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# Jftff b fw m , wjTh wy&r&ovi >' . *W%JH Iv RUCKER Good ^P.fSSg THE TRUST 1 . P0WD& °° Sl'CAGO You'll be de- lighted with the re- sults of Calumet Baking Powder. No disappoints no flat, heavy, soggy biscuits, cake, or pastry. Just the lightest, daintiest, most uniformly raised and most deli- cious food you ever ate. Pure rood Exposition Chicago, 1907 Oct. 5. —Miss Florence Cramer left j Wednesday for Royalton and from ( there she wilt leave tor Eureka, South >. Dakota, to teach. | George Leigh and Wm. Arnold ot Hilman were callers in this vicinity Tuesday evening. Henry Ferguson, Arba Waller and Johnnie Greir drove to Pierz Wed- nesday with lumber. Mrs. Wm. Goble'was a Pierz visitor one day last week. Miss Katie Rucker left Friday for St. Clond for a few week's visit with relatives. Mrs. H. Cramer spent Friday at the Ferguson home. John Burlawski has been helping Archie Robinson on his new house. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Rucker and J. W. Benton made a business trip to Pierz Friday. Tracy Waller fired Mike Olson s threshing engine Thursday and Fri- day. Mrs. Addie Grier and son, Charlies, returned home Thursday after spend- ing several weeks with Mrs. Gner's parents at Randall. Several from this vicinity attended maket day in Pierz Saturday. Mr. H. Cramer drove to Royalton Sunday. He will ship a carload of sheep to the cities Monday. | Wesley Waller attended the dance at Mt. Morris Saturday evening. | On account of rain Saturday evening ( the dance in Jap Brown's new house was not well attended, but those who were there reported a very enjoyable time. I G. W. Waller had the misfortune of breaking his saw mill Monday. Does not Clolor (he Hair Hair falling out? Troubled with dandruff? Want more hair? An elegant dressing? IfierrpHipnte * Sulphur. Glycerin. Quinin. Sodium Chlorid. Capsicum. Sage. Alcohol. Water. Perfume. We believe doctors endorse this formula, or we would not put it up. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR Does not Clolor the Hair J. 0. AM COMPACT. Lowell. Mm. FREEDHEM Oct. 5.—The Ladies Aid Society of the Free church met at the home of Mrs. Alfred Grandstrom Sunday. The Misses Emma, Ida and Olga Smith went to St. Paul Tuesday. Walter Dablgren went to Little Falls Saturday for an over Sunday visit with tnends. A number of young people from here attended a dance at Herman Wieland's in Gravellville Saturday evening. Ernest James, E. Zimbrick, Joe Smith, L. Gregerson and Ben. Lmd- berg took cattle to Little Falls. Mrs. Longley returned to her home at Little Falls Saturday, after a few days visit with Mrs. Geo. Paddock. Miss Butler of Belle Prairie was a guest at the Paddock home this week Miss'Mary Kull visited at her home at Darling Saturday and returned Sunday. Miss Emma Paddock went to Little Falls Monday, where she will render her services as professional nurse. Mr, and Mrs. Markworth, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Richner ana Mr. and Mrs. F. James of Belle Prairie and Mr. R. Gilette of Little Falls visited at L. D. Gregerson's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith and family, expect to move to Denniston the latter part of the week. Their friends here will regret their depature. Jake Barash of Flensburg visited at L. D. Gregerson s Friday and Satur- day. Ben. Lindberg returned from Min- neapolis, where he was the guest of relatives. Mr. Bosher will move onto the Joe Smith farm the later part of this week, having rented it for three years. The town board of Belle Prairie met Saturday and let two ditch contracts in section one and others in other parts of the township. RAIL PRARIE Oct. 4.—Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Tubbs and grandchildren were Ft. Ripley callers last Tuesday. Mr. Erickscn and Anton came home from the Kiver last Tuesday. j Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tubbs spent, Monday evening at T. M. Halverson's. j Charlie Tindell has quit the section j and has gone deadheading. j Miss May Wefrster was home from ( Ft. Ripley over Sunday. i Gilbert Nelson of Ft. Ripley visited in this neighborhood last Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strommg expect to leave next Tuesday for Los Angeles, j where they will make their future home. ,, I George Thompson has rented Fred Stroming s farm for a number of i years, and will soon move in. j Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tubbs are; hauling potatoes to Brainerd where j they market them at 85 cents a bushel, j Mrs Chas. Lightner was shopping i in Ft. Ripley Tuesday. | Mrs. Lizzie Ried of Ft. Ripley spent Sunday with Mrs. T. M. Halverson. Three families arrived from Mankato { last week and will make their home, here. They have bought land in sec-, tion 28. Swanville Monday. Miss Hulda Carlson, who