Top Banner Phone: 888-884-8242 [email protected] THE FIRST AND ONLY TRUE HEALTHCARE RECRUITMENT NETWORK – STRENGTHENING ASSOCIATIONS SINCE 2001 A TRUE NETWORK THAT EXTENDS YOUR ASSOCIATION’S BRAND AND CLIENT BASE HEALTHeCAREERS Network (HeCN) is the first and only true Network of healthcare career centers, integrating the business processes and technology of member career centers and providing a wall-to-wall recruitment solution to healthcare employers of all types and sizes. The Network is anchored by flagship associations representing more than 1 million healthcare professionals and greater than 8,500 loyal healthcare employers. HeCN is complemented by channel and job distribution outlets that drive job postings, clients, members and traffic directly to association partners. As part of HEALTHeCAREERS, your brand is positioned to employers as THE go-to resource for recruitment and career exploration within your field. Employers and job seekers enter HeCN through hundreds of different channels, resulting in brand and client base exposure your association would not be able to tap into from outside the Network. HOW DOES THE NETWORK BENEFIT YOUR ASSOCIATION? From the day your association joins the Network, we drive job postings, revenue and traffic to your site. As a “wall-to-wall” healthcare recruitment product with a thriving employer client database and direct healthcare professional relationships, when your association joins the Network, you become the provider of a robust online career center with an extensive job selection for members. This partnership dramatically increases career opportunities: HOW IS THE NETWORK DIFFERENT FROM COMPETITORS? A direct national sales force proactively sells your product to healthcare employers of all types and sizes. We have two national sales teams that focus solely on developing relationships with and selling to healthcare employers. Our Field Sales team is comprised of representatives positioned in local markets throughout the United States and Canada who form, maintain and grow direct relationships with the hospitals and hospital systems in their region. Our Inside Sales team focuses on smaller employers, practices and groups. This comprehensive sales strategy ensures we reach the entire market for your field, and has generated dramatic increases in revenue to our partners since implementation in 2005. HEALTHe CAREERS NETWORK The average number of jobs posted on the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners’ career center jumped from 100 to 600 in just four years The Medical Group Management Association also added more than 500 average postings between 2005 and 2008 The American College of Surgeons went from an average of 600 postings to 1,200 during the same time frame The online career center of the American College of Emergency Physicians also increased from 200 to 500 average job postings over the last four years Since implementation of our direct sales teams, collective partner revenue has nearly tripled.

The firsT and only True healThcare recruiTmenT neTwork – …€¦ · Employers and job seekers enter HeCN through hundreds of different channels, ... association’s brand as the

Aug 02, 2020



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Page 1: The firsT and only True healThcare recruiTmenT neTwork – …€¦ · Employers and job seekers enter HeCN through hundreds of different channels, ... association’s brand as the Phone: 888-884-8242 [email protected]

The firsT and only True healThcare recruiTmenT neTwork – sTrengThening associaTions since 2001

a True neTwork ThaT exTends your associaTion’s Brand and clienT Base

HEALTHeCAREERS Network (HeCN) is the first and only true Network of healthcare career centers, integrating the

business processes and technology of member career centers and providing a wall-to-wall recruitment solution to

healthcare employers of all types and sizes.

The Network is anchored by flagship associations representing more than 1 million healthcare professionals and

greater than 8,500 loyal healthcare employers. HeCN is complemented by channel and job distribution outlets that

drive job postings, clients, members and traffic directly to association partners.

As part of HEALTHeCAREERS, your brand is positioned to employers as THE go-to resource for recruitment and

career exploration within your field. Employers and job seekers enter HeCN through hundreds of different channels,

resulting in brand and client base exposure your association would not be able to tap into from outside the Network.

how does The neTwork BenefiT your associaTion? From the day your association joins the Network, we drive job postings, revenue and traffic to your site. As a

“wall-to-wall” healthcare recruitment product with a thriving employer client database and direct healthcare

professional relationships, when your association joins the Network, you become the provider of a robust online

career center with an extensive job selection for members.

