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"Make Christ's presence a living reality in our lives and in the lives of others." SAT. January 7, 2017– Christmas Weekday 8 a.m. Seanah Mireles– Cumpleaños (Familia) 3 p.m. Wedding– Lauren Mendoza & Marco Regalado 5 p.m. In thanksgiving (Yvonne Casso & Family) 7 p.m. XV– Karla L. Benavides SUN. January 8, 2017– THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 8 a.m. + Daniel Vásquez (Familia Alcocer) + Daniel Vásquez Jr. (Familia Alcocer) 10 a.m. SPECIAL INTENTION 12 p.m. Lecia Gonzalez– Birthday (Mari Marnez) Adolfo Campero– Birthday (Wife & Children) Josie Delay– 96 th Birthday (Mike & Joann Treviño) + Florencio Gonzalez (Argelia Ochoa) + Jose Cruz Treviño– 7 th anniversary (Saldaña-Landa Family) + Guadalupe Marnez (Huang Family) 2 p.m. INTENCION ESPECIAL 4 p.m. + Cesar A. Casllo Jr.– 1 er aniversario (Familia Quintero) 6 p.m. For all parishioners MON. January 9, 2017-The Bapsm of the Lord 7 a.m. + Lewis W. Woodul (Elizabeth Hays & Helen Hartman) 6 p.m. + Toby Nixon (D. Nixon) TUE. January 10, 2017– First Week in Ordinary Time 7 a.m. + Adolfo Campero Estrada (Familia) 6 p.m. + Victor Anthony & Maria P. Ju (Mario & Violeta Cobarruvias) WED. January 11, 2017– Weekday 7 a.m. + Genoveva Marnez (Familia) 6 p.m. Velia Ochoa– Birthday (Friends) THU. January 12, 2017– Weekday 7 a.m. + Christopher Casllo (Familia Lara) 6 p.m. + Dr. George DePillo (Molano Family) FRI. January 13, 2017– St. Hilary, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 7 a.m. Selina Mireles– Cumpleaños (Familia) 6 p.m. + Cristobal Marnez (Mr. & Mrs. David I. Marnez) 7 p.m. XV– Tamara Rodriguez SAT. January 14, 2017– Weekday 8 a.m. INTENCION ESPECIAL 5 p.m. + Patrick H. Alexander Jr.– 3 rd Anniversary (Family) “We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.” (Mt. 2:2) The Epiphany of the Lord January 8, 2017 Epiphany of the Lord (Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72; Ephesians 3:2-3,5-6; Matthew 2:1-12) John Craghan, Th.D., S.S.L. Revelation is the sharing of values. We often imagine God's revelation to be much more complicated than that. We think of difficult doctrines, of theologians pouring over dusty tomes, of solemn pronouncements from the Vatican. Today's Scriptures deal with concrete situations in which God reveals the Divine viewpoint on reality -- God's system of values that gives a new world view. The author of the first passage is trying to console the despondent people of Jerusalem. The exile is over, but only a trickle of God's people have returned home. The people are doubting their own worth and esteem. Was God still interested? The prophet answers by describing Jerusalem as a city bathed in light because Yahweh resides there. This light is so brilliant that exiles and gift-bearing Gentiles converge on the city, making clear the value of all people in God's eyes. The author of Ephesians communicates a facet of God's plan for salvation. This new revelation is that the Gentiles are in communion with Israel. The Gentiles thus are coheirs and partners in salvation. The wall of separation between Jew and Gentile is destroyed (see Ephesians 2:14). Dignity is realized by sharing the inheritance with Israel. Matthew writes at a critical moment in the life of his community. Many Gentiles were entering the community, but many Jews were leaving it (see Matthew 21:42). In order to show that the admission of the Gentiles is part of God's plan, he tells the story of the astrologers. The pagan astrologers are the first to pay homage the newborn King of the Jews; the Jewish leadership rejects this King. The faith of the gentile astrologers is meant to challenge the Jewish defectors. The central revelation in Christianity is the belief that God has spoken God's greatest word in God's Son, Jesus. The Incarnation is a value judgment about humanity: All have dignity because Jesus became one of us. All are to be respected. Copyright 1993, Liguori Publications / Liguori, MO 63057-9999

