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wt t t L 0 i j > 1j 4 t > < i r Jtartf 0 dl i I 1 t P 11 bI tcttu t H J Fine Job Work i DEVOTED TO TilE INTEREStS OF ALL THE PEOPLE OF 01110 COUNTY Subscription 1 per Year i vot XXI HARTFORD OHIO COUNTY IY FRIDAY NOVEMBER 201908 NoS OHIO CIRCUIT CDDRT t GRtNDSOUtJUSTICEt t Renter Fail T rmNbw In Ses = f MJ WO k Dopet r Inie Ohio Circuit Qoiirt Convened in I1 court hall Monday Judge T F BlrkI bead presiding Tina rolling named gentlemen were empaneled as Brand jurors wtoo- AVnasnes ages religion and party attn laUions BoiUjTv Arch Lam > age 35 reUclOD none R publloan7bbs Wt- lepiyage 20 religion none t Republic- an JT Hoover age 44t r lglori Bi- jtlst Democrat James Gantry age 64 reldgton none DemocmtjThCAiWll Sadie age 76 Biptlat Democrat J M3 Chlnn age 56 Baptist Democrat Joim Bowls age 48 religion none Democrat W H Taylor ago72Md11t iodtet Denwcnat J M Wade age 49 religion none Democrat Joe C Ben hett age 1f 1 religion none pemixsrat Foreman Will Iglebeitage 43Dap tist Democrat Sheriff James T Moore ago 63 Christian Democrat Clerk Jn the absence of Commonwealths Attorney B D Ring County Attor ney E M Woodward gave the princi pal charge to the grand Jury In an appropriate and well timed address He especially emphasized bribery and corrupt use of money and whisky Ir elections referring specifically to the comlrig Republican primary He told the jury that be had been requested by the committee of his party to ask them to make thorough Investigations of at charges of corruption in connection with the Same Judge Birkheadi also gave a general ltRlkW tfie Jury aJong the lines of the of the public servants etc Hbe following named gentlemen were empaueled petit junnr T L LbjdJlBUJVadeWS P JMoojrf Mil ¬ ton Parks Wl CSmlUi Claud Hud ¬ son W F Stevens Wayne Pirtle L M Smith Finis T Jackson B W GloJr Allen Gentry RobortQuis enberry J P Harrison Felix Willis Late Knott G M Burdett Jesse C Hill D C Brown Anther Chick Will T Greer Sol RhlUlps Elijah Ben- der and W W Balsa All the Gorath oases set for the first diy wane continued for service of protest except Comth vs Minnie Jarvis dismissed on nrotion ofComtb and County Attorneys Oomth vs Flora Burden law and facts to ctnirt and fine to be assessed Comtb vft James Bennett dismiss ed on motion of Comiht Commth vs W P Midkiff and others obirgcd with gaming verdict of Jury not guilty Oomtih TCI Buck Allen and InnHall passed to today Oomth vs Mary Morton dismiss ¬ ed on motion of Comtb Comth VB M 11 E R R Co two cases passed i The only three Comthi cases Ton 2nd days docket disposed of as fol- lows Comth vs Okas Brown 2 cases and Claude Chapman contin ¬ tied to 2nd day of next Marchrterm Visiting attorneys Senator N T coward Morgantowu Judge T J Sparks Greenville S P Roby Fords vjllej Judges 311 P3rter and D B Rtosds Bi over Aim Jchn T Rene Ceritertowu and b A Royal Roslno Ordinary cases jury trials Wednes day 3rd day Fordsvlllc Planing Mill Co Vf IC R R Co Elijah S Fulkcnm vs McHenry Coal G- oJJoKlth vs Frank Allen R B Tlwrnpacm vs I C R R Co Trout KataTS Evansvllle Bowling Green Packet Co TrC ScUrcadfr vs AyerVLord Tie Co y f Henry Mihton vs Same Thursday 4tti l ctay Oaander AlIen et ol vs L C R H Co Eva Taylor vs I C R R Co Proctor Herdmam ve E SMrMtt- ban c > L W Condor ire Mike Crahan Frlyrit1 day EdOaviBon vs Jno A St Clair 4 1ljahFUlket1iOnv McHenry Coa cmpaIw yirdiot 6t jury r5Wjtbr the l ptetetlft Fer4a r1I1ePiittrg MIIl 0ompanyvs qtL O fe Iti verdict ot Jury 13500 for pldMt4t l1I t i ltlV T icon f CRdlsm- ires wjr > raieaCfor pWs4if 1 cost t1r t r1eaalpelit pelllljw- YtK WWt 4I Rey Creme train IueI I rW Jf fC Li l r 1 r unable to emply counsel the court appbnlted Rarnee A Anderson and Bar nott Smith to defend Troutand Kahn vs Evansville and Bowling Green Packet Company agreed Judgirietvt for 1800 and cost for plaintiff Te Scuroaicr vs JyeraudUJrd Tie Cpuipany dlamissedsettled Henry Minton vs sahie same order Proctor and Herndraen vs E S McQ llan et at continued to next term with judgment for defendant for I defendants cost- Commonwealth va Murry Crowe set for toduy and defendant being unable to employ counsel the Court appointed I attorneys J < B Wilson C 3L Crowe and R E L Simmerjnari to defend I The grand jury had not made tiny r pcrt up to the time we went to press but it Is understood it will return a lap go number of indlotments this morn- Ing Squirrels Fight for Nuts Bound Brook N J Nov 16 ThU Is going to boa long underyI cold winter prophesied Abraham Pennymnn a noun Brook N4 JI farmer The Bqulrrejs know it and ahoy are laying in an extra store of chestnuts AboUt twenty squirrels attacked a farni band when lie was up a tree picking chestnuts and bit tam i BO badly he needed a doctor Squirrels attacked a neighbors boy Ho killed two of them with a club but the savagely I Squirrels never attack ony one unless too nut crop Iii small like tills one and theres a hard winter ahead I AN BON I M FARMER I I ITo Ube Republicans ot Ohio cou1lJtyr IHaving Bometlmo agb pU a card my clams before the peo po for ToBominatlbn to the position of County Judge I had expected to al ¬ low the matter to root to fur as any newspaperpublication