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Desk Reference 1 Running head: DICTIONARY The healthcare administrator’s desk reference: A managed care and healthcare contracting dictionary for the military health system Carol A. Korody-Colwell, LTC, AN U.S. Army-Baylor Program in Healthcare Administration

The healthcare administrator’s desk reference: A managed ... · A healthcare administrator’s desk reference: A managed care and healthcare contracting dictionary for the military

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Desk Reference 1

Running head: DICTIONARY

The healthcare administrator’s desk reference:

A managed care and healthcare contracting dictionary for the

military health system

Carol A. Korody-Colwell, LTC, AN

U.S. Army-Baylor Program in Healthcare Administration

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3. DATES COVERED Jul 1998 - Jul 1999

4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE The health care administrators desk reference: A managed care andhealth care contracting dictionary for the military health system




6. AUTHOR(S) LTC Carol A. Korody-Colwell




7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) TRICARE Northeast Walter Reed Army Medical Center Building 1 682516th Street, NW. Washington, DC 20307


9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) US Army Medical Department Center and School Bldg 2841 MCCS-HRA(US Army-Baylor Program in HCA) 3151 Scott Road, Suite 1412 FortSam Houston, TX 78234-6135



12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release, distribution unlimited


14. ABSTRACT A strong working knowledge of managed care and health care contracting is the key to success for todayshealth care administrator. Specifically, a thorough knowledge of the language, terminology, and acronymsis fundamental to understanding todays health care delivery processes both in the civilian sector and themilitary health system. One consolidated desk reference was developed to improve communication andincrease comprehension among and between providers and administrators across all services. The goal isto promote understanding and diminish confusion, thereby, albeit indirectly, improving the delivery ofhealthcare services.

15. SUBJECT TERMS managed care, health care contracting






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I would like to thank a few individuals who were instrumental

in the completion of this document.

• First, my husband David for his love and encouragement in the

writing of this paper;

• The vision and inspiration of Dr. Karin Zucker, bringing a

wonderful idea to reality;

• And, Capt. Richard Anderson, MSC, USN, whose support made this

project a possibility.

My sincere appreciation goes to those who spent long hours

reading, reviewing, and editing for accuracy and completeness.

• Capt. Curt Prichard, MS, USAF, Baylor Resident TRICARE

Region 6

• LT Guy Snyder, MS, USCG, Baylor Resident TRICARE Region 4

• Major Michael Wegner, AN, USA, Baylor Resident, Brooke Army

Medical Center

• Mr. Barry Sayer, Administrative Contracting Officer, TRICARE

Region 1

• The entire staff of TRICARE Region 1, with special thanks to:

• Major Mark Metzger, MS, USA

• Major Dean Borsos, MS, USAF

• Major Danita McAllister, MS, USAF

• CPT Kim Thomsen, AMSC, USA, United States Army Center for

Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine

Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr.

Bert Hovermale at Navy Medical Logistics for his contracting

expertise and consulting on this project.

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A strong working knowledge of managed care and healthcare

contracting is the key to success for today’s healthcare

administrator. Specifically, a thorough knowledge of the

language, terminology, and acronyms is fundamental to

understanding today’s healthcare delivery processes both in the

civilian sector and the military health system. One consolidated

desk reference was developed to improve communication and

increase comprehension among and between providers and

administrators across all services. The goal is to promote

understanding and diminish confusion, thereby, albeit indirectly,

improving the delivery of healthcare services.

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Table of Contents

Introduction 5

Background 5

Statement of the Problem 7

Literature review 7

Method 8

Discussion/Conclusion 9

References 11

Appendix A 14

Appendix B 99

Footnotes 188

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A healthcare administrator’s desk reference:

A managed care and healthcare contracting dictionary for the

military health system


A failure to truly understand healthcare contracting and

managed care can negatively impact a healthcare provider’s

ability to meet patients’ healthcare needs. Feedback obtained

from complaints and personal interviews supports the premise that

a fundamental understanding of this new healthcare delivery

system requires an understanding of, and familiarization with,

the language in which it is grounded. The language difficulty is

compounded by the composite nature of the system -- healthcare or

maintenance, with a large contractual component, which is

provided to a unique population.


The origin of managed care dates back to the early 1900s

(Fox, 1996), however, it is relatively new to the military health

system (MHS). Beginning in the late 1980s, the MHS instituted

numerous programs and initiatives in an attempt to control

skyrocketing healthcare and Civilian Health And Medical Program

of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) costs (Barrett, 1996). Each

initiative emphasized the delivery of accessible, high-quality,

cost-efficient healthcare to all beneficiaries. The programs

included the CHAMPUS Reform Initiative (CRI) initiated in

February 1988; Catchment Area Management (CAM) begun in June of

1989; and, the Gateway to Care Program started in September of

1991(Barrett, 1996; Boyer & Sobel, 1996). Each of these programs

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was successful in providing evidence that managed care

initiatives can assist in the containment of healthcare costs

while maintaining or improving the quality of care delivered

(Boyer & Sobel, 1996).

The Gateway to Care program resulted in a reduction of

CHAMPUS growth by 7 percent over two years. This success led to

what is now known as TRICARE, a three option, regional contract-

based managed healthcare program. The implementation of TRICARE,

transitioning the MHS to managed care, was initiated in March of

1995 and completed by June of 1998 (Department of Defense, 1997).

The implementation of TRICARE required the complete

reengineering of healthcare delivery and management within the

military health system. The managed care system brought new

processes and methods such as pre-authorization, prospective

reviews of patient referrals, case management, and a delivery

system whereby healthcare is managed by a primary care provider.

This change overwhelmed the current military direct care system.

The traditional military health system was characterized by

large medical centers, which delivered predominately specialty

care. With the implementation of TRICARE, the medical centers

were without sufficient primary healthcare providers to meet the

demand for the primary care services central to a managed

healthcare system.

The transition to managed care, although anticipated, left

the healthcare system struggling to provide care for its

beneficiaries. When TRICARE changed the traditional method of

delivering care, it brought new terminology, confusing many

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practitioners and almost all beneficiaries. Consequently, the

MHS struggled to educate its healthcare professionals as well as

its beneficiaries. The educational effort was robust and sought

to ensure that healthcare providers could schedule, see, and

refer patients to specialists and that beneficiaries knew how to

access care, both in the direct care system and in the civilian

network. The education programs were offered throughout the MHS

and were sponsored by both the medical treatment facilities and

the contractors. Program structure ranged from attendance at a

single class to simply the review of written literature.

However, the educational efforts did not meet the community need

for instruction. As a result, a significant knowledge deficit

remains frustrating providers, administrators, and the


Statement of the Problem

A strong working knowledge of managed care and healthcare

contracting is the key to success for today’s healthcare

administrator. A thorough knowledge of the language, terminology,

and acronyms is basic and fundamental to understanding today’s

healthcare delivery processes. One consolidated desk reference

providing this information for the MHS does not exist.

Literature Review

Numerous references are available to assist the healthcare

administrator in the quest to learn the ‘jargon’ of managed care

and/or healthcare contracting. References from short glossaries

to simple dictionaries are readily available at bookstores and

online. These references provide definitions and delineate the

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meaning of numerous acronyms. However, no one consolidated

reference encompassing both managed healthcare and healthcare

contracting was found, and certainly not one unique to the

military health system.


A literature review of pertinent references encompassing both

managed care and healthcare contracting was conducted to gather

information. Research efforts spanned published works including

current texts used in graduate education in the fields of

healthcare administration and contracting, brochures, healthcare

contracts, federal regulations, and the Internet. Additionally,

terminology specific to military healthcare was obtained from the

services as well as from Department of Defense Health Affairs

website. Concurrent with the literature search, experienced

personnel working in the managed care and contracting disciplines

were queried.

Following the accumulation of applicable information, two

separate appendices were developed. Appendix A is simply a list

of acronyms and abbreviations. Although the use of acronyms and

abbreviations may confuse and complicate communications,

especially across the services, they are, unfortunately, an

inherent part of our culture. The list was created to facilitate

communication and to fill the void, for no previous MHS acronym

list found contained acronyms specific to managed care and

healthcare contracting.

Appendix B is a dictionary of current terms and phrases used

in managed care and healthcare contracting. Implementation of

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TRICARE throughout the MHS has resulted in a partnership with the

civilian healthcare sector. This collaborative and mutually

beneficial relationship demands a solid knowledge and

understanding of the terminology of their milieu.

Following the completion of both appendices, the document

underwent multiple levels of review. Peers, educators, and

subject matter experts in the fields of managed care and

healthcare contracting submitted critiques.


As managed care begins to mature in the MHS, this document

may serve as a desk reference across all services for those (a)

entering the managed care field, (b) with minimal managed care

experience, and (c) tasked with management and oversight of

healthcare delivery. Wide dissemination would promote the

adoption of a ‘common language’, standardizing the use of terms

and acronyms. This desk reference could be made available to

personnel working in the area of healthcare contracting,

administrators working with healthcare contracts and students in

all healthcare fields across the services. It would also be

helpful to administrators and healthcare personnel working within

the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA), as the Department of

Defense and the DVA work jointly to deliver healthcare services

to all beneficiaries. Additionally, placement of this document

on both the Knowledge Management Network (KMN) at Fort Sam

Houston to enhance distance learning, and on Health Affairs’ web

page to streamline tri-service adoption and implementation would

facilitate access by all. The goal and desired end-state is to

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improve communication, increase comprehension, and diminish

confusion among and between providers and administrators,

thereby, albeit indirectly, improving the delivery of healthcare


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Anthem Alliance. (1998). TRICARE terms and phrases.

Http:// (6 November 1998).

Anthony, R. (1997). A review of essentials of accounting. (6th

ed.). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing.

Barrett, P. (1996). The political threat to TRICARE. The Army

Medical Department Journal, 8, (5/6), 5-9.

Berkowitz, E. N. (1996). Essentials of health care marketing.

(4th ed.). Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publications.

Borsos, D. (1998, October). Bid price adjustment and

optimization of an MTF. (Unpublished manuscript) Washington, DC:


Boyer, J. & Sobel, L. (1996). CHAMPUS & the Department of

Defense managed care programs. In P.R. Kongstevdt’s, The managed

healthcare handbook. 3rd edition.

Bureau of Navy Medicine. (1997). MEPRS glossary.


(29 January 1999).

Center for Health Policy Studies: Healthcare Trustees of New

York State (Ed.). (1998). The handbook of managed care

terminology. (Available from CHPS Consulting, 41 State Street,

Suite 612, Albany, NY 12207).

Department of Defense. (1996). Health services northeast

region: Utilization management plan. Washington, DC: Author.

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Department of Defense (1997). Brochure: What is TRICARE?

TRICARE Management Activity, Skyline Drive, Virginia.

Department of Defense. (1998, September). Frequently used

TRICARE terms. Http://

glossary.html (29 December 98).

Department of Defense. (1998). Utilization management policy

for the direct care system. Washington, DC: Author.

Department of Health and Human Services. (1998). Managed care

terminology. Http:// mcobib.htm.

(23 October 1998).

Finkler, S. (1994). Essentials of cost accounting for health

care organizations. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers, Inc.

Fox, P. (1996). An overview of managed care. In P.R.

Kongstevdt’s, The managed healthcare handbook. 3rd edition.

Gapenski, L. C. (1996). Understanding healthcare financial

management. (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: AUPHA Press/Health

Administration Press.

General Services Administration (1997). Federal acquisition

regulation. Washington, DC: Department of Defense.

Griffith, J. R. (1995). Well-managed healthcare organization.

(3rd ed.). Ann Arbor, MI: AUPHA Press/Health Administration.

Keninitz, D. (1998). The government contractor’s glossary.


(6 November 1998).

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Kongstvedt, P. R. (1996). The managed care handbook (3rd

ed.). Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen.

McAllister, D. (1999). Resource sharing/Resource support.

(Unpublished Manuscript). Washington, DC: Author.

Pohly, P. (1998). Glossary of terms in managed healthcare.

Http:// (23 October 1998).

Rognehaugh, R. (1998). The managed healthcare dictionary.

(2nd ed.). Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen.

Sierra Military Health Services, Inc. (1998). TRICARE prime

GSU (brochure). Baltimore, MD: Author.

TRICARE Management Activity. (1997). TRICARE northeast

contract. Washington, DC: Author.

TRICARE Northeast. (1997). Regional health services plan:

Glossary of acronyms and terms. Washington, DC: Author.

United Health Care. (1996). A glossary of terms.

Http:// (6 November 1998).

Williams, S. J. & Torrens, P. R.(1993). Introduction to health

services. (4th ed.). Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers

Zucker, K. (1998). Contract law and negotiations. Fort Sam

Houston, TX: Center for Healthcare Education and Studies.

Zucker, K. & Boyle, M. (1996). Health law deskbook. Fort Sam

Houston, TX: Center for Healthcare Education and Studies.

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Appendix A

Acronyms and Abbreviations

A&DAdmission & Disposition

AABBAmerican Association of Blood Banks

AAFAwaiting Additional Funds

AAFESArmy & Air Force Exchange System

AAAHCAccreditation Association of Ambulatory Healthcare

AAHPAmerican Association of Health Plans

AAMAAmerican Academy of Medical Administrators

AANAAmerican Association of Nurse Anesthetists

AAPCCAdjusted Average Per Capita Cost

AAPPOAmerican Association of Preferred Provider Organizations

AARPAmerican Association of Retired Persons

ABC1. Accounting, Billing, & Collecting

2. Activity Based Costing

ABCAArmy Board of Contract Appeals

ABPAdjusted Bid Price

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ACABArmy Contract Adjustment Board

ACC1. Acute Care Clinic

2. Air Combat Command

ACGAmbulatory Care Group

ACHArmy Community Hospital

ACHEAmerican College of Healthcare Executives

ACIPAdvisory Committee on Immunization Practices

ACMAdministrative Coordination Meeting

ACNOAssistant Chief of Naval Operations

ACOAdministrative Contracting Officer

ACOGAmerican College of Obstetrics & Gynecology

ACORAdministrative Contracting Officer Representative

ACOSAmerican College of Surgeons

ACPAmerican College of Physicians

ACR1. Adjusted Community Rating

2. American College of Radiology

ACS1. Alternate Care System

2. Assistant Chief of Staff

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ACSWAcademy of Certified Social Workers

ACWPActual Cost of Work Performed

ADActive Duty

ADA1. Americans with Disabilities Act

2. American Diabetes Association

ADALAddition or Alteration (as in construction)

ADAMHAAlcohol, Drug Abuse, & Mental Health Administration

ADARArmy Defense Acquisition Regulation

(Superseded by AFARS in 1984)

ADCAverage Daily Census

Admin. L.Administrative Law

A-DMISArmy Defense Medical Information System

ADD1. Attention Deficit Disorder

2. Active Duty Dependent

ADFMActive Duty Family Member

ADGAmbulatory Diagnostic Group

ADLActivities of Daily Living

ADMAlcohol, Drug, or Mental Disorder

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ADPAutomated Data Processing

ADPEAutomated Data Processing Equipment

ADPLAverage Daily Patient Load

ADR1. Adverse Drug Reaction

2. Alternative Dispute Resolution

ADRAAdministrative Dispute Resolution Act

ADS1. Alternative Delivery System

2. Ambulatory Data System

ADSFMActive Duty Service Family Member

ADSMActive Duty Service Member

ADTAdmission, Disposition, & Transfer

AE1. Aeromedical Evacuation

2. Air Evacuation

AETCAir Education & Training Command

AFAAAir Force Audit Agency

AFARSArmy Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement

AFFARSAir Force Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement

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AFB1. Air Force Base

2. Award Fee Board

AFCABAir Force Contract Adjustment Board

AFCLCAir Force Contract Law Center

AFDCAid to Families with Dependent Children

AFDOAward Fee Determining Official

AFEBAward Fee Evaluation Board

AFFARSAir Force Federal Acquisition Regulation


AFI1. Awaiting Final Invoice

2. Air Force Instruction

AFIPArmed Forces Institute of Pathology

AFMCAir Force Material Command

AFMLOAir Force Medical Logistics Office

AFMOAAir Force Medical Operations Agency

AFMSAAir Force Medical Support Agency

AFOArea Field Office (Humana)

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AFOSHAir Force Occupational Safety, Fire Prevention, & Health

AFRAir Force Regulation

AFRCAir Force Reserve Command

AFRSAir Force Reserves

AFTAutomated File Transfer

AGAttorney General

AGPAAmerican Group Practice Association

AGRAdditional Government Requirement

AHArmy Hospital

AHAAmerican Hospital Association

AHC1. Army Health Clinic

2. Alternative Healthcare

3. Army Healthcare

AHCDSAlternate Healthcare Delivery Systems

AHCPRAgency for Health Policy & Research

AHP1. Accountable Health Plan

2. Allied Health Professional

AIDSAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

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AJMROArea Joint Medical Regulating Office

ALJAdministrative Law Judge

ALOSAverage Length of Stay

AMAAmerican Medical Association

AMC1. Army Medical Center

2. Air Mobility Command

AMCRAAmerican Managed Care & Review Association (see AAHP)

AMC/SGAir Mobility Command Surgeon General

AMEDDArmy Medical Department

AMGAAmerican Medical Group Association

ANAAmerican Nurses Association

ANGAir National Guard

ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute

AO1. Action Officer

2. Area of Operations

AOAAmerican Osteopathic Association

APAcquisition Plan

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APA1. Administrative Procedures Act

2. American Psychiatric Association

APFAppropriated Fund

APGAmbulatory Patient Group

APHAAmerican Public Health Association

APHCSCAdjusted Proposed Healthcare Services Cost

APHCSPAdjusted Proposed Healthcare Services Price

APLAuthorized Price List

APNAdvanced Practice Nurse

APOArmy/Air Post Office



APR1. Average Payment Rate

2. Adjusted Payment Rate

3. Ambulatory Procedure Order

APTAdmissions Per Thousand

APUAmbulatory Procedure Unit

APVAmbulatory Procedure Visit

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AQCESSAutomated Quality of Care Evaluation Support System

AR1. Army Reserves

2. Army Regulation

ARCENTArmy Central Command

ARNGArmy National Guard

ARSArmy Regulation Supplement

ASArmed Services

ASBCAArmed Services Board of Contract Appeals

ASBPArmed Services Blood Program

ASC1. Accredited Standards Committee

2. Ambulatory Surgery Center

3. Army Staff Council

ASD (HA)Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs)

ASFAeromedical Staging Facility

ASIMSArmy Standard Information Management System

ASLAuthorized Stockage List

ASMAppointing & Scheduling Module

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ASMROOld Term: Armed Services Medical Regulating Office

New terms: GPMRC (Global Patient Movement Requirements Center)& TPMRC (Theater Patient Movement Requirement Center)

ASNAssistant Secretary of the Navy

ASOAdministrative Services Only (contract)

ASPMArmed Services Pricing Manual

ASPRArmed Services Procurement Regulation

ASRAge/Sex Rate

ASUAmbulatory Surgical Unit

ATCAir Transportable Clinic

ATHAir Transportable Hospital

ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode

AUPCAverage Unit Procurement Cost

AVGAmbulatory Visit Group

AWAirlift Wing

AWP1. Any Willing Provider

2. Average Wholesale Price

AWUAmbulatory Work Unit

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BA1. Basic Agreement

2. Budget Authority

BACBudget Advisory Committee

BC/BSBlue Cross & Blue Shield

B&PBid & Proposal (cost)

BAFO1. Best & Final Offer

2. Base Accounting & Finance Office (logistics)

BAMCBrooke Army Medical Center

BARBoard of Appeals Review

BARSBid Analysis & Reporting

BASOPBase Operations

BATFBureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms

BCABoard of Contract Appeals

BCIBreast Cancer Initiative (DoD)

BC/BSBlue Cross-Blue Shield Plan

BCMRBoard for Corrections of Military Records

BDCBlood Donor Center

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BDOBlanket Delivery Order

Blue $Navy Appropriations

BMLBidders Mailing List

BOABasic Ordering Agreement

BOEBasis of Estimate

BOMBill of Materials

BOPBureau of Prisons (Staffed by USPHS Providers)

BOSBase Operations Support

BPA1. Bid Price Adjustment

2. Blanket Purchase Agreement

BPO1. Bargain Purchase Option

2. Blanket Purchase Order

BPRBid Price Redetermination

BRACBase Realignment & Closure

BSCBiomedical Sciences Corps

BSRBeneficiary Services Representative

BSUBlood Supply Unit

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BUMEDINSTBureau of Medicine & Surgery Instruction (Navy)

BY1. Base Year

2. Budget Year

C2Command & Control

C3Command, Control & Communications

C3ICommand, Control, Communications & Intelligence

C4Command, Control, Communications & Computers

C4ICommand, Control, Communications, Computers & Intelligence


CA1. Contract Administration

2. Contract Appeals

3. Court of Appeals (formerly U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals)

CABContract Appeals Board

CACOCorporate Administrative Contracting Officer

CACCost Account Code (Navy Only)

CAD1. Catchment Area Directory

2. Computer Assisted Design

CAFCCourt of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

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CAGPContractor-Acquired Government Property

CAIComputer-Assisted Instruction

CALTContracting Lead Time

CAM1. Catchment Area Management

2. Computer Assisted Manufacturing

CAOContract Administration Office


CAP1. College of American Pathologists

2. Contractor Acquired Property

3. Corrective Action Plan

CARFCommission for the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities

CAS1. Cost Accounting Standards

2. Contract Administration Services

CASBCost Accounting Standards Board

CATComputerized Axial Tomography (scanner)

CBA1. Cost Benefit Analysis

2. Collective Bargaining Agreement

CBDCommerce Business Daily

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CBIComputer Based Instruction

CBLContractor Bill of Lading

CBOCongressional Budget Office

CBPOComponent Blood Program Office

CC1. Uniform Commercial Code (also U.C.C.)

2. Cost Center

CCAUnited States Circuit Court of Appeals(Renamed CA: U.S. Court of Appeals)

CCABClinical Care Advisory Board

CCDRContract Cost Data Report

CCFContract Cases Federal

CCH/OPTUMCenter for Corporate Health/OPTUM

CCNContract Change Notice

CCOChief, Contracting Office

CCPCoordinated Care Program

CCUCoronary Care Unit

CCQASCentralized Credentials & Quality Assurance System

CCSSCoordinated Care Support System

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CDCompact Disc

CDAContract Disputes Act of 1978

CDCCenters for Disease Control & Prevention

CDCFCentral Deductible & Catastrophic Cap File

CDISCHAMPUS Detail Information System

CDRContract Deficiency Report

CDRBContract Dispute Resolution Board

CD-ROMCompact Disc-Read Only Memory

CE1. Cost Effective

2. Current Estimate

3. Civil Engineering

CEIPCHCS Engineering Improvement Program

CEISCorporate Executive Information System

CENTCOMCentral Command

CEOChief Executive Officer

CEOBClaim Explanation of Benefits

CEPRCivilian External Peer Review

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CEPRPCivilian External Peer Review Program

Cert. DeniedCertiorari denied

CETCost Evaluation Team

CEUContinuing Education Unit

CFCCourt of Federal Claims

CFEContractor Furnished Equipment

CFMContract Furnished Material

CFP Contractor Furnished Property

CFO1. Chief Financial Officer

2. Contract Financing Officer

CFRCode of Federal Regulations

CFSChronic Fatigue Syndrome

CFSRContract Funds Status Report

CFYContractor Fiscal Year

CGOCost of Goods Sold

CHAMPUSCivilian Health & Medical Program of the Uniformed Services

CHAMPVACivilian Health & Medical Program of the Department ofVeteran’s Affairs

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CHAPCommunity Health Accreditation Program

CHCCommunity Health Center

CHCBPContinued Healthcare Benefits Program

CHCSComposite Healthcare System


CHCSPOCHCS Program Office

CHCSTEACHCS Test & Evaluation Activity

CICACompetition In Contracting Act

CIDCommercial Item Description

CILContractor Involved in Litigation


CINCEURCommander-in-Chief, Europe

CINCLANTCommander-in-Chief, Atlantic Forces

CINCPACCommander-in-Chief, Pacific

CINCSOUTHCommander-in-Chief, Southern Command

CINCUNKCommander-in-Chief, United Nations Command, Korea

CIOChief Information Officer

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CIPContractor Improvement Program

Cir.United States Court of Appeals (for the Circuit indicated)

Civ. No. Civil Number (civil action/case docket number)

CJCSChairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Cl. Ct./Ct. Cl.Claims Court/Court of Claims (See Ct. Fed. Cl.)

