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The Family Bounce Solution

Jul 06, 2018



J.w. Laster
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  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    First let us thank you for taking a look at“the FamilyBounce Solution”! 

    We are super excited to have created this program to offer

    to families like yours a solution to InHomeFamilyFitness.

    Health Starts@Home!

    Enjoy this informative introduction to “bouncing” and “FamilyBounce”. 

    Jahn Laster & Jill Russ

    “The journey of 1000 miles,begins with one bounce.” - Publisher

    Copyright ©2016 Jahn Laster and Jill Russ

    This is for your private viewing only and not to shared with others. To share goto 

    All rights reserved .No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,

    or stored in a database retrieval system (i.e. torrent), without prior written permission from the publisher.

  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    Mom, Author, Foodie - daughter Chloe 8

    Broadcast Journalism BA University of KansasPharmaceutical Rep for 15 years Novartis/Pfizer

    Lifelong Dancer, HealthAdvocate , TreeClimber

    CoFounder FamilyBounce & BounceCoach 



    Lifelong MartialArts Practitioner & Teacher

    Microbiology BS University of Oklahoma

    ESL Teacher in Japan for 5 yearsLived & worked in HealthFitness/MartialArts

    Tokyo,Japan, Perth,Australia, Maui,HI Austin,TX

    Primal Move Instructor & Master BounceCoach

    Didgeridoo’r , Animal Lover, TreeClimber

    Founder & Creator of FamilyBounce

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  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    Put simply – jumping up and down on a mini trampoline.

    Bouncing, also known as “rebounding”, is a form of exercise and training for health

    that has existed for more than 30 years and that has been defined and recognized

    as the most effective, safe, complete and fun exercise we can do!

    (endorsed by NASA, The Doctors TV Show, Celebrities,

    University Medical studies, therapists,

    and millions of testimonials from bouncers around the world).

    What is Bouncing? 

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    rēˌbound/ verb bounce back through the air afterhitting a hard surface or object.Backfire. basketball skill, or awkwardrelationship situation.

    Bouncing goes by a few names...the most common is “rebounding” .

    However if you look at the definition of rebounding..this is definitely NOT what we are doing.

    bouncebouns/ verb(of a person) jump repeatedly up anddown, typically on something springy.  "bouncing up and down on the trampoline“

    What’s in a Name? 

  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    When NASA published their first study on the

    benefits of bouncing, one of their most

    remarkable findings was that bouncing was

    better exercise than jogging in every category:reaching target heart rates, maximizing oxygen

    consumption, and greater use of musculature.

    They even noted that their test subjects

    preferred jumping to running and, although

     jumping burned more energy, the subjects felt itwas less fatiguing than running and would extend

    their workouts when bouncing.

    Researchers at the Universityof Utah found that bouncing

    eliminates as much as 87% of

    the jar to your skeletal system

    compared to running on a hard

    surface. In fact, it’s so good for

    your joints and bones thatNASA astronauts bounce to

    restore bone density following

    periods of space flight.

    “One smallbounce for man...One giant leapfor mankind.” 

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    How Bouncing Works

    When you’re bouncing on a mini-trampoline,

    you’re effectively working every single cell in your body.

    Bouncing is unique since it uses the

    forces of acceleration and deceleration.

    When you bounce on a mini-trampoline, several actions happen;

    •  An acceleration action as you bounce upward

    •  A split-second weightless pause at the top

    •  A deceleration and increased G-force

    •  Soft impact to the bouncer

    •  Repeat

    Long story short,

    bouncing is absolutely fantastic for your entire body !

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     Everyone Can Bounce

    It is Simple, Convenient, Easy to Do, and Fun for Everyone!

    Who can bounce?

    The whole Family of course!

    The kids will love it. The grandparents will be amazed at how easy it is on their body,

    & parents will be beaming with pride knowing that their family is getting healthy

    by bouncing together

    Whether you are 9 or 90, in great shape, or a fitness novice, you can improve your

    health with bouncing.

    So who can bounce?


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    With bouncing, there’s no need to trek to the gym to squeeze in a workout,

    you can bounce in the privacy & comfort of your own home.

