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HTTP://DAILYNUGGETSOFWISDOM.COM The Inspiration for Living Be inspired, Be motivated Alvina Amoako

The Inspiration for Living

Mar 31, 2016



Alvina Amoako

A resource to inspire you to live your best life.
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The Inspiration

for Living Be inspired, Be motivated

Alvina Amoako

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The Inspiration for Living



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The Inspiration for Living


Table of Contents

1. How to soar above your problems.

2. The power of influence and


3. Fear has no dominion over you

4. Have an attitude of gratitude

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The Inspiration for Living


Let’s get connected:

All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or

distribution, by any means, without permission of the


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The Inspiration for Living



2010 was a year of awakening for me. Awakening

in a sense that, I had allowed time to pass by. I read

some of Jim Rohn’s work in success magazine and I got

an Aha! Moment. I said to myself that life can be better

than this. What really got my attention was this quote by

Jim Rohn, “success is something you attract by the

person you become.” “For things to change you have to

change and for things to be better, you have to be

better”. From that very moment I made a major decision

to change and spend my time productively.

Ever since I made the decision to change, my life

had never been the same. I love the woman I have

become; more confident, bold and fearless. The road to

change had never been easy with three kids but I was

determined to make something of my life. Obviously, it

happened with God’s help. I was determined to succeed

no matter what.

The decision to change was not an easy one; I

had to examine my life to see where I was going wrong.

Boy! I found a whole lot of unproductive things I spent

my precious time on. What really consumed my time

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The Inspiration for Living


was reality shows. In order for me to get what I needed

in life I had to cut down on watching television in

general and reality shows in particular and I did. My life

is amazing right now, even though I’m not where I want

to be, I know I am headed in the right direction.

I concur to a statement by Todd Smith which

states that “The difference between success and failure is

in the little things”. The above quote sums it all up. The

little things that was eating away my time was reality

shows and I sometimes also allowed the problems of life

to get in my way. I have learned to take charge and be

responsible for my own life and I am loving it.

I have these questions to ask you:

What are the little things that have prevented

you from achieving your goals?

Why is it that some people achieve so much and

others don’t? Meanwhile, we all have the same time (24

hours) allotted to us in a day.

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Why is it that some people allow the problems of

life to get in their way in their attempt to be successful in


Time is the greatest value and investment, yet

most people spend their time frivolously without even

taking into account how it is impacting their lives. Time

is highly perishable and waits for no one. There are a lot

of people who have lost precious time and opportunities

that were afforded them. However, it is better late than

never. It is possible to redeem the time and years that

has been stolen from you. Change bad habits and replace

them with good ones, educate yourself properly, set

goals, be passionate about whatever you do, be

industrious, connect with the right people, be optimistic

about life and go after your dreams with all


It’s about TIME you make all the necessary

changes that will facilitate your breakthrough in life.

God is for you and make that decision to change your life

after reading this e – book. I am rooting for you on the

road to success.

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The Inspiration for Living


How to Soar Above Your Problems

Two homeless people overcame the odds and

started their own company. Lucinda Yates

started a business that will raise money for

nonprofits in the U.S and globally. Even though what

she went through was horrendous, she never gave up on

herself. She was asked this question: “Were there ever

times like that when you wanted to give up?” Her answer

inspired me so much I was totally blown away. She said,

“You have to imagine your next best self, you have to

always be thinking, where do I see myself in the future”.

Ms Yates has raised more than $25 million for


Dennis Anderson was inspired to start a

soap company with a $12 investment. He spent nearly a

month living in his car before he started his business.

Today, projected revenue for his business is $85,000 -

$90,000. When Mr. Yates was asked this question:

“What did you think when you realized you have to sleep

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in your car”. His answer flawed me, I said to myself,

WOW! His answer: “I basically started to feel like I had

to take responsibility for myself and take action”.

There are many inspirational stories out there but I

found this to be very unique and inspiring. Please be

inspired irrespective of what is going on in your life and

make a decision to:

1. Change

2. Be responsible for your own life

3. Take action of your life.

The problems we face in life are inevitable, as long as

we live and remain on planet earth, problems are going

to come. God has even promised in his word, that we

will go through trials and tribulations but we should be

of good cheer because he has overcome the world (John

16:33). Many at times, we allow what we go through to

adversely affect us instead of finding solutions to the

problem. Remember that every problem is solvable, just

that you may not have the solution yet.

