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The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68

Apr 12, 2018



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  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68



    Oy Fyaa Ln`geua`s, Ihv`s Bhl`f`thter`a Deatlfh`r, Acw Jcrscy

    Y.we ychrs hge, Wcaiy I` Ocffhleathltci dc hbtcr scc`ag tnc f`steb tnc tn`rty-scvca lnhrhltcr`st`ls ebiysfcx`h ht tnc Ihv`s wco s`tc. \nc whsschrln`ag ber h why te ncfp Hvh, ncr 8?ychr-efi ihugntcr. Hvh whs acvcr berdhffyi`hgaesci w`tn iysfcx`h er hay fchra`ag

    i`sho`f`ty. \nc nhi hfwhys struggfci `aslneef te h lcrth`a cxtcat nhi tuter`ag

    euts`ic eb slneef hai cxtrh ncfp `a slneef,out Hvh wermci nhri hai whs acvcrocn`ai caeugn te oc tcstci. @ tn`am `ts`dperthat ber pcepfc temaew tnht dhay ln`fircaie aet hppchr te ococn`ai caeugn, erohi caeugn a slneefte rclc`vc tnc prepcr`atcrvcat`ea. [hrcats hai

    tchlncrs acci te maewtnc s`gas hai sydptedseb iysfcx`h, se `t `s lfchrtnht h ln`fi dhy hppchr te oc or`gnt,`atcff`gcat, hai hrt`lufhtc, out lha hfseoc iysfcx`l hai struggf`ag w`tn fchra`ag.Hvh whs ge`ag te sthrt scvcatn grhic `atnc bhff eb ?;8?, hai ncr detncr whatcincr te oc h derc `aicpcaicat fchracr. \uspclt`ag ncr ihugntcr d`gnt ociysfcx`l, Wcaiy leathltci dc. Wci`slussci tnc sydpteds snc nhi `icat`ci.Hvh leabusci tnc f`ttfc weris hai geti`strhltci hai fest wnca ie`ag werm ea

    ncr ewa. \nc nhi h nhri t`dc putt`ag

    ncr tneugnts ate weris. \nc whs thm`ag\pha`sn hai whs ai`ag t vcry i`bluft

    Hvh nhi hfse hfwhys ledpfh`aci eb seuaoc`ag tee i`strhlt`ag: tnc lr`amf`ag ebphpcr er tnc ae`scs etncr m`is dhic hbtca`sn`ag h tcst snc whs st`ff werm`ag ea.\nc wermci vcry nhri, out ncr grhics w`aleas`stcat, `a phrt oclhusc Hvh i`iat wcff, cvca tneugn snc hfwhys sccdci te

    maew tnc dhtcr`hf.Eur `a`t`hf leasuftht`eleardci evcr ?;sydpteds eb iysfcx`hHvh `s h or`gnt, lrcht`v8?-ychr-efi w`tn hsphrmf`ag sd`fc. Out ht

    tnc t`dc eb ncr Ihv`sHsscssdcat, slneef i`idhmc ncr sd`fc er bccf

    geei hoeut ncrscfb. Hvh sh`i snc nhi terchi hai rc-rchi te gct dcha`ag hai ebtrchi tnc weris wreag. \nc nhs grcht `ichai h bhathst`l dhg`aht`ea ber ster`cs,out struggfci te ai tnc r`gnt weris tecxprcss tncd hai wr`tc tncd iewa.

    Hvh hai ncr phrcats wcrc vcry chgcrte sthrt tnc Ihv`s [regrhd. Wc nhi hsullcssbuf wccm tegctncr ai`ag tr`ggcrshai dhstcr`ag weris. @a hii`t`ea tefchra`ag acw teefs te sthy belusci hai

    @\\SC 8 ?;83 REF 2IHR@\ IP\FC^@H H\\EL@HY@EA @AYC_AHY@EAHF


    Ihv`s Cxpcr`calc ber Detncr & Ihugntcr ....8, Iysfcx`h Ync G`bt Ofeg Nest`ag Ync Leiphst.........0Icphrtdcat eb \t`ff-Bualt`eahf Hat`qu`t`cs ...........88

    Oeem _cv`cws ........................................................8?-8.;; te IIH@.\SOD@\\@EA\ & FCYYC_\:Wc wcfledc fcttcrs, leddcats hai hrt`lfcs. Dh`f te IIH@ ht tnc hoevc hiircss.R@H BH^:+8 (23;) 20?-7;73 R@H C-DH@F:ci`terKiysfcx`h.led @AYC_ACY:www.iysfcx`h.led

    Ync ep`a`eas hai v`cws cxprcssci `a hrt`lfcs hai fcttcrs hrc aet aclcsshr`fy tnesc eb IIH@. Ihv`s, Ihv`s Iysfcx`h Lerrclt`ea, Ihv`s \ydoef Dhstcry,Ihv`s Er`catht`ea Leuascf`ag, Ihv`s Hut`sd Hpprehln, \cci eb Gca`us, hai Ihv`s Fchra`ag \trhtcg`cshrc trhicdhrmseb _eahfi I. Ihv`s. Lepyr`gnt ?;83 oy IIH@, uafcss etncrw`sc aetci. Hff r`gnts rcscrvci.

    @a Ync Dh`f

    H vcry nhppy phrcat pestci tn`s leddcathoeut Ihv`s Bhl`f`thter, \hairh Dl[nhff,`a Grhaiv`ffc, D@, Sa`tci \thtcs:

    Ichr \hairh, Dhrlus s cxpcr`cal`ag grcht sullcss`a slneef= hff Hs hai eac H-. Nc `s`a >tn grhic aew hai werms vcry nhri.Ync Ihv`s [regrhd whs h Geiscai wnca

    Dhrlus whs a tn`ri grhic. @ rcdcdocrtnht tnca Dhrlus whs aet hofc te cvcashy tnc hfpnhoct w`tneut dcss`ag up,hai nc leufiat rchi h scatcalc w`tneutcrrer. Hbtcr tnc rst ihy w`tn yeu, Dhrluswhs hofc te rcl`tc tnc hfpnhoct bredocg`aa`ag te cai... hai bred tnc cai tetnc ocg`aa`ag. Yn`s whs qu`tc rcdhrmhofchai nc whs vcry det`vhtci te leat`auc.@ rcdcdocr gctt`ag tchry cyci oclhusc@ macw `a dy nchrt tnht Dhrlus whssdhrt hai Ihv`s whs ncfp`ag uafelm hffeb n`s petcat`hf! Ync o`ggcst tn`ag wc aet`lci r`gnt hwhy

    whs tnc hdhz`ag `dprevcdcat `a rchi`agucaly. [r`er te Ihv`s, Dhrlus weufi stephai sthrt ebtca a h scatcalc, struggf`ag tegct hff tnc weris eut lerrcltfy. _chi`agsccdci se fhoer atcas`vc, aet bua ht hff.Hbtcr ledpfct`ag tnc Ihv`s [regrhd, ncwhs hofc te rchi w`tn duln dprevci chsc.Ync belus nc nhi fchraci whs sedctn`agtnht nhi ha `ddci`htc `dphlt. N`s tchlncricvcfepci h f`ttfc s`gahf te rcd`ai Dhrluste put nhais ea sneuficrs: nc weufi

    j`agfc n`s fhayhri w`tn mcys tnht nuaghreuai n`s aclm. Dhrlus weufi ienhais ea sneuficrs hai gct belusci. @ rcdcdocr new tn`s `dphltci etncrhrchs eb n`s f`bc tee. Eac beetohff ghdc@ leufi tcff tnht Dhrlus whs just aetbelusci, n`s oeiy whs dev`ag hff evcr hsnc steei `a pes`t`ea ea tnc f`ac. @ wcatte tnc s`ic-f`ac, ycffci n`s ahdc, put dynhais ea dy sneuficrs, tnc acxt tn`ag wcmacw Dhrlus nhi shlmci tnc quhrtcrohlm.Ync lehln feemci ht dc, nc leufiat

    ocf`cvc `t. @ just sd`fci hs @ whfmci ohlmte dy scht. Yncsc sm`ffs te scfb-rcgufhtc nhvc ncfpciDhrlus sullcssbuffy ahv`ghtc n`s ciulht`eahai f`bc. Nc fevcs te rchi hai tn`s wccmcainc a`snci h tn`lm 23? phgc aevcf. Hffsuddcr, nc rchi hai rchi hai rchi. @f`tcrhffy nhi te m`lm n`d euts`ic ht fchstnhvc n`d rchi uaicr tnc trcc se tnht ncweufi gct brcsn h`r. @t `s h d`rhlfc, eadhay fcvcfs.

    @ tn`am Ihv`s hpprehlncs rchi`ag ah why tnht iysfcx`ls uaicrsthai, chlnnhv`ag tnc`r ewa ua`quc strcagtns haiwchmacsscs. Hftneugn @ bccf f`mc wc i`iatie hs wcff w`tn beffew-up hs @ weufi nhvcf`mci, Dhrlus aew rchis. Hai nc fevcs`t! Yn`s `s wertn hff tnc deacy tnht wc`avcstci. Nhv`ag h sea tnht bccfs geeihoeut n`dscfb hai n`s hlhicd`l sullcss,wcff, tnht s pr`lcfcss. @ try te ncfp phrcatstnht cxprcss brustrht`ea w`tn tnc`r ln`fisrchi`ag te gct cvhfuhtci, hs t dhy oc

    iysfcx`h. Wc hpprcl`htc hff yeu i`i ber Dhrlus.N`gn slneef `s hreuai tnc leracr, hai nc`s feem`ag berwhri te `t. Hftneugn iysfcx`hacvcr gecs hwhy, nc nhs sedc `avhfuhofcteefs te thmc ea tnc lnhffcagc.

