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Michaelmas 2008 Celebrating Our 125th Anniversary Year The Eagle The Eagle
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Michaelmas 2008

CelebratingOur 125th Anniversary Year

The EagleThe Eagle

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CelebratingOur 125th Anniversary Year

Above: This stained-glass window is often called the Mary Window. In the present convent this window is located in the Lady Chapel, a chapel dedicated to Mary, the mother of Jesus. This window was originally above the high altar in the Major Street chapel. It was dedicated to the memory of the Sisterhood’s first warden, the Rev. Ogden P. Ford. The top panel depicts John taking Mary to his home after the crucifixion. The five panels below depict five scenes in the life of Mary and Jesus: the Annunciation, the Visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, the Nativity, Simeon holding Jesus at the Presentation in the Temple, and the Purification of Mary, who is seen bringing the doves of offering at the time of the Presentation.

Front Page: These panels come from the cope which historically was worn at the convent by the priest on St. John’s Day. The embroidery was probably done by Mother Hannah around the turn of the last century. The left hand panel shows St. John holding the Gospel of John and at the bottom of the panel are the words: “Beloved, let us love one another.” (1 John 4:7) Above John is the Eagle, the symbol of John and of our Community. The right hand panel shows the Blessed Virgin Mary holding three stems of lilies. At the bottom of the panel are the words: “Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.” (John 2:5) These are the words which Mary said to Jesus at the wedding at Cana and the words which the Sisterhood has as its motto.

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A Contemplative in ActionHannah Grier Coome, the founder of the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine in 1884, was born at The Carrying Place, Ontario, in 1837, the sixth of 13 children. Her father was an Anglican priest from Northern Ireland; her

mother was of United Empire Loyalist stock. She appears to have had a very ordinary childhood with no hint that she might later become a pioneer in the difficult task of founding an Anglican religious order in Canada. It is said that on at least one occasion, she skipped church to make doll’s clothes. At the age of 21, she married Charles Horace Coome, an English engineer who was working on the building of the Grand Trunk Railway. It was clearly a happy marriage for, many years after his death, she wrote of her hope of meeting him again in heaven. One major event did mar her happiness: a fall during her pregnancy which resulted in a miscarriage followed by five years of suffering and invalidism.

Certain themes in her married life carried through into her religious life. First, her miscarriage probably influenced her decision to found Toronto’s first hospital for women. Second, her husband’s work took the young couple back to England in the 1860s. Here she was much influenced by the Liturgical Revival, by the Anglo-Catholic move-ment in general, and in particular by the Anglo-Catholic parish of St. John the Divine, Kennington, and the Sisters of St. Mary at Wantage. The Sisters of St. Mary ran a settlement house in the slums of Kennington. Hannah Coome worked with them there, added to her skill at needlework under their tutelage, and became so enam-ored of the religious life that her husband used to joke that he expected to come home one night to find that she had joined them. There’s another story, from the same period, that is quite delightful: her father was visiting from Canada and insisted that she take him to her par-ish church one Sunday. She was worried that he might find the church too “high” even for his taste, describing the scene as follows: “It was in the Trinity Season, and the vestments were an iridescent green with the metallic sheen of a Mexican Beetle, and there were three great green beetles at the Altar!” As it turned out, her father was not horrified by either the “beetles” or the rest of the ceremonial; on the contrary, it struck as much of a chord in his heart as it obviously had in his daughter’s.

When Hannah first turned her thoughts to the religious life, it was natural for her to consider joining the Sisters of St. Mary at Wantage. However, on her way home

to England after her husband’s death in Chicago, she stopped off in Toronto to visit her family. While there, she was approached by a small group of people who were eager to see a religious community founded in Canada. They broached the idea of her undertaking this rather daunting task instead of joining St. Mary’s in England. After much prayer and thought she accepted it in faith and agreed to go to St. Mary’s, Peekskill, an Episcopalian order in New York State for her novitiate.

There were mixed feelings about Hannah’s time in the novitiate at Peekskill. Some urged her to come back to Toronto at once, ‘just as she was’ but she had great faith in Mother Harriet’s ability to produce the necessary changes in her to start a new Community. This caused Fr. Ogden Ford, the first Warden of our Community, to say he hoped she would not change too much. Even the Novice Mistress at the Community of St. Mary (CSM), Peekskill, said of Hannah Grier Coome, “I fail to see why she was sent here to be trained”. There were oth-ers who feared that Hannah’s strength might not prove equal to the strain of the novitiate with all the other busi-ness pressing upon her at that time; to them the Novice Mistress replied: “You need have no fears for your dear Hannah. She has a true Vocation and God will give her the necessary strength.” Apparently Hannah’s witty sayings, however, were not always appreciated by the Novice Mistress and her buoyant spirit was thought to need some discipline!

Sr. Winifred, CSM, who was a member of the novitiate with Mother Hannah remembered her as being capable in numerous ways, especially in the embroidery of vestments and altar linens. Somehow she found time to sew most of the altar vestments for the new Canadian Community. Sr. Winifred also gives a delightful anecdote of Hannah when she was sent out on a visit to a particular ministry in the city. She was greeted at the door by a man dressed like a butler who appeared to be a trusted servant. He showed her all around explaining the background of this special work of the Diocese and then said something that made her realize that he was the Bishop. She was greatly embarrassed and said: “Oh! My Lord, I beg your pardon — I had no idea — I did not see your apron — I am so sorry!” (He was not wearing either the apron or gaiters which would have identified him to her as a bishop.) On the day of her Life Profession, the Bishop came to the Community Room and said to Mother Hannah, “Is there any mistake as to my identity today?”

Mother Hannah decided to use the Rule of the Sisters of St. Mary in Peekskill, NY, as the Rule of Life for the Sisterhood of Saint John the Divine. The original document begins with her intention for the Community:

The Sisters of St. John the Divine are dedicated to the undivided service of Our Lord Jesus Christ after the example of the Beloved Disciple whose name they bear, for the fulfilment of the two-fold law of Charity. Like St. John, they are called to find their joy in fel-lowship with our Lord and for this end to forsake all worldly distractions.

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The words that begin our Rule of Life today still carry the essence of Mother Hannah’s intention:

The Sisters of Saint John the Divine, in the spirit of their patron, are called to live to the glory of God in fulfilment of the two-fold law of love. Each Sister will seek to do everything as one who has been baptized into Christ’s death, and has entered into the new life of his resurrection, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The second paragraph says:We are committed to lifelong conversion and to growth in union with God through the life of prayer and the undivided service of Jesus Christ. In Christ we are both called and sent to be open and responsive to the needs of the church and of the world, and to pray and work for peace, justice, unity and the integ-rity of creation.”

One of the great blessings of our Community in a rapidly changing world is Mother Hannah’s vision that we should be open and responsive to the needs of the church and the world. This has enabled us to change ministries over the last 124 years as new needs were brought to our attention. Mother Hannah’s desire was that prayer and devotion be the primary vocation of the Sisters and sec-ondly, active charity. Our current Rule states that

“…all our work is an extension of prayer and a way of growing in our relationship with God and our neighbour” and, “All work is of equal value in nur-turing the common life and the witness of the com-munity”.