This partnership dramatically increases career opportunities:

how is The neTwork differenT from compeTiTors? A direct national sales force proactively sells your product to healthcare employers of all types and sizes.

We have two national sales teams that focus solely on developing relationships with and selling to healthcare employers. Our

Field Sales team is comprised of representatives positioned in local markets throughout the United States and Canada who

form, maintain and grow direct relationships with the hospitals and hospital

systems in their region. Our Inside Sales team focuses on smaller employers,

practices and groups.

This comprehensive sales strategy ensures we reach the entire market for

your field, and has generated dramatic increases in revenue to our partners

since implementation in 2005.

HEALTHecareers neTwork

• The average number of jobs posted on the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners’ career center jumped from 100 to 600 in just four years

• The Medical Group Management Association also added more than 500 average postings between 2005 and 2008

• The American College of Surgeons went from an average of 600 postings to 1,200 during the same time frame

• The online career center of the American College of Emergency Physicians also increased from 200 to 500 average job postings over the last four years

since implementation of our direct sales teams, collective partner revenue has nearly tripled.

Page 2: The firsT and only True healThcare recruiTmenT neTwork – …€¦ · Employers and job seekers enter HeCN through hundreds of different channels, ... association’s brand as the Phone: 888-884-8242 [email protected]


Live, personal account management and customer care teams provide unmatched service to your members and clients, resulting in higher renewal rates and acquisition of new customers.

Our exceptional account management team provides live,

personal consultative service to employers of all sizes. This

service is particularly valuable to association members who

may not be familiar with the best practices of recruitment or

need help writing their job postings. The account management

team also consistently up-sells and cross-sells employer

postings, speaking to every employer that enters the Network

through any of our hundreds of channels, bringing you non-core

customers, strengthening relationships with core customers,

and increasing renewal rates significantly.

national marketing efforts position and extend your association brand to both employers and potential members.

HeCN actively and directly markets the Network as a collective entity to healthcare

employers and candidates, bringing additional clients and candidates to all Network

partners. Through our highly successful, career-focused eNewsletters, we directly

reach hundreds of thousands of healthcare professionals each month, providing an

excellent communication and branding vehicle for your association to reinforce your

message to members and position it favorably with non-members.

Free job distribution and state-of-the-art search engine optimization extend your association’s brand, benefit your members and drive significant traffic directly to your association site.

HeCN pays, on your behalf, to post your members’ and clients’ jobs for free on numerous popular healthcare

and employment Web sites to ensure that their jobs are everywhere potential job seekers might be – including

search engines. When a candidate performs a job search online, they do not just go to their association site – they

go to multiple sites, and typically use search engines as well. By covering the costs to put your positions in front

of job seekers across multiple online locations, HeCN ensures those potential applicants are exposed to your

association’s brand as the provider of that job posting.

When a visitor to one of our distribution sites clicks on one of your jobs, they are taken directly into your association’s

branded career center to view job details. This is a powerful opportunity to provide value to a potential member.

hecn national sales coverage

Page 3: The firsT and only True healThcare recruiTmenT neTwork – …€¦ · Employers and job seekers enter HeCN through hundreds of different channels, ... association’s brand as the Phone: 888-884-8242 [email protected]


Free product development upgrades and enhancements ensure that your product maintains its position as technology rapidly evolves.

Throughout the life of your association’s participation in the Network, your

site is continually updated and enhanced through new features, technology

upgrades and full-scale redesigns – never at any charge to you. This year,

all Network association sites will be significantly upgraded to full-scale

career portals, with enhanced search functionality, a searchable index of

thousands of career-focused articles, regularly updated news and content,

job seeker tools and resources, enhanced job display and increased banner

advertising opportunities for non-dues revenue (or for your own association

house ads) – all at no cost to you.

Free on-site staffing at your Annual meeting and conference connection™ provide an extension of your staff, promote your events and bring value to conference attendees.