was concerned However I hive been reliably dnfonm I cd that one of my opponents bus ibeeJi saying to pereons in Ms canvass tout I am incompetent being only au hon duI ¬ I I sonally to counteract tliese mlsrepre senitatlons and ponce I am compelled I to resort to the press I plead guilty aarrnerland i ono as It has been my supremo effort In life to merit tile approbation of my I r limon as to honesty While I may not be as competentttodetennlneI intricate Jaw points as my two op- ponents who are both lawyers yet very few of my decisions have been ovet ruled or even appealed to a higher court Besides it is a well known fact that tile legal business coming be- fore ¬ a County Judge has steadily de ¬ I creased from year to year because of the fact that more terms of tiie i Circuit Court are held than formorlY and because Jurisdiction of MagiMruto sand Polio Courts bus been enlarged i by recent acts of Use legislature I Tie truth is thAt the County Court has been reduced almost entirely to pustJjig uixn toad cases probating of wills Ii lid tfetUoinents of administrators QUItortlI I While the importance of the Ooucty Judgostdp lure boon lessened ire home extent by the falling oft in legit bus ¬ iness It has increys d with rte gNw I lag wealth and population of the coun- t ¬ lu Its fiscal ivffaiis and it IB in this flicto that tbo County Judge cxor l clses too giyttcr influento for gosh d W1I county and I Seal thtt I am far more i competent now after three years of i expedience than any new man d posibly bo In tills place no what Ids legal abilities way be mutterI entered office wjubout any exl1 If the farmers of Ohio county who rtcrlyI tax payers lit the decal affairs at the 9ttanner JhcuIfort tray in my power to H erH It BhoQld i beseaataate4 18- l 1b i- l OLIe eegidryst JtIIUr y lit- r tyw BLOODY TRAGEDY AT STATE CAPITAL Mother Slays Her Children and i Cuts Her Own Throat With Razor Franfortk Ky Nov 15Lying In great pools of blood with their throat I cut from ear to ear Mrs Agnes Undo and titer two children aged five and three years respectively were found lu their home here this afternoon by nedghibora who were attracted by the pWful cries ot the children- A razor while whlcli the crimes were committed was found in the c nche l hand of the mother I John Linder bite husband find fcultioi Is a ghits blower in the employ of I the Frankfurt Modes Glass Works Ho was not at home ut tio time of the tnigedy but was soon located by tte uollceund seemed greatly overcome I at the tows from his borne his wife he said shortly after dinnerI uudI other than that she may have been I temporary insane I Dr R if Cobllnwbo was summon ¬ ed immediately by the neighbor found loot life was extinct in Via three bodies and that the windpipes of mother and children had been severed by t3w keen mzors edge I Neighbors and friends declare that they know of no domestic trouble In tie Linder family and the cause of her tragedy remains a mystery The Lindners chino to Frankfort several montiS ago from Brooklyn N Y I Two Spud SellersOne From Ohio County Deputy United States Marshal Amen returned lust night from Leitctifleld wlti i7o federal prlwiners bofli white mud bom charged witU retailing whis ¬ key without a licoiwe Tile men are E A Dockery of Roslne and Frank iSmallwood of Lwltchfleld Both mien were given an examining trial before I11Whiglt placed In jail hero being unable to give the required bend pf 200Ow ensbjru Inquirer Fourteen Horses Slot From Under Him WorceSter Mass flaw 1C General Samuel E Chamberlain of Barre died of paralysis tt St Vincents hoe ¬ pital after an Illness of six months He was eighty years of age He had been in the hospital three weeks General Chamberlain wont to 1111 noise when ho was fifteen Years old When seventeen ho enlisted in the Mexican war After tine war he start- ed ¬ for California and upon reaching Chihuahua inducements were offered him by the government to outer tdo Rangers wuich he did Just Men be ¬ gan a campaign against the Apache Indians Out of the forty survivors General Chodiiborlaln WHS the lust to die When Lincoln culled for troops Chambehiln wont to till front as u captain lu 18C1 He steadKy 1lYa through gallant and morlluous service mid was finally bruvetted brigadier general for coveting the retreat of Greggu division of cavalry at the bat to of St fII church Vu General CfcambUlalu laid fpurteeu horses shot from under him and wits UlnesI Found Tripple Hoodoo DoiUty Ooroner J E Murks blames u trtplo hoodoo for too fiat toot it todk tam nil mtgt to return Vj Ed wurdsviJo from WiHbunsun Ho wont to Williamson Tllu1fJday to hold ant In quest on tte body of Jo epli Saninak kHttl in u mine Afcor roturnlug a yoidrtct of occiflent ho Bturted for homo Upon pay > ng Ms tare tie found rant he Lad but 13 centa leflj When ho got its far its haunt n Ute >OVer gave out on the lnrterurbin system und It was not unfit dtiyillgbt PrJduy that l1e reached homo Ho biainea the triple comblnortdon of 13 cent and Frlduy the 13th for his unpleasant experl encerCllpped Amdncvthe Lodges At a recent meetlpg Of the Grand Chapter Eastern Star the local chap ¬ ter was ghren No 86 Thie chapter la doing Home good Vork