicplans.

* Champions the vision

and communicates the wayforward; encouragesothers’ input to strategicplans.

* Communicates withothers regarding thepurpose of their work andthe relationship betweenoperational activities andorganisational goals.

* Communicates withothers regarding thepurpose of their work andthe relationship betweenwork unit objectives andorganisational goals.

* Establishes the strategicgoals for the business unit;communicates linksbetween governmentpolicy, organisational goalsand the work of the unit.

* Contributes to thedevelopment of organisational strategiesthat are linked withgovernment objectives andare focused on the future;shares this vision withothers.

* Contributes to thedevelopment of organisational strategiesthat are linked withgovernment objectives andare focused on the future;cascades this visionthrough the organisation.

* Translates high-levelgoals and outcomes intoappropriate tasks for others.

* Builds a shared sense of purpose and direction;translates the vision intoshorter-term goals andobjectives.

* Builds a shared sense of purpose and direction bydemonstrating howelements of the strategy fittogether.

* Builds a shared sense of purpose and direction byexplaining the vision—whyit has been developed andhow elements of thestrategy fit together.

* Builds a sense of shared

purpose and direction byactively promoting thevision and creatingalignment betweenorganisational units andstrategy.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Conveys expectationsregarding outcomes andthe timely achievement of objectives.

* Frames objectives in ameaningful way andcommunicatesexpectations of their achievement.

* Promotes the vision andstrategy by communicatingexpectations anddescribing likely outcomesand benefits.

* Steers the vision throughthe organisation;communicates theparameters andexpectations surroundingthe strategy.

* Steers the vision throughthe organisation;communicates theparameters andexpectations surroundingthe strategy.

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Shapes strategic thinking

Focuses strategically


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Understands theorganisation's objectivesand aligns operationalactivities accordingly.Considers the ramificationsof issues and longer-term

impact of own work andwork area.

Understands theorganisation's objectivesand links between thebusiness unit, organisationand the whole of government agenda.Considers the ramificationsof a wide range of issues,anticipates priorities and

develops long-term plansfor own work area.

Understands theorganisation's direction androle within government andsociety including the wholeof government agenda.Considers multiple

 perspectives whenassessing the ramificationsof issues. Develops plansthat address both currentand likely futurerequirements. Seeks toalign business unit

activities with strategicpriorities.

Understands theorganisation's role withinsociety and considers

multiple perspectives whenassessing the ramificationsof key issues on theorganisation and community . Providesadvice to governmentthat reflects analysis of abroad range of issuesand the whole of government agenda.Considers emergingtrends, identifies long-term opportunities andaligns organisational 

operations with strategic  priorities.

Understands theorganisation's current and

 potential future role withinsociety. Considers multiple

perspectives whenassessing the ramificationsof key issues anddevelops solutions withlong-term viability for theorganisation and society.Provides advice togovernment that reflectsanalysis of a broad rangeof issues. Considersemerging trends, identifieslong-term opportunities andbalances organisationalrequirements with

desired whole of government outcomes.

* Applies a broad view thatbalances organisationalrequirements with desiredwhole of governmentoutcomes.

* Positions advice togovernment in a broadcontext, with reference tostakeholder interests andthe whole of governmentagenda.

* Positions advice togovernment in a broadcontext, with reference tostakeholder interests andthe whole of governmentagenda.

* Focuses on the futureand pursues strategicalignment of actions withinthe business unit.

* Focuses on the futureand aligns businessoperations with corporatestrategies and priorities.

* Focuses on the futureand seeks to improve theorganisation’s ongoingcapacity to deliver outcomes for society.

* Demonstrates anawareness of theimplications of issues for own work and work area.

* Considers a wide rangeof issues and their implications for thebusiness unit.

* Considers multipleperspectives whencontemplating the impactkey issues may have onthe business unit.

* Considers multipleperspectives whencontemplating the impactkey issues may have onthe organisation and wider community.

* Considers multipleperspectives whencontemplating the impact of key issues and developssolutions with considerationof their long-term viabilityfor the organisation andcommunity.

* Thinks about the futureand considers the longer-term implications of ownwork.

* Thinks about the future;develops long-term plansand anticipates likelypriorities.

* Thinks about the future;develops plans thatbalance potential futureneeds with immediaterequirements.

* Thinks conceptually aboutlong-term opportunities andcontemplates a wide rangeof strategic options inconjunction with emergingtrends.

* Thinks conceptually aboutlong-term opportunities andcontemplates a wide rangeof strategic options inconjunction with emergingtrends.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Understands the strategicobjectives of theorganisation and develops

work plans accordingly.

* Understands theorganisation’s direction andhow the work of ownbusiness area fits into theorganisation, wider community and whole of 

government agenda.

* Understands theorganisation’s direction andhow the work of ownbusiness area fits into theorganisation, wider community and whole of 

government agenda.

* Conceptualises the role of the organisation in societyand considers community


* Conceptualises the role of the organisation in societyand considers community


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Shapes strategic thinking

Harnesses information and opportunities


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n Gathers and investigates

information from a varietyof sources, and exploresnew ideas and differentviewpoints. Probesinformation and identifiesany critical gaps. Maintainsan awareness of theorganisation, monitors thecontext in which theorganisation operates andfinds out about best

practice approaches.

Gathers and investigatesinformation from a varietyof sources, and exploresnew ideas and differentviewpoints. Probesinformation and identifiesany critical gaps. Maintainsan awareness of theorganisation, looks for recent developments that may impact on ownbusiness area and finds outabout best practice


Draws on information and alternative viewpoints and monitors informationchannels to understand new issues of importanceto the government.Monitors change in theenvironment. Seizesopportunities and adjustsapproach to respond tothreats. Addresses any critical information gaps.Uses knowledge of theorganisation to provide a

context for others.

Draws on information andalternative viewpoints andmonitors informationchannels to understandnew issues of importanceto the government.Monitors change in theenvironment. Positions theorganisation to seizeopportunities and minimisethreats. Addresses anycritical information gaps.Uses knowledge of theorganisation to tailor approaches to different


Draws on information andalternative viewpoints andmonitors informationchannels to understandnew issues of importance

to the government.Monitors change in theenvironment. Positions theorganisation to seizeopportunities and minimisethreats. Addresses anycritical information gaps.Uses knowledge of theorganisation to tailor approaches to differentissues. Recognises theopportunities offeredthrough whole of government approachesand seeks to realise


* Recognises theopportunities availablethrough whole of government and seeks torealise them.

* Understands the cultural,social, historical and politicalfactors affecting theorganisation; uses thisinformation to provide acontext for other people.

* Understands the cultural,social, historical and politicalfactors affecting theorganisation; uses thisknowledge to tailor differentapproaches to issues.

* Understands the cultural,social, historical and politicalfactors affecting theorganisation; uses thisknowledge to tailor differentapproaches to issues.

* Identifies criticalinformation gaps and asks arange of questions touncover valuableinformation.

* Identifies criticalinformation gaps and asks arange of questions touncover valuableinformation.

* Identifies criticalinformation gaps, andensures requiredinformation is obtained.

* Identifies criticalinformation gaps, andensures requiredinformation is obtained.

* Identifies criticalinformation gaps, andensures requiredinformation is obtained.

* Sources information onbest practice approachesadopted in both the publicand private sectors.

* Sources information onbest practice approachesadopted in both the publicand private sectors.

* Investigates and appliescontemporary best practiceapproaches from both publicand private organisations,nationally andinternationally.

* Investigates and appliescontemporary best practiceapproaches in both publicand private organisations,nationally andinternationally.

* Investigates and appliescontemporary best practiceapproaches in both publicand private organisations,nationally andinternationally.

* Scans the organisationalenvironment; monitors thecorporate priorities,business context andorganisational culture.

* Scans the internal andexternal environment for new trends and recentdevelopments that are likelyto affect own business area.

* Scans the internal andexternal environments; usesresulting information toadjust approach, identifythreats and seize emergingopportunities for theorganisation.

* Recognises, and is

sensitive to, changes in theinternal and externalenvironments; usesresulting information toposition the organisation tocapitalise on emergingopportunities and minimisethreats.

* Recognises, and is

sensitive to, changes in theinternal and externalenvironments; usesresulting information toposition the organisation tocapitalise on emergingopportunities and minimisethreats.


  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Gathers and investigatesinformation and alternateviewpoints from a variety of 

sources through formal andinformal means; exploresnew ideas with an openmind.

* Gathers and investigatesinformation and alternateviewpoints from a variety of 

sources through formal andinformal means; exploresnew ideas with an openmind.

* Draws on information andalternative viewpoints froma variety of sources;monitors informationchannels such as themedia, the Internet and

Hansard to understand newissues of importance to thegovernment. Explores newideas with an open mind.

* Draws on information andalternative viewpoints froma variety of sources;monitors informationchannels such as themedia, the Internet and

Hansard to understand newissues of importance to thegovernment. Explores newideas with an open mind.

* Draws on information andalternative viewpoints froma variety of sources;monitors informationchannels such as themedia, the Internet and

Hansard to understand newissues of importance to thegovernment. Explores newideas with an open mind.

Note: Bold reflects new behaviour and italics reflect more complex behaviour Page 27

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Shapes strategic thinking

Shows judgement, intelligence and commonsense


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Undertakes objective,systematic analysis anddraws accurateconclusions based onevidence. Recognises thelinks betweeninterconnected issues.Breaks through problemsand weighs up the optionsto identify solutions.Explores possibilities andinnovative alternatives.

Undertakes objective,

critical analysis and distilsthe core issues. Presentslogical arguments and draws accurateconclusions. Anticipatesand seeks to minimiserisks. Breaks throughproblems and weighs upthe options to identifysolutions. Explorespossibilities and creativealternatives.

 Applies intellect andknowledge to weigh upcomplex information andidentify critical factors and

issues. Works effectivelywhen all of theinformation is notavailable. Explores theoptions in full and makessound decisions under pressure. Considersopportunities and anticipates risk . Applieslateral thinking and identifies innovativesolutions.

 Applies intellect andknowledge to weigh upinformation and identify

critical factors and issues.Demonstrates effective

 judgement to weigh upoptions and developrealistic solutions.

 Anticipates risks,addresses them quickly and helps others torecognise them.Capitalises on innovativealternatives to resolvecomplex problems.

Engages in high-levelcritical thinking to identifylinks and discern the

critical issues. Identifiesthe implications for theorganisation and applieseffective judgement todevelop solutions.

 Anticipates long-term and strategic risks, addressesthem quickly and helpsothers to recognise them.Capitalises on innovativealternatives to resolvecomplex problems.

* Systematically analysesinformation to identifyrelationships betweenfactors.

* Distils the core issuesfrom complex informationand identifies relationshipsbetween factors.

* Quickly identifiesrelationships between

issues, synthesisescomplex information anddiscerns the keyimplications for theorganisation in the contextof government priorities.

* Quickly identifiesrelationships between

issues, synthesisescomplex information anddiscerns the keyimplications for theorganisation in the contextof government priorities.

* Engages in high-level

critical thinking to identifythe links and connectionsbetween complex issues;discerns the keyimplications for theorganisation.

* Identifies problems andassesses their significance; takesappropriate action toresolve them.

* Anticipates problems andtakes steps to minimise or prevent them; identifiesand articulates potentialrisks.

* Anticipates problems andtakes steps to minimise or prevent them; identifiesand manages risk.

* Anticipates problems andaddresses them quickly;develops strategies andthinks throughcontingencies to managerisk.

* Anticipates problems andaddresses them quickly;develops strategies andthinks throughcontingencies to managelong-term and strategicrisks.

* Checks and clarifiesinformation and avoidsunwarranted assumptions;draws accurateconclusions and presentslogical arguments.

* Draws accurateconclusions and presentslogical arguments thataddress key issues.

* Makes clear, well-reasoned and timelydecisions; balancesintuition and intellect toform effective judgements.

* Weighs up options andapplies sound judgementto develop realisticsolutions for theorganisation.

* Weighs up options andapplies sound judgementto develop realisticsolutions for theorganisation.

* Explores variouspossibilities and generatesinnovative alternatives.

* Explores variouspossibilities and generatesinnovative alternatives.

* Applies lateral andcreative thinking togenerate ideas andsolutions.

* Generates andcapitalises on innovativesolutions to effectivelyresolve complex problems.

* Generates innovativesolutions to effectivelyresolve complex problemsthat may not have beenexperienced previously.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n

   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Selects the best option

from a range of potentialsolutions; demonstrateshow recommendationssolve the key problemsidentified.

* Selects the best option

from a range of potentialsolutions; demonstrateshow recommendationssolve the key problemsidentified.

* Works effectively insituations of ambiguity andwith issues that cannot beimmediately resolved.

* Works effectively insituations of ambiguity andwith issues that cannot beimmediately resolved.

* Works effectively insituations of ambiguity andwith issues that cannot beimmediately resolved.

Note: Bold reflects new behaviour and italics reflect more complex behaviour Page 28

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Achieves results

Builds organisational capability and responsiveness


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Reviews projectperformance and focuseson identifying opportunitiesfor continuousimprovement. Identifies

key talent to supportperformance. Remainsflexible and responsive tochanges in requirements.

Evaluates ongoing project  performance and identifiescritical success factors.Instigates continuousimprovement activities.Responds flexibly tochanging demands. Buildsteams with

complementary skills andallocates resources in amanner that deliversresults.

Investigates ways toimprove effectiveness by harnessing technology andimplementing continuousimprovement activities.Builds teams withcomplementary skills andengages in successionplanning. Respondsflexibly to changingcircumstances, deploysresources astutely and identifies optimumresourcing combinations.

Creates a flexibleenvironment that enablesothers to meet changingdemands.

Focuses on activitiesthat supportorganisationalsustainability. Nurturestalent and engages insuccession planning.Facilitates informationaccessibility andsharing. Investigates waysto improve effectiveness byharnessing technology andimplementing continuousimprovement activities.Monitors and managesresourcing pressures for optimum outcomes.

Creates a flexibleenvironment that enablesothers to meet changingdemands.

Focuses on activities thatsupport organisationalsustainability. Nurturestalent and engages insuccession planning.Facilitates informationaccessibility and sharing.Seeks operational efficiency, and streamlinesand adapts processes.Investigates ways toimprove effectiveness byharnessing technology andimplementing continuousimprovement activities.Engages in flexibleresource management and 

looks beyond theorganisation’s boundariesto achieve the optimumresourcing combination.

* Creates a flexibleenvironment within thebusiness unit that enablespeople to move betweenprojects to meet changingdemands.

* Creates a flexibleorganisational environmentthat enables people tomove between projects tomeet changing demands.

* Implements strategies toachieve operationalefficiencies; integrates andstreamlines processes tomaximise effectiveness.

* Builds effective teamswith complementary skills.

* Builds effective teamswith complementary skills;

attracts and recruits talentand engages in successionplanning.

* Attracts and recruitstalent; engages insuccession planning to

nurture talent andcontribute to organisationalsustainability.

* Attracts and recruitstalent; engages insuccession planning to

nurture talent andcontribute to organisationalsustainability.

* Identifies and utilises keyindividuals who willcontribute to deliver thebest results.

* Allocates resources in aflexible manner acrosswork area to deliver thebest results for theorganisation.

* Deploys resourcesastutely; considersresource requirements,resource gaps and thecapability of individuals toensure the best result.

* Monitors resourcingpressures and implementsstrategies to ensure thebest results are obtainedfor the organisation.

* Engages in flexibleresource management;looks beyond theorganisation's boundariesto identify optimumresourcing combinations.

* Evaluates projects to

understand critical factorsfor success, and engagesin activities to achievecontinuous improvement.

* Evaluates projects andbusiness processes tounderstand critical factors

for success; engages inand encourages others tocontribute to continuousimprovement.

* Challenges the statusquo by looking for ways toimprove effectiveness;

harnesses the potential of technology andimplements continuousimprovement activities.

* Challenges the statusquo by looking for ways toimprove effectiveness;

harnesses the potential of technology andimplements continuousimprovement activities.

* Challenges the statusquo by looking for ways toimprove effectiveness;

harnesses the potential of technology andimplements continuousimprovement activities.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Responds flexibly tochanging demands whilstmaintaining sight of theend goal.

* Responds flexibly tochanging demands whilstmaintaining sight of theend goal.

* Responds flexibly andmanages resources tomeet changing demands inthe environment.

* Facilitates informationaccessibility and sharing tocreate knowledgemanagement strategies.

* Facilitates informationaccessibility and sharing tocreate knowledgemanagement strategies.

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Achieves results

Marshals professional expertise


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p

   t   i  o  n

Values specialist expertiseand capitalises on theexpert knowledge and skillsof others. Contributes ownexpertise to achieveoutcomes for the businessunit.

Values specialist expertiseand capitalises on theknowledge within the

organisation as well asconsulting externally asappropriate. Managescontracts judiciously.Contributes own expertiseto achieve outcomes for the business unit.

Integrates professional expertise into theorganisation to improveoverall performance and 

delivery of business unit outcomes. Managescontracts judiciously.

 Actively ensures relevantprofessional input fromothers is obtained andshares own experience.

Integrates professionalexpertise into theorganisation to improveoverall performance and

delivery of organisational outcomes. Managescontracts judiciously.

 Actively ensures relevantprofessional input fromothers is obtained andshares own experience.

Integrates professionalexpertise into theorganisation to improveoverall performance and

delivery of organisationaloutcomes. Managescontracts judiciously.

 Actively ensures relevantprofessional input fromothers is obtained andshares own experience.

* Strikes a balancebetween using externalexpertise and internalknowledge and experience.

* Strikes a balancebetween using externalexpertise and internalknowledge and experience.

* Strikes a balancebetween using externalexpertise and internalknowledge and experience.

* Supplements internalknowledge with technical

expertise from externalproviders and other government organisations.Manages contracts


* Supplements internalknowledge with technical

expertise from externalproviders and other government organisations.Manages contracts


* Supplements internalknowledge with technical

expertise from externalproviders and other government organisations.Manages contracts


* Supplements internalknowledge with technical

expertise from externalproviders and other government organisations.Manages contracts


* Consults internal andexternal experts; taps intotheir technical andprofessional knowledgeand experience to improvework outcomes.

* Consults internal andexternal experts; taps intotheir technical andprofessional knowledgeand experience to improvework outcomes.

* Consults internal andexternal experts; taps intotheir technical andprofessional knowledgeand experience to improveorganisational outcomes.

* Consults internal andexternal experts; taps intotheir technical andprofessional knowledgeand experience to improveorganisational outcomes.

* Consults internal andexternal experts; taps intotheir technical andprofessional knowledgeand experience to improveorganisational outcomes.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Contributes own expertisefor the benefit of the

business unit; encouragesothers to draw upon thisknowledge.

* Contributes own expertisefor the benefit of the

business unit; encouragesothers to draw upon thisknowledge.

* Contributes own expertisefor the benefit of the

organisation; encouragesothers to draw upon thisknowledge.

* Contributes own expertisefor the benefit of the

organisation; encouragesothers to draw upon thisknowledge.

* Contributes own expertisefor the benefit of the

organisation; encouragesothers to draw upon thisknowledge.

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Achieves results

Steers and implements change and deals with uncertainty


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Establishes clear plans andtimeframes for projectimplementation andoutlines specific activities.Responds in a positive andflexible manner to changeand uncertainty. Sharesinformation with others andassists them to adapt.

Establishes clear plans andtimeframes for projectimplementation andoutlines specific activities.Responds in a positive andflexible manner to changeand uncertainty. Sharesinformation with others andassists them to adapt.

 Adopts a planned approach

to the management of  programs. Defines high-level objectives and supports translation intoimplementation strategies.Operates effectively in anenvironment of ongoingchange and uncertainty and maintains flexibility.Actively ensuresstakeholders are keptinformed during times of change.

Oversees theimplementation of multiplechange initiatives with afocus on the desired 

outcomes. Defines high-level objectives andensures translation intopractical implementationstrategies. Operateseffectively in anenvironment of ongoingchange and uncertaintyand maintains flexibility.

 Actively ensuresstakeholders are keptinformed during times of change.

Drives the change agenda,defines high-level

objectives and ensurestranslation into practicalimplementation strategies.Coordinates projectsacross multiple agencies.Recognises the constant nature of change and maintains flexibility.Secures stakeholder commitment to change and maintains opencommunication channelsduring the change process.

* Coordinates projects

across multipleorganisations.

* Drives multiple changeinitiatives; overseesimplementation andensures that focus on endgoals is maintained.

* Drives the changeagenda and creates anorganisation that can shiftfocus quickly.

* Constructs project plansthat have clear andappropriate goals,timeframes and budgets;anticipates change andbuilds contingencies intoplans.

* Constructs project plansthat have clear andappropriate goals,timeframes and budgets;anticipates change andbuilds contingencies intoplans.

* Adopts a plannedapproach to themanagement of programs;develops high-level plansthat define requiredoutcomes.

* Adopts a plannedapproach to themanagement of programs;develops organisationalplans that define requiredoutcomes.

* Adopts a plannedapproach to themanagement of programs;develops organisationalplans that define requiredoutcomes.

* Deals positively withuncertainty and copeseffectively in anenvironment characterisedby change; determines acourse of action despitelack of clarity.

* Deals positively withuncertainty and copeseffectively in anenvironment characterisedby change; determines acourse of action despitelack of clarity.

* Operates effectively in anenvironment of ongoingchange; maintains aflexible approach toachieve objectives.

* Operates effectively in anenvironment of ongoingchange; maintains aflexible approach toachieve organisationalobjectives.

* Accepts and embracesthe ongoing nature of change; maintains aflexible approach toachieve organisationalobjectives.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a

   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Shares appropriateinformation with staff andcolleagues during times of change; helps others adapt

to ensure a smoothtransition.

* Shares appropriateinformation with staff andcolleagues during times of change; helps others adapt

to ensure a smoothtransition.

* Shares appropriateinformation withstakeholders during timesof change; anticipates likely

objections and addressesthem in a timely manner.

* Shares appropriateinformation withstakeholders during timesof change; anticipates likely

objections and addressesthem in a timely manner.

* Identifies keystakeholders and seekstheir commitment tochange; shares relevant

information to facilitate aneffective change process.

Note: Bold reflects new behaviour and italics reflect more complex behaviour Page 31

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Achieves results

Ensures closure and delivers on intended results


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n Sees projects through to

completion. Monitorsproject progress andadjusts plans as required.Commits to achievingquality outcomes andensures documentationprocedures are maintained.Seeks feedback fromstakeholders to gaugesatisfaction.

Strives to achieve and

encourages others to dothe same. Monitorsprogress and identifiesrisks that may impact onoutcomes. Adjusts plans asrequired. Commits toachieving quality outcomesand ensuresdocumentation proceduresare maintained. Seeksfeedback fromstakeholders to gaugesatisfaction.

Drives a culture of achievement . Ensures that ideas and intended actionsbecome reality and that 

 planned projects result inexpected outputs. Strivesfor quality, and ensurescompliance withregulatory requirements.Puts systems in place toestablish and measureaccountabilities. Managesrisks that may impede on

 project outcomes and ensures that key stakeholders are across all relevant issues.

Drives a culture of achievement, and fosters a

quality focus in theorganisation. Ensures thatideas and intended actionsbecome reality and thatplanned projects result inexpected outputs. Enablesthe achievement of outcomes by identifyingand removing potentialbarriers to success.Keeps stakeholdersinformed of progress andany issues that arise.

Drives a culture of achievement and fosters a

quality focus in theorganisation. Ensures thatideas and intended actionsbecome reality and thatplanned projects result inexpected outputs. Enablesthe achievement of outcomes by identifyingand removing potentialbarriers to success. Keepsstakeholders informed of progress and any issuesthat arise.

* Commits to targets and

strives to achieve results;encourages others to dothe same.

* Commits to targets and

strives to achieve results;encourages others to dothe same.

* Commits to targets and

strives to achieve results;encourages others to dothe same.

* Commits to targets and

strives to achieve results;encourages others to dothe same.

* Identifies and addressesrisks that may impede workcompletion; proactivelyescalates issues that havenot been controlled toensure work remains ontrack.

* Identifies and addressesrisks that may impedeproject completion;proactively escalatesissues that have not beencontrolled to ensure workremains on track.

* Identifies and seeks toremove barriers toachieving desiredorganisational outcomes.

* Identifies and seeks toremove barriers toachieving desiredorganisational outcomes.

* Regularly seeks feedbackfrom stakeholders to gaugetheir satisfaction; ensureswork is delivered to a highstandard.

* Regularly seeks feedbackfrom stakeholders to gaugetheir satisfaction; acts toensure work is delivered toa high standard.

* Reports achievements tokey stakeholders, engagesthem in program outcomesand seeks feedback; actsto ensure work is deliveredto a high standard.

* Adopts a 'no surprises'policy; ensures that keystakeholders are keptappropriately informed of progress.

* Adopts a 'no surprises'policy; ensures that keystakeholders are keptappropriately informed of progress.

* Maintains focus on qualityto achieve key outcomes;adheres to documentationprocedures and sees tasksthrough to completion.

* Maintains focus on qualityto achieve key outcomes;adheres to documentationprocedures and sees tasksthrough to completion.

* Strives for high-qualityoutputs throughout thebusiness unit and acceptsaccountability for achievingagreed outcomes.

* Fosters a quality focusacross the organisationand accepts accountabilityfor achieving agreedoutcomes.

* Fosters a quality focusacross the organisationand accepts accountabilityfor achieving agreedoutcomes.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r

  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Monitors projects againstplans; manages prioritiesand agrees adjustments to

milestones as required.

* Monitors projects againstplans; manages prioritiesand agrees on adjustments

to milestones as required.

* Establishes systems tomonitor progress againstobjectives and ensures thatprojects comply with

regulatory requirements.

* Reviews the progress of key programs and staysfocused on achieving


* Reviews the progress of key programs and staysfocused on achieving


Note: Bold reflects new behaviour and italics reflect more complex behaviour Page 32

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Cultivates productive working relationships

Nurtures internal and external relationships


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n Builds and sustains

relationships with a networkof key people internally andexternally. Proactivelyoffers assistance for amutually beneficialrelationship. Anticipatesand is responsive tointernal and external clientneeds.

Builds and sustainsrelationships with a networkof key people internally andexternally. Recognisesshared agendas andworks toward mutuallybeneficial outcomes.

 Anticipates and isresponsive to internal andexternal client needs.

Builds and sustainsrelationships within the

organisation, with theMinister's office, across the

 APS and with a diverserange of external stakeholders. Looks for shared agendas and usesthese to bring peopletogether. Shows acommitment to client service through ownactions and those of thebusiness unit.

Builds and sustainsrelationships within theorganisation, with the

Minister's office, across the APS and with a diverserange of externalstakeholders. Encouragesstakeholders to worktogether, and establishescross-agency approachesto address issues. Showsa commitment to clientservice through ownactions and those of theorganisation.

Builds and sustainsrelationships that provide a

rich intelligence network.Establishes an effectiveworking relationship withthe Minister. Encouragesstakeholders to worktogether, and establishescross-agency approachesto address issues. Shows acommitment to clientservice through ownactions and those of theorganisation.

* Proactively builds cross-

agency relationships;establishes cross-agencyapproaches to addressissues.

* Proactively builds cross-

agency relationships;establishes cross-agencyapproaches to addressissues.

* Develops and maintains anetwork with othersinternally and externally.

* Develops and maintains anetwork with othersinternally and externally.

* Invests time to sustainand broaden networks;follows up and maintainsregular contact.

* Invests time to sustainand broaden networks;engages the support andallegiance of informalnetworks in formalsituations.

* Establishes and sustainsrelationships that deliver anintelligence network.

* Builds and sustains

relationships; liaises with arange of stakeholdersincluding other teams,peers and colleaguesacross the organisation,and in other organisations.

* Builds and sustains long-term relationships; liaises

with a range of stakeholders includingother teams, peers andcolleagues across theorganisation, and in other organisations.

* Builds a diverse range of relationships with key

people in other organisations, such as theMinister's office, the privatesector, industry groups andother relevant stakeholder groups.

* Builds and sustains adiverse range of relationships with key

people in other organisations such as, theMinister's office, the privatesector, industry groups andother relevant stakeholder groups.

* Builds effective workingrelationships with Ministers;seeks to understand their needs and expectations.

* Offers reciprocalassistance in achievingmutually beneficialoutcomes.

* Recognises sharedagendas and works towardmutually beneficialoutcomes.