Mother Hannah stressed that not only was all work of equal importance but that it “should be done thoroughly, punctually, and quietly, without appearance of haste or excitement, no matter what the pressure. We must not despise any work as menial, but realize that the work of the hands is as acceptable to God as the work of the intellect.” When a young novice said to Mother Hannah, “Please may I be excused for speaking harshly to a menial, and for giving way to nervous irritability?”, Mother Hannah’s response was: “There are no ‘menials’ here, my dear; no work done in a Religious House is ‘menial’; and do not call temper ‘nervous irritability’.” To another nov-ice who failed in self-reliance she used to say: “It seems to me you are always having to be lifted up, and helped along your way, using all your friends as crutches!”

The first house for the Sisters on Robinson Street was originally a stable and very differ-ent from our beauti-ful, spacious convent of today. It was actu-ally two houses joined together and very simply furnished with three hard beds and a few chairs, a table, a dish-pan, coal-scuttle, and shovel. When the

Sisters moved in, there were bed linens, some plates and cups and saucers, a few provisions, a kettle and fry-ing-pan lent to them by the rector of St. Matthias but no lamps. A divinity student living across the street produced a lamp and two candles in bottles to illuminate their first meal. The chapel was tiny but had everything neces-sary; all the altar vestments had been made by Mother Hannah during her novitiate. On the Feast of St. John the Evangelist, 1885, the house—the smallest convent, per-haps, ever known—was formally opened and blessed by the Bishop of Toronto.

Only months after founding the Community, Mother Hannah was asked to go to Moose Jaw to nurse the sol-diers wounded in the Northwest Rebellion. With only one novice, two postulants and three fully-trained nurses she travelled by boat from Owen Sound to Fort William and from there by the very new and ‘jolty’ railway. It was on the boat trip that Mother Hannah realized they were not going to be able to care properly for their hair, so she cut off her lovely, long black hair and dropped it overboard. When they arrived in Moose Jaw they discovered the base hospital was a large frame building lined with black paper with as yet no furniture or decoration of any kind except large “no smoking” signs. She was given the keys to the building and asked to make it into a hospital! This she did and received a War Service Medal that is among the Sisterhood’s prized possessions.

On returning to Toronto a few months later they discov-ered that friends and benefactors had set up the first St. John’s Hospital in a small house connected to the convent by a covered passageway. It possessed little in the way of surgical equipment, but had several private rooms for paying patients and a ward with eight beds for those who needed free care. 465 patients were cared for there in its first three years. In 1889, Mother Hannah (together with 3 Life-Professed Sisters, 5 novices and a postulant moved from that tiny convent to a new convent and hospital on Major Street built with the money raised by friends and Associates of the Community. It was expected that the Community would grow in numbers and by 1898 there were 22 active members in the Community, and their reg-ular work comprised St. John’s Hospital for Women, the Church Home for the Aged, the Seaton Village Mission, Bishop Bethune College at Oshawa, the Kindergarten on Major Street, and also the Church Work Room and the Altar Bread Department — quite an impressive list of ministries for 22 Sisters.

The Gospel account of the wedding at Cana includes the words that form the motto of our Community:

“Do whatever he tells you.” And that is still our ministry today: to do whatever he tells us to do. This is Mother Hannah’s legacy. She was a woman of vision and great courage but she was also prac-tical and down-to-earth with a delightful sense of humour. The Sisters of today are blessed to be part of her vision. Sr. Elizabeth, SSJD

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My First Convent Home

On July 31, 1943 I arrived at the front door of the con-vent on Major Street for a month’s visit as an aspirant to the Community. I was filled with much apprehen-sion, but probably not as much as my parents had. I was shown to my room in a link building called St. Elizabeth House which connected the chapel to a house on Brunswick Avenue. Elizabeth House had two floors and a stairway with a beautiful, wide polished bannister which was wonderful for sliding down! Sometime dur-ing that month I made the decision to enter the Sister-hood and was admitted as a postulant in September.

The convent, the chapel and St. Elizabeth House formed a quadrangle with a garden in the centre; sometimes in the summer, some of the Sisters met for recreation time in the garden and, on one occasion, a squirrel jumped onto a Sister’s lap and up onto her head and then jumped from head to head around the small circle!

We lived in the midst of the Jewish community who were always our friends. We often visited their bake shops on College Street to buy bagels or other baked goodies. When the wind was right we enjoyed the deli-cious smell of chocolate from Neilson’s Chocolate Fac-tory nearby. We would also walk to visit patients at the Toronto General Hospital.

In those days postulants did not go to Compline, the Night Office, and one evening, during Compline I was on the balcony outside the refectory when I spied two men chasing one another into the garden from Bruns-wick Avenue; one of them had a long pole and was yelling loudly. Sr. Edith Margaret was crossing the gar-den some distance ahead of them; she turned around and said to them quite calmly, “Hush! The Sisters are in Chapel.”

On Sundays the Sisters went in a crocodile procession to St. Thomas’s Church for the Eucharist and many times were heckled by bystanders calling out “Papists, witches” and other such taunts. We sat in the front row always reserved for SSJD. A live-in friend and volunteer usually sat behind us. On one occasion she sneezed and her false teeth flew out under the novices’ seat which set them off into giggles.

Also on Sundays the Novice Mistress might take the novices on outings for in those days we did not have a day off or even half a day! We would go to High Park or Kew Beach for picnics or to the ROM (The Royal Ontario Museum) which was within walking distance.

We had a tabby cat who was a wild stray and appeared sometimes outside the kitchen door. Sr. Lorraine de-cided to try and tame her. After a long time she finally got her to come inside the kitchen, but only briefly at first. We called her Mrs. Major. Eventually she had kit-tens; all of them were given away except one. On one memorable occasion the kitten was being chased by a Sister; it ran through the open door of the walk-in fridge and jumped into a large kettle of cooling soup just as a chapel service was about to begin. Sr. Lorraine called over to the guest house for some University of Toronto students who were delighted to come and deal with the emergency. They nursed the kitten, gave her a shampoo, dried her off and coddled her. As a result of all this attention she looked all fluffy, just like a little ballerina.

I also remember a story about a Sister who dumped her wash water through a window onto a passing priest be-low who became quite irate; of course, that was not the usual means of disposal. Needless to say, the Sister was severely reprimanded. There are, of course, many other forgotten memories of this beloved home including the wrench it was to leave it after ten years and move to Botham Road, well beyond the city limits. I’d like to end with a quotation from a poem by Sara Teasdale:

“Oh better than the minting of a gold-crowned king, Is the safe kept memory of lovely things.”

Sister Joyce, SSJD

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“I Remember . . .”

The rooms at the convent on Botham Road were like a kaleidoscope which, at the turn of an idea or need, might be changed into something else! What had been the refectory later became the Guild Room; the Altar Bread Department was taken over by the Library; and a bedroom became an office. In those fifty-one years life was never static!