    A bouncer (mini trampoline) is portable and simple use.

    You can bounce when you like, where you like, wear what you want,

    listen to your favorite music, or bounce in silent meditation.

    You can step onto your bouncer and get bouncing in less time than it takes to say,

     Rumpelstiltskin ”!! 

    And unlike regular trampolining, the aim isn’t to bounce high or perform

    gymnastic tricks, it is to perform a series of small, fun movements,

    or as we like to call them “bounce moves”! 

    Because bouncing is so fun you’ll be motivated to hop on day after day

    for regular, consistent exercise & to complete your 28 Day Family Mission.

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    Invented by kids

    Running, jumping, playing…kids seem to have all

    the energy in the world, but as they grow older

    and spend more time at school, doing homework,

    and sitting in front of TV, computer screens,tablets & iPads physical activity

    often gets overlooked.

    Having a bouncer in your home provides kids with

    a healthy, exciting outlet for all that natural energy.

    Because jumping on a bouncer is so much fun, it’s

    also a great way to motivate kids who need to be

    more active, providing exercise that's important

    for growing bodies.

    What your kids won’t know (but you will) is thatthe fun they have on the bouncer will translate

    into better sleeping and eating patterns, stronger

    bones, better study habits, a better self-image,

    and a stronger, healthier body when they reach


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    Looking to regain some of your youthful bounce?

    Incorporating bouncing in your exercise regimen can

    offer several anti-aging benefits, including:

    • Prevention of osteoporosis andmaintenance of bone mass

    • Natural body detoxification• Weight management

    • Improvement in digestion, blood flow,muscle tone, coordination, energy levels,lung capacity, and sleep quality

    • Reduction in cholesterol

    Baby Boomers you haveDiscovered your Fountain of Youth,


  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    What type of Bouncer

    should you choose?There are so many types and quality to choose from.

    We recommend starting out by going to local

    sporting goods store like Dicks or Academy.

    You can pick one up for around $50.

    We will also give you a list of quality bouncers

    you can buy online if you choose, and they will

    ship it free to your front door!

  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    Stabilizer Bars 

    For people who feel unsteady ontheir feet or for the elderly,

    handicapped, or disabled,

    a stabilizing bar may be added to

    the bouncer's frame. It's attached

    to two of the frame's legs so that

    someone needing more securitycan hold onto this bar and still

    bounce aerobically.

    Note: Bouncing in bare feet will

    improve your balance, and you

    may find that with regular use of

    the bouncer, you will eventually nolonger need the bar!  My mom on her

    first Bouncer

    with her dog Titus


  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution



    Easy Storage

    Lightweight & Portable

    Soft on joints /

    Low impact

    Provides full body



    Hard on the joints andboring

    Requires power outlet

    Average price range $50 - $500 $500 - $8,000

  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    Bouncing Health Benefits

  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    • It Strengthens Every Cell In The Body!

    • Healthy Bones –  NASA prescribes bouncing as the ideal exercise for astronauts to

    prevent a loss of bone mass, owing to the absenceof gravity in space, and help them recover from space flight.

    • Low impact exercise.. The mini-trampoline absorbs 87% of the shock of bouncing.

    (the definition of low impact right there)

    • It strengthens all your internal organs, arteries and veins, bones and muscles.

    • Detoxifies your entire body & boosts your immune (lymphatic) system. 

    • Reduces Stress and Fights Depression 

    • Improves posture, balance , co-ordination & reaction time.

    • It Gives You Energy! You just feel good after bouncing.

    • Puts a spring in your step & a twinkle in your eye  

  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    Remember back in gradeschoolgetting gold stars for completed

    assignments or doing

    good on your homework?

    Ours were posted in class on the wall ,there for all to see, and it always gaveme a sense of pride as they added up.

    So I started giving myself a star on mywall calendar everytime I bounced.

    I liked it  I felt my kidlike pride again!And I could go back over the week andmonth and see how consistent I was..

    how much progress I had made.

    The stars evolved into a chart.The chart evolved into a system.

    That system is FamilyBounce.The “gold star concept” is... 

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    This is where you keep track of your daily sessions.

    Everyday you bounce you fill in a section.