* Finds shared agendasand uses these to bringpeople together to developmutually beneficialoutcomes.

* Encourages keystakeholders to worktogether; recognises, andcapitalises on, opportunitiesfor mutual benefit.

* Encourages keystakeholders to worktogether; recognises, andcapitalises on, opportunitiesfor mutual benefit.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n

   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Anticipates the needs of 

clients and providescourteous, prompt andprofessional service tothem.

* Anticipates the needs of 

clients and providescourteous, prompt andprofessional service tothem.

* Takes steps to ensure theprovision of prompt,

efficient and responsiveclient service personally,and through the activities of the business unit.

* Takes steps to ensure theprovision of prompt,

efficient and responsiveclient service personally,and through the activities of the organisation.

* Takes steps to ensure theprovision of prompt,

efficient and responsiveclient service personally,and through the activities of the organisation.

Note: Bold reflects new behaviour and italics reflect more complex behaviour Page 33

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Cultivates productive working relationships

Facilitates cooperation and partnerships


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Involves people,encourages them andrecognises their contribution. Consults andshares information andensures others are keptinformed of issues. Workscollaboratively andoperates as an effectiveteam member.

Brings people together andencourages input from keystakeholders. Findsopportunities to shareinformation and ensuresthat others are keptinformed of issues. Fostersteamwork and rewardscooperative and collaborative behaviour.Resolves conflict usingappropriate strategies.

Brings people together andencourages input from keystakeholders. Facilitatescooperation within andbetween organisations.Promotes the reciprocal sharing of information tobuild knowledge. Fostersteamwork and rewardscooperative andcollaborative behaviour.Resolves conflict and manages the sensitivitiesinvolved .

Consults broadly to obtainbuy-in. Draws on theknowledge of key 

stakeholders within and outside the organisationand facilitates cooperationby sharing information.Promotes informationexchange by maintainingopen communicationchannels. Personally manifests stronginterpersonal relations and rewards cooperative and collaborative behaviour.

 Anticipates and resolvesconflict .

Consults broadly to obtainbuy-in, recognises wheninput is required.Communicates the

importance of consultationwith stakeholders to others.Overcomes organisational silos by facilitatingcooperation betweenorganisations. Engagesthe Minister’s office onkey issues. Personallymanifests stronginterpersonal relations andrewards cooperative andcollaborative behaviour.

 Anticipates and resolvesconflict.

* Communicates theimportance of consultingwith key stakeholders;recognises when input isrequired.

* Facilitates cooperationbetween organisations bysharing information;maintains a cross-government focus.

* Facilitates cooperationbetween organisations bysharing information;maintains a cross-government focus.

* Overcomes organisationalsilos; facilitates cooperationbetween organisations bysharing information.

* Uses appropriatestrategies to resolveconflicts and addressconcerns quickly.

* Resolves conflict usingappropriate strategies; findssolutions that manage thesensitivities involved.

* Anticipates conflict anduses appropriate strategiesto resolve conflict when itarises.

* Anticipates conflict anduses appropriate strategiesto resolve conflict when itarises; bridges differencesin understanding betweenkey stakeholders.

* Operates as an effectivemember of the team; workscollaboratively andcooperatively; draws onteam strengths.

* Fosters teamwork byworking collaboratively andcooperatively; encouragesand rewards thosebehaviours in others.

* Fosters teamwork byworking collaboratively andcooperatively; encouragesand rewards thosebehaviours in others.

* Models effective teamworking behaviours; workscollaboratively andcooperatively and rewardsthose behaviours in others.

* Models effective teamworking behaviours; workscollaboratively andcooperatively and rewardsthose behaviours in others.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n

   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Involves others andencourages their input;

recognises thecontributions made by other people.

* Brings people together and ensures the keystakeholders are involved

in discussions; encouragespeople’s input and seekscontribution.

* Brings people together and ensures the keystakeholders are involved

in discussions; seeks inputand facilitates jointownership.

* Draws on the knowledgeof key stakeholders withinand outside theorganisation; seeks input

from the portfolio Secretaryor CEO on contentiousissues.

* Engages the Minister’sOffice on key issues;

facilitates others’relationships with theMinister.

* Consults and sharesinformation with own teamand upwards; ensurespeople are kept informed of progress and issues.

* Consults and promotesopen discussion; sharesinformation with keystakeholders internally andexternally; ensures thatpeople in own team andupwards are kept informedof progress and issues.

* Consults and promotesopen discussion; sharesinformation with keystakeholders internally andexternally; facilitatesreciprocal sharing of information to buildknowledge.

* Consults broadly to obtainbuy-in; shares informationand facilitates theexchange of information bymaintaining opencommunication channels.

* Consults broadly to obtainbuy-in; shares informationand facilitates theexchange of information bymaintaining opencommunication channels.

Note: Bold reflects new behaviour and italics reflect more complex behaviour Page 34

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Cultivates productive working relationships

Values individual differences and diversity


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Recognises the positivebenefits that can be gainedfrom diversity andencourages the explorationof diverse views.Harnesses understandingof differences to enhanceinteractions. Recognisesthe different working stylesof individuals, and tries tosee things from differentperspectives.

Recognises the positivebenefits that can be gainedfrom diversity andencourages the explorationof diverse views.Harnesses understandingof differences to anticipatereactions and enhanceinteractions. Recognisesthe different working stylesof individuals, and tries tosee things from differentperspectives.

Recognises the positivebenefits that can be gainedfrom diversity and capitalises on these for thebenefit of the business unit .Harnesses understandingof differences to anticipatereactions and enhanceinteractions. Recognisesthe different working stylesof individuals, and tries tosee things from differentperspectives.

Capitalises on the positive

benefits that can be gained from diversity and harnesses different viewpoints. Usesunderstanding of differences to anticipatereactions and enhance theoperation of theorganisation. Recognisesthe different working stylesof individuals, anticipatesreactions and tries to seethings from differentperspectives.

Communicates the valueof harnessing diversityfor the organisation.Capitalises on the positive

benefits that can be gainedfrom diversity andharnesses differentviewpoints. Usesunderstanding of differences to anticipatereactions and enhance theoperation of theorganisation. Recognisesthe different working stylesof individuals, anticipatesreactions and tries to seethings from differentperspectives.

* Acts as a positive rolemodel by proactivelycommunicating the valueand importance of capitalising on diversity for the organisation.

* Discerns the differing andpreferred working styles of individuals and factors thisinto the management of people and tasks.

* Discerns the differing andpreferred working styles of individuals and factors thisinto the management of people and tasks.

* Discerns the differing andpreferred working styles of individuals and uses thisinformation to enhance theoperation of the businessunit.

* Discerns the differing andpreferred working styles of individuals and uses thisinformation to enhance theoperation of theorganisation.

* Discerns the differing andpreferred working styles of individuals and uses thisinformation to enhance theoperation of theorganisation.

* Recognises that othershave different views andexperiences, explores their contributions andcapitalises on the differingperspectives.

* Recognises that othershave different views andexperiences, explores their contributions andcapitalises on the differingperspectives.

* Recognises that othershave different views andexperience; encouragesinput, listens and takesaction to harness the variedinput for the benefit of thebusiness unit.

* Capitalises on thediversity present in theorganisation; harnessesdifferent viewpoints.

* Capitalises on thediversity present in theorganisation; harnessesdifferent viewpoints.

* Tries to see things fromthe other person'sperspective.

* Tries to see things fromthe other person'sperspective, anticipatestheir reactions and adoptsstrategies to address them.

* Tries to see things fromthe other person'sperspective, anticipatestheir reactions and adoptsstrategies to address them.

* Anticipates when differentstakeholders may clashdue to differing views,cultural perspectives or drivers; adopts strategies toaddress these.

* Anticipates when differentstakeholders may clashdue to differing views,cultural perspectives or drivers; adopts strategies toaddress these.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c

  a   t  o  r  s

* Maintains an awarenessof the personalities,motivations and other diverse qualities of people,and uses this to enhanceinteractions.

* Maintains an awarenessof the personalities,motivations and other diverse qualities of people,and uses this to enhanceinteractions.

* Maintains an awarenessof the personalities,motivations and other diverse qualities of people,and uses this to enhanceinteractions.

* Maintains an awarenessof the personalities,motivations and other diverse qualities of people,and uses this to enhanceinteractions.

* Maintains an awarenessof the personalities,motivations and other diverse qualities of people,and uses this to enhanceinteractions.

Note: Bold reflects new behaviour and italics reflect more complex behaviour Page 35

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Cultivates productive working relationships

Guides, mentors and develops people


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Identifies learningopportunities for others andempowers them bydelegating tasks. Agreesclear performance standardsand gives timely praise andrecognition. Makes time for people and offers full supportwhen required. Deliversconstructive, objectivefeedback in a manner thatgains acceptance andachieves resolution. Dealswith under-performancepromptly.

Encourages and motivates people to engage incontinuous learning, andempowers them bydelegating tasks. Agrees onclear performance standardsand gives timely praise andrecognition. Makes time for people and offers full supportwhen required. Deliversconstructive feedback in amanner that gainsacceptance and achievesresolution. Deals with under-performance promptly.

Encourages and motivatespeople to engage incontinuous learning, and

empowers them bydelegating responsibility for work . Sets clear performancestandards and gives timelypraise and recognition.Makes time for people andoffers full support whenrequired. Deliversconstructive feedback andmanages under-performance. Offerssupport in times of highpressure and engages inactivities to maintainmorale.

Identifies and developstalent. Encourages andmotivates people to engagein continuous learning, and

empowers them bydelegating responsibility for work. Sets clear performancestandards and gives timelypraise and recognition.Makes time for people andoffers full support whenrequired. Deliversconstructive feedback andmanages under-performance. Offers supportin times of high pressure.Celebrates success andengages in activities tomaintain morale.

Identifies and developstalent. Encourages andmotivates people to engagein continuous learning, and

empowers them bydelegating responsibility for work. Sets clear performancestandards and gives timelypraise and recognition.Makes time for people andoffers full support whenrequired. Deliversconstructive feedback andmanages under-performance. Offers supportin times of high pressure.Celebrates success andengages in activities tomaintain morale.

* Engages in activities tomaintain optimism andenthusiasm; implementsformal and informal team-building activities.

* Engages in activities tomaintain optimism andenthusiasm; implementsformal and informal team-building activities.

* Engages in activities tomaintain optimism andenthusiasm; implementsformal and informal team-building activities.

* Assists people in managingtheir time and emotionalresponse when under highlevels of pressure.

* Assists people in managingtheir time and emotionalresponse when under highlevels of pressure.

* Assists people in managingtheir time and emotionalresponse when under highlevels of pressure.

* Makes time for peopledespite competing priorities;provides guidance and offers

full support when required.

* Makes time for peopledespite competing priorities;provides guidance and offers

full support when required.

* Makes time for peopledespite competing priorities,particularly when people arechallenged or during difficult


* Makes time for peopledespite competing priorities,particularly when people arechallenged or during difficult


* Makes time for peopledespite competing priorities,particularly when people arechallenged or during difficult


* Encourages staff to engagein development opportunities,identifies knowledge gapsand works with them todetermine appropriatedevelopment activities.

* Acts as a coach and workswith people to facilitate their development; identifiesdevelopment opportunitiesand encourages continuouslearning.

* Acts as a coach and workswith people to facilitatecontinuous learning; setsstretching development taskslinked to individualperformance and potential.

* Identifies and nurturestalent; provides talentedpeople with access totargeted and stretchingdevelopment opportunities.

* Identifies and nurturestalent; provides talentedpeople with access totargeted and stretchingdevelopment opportunities.

* Delegates tasks effectively;provides clear direction andarticulates parameters.

* Delegates tasks effectively;provides clear direction andarticulates parameters.

* Delegates responsibility for work to others with broadparameters; motivates othersto take ownership.

* Delegates responsibility for work appropriately andprovides people withopportunities to takeownership; provides peoplewith the opportunity to buildtheir capability.

* Delegates responsibility for work appropriately andprovides people withopportunities to takeownership; provides peoplewith the opportunity to buildtheir capability.

* Congratulates people onachievements and givestimely recognition for goodperformance.

* Congratulates people onachievements and givestimely recognition for goodperformance.

* Congratulates people onachievements and givestimely recognition for goodperformance.

* Celebrates success;acknowledges and rewardsachievements.

* Celebrates success;acknowledges and rewardsachievements.

* Provides clear, constructiveand timely feedback (bothpositive and negative) in amanner that encourageslearning and achieves anyrequired resolution.

* Provides clear, constructiveand timely feedback (bothpositive and negative) in amanner that encourageslearning and achieves anyrequired resolution.

* Provides clear, constructiveand timely feedback (bothpositive and negative) in amanner that encourageslearning and achieves anyrequired resolution.

* Provides clear, constructiveand timely feedback (bothpositive and negative) in amanner that encourageslearning and achieves anyrequired resolution.

* Provides clear, constructiveand timely feedback (bothpositive and negative) in amanner that encourageslearning and achieves anyrequired resolution.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Agrees on performancestandards and conducts

regular reviews; addressesunder-performance promptly,identifies causes and agreeson improvement targets.

* Agrees on performancestandards and conducts

regular reviews; addressesunder-performance promptly,identifies causes and agreeson improvement targets.

* Sets performance

standards and conductsregular reviews; identifiesand constructively addressesunder-performance.

* Sets performance

standards and conductsregular reviews; identifiesand constructively addressesunder-performance.

* Sets performance

standards and conductsregular reviews; identifiesand constructively addressesunder-performance.

Note: Bold reflects new behaviour and italics reflect more complex behaviour Page 36

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Exemplifies personal drive and integrity

Demonstrates public service professionalism and probity


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

 Adopts a principledapproach and adheres tothe APS Values and Codeof Conduct. Actsprofessionally andimpartially at all times andoperates within theboundaries of organisational processesand legal and public policyconstraints. Operates as aneffective representative of the organisation in publicand internal forums.

 Adopts a principledapproach and adheres tothe APS Values and Codeof Conduct. Actsprofessionally andimpartially at all times andoperates within theboundaries of organisational processesand legal and public policyconstraints. Operates as aneffective representative of the organisation in publicand internal forums.

 Adheres to and promotesthe APS Values and Codeof Conduct and acts withutmost integrity and 

 professionalism.Encourages thesestandards in others.Operates professionallyand within the boundariesof organisational processesand legal and public policyconstraints. Represents theorganisation effectively inpublic and internal forums,and advocates thecorporate agenda.

 Adheres to and promotesthe APS Values and Codeof Conduct and alignsbusiness processesaccordingly. Addressesbreaches of protocol andprobity. Operatesprofessionally and withinthe boundaries of organisational processesand legal and public policyconstraints. Represents theorganisation effectively inpublic and internal forums,and advocates thecorporate agenda.

 Adheres to and promotesthe APS Values and Codeof Conduct and alignsbusiness processesaccordingly. Addressesbreaches of protocol andprobity. Operatesprofessionally and withinthe boundaries of organisational processesand legal and public policyconstraints. Represents theorganisation effectively inpublic and internal forums,and advocates thecorporate agenda.

* Aligns businessprocesses with the APSValues.

* Aligns businessprocesses with the APSValues.

* Leads by example andmaintains high standards of professionalism andimpartiality; expects andencourages team andcolleagues to apply thesame high standards.

* Leads by example andmaintains high standards of professionalism andimpartiality; expects andencourages team andcolleagues to apply thesame high standards.

* Leads by example andmaintains high standards of professionalism andimpartiality; expects andencourages team andcolleagues to apply thesame high standards.

* Adheres to the APS

Values and Code of Conduct and consistentlybehaves in an honest,ethical and professionalway.

* Adheres to the APS

Values and Code of Conduct and consistentlybehaves in an honest,ethical and professionalway.

* Adheres to the APS

Values and Code of Conduct and consistentlybehaves in an honest,ethical and professionalway.

* Adheres to the APSValues and Code of Conduct and consistently

behaves in an honest,ethical and professionalway; addresses breachesof protocol and probity inan appropriate manner.

* Adheres to the APSValues and Code of Conduct and consistently

behaves in an honest,ethical and professionalway; addresses breachesof protocol and probity inan appropriate manner.

* Treats people fairly andequitably and istransparent in dealings withthem.

* Treats people fairly andequitably and istransparent in dealings withthem.

*Treats people fairly andequitably and istransparent in dealings withthem.

*Treats people fairly andequitably and istransparent in dealings withthem.

*Treats people fairly andequitably and istransparent in dealings withthem.

* Makes decisions for thecorporate good withoutfavouritism or bias; placesthe aims of the

organisation abovepersonal ambitions.

* Makes decisions for thecorporate good withoutfavouritism or bias; placesthe aims of the

organisation abovepersonal ambitions.

* Makes decisions for thecorporate good withoutfavouritism or bias; placesthe aims of the

organisation abovepersonal ambitions.

* Makes decisions for thecorporate good withoutfavouritism or bias; placesthe aims of the

organisation abovepersonal ambitions.

* Makes decisions for thecorporate good withoutfavouritism or bias; placesthe aims of the

organisation abovepersonal ambitions.

* Understands, andoperates within, legal andpublic policy constraintsand limitations.

* Understands, andoperates within, legal andpublic policy constraintsand limitations.

* Understands, andoperates within, legal andpublic policy constraintsand limitations.

* Understands, andoperates within, legal andpublic policy constraintsand limitations.

* Understands, andoperates within, legal andpublic policy constraintsand limitations.

* Operates in aprofessional manner whenrepresenting theorganisation in public andinternal forums.

* Operates in aprofessional manner whenrepresenting theorganisation in public andinternal forums.

* Professionally representsthe organisation in publicforums; appropriatelysupports and promotes theorganisation's agenda.

* Professionally representsthe organisation in publicforums; appropriatelysupports and promotes theorganisation's agenda.

* Professionally representsthe organisation in publicforums; appropriatelysupports and promotes theorganisation's agenda.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Presents a unitedleadership voice; supportsother leaders.

* Presents a unitedleadership voice; supportsother leaders.

* Presents a unitedleadership voice; supportsother leaders.

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Exemplifies personal drive and integrity

Engages with risk and shows personal courage


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n Provides impartial and

forthright advice.Challenges importantissues constructively, andstands by own positionwhen challenged.

 Acknowledges mistakesand learns from them, andseeks guidance and advicewhen required.

Provides impartial andforthright advice.Challenges importantissues constructively,stands by own position and supports others whenrequired. Acknowledgesmistakes and learns fromthem, and seeks guidanceand advice when required.

Provides impartial andforthright advice. Isprepared to make toughcorporate decisions to

achieve desiredoutcomes. Challenges and encourages debate ondifficult or controversial issues. Stands by ownposition and supportsothers when required.Takes responsibility for mistakes and learns fromthem. Seeks guidance andadvice when required.

Provides impartial andforthright advice. Isprepared to make toughcorporate decisions to

achieve desired outcomes.Clearly voices own opinionand challenges difficult or controversial issues.Stands by own position andsupports others whenrequired. Takesresponsibility for mistakesand learns from them.Seeks guidance and advicewhen required.

 Acts as a role model for leadership courage by consistently raising critical and difficult issues.

Provides impartial andforthright advice. Isprepared to make toughcorporate decisions toachieve desired outcomes.

 Accepts accountability for mistakes made in theorganisation and ensurescorrective action is taken.Seeks guidance and advicewhen required.

* Acts as a role model for leadership courage byadopting a principled

stance on important issues.

* Makes tough corporatedecisions that are in thebest interests of thegovernment (even whenthese may not be popular).

* Makes tough corporatedecisions that are in thebest interests of thegovernment (even whenthese may not be popular).

* Makes tough corporatedecisions that are in thebest interests of thegovernment (even whenthese may not be popular).

* Listens when own ideasare challenged; standsground and defends ownviews when appropriate.

* Listens when own ideasare challenged; stands ownground and supports otherswhen appropriate.

* Encourages andcontributes to debate onown ideas and the ideas of others; stands own groundand supports others whenappropriate.

* Encourages andcontributes to debate onown ideas and the ideas of others; stands own groundand supports others whenappropriate.

* Encourages andcontributes to debate onown ideas and the ideas of others; stands own groundand supports others whenappropriate.

* Challenges issues andraises objectionsconstructively; discussesalternatives to find a wayforward.

* Challenges issues andraises objectionsconstructively; discussesalternatives to find a wayforward.

* Confronts difficult or controversial issuesdirectly; is willing to makean unpopular stand andclearly voice own position.

* Confronts difficult or controversial issues directlywith others; is willing tomake an unpopular standand clearly voice ownposition.

* Confronts difficult issuesand challenges the positionof others, including theMinister when appropriate;engages in constructivedebate to address theissues.

* Provides impartial andforthright advice.

* Provides impartial andforthright advice.

* Provides forthright andimpartial advice in aconstructive manner thatfacilitates the achievementof government outcomes.

* Provides forthright andimpartial advice in aconstructive manner thatfacilitates the achievementof government outcomes.

* Provides forthright andimpartial advice in aconstructive manner thatfacilitates the achievementof government outcomes.

* Takes responsibility for mistakes and learns fromthem; acknowledges whenin the wrong.

* Takes responsibility for mistakes and learns fromthem; acknowledges whenin the wrong.

* Takes ownership for decisions and acceptsresponsibility when thingsgo wrong; learns frommistakes.

* Takes ownership for decisions and acceptsresponsibility when thingsgo wrong; learns frommistakes.

* Takes ownership for decisions and acceptsresponsibility when thingsgo wrong; learns frommistakes.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a

   t  o  r  s

* Seeks advice andassistance from colleaguesand senior managers whenuncertain.

* Seeks advice andassistance from colleaguesand managers whenuncertain.

* Seeks advice andguidance; admits to notalways knowing the answer to a question.

* Seeks advice andguidance; admits to notalways knowing the answer to a question.

* Seeks advice andguidance; admits to notalways knowing the answer to a question.

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Exemplifies personal drive and integrity

Commits to action


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p

   t   i  o  n

Takes personalresponsibility for meeting

objectives and progressingwork. Shows initiative andproactively steps in anddoes what is required.Commits energy and driveto see that goals areachieved.

Takes personalresponsibility for meeting

objectives and progressingwork. Shows initiative andproactively steps in anddoes what is required.Commits energy and driveto see that goals areachieved.

Commits to achieving key outcomes for the

organisation. Demonstratespersonal drive, focus andenergy. Galvanises othersto act. Acts decisively andinitiates urgent action toovercome difficult 


Commits to achieving keyoutcomes for the

organisation and usespersonal drive, focus andenergy to enthuse others.Galvanises others to act.

 Acts decisively and initiatesurgent action to overcomedifficult problems.

 Acts decisively to ensurestrategies are implemented and issues are addressed.Demonstrates personal

drive, focus and energy.Galvanises others to act.Commits to getting the jobdone. Maintains control andinitiates urgent action toresolve issues whenrequired.

* Strives to achieve targetsand maintains focus onlong-term outcomes: doesnot give up and modifiesapproach to achieve targetsfor the organisation.

* Takes the initiative,progresses work, andengages in additional tasksas required.

* Takes the initiative,progresses work, andengages in additional tasksas required.

* Takes the initiative andacts decisively to movethings forward.

* Takes the initiative andacts decisively to movethings forward.

* Is prepared to commit to adecision without all of theinformation; takesresponsibility for issues thatare escalated.

* Gets on with the job athand and applies self withenergy and drive; commitsto meeting the objectives.

* Works to get results;shows energy and drive;commits to meetingobjectives.

* Shows drive, energy andinitiative; gets involved andgalvanises others to act todeliver key results for theorganisation.

* Shows drive, energy andinitiative; gets involved andgalvanises others to act todeliver key results for theorganisation.

* Shows drive, energy andinitiative; gets involved andgalvanises others to act todeliver key results for theorganisation.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Recognises and seeks toresolve issues impacting on

the achievement of desiredoutcomes.

* Recognises and seeks toresolve issues impacting on

the achievement of desiredoutcomes.

* Initiates urgent action andis responsive when there

are issues impacting on theachievement of outcomes.

* Initiates urgent action andis responsive when there

are significant issues toaddress.

* Maintains control andinitiates urgent action andis responsive when there

are significant issues toaddress.

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Exemplifies personal drive and integrity

Displays resilience


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Persists with, and focuseson achieving, objectiveseven in difficultcircumstances. Remainspositive and responds topressure in a controlledmanner. Continues tomove forward despitecriticism or setbacks.

Persists with, and focuseson achieving, objectiveseven in difficultcircumstances. Remainspositive and responds topressure in a controlledmanner. Maintainsmomentum and sustainseffort despite criticism or setbacks.

Persists with, and focuseson achieving,organisational objectiveseven in difficultcircumstances. Monitorsown emotional reactionsand responds to pressurein a controlled manner.Displays a positive outlookand maintains momentumin difficult situations.

Persists with, and focuseson achieving,

organisational objectiveseven in difficultcircumstances. Monitorsown emotional reactionsand responds to pressurein a controlled manner.Overcomes obstacles andrapidly recovers fromsetbacks. Displays apositive outlook in difficultsituations.

Persists with, and focuseson achieving,organisational objectivesthroughout periods of 

extreme pressure. Monitorsown emotional reactionsand responds to pressurein a controlled manner.Retains focus on the end goal and overcomessignificant barriers and obstacles. Rapidly recoversfrom setbacks. Displays apositive outlook in difficultsituations.

* Maintains effective

performance levels inhighly charged or high-pressure situations.

* Sustains high levels of effort and energy following

a setback, maintainsmomentum and continuesto move forward.

* Sustains high levels of effort and energy following

a setback, maintainsmomentum and continuesto move forward.

* Quickly recovers fromsetbacks and maintainsmomentum and sustains

high levels of effort towardthe achievement of outcomes.

* Quickly recovers fromsetbacks and maintainsmomentum and sustains

high levels of effort towardthe achievement of outcomes.

* Demonstratespersistence and works hardto achieve objectives.

* Demonstratespersistence, adaptsapproach when requiredand works hard to achieveobjectives.

* Demonstrates tenacityand persists with initiativesthat are of benefit to theorganisation and/or government.

* Demonstrates tenacityand persists with initiativesthat are of benefit to theorganisation and/or government.

* Demonstrates tenacityand persists with initiatives,copes with extreme andchanging demands fromnumerous stakeholdersand maintains focus onobjectives.

* Maintains an optimisticoutlook and focuses on thepositives in difficultsituations.

* Maintains an optimisticoutlook and focuses on thepositives in difficultsituations.

* Maintains an optimisticoutlook and focuses on thepositives in difficultsituations.

* Maintains an optimisticoutlook and focuses on thepositives in difficultsituations.

* Maintains an optimisticoutlook and focuses on thepositives in difficultsituations.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Stays controlled whenunder pressure; does notreact personally tocriticism.

* Withstands criticism fromstakeholders and maintainscomposure when under pressure.

* Monitors own emotionalreactions, remains calmand maintains focus whenfaced with criticism or pressure.

* Monitors own emotionalreactions, remains calmand maintains focus whenfaced with criticism or pressure.

* Stays in control of emotions and does notreact negatively to stress or pressure, remains relaxed,composed and focusedduring a crisis.

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Exemplifies personal drive and integrity

Demonstrates self awareness and a commitment to personal development


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Self-evaluates performanceand seeks feedback fromothers. Communicates andacts on strengths anddevelopment needs.Reflects on own behaviour and recognises the impacton others. Shows strongcommitment to learningand self-development, andaccepts challenging newopportunities.

Critically analyses own performance and seeksfeedback from others.Confidently communicatesstrengths andacknowledgesdevelopment needs. Actson negative feedback toimprove performance.Reflects on own behaviour and recognises the impacton others. Shows strongcommitment to learningand self-development, andembraces challenging newopportunities.

Critically examines ownperformance and regularlyseeks feedback fromothers. Confidentlypromotes areas of strength,acknowledgesdevelopment needs and

 proactively identifiesrelated learningopportunities to extendskills and experience.Reflects on own behaviour and recognises the impacton others.

Demonstrates a high levelof self-awareness andacknowledges areas of both strength andlimitation. Confidentlypromotes areas of strengthand proactively identifieslearning opportunities toextend skills andexperience. Reflects on theimpact of own behaviour onothers and is responsive inadjusting behaviour .

Demonstrates a high levelof self-awareness and actsas a role model by openly communicating strengthsand development needs.Uses self-insight toidentify areas in whichown capabilitiescomplement other people’s. Is open tofeedback and is responsivein adjusting behaviour.Strives for continual learning.