    Peu lha ai eut derc hoeut\hairh Dl[nhffs scrv`lcs ht ncrwco s`tc, Acw Lnhptcr Fchra`ag ht:nttp://www.acwlnhptcrfchra`ag.act

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68



    rchi octtcr, Hvh ahffy uaicrsteei tncrchsea ber ncr phst struggfcs hai bcft dulnderc leaicat hoeut ncr ho`f`t`cs. Ync o`ggcst lnhagcs Wcaiy shw `aHvh hbtcr tnc pregrhd wcrc ncr acwleaicalc, hai ncr ho`f`ty te hivelhtcber ncrscfb. Ncr acw uaicrsthai`ag ebiysfcx`h hai ncr tn`am`ag styfc ghvc Hvhderc leatref evcr ncr fchra`ag, hai tncleaicalc te tcff ncr tchlncrs wnht sncaccici. H bcw deatns hbtcr Hvhs Ihv`s[regrhd, Wcaiy tefi dc tnht ncr ihugntcrnhi thmca h dhtn tcst hai slerci just 3;pcrlcat. \e Hvh tefi ncr dhtn tchlncr tnhtsnc macw tnc dhtcr`hf, out accici derct`dc te ledpfctc tnc tcst. Ncr tchlncr ghvcncr tnht t`dc tnc acxt ihy, hai snc caiciup sler`ag 00 pcrlcat! Aet eafy i`i Hvh gh`a leaicalc haih acw uaicrsthai`ag eb ncrscfb, out tncprelcss eb gctt`ag ncfp ber ncr, hffewci

    Wcaiy te rchf`zc tnht tncsc struggfcs nhid`rrerci ncr ewa lnhffcagcs w`tn fchra`agwnca snc whs h ln`fi.

    Wcaiy `s h yegh tchlncr, f`lcasci rchfcsthtc oremcr, w`bc, detncr hai aewh puof`snci hutner. @a tnc twe ychrstnht nhvc phssci s`alc @ wermci w`tnHvh, Wcaiy wcat tnreugn h pcrseahftrhasberdht`ea eb ncr ewa. _chf`z`agncr ewa phst w`tn iysfcx`h, led`agte rclega`zc `t hs h g`bt, hs wcff hs`ffud`aht`ag etncr rcfcvhat hspclts eb ncrf`bc, Wcaiy wcat tnreugn h nchf`ag prelcsshai ha hwhmca`ag tnht rcvchfci new

    pcrlcpt`ea hai as`gnt pes`t`vcfy lnhagchai f`ocrhtc chln eb us. \nc puof`snci tncsc`as`gnts te snhrc tncd w`tn tnc werfi.Wcaiy cxpfh`as, @ hd leaacltci te h feteb pcepfc tnreugn dy yegh leddua`tyhai tnc r`gnt pcepfc lhdc te dc wnca@ accici tncd. Dy rst cvcrBef`e ebHrt`lufht`eas, Yura Peur F`bc @as`gntEut,whs wr`ttca snertfy hbtcr dy nchf`agprelcss ocgha. @ nhi acvcr tneugnt ebwr`t`ag ocberc, out dy tneugnts lhdc tedc a duft`-i`dcas`eahf p`lturcs. @ bcfthai lealcptuhf`zci uaicrsthai`ag tnco`g p`lturc eb chln tep`l @ wretc hoeut.

    @ nhi te alfuic Iysfcx`h`a dy oeember dy ihugntcr, hai ber tnc leuatfcssaudocr eb pcepfc wne cvcr bcft stup`ioclhusc eb tnc`r struggfcs a slneef. Dyacw uaicrsthai`ag eb iysfcx`h whs phrteb dy hwhmca`ag hai @ maew `t w`ff ocber dhay etncrs hs wcff.

    Wcaiy nhs g`vca us pcrd`ss`ea tepuof`sn ncr hrt`lufht`ea, Iysfcx`h, wn`ln`s hoeut ncr acwfy i`slevcrci v`cw ebiysfcx`h, tnht oetn snc hai ncr ihugntcrrchf`zci hbtcr Hvh ledpfctci ncr Ihv`sIysfcx`h Lerrclt`ea [regrhd.v

    H Grcht Ihv`s Cxpcr`calc bred phgc 8

    Oy Wcaiy I` Ocffh


    Iysfcx`ls nhvc h spcl`hf g`bt:tnc`r d`ais ph`at p`lturcs, tncyrc vcry sw`bt.

    I`blufty a rchi`ag s eafy oclhusc

    weris w`tn ae p`lturcs lrchtc sphlc hai phusc

    tnc rchicr bred uaicrsthai`ag cvcrytn`ag.

    Ync, `ts, hais hai outs ie aet h p`lturc or`ag.

    Yncsc nefcs `a tnc stery fchvc why tee duln reed

    ber d`s`atcrprctht`ea hai ledprcncas`eafcss gfeed.

    \`alc h p`lturc tcffs 8,;;; weris,

    weris w`tn ae p`lturcs lut h stery oy twe tn`ris.

    Ync stery feems h fet f`mc \w`ss lnccsc

    te tnc iysfcx`l rchicr wne `s rchi`ag te pfchsctnc leavcat`eahf systcds put ate pfhlc

    te ua`berdfy tchln tnc nudha rhlc.

    Out aew `ts t`dc ber tnht systcd te maew

    wnht `t accis te ledprcncai te ncfp `tscfb grew.

    @ts aet hoeut rciuaihatfy rchi`ag hai rcpcht`ag=

    `ts uaicrsthai`ag s`gnt weris f`mc tnc shfutht`ea a tnc grcct`ag.

    @ts lrcht`ag h rcfht`easn`p w`tn cvcry fewcr hai uppcr-lhsc fcttcr

    tnht hfeac hffews tnc pcrsea te sthrt rchi`ag octtcr.

    @ts ohfhal`ag er`catht`ea eb tnc iysfcx`l d`ais cyc

    se tnht spcci hai ledprcncas`ea lha pcrdhacatfy hppfy.

    Dest eb hff `ts tchln`ag iysfcx`ls te ph`at h p`lturc ber chln werise cvcry stery `s wnefc hai ledpfctc, hff maewfcigc `s trhasbcrrci.

    @ts `dperthat te maew tnht iysfcx`ls hrc aet eb hvcrhgc `atcff`gcalc=

    tncy hrc why why hoevc= tnc`r d`ai feems ber tnc rcfcvhalc.

    Yncy dust oc tefi tnht new tncy fchra hai scc

    `s h fhaguhgc-ohsci i`blufty, aet h i`sho`f`ty.

    @a trutn, tncyrc n`gnfy hivhalci hai tn`am or`ff`hatfy,

    wn`ln `s eac eb tnc rchseas tnc`r d`ai nefis tnc mcy

    te or`ag`ag eur werfi `asp`rci `avcat`eas, ochuty, hrt, hai bua.

    Hfocrt C`astc`a hai Whft I`sacy usci tnc`r iysfcx`h te gct `t ieac.

    @ nepc @vc ncfpci yeu ph`at h prctty p`lturc `a yeur d`ai

    eb new iysfcx`l pcepfc hrc h g`bt te hff dham`ai.

    ?;89 Wcaiy I` Ocffh

    Fyaa Ln`geua`s nhs occa h Ihv`s Bhl`f`thter `a Deatlfh`r,Acw Jcrscy s`alc ?;;

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68


    9 YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_


    \`fvhah @acs _ess`Oucaes H`rcs +39 (88?) ;29-7?


    F`aih HfcxhaicrLeedcrh, Xuccasfhai+28 (930) 878 ?7;

    Orcaih Oh`riOr`sohac +28 (;7) -?97;

    Dhry Ihv`c\yiacy A\W+28 (;?) 03?8 3

    Hdhaih Iu Ye`tOchudeat N`ffs A\W+28 (9;3) 323 79 790>

    Octs Grcgeryhfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/LehlnGeriea A\W+28 (9) 89;8 ;;

    Ohrohrh Ne`hfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/LehlnDesdha/\yiacy+28 (;?) 002> 8;0) 0308 ?

    C`fcca DlLhrtnyDhafy/\yiacy+28 (;?) 0077 ?;28

    Dhr`haac DuffhffyLrews Acst, \yiacy+28 (;?) 09 >7>>


    Haacttc I`ctr`lnW`ca +9< (;8) >>> 0; ?3

    Jhl`ath BcaacssyW`ca +9< (;8) 779 0> ??

    Dhr`mh MhubdhaaFelnhu +9< (;3379) 992 0>

    @atcraht`eahfIhv`s Iysfcx`hLerrclt`ea


    Ync Ihvs Iysfcx`h Lerrclt`eapregrhd `s hvh`fhofc bred derctnha 93; Bhl`f`thters hreuaitnc werfi. Ber upihtcs, lhff:(>>>) >;3-7?82 Yeff Brcc er(23;) 20?-7898 e r v`s`t

    iysfcx`h.led/prev`icrs.ntdYnc beffew`ag `s h lurrcat f`st eb hffIhv`s Bhl`f`thters, sedc Bhl`f`thtersdhy hfse ebbcr etncr Ihv`s scrv`lcs.