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Personally, I am a Christian and I rely heavily on the

bible for solutions and I also pray a lot. Reading the

bible and praying has helped me a lot in the problems I

encounter. I also love to read inspirational and

motivational books and that has built me up


I have never come across anyone yet who loves to go

through problems. Unfortunately, when everything

around us is all rosy, we tend to relax and be

comfortable. However, the problems we encounter in

life helps us to grow and be better. In my humble

opinion we should never ask “Why me, oh God!” when

going through tough times. Remember that “tough times

never last but tough people do.” – Robert Schuller. We

all need something to challenge us that will ultimately

help us to grow.

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5 Ways to Soar Above Your


There are numerous ways through which

problems can be solved. Below are five

recommended approaches that can be adopted to

enable you to soar above your problems and they

are as follows:

1. You can overcome your problems when you

develop an attitude of faith. “Faith sees problems

as opportunities”. Matthew seventeen verse

twenty say, “Because you have so little faith.

I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as

a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain,

move from here to there and it will move.

Nothing will be impossible for you.” In addition,

Matthew nine verse twenty nine says that

“According to your faith will it be done to you”.

The bible is not a fiction and you must read it

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and take it as it is. Your problems can be solved

according to your faith. Now, you don’t need

gigantic faith to start with. Faith as small as a

mustard seed will do you good, yeah! Because

faith has the potential to grow; you may begin

small and grow your faith by your experiences

and trust in God. My question to you reading this



2. The power to solve problems is lying dormant

within you. You must know that every problem is

imbedded with a solution and you have what it

takes to solve the problem. You should also

believe that the problem is solvable. According to

Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do

immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,

according to his power that is at work within

us.” God has given us the Holy Spirit to empower

us and help us to unravel every problem that is

staring us in the face. The power to overcome is

within you. By seeking God, we set ourselves up

to exceed every expectation to overcome the

problems of life.

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3. You must learn to surrender all to God. No

matter how big the problem is he can come

through for you. God knows the end from the

beginning. When you let God know that he is in

charge of the problem, you begin to have peace.

Scriptures that will help you to surrender:

a. Acts 17:28 “ For in him we live and move

and have our being”

b. Psalm 34:19 “A righteous man may have

many troubles but the Lord deliver him

from them all”.

c. Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able

to do immeasurably more than all we

ask or imagine, accor ding to his power

that is at work within us”.

d. Proverbs 3:5-6 says that “Trust in the

Lord with all your heart and lean not on

your own understanding; in all your

ways acknowledge him, and he will

make your paths straight”.

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4. Your problems can make you recognize yourself

worth. Remember that we were created to solve

problems and not allow them to overwhelm us.

In the bible, Joseph ceased the opportunity to

solve the problem of famine by instituting

measures to ensure provision. As a result,

Joseph was promoted and he rose to prominence

in Egypt (Gen. 41:37-40).

5. There is an old English proverb that says, “An

idle mind is the devil’s workshop.” You must

stand guard at the door of your mind and never

allow the enemy to plant seeds of negativity.

There is also a Chinese proverb that says “You

cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying

over your head, but you can prevent them from

building nests in your hair.” Your mind is your

own and you must learn to be in charge and in

control of it. Your mind will play games with you

if it is not tuned very well from negativity.

All problems are solvable and it will begin

with your mind. Romans 12:2a “Do not conform

any longer to the pattern of this world, but be

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transformed by the renewing of your mind”.

You must undergo a mental shift from negative

to positive. Experiencing a positive mental

change affords you the mental lift to rise above

your problems. According to Albert Einstein

“Problems cannot be solved by the same level of

thinking that created them.” To be able to solve

the problems of life you must alter your thinking

and begin to see the problem differently from

how you initially saw it. As you begin to think

differently over a period of time, say, 21 days

(that is how long it takes to form a new habit)

you become a different person altogether. That is

to say, we are not different from how we think.

The Bible says in Proverbs 3:27, "as a man thinks

in his heart, so is he." That means you eventually

become what you think. That is to say, you

cannot think one thing and become something

else. It is therefore imperative that we dwell on

the solution to the problem and not the problem

itself. Remember that we magnify whatever we

focus on and also walk in the direction of our

dominant focus. With the help of God, the right

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mindset and the appropriate strategy we can soar

above our problems.

The Power of Influence and


We are greatly influenced by our associations,

either negatively or positively. Sometimes we are judged

by our associations; it is said that birds of the same

feathers flocks together. Our success also depends on

our associations and how they influence us. Jim Rohn

said it the best “success is something you attract by the

person you become”. We attract our own kind so we

must be careful the people we allow into our lives.

