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The fat flush diet - weight loss health

Dec 03, 2021



jonny sings

The Fat Flush Diet Plan is a fad diet that promotes the use of restrictive dieting practices to promote rapid weight loss and detoxification.

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The Fat Flush Diet - Weight Loss HealthTHE FAT FLUSH DIET
The Fat Flush Plan was a New York Times bestseller. Written by Ann Louise Gittleman, this was
the diet plan that revolutionized weight loss across America.
When first introduced to America it was a unique and groundbreaking diet that targeted liver cleansing. It is now well documented that to obtain and keep an optimal weight, that the function of the liver is critical.
So what are some benefits of the Fat Flush Diet and what does it involve?
The main aim of this diet is to get the liver functioning properly. Without this, it is almost impossible to lose weight in a healthy way.
The liver is an essential part of successful weight loss, so this diet helps the liver by supplying your body with high-quality essential fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. This has the effect of accelerating weight loss while at the same time improving your health.
The Fat Flush Plan has the following great benefits:
• It helps you to follow a healthier diet
• It helps you get to and maintain an optimal weight
• It trims the fat from hips, waist, and thighs
• It helps remove cellulite
• It gives you an energy boost
With many diets, it's possible to lose weight, but as many have found out, the weight soon gets added back on.
The Fat Flush diet differs because it aims to get your body working normally again, which means that the fat you lose will stay off.
As well as accelerating your weight loss, this diet will also control your hormones. This is great for both your physical and mental health. A sluggish liver has many causes, and putting this right will have you feeling radiant, energetic, and slim. So it can be seen as a way to get healthy and at the same time lose weight.
Other benefits:
• Stabilizes moods
So what does this diet involve? It's quite simple to follow and has three distinct phases.
Phase 1 - 2-Week Fat Flush
The first phase lasts two weeks and this is where you will see some big weight loss. This part aims to kick start your liver, and set you on the path to better health, and more optimal weight.
You will be impressed by the results and this will encourage you to continue to the second phase. Some people have lost up to 12" off their waist during the first phase.
Phase 2 - Ongoing Fat Flush
This phase adds in some foods that you couldn't eat during the first week and is, therefore, less strict. The idea is to continue the good work but at a slower rate.
You will still lose weight and build health, but this will seem a lot easier.
Phase 3 - Lifestyle Eating Plan
This part is essential if you want to maintain what you have already achieved. It shows what you need to do for the rest of your life.
It's easy to follow, and after the great results so far, you will probably want to do this.
So that's it in a nutshell. The Fat Flush Diet certainly works for lots of people. And many are impressed by the added benefit of great health. It's not just about weight loss.
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