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Page 1 ………… President’s Message Page 2 ………… Horticulture, Happy Gardener Page 3 ………… Tours, Workshops Page 4 ………… Calendar Page 5 ………… Rose Garden, Birthdays Page 6 ………… Our Sponsors Inside This Issue: November 2010 Newsletter of the Danville-Alamo Garden Club Volume XXXVI, Issue 9 President’s Message - Sheila Truschke © The smell of autumn is in the air. As I am a native Chicagoan, autumn is my favorite time of year. Not too hot, yet not too cold, and a perfect time to plant in your garden or watch those bulbs you planted begin to germinate. The tour to Forest Home Farms & the David Glass House was a success from the feedback I have re- ceived. The comment most heard was “I have lived in this valley for so many years and never knew this was in our own backyard.” Twenty of our members took advantage of the farm’s offer to have a private tour of the grounds. It was their way of saying “Thank You” for our contribution last year, which was used to buy tools for the tours they give to the valley’s third grade classes. I’m glad so many of you came to hear our October speaker Jim Howard tell us how to encourage multiple species of birds by planting native plants. There is nothing as peaceful as sitting and enjoying a cup of coffee and watching the wonder of nature right in your own backyard. The Program VP’s promise that this is just the kickoff of many wonderful & interesting speakers we will have on our roster this year. Great start Karen & Sandi. Again, I encourage you to visit our plant table and bring home a shared goodie for your garden. Remem- ber all monies gathered at the table will benefit our June luncheon. And who can resist trying to be the lucky person who will take home the gorgeous floral arrangements made by our own Linda Scotting? Have you bought your ticket for the November 11 th “Toast to Danville” yet? It promises to be a fun evening. We have lots of new and great undertakings going on in our club. Our members are such energetic and en- thusiastic people. It is a joy to me to be just a small part of it all. November is the month of Thanksgiving and as such it reminds me of all the wonderful friends and experiences I have had as a member of the DAGC. Have a great month and I’ll see you at the November meeting. Happy Thanksgiving

THE FLOWER POT NovembernewslettertempleteMaking Hand-dipped Caramel and Chocolate Apples (and more!) Home of Sue Naas Learn to make delicious hand-dipped caramel and chocolate apples,

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Page 1: THE FLOWER POT NovembernewslettertempleteMaking Hand-dipped Caramel and Chocolate Apples (and more!) Home of Sue Naas Learn to make delicious hand-dipped caramel and chocolate apples,

Page 1 ………… President’s Message Page 2 ………… Horticulture, Happy Gardener Page 3 ………… Tours, Workshops Page 4 ………… Calendar Page 5 ………… Rose Garden, Birthdays Page 6 ………… Our Sponsors

Inside This Issue:

November 2010 Newsletter of the Danville-Alamo Garden Club Volume XXXVI, Issue 9

President’s Message - Sheila Truschke


The smell of autumn is in the air. As I am a native Chicagoan, autumn is my favorite time of year. Not too hot, yet not too cold, and a perfect time to plant in your garden or watch those bulbs you planted begin to germinate. The tour to Forest Home Farms & the David Glass House was a success from the feedback I have re-ceived. The comment most heard was “I have lived in this valley for so many years and never knew this was in our own backyard.” Twenty of our members took advantage of the farm’s offer to have a private tour of the grounds. It was their way of saying “Thank You” for our contribution last year, which was used to buy tools for the tours they give to the valley’s third grade classes. I’m glad so many of you came to hear our October speaker Jim Howard tell us how to encourage multiple species of birds by planting native plants. There is nothing as peaceful as sitting and enjoying a cup of coffee and watching the wonder of nature right in your own backyard. The Program VP’s promise that this is just the kickoff of many wonderful & interesting speakers we will have on our roster this year. Great start Karen & Sandi. Again, I encourage you to visit our plant table and bring home a shared goodie for your garden. Remem-ber all monies gathered at the table will benefit our June luncheon. And who can resist trying to be the lucky person who will take home the gorgeous floral arrangements made by our own Linda Scotting? Have

you bought your ticket for the November 11th “Toast to Danville” yet? It promises to be a fun evening. We have lots of new and great undertakings going on in our club. Our members are such energetic and en-thusiastic people. It is a joy to me to be just a small part of it all. November is the month of Thanksgiving and as such it reminds me of all the wonderful friends and experiences I have had as a member of the DAGC. Have a great month and I’ll see you at the November meeting.