The Epiphany of the Lord January 8, 2017 · 1/8/2017  · The wall of separation between Jew and Gentile is destroyed (see Ephesians 2:14). Dignity is realized by sharing the inheritance

Jun 22, 2020



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Page 1: The Epiphany of the Lord January 8, 2017 · 1/8/2017  · The wall of separation between Jew and Gentile is destroyed (see Ephesians 2:14). Dignity is realized by sharing the inheritance

"Make Christ's presence a

living reality in our lives

and in the lives of others."

SAT. January 7, 2017– Christmas Weekday

8 a.m. Seanah Mireles– Cumpleaños (Familia) 3 p.m. Wedding– Lauren Mendoza & Marco Regalado 5 p.m. In thanksgiving (Yvonne Casso & Family) 7 p.m. XV– Karla L. Benavides

SUN. January 8, 2017– THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 8 a.m. + Daniel Vásquez (Familia Alcocer) + Daniel Vásquez Jr. (Familia Alcocer) 10 a.m. SPECIAL INTENTION 12 p.m. Leticia Gonzalez– Birthday (Mari Martinez) Adolfo Campero– Birthday (Wife & Children) Josie Delay– 96th Birthday (Mike & Joann Treviño) + Florencio Gonzalez (Argelia Ochoa) + Jose Cruz Treviño– 7th anniversary (Saldaña-Landa Family) + Guadalupe Martinez (Huang Family) 2 p.m. INTENCION ESPECIAL 4 p.m. + Cesar A. Castillo Jr.– 1er aniversario (Familia Quintero) 6 p.m. For all parishioners

MON. January 9, 2017-The Baptism of the Lord 7 a.m. + Lewis W. Woodul (Elizabeth Hays & Helen Hartman)

6 p.m. + Toby Nixon (D. Nixon)

TUE. January 10, 2017– First Week in Ordinary Time 7 a.m. + Adolfo Campero Estrada (Familia)

6 p.m. + Victor Anthony & Maria P. Jutt (Mario & Violeta Cobarruvias)

WED. January 11, 2017– Weekday

7 a.m. + Genoveva Martínez (Familia) 6 p.m. Velia Ochoa– Birthday (Friends)

THU. January 12, 2017– Weekday 7 a.m. + Christopher Castillo (Familia Lara)

6 p.m. + Dr. George DePillo (Molano Family)

FRI. January 13, 2017– St. Hilary, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 7 a.m. Selina Mireles– Cumpleaños (Familia)

6 p.m. + Cristobal Martinez (Mr. & Mrs. David I. Martinez) 7 p.m. XV– Tamara Rodriguez

SAT. January 14, 2017– Weekday

8 a.m. INTENCION ESPECIAL 5 p.m. + Patrick H. Alexander Jr.– 3rd Anniversary (Family)

“We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.”

(Mt. 2:2)

The Epiphany of the Lord

January 8, 2017

Epiphany of the Lord (Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72; Ephesians 3:2-3,5-6; Matthew 2:1-12)

John Craghan, Th.D., S.S.L.

Revelation is the sharing of values. We often

imagine God's revelation to be much more

complicated than that. We think of difficult doctrines,

of theologians pouring over dusty tomes, of solemn

pronouncements from the Vatican. Today's Scriptures

deal with concrete situations in which God reveals the

Divine viewpoint on reality -- God's system of values

that gives a new world view.

The author of the first passage is trying to

console the despondent people of Jerusalem. The exile

is over, but only a trickle of God's people have

returned home. The people are doubting their own

worth and esteem. Was God still interested? The

prophet answers by describing Jerusalem as a city

bathed in light because Yahweh resides there. This

light is so brilliant that exiles and gift-bearing Gentiles

converge on the city, making clear the value of all

people in God's eyes.

