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Marty Walsh Mayor of Boston Simon Hamilton MLA Minister for Finance and Personnel Seamus McAteer Founder Terry George Marco Pagni Chief Global Counsel, Alliance Boots Marcus Robinson Filmaker,Rebuilding The World Trade Center Suzanne Wylie CEO, Belfast City Council Jackie Henry Senior Partner Deloitte Ellvena Graham Head of Ulster Bank Northern Ireland Xabier Paya Director Donostia 2016 San Sebastian Sammy Douglas MLA, Paul Maskey MP, Paul McErlean, Chair Cathedral Quarter Trust, Sorcha Wolsey, Operations Director Merchant Hotel, Tony McCusker, Chair Community Foundation NI, Michael Graham, Titanic Quarter Ltd, Roisín McDonough, CEO Arts Council NI, Ciarán Mackel, Chair An Cheathrú Ghaeltachta, Geraldine McAteer, CEO West Belfast Partnership Board, Howard Hastings, Chair NITB, Eimear Ní Mhathúna, Director An Chultúrlann, Terence Brannigan, Chair Connected Health, Tom McCusker, MD Magners, MD Tennents NI, Steve Lenox, Joint President Irish Network USA, Alastair Adair, Pro-Vice- Chancellor & Provost University of Ulster Dan McGinn, Corporate Affairs and Communications Manager, Ulster Bank HONORARY CHAIRS & CONNECTING CHAMPIONS S Se ep pt te em mb be er r 2 24 4- -2 27 7 , , 2 20 01 14 4 The Duncairn Centre for Culture & Arts, Titanic Drawing Rooms, Strand Arts Centre, Titanic Belfast, An Chultúrlann, Cathedral Quarter We invite you to join us for the inaugural Homecoming Conference. It promises to be fun and the start of a new era of co-operation between the people of Belfast and those in the diaspora who hail from Belfast or simply love the city and wish to build the peace. In this work, we have the support of our Honorary Conference Chairs and Connecting Champions. For more information contact Orlaith or Connla on 028 90611916 email: [email protected] or c.[email protected] Be a part of it. REGISTER NOW The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 20 14 An Teacht Abhaile – Comhdháil Aon-Chathrach Bhéal Feirste #1CityHome • PRIMETIME SPONSORS • • SHOWTIME SPONSORS • • CHARITY PARTNER

The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014 · Belfast One City Conference The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014 A n Teacht Abhaile – Comhdháil Aon-Chathrach

Mar 09, 2020



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Page 1: The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014 · Belfast One City Conference The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014 A n Teacht Abhaile – Comhdháil Aon-Chathrach

Marty WalshMayor of Boston

Simon Hamilton MLAMinister for Finance andPersonnel

Seamus McAteerFounder

Terry George Marco PagniChief Global Counsel,Alliance Boots

Marcus RobinsonFilmaker,RebuildingThe World Trade Center

Suzanne WylieCEO, Belfast City Council

Jackie HenrySenior Partner Deloitte

Ellvena GrahamHead of Ulster BankNorthern Ireland

Xabier PayaDirector Donostia2016 San Sebastian

Sammy Douglas MLA, PaulMaskey MP, Paul McErlean, ChairCathedral Quarter Trust, SorchaWolsey, Operations DirectorMerchant Hotel, Tony McCusker,Chair Community FoundationNI, Michael Graham, TitanicQuarter Ltd, Roisín McDonough,CEO Arts Council NI, CiaránMackel, Chair An CheathrúGhaeltachta, Geraldine McAteer,CEO West Belfast PartnershipBoard, Howard Hastings, ChairNITB, Eimear Ní Mhathúna,

Director An Chultúrlann,Terence Brannigan, ChairConnected Health, TomMcCusker, MDMagners, MDTennents NI, Steve Lenox, JointPresident Irish Network USA,Alastair Adair, Pro-Vice-Chancellor & Provost Universityof UlsterDan McGinn, Corporate Affairsand Communications Manager,Ulster Bank


SSeepptteemmbbeerr 2244--2277,, 22001144 The Duncairn Centre for Culture & Arts, Titanic Drawing Rooms, Strand Arts Centre, Titanic Belfast, An Chultúrlann, Cathedral Quarter

We invite you to join us for theinaugural Homecoming Conference. Itpromises to be fun and the start of anew era of co-operation between thepeople of Belfast and those in thediaspora who hail from Belfast orsimply love the city and wish to buildthe peace. In this work, we have thesupport of our Honorary ConferenceChairs and Connecting Champions.