Happy Thanksgiving

Page 2: THE FLOWER POT NovembernewslettertempleteMaking Hand-dipped Caramel and Chocolate Apples (and more!) Home of Sue Naas Learn to make delicious hand-dipped caramel and chocolate apples,

Horticulture Fall is for planting! How many times have you heard this slo-gan put forward by nurseries? In addition to the soil being warm and the plants making their roots strong and healthy, there is a bigger reason as far as I am concerned. In the fall the days are shorter, and the night temperatures are reliably cool. So plants that you plant don’t need all the careful watching that they do if you plant in the spring or summer. I normally put flags on all new plantings to remind me to check them to see if they are drooping and need more water. In the summer there are many moments of panic because I forgot to water, and I run to get the can and give the plant an additional drink. Then I have to go back to see if I gave the plant enough water. However, in the fall, I plant, give the plant a drink, and never have to add additional water besides what the sprinkler system offers. Fall planting is gardening made easier. So the nursery sales are on, and perhaps you really wanted to have a Trachelospermum jasminoides tricolor (the leaves are green white and pink); put it into the ground. Enjoy!

Kristin Yanker-Hansen Horticultural Chair

Happy Gardener We have had especially warm days this October, which makes it a bit difficult to think about planting perennials and spring bulbs. But by now you should have them, and it really is time to begin installation. Ranunculus is one option. When planting, make sure the claws point downward, and the soil should be well drained. Cover them with about an inch of soil; they should pop up in about two weeks. It's a good idea to finish most spring planting by the end of this month. Winter annuals such as primrose, pansies, and violas should be kept moist. As the temperature cools, think about reducing sprin-kler times. And when the rains finally arrive, shut the systems off entirely. Continue cleanup: this is a year round task, but fall brings a lot more debris. Fortunately, a lot of this can be composted for spring recycling. Camellias are setting buds now, as are azaleas and rhododen-drons. Not the time for pruning! I am currently watching for flower spikes on my cymbidium orchids and continuing the battle against snails and ants. Frost comes next. Though many flowers are finishing, there are still mums, berries and much fall color to be enjoyed. And as we approach Thanksgiv-ing, let's take time to appreciate the many blessings our gardens bring! They are worth the effort!

Nancy Goreth

Requested Recipes

The following sweet and savory foods were served at the Sept. General Meeting and requested by several members, but, unfortunately, the talented cooks could not be identified to give us their recipes. If one of them was yours, please either give Jan Hamby the recipe at the meeting, or send it to her so that can be included in our "Requested Recipes" cook booklet. The recipe forms to fill out will be available at the meeting. -brownie with cream cheese topping -corn, avocado, and tomato salad -spaghetti salad at the beginning of the first table -chocolate and caramel covered matzo

Page 3: THE FLOWER POT NovembernewslettertempleteMaking Hand-dipped Caramel and Chocolate Apples (and more!) Home of Sue Naas Learn to make delicious hand-dipped caramel and chocolate apples,


DAGC Tour of Wente Winery and Gardens On a beautiful September morning, DAGC members met at Wente Winery in Livermore for a complimentary garden tour and cooking demonstration. Master gardener Diane Dovholuk, who cares for the two-thirds of an acre herb and vegetable garden, ex-plained the genesis and growth of the garden under her loving care. While we carefully tromped through planted rows, Chef Berg pa-tiently diced just-picked vegetables under the shade of an old oak tree. Diane wrapped up our garden tour with a brief talk on the im-portance of cover crops to improve and protect the soil, especially over winter. Then, it was Chef Berg’s turn; he demonstrated the ease of making a vegetable salsa that included diced zucchini and sweet peppers, julienne zucchini flowers, and green garlic finished lightly with olive oil, Maldon sea salt flakes and Vella dried Monterey Jack cheese. We all tasted – the flavors were fresh and vibrant and easy to reproduce in our home kitchens. Finally, we wrapped up the tour with a two-course lunch in Wente’s delicious restaurant (with op-tional wine pairings).