has been working in Minneapolis for some time, returnd home Friday. Anton Widstrom went to Royalton Friday on business. E. M. Larson and children and Miss Hulda Olson went to Bowlus Satur- day on business. Mrs. Louis Anderson and son Harvey ot Swanville visited at J. J. Jacobson's one day last week. John Janietz went to Holdmgtord Monday. Otto Carlson went to Royalton Fri- day on business. Emily Ohotto and sister of Swan River visited with Mrs. John Schicta Sunday. Charley Lund in of Upsala passed through this vicinity enroute to Little Falls Tuesday. E. M. Larson and sons, Henry and Robert and Miss Hulda Olson went to Swanville with cattle and sheep Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lundin and daughter, Gladys, of Upsala visited at J. J. Jacobson's Sunday. PIKE CREEK Oct. 5.—The marriage of Frank Kurowski to Miss Mary Lisinski was announced for the first time Sunday before last. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wielinski visited one day last week with their daughter at Flensburg. Jos. Rutz is hauling wood to the brickyards. Vincent and John Eckman re- turned from Superior last week, r; Among the many from here who attended the auction on the P. J. Berkft farm were Felix Lisinski, Mr. and Mrs. A. Erause, Chas. Ginter and son, Will, Mine and John Wilczek, Peter Knopik, Joseph Borasb, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kuchinski, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Deering, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gmter, Mr. and Mrs. John Scbypritt, Mike Ringwelski, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Prodzinski and Mr. and Mrs. Dreilack. Joseph Eckman bought some live stock from A. Erause. Vincent Wielinski spent Sunday at Flenburg. Plowing is the program these days. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Super of Flensburg, a son. Mrs. Super was formerly Miss Lizzie Wielinski ot this place. John Erause of Little Falls was here last week. Mrs. B. Wilczek visited with tnends in Little Falls Sunday. John Czek of Swan River spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Copa. ROYALTON Oct. 6.—Isaac Wilson and Ralph McGonagle attended the football game ] at Little Falls Saturday. | Ethel Sparrow has gone to North Dakota, where she will teach school. | Byron Wilson came home trom Hamlin to spend a week with his parents. j An apology is due one of our esteemed , citizens for an error which appeared : in the Herald's Royalton notes last 1 week to the effect that Chas. Bouck j and Julia Halamma had been married. It should have been Chas. Borasb. j Blaine McDougall has gone to St. ( Paul to attend the agricultural school. | Dr. and Mrs. Norman Chance of Little Falls visited Royalton friends Sunday. Madam L. F. Martin and Miss Maud Martin, who have been visiting Mrs. J. H. Russell, left Saturday with J. K. Martin, whose guest they will be in Little Falls. Mrs. Blackwood returned from Winnipeg Monday. Mrs. Rose Murphy left Tuesday for St. Paul, where she will remain for an indefinite time. Mrs. Beunett, nee Povell, and son, of Seattle are visiting Mrs. I. W. Bouck. George Galley, George Armstrong. Ed. Reynolds and W. J. Broker went to Little Falls Monday to act as jury- men on the N. P. bold up case. Ray Boyd is home from Minneapolis in consquence of ill health. Miss Laura Brannen of Little Falls is visiting friends in Royalton. J. H. Schwartz is passing around cigars these days. It's a son and heir \ Dr. and Mrs. Lonsdale spent the week end with Mrs. I. W. Bouck, returning to Sauk Rapids Sunday afternoon. J. Thelin, who recently purchased the Adkins house in lower town, has moved his family to Royalton. C. R. Rhoda and family motored to Long Praire Sunday. J. N. Carnes and family leave Thursday for Califoria, where they will spend the winter. A new daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete McKibben Fri- day. Miss Foley, Miss Sefton, John Mc- Dougal and Dr. Hughes drove to Rice Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Dragoo and sons went to Rice Sunday. Dr. Ealiher of Little Falls was here the first of the week. C. W. Bouck went to St. Paul Monday, returning the following day. Mrs. A. Broadhead was the guest of her daughter, Mrs G. Lambert at Little Falls last week. Miss Gertrude Long has been called home from Duluth on a account of her mother's illness. Mrs. Crane returned from Brainerd Monday afternoon. Mrs. A. C. Bouck entertained Tues- day afternoon for Mrs. Bennett. Messrs. Ryan, Wetzel acd Berg of Little Fails were here Sunday. Miss Tillie Rhoda of Delano is visit- ing her cousin, C. R. Rhoda. The Woman's Study club held their first meeting with Mrs. R. J. Batzer Wednesday afternoon. R. E. Batzer of Hazelton, N. D., is visiting his parents for a few days. Among those who attended the Masonic lodge at St. Cloud were