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Randi Green The Restoration Program Handbook Energy & Consciousness
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Page 1: The First Two Chapters

Randi Green

The Restoration Program Handbook

Energy & Consciousness

Page 2: The First Two Chapters

Randi Green

The Restoration Program Handbook

Energy & Consciousness

Page 3: The First Two Chapters

The Restoration Program Handbook

Copyright © 2014 by Randi Green

Energy & Consciousness

1. Edition

Layout: Randi Green

All rights reserved ©Randi Green

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The Restoration Program Handbook



The Book 5

The OD3 Chakra System to be Cleansed 6

The Progressive MD4 Mind-Field to be activated 9

New Understandings 13

The Settings 20

The OD and MD and their Planets 22

The Ancient Ones, the History and the IPBs 26

The ID Orb or Monadic Cell 32

Regaining Consciousness 40

The ID and CD Energy System to the Full Program 50

A MD4 Mind-Field on the reconstructed Return Path 51

The Restoration Program Today 52

The Transit Areas 64

Want to Leave the Transit Areas? 76

Chakra Healing and Funnel Optimization 89

Energy Mediation and Meditative Regression 98

The Transformation Step by Step 102

One Type of Core Domain Light Pattern 111

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The Restoration Program Handbook


The Book

I write this book to those who are waking up and will wake up in the

years to come. It is meant to provide the collectives of helpers, workers

and awakening humans a level of higher information they can resonate

with and draw energy from in the years to come. The purpose is to make

them able to attach to the wave leading out of the outer domains as the

next wave of consciousness and energy following the evolutionary cycles

is coming in during the next 10 years changing the outer domains.

If this book works properly, as in implementing the acquired inter-

section points within the energetic structure of the readers, it will lift the

present level of energy and from here add correct thoughtforms to the

consciousness field connected to the restoration program.

We therefore ask of you to make a little ritual, i.e. the correct

mediation of energy, every time you take this book into your hands,

with the intent to read it. The more you understand what is told below,

the more correctly you are mediating energy from the program to work


1) Please position your body comfortably. Control all urges and needs

that might arise from the energies composing the emotional field, i.e.

the energetic perimeter of your energy system being generated from the

peripheral nervous system (the PNS) and the heart as well as the outer

seven chakras.

The PNS, the heart and the chakras are the energetic basis of the

psyche and function as the vibrational sensing faculties of the energy

system creating feelings. The emotional field with its chakras is a down-

graded version of the vibrational segment and it consists of distorted

frequencies from the hijacked program funneling in and out via the

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Outer Domain OD Middle Domain MD Inner Domain ID Core Domain CD

chakras keeping us in the loop. The seven chakras are the first energy

barrier to transform to be able to lift the energies in the PNS and heart to

higher frequencies. Thus hold back all expectations, values and wishes of

any outcome, as well as your overall intent of reading this book. Be calm

and in inner balance. Be undetached to any outcome. Do not wish for

specific results, do not yearn, hope or long for any specific event. What

you yearn for in your present state of being is not in your overall


The OD3 Chakra

System to be


- Awakens Planetary

Awareness that

transforms the first

Elemental Gridwork

The old program is the

hijacked program.

This program is created

by the darkened ones

positioned on the Moon.

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The Restoration Program Handbook


2) Close your eyes and empty your mind of thoughts and inner talk as in

silencing the energies generating the ego and mind.

The mind, with its ego, is also a downgraded energy field and has to

be restored back into the original MD4 mind-field for the reason that in

its present state it holds an engineered soul. This soul has been inte-

grated into the brain and the central nervous system (the CNS) of the

fetus superseding the original consciousness in the MD4 mind-field. The

engineered soul belongs to the old program and it is not our real soul. It

is an extension of a collective consciousness field, i.e. the soul group or

the soul matrix, situated in OD3.5 bordering to the OD4.