CLIAClinical Laboratory Improvement Act

CLINContract Line Item Number

CLMCareer-Limiting Move

CLNClinical Subsystem of CHCS

CLOCongressional Liaison Office

CM1. Case Management or Manager

2. Case Mix

3. Contract Management

CMACCHAMPUS Maximum Allowable Charge

CMEContinuing Medical Education

CMHCCommunity Mental Health Center

CMICase Mix Index

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CMISCHAMPUS Medical Information System

CMO1. Chief Medical Officer

2. Contract Management Office

CMMSCase Mix Management System

CMPCompetitive Medical Plan

CMSCentral Materiel Services (logistics)

CANCenter for Naval Analysis

CNM1. Certified Nurse Midwife

2. Chief, Naval Materiel

CNOChief, Naval Operations

CNPClinical Nurse Practitioner

CO1. Contracting Officer (Army & Air Force; also see KO)

2. Change Order

3. Commanding Officer

COACertificate of Authority

COB1. Coordination of Benefits

2. Close of Business

COBFRCOB Field Representative

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COBOLCommon Business Oriented Language

COBRAConsolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

COC1. Certificate of Competency

2. Certificate of Coverage

3. Certificate of Compliance

COCOContractor Owned-Contractor Operated (facilities)

COECenter of Excellence

COFCU.S. Court of Federal Claims

COLACost of Living Adjustment

COMACourt of Military Appeals(Now called Court of Appeals for the Armed Services)

COMDTINSTCommandant Instruction (USCG)

COMDTNOTECommandant Notice (USCG)

COM-FICHAMPUS Operations Manual- Fiscal Intermediary

COMMZCommunications Zone

Comp. Gen.1. Comptroller General (GAO)

2. Decisions of the Comptroller General

COMSECCommunications Security

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CONCertificate of Need

Cong. Rec.Congressional Record


CONUSContinental United States

COOChief Operating Officer

COOPContinuity of Operations Plan

COPConcept of Operations

CORContracting Officer’s Representative

COSTCost-Reimbursement (type of contract)

COTRContracting Officer’s Technical Representative

COTSCommercial Off-The-Shelf

CP1. Critical Pathway

2. Clinical Pathway

3. Central Procurement

CPAFCost-Plus-Award-Fee (contract)

CPCMCertified Professional Contract Manager

CPDComptroller Procurement Decisions

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CPEContractor Performance Evaluation

CPFFCost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (contract)

CPGClinical Practice Guidelines

CPIConsumer Price Index

CPIFCost-Plus-Incentive-Fee (contract)

CPIRICHAMPUS Price Inflation Reimbursement Index

CPMCritical Path Method

CPO1. Chief, Procurement Office

2. Civilian Personnel Office

CPPCCost-Plus-a-Percentage-of Cost (type of contract)

CPR1. Civilian Personnel Regulation

2. Computer-Based Patient Record

3. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

4. Cost Performance Report

5. Customary, Prevailing, & Reasonable

CPS/HPClinical Preventive Services & Health Promotion

CPSCConsumer Products Safety Commission

CPSRContract Procurement System Review

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CPT-4Current Procedural Terminology, 4th Edition (codes)

CPUCentral Processing Unit

CQIContinuous Quality Improvement

CQCContractor Quality Control

CQMPClinical Quality Management Program

CR1. Casualty Receiving

2. Clinical Records

3. Carrier Replacement

4. Continuing Resolution

5. Cost Reimbursement (type of contract)

CRA1. Casualty Receiving Area

2. Continuing Resolution Authority

CRBContract Review Board

CRCCommunity Rating by Class

CRAGContractor Risk Assessment Guide

CRICHAMPUS Reform Initiative

CRISCHAMPUS Regional Information System

CRNACertified Registered Nurse Anesthetist

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CRPCHAMPUS Recapture Program

CRSPCHCS Regional Scheduler Program

CSCost-Sharing (type of contract)

CSAChief of Staff of the Army

CSAFChief of Staff of the Air Force

CSCCivil Service Commission (now OPM)

CSCSCCost/Schedule Control System Criteria

CSDCustomer Service Division

CSRCustomer Service Representative

CSRClinical Service Review

CSRACivil Service Reform Act

CSSCombat Service Support

CSSRCost/Schedule Status Report

CSTCentral Standard Time

CSWCombat Support Wing

Ct. Fed. Cl. U.S. Court of Federal Claims (created in 1992); replaced U.S.Claims Court which 1n 1982 replaced Court of Claims

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CVOCredentialing Verification Organization

CWWClinic Without Walls

CY1. Contract Year

2. Calendar Year

3. Current Year


D&FDeterminations & Findings

DA1. Data Administrator

2. Department of the Army

DABDefense Acquisition Board

DACDefense Acquisition Circular

DAFDepartment of the Air Force

DAPADistribution And Pricing Agreement

DARDefense Acquisition Regulation

DASDDeputy Assistant, Secretary of Defense

DAWDispense as Written

DBAdDatabase Administrator

DBMSDatabase Management System

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DC1. Direct Costs

2. Dual Choice

3. United States District Court

DCA1. Deputy Commander for Administration

2. Deferred Compensation Administrator

3. Defense Contract Administrator

4. Defense Contract Audit

DCAADefense Contract Audit Agency

DCAAMDefense Contract Audit Agency Manual

DCASDefense Contract Administration Service

DCCDirect Commercial Contracts

DCIDuplicate Coverage Inquiry

DCMADefense Contract Management Activity

DCPData Collection Period

DCS1. Direct Care System

2. Deputy Chief of Staff

DCSLOGDeputy Chief of Staff for Logistics

DCSOPSDeputy Chief of Staff for Operations

DCSPERDeputy Chief of Staff for Personnel

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DDPDelta Dental Plan

DEERSDefense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System

den.Denied (see D)

DEPCDEERS Enrollment Processing Center

DEPMEDDeployable Medical System


DFARSDepartment of Defense Federal Acquisition RegulationSupplement

DFAS1. Defense Finance & Accounting Service

2. Defense Finance & Accounting System

DFWADrug Free Workplace Act of 1988

DGMCDavid Grant Medical Center (Air Force)

DHHSDepartment of Health & Human Services

DHMODental Health Maintenance Organization

DHPDefense Health Program

DIADefense Intelligence Agency

DISADefense Information Systems Agency

DISPDefense Industrial Security Program

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DLADefense Logistics Agency

DLARDefense Logistics Agency Regulations

DMDiabetes Mellitus

DMDDDefense Medical Data Dictionary

DMEDurable Medical Equipment

DMFODefense Medical Facilities Office

DMHRSDefense Medical Human Resources System

DMISDefense Medical Information System

DMIS IDDefense Medical Information System Identification

DMIS/RAPSDefense Medical Information System/Resource Analysis PlanningSystem

DMLISDefense Medical Logistics Information System

DMLSSDefense Medical Logistics Standard Support

DMPADefense Medical Programs Activity

DMRISDefense Medical Regulating Information System

DMSADefense Medical Support Activity

DMSBDefense Medical Standardization Board

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DO1. Delivery Order

2. Doctor of Osteopathy

DOBDate of Birth

DOC1. Department of Commerce

2. Directorate of Contracting

DoDDepartment of Defense

DoDAACDepartment of Defense Activity Address Code

DoDDDepartment of Defense Directive

DoDIDepartment of Defense Instruction

DoDIGDepartment of Defense Inspector General

DoDMERBDepartment of Defense Medical Examination Review Board

DOIMDirectorate of Information Management

DOJDepartment of Justice

DOLDepartment of Labor

DOLIDEERS On-Line Inquiry

DON1. Department of the Navy

2. Department of Nursing

3. Director of Nursing

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DOSDate of Service

DOTDepartment of Transportation

DPDischarge Planning

DPADirect Pricing Agreement

DPASDefense Priorities & Allocations System

DPDBDefense Practitioner Data Bank

DPPDuplicate Panograph Program

DPT1. Days per Thousand

2. Diptheria-Pertussis-Tetanus

DQDefinite-Quantity (type of contract)

DQ/PLDefinite-Quantity Price List (type of contract)

DRDeficiency Report

DRGDiagnosis Related Groups

DRTDelinquent Record Tracking

DSCPDefense Support Center Philadelphia

DSM-IVDiagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th

Edition, revised

DSODEERS Support Office

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Decision Support Systems

DSTDecision Support Team

DTGDate Time Group

DTS1. Dietetics Subsystem of CHCS

2. Deficiency Tracking System

DUEDrug Use Evaluation

DUNSData Universal Numbering System

DURDrug Utilization Review

DUSD(L)Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics)

DVADepartment of Veterans Affairs


EACEstimate at Completion (cost)

EAJAEqual Access to Justice Act

EAPEmployee Assistance Program

EAS IIIExpense Assignment System III

EBBElectronic Bulletin Board

EBCEnrollment Based Capitation

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Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation & Amortization

ECDEstimated Completion Date

ECFExtended Care Facility


ECPEngineering Change Proposal

ECTElectroconvulsive Therapy

EDIElectronic Data Interchange

EEOEqual Employment Opportunity

EEOCEqual Employment Opportunity Commission

EFMPExceptional Family Member Program

EFTElectronic Funds Transfer

EHPEmployee Health Program

EIEnd Item

8ASection 8(a) of the Small Business Act, pertaining to minority& other disadvantaged business

EISExecutive Information System

ELOSEstimated Length of Stay

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E-MAILElectronic Mail

EMCElectronic Media Claims

EMIElectromagnetic Interference

EMOExclusive Multiple Option

EMRElectronic Medical Record

EMSEmergency Medical Services

EMTEmergency medical Technician

ENG BCAArmy Corps of Engineers Board of Contract Appeals (supersededENG C&A in 1959)

ENG C&AArmy Corps of Engineers Claims & Appeals Board (superseded byENG BCA in 1959)

E&OErrors & Omissions

EO1. Equal Opportunity

2. Executive Order of the President

EOBExplanation of Benefits

EOC1. Evidence of Coverage

2. Emergency Operations Center

EOIEvidence of Insurability

EOMEnd of Month

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EOQEconomic Order Quantity

EOSEqual Opportunity Specialist

EPA1. Exclusive Provider Arrangement

2. Environmental Protection Agency

3. Economic Price Adjustment

EPOExclusive Provider Organization

EPR1. Essential Performance Requirement

2. Enlisted Performance Report (Air Force)

EPSDTEarly & Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, & Treatment

EREmergency Room

ERISAEmployee Retirement Income Security Act (of 1974)

ERTEmergency Response Team

ESExpert System

ESLHEstimated Standard Labor Hours

ESRDEnd Stage Renal Disease

ESTEastern Standard Time

ETAEstimated Time of Arrival

ETCEstimate to Completion

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ETDEstimated Time of Departure

ETPException to Policy

ETS1. Enhancement Tracking System

2. Encounter Tracking System

EUCOMEuropean Command


Exec. OrderExecutive Order of the President (also EO)

F/F.1. Federal

2. Federal Reporter (first or original series, West LawReporter)

F.2dFederal Reporter, second series (West Law Reporter)

F.3dFederal Reporter, third series (West Law Reporter)

FAC1. Federal Acquisition Circular

2. Facility Contract

FacctFoundation for Accountability

FACNETFederal Acquisition Computer Network

FAQFrequently Asked Questions

FARFederal Acquisition Regulation

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FARAFederal Acquisition Reform Act of 1996

FASSFinancial Analysis Support System

FAWFinancial Analysis Worksheet

FaxElectronic Facsimile

FBAFederal Bar Association

FCCFederal Communications Commission

F&DFindings & Determination

FDAFood & Drug Administration

FDDFinal Delivery Date

FECAFederal Employees Compensation Act

FEHBARSFederal Employee Health Benefit Acquisition Regulations

FEHBPFederal Employee Health Benefits Program

FEMAFederal Emergency Management Agency

FFPFirm Fixed Price (contract)

FFPCFirm-Fixed Price Contract

FFRDCSFederally Funded Research & Development Centers

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FFSFee For Service

FHC1. Foundation Health Corporation

2. Family Health Clinic

FHFSFoundation Health Federal Services

FIFiscal Intermediary

FIFOFirst In, First Out (inventory method)

FIPFederal Information Processing

FIsFiscal Intermediaries

FLISFederal Logistics Information System

FMCFederal Management Circular

FMCSFederal Mediation & Conciliation Service

FMGForeign Medical Graduate

FMP1. Family Member Prefix

2. Fair Market Price

3. Federal Personnel Manual

FMSForeign Military Sales

FMVFair Market Value

FOIFreedom of Information

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FOIAFreedom of Information Act

FOUOFor Official Use Only

FP&HFinance, Personnel, & Health

FP1. For Profit (hospital)

2. Fixed Price (type of contract)

FPI1. Fixed Price Incentive (contract)

2. Federal Prison Industries

FPOFleet Post Office

FPPFaculty Practice Plan

FPR1. Final Proposal Revision

2. Fixed Price Redeterminable (contract)

FQAFacility Quality Assurance of CHCS

FQHMOFederally Qualified Health Maintenance Organization

FQRFormal Qualification Review

FRField Representative

F. Supp.Federal Supplement (West Law Reporter)

FSCFederal Supply Code (logistics)

FSNFamily Sequence Number

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FSRField Service Representative

FSSFederal Supply Schedule

FTCAFederal Tort Claims Act

FTEFull Time Equivalent

FTPFile Transfer Protocol

FTTAFederal Technology Transfer Act

FYFiscal Year

G&AGeneral & Administrative

GAAPGenerally Accepted Accounting Practices

GAASGenerally Accepted Auditing Standards

GAGASGenerally Accepted Government Auditing Standards

GAOGeneral Accounting Office

GBLGovernment Bill of Lading

GDPGross Domestic Product

GEMPCGovernment’s Estimate of Most Probable Cost

GFEGovernment Furnished Equipment

GFFGovernment Furnished Facilities

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GFMGovernment Furnished Material

GFPGovernment Furnished Property

GFPTSGovernment Furnished Property Tracking System

GFSGovernment Furnished Software

GHAAGroup Health Association of America (see AAHP)

GHIGroup Health Insurance

GMCSGovernment Managed Care Services

GMEGraduate Medical Education

GOCOGovernment Owned, Contractor Operated

GOGOGovernment Owned, Government Operated

GOTSGovernment Off-The-Shelf

GPGovernment Property (formerly called GFE)

GPMRCGlobal Patient Movement Requirements Center

GPOGovernment Printing Office

GPWWGroup Practice Without Walls

GSA1. General Services Administration

2. Group Service Agreement

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GSARGeneral Services Administration Regulation

GSBCAGeneral Services Board of Contract Appeals

GSUGeographically Separated Unit

GTCGateway to Care

GTCCGovernment Total Contract Cost

GTEGovernment Technical Advisor

GTRGovernment Technical Representative


HA/OAHealth fairs/Office Automation

HAHealth Affairs

HB&PHealth Budget & Programs

HBAHealth Benefits Advisor

HbsAgHepatitis B Serum Antigen Screening

HCA1. Healthcare Administrator

2. Healthcare Administration

3. Head of Contracting Agency

4. Hospital Corporation of America

HCAESHealthcare Advice & Education System

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HCFHealthcare Finder

HCFAHealth Care Financing Administration

HCILHealthcare Information Line

HCISHealthcare Institutional Services

HCPHealthcare Provider

HCPCSHCFA Common Procedural Coding System

HCPPHealthcare Prepayment Plan

HCPRHealthcare Provider Record

HEARHealth Evaluation & Assessment of Risk

HEATHealth Enhancement Advisory Team

HEDISHealth Plan Employer Data & Information Set

HFOHealth Facilities Office

HFPAHealth Facilities Planning Agency

HHAHome Health Agency

HHSHealth & Human Services (Department of)

HIHospital Insurance

HIAAHealth Insurance Association of America

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HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (of 1997)

HIPCHealth Insurance Purchasing Cooperative

HIRSHealth Information Resources Service

HISHospital Information System

HIVHuman Immune Deficiency Virus

HMHSHumana Military Health System

HMOHealth Maintenance Organization

HMSHealth Management System

HMSIHealth Management Strategies International(criteria/standards)

HPAHospital-Physician Alliance


HQAFHeadquarters, Air Force

HQAFOMSHeadquarters, Air Force Office of Medical Systems

HQDAHeadquarters, Department of the Army

HQMAC/SGHeadquarters. Military Airlift Command, Surgeon General

HR1. Human Resources

2. House of Representatives

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H.R.House Reporter

HRDHuman Resources Division

HRAHealth Risk Appraisal

HRSAHealth Resources & Services Administration

HASHealth Services Agreement

HSCHealth Services Command

HSFHealth Services Financing

HSOHealthcare Support Office

HSRHealth Service Region

HUDHousing & Urban Development

HVCHepatitis Virus C

IBNRIncurred But Not Reported (costs)

ICD-9-CMInternational Classification of Diseases, 9th Edition, ClinicalModification

ICFIntermediate Care Facility

ICNInternal Control Number

ICUIntensive Care Unit

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IDCIndependent Duty Corpsman

IDFNIntegrated Delivery & Financing Network

IDFSIntegrated Delivery & Financing System

IDIQIndefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity

IDMTIndependent Duty Medical Technician

IDNIntegrated Delivery Network

IDSIntegrated Delivery System

IDTCIndefinite Delivery Type Contract

IFBInvitation for Bids

IFSIntegrated Financial System

IGInspector General

IGCEIndependent Government Cost Estimate

IHOIntegrated Healthcare Organization

HISIndian Health Service

IISIntegrated Information System

IM/ITInformation Management/Information Technology

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IMInformation Management

IMA1. Individual Mobilization Augmentee

2. Inpatient Market Area

IMEIndependent Medical Evaluation

IMDInformation Management Division

INASInpatient Non-Availability Statement



INPT / INPTN / IPInpatient


IP1. Information Processing

2. Internet Protocol

3. Implementation Procedures

IPA1. Independent Physician Association

2. Independent Practice Association

3. Independent Provider Association

4. Individual Practice Association Model HMO


Invasive Procedure Monitoring for Retrospective Validation

IPOEIn-Patient Order Entry

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IPRIn-Process Review

IQIndefinite-Quantity (type of contract)

IR&DIndependent Research & Development

IRRIndividual Ready Reserve

ISInformation System

ISAIndividual Set Aside

ISDInformation Services Division


Intensity of Service, Severity of Illness, Discharge Screeningfor Acute Care (Adult & Pediatric)


Intensity of Service, Severity of Illness, Discharge Screensfor Rehabilitation


Intensity of Service, Severity of Illness, Discharge Screensfor Sub-Acute Care

ISNIntegrated Service Network


Intensity of Service, Severity of Illness, Discharge Screensfor Home Care (includes Pediatric)


Indication for Surgery & Procedures

ISSAAInformation System Selection & Acquisition Agency

ISSDInformation Support Services Division

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ISSOInformation System Security Officer


Indications for Imaging Studies & X-rays

ITInformation Technology


IVDIntravenous Drip

IVFIntravenous Fluid

IVHIntravenous Hyperalimentation

IVP1. Intravenous Push

2. Intravenous Piggyback

J&AJustification & Approval (Document for Other than Full & OpenCompetition)

JAGJudge Advocate General’s Corps Officer

JBPOJoint Blood Program Office

JCAHOJoint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations

JCSJoint Chiefs of Staff

JFTRJoint Federal Travel Regulations

JITJust in Time

JMROJoint Medical Regulating Office

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JOJob Order

JOCJob Order Contracting

JOPJoint Operating Procedures

JOPESJoint Operation Planning & Execution System

JOPSJoint Operation Planning System

JOTFOCJustification for Other Than Full & Open Competition

JTRJoint Travel Regulation

JVJoint Venture


KMCKeesler Medical Center (Air Force)

KOContracting Officer (Navy; also see CO)


LA1. Lead Agent

2. Legislative Affairs

LABLaboratory Subsystem of CHCS

LANLocal Area Network

LANTAREAAtlantic Area (USCG) (Medical Office for East of theMississippi River)

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LARMCLandstuhl Army Medical Center

LBCADepartment of Labor Board of Contract Appeals

LCCLife Cycle Costing

LCMLife Cycle Management

LCPLicensed Clinical Psychologist

LCSWLicensed Clinical Social Worker

LIFOLast In, First Out (inventory method)

LINLine Item Number

LLCLimited Liability Company or Corporation

LNLocal National

LOA1. Letter of Authorization

2. Letter of Offer & Acceptance

LOELevel Of Effort

LOI1. Letter of Instructions

2. Letter of Intent


LOS1. Length of Stay

2. Level of Security

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LPNLicensed Practical Nurse

LSALabor Service Areas

LTCLong Term Care

LWOP1. Lease With Option to Purchase

2. Leave Without Pay

M&RMilliman & Robertson

MAMarket Area

MAC1. Maximum Allowable Charge

2. Military Airlift Command (name changed to Air MobilityCommand)

MAC/SG Military Airlift Command/Surgeon General (name changed to AirMobility Command/Surgeon General (AMC/SG))

MACIMillon Adolescent Clinical Inventory

MACOM1. Major Command (Army)

2. Major Commands

MADHSManagement Area Directory Health Services

MAJCOMMajor Command (Air Force)

MAMCMadigan Army Medical Center

MAPIMillon Adolescent Personality Inventory

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MASMultiple Award Schedule

MASFMobile Aeromedical Staging Facility

MASS/FASSMedical Analysis Support System/Financial Analysis SupportSystem

MASSMedical Analysis Support System

MASTMilitary Aid to Safety & Traffic

MATOMultiple Award Task Order

MAW Military Airlift Wing (currently called Airlift Wing (AW))

MBOManagement By Objective

MCASManaged Care Analysis System

MCEMedical Care Evaluation

MCFASManaged Care Forecasting & Analysis System

MCHMaternal Child Health

MCHPMaternal & Child Health Programs

MCMI-IIMillon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-II (Adult)

MCOManaged Care Organization

MCP1. Managed Care Program

2. Military Construction Project

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MCQAManaged Care Query Application

MCRModified Community Rating

MCSManaged Care Support

MCSCManaged Care Support Contract

MDMedical Doctor

MDCMajor Diagnostic Category

MDWMilitary District of Washington

MEManaged Efficiency

MECAMedicare Expanded Choice Act

MEDUnit Dose Medication

MED302Medical Workload Reporting System

MEDBLDMedical Blood Management

MEDCOMU. S. Army Medical Command

MedigapMedicare Supplement Insurance

MEDLOG1. Medical Logistics Medical Logistics System (Air Force)

MEDOAMedical Office Automation

MEDPARMedical Patient Accounting & Reporting System

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MEDREGREPMedical Regulating Report

MEDSILSMedical Services Information Logistics System

MEDSOMMedical Supply, Optical, & Maintenance

MEDSTOCMedical Stock Control System

MEDSUPMedical Supply

MedsuppMedicare Supplement Policy

Med-SurgMedical & Surgical

MEIMedicare Economic Index

MEMOMedical Equipment Management Office

MEPRMedical Expense & Performance Report

MEPRS/EASIIIMedical Expense Performance Reporting System/ExpenseAssignment System III

MEPRSMedical Expense & Performance Reporting System

METMultiple Employee Trust

MEWAMultiple Employer Welfare Association

MFRMemorandum for Record

MGMAMedical Group Management Association

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MGMCMalcolm Grow Medical Center (Air Force)

MHCManaged Healthcare

MHCFMental Healthcare Finder

MHCMISMilitary Healthcare Management Information System

MHCSMilitary Healthcare System

MHS1. Message Handling System

2. Military Health System

MHSAMental Health Substance Abuse Program

MHSAMilitary Health Services Area

MHSSMilitary Health Services System

MICUMedical Intensive Care Unit


MILCONMilitary Construction

MILDOCMilitary Document

MILPERMilitary Personnel

MILSCAPMilitary Standard Contract Administration Procedures

MILSPEC(s)Military Specification(s)

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MIL-STDMilitary Standard

MIMCMedical Information Management Committee

MIPManaged Indemnity Plan

MIS1. Management Information System

2. Management Information Summary

MISPOManagement Information Systems Program Office

MLPMid-Level Practitioner/Provider

MLRMedical Loss Ratio

MMHPManaged Mental Health Program

MMMSMedical Materiel Management System

MMPI-AMinnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (Adolescent)

MMPIMinnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (Adult)

MMSOMilitary Medical Support Office

MOAMemorandum of Agreement


MOE1. Maintenance of Effort

2. Measure of Effectiveness

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MOUMemorandum of Understanding

MPCMost Probable Cost

MPMMedical Planning Model

MPRCMedicare Payment Review Commission

MRIMagnetic Resonance Imaging

MRMMedical Readiness Model

MROMedical Regulating Office

MS DOSMicrosoft Disk Operating System

MS WORDMicrosoft Word

MSA1. Medical Services Accounting

2. Medical Savings Account

MSC1. Military Sealift Command

2. Medical Service Corps (Army/Navy)

3. Member Service Center

MSGMulti-Specialty Group

MSOManagement Service Organization

MSPMail Service Pharmacy

MTDMonth To Date

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MTF1. Medical Treatment Facility

2. Military Treatment Facility

MYCMulti-Year Contract

NAHCNational Association for Home Care

NADDNon-Active Duty Dependent

NAFNonappropriated Funds

NAHMORNational Association of HMO Regulators

NAICNational Association of Insurance Commissioners

NARDACNavy Regional Data Automation Center

NARMCNorth Atlantic Regional Medical Command

NAS1. Naval Air Station

2. Non-Availability Statement

NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization

NAVEURNaval Command Europe

NAVHOSPNaval Hospital

NAVMEDCOMINSTNaval Medical Command Instruction

NAWDNotice of Award

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NBCA or NDBCANavy Department Board of Contract Appeals

NC1. Northeast Conference

2. Nurse Corps (Air Force/Navy)Nonrecurring Costs

N/C No Change

NCA1. National Command Authority

2. National Capital Area

NCMANational Contract Management Association

NCQANational Committee on Quality Assurance

NDCNational Drug Code

NDMSNational Disaster Medical System

NEISNavy Executive Information System

NFPNot-For-Profit (Hospital or Health System, etc.)

