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The Female Human Reproductive System

Apr 08, 2018



Jessica Tjandra
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  • 8/7/2019 The Female Human Reproductive System



    REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMAlice, Angela, Cindy, Jessica, Michelle, Natalie,

    Natasha, Sonia, Violia /9E

  • 8/7/2019 The Female Human Reproductive System



    Gonad: Ovaries

    about 3 cm long, has bumps on the surface that

    comprise a single egg cell surounded by layers of

    cells. Also produce female sex hormones :oestrogen and progesteron.

    Oogenesis is a process when ovary produces


    Tubes: Oviduct or Fallopian TubeAbout 10 cm long, connecting the ovary and


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    muscular structure that will expand in

    pregnancy to support growing zygote or embryo,

    supporting a bag of liquid.

    y Endometrium

    inner lining of uterus that supplied by many

    blood vessels. Placenta will develop in this


    y Cervix

    neck of uterus that usually kept almost closed

    but will relax when child birthing to allow

    baby out of the uterus. Vagina

    is where sperms are deposited and the canal

    which the baby must pass during birth.

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    Begins at puberty and is under the control of

    hormones from the hypothalamus, pituitary

    gland, and the ovary itself.

    Stage 1

    menstrual flow: loss of blood and endometrial

    tissue from uterin wall.

    Stage 2pituary gland responds the low level of hormones

    oestrogen and progesteron by producing

    hormones that simulate development of follicles

    in the ovary.

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    Stage 3

    cells of the follicles multiply and secretes more and

    more oestrogen, peaks about 12 days after stage 1begins.

    Stage 4

    growth of uterin lining and production of hormones

    that stimulate follicle development. Stage 5

    Ovulation: one or more developed oocytes erupts

    through the surface of ovary, about 14-28 days after

    stage 1. Stage 6

    Remains of erupted follicle becomes corpus

    luteum that produces hormone oestrogen and

    progesterone, also stimulates further growth of

    endometrium and prepare for possible fertilisation.

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    Stage 7

    if fertilisation is absent the corpus luteum will

    degenerate after 14 days, results in drop ofoestrogen and progesterone that will result in

    break down of tissues in the lining of

    endometrium. This exits the body as menstrual

    flow.Ovum can only be fertilised at most 24 hours after

    it is released. Every female has their supply of

    egg cells. Every day some of these die. When the

    female reaches puberty, only 300 000 400 000

    egg cells are left. Only 400 500 egg cells willovulate as a part of oocyte development.

    When the number of oocytes in female body is

    exhausted, the female reaches a phase of life

    called menopause, usually in the age of 50s.

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    PMS (PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME) Consists of physical and emotional symptoms

    that happened in female during the time before

    the menstruation, and usually stopped when the

    menstruation starts. Examples:

    y Irritabilityy Depression

    y Mood swings

    y Headache and stomachache

    These can be avoided by:y Exercise regularly

    y Avoiding stress during menstrual period

    y Controling the amount of magnesium, vitamin B and

    calcium in the body.

    y Eat a balanced diet

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    is a process of cell division that occurs in the

    zygote as it moves down to the uterus, happens

    around 30 hours since the fertilisation happens.Unlike normal divisions, the cytoplasm of the

    cells produced is split up into smaller and smaller

    cells. 4 to 6 days after fertilisation, the ball of

    cells called blastocyst reaches the uterus and

    develop into every type of cell that are known asstem cells.

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    Outer layer of blastocyst releases enzymes to

    help it stick to the uterus. If it sticks in places

    other than the uterus than it is called ectopicpregnancy and it should be terminated, either

    automatically by the body or surgically, because

    of the danger posed to the mother.

    From embryo to feotusfeotus is when in the end of third month of

    embryo (about 4 cm long) and certain parts of the

    body starts to grow so it can be recognised as


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    4th week of pregnancy: embryo 5 mm in size

    12th week of pregnancy: embryos eyelids and

    eyes are still fused together

    16th week of pregnancy: the mother can feel thebabys heartbeat

    Menstrual flow in females can be affected by

    factors such as diet, stress, health, and


    The largest cell in female body is ovum.

    Female body is capable for giving birth to 35

    children in one lifetime.

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    Female is born with all the ova (eggs) she will

    ever haveabout 2 million. These are immature.

    By puberty, she will have only about 400,000 ova,

    the rest having dwindled away. During her

    reproductive life, a woman will only ovulate

    about 400 eggs. Which eggs are selected to

    mature or ripen to ovulation is still a biological
