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The Graphic Laboratory Log of Sea Flight of Popular Science The Story of Sugar-Its Travels This is the first 01two articles Oft the am<Uing chemistry 01 sugar and the important rDle that product has played in his tory and in human li/e. By GREER WILLIAMS T HE USE of sugar Is com- monly believed to have' originated In the orient, probably India, where natives extracted It from the juice of the cane at least 2,000 years be- fore the discovery 'of America. How sugar came to this contl- nent Is a story of the conquest of land and sea. The ancient Greeks and Ro- mans had no sugar except honey, and this was a comparatively rare delicacy. Early man satis- fied his craving for sweets by eating plants containing sugar. From the east sugar cane eul- tures spread westward into Per- sia. When the Arabs swept over that country they discovered the cane and brought It Into Meso- potamia, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt. The Arabs extended Its culture westward along the Med- dlterranean sea and by the eighth century A. D. had tn- troduced sugar cane Into Spain along with bloody scimitars. The demand grew far beyond the ablUty of the Mediterranean countries to supply It, and the Venetian sea traders were quick to profit. They brought sugar, spices, and silk to Europe from the near and far east. In the rour- teenth century they had a virtual monopoly on the sugar business. Sugar was still available only to the rich, either as a tidbit or a medicine, and the Venetians profiteered by keeping It so. Europeans resented the high price of sugar, and the Portu- guese decided to break the Vene· tian monopoly through estab- lishment of a sea commerce of the ir own. While searching without success for a new route to India they spread the cul- ture of sugar to Madeira, the Azores, Canary, and other newly discovered. islands a Ion g the northwest coast of Africa. By 1472 Venice gave way to Portu- gal as a sea power. Then In 1492 Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain sent Christopher Columbus In search of a western route to India. One of the Islands he dis- covered was Haiti, to which In 1493, on his second voyage, he carried sugar cane plants. •• In a letter to the king and queen, Columbus, in passing, marveled ••at the way a few small canes planted here have taken root." But, preoccupied with his search for gold, he was unaware of the signlficance of this agricultural innovation In the fertile American tropics. Others caught the idea, however, and by 1506,the year Columbus died, sugar, refining was under way In Haiti, aided by the slave trade which he had introduced. The sugar market continued to profit by slave labor for a great many yea r s to come. When the British created sugar plantations in the Barbados in the seventeenth century the West Indies became the rival of the East Indies in supplying the European sugar market. Sugar cane was Introduced In the United States In 1751 when Jesuits brought the plant from Haiti .to Louisiana. Antonio Mendly in 1792 refined the first Louisiana cane sugar, and EtI· enne de Bore In 1794 produced It for the tlrst time on a commer- cial scale. The plantations of these two men now form a part of the city of New Orelans. In 1747 Andreas Marggr~f, working in a Berlin laboratory, discovered In a white beet the same kind of sugar found In cane. Sugar beets had been eaten for their sweetness as early as the pyramid building of Cheops. In the 1780s another German, Karl Franz Achard, developed a method of making beet sugar In commercial quan- titles. The Br itis h became ....... ~\JSS'A Map outlining the we.tward couree of .ugar through the centurie •• alarmed that their world sugar trade might be jeopardized. Their war with Napoleon Bo- naparte stimulated the develop- ment of beet sugar. When the English blockaded France the price of sugar rose to one dollar a pound. Napoleon ordered that sugar beets be made a national industry. Much was done in the establishment of the industry before the battle of Waterloo crushed the beet sugar trade and Napoleon, too. For some years afterward beet sugar factories were unable to withstand the competition of sugar from the Indies. But pro- tective laws and improved meth· ods of extraction eventually put beet sugar on a paying basis In France and Germany. James Pedder of the Beet Sugar Society of Philadelphia and Edward Church of North- ampton, Mass., were the fathers of beet sugar culture in America. In the 1830s they studied Euro· pean methods. David Lee Child In 1838 estab- lIshed America's tlrst beet farm and retlnery In Northampton. His venture lasted only two sea- sons. He produced 1,300pounds at the cost of 11 cents a pound, compared with 1 to 1~ for East Indian sugar. The Mormons attempted to grow sugar beets and retlne them In Utah In the 18508,but were unsuccessful. The Gennett brothers, from Germany, estab- lIshed a factory at