I remember . . . being told that Sisters Francesca, Faith and Mary Ruth lived at Botham Road before the rest of the Community moved in. During this time a kit-ten, named Smokey, moved in with them. Mrs. Major, the convent cat on Major Street, was not welcomed by Smokey, so Mrs. Major was assigned to St. John’s-on-the-Hill at Aurora. Mrs. Major promptly returned to Major Street, and eventually was sent to live at the Church Home for the Aged on Bellevue Avenue, where she ended her days in peace and glory.

I remember . . . the blessing of the new convent on September 8th, 1953, by Bishop A. Ray Beverley, the Bishop of Toronto. Several weeks later an Open House was held. I was a new postulant and Thelma-Anne McLeod (who later became Sister Thelma-Anne) was one of the visitors.

I remember . . . my first Christmas at the convent. Father Brian Freeland celebrated at the Midnight Mass in the small temporary Chapel. On St. John’s Day, two days later, the Sisters from the nearby Branch Houses came for our annual Community party. I remember the joy of the arrival of all the Sisters from the three nearby Branch Houses: St. John’s Convalescent Hospital, The Church Home for the Aged and St. John’s-on-the-Hill in Aurora.

I remember . . . the temporary Chapel. We had won-derful windows surrounding three sides of the little Chapel as we viewed all that nature provided, includ-ing a ravine. One morning, during meditation, all eyes became focused on the scene outside. Our cat was stalking a wounded bird. One Sister could take this no longer so she ran outside, grabbed Smokey, spanking him as she marched back with him firmly under her

arm. I don’t remember what I gleaned from my medita-tion on that day but I have not forgotten the incident.

I remember . . . the consecration of St. John’s Convent Chapel in 1956. When the Chapel was completed I heard Sister Evangeline exclaim: “We have our Chapel back again!” I realized, after our recent experience, what that exclamation meant to her. We had waited only a few months, while she had waited over three years!

I remember . . . the skunks, the groundhogs, the foxes, the rabbits, the squirrels and the racoons! We made Altar Bread and saved the leftover batter in a special bin to give to a farmer for his pigs. However hard we tried to keep the lid secure the racoons got into the bin leav-ing the remains strewn all around for us to clean up.

I remember . . . the volleyball court in the orchard — and the rhubarb patch — and the Swiss chard gar-den — and our gardener, Val, who had beehives in the orchard at the edge of the ravine and grapevines behind the garage — and the tiny blue scillas that made a carpet outside the Old House and flowed down the side of the ravine.

I remember . . . six aspirants in the 1960’s climbing the old apple tree on the front lawn to gather apples. Sister Doreen was one of those aspirants.

I remember . . . the planting of trees and bushes in commemoration of special occasions, gifts from families and friends.

I remember . . . the one hundredth anniversary of the Community in 1984. A year of great events! One memo-rable fun event was the SSJD version of Gilbert and Sullivan’s “Pinafore”, changing the score to SSJD char-acters. Along with other songs Sister Constance Joanna, a postulant, sang with her two companions “Three Little Postulants Are We”.

I remember . . . some significant changes during our 51 years at Botham Road: changes brought about through the influence of Vatican II; change from a seven-fold office to a four-fold office; the simplification of our habits; changes in some of our ministries; changes in customs and practices.

I remember . . . the guests who came to the convent and those who lived with us for many years, Joan, Dorothy and Gertrude.

I remember . . . the Reverend Mothers and the Sisters at Botham Road whose lives so deeply influenced the growth and evolution of the Community. The pictures of our departed Sisters were carefully brought with us and are once again displayed in their place of honour. As Sister Nora used to say: “We haven’t much money but we do see life.”

Sister Wilma, SSJD

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A “Moving Experience” — Memories of a New Member of SSJD . . . .

When I entered SSJD, I thought I would learn a new vocabulary — words like Compline, Triduum and refec-tory. Never did the words ‘clerestory’, ‘45-certified’ and ‘airvac’ enter my mind but my first two years in Community were filled with these words as we planned the building of the new convent and then the move there.

When I was going through my interviews before coming into the Community, I remember Sr. Constance Joanna briefly mentioning that the Community was thinking of moving. Little did I know that the decision would be finalized two days after I entered, so my first two years in Community are filled with “moving” memories.

The last day of the move to Birchall Bainbridge Hall (BBH) — now the Convent Guest House — I was at the Botham Road convent helping pack up the final bits and staying with my “moving buddy” (Sr. Merle and Sandy the cat). I wanted to have a last walk-through of the convent. During my tour, I came upon Sr. Val sitting in one of the rooms in the enclosure, which turned out to be the first bedroom she had when she entered. Sr. Elizabeth Ann joined us and we had the best time telling each other stories about our first days in the convent and about our clothing retreats. It was wonderful to hear the stories. As well our time together became a time to say good-bye to a building where our vocational journeys had started.

Living in BBH was cramped but lots of blessings came with living in that building for four months. Because we did not have our own refectory in BBH, we all ate together over at St. John’s Rehab cafeteria. The sharing that went on over the tables, the laughter and of course tears, is one of the reasons I think that our move was a success because we had that outlet to talk informally in small groups. One of my favourite memories was of Sr.

Margaret Ann staking out the front sitting-room wait-ing for Sisters or visitors to come. She always had a smile and a wave. She would ask questions about how your day was going and what was happening outside. It felt great to be welcomed home like that every day! To have some-one to actually answer our “honey, I’m home!”

When we did the final move into the new convent from BBH, we did it in stages. I was in one of the first groups to move over. We were all excited to finally move into our new bedrooms and have our old furniture back. It was like welcoming home “old friends” that had been away for a long time. It was a bit strange to have some of the Sisters in the new convent and a large group still in BBH. Late that first night after I had turned out the light in my new bedroom, I realized that I was a bit hungry. The kitchen in the convent had not been set up yet, so I went through the link to find some crackers in BBH. To my dismay I realized that I was locked out of BBH. (We were still getting used to all the new doors and which ones needed to be locked and which did not.) The door had been closed and locked and I had not thought to bring my key, since I was in my pjs and had no pockets. I stood there for a few moments trying to figure out what to do and decided that I should just go to bed, that I really did not need the crackers! So I walked all the way back to my room empty-handed!

