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The impact of Bicycle Helmet Policy in Australia. Sharon Campbell

The impact of bicycle helmet policy in australia

Jun 30, 2015


Health & Medicine

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  • 1. Sharon Campbell

2. Content Introduction History and background Efficacy on head injury rates in Australia Impact on Cycling Rates and public health Conclusion 3. History and Background First laws to have cyclists wear helmets enacted inAustralia in the 1990s. A federal parliamentary enquiry occurred as farback as 1978. Based on evidence submitted by the RoyalAustralasian College of Surgeons around the factthat cyclists should wear helmets in order toprevent fatal and disabling injury to the brain. 4. The efficacy of compulsory bicycle legislationon head injury rates in Australia. Do helmets really offer protection? Other issues that need to be looked at: Risk taking Helmet type Improper helmet wearing 5. Trends in bicycle helmet use and severe head injury as a percentage of totalcyclist trauma admissions, RPAH, Sydney, New South Wales 1991-2009 6. Cycling rates and the impact on Public Health.Cycling rates in Australia 1991-2006Year Census % cycling to work % Drop from 1991 value1991 1.56 -1996 1.24 322001 1.21 352006 1.24 32 7. Cycling rates and the impact on public health Following legislation: Decrease of 47% NSW students riding to school. Reduction of 25-38% of people cycling in WA. 29% Fewer adults cycling in Australia. 40% Fewer children cycling in Australia. 8. Cycling rates and the impact on public health 1989-36% of Australians over 15 were overweightor obese. 2001- 44% of Australians were overweight orobese. 2006/07-Physical inactivity $1.4 billion in cost toAustralia. 9. Cycling rates and the impact on Public HealthQuestions: Is the goal of the program good? Does the program achieve the goaleffectively? Does it do so in a manner consistent with thevalues and liberties of the population? 10. Inconclusive evidence for head injury decline. Decreased rates of cycling in AustralianPublic. Has the legislation been successful? 11. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 2005. Cardiovascular disease in Australia: A snapshot. 2004-2005. Clarke, C. 2008. Assessment of Australias Bicycle Helmet Laws. Cummings,P. Rivara, F. Thompson, D. Thompson, S. 2005. Misconceptions regarding case-control studies ofbicycle helmets and head injury. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 38. 636-643. Curnow, W.2008. Bicycle helmets and public health in Australia. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 19(1).10-15. Dinh, M. Roncal, S. Green, T. Leonard, E. Stack, A. Byrne, C. Petchell, J. 2010. Trends in head injuries and helmetuse in cyclists at an inner-city major trauma centre-1991-2010. Medical Journal of Australia. 193 (10) 619-620. Karkhaneh, M., Rowe, Brian H,M.D., M.Sc, Saunders, L. D., Voaklander, D., & Hagel, B. (2011). Bicycle helmet useafter the introduction of all ages helmet legislation in an urban community in alberta, canada. Canadian Journalof Public Health, 102(2), 134-8. McDermott, F.T. 1992. Helmet efficacy in the prevention of bicyclist head injuries: Royal Australasian College ofSurgeons Initiatives in the introduction of compulsory safety helmet wearing in Victoria, Australia. World Journalof Surgery. 16. 379-383. 12. Mozer, D. 2012. Do you need a bike helmet? Available at: Rissel, C. Wen, L.M. 2011. The possible effects on frequency of cycling if mandatory bicyclehelmet legislation was repealed in Sydney, Australia: a cross sectional survey. Health PromotionJournal of Australia. 22 (3). 178-183. Robinson, D. 1996. Head Injuries and Bicycle Helmet Laws. Accident Analysis and Prevention.28. 463-475. Robinson, D. 2006. No clear evidence from countries that have enforced the wearing ofhelmets. BMJ. 332 (7543). 722-725. Robinson, D. 2007. Bicycle helmet legislation: Can we reach a consensus? Accident Analysisand Prevention. 39. 86-93. Sheikh,A. Cook, A. Ashcroft, A. 2004. Making cycle helmets compulsory: ethical arguments forlegislation. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 97. 262-264.Walter, S. Olivier, J. Churches, T. Grzebieta, R. 2011. The impact of compulsory cycle helmetlegislation on cyclist head injuries in New South Wales, Australia. Accident Analysis andPrevention. (43). 2064-2071.