Karen Fox

Chocolate Truffle Workshop

Date(s) : (2 classes) Saturday Nov 13 or Wed. Nov 17 Time: 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM Cost: $50.00 - To sign up please mail check to Sue Naas. Include class & date requested. Where: Sue Naas's House Danville, CA Learn to make fabulous hand-dipped chocolate truffles for holi-day gift giving and special occasions! Cost includes class in-struction, recipes, all supplies, hands-on experience, containers, ribbons, wrap and lots of decorating ideas. Of course, you'll be sampling them and you will leave with beautifully wrapped gifts of chocolate truffles you've made and the knowledge to now "do it yourself" at home! Friends are welcome. Questions? Call Sue Naas.

Hand Dipped Caramel & Chocolate Apple & more Workshop

Date: Nov. 30 Time: 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM Cost: $45.00 - To sign up please mail check to Sue Naas. Include class & date requested. Where: Sue Naas's House Danville, CA Learn to make delicious hand-dipped caramel & choco-late apples, drizzled in more chocolates, dipped in nuts and other decorations, then beautifully wrapped! Cost includes class instruction, all supplies, ribbons, wraps, everything you'll need. Then several other clever ideas for gifts will be presented. A great opportunity to learn how to make those perfect holiday gifts that are so expensive in the stores! A really fun and inspira-tional day! Questions? Call Sue Naas.

DAGC members at the Tour of Wente Winery & Gardens

Page 4: THE FLOWER POT NovembernewslettertempleteMaking Hand-dipped Caramel and Chocolate Apples (and more!) Home of Sue Naas Learn to make delicious hand-dipped caramel and chocolate apples,

2010-2011 Membership Directories DAGC’s 2010-2011 Membership Directories will continue to be distributed at the monthly General Meeting through December 2010. If you are unable to attend meetings, please have a member friend or neighbor pick up your Directory at the General Meeting. Your coop-eration is greatly appreciated. The fewer we have to mail in January, the less the mailing cost. Thank you. Carol Sayers.

Dates & Times Events Details Nov 5 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Meet at Alamo Women’s Club

DAGC Tour Boutique at Alamo Women’s Club Homes in Alamo and Blackhawk areas

Artful Living Tour of homes/gardens in Diablo Valley. Visit boutique at Women’s Club; pick up map; then tour on your own or form carpools. Lunch on your own. Tour cost: $35 check to DAGC. Contact: Ingrid Lara or Lynn Hoaglin.

Nov 6 10:00 am

Create Colorful Holiday Entrances Sloat Garden Center

Terri Hiatt shows how to create holiday containers for the front door. Come learn to make a great hostess gift! Gardener’s Reward Program members free, others $5. Call to reserve a seat.

Tuesdays 9:00 am – noon

Plant Sale Markham Arboretum

Great prices on 2”, 4”, & gallon-size plants.

Nov 11 9:30 am

DAGC General Meeting Alamo Women’s Club

“Herbs in the Garden,” Patrice Hanlon, Garden Man-ager of the Gardens at Heather Farms and columnist for the Contra Costa Times.

Nov 11 5:00 – 9:00 pm

Spirit of Danville Downtown Danville

See newsletter article on page 5 for details. Cost: $5.00. Contact: Charlene Geiger.

Nov 13 9:30 am – 1:30 pm

DAGC Workshop Making Chocolate Truffles Home of Sue Naas

Learn to make fabulous hand-dipped chocolate truffles for holiday gift giving. Get instructions, recipes, sup-plies, wrapping ideas, samples, and more. Cost: $50 check to Sue. Contact: Sue Naas.

Nov 13 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Plant Sale Markham Arboretum

Selection of ornamental grasses, trees, shrubs, natives, vegetables, and wide selection of perennials. Free ad-mission.

Nov 17 9:30 am – 1:30 pm

DAGC Workshop Making Chocolate Truffles Home of Sue Naas

Learn to make fabulous hand-dipped chocolate truffles for holiday gift giving. Get instructions, recipes, supplies, wrapping ideas, samples, and more. Cost: $50 check to Sue. Contact: Sue Naas.