* Reflects on ownbehaviours and work styleand considers how theyimpact on others and on

 job performance.

* Reflects on ownbehaviours and work styleand considers how theyimpact on others and on

 job performance.

* Regularly examines ownbehaviour and the impacton others; identifieslearning opportunities.

* Regularly reflects on theimpact of own behaviour onothers to identifyopportunities to increaseeffectiveness; adjustsbehaviour accordingly.

* Capitalises on the varyingstrengths of individuals;

identifies areas in whichown strengths/weaknessescomplement those of colleagues, and adjustsbehaviours to capitalise onthese.

* Demonstratescommitment to self-development andcapitalises on opportunitiesto extend skills andknowledge; acceptschallenging newopportunities.

* Demonstratescommitment to self-development; steps out of own comfort zone andembraces challengingopportunities for growth.

* Demonstratescommitment to self-development; proactivelyidentifies developmentopportunities and seeks toextend skills andexperience.

* Focuses on owndevelopment; identifiesnew challenges to extendexperience.

* Strives for continuallearning; identifies newchallenges to extendexperience.

* Communicates areas of strength, andacknowledgesdevelopment needs.

* Confidentlycommunicates areas of strength, andacknowledgesdevelopment needs.

* Confidently promotesareas of strength, andacknowledgesdevelopment needs.

* Confidently promotesareas of strength, andacknowledgesdevelopment needs.

* Acts as a role model tocreate an environmentwhere individuals openlydiscuss their strengths anddevelopment needs.

* Seeks feedback onbehaviour and workperformance and isresponsive to guidance.

* Seeks feedbackregarding performance;acts on feedback toachieve continualimprovement.

* Regularly seeks feedbackon performance; translatesnegative feedback intoactions for improvement.

* Regularly seeks feedbackon performance; translatesnegative feedback intoactions for improvement.

* Regularly seeks feedbackon performance; translatesnegative feedback intoactions for improvement.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l

   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Spends time criticallyanalysing own performanceand identifies strengths aswell as developmentneeds.

* Spends time criticallyanalysing own performanceand identifies strengths aswell as developmentneeds.

* Examines own behaviour with reference toperformance; identifiesareas of strength andlimitation.

* Examines own behaviour and performance; identifiesstrengths and developmentneeds.

* Displays self-insight andis highly aware of ownstrengths and limitations.

Note: Bold reflects new behaviour and italics reflect more complex behaviour Page 41

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Communicates with influence

Communicates clearly


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Confidently presentsmessages in a clear,concise and articulatemanner. Focuses on keypoints and usesappropriate, unambiguouslanguage. Selects the mostappropriate medium for conveying information andstructures written and oralcommunication to ensureclarity.

Confidently presentsmessages in a clear,concise and articulatemanner. Translatesinformation for others,focusing on key points andusing appropriate,unambiguous language.Selects the mostappropriate medium for conveying information, andstructures written and oralcommunication to ensureclarity.

Confidently presentsmessages in a clear,concise and articulatemanner. Focuses on keypoints for the audience anduses appropriate,unambiguous language,and explains theimplications and ensuresthe conclusion is clearly conveyed. Selects the mostappropriate medium for conveying information, andstructures written and oralcommunication to ensureclarity.

Confidently presentsmessages in a clear,concise and articulatemanner. Focuses on keypoints for the audience andstates the facts. Structuresmessage for brevity and 

 presents message with precision and confidence,harnessing the mostappropriate methods of communication. Createsmeaning for the audienceby using analogies andstories to illustrate keypoints.

Confidently presentsmessages in a clear andarticulate manner. Focuseson key points for theaudience and selects themost appropriate mediumfor conveying information.States the facts and usesstraightforward language toaid transparency. Createsmeaning for the audienceby using analogies andstories to illustrate keypoints.

* Engages the audience;uses anecdotes andanalogies to illustrate keypoints and bring messagesto life.

* Engages the audience;uses anecdotes andanalogies to illustrate keypoints and bring messagesto life.

* Focuses on clearlycommunicating key points.

* Translates information for others and focuses onclearly communicating keypoints.

* Presents key informationeffectively; outlines theimplications and ensureskey conclusions areconveyed.

* Presents key informationeffectively; outlines theimplications and ensureskey conclusions areconveyed.

* States the facts clearly;outlines the implicationsand ensures keyconclusions are conveyed.

* Limits the use of jargonand abbreviations; explainscomplex information using

language appropriate for the audience.

* Limits the use of jargonand abbreviations; explainscomplex information using

language appropriate for the audience.

* Limits the use of jargonand abbreviations; explainscomplex information using

language appropriate for the audience.

* Limits the use of jargonand abbreviations; explainscomplex information using

language appropriate for the audience.

* Limits the use of jargonand abbreviations; explainscomplex information using

language appropriate for the audience.

* Presents messagesconfidently and selects theappropriate medium for maximum effect.

* Presents messagesconfidently and selects theappropriate medium for maximum effect.

* Presents messagesconfidently and selects theappropriate medium for maximum effect.

* Presents messages withprecision and confidenceand selects the appropriatemedium for maximumeffect.

* Presents messages withprecision and confidenceand selects the appropriatemedium for maximumeffect.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o

  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Structures messagesclearly and succinctly, bothorally and in writing.

* Structures messagesclearly and succinctly, bothorally and in writing.

* Structures messagesclearly and succinctly, bothorally and in writing.

* Structures messagesclearly and succinctly, bothorally and in writing.

* Structures messagesclearly and succinctly, bothorally and in writing.

Note: Bold reflects new behaviour and italics reflect more complex behaviour Page 42

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Communicates with influence

Listens, understands and adapts to audience


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Seeks to understand theaudience and tailorscommunication style andmessage accordingly.Listens carefully to othersand checks to ensure their views have beenunderstood. Checks ownunderstanding of others’comments and does notallow misunderstandings tolinger.

Seeks to understand the

audience and tailorscommunication style andmessage accordingly.Listens carefully to othersand checks to ensure their views have beenunderstood. Anticipatesreactions and is preparedto respond. Checks ownunderstanding of others’comments and does notallow misunderstandings tolinger.

Seeks to understand theaudience and tailorscommunication style and

message accordingly.Listens carefully to othersand checks to ensure their views have beenunderstood. Anticipatesreactions and prepares aresponse to address theaudience’s concerns.Checks own understandingof others’ comments anddoes not allowmisunderstandings tolinger.

Seeks to understand theaudience and adaptscommunication style and

message to meet their needs. Listens carefully toothers and ensures their views have beenunderstood. Anticipatesreactions and prepares aresponse to address theaudience’s concerns.Checks own understandingof others’ comments anddoes not allowmisunderstandings tolinger.

Seeks to understand theaudience and reads their non-verbal cues. Adaptscommunication style and

message to meet their needs. Listens carefully toothers and ensures their views have beenunderstood. Anticipatesreactions and prepares aresponse to address theaudience’s concerns.Checks own understandingof others’ comments anddoes not allowmisunderstandings tolinger.

* Adjusts presentation style

on the basis of subtle non-verbal cues.

* Adjusts presentation style

on the basis of subtle non-verbal cues.

* Adjusts presentation style

on the basis of subtle non-verbal cues.

* Adjusts presentation style

on the basis of subtle non-verbal cues.

* Adjusts presentation style

on the basis of subtle non-verbal cues.

* Maximises personalcommunication strengthsand takes into accountshortcomings.

* Maximises personalcommunication strengthsand takes into accountshortcomings.

* Maximises personalcommunication strengthsand takes into accountshortcomings.

* Maximises personalcommunication strengthsand takes into accountshortcomings.

* Maximises personalcommunication strengthsand takes into accountshortcomings.

* Focuses on gaining aclear understanding of others’ comments bylistening, asking clarifyingquestions and reflectingback.

* Focuses on gaining aclear understanding of others’ comments bylistening, asking clarifyingquestions and reflectingback.

* Focuses on gaining aclear understanding of others’ comments bylistening, asking clarifyingquestions and reflectingback.

* Focuses on gaining aclear understanding of others’ comments bylistening, asking clarifyingquestions and reflectingback.

* Focuses on gaining aclear understanding of others’ comments bylistening, asking clarifyingquestions and reflectingback.

* Understands andaddresses the keyconcerns of the audience.

* Anticipates others’reactions and is preparedto respond.

* Anticipates the audience’sresponse and is preparedto address their concernsand objections.

* Anticipates the likelyreaction of the audience toa message and adjustsapproach to gain maximumimpact.

* Anticipates the likelyreaction of the audience toa message and adjustsapproach to gain maximumimpact.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Tailors communicationstyle and languageaccording to the audience’slevel of knowledge, skilland experience.

* Tailors communicationstyle and languageaccording to the audience’slevel of knowledge, skilland experience.

* Tailors communicationstyle and languageaccording to the audience’slevel of knowledge, skilland experience.

* Tailors communicationstyle and languageaccording to the audience’slevel of knowledge, skilland experience.

* Tailors communicationstyle and languageaccording to the audience’slevel of knowledge, skilland experience.

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Communicates with influence

Negotiates persuasively


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

 Approaches negotiationswith a strong grasp of thekey issues, havingprepared in advance.Understands the desiredobjectives and associatedstrengths and weaknesses.

 Anticipates the position of the other party, and framesarguments accordingly.

Encourages the support of relevant stakeholders.Strives to achieve anoutcome that deliversbenefits for both parties.

 Approaches negotiationswith a strong grasp of thekey issues, havingprepared well in advance.Understands the desiredobjectives and associatedstrengths and weaknesses.

 Anticipates the position of the other party, and adaptsapproach accordingly .Encourages the support of relevant stakeholders.Encourages debate and

identifies commonground to facilitateagreement and acceptanceof mutually beneficialsolutions.

 Approaches negotiationswith a strong grasp of thekey issues. Presents aconvincing and balanced rationale. Anticipates theposition of the other party,and is aware of the extentof potential for compromise.

 Acknowledges and addresses disagreementsto facilitate mutuallybeneficial solutions.Encourages the support of 

relevant stakeholders.Focuses on the desiredobjectives and ensuresnegotiations remain ontrack.

 Approaches negotiationswith a strong grasp of thekey issues. Presents aconvincing and balanced

rationale. Focuses on theway in which themessage is delivered,and uses techniques toillustrate the argumentpersuasively. Anticipatesthe position of the other party, and is aware of theextent of potential for compromise.

 Acknowledges andaddresses disagreementsto facilitate mutuallybeneficial solutions.Identifies key stakeholders

and engages their support.Focuses on the desiredobjectives and ensuresnegotiations remain ontrack.

 Approaches negotiationswith a strong grasp of thekey issues. Presents a

convincing and balancedrationale. Focuses on theway in which the messageis delivered, and usestechniques to illustrate theargument persuasively.

 Anticipates the position of the other party, and isaware of the extent of potential for compromise.

 Acknowledges andaddresses disagreementsto facilitate mutuallybeneficial solutions.Identifies key stakeholders

and engages their support.Focuses on the desiredobjectives and ensuresnegotiations remain ontrack.

* Pitches messages in away that facilitates thedesired outcomes; usestechniques to illustrate theargument persuasively.

* Pitches messages in away that facilitates thedesired outcomes; usestechniques to illustrate theargument persuasively.

* Ensures that negotiations

remain focused on theimportant issues.

* Ensures that negotiations

remain focused on theimportant issues.

* Senses when negotiationsare stalling, and takes

proactive action to ensureeffective resolution.

* Presents persuasivecounter-arguments.

* Encourages debate andseeks to develop a clear understanding aboutconflicting issues.

* Acknowledges differencesof opinion and addressesdisagreements objectively.

* Acknowledges differencesof opinion and addressesdisagreements objectively.

* Acknowledges differencesof opinion and addressesdisagreements objectively.

* Puts forward a casefirmly, without gettingpersonal or aggressive.

* Puts forward a casefirmly, without gettingpersonal or aggressive.

* Offers a convincingrationale and makes astrong case, without gettingpersonal or aggressive.

* Offers a convincingrationale and makes astrong case, without gettingpersonal or aggressive.

* Offers a convincingrationale and makes astrong case, without gettingpersonal or aggressive.

* Encourages relevant

stakeholders in supportingthe position.

* Encourages relevant

stakeholders in supportingthe position.

* Encourages relevant

stakeholders in supportingthe position.

* Identifies keystakeholders and seeks

their support early in thenegotiation.

* Identifies keystakeholders and seeks

their support early in thenegotiation.

* Anticipates the stance of other parties in advanceand positions own caseaccordingly.

* Anticipates the stance of other parties in advanceand positions own caseaccordingly; identifiescommon ground.

* Anticipates other people'slikely expectations andconcerns; determines theextent of potentialcompromise for all parties.

* Analyses other people’sagendas and identifiespotential 'weak spots';determines the extent of potential compromise for allparties.

* Analyses other people’sagendas and identifiespotential 'weak spots';determines the extent of potential compromise for allparties.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Commences negotiationswith a clear understandingof the organisation'sobjectives and desiredoutcomes.

* Develops a convincingargument, and presents therationale with solidsupporting evidence.

* Positions case in abalanced manner, avoidsoverselling byacknowledging risks andpotential disadvantages.

* Positions case by clearlyhighlighting its merit, avoidsoverselling byacknowledging risks andpotential disadvantages.

* Positions case by clearlyhighlighting its merit, avoidsoverselling byacknowledging risks andpotential disadvantages.

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Layers of complexity

This tool describes the increasing layers of complexity as roles

change. It will help individuals identify the context that they are

working in, or aspiring to.

 As roles increase in seniority, the level of complexity increases in

each of the four aspects—future focus, breadth of responsibility,

breadth of contact, and breadth of impact.

x Future focus—shifts from considering the longer-term

implications of actions to developing a vision and direction

for the future. This is most evident in the Shapes strategic 

thinking capability.

x Breadth of contact —stakeholder interactions become more

frequent and the range of stakeholders increases. This is

most evident in the Cultivates productive working 

relationships capability.

x Breadth on impact —shift occurs from an impact on one’s

self and the team, to an impact on a business unit, the whole

organisation and then an impact on the whole of 

government. This is most evident in the Shapes strategic 

thinking and the Achieves results capabilities.

x Breadth of responsibility —clear shift in responsibility that

develops from a responsibility for achieving individual and

team outcomes to a responsibility for achieving organisation

wide outcomes. This is most evident in the Achieves results


Individuals can identify where different aspects of their role are

more complex than others. They are able to position themselves

within the layers without perceiving their role to be at a higher 

level. The tool is also useful for managers to use as a basis for 

career planning discussions with staff.

 Agencies will find these elements of complexity may affect levels

other than executive and senior executive, depending on their 

particular context—e.g. small agency or strong regional base.

The following diagram expands the descriptions of these four 

aspects as they increase in complexity.


‘As the tasks of 

governments in aglobalised society 

become more

complex, and 

working across

agencies, with the

community or with

outsourced  providers … leaders

who can establish a

shared vision and 

sense of purpose,

and inspire, coach

and enable the

achievement of their 

 people are



(‘The public sector of the

future’, A speech by Andrew 

Podger, Public Service

Commissioner, 2003)

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    B   r   e   a    d    t    h   o    f

   c   o   n    t   a   c    t

    B   r   e   a    d    t    h   o    f

    i   m   p   a   c    t

   r   e   s   p   o   n   s    i    b    i    l    i    t   y

    F   u    t   u   r   e    f   o   c   u   s

Focuses on the future with thespecific aim of improving the

organisation's capacity todeliver outcomes

There is an additional element of building a relationship with

Ministers, and communicatingthe importance of consultation

throughout the organisation

 A slight shift further towardsorganisation wide activity,including an emphasis onunifying the organisation

Organisation wide responsibilityis evident with a focus on

removing barriersto success and looking outsidethe organisation for possible

solutions to issues

Identifies opportunities that existin the future, recognises

emerging trendsand aligns the business

operation to capitalise on these

Interactions reflect a crossagency focus, with an

emphasis on encouragingstakeholders to work together 

to achieve outcomes

Impact shifts to theorganisation

Responsibility shifts towardsthe organisation, with and

emphasis on ensuringorganisational sustainability

Engages the business unit inactivities that facilitate theachievement of long-term

strategic opportunities

Scope of interactions broadenand there is an increasedemphasis on facilitating

knowledge development andsharing

Impact on the business unit,however with a greater 

emphasis on defining anddriving strategic direction of 

the group

Scope of responsibility movesbeyond immediate priorities

towards creating anenvironment that can flexiblyrespond to changing needs

and circumstances

Develops plans & prioritiesbased on consideration of 

long-term needs

Greater emphasis on bringingparties together to

share information & knowledge

with team, peers & colleagues

Impact is on the business unit,specifically with a remit to

ensure the operationaleffectiveness of the unit

Responsibility shifts towardsbuilding business unit capacity

& responsiveness

Emphasis on recognisinglong-term implications of own

work & actions

Interactions are primarily withthe team, peers and


Impact primarily on one's self and on the team

Responsibility is relativelydiscrete, ands is primarilydirected towards tasks,

projects directly relevant inthe job

Executive Senior executive

Figure 8 Increasing layers of complexity 

    B   r   e   a    d    t    h   o    f

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Critical transition points

Critical transition points have been identified for each capability across the various levels. These are

points where new behaviours have been introduced and are indicated by bold text in the Comparative

View of the Pathway at Section 4.1. The critical transition points are generalisations—agencies may

expect some of these capabilities to be critical at levels other than those identified. This is a key

characteristic to customising the Pathway and maintaining its flexibility. This tool is most useful in raising

awareness of which capabilities will be undertaken in a different manner in a new role. It does not imply

that only these capabilities change. It is cumulative; the behaviours at the level below create the ‘floor 

level’ behaviours for the next levels.

Capabilities EL1 EL2 SES B1 SES B2 SES B3

Shapes strategic thinking

Inspires a sense of purpose and direction

Focuses strategically 

Harnesses information and opportunities

Shows judgement, intelligence and commonsense

Achieves results

Builds organisational capability and responsiveness

Marshals professional expertise

Steers and implements change and deals with uncertainty 

Ensures closure and delivers on intended results

Cultivates productive working relationships

Nurtures internal and external relationships

Facilitates cooperation and partnerships

Values individual differences and diversity 

Guides, mentors and develops people

Exemplifies personal drive and integrity

Demonstrates public service professionalism and probity 

Engages with risk and shows personal courage

Commits to action

Displays resilience

Demonstrates self awareness and a commitment to personal development 

Communicates with influence

Communicates clearly 

Listens, understands and adapts to audience

Negotiates persuasively 

Figure 9 Critical transition points

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Individual profiles of the Pathway

Final doc v2 Page 48

‘The devolved 

environment increases the

complexity of the

leadership task.

Leadership … is

about inspiring and 

motivating, and 

leading for 

commitment, not 

only to


outcomes but to the

fundamental values

and meaning of 

 public service. The

challenge is to

develop individuals

who can lead for 

high performance in

this new 


(‘The public sector of the

future’, A speech by Andrew Podger, Public Service

Commissioner, 2003)

 Another way to look at the capabilities and behaviours described

in the Pathway is by individual profiles. A profile exists for each

level from EL1 to SES B3. The profiles describe the capabilities

and behaviours expected at a particular level, and complement

agency specific capabilities and individual job requirements.

If an individual wants to become more effective in their current

role, the relevant profile will be particularly useful in guiding their 

leadership capability development. It is also useful for individuals

aspiring to leadership positions at executive and senior executive

levels, or if they are in transition to the next level, or to a new role.

The profiles do not contain any mandatory requirements but are

tools to assist individuals to identify development needs and


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Executive Level 1 profile

Shapesstrategic thinking


Cultivates productiveworking relationships

Exemplifies personaldrive and integrity

Communicates withinfluence

Inspires a sense of purposeand direction

Provides direction to othersregarding the purpose andimportance of their work.Illustrates the relationshipbetween operational tasks andorganisational goals. Sets worktasks that align with the strategicobjectives and communicatesexpected outcomes.

Focuses strategically

Understands the organisation'sobjectives and aligns operationalactivities accordingly. Considersthe ramifications of issues andlonger-term impact of own workand work area.

Harnesses information andopportunities

Gathers and investigatesinformation from a variety of sources, and explores new ideasand different viewpoints. Probesinformation and identifies anycritical gaps. Maintains anawareness of the organisation,monitors the context in which theorganisation operates and findsout about best practice


Shows judgment, intelligenceand commonsense

Undertakes objective, systematicanalysis and draws accurateconclusions based on evidence.Recognises the links betweeninterconnected issues. Breaksthrough problems and weighs upthe options to identify solutions.Explores possibilities andinnovative alternatives.

Builds organisationalcapability and responsiveness

Reviews project performanceand focuses on identifyingopportunities for continuousimprovement. Identifies keytalent to support performance.Remains flexible and responsiveto changes in requirements.

Marshals professionalexpertise

Values specialist expertise andcapitalises on the expertknowledge and skills of others.Contributes own expertise toachieve outcomes for thebusiness unit.

Steers and implements changeand deals with uncertainty

Establishes clear plans andtimeframes for projectimplementation and outlinesspecific activities. Responds in apositive and flexible manner tochange and uncertainty. Sharesinformation with others andassists them to adapt.

Ensures closure and deliverson intended results

Sees projects through tocompletion. Monitors projectprogress and adjusts plans asrequired. Commits to achievingquality outcomes and ensuresdocumentation procedures aremaintained. Seeks feedbackfrom stakeholders to gaugesatisfaction.

Nurtures internal and externalrelationships

Builds and sustains relationshipswith a network of key peopleinternally and externally.Proactively offers assistance for a mutually beneficial relationship.

 Anticipates and is responsive tointernal and external clientneeds.

Facilitates cooperation andpartnerships

Involves people, encouragesthem and recognises their contribution. Consults and sharesinformation and ensures othersare kept informed of issues.Works collaboratively andoperates as an effective teammember.

Values individual differencesand diversity

Recognises the positive benefitsthat can be gained from diversityand encourages the explorationof diverse views. Harnessesunderstanding of differences toenhance interactions.Recognises the different workingstyles of individuals, and tries to

see things from differentperspectives.

Guides, mentors and developspeople

Identifies learning opportunitiesfor others and empowers themby delegating tasks. Agrees clear performance standards and givestimely praise and recognition.Makes time for people and offersfull support when required.Delivers constructive, objectivefeedback in a manner that gainsacceptance and achievesresolution. Deals with under-

performance promptly.

Demonstrates public serviceprofessionalism and probity

 Adopts a principled approachand adheres to the APS Valuesand Code of Conduct. Actsprofessionally and impartially atall times and operates within theboundaries of organisationalprocesses and legal and publicpolicy constraints. Operates asan effective representative of theorganisation in public andinternal forums.

Engages with risk and showspersonal courage

Provides impartial and forthrightadvice. Challenges importantissues constructively, and standsby own position whenchallenged. Acknowledgesmistakes and learns from them,and seeks guidance and advicewhen required.

Commits to action

Takes personal responsibility for meeting objectives andprogressing work. Showsinitiative and proactively steps inand does what is required.Commits energy and drive to see

that goals are achieved.

Displays resilience

Persists and focuses onachieving objectives even indifficult circumstances. Remainspositive and responds topressure in a controlled manner.Continues to move forwarddespite criticism or setbacks.

Demonstrates self awarenessand a commitment to personaldevelopment

Self-evaluates performance andseeks feedback from others.Communicates and acts onstrengths and developmentneeds. Reflects on ownbehaviour and recognises theimpact on others. Shows strongcommitment to learning and self-development, and acceptschallenging new opportunities.

Communicates clearly

Confidently presents messagesin a clear, concise and articulatemanner. Focuses on key pointsand uses appropriate,unambiguous language. Selectsthe most appropriate medium for conveying information andstructures written and oralcommunication to ensure clarity.

Listens, understands andadapts to audience

Seeks to understand theaudience and tailorscommunication style andmessage accordingly. Listenscarefully to others and checks toensure their views have beenunderstood. Checks ownunderstanding of others’comments and does not allowmisunderstandings to linger.

Negotiates persuasively

 Approaches negotiations with astrong grasp of the key issues,having prepared in advance.Understands the desiredobjectives and associatedstrengths and weaknesses.

 Anticipates the position of the

other party, and framesarguments accordingly.Encourages the support of relevant stakeholders. Strives toachieve an outcome that deliversbenefits for both parties.

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Capability descriptions and behavioural indicators

Shapes strategic thinking EL1

   C  a  p

  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Inspires a sense of purpose and direction

Focuses strategically Harnesses informationand opportunities

Shows judgement,intelligence and


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Provides direction to othersregarding the purpose andimportance of their work. Illustratesthe relationship betweenoperational tasks andorganisational goals. Sets worktasks that align with the strategicobjectives and communicatesexpected outcomes.

Understands the organisation'sobjectives and aligns operationalactivities accordingly. Considersthe ramifications of issues andlonger-term impact of own workand work area.

Gathers and investigatesinformation from a variety of sources, and explores new ideasand different viewpoints. Probesinformation and identifies anycritical gaps. Maintains anawareness of the organisation,monitors the context in which theorganisation operates and findsout about best practiceapproaches.

Undertakes objective, systematicanalysis and draws accurateconclusions based on evidence.Recognises the links betweeninterconnected issues. Breaksthrough problems and weighs upthe options to identify solutions.Explores possibilities andinnovative alternatives.

   B  e

   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Communicates with othersregarding the purpose of their workand the relationship betweenoperational activities andorganisational goals.

* Translates high-level goals andoutcomes into appropriate tasksfor others.

* Conveys expectations regardingoutcomes and the timelyachievement of objectives.

* Demonstrates an awareness of the implications of issues for ownwork and work area.

* Thinks about the future andconsiders the longer-termimplications of own work.

* Understands the strategicobjectives of the organisation anddevelops work plans accordingly.

* Identifies critical information gapsand asks a range of questions touncover valuable information.

* Sources information on bestpractice approaches adopted inboth the public and private sectors.

* Scans the organisationalenvironment; monitors thecorporate priorities, businesscontext and organisational culture.

* Gathers and investigatesinformation and alternate

viewpoints from a variety of sources through formal andinformal means; explores newideas with an open mind.

* Systematically analysesinformation to identify relationshipsbetween factors.

* Identifies problems and assessestheir significance; takesappropriate action to resolve them.

* Checks and clarifies informationand avoids unwarrantedassumptions; draws accurateconclusions and presents logicalarguments.

* Explores various possibilities and

generates innovative alternatives.

* Selects the best option from arange of potential solutions;demonstrates howrecommendations solve the keyproblems identified.

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Achieves results EL1

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Builds organisationalcapability andresponsiveness

Marshals professionalexpertise

Steers and implementschange and deals withuncertainty

Ensures closure anddelivers on intendedresults

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Reviews project performance andfocuses on identifyingopportunities for continuousimprovement. Identifies key talentto support performance. Remainsflexible and responsive to changesin requirements.

Values specialist expertise andcapitalises on the expertknowledge and skills of others.Contributes own expertise toachieve outcomes for the businessunit.

Establishes clear plans andtimeframes for projectimplementation and outlinesspecific activities. Responds in apositive and flexible manner tochange and uncertainty. Sharesinformation with others and assiststhem to adapt.

Sees projects through tocompletion. Monitors projectprogress and adjusts plans asrequired. Commits to achievingquality outcomes and ensuresdocumentation procedures aremaintained. Seeks feedback fromstakeholders to gauge satisfaction.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c

  a   t  o  r  s

* Identifies and utilises keyindividuals who will contribute todeliver the best results.

* Evaluates projects to understandcritical factors for success, and

engages in activities to achievecontinuous improvement.

* Responds flexibly to changingdemands whilst maintaining sightof the end goal.

* Consults internal and externalexperts; taps into their technicaland professional knowledge andexperience to improve workoutcomes.

* Contributes own expertise for thebenefit of the business unit;encourages others to draw uponthis knowledge.

* Constructs project plans thathave clear and appropriate goals,timeframes and budgets;anticipates change and buildscontingencies into plans.

* Deals positively with uncertaintyand copes effectively in anenvironment characterised bychange; determines a course of action despite lack of clarity.

* Shares appropriate informationwith staff and colleagues duringtimes of change; helps othersadapt to ensure a smoothtransition.

* Regularly seeks feedback fromstakeholders to gauge their satisfaction; ensures work isdelivered to a high standard.