cud ii t ash oeiQlagaex memberi t every meeting A atltilli1 Uoa eNhecotQ > bykirrr 4 a atf beeaofteqeut sM will be ready for d4strlIratioa- t A jas among the members at the next meet- ing of the Chapter 1 Hartford Lodge No 675 P A M hold a regular session last Monday evening and examined one candidate for second degree which will be con ferred to night Owing to the fact that St Johns day falls on Sunday this year under the Masonic uw tin I election of officers will take place 01 11 Saturday Dec 2Gthat 1 oclock p1 1m Every member should remember this and be on hand to help select the officers for the coming year Rough River Lodge No 110 K of P had one of the best session Tuesday evening which bus been held by this lodge for many days The Second Rank was conferred in a splendid manner to the supreme enjoyment of a large assemblage of Knights The Chancel ¬ ors work was put on by S Tlnsley while the part IerfolmedII by the Prelate way given did form by Knight J T Moore On next Tuesday evening the Third Rank will be conferred und a luncheon will be served to the members and visitors by the following committee Knights E W Ford R D Walker and B LI Taylor At tills meeting the nomina ¬ tion of officers for tile coming term will also be madeII Prof A On last Sunday afternoon ot the residence of Hie brides mother Mrs John Mugun at Buford Prof Everett Ellis led Miss Josle Magan to the bri ¬ dal altar whereIn the presence ol tile family and only a few immediate friends Rev O M Shultz pronounced them mnn and wife These young poo pe are both quite popular and promi- nent ¬ Prof Ellis having for the past several years been connected with tie schools of the county and at present is one of the faculty of Haw ford Col ¬ lege The bride Is a social favorite with everybody Pine marrlnge was somewhat of a surprise to their many friJrclis They W411 OCulthresldO- Jlce recently vacated by Mr Wallace Riley near the planing mill Thieves Get 18653 50 South Bend Ind November 15 The biggest robbery in tho history of South Bendand one of the biggest post office hauls ever made In this pant of too country was pulled oft last night tie Pst Office being robbed of 18 65330 The post office hispeoors and polite are witoout a clew on wblch to conduct tU sir investigation Tin I under was till in stumps Found Guilty of Desertion Frankfort Ky Nov 1GTno find- ing of the courtmartial in tbo case of Private G C Epps of Ben county was made known this morning He was ctuirged wlht desertion and Ills punish ¬ ment was fixed at toll lays in Jail und a fine for all the pay that sus duo him for active service up to 0e time lie failed to report back for duty Goy Wlllfion remitted tae Jail part of tile sentence because Elgas Is te sole suppOrt of Ills nlotlier mud sister Tito courtinnrtial has idjouriieil until No ¬ vember 23 und luwijuJjno t iolr finding in iie bb er cases wll be made known wham trite Goverhvr nrnivtvea or UlKip proveei them Womans Curiosity Womans curiosity raid Mrs Fielder is a ciunlKy of mind beyond human uudoiwUnutlng- Yos I mid Mrs Fletcher What made you think of that l The fool actions of a woinun that I saw down town today Sho follnwn It mat ln squires Just to gee to read l a i > xcunl Hat was fkuMcwd to ifs Inwk Silo spotted Itiui at Twenty fourttt rtieet Tibat was rcnlly Ve end of her tripi made Utwl out front- someing She mid to another woman woo was too fut to join in tfto oiatw but when she caught sight of Unit flaming red poster tied to the mans back let curry got the lHUer of I her and s lio shot out after him He I lei her qulvi a chase across town and sheI ajong < close eqough to Tend that notice Mrs Fletcher reflected a moment What did it eayrBhe asked It advertised her to get her tooth pulle4 Bomowhere on Tenth street Where were you ail the time she via trying io f tad tfeabret rMlat said Fletokeri Oto I 1u Sollowingthewcaaeiv r waste to t If she flaaSy augitt1u wish fte < I maut t i 1908 TOBACCO SOLD AT A GOOD PRICE Finance Committee Trades With Imperial Tobacco Com ¬ pany The Finance Committee of the Amer can Society of Equity for Ohio coun ¬ ty met at Hartford November 14th 1908 with live members present Tlie bYIchalnnan cropI of tobacco at too pricey offered by the Imperial Tobacco Company the com- mittee ¬ and buyer to agree on the rent ¬ ples The committee asked tae chum- ¬ ty President to cull a meeting of the tobacco growers OllmnI It is understood that the prices agreed upon are 900 and 300 This ia regarded as a splendid sale und is en ¬ t growI ¬ be paid upon delivery and the tobacco to be received at the nearest factory controlled by tile A S of E people and delivered from tlo wagons Found 100 in an Old Vest Pahucah Ky Nov HAfter a negro had returned an old vest to I Chris Berger as too poor even for him to wear Mr Berger found a crisp I 100 bill In the pocket where he had left It when lie discarded the garment last summer Mr Berger wore the vest to the bUlk late one afternoon and deposited some checks forgetting to place tine bill among them lie wore tne vest constantly to work in and when the weather became cold he hung it away and never looked at it again until a negro beggar ul ked for some clothes The negro took