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The English report of Tibetan opera film

The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.

Dec 25, 2015



Berenice Rich
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Page 1: The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.

The English report of Tibetan opera


Page 2: The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.
Page 3: The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.

Tibetan opera

Folk song

Page 4: The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.

• Since ancient times, Tibet is famous for her long history and culture ,the natural scenery and peculiar cultural sacred ([ 'seikrid ] adj. sacred ([ 'seikrid ] adj. 神圣的;庄严的;神圣的;庄严的; )) landscape in the world. And the Tibetan art add glamourglamour([ ‘glæmə ]  n. ([ ‘glæmə ]  n. 魔力魔力 ,, 魅力  魅力   v. v. 迷住 迷住  )) to the Chinese national culture.

• As everyone known, Tibetan art has a very important branch is the Tibetan folk song.

• Now, Let us know what it is !

the Tibetan folk song

Page 5: The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.
Page 6: The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.

• the Tibetan folk song reflects the Tibetan people's social history, customs, religious beliefs, thoughts and feelings , ideal and wish.

• style : Folk song (山歌) Labour song ( Working Song ,劳动歌) Love song Custom song: drinking song , wedding song, farewell song, guess feeling sing (猜情对歌) Chant song (颂经歌 )

the Tibetan folk song

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• This melodious ( [ mi‘ləudjəs ]   adj. 旋律优美的;悦耳的  )sound of original the Tibetan folk songs, like the sound of heart; Snow mountain , meadow ( [’medəu] n. 草甸 ), a large crowd of sheep ,and Heishui country ( 藏族锅庄 ) , bring people into the mystical and beautiful shangri-la.

the Tibetan folk song

Page 8: The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.

Tibetan opera


Page 9: The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.

• Tibetan opera is basically the Plaza Opera (广场戏) , singing and dancing is a prominent feature of Tibetan opera. Dance and drama are often not directly related. Primarily to Contrast the atmosphere (烘托气氛 ) . Only a few dance moves with a symbolic significance (象征意义) . And many of them imitate (模仿) the work, livelihood and animal action.

Tibetan opera dance——Introduction

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• Tibetan Dance and other Tibetan folk dance are closely linked, because Tibetan opera dance from the Tibetan folk dance. But, unlike other Tibetan folk dance, as strong randomness (随意性), everyone will be dancing . Most Tibetan folk dance is a dance of self-entertainment(自娱性) , Tibetan dance is a dance entertainment humanity (娱人性) . So it is highly regulated and program of dance (高度规范和程式的舞蹈 ) , movement to express a certain content. Therefore the indissoluble link between them both, and there are similarities. Such as: forms (表演形式) , dance moves (舞蹈动作 ) , style characteristics (风格特点 ) , basic skills (基本技巧 ).

Tibetan opera dance——The link with the folk dance

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Page 12: The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.

• Tibetan dance, different from ordinary Tibetan folk dance, which is the dance-oriented programming and high performance standardized dance movements and in accordance with the plot positive and negative characters need to design action.( 它是舞蹈化的表演程式和高度规范化的舞蹈动作和根据剧情的正面、反面人物需要来设计动作 ) There are some beautiful pace . A plain positive character, to have crafty vicious antagonist action. ( 有 朴实无华的正面人物动作,有狡猾狠毒的反面人物动作。 ) Therefore, from the Tibetan dance‘s gestures (手势) , dance (舞步) , dance on the characters (舞姿) will be able to clearly discern the positive and negative characteristics (积极和消极的特点) .

Tibetan opera dance——The different between folk dance

Page 13: The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.

• These moves not only the lives of rich flavor, have exaggerated the art of virtualization, to give people the art of graceful and harmonious feelings.


Tibetan opera dance——Effect

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Tibetan operastorytelling

Page 15: The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.

• There are many stories of Tibetan Opera. Most of this are based on religion and jinn stories. The most famous stories are the following:

• 《 Princess Wen Cheng 》 《文成公主》• 《 Ge Sang King 》 《格桑法王》• 《 Su ji ni ma 》 《苏吉尼玛》• 《 zhi mei geng deng 》 《智美更登 》• 《 Ramsa girl 》 《朗萨姑娘》• 《 Cloud by Prince 》 《云乘王子》• 《 The rule of Tibet, Wang Kee 》《西藏王统治记》

Storytelling——An overview of the historical legends

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• The 15th century, a monk in the course of Tibet wander and see the river barrier to people the pain and inconvenience, vowed to repair a tiesuo bridge on the Brahmaputra (雅鲁藏布江) and its tributar ( 支流 ) .