For more information contact Orlaith or Connla on 028 90611916email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Be a part of it.REGISTER

The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014A n T e a c h t A b h a i l e – C o m h d h á i l A o n - C h a t h r a c h B h é a l F e i r s t e




Page 2: The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014 · Belfast One City Conference The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014 A n Teacht Abhaile – Comhdháil Aon-Chathrach


The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014A n T e a c h t A b h a i l e – C o m h d h á i l A o n - C h a t h r a c h B h é a l F e i r s t e


Belfast, by State Senate President ofMassachusetts Therese Murray and tour ofnew $60m expansion. Delta Print and Packaging is the biggestmanufacturing employer in West Belfastand, led by local entrepreneur Terry Crossfor four decades, has just made its biggest-ever investment leading to the recruitmentof 100 new staff from across the city. DeltaPrint's success is built on longstanding

business relationships with US companies,including McDonald's and KFC, who canattest to the company's reputation forspeed, quality and keen price. State SenatePresident Murray traces some of herancestors back to the Harrolds who leftBelfast in the nineteenth century.Presentation of Homecoming Hero Awardto State Senate President Murray

9:30am Launch of TheHomecoming andBelfast One CityConference

The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014A n T e a c h t A b h a i l e – C o m h d h á i l A o n - C h a t h r a c h B h é a l F e i r s t e


excellence in the stunning surrounds of thebuilding in which the Titanic was designed.Enjoy a champagne reception, amouthwatering four-course mealaccompanied by specially-selected wines,and the uplifting sounds of the excitingBelfast Community Gospel Choir, just backfrom their barnstorming tour of America. VVeennuuee:: Titanic Drawing RoomsCChheeff:: Niall McKenna, James Street SouthWith Belfast Community Gospel Choir

AAnndd WWee’’rree OOffff:: MMááiirrttíínn ÓÓ MMuuiilllleeooiirr((CCoonnffeerreennccee CCoonnvveennoorr))WWeellccoommee:: Danny McConnell, DeloitteTechnology PartnerVote of Thanks to the Diaspora: Colin Walsh,Chair CBI NI and Principal Crescent Capitalwhich recently received a $15m investmentfrom the Comptroller of New York StateTom DiNapoli.PPaarrttiinngg GGllaassss:: Tom McCusker, MD Magners,MD Tennents NI


The premier traditional music hub ofdowntown Belfast, right in the heart of theCathedral Quarter. Another spectacularsuccess story from the hospitality empire ofentrepreneur and Merchant Hotel owner BillWolsey.

10pm Conference ClubDirty Onion,Cathedral Quarter

SSeepptteemmbbeerr 2244--2277,, 22001144 The Duncairn Centre for Culture & Arts, Titanic Drawing Rooms, Strand Arts Centre, Titanic Belfast, An Chultúrlann, Cathedral Quarter

The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014A n T e a c h t A b h a i l e – C o m h d h á i l A o n - C h a t h r a c h B h é a l F e i r s t e



Page 3: The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014 · Belfast One City Conference The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014 A n Teacht Abhaile – Comhdháil Aon-Chathrach

The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014A n T e a c h t A b h a i l e – C o m h d h á i l A o n - C h a t h r a c h B h é a l F e i r s t e


Belfast's newest public performancespace: Bank Square. Venue: Berry StreetPresbyterian Church. Host: Joby Fox andSophie Rasmussen, Directors Folktown.

10am Folktown Revisted

VVeennuuee:: Strand Arts Centre. With the emergence of the East BelfastArts Fest and the CS Lewis Festival, thereare ambitious efforts in train to rebrandthe resurgent east of Belfast. Delegates

are invited to hear more about theexciting Eastside offering. Light lunchserved. HHoosstt:: Maurice Kinkead, CEO East BelfastPartnership Board

Noon East-Side Reborn.