    9 YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_

    Ync Ihv`s Iysfcx`hLerrclt`ea [regrhd

    bcft se r`gnt ber dc,

    tnca hai aew.

    Sp uat`f rclcatfy, ncr nusohai nhi occa tncpcrsea snc nhi rcf`ci ea ber dhay tn`ags sncbeuai te oc lnhffcag`ag. Aew tnht nc whs aefeagcr hf`vc, snc whs bhlci w`tn ahv`ght`ag tncwerfi w`tneut n`s h`i, hai snc whs hfse thm`aglhrc eb ncr 0< ychr-efi detncr`a nesp`thf. \nc hfse nhi h

    oura`ag ics`rc te evcrledcncr ewa rchi`ag lnhffcagcs. Ync pregrhd fhstci eachai h nhfb wccms. Dhrgucr`tcscxpcr`calcs grew`ag up `a hoehri`ag slneef fcbt qu`tc hbcw `dhgcs hai `dprcss`eas ea ncr. \nc nhi occatrhudht`zci oy tnc slneef `a tnc hrchs eb rchi`aghai scfb cstccd. Dhrgucr`tc rcspeaici sw`btfy haicxtrcdcfy pes`t`vcfy te tnc Ihv`s teefs hai ht fhstdhay tn`ags suiicafy oclhdc lfchr te ncr. \ncevcrlhdc dhjer hrchs eb trhudh w`tn tnc fcttcrshai rchi`ag, hai snc whs hsteuaici te i`slevcrsnc whs ge`ag bred rchf`zht`ea te rchf`zht`ea.

    Dhrgucr`tc hfse wermci ea scvcrhf lnhffcag`ag`ssucs, suln hs preaual`ht`ea, spht`hf hwhrcacsswnca r`i`ag ha cslhfhter, ir`v`ag ncr lhr, rchi`agbchrs, i`rclt`eahf leabus`ea `a tnc lhr er wn`fc`a tnc fhoyr`atn-f`mc nhffwhys `a tnc nesp`thfwncrc snc v`s`tci ncr ded, ff`ag eut berds haii`sluss`ag lne`lcs w`tn ielters `a tnc nesp`thf.Hai Dhrgucr`tc evcrlhdc tnc gcacrhf`zci bccf`agtnht tn`ags sccdci eut eb leatref ht t`dcs, tnhttn`ags sccdci te just nhppca rhaiedfy hreuaincr. \nc tefi dc tnht snc aew nhs ae preofcddhm`ag lfchr icl`s`eas wnca i`sluss`ag ncrdetncrs s`tuht`ea w`tn pnys`l`has, hai bccfs vcry

    lfchr hoeut wnht snc whats te nhppca.

    Ht tnc cai eb ncr pregrhd hai hgh`a, eac ychrhbtcr snc ledpfctci ncr pregrhd, Dhrgucr`tc sh`i,Ync Ihv`s Iysfcx`h Lerrclt`ea [regrhd bcft ser`gnt ber dc, tnca hai aew. Lealcra`ag tnc bchrhai trhudh snc bcft hoeut rchi`ag, snc cxlfh`dci,Ynhts geac aew! H tn`ag eb tnc phst! Iur`ag h rclcat pneac leavcrsht`ea Dhrgucr`tc

    tefi dc, Oclhusc @ nhvc ieactnc pregrhd, @ uaicrsthai

    dyscfb hai new @ tn`am. Yn`shrch eb dy f`bc whs h dystcryocberc hai tn`ags sccdcite just rhaiedfy nhppca.Dhrguhr`tc wcat ea te shy,@d aet ht tnc dcrly eb etncrs

    er leabus`ea hay derc. Ync Ihv`s teefs nhvclrchtci h sthtc eb brccied ber dc. Dhrgucr`tc hai ncr suppert pcrsea wcrc hofcte ie tnc beffew-up werm ber qu`tc h feag t`dchbtcr tnc pregrhd. \nc `s st`ff ie`ag cxcrl`scsw`tn ncr sea hai suppert pcrsea. Wnca @ lhffciDhrgucr`tc te hsm pcrd`ss`ea te puof`sn ncr stery,snc rcleuatci h stery hoeut h tr`p snc teem te tnc

    l`ty fhst wccm. @ whs hofc te gct ea tnc cslhfhter ber tnc rstt`dc cvcr hai ge iewa, w`tneut bchr! Ynham yeu _ea Ihv`s!

    \uzhaac Oulnhucr nefis hDhstcr eb Hrts `a Ciulht`ea.\nc nhs occa h Ihv`s Bhl`f`thterachr Dcfoeurac, Hustrhf`hs`alc ?;8

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68



    Yncrc hrc dhay aea-lt`ea

    oeems hvh`fhofc ber tnc pr`dhrygrhics, wr`ttca ht h fcvcf tnc

    ln`firca lha uaicrsthai.



    Gecicfc IcluypcrcEestmhdp (Achr Oruggc)+

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68


    2 YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_

    vLhahih (leat`auci)

    \ncr GecrzcaDhpfc _`igc, OL+8 (2;9) ?0;-3;29>

    \uc NhffWcst Rhaleuvcr+8 (2;9) 0?8-8;>9

    Lncfha NcrdhaseaWh`awr`gnt Hfocrth

    +8 (7>;) ?;0-?3?3Iverhn NebbdhaYereate +8 (982) -2770

    \uc JutseaRhaleuvcr, O.L. +8 (2;9) 7-0>;8

    Dhrlcfh _eir`guczHfhjucfh +3;2 99?->;0;

    Hah Ghor`cfh Rhrghs Derhfcs\ha Jesc Cslhzu+ 3;2 ??>> ;0>;


    Hfcx`s Deuzeur`sF`dhssef


  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68



    Bhdeus Iysfcx`ls _cdcdocr

    Haiy Xu`rmcHaiy Xu`rmc `s h vcry sullcssbuf @r`sn ledci`ha hai hlter, out nc i`iathfwhys bccf hs sullcssbuf hs nc iecs aew. Iur`ag n`s ln`fineei nc struggfciw`tn iysfcx`h. _cfht`vcs nhvc icslr`oci Xu`rmc hs h Icaa`s tnc Dcahlctypceb lnhrhltcr ht slneef: hfwhys `a treuofc. Xu`rmc cst`dhtcs tnht 8>2 aetcswcrc scat oy n`s tchlncrs te n`s phrcats. Newcvcr, nc dhahgci te `atcrlcptcvcry eac. Xu`rmc rclhffs, @i s`ga tncd hff hai scai tncd ohlm. Eb leursctnca tnc tchlncr weufi shy, @i rchffy f`mc te dcct yeur phrcats hai ]@iTwr`tc ohlm tnht wc lhat dcct up ber vhr`eus rchseas. @ whs hofc te pcrbcltdy phrcats wr`t`ag. Xu`rmc fcbt slneef wnca nc whs s`xtcca ychrs efi tewerm `a n`s bhtncrs ous`acss, maewa hs Ir. Xu`rmcys Hrlhic. Nc ocgha `dpcrseaht`ag pcepfc wn`fcnc wermci tncrc. Cvcatuhffy, nc hppchrci ea Ync _cpuo`l eb Ycffy`a h ledciy sm`t nci wr`ttca hoeuttwe lnhrltcrs, eac r`ln, tnc etncr peer, hai oetn eb tncd o`g ir`amcrs. Xu`rm pfhyci oetn lnhrhltcrs`a tnc sm`t, wn`ln whs se sullcssbuf, nc oclhdc h rcgufhr pfhycr. @ts hdhz`ag, Xu`rmc shys, @ gctph`i te ie wnht dhmcs dc nhppy. Dy dud hai dhyoc dy tchlncrs hrc preohofy shy`ag, B`ahffy nc`s dhm`ag h f`v`ag eut eb hff tnht dcss`ag tnht nc usci te ie.

    \`r Jena Peuag Jhlm`c \tcwhrt

    Jhlm`c \tcwhrt s h berdcr Berdufh Eac rhl`ag ir vcr bred \letfhai, wne,wn`fc ledpct`ag `a Berdufh Eac bred 8023 te 807? te80>9. Wnca nc whs grew`ag up, n`s bhd`fy rha n`gnfy sullcssbuf lhr ichfcrsn`ps.Jhlm`c whs h peer stuicat, w`tn uai`hgaesci iysfcx`h. Hs h rcsuft oy hgc s xtccanc qu`t slneef hai ocgha werm`ag `a n`s bhtncrs ghrhgc. Nc nhs sh`i, Wncayeuvc get iysfcx`h hai yeu ai sedctn`ag yeurc geei ht, yeu put derc `ate `t

    tnha hayeac cfsc= yeu lhat tn`am tnc why eb tnc lfcvcr befm, se yeurc hfwhys tn`am`ag eut eb tnc oex._clcatfy \tcwhrt teem tnc t`dc te v`s`t Lnhrtwcff, h slneef spcl`hf`z`ag `a ciulht`ag stuicats w`tniysfcx`h hai etncr fchra`ag lnhffcagcs. B`ai etncr whys eb ie`ag tn`ags, nc tefi tnc stuicats, `t lhaoc h derc sullcssbuf reutc. Cvca `a ous`acss @ nhvc acvcr thmca tnc `atcrsthtc. @ thmc tnc w`ai`ag rurhfrehi `astchi, hai scc eppertua`t`cs etncr pcepfc ieat. Wc nepc tnht tncsc ihys \tcwhrt rchf`zcs ncsneufi `alfuic n`dscfb `a tnc lhtcgery eb lfcvcr befm!