Chatsworth, Ill., In the 1860s,but after a few years moved their machinery on to Freeport, Ill., and then to Blackhawk, Wis. They failed commercially, however, as did fourteen beet sugar refineries between 1838 and 1879. Then E. H. Dyer succeeded In holding his own, establishing In 1870 a retlnery in Alvarado, Cal., which by 1879 was showing a profit. Eventually the govern- ment came to the rescue with a tarit on foreign sugar and by organizing beet culture research. Stimulated by Industrial prog- ress In the retlning of beet and cane sugar, which cheapened prices, the world consumption of sugar soared. In the United States, for instance, the annual per capita consumption r 0 se A Great Dane that hae won many .how hono,. both in Europe and America. The dog'. name ia Ch. Tiger Hexengold of Brae Tam. and he'. owned by F. W. EYanger of Wheeling, DL T HE FIRST person who systematically trained set- ters for field work is sup- posed to have been Dudley Duke of Northumberland, England, In the year 1335. This note Is from Youatt's famous old book on dogs (published In 1857), and It gives us a pretty good Idea of how long the beautiful, gentle English setter has been used as an ally and companion of sports- men In the field. Popular as a show dog because of its hand- some coat, style, and all-around from 9 to 85 pounds In the eighty years preceding the World war. World sugar production 1913- '14 totaled 20,000,000tons, about half cane and half beet. As had happened time and again In history, the World war made sugar scarce and drove the price up. The American price rose from 5 or 6 cents a pound to 25 or 26 between 1914 and 1920. But sugar production in Germany and France was par- ticularly hard hit. The world output 'of beet sugar was reduced by half from 1914to 1919. ThE'demand Inspired the sugar islands, such as Cuba, to Increase their output until during the post-war decade overproduction buried the industry in depression. The violent fiuctuatlons of the world market have caused sugar to be called the "prince and pauper" industry, since it has made and then broken many an investor. The United States' traditional policy has been to protect do- mestic beet and cane sugar pro- ducers with tarlts against tor- eign imports. Under the present administration, however, quotas are assigned to all areas supply- Ing the American market. These give HawaII, Porto Rico, the Phllipplne Islands, and the Vir· gin Islands benefits equaling those obtained by domestic pro- ducers, and permit Cuba alone to supply as much sugar as pro- duced In the United States. The United States consumes nearly 25 per cent of the world supply of sugar and produces about 5 per cent of it. In the 1937·'38,sugar season the world produced 36,000,000tons of sugar -23,904,502 cane and 12,095,562 beet. Of the total 1,886,000was American, 510,000 tons being cane sugar from Louisiana' and Florida and 1,376,000tons beet sugar from a dozen states. Colo- rado, California, Montana, Ne- braska, Wyoming, Idaho, ~Ichl. gan, and Utah are the leaders. Meanwhile United States ter- ritories-Hawaii, Porto Rico, and the Virgin Islands - produced 2,019,360 tons, all cane. Cuba, which pays a small duty, and the PhlUpplnes, whose Imports re- main tarir-rree until the country becomes Independent, produced 3,360,000 and 1,103,200tons reo spectlvely. Their combined total Is 4,463,200,about two-thirds of which was Imported by the United States. India is the leading cane sugar producer of the world, totaling 7,355,000tons in 1937·'38, practl- cally all of which was consumed domestically in the form of gur, a low-grade variety. Cuba ranks second, and Java third with 1,568,000 .tons. Soviet Russia leads the world in production of beet sugar, to- taling 2,800,000tons. Germany is second with 2,330,000and the United States third. In addition to cane and beet sugar the United States In 1937 produced 208,825 tons of corn sugar (glucose), 516,734tons of corn sirup, 156,900tons of cane molasses, 101,340tons of sugar cane sirup, 47,660 tons of sorgo sirup, 10,219tons of maple sirup, and 499 tons of maple sugar. The department of agriculture's 1938 agricultural s tat 1st ic s, which provided these flgures, did not include honey production, which Is scattered. Texas Is the principal producer of sorghum and Vermont and New York state of maple 'sirup. Iowa heads the corn-producing states. The United States' total an- nual production of sugar and su gar products approximates 3,000,000tons, while its consump- tion approaches 9,000,000. Only the Australians rank abo ve Americans as sugar consumers. Here are some pre-war and pres- ent-day comparisons of annual sugar consumption: Pounds per capita Present- Nation Pre·war clay Auatralia 129 United State. ......... 85 112 England 95 91 Sweden ,. .. 80 France 43 49 Germany 49 48 Mexico....... .. 26 Japan , 20 Italy 11 19 Ruuia 24 14 China................ 