All soul groups are controlled by technologies in the old program. The

afterlife with its educational programs appears when the souls return to

the OD3.5 location via the tunnel of light. Soul contracts and purposes of

incarnating into this or that setting, taking on this or that role is part of

the false incarnational program to make the souls outlive the wanted

experiment. This OD3 reality field, i.e. planet Earth, is a large experiment

and a controlled one. The experiment today has very little in common

with the original restoration program, even though the original program

was, unfortunately, the groundwork of the hijacked program.

Thus the engineered souls of humanity are involved in the

recycling and the false incarnational programs, unless they

hold a true soul from off-planetary humans or beings. The

engineered souls are small orbs of energy and in this small

orb whatever we understand to be the soul is contained.

The bluish orbs are not the ID orbs but an OD 3.5

energy creation with fragments of consciousness being

able to interact with the energies of the brain and CNS.

Astral traveling is done in this engineered orb and

not via the original MD4 mind-field.

An engineered orb with

its fragment.

The orbs in nature are

of related technologies.

Astral travelling is only possible

within the layers of the old program.

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The MD4 mind-field or true soul (the real human consciousness) is

normally an extension of the CD consciousness or light pattern, but in

our case, here in the OD3 reality field, the MD4 mind-field is linked to

the consciousness emitting from the fragments inserted into the ID orb.

An ID orb is a consciousness field created of ID material. This orb with

its MD4 mind-field contains our real human consciousness and holds all

the memories from the scattered CD light pattern.

The MD4 mind-field is nurtured by a downgraded version of the

radiation principle, until we transform it into the MD network of

consciousness instead of distorted OD3 energy. When the fragments are

dormant we identify ourselves with the energy gridwork in the brain and

CNS and its ego (the exterior of the engineered soul) but the moment

the fragments in the ID orb, i.e. the monadic cell, become active we start

to remember who we really are and an inner observer arises, starting to

question everything.

The duality of true consciousness functioning in

the MD4 mind-field, in contrast to the energetic

OD3.5 soul, arises out of the activated fragments in

the ID orb in opposition to the controlled mind and

its false self (the ego and its “master” the soul).

The distorted energy gridwork of the CNS and the brain transforms

when we have regenerated enough of our CD light pattern to sustain the

true radiation principle in us activating the MD4 mind-field from within.

When this is done the transformed energy gridwork in the mind-field

will merge with the appropriate network of consciousness, infusing our

CNS and brain with awareness from the ID levels of the orb.

When the vibrational level in us is roughly 30% and the radiation

level is about 20% the emotional field initiates its process into becoming

The fragment in the

OD3.5 orb is often

from a whole other

MD being than the

fragments in the ID

orb. See page 10.

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the PNS-Heart System. The fragments and the ID orb hold remains of the

original CD light pattern representing the three principles of all there is.

The Progressive

MD4 Mind-Field

to be activated

- Awakens Stellar

Awareness that

transforms the

second IPB


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The Restoration Program Handbook


Today the two energy gridworks, creating the mind and the emotional

field, are fuelled by distorted indigenous planetary beings (IPBs) using

the gridworks to evolve their potentials. Most IPBs are engineered into

holding the energetic genetics to link the integrated soul of off-planetary

races with the primate genetics which in nearly all cases cannot hold

enough genetic potential to nourish the integrated soul. Moreover they

link the engineered soul to the primate body.

An engineered soul is a recycled MD4 mind-field fragment of either

off-planetary races being captured for the purpose, or bits of the original

ID fragments from the original program, albeit not the same as in the ID

orb. The differences in light quotient in the fragments of the ID orb and

the engineered soul create magnetic repulsion securing the superseding

soul to hold its place in the CNS-Brain energy field. By elevating the

energy levels in the PNS-Heart energy field it gets possible to expel the

engineered soul.

With this follows the full understanding that most humans do neither

have a soul nor an ego that is theirs. All in all the idea of a specific earth

human race is an illusion. Both energy fields are an extension of other

beings, having taken the place of operation (some freely albeit most by

energetic incarceration) instead of the true you, in your scattered state

of being. This also means that unfolding the fragments is hard work and

a lot of transformation has to be done to regain the full control over the

gridworks, the engineered soul and the integrated IPBs. You are not

“one being” but a conglomerate of beings.