Rev Bill Shaw, Director Duncairn Arts andCultural Centre. Welcome to North Belfast: Nigel DoddsMP (Invited)

A Céad Míle Fáilte to the Diaspora:Howard Hastings, Chair Northern IrelandTourist BoardDiaspora Response: Mayor of Boston,Marty Walsh

6:25pmWelcome toCompassionateCity Belfast

Chair: Joan Burney-Keating Xabier Paya, Director Donostia 2016 SanSebastian, European City of CultureMark Carruthers, Chair Lyric Theatre

Gerry Ó hEara, Director Cultúrlann UíChanáin, Derry, and Co-Ordinator ofFleadh Cheoil na hÉireann during Derry-Londonderry City of Culture 2013.

6:45pm 'Ring the Bellswhich still canRing': Building aCapital of Culture

Mark Hackett, Co-Founder Forum ForAlternative Belfast

7:30pm Belfast’s Trajectory:Time To Choose

Rebranding Belfast

CChhaaiirr:: David Lyle, DirectorLyle-Bailie InternationalJohn Keane, CEO ArdmoreGerry Lennon, CEO VisitBelfastHoward Hastings, ChairNorthern Ireland Tourist BoardNisha Tandon, ExecutiveDirector Arts ExtaBarry Jackson, United AirlinesRichard Wakely, DirectorBelfast Festival at Queen’s

City Centre ANDNeighbourhoods. Can we have itboth ways?

CChhaaiirr:: Colin Mountstephen,DeloitteWendy Langham,Connswater GreenwaySammy Douglas MLAGlyn Roberts, Director NIIRTAPaul McMahon, PresidentBelfast Chamber of CommerceLarry Levin, Publicity Director,Office of Senator LoniHancock, California

The Gaeltacht Quarteras an Engine ofReconciliation andRegeneration

CChhaaiirr:: Gabrille Nig Uidhir, StMary's University College


Thaw by artist Rita Duffy. THAWdocuments an ongoing range of artmultiples made in Ireland as a sociallyengaged contemporary art project.

MMuussiicc bbyy City of Belfast YouthOrchestra.

6pm Book launch

Anbitious plan for a new BelfastIslamic Cultural Centre. Dr Raied Al-Wazzan

EuroPride in Belfast: FromDream to RealitySeán Ó Néill

8:30pm Snapshots

Tony McCusker, Chair CommunityFoundation NI. Honoree:Anna Lo MLA.

8:45pm Presentation ofSpirit of BelfastAward/SpioradBhéal Feirste

9pm Conference Club: DirtyOnion, CathedralQuarter


Presentation on Abhainn Bheo naFearsaide/The Living Farset and tour ofGaeltacht Quarter.

HHoosstt:: Eimear Ní Mhathúna, Director AnChultúrlann

2:30pm An Chultúrlann, AnCheathrúGhaeltachta

The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014A n T e a c h t A b h a i l e – C o m h d h á i l A o n - C h a t h r a c h B h é a l F e i r s t e


5:30pm Opening Reception and Registration

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The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014A n T e a c h t A b h a i l e – C o m h d h á i l A o n - C h a t h r a c h B h é a l F e i r s t e

The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014A n T e a c h t A b h a i l e – C o m h d h á i l A o n - C h a t h r a c h B h é a l F e i r s t e


A Compelling Narrative: SustainingBelfast's Business Rise (8am-8.25am)CChhaaiirr:: Peter Dixon. Panel: Paul McMorran,Crosslé, Andrew Brammer, Head of Allen &Overy Belfast, Jayne Brady, Kernel Capital,Stevie Morrow, LoughshoreInvestments/Options

Forging a New Alliance BetweenDublin and Belfast ( David Horgan, CEO Petrel Resources.PPaanneell:: Michael Black, General Manager Intel,Belfast, Tom McCusker, MD Tennents NI andMD Magners, Peter Finnegan, DirectorEconomy and International Relations, DublinCity Council

7:45am ContinentalBreakfast andRegistrationBreakfast Sessions

Ellvena Graham, Head of Ulster BankNorthern Ireland

9am Welcome toa City Reborn

IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn:: Bro McFerran, MD AllstateNorthern IrelandMayor of Boston, Marty WalshJoe Anderson, Mayor of Liverpool (Invited)