According to first Corinthians chapter fifteen

verses thirteen, “Do not be misled. Bad company

corrupts good character”. You may think that your

friends cannot influence you in any way because you are

in control of your life. Wrong, think and check again,

that is why the bible says, you should not be misled,

meaning some friends can destroy your character and

also guide you wrongly.

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The following steps will help you to determine

your association and influences:

1. Evaluation: you must evaluate your life this

very moment to see where you are in life.

These are questions you must ask yourself to

evaluate your life: what are the people

around me doing or thinking? Guess what! If

they are on a good course, kudos to you and if

they are on a bad course, I will suggest you

run for your life. What books are they reading

and what cd and audios are they listening to?

This question may not matter to you but it is

imperative to take into consideration what

the people around you are reading, listening

and watching. You must be selective of the

books you read, audios and cd’s you listen to

and the videos you watch because they all

have influence on you.

2. Make a list: this may look so simple. Make a

list of what your associations, thus friends

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and how they have influence you. The list can

be in a form of a table and this will make it

clear for you to decide whether to continue to

be friends with that particular person. An a

example of the list may look like this:


How has Emily shaped my life?

What do we talk about?

Where am I in this very moment of my life?

Is Emily optimistic or pessimistic?

Do I have written goals for my life?

You don’t necessarily have to follow the same

type of questions in this e-book. This is just

to serve as a guide line.

3. Be willing to form new associations: after

making the list and seeing where you are in

life, the hardest part is letting go of a friend.

It’s always never easy and I have been there

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before. If letting go of a friend is going to

build you up and make you a better person,

then I strongly suggest you must let go and

attract new ones. Another example is, if you

have a very close friend and every time you

meet it is all about getting drunk, then you

must know that your life will not get

anywhere. Deuteronomy chapter thirty verse

nineteen states that, “this day I call heaven

and earth as witnesses against you that I

have set before you life and death, blessings

and curses. Now choose life, so that you and

your children may live.” Remember that the

power to determine the direction of your life

is vested in you. We have been given the

power of choice and how we exercise it in

choosing our friends will determine what

becomes of us.

This is what Les Brown wrote on his

Facebook page on 05/20/12. I read it and I

was inspired. I will love for you to read it and

ponder on it:

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“Make yourself risk adverse… Create a

back – up and bail – out plan for your

own life. Decide and appoint your own

personal board of directors … the people

in your life who will be present to ensure

that you … as a business … as a brand …

As a CEO of your own life … will not only

survive … But will thrive. Who has your

back? Who can you count on? Who

should you count out?”

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Fear Has No Dominion over You

Second Timothy chapter one verse seven says, “God has

not given us a spirit of fear but of power, of love and of

sound mind.”

Most of the time, the problem you go through in

life can intimidate you and open the door for fear to get

in you and that can cripple you from living your best life.

Fear is a spirit and it seeks to take dominion over your

life if you allowed it. In 2 Timothy 1:7, you notice that

God said, he has not given you a spirit of fear but of

power, love and sound mind. You must take this word

as it is and believe it. Don’t allow fear to have dominion

over you because God has given you power to trample

over whatever you are fearful of. God has given you a

sound mind and you will come out of your problems

victorious. According to Psalm 34:19, “A righteous man

may have many troubles but God delivers him from

them all.” That means as long as you remain righteous,

God is obligated to deliver you no matter how many

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problems come up against you. This is another word for

you to be encouraged and have a sound mind, God is

with you.

I remember when I first started driving; I will

never drive on the Garden State Parkway or the New

Jersey Turnpike, because I was so fearful. Any time that

I have to drive on the state highway I will park the car

and take the train. One afternoon, I had to be

somewhere and I needed to drive on the Garden State

Parkway. I sat in my car and this time after an initial

apprehension, I mastered courage and made the

decision to drive by myself on the Garden State

Parkway. Guess what! Nothing happened to me, I took

dominion over my fear of driving on that day and since

then I have been driving on the GSP.

“Fear is

F = false

E = evidence

A = appearing

R = real”

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Most of the things you fear are imagination,

thoughts and events appearing real and it may never

happen. Yet you hold yourself bound to these fears and

live your life in misery. Fear is so powerful and that is

why God calls it a spirit and it can immobilize you from

fulfilling your life purpose.

Fear is also part of human existence and is not

going anywhere. Lisa Jimenez in her book “Conquer

Fear” says that all people are born with three inborn

fears. These fears are: fear of falling, fear of loud noises

and fear of abandonment. These were given to you to

monitor what goes on around you. The three fears are

also intended as a means of protection, not as a means

of destruction.