5 The average for the world Is about 31 pounds per capita. NEXT SUNDAY-Sugar'. "ital role a. a food. B ROADWAY to the Avenue des Champs Elysees-New York to Paris in 47* hours. Fifteen of us did it. It wasn't a stunt. What we did will be commonplace tomorrow, for we were merely passengers aboard the Atlantic Clipper, a 42·ton rour-motored fiylng hotel. We were officially special ob- servers, previewing the Atlantic route, the facilities and the air- planes that Pan American Air· ways has opened to the general public. Our fiight began at Port Washington, L. I., and Included landing at Horta, Azores; Lis- bon, Portugal, and Marseilles, France. Here Is the diary of our fiight -Chicago time is used through. out: June 17-Port Washington. 2:30 p. m.-We tlle aboard, carrying our typewriters and cameras. The stewards-Joseph Ravlol and Rene Mezenen-meet us at the door. They say: ••Spread out through the rear compartments. You cannot enter the bow compartment. It Is just for the takeoff. To balance the plane." 2:34-The mooring lines have been released. We are off for Europe. The Clipper sits deep in the water with her heavy load. Aboard are t h Ir t y persons- twelve crew and eighteen news- paper men and women and Pan American Airways representa- tives. Also we have 3,480gallons of fuel In the wing and sponson tanks. It weighs 20,880pounds alone, almost as much as the air- planes used on domestic air lines. Our motors tick over slowly as we slide away from the dock and head down Manhasset bay to- ward the open channel of Long Island sound. Around us are motor cruisers and sailboats, and Capt. Wallace b. Culbertson mao neuvers us slowly through them. 2:55-We are in the air with a jerk after a run of 42 seconds. I understood why the takeoff was so abrupt when, almost Immediately after we left the water, we flashed over a twin- masted sailing yacht. Hours later I mentioned the takeoff to the skipper, and he growled: ••Yeah, I had to pull her off the water. There was a whole tleet of yachts in our path. They don't know enough to get out of our way, and there's no chance to keep the channel clear. They have as much right on the sound as we do." 3 p. m.-We're still skimming along 100 feet above the water. Our nose is high in the all' in a near stall and our speed Is slow. The motors are howling. These big boats, taking off with full load, tly In what seems almost a stall. 3:40 p. m.-There has just been another adjustment of the engines. We're at 8,000 feet, having climbed at an average of 200 feet a minute for forty min- .utes. We'll stay at this altitude all the way to Horta, 2,397miles away on a great circle course, unless a change in flight plan becomes necessary. The Cltp- per's nose still is high in the air because the' plane is carrying such a heavy load. As the load is lightened - the motors burn Mostly About Dogs l..---------By BOB BECKER----------.I Setter Long an Ally of Hunters beauty, the setter also is a great favorite of the sportsman. Be- cause It makes an excellent com- panion dog, many are kept as pets In the home, too. There Isn't much doubt that our modern setter had Its origin In the older spaniels. The span- leIs from which the setter was developed probably came from Spain. The early dog fanciers wanted a ••setting dog" of pret- ty good size. So by experiment- Ing with several breeds, Includ- ing the land spaniels, they tlnally developed the tlrst setters. The most interesting document that we have seen on the early train- ing of the setter or " sitting span- iel" for hunting purposes Is one that Youatt prints in his book. It tells how a yeoman of Eng· land bound himself :'fully and effectually to teach a spanlle named Quand to sltt partridges, pheasants, and other game as well and exactly as the best stt- ting dogges usually set the same." The yeoman asked the huge sum of 10 shillings for his work, which would be approximately $2.50today. Although this training contract is dated 1685 and is the first of Its kind that we ever have seen, there Is every reason to believe that the tlrst ••setting spaniel" or setter was trained at least several hundred years before 1685. Laverack and LIewellin are two names that mean much In the history of the setter. Ed· ward Laverack bred some mar- velous specimens of English set- ters in the early part of the nineteenth century. (Two of these came to America in 1874.) Many dog fanciers still are puz- zled about the name LIewellin. They believe that a LIewellin is an entirely different breed as compared to the English setter. Actually It's a blood line of Eng- lish setters. .R. L. Purcell LIe· wellin purchased two of Mr. Laverack's best setters at the time that the Laverack strain was the talk of the dog world. The dogs that Mr. LIewellin pur- chased were crossed with some entirely new blood which was obtained in northern England. The result of these crosses was very successful. The dogs that Mr. Llewellin produced had the qualities that made them out- standing In the field, and they swept everything before them, particularly In field trials. The reputation of these setters bred in LIewellin's ken neIs soon spread to America and many of them were purchased by sports- men for field work. American sportsmen natural- ly admired this man who had de- • Thia ia the &nit inatalmeDt of the TribWle ariation eclitor'. diary of hia pioneering Bight in the Atlan- tic:Clipper. By WAYNE THOMIS 1,200pounds of gasoline an hour during the early part of the fiight -- the crew will trim the plane to a level fiight position. 