I have moved many times in my life but I never knew that I would be part of a two-stage convent move. I have learned many things in our move. I know now that anything is possible with a little planning, lots of prayer, and the love, support and determination of 30 women! Sister Amy, SSJD

Fair Linen - 120 inch length finished $310 with 5 crosses ($35.50 per foot for longer)

Fair Linen - 120 inch finished with from $390 5 crosses and borders on ends

Credence Cloth - Tables up to 30 inches, $97 with 1 cross (for each inch extra - $2.90)

Credence Cloth - Tables up to 30 inches from $130 with 1 cross and end borders

Baptismal Towels $25 each

Sr. Margaret Ann

ALTAR LINEN DEPARTMENTPrices effective May 2006

Purificators - 10 1/2 inches $204 or $17 each square/dozen

Lavabo Towels - Per dozen $228 or $19 each

Fair Veils $51 each

Palls on Plexiglass from $45 each

Corporals $45 each

Sick Communion Sets - includes 1 pall, from $95 1 corporal, 1 fair veil, 3 small purificators (6pcs)

All Fair Linens and Credence Cloths are made to order. For more details, please contact Sr. Jocelyn after October 20th at St. John’s House, 3937 St. Peters Rd. Victoria BC V8P 2J9 - 250-920-7787 - [email protected]

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Srs. Joan, Wilma, Nora with Sr. Mary Barbara in the foreground — circa 1959

Sr. Joanna & Postulant Jacquelyn, circa 1960 or 61

Sr. Nora and Mother Aquila in England, circa 1948

Novice Jeannine and Sr. Beatrice in the Library — circa early 1960’s

Novices having a picnic with their Novice Mistress — circa 1930’s

Srs. Mary Olive, Faith & Ella at Christie Lake — 1937

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Food for the Soul

Programs at St. John’s Convent, 2008 - 2009

OVERNIGHT RETREATS Overnight Retreats (including Individually Directed Retreats) begin with Evensong at 5 pm on the first day. Please plan to arrive by 4 pm to have time to check into your room and get settled. Retreats end after the noon meal on the last day (approximately 1:30 pm). For retreats ending on Sunday, there is an option to stay for the afternoon and join the Sisters for Evensong and our weekly supper-with-conversation. Retreats are usually limited to 25 participants. NOTE: Cost of overnight retreats is $100 per night ($50/night for full-time students with valid student card), which includes room and board, and an honorarium for the conductor or retreat guide. Note that the Holy Week retreat is 4 days, but the cost is a special offer of $200 for the duration. Bursary assistance is available for those on limited income; please contact the Guest Sister. Reduced rates are available for seniors over 65. A $30.00 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit is required for overnight retreats. TEND MY SHEEP: DEEPENING THE SPIRITUAL LIFE OF THE PARISH—AND OURSELVES SEPTEMBER 9-11, 2008 (FOR CLERGY ONLY) To Peter’s repeated protestations of love, Jesus commanded: “Feed my lambs. Tend my sheep. Feed my sheep.” This would be simpler if we were entrusted with the care of actual four-legged, woolly, not very intelligent creatures. It might be hard work, but there would be little room for subtlety and we would know when we had done the job satisfactorily. Much more difficult is the translation of this divine imperative into our ministry with and among our sisters and brothers, complex creatures made in the image of God. Led by the Rev. Dr. Margaret Guenther, well- known author and retreat leader. LET’S TAKE A WALK —THE JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME SEPTEMBER 12-14, 2008 Walkathons are in. Even those of us who are not enthusiastic walkers are inundated with requests to sponsor another in support of a cause—to wipe out cancer, to house the homeless, to ease the anguish of those suffering from AIDS. These are worthy walks, but they are quick and easy. Christians are called to another walk, the journey of a lifetime. Scripture is filled with comings and goings, arrivals and departures. As Jesus walked with his friends, his followers today walk with him still. This retreat offers an opportunity to reflect on our life as travellers in his company. Led by the Rev. Dr. Margaret Guenther, well-known author and retreat leader. INDIVIDUALLY DIRECTED RETREAT SEPTEMBER 19-21, 2008 This is an opportunity to be accompanied individually as a way to deepen your prayer life, to explore particular issues or needs in your relationship with God, and to grow in sensitivity to the movements of the Spirit of God within you. Led by experienced spiritual directors. LESSONS FROM THE VICAR OF DIBLEY OCTOBER 17-19,2008 The popular British TV comedy, “The Vicar of Dibley,” provides a window into the joys and challenges of living the Christian life. Vicar Geraldine is earthy, funny, full of wisdom and insight, sometimes rude, and always compassionate. With her eccentric and loveable parishioners, Geraldine faces issues that challenge every community of Christians—how to love and care for people who are very different from us, how to discern God’s call to us, how to live a faithful Christian life in a post-Christian culture, how to find loving human intimacy as well as intimacy with God. Come and share your own insights as we watch and reflect on some of the most memorable episodes of this heart-warming comedy series. Led by Sr. Constance Joanna, SSJD. INDIVIDUALLY DIRECTED RETREAT (FOR CLERGY ONLY) NOVEMBER 18-20, 2008 This is an opportunity to be accompanied individually as a way to deepen your prayer life, to explore particular issues or needs in your relationship with God, and to grow in sensitivity to the movements of the Spirit of God within you. Led by experienced spiritual directors.

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SACRED ART RETREAT (FOR ARTISTIC KLUTZES AND ARTISTS ALIKE!) NOVEMBER 21-23, 2008 In this retreat we will use art as a form of prayer, as a way of getting in touch with the Divine Mystery that is God. Sacred art is a prayer of awareness in which the visual image communicates more deeply than words. You do not need to be “artistic” to pray with art; only willing to experiment and have fun. Additional charge of $10 for supplies. Led by Sisters of SSJD INDIVIDUALLY DIRECTED RETREAT (Open to anyone) FEBRUARY 20-22, 2009 This is an opportunity to be accompanied individually as a way to deepen your prayer life, to explore particular issues or needs in your relationship with God, and to grow in sensitivity to the movements of the Spirit of God within you. Led by experienced spiritual directors. INDIVIDUALLY DIRECTED RETREAT (For Clergy Only) MARCH 3-5, 2009 This is an opportunity at the beginning of Lent to be accompanied individually as a way to deepen your prayer life, to explore particular issues or needs in your relationship with God, and to grow in sensitivity to the movements of the Spirit of God within you. Led by experienced spiritual directors. SUFFERING AND JOY MARCH 27-29, 2009 Very few of us walk through life without experiencing some form of suffering. But if God loves us, why do we get sick, lose relationships, face inexplicable obstacles in our work or family lives? Our scriptures do not give us a ready answer as to why, but they do offer us liberating perspectives on responding to suffering. In particular, St. Paul has some remarkable reflections on suffering as believers in Christ. Among his most astonishing ideas is that joy is the companion of suffering. During the days of the retreat we will have opportunity to think deeply about how we may view our sufferings and the sufferings of our world from the perspective of being believers in Christ. Led by the Rev. Dr. Ann Jervis, Professor of New Testament at both Trinity and Wycliffe Colleges. A PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY PLACES IN HOLY WEEK APRIL 8-12, 2009 Join Sr. Constance Joanna and Sr. Egeria (a fourth-century Spanish Nun) as they lead you on a pilgrimage to the Holy Places. We will stop at the Dome of the Rock, the Church of St. Helena, and other places in Jerusalem where the Holy Week liturgies took place in the early church. Egeria will tell us about each of them as we prepare to celebrate those same liturgies here at St. John's Convent. As we share in Jesus' paschal journey, we will receive new understanding of the link between the church in the 4th century and the church in the 21st century. GOD IN TRANSITION (For Clergy Only) MAY 12-14, 2009 How can we find, and help others to find, a Christ-centred approach to dealing with times of immense change and transition, in the world, the church and our personal lives? How can we discern what change is life-giving and to be nourished, and what is destructive and to be resisted? How can we welcome change in a life-giving way and embrace our own responsibility for helping to shape the future? Led by Margaret Silf, well-known author and retreat leader. GOD IN TRANSITION MAY 15-17, 2009 We are living through times of enormous change and transition. Global challenges affect our future as a human family on this planet, and also affect our personal lives and choices. Some changes are like childbirth — painful yet ultimately life-giving. Others are potentially destructive. How can we tell the difference and make our own choices accordingly. How will we respond to our own personal call to help shape humanity according to God’s unfolding Dream? Led by Margaret Silf, well-known author and retreat leader. INDIVIDUALLY DIRECTED RETREAT (FOR CLERGY ONLY) JUNE 16-18, 2009 This is an opportunity to be accompanied individually as a way to deepen your prayer life, to explore particular issues or needs in your relationship with God, and to grow in sensitivity to the movements of the Spirit of God within you. Led by experienced spiritual directors.