Lord Mayor of Belfast Nichola Mallon9:05am Future Cities

VViiddeeoo:: A New Era For BelfastCChhaaiirr:: Jackie Henry, Senior Partner DeloitteTrevor Annon, MD Mount CharlesCllr John Kyle, PUP

Cllr Deirdre Hargey, Chair DevelopmentCommittee, Belfast City CouncilTom Gray, CTO Kainos

9:45am Putting Belfast ToWork - The BerridgeReport


Philip Cassidy, VPConcentrix

10.20am Tomorrow's Belfast: Snapshots

Jimmy Deenihan, Minister with SpecialResponsibility for the Diaspora

Chair: David Gavaghan, CEO Titanic QuarterPeter McNaney, Chair Belfast Health andSocial Care Trust.Alastair Adair, Pro-Vice Chancellor and

Provost, University of UlsterSuzanne Wylie, CEO Belfast City Council

10:30 Game-changers: The£100m-Plus ProjectsTransformingBelfast

IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn:: Jimmy Deenihan TD, Ministerwith Special Responsibility for theDiaspora: ‘A Business Partnership with theIrish Abroad’PPaanneell DDiissccuussssiioonn.. Chair: Richard Ramsey,Chief Economist NI, Ulster Bank Séamus McAteer, Founder Valley, California)

Liam Lynch, Member New York Angels andshareholder (New York)Jimmy Deenhihan TDMarco Pagni, Chief Global CounselAlliance BootsGraeme Johnston, Porpety Director,Belfast Harbour

11:00am Moving Up A Gear:Business Growth in aConnected World

Alderman Gavin Robinson, Chair StrategicPolicy and Resources Cttee, Belfast CityCouncil (Invited).

Marcus Robinson, ex-pat, artist and BAFTA-award-winning film-maker. ‘Rebuilding’ wentout on the History Channel in the US on 9.11this year as a two-hour special.

11:40amWaterfrontConvention Centre:A Call to Action forthe Diaspora

11:45am ‘Rebuilding theWorld Trade Centre’

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CChhaaiirr:: Roisin McDonough,CEO Arts Council of NIPeter Murray, DirectorCrawford Art Gallery, CorkMarguerite Nugent, Curator NorthernIreland Collection, Wolverhampton

Art GalleryKim Mawhinney, Head of Art,National Museums NIPaul McErlean, CEO MCE Communications

We have identified three areas with massivepotential to transform the economicfortunes of the city of Belfast: therenaissance of a city of Quarters from theGaeltacht Quarter in the west throughCathedral Quarter to the Titanic Quarter asa tourism Mecca; forging the city's

reputation as the fastest-growingknowledge economy in Europe withindigenous start-ups and foreign directinvestment; and a look at how the Diasporacan partner Belfast on a mutually beneficialjourney.

11:50am In the Frame: TheCultural andCommercial Casefor a New Civic ArtGallery

Introduced by Terry GeorgeYoung EnterpriseJoanne Stuart, US-NI MentorshipProgramme

Monica Culbert, Project ChildrenCo-Operation IrelandCiste na GaeilgeMalone Integrated College

3pm Inspirational PeopleBuilding the Peace.A Special Showcaseof the very best ofBelfast for ourVisitors

Renaissance City

Chair: Ciarán MackelConal Harvey, DeputyChairman Titanic Quarter LtdBríd Ní Ghallchóir, AislingGhéarMaurice Kinkead, East FestMandy Patrick, Chair HotelFederation NIMichelle Hatfield, George BestBelfast City AirportBill Wolsey, Owner MerchantHotelGerry Carlile, Fáilte RestaurantGraeme Johnston, PropertyDirector Belfast Harbour

Europe's Fastest-GrowingKnowledge Economy

Chair: Patricia O’Hagan, CEOCore SystemsMary McCall, TreatTicketTerence Brannigan, ChairConnected HealthSean Devlin, MCS Recruitment

Partnering the Diasporato our Mutual Benefit

Chair: Veronica Munoz, PartnerPearl Cohen Lew Office (N Y)Alan McConnell, TorontoSteve Lenox, Joint PresidentIrish Network USAMarco Pagni, Group LegalCounsel and CAO, AllianceBootsEd Lynch, New YorkRussell Smith, DehnSmith,North CarolinaTim Brundle, University ofUlsterAndrew Cowan, CEO NIConnections John Foley, Irish CulturalCenter of New England


The largest single TV production in Europelast year was Game of Thrones in the TitanicQuarter. The HBO production can also boastthat it’s the most popular drama series on

the planet. Delegates will have anopportunity to visit the set of thisblockbuster production.