NGBNational Guard Bureau

NHNaval Hospital

NHINational Health Insurance

NHONational Hospice Organization

NHPNational Health Plan

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NICUNeonatal Intensive Care Unit

NIHNational Institutes of Health

NIMHNational Institute of Mental Health

NLMNational Library of Medicine

NLRBNational Labor Relations Board

NMCNaval Medical Clinic

NMCLNaval Medical Clinic

NMIMCNaval Medical Information Management Center

NMISNutrition Management Information System

NMLCNavy Medical Logistics Command

NMOPNational Mail Order Pharmacy

NMPSNavy Medical Procurement System

NNICUNeo-Natal Intensive Care Unit

NNMCNational Naval Medical Center (Bethesda, MD)

NOAANational Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration (one ofthe 7 uniformed services)

NOCNotice of Cancellation

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NONPARNon-Participating Providers

NORNotice of Revision

NOSNot Otherwise Specified

NP Nurse Practitioner

NPBNon-Prime Beneficiaries

NPDBNational Practitioner Data Bank

NPPNon-Physician Provider

NQMCNational Quality Monitoring Contractor


NSNNational Stock Number

NTENot to Exceed

NTPNotice to Proceed

O & MOperation & Maintenance

OA1. Office Automation

2. Open Access

OASD (HA)Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for HealthAffairs

OASDOffice of the Assistant Secretary of Defense

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OB/GYNObstetrics & Gynecology

OBDOccupied Bed Days

OBRAOmnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

OCHAMPUSOffice of Civilian Health & Medical Program of the UniformedServices (TMA)

OCONUSOutside the Continental United States

OCSABOffice of Contract Settlement Appeals Board

ODCOther Direct Costs

ODSOrganized Delivery System

OFOptional Form

OFCCPOffice of Federal Contract Compliance Programs

OFPPOffice of Federal Procurement Policy

OGEOffice of Government Ethics

OHIOther Health Insurance

OIGOffice of the Inspector General

OJTOn the Job Training

OLOperating Location

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OLA1. Office of the Lead Agent

2. Office of Legislative Affairs (Navy)

OLUMOnline Users Manual

OMAOperations & Maintenance, Army

OMBOffice of Management & Budget

OMCOffice of Managed Care

ONASOutpatient Non-Availability Statement

OOAOut-Of-Area (care)

OOPOut-Of-Pocket (costs/expenses)

OP/OUTPT/OUTPTN1. Outpatient

2. Option Period

OPDSOperation Desert Shield/Storm

OPHSAOffice of Prevention & Health Services Assessment

OPLOther Party Liability

OPMOffice of Personnel Management

OPROffice of Primary Responsibility

OROperating Room

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OSOperating System

OSDOffice of the Secretary of Defense

OSD (HA)Office of the Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs)

OSEOpen Systems Environment

OSHAOccupational Safety & Health Administration

OTOccupational Therapy

OTCOver the Counter

OTROutpatient Treatment Record

OTSOff the Shelf

OTSGOffice of the Surgeon General

OWAOther Weird Arrangement

PAPhysician Assistant

P&T (committee)Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee

PSTPacific Standard Time

PA1. Physician Assistant

2. Privacy Act

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PAC1. Patient Airlift Center

2. Pre-Admission Certification

3. Patient Advisory Council

PACAFPacific Air Forces

PACAREAPacific Area (USCG) (Medical Office for West of theMississippi River)

PACOPrincipal Administrative Contracting Officer

PACOMPacific Command

PADPatient Administration Division Subsystem of CHCS

PanographPanoral Radiographs

PAOPublic Affairs Office

PapPapanicolaou Test

PAR1. Participating Provider

2. Patient Accounting & Reporting

PAS1. Patient Appointment & Scheduling Subsystem of CHCS

2. Patient Appointment System

PASSProcurement Automated Source System

PATProcess Action Team

PATCATPatient Category

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PBPrime Beneficiary

PBDProgram Budget Decision

PBMPharmacy Benefit Management

PBMBPharmacy Benefit Management Board

PBXPrivate Branch Exchange

PCCMPrimary Care Case Manager

PCCOPhysician-Sponsored Coordinated Care Organization

PCMPrimary Care Manager

PCMPPrenatal Care Management Program

PCNPrimary Care Network

PCOProcurement/Procuring Contracting Officer

PCP1. Primary Care Provider

2. Primary Care Physician

3. Primary Care Practitioner

PCPMPer Contract Per Month

PCRPhysician Contingency Reserve

PCSPermanent Change of Station

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PDLPreferred Drug List

PDMProgram Decision Memorandum

PEPhysical Exam

PEBPhysical Examination Board

PECPre-Existing Condition

PERSCOMPersonnel Command

PERTProgram Evaluation Review Technique

PFPWDProgram for Persons with Disabilities

PFTHProgram for the Handicapped

PGBAPalmetto Governments Benefits Administrators

PGPPrepaid Group Practice

PHCOPhysician-Hospital-Community Organization

PHNPreferred Health Network

PHOPhysician-Hospital Organization

PHP1. Partial Hospital Programs

2. Prepaid Health Plan

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PHRPharmacy System of CHCS

PHSPublic Health Service

PIC1. Personality Inventory for Children

2. Performance Improvement Committee

3. Personal Identification Card

PIMSProvider Information Management System

PINProvider Identification Number

PIP1. Personal Injury Protection

2. Periodic Interim Payment

PL/P.L.1. Public Law

2. Price List

PLIPersonal Liability Insurance

PMCPhysician Management Corporation

PMGPrimary Medical Group

PMOProgram Management Office

PMPPerformance Measurement Program

PMPMPer Member Per Month

PMPYPer Member Per Year

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PNMPrice Negotiation Memorandum

POPurchase Order

POAPower of Attorney

POA&MPlan of Action & Milestones

POCPoint of Contact

PODPool of Doctors

POL1. Petroleum & Other Lubricants

2. Patient Order List (formerly Patient Care Plan)

POMProgram Objectives Memorandum

POMCUSPrepositioned (Prepositioning of) Material Configured to UnitSets

POSPoint of Service

POTGRPoint of Total Government Responsibility

PPA1. Preferred Provider Arrangement

2. Patient Protection Act

3. Prompt Payment Act

PPGPPrepaid Group Practice

PPIPPut Prevention into Practice

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PPLPricing & Product List

PPM1. Physician Practice Management

2. Principle Period of Maintenance

PPNPreferred Provider Network

PPOPreferred Provider Organization

PPRCPhysician Payment Review Commission

PPSProspective Payment System

PRIMUSPrimary Care for the Uniformed Services

PRNAs needed or as necessary

PROProfessional or Peer Review Organization

PSAProfessional Services Arrangement

PSNProvider Sponsored Network

PSOProvider-Sponsored Organization

PSROProfessional Standards Review Organization

PTPhysical Therapy

PTMPYPer Thousand Members Per Year

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Pub.Cont.L.J.Public Contract Law Journal

PV1. Prime Vendor

2. Present Value

PWDPPersons With Disabilities Program

PWSPerformance Work Statement

QAQuality Assurance

QAEQuality Assurance Evaluator

QARIQuality Assurance Reform Initiative

QASPQuality Assurance Surveillance Plan

QBLQualified Bidders List

QCQuality Control

QIQuality Improvement

QICQuality Improvement Committee

QIPQuality Improvement Program

QM1. Quality Management

2. Quality Monitoring

QMB1. Quality Management Board

2. Qualified Medicare Beneficiary

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QMLQualified Manufacturer’s List

QMPQuality Management Program

QOLQuality of Life

QPLQualified Products List

QRQuality Review

R&CReasonable & Customary

R&DResearch & Development

RADRadiology Subsystem of CHCS

RAPSResource Analysis & Planning System

RASSRegional Automated Surveillance System

RBACRegional Beneficiary Advisory Council

RBERisk-Bearing Entity

RBRVSResource Based Relative Value Scale

RCRequirements Contract

RCMIRelative Case Mix Index

RDDRequired Delivery Date

RDDBReportable Disease Data Base

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REARequest for Equitable Adjustment

REATRegional Enrollment Advisory Team

RECRegional Executive Council

RFCRequest for Comments

RFPRequest for Proposals

RFQRequest for Quotation

RFTRequest for Technology

RFTPRequest for Technical Proposals

RFWRequest for Waiver

RGBRegional Governing Board

RHSPRegional Health Services Plan

RM1. Risk Management

2. Resource Management

RMATRegional Marketing Advisory Team

RMCRegional Medical Command

RMOResource Management Office

RNRegistered Nurse

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ROAResearch Opportunity Announcement

RODReport of Discrepancy

RONRemain Over Night

ROPRe-Order Point

ROPOReport of Performance Observation

RRATRegional Readiness Advisory Team

RSResource Sharing

RSPTResource Support

RTCResidential Treatment Center

RUM/QMACRegional Utilization Management/Quality Management AdvisoryCouncil

RVSRelative Value Scales

RVURelative Value Unit

RWPRelative Weighted Product

Rx1. Prescription

2. Outpatient Medication

SASecretary of the Army

SADRStandard Ambulatory Data Record

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SAFSecretary of the Air Force

SAICScience Applications International Corporation

SAPSimplified Acquisition Procedure

SASCSenate Armed Services Committee

SBASmall Business Administration

S-CallSick Call

SCAService Contract Act

SCPSpecialty Care Physician

SCRStandard Class Rate

S.Ct.Supreme Court

SD (or SECDEF)Secretary of Defense

S&DSuspension & Debarment

SDSSame Day Surgery

SECSecurities & Exchange Commission

SECAFSecretary of the Air Force

SECDEFSecretary of Defense

SECDOTSecretary of Transportation

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SECNAVSecretary of the Navy

SENStatement of Essential Need

SETSource Evaluation Team

SFStandard Form

SFPStraight-Fixed Price (type of contract)

SGSurgeon General

SHMOSocial Health Maintenance Organization

SICUSurgical Intensive Care Unit

SIDRStandard Inpatient Data Record


Surgical Indications Monitoring for Retrospective Validation

SIRScreening Information Request

SITStandard Insurance Table

SMService Member

SMESubject Matter Expert

SMGSpecialty Medical Group

SMHSSierra Military Health Services

SMISupplemental Medical Insurance

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SNFSkilled Nursing Facility

SOAPSubjective-Objective-Assessment-Plan (charting method)

SOFAStatus of Forces Agreement

SOOStatement Of Objectives

SOPStandard Operating Procedure

SOUTHCOMSouthern Command

SOW/SoWStatement of Work

SPCCStrategic Planning & Coordinated Care

SPINStandard Prescriber Identification Number

SPSNNSponsors Social Security Number

S.R./S. Rpt.Senate Report

SS Sole Source

SSA1. Source Selection Authority

2. Social Security Administration

SSACSource Selection Advisory Council

SSEBSource Selection Evaluation Board

SSN (or SSAN)Social Security Number

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SSPSource Selection Plan

STDSexually Transmitted Disease

STSSpecialty Treatment Services

STSFSpecialty Treatment Services Facility

SUDRFSubstance Use Disorder Rehabilitation Facility


SWOTStrength-Weakness-Opportunities-Threats (analysis)

SWOStop-Work Order

SWSSocial Work Services

TATechnical Assistance

T&MTime & Materials (contract)

T4C or T for CTermination for Convenience

T4D or T for DTermination for Default

TADTemporary Additional Duty (USN& USCG)

TAGTRICARE Administrative Guide

TAMCTripler Army Medical Center (Army)

TAMMISTheater Army Medical Management Information System

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TANTreatment Authorization Number

TAPATotal Army Personnel Agency

TATTurn-Around Time

TBASCOTRICARE Basic & Advanced Student Course

TBDTo Be Determined


TCOTermination Contracting Officer

TDTechnical Data

TDATable of Distributions & Allowances

TDYTemporary Duty

TEBTRICARE Executive Board

TEC/TMATRICARE Executive Council/TRICARE Management Activity

TEFRATax Equity & Fiscal Responsibility Act (OF 1982)

TEL-CONTelephone Consult

TETTechnical Evaluation Team

TFMEPTRICARE Financial Management Education Program

THBCTRICARE Health Benefits Course

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TINTaxpayer Identification Number

TINATruth in Negotiations Act

Title XVIIIMedicare; of the Social Security Act

Title XIXMedicaid; of the Social Security Act

TMATRICARE Management Activity

TOETable of Organization & Equipment

TPAThird Party Administrator

TPCThird Party Collection

TPLThird Party Liability

TPMRCTheater Patient Movement Requirement Center

TPOCSThird Party Collection System

TPPThird Party Payers


TQMTotal Quality Management

TRICARETri-Service Healthcare

TSC1. TRICARE Service Center

2. Technical Service Center

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TSCOTriservice Contracting Officer

TSOTRICARE Support Office


U&CUsual & Customary

UB-92Uniform Billing Code of 1992

UCAUniform Chart of Accounts

UCAPERSUniform Chart of Accounts Personnel System

UCC1. Urgent Care Center

2. Uniform Commercial Code

UCRUsual, Customary, Reasonable

UICUnit Identification Code

UMUtilization Management


URUtilization Review

URACUtilization Review Accreditation Commission

UROUtilization Review Organization


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USAUnited States Army

USAFUnited States Air Force

USAFEUnited States Air Force European Command

USAMMAUnited States Army Medical Materiel Management Activity

USAREURUnited Stated Army Europe

USC/U.S.C.United States Code

USCCUnited States Claims Court

USCENTCOMUnited States Central Command

USCGUnited States Coast Guard

USCINCEURUnited States Commander-in-Chief European Command

USFHPUniformed Services Family Health Program (former USTF)

USMCUnited States Marine Corps

USNUnited States Navy

USNAVHOSPUnited States Naval Hospital

USNSUnited States Naval Ship

USPACOMUnited States Pacific Command

USPHSUnited States Public Health Service

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USPSUnited States Postal Service

USSUnited States Ship

USTFUniformed Services Treatment Facilities

USUHSUniformed Services University for Health Sciences

VADepartment of Veteran’s Affairs

VAARVeterans Administration Acquisition Regulation

VACABVeterans Administration Contract Appeals Board

VAMCVeteran’s Affairs Medical Center

VECPValue Engineering Change Proposal

VHCAVeterans Healthcare Act

VISNVeteran’s Integrated Service Network

VNAVisiting Nurse Association

VTFVolume Trade-off Factors

WAMWorkload Assignment Module

WANWide Area Networks

WBSWork Breakdown Schedule

WCWorkers’ Compensation

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WEDIWorkgroup for Electronic Data Interchange

WHMCWilford Hall Medical Center (Air Force)

WHOWorld Health Organization

WICWomen, Infants & Children’s Program

WJONWorkload Job Order Number

WMSNWorkload Management System for Nurses

WORSWorldwide Outpatient Reporting System

WRAMCWalter Reed Army Medical Center (Army)

WWRWorldwide Workload Report

WWWWorld Wide Web


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Appendix B


Abstract -- An admission summary, written by the provider andcompleted at the time of discharge from the hospital

Accepting CHAMPUS Assignment -- Arrangement or agreement in whicha civilian provider agrees to accept the maximum CHAMPUSallowable charge, which includes the beneficiary’s cost-share,as full payment for services rendered

Access -- Generally used to describe the ability of a patient toobtain medical care; commonly refers to the ease of obtainingservices and usually encompasses availability and location ofservices, hours of operation, cost, and waiting time

Accountable Health Plan (AHP) -- A healthcare delivery systemwhich integrates the delivery of care for a defined, enrolledpopulation with the financing and management of care;providers can either own, contract with, or work directly forthe health plan; also called integrated service network (ISN)

Accounting Equation -- A mathematical equation in which assetsequal the sum of liabilities and equity

Accreditation -- A judgment rendered by a recognized authority,such as a professional association, that a healthcareorganization and/or provider(s) meets nationally acceptedstandards of care and practice in the delivery of healthcareservices

Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Healthcare (AAAHC) --The accreditation authority for the healthcare servicesrendered in an ambulatory setting; serves a variety of functions including the establishment of professionalstandards of practice and performance measures, evaluateshealthcare quality, organizational governance, and educationprograms, and assesses environmental conditions and thephysical plant of healthcare facilities; formerly known as theambulatory review function of the Joint Commission

Accrete -- The addition of new members to a health plan; HealthCare Financing Administration (HCFA) terminology

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Accrual -- A method of determining/ monitoring medical costsincurred by plan members over a designated period so thatmoney can be set aside to pay the claims occurring in thatperiod

Accrual Basis of Accounting -- A normal accounting practice inwhich both revenue and expenses are accounted for in theperiod in which they occur regardless of whether money isexchanged in that period or not

Accumulating Costs1 -- The process of collecting cost data in anorganized manner

Accumulation Period -- The annual period in which a health planmember must pay 100% of claim costs until reaching the amountof the annual deductible

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) -- A viral diseasewhich affect’s the body’s immune system decreasing a person’sability to fight illness and infection; health plans managepatients with AIDS as either a patient with a chroniccondition or as a carve out

Acquisition2 -- “Acquiring, by contract with appropriated funds,of supplies or services by and for the use of the federalgovernment through purchase or lease, whether the supplies orservices are already in existence or must be created,developed, demonstrated, and evaluated”; process begins at thepoint when an agency’s needs are determined includingdescription of requirements, solicitation and selection ofsources, award of contracts, contract financing, contractperformance monitoring, contract administration, and any othermanagement functions required to fulfill the agency’s needs

Actively-At-Work -- Most health coverage stems from a person’semployment status and this contract term delineates that anemployee must be working the day the health policy becomeseffective, otherwise, coverage will be deferred until theemployee returns to work

Activities of Daily Living (ADL) -- A medical term describingnormal self-care functions associated with independent livingincluding eating, bathing, dressing, and access totransportation; ADLs are evaluated to determine a patient’sneed for home health services or assisted living arrangements

Actual Charge -- The actual amount billed to an insurance companyor payer for healthcare services rendered by a physician orother healthcare provider

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Actual Cost3 -- An amount based on the actual cost incurred, asopposed to a forecasted cost; the actual bill amount submittedby the physician for services rendered

Actuarial Assumptions -- The assumptions utilized in calculatingthe anticipated costs and revenues of a healthcare plan andincludes factors such as the cost of services, age and sex ofmembers, and utilization rates

Actuary -- A person educated as an accredited insurancemathematician who is employed within the healthcare/insuranceindustry and calculates premium rates and reserves anddividends associated with the care of a defined population

Acuity -- A unit of measure to determine how sick a patientreally is; used to determine the amount of healthcare serviceseach patient will require, primarily the number of nursesneeded

Acute Care -- A level of healthcare service which deals withimmediate, short-term healthcare needs averaging less than 30days; the goal of acute care facilities is to offer readyaccess to services for intensive, short-term healthcare needs;found in hospitals, ambulatory surgical units and clinics

Additional Benefits to Medicare Risk -- Valued additionalbenefits of managed care programs for the Medicare eligiblepopulation by Risk Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs);includes but is not limited to physical exams, outpatientmedications, education, and dental care

Additional Drug Benefit List -- A small number of medications,usually falling into the long-term or chronic use category,which are approved for use by a health plan; the list iscreated to establish which medications are the most effectiveat the most reasonable cost; also called drug maintenance list

Adjudication4 -- A review of bills/claims to determine payment

Adjusted Average Per Capita Cost (AAPCC) -- The method used todetermine the premium rate paid by the government to HealthMaintenance Organizations (HMOs) for Medicare beneficiaries ina defined geographic region based on historical data using feefor service costs

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Adjusted Community Rating (ACR) -- A method to determine and setinsurance rates based on the expected use of services during adefined period, usually a contract year; estimated paymentrates that health plans would receive for providing healthcareservices for their Medicare population and that are adjustedfor utilization rates

Adjustment to Payment -- When the actual number of membersexceeds the projected, adjustments are made to account for thedifferences; used for calculating advance payments

Administrative Change5 -- A written, unilateral contract changein which the substantive rights of the parties are notaffected

Administrative Contracting Officer6 (ACO) -- A contractingofficer responsible for the administration of one or morespecific contracts; also, a contracting officer whospecializes in contract administrative functions/duties

Administrative Costs -- The costs of healthcare in excess of theactuarial costs for health services to be rendered over theperiod of coverage; assumed by the managed care plan; (e.g.,billing, marketing, overhead, etc.)

Administrative Services Only Contract (ASO) -- An insurancecompany contracts with a self-funded plan in exchange for afee and completing the administrative functions of thecontract but does not incur any financial risk

Admission Certification -- Activities and procedures conducted toensure patient’s healthcare needs require admission/hospitalization, as determined by use of standardizedcriteria; similar to admission review, concurrent review

Admission Review -- Administrative process of evaluating whethera patient’s admission met criteria for appropriateness andmedical necessity

Admissions -- The total number of patients ‘admitted’ to ahospital, and staying overnight during a defined period; mayor may not require an actual 24-hour stay

Admissions Per Thousand (APT) -- The total number of hospitaladmissions per one thousand health plan members; to calculate,multiply, ‘the number of admissions divided by member months’by, ‘1000 members’ and, multiplied by ‘the number of months inthe time-frame being evaluated’

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Admits -- The number of inpatient admissions (any type offacility)

Admitting Privilege -- Authorization and approval for aprovider/physician to admit patients to an inpatient facility;approving authority usually rests with the hospital board orexecutive committee of the medical staff

Advance Agreement7 -- An agreement in writing, that can benegotiated before or during a contract but which must be doneprior to the contractor incurring any cost; the agreementspecifies how the cost will be treated for the purpose ofdetermining allowability

Advance Payment8 -- Money paid in advance by the government forservices, prior to, but for the purpose of and in anticipationof performance under a contract

Advanced Directive -- A document by which a competent individualprovides for the making of medical decisions during periods ofhis/her incompetency; generally a living will or a durablepower-of-attorney

Adverse Privileging Action -- A formal disciplinary actionrecommended by the medical staff and credentialing committeeof a healthcare facility which limits, suspends, or revokes aprovider’s clinical privileges; results from misconduct,impairment, or clinical incompetence; actions may be reportedto the provider’s state board licensing office and theNational Practitioner Database (NPDB)

Adverse Selection -- The enrollment of sicker persons with higherhealthcare utilization rates to a managed healthcare plan inunusually high numbers for a given population resulting inhigher than average costs

Advice Nurse -- A registered nurse usually accessibletelephonically to members of a health plan; provideshealthcare advice and/or guidance on self-care and self-treatment; assists in determining the urgency for care and theappropriate level of healthcare services needed

Advocate (patient) -- A patient liaison who works within ahealthcare setting and assists with patient concerns

Affirmative Action Program -- A requirement of the Department ofLabor (DOL) to assure equal opportunity in employment;government contractors must comply with this program

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Aftercare -- Healthcare services rendered followinghospitalization or a rehabilitative stay; the goal is toindividualize the care to restore the patient’s health to thepoint that healthcare services are no longer needed

Age at Issuance Rating -- A method for determining healthcareinsurance premiums based on the age of the member when he/shefirst purchased healthcare insurance

Age Limits -- Specific age maximum and minimums as stated in ahealth plan contract

Age/Sex Rate -- A method to develop health insurance premiumbilling rates for groups and ages; rates reflect thedemographics of the group as opposed to a single person orfamily rate; called table rates

Agency Supplements -- Regulations issued by government agenciesto supplement the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)

Aggregate Indemnity9 -- The maximum amount that can be collectedfor any disability under an insurance policy

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) -- Established in1935 as part of the Social Security Act, the program providescash payments to children and those who care for them;evidence of need is determined from employment status ordisability or death of a parent/guardian; payments amounts aregoverned by state law

Alignment of Incentives10 -- An economic arrangement betweenphysicians and hospitals which creates an incentive forphysicians to accept capitation

Alliances11 -- Relationships entered into mainly for strategicpurposes

Allied Health Professional (AHP) -- A non-physician, specialty-trained healthcare professional whose services are in supportof physician care but cost less; includes physician assistants(PA), certified nurse midwives (CNM), paramedics, and socialworkers; also called mid-level provider (MLP)

Allocate12 -- To assign an item of cost to one or more costobjectives

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Allowable Charge -- The rate established by Civilian Health andMedical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) asreasonable; the rate on which CHAMPUS determines thebeneficiary’s cost-share for services covered, with CHAMPUSpaying 80% of the allowable charge; also known as CHAMPUSMaximum Allowable Charge (CMAC); see Allowed Charge

Allowable Cost13 -- A cost which is reasonable or agreed uponbetween contractual parties; direct and indirect costs whichare reasonable and necessary for the delivery of healthcareservices

Allowance for Contractual Deductions14 -- An accounting method todetermine the difference between the actual hospital chargesfor services in a given period and the influence of negotiateddiscounts by third party payers for the same services

Allowed Amount -- Maximum price per procedure; also known asmaximum allowable

Allowed Charge -- The dollar amount Medicare and the CivilianHealth and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS)authorize and will pay a physician for a service or procedure;for participating physicians, Medicare and CHAMPUS usually pay80% and the beneficiary pays the remaining 20%; non-participating physicians can bill beneficiaries the remainingamount above the allowed charge (balanced billing); figureused to calculate cost-shares; see Allowable Charge

All-Payer System -- A system designed to contain healthcare costsby establishing set rates for health services regardless ofthe payer; prevents cost shifting

Alternative Delivery System (ADS) -- A nontraditional healthinsurance program that both finances and provides care to itsmembers; any healthcare outside of the traditional fee-for-service structure including Independent Provider Associations(IPAs), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), and HealthMaintenance Organizations (HMOs)

Ambulatory Care -- Healthcare delivered on an outpatient basis;locations include doctor’s offices, clinics, and ambulatorysurgical centers as long as the admission/stay is less than 24hours; in contrast to services provided in the home or topersons admitted to the hospital

Ambulatory Care Group (ACG) -- See Ambulatory Patient Group (APG)

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Ambulatory Care Review -- Utilization management (UM) tool toretrospectively review healthcare services delivered to ensurethe appropriate use of services

Ambulatory Diagnostic Group (ADG) -- See Ambulatory Patient Group(APG)

Ambulatory Patient Group (APG) -- A patient category developed bythe Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA); APGs areclassification systems used for reimbursement forambulatory/outpatient procedures; similar to diagnosis relatedgroups (DRGs) for inpatient care; reimbursement is a fixedprice and eliminates the unbundling of ancillary servicesassociated with the episode of care; also called AmbulatoryCare Group (ACG) or Ambulatory Diagnostic Group (ADG)

Ambulatory Procedure Unit (APU) -- A designation in the CompositeHealth Care System (CHCS) for a hospital location in whichhealthcare services are centrally managed and coordinated,providing assistance and observation for patients in need ofless than 24 hours of care; must use an “S” in the locationtype field to identify the hospital location as an APU

Ambulatory Procedure Visit (APV) -- A procedure or surgicalintervention requiring less than 24 hours in the hospital; APVpatients are considered outpatients

Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) -- Surgical care, usually of alow risk or uncomplicated nature, completed without admissionto a hospital; facilities may be hospital based or free-standing and independently owned; also known as same daysurgery (SDS) centers

Amendment -- A formal document changing the terms and conditionsof a contract; a formal change to a solicitation

American Academy of Medical Administrators (AAMA) -- Professionalassociation of healthcare administrators and managers

American Association of Health Plans (AAHP) -- Association ofmanaged care organizations; trade organization

American Association of Preferred Providers Organizations (AAPPO)-- Association of PPOs; trade organization

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) -- Nationalassociation representing the interests of the retiredpopulation; strong lobby on Medicare and managed care matters

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American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) -- Aprofessional association for healthcare administrators andmanagers

American Group Practice Association (AGPA) -- An associationestablished in 1989 to study outcomes management; goal is tofacilitate informed healthcare decisions by patients andproviders; formed by merger of Group Health Association ofAmerica (GHAA) and American Managed Care and ReviewAssociation (AMCRA) in 1996

American Hospital Association (AHA) -- National association forhospitals; trade organization

American Medical Association (AMA) -- Professional association ofphysicians

American Medical Group Association (AMGA) -- Trade organizationcomprised of more than 300 group practices; goal is to easethe antitrust laws to allow Independent Provider Associations(IPAs) and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) to competewith managed care plans

American Osteopathic Association (AOA) -- A professionalassociation of osteopathic physicians; the organization offersaccreditation inspections similar to that of the JointCommission

Ancillary -- Supplemental healthcare services needed in supportof medical and other healthcare; e.g., anesthesia, laboratory,and radiology

Anniversary Date -- The beginning date of the benefit year forgroup insurance

Annual Adjustment15 -- A contractual provision which provides anopportunity to review the conditions of the contract annuallyto evaluate its terms for appropriateness in relation toextending the contract under the existing terms; also known aseconomic price adjustment which is the re-determination of thecontract price

Annual Funding16 -- A Congressional practice of limitingauthorizations and appropriations to one fiscal year at a time

Anthem Alliance Health Insurance Company -- The TRICAREcontractor selected to administer TRICARE benefits to eligiblebeneficiaries in the Mid-Atlantic and Heartland regions

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commencing 1 May 1998

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Antikickback Statute17 -- A law that forbids kickbacks of anykind for the referral of Medicaid or Medicare patients andprovides criminal sanctions for violations; see Stark I andStark II

Anti-Managed Care Legislation -- The term given to legislationwhich is considered to be against the interest of the managedcare industry; e.g., Any Willing Provider (AWP) laws and theMothers and Infants Care Act of 1997

Antitrust Laws -- Legislation associated with corporate ownershipand controlling interests, which prevent monopolies,restraints on trade, and price fixing; see Clayton Act and theSherman Act

Any Willing Provider Laws (AWP) -- Require managed care plans tosign any provider who is willing to accept the offeredcontract terms and payment; the goal is the protection of apatient’s freedom of choice

Any-Quantity Rates -- Rates which set per item purchased andwhich do not vary based on the quantity of the item ordered

Appeals and Hearings18 -- Managed care plans must clearlydelineate their processes for the management andadministration of appeals including when these procedures willbe applied in place of member grievance procedures; arequirement for Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)seeking status as a federally qualified HMO

Application -- A signed document of facts filed by a prospectivehealth plan member seeking insurance and subsequently utilizedby an insurer to determine whether to issue a policy

Appointment -- A reserved time for a specific patient to see aspecific healthcare provider; patients are said to haveappointments and healthcare providers have schedules

Appointment Booking -- The actual process of searching for,selecting, and reserving an appointment time for a specifiedpatient

Appointment Referral -- A request for specialized healthcareservices generated by a primary care provider/manager(PCP/PCM)

Appropriate Care -- Healthcare services delivered in which thebenefit of the actual care provided outweighs the negativeoutcomes in sufficient measure to justify the treatment/care

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Appropriateness Review -- The review of individual healthcarecases for clinical appropriateness and medical necessity forboth surgical and diagnostic procedures; review is againstpre-established standards and criteria; no one universal setof criteria exists

Approval -- Acceptance or agreement; usually refers to treatmentsor procedures certified as necessary following a utilizationreview; approval is granted by a Managed Care Organization(MCO), Primary Care Provider (PCP), or Third PartyAdministrator (TPA) depending on the situation