    It’s using the “gold star” conceptby having it posted on the wall.

    Each Family Member will have one.

    It keeps everyone on the same page

    and engaged.

    in fact, it’s so important, you can’t do

    FamilyBounce without it..

    We will show you how to set up & use your charts

    with our videos and guidebook.

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      Timer Bounce Chart

    3. Fill it out your chartimmediately afterfinishing your

    10 Minute Bounce Session!!!

    1. Set 10 minute timer.

    (iPhone, egg timer, etc.)

    2. Bounce 

    Repeat this simple process each day for 28 total days

    Nothing to think’s all laid out for you~!

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  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    • Family Guidebook instructions for the Family Bounce System• VideoVault  45 videos demonstrating the 30 Foundational Bounce

    Moves, How the Charting System works, Safety Tips,two 10minute “BounceAlong” videos with Jahn & Jill. 

    • Private Facebook Group for you to share experiences with other

    families, insights, in depth bounce instruction videos and more..• Personalized Bounce Charts for each family member .• 28 Day Mission  jump start your path to vibrant health• Bounce Moves Chart with the 30 moves to post

    and use as a reference.

    • Skype Access for anything you might want to ask. anytime

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    Instructions for theFamilyBounce System

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    For everyone

    in the Family

    we’ve changed it to a28 Day Mission..oldercharts for the Brady’s 

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    mission• A mission is a special quest, one that

    involves a resolved effort.

     a duty that you are assigned to perform

    (especially in the armed forces) 

    It seems we all perform better with a goal,

    a challenge, a mission.

    The FamilyBounce 28 Day Mission is fun &

    easy to do. It will lay the foundation for a

    consistent health ritual you can do for the

    rest of your life. OoooRah

  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    After going over and reviewing100’s of different moves,

    we chose these30 foundational bounce moves

    as a great introductionto bouncing.

    A video demonstrationof each of these moveswill be provided in the...

    the 30 bounce moves © 

  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    Contains detailed “how to” on all of the 30 bounce moves.

    Safety tips, Charting, 10minute follow along and more.You will receive your password in the “WelcomeMail”. 

    Optimized for computerand

     mobile devices

  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    a communityfor you to shareexperiences withother families,

    insights, in-depthbounce instructionvideos and more..

    Private Facebook Group

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    Anytime you have a question..we’ll answer 

    If you’ve never tried skype before, now is agood time to check it out.You are in for a treat :

    instant messaging/video conferencing / livetime talk /send files/photos.

    Our preferred communication method forbiz-associates, coaches and clients.

  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    How big is your Family ?

    12, 9, 4, 3, 2 ?

    nuclear family

    organic family

    mom dad son daughter

    single parent with

    one or more children

    extended family

    grandpa \ grandma

    aunts and uncles


    bringing families together

    one bounce at a time.

  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    There are literally thousands of workouts to choose from!It seems they are coming up with a new diet or

    piece of fitness equipment everyday that will get you losing that weightand the promises of getting in the best shape of your life right?

    So why aren’t people having success?

    Why do we have this epidemic of obesity?

    It’s obviously not lack of knowledge or availability of programs. 

    What’s the best workout? 

  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    We have designed the FamilyBounce systemas a workout/health practice that everyone

    WILL DO.It’s all laid out for you .Nothing to think about.

    Everyone knows what they will do everyday.

    The charting system is our secret sauce.Your familys’ charts are visible for all to see. 

    Easy to do.

    3 Stepsset timer, bounce, chart!

    10 minutes a day for 28 Days...

    Are you ready to take on this mission?

    What makes FamilyBounce

    different from everything else? 

  • 8/17/2019 The Family Bounce Solution


    We are über excited about this program and our GRAND VISION is to get

    FamilyBounce into millions of households all over the world.

    We believe health starts at home...and why not start at YOURS!

    This is our Pilot program. We intend on selling future editions for $97, however,

    we want to offer this especially to you now for just $50!

    Think of this as a one-time investment in Family Health Assurance

    that will last you the rest of your lives.

    All your old excuses for not getting healthy

     just went away.

    Take the next step and be one of the first

    pioneering families to participate in