4pm Game of ThronesVisit

44-46 Upper Queen Street, Belfast5pm Conference Club:Stix and Stones

at the Residence of US Consul GeneralGreg Burton and Nana Lee Felding

Colin Anderson, Chairman and CEOASG Group: Future Belfast &Homecoming 2015

6:30pm Farewell Reception

Cathedral Quarter, Belfast9pm Conference ClubDirty Onion

The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014A n T e a c h t A b h a i l e – C o m h d h á i l A o n - C h a t h r a c h B h é a l F e i r s t e


GolfToursTitanic Belfast Visitor Centre

Morning/Afternoon Breaking Bread. Our visitors areinvited to join key conferencechampions for dinner at theirhomes.


The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014A n T e a c h t A b h a i l e – C o m h d h á i l A o n - C h a t h r a c h B h é a l F e i r s t e


The tenth annual Belfast Business Top 50listing recognises the cream of ourentrepreneurs, ranging from corporatetitans to irrepressible start-up foudners.

CCoommppeerree:: Paul McErlean, Chair CathedralQuarter TrustGGuueesstt SSppeeaakkeerr:: Simon Hamilton MLA,Minister of Finance and PersonnelPresentation of first HomecomingAmbassador Award to Mayor Marty Walshof Boston.

1pm Belfast Business Top50 Awards luncheon

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Marty WalshMayor of Boston

Eugene O'FlahertyChief Corporate Counsel,City of Boston

Seamus McAteerFounder

Terry George Rita DuffyArtist

Marcus RobinsonFilmaker, RebuildingThe World Trade Center

Jim ClerkinCEO Moët HennessyUSA

Steve LenoxJoint President IrishNetwork USA

Liam LynchNew York AngelInvestor

Marco PagniChief Global Counsel,Alliance Boots

During my tenure as Lord Mayor ofBelfast, I travelled to manywonderful cities in North America to

meet the Irish but no matter howoverpowering the warmth of the welcome,the greatest part of the journey was theroad home.That’s why the Homecoming (aisling- for Belfast from 24-26 September— will strike a chord with Irish Americans(and the Irish of Canada and Britain),because for them, even at 50, 100 or 150years remove, Ireland remains thehomeland.I brought to cities in which the Irish have

risen to the top — London, New York, SanFrancisco, Toronto — the story of a vibrantand positive Belfast on the rise.But when I stepped down from my

mayoral duties, I decided the best way tokeep that bridge of hope between thepeople of Belfast and those who love thiscity was to invite them back to Belfast.Thus, inspired also by the success of theGathering and the Detroit Homecoming,was born The Homecoming and Belfast OneCity Conference which will take place from24-26 September.We plan to bring 50 people of influence

from the diaspora to re-engage, reconnect,

reinvest and rebuild Belfast this Septemberbut in years ahead we want to grownumbers attending the Homecoming to 100,150, 200 and even 1,000.Leading the legions returning for the

Homecoming will be Mayor Marty Walsh ofBoston, an outstanding friend of Belfastand a son of Irish emigrants. He will bewelcomed to the conference by a stellarline out of Belfast civic leaders led by ourown Lord Mayor Nichola Mallon andFinance Minister Simon Hamilton.This letter is my own open invite to you

to come back and join us for the inauguralHomecoming. It promises to be fun and thestart of a new era of co-operation betweenthe people of Belfast and those in thediaspora who hail from Belfast or simplylove the city and wish to build the peace. Inthis work, I have the support of ourHonorary Conference Chairs andConnecting Champions. Their pledge to youis to organise parallel and complementarymeetings and programmes to ensure youget the maximum benefit from your visit soplease reach out to tailor the Homecomingto your needs.

Máirtín Ó MuilleoirConference Convenor

For more information contact Orlaith or Connlaemail: [email protected] or [email protected]

The Homecoming & Belfast One City Conference 2014A n T e a c h t A b h a i l e – C o m h d h á i l A o n - C h a t h r a c h B h é a l F e i r s t e


RReeggiisstteerr hheerree