Approved Charge -- Limits on expenses set by Medicare for ageographic area for a covered benefit; charges approved forpayment by private insurers

Approved Healthcare Facility -- A facility approved to provideservices under a given health plan; a facility that islicensed, and authorized to provide healthcare services understate law (may require accreditation)

Arbitration -- When a contractual dispute is referred to amutually agreed upon neutral, third party for resolution; maybe binding or advisory

Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals19 (ASBCA) -- Theexecutive branch entity that is responsible to decide appealsstemming from a contracting officer’s decisions related tocontracts for acquisition (of supplies and services but notthose concerning data processing) by Department of Defense(DoD)

Asset-Based Lending -- Making a loan using receivables andinventory as assets for collateral for the loan

Assignment of Benefits -- When a health plan pays the physiciandirectly as opposed to through the member; requirescontractual arrangements between the member, the provider, andthe health plan

Assumption of Financial Risk -- The financial risk assumed by amanaged care organization on behalf of its members

Assumption of Risk -- The acceptance of risk associated with acourse of treatment by a patient following counseling advisingthe patient of the known hazards; as a result, the patient isunable to recover damages unless there is evidence of othermalpractice

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Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) -- A method of data transmissionby breaking the information down into uniform pieces andtransmitting it asynchronously and reassembling it on theother end; allows for rapid transmission and allows differentplatforms to communicate with each other

Attending Physician -- A physician responsible for medical caredelivered in the hospital; physicians employed by the hospitalare not attending physicians

Attrition Rate -- Percent of members who disenroll or leave ahealth plan; usually calculated per month

Audit -- The review and evaluation of an organization’s books andbusiness records to determine the integrity of its financialstatements; usually completed by a certified publicaccountant; in contracting it is performed by the DefenseContract Audit Agency (DCAA)

Authorization (for care) -- Approval requirement by either thehealth plan or a primary care provider for procedures,specialty referrals, or admissions in order for the healthplan to cover the cost of the care; the determination that therequested care is medical necessary, delivered in theappropriate setting (level of care) and is a covered benefit;utilization management tool

Authorized Provider -- An authorized physician or facilityapproved by a health plan to deliver healthcare, services, orsupplies; if a patient uses a non-authorized provider, theplan may refuse to pay; applies to the Civilian Health andMedical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) andMedicare programs; in the military health system (MHS),provider must agree to accept CHAMPUS Maximum Allowable Rate(CMAC) or CMAC+15%

Authorized User -- Authority to perform special functions andwithin CHCS through access to all required security keys

Automated Quality of Care Evaluation Support Systems (AQCESS) --An automated inpatient system which generates reportsincluding occupied bed days and discharges by services

Availability -- See Access

Average Cost per Claim -- A monetary amount which consists of thecharge for clinical care and the administrative charge forservices; usually calculated for admissions, outpatientepisodes of care, and physician services

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Average Daily Census (ADC) -- The average number of inpatientsper day over a given period; to calculate, divide the numberof patient days per period by the number of calendar days ofthe same period

Average Daily Patient Load (ADPL) -- The average number ofinpatients hospitalized during a given period, includespatients out on pass and those admitted and discharged on thesame day

Average Length of Stay (ALOS) -- The average number of days eachpatient remains in the hospital per admission in a given timeperiod, with variation based on diagnosis, age, and sex; tocalculate, divide the total number of bed days by the numberof discharges for the established period

Average Wholesale Price20 (AWP) -- The standard charge for apharmacy item; a discount from the retail rate; the averagecost of a non-discounted pharmaceutical charged to a pharmacyprovider by a large group of pharmaceutical wholesaleproviders

Backwards Integration21 -- A strategic decision of a healthcareorganization to grow or expand its presence in a market,moving along the channel of distribution towards itssuppliers; a strategy of merging or purchasing otherorganizations which precede its designated set of services

Balance Billing -- The practice of billing a patient directly forall costs which are above or beyond what an insurance plan andco-payment will cover; can include charges above the usual andcustomary rate or charges for medically unnecessary services;under Medicare and the Civilian Health and Medical Program ofthe Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), providers cannot charge morethan 15% above the approved charge (CHAMPUS Maximum AllowableCharge (CMAC)); the patient is responsible for his/her costshare plus the 15%; balanced billing is not allowed by federallaw for TRICARE Network providers

Balanced Budget Act of 1997 -- Intended to balance the federalbudget and included amendments to existing legislationproviding for Medicare + Choice, specifics governing MedicalSavings Accounts, and the Medicare Subvention demonstrationproject conducted by the Department of Defense (DoD); includesprovisions governing Medicare, Medicaid, and children’s healthinitiatives

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Base Capitation -- The specific dollar amount per member permonth required to cover basic healthcare costs; usually doesnot include administrative overhead, pharmacy services orcarve-outs

Base Realignment And Closure (BRAC) -- A program for closing orrealigning military installations as directed by Congress

Basic Agreement22 (BA) -- A written statement of understanding,negotiated between an agency and a contractor, containingcontract clauses applying to future contracts between theparties and contemplating separate future contracts that willincorporate by reference or attachment the required andapplicable clauses agreed upon in the basic agreement; a basicagreement is not a contract

Basic Healthcare Services -- Healthcare services any health planmember would reasonably require to maintain good health; inmost circumstances this would include ambulatory care(medical), hospitalization services, emergency care, homehealth and preventive services as delineated in the FederalHMO Regulations

Batch Order Processing -- Inputting a group of orders into theComposite Health Care System (CHCS) but not activating themuntil all orders are entered into the system; allows fororders to be amended and canceled before the system transmitsthem to ancillary services

Batch Post -- The ability to enter the same data into numerousrecords simultaneously

Bed Days -- A unit of measure quantifying the number of days apatient remains in the hospital excluding the day ofdischarge; calculated/reported as “hospital days per 1000members/year”; also called patient days, days per thousand orhospital days

Benchmark -- A unit of measure depicting the industry’s finestfor a specific measure

Benchmarking -- A comparison of healthcare practices against theindustry standard or best practice; a method to improve thequality of a service by continuously comparing oneorganization against the most efficient comparableorganizations across the nation; the process of creating acomparative standard as a measurement tool within an industry

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Beneficiary (Military Health System Beneficiary) -- Any person(s)covered by a health plan and entitled by contract to managedhealthcare services; any person entitled to care in theMilitary Health System (MHS) (TRICARE benefits)

Beneficiary Liability -- The dollar amount, not covered by thehealth plan, that the beneficiary is required to pay; includesco-payments, deductibles and balanced billing fees

Beneficiary Services Representative (BSR) -- Members of thehealthcare team, employed in a TRICARE Service Center (TSC),who are responsible for assisting beneficiaries with PrimaryCare Manager (PCM) selection, benefit interpretation, accessissues, and appointment scheduling

Beneficiary Type -- Same as ”patient category”

Benefit(s) -- Specific areas of coverage by a health plan anddelineated in a contract, examples include hospitalizationand/or outpatient visits

Best and Final Offer (BAFO) -- A contractor’s final offer or bidon a contract (procurement); a final offer submitted incontractual negotiations issued at the request of thecontracting officer following the conclusion of discussions;an obsolete term, see Final Proposal Revision (FPR)

Best Practices/Best Practice Protocols -- Protocols or plans ofcare that are currently accepted to be the best method toprevent, diagnose or treat a medical condition; practicesincorporating expected outcomes within specific times frames;incorporating continuous quality improvement (CQI) principlesand providing a mechanism for variance analysis; utilized togenerate benchmarks; also called medical protocols, practiceguidelines, critical pathways (CP) and clinical pathways

Best Value Source Selection -- In the selection of a contractor,offerors are ranked using both technical merit of theirproposal, cost, and, past performance; selection or award maynot be to the lowest price offer if awarding the contract toanother provides the government with added benefits or withbenefit(s) commensurate with the additional price

Bid and Proposal (B&P) Costs -- The total costs associated with,or as a result, of the preparation and submission of a bid orproposal

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Bid Guarantee23 -- A form of security assuring that the bidderwill not withdraw a bid within the period specified foracceptance and will execute a written contract and furnishrequired bonds within the time specified in the bid

Bid Price Adjustment24 (BPA) -- A systematic, regularly scheduledprocess to measure the managed care support contract costs andpayment over each option period relative to the initial bidprice of the contract, actual healthcare costs, and key riskfactors; the bid price is comprised of four components:administrative profit, administrative costs, healthcare profitand healthcare costs, with the first three fixed by thecontractors best and final offer leaving the actual healthcarecosts bid price adjustable; economic price adjustments in thecontractor’s proposed price compensate for fluctuations inworkload or other economic factors

Billed Claims/Billed Charges -- Charges submitted by a providerfor healthcare services provided to a health plan coveredmember; Fee For Service (FFS); considered the most expensivereimbursement arrangement

Billing Lag -- The time lag between an incurred cost and thesubmission of a claim

Blended Capitation25 -- A method of reimbursement which mixesfee-for-service with adjusted average per capita costcapitated reimbursement; encouraged with Medicare + Choicedemonstration; see Adjusted Average Per Capita Cost (AAPCC)

Blue Cross-Blue Shield Plan (BC/BS) -- A subsidiary of theNational Blue Cross-Blue Shield (BC/BS) Association; localhealth insurer; called the ‘Blues’, refers to any or all typesof Blue Cross or Blue Shield plans

Board Certified -- A physician who has successfully completedoral and written examinations within his/her area of specialtyand is thereby certified to provide care within the specialty

Board Eligible -- A physician who, because he/she has completedmedical school, residency and specialty training, and has aspecific amount of practical experience, is therefore eligibleto take the certification exam within the specialty

Break-Even Point -- The total number of covered lives requiredfor a health plan to balance costs and revenue; operating atneither a profit nor a loss where the total costs equals totalrevenue

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Budget Neutral -- Under current Medicare laws and regulations,adjustment of payment rates to ensure total expendituresremain the same

Buffing26 -- The transfer of a known high-cost patient from onephysician to another within a managed care environment toavoid loss of profits

Bundling (Bundled Payment/Billing) -- Practice of charging a lumpsum for all medical services related to a specific healthcareprocedure or service

Cafeteria Plan -- A plan which allows its members to select theirown benefit structure; refers to companies offering employeesa choice between two or more benefits or plans

Calendar Year (CY) -- The year commencing 1 January and ending 31December; used to establish payment of deductibles for ManagedCare Organization (MCO) enrollees

Capital -- The amount of owner’s equity in a business

Capitation (Capitated Payment/Claim/Capitation Financing/Cap -- Acontractually agreed upon fee paid periodically to a provideror health plan to provide healthcare services for eachenrolled member or covered life; the fee is paid per person,not for each service utilized; usually paid Per Member PerMonth (PMPM); is the preferred reimbursement method associatedwith managed care; Department of Defense (DoD) method ofallocating healthcare resources based on population (personneland Operating and Maintenance (O&M) funds)

Capitation Rate -- Fee negotiated to cover each member (PerMember Per Month (PMPM)); Managed Care Organization orprovider assumes risk that the PMPM rate will cover the actualcost of all services for all members in the plan

Cardinal Change -- A change so major that it is outside the scopeof the contract and should result in a new procurement

Care Coordinator -- A member of the healthcare team, usually thePrimary Care Manager (PCM) or a physician extender e.g.,Physician Assistant (PA) or Nurse Practitioner (NP), who isresponsible for oversight and management of a patient’s careto ensure appropriate and timely healthcare; care coordinationuses utilization management strategies for cost containment;gatekeeper

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Care Plans -- A documented set of outcome expectations writtenfor each patient; usually associated with clinical protocolsand practice guidelines

Career-Limiting Move27 (CLM) -- “A boneheaded mistake by amanager”

Carrier Replacement (CR) -- A situation where one carrierreplaces at least one other carrier on a specific group,allowing for the consolidation of group experience ratings(risk)

Carve out -- High cost or specialty medical services not includedin a basic healthcare plan or in a capitated (Per Member PerMonth (PMPM)) environment; these services not included in thebasic health plan are contracted, financed, and managedseparately; also called clinical exclusions; e.g., mentalhealth and substance abuse services

Case Management -- A utilization management technique for thecoordination and oversight of patient care ensuring quality,appropriateness, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness; designedto optimize patient outcomes in the most cost-effectivemanner; provides continuity for patients requiring high costor complicated, resource intensive healthcare; also calledcatastrophic case management and/or medical case management

Case Manager -- A medical professional who oversees and managesthe healthcare needs of patients requiring high-cost orresource intensive care; this management promotes andfacilitates the timely movement of patients to the mostappropriate level of care, often initiating early dischargewith home healthcare or alternative care services resulting inreduced costs

Case Mix28 -- The mix of patients a facility, provider, orhospital treats; encompasses severity of illness, utilizationof services and diagnosis; influences the average length ofstay, cost and scope of services a facility provides

Case Mix Index -- A comparative measure of the relativecostliness to provide care for patients in an inpatientsetting

Case Rate -- A set amount charged and paid for the care of apatient, based on his/her diagnosis and includes all servicesrequired; also called Flat-Fee, Bundled Rate

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Cash Flow Budget -- A forecast per period of incoming andoutgoing cash

Catastrophic Cap -- A ceiling or “cap” on the amount anindividual or family has to pay out-of-pocket for healthcareservices covered by the Civilian Health and Medical Program ofthe Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) in a given year

Catastrophic Insurance -- An insurance plan which providescoverage against the high cost of treating a severe or lengthyillness which is not covered by any other insurance plan;insurance which covers a loss exceeding a predetermined dollaramount

Catchment Area29 -- A geographic region in which a health planhas patients; the Civilian Health and Medical Program of theUniformed Services (CHAMPUS) delineates catchment areas usingzip codes; the 40-mile area surrounding a military treatmentfacility (MTF) in which the MTF has financial responsibilityfor eligible patients residing there-in

Census -- The total number of patients in a hospital or on aninpatient ward at a given point in time; daily census

Center of Excellence (COE) -- Healthcare institutions thatprovide a specialized product line that is a cost-effective,high quality, specialized clinical program; developed todistinguish particular institutions from others, by providinga major procedure in the most efficient and cost-effectivemethod, promoting admissions (volume) within the specialty anddeveloping economies of scale

Centralized Appointing -- A system of patient appointing wherethe actual appointing function for a large clinical area isdone at a single site remote from the patient care area; theappointing may be conducted for a single clinical site orfacility or for multiple agencies that may be separated bysome distance; a current business practice which streamlinesand consolidates functions to one location while reducingcosts associated with the management of numerous appointingoffices or cells

Certificate of Authority (COA) -- State issued authority grantinga Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) a license to operatewithin the state

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Certificate of Coverage (COC) -- A basic document which serves asevidence of coverage, delineating healthcare benefits andcoverage terms under a plan; provided to enrolled members by ahealth plan as required by state law

Certificate of Need (CON) -- A certificate, required by somestates, granting approval for a healthcare facilities/organizations to add healthcare services or construct ormodify their existing facilities; a cost-containment method bystate health planning agencies to prevent the duplication ofservices

Certification -- The determination, based on documentation (e.g.,a review of credentials) and other information that a personmeets the proficiency standards of a professionalorganization/ association

Certification for Care30 -- The determination that a provider’srequest for care is consistent with existing standards,policies and criteria; not synonymous with authorization forcare

Change Order31 -- A unilateral change to a contract; a writtenorder that is signed by the contracting officer directing thecontractor to make a change; the Changes Clause authorizes thecontracting officer to make and issue change orders withoutthe contractor’s consent

Charges -- A price list for services that is required byhospitals participating in Medicare; Medicare mandates thesame charges be applied to all patients regardless of theirability to pay or their source of payment

Cherry Picking -- A process used by insurers to select and enrollthe healthiest patients in an attempt to keep costs low;favorable selection; current portability laws and guaranteedrenewal programs are governmental attempts to prevent/limitthis practice

Chief Executive Officer32 (CEO) -- An agent of the governingboard who holds formal responsibility for the entireorganization; usually appointed by the board

Churning -- An unethical business practice where physicians seepatients more often than is medically necessary or where theygenerate unnecessary specialty referrals to increase revenue;experienced in the fee-for-service environment

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Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services(CHAMPUS) -- A cost sharing health program developed by thefederal government to provide health coverage for the familiesof active duty military personnel, retired military membersand their families, and other designated persons; the programhelps beneficiaries pay for civilian healthcare when militaryhealthcare is not available

Civilian Health And Medical Program of the Uniformed Services(CHAMPUS)-Allowable -- The amount CHAMPUS has determined to bea fair price for a specific service and that includes all costshares

Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services(CHAMPUS) Maximum Allowable Charge (CMAC) -- The maximumreimbursement CHAMPUS will pay to a civilian healthcareprovider for services provided to military family members;rates are set per Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codeand Diagnosis Related Group (DRG)

Civilian Health And Medical Program of the Uniformed Services(CHAMPUS) Medical Information System (CMIS) -- An informationsystem developed to provide timely, accessible aggregateCHAMPUS-data; provides access to data through ad hoc reports

Civilian Health And Medical Program of the Uniformed Services(CHAMPUS) Supplemental Insurance -- A health plan designed toaugment the benefits of the CHAMPUS program for eligiblebeneficiaries

Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Veteran’sAdministration (CHAMPVA) -- A medical care program for thebeneficiaries of disabled living or deceased service memberswho meet pre-established eligibility requirements of theDepartment of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA); benefits are the sameas those for beneficiaries of retirees under CHAMPUS

Claim -- A bill; a request for payment for services rendered;submission can be in writing or electronically; can originatefrom a contractor or a healthcare provider; under the FederalTort Claims Act (FTCA) must state a sum certain but can beamended

Claims Inventory -- Those claims received by third partyadministrators but not yet adjudicated

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Claims Review -- A retrospective review process which evaluatesthe medical necessity and clinical appropriateness of carerendered prior to reimbursement; evaluates cost forreasonableness

Clayton Act of 1914 -- Legislation which prevents the creation ofmonopolies; a supplement to the Sherman Act of 1890; goalsinclude safeguarding against price discrimination, assetmergers, and joint ventures which might limit marketcompetition; 15 U.S.C. 13-19

Clinical Exclusions -- See Carve Out

Clinic Without Walls (CWW) -- See Group practice Without Walls(GPWW)

Clinical Nurse Practitioner -- An advance practice nurse withspecialty training who assumes primary responsibility forpatient care including, diagnosis, clinical management, andtreatment, and who is able to independently bill for thirdparty reimbursement in most states; see Nurse Practitioner(NP)

Clinical Pathways (CP) -- A healthcare management tool utilizedto enhance clinical decision-making in the inpatient andoutpatient environments; a measure of utilization; care planswith defined outcomes in defined time periods individuallytailored to each military treatment facility (MTF) based onthe services available at the facility; see Best Practices

Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) -- Service and/or specialtyspecific guidelines without the delineated time framesassociated with Critical Pathways (CP); those focused onpatients with disease processes that will take an expected orpredictable course; see Best Practices

Clinical Privileging33 -- A process of granting a licensedprovider authority to deliver defined and specificallydelineated healthcare services within a health plan orhealthcare facility; limitation on the provider’s scope ofpractice depending upon his/her licensure, education,training, peer and supervisor recommendations, anddemonstrated current competence

Clinical Record -- The hard copy inpatient record containing allthe notes and documents detailing the care and treatmentrendered

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Closed Access -- A Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) whichrestricts members’ choices, requiring them to select a primarycare provider from within the plan’s participating providers;a HMO which does not provide benefits for out of network care,thus, requiring patients to receive treatment by providerswithin the plan except in emergencies; gatekeeper model

Closed Panel -- A physician who is not accepting new patients onhis/her panel; physicians who contract with or who areemployed exclusively by a managed care plan; physicians agreenot to see patients from any other health plan; examplesinclude staff and group model Health Maintenance Organizations(HMOs)

Coding -- A method of defining services provided by a physician;see Current Procedural Terminology-4 (CPT-4)

Coinsurance -- A cost-sharing system; the healthcare costs acovered member is responsible to pay out of pocket which isusually 20% or a fixed percentage of the total claim; aprovision delineated in a health plan contract limiting theamount of coverage by the health plan with the most commonarrangement reflecting the plan paying 80% of the costs ofhealth services

Collection Period -- The average number of days it takes tocollect accounts receivable

Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) -- Products, produced by and soldto the general public, that are also purchased and used bygovernment agencies

Common Business Oriented Language (COBOL) -- A computer languageutilized in business

Community Hospital -- A non-federally owned hospital thatprovides general healthcare, including specialty services

Community Rating -- Method of calculating capitation or premiumrates; required by Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)for federally qualified Health Maintenance Organizations(HMOs); all members must be charged the same fee for coveragebased on the average healthcare costs of the community; intentof this rating is to spread the cost of care evenly to allmembers and not charge the sick more for coverage than thehealthy plan members

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Community Rating by Class (CRC) -- For federally qualified HealthMaintenance Organizations (HMOs), the CRC is an adjustment ofthe community’s rating using demographic factors such as age,sex, family size, and marital status; the resulting premiumreflects the experience of all members in a given class in acommunity or particular geographic area, and not just theexperience of any one employer-group

Comorbid Condition34 -- Existing on admission; a preexistinghealth condition that coupled with the primary diagnosis, isknown to, and can be, expected to lengthen a hospitalizationby at least one day

Compensation35 -- Wages, salaries, honoraria, commissions,professional fees, and any other form of compensation,provided directly or indirectly for services rendered

Competitive Medical Plan (CMP) -- A federal designation allowinga health plan to obtain a Medicare risk contract withouthaving to qualify as a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO);eligibility requirements are somewhat less restrictive thanfor HMOs but include service provisions and payment andfinancial solvency requirements

Competitive Range -- The group of offerors determined to have thehighest likelihood of success in contract acquisitionfollowing proposal review and evaluation; that groupidentified and able to participate in discussions if held

Composite Healthcare System (CHCS) -- An automated and integratedcomprehensive tri-service medical information system designedfor and utilized by the Department of Defense (DoD);integrates demographic and clinical data, containing modulesto support the delivery of healthcare services includingpatient administration, laboratory, pharmacy, radiology,nutrition care, nursing, outpatient and inpatient careservices

Computer-Based Medical Record -- An automated patient recordwhich replaces the traditional paper version of the healthrecord; may allow the collection and use of aggregate datafrom multiple sources and treatment environments; seeElectronic Medical Record (EMR)

Concern36 -- Any business entity organized for profit; includesbut is not limited to individual, partnership, cooperative,corporation, joint venture, or association

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Concurrent Review -- Utilization management technique; ascreening assessment of inpatient hospitalizations conductedto evaluate a patient’s continued need for treatment and care,ensuring appropriate utilization of services and medicalnecessity; conducted by professional healthcare personnelother than the person responsible for the patient’s care, witha goal of reducing the length of inpatient stay through earlydetection of those ready and able to move to a more cost-efficient level of care; appropriate for all levels of careincluding ambulatory services; see Discharge Planning (DP)

Consent37 -- In healthcare/health law, it is the affirmatione.g., permission to do a thing, of a person who has (1)decision making capacity, (2) acts voluntarily, and, (3) makeshis/her decision based on adequate and legally sufficientinformation

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985 --Federal law which requires employers to offer terminatedemployees and their families the opportunity to buycontinuation coverage for up to 18 months under the group’splan; requires all hospitals who participate in Medicare andhave an emergency room to treat all emergency cases and allwomen in labor regardless of their ability to pay

Constructive Change -- An oral or written act or omission by thecontracting officer which can have the same effect as awritten change order

Consult -- See Referral

Contingent Fee -- Any commission or fee that is contingent uponthe successful acquisition of a government contract

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) -- Management processeswhich systematically evaluate the delivery of care to providefor incremental improvements resulting in improved quality ofservices rendered

Continuum of Care -- A spectrum of healthcare services rangingfrom, preventive measures to tertiary care, which provides thepatient an appropriate level of care and services based onhis/her specific needs; basis for integrated healthcaresystems which provide the appropriate level of care requiredwithout maintaining the patient in a more costly environmentthan necessary

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Contract38 -- A legally binding/enforceable agreement between twoparties; a promise, or set of promises, that performance ofwhich the law regards as a duty and for the breach of which itprovides a remedy; a mutually binding legal relationshipobliging the seller to furnish the supplies or services andthe buyer to pay for them; includes competitively and non-competitively awarded contracts

Contract Administration Office39 -- An office that performsassigned post-award functions related to the administration ofa contract and assigns pre-award functions

Contracting40 -- The purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwiseobtaining of supplies or services from nonfederal sourcesunder a legally binding agreement for the breach of which thelaw provides a remedy; does not include grants or cooperativeagreements

Contracting Action41 -- Action resulting in a contract,including contract modifications for additional supplies orservices, but not including contract modifications that arewithin the scope and under the terms of the contract

Contracting Office42 -- An office that awards or executes acontract for supplies or services and performs post-awardfunctions not assigned to a contract administration office

Contract Modification43 -- Any written changes or revisions tothe terms of a contract

Contractor -- Any person, organization or entity that enters intoa legally binding/enforceable agreement with another party

Contract Year (CY) -- 12-month period in which a contract is ineffect, may not coincide with a calendar year

Contracting Officer44 (CO or KO) -- A person with prescribedauthority to enter into, administer, and/or terminatecontracts and make related determinations and findings

Contracting Officer’s Representative45 (COR) -- A person whoserves as a technical liaison between the contracting officerand the contractor

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Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative46 (COTR) -- Aperson with specialized technical knowledge or expertiserelevant to a specific procurement who assists the contractingofficer with the evaluation of contract matters and serves asa liaison between the Contracting Officer (CO) and thecontractor concerning technical issues

Contributory Plan/Program -- An insurance plan where the employeepays for part of the insurance premium and the employer paysfor the remainder

Cooperative Care -- A cost-sharing program under the CivilianHealth and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS)used when a beneficiary seeks care from a civilian provider orhealthcare facility

Coordinated Care -- Another, but older, term for managed care

Coordination of Benefits (COB) -- Provisions regulating healthplan payments; prevents double payment on a healthcare claimwhen the beneficiary has coverage from more than one plan, bydetermining who has primary responsibility to pay and who issecondary payer—-TRICARE, e.g., is second payer whenbeneficiary has Other Health Insurance (OHI); found in the“nonduplication” clause in a policy

Copayments -- The amount of a claim (medical services or pharmacybenefit) that the covered member must pay for out-of-pocket isusually a flat-fee in a managed care organization and paiddirectly to the provider at the time the care is delivered;nominal fee to prevent cost from serving as a barrier to carebut to serve to discourage inappropriate utilization of healthservices; rate does not vary with the cost of services; seeCoinsurance, Copay, Cost Sharing

Cost Containment -- Techniques used to control or reducehealthcare costs; methods include elimination ofinefficiencies or a reduction in the consumption of services

Cost Contract47 -- A type of cost reimbursement contract in whichthe contractor receives no fee; may be appropriate forresearch and development work, especially with nonprofiteducational institutions or other not-for-profit organizationsand facilities contracts

Cost Evaluation Team48 -- Contract specialists and analysts whoevaluate proposals for cost reasonableness and realism

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Cost-Plus-Award-Fee Contracts49 -- A cost reimbursement contractthat provides for a fee consisting of a base amount fixed fromthe beginning of the contract and a potential award amountbased on a judgmental evaluation by the government that shouldbe sufficient to provide motivation for excellence inperformance (contractor can earn part or all of the award)

Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee Contract50 -- A cost reimbursement contractthat provides for the payment of a fixed fee to the contractorthat fee being negotiated at the beginning of the contract;the fee does not vary but may be adjusted depending uponchanges in the work to be performed under the contract

Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee Contracts51 -- A cost reimbursementcontract that provides for the initially negotiated fee to beadjusted later; this contract type specifies a target cost,target fee, minimum and maximum fees, and a fee adjustmentformula

Cost Reimbursement Contract52 -- Provides for payment ofallowable incurred costs to the extent prescribed in thecontract; this type of contract establishes an estimate oftotal cost so that funds can be obligated and establishes aceiling that the contractor may not exceed without contractingofficer approval

Cost Sharing -- A method of reimbursement for healthcare coveragein which the member must pay a portion of the claim/bill as astrategy to decrease utilization; cost share is paid by themember in addition to payment of any annual deductible; ingovernment contracting, viz. a viz. healthcare, cost sharingrefers to the contractor bearing some of the burden ofreasonable, allocable, and allowable contract costs

Cost Sharing Contract53 -- A cost reimbursement contract wherethe contractor is reimbursed only for an agreed upon portionof its allowable costs, otherwise, the contractor receives nofee

Cost Shifting -- A practice of increasing premiums to one groupto offset the losses from a different group; charging onegroup more to compensate for the loss resulting from under-payment by another group

Coverage -- See Covered Services

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Covered Benefit -- A medically necessary service delineated asreimbursable within the limits of a health plan; coveredbenefits must be medically necessary but not all medicallynecessary procedures are covered benefits

Covered Life/Lives -- A person covered by a provider or medicalplan; the number of enrollees covered by a provider or medicalplan

Covered Services -- Healthcare services and supplies providedwithin a health plan; Civilian Health and Medical Program ofthe Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) covered services aredelineated in the Department of Defense (DoD) Regulation6010.8-R and DoD Regulation 6010.47 M

CPT-4/Current Procedural Terminology, 4th Edition -- 5 digitcodes associated with medical procedures and services; used tostandardize claims processing, billing, and to allow for dataanalysis; called coding

Credentialing -- A review process to determine if a providermeets standards of knowledge and clinical skill prior to thegranting of clinical privileges; conducted through the reviewand verification of documentation including licensure,specialty and postgraduate training, certification, andclinical practice history/experience (competence and judgment)

Critical Care -- Medical care provided to the critically illduring a medical crisis; care usually delivered in anintensive care unit

Critical Pathways -- A case management tool which maps processes,tasks, and resource consumption/ requirements needed to attaina predetermined clinical outcome within a predetermined timeframe while simultaneously using best practices and practiceguidelines; see Best Practices

Custodial Care -- Care not directed toward a cure or restorationof previous level of functioning, often required life-long;consists of medical and non-medical services meant to maintainhealth but does not include skilled nursing services;assistance is primarily directed toward the basic activitiesof daily living such as bathing, eating and dressing; is notusually covered by most managed care plans or the MHS

Customary Charge -- The standard or usual amount a physiciancharges patients for services

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Customers -- Persons who use services of an organization andprovide compensation following receipt of such services

Cycle Time -- The amount of time it takes for a process to becomplete; claims/billing process; from collection to resultsfor laboratory tests

Damages54 -- A court ordered financial award to compensate for aloss

Data Base Management System (DBMS) -- A system which separatesthe data file from other computer applications which maybeused to process the data; type of software that supports therapid retrieval and/or analysis of medical data; organizes,maintains, retrieves and catalogs information in a database

Data Collection Period (DCP) -- The year immediately precedingthe start of healthcare delivery under a managed care contractin which bid price adjustment data is collected and analyzedto determine the revised bid price of the contract

Date of Service -- The actual date on which healthcare serviceswere provided to the covered member

Day Outlier -- A person with an unusually long length of stay(inpatient) for a particular diagnosis related group (DRG)

Days (or Visits) per Thousand -- An annual measure ofutilization; the number of hospital days each year perthousand members covered; to calculate, multiply (# days/member months) by (100 members) by (# months); see Bed Days

Death Spiral55 -- An insurance industry term; a viscous spiral ofhigh premiums and adverse selection resulting in financiallosses for an insurer; when one plan, usually traditionalindemnity plan, in competition with a managed careorganization (MCO), ends up with a majority of members havingintensive healthcare needs resulting in high medical coststhat exceed premium revenue

Debarment56 -- To exclude a contractor from governmentcontracting or subcontracting for a specified period of time

Decision Support System -- Healthcare information systems andinformation technology which allow for more complex andrefined data analysis of, e.g., case mix, cost accounting,clinical protocols, and outcome studies

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Deductible -- The amount a covered member must pay each year outof pocket before any health insurance coverage including theCivilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services(CHAMPUS), applies

Defense Contractor57 -- Any person who enters into or establishesa contract with the federal government for the production ofgoods or services for the nation’s defense

Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) -- Aworldwide Department of Defense (DoD) computer-basedenrollment system used to verify eligibility for militarybeneficiaries for healthcare services and benefits in themilitary health system or under TRICARE

Defense Medical Information System Identification (DMIS ID) -- Anidentification code used within the Expense Assignment System(EAS) which defines which divisions, each with its own uniquecode, roll workload together for reporting purposes

Defense Medical Regulating Information System (DMRIS) -- An AirForce automated information system that tracks medicalpatients in the Aeromedical Evacuation system

Defense Subcontractor58 -- Any person who contracts to performany part of a defense contractor’s contract

Defensive Medicine -- Ordering unnecessary tests to document andsupport a clinical diagnosis in an attempt to avoid potentiallitigation; considered to be a major contributor to theincrease in healthcare costs

Deferred Compensation59 -- An award or compensation made by anemployer to an employee for the performance services renderedin one or more periods prior to receipt of compensation

Deficiency60 -- A mistake, error, or omission in a contractproposal rendering the proposal non-compliant; any non-compliance with terms and/or conditions of a contract

Definite Quantity Contract61 -- A contract that provides fordelivery of a definite quantity of specific supplies orservices for a fixed period, with deliveries to be scheduledat designated locations upon order

Delivery Order62 -- An order for supplies or services placedagainst an established contract or with government sources

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Demand Management/Referral Management -- Programs and effortsinstituted by a health plan to reduce the overall utilizationof services by its members; e.g., advice nurses, self-carebooks and classes, preventive services, and health riskappraisals

Denial (Certification)63 -- A determination, e.g., certification,by a second level reviewer, that the healthcare requested oralready provided is not medically necessary or reasonable, oris not the appropriate level of care; beneficiaries in theTRICARE system can appeal this decision to a third levelreview

Denial of Authorization64 -- A determination that healthcarerequested, or already provided, will not be reimbursed by theDepartment of Defense (DoD)

Denial and Reconsideration -- A denial by HCFA on an applicationfor qualification that is subsequently returned to theapplicant with shortcomings of the application identified andprocedures for reconsideration; the applicant may apply forreconsideration of its original application if the applicationis refiled within 60 days of the denial and the applicationaddresses all issues described in the denial

Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement(DFARS) -- A Department of Defense (DoD) supplement intendedto facilitate the implementation of the Federal AcquisitionRegulation (FAR)

Dependent -- An enrolled health plan member eligible by contractto receive healthcare based on the sponsor’s coverage

Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) -- A widely accepted inpatientclassification system used to categorize patient illnesses andtreatments; utilized to pay providers/facilities for theirservices by paying a flat rate regardless of the actual costof care; basis of the payment system utilized by Medicare andTRICARE; intended to lower healthcare costs for families andthe government

Direct Care (Direct Care System (DCS)) -- Healthcare servicesprovided in a military treatment facility (MTF); also calledin-house care

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Direct Contract Model65 -- A managed care organization thatcontracts directly with community physicians in privatepractice without using an intermediary; e.g., IndependentPhysician Association (IPA); common with open panel HealthMaintenance Organizations (HMOs)

Direct Contracting66 -- A relationship between payer and providerin which provider(s) contract directly with an employer toprovide healthcare services to enrolled members eliminatingany middlemen, e.g., third party insurance carriers, thuspotentially resulting in higher reimbursements for theprovider but in lower costs overall; however, the provider(s)is at full risk and this is usually reflected in the priceschedule; cost containment strategy

Direct Costs -- The costs of resources directly related to aservice or a specified final cost objective

Direct Payment Subscriber -- A health plan member who makespayments for coverage directly and individually to the planand not with a group

Dirty Claim -- A medical claim which contains errors that preventits complete/final processing

Disability67 -- The mental or physical impairment of an insuredperson limiting his/her ability to perform occupationalduties; can be temporary, long term, or permanent

Disallowance -- When a payer refuses to pay part or all of asubmitted claim

Discharge/Performance68 -- A contractual defense in which thedefendant states his/her obligation has been met throughcomplete and adequate performance

Discharge Planning -- Utilization management technique; amultidisciplinary process where a patient’s anticipatedmedical and support service post-hospitalization needs areidentified, coordinated, and planned while the patient ishospitalized; facilitates early discharge; required by theJoint Commission for accreditation and by Medicare forreimbursement

Discharge Summary -- A summary of a patient’s admission/hospitalization written by the physician at the time ofdischarge

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Discounted Fee-For-Service -- A reimbursement arrangement where aphysician agrees to a fee-for-service schedule but with apercentage discount from his/her usual and customary fees;method for a provider to increase workload volume or preventthe loss of patients from his/her panel

Discussion69 -- Any communication, whether oral or written, thattakes place between the government and offeror and involvesany information essential for determining the acceptability ofa proposal and/or provides the offeror an opportunity torevise a proposal

Discussions70 -- An individual dialogue with each offeror in thecompetitive range and the contracting officer where thedeficiencies and weaknesses of the offerors’ proposals areidentified and discussed; may occur telephonically, in person,or in writing

Disease Management -- A program that focuses on the intensivemanagement of a specific disease including diagnosis,management, and prevention; includes care that occurs eitheras an inpatient or as an outpatient

Disenrollment -- Termination of healthcare coverage, usuallyvoluntary

Dispense as Written (DAW) -- A written order by a physician to apharmacist to dispense a medication as written and not tosubstitute a generic product

Drug Formulary71 -- Drugs selected by a health plan for use intreating patients; drugs not listed are not used or orderedunless by exception and usually at some cost to the patient

Drug Use Evaluation (DUE) -- Pharmacy review program that issimilar to the drug utilization review, but with an evaluationthat is qualitative in nature

Drug Utilization Review (DUR) -- A review program conducted byhealth plans and hospitals to quantitatively evaluate drugutilization; program’s goal is cost containment (dispensingand usage patterns)

Dual Choice -- An option to employees (group) to selecthealthcare coverage from one of two or more prepaid healthplans; e.g., one Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) and oneindemnity plan

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Dual Eligible -- A person who is simultaneously eligible forMedicare and Medicaid benefits with Medicare (primary insurer)usually paying first for all inpatient stays and Medicareassuming payment for the co-pay portion of the claim

Dual Option -- Authorized by the Health Maintenance Organization(HMO) Act; a provision requiring employers (with >25employees) to provide their employees with a choice betweentwo or more types of healthcare coverage (HMO vs. Fee ForService (FFS)/traditional indemnity plans)

Duplicate Claims -- When one claim is submitted more than once,usually a result of slow reimbursement

Duplicate Coverage Inquiry (DCI) -- A method used by insuranceagencies to inquire about dual coverage of medical benefits ofa member; evaluation conducted to determine if there isoverlapping coverage on a plan member; eliminates unnecessarypayments; see Coordination of Benefits

Duplication of Benefits -- When a person is covered by two ormore health insurance plans with similar benefits

Durable Medical Equipment (DME) -- Rented or owned medicalequipment utilized in the home setting to facilitate out-patient care; equipment which is non-disposable and reusable

Durable Power of Attorney -- A type of advance medical directive;a creature of statute; a document that enables a competentadult to retain control over his/her own medical care duringperiods of incapacity through prior designation of anindividual to make health care decisions on his/her behalf

E Codes -- A type of International Classification of Diseases-9th

Edition (ICD-9) code used for (1) the coding of injury due toexternal causes, not disease, and (2) the coding for adversedrug or medication reactions

Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) --A program for those under the age of 21 that providesscreening and diagnostics for physical and mental deficits, aswell as healthcare to treat or prevent any chronic conditionsrelated to the deficit(s)

Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization(EBITDA) -- A method used to value a nonprofit hospital’searnings before these factors are considered; associated withmergers and acquisition deals

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Economic Credentialing -- The use of economic or financialcriteria to determine a physician’s qualifications formembership on the medical staff or for hospital privileges;criteria utilized are associated with quality of care orprofessional competency; a very controversial method ofcontrolling provider behavior and practice patterns

Economies of Scale -- Efficiencies and financial savings thatresult as production increases over time (mass production); adecrease in per unit cost as production increases

Economic Price Adjustment (EPA) -- See Annual Adjustment

Effective Date -- The date a contract becomes effective andenforceable; the date a health plan becomes at risk for amember’s care; see Eligibility Date

Electronic Claim -- The submission of a healthcare claim by aprovider to a payer using telecommunications; see ElectronicData Interchange (EDI)

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) -- The transmission ofinformation electronically using highly standardizedelectronic versions of common business documents; commonmethod used to process healthcare claims and referralauthorizations

Electronic Medical Record -- An automated, individual medicalrecord which is accessible by all providers associated with apatient’s care in a healthcare system; an online patientinformation system which archives health data, allowing forboth storage and retrieval

Eligibility -- The first day a beneficiary is eligible forhealthcare coverage according to his/her health plan contract;see Effective Date

Eligible Employee -- An employee who meets eligibilityrequirements delineated in a health plan contract

Eligible Expenses -- Charges covered by a health plan; usual,customary and reasonable charges; do not include copayments;see Covered Services

Eligible Hospital Services -- Medically necessary healthcareservices as ordered by a physician and provided during an overnight hospital stay

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Emergency -- Sudden and unexpected illness or injury requiringimmediate healthcare services to save life, limb, or eyesightand to prevent undue pain or suffering

Empanelment -- Assigning patients or enrolled members to aspecific primary healthcare provider, e.g., an individual or aprovider team/group or clinic, for management of routinehealthcare needs

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) -- Services offered toemployees to assist with resolution of personal and workplaceproblems which may include law, finance, substance use/abuse,and/or child care issues; assistance program(s) may offerbehavioral health programs

Employee Contribution -- Contractually, the portion of a healthplan premium that the employee is responsible to pay

Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) --Legislation intended to ensure that employee benefit plans,(e.g., pension plans), were established and maintained in afiscally sound manner; program had an unanticipated effect onhealthcare, pre-empting many state laws in favor of federal;laws do not pertain to insurance plans offered by governmentalor religious entities

Employer Contribution -- The portion of a health plan premiumpaid by the employer

Employer Group Health Plan72 -- An employment-originated, privatehealth plan covering Medicare eligibles over the age of 65 andfor which Medicare serves as the secondary payer

Employer Mandate -- Any requirement placed by an outside entity,typically governmental, on an employer, e.g., the requirementfor an employer to offer a dual choice option for healthcareto their employees

Encounter/Encounter Form -- An ambulatory medical appointment orhealthcare visit warranting payment for provider services; arecord (form) of a health visit utilized to track utilizationrates

Encounter Per Member Per Year -- The total number of encountersper member per year

Encounter Record -- Patient information resulting from anencounter; a claim for healthcare services rendered

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End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) -- Patients diagnosed with ESRDare not eligible to enroll in a Health MaintenanceOrganization (HMO) or Competitive Medical Plan (CMP) unlessthey were enrolled with an HMO at the time they werediagnosed; patients with ESRD are eligible for Medicare

Enrollee -- A person eligible for services under a healthcareplan; a person enrolled in a health plan and this includestheir covered family dependents; also called Members; seeBeneficiary

Enrollee Health Status Measures -- Measures or indicators of ahealth plan’s ability to maintain the health of its enrolledpopulation

Enrollment -- The process of signing up or applying for coveragewith a health plan; the total number of covered persons in aplan; process of signing up for TRICARE Prime; enrollment formost health plans lasts for one year

Enrollment Fee -- The amount a member must pay annually to belongto a specific health plan

Enrollment Lock-in Period -- The minimum amount of time anenrolled member of a health plan must remain enrolled beforehe/she is authorized to disenroll; duration of the lock-in isplan specific

Enrollment Period -- The number of days health plan members haveto select a health plan, either to re-enroll with the currentplan or to switch plans; see Open Enrollment Period

Episode/Episode of Care -- All healthcare services surrounding asingle healthcare visit or event; within the Composite HealthCare System (CHCS) system, an episode pertains to inpatientvisit only

Equity -- An accounting term which represents the results ofassets minus liabilities; an entity’s retained earnings(owner’s equity)

Equity Model -- For profit, vertically integrated healthcaresystem where the providers are owners

Estimated Length of Stay (ELOS) -- Anticipated duration ofhospitalization; see Length of Stay (LOS)

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Evidence of Coverage (EOC) -- Literature provided by a healthplan summarizing benefits the member is entitled to under theinsurance plan; see Explanation Of Benefits (EOB) orCertificate Of Coverage (COC)

Evidence of Insurability (EOI) -- Evidence, statements, ormedical records, which show a potential member is eligible forcoverage under a health plan (e.g., no evidence of a pre-existing condition); required for those who do not enrollduring open season

Exceptional Family Member Program73 -- A program which assessesthe special needs, including medical needs, of family membersof an active duty member; the assessment results areconsidered when planning future assignments for the servicemember; e.g., many need assignments near medical centers

Exclusion -- Actively preventing an entity from joining a networkfor the purpose of eliminating poor healthcare; a practicewhich may be applied by an insurer to a hospital, PreferredProvider Organization (PPO), Physician-Hospital Organization(PHO) or to individual providers

Exclusion Coverage -- Benefit coverage, coordinated betweenMedicare and an employer, in which Medicare serves as firstpayer for claims and the employer’s health plan is responsiblefor the remaining balance

Exclusions -- Healthcare conditions not covered under a healthplan or specified as covered in the contract; conditions forwhich the plan will not provide payment; see Carve Outs orOutlier

Exclusive Multiple Option (EMO) -- An arrangement where onemanaged care organization or insurer designs and offersmultiple comprehensive coverage options in exchange forexclusive vendor rights for the coverage of all eligiblemembers; options usually include an indemnity option, healthmaintenance organization, preferred provider organization, orpoint of service plan

Exclusive Provider Arrangements (EPA) -- Health plans thatprovide benefits, excluding emergency care, only if thehealthcare is rendered by contracted providers or facilities

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Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) -- A healthcare plan,regulated under state law, that limits coverage to servicesprovided by network/contracted providers; patients may utilizenon-network providers but out-of-network care will result inpayments by the patient, although typically there areexceptions for emergency care and out-of-area care; similar toan health maintenance organization including primary caremanagers as gatekeepers, program capitates physicians,requires authorization for referrals, and has a limitedprovider panel; term derives from PPO with the differencebeing that preferred provider organizations allow for out ofnetwork care and exclusive provider organizations do not,hence the exclusive nature of the plan

Exclusivity/Exclusivity Clause -- Contractual language whichprohibits providers or healthcare facilities from contractingwith any other health plans; purposeful limitation of networkdevelopment to facilitate patient volume for providers orhealth facilities; common in staff models but less common inother health plan arrangements/contracts

Executive Information System (EIS) -- An information system usedin the Navy; historical data is used to compare like sizedhospitals and to evaluate staffing, workload, and financialdata

Expense Assignment System (EAS) -- The computer system used toprocess Medical Expense and Performance Reporting System data(MEPRS data)

Expected Claims -- An educated guess projecting annual healthcarecosts for an enrollee; based on actuarial projections; seeExperienced Rating

Experience Rated Premium -- A premium based on the anticipatedutilization by an enrolled group with use calculated accordingto age, sex, and other attributes

Experience Rating -- A method for determining future premiumsusing historical healthcare costs of an enrolled group; seeCommunity Rating

Experimental Treatment Legislation -- Current legislation whichattempts to bridge the gap between a patient’s need forexperimental therapy with a reasonable chance of success andthe managed care organization’s (MCO) need to eliminateexpensive, not medically beneficial treatments

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Experimental/Investigational Procedures -- Unproven medicalprocedures specifically excluded from health plan coverage dueto the lack of evidence that the treatments or therapies areeffective in treating the condition

Explanation of Benefits (EOB)/TEOB: TRICARE Explanation OfBenefits (new term)/CEOB: CHAMPUS Explanation Of Benefits (oldterm) -- A statement sent to an enrolled member of a healthplan explaining covered services and charges; a document sentto a member which delineates what services were and were notcovered and why

Extended Care Facility (ECF) -- A facility licensed to offerskilled nursing and/or rehabilitation services 24 hours a day

Extension of Benefits -- Contractual provision allowing forcontinuation of healthcare coverage after termination ofemployment; see Continuation Of Benefits (COB)

External Resource Sharing -- An agreement with the managed caresupport contractor and civilian network facilities to providecovered healthcare benefits to eligible military health system(MHS) beneficiaries in the civilian network facility but withMHS providers

Extra-Contractual Benefits -- Healthcare benefits provided,although not within the terms of the policy, and are beyondthat usually covered by a regular policy; e.g., a health planmay not cover medical equipment used in the home but maydecide that doing so in a particular instance is more cost-effective than extended or repetitive hospital admissions

Face Sheet -- A summary of the patient’s hospitalization preparedat the time of discharge; see Discharge Summary

Facility Quality Assurance (FQA) -- A component of the clinicalsubsystem within Composite Health Care System (CHCS) gearedtoward quality assurance for the entire facility includinghealthcare services and licensing/accrediting issues

Factored Rating -- See Adjusted Community Rating

Faculty Practice Plan (FPP) -- A physician group practice whichis designed around a teaching program

Fair Market Price74 -- A priced based on reasonable costs undernormal competitive conditions and not on the lowest possiblecost

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Fair and Reasonable Price -- A price which is fair to bothparties and encompasses established and agreed uponconditions, quality, and contract performance standards

Favorable Selection -- Enrollment of a higher than average numberof persons whose average utilization of healthcare servicesfalls below the anticipated average for that population;enrollment of a high number of low-risk members resulting inlower than average healthcare expenditures; see AdverseSelection, Portability, and Risk Adjustment

Favored Nations Discount -- A contractual agreement whereby aprovider agrees to give a payer the best discount it providesto any other payer

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) -- The body of regulationsthat govern the federal government’s acquisition of services,including the procurement of healthcare delivery services

Federal Employee Health Benefit Acquisition Regulation (FEHBARS)-- The regulations which govern the acquisition of healthbenefits programs for federal employees

Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) -- The healthprogram which provides healthcare insurance benefits forfederal employees

Federal Qualification -- Status applicable to health maintenanceorganizations (HMOs) and competitive medical plan (CMPs) anddefined by the HMO Act; a determination by Health CareFinancing Administration (HCFA) which means an organizationmeets federal standards regarding operations and organizationand is adequately prepared to participate in Medicare riskcontracts; federal designation offers a HMO or CMP anexpedited method to enter the Medicare and Federal EmployeeHealth Benefits Program (FEHBP) markets; comprised ofextensive reviews and evaluations but is voluntary

Federal Register -- A government publication that lists all thechanges to federal regulations and standards including thoseaffecting Medicare, diagnosis related groups (DRGs), and International Classification of Diseases-9th Edition-ClinicalModification (ICD-9-CM) coding

Federal Tort Claims Act75 -- Federal law which partiallyabrogated the doctrine of sovereign immunity by allowing tortactions against the government under certain situations;provides limited immunity to agents and employees of thegovernment for their negligent in-scope tortuous acts

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Federal Trade Commission Act (FTC Act) -- Serves to reviewmergers and acquisitions of health maintenance organizations(HMOs), healthcare facilities, medical groups, and networks toensure there are no violations of Anti-Trust Laws

Federally Qualified Health Maintenance Organization (FQHMO) -- Adesignation given by the Health Care Financing Administration(HCFA) to HMOs that meets all of the requirements of federalqualification

Fee Allowance Schedule -- See Fee Schedule

Fee Disclosure -- Discussion between providers and patients ofall fees and charges prior to treatment

Fee For Service (FFS) -- The traditional method of payment forhealthcare where full payment is made for each specifichealthcare service rendered; payment can be by the patient orthe health plan; this payment method is in contrast to DRGs,capitation, or discounted rates; cost-containment is an issueassociated with this method of reimbursement

Fee Maximum -- The most a primary care provider can be reimbursedfor healthcare services rendered as contractually establishedwith a health plan; usually tied to usual, customary, andreasonable fee schedules; see Reasonable and Customary Charge

Fee Schedule -- A comprehensive document listing all acceptedfees and the maximum amount a health plan will pay forservices based upon Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)billing codes; see Fee Maximums; also called Fee AllowanceSchedule

Fee Splitting -- A practice of physicians providing each otherfinancial compensation for referrals; fee splitting is notpracticed in managed care where the primary care manager is atrisk or sharing risk with the specialist; an unethicalpractice

Feres Doctrine -- Term used to describe the ruling in the Feresv. U.S. in which the Court ruled that a service member may notrecover under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) for injuriessustained or suffered while incident to service

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Fiduciary -- Founded upon trust or confidence; a legal termreferring to a relationship whereby a person has theresponsibility to act on behalf of another’s best interests;traditionally applied to physicians, but now is in question inthe managed care environment because of the incentives offeredto physicians by managed care organizations (MCOs), healthcarefacilities, and pharmaceutical companies

Firm Fixed Price Contract76 (FFP) -- A fixed price contract inwhich the price is not subject to adjustment based on the costexperience of the contractor while performing the contract; acontract in which the government pays a fixed price in total,regardless of what it actually costs the contractor

Firm Fixed Price, Level of Effort Term Contract77(FFP, LOE) -- Acontract which requires the contractor to perform at aspecific level of effort over a specified period of time for afixed price

Final Proposal Revision (FPR) -- A change made to a proposalafter communications between the contracting officer andofferors have concluded

First Dollar Coverage -- An insurance plan where coverage beginswith the first dollar of expense incurred by a member for acovered benefit; no deductibles are paid prior to coveragecommencing

First In, First Out78 (FIFO) -- An inventory method thatallocates cost based on the assumption that the cost of firstgoods purchased is the cost of the first goods sold

First Level Review -- A prospective screening process usingnationally approved criteria to evaluate the medical necessityand appropriateness of requested healthcare services;reviewers can approve care/authorize benefits but cannot denycare, all denials must be referred for second level review

Fiscal Intermediary (FI) -- An agent or enterprise whichcontracts with healthcare providers to provide administrativeservices, including the processing of claims forreimbursement; also called a third party administrator; abusiness entity under contract with the Department of Defenseto offer TRICARE Extra to military health system (MHS)beneficiaries; responsible for administration of the providernetwork, marketing, and education for TRICARE SupportPrograms; establishes a list (formulary) of medicationsphysicians can prescribe unless there is a valid reason to usenon-formulary medications

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Fiscal Year -- A 12 month accounting period used by the federalgovernment commencing 1 October and going through 30September; usual period for which annual financial statementsare prepared for a period of 52 weeks/12 months; called thenatural business year