Dr, A. M. Watson, J. N. and R. E. Carnes, J. H. Russell, Mr. Logan and R. R. Dragoo. Mrs. Anna Sheets of Long Prairie is the guest of Mrs. C. R. Rhoda. Walter Geer from Montana is visit- ing his parents. The "Hans Hanson Company" played to a fairly good house Tuesday evening. Among those who attended from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Watson, The Misses Wessel, Leigh Cary and Harry Meyers ot Little Falls, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jenski and others from Rice. Mrs. Cora Lambert left Monday for Bemidji to visit with her son, FranK, and family. Dick Batzer, who returned from Mexico a short time ago, has gone to Austin, Montana, where he has ac- cepted a position as telegraph operatoi. Mrs. Batzer and little son will leave soon for Montana. Russell Clifford is visiting his. parents this week. r* X * J?' '£\ f BRICKYARD Oct. 6.—Mrs. Herb. Muncy enter- tained the Ladies' Aid at her home Wednesday. A very nice lunch was served. Rev, Walker of Little Falls, our new minister, preached a very in- teresting sermon here Sunday. Mesdames Westberg, Lmdquist, Olsen and Meloerg gave a surprise party Sunday m Honor of Rev. Peter- son of Little Falls. Mrs. Manbeck and daughter, Mrs. R. Chambers, spent Tuesday at F. A. Janney's. F. A. Janney was in Pequot Tues- day. Wm. Chadwick of Little Falls visited at A. Strom's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Quine attended the Kohler-Griffith vveading at Little Falls Tuesday. A crowd of our young folks enjoyed themselves at a dance at Budde's place Friday evening. A big tima is report- ed. Hunting licenses were issued the following during the past week: A. E. Johnson of Pillager, M. N. Young of Swan River, George Armstorng and E. Reynolds of Royalton, Wm. Trampe of Swanville and Tbeo. J. Tboreson of Cushing. I I I RANDALL | | Oct. 5.—Miss Carletta Danielson, , who is teaching school at Pillager, spent Sunday at home. Miss Sarah Calhoun, who is teach- ing echool in Clough, spent Sunday at home. Mrs. C. Barnes and son, Angust, lett Friday for a few days visit at Royal- ton. The Misses Frances and Florenca Simmones. students of the Little , Falls High school, spent Sunday et j home here. > The Misses Echo Nutter of Parker . and Marvel Emgsley of South Parker I lett Friday for Leola, N. D., where they have secured employment. Miss Ethel Danielson spent Tuesday in Little Falls. Joe Eempenicb, who has been "em- ployed at Courtney, N. D., returned to bis home in Parker Thursday. Mrs. I. N. r avis of this place spent Sunday and Monday in Little Falls. ~~ John Tritbaugh, who has been em- i ployed at Lake Minnetonka, has re- turned home. Miss Annie St. Antoine commenced teaching a term of school near Lastrup on Monday. SCROFULA Scrofula disfigures and causes life -long misery. Children become strong and lively when given small doses of Scott's Emulsion every day. The starved body is fed; the swollen glands healed, and the tainted blood vitalized* Good food, fresh air and Scott's Emulsion con- quer scrofula and many gother -blood diseases* FOR. 8AX.E BY A1A DRUGGISTS Send 10c., name of paper and this id. for our beautiful Savings Bank and Child's Sketch-Book. Each bank contains a Good I,uck Penny. SCOTT A BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. North Elm Dale Oct. 5.—E. M. Larson called on An- ton Symanietz ot Swan River Sunday evening. Mr. Youngdahl of Swanville was here buying cattle last week. Mrs. Paul Eulla visited with Mrs. St. Maslowski Monday. Miss Ellen Widstrom, who has been working in Royalton, returned home Friday. ***" "—' .. ~ Frank Mattros took some hogs to Little Falls Market Report Wheat, No. 1 Northern........ 1.07 Wheat, No. 2 Northern f 1.05 .38 .55 .55 ,60 8— 10.00 Shorts, per 100 lbs...... 1.30 Qiound feed, per 80 ........ 1 15 Cracked Corn 1.10 Bran, per 100 1.25 Flour, pat. pro. per bbl... 6.40 Straight grade, per bbl........ 6.20 Bakers 5.20 Low Grade per'100 Ibe Rye flour, per bbl 5.20 Oil Meal, per 100 2.25 RtAAFM, fat, 2.50—3.50 2.00—3 00 Calves, alive 3.00—4 00 . 7.00—7-50 9.00—9.30 3.00— 3.50 Mutton, dressed .05—07 Spring Chickens, alive* .C 8 " live......hens .06 Turkeys •10—.12 00— .60 B eans, per bushel................. . 2.25 2.50 1.50-1.75 1.00 Dairy butter, per lb.............. .25—.28 Creamery butter, per lb...... .33 20 Granulated sugar 16 lbs..... 1.00 .15 .30, HpHERE'S not a man in town in- * terested in good clothes who won't be interested in examining these new arrivals from— Stein-Bloch, Michael Stern and Kuppenheimer You'll find pleasure in looking at them; more pleasure in wearing them; there will be pleasure to us in both. New colors are in grays, browns, tans. Young men's styles a special feature. Suits $15.00 to $28.00 Ovorcoats $15 to $30 Suits and Ovorcoats $10,00 to $25,00 The Home of Good Clothing THE HUB CLOTHING CO. i <r A