* Maintains focus on quality to

achieve key outcomes; adheres todocumentation procedures andsees tasks through to completion.

* Monitors projects against plans;manages priorities and agreesadjustments to milestones asrequired.

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Cultivates productive working relationships EL1

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Nurtures internal andexternal relationships

Facilitates cooperationand partnerships

Values individualdifferences and diversity

Guides, mentors anddevelops people

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Builds and sustains relationships

with a network of key peopleinternally and externally.Proactively offers assistance for amutually beneficial relationship.

 Anticipates and is responsive tointernal and external client needs.

Involves people, encourages them

and recognises their contribution.Consults and shares informationand ensures others are keptinformed of issues. Workscollaboratively and operates as aneffective team member.

Recognises the positive benefits

that can be gained from diversityand encourages the exploration of diverse views. Harnessesunderstanding of differences toenhance interactions. Recognisesthe different working styles of individuals, and tries to see thingsfrom different perspectives.

Identifies learning opportunities for 

others and empowers them bydelegating tasks. Agrees clear performance standards and givestimely praise and recognition.Makes time for people and offersfull support when required.Delivers constructive, objectivefeedback in a manner that gainsacceptance and achievesresolution. Deals with under-performance promptly.

   B  e   h  a

  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Develops and maintains anetwork with others internally and


* Builds and sustains relationships;liaises with a range of stakeholders including other teams, peers and colleaguesacross the organisation, and inother organisations.

* Offers reciprocal assistance inachieving mutually beneficialoutcomes.

* Anticipates the needs of clientsand provides courteous, promptand professional service to them.

* Operates as an effective member of the team; works collaboratively

and cooperatively; draws on teamstrengths.

* Involves others and encouragestheir input; recognises thecontributions made by other people.

* Consults and shares informationwith own team and upwards;ensures people are kept informedof progress and issues.

* Discerns the differing andpreferred working styles of 

individuals and factors this into themanagement of people and tasks.

* Recognises that others havedifferent views and experience;explores their contributions andcapitalises on the differingperspectives.

* Tries to see things from the other person's perspective.

* Maintains an awareness of thepersonalities, motivations andother diverse qualities of people,and uses this to enhance


* Makes time for people despitecompeting priorities; provides

guidance and offers full supportwhen required.

* Encourages staff to engage indevelopment opportunities;identifies knowledge gaps andworks with them to determineappropriate development activities.

* Delegates tasks effectively;provides clear direction andarticulates parameters.

* Congratulates people onachievements and gives timelyrecognition for good performance.

* Provides clear, constructive andtimely feedback (both positive andnegative) in a manner thatencourages learning and achievesany required resolution.

* Agrees on performancestandards and conducts regular reviews; addresses under-performance promptly, identifiescauses and agrees onimprovement targets.

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Exemplifies personal drive and integrity EL1

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Demonstrates publicserviceprofessionalism andprobity

Engages with riskand shows personalcourage

Commits to action Displays resilience Demonstrates self awareness and acommitment topersonaldevelopment

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

 Adopts a principledapproach and adheres tothe APS Values and Codeof Conduct. Actsprofessionally andimpartially at all times andoperates within theboundaries of organisational processesand legal and public policyconstraints. Operates asan effective representativeof the organisation inpublic and internal forums.

Provides impartial andforthright advice.Challenges importantissues constructively, andstands by own positionwhen challenged.

 Acknowledges mistakesand learns from them, andseeks guidance and advicewhen required.

Takes personalresponsibility for meetingobjectives and progressingwork. Shows initiative andproactively steps in anddoes what is required.Commits energy and driveto see that goals areachieved.

Persists and focuses onachieving objectives evenin difficult circumstances.Remains positive andresponds to pressure in acontrolled manner.Continues to move forwarddespite criticism or setbacks.

Self-evaluatesperformance and seeksfeedback from others.Communicates and acts onstrengths and developmentneeds. Reflects on ownbehaviour and recognisesthe impact on others.Shows strong commitmentto learning and self-development, and acceptschallenging newopportunities.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Adheres to the APSValues and Code of Conduct and consistentlybehaves in an honest,ethical and professionalway.

* Treats people fairly andequitably and istransparent in dealingswith them.

* Makes decisions for thecorporate good withoutfavouritism or bias; places

the aims of theorganisation abovepersonal ambitions.

* Understands andoperates within legal andpublic policy constraintsand limitations.

* Operates in aprofessional manner whenrepresenting theorganisation in public andinternal forums.

* Listens when own ideasare challenged; standsground and defends ownviews when appropriate.

* Challenges issues andraises objectionsconstructively; discussesalternatives to find a wayforward.

* Provides impartial andforthright advice.

* Takes responsibility for mistakes and learns fromthem; acknowledges whenin the wrong.

* Seeks advice andassistance from colleaguesand senior managers whenuncertain.

* Takes the initiative;progresses work, andengages in additional tasksas required.

* Gets on with the job athand and applies self withenergy and drive; commitsto meeting the objectives.

* Recognises and seeks toresolve issues impactingon the achievement of desired outcomes.

* Maintains effectiveperformance levels inhighly charged or high-pressure situations.

* Demonstratespersistence and workshard to achieve objectives.

* Maintains an optimisticoutlook and focuses on thepositives in difficultsituations.

* Stays controlled whenunder pressure; does notreact personally tocriticism.

* Reflects on ownbehaviours and work styleand considers how theyimpact on others and on

 job performance.

* Demonstratescommitment to self-development andcapitalises on opportunitiesto extend skills andknowledge; acceptschallenging newopportunities.

* Communicates areas of strength, andacknowledgesdevelopment needs.

* Seeks feedback onbehaviour and workperformance and isresponsive to guidance.

* Spends time criticallyanalysing ownperformance and identifiesstrengths as well asdevelopment needs.

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Communicates with influence EL1

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Communicates clearly Listens, understands and adapts toaudience

Negotiates persuasively

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Confidently presents messages in a clear,concise and articulate manner. Focuses on keypoints and uses appropriate, unambiguouslanguage. Selects the most appropriatemedium for conveying information andstructures written and oral communication toensure clarity.

Seeks to understand the audience and tailorscommunication style and message accordingly.Listens carefully to others and checks to ensuretheir views have been understood. Checks ownunderstanding of others’ comments and doesnot allow misunderstandings to linger.

 Approaches negotiations with a strong grasp of the key issues, having prepared in advance.Understands the desired objectives andassociated strengths and weaknesses.

 Anticipates the position of the other party, andframes arguments accordingly. Encourages thesupport of relevant stakeholders. Strives toachieve an outcome that delivers benefits for both parties.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d

   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Focuses on clearly communicating key points.

* Limits the use of jargon and abbreviations;explains complex information using languageappropriate for the audience.

* Presents messages confidently and selectsthe appropriate medium for maximum effect.

* Structures messages clearly and succinctly,both orally and in writing.

* Adjusts presentation style on the basis of subtle non-verbal cues.

* Maximises personal communication strengthsand takes into account shortcomings.

* Focuses on gaining a clear understanding of others’ comments by listening, asking clarifyingquestions and reflecting back.

* Understands and addresses the key concernsof the audience.

* Tailors communication style and languageaccording to the audience’s level of knowledge,skill and experience.

* Presents persuasive counter-arguments.

* Puts forward a case firmly, without gettingpersonal or aggressive.

* Encourages relevant stakeholders in

supporting the position.

* Anticipates the stance of other parties inadvance and positions own case accordingly.

* Commences negotiations with a clear understanding of the organisation's objectivesand desired outcomes.

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Executive Level 2 profile

Shapesstrategic thinking


Cultivates productiveworking relationships

Exemplifies personaldrive and integrity

Communicates withinfluence

Inspires a sense of purposeand direction

Translates the strategy intooperational goals and creates ashared sense of purpose withinthe business unit. Engagesothers in the strategic direction of the work area, encourages their contribution and communicatesexpected outcomes.

Focuses strategically

Understands the organisation'sobjectives and links between thebusiness unit, organisation andthe whole of governmentagenda. Considers theramifications of a wide range of 

issues, anticipates priorities anddevelops long-term plans for ownwork area.

Harnesses information andopportunities

Gathers and investigatesinformation from a variety of sources, and explores new ideasand different viewpoints. Probesinformation and identifies anycritical gaps. Maintains anawareness of the organisation,looks for recent developmentsthat may impact on own businessarea and finds out about best

practice approaches.

Shows judgment, intelligenceand commonsense

Undertakes objective, criticalanalysis and distils the coreissues. Presents logicalarguments and draws accurateconclusions. Anticipates andseeks to minimise risks. Breaksthrough problems and weighs upthe options to identify solutions.Explores possibilities andcreative alternatives.

Builds organisationalcapability and responsiveness

Evaluates ongoing projectperformance and identifiescritical success factors. Instigatescontinuous improvementactivities. Responds flexibly tochanging demands. Builds teamswith complementary skills andallocates resources in a manner that delivers results.

Marshals professionalexpertise

Values specialist expertise andcapitalises on the knowledgewithin the organisation as well asconsulting externally as

appropriate. Manages contracts judiciously. Contributes ownexpertise to achieve outcomesfor the business unit.

Steers and implements changeand deals with uncertainty

Establishes clear plans andtimeframes for projectimplementation and outlinesspecific activities. Responds in apositive and flexible manner tochange and uncertainty. Sharesinformation with others andassists them to adapt.

Ensures closure and deliverson intended results

Strives to achieve andencourages others to do thesame. Monitors progress andidentifies risks that may impacton outcomes. Adjusts plans asrequired. Commits to achievingquality outcomes and ensuresdocumentation procedures aremaintained. Seeks feedback fromstakeholders to gaugesatisfaction.

Nurtures internal and externalrelationships

Builds and sustains relationshipswith a network of key peopleinternally and externally.Recognises shared agendas andworks toward mutually beneficialoutcomes. Anticipates and isresponsive to internal andexternal client needs.

Facilitates cooperation andpartnerships

Brings people together andencourages input from keystakeholders. Finds opportunitiesto share information and ensuresthat others are kept informed of 

issues. Fosters teamwork andrewards cooperative andcollaborative behaviour.Resolves conflict usingappropriate strategies.

Values individual differencesand diversity

Recognises the positive benefitsthat can be gained from diversityand encourages the explorationof diverse views. Harnessesunderstanding of differences toanticipate reactions and enhanceinteractions. Recognises thedifferent working styles of 

individuals, and tries to seethings from differentperspectives.

Guides, mentors and developspeople

Encourages and motivatespeople to engage in continuouslearning, and empowers them bydelegating tasks. Agrees clear performance standards and givestimely praise and recognition.Makes time for people and offersfull support when required.Delivers constructive feedback ina manner that gains acceptance

and achieves resolution. Dealswith under-performancepromptly.

Demonstrates public serviceprofessionalism and probity

 Adopts a principled approachand adheres to the APS Valuesand Code of Conduct. Actsprofessionally and impartially atall times and operates within theboundaries of organisationalprocesses and legal and publicpolicy constraints. Operates asan effective representative of theorganisation in public andinternal forums.

Engages with risk and showspersonal courage

Provides impartial and forthrightadvice. Challenges important

issues constructively, stands byown position and supports otherswhen required. Acknowledgesmistakes and learns from them,and seeks guidance and advicewhen required.

Commits to action

Takes personal responsibility for meeting objectives andprogressing work. Showsinitiative and proactively steps inand does what is required.Commits energy and drive to seethat goals are achieved.

Displays resilience

Persists and focuses onachieving objectives even indifficult circumstances. Remainspositive and responds topressure in a controlled manner.Maintains momentum andsustains effort despite criticism or setbacks.

Demonstrates self awarenessand a commitment to personaldevelopment

Critically analyses ownperformance and seeks feedback

from others. Confidentlycommunicates strengths andacknowledges developmentneeds. Acts on negativefeedback to improveperformance. Reflects on ownbehaviour and recognises theimpact on others. Shows strongcommitment to learning and self-development, and embraceschallenging new opportunities.

Communicates clearly

Confidently presents messagesin a clear, concise and articulatemanner. Translates informationfor others, focusing on key pointsand using appropriate,unambiguous language. Selectsthe most appropriate medium for conveying information andstructures written and oralcommunication to ensure clarity.

Listens, understands andadapts to audience

Seeks to understand theaudience and tailorscommunication style andmessage accordingly. Listens

carefully to others and checks toensure their views have beenunderstood. Anticipates reactionsand is prepared to respond.Checks own understanding of others’ comments and does notallow misunderstandings tolinger.

Negotiates persuasively

 Approaches negotiations with astrong grasp of the key issues,having prepared well in advance.Understands the desiredobjectives and associatedstrengths and weaknesses.

 Anticipates the position of theother party, and adapts approachaccordingly. Encourages thesupport of relevant stakeholders.Encourages debate and identifiescommon ground to facilitateagreement and acceptance of mutually beneficial solutions.

Note: shaded areas represent critical transition points.

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Capability descriptions and behavioural indicators

Shapes strategic thinking EL2

   C  a

  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Inspires a sense of purpose and direction

Focuses strategically Harnesses informationand opportunities

Shows judgement,intelligence andcommonsense

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Translates the strategy intooperational goals and creates ashared sense of purpose within thebusiness unit. Engages others inthe strategic direction of the workarea, encourages their contributionand communicates expectedoutcomes.

Understands the organisation'sobjectives and links between thebusiness unit, organisation and thewhole of government agenda.Considers the ramifications of awide range of issues, anticipatespriorities and develops long-termplans for own work area.

Gathers and investigatesinformation from a variety of sources, and explores new ideasand different viewpoints. Probesinformation and identifies anycritical gaps. Maintains anawareness of the organisation,looks for recent developments thatmay impact on own business areaand finds out about best practiceapproaches.

Undertakes objective, criticalanalysis and distils the coreissues. Presents logical argumentsand draws accurate conclusions.

 Anticipates and seeks to minimiserisks. Breaks through problemsand weighs up the options toidentify solutions. Explorespossibilities and creativealternatives.


  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Encourages others to provideinput and comment on thestrategic direction of the businessunit.

* Communicates with othersregarding the purpose of their workand the relationship between workunit objectives and organisationalgoals.

* Builds a shared sense of purposeand direction; translates the visioninto shorter-term goals andobjectives.

* Frames objectives in ameaningful way andcommunicates expectations of their achievement.

* Considers a wide range of issuesand their implications for thebusiness unit.

* Thinks about the future; developslong-term plans and anticipateslikely priorities.

* Understands the organisation’sdirection and how the work of ownbusiness area fits into theorganisation, wider community andwhole of government agenda.

* Identifies critical information gapsand asks a range of questions touncover valuable information.

* Sources information on bestpractice approaches adopted inboth the public and private sectors.

* Scans the internal and externalenvironment for new trends andrecent developments that are likelyto affect own business area.

* Gathers and investigatesinformation and alternate

viewpoints from a variety of sources through formal andinformal means; explores newideas with an open mind.

* Distils the core issues fromcomplex information and identifiesrelationships between factors.

* Anticipates problems and takessteps to minimise or prevent them;identifies and articulates potentialrisks.

* Draws accurate conclusions andpresents logical arguments thataddress key issues.

* Explores various possibilities andgenerates innovative alternatives.

* Selects the best option from arange of potential solutions;demonstrates howrecommendations solve the keyproblems identified.

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Achieves results EL2

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Builds organisationalcapability andresponsiveness

Marshals professionalexpertise

Steers and implementschange and deals withuncertainty

Ensures closure anddelivers on intendedresults

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Evaluates ongoing projectperformance and identifies criticalsuccess factors. Instigatescontinuous improvement activities.Responds flexibly to changingdemands. Builds teams withcomplementary skills and allocatesresources in a manner thatdelivers results.

Values specialist expertise andcapitalises on the knowledgewithin the organisation as well asconsulting externally asappropriate. Manages contracts

 judiciously. Contributes ownexpertise to achieve outcomes for the business unit.

Establishes clear plans andtimeframes for projectimplementation and outlinesspecific activities. Responds in apositive and flexible manner tochange and uncertainty. Sharesinformation with others and assiststhem to adapt.

Strives to achieve and encouragesothers to do the same. Monitorsprogress and identifies risks thatmay impact on outcomes. Adjustsplans as required. Commits toachieving quality outcomes andensures documentationprocedures are maintained. Seeksfeedback from stakeholders togauge satisfaction.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Builds effective teams withcomplementary skills.

* Allocates resources in a flexible

manner across work area todeliver the best results for theorganisation.

* Evaluates projects and businessprocesses to understand criticalfactors for success; engages in,and encourages others tocontribute to, continuousimprovement.

* Responds flexibly to changingdemands whilst maintaining sightof the end goals.

* Supplements internal knowledgewith technical expertise fromexternal providers and other 

government organisations.Manages contracts judiciously.

* Consults internal and externalexperts; taps into their technicaland professional knowledge andexperience to improve workoutcomes.

* Contributes own expertise for thebenefit of the business unit;encourages others to draw uponthis knowledge.

* Constructs project plans thathave clear and appropriate goals,timeframes and budgets;

anticipates change and buildscontingencies into plans.

* Deals positively with uncertaintyand copes effectively in anenvironment characterised bychange; determines a course of action despite lack of clarity.

* Shares appropriate informationwith staff and colleagues duringtimes of change; helps othersadapt to ensure a smoothtransition.

* Commits to targets and strives toachieve results; encourages othersto do the same.

* Identifies and addresses risksthat may impede work completion;proactively escalates issues thathave not been controlled to ensurework remains on track.

* Regularly seeks feedback fromstakeholders to gauge their satisfaction; acts to ensure work isdelivered to a high standard.

* Maintains focus on quality toachieve key outcomes; adheres todocumentation procedures andsees tasks through to completion.

* Monitors projects against plans;manages priorities and agrees onadjustments to milestones asrequired.

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Cultivates productive working relationships EL2

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Nurtures internal andexternal relationships

Facilitates cooperationand partnerships

Values individualdifferences and diversity

Guides, mentors anddevelops people

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Builds and sustains relationships

with a network of key peopleinternally and externally.Recognises shared agendas andworks toward mutually beneficialoutcomes. Anticipates and isresponsive to internal and externalclient needs.

Brings people together and

encourages input from keystakeholders. Finds opportunitiesto share information and ensuresthat others are kept informed of issues. Fosters teamwork andrewards cooperative andcollaborative behaviour. Resolvesconflict using appropriatestrategies.

Recognises the positive benefits

that can be gained from diversityand encourages the exploration of diverse views. Harnessesunderstanding of differences toanticipate reactions and enhanceinteractions. Recognises thedifferent working styles of individuals, and tries to see thingsfrom different perspectives.

Encourages and motivates people

to engage in continuous learning,and empowers them by delegatingtasks. Agrees on clear performance standards and givestimely praise and recognition.Makes time for people and offersfull support when required.Delivers constructive feedback in amanner that gains acceptance andachieves resolution. Deals withunder-performance promptly.

   B  e   h  a

  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Develops and maintains anetwork with others internally and


* Builds and sustains long-termrelationships; liaises with a rangeof stakeholders including other teams, peers and colleaguesacross the organisation, and inother organisations.

* Recognises shared agendas andworks toward mutually beneficialoutcomes.

* Anticipates the needs of clientsand provides courteous, promptand professional service to them.

* Uses appropriate strategies toresolve conflicts and address

concerns quickly.

* Fosters teamwork by workingcollaboratively and cooperatively;encourages and rewards thosebehaviours in others.

* Brings people together andensures the key stakeholders areinvolved in discussions;encourages people’s input andseeks contribution.

* Consults, promotes opendiscussion; shares information withkey stakeholders internally and

externally; ensures that people inown team and upwards are keptinformed of progress and issues.

* Discerns the differing andpreferred working styles of 

individuals and factors this into themanagement of people and tasks.

* Recognises that others havedifferent views and experience;explores their contributions andcapitalises on the differingperspectives.

* Tries to see things from the other person's perspective; anticipatestheir reactions and adoptsstrategies to address them.

* Maintains an awareness of thepersonalities, motivations and

other diverse qualities of people,and uses this to enhanceinteractions.

* Makes time for people despitecompeting priorities; provides

guidance and offers full supportwhen required.

* Acts as a coach and works withpeople to facilitate their development; identifiesdevelopment opportunities andencourages continuous learning.

* Delegates tasks effectively;provides clear direction andarticulates parameters.

* Congratulates people onachievements and gives timelyrecognition for good performance.

* Provides clear, constructive andtimely feedback (both positive andnegative) in a manner thatencourages learning and achievesany required resolution.

* Agrees on performancestandards and conducts regular reviews; addresses under-performance promptly, identifiescauses and agrees onimprovement targets.

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Exemplifies personal drive and integrity EL2

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Demonstrates publicserviceprofessionalism andprobity

Engages with riskand shows personalcourage

Commits to action Displays resilience Demonstrates self-awareness and acommitment topersonaldevelopment

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

 Adopts a principledapproach and adheres tothe APS Values and Codeof Conduct. Actsprofessionally andimpartially at all times andoperates within theboundaries of organisational processesand legal and public policyconstraints. Operates asan effective representativeof the organisation inpublic and internal forums.

Provides impartial andforthright advice.Challenges importantissues constructively,stands by own position andsupports others whenrequired. Acknowledgesmistakes and learns fromthem, and seeks guidanceand advice when required.

Takes personalresponsibility for meetingobjectives and progressingwork. Shows initiative andproactively steps in anddoes what is required.Commits energy and driveto see that goals areachieved.

Persists and focuses onachieving objectives evenin difficult circumstances.Remains positive andresponds to pressure in acontrolled manner.Maintains momentum andsustains effort despitecriticism or setbacks.

Critically analyses ownperformance and seeksfeedback from others.Confidently communicatesstrengths andacknowledgesdevelopment needs. Actson negative feedback toimprove performance.Reflects on own behaviour and recognises the impacton others. Shows strongcommitment to learningand self-development, andembraces challenging new


   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d

   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Adheres to the APSValues and Code of Conduct and consistentlybehaves in an honest,ethical and professionalway.

* Treats people fairly andequitably and istransparent in dealingswith them.

* Makes decisions for the

corporate good withoutfavouritism or bias; placesthe aims of theorganisation abovepersonal ambitions.

* Understands andoperates within legal andpublic policy constraintsand limitations.

* Operates in aprofessional manner whenrepresenting theorganisation in public andinternal forums.

* Listens when own ideasare challenged, standsown ground and supportsothers when appropriate.

* Challenges issues andraises objectionsconstructively; discussesalternatives to find a wayforward.

* Provides impartial andforthright advice.

* Takes responsibility for mistakes and learns fromthem; acknowledges whenin the wrong.

* Seeks advice andassistance from colleaguesand managers whenuncertain.

* Takes the initiative;progresses work, andengages in additional tasksas required.

* Works to get results;shows energy and drive;commits to meetingobjectives.

* Recognises and seeks toresolve issues impactingon the achievement of 

desired outcomes.

* Sustains high levels of effort and energy followinga setback; maintainsmomentum and continuesto move forward.

* Demonstratespersistence, adaptsapproach when requiredand works hard to achieveobjectives.

* Maintains an optimistic

outlook and focuses on thepositives in difficultsituations.

* Withstands criticism fromstakeholders andmaintains composurewhen under pressure.

* Reflects on ownbehaviours and work styleand considers how theyimpact others andperformance on the job.

* Demonstratescommitment to self-development, steps out of own comfort zone andembraces challengingopportunities for growth.

* Confidentlycommunicates areas of strength andacknowledgesdevelopment needs.

* Seeks feedbackregarding performance;acts on feedback toachieve continualimprovement.

* Spends time criticallyanalysing ownperformance and identifiesstrengths as well asdevelopment needs.

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Communicates with influence EL2

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Communicates clearly Listens, understands and adapts toaudience

Negotiates persuasively

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Confidently presents messages in a clear,concise and articulate manner. Translatesinformation for others, focusing on key pointsand using appropriate, unambiguous language.Selects the most appropriate medium for conveying information and structures writtenand oral communication to ensure clarity.

Seeks to understand the audience and tailorscommunication style and message accordingly.Listens carefully to others and checks to ensuretheir views have been understood. Anticipatesreactions and is prepared to respond. Checksown understanding of others’ comments anddoes not allow misunderstandings to linger.

 Approaches negotiations with a strong grasp of the key issues, having prepared well inadvance. Understands the desired objectivesand associated strengths and weaknesses.

 Anticipates the position of the other party, andadapts approach accordingly. Encourages thesupport of relevant stakeholders. Encouragesdebate and identifies common ground tofacilitate agreement and acceptance of mutuallybeneficial solutions.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a

   t  o  r  s

* Translates information for others and focuseson clearly communicating key points.

* Limits the use of jargon and abbreviations;

explains complex information using languageappropriate for the audience.

* Presents messages confidently and selectsthe appropriate medium for maximum effect.

* Structures messages clearly and succinctly,both orally and in writing.

* Adjusts presentation style on the basis of subtle non-verbal cues.

* Maximises personal communication strengths

and takes into account shortcomings.

* Anticipates others’ reactions and is preparedto respond.

* Tailors communication style and languageaccording to the audience’s level of knowledge,skill and experience.

* Encourages debate and seeks to develop aclear understanding about conflicting issues.

* Puts forward a case firmly, without getting

personal or aggressive.* Encourages relevant stakeholders insupporting the position.

* Anticipates the stance of other parties inadvance and positions own case accordingly;identifies common ground.

* Develops a convincing argument andpresents the rationale with solid supportingevidence.

* Focuses on gaining a clear understanding of others’ comments by listening, asking clarifyingquestions and reflecting back.

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SES Band 1 profile

Shapesstrategic thinking


Cultivates productiveworking relationships

Exemplifies personaldrive and integrity

Communicates withinfluence

Inspires a sense of purposeand direction

Develops the strategic directionfor the business unit and createsa shared sense of purpose bydemonstrating how elements of the strategy fit together andcontribute to higher-level goals.Encourages others’ input andcommunicates required actionsand expected outcomes.

Focuses strategically

Understands the organisation'sdirection and role withingovernment and societyincluding the whole of government agenda. Considers

multiple perspectives whenassessing the ramifications of issues. Develops plans thataddress both current and likelyfuture requirements. Seeks toalign business unit activities withstrategic priorities.

Harnesses information andopportunities

Draws on information andalternative viewpoints andmonitors information channels tounderstand new issues of importance to the government.Monitors change in the

environment. Seizesopportunities and adjustsapproach to respond to threats.

 Addresses any criticalinformation gaps. Usesknowledge of the organisation toprovide a context for others.

Shows judgment, intelligenceand commonsense

 Applies intellect and knowledgeto weigh up complex informationand identify critical factors andissues. Works effectively whenall of the information is notavailable. Explores the options in

full and makes sound decisionsunder pressure. Considersopportunities and anticipatesrisk. Applies lateral thinking andidentifies innovative solutions.

Builds organisationalcapability and responsiveness

Investigates ways to improveeffectiveness by harnessingtechnology and implementingcontinuous improvementactivities. Builds teams withcomplementary skills andengages in succession planning.Responds flexibly to changingcircumstances, deploysresources astutely and identifiesoptimum resourcingcombinations. Creates a flexibleenvironment that enables othersto meet changing demands.

Marshals professionalexpertise

Integrates professional expertiseinto the organisation to improveoverall performance and deliveryof business unit outcomes.Manages contracts judiciously.

 Actively ensures relevantprofessional input from others isobtained and shares ownexperience.

Steers and implements changeand deals with uncertainty

 Adopts a planned approach tothe management of programs.Defines high-level objectives and

supports translation intoimplementation strategies.Operates effectively in anenvironment of ongoing changeand uncertainty and maintainsflexibility. Actively ensuresstakeholders are kept informedduring times of change.

Ensures closure and deliverson intended results

Drives a culture of achievement.Ensures ideas and intendedactions become reality and thatplanned projects result inexpected outputs. Strives for 

quality, and ensures compliancewith regulatory requirements.Puts systems in place toestablish and measureaccountabilities. Manages risksthat may impede on projectoutcomes and ensures that keystakeholders are across allrelevant issues.

Nurtures internal and externalrelationships

Builds and sustains relationshipswithin the organisation, with theMinister's office, across the APSand with a diverse range of external stakeholders. Looks for shared agendas and uses theseto bring people together. Showsa commitment to client servicethrough own actions and those of the business unit.