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QUIET SATURDAYS Quiet Saturdays begin with a gathering and coffee time at 9:30 am in the Refectory, followed by a talk by the leader at 10 am. The rest of the morning is time for your own silent prayer and reflection, and we gather for the Eucharist at 12 noon. Following the Eucharist, participants may join the Sisters for a silent hot dinner in the Refectory, or may eat a bag lunch with conversation in one of the meeting rooms. A second talk by the leader will follow at 1:30 pm. The rest of the afternoon is for your own silent prayer and reflection. There will be a closing session at 3:30 pm, with departures by 4 pm. Quiet Saturdays are usually limited to 25 participants. NOTE: Cost of Quiet Saturdays is $25 ($15 for Associates and Oblates), if you bring a bag lunch. (Beverages are included, as are muffins on arrival.) If you would like a hot meal at noon instead of bringing a bag lunch, there is an additional charge of $10.00. Please indicate your preference on the application form. DREAMS: WISDOM FROM THE UNCONSCIOUS OCTOBER 4, 2008 Robert Johnson says that dreams express the unconscious. They are dynamic mosaics, composed of symbols that express the movements, conflicts, interactions, and developments of the great energy systems within the unconscious. How can we begin to discover the meaning of our dreams without extensive training? Led by Sr. Elizabeth, SSJD. LUKE'S JERUSALEM TALES NOVEMBER 8, 2008 Luke’s Gospel includes many parables that are in none of the other Gospels; most of these (eight in total) are in that part of Luke’s narrative that recalls Jesus’ travel towards Jerusalem. The Gospel of Luke is kind of like Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales in this way. On this Quiet Day, we will contemplate several of Luke's "Jerusalem Tales": parables that both teach and delight. Led by the Rev. Dr. Pauline Head, SSJD Associate. THE GOSPEL SONGS OF ADVENT December 6, 2008 Bishop Colin Johnson offers a day of reflection on the themes of the coming of our Lord based on the canticles of Mary and Zechariah, found in Luke's Gospel (Magnificat and Benedictus). These two canticles have been an (almost) unchanging part of the daily prayer of the church for millennia. They have been spoken by rote by a solitary worshiper, chanted by tuneless congregations, and set to some of the world's most sublime music. How has such repetition influenced the way we think and pray about our expectations of Jesus' first (and second) coming to his world? Hear again the deep longing and the profound promises of justice and mercy at the heart of Advent. DISCERNING YOUR JOURNEY JANUARY 24, 2009 A new year energizes our intention to live a God-centred life. Mind-mapping, frequently used for study, organizing and creating, can also offer insights for discernment as your life unfolds. This quiet day offers an opportunity to learn and use this simple but effective tool and make it part of your regular practice. Led by Norah Bolton, SSJD Associate. CIRCLE OF QUIET — PRAYING THE ROSARY FEBRUARY 21, 2009 Learn to pray with the Anglican Rosary, and to make your own. Bring your own crochet hooks (size 4 to 7); we will provide cord for knotted rosaries, plastic and wooden beads, crosses, and instructions. Additional charge of $10 for supplies and booklet. Led by Sr. Sarah Jean, SSJD. WHY GO INTO THE DESERT? MARCH 21, 2009 “Therefore, I will now allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her.” Why does God call or lure us into the wilderness? What will we find there? What do we need for the journey? What will happen to us if we answer God’s call to spend time in the desert? Led by Sr. Elizabeth, SSJD. MAKE A LAP LABYRINTH ....AND LET YOUR FINGERS DO THE WALKING. JUNE 13, 2009 The labyrinth is an ancient form of walking meditation, but we may be unable to walk or have access to a full-sized labyrinth. We will make lightweight plexiglass labyrinths that we can hold on our laps for meditation and prayer at those times when we cannot walk. Additional charge of $10.00 for supplies. Led by Alison Morrow, SSJD Associate.

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PERSONAL RETREATS Personally scheduled retreats — for a day, several days, or longer — can be arranged for individuals when there is space in the Guest House, and (if guidance is desired) when a retreat guide is available. Cost of Personal Retreats is $65 per day (including overnight, 3 meals and coffee breaks), with an extra $20 per day if a spiritual guide is desired [$50/night for full-time students with valid student card)]. Cost of Day Retreats is $25 (including a private room, noon meal, and coffee breaks). CUSTOMIZED SABBATICAL PROGRAMS Do you have some sabbatical time coming up? Consider spending all or part of it at St. John’s Convent Guest House, and making use of our varied resources: $ our library of over 30,000 volumes, which includes an excellent collection on spirituality, theology, church

history, and scripture study, as well as good recreational reading $ proximity to the Toronto School of Theology and its varied denominational colleges $ the availability of spiritual direction at the Convent $ the option of participating in any or all of the Food for the Soul programs while you are here $ the opportunity to join the Sisters, as desired, for the daily celebration of the Eucharist as well as sung

Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer and Compline $ a peaceful, relaxed environment both inside and out, with beautiful gardens and walks $ option of taking a bag lunch if you are going out for the day $ free parking and laundry facilities $ easy accessibility to public transit $ availability of all the cultural resources of the Greater Toronto Area $ comfortable rooms, lounges, and pantries, with the option of a room with ensuite bath (depending on

availability) Special monthly rates are available. Inquire by contacting the Guest House at the address below. HOW TO REGISTER Forms: Download a PDF file from our website, or ask us to e-mail or send you a copy of the registration form. For Overnight Retreats: Mail the form with a $25 deposit. Space is limited, so please send your deposit in as early as possible to hold a room. (No phone reservations) For Quiet Saturdays: Mail the form with a $10 deposit. (No phone reservations) For Personal Retreats or Sabbaticals: Phone or e-mail us first to see when space is available and for more information. For All Events: Please register at least one week in advance, to be sure space is available and to help with our meal planning. Contact Information: St. John's Convent Guest House

233 Cummer Avenue Toronto, ON M2M 2E8

Phone 416-226-2201, ext. 305 Fax 416-226-2131 E-mail [email protected]

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Novice Helena — late 1940’s Srs. Nora and Philippa in the grounds of SJRH, circa 1969 Sr. Wilma in the bursar’s officecirca 1987

The first refectory at 1 Botham Road (later the Guild Room), mid-1950’s Sr. Barbara and Novice Penelope in the snow, circa 1960

A large group of Sisters in the Guild Room, circa 1981 Sr. Joyce, circa late 1970’s

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As I was sitting at my com-puter preparing to write this article, I wondered what Mother Hannah might have been thinking as she took her Life Vows on Septem-ber 8th, 1884, the day we now mark as the Founda-tion Day of the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine. What might she have penned in her journal on that occa-sion? What hopes and as-pirations did she have for this fledgling community? Could she have imagined, even in her wildest dreams, the Community we are today as we begin to celebrate our 125th year of love, prayer and service? How could she have envisioned this beautiful convent and guest house which are so different from that very small house on Robinson Street where the Community be-gan. As we celebrate our birth 124 years ago, we will have several special events some of which we hope you will be able to participate in. Each issue of The Eagle will give you a flavour of our past through a historical look at our convents, Reverend Mothers, ministries and branch houses.