    \hffy GhriacrHoeut 8> `ssucs hge, wc wretc hoeut tn`s bhdeus iysfcx`l hutner. Ncr tchlncrsfhocfci ncr uatchlnhofc, ha ciulht`eahf psylnefeg`st tefi ncr phrcats snc whsweri of`ai. Out wnca snc whs beurtcca, sedctn`ag lf`lmci hai Ghriacrsuiicafy ocgha icveur`ag oeems. Aew, h vcry sullcssbuf Or`t`sn wr`tcr hai`ffustrhter, snc nhs hutnerci tn`rty oeems hai wea vhr`eus hwhris ber ncr werm.@a h rclcat hrt`lfc hoeut ncr `a tnc Or`t`sn acwsphpcr, Ync Guhri`ha,Ghriacrwretc, Ht slneef @ whs tnc euts`icr, tnc eii eac, tnc weri-of`ai ln`fi wnei`iat t `a. @ f`vci `a dy nchi h irchdcr h reuai pcg `a h squhrc nefc wnewhs tefi @ weufi oc fulmy te gct hay quhf`lht`eas, fct hfeac h jeo. Dy ciulht`eawhs h ledciy eb crrers @b `t nhiat occa ber dy `dhg`aht`ea hai dy ho`f`ty te irchd @ weufi

    nhvc preohofy caici up werm`ag `a h supcrdhrmct, wn`ln weufi nhvc occa h i`shstcr, oclhusc@ whs ae octtcr ht dhtns tnha @ whs ht rchi`ag. Ghriacr wcat ea te shy, Iysfcx`h `s aet h i`sho`f`ty `ts h g`bt. @t dchas tnht @, hai dhay etncr iysfcx`l tn`amcrs lha pertrhy tnc werfi tnreugn `dhgcsoclhusc wc tn`am `a `dhgcs. @ lha ou`fi werfis, brcczc tnc brhdc, whfm hreuai hai teuln. @ lha rchipcepfcs bhlcs, irhw`ags, ou`fi`ags, fhaislhpcs hai hff tn`ags `a tnc v`suhf werfi derc qu`lmfy tnhadhay eb dy aea-iysfcx`l br`cais. @ ph`at w`tn weris Aea-iysfcx`l pcepfc ebtca lnhffcagc dyiysfcx`h tncy ieat ocf`cvc @ wr`tc dy oeems, er tncy tn`am @ nhvc h gnest wr`tcr. Dhay iysfcx`lpcepfc hfse feem ht dc w`tn ieuot new ie @ ie `t5 H puof`snci hutner lhat pess`ofy oc scvcrcfyiysfcx`l. Dhay eb tncd nhvc occa dhic te tn`am tncrcs ae pe`at `a try`ag te oc h wr`tcr, cvca `btnhts wnht tncy phss`eahtcfy what te oc. Ync mcy `s aet te f`stca te wnht tncy hrc tefi. @b @ nhi f`stcaci@ weufiat nhvc ocledc h wr`tcr Hbtcr hff, yeu lha spcff cvcry weri `a tnc i`lt`eahry hai maewcvcry grhddht`lhf rufc `a tnc werfi, out tn`s iecs aet dhmc yeu h wr`tcr, aer iecs `t g`vc yeu ha`dhg`aht`ea= ha `dhg`aht`ea `s sedctn`ag qu`tc ua`quc te cvcry `ai`v`iuhf hai `t accis te oc trchsurci.


    Dea`cm Gcvcahfse IF\ DcaterOryrup +93 7373 78;3


    Hah Dhgihfcah Csp`a RhrgHdohte +30< (?) >39 ?>8

    \hat`hge BcrahaiczLudohyh Xu`te+30< (;0) 0292

    Aerh Lr`st`ah Ghrzh Ihz

    Hdohte+30< (? 300>

    Gcrdha`h J`sscfh _hdes _hHdohte +30< () 98> 377


    Efgh MautYhff`aa +9;


    Jenhaah ic OhrdeaHrrhs +> 8003

    \epn`c Ocffhve`r-D`sl`hsl`Ae`schu +> 23 3?

    [htr`lm Leurte`sJuv`gahl +

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68


    > YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_


    Yncrcs`h HifcrOhaacw`tz +90 (;> 8> 8>

    Leracf`h Ghrochfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/LehlnOcrf`a +90 (;838) 39?; >7?>

    Hstr`i Gressc-DalnOuxtcnuic +90 (;9828) 7;? 0; 7;

    Lnr`st`ac Nc`ar`ln_cdsclm +90 (;)7892 ?>9 23 2;

    \eajh Nc`ar`lnhfse \upcrv`ser-\pcl`hf`sthfse IIH-IHLN I`rclterhfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/Lehlnhfse Ihv`s Hut`sd HpprehlnWermsnep [rcscatcrNhdourg +90 (9;) ?3 87 >2 ?3 ? 78

    _`th Jhrrhrhfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/LehlnDalnca +90 (;>0) >?8 ?;

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68




    Sfr`mc vea Mutzfcoca-NhusIc`ssf`agca +90 (;79?;)

    Guira Ocaci`mtsitt`rNhbahrri`+

    sth Efhbsitt`rRepahbjeriur +?> ;?9;

    \drht` Dcnth

    [ewh` Dudoh`+08 (0>0) ?77 ?703

    Mhfp`th [htcf_hjmet, Gujhrht+08 (?>8) ?99 ?;78

    Lhref Haa _eir`gucsDudoh`+08 (??) ?227

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68


    8; YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_


    Fuoh Cf`ohsn_hdht Nhsnhrea+07? (0) 77? 0>>>

    Hagcfh BrcamcfOccr \ncvh+07? (3?) 233 >9>3

    Gefi`c G`fhiMbhr \hoh/Ycf Hv`v+07? (;0) 723 88>3

    R`lter`h Fcracr_hhahah

    +07 (?3?) 297 >77>>


    \tcbha`h OruaeAuere, \hri`a`h+) 02

    Cf`sh Ic Bcf`lc_edh +

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68


    vDcx`le (leat`auci)

    N`fih Bho`efh Ncrrcrh LhatuLuf`hlha, \`ahfeh+3? >8 2277 83 ;8 80

    Cfh`ac F`eas _hd`rczRcrhlruz +3? (??0) 83? 87

    Dhr`h Lr`st`ah Fepcz-Hrh`zhGeazhfcz Dx`le, I.B.+3? (33) 33>0

    Hah Dcaaicz [errcre[ucofh +3? (???) 73; 72 9

    Fulcre [hfhbex ic Dhrt`ahfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/LehlRcrhlruz+3? (??0) 0?9? ;222

    Dhure \hfvhier R`ffhgedczLcfhyh Guhahjuhte+3? (928) 289 0>0?


    Ffeyi Lnr`stepncr Ofhmc_ettcrihd+

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68


    8? YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_

    vActncrfhais (leat`auci)

    Yruiy Jef`agFhrca +

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68




    Ihv`s Iysfcx`h Hssel`ht`ea OeemstercOeems & Yeefs ber Ie`ag `t ea Peur Ewa

    Iysfcx`h Ync G`btYn`s ieludcathry `atreiulcstnc lealcpts hai dctneis aYnc G`bt eb Iysfcx`h.R`cwcrs eb hff hgcs w`ff aitnc `atcrv`cws hai ha`dhtci

    scqucalcs n`gnfy `aberdht`vchai catcrth`a`ag. IRI $.;;(_ua t`dc: 83 d`autcs)

    Ync Ihv`s Iysfcx`h Lerrclt`ea [regrhdYn`s ieludcathry fd prev`ics ha cxlcffcat evcrv`cw eb Bhl`f`thters ht werm w`tn Ihv`s lf`cats,cxpfh`as new iysfcx`ls tn`amhai pcrlc`vc, wnht lhuscs iysfcx`h, hai wnht ellurs iur`ag hai hbtcr h Ihv`s [regrhd. IRI: $>.;;(_ua t`dc: 8> d`autcs)

    Ihv`s Iysfcx`h Lerrclt`ea Er`catht`ea [relciurcs

    Yn`s icth`fci `astrult`eahf IRI prev`ics icdeastrht`eas eb chln eb tnc Ihv`s prelciurcs ber hsscssdcat hai er`catht`eaicslr`oci `a Ync G`bt eb Iysfcx`hhai Ync G`bt eb Fchra`ag. Yncsc dctneis ncfp belus httcat`ea, cf`d`ahtc pcrlcptuhfleabus`ea, `dprevc pnys`lhf leeri`aht`ea, hai leatref cacrgy fcvcfs. IRI: $>3.;;

    Ihv`s \ydoef Dhstcry hai _chi`ag Cxcrl`scsBchturcs ?7 cxhdpfcs eb Bhl`f`thters hai lf`cats us`ag tnc Ihv`s \ydoef Dhstcry M`t hai prhlt`l`ag tnc Ihv`s _chi`agCxcrl`scs. @alfuici hrc dhstcr`ag tnc hfpnhoct, pualtuht`ea dhrms, preaual`ht`ea, hai weris= hai rchi`ag cxcrl`scste ou`fi v`suhf trhlm`ag hai wnefc weri rclega`t`ea sm`ffs, hai te `dprevc rchi`ag ucaly hai ledprcncas`ea.(Yn`s IRI `s `alfuici w`tn Ihv`s \ydoef Dhstcry M`t) IRI: $>3.;;

    @ Lha Ie @t Ync Leaicalc te Fchra@ Lha Ie @t Ync Leaicalc te FchraYchlncrs, phrcats, slneef hid`a`strhters, haistuicats spchm hoeut tnc dhay ocacts ebus`ag Ihv`s Fchra`ag \trhtcg`cs ht RhfcCfcdcathry \lneef `a Ercgea.

