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The Holy Eucharist Celtic Tradition Healing Service St. John-in-the-Wilderness October 18, 2015

The Holy Eucharist Celtic Tradition Healing · The Holy Eucharist Celtic Tradition Healing Service ... WARMTH IN THE

Sep 09, 2018



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Page 1: The Holy Eucharist Celtic Tradition Healing · The Holy Eucharist Celtic Tradition Healing Service ... WARMTH IN THE

The Holy Eucharist

Celtic Tradition

Healing Service

St. John-in-the-Wilderness October 18, 2015

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Calendar of Services and Events.

Mondays 7:15 pm Choir Practice


1:00 pm Prayer Shawl 3:30 pm Executive Meeting - 1st Wed. of each month 1:30-4:30 pm Nicole G at St. John’s 2nd Wed. of each month 7:00 pm Contemporary Prayer / Taize Service 7:30 pm Bible Study ~ 4 Essays – 1 Gospel

2nd Thursday 3rd Thursday

7:00 pm Parish Council 7:00 pm Groovin’ in the Grove Drum Circle

Oct. 27 10:30 am Afton Nursing Home Service

Oct. 28 10:00 am Vision Nursing Home Service

Nov. 1 4:00 pm All Soul’s Even Song Service

Nov. 2 & 16 9:00 am Turkey Pies

Nov. 8 10:30 am Remembrance Day Service in Camlachie

Nov. 10 7:00 pm Deanery Council – All Saint’s

Nov. 15 10:30 am Favourite Hymn Sunday

Nov. 29 10:30 am Carols and Lessons and Soup and Sandwich Lunch

Dec. 6 4:00 pm Blue Christmas Service

To all who are weary and seek rest;

to all who mourn and long for comfort;

to all who struggle and seek victory; to

all who sin and need a saviour; to all

who are idle and look for service; to all

who are strangers and want fellowship;

to all who hunger and thirst after


and to whomsoever will come

this church opens wide her doors

and in the name of Jesus Christ her Lord

says Welcome.

Parish of St. Stephen & St. Tathan,

Caerwent, Wales

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ST. JOHN October 18 October 25 November 1



Communion Bearers






Altar (8:00)





Ron & Joan

Ron & Joan

Sandra L & Fran

Edna, Duncan


Sandra F






Jim & Marie



Betty, Hazel

The Langille Family

Brenda, Brent







Ann H.

Jim & Marie


Karen W

Judith, Maggie

Ken, Shirley


Betty G






Sandra L




To show a welcoming, visible sign of Christ in a growing community, and to strive to meet the spiritual needs of everyone in a facility which is accessible, safe, environmentally

friendly, and addresses the space requirements of all.

Sunday Services

8:00 am Book of Common Prayer (said service)

10:30 am Book of Alternative Services (sung service) 10:30 am Sunday School

Wednesday Services

7:00 pm Contemporary Prayer with Taize music

About Celtic Christian Services Christian worship services in the Celtic tradition are not all that common. Yet they bring to

the worshiper new perspectives on our Christian faith. Celtic Christianity developed mainly

in the area of the British Isles only a few centuries or less after the death and resurrection of

Jesus Christ. No one really knows exactly when Christianity came to Britain and nearby

areas. But by the fourth century it was emerging as a significant religious movement.

Christianity became accepted by the Druidic Celts because of some overlapping concepts

with the two traditions regarding the Divine. Also, the Celtic Druids had an intense sense of

the indwelling of the spiritual within all of creation. As they quickly adapted to Christianity,

they came to understand that there is one God who is everywhere and therefore dwells within

all of creation. This is reflected in the ample use of imagery from nature in the liturgies.

Music also played a significant role in ancient Christian worship. We embrace this aspect of

the Celtic Christian tradition at times by welcoming a wide range of musical guests to enrich

our worship experience. We thank these talented people for their interest in Celtic services

and their outstanding musical contributions. Music may be formally sacred or it may be

music that is not necessarily written to be sacred, but speaks to aspects of our lives as human


Services in the Celtic tradition have a few unique qualities:

• the language of the service is more poetic

• there is frequent use of imagery from nature

• although there are common elements, each service is different from any

other — each one is individually constructed to the theme and times

• music may be used to provide an intricate means of helping to weave the service together

• music may greatly vary from one service to the next

• the Celtic Creed is distinct

• a Celtic Wisdom is provided to bring new insights about Celtic heritage

• Biblical readings are woven into the fabric of the service

• the Lord’s Prayer is from the New Zealand Anglican Book of Common Prayer

• there are also familiar elements including: prayers, readings of scripture,

the Homily, the general confession and absolution, and blessing.

• in some venues music generally continues after the service during a period of Renditions —

or when some or many worshipers bring their instruments, a Ceilidh takes place.