The author of Ephesians communicates a facet

of God's plan for salvation. This new revelation is that

the Gentiles are in communion with Israel. The

Gentiles thus are coheirs and partners in salvation.

The wall of separation between Jew and Gentile is

destroyed (see Ephesians 2:14). Dignity is realized by

sharing the inheritance with Israel.

Matthew writes at a critical moment in the life

of his community. Many Gentiles were entering the

community, but many Jews were leaving it (see

Matthew 21:42). In order to show that the admission

of the Gentiles is part of God's plan, he tells the story

of the astrologers. The pagan astrologers are the first

to pay homage the newborn King of the Jews; the

Jewish leadership rejects this King. The faith of the

gentile astrologers is meant to challenge the Jewish


The central revelation in Christianity is the

belief that God has spoken God's greatest word in

God's Son, Jesus. The Incarnation is a value judgment

about humanity: All have dignity because Jesus

became one of us. All are to be respected.

Copyright 1993, Liguori Publications / Liguori, MO 63057-9999

Page 2: The Epiphany of the Lord January 8, 2017 · 1/8/2017  · The wall of separation between Jew and Gentile is destroyed (see Ephesians 2:14). Dignity is realized by sharing the inheritance

LIGHT OF THE WORLD Epiphany can be understood as an extension of the Nativity of the Lord that we celebrate on December 25. While at Christmas we celebrate Jesus' coming as the long-awaited king and Messiah of the Jewish people, on Epiphany we celebrate the revelation that Jesus is the Savior and Light of all nations—Jews, Gentiles, and all people. The star shines so brightly that it attracts magi who come from far distant countries to worship Jesus. They are not Jews, yet they are drawn to the Light of the World. The letter to the Ephesians reveals that the Light of the World was for the Gentiles as well as the Jews—Christ gathers all people into the light of his love. The reading from Isaiah also describes a gathering of diverse peoples, but this time it is to the light that emanates from the people of God.

LUZ DEL MUNDO Se puede entender la Epifanía como una extensión de la Natividad del Señor que celebramos el 25 de diciembre. En la Navidad celebramos la venida de Jesús como el rey y Mesías tan esperado por el pueblo judío, y en la Epifanía celebramos la revelación de Jesús como el Salvador y la Luz de las naciones; es decir, de judíos, gentiles y de todos los pueblos. La estrella brilla con tanto fulgor que atrae a los magos que vienen de países distantes para adorar a Jesús. No son judíos, y sin embargo se ven atraídos al que es la Luz del Mundo. La carta a los efesios revela que la Luz del Mundo era tanto para gentiles como para judíos, pues Cristo reúne a todos los pueblos en la luz de su amor. La lectura de Isaías también describe a diversos pueblos que vienen, pero esta vez les atrae la luz que emana del pueblo de Dios.

©Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.

Empezando febrero del 2017, todos los Bautismos serán cada primer (en Español) & tercer (en Ingles) sábado de cada mes a las 11:00 a.m. Ya no habrá Bautismos los domingos. TODOS los documentos deben ser entregados al

momento de registración. Llamar a la oficina para la más información.


The Feast of Baptism of the Lord which closes Christmas Season this year. After the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Ordinary Time begins. Ordinary Time is not very ordinary at all. The celebration of Sunday, is the identifying mark of the Christian Community, which comes together, remembering that on this first day of the week the Lord of Life was raised up and creation came at last to completion. Ordinary Time is a time for growth and maturation, a time in which the mystery of Christ is called to penetrate ever more deeply into history until all things are finally caught up in Christ. Sunday as a day of prayer and worship is a sacrament of redeemed time. How we live Sunday proclaims to the world what we believe about redeemed time now and forever.