Fixed Costs -- Costs, which do not fluctuate, based onutilization rates during a given period

Fixed Price Contract79 (FP) -- Provides for a price which is notsubject to adjustment based on the contractor’s costexperience in performance of the contract; contractor hasmaximum risk and full responsibility for all costs andresulting loss or profit; a type of contract which providesfor a fixed price and, unless otherwise stated in thecontract, only provides for adjustments by operation ofcontract clauses under stated circumstance

Fixed-Price Contracts with Award Fees80 -- Used in fixed-pricecontracts when the government wishes to motivate a contractorand other incentives cannot be used because contractorperformance cannot be measured objectively

Fixed Price Contract with Economic Price Adjustment81 -- A fixedprice contract which allows for upward and/or downwardrevision of the stated contract price based on the occurrenceof specified contingencies:

• adjustments based on established prices -- based onincreases/decreases from an agreed upon level in publishedprices of specific items

• adjustments based on the actual cost of labor or material --based on changes (increases/decreases) in labor costs that thecontractor actually experiences during performance

• adjustments based on cost indexes of labor material --based onincreases/ decreases in labor or material cost standards thatare specifically identified in the contract

utilized when the stability of the market or labor conditionsfor the period of the contract are in serious doubt

Fixed Price Incentive Contracts82 -- A fixed price contract that

provides for adjusting profit and establishing the finalcontract price subject to a predetermined ceiling, by use of aformula based on the relationship of final negotiated cost tototal target cost

Flat Fee per Case -- A payment method where a flat fee is paid

for all care rendered in the treatment of the patient’spresenting problem and all services required for a specifiedperiod of time (usually by diagnosis)

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Flat-Rate Pricing Models -- There are currently three type offlat-fee pricing models in use by hospitals, capitation (fixedannual fee per member), case rate (flat fee per admission),and per diem (flat fee per hospitalized day)

Flexible Benefit Plan -- A program whereby employees individually

select the benefit options (e.g., healthcare coverage,childcare, and insurance) they desire, up to a pre-determinedvalue as set by the employer; see Cafeteria Plan

Formulary -- A list of prescription medications/drugs a physician

can order as determined and approved by the health plan orhospital; medications not listed on the formulary maybepurchased but, in most cases, at some cost to the patient; useof a formulary is based on both drug effectiveness and cost;method of pharmaceutical cost-containment

For-Profit Hospitals -- Corporations that disperse dividends or

distribute profits to investors Foundation for Accountability (Facct) -- A collaboration of

healthcare purchasers, both public and private, workingtogether to develop outcome measures to provide for thecomparison of the quality of care delivered in managed caresettings versus that delivered in traditional fee for serviceenvironments with the goal of providing information onhealthcare quality to consumers and purchasers

Fraud and Abuse Legislation -- Revisions to the Social Security

Act which made conviction for kickback schemes felony offensesand added civil penalties for the filing of false claims forMedicare/ Medicaid

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) -- A federal law, intended,

consistent with national security, to make government heldinformation available to the public; 10 USC 552

Full and Open Competition -- Contract action which allows all

responsible sources to compete Full Risk Capitation -- A physician group that receives capitated

funds for all services and professional expenses and isresponsible for paying other providers for services renderedto its patients; global capitation

Full-Time Equivalent -- The equivalent of one full-time employee Fully Capitated -- See Global Capitation

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Fully Funded Plan -- A health plan under which an insurer ormanaged care organization (MCO) bears the financialresponsibility of guaranteeing claim payments and paying forall incurred covered benefits and administrative costs

Gag Clause – A provision of a managed care contract between

insurers and network providers which can limit the amount ofinformation, as well as the substance of the information aphysician/provider may communicate to a patient (usually aboutnon-covered services)

Gatekeeper/Gatekeeping -- A widely used term which refers to a

managed care model based on primary care case management; themodel requires all medically necessary healthcare other thanprimary care be coordinated, reviewed, and approved by theprimary care provider prior to healthcare delivery toguarantee reimbursement (includes referrals for specialtycare, Durable Medical Equipment (DME), ancillary services andhospitalization); industry term describing any person whodetermines where a patient will receive care or services (casemanager, utilization review personnel); commonplace cost-containment practice of Health Maintenance Organizations(HMOs) that does not include emergency care

General Service Board of Contract Appeals83 (GSBCA) -- The

executive branch entity responsible for deciding appeals ofcontracting officers’ decisions with regards to acquisitioncontracts for supplies and services by the government, otherthan the Department of Defense (DoD)

Generalist -- A physician who is not specialty trained; a family

practice physician, general internist or general pediatrician Generic Drug -- A medication that has the same active chemical

ingredients as a brand name, trademark protected,pharmaceutical product, and which, in most circumstances, isless expensive; see Generic Equivalent

Generic Equivalent -- See Generic Drug Geographically Separated Unit(s)84(GSU) -- A service designation

which applies to an active duty service member (ADSM) when:• the ADSM resides greater than 50 miles from a military

treatment facility (MTF) or military clinic determined to beadequate to meet the primary healthcare needs of the ADSM; and

• the ADSM works greater than 50 miles from an MTF or militaryclinic determined to be adequate to meet the primaryhealthcare needs of the ADSM

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Geographically Separated Unit (GSU) Program -- Originally ademonstration project conducted in TRICARE Region Eleven, theGSU program is a healthcare initiative included in the ManagedCare Support Contract (MCSC) in TRICARE Regions One, Two, andFive which requires Managed Care Support (MCS) contractors tocontract with primary care managers for primary healthcareservices for Active Duty Service Members (ADSMs) and theireligible family members assigned to GSUs throughout theregions; commenced 1 January 1999 for Region One and wasimplemented in Region Two/Five on 1 May 1998

Global Budget85 -- A government technique of setting a total

expenditure ceiling for the nation’s healthcare expenses asopposed to regulating the price of individual elements

Global Capitation -- Capitation payments that cover all expenses,

including medical, professional, and institutional fees; seeTotal Capitation or Full Capitation

Global Fee -- One total charge for a predetermined set of

healthcare services; (e.g., obstetrical care includingprenatal, delivery and post-delivery care) may include carve-outs for services not included in the global rate; packagepricing

Government Furnished Property 86 (GFP) -- Property in the

possession of, or acquired by, the Government and provided toor made available to the contractor

Grace Period -- A period of time immediately after a premium due

date during which coverage may not be canceled Graduate Medical Education87 (GME) -- Residency and fellowship

training for medical professionals Grievance System/Procedures -- A standard contract requirement

for a process to air and handle patient complaints Group -- Members covered by a single health plan Group Contract88 -- A managed care contract with a medical group

as opposed to individual physicians; see Group ServiceAgreement (GSA)

Group Health Association of America -- A managed care trade

association that merged with American Managed Care and ReviewAssociation (AMCRA) in 1995 to create the American Associationof Health Plans (AAHP); see AAHP

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Group Model Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)/Group PracticeHMO -- A closed panel health plan in which the HMO contractsdirectly with a physician group for healthcare services at anegotiated fixed/capitated price; staff model HMO

Group Practice -- A group of at least three physicians who see

patients and deliver healthcare services sharing facilities,equipment and support personnel, and subsequently divide theincome as contractually prearranged; see Independent PhysicianAssociation (IPA), Management Service Organization (MSO)

Group Practice Without Walls -- A physician group practice in

which each provider continues to see his/her patients but thegroup is one legal entity; a business arrangement withcentralized business operations but with decentralizedclinical settings; also called a Clinic Without Walls (CWW)

Group Service Agreement89 -- An agreement, between a group and a

health plan, that limits enrollees to the specified group anddelineates the terms and benefits of coverage under the plan

Guaranteed Issue90 -- A requirement that health plans offer

coverage to all businesses for at least some period each yearregardless of the pre-existing conditions of a business’members

Guaranteed Renewal Contract -- A contract that allows a Health

Maintenance Organization (HMO) enrollee to continue coverageas long as premiums are paid, although the HMO reserves theright to increase premium rates

Guideline -- See Protocol HCFA 1500 -- The Health Care Financing Administration’s (HCFA)

form used by healthcare professionals to submit claims forservices

Health91 -- The state of complete physical, mental, and social

well-being and not just the absence of illness or disease, ordefect

Health and Human Services (HHS)/Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) -- A government department responsible

for health-related programs and initiatives

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Health Benefit Advisor (HBA) -- The title of a staff member of amilitary treatment facility, either active duty or a civilianemployee, who assists a beneficiary understand his/her healthbenefits including the processing of claims for reimbursement;Department of Defense (DoD) TRICARE program term

Health Benefits Package92 -- The services and products a health

plan offers Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) -- The federal agency

within the Department of Health and Human Services thatoversees the health financing for state run Medicaid programsand oversees and administers the Medicare program

Health Care Financing Administration Common Procedural Coding

System (HCPCS) -- 5-digit codes used by Medicare to describethe services provided; codes include standard CurrentProcedural Terminology (CPT) codes and others for items andservices such as durable medical equipment and ambulanceservice

Healthcare Finder (HCF) -- The title for an employee or

independent contractor working with the military health system(MHS) who assists patients in obtaining referral care eitherin the direct care system or in the contractor network;Department of Defense (DoD) TRICARE program term

Healthcare Prepayment Plan93 (HCPP) -- A contractual arrangement

between Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) and agroup practice for the provision of health services but doesnot cover Medicare Part A (institutional service)

Healthcare Provider (HCP) -- The member of the healthcare team

who actually delivers healthcare services to the patient; aphysician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, dentist,physical therapist, or, clinical dietitian; one who isauthorized to enter patient orders into the Composite HealthCare System (CHCS)

Health Delivery Network -- See Integrated Delivery System (IDS) Health Insurance Prepayment Plan (HIPP) -- Purchasing cooperative

that negotiates health insurance arrangements for employersand/or employees

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Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of1997 -- Provides for the portability of health insurance evenif the member has a pre-existing health condition(s) andguarantees access to healthcare coverage for small businesswith less than 50 employees

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) -- A form of managed

healthcare in which a health plan combines financing withdelivery of care into a single organization by contractingwith physicians to offer prepaid comprehensive health servicesincluding physician and hospitalization services using avariety of mechanisms and programs to control costs andquality; HMOs are both insurers and providers of healthcare; 4types include staff model, independent physician associations(IPA), group model and network model

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Act of 1973 -- Federal

legislation which requires employers with more than 25employees and who provide health coverage to offer a federallyqualified HMO option to their employees; federal law whichdefined and delineated the specific requirements for HMOs tobecome “federally qualified”

Health Manpower Shortage Area (HMSA) -- A geographic area or

population designated by the Department of Health and HumanServices as medically under-served or as having an inadequatesupply of healthcare providers; e.g., institutions(residential treatment and correctional facilities) orgeographically isolated areas

Health Plan Employer Data Information Set (HEDIS) -- Performance

measures designed by the National Committee on QualityAssurance (NCQA) to standardize the method health plans reportdata to allow employers and consumers the ability to comparethe performance of health plans; areas of performanceevaluation include financial, quality, access, patientsatisfaction, and utilization

Health Promotion -- A health program designed to treat/impact the

physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects of aperson’s life by incorporating educational, awareness, andmotivational interventions and activities to assist thebeneficiary in modifying lifestyle/behaviors, with a goal ofoptimizing health, while preventing injury and disease

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Health Risk Assessment -- A wellness program designed to evaluatethe health status of a particular population; an evaluationconducted as a part of an employer’s health promotion programto assess individual employees for health risks and includerecommendations for risk reduction

Health Services Agreement94 (HSA) -- A written explanation of

health plan benefits provided to an employer by the healthplan

Health Status and Enrollment -- According to the Health Care

Financing Administration (HCFA) regulatory guidelines, aHealth Maintenance Organization (HMO) can not expel, refuse toenroll or reenroll an individual member of a group based onhealth status, age or healthcare needs

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Market Penetration -- The

rate at which eligible enrollees select the managed careoption for health coverage; see Penetration Rate

Hold Harmless Clause – relieves, or attempts to relieve a person

or entity of potential liability; e.g., contractual languagewhich prohibits a provider from billing a patient should theinsurance carrier become insolvent

Home Care -- The delivery of healthcare services by professional

and/or licensed medical personnel in the home setting; aeconomically prudent location to deliver routine/rehabilitative/terminal healthcare services

Home Health Agency (HHA) -- A state or federally licensed

facility authorized to provide contracted health services inthe home setting

Home Uterine Activity Monitoring -- A cost-effective treatment

modality for the patient diagnosed with preterm labor or atrisk for preterm delivery; the use of uterine monitoringequipment in the home setting for the identification andmanagement of preterm labor (contractions) for the pregnantpatient; goal of therapy is to prolong pregnancy to allow forcontinued fetal development thus improving the health statusof the newborn at birth resulting in a reduced need forneonatal intensive care; uterine monitoring is more effectivein identifying early contractions than is self-palpation bythe mother

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Horizontal Integration -- A competitive strategy resulting in themerging or integration of multiple companies or organizationsthat contain, produce, or provide similar products or servicesalong the continuum of care and hold financial incentives foraligning with the larger group; strategy to establishcontracting leverage, economies of scale, and/or theelimination of overhead costs and redundancy; also calledspecialty integration

Horizontal Merger95 -- A legal reference to horizontal

integration; a review target by antitrust regulators toevaluate whether a merger would reduce competition; seeAntitrust Laws, Horizontal Integration

Hospice -- A licensed organization or facility which provides

specialized, coordinated healthcare and services for theterminally ill

Hospital -- Any facility licensed and operated as a hospital

providing healthcare services both in an inpatient andoutpatient capacity; an institution that has a physician on-call at all times, employs registered nurses 24 hours/day, andmaintains facilities for the treatment and diagnosis ofillness or for surgery

Hospital Affiliation -- An agreement between a managed care

organization and a hospital in which the hospital agrees toprovide all of the inpatient services the health planrequires; health plans may contract with more than onehospital

Hospital Alliance96 -- A voluntary formation of a collaborative

network of hospitals to improve their negotiating positionresulting in improved competition in dealing with MCOs formanaged care contracts; hospitals joining together to possiblyreducing costs through group purchasing or the sharing ofservices

Hospital Capitation97 -- A reimbursement method for hospitals

based on a Per-Member-Per-Month (PMPM) basis, a set number ofpatients per provider, in lieu of fee-for-service, per diem orcase rate payment methods

Hospital Days -- See Bed Days Hospital Days per Thousand -- A measurement of the actual

hospital services a health plan’s member used during thecourse of a year; calculated by dividing the total # ofhospital days by the total members

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Hospital Insurance (HI) -- Called Medicare Part A; this programprovides insurance to cover the costs for hospitalization andimmediate post-hospitalization services for Medicare eligiblepersons

Hospital-Based Physician -- A physician who works in the

hospital, either contractually or as a salaried employee Hospital-Based Specialist -- Hospital-based physicians who

provide consultative services to the attending staff, such asradiologists or pathologists

Hospitalization Coverage -- Hospital care services covered by a

health plan; a major factor in the selection of a health plan Improper Influence -- Any act or influence which causes an agent

of the government to wrongfully act or to give considerationregarding a government contract on any basis other than themerits of the matter

In-Area Care -- Covered services rendered by a participating

provider within a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)defined service area

Incidence – An epidemiological measure of disease frequency; the

rate of disease development in a defined period in relation toa specific population; the number of new cases of a disease orillness presenting within a defined population within adefined period of time

Inclusive Contracting -- The practice of including, as options, a

large number of insurers from which employees may select apreferred Health Maintenance Organization (HMO); method ofpromoting choice for employees

Incurred But Not Reported (IBNR) -- Financial accounting of costs

or liabilities occurring in one accounting period but forwhich claims have not yet been reported or invoiced; a healthplan’s estimates of claims not yet received but for whichhealthcare services have already been rendered

Incurred Claims98 -- All claims with a date of service within a

specific period Incurred Cost Audit99 -- An audit conducted to review a

contractor’s cost submission to determine the allowability ofcharged costs

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Indefinite Quantity Contract100 -- A contract which provides foran indefinite quantity of supplies or services to be provided(within limits) for a defined period of time

Indemnify101 -- To cover a loss; to make good a loss Indemnity -- Insurance protection against injury or loss of

health; an insurance program where the covered member isreimbursed for covered expenses; a traditional reimbursementmethod in healthcare that pays fee-for-service rates

Indemnity Benefit Contract102 -- A plan that allows a patient to

select a physician and a hospital to use versus restriction toa network of providers

Indemnity Carrier/Indemnity Insurance -- A company or policy

offering coverage based on pre-established fee-schedules,limits, and exclusions negotiated with subscribers/subscribergroups; e.g., members are reimbursed after the claim isprocessed and reviewed by a third party carrier but withoutregard to the choice of provider

Independent Government Cost Estimate103 (IGCE) -- An analysis,

conducted by governmental personnel, prior to the acquisitionphase of the contract, which is used to judge submittedproposals for budgeting purposes

Independent Physician Associations/Independent Practice

Association/Independent Provider Association/IndividualPractice Association (IPA) -- A healthcare delivery model inwhich a managed care organization (MCO) contracts with aphysicians’ organization and it, in turn, contracts withindividual physicians or group practices; characteristics ofan Independent Physician Association (IPA) include capitatedpayment, but the IPA may reimburse the physician on either afee-for-service (FFS) or capitated basis and IPA physiciansdeliver care in their own offices and see both HealthMaintenance Organization (HMO) and their FFS patients

Indigent -- Persons who are unable to purchase healthcare/

services unless they go without food, clothing or shelter dueto insufficient income

Indirect Cost -- A group of costs not directly related to any one

final cost objective but in which all services share; overheadcosts

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Individual Insurance -- A policy that provides healthcarecoverage for an individual and family as opposed to a memberof a group; personal insurance

Information Technology104 (IT) -- Any equipment or interconnected

system(s) or subsystem(s) used in the automatic acquisition,storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display,interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information

Informed Consent -- Voluntary consent by an individual of legal

age who possesses decision-making ability and is provided aminimum of information including an explanation of theprocedure, significant risks as well as benefits associatedwith the procedure, and reasonable alternatives to it

Initial Eligibility Period -- The time frame in which a plan

allows for the enrollment of new members without physicalexamination or health status evaluation; a recruitmentincentive

In-Patient -- A term for an enrolled member who is admitted to a

hospital or an acute care facility (non-ambulatory carefacility) for at least 24 hours and requires the care of aphysician

In-Patient Non-Availability Statement (INAS) -- Certification

that the facility cannot provide needed inpatient care to aneligible beneficiary; authorizes the beneficiary to obtain thecare at a civilian facility

Integrated Clinical Program -- A collaborative approach to

healthcare delivery by provider, payer, and practitioner whoall share in the risk and reward for delivering cost-effective, quality healthcare services for a definedpopulation

Integrated Delivery System (IDS)/Integrated Delivery Network

(IDN)/Integrated Delivery and Financing System (IDFS)/Integrated Delivery and Financing Network (IDFN) –- A group ofhealthcare providers organized to deliver a broad, butdefined, set of healthcare services to a defined population,and which emphasizes full access in the market and qualityoutcomes (clinical) and accepts a wide-variety of financialprograms; also called health delivery network; see Vertical

Integration Integrated Healthcare Organization (IHO) -- An Integrated

Delivery System (IDS) which is owned primarily by physicians

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Integrated Service Network (ISN) -- See Accountable Health Plan(AHP)

Intent to Deny -- Written notification by the Health Care

Financing Administration (HCFA) to an applicant for federallyqualified Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) status thatthe applicant does not meet standards but appears to be ableto meets standards within 60 days; HCFA notification withcomprehensive explanation gives the applicant 60 days torespond in writing revising the application

Interested Party105 -- A prime contractor or an actual/prospective

offeror whose direct economic interest would be affected bythe award of a subcontract or by the failure to award asubcontract

Intermediate Care Facility -- A less expensive healthcare setting

for patients who are not in need of acute or skilled nursingcare but yet need more care than is available in an assistedliving community/facility

Internal Medicine -- A medical specialty that is concerned with

illness and disease not requiring surgery, specificallyillness and disease of the internal organ systems; aninternist is one who practices internal medicine

Internal Resource Sharing -- An agreement with the managed care

support contractor to supplement services offered within amilitary treatment facility (MTF); contractor may providestaff, equipment, equipment maintenance, supplies and cash toincrease services available and maximize the capabilities ofthe MTF for contractor at-risk beneficiaries; is the primarychoice for recapture of Civilian Health and Medical Program ofthe Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) workload

International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, Clinical

Modification (ICD-9-CM) -- A classification and universal 6-digit coding system that allows for the collection of dataregarding the incidence of illness and disease for reportingpurposes; a system, updated by World Health Organization andmandatory for the processing of Medicare claims, standardizingthe classification of diagnoses and facilitating the paymentof claims

Interqual Criteria -- Clinical decision support criteria used to

screen and assess activities for appropriateness and toaccumulate aggregate data to identify and evaluate patterns ofcare and decision making by providers

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Job Lock -- An employment phenomenon in which an employee feelsunable to change jobs due to fear of losing healthcarebenefits; fear of changing jobs and losing medical insurancebecause of a medical condition of the employee or familymember

Joint Commission -- Commonly used identifying phrase for what is

actually the Joint Commission on the Accreditation ofHealthcare Organizations

Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations

(JCAHO) -- A not-for-profit national peer review organizationwhich emphasizes quality of healthcare operations and providesfor the review (normally occur every three years), inspection,and accreditation of healthcare organizations

Joint Contracting Model106 -- An affiliation between an integrated

healthcare system and a physician organization to providequality healthcare services within the most cost-efficientsetting

Joint Venture -- A contractual arrangement that involves sharing

both risks and benefits between, or among, organizations for aspecific purpose

Judgment -- Decision of a court Kassebaum-Kennedy Health Coverage Act of 1997 -- Provides for

portability and for a fixed premium guarantee for persons whochanges jobs, either voluntarily or involuntarily; providestax credits for the terminally ill; and provides benefits forsmall businesses and the self employed; see Portability

Key Management Staff – Individuals identified by the Health

Maintenance Organization (HMO) as being responsible for keymanagement functions as required by the Health Care FinancingAdministration for federally qualified HMO status

Kickback107 -- Money, a gift, or any item of value provided by a

contractor (prime contractor, subcontractor, or theiremployees) for the purpose of obtaining favors or favorabletreatment with regards to a contract or subcontract

Lag Study – A Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) report which

identifies the age of claims currently being processed,comparing the amount of money accrued that month with theamount going out to reimburse claims both for the current andfor previous months; evaluates the adequacy of a plan’sreserve funds

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Lapse -- Loss in insurance coverage due to nonpayment of premiums Lead Agent -- Department of Defense (DoD) organization with

responsibility limited to a defined region, for management andoversight of contract matters, negotiation of agreements, andthe planning and development for a healthcare network

Length of Stay -- The number of days a patient remains in the

hospital per admission Level Premium -- In the insurance industry, it is the rating

structure in which a premium remains stable throughout thelife of the policy

Liability108 -- A legal or ethical obligation for an act; a

party’s legal obligation to recompense another License109 -- The granting of privileges by a state or territory

of the United States to provide healthcare independentlywithin a specified scope of practice for a particulardiscipline

Life Cycle Cost110 -- The total cost to the government of

acquiring, operating, supporting, and disposing of the itembeing acquired

Limited Liability Corporation111 -- A legal entity in which a

provider’s liability is limited to his/her equity contributionin the corporation

Living Will –- A type of advance medical directive; a creature of

statute; a document directing healthcare providers to use, ornot to use, or withdraw certain life-sustaining modalitiesfrom the patient who is now incompetent and in a terminalcondition

Local Area Networks (LANs) -- A method of information technology

which connects multiple users to a common information networkallowing the sharing of information and files

Long Term Care (LTC) -- A portion of the healthcare continuum

which provides healthcare services to the chronically illand/or disabled and includes maintenance and custodial careservices; a modality for providing healthcare services in avariety of settings including nursing homes, rehabilitationfacilities, hospitals, and individual residences

Loss Ratio -- The ratio between revenue from premiums and the

cost to provide the healthcare benefit

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Major Diagnostic Category (MDC) -- A classification of majordiagnoses which are grouped by either by medical specialty orby anatomic groups or systems, the groups are further brokendown into diagnosis related groups (DRGs) and then sub-dividedinto surgical and medical type cases

Malpractice112 -- Negligence of a professional in the performance

of his/her official duties Managed Care/Managed Healthcare -- A healthcare system in which

patients receive care from a primary care manager who servesas a patient advocate, monitoring care needs and referringpatients to appropriate specialists when necessary and inwhich the managed care organization negotiates for discountedprices from facilities and providers; a healthcare system thatcombines delivery and payment with efforts to managehealthcare services emphasizing cost, quality and accessissues; a program, which, if sound, emphasizes primary care,pre-authorization for specialty referrals which addresspatient utilization, pre-admission certification, concurrentreviews for appropriateness, and financial incentives andpenalties associated with access to control costs

Managed Care Network113 -- An organization of providers that is

established by a commercial company or managed care plan andoffered to employers or other groups as an alternate totraditional indemnity insurance

Managed Care Organization (MCO) -- A generic term used to

describe a company, plan, or organization which uses theprinciples of managed care to deliver healthcare services to adefined population usually on a capitated basis; see ManagedCare Plan (MCP)

Managed Care Plan114 (MCP) -- A type of organized healthcare

designed to provide health services to a defined populationthrough the use of an established network of contractedhealthcare providers with focus and emphasis on the deliveryof necessary, appropriate, quality healthcare in an efficient,cost effective manner; see Health Maintenance Organization(HMO), Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO), and PreferredProvider Organization (PPO)

Managed Care Support Contract (MCSC) – A fixed price, at risk

contract, supporting the Department of Defense (DoD) TRICAREprogram; contracts support Lead Agents by providing civilianmanaged care networks with fiscal and administrative support,and compliment the majority of services provided in themilitary treatment facilities (MTFs)

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Managed Choice115 -- A type of managed care plan which employsmanaged care principles but without a restriction on providerchoice; typically members select a primary care provider whoserves as gatekeeper; known as open-ended Health MaintenanceOrganization (HMO) or a Point Of Service (POS) plan

Managed Indemnity Plan (MIP) -- An indemnity health insurance

program that incorporates managed care techniques andprinciples to control costs and promote quality healthcare;common techniques employed include pre-admission reviews,concurrent review for appropriateness, and second opinions forsurgical care

Management Information System (MIS) -- The computer system, both

hardware and software, which supports management of a programor organization

Management Service Organization (MSO) -- A separate legal entity

that provides practice management, administrative, and supportservices to physicians, both individual and group practices

Mandated Benefits -- Those benefits health plans are required by

state or federal law to provide and reimburse for; e.g., invitro fertilization, bone marrow transplant, and substanceabuse treatment

Marginal Costs116 -- A change in cost as a result of a change in

operating conditions such as an increase in demand; includesvariable costs and any fixed costs incurred because the volumechange exceeds the relevant range for existing fixed costs

Marketing117 -- “The process of planning and executing the

conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas,goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individualand organizational objectives”