Dec 01, 2021



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# J f t f f b f w m , wjTh wy&r&ovi > ' .

*W%JH Iv





1 . P0WD& °°


You'll be de­lighted with the re­

sults of Calumet Baking Powder. No disappoints

no flat, heavy, soggy biscuits, cake, or pastry.

Just the lightest, daintiest, most uniformly raised and most deli­

cious food you ever ate.

Pure rood Exposition Chicago, 1907

Oct. 5. —Miss Florence Cramer left j Wednesday for Royalton and from ( there she wilt leave tor Eureka, South >. Dakota, to teach. |

George Leigh and Wm. Arnold ot Hilman were callers in this vicinity Tuesday evening.

Henry Ferguson, Arba Waller and Johnnie Greir drove to Pierz Wed­nesday with lumber.

Mrs. Wm. Goble'was a Pierz visitor one day last week.

Miss Katie Rucker left Friday for St. Clond for a few week's visit with relatives.

Mrs. H. Cramer spent Friday at the Ferguson home.

John Burlawski has been helping Archie Robinson on his new house.

Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Rucker and J. W. Benton made a business trip to Pierz Friday.

Tracy Waller fired Mike Olson s threshing engine Thursday and Fri­day.

Mrs. Addie Grier and son, Charlies, returned home Thursday after spend­ing several weeks with Mrs. Gner's parents at Randall.

Several from this vicinity attended maket day in Pierz Saturday.

Mr. H. Cramer drove to Royalton Sunday. He will ship a carload of sheep to the cities Monday. |

Wesley Waller attended the dance at Mt. Morris Saturday evening. |

On account of rain Saturday evening ( the dance in Jap Brown's new house was not well attended, but those who were there reported a very enjoyable time. I

G. W. Waller had the misfortune of breaking his saw mill Monday.

Does not Clolor (he Hair Hair falling out? Troubled with dandruff? Want more hair? An elegant dressing?

IfierrpHipnte * Sulphur. Glycerin. Quinin. Sodium Chlorid. Capsicum. Sage. Alcohol. Water. Perfume.

We believe doctors endorse this formula, or we would not put it up.


Does not Clolor the Hair J. 0. AM COMPACT. Lowell. Mm.

FREEDHEM Oct. 5.—The Ladies Aid Society of

the Free church met at the home of Mrs. Alfred Grandstrom Sunday.