The last week of Au-gust we had our An-nual General Chapter which was followed by an eight-day Retreat led by the Rev. Dr. Margaret Guenther. It was a spe-cial time for the Sisters to be together: first, for a time of meetings to plan our ongoing mis-sion and ministries and our life together as in-

tentional community, a time to recreate together and enjoy one another; and second, for a time of Retreat together as we prepare for the celebration of our 125th year.

During our Chapter discussions, we talked about our Branch Houses and how very much we value the opportunities for life and mission in a smaller house. At present, our only Branch House is in Victoria, BC, as we have closed our house in St. Lambert, QC, in the Diocese of Montréal. The Sisters from the house in Montréal moved back to the convent at the end of June to strengthen the convent household. We are now beginning to find ways to continue our minis-try in the Diocese of Montréal without being resident there. One way we are ensuring continuity of this ministry is that Sr. Beryl will remain as Associate Di-rector for the Eastern Province of Associates which

Dear Associates, Oblates, and Friends of SSJD,

will include arranging annual visits to the Associates. In October when Srs. Jessica and Dorothy go to the Gaspé for a mission, they will spend time in Montréal both coming and going. More opportunities will de-velop in the coming year.

Early in the retreat, we were shocked by the sudden death of Sr. Philippa. Her funeral requiem was ar-ranged for one of the last days of our retreat so that her family in Vancouver could be here with us. Sr. Philippa was very proud of her Scottish heritage and so had requested a piper to be at her funeral. She would have thoroughly enjoyed the playing of the bagpipes outside the front door as the many guests arrived. Af-ter the funeral the piper led the funeral cortege down the driveway towards Cummer Avenue. I could not help but think that Sr. Philippa must have been en-joying it all. An obituary for Sr. Philippa will appear in the Christmas issue of The Eagle.

In September I spent time at our Branch House in Victoria with Sr. Doreen, the Head of the house. I preached on Holy Cross Day at the admission of two Oblates and the renewal of promises of another Ob-late. Sr. Doreen and I both attended the BC Diocesan Synod. And we watched as the carport was made into a more accessible and larger chapel. This fall the household at St. John’s House, Victoria, will include Srs. Doreen, Jocelyn, Jessica and Louise together with Oblate Doreen Davidson.

Over the summer months three sisters under-went double-knee surgery: Srs. Anitra, Jessica and Constance Joanna. All are doing well on that won-derful road to recovery through physiotherapy at St. John’s Rehab Hospital.

Earlier this year Val Clarke, formerly Sr. Val, requested release from SSJD. At a Special Chapter we granted her request and we wish her well in her new life.

Photo by Michael Hudson

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Position Description Director of Development

Sisterhood of St. John the DivineThis senior-level position is responsible for pro-viding strategic and operational leadership for the Sisterhood’s financial development, including management and evaluation of all fundraising pro-grams.

The successful applicant will have proven experi-ence in all areas of fundraising, as well as an un-derstanding of the culture of an Anglican religious order, and the ability to communicate the Sisters’ mission and ministry to potential donors. For more details see our website: [email protected].

Please send resumés to Sr. Elizabeth Ann Eckert, Rev. Mother, by October 15, 2008.

An Important Message for Our Donors

The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine places a high value on our relationship with you, our donors. Without your support we would not be able to achieve the mission God has given us to do. We thank you for your commitment to help us in our mission and ministry. Transparency and account-ability are essential to continuing support from our donors. Therefore, we have recently joined Imagine Canada’s Ethical Code Program.

Imagine Canada is a voluntary organization re-sponsible for supporting charitable fundraising. It does this by providing assistance and resources for charities and ensuring that charitable organizations are educated about following the policies of the Canada Revenue Agency.

Recently, Imagine Canada developed The Ethical Fundraising and Financial Accountability Code. This code lays out a set of standards for charitable organizations to manage and report their financial affairs responsibly. By adhering to these stan-dards, we are complying with generally accepted practices for soliciting and managing donor dol-lars.

If you have any questions about our adherence to the Ethical Code, please contact Sr. Constance Joanna, our Director of Development (phone 416-733-2929, ext. 316, e-mail: [email protected], or write her at the Convent.) If you would like a copy of our audited financial statements, we will be glad to send it to you. You can also download the Ethical Code itself by going to

Last May, we sent out our second Annual Appeal, along with our first-ever narrative budget. We are grateful for the feedback on the narrative budget, for so many of you have found it helpful to know how our ministries are supported.

For the past couple of years, Sr. Constance Joanna has served in the role of Director of Development. Under her leadership, we have developed our fund-raising programs, including the Annual Appeal. With the very generous help of our Associates, Oblates, and friends, we have made great progress in securing the financial resources we need to support our min-istries and to enhance the Sisterhood’s sustainability and financial security.

To ensure the long-term sustainability of our minis-tries, the Sisterhood’s Board of Directors has decided that it is now time to hire a professional Director of Development – someone who has the training and proven expertise to assist the Sisterhood in our on-going fundraising efforts, and especially to help us broaden the sources of our funding for our ministries – for instance, foundations and other granting agen-cies.

You will find a brief summary of the position in the box on this page. If you know anyone who might be interested in applying, please encourage them to write to me. It is very important for us to find a skilled professional who also understands the culture and values of a religious community like ours.

This summer we ran another “Women at a Crossroads” program for eight women from coast to coast across Canada. It was an interesting and diverse group of women whom we hope will add leaven to their home churches.

At our Annual Chapter, I ap-pointed Sr. Elizabeth as the new Assistant to the Rev-erend Mother. Sr. Margaret Mary served in this role very ably the last three years. She will continue as Clerk of the Works and together with Sr. Elizabeth and me, we will work well together as a team for the well-being of the Sisterhood and the convent household. As Sr.

Elizabeth is no longer able to be the Director of As-sociates for the Central Province, I’ve appointed Sr. Helen Claire to this role. She comes with much expe-rience of working in the Associate office.

So now, let the celebrations begin for 125 years of love and service! Thanks be to God!