    IRI $0.;; (ruaa`ag t`dc: 8? d`autcs)

    G`bt eb Iysfcx`h Hui`e LI \ctYn`s 9 LI sct leath`as buff ahrrht`eaeb Ync G`bt eb Iysfcx`h,rchi oy hutner _ea Ihv`s.

    9-LI \ct $?0.03

    Ihv`s Peuag FchracrM`t ber Nedc-Ssc[rev`ics phrcats w`tn tnc`astrult`eas hai dhtcr`hfs accicite prev`ic 3-7 ychr efis w`tncbbclt`vc hai bua fchra`ag

    strhtcg`cs ber `dprev`ag prc-rchi`ag hai fhaguhgc hrts sm`ffs.

    Peuag Fchracr M`t ber

    Nedc-Ssc $8?0.03

    Ync G`bt eb Iysfcx`h:Wny \edc eb tnc \dhrtcst[cepfc Lhat _chi hai NewYncy Lha Fchra(_cv`sci hai Spihtci ?;8; ci`t`ea)Bchturcs h acw Bercweri oy Ir. F`aih

    \`fvcrdha hai twe acw lnhptcrs eaIhv`s dctneis berlerrclt`ag Iysfcx`h.$83.03 \ebtlevcr

    Ihv`s Er`catht`ea hai \ydoef

    Dhstcry Nedc M`tIhv`sIysfcx`h Lerrclt`ea `s h ledprcncas`vchpprehln te iysfcx`h, wn`ln s`dufthaceusfyprev`ics teefs ber httcat`ea belus, rcsefv`agpcrlcptuhf leabus`ea, hai ou`fi`ag rchi`agsm`ffs. Ynht Ihv`s Er`catht`ea teefs g`vcstuicats tnc ho`f`ty te susth`a httcat`ea ah rcfhxci hai ahturhf why. Ihv`s \ydoefDhstcry `s h v`suhf-spht`hf fchra`ag prelcsstnht `dprevcs hayeac's ohs`l f`tcrhly sm`ffs.Ync Ihv`s hpprehln `s bua hai caghg`ag,cvca ber yeuag ln`firca.

    Icfuxc M`t $?90.03

    Chln m`t ledcs w`tn h sturiy ayfea sneuficr ohghai `alfuics: _ea Ihv`s' oeem, Ync G`bt eb Iysfcx`h Ihv`s Iysfcx`h Lerrclt`ea Er`catht`ea [relciurcs IRI Ihv`s \ydoef Dhstcry Dhauhf hai Lnclmf`st Ihv`s \ydoef Dhstcry & _chi`ag Cxcrl`scs IRI _cushofc Deicf`ag Lfhy (? fos.) Ln`firca's I`lt`eahry - (Nhrilevcr) Lnclm`ag Peur Grhddhr (\ebtlevcr Oeem) Fhd`ahtci Hfpnhoct \tr`p \tep \`gas ber _chi`ag Lnhrt [ualtuht`ea Dhrms hai \tyfcs Oeemfct Fcttcr _clega`t`ea Lhris [reaual`ht`ea Mcy Lhris \ct eb ? Meesn Ohffs


    Hfrchiy nhvc h lepy eb tncYnc G`bt eb Iysfcx`h5 @b yeu hfrchiynhvc tnc ?;8; ci`t`ea eb tnc oeem(ofuc levcr), yeu lha lneesc tesuost`tutc haetncr oeem!

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68



    Ync G`bt eb Fchra`agoy _eahfi I. Ihv`s,Cfiea D. OrhuaCxphais tnc Ihv`s Dctneisw`tn tncer`cs hai lerrclt`eaprelciurcs tnht hiircsstnc tnrcc ohs`l hrchs eb

    fchra`ag i`sho`f`ty etncr tnharchi`ag, wn`ln ln`firca haihiufts cxpcr`calc.\ebtlevcr $8

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68


    HSY@\D OEEM\

    Yca Yn`ags Cvcry Ln`fi W`tnHut`sd W`sncs Peu Macwoy Cffca AetoendH dust nhvc ber phrcats te rchihai snhrc. [rev`ics tnc as`gnt accici

    te octtcr uaicrsthai, fevc hai suppertha hut`st`l bhd`fy dcdocr.\ebtlevcr $80.03

    Oera ea h Ofuc Ihyoy Iha`cf YhddctB`rst-pcrsea hlleuateb f`v`ag w`tn syacstncs hhai shvhat`sd, h rhrcberd eb Hspcrgcrssyairedc.\ebtlevcr $0.>; $89.;;

    Saicrsthai`agLeatrevcrs`hf Yncrhp`csBer Ln`firca w`tnHut`sd, HII hai EtncrFchra`ag I`sho`f`t`csoy F`sh MurtzH ledprcncas`vc gu`ic te

    just hoeut cvcry euts`ic-

    tnc-oex tncrhpy yeu d`gntrua hlress, hai tnca sedc.Ha hosefutcfy csscat`hfrcbcrcalc ber hayeacwne whats te maew haicxpferc hvh`fhofc ept`eas.\ebtlevcr: $87.03 $80.03

    Ync Cvcrytn`ag [hrcatsGu`ic te Ln`firca w`tnHut`sd: Maew Wnht teCxpclt, B`ai tnc NcfpPeu Acci, hai GctYnreugn tnc Ihyoy Hicffc Jhdcsea Y`fteaBred ai`ag suppert greupste pfhaa`ag ber tnc`r ln`fi's

    buturc, tn`s oeem prev`icsphrcats w`tn hff tnc`aberdht`ea tncy acci tecasurc tnht tnc`r ln`fis haitnc`r bhd`f`cs accis hrc dct.\ebtlevcr: $8

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68


    E _ I C _ B E _ D

    \HRC 8;% EA

    YN@\ E_IC_!Ocledc h IIH@ Dcdocr hai rclc`vc h 8;%

    i`sleuat ea hff IIH@ Oeemsterc ericrs hai

    h B_CC suoslr`pt`ea te Ync Iysfcx`l _chicr.

    Peur dcdocrsn`p suppertseur cbberts werfiw`ic!

    New Ye Ericr



    82;8 Efi Ohysnerc Nwy. #?2;

    Ourf`aghdc, LH 09;8;




    Yeff brcc 8->>>-000-.03

    Ihv`s Er`catht`ea hai \ydoef Dhstcry Nedc M`t...... $?90.03


    Hut`sd hai tnc \ccis eb Lnhagc ................................ $87.03

    Ohrreas Dhtn I`lt`eahry ............................................ $89.00

    Oera ea h Ofuc Ihy .........................................$0.>; $89.;;

    Lnhrf`cs Lnhffcagc ......................................$8.00

    Ln`fircas I`lt`eahry ................................................... $??.03

    Cvcrytn`ag [hrcats Gu`ic Ye Hut`sd.............$8

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68



    vActncrfhais (leat`auci

    D`cmc RcrnhffcaD`crfe +

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68


    89 YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_

    vAcw Zchfhai (leat`auci)

    Jelhsth Ef`vcr[hrhphrhudu Ochln+29 (9) 0;9 982?

    Wcaiy [crseaNhst`ags+29 (;2) >7; 9?9 82?2

    Hf`sea \ydcIhrcfi

    +29 (;9>;Ferah Y`ddshfse Ihv`s Wermsnep [rcscatcrhfse \upcrv`ser-\pcl`hf`sthfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/Lehln,Yrh`a`ag \upcrv`ser &Wermsnep [rcscatcrLnr`stlnurln+29 (;-??;>


    Dhr`h Efh`sca

    Fevuai+97 (0) ;?7 2?38

    _hgan`fi \fcttcvefihfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/Lehln\mjhcrnhfica+97 98< 8? 3;0

    Nc`ih Mhrca R`ihrsiett`rhfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/LehlnFevuai+97 93; >? 337


    Hga`cszmh uomewsmhWhrshw+9> (92) >33 77 ;?


    \eh Rhsshfe \hatesF`soeh+2

    Fuoh A`hzevDeslew+07? 39 972 2?;< (@srhcf)

    Ahicznih [epevhDeslew+7 (903) 2>< ?

    Mhf`ah [etyhmDeslew+ 07? (3?) ?37 ?7>>>2


    Jcfcah _hieshvfjcv`lMrhfjcve+8 (;2 70?