3:50-I'm sitting in cabin No. 3--thlrd back from the bow corn- partment-plcklng away at my typewriter. We're settling down now, having explored the pas- senger deck from .the stem- where there are 1,200pounds of radio transmitters and receivers for broadcasts that are sched· uled for later - to the stern, where the so-called bridal suite is situated. The bridal suite is a private compartment for two; with dressing table, berths, and other appointments of a Pull- man compartment. The second deck or tllght deck contains the pilots' cockpit, the navigator's and radio operators' stations, the tlight engineer's post, and the skipper's desk. 4:30-My first dispatch has been filed with the plane's radio operators. The plane's operators pouring champagne-Pommery and Geno- just as the sun touches the horizon. 8:30-It's been dark for thirty· five minutes. We've run beneath a high cloud layer, so that there are clouds below us, hiding the sea, and clouds above. The navt- gator doesn't like It. He's unable to get any star sights to aid the radio In navigating the ship. He dropped Into a seat to explain: ••The tlrst couple of hours out from Port Washington we took bearings on commercial broad- cast stations WEE! at Boston, WEAF at Bellmore, L. I., and at WPG, Atlantic City, N. J. We used the southeast leg of the Boston radio range station (a Civil Aeronautics authority sta- tion, chiefiy for domestic land plane use) to give us a ground speed check." Capt. William A. Winston, tlrst officer on the tllght, strolls by. The captain Is a veteran of the Pacitlc and South American divisions and is to become the skipper of the new Dixie Clip- per, latest of the Boeing boats, on his next trans-Atlantlc trip. Inside the Clipper there Is no Indication of speed-hardly any The Atlantic Clipper hop. o"er a pri"ate .urface boat on it. takeoff for ita fir.t Bight to Europe with pa••enge,., (Tribune pboto.) can handle only' a few hundred words an hour, because they are busy for forty minutes out of each sixty in sending and recelv- lng weather' reports, position reo ports, and taking bearings on ships or shore stations. •ee Our cruising height Is above the general cloud level, and the surface of the sea has been hid· den most of the time. 6 p. m.-Sklpper Culbertson descended from the bridge to chat with his passengers. He ordered the women to dress for dinner, telling them that they are the first women to fiy the Atlantic and therefore must set the pace for others who follow. He promised to allow them to dine at his table If they obeyed. 7:30p.m.-Dinner. White dam- ask, china dishes, crystal glasses, and a special sort of Ilght-weight silverware. The stewards move deftly from table to table serv- ing a five-course dinner. Olives and celery, consomme, sirloin of beef, rissole potato and new peas, French pastry, demi-tasse and mints. Captain Culbertson shares a table with three of the women, who are dazzling in white, gold, and blue gowns. Steward Raviol comes around A champion Engli.h .etter, Modem Boy of Stucile. . veloped such a marvelous type of hunting dog, so It was only logical that they should call every dog Imported from his ken- nel a Llewellin. Then all stock bred from these dogs also was, glven the name, which eventual- ly became well established in the dog world. of motion. Occasionally there Is a smooth and gentle roll- much like that of a boat in a long, easy swell. Outside stars are hidden, and to me-looking out the window - it seems as though we are standing still In a vast and pitch-black window. 10 p. m.-The navigator has just taken sights on Jupiter, caught through a hole in the upper layer of clouds, that now is breaking up. The two groups of broadcast- ing experts-an announcer and an engineer from each of two systems-are hard at work. The crew, the stewards, and most of the correspondents have been called to microphones to talk to New York from the ship. Sev- eral of us still are writing and the rest are turning in to berths that have 'been made up since the trip began. 11:12- The last h 0 ur has passed swiftly In chatting with Captain Culbertson-most of us are calling him "Cubby," his name with everyone ashore. The crew, however, following sea formality, speak of him as " cap- tam " to his face and "the skip- per" when he Is not present. NEXT SUNDAY- The Beacon in Midoeecm. • For attractive 0 ffersof dogs. turn to the Dogs. Cats, Birds, and Pets columns in the want ad section of to- day's Tribune.