The Misses Emma, Ida and Olga Smith went to St. Paul Tuesday.

Walter Dablgren went to Little Falls Saturday for an over Sunday visit with tnends.

A number of young people from here attended a dance at Herman Wieland's in Gravellville Saturday evening.

Ernest James, E. Zimbrick, Joe Smith, L. Gregerson and Ben. Lmd-berg took cattle to Little Falls.

Mrs. Longley returned to her home at Little Falls Saturday, after a few days visit with Mrs. Geo. Paddock.

Miss Butler of Belle Prairie was a guest at the Paddock home this week

Miss'Mary Kull visited at her home at Darling Saturday and returned Sunday.

Miss Emma Paddock went to Little Falls Monday, where she will render her services as professional nurse.

Mr, and Mrs. Markworth, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Richner ana Mr. and Mrs. F. James of Belle Prairie and Mr. R. Gilette of Little Falls visited at L. D. Gregerson's Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith and family, expect to move to Denniston the latter part of the week. Their friends here will regret their depature.

Jake Barash of Flensburg visited at L. D. Gregerson s Friday and Satur­day.

Ben. Lindberg returned from Min­neapolis, where he was the guest of relatives.

Mr. Bosher will move onto the Joe Smith farm the later part of this week, having rented it for three years.

The town board of Belle Prairie met Saturday and let two ditch contracts in section one and others in other parts of the township.

RAIL PRARIE Oct. 4.—Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Tubbs

and grandchildren were Ft. Ripley callers last Tuesday.

Mr. Erickscn and Anton came home from the Kiver last Tuesday. j

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tubbs spent, Monday evening at T. M. Halverson's. j

Charlie Tindell has quit the section j and has gone deadheading. j

Miss May Wefrster was home from ( Ft. Ripley over Sunday. i

Gilbert Nelson of Ft. Ripley visited in this neighborhood last Sunday. |

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strommg expect to leave next Tuesday for Los Angeles, j where they will make their future home. ,, I

George Thompson has rented Fred Stroming s farm for a number of i years, and will soon move in. j

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tubbs are; hauling potatoes to Brainerd where j they market them at 85 cents a bushel, j

Mrs Chas. Lightner was shopping i in Ft. Ripley Tuesday. |

Mrs. Lizzie Ried of Ft. Ripley spent Sunday with Mrs. T. M. Halverson.

Three families arrived from Mankato { last week and will make their home, here. They have bought land in sec-, tion 28.

Swanville Monday. Miss Hulda Carlson, who has been

working in Minneapolis for some time, returnd home Friday.

Anton Widstrom went to Royalton Friday on business.

E. M. Larson and children and Miss Hulda Olson went to Bowlus Satur­day on business.

Mrs. Louis Anderson and son Harvey ot Swanville visited at J. J. Jacobson's one day last week.

John Janietz went to Holdmgtord Monday.

Otto Carlson went to Royalton Fri­day on business.

Emily Ohotto and sister of Swan River visited with Mrs. John Schicta Sunday.

Charley Lund in of Upsala passed through this vicinity enroute to Little Falls Tuesday.

E. M. Larson and sons, Henry and Robert and Miss Hulda Olson went to Swanville with cattle and sheep Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lundin and daughter, Gladys, of Upsala visited at J. J. Jacobson's Sunday.

PIKE CREEK Oct. 5.—The marriage of Frank

Kurowski to Miss Mary Lisinski was announced for the first time Sunday before last.

Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wielinski visited one day last week with their daughter at Flensburg.

Jos. Rutz is hauling wood to the brickyards.

Vincent and John Eckman re­turned from Superior last week, r; Among the many from here who attended the auction on the P. J. Berkft farm were Felix Lisinski, Mr. and Mrs. A. Erause, Chas. Ginter

and son, Will, Mine and John Wilczek, Peter Knopik, Joseph Borasb, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kuchinski, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Deering, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gmter, Mr. and Mrs. John Scbypritt, Mike Ringwelski, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Prodzinski and Mr. and Mrs. Dreilack.

Joseph Eckman bought some live stock from A. Erause.

Vincent Wielinski spent Sunday at Flenburg.

Plowing is the program these days. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew

Super of Flensburg, a son. Mrs. Super was formerly Miss Lizzie Wielinski ot this place.