Ute vent away and tnen curried it back I declaring Itwiw afro worn tobe ser ¬ I viceable While taking the vest back Mr Berger noticed the bill FOR THE BUSY READER t William L Calhoun a former Mayor of Atlanta died Sunday Dr J A Averdlck of Covlngton Inn announced that ho will be u candidate I for Prison Commissioner before the Democratic caucus of the next JJecte laturo Attorneys for tho alleged night rid ¬ ers of the Rcelfeot Line rekglon are secure Union City Tenn Convicts In a coal mine near Bir mtngluim set the mine on fire In the i hope of milking their escape and nlnn I of them were suffocated The fire di no serious dumuge II Former Gov Robert Burns SmltJi Monnuiu died yesewliiy ut Kallspell of ureinic poisoning Mr Smith wns a native of Hickniau county Ky Ho located in Mtontnim In ISSi I Six men were instantly killed an bother was badly hurt and three more Isud narrow cwapofl from death in III mine cage accident at ElswortU Mine I No 1 in Washington county Pa I r Eliuu Root formally announced JCon day rtiit lie would nccopt too set I atorshlp from New York if elected hand it is known that toe Adiwiiirstra lion tea leleriiiliiud to force CJB oluc- tfcn ILotters arc being sent out by the Navy Department to about 1000 em ployoa of envy yards throughout U lted States notifying them of till toI crease in salaries ranging from 4 10 per cent I President Roosovetune approved tIle i resume of the proceedings of the Now port conference of the question of bat ¬ thegenl I issued to the navy As tt result of urgent representation made by the Powers the Servian GO- vernment ¬ has withdrawn Its special mil- Itary guards on the AustroHungary frontier and discharged the reserves recently called to the colors SS At the annual meeting of the stock holdersoftite Baltt lore and Ohio Rat I roidOemptinyhelb reenUythe out 4yaNt d going board of directors was reelect ¬ ed with the exception of Charles Steele who resigned L F Loree was choser in his plaice The joint annual convention of the National Municipal League and the American Civic Assoclatlonbeld under the auspices of the Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce opened in that city Mon day will continue in session until Thursday evening 55 The physicians who are attending Francis J Heney in San Francisco say that ho la improving rapidly and will be able to resume his duties in a few weeks Judge Ltiwlor yesterday over ¬ ruled the motion of Abraham Ruefs lawyers for a change of venue Felix Ewing general manager of the Dark Tobacco Planters Protective As ¬ sociation in a reply to the 500 Lyon county farmers who protested against tile present method of selling tobacco said it was not practical to permit each IndependentlyI in the Laniphere trial at DaporteInd Monday when tHree letters from Mrs Bella Guinness to A K Helgeleln a brother of Andrew Helgeleln one of her victims were read In the letter the woman spoke of Lamphero as halfcrazed Judge Walter Evans in his charge tc the Federal grand Jury at Paducah goernlngI se cases growing out of testimony lathe night rider damage suit tried at the last term will be called to the jurys attention The Supreme Court of tile United States Monday decided adversely ou the habeas corpus petition of Albert T Patrick the New York lawyer who Is serving a life sentence in the State prison at Sing Sing N Y on too charge of having murdered the mllllion alto William M Rlc > 5 According to a sweeping decision by the Commissioner of Patents any label bearing the inscription guaranteed un- der the pure food and drug acts June 30 1906 where such Inscription is in ¬ tended to imply that the Government Is responsible for the purity of the goods will be refused registration 71I says e that over took place in tills section was last week when Uncle John Hat field aged 86 years led to the bridal alter Mrs Maggie Grayson who la post seventy Doth of the paroles live In this section and are quite popular Whiskey in Tablets Spokane Wash Nov 1C Whisky In tablets and In the form of slick candy to be dissolved in water or chewed made its appearance ut North Yakima WashWest ot Spokane n few days ngo rule Innovation was introduced by representatives of a stayI Tho prohibition people are wrought up over the invasion and will take tho matter up with the county uu thorltles witli tho view to banishing the deceptive jig tableau In the dia trlct Inspection of Company II The Adjutant General of Kentucky laud his Assistant Lave boguntlerogu ¬ tar nnutinl iiibpectioii of the State Guard fTJio ditto fixed for robo lutpec Hon of Co 11 is December 4tli lops As moit of Company H Is now on du- ty ¬ hi Wostorn Kentucky nud tOJ been for nearly ex nn > ni > w It is nut known wBotter the iiiKporttoii will be held whore they tore livc ted or at Hurt ford ExplodesI Slus sor widow of Fred Sleeker motet fire in a wood cooking etove to get break ¬ hoI asidesiserlously tookI cause of the explosion is a mystery To Whom it may Concern Hartford Ky Nov 14 1908 Editor Republican Please say for me that the report that I caused the Revenue agent to advertise any land sales In Ohio county or that I have any connection therewith IB absolute ly false Respectfully ERNEST iWO nVARD IJtz