The Graphic Laboratory Log of Sea Flight of Popular Science · The Graphic Laboratory Log of Sea Flight of Popular

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The Graphic Laboratory Log of Sea Flightof Popular Science

The Story ofSugar-Its

Travels• This is the first 01two articlesOft the am<Uing chemistry 01sugar and the important rDlethat product has played in his·

tory and in human li/e.


THE USE of sugar Is com-monly believed to have'originated In the orient,

probably India, where nativesextracted It from the juice ofthe cane at least 2,000 years be-fore the discovery 'of America.How sugar came to this contl-nent Is a story of the conquestof land and sea.The ancient Greeks and Ro-

mans had no sugar except honey,and this was a comparativelyrare delicacy. Early man satis-fied his craving for sweets byeating plants containing sugar.From the east sugar cane eul-

tures spread westward into Per-sia. When the Arabs swept overthat country they discovered thecane and brought It Into Meso-potamia, Syria, Palestine, andEgypt. The Arabs extended Itsculture westward along the Med-dlterranean sea and by theeighth century A. D. had tn-troduced sugar cane Into Spainalong with bloody scimitars.The demand grew far beyond

the ablUty of the Mediterraneancountries to supply It, and theVenetian sea traders were quickto profit. They brought sugar,spices, and silk to Europe fromthe near and far east. In the rour-teenth century they had a virtualmonopoly on the sugar business.Sugar was still available only tothe rich, either as a tidbit or amedicine, and the Venetiansprofiteered by keeping It so.Europeans resented the high

price of sugar, and the Portu-guese decided to break the Vene·tian monopoly through estab-lishment of a sea commerce ofthe i r own. While searchingwithout success for a new routeto India they spread the cul-ture of sugar to Madeira, theAzores, Canary, and other newlydiscovered. islands a Ion g thenorthwest coast of Africa. By1472 Venice gave way to Portu-gal as a sea power.Then In 1492 Queen Isabella

and King Ferdinand of Spainsent Christopher Columbus Insearch of a western route toIndia. One of the Islands he dis-covered was Haiti, to which In1493, on his second voyage, hecarried sugar cane plants.

• • •In a letter to the king and

queen, Columbus, in passing,marveled ••at the way a fewsmall canes planted here havetaken root." But, preoccupiedwith his search for gold, he wasunaware of the signlficance ofthis agricultural innovation Inthe fertile American tropics.Others caught the idea, however,and by 1506, the year Columbusdied, sugar, refining was underway In Haiti, aided by the slavetrade which he had introduced.The sugar market continued

to profit by slave labor for agreat many yea r s to come.When the British created sugarplantations in the Barbados inthe seventeenth century theWest Indies became the rival ofthe East Indies in supplying theEuropean sugar market.Sugar cane was Introduced In

the United States In 1751 whenJesuits brought the plant fromHaiti . to Louisiana. AntonioMendly in 1792 refined the firstLouisiana cane sugar, and EtI·enne de Bore In 1794 producedIt for the tlrst time on a commer-cial scale. The plantations ofthese two men now form a partof the city of New Orelans.In 1747 Andreas Marggr~f,

working in a Berlin laboratory,discovered In a white beet thesame kind of sugar found Incane. Sugar beets had beeneaten for their sweetness asearly as the pyramid buildingof Cheops. In the 1780s anotherGerman, Karl Franz Achard,developed a method of makingbeet sugar In commercial quan-titles. The B r i tis h became



Map outlining the we.tward couree of .ugar through the centurie ••

alarmed that their world sugartrade might be jeopardized.Their war with Napoleon Bo-

naparte stimulated the develop-ment of beet sugar. When theEnglish blockaded France theprice of sugar rose to one dollara pound. Napoleon ordered thatsugar beets be made a nationalindustry. Much was done in theestablishment of the industrybefore the battle of Waterloocrushed the beet sugar trade andNapoleon, too.For some years afterward beet

sugar factories were unable towithstand the competition ofsugar from the Indies. But pro-tective laws and improved meth·ods of extraction eventually putbeet sugar on a paying basis InFrance and Germany.James Pedder of the Beet

Sugar Society of Philadelphiaand Edward Church of North-ampton, Mass., were the fathersof beet sugar culture in America.In the 1830s they studied Euro·pean methods.David Lee Child In 1838 estab-

lIshed America's tlrst beet farmand retlnery In Northampton.His venture lasted only two sea-sons. He produced 1,300 poundsat the cost of 11 cents a pound,compared with 1 to 1~ for EastIndian sugar.The Mormons attempted to

grow sugar beets and retlnethem In Utah In the 18508, butwere unsuccessful. The Gennettbrothers, from Germany, estab-lIshed a factory at Chatsworth,Ill., In the 1860s,but after a fewyears moved their machinery onto Freeport, Ill., and then toBlackhawk, Wis. They failedcommercially, however, as didfourteen beet sugar refineriesbetween 1838 and 1879.Then E. H. Dyer succeeded In

holding his own, establishing In1870 a retlnery in Alvarado, Cal.,which by 1879 was showing aprofit. Eventually the govern-ment came to the rescue with atarit on foreign sugar and byorganizing beet culture research.Stimulated by Industrial prog-

ress In the retlning of beet andcane sugar, which cheapenedprices, the world consumption ofsugar soared. In the UnitedStates, for instance, the annualper capita consumption r 0 s e