Sr. Elizabeth Ann, SSJD

Srs. Margaret Mary and Elizabeth

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“The Gathering of Sisters, Associates & Oblates” May 5 — 9, 2009

Theme: “Something More” For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Mt. 6:21)

What is the “Something More” —the treasure hidden in a field or the pearl of great price—that people are looking for in the 21st Century? What is the role of Sisters, Associates and Oblates in enabling that “Something More” to be discerned in people’s lives?

Speaker — Margaret Silf is an ecumenical lay Christian, committed to working across and beyond the denomi-national divides. For most of her working life she was employed in the computer industry and recently left paid employment to devote herself to writing and accompanying others on their spiritual journey, especially through retreats and days of reflection. She is the author of a number of books on the spiritual journey for 21st century pilgrims who may or may not identify with institutional religion, and a regular columnist with “America” magazine. Some of her books include Inner Compass; Wise Choices; Close to the Heart; Gift of Prayer; Sacred Spaces; Roots and Wings: The human journey from a speck of stardust to a spark of God (2006) and Companions of Christ.

Cost of event: Resident at the convent including all meals — $375 ($200 deposit needed with application form) Non-residential but including dinners and suppers at the convent — $250 ($125 deposit needed with application form) Cancellation fee: $50

We are inviting representation from all regions of Canada and beyond (U.S. and overseas). Space is limited so we may not be able to accept all applications.

Deadline for application form to be into the convent with a deposit: January 31st, 2009. Balance is required by April 1st, 2009.

“The Gathering” begins on Tuesday, May 5th with registration from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. followed by Evening Prayer at 5:00 p.m. and supper. It will end on Saturday, May 9th, with a talking supper at 5:30 p.m. following the closing Eucharist. Many of you may wish to stay over in Toronto Saturday night. On the evening of May 5th, at 7:00 p.m., there will be a talk by Margaret Silf on the theme “Something More”. This event will take place in Grasett Hall at St. John’s Rehab Hospital (next door to the convent) and will be open to all Associates, Oblates and their guests.

The schedule will include the following elements: • Morning Prayer, Eucharist, and Evening Prayer/ Compline • Silent breakfast and supper; lunch with conversation • Talks each day by Margaret Silf followed by small group discussions • Free time on Wednesday and Thursday evenings • Special entertainment on Friday evening

For those who may wish to stay at a hotel:Novotel, 3 Park Home Avenue, North York, M2N 6L3 (P) 416-733-2929 [email protected](Current rates for a standard two bed room are between $243–$266 including applicable tax. Breakfast is not included. Travel time to the convent via subway and connecting bus is approx. 15-30 minutes.)

Comfort Inn Toronto, 15 Charles Street E. Toronto M4Y 1S1 (one block south of Bloor on the Yonge subway)Budget hotel within easy walking distance of shopping and subway. Current rates are from $144-$189 per night for standard room with two double beds. Travel time via subway and bus to convent is approx. 40-50 min-utes.

Purpose • to learn more about the “something more” we are all seeking • to experience the monastic rhythm to nurture your own spiritual life • to learn more about the monastic life in general and the work and ministry of SSJD in particular • to discover what we can learn from one another and how we can help one another in the ministry of prayer, love and service.

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Growing Together in Love and Service

My first experience of Associates was when I was 12 years old and a boarder in Grade Eight at the Qu’Appelle Diocesan School in Regina which was run by the Sisters of St. John the Divine. Sister Francesca was the Headmistress and Sister Constance would lat-er on be one of my teachers.

It was the teacups which first made me aware of the Associates. When Associates came to the School, the china cups and saucers were brought out. I thought that the Associates came just to have tea with the Sis-ters. Many years have passed since teacups introduced me to the Associates and my understanding of the link between Associates and the Sisterhood has been growing ever since.

I discovered that the Associates had a very important role in the life of the Community as well as the school. Over the summer holidays when the school was al-most empty, some of the Regina Associates helped the Sisters to clean and tidy the classrooms and dormito-ries. Together they did the mending and made cur-tains and bed-spreads for the rooms. Their help and encouragement meant the world to the Sisters.

piece of who I was, an expression of my vocation as a Christian.

I was admitted as an Associate in 1957 while I was studying at the University of To-ronto. Whenever I visited the con-vent, I was given a little white veil with a blue edge

which showed to other guests that I was an Associate. But one didn’t talk about it much to anyone else. The relationship between the Sisters and their Associates was private. In fact, spirituality was thought to be a private matter. But you could talk about prayer with the Warden of Associates who was then Sister Lois, and after her, Sister Francesca.

Then I made some dear friends who were Associates: Mary Rendell, Helen Milton, and Joan Trowles. Mary encouraged me to take a short term of service in an Anglican school in India. Helen, a New Testament scholar, opened my mind and heart to the Bible. And on my return from India, I found that Joan had prayed for me over the four years I had been away.

Most of the time I was an Associate ‘at a distance’, far from the convent. Letters from the Warden were im-portant to me and were read and re-read. The card with the Associate prayers travelled with me. Although my prayers were often an imperfect offering, I had a sense of their importance. Being an Associate was a

In 1962 when I joined SSJD, I experienced more of the breadth of Sisters’ relation-ship with the Associates. The Toronto Associates came to the convent in large groups for retreats and quiet days. Prayer requests from Associ-ates across the country were added to ours at the Eucharist and in the pages of our Friday

intercession book. At that time, there was one Warden for all the Associates, and she visited Associates across the country and led their retreats. I remember Sr. Rose-mary Anne’s frequent travels, and her leadership of retreats and missions.

Some things have changed. The title of Warden changed to Director. Probationer Associates are called Discerning Associates. The Associates are now divided into four areas: Eastern, Central, Prairie and Overseas, and Western. When I became Director of Central As-sociates in 1994, I eagerly embraced the traditions — I felt that I was on holy ground.

I have been with the Associates in Western and East-ern Canada, as well as with the Central Associates. I’ve been given many friendships. In my visits, I have seen more of the landscape of Canada and experienced the love which people have both for SSJD and for their own areas. Great rivers, oceans, forests, mountains and prairies shape our spirituality as well as our way of life. My sense of what it means to be an Associate now far exceeds teacups.

In 1995, the ‘Associate Assembly’ brought more than 100 Associates from across Canada to a lively week-end at the convent. We recalled the story of the found-ing of SSJD. It was a desire of a few people to found a religious community for women in the Anglican Church in Canada which led to the founding of SSJD in 1884. Among this group were the men and women who became the first Associates. We think of Georgina Broughall as the first of those First. We think of her together with Hannah Grier Coome because the Asso-ciates and Sisters were ‘in the womb’ together.