John Erause of Little Falls was here last week.

Mrs. B. Wilczek visited with tnends in Little Falls Sunday.

John Czek of Swan River spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Copa.

ROYALTON Oct. 6.—Isaac Wilson and Ralph

McGonagle attended the football game ] at Little Falls Saturday. |

Ethel Sparrow has gone to North Dakota, where she will teach school. |

Byron Wilson came home trom Hamlin to spend a week with his parents. j An apology is due one of our esteemed ,

citizens for an error which appeared : in the Herald's Royalton notes last1

week to the effect that Chas. Bouck j and Julia Halamma had been married. It should have been Chas. Borasb. j

Blaine McDougall has gone to St. ( Paul to attend the agricultural school. |

Dr. and Mrs. Norman Chance of Little Falls visited Royalton friends Sunday.

Madam L. F. Martin and Miss

Maud Martin, who have been visiting Mrs. J. H. Russell, left Saturday with J. K. Martin, whose guest they will be in Little Falls.

Mrs. Blackwood returned from Winnipeg Monday.

Mrs. Rose Murphy left Tuesday for St. Paul, where she will remain for an indefinite time.

Mrs. Beunett, nee Povell, and son, of Seattle are visiting Mrs. I. W. Bouck.

George Galley, George Armstrong. Ed. Reynolds and W. J. Broker went to Little Falls Monday to act as jury­men on the N. P. bold up case.

Ray Boyd is home from Minneapolis in consquence of ill health.

Miss Laura Brannen of Little Falls is visiting friends in Royalton.

J. H. Schwartz is passing around cigars these days. It's a son and heir \

Dr. and Mrs. Lonsdale spent the week end with Mrs. I. W. Bouck, returning to Sauk Rapids Sunday afternoon.

J. Thelin, who recently purchased the Adkins house in lower town, has moved his family to Royalton.

C. R. Rhoda and family motored to Long Praire Sunday.

J. N. Carnes and family leave Thursday for Califoria, where they will spend the winter.

A new daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete McKibben Fri­day.

Miss Foley, Miss Sefton, John Mc-Dougal and Dr. Hughes drove to Rice Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Dragoo and sons went to Rice Sunday.

Dr. Ealiher of Little Falls was here the first of the week.

C. W. Bouck went to St. Paul Monday, returning the following day.

Mrs. A. Broadhead was the guest of her daughter, Mrs G. Lambert at Little Falls last week.

Miss Gertrude Long has been called home from Duluth on a account of her mother's illness.

Mrs. Crane returned from Brainerd Monday afternoon.

Mrs. A. C. Bouck entertained Tues­day afternoon for Mrs. Bennett.

Messrs. Ryan, Wetzel acd Berg of Little Fails were here Sunday.

Miss Tillie Rhoda of Delano is visit­ing her cousin, C. R. Rhoda.

The Woman's Study club held their first meeting with Mrs. R. J. Batzer Wednesday afternoon.

R. E. Batzer of Hazelton, N. D., is visiting his parents for a few days.

Among those who attended the Masonic lodge at St. Cloud were Dr, A. M. Watson, J. N. and R. E. Carnes, J. H. Russell, Mr. Logan and R. R. Dragoo.

Mrs. Anna Sheets of Long Prairie is the guest of Mrs. C. R. Rhoda.

Walter Geer from Montana is visit­ing his parents.

The "Hans Hanson Company" played to a fairly good house Tuesday evening. Among those who attended from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Watson, The Misses Wessel, Leigh Cary and Harry Meyers ot Little Falls, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jenski and others from Rice.

Mrs. Cora Lambert left Monday for Bemidji to visit with her son, FranK, and family.

Dick Batzer, who returned from Mexico a short time ago, has gone to Austin, Montana, where he has ac­cepted a position as telegraph operatoi. Mrs. Batzer and little son will leave soon for Montana.

Russell Clifford is visiting his. parents this week.

r *

X * J?' '£\ f

BRICKYARD Oct. 6.—Mrs. Herb. Muncy enter­

tained the Ladies' Aid at her home Wednesday. A very nice lunch was served.

Rev, Walker of Little Falls, our new minister, preached a very in­teresting sermon here Sunday.