HeCN recognizes the importance of your annual meeting or conference and provides you with tools and resources to

leverage your online career center to strengthen your event. Through Conference Connection, your annual meeting

and other key events are promoted to job seekers and employers with needs or interests in your association’s

field of healthcare. Attending employers and job seekers can indicate their attendance through your online career

center and set up personal on-site meetings. HeCN will also provide you with full-time, experienced customer

service representatives (HeCN employees) to staff an on-site career center at your meeting and provide one-on-one

information and guidance to your members.

marketing services extend your capabilities to produce effective career-center collateral and member communications

HeCN understands your staff’s time and resources are limited. We provide

custom, complementary collateral pieces, flyers and ads for partners with

limited marketing resources to help you promote the program to your members.

Every partner also receives a full-time, dedicated account marketing manager

and director-level, strategic consultation from our partner marketing team

as well as annually updated marketing tool kits, best practices, templates,

customized copy and samples to make communicating your program to

members efficient and productive.

Page 4: The firsT and only True healThcare recruiTmenT neTwork – …€¦ · Employers and job seekers enter HeCN through hundreds of different channels, ... association’s brand as the Phone: 888-884-8242 [email protected]


a large, loyal healThcare audienceOnline access to performance and return-on-investment tracking provide you with tools to fine-tune your marketing to improve results and cost-efficiency.

You have access to a free, easy-to-use online partner

portal that not only allows you to view key performance

metrics for your site, but allows you to directly measure

the effectiveness of your marketing activities against your

program’s performance metrics – helping you to identify

your most cost-effective marketing channels and fine-tune

your marketing plan each year.

in-depth annual performance reviews, planning and strategic consultation provide you with everything you need to know about your program’s performance against market trends to drive continued growth and evolution.

Each year, HeCN will provide you with a customized, in-depth report outlining your product’s current positioning,

performance across all key metrics, year-over-year comparisons, and key opportunities for growth. We also

provide a data-driven marketing analysis as well as strategic and tactical recommendations for the year to come

– ensuring that your program continues to grow, evolve and thrive as your market changes.

career center branded enewsletters can extend your association’s brand beyond membership and increase traffic to your site.

HeCN can create and distribute a monthly career-development,

content focused eNewsletter to help extend your association’s

career center brand, provide quality, engaging career and

professional content to both members and non-members, and

increase traffic to your career center and association Web sites

– all at no cost to your association.

Page 5: The firsT and only True healThcare recruiTmenT neTwork – …€¦ · Employers and job seekers enter HeCN through hundreds of different channels, ... association’s brand as the Phone: 888-884-8242 [email protected]


chapter connection provides your association with the opportunity to engage your chapters, affiliates and constituent organizations.

HeCN will work with you to build a robust program that includes your state chapters, affiliates and constituent

organizations as beneficiaries of your national program, not your competitors’ offerings. This ensures your

national brand and program’s strength are not diluted through fragmentation in career resources.

The network’s unmatched employer-value positions your association as the leader in your market and ensures maximum revenue generation and job selection.

The Key to the Network’s collective success, and each individual association’s success, is in the

immeasurable value HeCN brings through cost-efficiency and convenience to healthcare employers.

Many healthcare employers are hesitant to post on association sites because of the amount of time and

management required to post multiple jobs on multiple sites, with different contracts, different pricing

models, and different candidate response tracking tools. Today’s healthcare employer understands

the value of a niche, targeted resource, but doesn’t have the time or resources to manage multiple


Because HeCN has integrated the business processes and technology of member career centers,

employers can easily post their jobs through one contract.

“ “HEALTHecareers continues to exceed our expectations in partnering with healthcare, professional organizations to advertise our organization and generate quality candidates. its ability to provide industry specific expertise and outstanding customer service has assisted st. Joseph’s in exceeding our fy ‘08 hiring goals.

Jackie schierenberg, cdr, cir, acirhuman resources, recruiterchw st. Joseph’s hospital and medical center