In the original program the IPBs were the Teachers, actively helping

and assisting us in re-growing the CD light pattern from the ID orb and

they were never meant to become a direct part of the created energy

system used in the restoration program. This atrocity arose with the

hijacking of the original program turning it into what we understand to

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be our reality. In the hijacked program it is distorted lower IPBs, being

controlled by the program, who become part of the gridworks, albeit the

IPB of the emotional field is mostly to be classified as an elemental.

An elemental is an energy entity without any consciousness being

nothing else but OD3 energy. An IPB is linked to the energy gridwork of

this planetary system in a higher degree and therefore holds the OD3

equivalent to MD4 human consciousness.

The CNS-Brain energy field (to be transformed into the network of

radiation as one type of human consciousness and thus turns into the

CNS-Brain System) and the PNS-Heart energy field (to be transformed

into the network of vibration and then becomes the PNS-Heart System

holding the other type of human consciousness) are the forms into

which the last principle, the LIFE principle, unfolds. For now it is only

unfolding as life, but when the ID orb is reconnected to the networks of

vibration and radiation, it will unfold the true meaning of LIFE igniting

the three first principles and the direct link to all there is. LIFE is the

eternal WILL to exist.

3) Therefore take control over the conglomerate energy system you

presently are the president of, being the real ahamkara principle, and

ask the other beings in your energy system to co-work with you and to

listen. Ask them to be willing to learn and to grow as well as you are to

do in your present state of lower beingness.

4) From here you hold both hands onto your heart and start to vibrate

the highest possible feeling of compassion. See how this compassion

shines as a bright golden-white-magenta-pale-blue light from your heart

and surrounds you in a protective sphere of fluorescent light (alter this if

you feel the incentive to do so into another range of frequencies). Into

this bright luminous sphere you see, also with your minds eye or the

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inner sight, a symbol of light in front of your forehead. Accept this

symbol to be there shinning its light like a lamp onto the book, making it

sparkle in your lap (or in the PC). And accept that the symbol you get is

entirely for you and thus individual. Then you can start to read the book.

When you are done reading

See how the symbol stops shinning like a lamp on the book. Then you

retract the sphere of luminous light back into your heart, repossessing

the compassion added with the energy from the book, back into your

core within your heart. After being quiet for a while, then return to your

daily work, but do not think of what you have read. If you feel a need to

think about it, return to the inner sanctuary, rebuild the sphere light from

your heart and then meditate on the contents of the book. Learn to take

the inner work more seriously than the outer. You are silencing the seven

chakras when you do this.

Please do not use your artificial mind to understand; use your heart

and intuition and only when positioned within the sphere of luminous

light. This is of the uttermost importance. If you use your artificial mind

to think about the book or to understand it, you will pull the book and its

energies into the lower range of frequencies and from here it will soon

lose its purpose of lifting the reader into the higher realms of intuition. It

will then become a science fiction book with no energy to add to the

reader. Please understand that you are not the only one reading and

needing this book and its energies. When you read it, you tap into a field

we have created. Hence take good care of the energies to make it

available for the others also needing to read this book and getting the

energies out of it. When you learn to honor other awakening beings, you

will grow accordingly, because when adding to the light of others, you

build more light into the network and the platforms making us all grow.

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New Understandings

New levels of understanding have to be given as well on how to use the


1) The free illustrations on are created to support the inner

work in energy mediation (yes, mediation not meditation) – which you

do after entering the safety sphere as described in the beginning of the

book – and to be used when performing meditative regression and self-


The monadic path is a representation of the evolutionary cycles each

domain goes through but it is also a multidimensional chart meant to be

meditated on because all numbers on the path refer to frequencies and

dimensions, i.e. the rate of energies of the domains they belong to.

If you e.g. work with the OD3 reality field, you also have to follow the

number 3 to the other domains and ponder on their similarities and

whether or not the CD3 perhaps is linked to the OD3 in some sense and

if yes, then how. When you meditate and ponder on this, you open up to

the energy in you from those domains and when you are able to mind-

travel the monadic path becomes a map instead.