The Hartford republican. (Hartford, KY) 1908-11-20 [p ] llan et at continued to next term with judgment for defendant for I defendants

Oct 16, 2020



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Page 1: The Hartford republican. (Hartford, KY) 1908-11-20 [p ] llan et at continued to next term with judgment for defendant for I defendants








1j4 t


<ir Jtartf0dl i

I 1tP11bItcttu t







t Renter Fail T rmNbw In Ses=

f MJ WO kDopetr Inie Ohio Circuit Qoiirt Convened in

I1 court hall Monday Judge T F BlrkIbead presiding

Tina rolling named gentlemen wereempaneled as Brand jurors wtoo-

AVnasnes ages religion and party attnlaUions BoiUjTv Arch Lam > age 35

reUclOD none Rpublloan7bbs Wt-

lepiyage 20 religion none t Republic-

an JT Hoover age 44t r lglori Bi-

jtlst Democrat James Gantry age64 reldgton none DemocmtjThCAiWll

Sadie age 76 Biptlat Democrat JM3 Chlnn age 56 Baptist DemocratJoim Bowls age 48 religion noneDemocrat W H Taylor ago72Md11t

iodtet Denwcnat J M Wade age 49religion none Democrat Joe C Benhett age 1f 1 religion none pemixsratForeman Will Iglebeitage 43Daptist Democrat Sheriff James TMoore ago 63 Christian DemocratClerk

Jn the absence of CommonwealthsAttorney B D Ring County Attorney E M Woodward gave the principal charge to the grand Jury In anappropriate and well timed addressHe especially emphasized bribery andcorrupt use of money and whisky Irelections referring specifically to thecomlrig Republican primary He toldthe jury that be had been requested bythe committee of his party to ask themto make thorough Investigations of atcharges of corruption in connectionwith the Same Judge Birkheadi alsogave a generalltRlkW tfie Jury aJong

the lines of the of the publicservants etc

Hbe following named gentlemenwere empaueled petit junnr TL LbjdJlBUJVadeWS P JMoojrf Mil ¬

ton Parks Wl CSmlUi Claud Hud ¬

son W F Stevens Wayne Pirtle LM Smith Finis T Jackson B W

GloJr Allen Gentry RobortQuisenberry J P Harrison Felix WillisLate Knott G M Burdett Jesse C

Hill D C Brown Anther Chick WillT Greer Sol RhlUlps Elijah Ben-

der and W W BalsaAll the Gorath oases set for the

first diy wane continued for serviceof protest except Comth vs MinnieJarvis dismissed on nrotion ofComtband County Attorneys

Oomth vs Flora Burden law andfacts to ctnirt and fine to be assessed

Comtb vft James Bennett dismissed on motion of Comiht

Commth vs W P Midkiff andothers obirgcd with gaming verdictof Jury not guilty

Oomtih TCI Buck Allen and InnHallpassed to today

Oomth vs Mary Morton dismiss ¬

ed on motion of ComtbComth VB M 11 E R R Co

two cases passed i

The only three Comthi cases Ton

2nd days docket disposed of as fol-

lows Comth vs Okas Brown 2

cases and Claude Chapman contin ¬

tied to 2nd day of next MarchrtermVisiting attorneys Senator N T

coward Morgantowu Judge T JSparks Greenville S P Roby Fordsvjllej Judges 311 P3rter and D B

Rtosds Bi over Aim Jchn T ReneCeritertowu and b A Royal Roslno

Ordinary cases jury trials Wednesday 3rd day Fordsvlllc Planing MillCo Vf IC R R Co

Elijah S Fulkcnm vs McHenry

Coal G-oJJoKlth vs Frank AllenR B Tlwrnpacm vs I C R R Co

Trout KataTS EvansvllleBowling Green Packet Co

TrC ScUrcadfr vs AyerVLord TieCo y f

Henry Mihton vs SameThursday 4tti l

ctay Oaander AlIen

et ol vs L C R H Co

Eva Taylor vs I C R R Co

Proctor Herdmam ve E SMrMtt-

ban c >

L W Condor ire Mike CrahanFrlyrit1 day EdOaviBon vs Jno

A St Clair4 1ljahFUlket1iOnv McHenry Coa

cmpaIw yirdiot 6t jury r5Wjtbr thelptetetlft

Fer4a r1I1ePiittrg MIIl 0ompanyvsqtL O fe Iti verdict ot Jury 13500 for

pldMt4t l1I t i

ltlV T icon f CRdlsm-ires wjr >raieaCfor pWs4if1cost t1r t

r1eaalpelit pelllljw-YtK

WWt 4IRey Creme train IueI

I rWJf fC Li



unable to emply counsel the courtappbnlted Rarnee A Anderson and Barnott Smith to defend

Troutand Kahn vs Evansville andBowling Green Packet Companyagreed Judgirietvt for 1800 and costfor plaintiffTe Scuroaicr vs JyeraudUJrd

Tie Cpuipany dlamissedsettledHenry Minton vs sahie same orderProctor and Herndraen vs E S

McQ llan et at continued to nextterm with judgment for defendant for

I defendants cost-Commonwealth va Murry Crowe set

for toduy and defendant being unableto employ counsel the Court appointed

I attorneys J < B Wilson C 3L Croweand R E L Simmerjnari to defend

I The grand jury had not made tinyr pcrt up to the time we went to pressbut it Is understood it will return alap go number of indlotments this morn-


Squirrels Fight for NutsBound Brook N J Nov 16

ThU Is going to boa long underyIcold winter prophesied AbrahamPennymnn a noun Brook N4 JIfarmer The Bqulrrejs know it and

ahoy are laying in an extra store ofchestnuts

AboUt twenty squirrels attackeda farni band when lie was up atree picking chestnuts and bit tam