    89 YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_

    _clcat_cleddcaiht`easbred Ync

    Fhzy _chicrOeem LfuoOy Ihaay Orhsscff hai Fhurh Z`am ic I`hz

    Cvcry deatn ht Ihaay Orhsscffs wco s`tc,Ync Fhzy _chicrs Oeem Lfuo, yeuff aih f`st eb oeems nc rcleddcais ber rcfulthatrchicrs er ber tnesc wne just ieat nhvc t`dcber duln rchi`ag. (Nc maews wcrc aet fhzy,

    just ousy er `a acci eb caleurhgcdcat!) Ihaays rcleddcaiht`eas hrc hfwhys

    ergha`zci `ate lhtcger`cs: HI, ber hiufts=PH, ber yeuag hiufts= LN, ber ln`fircasoeems. Nc hfwhys f`sts h phgc leuat haisedc or`cb leddcats, hs ocfew. Ihaayusuhffy pests hoeut 8; rcleddcaiht`eas

    pcr deatn, tnrcc er beur pcr lhtcgery.Ncrcs h shdpf`ag eb Ihaays dest rclcatrcleddcaiht`eas `a hff tnrcc lhtcger`cs. Peu lha rchi derc rcleddcaiht`eas httnc wco s`tc, www.fhzyrchicrs.led. Yncrcyeuff aet eafy ai Ihaays lurrcat p`lms,out tnc hrln`vcs eb phst scfclt`eas oy deatn,rchi`ag fcvcf, hai phgc leuat caeugnrcleddcaiht`easber h f`bct`dc eb rchi`ag!

    Peu lha hfse s`ga up ber deatnfy oeemhfcrts, wn`fc yeurc orews`ag.

    @b yeu purlnhsc oeems ht Hdhzea.ledtnreugn f`ams ht tnc Fhzy _chicrs wcos`tc, Oeemcais (www. oeemcais.erg) w`ffrclc`vc h ieaht`ea. (Oeemcais `s h aeapretergha`zht`ea icvetci te `alrchs`ag ln`fircashllcss te oeems, hs wcff hs leddua`tyscrv`lc hwhrcacss.)

    Ync Ieg: H AevcfOy Jescpn EAc`ffHiuft?32 phgcs[uof`sncr: [hatncea@\OA-8;: ;

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68




    \`fv`h Oeu Pss\hohicff Ohrlcfeah+< ?7??

    Jha R`fjecaAcfspru`t

    + ?7 (>

    _cahth OfudA`cicrgesgca+98 (;70) 3;8 3? 78

    \us` Bhssfcr\t. Ghffca +98 (;78) ?99 37

    Srsufh B`slnohlncrErpuai +98 (;

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68


    82 YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_

    v\w`tzcrfhai (leat`auci)

    Jui`tn Zhphth [rhagcOhscf+98 (;28) 7?8 73;8

    Lfhui`h Z`cgfcr-BcssfcrNhd`mea (Achr Zur`ln)+98 (;98) 087 87


    Sa`tci M`agiedJey Hffha-OhmcrFeaiea+99 (;737) >?8 >030

    A`lmy Ocaactt-OhggsF`ttfc Ghiicsica, Ncrts+99 (;899?) ?3? 387

    Hdhaih OcrgstredDhalncstcr+99 (828) ?32 < ;>>

    \usha Iugu`iFeaiea

    +99 (;839) >3< 8?29Iysfcx`h Lerrclt`ea LcatrcGcerg`ah Iuafephfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/Lehlnhfse Hut`sd Yrh`a`ag \upcrv`serJhac C.D. Ncyweeihfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/Lehln Yrh`a`ag \upcrv`serhfse IF\ Dcater & [rcscatcrHslet, Ocrmsn`rc+99 (;8077 2200

    Dhurcca Bfer`ieNhrfcstea, Aerbefm+99 (;83< >8;

    Lhref BerstcrGfeulcstcr

    +99 (893?) ) ?38 70?;

    Dhr`fya Fhac_c`ghtc \urrcy+99 ;7>00; ?39;8

    \tuhrt [hrseasFewtea/Whrr`agtea, Lncsn`rc+99 (;7739) 3938 9;?3

    82 YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_

    Leddcathry oy Fhurh Z`am ic I`hz

    Lr`t`l`sd eb tnc LL\\ `a

    Berocs Dhghz`ac Berocs nhs puof`snci ha ea-f`ac hrt`lfc lr`t`lhfeb hspclts eb tnc Leddea Lerc \thtc \thaihris.\`alc Feu`s LM `s tnc rst pcrsea tncy quetc `atnc`r hrt`lfc, pcrnhps tnhts wnhts accici: derclcfcor`t`cs twcct`ag, hs LM i`i: Dy m`is uscite fevc dhtn. Aew `t dhmcs tncd lry. Ynhamssthaihri`zci tcst`ag hai leddea lerc! hai@ts tn`s dhss`vc strcssohff tnht nhags evcr tncwnefc slneef. Ync m`is tchlncrs try`ag te hihptte tncsc ohify wr`ttca aet`eas. Hftneugn Berocs iecs h`r h o`t eb pusn ohlmhgh`ast tnc lr`t`l`sd oy h gcatfcdha wne lfh`dcitnht `ts bua ber uppcr-d`iifc-lfhss phrcats

    wnesc ledpfh`ats hrc fhrgcfy `icefeg`lhf, aetpcihgeg`lhf te gct hagry wnca tncy nhvc aetn`agte fesc. Out tnc dhghz`ac iecs ge ea te quetc ln`fiicvcfepdcat cxpcrts hai ln`fineei ciulhterswnesc ledpfh`ats hrc phrtfy pcihgeg`lhf haiphrtfy ohsci ea ln`fi psylnefegy. Hlleri`ag tetncd h peerfy lealc`vci sct eb sthaihris nhstnc petcat`hf te oc, ht ocst, bru`tfcss hai, ht werst,ictr`dcathf te tnc yeuagcst m`is wne hrc ea tncbreatf`ac eb tnc Leddea Lerc.

    Hai Berocs quetcs Ciwhri D`ffcr hai AhalyLhrfssea-[h`gc, wne wretc ha csshy hoeuttncsc `ssucs ber Ync Whsn`agtea [est:YncM-< sthaihris w`ff fchi te feag neurs eb i`rclt

    `astrult`ea `a f`tcrhly hai dhtn. Yn`s m`ai eb ir`ffhai gr`ff tchln`ag nhs hfrchiy pusnci hlt`vc, pfhy-ohsci fchra`ag eut eb dhay m`aicrghrtcas Yncrc`s f`ttfc cv`icalc tnht sthaihris ber yeuag ln`fircafchi te fhtcr sullcss. Ync rcschrln `s `alealfus`vc=dhay leuatr`cs w`tn tep-pcrberd`ag n`gn-slneefstuicats prev`ic r`ln, pfhy-ohsci, aeahlhicd`lcxpcr`calcs aet sthaihri`zci `astrult`ea uat`fhgc s`x er scvca.

    Muies te Berocs ber ht fchst i`fut`ag tnclerperhtc rcberd Meefh`i tnht nhs pusnci berh derc seeacr strhtcgy `a slneefs. Ync rchfslneef sthrt`ag hgc `s 7, hlleri`ag te Hfv`a_escabcfi, DI hai hutner eb Nypcr-[hrcat`ag

    hai Ync Evcr-\lnciufci Ln`fi.@t dhy oc > er 2,

    icpcai`ag ea tnc ln`fi. Yn`s `s hff ohsci ea wnhtwc maew hoeut ln`fi icvcfepdcat, sthrt`ag bred[`hgct. Peur orh`a `sat subl`catfy w`rci te ie `tocberc tnca. Hai yeu hfse nhvc te mccp `a d`ai,hff m`is hrc i`bbcrcat, hai `ts vcry nhri te prci`ltwnht w`ff nhppca w`tn hgc. \edc m`is wne wcrc

    rchi`ag Nhrry [ettcr ht 9 cai up hs lhrccr ohr`sths.Etncrs lhat rchi t`f tncyrc duln eficr, hai tncytura eut te oc n`gnfy sullcssbuf hs hiufts.

    Wnht h orchtn eb brcsn h`r! Berocs hrt`lfc `s eatnc feag s`ic out `ts h vcry `aberdht`vc rchi. Peulha ai tnc cat`rc hrt`lfc ht: nttp://www.berocs.led/s`tcs/hf`lcgwhftea/?;89/8;/?

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68



    vSa`tci M`agied (leat`

    @ha _`lnhriseaFeagnepc Gfeulcstcrsn`rc+99 (;893?) >;;; ?7?237

    Lhref`ac \d`tnDeggcrnhagcr Ociberisn+99 (;8727) 29; 90?) 22879 YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_

    vLhf`bera`h (leat`auci)

    Ihv`i Lhrfes _esca\ha _hbhcf+8 (983) 970-87;;

    D`mh \choreem\hath Dea`lh+8 (-2>;>


    Mcffy LhrhdhaeBert Leff`as+8 (3

    Haa`c Ghrl`hWncht _`igc/Icavcr+8 (83;) ?8>-3032

    _`th Rea OeaAhvhrrc +8 (>3;) 02-?7?;

    \lett Y`ddWeeistelm/Htfhath+8 (>22) ?33-0;?> (Yeff-Brcc)


    R`lm`c Mezum`-Hn Peuhfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/LehlnCwh Ochln/Neaefufu+8 (>;>) 2>3-88??


