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The Individual In Society

Apr 04, 2018



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  • 7/29/2019 The Individual In Society


    The Individual In

  • 7/29/2019 The Individual In Society



    What changes have occurred? What are the differences?Girls and boys in mix classes

    Girls can attend school

    Variety in curriculumTechnology computers

    Writing in pens versus pencil

    Larger classrooms

    We need to understand the past in order to understand how we got toNOW!,d.d2k&psig=AFQjCNHhpRUAK92mRN9ohPsKPxPJfzQc9w&ust=1359980879595236
  • 7/29/2019 The Individual In Society


    Life ChancesIndividuals life chances are the opportunities each person

    has to improve their quality of life.

    When discussing life chances we should be thinking about how equaldifferent people are in society.

    I think we would like to believe we are all equal in society but are not. Ifthis was the case then celebrities wouldnt get shorter prison sentencesthan ordinary folk for the same crime.If you have money or a status then the opportunities are completelydifferent to that if you are poor and have lived in a very secluded

    community as the people you meet, how people are views are all different.Where you live or the school you go to: for example Kings College Londonhave a different interview process for medicine for state school pupilsversus private school students; its supposed to be easier. You cant get workexperience at the Bank Of England unless you go to a specific school inWestminster.

  • 7/29/2019 The Individual In Society


    Genetic FactorsDebate

    Do parents have the right to influence a child's characteristics inorder to improve life chances?

    I think they do. They do it in order to benefit the childs livingstandard's, own independence and to help them survive and thrive intheir future life. Its not done in a menacing evil way but for thechilds welfare and in their best interests so they are able to adaptto the real world which isnt easy and a piece of cake.

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    Social Factors
  • 7/29/2019 The Individual In Society


    FamiliesHow have families changed over the past 50


    I think they do. I think years ago family was first of all much biggerand much more integrated but not we have shrunk down and stuckmore between mum, siblings and fathers; more of a closerrelationship but even then we are more of a selfish society. Notabout family duty and spending times together. You hardly ever seefamily walking down together for a day out and doing all those bits

    and bobs but more separated when you hit a certain age. And nowpeople are more isolated between technology everyone either onthe phone, computer TV. We used to talk more and go out for walksetc but now its more limited to watching TV as a family and stayinghome etc. People spend less time toegyejr

  • 7/29/2019 The Individual In Society


    EducationThe proportion of young people from working class families taking

    part in higher education is less than young people among betteroff families.

    Why do you think this is the situation?

    Back to the start look at the images again of the classrooms. How has the changein technology improved education?

    There is more access to information allowing us to understand concepts and also

    delve deeper into topics. It is also far more interactive with animations whichenhances understanding and has even allowed us to reinforce learning!

    This is because:The information provided, may be inadequate or not even presentThe family heritage and historyparents didnt go so you arent encouragednor even consider itPricing - people may feel it is unaffordable and too expensive

    Others believe they arent smart enough or havent received a good enougheducation to get into university or feel comfortable to go into university.

  • 7/29/2019 The Individual In Society


    The UK government use mean test so that only certain groups are given benefits.The government Means tests focuses on offering financial support

    to the most needy.The government argue that a universal benefits scheme would mean supporting

    Many people who do not need financial support.

    Debate the argument above of a universal benefit scheme.What do you think?

    I believe that there should be a means tested benefits scheme. Why provide

    benefits to those who dont need it and drive funding from other areas of thepublic sector services such as the NHS. The benefits scheme is there to helpand support those who need it not those who want a bit of extra cash here andthere and its not necessary. For example why does a household on 300,000for example need 23 or so a week from child benefit when it is clear that theyhave more than enough to provide food, shelter and clothing for their children.

    In addition to it costs the tax payer millions of pounds where this could beused instead to fund new hospital treatments or investment in education. Ibelieve that the method of means sometimes is not fair in the way somehouseholds are judged, but overall it is much better system that can beimproved over time.

  • 7/29/2019 The Individual In Society


    HealthThe government announced in 2008 for an increase in numbers of psychological

    therapists employed by the NHS.

    Men and woman are 5 times more likely to be permanently sick

    in worst off areas.

    How will this implementation improve life chances?

    It will help people be better and not sick. This means that peoplewill be healthier and able to go to work and earn a livingmeaning they arent so reliant on benefits, dont have to be athome ill and thus feel low as they feel insignificant and not anactive member of society meaning their overall well being rises.Additionally when they go to interviews they have the confidenceand the health to be able work and become employed so they canafford more luxuries and along with the children be better off!Additionally it means with this new income and confidence theyare able to move away from these worst off areas and move tobetter areas preventing the cycle for their children.

  • 7/29/2019 The Individual In Society


    Material rewards- Equal pay act 1970 According to a new survey a woman's working week is now half a day longer

    than it was five years ago - and that's without housework.

    The increase is down to the growing number of women in more high-poweredmanagement and professional jobs, say researchers.


    Migration patterns are changing, 600,000 people from othercountries come to the UK but up to 400,000 leave the UK togo and live overseas.

    ImmigrationAfter World War 2, Britain could not get enough workers to build backup the economy.In 2008 the government announced in future immigration will becontrolled by a points system.

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    The position of woman influencing life chances

    Woman grew as a proportion of the workforce from 29% in 1900 to 46% in2000.

    In 2000 13million woman were in employment.

    What events in society has lead to the shift

    in the position of woman in society?Things such as allowing males to take time off to go and look after the newbornfor example so sharing the burden and making men and women more equal inopportunities. The fact women have become political leaders and have attainedhigh ranking positions in society women prime minister, secretary of state,

    president etc. Also the fact that we have led major movements and haveprotested rather than stay quiet and accept the fact and figures (suffragettes).Abortion laws and contraceptive pill allowing women to control their fertilityand the size of their family or even if they have one. The fact that we have beenable to get the same education provided to males and get a degree.

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    Life chances

    Individuals lifechances are the

    opportunities eachperson has to improvetheir quality of life.