Maximum Allowable Charge (MAC) -- The maximum amount a vendor can

charge for a product - usually associated with a fee schedule;see Civilian Health and Medical Program of the UniformedServices (CHAMPUS) Maximum Allowable Charge (CMAC)

Medicaid -- A federal entitlement program which provides public

assistance through the provision of medical benefits toeligible beneficiaries regardless of age with eligibilitybased on income; federal entitlement program operated at thestate level but consisting of both state and federal funds andserving those who are blind, poor, aged or disabled orfamilies with dependent children; Title XIX of the SocialSecurity Act of 1966

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Medical Expense and Performance Reporting System (MEPRS) -- Atri-service, uniform reporting method which standardizes thereporting of expense, manpower, and performance data bymilitary medical treatment facilities

Medical Expense Performance Reporting System/Expense Assignment

System III (MEPRS/EASIII) -- A tri-service workload andexpense accounting system which functions to gather medicaldata and produce reports for all fixed Department of Defense(DoD) military medical treatment facilities

Medically Necessary/Medical Necessity -- The delivery of

appropriate and needed health services for the treatment,diagnosis, or prevention of illness based on nationallyaccepted standards

Medical Group -- Physicians, of the same or different

specialties, with a common business interest through apartnership or other ownership arrangement

Medical Loss Ratio -- The ratio between what it costs to deliver

medical care and the amount of money a health plan actuallyreceives in premiums

Medical Record -- A record of all healthcare encounters for an

individual patient including all documents detailing the careand treatment received and encompassing both inpatient andoutpatient services

Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) -- See Military Treatment

Facility Medicare -- A federal medical health insurance program which

covers persons 65 years or older and some disabled personsunder the age of 65 who are eligible for Social Security;created in 1966 under Title XVIII of the Social Security Actand covers the cost of hospitalization, medical care and somerelated services regardless of income

Medicare Part A -- Hospital insurance that covers inpatient care,

hospice, and limited skilled nursing facility services withthe patient remaining responsible for copays and deductibles

Medicare Part B -- A supplemental and voluntary program which has

a small fee, but covers medically necessary physicianservices, outpatient care, and medical supplies with thepatient remaining responsible for copays, deductibles, andbalanced billing

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Medicare Part C -- Legislation which allows providers to directlycontract with the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA);part of the 1997 Balanced Budget Act

Medicare + Choice -- Legislation which allows providers to

directly contract with the Health Care Finance Administration;part of the 1997 Balanced Budget Act; see Medicare Part C

Medicare Risk Contract118 -- The establishment of contracts

between the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) andhealth maintenance organizations (HMOs) and/or competitivemedical plans (CMPs) to provide healthcare services forMedicare beneficiaries for a pre-established set monthlyamount (fee); monthly capitated rate established from theadjusted average per capita cost (AAPCC); arrangement puttinghealth plans at risk for healthcare services and costs for allbeneficiaries regardless of intensity of services required orthe expense

Medicare Subvention -- See TRICARE Senior Prime Medicare Supplement Policy (Medsupp) -- A healthcare policy that

pays what Medicare does not including the member’scoinsurance, deductible, and copayments and which providesadditional coverage for services beyond what Medicare coversup to a pre-established and defined limit; also called Medigap

Medigap -- Private health insurance plans that cover costs not

covered by Medicare; see Medicare Supplement Policy Member -- A person, subscriber or a dependent, who is enrolled

with a health plan and for whom the plan is responsible toprovide healthcare services

Member Months -- The method managed care plans utilize to

calculate the total number of months of coverage for each planmember; one member month being the equivalent of one memberfor whom the plan was paid one full month’s premium

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)/Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) -

- An agreement or negotiated contract between a militarymedical treatment facility and a civilian agency (e.g., amanaged care support contractor) regarding implementation ofspecialty services for that particular medical treatmentfacility

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Midlevel Practitioner (MLP) -- A primary care provider other thana physician, such as a nurse practitioner, physicianassistant, and certified nurse midwife; who delivers primarycare under the supervision of a physician and whose servicesare usually less expensive than are those of physicians

Military Claims Act119 -- Federal statute which allows for the

administrative adjudication and payment of tort claims forincidents which occurred overseas

Military Health System120 (MHS) -- The health system which

delivers military healthcare services to eligible (uniformedservices) beneficiaries

Military Treatment Facility (MTF) -- Military health facilities

including clinics and hospitals that deliver health servicesto eligible beneficiaries; also called Medical TreatmentFacility

Minor -- Any person who has not attained the age of majority,

which is a matter of state law Modification -- A change to an existing contract; see

specifically Contract Modification Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System121 (MACRS) -- A system

or method of calculating depreciation of equipment andproperty over time as established by the Tax Reform Act of1986

Modified Community Rating (MCR) -- A separate rating of medical

care usage in a specific geographic area (community) usingage, sex, and other specific demographic criteria

Multiple Employer Welfare Association (MEWA) -- A group of

employers who pull resources together to purchase groupmedical coverage for their employees or who use a self-fundedapproach which eliminates many state mandates but which thenputs the employers at risk for all medical costs

Multispecialty Group -- A collection of physicians, representing

more than one specialty, who work together in a group practicesetting sharing equipment, administrative support, personnel,and profits; see Medical Group

Multi-Year Contract122 -- A contract for the purchase of supplies

or services for more than one year but no more than fiveprogram-years

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National Committee on Quality Assurance (NCQA) -- An independent,not-for-profit health maintenance organization (HMO)accrediting organization that performs quality orientedreviews emphasizing continuous quality improvement,credentialing of providers, patient rights andresponsibilities, realistic utilization management techniques,wellness and preventive healthcare, and adequacy of medicalrecords and which developed HEDIS standards to measure andmonitor HMO quality and performance

National Defense123 -- Activities related to the military, to

programs for the military, to military assistance to anyforeign nation, or to stockpiling or space

National Drug Code (NDC) -- A national classification for the

identification of prescription drugs National Health Insurance (NHI) -- A recent national interest

stemming from recommendations from government officials andpoliticians that the federal government would/could/should bethe single payer for all healthcare services similar to theBritish and Canadian healthcare systems; also referred to asUniversal Coverage

National Practitioner Database (NPDB) -- The federal entity

designated to receive and maintain data on substandardclinical performance by licensed providers such as physicians,dentists, and other practitioners through information onmalpractice claims and disciplinary actions

Navy Executive Information System -- An information system

utilized by the Navy that provides comparative data, includinginformation on staffing, workload and financial aspects ofoperations, on all medical facilities

Negotiation124 -- Contracting process that permits discussion

between the parties and modification of offerors’ proposals Negotiated Contract125 -- Any contract that is awarded without the

use of sealed bidding procedures Network126 -- A formal or informal affiliation of physicians; a

group of providers who contract with a MCSC to accept andprovide care to beneficiaries of the uniformed servicesenrolled in the managed care program including militarytreatment facility (MTF) and civilian preferred providers

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Network Model Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) -- Ahealthcare model in which an health maintenance organization(HMO) contracts with numerous provider organizations, or withindependent providers or specialty physician groups practicingout of their own offices for capitated payments; a contractualmodel, based on capitated payment, which may use open orclosed panels and whose providers may or may not provide careto non-plan members

Network Provider -- A medical professional who is a member of a

provider network; a provider who has contracted to acceptTRICARE Extra patients and agreed to abide by the CivilianHealth and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS)policies in the delivery of care for this patient group

Non-Availability Statement (NAS) -- A statement from a military

medical treatment facility which states it is unable todeliver the care required by the eligible beneficiary andauthorizes the patient to seek treatment at a civilianfacility and file a claim for services

Non-Network Provider -- A healthcare professional who does not

have a contract with a managed care organization (MCO) toprovide healthcare services to patients belonging to anestablished network

Non-Participating (nonpar) -- A provider or facility who has not

contracted with a health plan and therefore is not consideredto be a participating provider or facility of the plan; alsocalled out-of-network provider

Nonpersonal Services Contract127 -- A contract under which the

personnel rendering the services are not subject, either bythe contract’s terms or by the manner of its administration,to the supervision and control usually prevailing inrelationships between the government and its employees

Nonrecurring Costs128 -- Those costs that are generally incurred

on a one-time basis and include plant and equipmentrelocation, special tooling and special test equipment andspecialized work retraining

Not-For-Profit Organization129(NFP) -- An organization whose

profits cannot be distributed to owners

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Nurse Anesthetist -- An advance practice nurse licensed by astate and recognized by the Joint Commission to function as alicensed independent practitioner in the administration ofanesthesia and who, in most hospitals, works under thesupervision of a physician

Nurse Midwife -- An advance practice nurse licensed by a state to

deliver specialized healthcare services including theantepartum, intrapartum and postpartum care for theuncomplicated obstetrics patient to women; an advancedpractice nurse recognized by the Joint Commission as alicensed independent provider for the delivery of maternal-infant healthcare services for the uncomplicated, well mother-well baby couple and who works under the supervision of aphysician in most hospitals

Nurse Practitioner -- An advance practice nurse with specialized

training and a master’s degree in primary healthcare who isqualified to diagnosis and treat health conditions and toprescribe medications as appropriate and who serves under thesupervision of a physician; an advanced practice nurse who,under the supervision of a physician, delivers a range ofprimary healthcare services to a population of all ages; seeClinical Nurse Practitioner

Nursing -- The provision of physical and emotional care and

healthcare education to support or improve a patient’scondition

Occupied Bed Day (OBD) -- A day in which a patient occupied an

inpatient bed (or bassinet) at the time the census was taken(usually midnight)

O Factor130 -- A component of the bid price formula which

represents the military treatment facility (MTF) utilizationimpact index; the factor reflects changes in levels of MTFutilization on the Civilian Health and Medical Program of theUniformed Services (CHAMPUS) costs; there is one factor forinpatient and one for outpatient care--inpatient factor isbased on non-availability statements (NASs) used and inpatientcare authorization, outpatient factor is based on MTFoutpatient visits provided to the Managed Care SupportContractor (MCSC) at-risk beneficiaries

Offer131 -- A response to a solicitation that, if accepted, would

bind the offeror to perform the resultant contract• bids: response to invitation for bids (sealed bidding)• response to requests for proposals • quotes: responses to requests for quotations

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Office of Managed Care (OMC) -- A federal agency responsible foroversight of federal qualifications and compliance relatedconcerns for health maintenance organizations (HMOs) andeligible competitive medical plans (CMPs)

Office of Personnel Management (OPM) -- The federal agency

responsible for the administration of Federal Employee HealthBenefit Program (FEHBP); the agency with which managed careplans contract to provide health benefits for governmentemployees

Open Access (OA) -- A health plan arrangement where members can

see participating specialty providers within the plan withouta referral; also called open panel

Open Ended HMO -- A health plan that allows its members to seek

healthcare services from out-of-network or out-of-planproviders for an additional charge; similar to point-of-service (POS) plan

Open Enrollment Period -- A period in which employees or members

of a health benefit program have an opportunity to select orchange health plans from all plans offered; enrollment duringthis period is usually without evidence of insurability (EOI)or waiting periods; during open enrollment, plans must acceptall persons who apply during a specific period each year

Open Panel HMO -- Participation in the health maintenance

organization (HMO) is open to any provider who meets HMO andphysician group credentialing criteria

Opportunity Cost -- The cost of a lost opportunity; the cost of

committing a resource in a particular method eliminating itfrom other uses

Ostensible Agency -- When an entity may be held liable for the

acts, errors, or omissions of an independent contractor, suchas a physician or other healthcare professional because thesituation and surrounding facts led the patient to believe thehealthcare professional/provider was actually an employee/agent of the hospital

Other Health Insurance132(OHI) – A military health system (MHS)

beneficiary/family’s medical coverage other than the CivilianHealth and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services(CHAMPUS)/TRICARE; the primary (first) payer beforeCHAMPUS/TRICARE does not include CHAMPUS SupplementalInsurance which is intended to pay after CHAMPUS

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Other Party Liability -- See Coordination Of Benefits (COB) Other Weird Arrangement (OWA) -- A generalized term or acronym

which applies to any new or unique managed care plan orarrangement

Outcome Measurement133 -- A process of measuring the response to

clinical treatment either individually or collectively withthe goal of establishing and determining the effectiveness ofmedical treatments and protocols

Outlier -- An entity which falls outside an expected range; e.g.,

either more or less than expected; a patient whose length ofstay falls outside the norm; a physician whose resourceutilization is deemed excessive

Out-Of-Area Benefits -- Plan benefits, often limited to emergency

services, provided to members for when they are not in thehealth maintenance organization’s (HMO) service area

Out-Of-Area Care (OOA) -- Financial coverage by a health plan for

medical services received by a covered member outside of thenormal (network) service area; after pre-approval/authorization for the services

Out-Of-Network Services -- Healthcare rendered by a non-network

healthcare provider with reimbursement to the member at a rateless than that of in-network care

Out-Of-Pocket (costs and expenses)(OOP) -- The costs of

healthcare paid directly by the patient/member, includingcopayments, deductibles and coinsurance

Out-Of-Pocket Limit/Maximum Out-Of-Pocket Costs -- The total

amount a member must pay, including all fees, copays, anddeductibles over the course of a covered year before the planinitiates 100% coverage for the rest of the calendar year

Out-Patient Care -- Healthcare services rendered to a patient in

a non-inpatient setting and not requiring an overnight stay ina medical facility; also called ambulatory care

Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medications -- Medications or drugs which

do not require a prescription by federal law Participating Provider (Par) -- A healthcare provider or facility

that has contracted with a health plan to deliver healthcareservices to its covered population

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Patient Appointment and Scheduling Subsystem of CHCS (PAS) -- Asubsystem of the Composite Health Care System (CHCS) programwhich allows clinics or providers to control their ownscheduling, booking, and appointments and which alerts usersto schedule conflicts

Patient Days -- See Bed Days Patient Self-Determination Act134 -- Legislation enacted in 1990

as a part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA);requires covered organizations, hospitals, nursing facilities,providers of home health care, hospice programs, and HMOswhich receive Medicare and Medicaid funding, to provide eachpatient or resident with information explaining the right toaccept or refuse medical care and to execute an advanceddirective

Pay and Pursue -- A term which refers to a plan or insurance

company paying for a claim and then pursuing payment fromanother source or plan

Payer -- An entity which is liable for the healthcare coverage

for members; a payer may be a managed care organization (MCO),third party administrator, employer, the federal government orinsurance carrier

Peer Review -- The review of professional performance in the

delivery of healthcare services for appropriateness,efficiency, and effectiveness by members of the sameprofession

Peer Review Groups -- A third party group of healthcare providers

who evaluate claims and associated disputes to promote fairand ethical practices within the industry

Peer Review Organization -- Organization created pursuant to Tax

Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) of 1982 toconduct quality of care and appropriateness reviews forMedicaid and Medicare admissions, discharges and readmissions;e.g., quality and cost issues

Penetration Rate135 -- The rate at which eligible enrollees decide

to become members of a managed healthcare plan, the percentageof persons covered by a managed healthcare plan out of theeligible population

Per Contract Per Month (PCPM) -- The actual dollar amount paid on

behalf of each member each month for healthcare coverage

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Per Diem Reimbursement -- The payment or reimbursement to ahealthcare facility based on a set-rate per day, not on theactual charges incurred for provided services

Performance-Based Contracting136 -- The structuring of all aspects

of acquisition around the end-result, e.g., purpose of thework to be performed as opposed to the manner by which it isdone

Performance Factor -- A unit of measure of work produced by a

function within a medical facility; e.g., workload procedures,occupied bed days, or visits

Per Member Per Month137 (PMPM) -- The unit of measure describing

capitated payments (costs or revenue) related to each membereach month healthcare coverage was effective; calculated bydividing plan revenue by the total number of member months

Per Member Per Year (PMPY) -- Same unit of measure as Per Member

Per Month (PMPM) except the period is based on a year; seePMPM

Per Thousand Members Per Year138 (PTMPY) -- See PMPY; except this

method is used by health plans to report utilization ofservices by members per thousand

Performance Work Statement (PWS) -- A written description of the

work to be accomplished by the contractor; see Statement OfWork (SOW)

Personal Services Contract139 -- A contract that, by its expressed

terms, makes the contractor personnel appear, in effect, to begovernment employees

Physician Contingency Reserve -- A practice of withholding a

portion of physicians’ reimbursement and subsequentlyestablishing a fund set-aside to cover unanticipated medicalclaims expenses

Physician Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) -- See Current

Procedural Terminology, 4th Edition (CPT-4) Physician Hospital Organization (PHO) -- A type of integrated

delivery system owned by physicians and hospital groups forthe sole purpose of attracting health plan contracts tofurther mutual interests; see Integrated Delivery System (IDS)

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Physician Payment Review Commission (PPCM) -- A bipartisanadvisory group established to advise Congress on reimbursementand payment issues related to Medicaid and Medicare

Physician Practice Management (PPM) -- An organization that

manages a physician’s practice or business and may even ownthe practice; many PPMs are publicly traded

Point of Service (POS)/Point of Service Plan/Point of Service

Charge -- A health plan that allows members to access andreceive healthcare services from a non-participating providerhowever, members must acknowledge that benefits differ thanwith the use of a participating provider and may result inadditional out-of-pocket costs; a charge which results when aTRICARE Prime patient seeks healthcare services withoutobtaining pre-authorization and, as a result, is required topay up to 50% of the provider’s fees in addition to the pre-established deductible of $300/individual or $600/family

Portability -- A provision of the Health Insurance Portability

and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) which guaranteescontinuous healthcare coverage for persons switching jobsand/or moving between plans and which requires plans to waivewaiting periods and any pre-existing condition exclusion forpersons previously covered by another plan

Practice Guidelines140 -- Formal methods and prescriptions

developed by specialists within the medical specialty or fieldfor the treatment and care of specific diseases or illnessesthat have been determined to produce the best clinicalresults; educational support and quality assurance measures;see Best Practices.

Pre-Admission Certification (PAC) -- Certification by the health

plan, after a review that is conducted prior to the actualhospitalization and which evaluates the need for and theappropriateness of the anticipated inpatient care; pre-admission review is conducted using nationally acceptedstandards and criteria (e.g., Interqual); also known as pre-certification

Preauthorization -- The process of reviewing, for the purpose of

evaluating medical necessity and appropriateness of care, arequest for healthcare services prior to the care beingrendered

Preaward Survey141 -- An evaluation by a surveying activity of a

prospective contractor’s capability to perform a proposedcontract

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Pre-Certification/Pre-Admission certification/Pre-AdmissionReview/Precert -- A prospective review by the payer prior toadmission of requested healthcare services, usually for in-patient hospitalization, evaluating the medical necessity ofthe desired care and the appropriate level of care forservices to be rendered

Pre-Existing Condition -- A medical condition diagnosed and/or

treated prior to the person’s effective date of coverage by agroup health plan; an exclusion or limitation not permittedfederally qualified HMOs

Preferred Provider Arrangement (PPA) -- See Preferred Provider

Organization (PPO) or Preferred Provider Network (PPN).Archaic term.

Preferred Provider Network142 (PPN) -- Independent physicians/

providers organized by a health plan to provide care andservices for an enrolled population at a discounted rate;e.g., TRICARE network physicians agree to accept discountedrates and file the claims for the patient and providers in theTRICARE PPN must meet the same standards as physicians workingat the military treatment facility (MTF) to be a part of thenetwork

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) -- A network of healthcare

providers who seek to contract to deliver services to membersof health plans usually at a discounted rate; generally, PPOsprovide patient’s more choice and offer higher reimbursementto the providers; not a prepaid plan but one employingutilization management techniques

Premium -- A predetermined amount of money an employer or

individual pays in advance to an insurance company for amedical insurance policy which then guarantees payment forcovered medical benefits as delineated in the contract

Preventive Healthcare -- Services which strive to prevent or

promote early detection of adverse health conditions; serviceswhich focus on keeping a patient/population well; wellnessprograms which include nutrition counseling, exercise, healthscreenings and cessation programs for smoking

Primary Care -- Basic or general healthcare services provided in

an ambulatory setting by a PCM such as a family practicephysician, internist, pediatrician, or gynecologist

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Primary Care Case Management (PCCM) -- A program in which Statescontract directly with primary care providers to care and casemanagement Medicaid patients under their care; generally suchprograms pay the provider fee-for-service rates as well as amonthly case management fee per member per month (PMPM)

Primary Care Manager (PCM) -- A patient’s primary healthcare

provider (physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant,independent duty corpsman) who provides and oversees allroutine healthcare services, submits referrals for specialtycare, and monitors their care (continuum) over time; a TRICAREPrime patient’s entry point to healthcare services

Primary Care Network143 (PCN) -- A group of primary care providers

who share the risk of providing healthcare for members of ahealth plan

Primary Care Provider/Physician/Practitioner (PCP) -- A provider,

selected upon enrollment in a health plan, who is trained anddelivers primary care such as family practice, internalmedicine, pediatrics -- includes nurse practitioners and, insome cases, obstetricians and gynecologists; serves as theentry point for the patient with the medical system andmanages and coordinates the patient’s healthcare needs

Principle Diagnosis -- The primary reason the patient required

inpatient care Privacy Act -- A federal law intended to protect personal

information the government maintains on individuals fromgeneral release and to give individuals one way of amendingsuch data when it is factually erroneous; 5 USC 552a

Privileges -- Privileges granted by an institution to a

healthcare professional to practice at the institution withinspecific parameters based on the provider’s education,training, licensure, certification(s), experience andskill/ability

Procuring Activity144 -- A component of an executive agency having

significant acquisition function and designation; unlessotherwise annotated, term is synonymous with contractingactivity

Professional Review Organizations (PRO) -- An organization that

serves to evaluate physicians’ practices to determine if carerendered was medically necessary and delivered in theappropriate setting

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Profiling145 -- A process of collecting, collating, and analyzingclinical (utilization) data to develop and evaluate providers,resource consumption, and outcomes of care; a means of reviewand analysis performed on a provider, clinic, network, orregion to assess patterns of health care services; expressedas a rate, a measure of utilization, aggregated over time fora defined population of patients

Proposal146 -- Any offer or other submission used as a basis for

pricing a contract, contract modification, or terminationsettlement, or for securing payments thereunder

Proposal Modification147 -- A change made to a proposal before the

solicitation closing date and time, made in response to anamendment, or, to correct a mistake at any time before award

Proposal Revision148 -- A change to a proposal made after the

solicitation closing date, at the request of or as allowed bya contracting officer, as the result of negotiations

Prospective Payment System (PPS) -- A payment system where billed

charges are based on prices determined prior to the deliveryof the service based on standardized illness and treatment; abefore-the-fact determination of payment associated withinpatient care and diagnosis related groups (DRGs)

Prospective Review -- A utilization management technique; a

screening assessment conducted by a healthcare professional,other than the one responsible for the patient’s care, onrequested healthcare services prior to the delivery of care toensure medical necessity and the appropriate utilization ofservices; authorization for services, that is, if payment isto be ensured, is required before the patient accesses care

Protest149 -- A written objection by an interested party to any of

the following:• a solicitation or request by an agency for offers for a

contract for the procurement of property or services• the cancellation of the solicitation or request• an award or proposed award of the contract• a termination or cancellation of an award of the contract,

if the written objection contains an allegation that thetermination is based in whole or in part on theimproprieties concerning the award of the contract

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Provider -- A healthcare professional who is licensed toindependently provide healthcare services or products and whois usually compensated for services rendered; e.g., physician,nurse practitioner, physician assistant, optometrist,psychologist

Provisional Rate150 -- Another term for billing rate

Purchase Order151 -- An offer by the government to buy supplies orservices, including construction and research and development,upon specified terms using simplified acquisition procedures

Qualified Bidders List152 (QBL) -- A list of bidders who meetqualification requirements

Qualified Manufacturers List153 (QML) -- A list of manufacturerswhose products have been inspected and which meet allqualification requirements

Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) -- A person whose totalincome is below the federally established poverty-line and, asa result, is qualified for state payments of all Part Bpremiums, deductibles and copayments; one determined by theSocial Security Administration, based upon factors such asage, kidney disease, and disabilities, to be eligible forMedicare benefits

Qualified Products List154 (QPL) -- A list of products that havebeen examined and meet all qualification requirements

Quality155 -- The value of a product or output as defined by theconsumer; “the degree of excellence or conformity toestablished standards or criteria”

Quality Assurance (QA)/Quality Management (QM)/QualityImprovement (QI)/Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)/TotalQuality Improvement (TQM)/Performance Improvement (PI) -- Aprogram designed to review and continuously improveperformance through evaluation of processes; one whichemphasizes the design, measurement, assessment and improvementof healthcare processes to improve the overall quality ofhealthcare services delivered to all beneficiaries and whichincludes monitoring of care delivered, risk management,outcomes management, external review programs, and clinicalprivileging of healthcare providers; an evaluation of careagainst pre-established nationally accepted standards

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Quality Assurance Reform Initiative (QARI) -- A healthcarequality improvement system, developed by the Health CareFinancing Administration (HCFA), for Medicaid managed careplans and which includes both a quality assurance frameworkand clinical guidelines for states

Quality of Care -- A desired level of excellence in the deliveryof healthcare service; the degree to which services providedproduce the desired outcome

Realistic156 -- A judgment by the contracting officer that thecost proposed by an offeror is not too low

Reasonable157 -- A judgment by the contracting officer that thecost proposed by an offeror is not too high

Reasonable and Customary Charge -- A term which refers to thestandard or generally accepted charge for services for a givenarea (customary) and in which the fee is considered reasonableif it falls within what is considered to be the average rangefor a given service within a given geographic region

Recurring Costs158 -- Costs, such as labor and materials, thatvaries with the quantity being produced

Referral -- A recommendation or request by a physician orhealthcare provider that a patient be sent to see a differentprovider or specialist, who may or may not be in the patient’shealth plan network, for specific or specialized treatment orcare; also called a consult

Reinsurance -- The purchase of insurance to cover the costs ofhealthcare benefits which exceed a predetermined level; amethod of limiting the risk a managed care organization (MCO)assumes by acquiring insurance to handle any catastrophiccases or medical claims; also called risk control insurance;see Stop Loss

Relative Value Scales -- A pricing system utilized by physiciansin which relative weighted values are assigned to treatmentsor procedures based on existing standards in the industry suchas current procedural terminology codes

Request for Equitable Adjustment (REA) -- A letter or proposalfrom a contractor requesting a change to the contract price,schedule, specifications, or other terms and conditions, tocompensate the contractor for injuries or loss resulting fromgovernment fault

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Request for Quote159 (RFQ) -- An informal solicitation

Requests for Proposals160 (RFP) -- A solicitation; thegovernment’s statement or written requirements containing thestatement of work, other special requirements, the place andthe period of performance, required clauses, certifications ofthe offeror, proposal preparation instructions and thecriteria the award will be based upon

Resource Based Relative Value System (RBRVS) -- A fee scheduledeveloped by the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)to reimburse physicians based on the time and resourcesrequired to care for a patient and encompasses overhead costs,adjustments for geographic location, and include factors oftime, effort, technical skill, practice, and training costs

Resource Sharing161 (RS) -- See External Resource Sharing andInternal Resource Sharing

Resource Support162 -- A task order requirement for a Managed CareSupport (MCS) Contractor to provide needed resources (people,supplies, equipment, equipment maintenance) to a militarytreatment facility (MTF) to support the healthcare deliverywithin the MTF for MTF at-risk beneficiaries; a possibilityfor retaining MTF workload in-house; a resource supportprogram that differs from a resource sharing initiative inthat MTF funds are used to obtain resources or supportservices