A Great Dane that hae won hono,. both in Europe andAmerica. The dog'. name ia Ch.Tiger Hexengold of Brae Tam. andhe'. owned by F. W. EYanger of

Wheeling, DL

THE FIRST person whosystematically trained set-ters for field work is sup-

posed to have been Dudley Dukeof Northumberland, England, Inthe year 1335. This note Is fromYouatt's famous old book ondogs (published In 1857), and Itgives us a pretty good Idea ofhow long the beautiful, gentleEnglish setter has been used asan ally and companion of sports-men In the field. Popular as ashow dog because of its hand-some coat, style, and all-around

from 9 to 85 pounds In the eightyyears preceding the World war.World sugar production 1913-

'14 totaled 20,000,000tons, abouthalf cane and half beet.As had happened time and

again In history, the World warmade sugar scarce and drovethe price up. The Americanprice rose from 5 or 6 cents apound to 25 or 26 between 1914and 1920. But sugar productionin Germany and France was par-ticularly hard hit. The worldoutput 'of beet sugar was reducedby half from 1914 to 1919.

• • •ThE'demand Inspired the sugar

islands, such as Cuba, to Increasetheir output until during thepost-war decade overproductionburied the industry in depression.The violent fiuctuatlons of theworld market have caused sugarto be called the "prince andpauper" industry, since it hasmade and then broken many aninvestor.The United States' traditional

policy has been to protect do-mestic beet and cane sugar pro-ducers with tarlts against tor-eign imports. Under the presentadministration, however, quotasare assigned to all areas supply-Ing the American market. Thesegive HawaII, Porto Rico, thePhllipplne Islands, and the Vir·gin Islands benefits equalingthose obtained by domestic pro-ducers, and permit Cuba aloneto supply as much sugar as pro-duced In the United States.The United States consumes

nearly 25 per cent of the worldsupply of sugar and producesabout 5 per cent of it. In the1937·'38,sugar season the worldproduced 36,000,000tons of sugar-23,904,502 cane and 12,095,562beet. Of the total 1,886,000wasAmerican, 510,000 tons beingcane sugar from Louisiana' andFlorida and 1,376,000 tons beetsugar from a dozen states. Colo-rado, California, Montana, Ne-braska, Wyoming, Idaho, ~Ichl.gan, and Utah are the leaders.Meanwhile United States ter-

ritories-Hawaii, Porto Rico, andthe Virgin Islands - produced2,019,360 tons, all cane. Cuba,which pays a small duty, and thePhlUpplnes, whose Imports re-

main tarir-rree until the countrybecomes Independent, produced3,360,000 and 1,103,200 tons reospectlvely. Their combined totalIs 4,463,200,about two-thirds ofwhich was Imported by theUnited States.India is the leading cane sugar

producer of the world, totaling7,355,000tons in 1937·'38,practl-cally all of which was consumeddomestically in the form of gur,a low-grade variety. Cuba rankssecond, and Java third with1,568,000.tons.Soviet Russia leads the world

in production of beet sugar, to-taling 2,800,000tons. Germanyis second with 2,330,000and theUnited States third.In addition to cane and beet

sugar the United States In 1937produced 208,825 tons of cornsugar (glucose), 516,734 tons ofcorn sirup, 156,900tons of canemolasses, 101,340 tons of sugarcane sirup, 47,660 tons of sorgosirup, 10,219tons of maple sirup,and 499 tons of maple sugar.The department of agriculture's1938 agricultural s tat 1st i c s,which provided these flgures, didnot include honey production,which Is scattered. Texas Is theprincipal producer of sorghumand Vermont and New Yorkstate of maple 'sirup. Iowaheads the corn-producing states.The United States' total an-

nual production of sugar ands u gar products approximates3,000,000tons, while its consump-tion approaches 9,000,000. Onlythe Australians rank abo v eAmericans as sugar consumers.Here are some pre-war and pres-ent-day comparisons of annualsugar consumption:

Pounds per capitaPresent-

Nation Pre·war clay

Auatralia 129United State. . . . . . . . .. 85 112England 95 91Sweden ,. .. 80France 43 49Germany 49 48Mexico....... .. 26Japan , 20Italy 11 19Ruuia 24 14China................ 5The average for the world Is

about 31 pounds per capita.

NEXT SUNDAY-Sugar'. "ital rolea. a food.