Facilitates cooperation andpartnerships

Brings people together andencourages input from keystakeholders. Facilitates

cooperation within and betweenorganisations. Promotes thereciprocal sharing of informationto build knowledge. Fostersteamwork and rewardscooperative and collaborativebehaviour. Resolves conflict andmanages the sensitivitiesinvolved.

Values individual differencesand diversity

Recognises the positive benefitsthat can be gained from diversityand capitalises on these for thebenefit of the business unit.

Harnesses understanding of differences to anticipatereactions and enhanceinteractions. Recognises thedifferent working styles of individuals, and tries to seethings from differentperspectives.

Guides, mentors and developspeople

Encourages and motivatespeople to engage in continuouslearning, and empowers them bydelegating responsibility for work.Sets clear performance

standards and gives timely praiseand recognition. Makes time for people and offers full supportwhen required. Deliversconstructive feedback andmanages under-performance.Offers support in time of highpressure and engages inactivities to maintain morale.

Demonstrates public serviceprofessionalism and probity

 Adheres to and promotes the APS Values and Code of Conduct and acts with utmostintegrity and professionalism.Encourages these standards inothers. Operates professionallyand within the boundaries of organisational processes andlegal and public policyconstraints. Represents theorganisation effectively in publicand internal forums, andadvocates the corporate agenda.

Engages with risk and showspersonal courage

Provides impartial and forthrightadvice. Is prepared to maketough corporate decisions toachieve desired outcomes.Challenges and encouragesdebate on difficult or controversial issues. Stands byown position and supports otherswhen required. Takesresponsibility for mistakes andlearns from them. Seeksguidance and advice whenrequired.

Commits to action

Commits to achieving key

outcomes for the organisation.Demonstrates personal drive,focus and energy. Galvanisesothers to act. Acts decisively andinitiates urgent action toovercome difficult problems.

Displays resilience

Persists with, and focuses onachieving, organisationalobjectives even in difficultcircumstances. Monitors ownemotional reactions andresponds to pressure in acontrolled manner. Displays apositive outlook and maintains

momentum in difficult situations.

Demonstrates self awarenessand a commitment to personaldevelopment

Examines own performance andregularly seeks feedback fromothers. Confidently promotesareas of strength, acknowledgesdevelopment needs andproactively identifies relatedlearning opportunities to extendskills and experience. Reflects onown behaviour and recognisesthe impact on others.

Communicates clearly

Confidently presents messagesin a clear, concise and articulatemanner. Focuses on key pointsfor the audience and usesappropriate, unambiguouslanguage, and explains theimplications and ensures theconclusion is clearly conveyed.Selects the most appropriatemedium for conveyinginformation and structures writtenand oral communication toensure clarity.

Listens, understands andadapts to audience

Seeks to understand the

audience and tailorscommunication style andmessage accordingly. Listenscarefully to others and checks toensure their views have beenunderstood. Anticipates reactionsand prepares a response toaddress the audience’sconcerns. Checks ownunderstanding of others’comments and does not allowmisunderstandings to linger.

Negotiates persuasively

 Approaches negotiations with astrong grasp of the key issues.

Presents a convincing andbalanced rationale. Anticipatesthe position of the other party,and is aware of the extent of potential for compromise.

 Acknowledges and addressesdisagreements to facilitatemutually beneficial solutions.Encourages the support of relevant stakeholders. Focuseson the desired objectives andensures negotiations remain ontrack.

Note: shaded areas represent critical transition points.

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Capability descriptions and behavioural indicators

Shapes strategic thinking SES1

   C  a  p

  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Inspires a sense of purpose and direction

Focuses strategically Harnesses informationand opportunities

Shows judgement,intelligence and


   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Develops the strategic direction for the business unit and creates ashared sense of purpose bydemonstrating how elements of the strategy fit together andcontribute to higher-level goals.Encourages others’ input andcommunicates required actionsand expected outcomes.

Understands the organisation'sdirection and role withingovernment and society includingthe whole of government agenda.Considers multiple perspectiveswhen assessing the ramificationsof issues. Develops plans thataddress both current and likelyfuture requirements. Seeks to alignbusiness unit activities withstrategic priorities.

Draws on information andalternative viewpoints andmonitors information channels tounderstand new issues of importance to the government.Monitors change in theenvironment. Seizes opportunitiesand adjusts approach to respondto threats. Addresses any criticalinformation gaps. Uses knowledgeof the organisation to provide a

context for others.

 Applies intellect and knowledge toweigh up complex information andidentify critical factors and issues.Works effectively when all of theinformation is not available.Explores the options in full andmakes sound decisions under pressure. Considers opportunitiesand anticipates risk. Applies lateralthinking and identifies innovativesolutions.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Engages others in theorganisation's vision andencourages comment; articulatesthe need for action.

* Establishes the strategic goalsfor the business unit;communicates links betweengovernment policy, organisationalgoals and the work of the unit.

* Builds a shared sense of purposeand direction by demonstrating

how elements of the strategy fittogether.

* Promotes the vision and strategyby communicating expectationsand describing likely outcomesand benefits.

* Focuses on the future andpursues strategic alignment of actions within the business unit.

* Considers multiple perspectiveswhen contemplating the impactkey issues may have on thebusiness unit.

* Thinks about the future; developsplans that balance potential futureneeds with immediaterequirements.

* Understands the organisation'sdirection and how the work of ownbusiness area fits onto theorganisation, wider community andwhole of government agenda.

* Understands the cultural, social,historical and political factorsaffecting the organisation; usesthis information to provide acontext for other people.

* Identifies critical informationgaps, and ensures requiredinformation is obtained.

* Investigates and appliescontemporary best practiceapproaches from both public and

private organisations, nationallyand internationally.

* Scans the internal and externalenvironments; uses resultinginformation to adjust approach,identify threats and seize emergingopportunities for the organisation.

* Draws on information andalternative viewpoints from avariety of sources; monitorsinformation channels such as themedia, the Internet and Hansard tounderstand new issues of importance to the government.Explores new ideas with an openmind.

* Quickly identifies relationshipsbetween issues, synthesisescomplex information and discernsthe key implications for theorganisation in the context of government priorities.

* Anticipates problems and takessteps to minimise or prevent them;identifies and manages risk.

* Makes clear, well-reasoned andtimely decisions; balances intuition

and intellect to form effective judgements.

* Applies lateral and creativethinking to generate ideas andsolutions.

* Works effectively in situations of ambiguity and with issues thatcannot be immediately resolved.

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Achieves results SES1

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Builds organisationalcapability andresponsiveness

Marshals professionalexpertise

Steers and implementschange and deals withuncertainty

Ensures closure anddelivers on intendedresults

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Investigates ways to improveeffectiveness by harnessingtechnology and implementingcontinuous improvement activities.Builds teams with complementaryskills and engages in successionplanning. Responds flexibly tochanging circumstances, deploysresources astutely and identifiesoptimum resourcing combinations.Creates a flexible environment thatenables others to meet changingdemands.

Integrates professional expertiseinto the organisation to improveoverall performance and deliveryof business unit outcomes.Manages contracts judiciously.

 Actively ensures relevantprofessional input from others isobtained and shares ownexperience.

 Adopts a planned approach to themanagement of programs. Defineshigh-level objectives and supportstranslation into implementationstrategies. Operates effectively inan environment of ongoing changeand uncertainty and maintainsflexibility. Actively ensuresstakeholders are kept informedduring times of change.

Drives a culture of achievement.Ensures ideas and intendedactions become reality and thatplanned projects result in expectedoutputs. Strives for quality, andensures compliance withregulatory requirements. Putssystems in place to establish andmeasure accountabilities.Manages risks that may impede onproject outcomes and ensures thatkey stakeholders are across allrelevant issues.

   B  e   h  a

  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Creates a flexible environmentwithin the business unit thatenables people to move betweenprojects to meet changingdemands.

* Builds effective teams withcomplementary skills; attracts andrecruits talent and engages insuccession planning.

* Deploys resources astutely;considers resource requirements,resource gaps and the capability of individuals to ensure the bestresult.

* Challenges the status quo bylooking for ways to improveeffectiveness; harnesses thepotential of technology andimplements continuousimprovement activities.

* Responds flexibly and managesresources to meet changingdemands in the environment.

* Strikes a balance between usingexternal expertise and internalknowledge and experience.

* Supplements internal knowledgewith technical expertise fromexternal providers and other government organisations.Manages contracts judiciously.

* Consults internal experts; tapsinto their technical andprofessional knowledge andexperience to improveorganisational outcomes.

* Contributes own expertise for thebenefit of the organisation;encourages others to draw uponthis knowledge.

* Adopts a planned approach tothe management of programs;develops high-level plans thatdefine required outcomes.

* Operates effectively in anenvironment of ongoing change;maintains a flexible approach toachieve objectives.

* Shares appropriate informationwith stakeholders during times of change; anticipates likelyobjections and addresses them ina timely manner.

* Commits to targets and strives toachieve results; encourages othersto do the same.

* Identifies and addresses risksthat may impede projectcompletion; proactively escalatesissues that have not beencontrolled to ensure work remainson track.

* Reports achievements to keystakeholders, engages them inprogram outcomes and seeksfeedback; acts to ensure work isdelivered to a high standard.

* Strives for high-quality outputsthroughout the business unit andaccepts accountability for achieving agreed outcomes.

* Establishes systems to monitor progress against objectives andensures that projects comply withregulatory requirements.

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Cultivates productive working relationships SES1

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Nurtures internal andexternal relationships

Facilitates cooperationand partnerships

Values individualdifferences and diversity

Guides, mentors anddevelops people

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Builds and sustains relationships

within the organisation, with theMinister's office, across the APSand with a diverse range of external stakeholders. Looks for shared agendas and uses these tobring people together. Shows acommitment to client servicethrough own actions and those of the business unit.

Brings people together and

encourages input from keystakeholders. Facilitatescooperation within and betweenorganisations. Promotes thereciprocal sharing of information tobuild knowledge. Fostersteamwork and rewardscooperative and collaborativebehaviour. Resolves conflict andmanages the sensitivities involved.

Recognises the positive benefits

that can be gained from diversityand capitalises on these for thebenefit of the business unit.Harnesses understanding of differences to anticipate reactionsand enhance interactions.Recognises the different workingstyles of individuals, and tries tosee things from differentperspectives.

Encourages and motivates people

to engage in continuous learning,and empowers them by delegatingresponsibility for work. Sets clear performance standards and givestimely praise and recognition.Makes time for people and offersfull support when required.Delivers constructive feedback andmanages under-performance.Offers support in time of highpressure and engages in activitiesto maintain morale.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Invests time to sustain and

broaden networks; follows up andmaintains regular contact.

* Builds a diverse range of relationships with key people inother organisations, such as theMinister's office, the private sector,industry groups and other relevantstakeholder groups.

* Finds shared agendas and usesthese to bring people together todevelop mutually beneficialoutcomes.

* Takes steps to ensure the

provision of prompt, efficient andresponsive client servicepersonally, and through theactivities of the business unit.

* Facilitates cooperation between

organisations by sharinginformation; maintains a cross-government focus.

* Resolves conflict usingappropriate strategies; findssolutions that manage thesensitivities involved.

* Fosters teamwork by workingcollaboratively and cooperatively;encourages and rewards thosebehaviours in others.

* Brings people together andensures the key stakeholders are

involved in discussions; seeksinput and facilitates jointownership.

* Consults and promotes opendiscussion; shares information withkey stakeholders internally andexternally; facilitates reciprocalsharing of information to buildknowledge.

* Discerns the differing and

preferred working styles of individuals and uses thisinformation to enhance theoperation of the business unit.

* Recognises that others havedifferent views and experience;encourages input, listens andtakes action to harness the variedinput for the benefit of thebusiness unit.

* Tries to see things from the other person's perspective, anticipatestheir reactions and adoptsstrategies to address them.

* Maintains an awareness of thepersonalities, motivations andother diverse qualities of people,and uses this to enhanceinteractions.

* Engages in activities to maintain

optimism and enthusiasm;implements formal and informalteam-building activities.

* Assists people in managing their time and emotional response whenunder high levels of pressure.

* Makes time for people despitecompeting priorities, particularlywhen people are challenged or during difficult times.

* Acts as a coach and works withpeople to facilitate continuouslearning; sets stretching

development tasks linked toindividual performance andpotential.

* Delegates responsibility for workto others with broad parameters;motivates others to takeownership.

* Congratulates people onachievements and gives timelyrecognition for good performance.

* Provides clear, constructive andtimely feedback (both positive andnegative) in a manner that

encourages learning and achievesany required resolution.

* Sets performance standards andconducts regular reviews;identifies and constructivelyaddresses under-performance.

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Exemplifies personal drive and integrity SES1

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Demonstrates publicserviceprofessionalism andprobity

Engages with riskand shows personalcourage

Commits to action Displays resilience Demonstrates self-awareness and acommitment topersonaldevelopment

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

 Adheres to and promotesthe APS Values and Codeof Conduct and acts withutmost integrity andprofessionalism.Encourages thesestandards in others.Operates professionallyand within the boundariesof organisationalprocesses and legal andpublic policy constraints.Represents theorganisation effectively inpublic and internal forums,

and advocates thecorporate agenda.

Provides impartial andforthright advice. Isprepared to make toughcorporate decisions toachieve desired outcomes.Challenges andencourages debate ondifficult or controversialissues. Stands by ownposition and supportsothers when required.Takes responsibility for mistakes and learns fromthem. Seeks guidance andadvice when required.

Commits to achieving keyoutcomes for theorganisation.Demonstrates personaldrive, focus and energy.Galvanises others to act.

 Acts decisively andinitiates urgent action toovercome difficultproblems.

Persists and focuses onachieving organisationalobjectives even in difficultcircumstances. Monitorsown emotional reactionsand responds to pressurein a controlled manner.Displays a positive outlookand maintains momentumin difficult situations.

Examines ownperformance and regularlyseeks feedback fromothers. Confidentlypromotes areas of strength, acknowledgesdevelopment needs andproactively identifiesrelated learningopportunities to extendskills and experience.Reflects on own behaviour and recognises the impacton others.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Leads by example andmaintains high standardsof professionalism andimpartiality; expects andencourages team andcolleagues to apply thesame high standards.

* Adheres to the APSValues and Code of Conduct and consistently

behaves in an honest,ethical and professionalway.

* Treats people fairly andequitably and istransparent in dealingswith them.

* Makes decisions for thecorporate good withoutfavouritism or bias; placesthe aims of theorganisation abovepersonal ambitions.

* Understands andoperates within legal andpublic policy constraintsand limitations.

* Represents theorganisation in publicforums; appropriatelysupports and promotes theorganisation's agenda.

* Presents a unitedleadership voice; supportsother leaders.

* Makes tough corporatedecisions that are in thebest interests of thegovernment (even whenthese may not be popular).

* Encourages andcontributes to debate onown ideas and the ideas of others; stands own groundand supports others when

appropriate.* Confronts difficult or controversial issuesdirectly; is willing to makean unpopular stand andclearly voice own position.

* Provides forthright andimpartial advice in aconstructive manner thatfacilitates the achievementof government outcomes.

* Takes ownership for decisions and acceptsresponsibility when thingsgo wrong; learns frommistakes.

* Seeks advice andguidance; admits to notalways knowing theanswer to a question.

* Takes the initiative andacts decisively to movethings forward.

* Shows drive, energy andinitiative; gets involved andgalvanises others to act todeliver key results for theorganisation.

* Initiates urgent action andis responsive when there

are issues impacting onthe achievement of outcomes.

* Sustains high levels of effort and energy followinga setback, maintainsmomentum and continuesto move forward.

* Demonstrates tenacityand persists with initiativesthat are of benefit to theorganisation and/or government.

* Maintains an optimisticoutlook and focuses on thepositives in difficultsituations.

* Monitors own emotionalreactions, remains calmand maintains focus whenfaced with criticism or pressure.

* Regularly examines ownbehaviour and the impacton others; identifieslearning opportunities.

* Demonstratescommitment to self-development, proactivelyidentifies developmentopportunities and seeks toextend skills and

experience.* Confidently promotesareas of strength andacknowledgesdevelopment needs.

* Regularly seeks feedbackon performance; translatesnegative feedback intoactions for improvement.

* Examines own behaviour with reference toperformance; identifiesareas of strength andlimitation.

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Communicates with influence SES1

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Communicates clearly Listens, understands and adapts toaudience

Negotiates persuasively

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Confidently presents messages in a clear,concise and articulate manner. Focuses on keypoints for the audience and uses appropriate,unambiguous language, and explains theimplications and ensures the conclusion isclearly conveyed. Selects the most appropriatemedium for conveying information andstructures written and oral communication toensure clarity.

Seeks to understand the audience and tailorscommunication style and message accordingly.Listens carefully to others and checks to ensuretheir views have been understood. Anticipatesreactions and prepares a response to addressthe audience’s concerns. Checks ownunderstanding of others’ comments and doesnot allow misunderstandings to linger.

 Approaches negotiations with a strong grasp of the key issues. Presents a convincing andbalanced rationale. Anticipates the position of the other party, and is aware of the extent of potential for compromise. Acknowledges andaddresses disagreements to facilitate mutuallybeneficial solutions. Engages the support of credible others. Focuses on the desiredobjectives and ensures negotiations remain ontrack.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Presents key information effectively, outlinesthe implications and ensures key conclusionsare conveyed.

* Limits the use of jargon and abbreviations;explains complex information using languageappropriate for the audience.

* Presents messages confidently and selectsthe appropriate medium for maximum effect.

* Structures messages clearly and succinctly,both orally and in writing.

* Adjusts presentation style on the basis of subtle non-verbal cues.

* Maximises personal communication strengths

and takes into account shortcomings.* Focuses on gaining a clear understanding of others’ comments by listening, asking clarifyingquestions and reflecting back.

* Anticipates the audience’s response and isprepared to address their concerns andobjections.

* Tailors communication style and languageaccording to the audience’s level of knowledge,skill and experience.

* Ensures that negotiations remain focused onthe important issues.

* Acknowledges differences of opinion and

addresses disagreements objectively.* Offers a convincing rationale and makes astrong case, without getting personal or aggressive.

* Engages credible others in supporting theposition.

* Anticipates other people's likely expectationsand concerns; determines the extent of potential compromise for all parties.

* Positions case in a balanced manner, avoidsoverselling by acknowledging risks andpotential disadvantages.

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SES Band 2 profile

Shapesstrategic thinking


Cultivates productiveworking relationships

Exemplifies personaldrive and integrity

Communicates withinfluence

Inspires a sense of purposeand direction

Champions the organisation'svision and goals and promotes ashared commitment to thestrategic direction. Helps createorganisational strategies that arealigned with governmentobjectives and likely futurerequirements. Encouragesothers’ input and communicatesexpected outcomes fromorganisational strategies.

Focuses strategically

Understands the organisation'srole within society and considersmultiple perspectives when

assessing the ramifications of key issues on the organisationand community. Provides adviceto government that reflectsanalysis of a broad range of issues and the whole of government agenda. Considersemerging trends, identifies long-term opportunities and alignsorganisational operations withstrategic priorities.

Harnesses information andopportunities

Draws on information andalternative viewpoints and

monitors information channels tounderstand new issues of importance to the government.Monitors change in theenvironment. Positions theorganisation to seizeopportunities and minimisethreats. Addresses any criticalinformation gaps. Usesknowledge of the organisation totailor approaches to differentissues.

Shows judgment, intelligenceand commonsense

 Applies intellect and knowledge

to weigh up information andidentify critical factors andissues. Demonstrates effective

 judgement to weigh up optionsand develop realistic solutions.

 Anticipates risks, addressesthem quickly and helps others torecognise them. Capitalises oninnovative alternatives to resolvecomplex problems.

Builds organisationalcapability and responsiveness

Focuses on activities that supportorganisational sustainability.Nurtures talent and engages insuccession planning. Facilitatesinformation accessibility andsharing. Looks for ways toimprove effectiveness byharnessing technology andimplementing continuousimprovement activities. Monitorsand manages resourcingpressures for optimum outcomes.Creates a flexible environmentthat enables others to meetchanging demands.

Marshals professional


Integrates professional expertiseinto the organisation to improveoverall performance and deliveryof organisational outcomes.Manages contracts judiciously.

 Actively ensures relevantprofessional input from others isobtained and shares ownexperience.

Steers and implements changeand deals with uncertainty

Oversees the implementation of multiple change initiatives with a

focus on the desired outcomes.Defines high-level objectives andensures translation into practicalimplementation strategies.Operates effectively in anenvironment of ongoing changeand uncertainty and maintainsflexibility. Actively ensuresstakeholders are kept informedduring times of change.

Ensures closure and deliverson intended results

Drives a culture of achievement,and fosters a quality focus in theorganisation. Ensures ideas and

intended actions become realityand that planned projects resultin expected outputs. Enables theachievement of outcomes byidentifying and removingpotential barriers to success.Keeps stakeholders informed of progress and any issues thatarise.

Nurtures internal and externalrelationships

Builds and sustains relationshipswithin the organisation, with theMinister's office, across the APSand with a diverse range of external stakeholders.Encourages stakeholders to worktogether, and establishes cross-agency approaches to addressissues. Shows a commitment toclient service through ownactions and those of theorganisation.

Facilitates cooperation andpartnerships

Consults broadly to obtain buy-in.

Draws on the knowledge of keystakeholders within and outsidethe organisation and facilitatescooperation by sharinginformation. Promotesinformation exchange bymaintaining open communicationchannels. Personally manifestsstrong interpersonal relations andrewards cooperative andcollaborative behaviour.

 Anticipates and resolves conflict.

Values individual differencesand diversity

Capitalises on the positive

benefits that can be gained fromdiversity and harnesses differentviewpoints. Uses understandingof differences to anticipatereactions and enhance theoperation of the organisation.Recognises the different workingstyles of individuals, anticipatesreactions and tries to see thingsfrom different perspectives.

Guides, mentors and developspeople

Identifies and develops talent.Encourages and motivatespeople to engage in continuous

learning, and empowers them bydelegating responsibility for work.Sets clear performancestandards and gives timely praiseand recognition. Makes time for people and offers full supportwhen required. Deliversconstructive feedback andmanages under-performance.Offers support in times of highpressure. Celebrates successand engages in activities tomaintain morale.

Demonstrates public serviceprofessionalism and probity

 Adheres to and promotes the APS Values and Code of Conduct and aligns businessprocesses accordingly.

 Addresses breaches of protocoland probity. Operatesprofessionally and within theboundaries of organisationalprocesses and legal and publicpolicy constraints. Representsthe organisation effectively inpublic and internal forums, andadvocates the corporate agenda.

Engages with risk and showspersonal courage

Provides impartial and forthrightadvice. Is prepared to maketough corporate decisions toachieve desired outcomes.Clearly voices own opinion andchallenges difficult or controversial issues. Stands byown position and supports otherswhen required. Takesresponsibility for mistakes andlearns from them. Seeksguidance and advice whenrequired.

Commits to action

Commits to achieving key

outcomes for the organisationand uses personal drive, focusand energy to enthuse others.Galvanises others to act. Actsdecisively and initiates urgentaction to overcome difficultproblems.

Displays resilience

Persists and focuses onachieving organisationalobjectives even in difficultcircumstances. Monitors ownemotional reactions andresponds to pressure in acontrolled manner. Overcomes

obstacles and rapidly recoversfrom setbacks. Displays apositive outlook in difficultsituations.

Demonstrates self awarenessand a commitment to personaldevelopment

Has a high level of self-awareness and acknowledgesareas of both strength andlimitation. Confidently promotesareas of strength and proactivelyidentifies learning opportunitiesto extend skills and experience.

Reflects on the impact of ownbehaviour on others and isresponsive in adjustingbehaviour.

Communicates clearly

Confidently presents messagesin a clear, concise and articulatemanner. Focuses on key pointsfor the audience and states thefacts. Structures message for brevity and presents messagewith precision and confidence,harnessing the most appropriatemethods of communication.Creates meaning for theaudience by using analogies andstories to illustrate key points.

Listens, understands andadapts to audience

Seeks to understand theaudience and adapts

communication style andmessage to meet their needs.Listens carefully to others andensures their views have beenunderstood. Anticipates reactionsand prepares a response toaddress the audience’sconcerns. Checks ownunderstanding of others’comments and does not allowmisunderstandings to linger.

Negotiates persuasively

 Approaches negotiations with astrong grasp of the key issues.Presents a convincing and

balanced rationale. Focuses onthe way in which the message isdelivered, and uses techniquesto illustrate the argumentpersuasively. Anticipates theposition of the other party, and isaware of the extent of potentialfor compromise. Acknowledgesand addresses disagreements tofacilitate mutually beneficialsolutions. Identifies keystakeholders and engages their support. Focuses on the desiredobjectives and ensuresnegotiations remain on track.

Note: shaded areas represent critical transition points.

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Capability descriptions and behavioural indicators

Shapes strategic thinking SES2

   C  a

  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Inspires a sense of purpose and direction

Focuses strategically Harnesses informationand opportunities

Shows judgement,intelligence andcommonsense

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Champions the organisation'svision and goals and promotes ashared commitment to thestrategic direction. Helps createorganisational strategies that arealigned with governmentobjectives and likely futurerequirements. Encourages others’input and communicates expectedoutcomes from organisationalstrategies.

Understands the organisation'srole within society and considersmultiple perspectives whenassessing the ramifications of keyissues on the organisation andcommunity. Provides advice togovernment that reflects analysisof a broad range of issues and thewhole of government agenda.Considers emerging trends,identifies long-term opportunities

and aligns organisationaloperations with strategic priorities.

Draws on information andalternative viewpoints andmonitors information channels tounderstand new issues of importance to the government.Monitors change in theenvironment. Positions theorganisation to seize opportunitiesand minimise threats. Addressesany critical information gaps. Usesknowledge of the organisation to

tailor approaches to differentissues.

 Applies intellect and knowledge toweigh up information and identifycritical factors and issues.Demonstrates effective judgementto weigh up options and developrealistic solutions. Anticipatesrisks, addresses them quickly andhelps others to recognise them.Capitalises on innovativealternatives to resolve complexproblems.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o

  r  s

* Champions the vision andcommunicates the way forward;encourages others’ input tostrategic plans.

* Contributes to the developmentof organisational strategies thatare linked with governmentobjectives and are focused on thefuture; shares this vision withothers.

* Builds a shared sense of purposeand direction by explaining thevision—why it has been developedand how elements of the strategyfit together.

* Steers the vision through theorganisation; communicates theparameters and expectationssurrounding the strategy.

* Positions advice to governmentin a broad context, with referenceto stakeholder interests and thewhole of government agenda.

* Focuses on the future and alignsbusiness operations with corporatestrategies and priorities.

* Considers multiple perspectiveswhen contemplating the impactkey issues may have on theorganisation and wider community.

* Thinks conceptually about long-term opportunities andcontemplates a wide range of strategic options in conjunctionwith emerging trends.

* Conceptualises the role of theorganisation in society andconsiders communityexpectations.

* Understands the cultural, social,historical and political factorsaffecting the organisation; usesthis knowledge to tailor differentapproaches to issues.

* Identifies critical information gapsand ensures required informationis obtained.

* Investigates and appliescontemporary best practiceapproaches in both public andprivate organisations, nationallyand internationally.

* Recognises and is sensitive tochanges in the internal andexternal environments; usesresulting information to position theorganisation to capitalise onemerging opportunities andminimise threats.

* Draws on information andalternative viewpoints from avariety of sources; monitorsinformation channels such as the

media, the Internet and Hansard tounderstand new issues of importance to the government.Explores new ideas with an openmind.

* Quickly identifies relationshipsbetween issues, synthesisescomplex information and discernsthe key implications for theorganisation in the context of government priorities.

* Anticipates problems andaddresses them quickly; developsstrategies and thinks throughcontingencies to manage risk.

* Weighs up options and appliessound judgement to developrealistic solutions for theorganisation.

* Generates and capitalises oninnovative solutions to effectivelyresolve complex problems.

* Works effectively in situations of ambiguity and with issues thatcannot be immediately resolved.

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Achieves results SES2

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Builds organisationalcapability andresponsiveness

Marshals professionalexpertise

Steers and implementschange and deals withuncertainty

Ensures closure anddelivers on intendedresults

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Focuses on activities that supportorganisational sustainability.Nurtures talent and engages insuccession planning. Facilitatesinformation accessibility andsharing. Investigates ways toimprove effectiveness byharnessing technology andimplementing continuousimprovement activities. Monitorsand manages resourcingpressures for optimum outcomes.Creates a flexible environment thatenables others to meet changingdemands.