All in all: the monadic path is a tool in multidimensional work and to

be explored. You can go cycle wise following the cycle from 1-7 in one

domain or from 7-1 figuring out what the directions mean. You can jump

from one domain to another following the evolutionary path from right

to left, or you can jump from CD3 to OD3 wondering on what type of

beings are able to make that transition and how they are constructed

energetically and consciously or you can mind-travel following your

memory imprints back on the path from left to right to the previous

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domains you once were a part of. All levels in you are threefold, from

cells to chakras and hold three layers to work with. But what about the

fourth layer, the core domain, you might ask. The answer is that the core

domains are the basis of all there is and because of that they permeate

the other three layers, being a part of their foundation, hence there are

only three layers to work with in total. You pull consciousness from the

core domains to heal and restore the other three layers, which in its

essence is consciousness mediation. Read the chapter on Energy

Mediation to understand this.

2) All words highlighted are to be meditated on to understand the

energies behind them – their true meaning. E.g. ask: What does a choice

mean? And then wait for the answer to come to you from within.

The Teachers will assist you in your learning process of building the

needed energy levels in your chakra systems to be able to evolve the

psychic abilities needed in inner clear communication. This will take

time, since the brain has to get used to communicate with inner sources,

just as it learned to communicate with other humans, i.e. outer sources.

It has to turn the same ability it uses outwardly inwardly.

We communicate with the Teachers just like we communicate with

outer human beings, albeit the difference is that they exist in a different

time-space continuum.

The brain has to adjust to the dimensional divergences but when this

is learned - the brain adjusts to the new type of energetic information

from other dimensions - communication with intra-dimensional or inter-

dimensional beings is as easy as outer domain communication. Except

that you do not utter a word but have the whole conversation in your

mind. Sometimes I talk out loud especially with my old friend Merak

who is able to manifest himself in my energy field, making him very

tangible to me and the most natural way is to communicate normally,

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since he literally is in the same space-time continuum as me. Therefore

psychic abilities are not something magical, but hard work as in training

the brain to function on other energetic levels than just the usual OD3

level. It is all about expansion of mind as well as integration of energy

and consciousness and which way you focus your mind-field.

Focusing your MD4 mind-field means to choose what dimensional

level you want to work on, or be present in with your consciousness

after this has been infused into the MD4 mind-field. Working with the

monadic path is one way to develop this skill. Each domain completes an

evolutionary cycle.

When you focus on something, you place your consciousness into

that field of energy and the content it holds. Then your brain reads the

energy information placed there given that atoms are small packages of

quantum information. Only if you have learned to pull higher levels of

energy as in different frequencies into your chakras, by cleansing them

and making them flexible, is your energy system able to adjust to the

different levels of perception. It is not just your MD4 mind-field with the

infused consciousness you direct into another dimension, but your

whole energy system and thus the PNS senses what is going on there

and your brain, along with the CNS, reads and converts the energetic

information into known images and words, you understand.

This also means that if you have a very little range of outer domain

knowledge, the information you get from the dimension you focus on

will be limited. Your brain can only read and convert into what is stored

in the neurons and synapses, hence the strong need for education and

schooling into all five levels of human existence: Sciences, religion,

politics, energetic knowledge and social skills. Sciences include all areas

of human knowledge from physics to psychology.

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The more advanced, refined and compassionate you are as a human

being, the more advanced, refined and sensitive you will be in inter-

dimensional communication. Primitive minds reach primitive levels;

refined highly civilized minds reach similar communities. You interact

with what you are, and what coding, i.e. frequency signature, you hold

in your energy system, hence the required training, cleansing and inner

schooling to reach the correct levels that lead to growth.