BO badly he needed a doctor Squirrelsattacked a neighbors boy Ho killedtwo of them with a club but thesavagely

I Squirrels never attack ony oneunless too nut crop Iii small like tillsone and theres a hard winterahead





ITo Ube Republicans ot Ohio cou1lJtyrIHaving Bometlmo agb pU acard my clams before the peopo for ToBominatlbn to the positionof County Judge I had expected to al ¬

low the matter to root to fur as anynewspaperpublication was concernedHowever I hive been reliably dnfonm

I cd that one of my opponents bus ibeeJi

saying to pereons in Ms canvass toutI am incompetent being only au honduI ¬



sonally to counteract tliese mlsrepresenitatlons and ponce I am compelled

I to resort to the press I plead guilty

aarrnerlandi ono as It has been my supremo effortIn life to merit tile approbation of my

Ir limon as to honesty While Imay not be as competentttodetennlneIintricate Jaw points as my two op-

ponents who are both lawyers yetvery few of my decisions have been ovetruled or even appealed to a highercourt Besides it is a well knownfact that tile legal business coming be-


a County Judge has steadily de ¬Icreased from year to year becauseof the fact that more terms of tiie

i Circuit Court are held than formorlYand because Jurisdiction of MagiMruto

sand Polio Courts bus been enlarged i

by recent acts of Use legislature I

Tie truth is thAt the County Courthas been reduced almost entirely topustJjig uixn toad cases probating ofwills Ii lid tfetUoinents of administrators

QUItortlI I

While the importance of the OouctyJudgostdp lure boon lessened ire homeextent by the falling oft in legit bus ¬

iness It has increys d with rte gNwI

lag wealth and population of the coun-

lu Its fiscal ivffaiis and it IB inthis flicto that tbo County Judge cxor l

clses too giyttcr influento for gosh d

W1Icounty and I Seal thtt I am far more i

competent now after three years ofi

expedience than any new man dposibly bo In tills place nowhat Ids legal abilities way bemutterI

entered office wjubout any exl1

If the farmers of Ohio county whortcrlyItax payers lit the decal affairs at the

9ttannerJhcuIforttray in my power to H erH It BhoQld ibeseaataate4 18-

l 1b i-

lOLIe eegidryst JtIIUry lit-

r tyw



Mother Slays Her Children and i

Cuts Her Own Throat With


Franfortk Ky Nov 15Lying Ingreat pools of blood with their throat I

cut from ear to ear Mrs Agnes Undoand titer two children aged five andthree years respectively were foundlu their home here this afternoon bynedghibora who were attracted by thepWful cries ot the children-

A razor while whlcli the crimeswere committed was found in thec nche l hand of the mother I

John Linder bite husband find fcultioi

Is a ghits blower in the employ of I

the Frankfurt Modes Glass WorksHo was not at home ut tio time of

the tnigedy but was soon located by

tte uollceund seemed greatly overcome I

at the tows from his bornehis wife he said shortly after dinnerIuudIother than that she may have been I

temporary insane I

Dr R if Cobllnwbo was summon ¬

ed immediately by the neighborfound loot life was extinct in Viathree bodies and that the windpipes ofmother and children had been severedby t3w keen mzors edge I

Neighbors and friends declare thatthey know of no domestic trouble Intie Linder family and the cause ofher tragedy remains a mystery TheLindners chino to Frankfort severalmontiS ago from Brooklyn N Y I

Two Spud SellersOne FromOhio County

Deputy United States Marshal Amenreturned lust night from Leitctifleldwlti i7o federal prlwiners bofli whitemud bom charged witU retailing whis ¬

key without a licoiwe Tile men areE A Dockery of Roslne and FrankiSmallwood of Lwltchfleld Both mienwere given an examining trial beforeI11Whigltplaced In jail hero being unable togive the required bend pf 200Owensbjru Inquirer

Fourteen Horses Slot FromUnder Him

WorceSter Mass flaw 1C GeneralSamuel E Chamberlain of Barredied of paralysis tt St Vincents hoe ¬

pital after an Illness of six monthsHe was eighty years of age He hadbeen in the hospital three weeks

General Chamberlain wont to 1111

noise when ho was fifteen Years oldWhen seventeen ho enlisted in theMexican war After tine war he start-ed


for California and upon reachingChihuahua inducements were offeredhim by the government to outer tdoRangers wuich he did Just Men be ¬

gan a campaign against the ApacheIndians Out of the forty survivorsGeneral Chodiiborlaln WHS the lust todie

When Lincoln culled for troopsChambehiln wont to till front as ucaptain lu 18C1 He steadKy 1lYathrough gallant and morlluous servicemid was finally bruvetted brigadiergeneral for coveting the retreat ofGreggu division of cavalry at the batto of St fII church Vu

General CfcambUlalu laid fpurteeuhorses shot from under him and wits

UlnesIFound Tripple Hoodoo

DoiUty Ooroner J E Murks blamesu trtplo hoodoo for too fiat toot ittodk tam nil mtgt to return Vj EdwurdsviJo from WiHbunsun Ho wontto Williamson Tllu1fJday to hold ant Inquest on tte body of Jo epli SaninakkHttl in u mine Afcor roturnlug ayoidrtct of occiflent ho Bturted for homoUpon pay > ng Ms tare tie found ranthe Lad but 13 centa leflj When hogot its far its haunt n Ute >OVer gaveout on the lnrterurbin system und Itwas not unfit dtiyillgbt PrJduy that l1e

reached homo Ho biainea the triplecomblnortdon of 13 cent and Frlduythe 13th for his unpleasant experlencerCllpped