Integrates professional expertiseinto the organisation to improveoverall performance and deliveryof organisational outcomes.Manages contracts judiciously.

 Actively ensures relevantprofessional input from others isobtained and shares ownexperience.

Oversees the implementation of multiple change initiatives with afocus on the desired outcomes.Defines high-level objectives andensures translation into practicalimplementation strategies.Operates effectively in anenvironment of ongoing changeand uncertainty and maintainsflexibility. Actively ensuresstakeholders are kept informedduring times of change.

Drives a culture of achievement,and fosters a quality focus in theorganisation. Ensures ideas andintended actions become realityand that planned projects result inexpected outputs. Enables theachievement of outcomes byidentifying and removing potentialbarriers to success. Keepsstakeholders informed of progressand any issues that arise.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Creates a flexible organisationalenvironment that enables peopleto move between projects to meetchanging demands.

* Attracts and recruits talent;engages in succession planning tonurture talent and contribute toorganisational sustainability.

* Monitors resourcing pressuresand implements strategies toensure the best results areobtained for the organisation.

* Challenges the status quo bylooking for ways to improveeffectiveness, harnesses thepotential of technology andimplements continuousimprovement activities.

* Facilitates informationaccessibility and sharing to createknowledge managementstrategies.

* Strikes a balance between usingexternal expertise and internalknowledge and experience.

* Supplements internal knowledgewith technical expertise fromexternal providers and other government organisations.Manages contracts judiciously.

* Consults internal experts; tapsinto their technical andprofessional knowledge andexperience to improve

organisational outcomes.

* Contributes own expertise for thebenefit of the organisation;encourages others to draw uponthis knowledge.

* Drives multiple change initiatives,oversees implementation andensures that focus on end goals ismaintained.

* Adopts a planned approach tothe management of programs;develops organisational plans thatdefine required outcomes.

* Operates effectively in anenvironment of ongoing change;maintains a flexible approach toachieve organisational objectives.

* Shares appropriate informationwith stakeholders during times of change, anticipates likelyobjections and addresses them ina timely manner.

* Commits to targets and strives toachieve results; encourages othersto do the same.

* Identifies, and seeks to remove,barriers to achieving desiredorganisational outcomes.

* Adopts a 'no surprises' policy;ensures that key stakeholders arekept appropriately informed of progress.

* Fosters a quality focus acrossthe organisation and acceptsaccountability for achieving agreedoutcomes.

* Reviews the progress of keyprograms and stays focused onachieving outcomes.

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Cultivates productive working relationships SES2

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Nurtures internal andexternal relationships

Facilitates cooperationand partnerships

Values individualdifferences and diversity

Guides, mentors anddevelops people

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Builds and sustains relationships

within the organisation, with theMinister's office, across the APSand with a diverse range of external stakeholders. Encouragesstakeholders to work together, andestablishes cross-agencyapproaches to address issues.Shows a commitment to clientservice through own actions andthose of the organisation.

Consults broadly to obtain buy-in.

Draws on the knowledge of keystakeholders within and outsidethe organisation and facilitatescooperation by sharinginformation. Promotes informationexchange by maintaining opencommunication channels.Personally manifests stronginterpersonal relations andrewards cooperative andcollaborative behaviour.

 Anticipates and resolves conflict.

Capitalises on the positive benefits

that can be gained from diversityand harnesses differentviewpoints. Uses understanding of differences to anticipate reactionsand enhance the operation of theorganisation. Recognises thedifferent working styles of individuals, anticipates reactionsand tries to see things fromdifferent perspectives.

Identifies and develops talent.

Encourages and motivates peopleto engage in continuous learning,and empowers them by delegatingresponsibility for work. Sets clear performance standards and givestimely praise and recognition.Makes time for people and offersfull support when required.Delivers constructive feedback andmanages under-performance.Offers support in times of highpressure. Celebrates success andengages in activities to maintainmorale.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r


* Proactively builds cross-agencyrelationships; establishes cross-agency approaches to addressissues.

* Invests time to sustain andbroaden networks; engages thesupport and allegiance of informalnetworks in formal situations.

* Builds and sustains a diverserange of relationships with keypeople in other organisations suchas the Minister's office, the privatesector, industry groups and other relevant stakeholder groups.

* Encourages key stakeholders towork together; recognises, andcapitalises on, opportunities for mutual benefit.

* Takes steps to ensure theprovision of prompt, efficient andresponsive client servicepersonally, and through theactivities of the organisation.

* Facilitates cooperation betweenorganisations by sharinginformation; maintains a cross-government focus.

* Anticipates conflict and usesappropriate strategies to resolveconflict when it arises.

* Models effective team workingbehaviours; works collaborativelyand cooperatively and rewardsthose behaviours in others.

* Draws on the knowledge of key

stakeholders within and outsidethe organisation; seeks input fromthe portfolio Secretary or CEO oncontentious issues.

* Consults broadly to obtain buy-in;shares information and facilitatesthe exchange of information bymaintaining open communicationchannels.

* Discerns the differing andpreferred working styles of individuals and uses thisinformation to enhance theoperation of the organisation.

* Capitalises on the diversitypresent in the organisation;harnesses different viewpoints.

* Anticipates when differentstakeholders may clash due todiffering views, culturalperspectives or drivers; adoptsstrategies to address these.

* Maintains an awareness of thepersonalities, motivations andother diverse qualities of people,and uses this to enhanceinteractions.

* Engages in activities to maintainoptimism and enthusiasm;implements formal and informalteam-building activities.

* Assists people in managing their time and emotional response whenunder high levels of pressure.

* Makes time for people despitecompeting priorities, particularlywhen people are challenged or during difficult times.

* Identifies and nurtures talent;

provides talented people withaccess to targeted and stretchingdevelopment opportunities.

* Delegates responsibility for workappropriately and provides peoplewith opportunities to takeownership; provides people withthe opportunity to build their capability.

* Celebrates success;acknowledges and rewardsachievements.

* Provides clear, constructive and

timely feedback (both positive andnegative) in a manner thatencourages learning and achievesany required resolution.

* Sets performance standards andconducts regular reviews;identifies and constructivelyaddresses under-performance.

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Exemplifies personal drive and integrity SES2

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Demonstrates publicserviceprofessionalism andprobity

Engages with riskand shows personalcourage

Commits to action Displays resilience Demonstrates self-awareness and acommitment topersonaldevelopment

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

 Adheres to and promotesthe APS Values and Codeof Conduct and alignsbusiness processesaccordingly. Addressesbreaches of protocol andprobity. Operatesprofessionally and withinthe boundaries of organisational processesand legal and public policyconstraints. Representsthe organisation effectivelyin public and internalforums, and advocates the

corporate agenda.

Provides impartial andforthright advice. Isprepared to make toughcorporate decisions toachieve desired outcomes.Clearly voices own opinionand challenges difficult or controversial issues.Stands by own positionand supports others whenrequired. Takesresponsibility for mistakesand learns from them.Seeks guidance andadvice when required.

Commits to achieving keyoutcomes for theorganisation and usespersonal drive, focus andenergy to enthuse others.Galvanises others to act.

 Acts decisively andinitiates urgent action toovercome difficultproblems.

Persists and focuses onachieving organisationalobjectives even in difficultcircumstances. Monitorsown emotional reactionsand responds to pressurein a controlled manner.Overcomes obstacles andrapidly recovers fromsetbacks. Displays apositive outlook in difficultsituations.

Demonstrates a high levelof self-awareness andacknowledges areas of both strength andlimitation. Confidentlypromotes areas of strengthand proactively identifieslearning opportunities toextend skills andexperience. Reflects on theimpact of own behaviour on others and isresponsive in adjustingbehaviour.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Aligns businessprocesses with the APSValues.

* Leads by example andmaintains high standardsof professionalism andimpartiality; expects andencourages team andcolleagues to apply thesame high standards.

* Adheres to the APS

Values and Code of Conduct and consistentlybehaves in an honest,ethical and professionalway; addresses breachesof protocol and probity inan appropriate manner.

* Treats people fairly andequitably and istransparent in dealingswith them.

* Makes decisions for thecorporate good withoutfavouritism or bias; placesthe aims of theorganisation abovepersonal ambitions.

* Understands andoperates within legal andpublic policy constraintsand limitations.

* Represents theorganisation in publicforums; appropriatelysupports and promotes theorganisation's agenda.

* Presents a united

leadership voice; supportsother leaders.

* Makes tough corporatedecisions that are in thebest interests of thegovernment (even whenthese may not be popular).

* Encourages andcontributes to debate onown ideas and the ideas of others; stands own groundand supports others whenappropriate.

* Confronts difficult or controversial issuesdirectly with others; iswilling to make anunpopular stand andclearly voice own position.

* Provides forthright andimpartial advice in aconstructive manner thatfacilitates the achievementof government outcomes.

* Takes ownership for decisions and acceptsresponsibility when thingsgo wrong; learns frommistakes.

* Seeks advice andguidance; admits to notalways knowing theanswer to a question.

* Takes the initiative andacts decisively to movethings forward.

* Shows drive, energy andinitiative; gets involved andgalvanises others to act todeliver key results for theorganisation.

* Initiates urgent action andis responsive when thereare significant issues to


* Quickly recovers fromsetbacks and maintainsmomentum; sustains highlevels of effort toward theachievement of outcomes.

* Demonstrates tenacityand persists with initiativesthat are of benefit to theorganisation and/or government.

* Maintains an optimistic

outlook and focuses on thepositives in difficultsituations.

* Monitors own emotionalreactions, remains calmand maintains focus whenfaced with criticism or pressure.

* Regularly reflects on theimpact of own behaviour on others to identifyopportunities to increaseeffectiveness; adjustsbehaviour accordingly.

* Focuses on owndevelopment; identifiesnew challenges to extendexperience.

* Confidently promotes

areas of strength andknowledge within limits of own expertise.

* Regularly seeks feedbackon performance; translatesnegative feedback intoactions for improvement.

* Examines own behaviour and performance; identifiesstrengths and developmentneeds.

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Communicates with influence SES2

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Communicates clearly Listens, understands and adapts toaudience

Negotiates persuasively

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Confidently presents messages in a clear,concise and articulate manner. Focuses on keypoints for the audience and states the facts.Structures message for brevity and presentsmessage with precision and confidence,harnessing the most appropriate methods of communication. Creates meaning for theaudience by using analogies and stories toillustrate key points.

Seeks to understand the audience and readstheir non-verbal cues. Adapts communicationstyle and message to meet their needs. Listenscarefully to others and ensures their views havebeen understood. Anticipates reactions andprepares a response to address the audience’sconcerns. Checks own understanding of others’comments and does not allowmisunderstandings to linger.

 Approaches negotiations with a strong grasp of the key issues. Presents a convincing andbalanced rationale. Focuses on the way inwhich the message is delivered, and usestechniques to illustrate the argumentpersuasively. Anticipates the position of theother party, and is aware of the extent of potential for compromise. Acknowledges andaddresses disagreements to facilitate mutuallybeneficial solutions. Identifies key stakeholdersand seeks their support. Focuses on thedesired objectives and ensures negotiationsremain on track.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Engages the audience; uses anecdotes andanalogies to illustrate key points and bringmessages to life.

* Presents key information effectively; outlinesthe implications and ensures key conclusionsare conveyed.

* Limits the use of jargon and abbreviations;explains complex information using languageappropriate for the audience.

* Presents messages with precision andconfidence and selects the appropriate mediumfor maximum effect.

* Structures messages clearly and succinctly,both orally and in writing.

* Adjusts presentation style on the basis of subtle non-verbal cues.

* Maximises personal communication strengthsand takes into account shortcomings.

* Focuses on gaining a clear understanding of others’ comments by listening, asking clarifyingquestions and reflecting back.

* Anticipates the likely reaction of the audienceto a message and adjusts approach to gainmaximum impact.

* Tailors communication style and languageaccording to the audience’s level of knowledge,skill and experience.

* Pitches messages in a way that facilitates thedesired outcomes; uses techniques to illustratethe argument persuasively.

* Ensures that negotiations remain focused onthe important issues.

* Acknowledges differences of opinion andaddresses disagreements objectively.

* Offers a convincing rationale and makes astrong case without getting personal or aggressive.

* Identifies key stakeholders and seeks their support early in the negotiation.

* Analyses other people’s agendas and

identifies potential 'weak spots'; determines theextent of potential compromise for all parties.

* Positions case by clearly highlighting its merit,avoids overselling by acknowledging risks andpotential disadvantages.

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Capability descriptions and behavioural indicators

Shapes strategic thinking SES3


  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Inspires a sense of purpose and direction

Focuses strategically Harnesses informationand opportunities

Shows judgement,intelligence andcommonsense

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Champions the organisation'svision and goals and unifiesbusiness units with the strategicdirection. Helps createorganisational strategies that arealigned with governmentobjectives and likely futurerequirements. Encourages others’input and communicates expectedoutcomes from organisationalstrategies.

Understands the organisation'scurrent and potential future rolewithin society. Considers multipleperspectives when assessing theramifications of key issues anddevelops solutions with long-termviability for the organisation andsociety. Provides advice togovernment that reflects analysisof a broad range of issues.Considers emerging trends,identifies long-term opportunities

and balances organisationalrequirements with desired whole of government outcomes.

Draws on information andalternative viewpoints andmonitors information channels tounderstand new issues of importance to the government.Monitors change in theenvironment. Positions theorganisation to seize opportunitiesand minimise threats. Addressesany critical information gaps. Usesknowledge of the organisation totailor approaches to different

issues. Recognises theopportunities offered throughwhole of government approachesand seeks to realise them.

Engages in high-level criticalthinking to identify links anddiscern the critical issues.Identifies the implications for theorganisation and applies effective

 judgement to develop solutions. Anticipates long-term and strategicrisks, addresses them quickly andhelps others to recognise them.Capitalises on innovativealternatives to resolve complexproblems.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Champions the vision andcommunicates the way forward;encourages others’ input tostrategic plans.

* Contributes to the developmentof organisational strategies thatare linked with governmentobjectives and are focused on thefuture; cascades this visionthrough the organisation.

* Builds a sense of shared purposeand direction by actively promotingthe vision and creating alignmentbetween organisational units andstrategy.

* Steers the vision through theorganisation; communicates theparameters and expectationssurrounding the strategy.

* Applies a broad view thatbalances organisationalrequirements with desired whole of government outcomes.

* Positions advice to governmentin a broad context, with referenceto stakeholder interests and thewhole of government agenda.

* Focuses on the future and seeksto improve the organisation’songoing capacity to deliver outcomes for society.

* Considers multiple perspectiveswhen contemplating the impact of key issues and develops solutionswith consideration of their long-term viability for the organisationand community.

* Thinks conceptually about long-term opportunities andcontemplates a wide range of strategic options in conjunction

with emerging trends.

* Conceptualises the role of theorganisation in society andconsiders communityexpectations.

* Recognises the opportunitiesavailable through whole of government and seeks to realisethem.

* Understands the cultural, social,historical and political factorsaffecting the organisation; usesthis knowledge to tailor differentapproaches to issues.

* Identifies critical informationgaps, and ensures requiredinformation is obtained.

* Investigates and appliescontemporary best practiceapproaches in both public andprivate organisations, nationallyand internationally.

* Recognises and is sensitive tochanges in the internal andexternal environments; usesresulting information to position theorganisation to capitalise on

emerging opportunities andminimise threats.

* Draws on information andalternative viewpoints from avariety of sources; monitorsinformation channels such as themedia, the Internet and Hansard tounderstand new issues of importance to the government.Explores new ideas with an openmind.

* Engages in high-level criticalthinking to identify the links andconnections between complexissues; discerns the keyimplications for the organisation.

* Anticipates problems andaddresses them quickly, developsstrategies and thinks throughcontingencies to manage long-term and strategic risks.

* Weighs up options and appliessound judgement to developrealistic solutions for theorganisation.

* Generates innovative solutions toeffectively resolve complexproblems that may not have beenexperienced previously.

* Works effectively in situations of ambiguity and with issues thatcannot be immediately resolved.

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Achieves results SES3

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Builds organisationalcapability andresponsiveness

Marshals professionalexpertise

Steers and implementschange and deals withuncertainty

Ensures closure anddelivers on intendedresults

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Focuses on activities that supportorganisational sustainability.Nurtures talent and engages insuccession planning. Facilitatesinformation accessibility andsharing. Seeks operationalefficiency and streamlines andadapts processes. Looks for waysto improve effectiveness byharnessing technology andimplementing continuousimprovement activities. Engages inflexible resource management andlooks beyond the organisation’sboundaries to achieve theoptimum resourcing combination.

Integrates professional expertiseinto the organisation to improveoverall performance and deliveryof organisational outcomes.Manages contracts judiciously.

 Actively ensures relevantprofessional input from others isobtained and shares ownexperience.

Drives the change agenda, defineshigh-level objectives and ensurestranslation into practicalimplementation strategies.Coordinates projects acrossmultiple agencies. Recognises theconstant nature of change andmaintains flexibility. Securesstakeholder commitment tochange and maintains opencommunication channels duringthe change process.

Drives a culture of achievementand fosters a quality focus in theorganisation. Ensures ideas andintended actions become realityand that planned projects result inexpected outputs. Enables theachievement of outcomes byidentifying and removing potentialbarriers to success. Keepsstakeholders informed of progressand any issues that arise.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l

   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Implements strategies to achieveoperational efficiencies; integratesand streamlines processes tomaximise effectiveness.

* Attracts and recruits talent;engages in succession planning tonurture talent and contribute toorganisational sustainability.

* Engages in flexible resourcemanagement; looks beyond theorganisation's boundaries to

identify optimum resourcingcombinations.

* Challenges the status quo bylooking for ways to improveeffectiveness; harnesses thepotential of technology andimplements continuousimprovement activities.

* Facilitates informationaccessibility and sharing to createknowledge managementstrategies.

* Strikes a balance betweenutilising external expertise andinternal knowledge andexperience.

* Supplements internal knowledgewith technical expertise fromexternal providers and other government organisations.Manages contracts judiciously.

* Consults internal experts; tapsinto their technical and

professional knowledge andexperience to improveorganisational outcomes.

* Contributes own expertise for thebenefit of the organisation;encourages others to draw uponthis knowledge.

* Coordinates projects acrossmultiple organisations.

* Drives the change agenda andcreates an organisation that canshift focus quickly.

* Adopts a planned approach tothe management of programs;develops organisational plans thatdefine required outcomes.

* Accepts and embraces theongoing nature of change;maintains a flexible approach toachieve organisational objectives.

* Identifies key stakeholders andseeks their commitment to change;shares relevant information tofacilitate an effective changeprocess.

* Commits to targets and strives toachieve results; encourages othersto do the same.

* Identifies and seeks to removebarriers to achieving desiredorganisational outcomes.

* Adopts a 'no surprises' policy;ensures that key stakeholders arekept appropriately informed of progress.

* Fosters a quality focus acrossthe organisation and acceptsaccountability for achieving agreedoutcomes.

* Reviews the progress of keyprograms and stays focused onachieving outcomes.

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Cultivates productive working relationships SES3

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Nurtures internal andexternal relationships

Facilitates cooperationand partnerships

Values individualdifferences and diversity

Guides, mentors anddevelops people

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Builds and sustains relationships

that provide a rich intelligencenetwork. Establishes an effectiveworking relationship with theMinister. Encouragesstakeholders to work together,and establishes cross-agencyapproaches to address issues.Shows a commitment to clientservice through own actions andthose of the organisation.

Consults broadly to obtain buy-in,

recognises when input is required.Communicates the importance of consultation with stakeholders toothers. Overcomes organisationalsilos by facilitating cooperationbetween organisations. Engagesthe Minister’s office on key issues.Personally manifests stronginterpersonal relations andrewards cooperative andcollaborative behaviour.

 Anticipates and resolves conflict.

Communicates the value of 

harnessing diversity for theorganisation. Capitalises on thepositive benefits that can begained from diversity andharnesses different viewpoints.Uses understanding of differencesto anticipate reactions andenhance the operation of theorganisation. Recognises thedifferent working styles of individuals, anticipates reactionsand tries to see things fromdifferent perspectives.

Identifies and develops talent.

Encourages and motivates peopleto engage in continuous learning,and empowers them bydelegating responsibility for work.Sets clear performance standardsand gives timely praise andrecognition. Makes time for people and offers full supportwhen required. Deliversconstructive feedback andmanages under-performance.Offers support in time of highpressure. Celebrates success andengages in activities to maintain


   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Proactively builds cross-agencyrelationships; establishes cross-agency approaches to addressissues.

* Establishes and sustainsrelationships that deliver anintelligence network.

* Builds effective workingrelationships with Ministers; seeksto understand their needs andexpectations.

* Encourages key stakeholders towork together; recognises, andcapitalises on, opportunities for mutual benefit.

* Takes steps to ensure theprovision of prompt, efficient andresponsive client servicepersonally, and through theactivities of the organisation.

* Communicates the importanceof consulting with keystakeholders; recognises wheninput is required.

* Overcomes organisational silos;facilitates cooperation betweenorganisations by sharinginformation.

* Anticipates conflict and usesappropriate strategies to resolveconflict when it arises; bridgesdifferences in understandingbetween key stakeholders.

* Models effective team workingbehaviours; works collaborativelyand cooperatively and rewardsthose behaviours in others.

* Engages the Minister’s office onkey issues; facilitates others’relationships with the Minister.

* Consults broadly to obtain buy-in; shares information andfacilitates the exchange of information by maintaining opencommunication channels.

* Acts as a positive role model byproactively communicating thevalue and importance of capitalising on diversity for theorganisation.

* Discerns the differing andpreferred working styles of individuals and uses thisinformation to enhance theoperation of the organisation.

* Capitalises on the diversitypresent in the organisation;harnesses different viewpoints.

* Anticipates when differentstakeholders may clash due todiffering views, culturalperspectives or drivers; adoptsstrategies to address these.

* Maintains an awareness of thepersonalities, motivations andother diverse qualities of people,and uses this to enhanceinteractions.

* Engages in activities to maintainoptimism and enthusiasm;implements formal and informalteam-building activities.

* Assists people in managing their time and emotional responsewhen under high levels of pressure.

* Makes time for people despitecompeting priorities, particularlywhen people are challenged or during difficult times.

* Identifies and nurtures talent;provides talented people withaccess to targeted and stretchingdevelopment opportunities.

* Delegates responsibility for workappropriately and provides peoplewith opportunities to takeownership; provides people withthe opportunity to build their capability.

* Celebrates success;acknowledges and rewardsachievements.

* Provides clear, constructive andtimely feedback (both positive andnegative) in a manner thatencourages learning and achievesany required resolution.

* Sets performance standards andconducts regular reviews;identifies and constructivelyaddresses under-performance.

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Exemplifies personal drive and integrity SES3

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Demonstrates publicserviceprofessionalism andprobity

Engages with riskand shows personalcourage

Commits to action Displays resilience Demonstrates self-awareness and acommitment topersonaldevelopment

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

 Adheres to and promotesthe APS Values and Codeof Conduct and alignsbusiness processesaccordingly. Addressesbreaches of protocol andprobity. Operatesprofessionally and withinthe boundaries of organisational processesand legal and public policyconstraints. Representsthe organisation effectivelyin public and internalforums, and advocates the

corporate agenda.

 Acts as a role model for leadership courage byconsistently raising criticaland difficult issues.Provides impartial andforthright advice. Isprepared to make toughcorporate decisions toachieve desired outcomes.

 Accepts accountability for mistakes made in theorganisation and ensurescorrective action is taken.Seeks guidance andadvice when required.

 Acts decisively to ensurestrategies are implementedand issues are addressed.Demonstrates personaldrive, focus and energy.Galvanises others to act.Commits to getting the jobdone. Maintains controland initiates urgent actionto resolve issues whenrequired.

Persists and focuses onachieving organisationalobjectives throughoutperiods of extremepressure. Monitors ownemotional reactions andresponds to pressure in acontrolled manner. Retainsfocus on the end goal andovercomes significantbarriers and obstacles.Rapidly recovers fromsetbacks. Displays apositive outlook in difficultsituations.

Has a high level of self-awareness and acts as arole model by openlycommunicating strengthsand development needs.Uses self-insight to identifyareas in which owncapabilities complementother people’s. Is open tofeedback and is responsivein adjusting behaviour.Strives for continuallearning.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Aligns businessprocesses with the APSValues.

* Leads by example andmaintains high standardsof professionalism andimpartiality; expects andencourages team andcolleagues to apply thesame high standards.

* Adheres to the APS

Values and Code of Conduct and consistentlybehaves in an honest,ethical and professionalway; addresses breachesof protocol and probity inan appropriate manner.

* Treats people fairly andequitably and istransparent in dealingswith them.

* Makes decisions for thecorporate good withoutfavouritism or bias; placesthe aims of theorganisation abovepersonal ambitions.

* Understands andoperates within legal andpublic policy constraintsand limitations.

* Represents theorganisation in publicforums; appropriatelysupports and promotes theorganisation's agenda.

* Presents a united

leadership voice; supportsother leaders.

* Acts as a role model for leadership courage byadopting a principledstance on importantissues.

* Makes tough corporatedecisions that are in thebest interests of thegovernment (even whenthese may not be popular).

* Encourages and

contributes to debate onown ideas and the ideas of others, stands own groundand supports others whenappropriate.

* Confronts difficult issuesand challenges the positionof others, including theMinister when appropriate;engages in constructivedebate to address theissues.

* Provides forthright andimpartial advice in aconstructive manner thatfacilitates the achievementof government outcomes.

* Takes ownership for decisions and acceptsresponsibility when thingsgo wrong; learns frommistakes.

* Seeks advice andguidance; admits to notalways knowing theanswer to a question.

* Strives to achieve targetsand maintains focus onlong-term outcomes: doesnot give up and modifiesapproach to achievetargets for theorganisation.

* Is prepared to commit toa decision without all of theinformation; takesresponsibility for issues

that are escalated.* Shows drive, energy andinitiative; gets involved andgalvanises others to act todeliver key results for theorganisation.

* Maintains control andinitiates urgent action andis responsive when thereare significant issues toaddress.

* Quickly recovers fromsetbacks and maintainsmomentum; sustains highlevels of effort toward theachievement of outcomes.

* Demonstrates tenacityand persists with initiatives;copes with extreme andchanging demands fromnumerous stakeholdersand maintains focus on

objectives.* Maintains an optimisticoutlook and focuses on thepositives in difficultsituations.

* Stays in control of emotions and does notreact negatively to stressor pressure; remainsrelaxed, composed andfocused during a crisis.

* Capitalises on the varyingstrengths of individuals,identifies areas in whichown strengths/weaknessescomplement those of colleagues, and adjustsbehaviours to capitalise onthese.

* Strives for continuallearning; identifies newchallenges to extend

experience.* Acts as a role model tocreate an environmentwhere individuals openlydiscuss their strengths anddevelopment needs.

* Regularly seeks feedbackon performance; translatesnegative feedback intoactions for improvement.

* Displays self-insight andis highly aware of ownstrengths and limitations.

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Communicates with influence SES3

   C  a  p  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

Communicates clearly Listens, understands and adapts toaudience

Negotiates persuasively

   D  e  s  c  r   i  p   t   i  o  n

Confidently presents messages in a clear andarticulate manner. Focuses on key points for the audience and selects the most appropriatemedium for conveying information. States thefacts and uses straightforward language to aidtransparency. Creates meaning for theaudience by using analogies and stories toillustrate key points.

Seeks to understand the audience and readstheir non-verbal cues. Adapts communicationstyle and message to meet their needs. Listenscarefully to others and ensures their views havebeen understood. Anticipates reactions andprepares a response to address the audience’sconcerns. Checks own understanding of others’comments and does not allowmisunderstandings to linger.

 Approaches negotiations with a strong grasp of the key issues. Presents a convincing andbalanced rationale. Focuses on the way inwhich the message is delivered, and usestechniques to illustrate the argumentpersuasively. Anticipates the position of theother party, and is aware of the extent of potential for compromise. Acknowledges andaddresses disagreements to facilitate mutuallybeneficial solutions. Identifies key stakeholdersand engages their support. Focuses on thedesired objectives and ensures negotiationsremain on track.

   B  e   h  a  v   i  o  u  r  a   l   i  n   d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

* Engages the audience; uses anecdotes andanalogies to illustrate key points and bringmessages to life.