Mesdames Westberg, Lmdquist, Olsen and Meloerg gave a surprise party Sunday m Honor of Rev. Peter­son of Little Falls.

Mrs. Manbeck and daughter, Mrs. R. Chambers, spent Tuesday at F. A. Janney's.

F. A. Janney was in Pequot Tues­day.

Wm. Chadwick of Little Falls visited at A. Strom's Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Quine attended the Kohler-Griffith vveading at Little Falls Tuesday.

A crowd of our young folks enjoyed themselves at a dance at Budde's place Friday evening. A big tima is report­ed.

Hunting licenses were issued the following during the past week: A. E. Johnson of Pillager, M. N. Young of Swan River, George Armstorng and E. Reynolds of Royalton, Wm. Trampe of Swanville and Tbeo. J. Tboreson of Cushing.


I RANDALL | | Oct. 5.—Miss Carletta Danielson, , who is teaching school at Pillager, spent Sunday at home.

Miss Sarah Calhoun, who is teach­ing echool in Clough, spent Sunday at home.

Mrs. C. Barnes and son, Angust, lett Friday for a few days visit at Royal­ton.

The Misses Frances and Florenca Simmones. students of the Little

, Falls High school, spent Sunday et j home here. > The Misses Echo Nutter of Parker . and Marvel Emgsley of South Parker I lett Friday for Leola, N. D., where they have secured employment.

Miss Ethel Danielson spent Tuesday in Little Falls.

Joe Eempenicb, who has been "em­ployed at Courtney, N. D., returned to bis home in Parker Thursday.

Mrs. I. N. r avis of this place spent Sunday and Monday in Little Falls. ~~

John Tritbaugh, who has been em-i ployed at Lake Minnetonka, has re­turned home.

Miss Annie St. Antoine commenced teaching a term of school near Lastrup on Monday.

SCROFULA Scrofula disfigures and

causes life-long misery. Children become

strong and lively when given small doses of

Scott's Emulsion every day. The starved body is fed; the swollen glands healed, and the tainted blood vitalized* Good food, fresh air and Scott's Emulsion con­quer scrofula and many

gother -blood diseases* FOR. 8AX.E BY A1A DRUGGISTS

Send 10c., name of paper and this id. for our beautiful Savings Bank and Child's Sketch-Book. Each bank contains a Good I,uck Penny.

SCOTT A BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., N. Y.

North Elm Dale Oct. 5.—E. M. Larson called on An­

ton Symanietz ot Swan River Sunday evening.

Mr. Youngdahl of Swanville was here buying cattle last week.

Mrs. Paul Eulla visited with Mrs. St. Maslowski Monday.

Miss Ellen Widstrom, who has been working in Royalton, returned home Friday. ***" "—' .. ~

Frank Mattros took some hogs to

Little Falls Market Report Wheat, No. 1 Northern........ 1.07 Wheat, No. 2 Northern f 1.05

.38 .55 .55 ,60

8— 10.00 Shorts, per 100 lbs...... 1.30 Qiound feed, per 80 ........ 1 15 Cracked Corn 1.10 Bran, per 100 1.25 Flour, pat. pro. per bbl... 6.40 Straight grade, per bbl........ 6.20 Bakers 5.20 Low Grade per'100 Ibe Rye flour, per bbl 5.20 Oil Meal, per 100 2.25 RtAAFM, fat, 2.50—3.50

2.00—3 00 Calves, alive 3.00—4 00

. 7.00—7-50 9.00—9.30

3.00— 3.50 Mutton, dressed .05—07 Spring Chickens, alive* .C 8

" live......hens .06 Turkeys •10—.12

00— .60 B eans, per bushel................. . 2.25 2.50

1.50-1.75 1.00

Dairy butter, per lb.............. .25—.28 Creamery butter, per lb...... .33

20 Granulated sugar 16 lbs..... 1.00



HpHERE'S not a man in town in-* terested in good clothes who won't

be interested in examining these new arrivals from—


Michael Stern and

Kuppenheimer You'll find pleasure in looking at them; more pleasure in

wearing them; there will be pleasure to us in both.

New colors are in grays, browns, tans. Young men's styles a special feature.

Suits $15.00 to $28.00 Ovorcoats $15 to $30

Suits and Ovorcoats $10,00 to $25,00

The Home of Good Clothing


i <r