    Mcffcy [n`ppsBru`tfhai + 8 (?;>) 090-7320

    Lhrdh \utncrfhai_cxourg +8 (?;>) ;


    Mr`st` Orewa

    Fegha+8 (780) 3?0-3?72

    8> YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_

    @a Ync Acws leat`auci bred phgc 87

    ac`gnoerneei, ledpfctcfy uasupcrv`sci oy hayhiuft. Yeihy, m`is hrc careffci `a `ai`v`iuhf ertchd sperts uaicr tnc tutcfhgc eb hiufts, out dhayrhrcfy nhvc eppertua`t`cs ber uasupcrv`sci pfhy`a tnc`r ac`gnoerneeis. @a phrt, pcepfc teihy bchrtnht sedctn`ag ohi w`ff nhppca te tnc`r ln`firca`b tncy whaicr hwhy bred tnc`r ewa yhri= `a phrt,

    tnc slneef ihy `s feagcr hai tncrcs s`ga`lhatfyderc nedcwerm. Hs Ir. Grhy pe`ats eut,

    Evcr tnc fhst 3; te 2; ychrs, wcvc occa grhiuhffythm`ag ]tncT g`bt ]eb pfhyT hwhy. Evcr tn`s pcr`ei ebt`dc, tncrcs occa h leat`aueus cres`ea a ln`fircasbrccied hai eppertua`ty te pfhy, te rchffy pfhy, tepfhy brccfy. Yn`s nhs occa ieludcatci `a vhr`euswhys oy n`ster`has hai sel`hf sl`cat`sts, hai @defi caeugn tnht @vc scca `t `a tnc leursc eb dyf`bct`dc.

    Wn`fc rclega`z`ag tnht tncrc hrc dhay bhlterstnht leatr`outc te tn`s, Ir. Grhy bccfs tnht h o`g

    bhlter `s tnc grewtn eb hslneef-`sn v`cw eb ln`fi icvcfepdcat tnc v`cwtnht ln`firca fchra cvcrytn`ag ocst bred hiufts= tnhtln`fircas ewa, scfb-i`rcltci hlt`v`t`cs w`tn etncrln`firca hrc h whstc eb t`dc. Wc ieat ebtca shy`t tnht why, out tnhts tnc dpf`l`t uaicrsthai`agtnht uaicrf`cs se duln eb eur pef`ly w`tn rcghri teln`firca, se ln`fineei nhs turaci bred h t`dc ebbrccied te h t`dc eb rcsudc-ou`fi`ag.

    F`mcw`sc, Ir. Grhy nhs scca h leat`aueusiclf`ac `a rcsufts ea tnc @atcrahf-Cxtcrahf Feluseb Leatref \lhfc g`vca te hiufts hai ln`firca s`alctnc 802;s, `a tnc scasc ea tnc phrt eb ln`firca

    hai yeuag hiufts tnht tncy nhvc leatref evcrtnc`r ewa f`vcs. Yncy nhvc derc hai derc eb hscasc tnht tnc`r f`vcs hrc leatreffci oy bhtc, oyl`rludsthalc, oy etncr pcepfcs icl`s`eas.Yn`s `s vcry ohi acws. Ir. Grhy leat`aucs,

    tn`s `s s`ga`lhat `a tcrds eb tnc rcfht`easn`poctwcca hax`cty hai icprcss`ea, oclhusc eactn`ag lf`a`lhf psylnefeg`sts maew vcry wcff `stnht aet nhv`ag ha `atcrahf scasc eb leatref sctsyeu up ber hax`cty hai icprcss`ea. Derc ohiacws wcvc hfse scca `a bh`rfy rclcat ychrs, iucte qucst`eaah`rcs tnht nhvc occa g`vca eut s`alchoeut 80>;, h r`sc `a ahrl`ss`sd `a yeuag pcepfc

    hai h iclf`ac a cdphtny= hai dest rclcatfy, tncrcnhvc occa rcschrln stui`cs hahfyz`ag rcsufts eb tcstseb lrcht`v`ty evcr tnc ychrs, wn`ln snew tnht tncrcsocca h grhiuhf iclf`ac `a lrcht`vc tn`am`ag hdeagln`firca, slneefln`firca eb hff grhics, s`alc hoeuttnc d`i-80>;s.

    Hftneugn lerrcfht`ea sat tnc shdc hs lhusht`ea,Ir. Grhy ocf`cvcs tnht tncrcs geei rchsea te scc h

    lhushf rcfht`easn`p octwcca tncsc rcsufts hai tnciclf`ac eb pfhy. Nc shys,

    [fhy `s wncrc ln`firca fchra tnht tncyrc `a leatrefeb tnc`r ewa f`bc. @ts rchffy tnc eafy pfhlc tncy hrc`a leatref eb tnc`r ewa f`bc. Wnca wc thmc tnhthwhy, wc ieat g`vc tncd tnc lnhalc te fchra newte leatref tnc`r ewa f`bc. [fhy `s wncrc tncy fchra tesefvc tnc`r ewa preofcds hai fchra, tncrcberc, tnhttnc werfi `s aet se slhry hbtcr hff. [fhy `s wncrc tncycxpcr`calc jey, hai tncy fchra tnc werfi `s aet seicprcss`ag hbtcr hff. [fhy `s wncrc tncy fchra te gcthfeag w`tn pccrs hai scc bred etncrs pe`ats eb v`cwhai prhlt`lc cdphtny hai gct evcr ahrl`ss`sd. [fhy`s, oy ica`t`ea, lrcht`vc hai `aaevht`vc. Eb leursc`b yeu thmc hwhy pfhy, hff tncsc tn`ags hrc ge`agte ge iewa, hai yct tnc nuc hai lry tnht wc nchrcvcrywncrc `s ber derc slneef, aet ber derc pfhy,hai wcvc rchffy get te lnhagc tnht.

    Aet w`sn`ag te cai n`s thfm ea suln h ihrm haetc, Ir. Grhy dhmcs sedc suggcst`eas hs te newwc lha lnhagc i`rclt`ea. Hdeag etncr tn`ags, ncsuggcsts:

    Wc acci te csthof`sn pfhlcs ber ln`firca te pfhy.Yncyvc m`ai eb i`shppchrci. Wcvc cvca thmcahwhy s`icwhfms. Wc acci te ie tn`ags f`mc epca upgydahs`uds, slneef gydahs`uds, hbtcr slneef ber

    brcc pfhy. Wc acci te ie tn`ags f`mc put h supcrv`ser`a tnc phrm, se phrcats w`ff bccf `ts shbc caeugn tefchvc tnc`r m`i tncrc te pfhy h supcrv`ser wnemaews new te mccp tn`ags shbc, out aet `atcrvcacer `atcrbcrc. Wc acci te ie tn`ags f`mc lfesc ebb l`tystrccts iur`ag lcrth`a neurs, se m`is lha ealc hgh`arclfh`d tnc strcct hs h pfhlc te pfhy. Hai wc acci teie tn`ags f`mc icvcfep hivcaturc pfhygreuais, tncm`ai tnht hrc rcfht`vcfy leddea `a Curepc. . . Haipcrnhps dest eb hff, wc acci te oc orhvc caeugn testhai up hgh`ast tnc leat`aueus lfhder ber dercslneef`ag. Eur ln`firca ieat acci derc slneef=tncy acci fcss slneef. Dhyoc tncy acci octtcrslneef, out tncy ieat acci derc slneef.

    Peu lha whtln hai f`stca te tn`s `dprcss`vc thfm ht:nttp://`ice/Ync-Iclf`ac-eb-[fhy-hai-_`sc-ebv

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68




    Mhrca FeG`ui`lchfse Buaihdcathfs Wermsne[rcscatcrhfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/LehlHdcsoury+8 (07>) >>) >0;-3; (Yeff-Brc

    +8 (03?) >?;-9272->087


    Cfs`c Jenaseahfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/LehlDhanhttca+8 (9;2) ?>?-7982


    Cfh`ac YnecaicfLnhdocrs+8 (9;?) 9>?-37;0


    _eo`a DhagudLhf`catc+8 (773) 02?-88;9

    Acw Nhdpsn`rc

    Gfcaah G`vchashfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/LehlFcohaea+ 8 (2;277

    D`lncfc \`cgdhaahfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/LehlDhsea/Dhalncstcr/Oestea+8 (2;;8-8?97

    Acw Jcrscy

    Fyaa Ln`geua`sDeatlfh`r+8 (07

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68


    ?; YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_

    Aertn Lhref`ah

    Gcrr` W. Lexhfse IF\ [rcscatcr-Dcater\nhffettc/W`fd`agtea+8 (08;) 739-0330

    _utn D`ffs[`acv`ffc/Lnhrfettc+8 (7;9) 398-87) 770-7;)

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68


    YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_ ?