* States the facts clearly; outlines theimplications and ensures key conclusions areconveyed.

* Limits the use of jargon and abbreviations;explains complex information using languageappropriate for the audience.

* Presents messages confidently and selectsthe appropriate medium for maximum effect.

* Structures messages clearly and succinctly,both orally and in writing.

* Adjusts presentation style on the basis of subtle non-verbal cues.

* Maximises personal communication strengthsand takes into account shortcomings.

* Focuses on gaining a clear understanding of others’ comments by listening, asking clarifyingquestions and reflecting back.

* Anticipates the likely reaction of the audienceto a message and adjusts approach to gainmaximum impact.

* Tailors communication style and languageaccording to the audience’s level of knowledge,skill and experience.

* Pitches messages in a way that facilitates thedesired outcomes; uses techniques to illustratethe argument persuasively.

* Senses when negotiations are stalling, andtakes proactive action to ensure effectiveresolution.

* Acknowledges differences of opinion andaddresses disagreements objectively.

* Offers a convincing rationale and makes astrong case without getting personal or aggressive.

* Identifies key stakeholders and seeks their support early in the negotiation.

* Analyses other people’s agendas andidentifies potential 'weak spots'; determines theextent of potential compromise for all parties.

* Positions case by clearly highlighting its merit,avoids overselling by acknowledging risks andpotential disadvantages.

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Self assessment tools

This is a tool to inform individual’s thinking about their 

capabilities. The completion of a self-assessment against their 

level or the level they are interested in, will assist individuals to

prepare a development plan. This is not a formal assessment for 

performance appraisal purposes.

There are three self-assessment tools, arranged in pairs of 


x Self-assessment for ELs combining EL1 and EL2

x Self-assessment for SES combining SES B1 and B2

x Self-assessment at the major critical transition into the SES,

combining EL2 and SES B1.

Individuals preparing for a temporary or permanent career 

transition to a higher level should use the descriptions in the

profile for the next level to identify areas for development.

Page 79

‘Effective delivery of 

development strategies—

especially those for 

which leaders

themselves indicate

a clear preference

such as feedback 

and coaching—

depends heavily on

ensuring line


accountability for 


development goals’ 

(Corporate Leadership

Council, The leadership

imperative: Strategies for 

increasing leadership bench

strength, 2001)

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Self-assessment tool for ELs

The self-assessment tool can be used as a guide to assist individuals identify areas of strength and

areas that might benefit from development. For a complete picture of the capabilities and behaviours for 

each level, review the relevant profiles.


1. Read the descriptions of the capabilities listed below; reflect on a recent example where you

demonstrated the capability and assess yourself as confident or not confident.

2. Tick below to identify those capabilities where you believe you want more development or 

experience to build on your existing capabilities.

3. You may then want to discuss with your manager areas you have identified that need further 

development or experience.

Shapes strategic thinking A recent example


Inspires a sense of purpose and direction

Provides direction to others regarding thepurpose and importance of their work.Illustrates the relationship betweenoperational tasks and organisational goals.Sets work tasks that align with the strategicobjectives and communicates expectedoutcomes.

Translates the strategy into operational goalsand creates a shared sense of purpose withinthe business unit. Engages others in thestrategic direction of the work area, encouragestheir contribution and communicates expectedoutcomes.

Focuses strategically 

Understands the organisation's objectivesand aligns operational activities accordingly.Considers the ramifications of issues andlonger-term impact of own work and workarea.

Understands the organisation's objectives andlinks between the business unit, organisationand the whole of government agenda. Considersthe ramifications of a wide range of issues,anticipates priorities and develops long-termplans for own work area.

Harnesses information and opportunities

Gathers and investigates information from avariety of sources, and explores new ideasand different viewpoints. Probes informationand identifies any critical gaps. Maintains anawareness of the organisation, monitors thecontext in which the organisation operatesand finds out about best practiceapproaches.

Gathers and investigates information from avariety of sources, and explores new ideas anddifferent viewpoints. Probes information andidentifies any critical gaps. Maintains anawareness of the organisation, looks for recentdevelopments that may impact on own businessarea and finds out about best practiceapproaches.

Shows judgment, intelligence and commonsense

Undertakes objective, systematic analysisand draws accurate conclusions based onevidence. Recognises the links betweeninterconnected issues. Breaks throughproblems and weighs up the options toidentify solutions. Explores possibilities andinnovative alternatives.

Undertakes objective, critical analysis and distilsthe core issues. Presents logical arguments anddraws accurate conclusions. Anticipates andseeks to minimise risks. Breaks throughproblems and weighs up the options to identifysolutions. Explores possibilities and creativealternatives.

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Achieves results A recent example


Builds organisational capability and responsiveness

Reviews project performance and focuseson identifying opportunities for continuousimprovement. Identifies key talent to supportperformance. Remains flexible andresponsive to changes in requirements.

Evaluates ongoing project performance andidentifies critical success factors. Instigatescontinuous improvement activities. Respondsflexibly to changing demands. Builds teams withcomplementary skills and allocates resources ina manner that delivers results.

Marshals professional expertise

Values specialist expertise and capitaliseson the expert knowledge and skills of others.Contributes own expertise to achieveoutcomes for the business unit.

Values specialist expertise and capitalises onthe knowledge within the organisation as well asconsulting externally as appropriate. Managescontracts judiciously. Contributes own expertiseto achieve outcomes for the business unit.

Steers and implements change and deals with uncertainty 

Establishes clear plans and timeframes for project implementation and outlines specificactivities. Responds in a positive and flexiblemanner to change and uncertainty. Sharesinformation with others and assists them toadapt.

Establishes clear plans and timeframes for project implementation and outlines specificactivities. Responds in a positive and flexiblemanner to change and uncertainty. Sharesinformation with others and assists them toadapt.

Ensures closure and delivers on intended results

Sees projects through to completion.Monitors project progress and adjusts plansas required. Commits to achieving qualityoutcomes and ensures documentation

procedures are maintained. Seeks feedbackfrom stakeholders to gauge satisfaction.

Strives to achieve and encourages others to dothe same. Monitors progress and identifies risksthat may impact on outcomes. Adjusts plans asrequired. Commits to achieving quality outcomes

and ensures documentation procedures aremaintained. Seeks feedback from stakeholdersto gauge satisfaction.

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Cultivates productive working relationships A recent example


Nurtures internal and external relationships

Builds and sustains relationships with a

network of key people internally andexternally. Proactively offers assistance for amutually beneficial relationship. Anticipatesand is responsive to internal and externalclient needs.

Builds and sustains relationships with a network

of key people internally and externally.Recognises shared agendas and works towardmutually beneficial outcomes. Anticipates and isresponsive to internal and external client needs.

Facilitates cooperation and partnerships

Involves people, encourages them andrecognises their contribution. Consults andshares information and ensures others arekept informed of issues. Workscollaboratively and operates as an effectiveteam member.

Brings people together and encourages inputfrom key stakeholders. Finds opportunities toshare information and ensures that others arekept informed of issues. Fosters teamwork andrewards cooperative and collaborativebehaviour. Resolves conflict using appropriatestrategies.

Values individual differences and diversity 

Recognises the positive benefits that can begained from diversity and encourages theexploration of diverse views. Harnessesunderstanding of differences to enhanceinteractions. Recognises the differentworking styles of individuals, and tries to seethings from different perspectives.

Recognises the positive benefits that can begained from diversity and encourages theexploration of diverse views. Harnessesunderstanding of differences to anticipatereactions and enhance interactions. Recognisesthe different working styles of individuals, andtries to see things from different perspectives.

Guides, mentors and develops people

Identifies learning opportunities for othersand empowers them by delegating tasks.

 Agrees clear performance standards andgives timely praise and recognition. Makestime for people and offers full support whenrequired. Delivers constructive, objectivefeedback in a manner that gains acceptanceand achieves resolution. Deals with under-performance promptly.

Encourages and motivates people to engage incontinuous learning, and empowers them bydelegating tasks. Agrees clear performancestandards and gives timely praise andrecognition. Makes time for people and offers fullsupport when required. Delivers constructivefeedback in a manner that gains acceptance andachieves resolution. Deals with under-performance promptly.

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Exemplifies personal drive and integrity A recent example


Demonstrates public service professionalism and probity 

 Adopts a principled approach and adheres tothe APS Values and Code of Conduct. Actsprofessionally and impartially at all times andoperates within the boundaries of organisational processes and legal andpublic policy constraints. Operates as aneffective representative of the organisation inpublic and internal forums.

 Adopts a principled approach and adheres to the APS Values and Code of Conduct. Actsprofessionally and impartially at all times andoperates within the boundaries of organisationalprocesses and legal and public policyconstraints. Operates as an effectiverepresentative of the organisation in public andinternal forums.

Engages with risk and shows personal courage

Provides impartial and forthright advice.Challenges important issues constructively,and stands by own position whenchallenged. Acknowledges mistakes andlearns from them, and seeks guidance and

advice when required.

Provides impartial and forthright advice.Challenges important issues constructively,stands by own position and supports otherswhen required. Acknowledges mistakes andlearns from them, and seeks guidance and

advice when required.

Commits to action

Takes personal responsibility for meetingobjectives and progressing work. Showsinitiative and proactively steps in and doeswhat is required. Commits energy and driveto see that goals are achieved.

Takes personal responsibility for meetingobjectives and progressing work. Showsinitiative and proactively steps in and does whatis required. Commits energy and drive to seethat goals are achieved.

Displays resilience

Persists and focuses on achieving objectiveseven in difficult circumstances. Remains

positive and responds to pressure in acontrolled manner. Continues to moveforward despite criticism or setbacks.

Persists and focuses on achieving objectiveseven in difficult circumstances. Remains positive

and responds to pressure in a controlledmanner. Maintains momentum and sustainseffort despite criticism or setbacks.

Demonstrates self awareness and a commitment to personal development 

Self-evaluates performance and seeksfeedback from others. Communicates andacts on strengths and development needs.Reflects on own behaviour and recognisesthe impact on others. Shows strongcommitment to learning and self-development, and accepts challenging newopportunities.

Critically analyses own performance and seeksfeedback from others. Confidentlycommunicates strengths and acknowledgesdevelopment needs. Acts on negative feedbackto improve performance. Reflects on ownbehaviour and recognises the impact on others.Shows strong commitment to learning and self-development, and embraces challenging new


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Communicates with influence A recent example


Communicates clearly 

Confidently presents messages in a clear,

concise and articulate manner. Focuses onkey points and uses appropriate,unambiguous language. Selects the mostappropriate medium for conveyinginformation and structures written and oralcommunication to ensure clarity.

Confidently presents messages in a clear,

concise and articulate manner. Translatesinformation for others, focusing on key pointsand using appropriate, unambiguous language.Selects the most appropriate medium for conveying information and structures written andoral communication to ensure clarity.

Listens, understands and adapts to audience

Seeks to understand the audience andtailors communication style and messageaccordingly. Listens carefully to others andchecks to ensure their views have beenunderstood. Checks own understanding of 

others’ comments and does not allowmisunderstandings to linger.

Seeks to understand the audience and tailorscommunication style and message accordingly.Listens carefully to others and checks to ensuretheir views have been understood. Anticipatesreactions and is prepared to respond. Checks

own understanding of others’ comments anddoes not allow misunderstandings to linger.

Negotiates persuasively 

 Approaches negotiations with a strong graspof the key issues, having prepared inadvance. Understands the desired objectivesand associated strengths and weaknesses.

 Anticipates the position of the other party,and frames arguments accordingly.Encourages the support of relevantstakeholders. Strives to achieve an outcomethat delivers benefits for both parties.

 Approaches negotiations with a strong grasp of the key issues, having prepared well in advance.Understands the desired objectives andassociated strengths and weaknesses.

 Anticipates the position of the other party, andadapts approach accordingly. Encourages thesupport of relevant stakeholders. Encouragesdebate and identifies common ground tofacilitate agreement and acceptance of mutuallybeneficial solutions.


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Self-assessment tool for SES B1 and SES B2

The self-assessment tool can be used as a guide to assist individuals identify areas of strength and

areas that might benefit from development. For a complete picture of the capabilities and behaviours for 

each level, review the relevant profiles.


1. Read the descriptions of the capabilities listed below; reflect on a recent example where you

demonstrated the capability and assess yourself as confident or not confident.

2. Tick below to identify those capabilities where you believe you want more development or 

experience to build on your existing capabilities.

3. You may then want to discuss with your manager areas you have identified that need further 

development or experience.

Shapes strategic thinking A recent example


Inspires a sense of purpose and direction

Develops the strategic direction for the businessunit and creates a shared sense of purpose bydemonstrating how elements of the strategy fittogether and contribute to higher-level goals.Encourages others’ input and communicatesrequired actions and expected outcomes

Champions the organisation's vision and goals andpromotes a shared commitment to the strategicdirection. Helps create organisational strategies thatare aligned with government objectives and likelyfuture requirements. Encourages others’ input andcommunicates expected outcomes from organisationalstrategies.

Focuses strategically 

Understands the organisation's direction and rolewithin government and society including the wholeof government agenda. Considers multipleperspectives when assessing the ramifications of issues. Develops plans that address both currentand likely future requirements. Seeks to alignbusiness unit activities with strategic priorities.

Understands the organisation's role within society andconsiders multiple perspectives when assessing theramifications of key issues on the organisation andcommunity. Provides advice to government thatreflects analysis of a broad range of issues and thewhole of government agenda. Considers emergingtrends, identifies long-term opportunities and alignsorganisational operations with strategic priorities.

Harnesses information and opportunities

Draws on information and alternative viewpointsand monitors information channels to understand

new issues of importance to the government.Monitors change in the environment. Seizesopportunities and adjusts approach to respond tothreats. Addresses any critical information gaps.Uses knowledge of the organisation to provide acontext for others.

Draws on information and alternative viewpoints andmonitors information channels to understand new

issues of importance to the government. Monitorschange in the environment. Positions the organisationto seize opportunities and minimise threats. Addressesany critical information gaps. Uses knowledge of theorganisation to tailor approaches to different issues.

Shows judgment, intelligence and commonsense

 Applies intellect and knowledge to weigh upcomplex information and identify critical factors andissues. Works effectively when all of theinformation is not available. Explores the options infull and makes sound decisions under pressure.

Considers opportunities and anticipates risk. Applies lateral thinking and identifies innovativesolutions.

 Applies intellect and knowledge to weigh upinformation and identify critical factors and issues.Demonstrates effective judgement to weigh up optionsand develop realistic solutions. Anticipates risks,addresses them quickly and helps others to recognise

them. Capitalises on innovative alternatives to resolvecomplex problems.

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Achieves results A recent example


Builds organisational capability and responsiveness

Investigates ways to improve effectiveness byharnessing technology and implementingcontinuous improvement activities. Builds teamswith complementary skills and engages insuccession planning. Responds flexibly to changingcircumstances, deploys resources astutely andidentifies optimum resourcing combinations.Creates a flexible environment that enables othersto meet changing demands.

Focuses on activities that support organisationalsustainability. Nurtures talent and engages insuccession planning. Facilitates informationaccessibility and sharing. Investigates ways to improveeffectiveness by harnessing technology andimplementing continuous improvement activities.Monitors and manages resourcing pressures for optimum outcomes. Creates a flexible environment thatenables others to meet changing demands.

Marshals professional expertise

Integrates professional expertise into theorganisation to improve overall performance anddelivery of business unit outcomes. Managescontracts judiciously. Actively ensures relevant

professional input from others is obtained andshares own experience.

Integrates professional expertise into the organisationto improve overall performance and delivery of organisational outcomes. Manages contracts

 judiciously. Actively ensures relevant professional input

from others is obtained and shares own experience.

Steers and implements change and deals with uncertainty 

 Adopts a planned approach to the management of programs. Defines high-level objectives andsupports translation into implementation strategies.Operates effectively in an environment of ongoingchange and uncertainty and maintains flexibility.

 Actively ensures stakeholders are kept informedduring times of change.

Oversees the implementation of multiple changeinitiatives with a focus on the desired outcomes.Defines high-level objectives and ensures translationinto practical implementation strategies. Operateseffectively in an environment of ongoing change anduncertainty and maintains flexibility. Actively ensuresstakeholders are kept informed during times of change.

Ensures closure and delivers on intended results

Drives a culture of achievement. Ensures ideas andintended actions become reality and that plannedprojects result in expected outputs. Strives for quality, and ensures compliance with regulatoryrequirements. Puts systems in place to establishand measure accountabilities. Manages risks thatmay impede on project outcomes and ensures thatkey stakeholders are across all relevant issues.

Drives a culture of achievement, and fosters a qualityfocus in the organisation. Ensures ideas and intendedactions become reality and that planned projects resultin expected outputs. Enables the achievement of outcomes by identifying and removing potentialbarriers to success. Keeps stakeholders informed of progress and any issues that arise.

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Cultivates productive working relationships A recent example


Nurtures internal and external relationships

Builds and sustains relationships within the

organisation, with the Minister's office, across the APS and with a diverse range of externalstakeholders. Looks for shared agendas and usesthese to bring people together. Shows acommitment to client service through own actionsand those of the business unit.

Builds and sustains relationships within the

organisation, with the Minister's office, across the APSand with a diverse range of external stakeholders.Encourages stakeholders to work together, andestablishes cross-agency approaches to addressissues. Shows a commitment to client service throughown actions and those of the organisation.

Facilitates cooperation and partnerships

Brings people together and encourages input fromkey stakeholders. Facilitates cooperation within andbetween organisations. Promotes the reciprocalsharing of information to build knowledge. Fostersteamwork and rewards cooperative andcollaborative behaviour. Resolves conflict andmanages the sensitivities involved.

Consults broadly to obtain buy-in. Draws on theknowledge of key stakeholders within and outside theorganisation and facilitates cooperation by sharinginformation. Promotes information exchange bymaintaining open communication channels. Personallymanifests strong interpersonal relations and rewardscooperative and collaborative behaviour. Anticipatesand resolves conflict.

Values individual differences and diversity 

Recognises the positive benefits that can be gainedfrom diversity and capitalises on these for thebenefit of the business unit. Harnessesunderstanding of differences to anticipate reactionsand enhance interactions. Recognises the differentworking styles of individuals, and tries to see thingsfrom different perspectives.

Capitalises on the positive benefits that can be gainedfrom diversity and harnesses different viewpoints. Usesunderstanding of differences to anticipate reactionsand enhance the operation of the organisation.Recognises the different working styles of individuals,anticipates reactions and tries to see things fromdifferent perspectives.

Guides, mentors and develops people

Encourages and motivates people to engage incontinuous learning, and empowers them bydelegating responsibility for work. Sets clear performance standards and gives timely praise andrecognition. Makes time for people and offers fullsupport when required. Delivers constructivefeedback and manages under-performance. Offerssupport in times of high pressure and engages inactivities to maintain morale.

Identifies and develops talent. Encourages andmotivates people to engage in continuous learning,and empowers them by delegating responsibility for work. Sets clear performance standards and givestimely praise and recognition. Makes time for peopleand offers full support when required. Deliversconstructive feedback and manages under-performance. Offers support in times of high pressure.Celebrates success and engages in activities tomaintain morale.

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Exemplifies personal drive and integrity A recent example


Demonstrates public service professionalism and probity 

 Adheres to and promotes the APS Values andCode of Conduct and acts with utmost integrity andprofessionalism. Encourages these standards inothers. Operates professionally and within theboundaries of organisational processes and legaland public policy constraints. Represents theorganisation effectively in public and internalforums, and advocates the corporate agenda.

 Adheres to and promotes the APS Values and theCode of Conduct and aligns business processesaccordingly. Addresses breaches of protocol andprobity. Operates professionally and within theboundaries of organisational processes and legal andpublic policy constraints. Represents the organisationeffectively in public and internal forums, and advocatesthe corporate agenda.

Engages with risk and shows personal courage

Provides impartial and forthright advice. Isprepared to make tough corporate decisions toachieve desired outcomes. Challenges andencourages debate on difficult or controversialissues. Stands by own position and supports others

when required. Takes responsibility for mistakesand learns from them. Seeks guidance and advicewhen required.

Provides impartial and forthright advice. Is prepared tomake tough corporate decisions to achieve desiredoutcomes. Clearly voices own opinion and challengesdifficult or controversial issues. Stands by own positionand supports others when required. Takes

responsibility for mistakes and learns from them.Seeks guidance and advice when required.

Commits to action

Commits to achieving key outcomes for theorganisation. Demonstrates personal drive, focusand energy. Galvanises others to act. Actsdecisively and initiates urgent action to overcomedifficult problems.

Commits to achieving key outcomes for theorganisation and uses personal drive, focus andenergy to enthuse others. Galvanises others to act.

 Acts decisively and initiates urgent action to overcomedifficult problems.

Displays resilience

Persists with, and focuses on achieving,organisational objectives even in difficultcircumstances. Monitors own emotional reactionsand responds to pressure in a controlled manner.Displays a positive outlook and maintainsmomentum in difficult situations.

Persists and focuses on achieving organisationalobjectives even in difficult circumstances. Monitorsown emotional reactions and responds to pressure in acontrolled manner. Overcomes obstacles and rapidlyrecovers from setbacks. Displays a positive outlook indifficult situations.

Demonstrates self awareness and a commitment to personal development 

Examines own performance and regularly seeksfeedback from others. Confidently promotes areasof strength, acknowledges development needs andproactively identifies related learning opportunitiesto extend skills and experience. Reflects on own

behaviour and recognises the impact on others.

Demonstrates a high level of self-awareness andacknowledges areas of both strength and limitation.Confidently promotes areas of strength and proactivelyidentifies learning opportunities to extend skills andexperience. Reflects on the impact of own behaviour 

on others and is responsive in adjusting behaviour.

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Communicates with influence A recent example


Communicates clearly 

Confidently presents messages in a clear, concise

and articulate manner. Focuses on key points for the audience and uses appropriate, unambiguouslanguage, and explains the implications andensures the conclusion is clearly conveyed. Selectsthe most appropriate medium for conveyinginformation and structures written and oralcommunication to ensure clarity.

Confidently presents messages in a clear, concise and

articulate manner. Focuses on key points for theaudience and states the facts. Structures message for brevity and presents message with precision andconfidence, harnessing the most appropriate methodsof communication. Creates meaning for the audienceby using analogies and stories to illustrate key points.

Listens, understands and adapts to audience

Seeks to understand the audience and tailorscommunication style and message accordingly.Listens carefully to others and checks to ensuretheir views have been understood. Anticipates

objections and prepares a response to address theaudience’s concerns. Checks own understanding of others’ comments and does not allowmisunderstandings to linger.

Seeks to understand the audience and reads their non-verbal cues. Adapts communication style and messageto meet their needs. Listens carefully to others andensures their views have been understood. Anticipates

objections and prepares a response to address theaudience’s concerns. Checks own understanding of others’ comments and does not allowmisunderstandings to linger.

Negotiates persuasively 

 Approaches negotiations with a strong grasp of thekey issues. Presents a convincing and balancedrationale. Anticipates the position of the other party,and is aware of the extent of potential for compromise. Acknowledges and addressesdisagreements to facilitate mutually beneficialsolutions. Encourages the support of relevantstakeholders. Focuses on the desired objectives

and ensures negotiations remain on track.

 Approaches negotiations with a strong grasp of the keyissues. Presents a convincing and balanced rationale.Focuses on the way in which the message is delivered,and uses techniques to illustrate the argumentpersuasively. Anticipates the position of the other party, and is aware of the extent of potential for compromise. Acknowledges and addressesdisagreements to facilitate mutually beneficial

solutions. Identifies key stakeholders and seeks their support. Focuses on the desired objectives andensures negotiations remain on track.

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Self-assessment tool for EL2 and SES B1

The self-assessment tool can be used as a guide to assist individuals to identify areas of strength and

areas that might benefit from development. For a complete picture of the capabilities and behaviours for 

each level, review the relevant profiles.


1. Read the descriptions of the capabilities listed below; reflect on a recent example where you

demonstrated the capability and assess yourself as confident or not confident.

2. Tick below to identify those capabilities where you believe you want more development or 

experience to build on your existing capabilities.

3. You may then want to discuss with your manager areas you have identified that need further 

development or experience.

Shapes strategic thinking A recent example


Inspires a sense of purpose and direction

Translates the strategy into operational goalsand creates a shared sense of purpose withinthe business unit. Engages others in thestrategic direction of the work area, encouragestheir contribution and communicates expectedoutcomes.

Develops the strategic direction for the business unitand creates a shared sense of purpose bydemonstrating how elements of the strategy fittogether and contribute to higher-level goals.Encourages others’ input and communicates requiredactions and expected outcomes

Focuses strategically 

Understands the organisation's objectives andlinks between the business unit, organisationand the whole of government agenda. Considersthe ramifications of a wide range of issues,anticipates priorities and develops long-termplans for own work area.

Understands the organisation's direction and rolewithin government and society including the whole of government agenda. Considers multiple perspectiveswhen assessing the ramifications of issues. Developsplans that address both current and likely futurerequirements. Seeks to align business unit activitieswith strategic priorities.

Harnesses information and opportunities

Gathers and investigates information from avariety of sources, and explores new ideas anddifferent viewpoints. Probes information andidentifies any critical gaps. Maintains anawareness of the organisation, looks for recentdevelopments that may impact on own businessarea and finds out about best practiceapproaches.

Draws on information and alternative viewpoints andmonitors information channels to understand newissues of importance to the government. Monitorschange in the environment. Seizes opportunities andadjusts approach to respond to threats. Addressesany critical information gaps. Uses knowledge of theorganisation to provide a context for others.

Shows judgment, intelligence and commonsense

Undertakes objective, critical analysis and distilsthe core issues. Presents logical arguments anddraws accurate conclusions. Anticipates andseeks to minimise risks. Breaks throughproblems and weighs up the options to identifysolutions. Explores possibilities and creativealternatives.

 Applies intellect and knowledge to weigh up complexinformation and identify critical factors and issues.Works effectively when all of the information is notavailable. Explores the options in full and makessound decisions under pressure. Considersopportunities and anticipates risk. Applies lateralthinking and identifies innovative solutions.

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Achieves results A recent example


Builds organisational capability and responsiveness

Evaluates ongoing project performance andidentifies critical success factors. Instigatescontinuous improvement activities. Respondsflexibly to changing demands. Builds teams withcomplementary skills and allocates resources ina manner that delivers results.

Investigates ways to improve effectiveness byharnessing technology and implementing continuousimprovement activities. Builds teams withcomplementary skills and engages in successionplanning. Responds flexibly to changingcircumstances, deploys resources astutely andidentifies optimum resourcing combinations. Creates aflexible environment that enables others to meetchanging demands.

Marshals professional expertise

Values specialist expertise and capitalises onthe knowledge within the organisation as well asconsulting externally as appropriate. Managescontracts judiciously. Contributes own expertise

to achieve outcomes for the business unit.

Integrates professional expertise into the organisationto improve overall performance and delivery of business unit outcomes. Manages contracts

 judiciously. Actively ensures relevant professional

input from others is obtained and shares ownexperience.

Steers and implements change and deals with uncertainty 

Establishes clear plans and timeframes for project implementation and outlines specificactivities. Responds in a positive and flexiblemanner to change and uncertainty. Sharesinformation with others and assists them toadapt.

 Adopts a planned approach to the management of programs. Defines high-level objectives and supportstranslation into implementation strategies. Operateseffectively in an environment of ongoing change anduncertainty and maintains flexibility. Actively ensuresstakeholders are kept informed during times of change.

Ensures closure and delivers on intended results

Strives to achieve and encourages others to dothe same. Monitors progress and identifies risksthat may impact on outcomes. Adjusts plans asrequired. Commits to achieving quality outcomesand ensures documentation procedures aremaintained. Seeks feedback from stakeholdersto gauge satisfaction.

Drives a culture of achievement. Ensures ideas andintended actions become reality and that plannedprojects result in expected outputs. Strives for quality,and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.Puts systems in place to establish and measureaccountabilities. Manages risks that may impede onproject outcomes and ensures that key stakeholdersare across all relevant issues.

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Cultivates productive working relationships A recent example


Nurtures internal and external relationships

Builds and sustains relationships with a network

of key people internally and externally.Recognises shared agendas and works towardmutually beneficial outcomes. Anticipates and isresponsive to internal and external client needs.