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Welcome to St. John in the Wilderness

8:00 am Book of Common Prayer (Said service)

10:30 am Book of Alternative Services (Sung service)

* = Please rise as able


We welcome all who are worshipping with us this morning as we lift

our praise to Jesus Christ, our Lord. May our hearts be open to the

Word and may the power of His Holy Spirit continue to enrich our


*Opening Hymn: Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah # 565

Welcome~ Announcements, Birthdays, Anniversaries,

and Caring Time

*Opening Responses:

Leader: We gather here in your presence, God,

All: In our need, and bringing with us the needs of

the world. Leader: We come to you, for you come to us in Jesus,

All: And you know by experience what human life

is like.

Leader: We come with our faith and with our doubts;

All: We come with our hopes and with our fears. Leader: We come as we are, because you invite us to come;

All: And you have promised never to turn us away.

Celtic wisdom:

Upcoming Events

Nov. 1 ~ All Soul’s Evensong at 4 pm. There will be a sheet out next Sunday for

you to place the name/s of your loved ones for us to remember at the service.

Nov. 2 ~ Turkey Pie Making if you haven’t signed up yet to help, you can still do that.

Come out and see why everyone returns each year.

Diocese of Huron Chain of Prayer:

Please add the following to your daily prayers:

We pray for Robert and Terry, our Bishops; Fred, our Primate; Colin, our Metropolitan; Kim+, our

Pastor; and those on the Diocese of Huron Chain of Prayer:

Christ Church, Chatham Ven. Paul Millward,

Holy Trinity, Chatham Rev’d Allan Knight

St. Paul’s, Chatham Rev’d Elaine Wilcox

St. Thomas, Dover Township

St. James the Apostle, Port Lambton Rev’d Len Myers

Rev’d Maggie Myers

St. James the Apostle, Wallaceburg Rev’d Len Myers

Rev’d Maggie Myers

For our brothers and sisters in our community:

Lakeshore Community Church,

St. Michael’s Catholic Church,

Camlachie United Church.

Inn of the Good Shepherd

The Women’s Interval Home

For the upcoming Government and Episcopal elections.

Readings for Sunday October 25:

Job 42:1-6, 10-17

Psalm 34

Hebrews 7:23-28

Mark 10:46-52

Please join us for fellowship and refreshments following the 10:30 service!

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Selected resources for this liturgy have been drawn with permission from The Celtic Resource Book, The National Society, A Christian Voice in Education, a co-publication with Church House Publishing Church of England. Copyright 8 Martin Wallace, and Glenda Abbot, Val Butler, Joan Houghton, Adrian Leighton, Hazel Palmer, Pam Pott, Rosemary Power, Fran Wakefield and Caroline Wallace, 1998; The Holy Bible : New Revised Standard Version. 1989 . Thomas Nelson Publishers: Nashville; Celtic Benediction: J. Phillip Newell, 2000, Novalis, Tien Wah Press, Singapore; Celtic Treasure: J. Phillip Newell, 2005, Tien Wah Press, Singapore; Celtic Prayers from Iona: J. Philip Newell, 1997, Paulist Press, Mahwah, New Jersey; Eternal Echoes: John O’Donohue, 1999, HarperCollins Publishers, New York, New York; Book of Common Prayer of New Zealand. Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand


Parish Cycle of Prayer: This week we pray for: Geoffrey, Carolyn, Lanna, and Evan

Iacobelli; Ron and Joan Jackson; Betty Johnson; those who clean the Church; and all

their families.

We are still collecting alcohol and beer bottles. At this time we have raised $221.00.

WARMTH IN THE COLD NIGHTS ~ We would like to try a pilot project of making 5 plastic rugs,

heavy duty and warm quilts along with bags with an over the shoulder strap for those who are

homeless. They will be given to the Inn of the Good Shepherd to distribute. We are looking for

plastic grocery bags or milk bags, heavy material, like jeans, corduroy, etc., material for the backing

and batting, crotcheters and sewing machine quilters. If you have any of these supplies please leave

in the hall in boxes. If any questions or you are willing to volunteer your time please see Sylvia


REFUGEE STEERING COMMITTEE~ The Lambton Deanery Clericus met on Tuesday and have

agreed that we need to do our part with the Refugee commitment that Canada has made. If you are

interested in being part of the Steering Committee to help bring Refugee Families to Canada please

speak with Pastor Kim. There will be other volunteer positions open in the future.

Cleaning the Church ~ Have you considered giving a few hours each week to clean the church. We

are in need of volunteers to take on this ministry. The sign up sheet is in the kitchen. If you are

interested but want more information on what is involved please speak with Jim Foubister.

Inn of the Good Shepherd ~ We are in need of volunteers to help with preparing food and serving at

the Inn. If you are unable to serve but are willing to prepare the food please note that on the sign up

sheet in the hall.