Our present reality is smaller numbers and the ma-jority of us Sisters are older. In our prayer to the Holy Spirit, we say: “Grant to our beloved Commu-nity a new and continuing Pentecost.” We want the Associates alongside us in the longing for a fresh start, a new beginning which will make the religious life visible and desirable to today’s God-seekers. Sister Beryl, SSJD

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ASSOCIATE MILESTONES Admissions since September 2007:Newfoundland: Mary Kirby and Mary Pike of St. John’s; Emeline Coffin of Conception Bay. Nova Scotia: Helen Ryding of Halifax; Cheryl Ra-fuse of Whites Lake; Lorraine Street of Wolfeville. Quebec: Eileen Steele of Montreal; Hel-en Foster of Dorval; Mary Pickup of LaSalle. Ontario: Susanne Prue of Toronto [reinstated]; The Rev. Heather Stacey of Collingwood; Daryl Banke of Ottawa; Connie Phillipson of Lisle; Ruth Tate of St. Catharines; Enid Bourner and Esther Lucas of Pickering; Carol Brunton, Karen Hamra and Joan Tate of Toronto; Nan-cy Johnston of Thornhill; C.K. Liu of Unionville; James Gillies of Bond Head; Dawn Oosterhoff of Toronto; Ruth Binks of Huntsville; Lynne van der Hiel of Mc-Kellar; Beatrice Orchard of Kitchener; Patricia Walker of Toronto; Crystal Joy Yoanidis of Clarendon Station. British Columbia: The Rev. Chris Parsons, Sue Pat-terson and Sylvia Sinclair of Victoria; Betty Rutherford of Kelowna.Special Anniversaries in 2008:25 years: Rt. Rev. Dennis Drainville, Hilda Slade, Barbara Dyson, Joan Taylor, Shirley Park, Diana Coultish, Rev. Raymond Porth, Mary Hazell, Rev. Philip Rowswell, Rev. Venice Guntley McKenzie, Doreen Church, Deirdre Laidlaw, Patricia Bloomfield, Heather Luccock, Anne MacKenzie30 years: Linda Beadle, Rev. Dawn Gilby, Jane Cameron, Ruby West, Lloy McFadden, Rev. Carleton Hayden, Shirley Tapley, Anne Pulfrey, Rev. Dale Huston, Alice Miller, Mavis Teasdale35 years: Irene Rainsford, Linda Osmond, Annette Simmons, Rosa Gabay, Christine Watt, Anne Tanner, Rev. Richard Anions & Winifred Anions, Rev. Thomas Little, Patricia Goodman40 years: Sallyanne Etherington45 years: Joan Lamb, Marion Stalter, Elspeth Newton, Rev. Kenneth Jaggs, Barbara Hicks, Karol Hill, Jean Cook, Lillian Looker, Phyllis Anderson, Rev. Canon Bernard P. Barrett, Mary Walker50 years: Rev. Dr. Donald Anderson, Rev. William Linley, Rev. Canon Cameron Cairns, Rev. Elsie Stephenson, Rev. William Goddard, Rt. Rev. Barry Fraser55 years: Margaret Reid, Mary Scovil, Rev. Arnold Ruskell, Rev. Sidney Horne, Nora Partridge, Rev. Reginald Alcock, Bernice Pilling60 years: Muriel Newton-White, Rev. Douglas Candy, Margaret Wackett61 years: Ada Potter62 years: Joan Trowles, Dorothea Howell63 years: Muriel Browne, Rev. Russell Elliott, Muriel Longstaff

Special Anniversaries continued: 64 years: Archdeacon William Wright65 years: Rt. Rev. David Somerville67 years: Pamela Christie70 years: Olwyn Crozier-Smith71 years: Constance Hague

Deaths since August 1, 2007:Aug 16 Jean Spencer, London, ON (Nov 30/85)Sep 6 Margaret Beach, Halifax, NS (June 12/69)Oct 18 Doreen Gurney, Nepean, ON (Feb 2 /63)Oct 22 Rev. Canon John Paterson-Smyth, Toronto, ON (Mar. 23, 1960); Ilene Odell, Costa Mesa, CA (Feb 25/67)Oct 28 Audrey Gorton, Elliott Lake (Sept 12 /99)Nov 7 Pauline MacDonald, Mid. Sackville, NS (Feb. 2/72)Dec 2 Nancy de Candole, Qualicum Beach, BC (Mar 7/59)Jan 7 Rita Franklin, Pointe Claire, QC (Aug 12/61)Jan 20 Ruth Hawkins, Thunder Bay (May 13/78)Jan 23 Ralph O’Brien, Leamington, ON (Sept 8/86)Feb 7 Mary Smith, Hamilton, ON (May 25/63)Mar 9 Sanchia Seward, SaltSpring, BC (Sept 20/78)Apr 15 Jean Willan, Sydney, BC (Mar 30/98)May 24 Rev. John Pilling, Calgary, AB (Feb 5/70)May 30 Agnes McComb, Kamloops, BC (Jan 15/72)Jun 1 Susan LeSauvage, Digby, NS (May 9/85)Jun 19 Rev. Kathy Hoodikoff, Victoria, BC (Dec 14/03)Jun 25 Shirley Langford, Thedford, ON (Jan 9/83)Jul 7 Margaret Low, Brockville, ON (Sep 14/67)Aug 27 Edith Page, Orillia, ON (Sep 8/96)

Admission of Associates on January 5, 2008 - L to R: C.K. Liu, Enid Bourner, Esther Lucas, Joan Tate, Carol Brunton, Karen Hamra and Nancy Johnston.

Page 19: The Eagle - Michaelmas 2008

The Sisters of St. John the Divine, August 29, 2008

Back Row: Srs. Patricia Marion (Novice), Wilma, Elizabeth Ann (Reverend Mother), Amy (First Professed), Jocelyn (St. John’s House, BC), Constance Joanna and Sarah Jean.Second Row: Srs. Louise (St. John’s House, BC), Peta-Ann, Merle, Margaret Mary, Joyce, Dorothy, Margaret Ruth, Doreen (Head of House —St. John’s House, BC ), Jessica (St. John’s House, BC), Beryl, Helen Claire, Patricia, Jean, Elizabeth, Anne, Brenda and Sue.Front Row: Srs. Thelma-Anne, Anitra, Helena, Constance, Philippa (who died September 1st) and Madeleine Mary

! e First Sunday Concert of our New Season:

! e ! ree Cantors in Concert with Angus Sinclair

Sunday October 26, 2008 7:00 p.m. Refreshments; 7:30 p.m. Concert

at St. John’s Convent, Toronto

Tickets $20. Reservations encouraged. Call 416-226-2201 ext 305

or e-mail the [email protected]

Back Page: In this special issue of the Eagle we are featuring some of the needle work done by our Sisters. Here are four examples of our Sisters’ work: Top Left: the orphrey from our Lenten chasuble by Sr. Joanna; Top Right: St. Michael, possibly the work of Mother Hannah, from the hood of a cope; Bottom Left: the Resurrection Lamb by Sr. Joanna; Bottom Right: a pattern of lilies on a bourse.

Photo by Michael Hudson

Page 20: The Eagle - Michaelmas 2008

The Houses of the

St. John’s Convent, 233 Cummer Avenue, Toronto, ON M2M 2E8(416) 226-2201 | Fax: (416) 226-2131 | E-mail: [email protected]

St. John’s House, B.C., 3937 St. Peters Road, Victoria, BC V8P 2J9(250) 920-7787 | Fax: (250) 920-7709 | E-mail: [email protected]