Builds and sustains relationships within the

organisation, with the Minister's office, across the APSand with a diverse range of external stakeholders.Looks for shared agendas and uses these to bringpeople together. Shows a commitment to clientservice through own actions and those of the businessunit.

Facilitates cooperation and partnerships

Brings people together and encourages inputfrom key stakeholders. Finds opportunities toshare information and ensures that others arekept informed of issues. Fosters teamwork andrewards cooperative and collaborativebehaviour. Resolves conflict using appropriatestrategies.

Brings people together and encourages input from keystakeholders. Facilitates cooperation within andbetween organisations. Promotes the reciprocalsharing of information to build knowledge. Fostersteamwork and rewards cooperative and collaborativebehaviour. Resolves conflict and manages thesensitivities involved.

Values individual differences and diversity 

Recognises the positive benefits that can begained from diversity and encourages theexploration of diverse views. Harnessesunderstanding of differences to anticipatereactions and enhance interactions. Recognisesthe different working styles of individuals, andtries to see things from different perspectives.

Recognises the positive benefits that can be gainedfrom diversity and capitalises on these for the benefitof the business unit. Harnesses understanding of differences to anticipate reactions and enhanceinteractions. Recognises the different working styles of individuals, and tries to see things from differentperspectives.

Guides, mentors and develops people

Encourages and motivates people to engage incontinuous learning, and empowers them bydelegating tasks. Agrees clear performancestandards and gives timely praise andrecognition. Makes time for people and offers fullsupport when required. Delivers constructivefeedback in a manner that gains acceptance andachieves resolution. Deals with under-performance promptly.

Encourages and motivates people to engage incontinuous learning, and empowers them bydelegating responsibility for work. Sets clear performance standards and gives timely praise andrecognition. Makes time for people and offers fullsupport when required. Delivers constructive feedbackand manages under-performance. Offers support intimes of high pressure and engages in activities tomaintain morale.

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Exemplifies personal drive and integrity A recent example


Demonstrates public service professionalism and probity 

 Adopts a principled approach and adheres to the APS Values and Code of Conduct. Actsprofessionally and impartially at all times andoperates within the boundaries of organisationalprocesses and legal and public policyconstraints. Operates as an effectiverepresentative of the organisation in public andinternal forums.

 Adheres to and promotes the APS Values and Codeof Conduct and acts with utmost integrity andprofessionalism. Encourages these standards inothers. Operates professionally and within theboundaries of organisational processes and legal andpublic policy constraints. Represents the organisationeffectively in public and internal forums, andadvocates the corporate agenda.

Engages with risk and shows personal courage

Provides impartial and forthright advice.Challenges important issues constructively,stands by own position and supports otherswhen required. Acknowledges mistakes andlearns from them, and seeks guidance and

advice when required.

Provides impartial and forthright advice. Is prepared tomake tough corporate decisions to achieve desiredoutcomes. Challenges and encourages debate ondifficult or controversial issues. Stands by ownposition and supports others when required. Takes

responsibility for mistakes and learns from them.Seeks guidance and advice when required.

Commits to action

Takes personal responsibility for meetingobjectives and progressing work. Showsinitiative and proactively steps in and does whatis required. Commits energy and drive to seethat goals are achieved.

Commits to achieving key outcomes for theorganisation. Demonstrates personal drive, focus andenergy. Galvanises others to act. Acts decisively andinitiates urgent action to overcome difficult problems.

Displays resilience

Persists and focuses on achieving objectives

even in difficult circumstances. Remains positiveand responds to pressure in a controlledmanner. Maintains momentum and sustainseffort despite criticism or setbacks.

Persists with, and focuses on achieving,

organisational objectives even in difficultcircumstances. Monitors own emotional reactions andresponds to pressure in a controlled manner. Displaysa positive outlook and maintains momentum in difficultsituations.

Demonstrates self awareness and a commitment to personal development 

Critically analyses own performance and seeksfeedback from others. Confidently communicatesstrengths and acknowledges developmentneeds. Acts on negative feedback to improveperformance. Reflects on own behaviour andrecognises the impact on others. Shows strong

commitment to learning and self-development,and embraces challenging new opportunities.

Examines own performance and regularly seeksfeedback from others. Confidently promotes areas of strength, acknowledges development needs andproactively identifies related learning opportunities toextend skills and experience. Reflects on ownbehaviour and recognises the impact on others.

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Communicates with influence A recent example


Communicates clearly 

Confidently presents messages in a clear,

concise and articulate manner. Translatesinformation for others, focusing on key pointsand using appropriate, unambiguous language.Selects the most appropriate medium for conveying information and structures written andoral communication to ensure clarity.

Confidently presents messages in a clear, concise

and articulate manner. Focuses on key points for theaudience and uses appropriate, unambiguouslanguage, and explains the implications and ensuresthe conclusion is clearly conveyed. Selects the mostappropriate medium for conveying information andstructures written and oral communication to ensureclarity.

Listens, understands and adapts to audience

Seeks to understand the audience and tailorscommunication style and message accordingly.Listens carefully to others and checks to ensuretheir views have been understood. Anticipates

reactions and is prepared to respond. Checksown understanding of others’ comments anddoes not allow misunderstandings to linger.

Seeks to understand the audience and tailorscommunication style and message accordingly.Listens carefully to others and checks to ensure their views have been understood. Anticipates objections

and prepares a response to address the audience’sconcerns. Checks own understanding of others’comments and does not allow misunderstandings tolinger.

Negotiates persuasively 

 Approaches negotiations with a strong grasp of the key issues, having prepared well in advance.Understands the desired objectives andassociated strengths and weaknesses.

 Anticipates the position of the other party, andadapts approach accordingly. Encourages thesupport of key stakeholders. Encourages debateand identifies common ground to facilitate

agreement and acceptance of mutuallybeneficial solutions.

 Approaches negotiations with a strong grasp of thekey issues. Presents a convincing and balancedrationale. Anticipates the position of the other party,and is aware of the extent of potential for compromise.

 Acknowledges and addresses disagreements tofacilitate mutually beneficial solutions. Encourages thesupport of key stakeholders. Focuses on the desiredobjectives and ensures negotiations remain on track.


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Development methods and options

Development methods vary and it is valuable to incorporate a blend

of development activities into a career development plan. Research

by the Corporate Leadership Council in 2001 indicated that

leadership development occurs best when development

opportunities are distributed amongst a number of activities2.

 A range of development options could include:

x challenging job-based experiences including job rotation, special

assignments and cross-functional involvement including special

projects or taskforces

x exposure to the strategic agenda and to senior officials of the


x well-targeted training (such as executive development programsor formal skills training, where appropriate)

x self-development strategies

x use of senior mentors and coaches.

Figure 10 Development methods and options

No single development option will cover all dimensions of a public

service career. The examples included in Figure 11 describe

development options that will build breadth and depth of experience.

This list is by no means exhaustive, and opportunities will vary

depending on the Agency and location.

2Corporate Leadership Council, The Leadership Imperative, 2001


Learning and


Coaching andmentoring

Page 95

In order to advance

the organisation’sinternal capabilities

and bench strength,

organisations should 

offer a wide variety of 


resources and tools

(Corporate Leadership Council,

Implementing career 

development initiatives, 2003)

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Public sector service delivery role


working with clients and/or members of the public; leading and managing a service delivery work team.

Potential benefits:

understanding the impact of implementing policies

gaining experience in process and people management

demonstrating the application of people and client skills, and flexibility gaining experience in accountability for financial and physical resources

gaining experience in leading and managing teams

Public sector policy role


secondment to a special cross-partner project; conducting research as part of a multi-disciplinary team;experiencing and articulating an external (e.g. community, business, regional or international) perspectiveinto policy formulation, evaluation or implementation; work experience over more than one agency sector or area of specialisation.

Potential benefits:

understanding policy development, implementation, monitoring and evaluating of processes andpractices

understanding how government programs are structured

understanding how consultation processes contribute to success and timeliness of programs

gaining experience in accountability for financial and physical resources

gaining experience in leading and managing teams

developing research skills

National office or central organisation role


leading and managing a work team in a national office environment; participating in a project team withstaff drawn from both national and regional offices.

Potential benefits:

understanding how the whole APS works

appreciate coordinating and prioritising to pursue a broad strategy

relating with people at senior level in other APS agencies

Branch or regional office role


implementing national policy at local level; field testing or researching for future policy initiatives; participating in a project team with staff drawn from both national and regional offices.

Potential benefits:

understanding the viewpoint of people outside of a national office environment

providing advice that recipients see as understanding, and being relevant to, regions andcommunities

Experience in a Minister’s office



 providing advice directly to ministers, senior officials, or select committees; contributing to the

management of the political–government interface.

Potential benefits:

developing confidence in relationships with ministers and the ability to assert professional advice

developing timing, tone, prioritisation and policy advice that are in step with Ministers’ needs, buildingtrust and confidence in professional ability

understanding how politicians operate, and how decisions are made

International experience


attending Leading Australia’s Future in Asia (LAFIA), representing Australia’s interest on the international arena, which is the core aspect of the work of several agencies, e.g. foreign affairs, trade and overseasdevelopment, economic development, tourism and education—most ministers have an international dimension to their work.

Potential benefits:

understanding Australia’s perspective and contribution to international issues

acquiring ability to represent a whole of government perspective on international affairs and issues

seeing how other countries’ public sectors are approaching similar challenges

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Private sector experience


developing operations and customer facing systems; managing a small or medium business; starting up abusiness; business advisory role; quality assurance role; development role in one of the primary or major industry sectors; managing the public–private sector interface.

Potential benefits:

developing credibility with the business world

developing a broader view through gaining insights into the demands of the global economic systemand the impact on Australian economy and society

Voluntary/social activities


bringing up a family; belonging to a voluntary society; doing volunteer services abroad; chairing a local committee; serving on a public or professional body as an elected official; providing mentoring or support to members of a community or professional organisation.

Potential benefits:

understanding community perspectives, developing trust and credibility with community stakeholders

being able to influence without being in a position of authority, or being able to impose an expert view

developing a broader view of the impact of service delivery and how to build values into operations

engaging with community stakeholders and gaining support for policy and gathering feedback onimplementation

Undertaking stretch assignments


working with people or in situations not previously encountered; being placed in high-stake, ambiguous or difficult situations; dealing with or leading significant change; leading or implementing a ‘whole of organisation’ project; taking on a significant project of work that presents new learning and challenges;managing people for the first time; moving from line operations to corporate or policy role, or vice versa;taskforce assignment or special project work involving increased scope.

Potential benefits:

developing confidence in own judgement

developing change management skills

developing skills in influencing others

displaying courage to take on new challenges and experience, or promote a professional view

acquiring ability to think systematically rather than focusing only on tasks

developing a vision for a new future and managing the complexities involved in making it happen

Informal development


self-directed study and wide reading; being mentored or coached; experiential learning; providing mentoring and support to members of a community or profession; personal life and work experiencesoutside of paid work.

Potential benefits:

seeing areas for improvement and opportunities for development

realising own potential and that of others

Formal education and training courses


attending seminars and presentations from leading thinkers; personal and professional courses.

Potential benefits:

building intellectual capability and conceptual frameworks

updating knowledge

Postgraduate study


completing Masters or further study; PSM Program; ANZSOG Masters of Public Administration: ExecutiveFellows.

Potential benefits:

increasing facility to see the big picture and make conceptual connections and holistic responses

having opportunity to reflect

linking in to influential networks of potential future leaders and CEOs

applying a conceptual framework to earlier experiences

Figure 11 Development opportunities

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Capability development planning

Once an individual has completed the self assessment tool,

and decided on the most appropriate development methods,

the capability development planner provides a template to

assist individuals to document their development plan.

Individuals seeking to develop their capability can also use

the development planner as a basis for a conversation with

their manager.

The following sample capability development plan for an EL

working in the APS Commission is included as a guide. The

sample planner is based on the development options

available for an APS Commission employee—individuals

should consider the development options that are available

within their agency, as this will vary depending on location

and size of agency. A blank template is provided on the

following page as a starting point for individuals.

   O  r  g  a  n   i  s  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

  o  p  p  o

  r   t  u  n   i   t   i  e  s

   C  o  a  c   h   i  n  g  a  n   d

  m  e  n   t  o  r   i  n  g

   E   d  u

  c  a   t   i  o  n

   L  e  a  r  n   i  n  g  a  n   d   d  e  v  e   l  o  p  m  e  n   t

  o  p  p  o  r   t  u  n   i   t   i  e  s

EL learning and

developmentManagement essentials

Public servants


rights and

responsibilitiesPreparing to appear

before Parliamentary


Postgraduate studies

Public SectorManagement Program ANZSOG Masters ANZSOG Fellowships

Performance Management Assessment

Senior management briefings/presentations

Career development

assessment centreCoaching


SES snapshots, breakfasts

forums and updatesEL Updates

Futures forum


Critical incidents

Leadership and

management positions

TaskforcesKey projects Official visits



Future inAsia

APS Commission

corporate calendar

Figure 12 Sample capability development plan for an EL working in APS Commission

‘Effective delivery of 



those for which leaders

themselves indicate a

clear preference such

as feedback and 


heavily on ensuring line

manager accountability 

for leadership

development goals’ 

(Corporate Leadership Council,

The leadership imperative:

Strategies for increasing 

leadership bench strength, 2001)

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    L   e   a   r   n    i   n   g   a   n    d    d   e   v   e

    l   o   p   m   e   n    t

   o   p   p   o   r    t   u   n    i    t    i   e   s

    E    d   u   c   a    t    i   o   n

    C   o   a   c    h    i   n   g   a   n    d   m   e   n    t   o

   r    i   n   g

    O   r   g   a   n    i   s   a    t    i   o   n   a    l   o   p   p   o   r    t   u   n

    i    t    i   e   s

Figure 13 Template for capability development plan

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Mapping for individuals

Each component of the System has been mapped below to assist individuals as they work through the


Comparative view


Shapes strategic thinking

Inspires a sense of purpose and direction

x The comparative view of the Leadership Pathway scans

across the levels from EL1 to SES B3 and describes the

behaviours, and the changes in capability at each level.

x Individuals aspiring to more senior leadership positions

can use the descriptions in the comparative view for the

next level to identify areas for development.

Layers of complexity model

Future focus

Breadth of contact

Breadth of impact

Breadth of responsibility

x This tool describes the increasing layers of complexity as

roles change.x Individuals can identify each of the aspects of the model

that are relevant for their current or future role.

Critical transition points


Shapes strategic...

Achieves results...



x Critical transition points have been identified for each of 

the Pathway capabilities across the various levels (darkarrows).

x They are the points where new behaviours have been

introduced and are indicated by bold text in the

Comparative View of the Pathway.

Individual profiles


Executive Level 2 Profile

x The Profiles allow individuals to look at the capabilities

and behaviours for a specific level.

x Critical transition points for each level have been shaded.


Shapes strategic thinking example rating


Inspires a sense of purpose

Translates the.. . Translates the...

x Self-assessment tools have been included to assist

individuals clarify their development needs. This is not a

formal assessment for performance appraisal purposes.

x Locate the self-assessment for your level, or the one

above. They are paired to make comparison with another 

level easier.

x Remember the self-assessment tool is only asking Are

you confident behaving in this way, do you want more


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Development methods



Learning and


Coaching and


x This tool will assist individuals to identify the development

methods that best meet their agency requirements and


x  Are there development methods that you prefer? Are

there methods that you don’t normally consider?

Capability development planningsample and template

Learning & developmentopportunities


Coaching andmentoring


x The capability development planning tool provides a

template to assist with recording your development


x Once you have identified the capabilities that you want

more development in, decide on the complexity of the

context that you are, or will be operating in. Thenconsider appropriate development methods.

x Refer to your agency’s development opportunities, the

 APS Commission website and other avenues of 

development that you are familiar with.

x Plot your development plan on the template provided.

Figure 14 Mapping for individuals

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Where to from here?

Leadership capability development is an ongoing process. The

Integrated Leadership System has been designed to address

the major known challenges, and provides a strong foundation

to meet future APS leadership requirements.

The next step for the APS Commission in this ongoing process

is to work collaboratively with agencies and providers to

cement the System and its associated tools within the public

service. This partnership will include assistance in customising

the System to meet the specific requirements of agencies.

The Commission is currently developing several new Service-

wide programs that will help to build the capabilities and

behaviours required of APS leaders. It is anticipated that these

programs will be piloted during the later half of 2004 and

offered as programs in 2005.

Related resources and information are available for individuals

and HR practitioners through the Commission’s website –, and includes

x thematic papers on applying the APS Values, managing

work and life balance, risk management and succession


x Developing Leadership—Who? What? Where?—a

snapshot of leadership programs being implemented in

public service agencies, and contact information

x Public Service Leadership: Emerging Issues—a report

prepared by the National Institute of Governance for the


Further information on the System, or its components, is

available at the Commission’s website, or by emailing

[email protected] or phoning (02) 6271 6560.


development is one

area of capability 

development that has

received increased 

attention in recent 


Despite a high level of 

activity in this area,

more concerted effort 

is needed, particularly 

in response to




The APS would also

benefit from greater support for Service- 

wide programs.’ 

(APS Commission, State of the

Service Report 2002–2003,


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 Appendix A Embedding the APS Values: Framework

 Appendix B Further reading

 Appendix C Glossary of terms

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Appendix A: Embedding the APS Values: Framework

Building a fair and robust environment to inspire public trust, give APS employees confidence and improve organisational performance.

Figure 14 The APS Values Framework 

The APS and its relationship with Government and Parliament

x The APS is apolitical, performing its functions in an impartial and professional manner. (s. 10(1)(a)

of the PS Act)

x The APS is openly accountable for its actions, within the framework of Ministerial responsibility to

the Government, the Parliament and the Australian public. (s. 10(1)(e) of the PS Act)

x The APS is responsive to the Government in providing frank, honest, comprehensive, accurate and

timely advice and in implementing the Government’s policies and programs. (s. 10(1)(f) of the PS


The APS and its relationship with the public

x The APS delivers services fairly, effectively, impartially and courteously to the Australian public and

is sensitive to the diversity of the Australian public. (s. 10(1)(g) of the PS Act)

x The APS provides a reasonable opportunity to all eligible members of the community to apply for 

 APS employment. (s. 10(1)(m) of the PS Act)

The APS and workplace relationships

x The APS is a public service in which employment decisions are based on merit. (s. 10 (1)(b) of the

PS Act)

x The APS provides a workplace that is free from discrimination and recognises and utilises the

diversity of the Australian community it serves. (s. 10(1)(c) of the PS Act).

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x The APS establishes workplace relations that value communication, consultation, co-operation and

input from employees on matters that affect their workplace. (s. 10(1)(i) of the PS Act)

x The APS provides a fair, flexible, safe and rewarding workplace. (s. 10(1)(j) of the PS Act)

x The APS focuses on achieving results and managing performance. (s. 10(1)(k) of the PS Act)

x The APS promotes equity in employment. (s. 10(1)(l) of the PS Act)

x The APS provides a fair system of review of decisions taken in respect of APS employees. (s.

10(1)(o) of the PS Act)

Personal behaviour in the APS

x The APS has the highest ethical standards. (s. 10(1)(d) of the PS Act)

x The APS has leadership of the highest quality. (s. 10(1)(h) of the PS Act)

x The APS is a career-based service to enhance the effectiveness and cohesion of Australia’s

democratic system of government. (s. 10(1)(n) of the PS Act)

Promoting the APS Values: A checklist for Agency Heads

The aim of this checklist is to help Agency Heads assess how well the APS Values and Code of 

Conduct are being integrated into the management and culture of an agency and to identify areas for 


1. Commitment

x In what ways do senior leaders demonstrate visible and strong commitment to the APS Values?

x How do senior leaders encourage employees to raise questions about ethical dilemmas?

x How is it ensured that employees know they will not be victimised for raising ethical issues?

x How do senior leaders communicate to employees that conduct consistent with the APS Values and

Code of Conduct is expected and that misconduct will not be tolerated?

x  Are the Values integrated with strategic direction-setting to allow values-based decision making to

cascade through planning and performance frameworks at all levels?

x Do learning and development programs aimed at leaders and managers include guidance on

modelling the APS Values and their responsibilities to staff, and training in coaching and mentoring

for values-based decision making?

x Is information about the APS Values and the Code of Conduct included in induction programs?

x How are APS employees informed about the standards of conduct expected of them?

x  Are there learning and development programs available to all employees that address their 

responsibilities under the APS Values and Code of Conduct and handling tensions inherent in the

 APS Values, develop skills for ethical analysis and reasoning and provide sources of guidance and


2. Management

x How do management policies and practices reflect the APS Values and Code of Conduct?

x  Are all instructions and guidance to employees, including chief executive instructions, people

management rules and guidance, and advice on communications with ministers' offices and the

media, consistent with and supportive of the APS Values and Code of Conduct?

x Is a commitment to the APS Values and Code of Conduct set out in key corporate documents such

as the corporate plan, service/client charters and workplace agreements?

x How is it ensured that the APS Values and Code of Conduct are integrated into the performance

management framework?

x  Are relevant legislation and rules clearly set out in instructions and guidance to employees?

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x Where written instructions and guidance create latitude for decision making is reference made to

the APS Values and Code of Conduct?

x Do instructions, advice and guidance actively encourage day-to-day observance of the APS Values

and Code of Conduct?

x  Are instructions, advice and guidance aimed at all employees easily accessible? Is there good

cross-referencing and, if this is made available electronically, good key word search facilities?

3. Assurance

x What measures are in place to ensure that internal control systems, such as internal audit, fraud

control strategies and risk assessment, are functioning and effective?

x How is it ensured that the agency's procedures for determining whether an employee has breached

the Code of Conduct are effective? How is it ensured that sanctions for breaches of the Code of 

Conduct are reasonable and have regard to relevant legal principles? How is it ensured that there is

broad consistency of decision making with respect to sanctions across the agency?

x How is it ensured that employees are encouraged to expose wrongdoing without fear of 

victimisation and are aware of agency whistleblowing procedures?

x How are decision making review systems (both internal and external) used to provide systematic

feedback on agency systems and procedures and their consistent support of the Values?

x How is it ensured that employees are aware of the agency's review of action scheme? How is it

ensured that employees are informed of their review rights, including how to seek a review?

x How are customer (or client) and staff surveys used to assess how the agency is upholding the APS


x How is it ensured that tenderers, contractors and suppliers understand what is expected of them

and the APS employees they have contact with, in terms of the APS Values and Code of Conduct,

and the standards of behaviour they should exhibit when tendering for a contract and in delivering

their contractual obligations? How are these expectations enforced?

x How is it ensured that records are created and maintained that meet accountability requirements

(including compliance with legislation), business needs and community expectations? Subject to

any limitation required by legislation, how is it ensured that decision making processes are

transparent and open to public scrutiny?

x How is adherence to the APS Values and Code of Conduct monitored within standard corporate

reporting and management information systems?

Important note: The action suggested by this checklist is not intended to address all of an Agency

Head's responsibilities to promote and uphold the APS Values under thePublic Service Act 1999 (PS

 Act). In particular, Agency Heads must comply with the Public Service Commissioner's Directions 1999

on each of the APS Values.

APS Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct requires that an employee must:

x behave honestly and with integrity in the course of APS employment.

x act with care and diligence in the course of APS employment.

x when acting in the course of APS employment, must treat everyone with respect and courtesy, and

without harassment.

x when acting in the course of APS employment, must comply with all applicable Australian laws.

x comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by someone in the employee's Agency who

has authority to give the direction.

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x maintain appropriate confidentiality about dealings that the employee has with any minister or 

minister's member of staff.

x disclose, and take reasonable steps to avoid, any conflict of interest (real or apparent) in connection

with APS employment.

x use Commonwealth resources in a proper manner.

x not provide false or misleading information in response to a request for information that is made for official purposes in connection with the employee's APS employment.

x not make improper use of:

a inside information or 

b the employee's duties, status, power or authority

in order to gain, or seek to gain, a benefit or advantage for the employee or for any other person.

x at all times behave in a way that upholds the APS Values and the integrity and good reputation of 

the APS.

x while on duty overseas must at all times behave in a way that upholds the good reputation of 


x except in the course of his or her duties as an APS employee or with the Agency Head’s express

authority, not give or disclose, directly or indirectly, any information about public business or 

anything of which the employee has official knowledge.

The Code of Conduct is set out in section 13 of the Public Service Act 1999.

For further information about Embedding the APS Values and The APS Values Framework please

contact the APS Commission helpline on (02) 6272 3609.

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Appendix B: Further reading

APS Commission resources

 APS Commission, 2003, Building capability: A framework for managing learning and development in the

 APS, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra

 APS Commission, 2003, Developing Leadership—Who? What? Where?, <>

 APS Commission, 2003, Draft APS 5 and 6 Capability Framework , Commonwealth of Australia and

Centre for Public Sector Management Pty Ltd, Canberra

 APS Commission, 2003, Embedding the APS Values, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra

 APS Commission, 2001, Human Resource Capability Model , Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra

 APS Commission, 2003, Implementing organisational renewal: Mature aged workers in the APS,

Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra

 APS Commission, 2003, State of the Service Report 2002–03, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra

 APS Commission, 2000, Senior Executive Leadership Capability Framework , Commonwealth of 

 Australia, Canberra

National Institute of Governance, 2003, Public Service Leadership emerging issues. A report for the

 Australian Public Service Commission, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra

Management Advisory Committee reports

Management Advisory Committee, 2003, Organisational Renewal , Commonwealth of Australia,


Management Advisory Committee, 2004, Connecting Government: whole of government responses to

 Australia’s priority challenges, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra

Other resources

 Australian Human Resources Institute, 2003, HR: Creating Business Solutions, AHRI,


Larson, Peter E and Coe Amanda, 1999, Managing change: The evolving role of top public servants,

Managing the Public Service Strategies for Improvement Series: No 7 , Commonwealth Secretariat,


OECD, 2001, Public sector leadership for the 21st century , OECD Publications, Paris

Performance and Innovation Unit, 2001, Strengthening leadership in the public sector: A research study 

by the PUI , Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit, <>

Shergold, P, 2003, ‘A Change in Leadership What Does it Mean?’ presented at an IPAA function, June


State Services Commission, 2002, Occasional Paper No. 26: Report on the Regional Conference on

Emerging issues in senior management development in the public sector ,<>

Strategy Unit, 20021, Risk: improving government’s capability to handle risk and uncertainty , Prime

Minister’s Strategy Unit, <>

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The following documents are accessible to members of the Corporate Leadership Council (CLC) at

Corporate Leadership Council, 2001, Voice of the Leader: A quantitative analysis of leadership bench

strength and development strategies

Corporate Leadership Council, 2001, The Leadership Imperative: Strategies for increasing leadership

bench strength

Corporate Leadership Council, 2002, Development and application of Leadership Capability 


Corporate Leadership Council, 2003, Global Leadership Development Trends in the Public Sector 

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Appendix C: Glossary of terms

 Agencies Commonwealth departments and agencies under the PS Act 1999

 ANZSOG Australian and New Zealand School of Government

 APS Australian Public Service

 APS Commission Australian Public Service Commission

 APS 1 Australian Public Service level 2

 APS 2 Australian Public Service level 2

 APS 3 Australian Public Service level 3

 APS 4 Australian Public Service level 4

 APS 5 Australian Public Service level 5

 APS 6 Australian Public Service level 6

CDAC Career Development Assessment Centre

CLC Corporate Leadership Council

EL Executive Level

EL1 Executive Level 1

EL2 Executive Level 2

HR practitioners Human resource practitioners

ILS Integrated Leadership System

LAFIA Leading Australia’s Future in Asia

MAC Management Advisory Committee

MAC Report Management Advisory Committee report No. 4—Connecting Government 

Pathway The Leadership Pathway

PS Act Public Service Act 1999

PSM Program Public Sector Management Program

SELC Framework Senior Executive Leadership Capability Framework

SES Senior Executive Service

SES B1 Senior Executive Service Band 1

SES B2 Senior Executive Service Band 2

SES B3 Senior Executive Service Band 3

Values The APS Values

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Appendix D: APS Profile

Taken from Australian Public Service Statistical Bulletin 2002-03, State of the Service Series 2002-03

 APS 1 1507

 APS 2 6352

 APS 3 15585

 APS 4 29124

 APS 5 12766

 APS 6 26969

EL1 14276

EL2 10343

SES Band 1 1392

SES Band 2 384

SES Band 3 96