Choir ~ Would you like to sing in the choir but you feel you are unable to dedicate your time for a

year? Please join the choir for special services. Remembrance Day – come out now until Nov. 8th,

Christmas come out from the end of October until Dec. 24th. Monday at 7:15 pm. Please speak with


Honour physicians for their services, for the Lord created them; 2 for their

gift of healing comes from the Most High, and they are rewarded by the king. 3 The skill of physicians makes them distinguished, and in the

presence of the great they are admired. 4 The Lord created medicines out of the earth, and the sensible will not despise them.

Sirach 38:1-4 ~ Judith

Opening Prayer

Celebrant: Almighty God, who inspired Luke the physician

to proclaim the love and healing power of your Son, give your Church, by the grace of the Spirit

and the medicine of the gospel,

the same love and power to heal; through Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Children’s Focus (Children Proceed to Sunday School):

Come, gather all you children, and listen to God’s word.

Come, gather all you children, and listen to God’s word.

6 And he gave skill to human beings that he might be glorified in his marvelous works. 7 By them the physician heals and takes away pain; 8the pharmacist makes a mixture from them. God’s works will never be finished; and from him health spreads over all the earth. 9 My child, when

you are ill, do not delay, but pray to the Lord, and he will heal you. 10 Give up your faults and direct your hands rightly, and cleanse your

heart from all sin. 12 Then give the physician his place, for the Lord created him; do not let him leave you, for you need him. 13 There may

come a time when recovery lies in the hands of physicians, 14 for they too pray to the Lord that he will grant them success in diagnosis and in

healing, for the sake of preserving life. Sirach 38:6-10, 12-14 ~ Judith

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PSALM 91:9-16

13 Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful?

They should sing songs of praise. 14 Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing

them with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed

sins will be forgiven.16 Therefore confess your sins to one another, and

pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.17 Elijah was a human being like us,

and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. 18 Then he prayed again, and the

heaven gave rain and the earth yielded its harvest.19 My brothers and sisters, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and is brought back

by another, 20 you should know that whoever brings back a sinner from wandering will save the sinner’s soul from death and will cover a

multitude of sins. James 5:13-20 ~ Judith

Officiant Even if you believe yourself to have very little

faith, will you prepare yourself to welcome a

Gospel light? “It shines in the darkness and the

darkness was unable to put it out.”

God of every human being, you never impose

yourself, you never force our heart, but you

place your peaceful light within each one of


Healing Prayer during Communion

Those who wish to receive laying on of hands and anointing are

asked to come to the prayer desk and those invited, may come and

stand behind them.

Hymns during Communion #23, #620, #501, #387

Prayer after Communion

Celebrant: Living God,

may we who have shared in these holy mysteries

enjoy health of body and mind,

and witness faithfully to your gospel,

in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

People: Amen.


Celebrant: As you have been fed at this table

go to feed the hungry.

As you have been set free

go to set free the imprisoned.

As you have received, give:

as you have heard, proclaim.

And the blessing which you have received

from Father, Son and Holy Spirit

be always with you.

People: Amen.

Closing Hymn: All Things Bright and Beautiful # 415

The Dismissal

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The Lord’s Prayer

Eternal Spirit

Earth-Maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver,

source of all that is and that shall be,

Father and Mother of us all.

Loving God, in whom is heaven.

The hallowing of your name echoes through the


The way of your justice be followed

by the peoples of the earth!

Your heavenly will be done by all created beings!

Your commonwealth of peace and freedom

sustain our hope and come on earth.

With the bread we need for today, feed us.

In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.

In times of temptation and test, spare us.

From the grip of all that is evil, free us.

For you reign in the glory of the power that is love,

now and forever. Amen. From the Anglican Book of Common Prayer of New Zealand.

The Breaking of the Bread

Celebrant: We break the bread of life,

and that life is the light of the world.

People: God here among us,

light in the midst of us,

bring us to light and life.

Celebrant: The gifts of God for the people of God.

People: Thanks be to God.

Officiant We light a light in the name of the God who

creates life, in the name of the Saviour who

loves life, in the name of the Spirit who is the

fire of life.

