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Journal of Econometrics 116 (2003) 181 – 224 The dynamics of stochastic volatility: evidence from underlying and options markets Christopher S. Jones Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA Abstract This paper proposes and estimates a more general parametric stochastic variance model of equity index returns than has been previously considered using data from both underlying and options markets. I conclude that the square root stochastic variance model of Heston (Rev. Financial Stud. 6 (1993) 327) is incapable of generating realistic returns behavior, and that the data are better represented by a stochastic variance model in the CEV class or a model with a time-varying leverage eect. As the level of market variance increases, the volatility of market variance increases rapidly and the leverage eect becomes substantially stronger. The height- ened heteroskedasticity in market variance that results causes returns to display unconditional skewness and kurtosis much closer to their sample values, while the model falls short of ex- plaining the implied volatility smile for short-dated options and conditional higher moments in returns. c 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. JEL classication: G12; C11 Keywords: Continuous-time estimation; Stochastic volatility; Option pricing; Bayesian analysis; Stock market crashes 1. Introduction The dynamic nature of asset price volatility has long been a popular subject in the empirical nance literature, and even greater interest in volatility dynamics has followed the development of stochastic volatility models of option pricing. These models attribute the higher prices of options far from “at-the-money” to return non-normality generated Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (C.S. Jones). 0304-4076/03/$ - see front matter c 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0304-4076(03)00107-6

The dynamics of stochastic volatility: evidence from dynamics of stochastic volatility: evidence from underlying

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Page 1: The dynamics of stochastic volatility: evidence from dynamics of stochastic volatility: evidence from underlying

Journal of Econometrics 116 (2003) 181–

The dynamics of stochastic volatility: evidencefrom underlying and options markets

Christopher S. Jones∗

Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA


This paper proposes and estimates a more general parametric stochastic variance model ofequity index returns than has been previously considered using data from both underlying andoptions markets. I conclude that the square root stochastic variance model of Heston (Rev.Financial Stud. 6 (1993) 327) is incapable of generating realistic returns behavior, and that thedata are better represented by a stochastic variance model in the CEV class or a model with atime-varying leverage e4ect. As the level of market variance increases, the volatility of marketvariance increases rapidly and the leverage e4ect becomes substantially stronger. The height-ened heteroskedasticity in market variance that results causes returns to display unconditionalskewness and kurtosis much closer to their sample values, while the model falls short of ex-plaining the implied volatility smile for short-dated options and conditional higher moments inreturns.c© 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

JEL classi�cation: G12; C11

Keywords: Continuous-time estimation; Stochastic volatility; Option pricing; Bayesian analysis; Stockmarket crashes

1. Introduction

The dynamic nature of asset price volatility has long been a popular subject in theempirical ;nance literature, and even greater interest in volatility dynamics has followedthe development of stochastic volatility models of option pricing. These models attributethe higher prices of options far from “at-the-money” to return non-normality generated

∗ Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (C.S. Jones).

0304-4076/03/$ - see front matter c© 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S0304-4076(03)00107-6

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182 C.S. Jones / Journal of Econometrics 116 (2003) 181–224

by time-varying volatility. Because much of the interest in options focuses on theoptions that are furthest from at-the-money and therefore have positive payo4s onlyin extremely rare circumstances, precise characterizations of volatility dynamics areparticularly important.While the need to better model extreme events for the purposes of option pricing

made the task of understanding volatility more exacting, the existence of options hasmade the researcher’s data set much richer, so that more ;nely tuned models may beinvestigated with greater hope of obtaining accurate results.Traditionally, volatility dynamics in asset prices have been explored using the time

series of returns on the assets being studied. Following the work of Engle (1982) andBollerslev (1986), models in the ARCH class have been studied extensively for thispurpose and remain popular today. Perhaps because of the rapid growth in derivativesmarkets, continuous-time stochastic volatility models have recently become popularas well, and a growing body of research is concerned with ;tting these models toasset returns. Two recent examples are the papers by Gallant and Tauchen (1997) andAndersen et al. (2002).An alternative approach is to infer the risk-neutralized volatility dynamics from the

prices of options. While methods of inferring risk-neutral returns probabilities from thecross section of options prices are well-known following the seminal work of Breedenand Litzenberger (1978), more recent studies such as Bates (2000) and Bakshi et al.(1997) ;t parametric stochastic volatility models to option prices to learn about theparameters of these models.But since the risk-neutral and objective measures are not wholly dissimilar, there

must be an advantage to using both sets of data (the time series of the underlying’sprices and the prices of options on it) to infer both measures simultaneously, a pointmade forcefully by Chernov and Ghysels (2000a). In addition, since it is the di4erencebetween the two measures that de;nes risk premia, it may further be advantageous toestimate the two measures together so that estimation errors relating to these di4erencescan be treated in a sensible way. In fact, a number of recent papers have pursued thisidea. Pan (2002), Poteshman (1998), and Chernov and Ghysels (2000a) all use somecombination of a time series of the underlying price and one or more time series ofliquid, short-term, near-the-money option prices to infer the dynamics of the underlyingvolatility process under both the objective and risk-neutral measures. 1

In its use of option implied volatilities for the purpose of estimating more reali-stic volatility dynamics, the paper is related to a growing literature on alternativevolatility proxies. The use of high-frequency realized volatilities (often calculated at5-min intervals) is increasingly popular, pursued by Andersen and Bollerslev (1997)and Andersen et al. (2001) among many others. The range, or the high price mi-nus the low price over some interval, has been employed recently by Gallant et al.(1999) and Alizadeh et al. (2001) for similar purposes. It is possible that impliedvolatility provides a proxy that is less noisy than the range and easier to work with

1 Studies by Benzoni (2001) and Jiang and van der Sluis (1998) have similar objectives, but both useoptions data only to estimate the parameters that are not identi;ed by data on the underlying. Additionalliterature is reviewed in Chernov and Ghysels (2000b).