Después de la Fiesta del Bautismo del Señor, empezaremos el Tiempo Ordinario. La celebración del domingo es la clave para la comunidad Cristiana en donde juntos recordamos que en este primer día de la semana el Dios de la vida completo la creación. El tiempo ordinario es un tiempo de crecimiento y maduración espiritual donde el misterio de Cristo viene a penetrar nuestras vidas. El domingo, tomado como día de oración y alabanza es Sacramento de redención. La manera en que vivamos esta celebración le confirmara al mundo nuestra fe y esperanza en la Salvación. Empecemos este tiempo litúrgico de la menare menos ordinaria posible y seamos imagen de Cristo no solo dentro de nuestra parroquia, pero en cada lugar a donde vayamos.

Please note that starting February, 2017, all Baptisms will be held every First (in Spanish) & Third Saturday (in English) at 11:00 a.m. of each month. There will no longer be Baptisms on Sundays.

ALL documentation must be submitted at the time of registration.

Please call our office more information.

Page 3: The Epiphany of the Lord January 8, 2017 · 1/8/2017  · The wall of separation between Jew and Gentile is destroyed (see Ephesians 2:14). Dignity is realized by sharing the inheritance

The Sanctuary Lamp Is burning this week for:

Ministries Leaders

Applications for the English Women's ACTS Retreat, February 23-26 will be available on line starting Monday, December 12. Deadline to apply is February 1, 2017.

Applications for Women and Men English ACTS are

now available. Contact for more information:

Sergio Lopez (956)744-0989

Alexandra Agüero (956)235-4058

Cesar Prado (956)763-5077


Please pick up your envelope b o x e s a s s o o n a s possible. Families with out a box number please stop by

the office so we can issue you the appropriate box number or re-register you, if necessary.

Edge Middle School Youth Group meets Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. in Parish Hall All youth are welcome! No registration

needed! Free food, fun, and fellowship

with Catholic youth!

Life Teen High School and Edge Middle School Camp- meeting on Wednesday, January 11th at 6:00 p.m. in Parish Hall

For all youth and parents attending or interested in attending this summer’s camp!

Important fundraising Information will be given.

Wednesday, January 11,

2017 at 7:00 p.m.

The new Pastoral Council members are:

Javier Compean Steve Landin

Cynthia Mares & Gwen Garza



For all Ministry Leaders

on Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. in rooms 10-11.

We invite you to check our official updated website



The 'Sponsor Affidavit for

Confirmation' form

is due by January 9th to Mrs. Herrera.

Please make sure that all required

sponsor certificates are attached and

that the form has been signed by the

sponsor’s pastor.

Classes for all Confirmation

Students will resume

January 16th

Page 4: The Epiphany of the Lord January 8, 2017 · 1/8/2017  · The wall of separation between Jew and Gentile is destroyed (see Ephesians 2:14). Dignity is realized by sharing the inheritance


Join us on Sunday, January 22nd,

2017 at 2:30 pm as we pray the

rosary on a 2 mile walk culminating

with prayer at San Agustin

Cathedral, asking God to protect

human life at all stages from

conception to natural death.

We will start at the corner of Boston Street and Santa Ursula Avenue, in Laredo, Texas.

Shuttle service will be available from San Agustin Cathedral to the starting site from

1:00 p.m.-1:45 p.m. For more information call:

The Family Life Office, Diocese of Laredo at (956)727-2140.

Oremos por nuestros hermanos enfermos

Señor Jesucristo, redentor de los hombres, que en tu pasión quisiste soportar

nuestro sufrimiento y aguantar nuestros dolores.

Te pedimos por nuestros hermanos; tu que lo has redimido,

aviva en el la esperanza de su salvación y conforta su cuerpo y su alma.

Tú que vives y reinas por los siglos de los siglos


Richard Camacho Rene San Miguel Aurora Gonzalez Chrissy Garza Michael ‘Mikey’ Leija Jr. Refugio ‘Cuco' Escobedo Alex de la Garza Adolph Puig

Jesse Rodríguez Francisco Velásquez Alberto P. Cárdenas Juan Eduardo Riojas Frances Rizo Rosa Vidaurri Guadalupe Medina