Silence A candle is lit while we prepare ourselves silently to

hear the Gospel message

35 James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came forward to him and said to him, ‘Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.’ 36 And

he said to them, ‘What is it you want me to do for you?’ 37 And they said to him, ‘Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your

glory.’ 38 But Jesus said to them, ‘You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or be baptized with the baptism

that I am baptized with?’39 They replied, ‘We are able.’ Then Jesus said to them, ‘The cup that I drink you will drink; and with the baptism with which

I am baptized, you will be baptized; 40 but to sit at my right hand or at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared.’ 41 When the ten heard this, they began to be angry with James and John. 42 So Jesus called them and said to them, ‘You know that among

the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. 43 But it is not so among you;

but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your

servant, 44 and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all. 45 For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give

his life a ransom for many.’ Mark 10:41-45


For loving the world and knowing our names

Thank you God

Thank you God

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For your strength that fills us and your love that heals us

Thank you God

Thank you God

For your presence here with us today and for your hand that leads us

into tomorrow. Thank you God

Thank you God

Sermon – The Cure for the Disease of Entitlement

Reflection Hymn: # 427 (Sung by the Choir)

Celtic “Creed”

Our God is the God of all people,

the God of heaven and earth,

the God of sea and rivers,

the God of sun and moon,

the God of all the heavenly bodies,

the God of the lofty mountains,

the God of the lowly valleys.

God is above the heavens;

and is beneath the heavens.

Heaven and earth and sea,

and everything that is within them,

such God has as his abode.

He inspires all things,

he gives life to all things,

he stands above all things,

and he stands beneath all things.

Therefore we join our voices with theirs

as earth and heaven unite

to proclaim the glory of your name.

People: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts, #683

heaven and earth are full of thy glory.

Glory be to thee, O Lord most high.

Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest.

Celebrant: We give thanks to you, Lord our God,

for the goodness and love

you have made known to us in creation;

. . .

Therefore, Father, according to his command,

All: we remember his death,

we proclaim his resurrection,

we await his coming in glory;

Celebrant: and we offer our sacrifice

of praise and thanksgiving

to you, Lord of all;

. . .

by whom, and with whom, and in whom,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

all honour and glory are yours, almighty Father,

now and forever.

People: Amen.

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Celebration of the Eucharist

Prayer Over the Gifts

Celebrant: Let us pray,

God of compassion,

you are a strong tower for all who trust in you.

Be now and evermore our defense,

that we may proclaim the only name under heaven

given for health and salvation,

the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

People: Amen.

Eucharistic Prayer #3 (Preface of A Saint)

Celebrant: The Lord be with you.

People: And also with you. Celebrant: Lift up your hearts.

People: We lift them to the Lord.

Celebrant: Let us give thanks and praise to the Lord our God.

People: It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Celebrant: Blessed are you, gracious God,

creator of heaven and earth;

we give you thanks and praise

through Jesus Christ our Lord,

because in the fellowship of your saints

you have given us a glorious pledge

of the hope of our calling.

He enlightens the light to the sun,

he strengthens the light of the night and the stars,

he makes wells in the arid land and dry islands in the Sea,

and he places the stars in the service of the greater lights.

He has a Son who is co-eternal with himself;

and similar in all respects to himself;

and neither is the Son younger than the Father,

nor is the Father older than the Son;

and the Holy Spirit breathes in them.

And the Father and Son and Holy Spirit are inseparable.


Prayers of the People ~ Sandra

Sung Response: Lord, listen to your children praying,

send us love, send us power, send us grace.

Prayer for a Renewed Church: Almighty God, give us a new vision

of You, of Your love, of Your grace and power, and then, give us

a new vision of what You would have us do as Your Church in

this community. Transform our lives and renew Your Church

through the power of Your Holy Spirit, that we might better

share with others Your life and joy through Jesus Christ, who is

our life. Amen.

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Confession & Absolution

Leader: Holy God, Maker of all

All: Have mercy on us.

Leader: Jesus Christ, Servant of the poor

All: Have mercy on us.

Leader: Holy Spirit, Breath of life

All: Have mercy on us.

Leader: Let us in silence confess our faults and admit our frailty.


Leader: Before God, with the people of God, I confess to my

brokenness: to the ways I wound my life, the lives of

others, and the life of the world.

All: May God forgive you, Christ renew you, and the

Spirit enable you to grow in love.

Leader: Amen.

All: Before God, with the people of God, we confess to our

brokenness: to the ways we wound our lives, the lives

of others, and the life of the world.

Leader: May God forgive you, Christ renew you, and the Spirit

enable you to grow in love.

All: Amen.


Leader: Those who wish to receive anointing please come and

stand or kneel at the altar.

All: Living God, breathe your Spirit upon us and surround

us with your love. Giving Jesus, grant us your

compassion. Healing Spirit, come and bring us peace.

Prayer for healing (Pray silently the following)

All: Spirit of the Living God, present with us now,

enter you, body, mind and spirit,

and heal you of all that harms you,

in Jesus’ name. Amen.

The Peace

God of Peace, relax the tensions of our bodies.....

Still the anxieties of our minds.....

Calm the storms of our hearts.....

Give us courage to wait.....

Let peace flow in us, through us, from us,

the deep, deep, peace of God. Amen.

*Offertory Hymn: Sister, Let Me Be Your Servant # 500