BROADWAY to the Avenuedes Champs Elysees-NewYork to Paris in 47*

hours. Fifteen of us did it. Itwasn't a stunt. What we didwill be commonplace tomorrow,for we were merely passengersaboard the Atlantic Clipper, a42·ton rour-motored fiylng hotel.We were officially special ob-servers, previewing the Atlanticroute, the facilities and the air-planes that Pan American Air·ways has opened to the generalpublic. Our fiight began at PortWashington, L. I., and Includedlanding at Horta, Azores; Lis-bon, Portugal, and Marseilles,France.Here Is the diary of our fiight

-Chicago time is used through.out:June 17-Port Washington.2:30 p. m.-We tlle aboard,

carrying our typewriters andcameras. The stewards-JosephRavlol and Rene Mezenen-meetus at the door. They say:••Spread out through the rearcompartments. You cannot enterthe bow compartment. It Isjust for the takeoff. To balancethe plane."2:34-The mooring lines have

been released. We are off forEurope. The Clipper sits deepin the water with her heavy load.Aboard are t h I r t y persons-twelve crew and eighteen news-paper men and women and PanAmerican Airways representa-tives. Also we have 3,480gallonsof fuel In the wing and sponsontanks. It weighs 20,880 poundsalone, almost as much as the air-planes used on domestic air lines.Our motors tick over slowly aswe slide away from the dock andhead down Manhasset bay to-ward the open channel of LongIsland sound. Around us aremotor cruisers and sailboats, andCapt. Wallace b. Culbertson maoneuvers us slowly through them.2:55-We are in the air with

a jerk after a run of 42 seconds.I understood why the takeoffwas so abrupt when, almostImmediately after we left thewater, we flashed over a twin-masted sailing yacht. Hourslater I mentioned the takeoffto the skipper, and he growled:••Yeah, I had to pull her offthe water. There was a wholetleet of yachts in our path.They don't know enough to getout of our way, and there's nochance to keep the channel clear.They have as much right on thesound as we do."3 p. m.-We're still skimming

along 100 feet above the water.Our nose is high in the all' in anear stall and our speed Is slow.The motors are howling. Thesebig boats, taking off with fullload, tly In what seems almosta stall.3:40 p. m.-There has just

been another adjustment of theengines. We're at 8,000 feet,having climbed at an average of200 feet a minute for forty min-.utes. We'll stay at this altitudeall the way to Horta, 2,397milesaway on a great circle course,unless a change in flight planbecomes necessary. The Cltp-per's nose still is high in the airbecause the' plane is carryingsuch a heavy load. As the loadis lightened - the motors burn

Mostly About Dogsl..---------By BOB BECKER----------.I

Setter Longan Ally ofHunters

beauty, the setter also is a greatfavorite of the sportsman. Be-cause It makes an excellent com-panion dog, many are kept aspets In the home, too.There Isn't much doubt that

our modern setter had Its originIn the older spaniels. The span-leIs from which the setter wasdeveloped probably came fromSpain. The early dog fancierswanted a ••setting dog" of pret-ty good size. So by experiment-Ing with several breeds, Includ-ing the land spaniels, they tlnallydeveloped the tlrst setters. Themost interesting document thatwe have seen on the early train-ing of the setter or " sitting span-iel" for hunting purposes Is onethat Youatt prints in his book.It tells how a yeoman of Eng·land bound himself :' fully andeffectually to teach a spanllenamed Quand to sltt partridges,pheasants, and other game aswell and exactly as the best stt-ting dogges usually set thesame."

The yeoman asked the hugesum of 10 shillings for his work,which would be approximately$2.50 today.Although this training contract

is dated 1685 and is the first ofIts kind that we ever have seen,there Is every reason to believethat the tlrst ••setting spaniel"or setter was trained at leastseveral hundred years before1685.Laverack and LIewellin are

two names that mean much Inthe history of the setter. Ed·ward Laverack bred some mar-velous specimens of English set-ters in the early part of thenineteenth century. (Two ofthese came to America in 1874.)

Many dog fanciers still are puz-zled about the name LIewellin.They believe that a LIewellin isan entirely different breed ascompared to the English setter.Actually It's a blood line of Eng-lish setters. .R. L. Purcell LIe·wellin purchased two of Mr.Laverack's best setters at thetime that the Laverack strainwas the talk of the dog world.The dogs that Mr. LIewellin pur-chased were crossed with someentirely new blood which wasobtained in northern England.The result of these crosses wasvery successful. The dogs thatMr. Llewellin produced had thequalities that made them out-standing In the field, and theyswept everything before them,particularly In field trials. Thereputation of these setters bredin LIewellin's ken n e I s soonspread to America and many ofthem were purchased by sports-men for field work.American sportsmen natural-

ly admired this man who had de-

• Thia ia the &nit inatalmeDt ofthe TribWle ariation eclitor'. diaryof hia pioneering Bight in the Atlan-

tic: Clipper.