Nov 17 6:00 pm

Fruit Tree and Rose Selections Navlet’s Garden Center

Whether it’s a gift for the holidays or just enhancing your own garden, come see this year’s selections. We will help you to make the right choices for your garden and teach you how to care for them.

Nov 18 9:30 am

DAGC Board Meeting Home of Sheila Truschke

Nov 30 9:30 am – 1:30 pm

DAGC Workshop Making Hand-dipped Caramel and Chocolate Apples (and more!) Home of Sue Naas

Learn to make delicious hand-dipped caramel and chocolate apples, drizzled in more chocolate, dipped in nuts and other decorations, and then beautifully wrapped! Includes instructions, supplies, wraps, sam-ples, and other gift ideas. A fun and inspirational day! Cost: $45 check to Sue. Contact: Sue Naas.

Page 5: THE FLOWER POT NovembernewslettertempleteMaking Hand-dipped Caramel and Chocolate Apples (and more!) Home of Sue Naas Learn to make delicious hand-dipped caramel and chocolate apples,

Osage Rose Garden Our pruning season at Osage Park is over the end of October and many thanks to: Penny, Alex, Sherry, Maureen, Rochelle, Nairy, Cheryl, Janice, Kathy, Charlene, Nancy G., Ann H., Terre, Lynn H., Nancy J., Sandy, Connie, Lorna, Ingrid, Lynn L., Sharon, Marge, Linda M., Jody, Emilie, Barb, Carol, Aline, Jan R., Ann S., Susan, Michele, Sandi, Gillian, Bobbie, Sara, Rebecca, Ann J., Janet, Jan G., and Nora. You were responsible for over 250 volunteer hours to the town of Danville. Many thanks to the ten of you opening your gardens after rose pruning this summer and sharing your ideas and beautiful yards with the group. To our dear friend, Sibylle, we miss your smile, your generous spirit, your plant knowledge, your hospitality at your beautiful garden throughout the past 3 years you were with us. We were delighted to present your family with 8 Penny Pine Plantations in your memory from the Garden Club Memorial Rose Garden La-dies.

Vicki Brown Rose Garden Chair

Happy November Birthdays!!!

Bernadette Allen Sheila Campbell Nancy Combs Dee Dee Cross

Charlene Geiger Rita Gregory D’Arcy James Jo Jamieson

Sharon Mabey Joanne Nelson Barbara Norkus Sandra Olinger

Carol Porter Betty Rivier

November Flower: Chrysanthemum

Spirit of Danville The Spirit of Danville is a mini fundraiser for our club. The event is Thursday, November 11, from 5-9 pm. Marcia Harmon of Cottage Jewell in downtown Danville specifically asked our club to be a participant in the event. It is easy! Just purchase a ticket for $5 and enjoy an evening of shopping discounts, wine and appetizers. Trolleys will run from The Rose Garden (Navlet’s and Olive), The Mercantile and Livery to the down-town shops. It is fun! Gather your friends and neighbors; plan an early dinner and then shop. All ticket proceeds are returned to the club. Do purchase a ticket at Cottage Jewell-100 E. Prospect in downtown Danville. Tell Marcia you are a member of DAGC! Any questions? Contact Joyce Michalczyk.

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Newsletter of the Danville-Alamo Garden Club

Ofelia Barr ~ Editor Danville–Alamo Garden Club P.O. Box 920 Danville, CA 94526 [email protected]

Our Sponsors Alamo Ace Hardware

3211 Danville Blvd., Alamo 925-837-2420

Armstrong Garden Centers

7360 San Ramon Road, Dublin 925-551-0231

Diablo Valley College

Horticulture Department 321 Golf Club Rd., Pleasant Hill

Markham Arboretum

1202 La Vista Avenue, Concord 925-681-2968


800 Camino Ramon, Danville 925-837-9144

Regan Nursery

4268 Decoto Road, Fremont 510-797-3222

Sloat Garden Center

828 Diablo Road, Danville 925-743-0288

Sunset Color Nursery

1435 San Ramon Valley Boulevard, Danville 925-831-3574

Remember, our commercial sponsors do-nate the door prizes, and they support us with speakers for our general meetings.

November 2010