3) When you start to use the handbook, you are joining a community of

living light and living consciousness (creation in love-kindness) that have

willingly left behind their secure positions outside the depleted and

ramified outer domain to rebuild the restoration path of the previous

return cycle (we kind of missed the original one being entrapped in the

hijacked program). Honor their work and contributions by honoring your

inner work and dedication into a new lifeform, where the difficult work

to alter the conceptual thinking as well as the struggle to transform the

energetic gridworks have your first priority.

You are to leave the contemporary understanding and concepts

behind and accept the fact that the illusion of humanity is an illusion

generated by the distorted frequencies of the hijacked program.

Once you participate in the restoration program – enjoying the

benefits of becoming an integrated unit in the secure areas – you make

a choice to leave the old system behind and enter into a new one full of

cleansing, inner work, service to others as well as being under the

guidance of higher beings to gain the awakening awareness of the first

three principles in you and in others. The three principles are the first

emanation of the Great Void of Possibilities or Source if you like.

None in the living light communities act without being under some

sort of higher supervising principle; even the first three principles are an

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integrate part of All There Is being the infinite Void of Possibilities and

LIFE and we all work under the intention of this creation being a part of

what LIFE is. We honor and accept this in our heart, mind and whole

being as a natural way of BEING. The goal for you, and for us, is to

recreate the natural True World settings where every single cell, or light

unit, in you from the smallest elemental to the chakras or the large

monadic cell as your highest light body structure, honor and follow the

Creational Laws which arises from the three principles of LIFE, vibration

and radiation.

All of this means that you have to leave a lot of things behind you

accept as being human prerogatives and needs.

As you shift to the inner awareness and consciousness, entering the

platforms and their secure areas, you shift into new ideas of what you

feel is important to you. Not at once, but slowly over time unless the

lower IPB and the elementals of the untransformed gridworks get the

power over you being energized by the clean and strong energies of the

platforms. You therefore have to learn, as the first thing, to observe

what is going on in your body and mind.

The normal emotional impulses to dive into lust, glutton, longings,

needs, sexual desires, cravings, outbursts such as anger, joy, pleasure, all

human feelings incl. human love are to be observed and transformed by

understanding the fact that none of this is YOU.

Higher beings DO love, but it is a pure vibration of compassion and

understanding. When we share love, we vibrate LIFE and shine our light

becoming one with the Creational Laws in a triune light field making us

grow deeper into unity with the first three principles.

Light beings create love to share unity with the first three principles

and they reflect back all the creational possibilities our triune light

fields are able to generate.

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All of the mentioned above feelings are the reflection of the energies the

elementals are reacting to from the surrounding distorted frequencies.

The elementals react automatically to the vibration of the energy

being presented to them, vibrating back the most appropriate energy

signature they contain to what they encounter and you have to show

them the better way to react as in no reaction within the human under-

standing of things. You have to learn to stand apart and observe the

energies around and surrounding you.

Thoughtforms that does not serve you as in being critical, negative,

downsizing other lifeforms, ideas against outer systems, other humans

seemingly “controlling” you etc. are to be abandoned in their fear

inducing and anger motivating forms. They are an illusion created by

forces you do not want to take part of. Every time you in your mind

connect to an idea, a symbol, teachings or thoughtforms, you connect to

the creator or collective of powers of these energies activating your

lower IPB and its distorted energy grid in that direction, creating deeper

ties of energy to this image of deception and then they are truly

controlling you.

Only focus on the things you want to happen or become.

All old ideas of feeling and thinking will pull you back into the settings of

the hijacked program. You choose – this cannot be stressed enough - to

enter a system of thought and energy when you start to focus on it.

If you do not take this seriously, honoring yourself and your inner

work as well as all the others participating in the restoration program,

you will bring depleted energies to the platforms and the program itself

will expel you. Instead do service to others by cleansing and relearning

energetic awareness, where you monitor and select what kind of activity

you wish to add to when you use your emotional and mental energies,

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setting in motion the smaller beings in you; i.e. the IPB and elementals

and their bridging to the many outer domain forces via the OD chakras.

All of this includes music (activate the emotional energies) and

literature (activate the mental energies), events and whatever the outer

world place in front of you (activate the atomic energies), as well