1,200pounds of gasoline an hourduring the early part of thefiight -- the crew will trim theplane to a level fiight position.3:50-I'm sitting in cabin No.

3--thlrd back from the bow corn-partment-plcklng away at mytypewriter. We're settling downnow, having explored the pas-senger deck from .the stem-where there are 1,200 pounds ofradio transmitters and receiversfor broadcasts that are sched·uled for later - to the stern,where the so-called bridal suiteis situated. The bridal suite isa private compartment for two;with dressing table, berths, andother appointments of a Pull-man compartment.The second deck or tllght deck

contains the pilots' cockpit, thenavigator's and radio operators'stations, the tlight engineer'spost, and the skipper's desk.4:30-My first dispatch has

been filed with the plane's radiooperators. The plane's operators

pouring champagne-Pommeryand Geno - just as the suntouches the horizon.8:30-It's been dark for thirty·

five minutes. We've run beneatha high cloud layer, so that thereare clouds below us, hiding thesea, and clouds above. The navt-gator doesn't like It. He's unableto get any star sights to aid theradio In navigating the ship. Hedropped Into a seat to explain:••The tlrst couple of hours outfrom Port Washington we tookbearings on commercial broad-cast stations WEE! at Boston,WEAF at Bellmore, L. I., andat WPG, Atlantic City, N. J. Weused the southeast leg of theBoston radio range station (aCivil Aeronautics authority sta-tion, chiefiy for domestic landplane use) to give us a groundspeed check."Capt. William A. Winston,

tlrst officer on the tllght, strollsby. The captain Is a veteran ofthe Pacitlc and South Americandivisions and is to become theskipper of the new Dixie Clip-per, latest of the Boeing boats,on his next trans-Atlantlc trip.Inside the Clipper there Is no

Indication of speed-hardly any

The Atlantic Clipper hop. o"er a pri"ate .urface boat on it. takeoff for itafir.t Bight to Europe with pa •• enge,., (Tribune pboto.)

can handle only' a few hundredwords an hour, because they arebusy for forty minutes out ofeach sixty in sending and recelv-lng weather' reports, position reoports, and taking bearings onships or shore stations.

• e e

Our cruising height Is abovethe general cloud level, and thesurface of the sea has been hid·den most of the time.6 p. m.-Sklpper Culbertson

descended from the bridge tochat with his passengers. Heordered the women to dress fordinner, telling them that theyare the first women to fiy theAtlantic and therefore must setthe pace for others who follow.He promised to allow them todine at his table If they obeyed.7:30 p. m.-Dinner. White dam-

ask, china dishes, crystal glasses,and a special sort of Ilght-weightsilverware. The stewards movedeftly from table to table serv-ing a five-course dinner. Olivesand celery, consomme, sirloin ofbeef, rissole potato and newpeas, French pastry, demi-tasseand mints. Captain Culbertsonshares a table with three of thewomen, who are dazzling inwhite, gold, and blue gowns.Steward Raviol comes around

A champion Engli.h .etter,Modem Boy of Stucile.

. veloped such a marvelous typeof hunting dog, so It was onlylogical that they should callevery dog Imported from his ken-nel a Llewellin. Then all stockbred from these dogs also was,glven the name, which eventual-ly became well established inthe dog world.

of motion. Occasionally thereIs a smooth and gentle roll-much like that of a boat in along, easy swell. Outside starsare hidden, and to me-lookingout the window - it seems asthough we are standing still Ina vast and pitch-black window.10 p. m.-The navigator has

just taken sights on Jupiter,caught through a hole in theupper layer of clouds, that nowis breaking up.The two groups of broadcast-

ing experts-an announcer andan engineer from each of twosystems-are hard at work. Thecrew, the stewards, and most ofthe correspondents have beencalled to microphones to talk toNew York from the ship. Sev-eral of us still are writing andthe rest are turning in to berthsthat have 'been made up sincethe trip began.11:12- The last h 0 u r has

passed swiftly In chatting withCaptain Culbertson-most of usare calling him "Cubby," hisname with everyone ashore.The crew, however, following seaformality, speak of him as " cap-tam " to his face and "the skip-per" when he Is not present.

NEXT SUNDAY- The Beacon inMidoeecm.

• For attractive 0 ff e r s ofdogs. turn to the Dogs. Cats,Birds, and Pets columns inthe want ad section of to-day's Tribune.