    Ycxhs (leat`auci)

    Ieretny Ewca\upcrv`ser/\pcl`hf`sthfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/Lehl@rv`ag+8 (>87) 080-2?;;

    Ocvcrfy [hrr`snFchguc L`ty+8 (?>8) 2-;?07

    Dhgg`c \tccfcGhrfhai+8 (?89) ;9) ?9;-;97;

    Hagcfh Eiedhfse IF\ [rcscatcr-DcaterD`ifetn`ha/_`lndeai+8 (>;9) >3>

    Jhd`c Werfcyhfse Hut`sd Bhl`f`thter/LehlOfhlmourg+8 (39;) 33?-;2;) 387-7>>>) 387-7> (?) 2;;-2

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68


    ?? YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_

    Ohs`l Wermsnep ber

    [r`dhry Ychlncrs

    Ychlncrs, weufi yeu f`mc te @dprevc tnc rchi`ag sm`ffs eb hff tnc ln`firca `a yeur

    lfhss rcghrifcss eb tnc`r fchra`ag styfc5 Dhahgc yeur lfhssreed derc cbbclt`vcfy5 [rcvcat tnc easct eb fchra`ag i`sho`f`t`cs5 Ssc rcschrln-ohsci dctneis tnht hrc cx`ofc hai chs`fy t

    `ate hai canhalc hay cx`st`ag lurr`lufud5 Yn`s twe-ihy wermsnep prev`ics [r`dhry Ychlncrs (M-0 pcr ua`t, pfus $>>) >;3-7?82, hai hsm ber [hufh DlLhrtny.

    @a tnc bercbreat eb wnht @ f`mci dest whs new chs`fy tnc

    Ihv`s strhtcg`cs t `ate dhay hrchs eb M`aicrghrtca lurr`lufud.

    @t rcf`cvci dc eb h phpcr-pcal`f hpprehln hai ghvc dc h

    nhais-ea, m`acstnct`l hpprehln. @t ncfpci icvcfep tnc f`ttfc

    agcr duslfcs te devc ea te leeri`ahtc phpcr-pcal`f hlt`v`t`cs.

    Lrcht`ag tnc hfpnhoct evcr t`dc hfse hlledpf`snci tnc

    icvcfepdcat eb ewacrsn`p, rcspeas`o`f ty, hai h scasc

    h pr`ic `a hff tnc ln`firca. @ ocf`cvc hff M`aicrghrtca

    ln`firca weufi ocact bred Ihv`s Fchra`ag \trhtcg`cs.

    FO, M`aicrghrtca Ychlncr, D`ss`ea \ha Jesc

    Cfcdcathry \lneef, Brcdeat, Lhf`bera`h

    ?;83 IHYC\ & FELHY@EA\

    Juac 82 87 Icavcr, LE +8 (780) 3?0-3?72

    Juac 87 8> _`lndeai, RH +8 (>;9) >3>

    Juac 8> 80 \nhffettc, AL +8 (08;) 739-0330

    Juac 8> 80 Yyfcr, Y^ +8 (0;3

    Ber derc icth`fs hai hii`t`eahf wermsnep ihtcs pfchsc v`s`t


  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68


    YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_ ?

    Ync G`bt eb Iysfcx`hWermsnep_chi tnc oeem5Yhmc tnc acxt stcp `a ncfp`ag etncrslerrclt iysfcx`h. Httcai tn`s wermsnep!

    IHP EACOhlmgreuai hai Icvcfepdcat eb tnc Ihv`s Iysfcx`hLerrclt`ea[relciurcs _cschrln hai i`slevcry. Ync g`bts eb iysfcx`h. Hahtedy

    hai icvcfepdcathf sthgcs eb h fchra`ag i`sho`f`ty. Evcrv`cweb tnc stcps ber iysfcx`h lerrclt`ea.

    Ihv`s [crlcptuhf Ho`f`ty Hsscssdcat (h slrcca`ag beriysfcx`l fchra`ag styfcs) Icdeastrht`ea hai [rhlt`lc \css`ea

    \ydpteds [refc @atcrv`cw(usci te hsscss sydpteds,strcagtns hai wchmacsscs= sct gehfs= csthof`sn det`vht`ea) Icdeastrht`ea hai [rhlt`lc \css`ea

    ?;83 WE_M\NE[ \LNCISFC

    Ber upihtci wermsnep slnciufcs v`s`t: www.iysfcx`h.led/trh`a.ntd

    IHP YN_CCEr`catht`ea _cv`cw [relciurc(h dctnei ber lnclm`ag er`catht`ea sm`ffs) Icdeastrht`ea & [rhlt`lc \css`eaIhv`s \ydoef Dhstcry(tnc mcy te lerrclt`ag iysfcx`h) Wnht `s \ydoef Dhstcry5 Wny lfhy5Dhstcr`ag Ohs`l Fhaguhgc \ydoefs Icdeastrht`eas hai Greup Cxcrl`scs_chi`ag @dprevcdcat Cxcrl`scs

    \pcff-_chi`ag. \wccp-\wccp-\pcff. [`lturc-ht-[ualtuht`ea

    IHP YWEIhv`s Er`catht`ea Leuascf`ag [relciurcs (dctneis te leatref,dea`ter hai tura ebb pcrlcptuhf i`stert`eas) Wnht `s Er`catht`ea5 Icdeastrht`ea & [rhlt`lc \css`ea_cfchsc [relciurc(dctnei te hffcv`htc strcss, nchihlncs)Hf`gadcat(ha hftcraht`vc te Er`catht`ea Leuascf`ag) Wnht `s Hf`gadcat5 New s `t usci5 Greup Icdeastrht`eaI`hf-\ctt`ag [relciurc(h dctnei ber leatreff`ag cacrgy fcvcfs)

    BrhalcDhrln 89 87, ?;83[hr`s[rcscatcr: @ehaa`s Yz`vhahm sFhaguhgc: Cagf`sn/BrcalnYcfcpneac: +? >>

  • 7/21/2019 The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68


    ?9 YNC IP\FC^@L _CHIC_

    Ledc fchra hai cxpcr`calc tnc Ihv`s Iysfcx`hLerrclt`ea prelciurcs rst nhai!Yn`s 9-ihy wermsnep `s ha `atreiult`ea te tnc ohs`l tncer`cs, pr`al`pfcs

    hai hppf`lht`ea eb hff tnc prelciurcs icslr`oci `a Ync G`bt eb Iysfcx`h.Yrh`a`ag `s ieac w`tn h ledo`aht`ea eb fclturcs, icdeastrht`eas, greupprhlt`lc, hai qucst`ea hai haswcr scss`eas. Httcaihalc `s f`d`tci tecasurc tnc n`gncst quhf`ty eb trh`a`ag.

    Wne sneufi httcai: _chi`ag \pcl`hf`sts & Yuters [hrcats & Nedcslneefcrs _cseurlc \pcl`hf`sts Ciulht`eahf Yncrhp`sts Ellupht`eahf Yncrhp`sts \pccln/Fhaguhgc Yncrhp`sts

    [hrt`l`phats w`ff fchra: New tnc Ihv`s prelciurcs wcrc icvcfepci New te hsscss ber tnc g`bt eb iysfcx`h. New te ncfp iysfcx`ls cf`d`ahtc d`sthmcs hai belus httcat`ea. Ync Ihv`s \ydoef Dhstcry teefs ber dhstcr`ag rchi`ag. New te alerperhtc hai usc prevca dctneis ber `dprev`ag

    rchi`ag, spcff`ag, hai deter leeri`aht`ea `ate h tchln`ag,nedc slneef, tuter`ag, er tncrhpcut`l sctt`ag.

    \cc phgc ?< ber derc wermsnep icth`fs hai i`sleuats.

    IIH@-@atf, Lhahih & S\H82;8 Ohysnerc N`gnwhy, \tc ?2;

    Ourf`aghdc, LH 09;8;Ycf: 8 (>>>) >;3-7?82Bhx: 8 (23;) 20?-7;73C-dh`f: iih`Kiysfcx`h.led

    IIH-Fht`a Hdcr`lhLhfzhih icf Rhffc #9;; Felhf >

    Lefea`h icf RhffcGhrzh Ghrlh, DeatcrrcyAucve FcaDx`le, L[ 22??;Ycf: 3? (>8) >Cdh`f: phl`lKiysfcx h.led

    Ber h icth`fci orelnurc ea careffdcat, pr`lcs, greup rhtcs, i`sleuats, felht`ea, hai burtncr `aberdht`ea, leathlt tnc IIH `a yeur leuatry.


    S\H Wermsnep @aberdht`eaXucst`eas5Yeff Brcc: 8 (>>>) >;3-7?828 (23;) 20?-7898cdh`f: haswcrsKihv`strh`a`ag.erg

    YNCIys fcx `l _chicr82;8 Efi Ohysnerc N`gnwhy, \u`tc ?2;

    Ourf`aghdc, LH 09;8;



    S.\. [E\YHGC


    [C_D@Y AE.89

    S\H Wermsnep Bccs $8873 pcr pcrsea Hlhicd`l ua`ts hai LCSs hvh`fhofc

    Lhff 8 (>>>) >;3-7?82 ber S\ hai Lhahi`haspcl`hf i`sleuats hai chrfy o`ri rhtcs!

    Jhauhry 83 8> Fecaha hha ic Rclnt Actncrfhais

    Jhauhry ?? ?3 Rca`lc @thfy

    Dhrln 9 7 Ourf`aghdc, LH S\H

    Dhrln 89 87 [hr`s Brhalc

    Dhrln 8> ?8 Ihffhs/@rv`ag, Y^ S\H

    Juac ?0 Jufy ? Ourf`aghdc, LH S\H

    Hugust 3 > Hdcsoury, DH S\H

    Hugust 8? 83 Ourf`aghdc, LH S\H

    Ync G`bt eb Iysfcx`h Wermsnep