Amdncvthe LodgesAt a recent meetlpg Of the Grand

ChapterEastern Star the local chap ¬

ter was ghren No 86 Thie chapterla doing Home good Vork cud ii tash

oeiQlagaex memberi t every meetingA atltilli1 Uoa eNhecotQ

> bykirrr 4 a atf beeaofteqeutsM will be ready for d4strlIratioa-



among the members at the next meet-ing of the Chapter1

Hartford Lodge No 675 P A M

hold a regular session last Mondayevening and examined one candidatefor second degree which will be conferred to night Owing to the factthat St Johns day falls on Sundaythis year under the Masonic uw tin I

election of officers will take place 01 11

Saturday Dec 2Gthat 1 oclock p11m Every member should rememberthis and be on hand to help select theofficers for the coming year

Rough River Lodge No 110 K of Phad one of the best session Tuesdayevening which bus been held by thislodge for many days The Second Rankwas conferred in a splendid manner to

the supreme enjoyment of a largeassemblage of Knights The Chancel ¬

ors work was put on byS Tlnsley while the part IerfolmedIIby the Prelate way givendid form by Knight J T Moore Onnext Tuesday evening the Third Rankwill be conferred und a luncheon willbe served to the members and visitorsby the following committee KnightsE W Ford R D Walker and B LITaylor At tills meeting the nomina ¬

tion of officers for tile coming termwill also be

madeIIProf A

On last Sunday afternoon ot theresidence of Hie brides mother MrsJohn Mugun at Buford Prof EverettEllis led Miss Josle Magan to the bri ¬

dal altar whereIn the presence oltile family and only a few immediatefriends Rev O M Shultz pronouncedthem mnn and wife These young poope are both quite popular and promi-


Prof Ellis having for the pastseveral years been connected with tieschools of the county and at presentis one of the faculty of Haw ford Col ¬

lege The bride Is a social favoritewith everybody Pine marrlnge was

somewhat of a surprise to their manyfriJrclis They W411 OCulthresldO-Jlce recently vacated by Mr WallaceRiley near the planing mill

Thieves Get 18653 50South Bend Ind November 15

The biggest robbery in tho history ofSouth Bendand one of the biggest postoffice hauls ever made In this pant oftoo country was pulled oft last nighttie Pst Office being robbed of 18

65330 The post office hispeoors andpolite are witoout a clew on wblchto conduct tU sir investigation TinI under was till in stumps

Found Guilty of DesertionFrankfort Ky Nov 1GTno find-

ing of the courtmartial in tbo case ofPrivate G C Epps of Ben county wasmade known this morning He wasctuirged wlht desertion and Ills punish ¬

ment was fixed at toll lays in Jail unda fine for all the pay that sus duo

him for active service up to 0e timelie failed to report back for duty

Goy Wlllfion remitted tae Jail partof tile sentence because Elgas Is te solesuppOrt of Ills nlotlier mud sister Titocourtinnrtial has idjouriieil until No ¬

vember 23 und luwijuJjno t iolr findingin iie bb er cases wll be made knownwham trite Goverhvr nrnivtvea or UlKip

proveei them

Womans CuriosityWomans curiosity raid Mrs

Fielder is a ciunlKy of mind beyondhuman uudoiwUnutlng-

YosI mid Mrs Fletcher Whatmade you think of that

l The fool actions of a woinun thatI saw down town today Sho follnwnIt mat ln squires Just to gee to read

l a i> xcunl Hat was fkuMcwd to ifsInwk Silo spotted Itiui at Twentyfourttt rtieet Tibat was rcnlly Veend of her tripi made Utwl out front-

someing She mid to another womanwoo was too fut to join in tfto oiatw

but when she caught sight of Unitflaming red poster tied to the mansback let curry got the lHUer of

I her and s lio shot out after him HeI

lei her qulvi a chase across town andsheIajong <close eqough to Tend that notice

Mrs Fletcher reflected a momentWhat did it eayrBhe askedIt advertised her to get her tooth

pulle4 Bomowhere on Tenth streetWhere were you ail the time she

via trying io ftad tfeabretrMlat said Fletokeri Oto I 1uSollowingthewcaaeiv rwaste totIf she flaaSy augitt1u wish fte


Imaut t




Finance Committee Trades With

Imperial Tobacco Com ¬


The Finance Committee of the Amercan Society of Equity for Ohio coun ¬

ty met at Hartford November 14th1908 with live members present Tlie

bYIchalnnancropIof tobacco at too pricey offered by theImperial Tobacco Company the com-


and buyer to agree on the rent ¬

ples The committee asked tae chum- ¬

ty President to cull a meeting of thetobacco growers

OllmnIIt is understood that the pricesagreed upon are 900 and 300 Thisia regarded as a splendid sale und is en ¬

tgrowI ¬

be paid upon delivery and the tobaccoto be received at the nearest factorycontrolled by tile A S of E peopleand delivered from tlo wagons