• (15 世纪,一名苦行僧在云游西藏过程中,亲眼看到江河阻隔给人们带来的痛苦和不便,发誓要在雅鲁藏布江及支流上修架铁索桥。 )

Storytelling——The source of the story of Tibetan Opera

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Page 18: The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.

• He had no money, no influence, much less manpower to help the next, but not discouraged. He was acquainted with seven brothers and sisters,they are good at singsing and dancing. He requested them that in the form of rap with the singing and dancing, performing a number of historical legends and religious stories, and urged people to do good things, to construct this bridge together.( 他在没有钱,也没有势,更没有人手帮忙下,并没有气馁。他结织了能歌善舞的七兄妹,并请这七兄妹用歌舞说唱的形式,表演一些历史传说和宗教故事,并劝人行善积德,共同修建铁索桥。 )

Storytelling——The source of the story of Tibetan Opera

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Page 20: The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.

• Tiesuo bridge one and then a frame up, Tibetan story emerged one after another.

( 铁索桥一座接着一座架起来,藏戏故事也一个接一个应运而生。 )

Storytelling——The source of the story of Tibetan Opera

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Page 22: The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.

• It is also called Chant tune( 诵经调 ) or Scripture songs( 经文歌曲 ).

• Chant tune means reads aloud when the religious text( 经文 ) sends out has the rhythm tonality( 有节律的音调 ).

• Scripture songs includes Recite mantra( 念诵真言 ) and Eulogy melody( 赞词的曲调 ).

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Page 24: The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.

• Tibetan chant’s most important feature is the localization of chanting tone( 诵经音调本土化 ), Tibet-oriented( 西藏化 ) and song-rization( 歌曲化 ).

• “Music Discusses · Explanatory notes and commentaries” ( 《音乐论 · 注疏》 ) said, “Song when six events--maintenance supply( 修供 ), empowerment( 灌顶 ), open light( 开光 ), period of supply( 期供 ), funeral( 丧事 ), and fire sacrifice( 烧施、火祭 )."

Page 25: The English report of Tibetan opera film. Tibetan opera Folk song.

• Maintenance supply ( 修供 ) means each sects( 教派 ) temple ceremonies held in the activities generally( 广泛地 ).

• Empowerment ( 灌顶 ) means the official heir( 继承人 ) to the throne( 王位 ).

• Period of supply ( 期供 ) means the regularly held maintenance supply and meeting ceremony.

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• Transfer( 转写 ) music from the chant grasp the general feature can separate the three kinds of manifestations( 表现 )—that is reading tone( 诵读调 ),recitative( 吟诵调 ),chanting tone( 唱诵调 ).

• Reading tone is past paced( 节奏明快 ), its melody fluctuation( 起伏 ) is small.

• Recitative’s tunes and rhythms are not structured( 规整的 ), it’s more casual( 不正式的 ), more freedom, each of the singing voice by writing is very long, undulating( 起伏的 ) melodies turning over large.

• Chanting tone has the strongest melodic tune in chant tone music, also the most singing and the most musical.

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A brief introduction about Tibetan traditional acrobatics( 杂技)

●Time:on the morning of the first day of the first lunar month of every year

●Place:in the Potala Palace( 布达拉宫)

● Performer: on the first day,children danced in colorful dress and····· on the second day , a young man play an adventurous show draw a huge crowd···· 【 Dazhalugong (藏语,不作翻译) merit 功德 stele石碑】●Feature:danger difficulty strangeness

●Shows( 演出节目): Tibetan traditional acrobatics have various shows.The head stand is the most dangerous

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• The headstand show

●This activity is infuenced by the acrobatic art of the Han areas and has been loved by generations of people of the Tibetan ethnic group ( 藏族) .

●He can stand on a triangle ( 三角) formed by his head and his two hands,or on both hands or even on one hand .He can also make it more difficult by performing the headstand on tables,chairs ,stools and other things

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In the Samye( 桑耶寺) Monastery( 僧院、寺院), one mural( 壁画) depicts( 描画,雕出) the adventurous show of various headstand skills.

Every actor shows his ability. Some perform headstands on tables, some on a scaling ladder( 云梯 ), while show acts involve two persons hanging upside down. Especially skillful is the actor performing a headstand on top of a pole, where the center of gravity is very high while the supporting surface is small so that the performer has great difficulty maintaining balance. In addition, the performer must have powerful arm strength and waist and back strength..

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• A high-ranking monk(噶举派(白教)高僧  ) and bridge builder ----Drupthok Thangthong Gyalpo唐东杰布[ ( 1385-1464) ]

• Indian Buddhist drama

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• Indian Buddhist drama• Buddhist stories • Tibetan history

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• Tibetan King Khrisong Detsan

• Lotus-Born Monk ( 莲花生大士)

• The Samye Monastery(桑耶寺)