There are many different types of fear and I will

focus on three of them:

1. Fear of public speaking: it is said that the

most common type of fear is fear of

public speaking. This is very interesting,

so people are afraid of public speaking

than death. You must ask yourself, why

you are afraid of public speaking. Are you

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afraid that the audience will eat you, not

possible, are you afraid that the audience

will laugh at you, laugh with them, I think

they will see that you have a sense of


2. Fear of failure: the fear of failure keeps

you from achieving success and also

prevents you from living a good life. Fear

of failure can result from a need of

acceptance and approval by those

important to you. Those who were raised

in an environment where they receive

little praise for their hard work are prune

to fear of failure. Fear of failure leads to

lack of success because when you have

failed so many times then you are no

longer enthused or have the confidence to

work on your goals to achieve success,

you adamantly expect failure.

3. Fear of rejection: the fear of rejection

comes as a result of being rejected by

friends; love ones, husbands and wives.

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When you have been rejected so many

times you develop fear of not forming

new relationships with the notion of

being rejected. Some people go to the

extent of not wanting to be married or

date because of previous rejection.

Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Many at times we fail to give thanks to God for

what he has done for us. We find ourselves grumbling,

nagging and complaining when in dire situations

forgetting that God who had been there and delivered us

from many hopeless situations will do the same all the


An example of not showing gratitude is when

God brought the Israelites out under the dictatorship of

Pharaoh; they were in the desert of Shur for three days

and couldn’t find water to drink. All hell broke loose and

they started to grumble at Moses their leader, forgetting

all that God did for them in Egypt. Exodus 15:22-25

states that, “Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea

and they went into the Desert of Shur. For three days

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they traveled in the desert without finding water. When

they came to Marah, they could not drink its water

because it was bitter (that is why the place is called

Marah). So the people grumbled against Moses, saying,

what are we to drink? Then Moses cried out to the Lord,

and the Lord showed him a piece of wood. He threw it

into the water, and the water became sweet.”

Another scenario where an individual showed

gratitude is when God healed ten people with leprosy

and only one person returned to show gratitude. Luke

17:11-19 says, “Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus

traveled along the border between Samaria and

Galilee. As he was going into a village, ten men who

had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and

called out in a loud voice, Jesus, Master, have pity on

us! When he saw them, he said Go, show yourselves to

the priests. And as they went, they were cleansed. One

of them, when he saw he was healed, came back,

praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus

feet and thanked him – and he was a Samaritan. Jesus

asked, Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other

nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to

God except this foreigner? Then he said to him, Rise

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and go: your faith has made you well”. All ten were

healed but the one who returned to show gratitude got

the total healing.

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4 Reasons to Have an Attitude of


1 It will open more doors for you, when the leper

returned to give thanks to Jesus, he received

total healing.

2. God appreciates it when we give him thanks.

3. Giving God thanks is also a sign of humility and


4. Giving thanks distinguishes us and separate us

from others, Jesus noticed the leper because of

his attitude of gratitude.

My heart smiles as I have concluded this

inspirational e – book and I know it will touch many

lives. Many people go to and fro in life seeking the

wrong things in life, instead of allowing God to be in

charge. Many are the problems people go through but

God is ready to step in only if we allow him. God doesn’t

need your assistance, he wants you to trust your life with

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him and until you learn to surrender, you will be going

round in circles looking to wrong places for answers.

In Matthew chapter six verse thirty three, it is said,

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and

all these things will be given to you as well”. This is a

personal question you must answer for yourself, “Are

you seeking God”? God is the answer; I will beseech

you to surrender all to him and allow him to take

control. Many successful people have credited their

success to God, below are some examples:

John D. Rockefeller was an American industrialist

and he gave God credit for his success. He served God,

gave his tithes and also gave money to schools and

charities. He penned a poem to sum up his life and this

is what he wrote:

“I was early taught to work as well as play. My

life has been one long happy holiday. Full of

work and full of play. I dropped the worry on

the way and God was good to me every day”.

Conrad Hilton was the founder of Hilton Hotels

chain, his mother encouraged him to pray and go to

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church. His mother told him; prayer is the best

investment he would ever make.

Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics

said, God first, family second and career third.

S. Truett Cathy, founder of chic – fila - A, attends

church and he has been teaching Sunday school for 50

years. He said the bible is his guide book for life. His

company is closed on Sundays, to allow employees to

spend time with families and also attend church. When

he started out, he use to work multiple shifts six days a

week and never worked on Sunday because he wants to

honor God.

Here you are my dear friends; it is my prayer that

your life will be changed for better after reading this

inspirational e –book.

Enjoy your journey.

Be Blessed!