Found 100 in an Old VestPahucah Ky Nov HAfter a

negro had returned an old vest toI

Chris Berger as too poor even forhim to wear Mr Berger found a crisp I

100 bill In the pocket where he hadleft It when lie discarded the garmentlast summer Mr Berger wore thevest to the bUlk late one afternoonand deposited some checks forgettingto place tine bill among them liewore tne vest constantly to work inand when the weather became cold hehung it away and never looked at itagain until a negro beggar ulked forsome clothes The negro took Utevent away and tnen curried it back I

declaring Itwiw afro worn tobe ser ¬I

viceable While taking the vest backMr Berger noticed the bill


t William L Calhoun a former Mayorof Atlanta died Sunday

Dr J A Averdlck of Covlngton Inn

announced that ho will be u candidateI for Prison Commissioner before theDemocratic caucus of the next JJectelaturo

Attorneys for tho alleged night rid ¬

ers of the Rcelfeot Line rekglon aresecureUnion City Tenn

Convicts In a coal mine near Birmtngluim set the mine on fire In the

ihope of milking their escape and nlnn I

of them were suffocated The fire di

no serious dumuge II

Former Gov Robert Burns SmltJiMonnuiu died yesewliiy ut Kallspellof ureinic poisoning Mr Smith wns anative of Hickniau county Ky Ho

located in Mtontnim In ISSi I

Six men were instantly killed an

bother was badly hurt and three moreIsud narrow cwapofl from death in III

mine cage accident at ElswortU MineI

No 1 in Washington county Pa


rEliuu Root formally announced JCon

day rtiit lie would nccopt too setI atorshlp from New York if elected

hand it is known that toe Adiwiiirstralion tea leleriiiliiud to force CJB oluc-


ILotters arc being sent out by theNavy Department to about 1000 employoa of envy yards throughoutU lted States notifying them of till toIcrease in salaries ranging from 4

10 per centI

President Roosovetune approved tIle

iresume of the proceedings of the Nowport conference of the question of bat¬thegenlI

issued to the navy

As tt result of urgent representationmade by the Powers the Servian GO-vernment


has withdrawn Its special mil-

Itary guards on the AustroHungaryfrontier and discharged the reservesrecently called to the colorsSSAt the annual meeting of the stockholdersoftite Baltt lore and Ohio Rat

I roidOemptinyhelb reenUythe out

4yaNt d

going board of directors was reelect¬

ed with the exception of Charles Steelewho resigned L F Loree was choserin his plaice

The joint annual convention of theNational Municipal League and theAmerican Civic Assoclatlonbeld underthe auspices of the Pittsburg Chamberof Commerce opened in that city Monday will continue in session untilThursday evening

55The physicians who are attending

Francis J Heney in San Francisco saythat ho la improving rapidly and willbe able to resume his duties in a fewweeks Judge Ltiwlor yesterday over ¬

ruled the motion of Abraham Ruefslawyers for a change of venue

Felix Ewing general manager of theDark Tobacco Planters Protective As¬

sociation in a reply to the 500 Lyoncounty farmers who protested againsttile present method of selling tobaccosaid it was not practical to permit each

IndependentlyIin the Laniphere trial at DaporteIndMonday when tHree letters from MrsBella Guinness to A K Helgeleln abrother of Andrew Helgeleln one ofher victims were read In the letterthe woman spoke of Lamphero ashalfcrazed

Judge Walter Evans in his charge tc

the Federal grand Jury at PaducahgoernlngIsecases growing out of testimony lathenight rider damage suit tried at thelast term will be called to the jurysattention

The Supreme Court of tile UnitedStates Monday decided adversely outhe habeas corpus petition of Albert TPatrick the New York lawyer who Isserving a life sentence in the Stateprison at Sing Sing N Y on toocharge of having murdered the mllllionalto William M Rlc >


According to a sweeping decision bythe Commissioner of Patents any labelbearing the inscription guaranteed un-

der the pure food and drug acts June30 1906 where such Inscription is in ¬

tended to imply that the GovernmentIs responsible for the purity of thegoods will be refused registration

71I sayse

that over took place in tills sectionwas last week when Uncle John Hatfield aged 86 years led to the bridalalter Mrs Maggie Grayson who la postseventy Doth of the paroles live Inthis section and are quite popular

Whiskey in TabletsSpokane Wash Nov 1C Whisky

In tablets and In the form of slickcandy to be dissolved in water orchewed made its appearance ut NorthYakima WashWest ot Spokane nfew days ngo rule Innovation wasintroduced by representatives of astayITho prohibition people are wroughtup over the invasion and will taketho matter up with the county uuthorltles witli tho view to banishingthe deceptive jig tableau In the diatrlct

Inspection of Company IIThe Adjutant General of Kentucky

laud his Assistant Lave boguntlerogu ¬

tar nnutinl iiibpectioii of the StateGuard fTJio ditto fixed for robo lutpecHon of Co 11 is December 4tli lopsAs moit of Company H Is now on du-


hi Wostorn Kentucky nud tOJ beenfor nearly ex nn > ni >w It is nut knownwBotter the iiiKporttoii will be heldwhore they tore livc ted or at Hurtford


sor widow of Fred Sleeker motet firein a wood cooking etove to get break¬hoIasidesiserlouslytookIcause of the explosion is a mystery

To Whom it may ConcernHartford Ky Nov 14 1908

Editor Republican Please say forme that the report that I caused theRevenue agent to advertise any landsales In Ohio county or that I haveany connection therewith IB absolutely false Respectfully