Respondeat Superior -- The legal doctrine of vicarious liabilityin which a patient involved in medical litigation can hold anemployer (hospital/managed care organization) liable for thenegligent acts/actions of the employee (provider) because theemployer has the right/responsibility to control theprovider’s acts; this doctrine does not apply if the negligentparty is an independent contractor, e.g., one over whom littlecontrol is exercised

Responsible Offeror -- A prospective contractor that hasacceptable financial, technical, and organizational resources,and a satisfactory record of business ethics

Retrospective Review -- A comprehensive review of healthcareservices conducted after the care has been rendered which isused to evaluate utilization patterns and to allow for denialof payment if pre-established practice protocols were notfollowed

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Revised Financing -- A new financing method associated with amanaged care support contract that moves the risk forproviding healthcare services for the military treatmentfacility (MTF) Prime beneficiaries from the Managed CareSupport (MCS) Contractor to the MTF; a financing method thatputs the MTF financially ‘at risk’ for the care required bythe TRICARE MTF Prime patients

Risk Adjustment -- A process of adjusting fees paid to providersresulting from differences in demographics, medicalconditions, and location; a process intended to remove anyfinancial incentives for payers to reduce or eliminateenrollment of high risk individuals by adequately compensatingthe payer for the risk they assume

Risk Contract163 -- A contract payment method between the HealthCare Financing Administration (HCFA) and a managed careorganization (MCO), health maintenance organization (HMO), ora competitive medical plan (CMP) in which the plan is requiredto deliver all required, medically necessary, comprehensivemedical services in exchange for a fixed monthly payment ratefrom the government and a premium by the enrolled member(Note: Medicaid patients enrolled in an at-risk contract arenot required to pay premiums)

Risk HMO164 -- A Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) termwhich refers to a federally qualified health maintenanceorganizations (HMO) or competitive medical plans (CMP) whichassumes the financial risk of caring for Medicarebeneficiaries through their provider networks; the risk HMOrequires members to obtain all healthcare services through theHMO or CMP network except for emergency care and out-of-areaurgent care in order for the care to be covered

Risk Management (RM) -- A process or program to identify,analyze, and correct episodes of loss or potential loss, e.g.,risks which might result in a negative clinical outcome or inother harm to a patient, employee, invitee, or even atrespasser; the implementation of administrative techniques tominimize potential financial loss associated with liability insuch events

Risk Sharing -- The sharing of financial risk and responsibilitybetween two or more entities associated with the care of anenrolled or defined population

Same Day Surgery (SDS) -- See Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC)

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Second Level Review -- A prospective review of requestedhealthcare services conducted to determine medical necessity

Second Opinion -- An opinion of a physician evaluating the needfor treatment or care recommended by another physician

Self-Funded Plans -- A health plan where the financial risk formedical bills is the sole responsibility of the company andnot an insurance company or managed care plan

Sentinel Event -- An adverse health event that might have beenavoided if different procedures or alternative interventionswere employed; e.g., an adverse event, e.g., a physicianamputating the wrong limb, which is required to be reported tothe Joint Commission and which may trigger a full caseanalysis including circumstances, risk factors and preventivemeasures

Service Area -- The geographic area in which a managed care planoffers its program or plan as approved by the state and theCertificate of Authority (COA) for health maintenanceorganizations (HMOs); a health plan requirement that membersseek healthcare services from participating providers withinthe specified geographic region except in cases of anemergency

Service Contract165 -- A contract that directly engages the timeand effort of a contractor whose primary purpose is to performan identifiable task rather than to furnish an end item ofsupply; e.g., housekeeping or maintenance contracts,communication services contracts (beepers), and research anddevelopment contracts

Shadow Pricing -- A practice of setting prices just under thecompetition’s price; setting health maintenance organizations(HMO) premiums by under-pricing indemnity plans not throughadherence to community or experience rating

Sherman Act of 1890 -- A federal law enacted to prevent andprohibit restraints on trade and monopolies; see Clayton Act

Sierra Military Health Services, Inc. (SMHS) -- The TRICAREcontractor selected to administer TRICARE benefits to eligiblebeneficiaries in the North Atlantic and New England regions ofthe continental United States (CONUS)

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Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) -- A licensed healthcare facilitythat accepts patients requiring rehabilitative, medical, andnursing care services but at a lesser extent than thoseservices provided in a hospital

Skimming -- The enrollment of low-risk, relatively healthymembers in a prepaid health plan while simultaneouslydiscouraging the enrollment of sicker, more complex patients;also called Cherry-Picking

Social Health Maintenance Organization (SHMO) -- A type of HMOoriginally funded by Congress in 1984 to demonstrate thefeasibility of providing integrated acute and long-termhealthcare services for Medicare enrollees with complex healthneeds; program including coverage for medical care needs andsocial needs as well, such as prescriptions, personal care,and skilled nursing care

Sole Source Acquisition166 -- A contract for the purchase ofsupplies or services entered into, or proposed to be enteredinto, by an agency after soliciting and negotiating with onlyone source

Source Selection Advisory Council167 (SSAC) -- A committee thatreviews the cost and technical proposals and makesrecommendations for contract award to the Source SelectionAuthority

Source Selection Authority (SSA) -- An individual, out-rankingthe Contracting Officer by at least one level, who makes thefinal determination on the award of a contract

Source Selection Evaluation Board168 (SSEB) -- Any board, team, orcouncil that evaluates bids or proposals

Sovereign Immunity -- The legal doctrine that the federalgovernment and other governmental entities cannot be suedwithout their consent; see Federal Tort Claims Act, the TuckerAct and similar state statutes

Sponsor -- The service person or former military member, whetheractive duty, retired, or deceased, whose relationship with thebeneficiary makes the individual eligible for healthcareservices in the military health system (MHS)

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Staff Model Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) -- A healthcaredelivery model which provides healthcare services to itsenrolled beneficiaries through the employment of physicians,on salary and compensated through incentive programs, who seepatients in the HMO’s facilities; a type of closed panelhealth maintenance organization (HMO)

Standard Class Rate (SCR) -- A projection tool for per member permonth (PMPM) calculation using group demographic informationto set group rates

Standard of Care -- That minimum threshold a healthcare providermust reach in the performance of his duties; the legalrequirement to act, or to refrain from acting, as would anyother prudent and reasonable healthcare provider of the samespecialty given the same or similar circumstances

Standard Prescriber Identification Number (SPIN) -- A programcurrently under development by the national Council ofPrescription Drug Programs to establish unique prescriberidentification numbers

Stark I -- Restrictions, effective January 1992 from the 1989Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) (42 U.S.C.), limitingself-referrals within physicians practices and to limitphysicians’ ability to derive direct income from ancillaryservices associated with the care of both Medicaid andMedicare patients

Stark II -- Regulations published in 1993 by the Health CareFinancing Administration (HFCA) that prohibit physicians fromreferring patients or any business transactions to entities inwhich they hold a financial stake or interest

Statement of Work (SOW) -- A written explanation of the work tobe completed by a contractor

Stop Loss -- A form of reinsurance in which a health plan paysanother insurance company to protect it against excessiveloss; e.g., when the cost of care for a single patient exceedsa predetermined amount, the health plan would receive 80% ofexpenses over the predetermined amount for the remainder ofthe year from the insuring agency

Subscriber -- The person responsible for paying the premiums formembership in a health plan or on whose employment membershipin a group plan is based; also called member or enrollee butthere may be distinctions, e.g., a dependent is considered amember but not a subscriber

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Supplemental Care169 (Funds) -- Care that is ordered and paid forby the military treatment facility (MTF)

Surety170 -- An individual or corporation legally liable for debt,default, or failure of a principle to satisfy a contractualobligation

Task Order171 -- An order for services placed against anestablished contract or with government sources

Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA) -- Afederal law which defines primary and secondary coverageresponsibilities of the Medicare program; additionalcomponents of the Act include extending Medicare payments toancillary services, providing for hospice coverage, andallowing Medicare to sign at-risk contracts with healthmaintenance organizations (HMOs) and competitive medical plans(CMPs)

Technical Evaluation Team172 (TET) -- A group of subject matterexperts (SME) who evaluate and rank submitted technicalproposals using the criteria delineated in the solicitation

Termination Contracting Officer173 (TCO) -- A contracting officerwho is responsible for managing and settling one or moreparticular contracts; also refers to a contracting officer whospecializes in the management and settlement of terminatedcontracts

Termination Date -- The actual date that healthcare coverage isno longer in effect

Termination for Convenience (T4C) -- The voluntary and unilateraldecision by the government to terminate a contract; when thecontracting officer determines the termination of a contractto be in the best interest of the government; e.g., failure toappropriate adequate funding, the service is not needed,and/or the current performance is not satisfactory; can applyto any government contract, even multiyear, and happen at anytime during the life cycle of the contract

Termination for Default (T4D) -- Unilateral contract action inwhich the government decides to terminate a contract due tonon-performance by the contractor

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Third Level Review -- A review conducted at the request of abeneficiary or provider to reconsider (reconsideration) adecision rendered on the appropriateness, of admission,continued stay or services rendered; medical necessity, orreasonableness of requested healthcare as a covered benefit

Third Party Administrator (TPA) -- A company outside the insuringorganization which contracts to administer benefits and alladministrative duties including utilization review foremployee health plans and managed care plans; a third partypayer if its administration of the plan also includes claimspayment

Third Party Collections -- A billing system used in the militaryhealth system (MHS) that allows the government to bill otherinsurers and recover healthcare costs when a patient has morethan one policy

Third Party Liability -- See Coordination of Benefits (COB); alsocalled Other Party Liability (OPL)

Third Party Payer -- A third party, (the government, an insurancecompany or a managed care organization), who is responsiblefor paying the costs of healthcare services for an enrolledpopulation under a health plan

Tort Reform -- An umbrella term covering legislative efforts tochange, or changes to, current medical malpractice laws, e.g.,ceilings on damage awards, shortened time periods for bringingactions, limitations on punitive damages, and curbs on class-action suits

Total Quality Management (TQM) -- A program designed to achieveconstant performance at all levels within an organization;encompassing components of continuous quality improvement, ateam approach to process improvement, a customer focus, andcycle time improvements

Trade Organization –- An association, usually not for profit, butmay have for profit entities, which seeks to serve the needsof its constituent members, e.g., American Medical Association

Traditional Indemnity Insurance -- See Indemnity Carrier

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Triage -- A process of evaluating a patient’s need for medicalservices (urgency) through evaluation of the patient’scondition and complaints in order to establish a priority listto ensure efficient use of available medical resources;screening in person or by telephone, for urgency based onexisting algorithms

TRICARE -- The health plan for the Department of Defenseincluding the Coast Guard (Department of Transportation asset)

TRICARE Extra -- One of the 3 options of the TRICARE program; aplan which covers all healthcare services provided under theCivilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services(CHAMPUS) and which abide by CHAMPUS rules but which isintended to result in decreased out-of-pocket costs for thebeneficiary through the use of network providers

TRICARE Prime -- One of the 3 options of the TRICARE program; aplan which provides preventive and primary care services inaddition to standard coverage provided by the Civilian Healthand Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS); anoption in which care is delivered using both militarytreatment facility (MTF) providers and a network ofproviders/facilities established by the Managed Care SupportContract (MCSC)

TRICARE Prime Remote (TPR) -- A health benefit program requiredby the 1998 National Defense Authorization Act to providemedical coverage for active duty soldiers/sailors/airmen/marines assigned to remote areas and which closelyresemble the health benefit available in a military treatmentfacility (TRICARE Prime)

TRICARE Senior Prime (TSP) -- A three-year demonstration projectunder which Medicare will reimburse Department of Defense(DoD) for care provided to Medicare eligible beneficiaries ofthe military health system (MHS); select military treatmentfacilities (MTFs) in collaboration with the Managed CareSupport (MCS) contractors and the Lead Agents (LA) function asMedicare + Choice Organizations offering enrollment to dualeligible beneficiaries (eligible for healthcare in the MHS andeligible for Medicare); the purpose of the demonstrationprogram is to evaluate the ability of the MHS to provide cost-effective, accessible, quality healthcare to eligiblebeneficiaries without increasing healthcare costs for eitherthe MHS or the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)

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TRICARE Service Center (TSC) -- A service-oriented officeestablished and operated by the TRICARE contractor to providePrime enrollment and healthcare finder services tobeneficiaries in one convenient location

TRICARE Standard -- One of the 3 options of the TRICARE program;the program which replaced the traditional Civilian Health andMedical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) option;the option with the greatest choice

Triple Option -- A type of managed care plan that offers membersa choice between a health maintenance organization (HMO),preferred provider organization (PPO), or an indemnity planeach time they are in need of medical services; a programmanaged and administered through a single set of benefits witha single carrier; also called Cafeteria Plan

Truth in Negotiations Act (TINA) -- A public law that requirescontractors to provide full and fair disclosure whennegotiating with the government

Tucker Act -- Legislation partially abrogating the doctrine ofsovereign immunity, permitting certain contract actionsagainst the government if filed within the 6-year statute oflimitations

Turn Around Time (TAT) -- The total time required for completionof a cycle for a process from receipt of the transaction toits completion; e.g., in claims processing, a cycle would bethe total number of days from the date the claim is receivedtill payment; see Cycle Time

Unbundling -- The billing of health services or the components ofa procedure separately, instead of reporting (billing) theprocedure under one code encompassing all components ofservices rendered; an unethical billing practice intended toincrease revenue; also called itemizing, fragmented billing,and exploded billing

Uncompensated Care174 -- Healthcare services provided by

physicians and hospitals for which no reimbursement is madeeither by the patient or by a third party payer

Underinsured -- Persons with insurance insufficient to coverneeds or expenses, resulting in increased out-of-pocketcharges to the member who may well be unable to pay them

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Underwriting -- The process of evaluating and analyzing the levelof risk associated with insuring any group seeking coverage;evaluating risk and establishing pricing/rates to ensures thatthe potential for loss is adequately covered by the determinedpremiums

Uniform Billing Code of 1992 (UB-92) -- An update and revision tothe 1982 federal law which established uniformed billingpractices by requiring hospitals to itemize all servicesprovided; UB-92 is also the actual form used to itemizeservices rendered in the hospital

Uniformed Services Family Health Plan (USFHP) -- A healthcarefacility deemed by law to be a facility of the UniformedServices; facilities in which TRICARE eligible beneficiariesmay enroll for healthcare services

Uniformed Services Treatment Facility (USTF) -- The previous nameof the Uniformed Services Family Health Plan; see UniformedServices Family Health Program (USFHP)

Uninsured -- Persons without public nor private healthcareinsurance

Universal Access175 -- The right to comprehensive, affordable,confidential and effective healthcare services; available incountries with national or socialized healthcare

Universal Coverage -- A type of government-sponsored healthcarecoverage which provides healthcare services to all citizens

Upcoding -- The unethical practice of inappropriately elevatingprocedure coding so the provider can reap a higherreimbursement rate; also called Coding Creep

Urgent Care -- Those healthcare services needed within 24 hours;health conditions requiring medical attention but not usuallyconsidered to be life threatening

Usual, Customary, or Reasonable (UCR) -- A method of profilingprovider fee schedules within a geographic area and using theprofiles to establish reimbursement rates for providers;“usual” fees are those normally charged by a physician,“customary” fees if they fall within an average range for agiven geographic area, and “reasonable” fees are those thatmeet the previous two criteria; associate fee-for-servicereimbursement

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Utilization Management176 -- Management programs instituted tomaximize medically necessary and appropriate care and minimizeor eliminate inappropriate care; a component of managed carewith a goal of placing the right patient at the right locationat the right time to receive the right amount of care at areasonable cost; techniques utilized to manage healthcarecosts through the individual management of patient care

Utilization Review (UR) -- A formal system of case-by-case reviewand assessment of healthcare services to determine utilizationrates, allocate adequate resources to meet the demand forservices (per patient), and develop cost-effective methods ofcare placing the patient in the most appropriate level of carepossible; prospective, retrospective, and concurrent review toevaluate medical necessity, appropriateness and efficiency; amethod of review employing the use of pre-established andnationally accepted criteria

Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC) -- A not-for-profit organization established in 1990 to standardizeutilization review in the healthcare industry through theaccreditation of utilization review programs

Utilization Review Organization (URO)--A professionalorganization that conducts utilization reviews for IntegratedDelivery Networks and Managed Care Organizations; one thatcustomarily conducts two levels of review for its clients,with registered nurses conducting first level reviews andphysicians commonly functioning as second level reviewers

Vertical Integration -- An affiliation of numerous healthcareorganizations that provide different services but are joinedtogether in a network to provide a full range of healthcareservices to meet the healthcare needs of a geographicallydefined population; development of a network to maximizeresources resulting in economies of scale and costefficiencies; integration of entities joined through jointventures, mergers, or acquisitions

Vicarious Liability -- Legal doctrine which imposes liability ona person or business entity for the negligent acts oromissions of another because of the special relationshipbetween the two; rather than because of the first party’sconduct

Vision Statement -- Further development of an organization’smission statement delineating corporate values and philosophy

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Waiting Period -- The time a person must wait from applicationfor coverage to the effective date of the policy

Wellness Program -- A type of health education program thatemphasizes healthy lifestyle and behavior practices; seeHealth Promotion

Withhold -- A portion of the claim with-held for possible laterreturn to the provider, by a managed care organization (MCO)prior to paying the provider for services already deliveredwhich consequently serves as an incentive to the provider tobe efficient and prudent in the utilization of healthcareservices and resources; also called physician contingencyreserve (PCR)

Worker’s Compensation -- A state-mandated program which providesfinancial benefits to an employee and liability coverage forthe employer should an on-the-job injury occur

Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange177 (WEDI) -- A group,established in 1991 by the Secretary of the Department ofHealth and Human Services, tasked with developingrecommendations for the Healthcare industry and the governmentwith regard to the advancement of electronic data transmission

Wraparound Plan -- Refers to insurance coverage which pays forcopayments and deductibles not paid for by the primary healthplan

Year 2000 Compliant178 -- Refers to information technology, inthat information management/information technology (IM/IT)correctly processes date/time groups; also referred to as Y2Kcompliance

Zero Premium -- A practice of not charging Medicare beneficiariesan additional monthly premium in addition to that already paidfor Part B

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1 General Services Administration, 1997, 31.001

2 General Services Administration, 1997, 2.101

3 General Services Administration, 1997, 30.301

4 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 5.

5 General Services Administration, 1997, 43.101

6 General Services Administration, 1997, 2.101

7 General Services Administration, 1997, 31.109

8 Keninitz, D., 1998, page 3.

9 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 8.

10 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 9.

11 Griffiths, J. R., 1995, page 745.

12 General Services Administration, 1997, 31.001

13 General Services Administration, 1997, 31.109

14 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 10.

15 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 13.

16 General Services Administration, 1997, 17.101

17 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 13.

18 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 14.

19 Keninitz, D., 1998, page 4.

20 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 18.

21 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 21.

22 General Services Administration, 1997, 16.702

23 General Services Administration, 1997, 28.001

24 Borsos, D., 1998, page 2-3.

25 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 24.

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26 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 28.

27 Kongstvedt, P. R., 1996, page 989.

28 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 33.

29 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 34.

30 TRICARE Management Activity, 1997, section I, page 213.

31 General Services Administration, 1997, 43.101

32 Griffith, J. R., 1995, page 746.

33 TRICARE Northeast, 1997, page 124.

34 Pohly, P., 1998, section C, page 6.

35 General Services Administration, 1997, 3.104-3.

36 General Services Administration, 1997, 19.001.

37 Zucker, K. & Boyle, M., 1996, glossary (no page numbers).

38 General Services Administration, 1997, 2.101

39 General Services Administration, 1997, 2.101

40 General Services Administration, 1997, 2.101

41 General Services Administration, 1997, 5.001

42 General Services Administration, 1997, 2.101

43 General Services Administration, 1997, 43.101

44 General Services Administration, 1997, 2.101

45 Zucker, K., 1998, Acronyms & Glossary (no page numbers)

46 Keninitz, D., 1998, page 11.

47 General Services Administration, 1997, 16.302

48 Zucker, K., 1998, Acronyms & Glossary (no page numbers)

49 General Services Administration, 1997, 16.305

50 General Services Administration, 1997, 16.306

51 General Services Administration, 1997, 16.304

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52 General Services Administration, 1997, 16.301-1.

53 General Services Administration, 1997, 16.303

54 Zucker, K. & Boyle, M., 1996, Glossary (no page numbers)

55 Kongstvedt, P. R., 1996, page 991.

56 General Services Administration, 1997, 9.403

57 Keninitz, D., 1998, page 14.

58 Keninitz, D., 1998, page 14.

59 General Services Administration, 1997, 31.001

60 Zucker, K., 1998, Acronyms & Glossary (no page numbers).

61 Keninitz, D., 1998, page 15.

62 General Services Administration, 1997, 2.101

63 Department of Defense, 1996, page 9

64 TRICARE Management Activity, 1997, section I, page 213.

65 Kongstevdt, P. R., 1996, page 992.

66 Pohly, P., 1998, section D, page 3.

67 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 64.

68 Zucker, K.& Boyle, M., 1996, Glossary (no page numbers)

69 Keninitz, D., 1998, page 15.

70 Zucker, K., 1998, Acronyms & Glossary (no page numbers)

71 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 86

72 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 72

73 TRICARE Northeast, 1997, page 127.

74 General Services Administration, 1997, 19.001.

75 Zucker, K. & Boyle, M., 1996, Glossary (no page numbers)

76 General Services Administration, 1997, 16.202

77 General Services Administration, 1997, 16.207

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78 Keninitz, D., 1998, page 19.

79 General Services Administration, 1997, 16.201

80 General Services Administration, 1997, 16.404

81 General Services Administration, 1997, 16.203

82 General Services Administration, 1997, 16.404

83 Keninitz, D., 1998, page 21.

84 Sierra Military Health Services, Inc., 1998, page1-2.

85 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 92.

86 General Services Administration, 1997, 45.101.

87 Bureau of Navy Medicine, 1997, page 8.

88 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 94.

89 Center for Health Policy Studies: Healthcare Trustees of New York

State (Ed.), 1998, page 37.

90 Pohly, P., 1998, section G, page 2.

91 Pohly, P., 1998, section H, page 1.

92 Pohly, P., 1998, section H, page 1.

93 Kongstvedt, P. R., 1996, page 995.

94 Pohly, P., 1998, section H, page 3.

95 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 106.

96 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 107.

97 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 107.

98 Pohly, P., 1998, section I, page 2.

99 Keninitz, D., 1998, page 21.

100 Keninitz, D., 1998, page 22.

101 Pohly, P., 1998, section I, page 2.

102 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 115.

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103 Zucker, K., 1998, Acronyms & Glossary (no page numbers)

104 General Services Administration, 1997, 2.101.

105 General Services Administration, 1997, 26.101.

106 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 123.

107 General Services Administration, 1997, 3.502.

108 Zucker, K. & Boyle, M., 1996, Glossary (no page numbers)

109 TRICARE Management Activity, 1997, section I, page 213.

110 General Services Administration, 1997, 7.101.

111 Center for Health Policy Studies: Healthcare Trustees of New York

State (Ed.), 1998, page 42.

112 Zucker, K. & Boyle, M., 1996, Glossary(no page numbers)

113 Center for Health Policy Studies: Healthcare Trustees of New York

State (Ed.), 1998, page 42.

114 Center for Health Policy Studies: Healthcare Trustees of New York

State (Ed.), 1998, page 43.

115 Center for Health Policy Studies: Healthcare Trustees of New York

State (Ed.), 1998, page 43.

116 Finkler, S., 1994, page 390.

117 Berkowitz, E. N., 1996, page 4.

118 Center for Health Policy Studies: Healthcare Trustees of New York

State (Ed.), 1998, page 46.

119 Zucker, K. & Boyle, M., 1996, Glossary (no page numbers)

120 Anthem Alliance, 1998, page 3.

121 Gapenski, L. C., 1996, page 61.

122 General Services Administration, 1997, 17.103.

123 General Services Administration, 1997, 2.101.

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124 Keninitz, D., 1998, page 25.

125 General Services Administration, 1997, 14.101.

126 TRICARE Northeast, 1997, page 130.

127 General Services Administration, 1997, 37.101.

128 General Services Administration, 1997, 17.103.

129 Anthony, R., 1997, page 171.

130 Borsos, D., 1998, October, page 10-11.

131 General Services Administration, 1997, 2.101.

132 TRICARE Northeast, 1997, page 131.

133 Department of Health and Human Services, 1998, page 4.

134 Zucker, K. & Boyle, M., 1996, page 422

135 Rohnehaugh, R., 1998, page 183.

136 General Services Administration, 1997, 37.101.

137 Center for Health Policy Studies: Healthcare Trustees of New York

State (Ed.), 1998, page 53.

138 Center for Health Policy Studies: Healthcare Trustees of New York

State (Ed.), 1998, page 53.

139 General Services Administration, 1997, 37.101.

140 Center for Health Policy Studies: Healthcare Trustees of New York

State (Ed.), 1998, page 54.

141 General Services Administration, 1997, 9.101.

142 Department of Defense, 1998, September, page 1.

143 Center for Health Policy Studies: Healthcare Trustees of New York

State (Ed.), 1998, page 56.

144 General Services Administration, 1997, 6.003.

145 Department of Defense, 1998, page 11.

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146 General Services Administration, 1997, 31.

147 General Services Administration, 1997, 15.001.

148 General Services Administration, 1997, 15.001.

149 General Services Administration, 1997, 33.101.

150 Keninitz, D., 1998, page 28.

151 General Services Administration, 1997, 13.001.

152 General Services Administration, 1997, 9.201.

153 General Services Administration, 1997, 9.201.

154 General Services Administration, 1997, 9.201.

155 Williams, S. & Torrens, P., 1993, page 387.

156 Zucker, K., 1998, Acronyms & Glossary (no page numbers)

157 Zucker, K., 1998, Acronyms & Glossary (no page numbers)

158 General Services Administration, 1997, 17.103.

159 Zucker, K., 1998, Acronyms & Glossary (no page numbers)

160 Zucker, K., 1998, Acronyms & Glossary (no page numbers)

161 McAllister, D., 1999, page 2.

162 McAllister, D., 1999, page 4.

163 Department of Health and Human Services, 1998, page 5.

164 Rognehaugh, R., 1998, page 221

165 General Services Administration, 1997, 37.101.

166 General Services Administration, 1997, 6.003.

167 Zucker, K., 1998, Acronyms & Glossary (no page numbers).

168 General Services Administration, 1997, 3.104-3.

169 TRICARE Management Activity, 1997, section I, page 216.

170 General Services Administration, 1997, 28.001.

171 General Services Administration, 1997, 2.101.

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172 Zucker, K., 1998, Acronyms & Glossary (no page numbers)

173 Keninitz, D., 1998, page 33.

174 Pohly, P., 1998, section U, page 1.

175 Pohly, P., 1998, section U, page 1.

176 Department of Defense, 1996, page 2.

177 United Healthcare, 1996, page 11.

178 General Services Administration, 1997, 39.002.