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than high-frequency realized volatility, although this paper provides no evidence for oragainst this conjecture.In this paper, I consider a more general form of the one-factor stochastic variance

model than has been considered previously and estimate the model in a Bayesianframework from a bivariate time series of returns and option implied volatilities. Theanalysis results in parameter estimates for both the objective and risk-neutral pro-cesses. The results show that the model I propose generates more realistic dynamicsfor stochastic variance and for equity index returns than does the standard square rootmodel used by Heston (1993) and many others. I ;nd that as variance increases, itsown volatility increases at an even faster rate. Furthermore, the so-called “leveragee4ect,” or the negative correlation between the price and instantaneous variance pro-cesses, becomes substantially stronger at higher levels of variance. A positive shockto market variance therefore increases the probability that market variance may groweven larger. The compound e4ect of several of these shocks can be large, and extremereturns may result. Because the price and variance processes are negatively corre-lated, particularly in high volatility states, this extreme return will more often than notbe negative, frequently of a magnitude that the square root process is incapable ofgenerating.I focus on the implications of these models for higher moments of asset returns,

since many of the outstanding puzzles in options markets and other areas of empiricalasset pricing depend crucially on violations of the normality of returns. I ;nd a realisticdegree of unconditional non-normality implied by the new models, while the highermoments generated by the square root model fall far short of the levels observed inactual data. When conditioned on a value for the market variance, very short-horizonreturns have a distribution that is much closer to Gaussian. For a monthly horizon,however, the new models generate conditional distributions with fatter tails than evena stochastic volatility jump-di4usion estimated from a similar data set. Unfortunately,model-implied options prices, while greatly improved over the square root speci;cation,still fail to match observed prices of short-dated options.Section 2 of this paper motivates the econometric speci;cation and outlines a few

of its properties. The estimation method used in the paper is described in Section 3.Section 4 contains the results, including parameter estimates and the models’ implica-tions for higher moments and option prices. Section 5 summarizes and discusses theresults.

2. The model

By far the most popular recent formulations of stochastic volatility in continuous timehave been variants of the stochastic variance model of Heston (1993). Using a squareroot process to represent the dynamics of instantaneous variance, Heston assumes theprocess

dSt = �St dt +√VtSt dZ

(1)t ;

dVt = (�+ �Vt) dt + √Vt dZ

(2)t ; (1)

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where dZ (1)t and dZ (2)

t are increments of Brownian motion with correlation . Hestondemonstrates how Fourier inversion techniques may be used to produce an analyticalstochastic variance option pricing formula.For option pricing, much interest centers around the values of �, , and , which

determine the ways in which the distribution of St departs from the lognormal. Kurtosisdepends in large part on the magnitude of relative to that of �. If is relativelylarge, more “volatile” variance will lead to fat tails, raising the prices of all options farfrom at-the-money. Skewness depends in addition on , and it has often been arguedthat the typical downward slope of Black–Scholes implied volatilities of equity optionsacross moneyness (the “leverage” e4ect) is evidence of a negative value of .Unfortunately, the square root speci;cation is generally rejected as a model of stock

index returns. While Andersen et al. (2002) ;nd that the rejection is due primarily to theinsuJcient kurtosis generated by the model, Pan (2002) rejects the square root modelin part based on its implications for the term structure of volatility. Other rejectionsare reported by Chernov and Ghysels (2000a), Benzoni (2001), and less formally byBakshi et al. (1997).Subsequent generalizations to the model have included stochastic interest rates (Scott,

1997; Bakshi et al., 1997), stochastic dividends (Pan, 2002), and jumps (Bates, 2000;Bakshi et al., 1997; Scott, 1997; DuJe et al., 2000; Pan, 2002; Eraker et al., 2003).Of the three, only the inclusion of jumps has shown much promise for reversing therejections of the model.For several reasons, however, the econometric analysis of jumps in option pricing

has proven to be problematic. First, small sample problems may be severe becausejumps that are large enough to have a substantial e4ect on options prices must beinfrequent in order to be consistent with the underlying returns data. These types oflarge jumps are seldom found in empirical analysis of jump-di4usions applied to broadmarket indexes. 2 Secondly, although jumps may help ;t the prices of options, includingthem is not necessarily bene;cial for the purpose of option hedging. Bakshi et al.(1997, 2000) ;nd that adding jumps to the square root stochastic variance model haslittle e4ect on pricing or hedging longer maturity options and actually worsens hedgingperformance for short maturities. This result is somewhat surprising since adding jumpsleads to the greatest improvement in the pricing of short maturity options, and it raisesthe possibility that including jumps amounts to over;tting.In this paper, I focus on stochastic variance alone as the source of non-Gaussian re-

turn dynamics. While including jumps will naturally improve the ;t of options prices,it seems reasonable to investigate more general forms of the one-factor stochastic vari-ance model before pursuing additional extensions such as jumps, particularly becauseof the problems with jumps and the soon-to-be obvious misspeci;cation of the squareroot model. 3

2 When jump processes are estimated using the time series of returns only, the jump intensity estimatetends to be high and the jump size small. Studies that ;nd relatively small jumps include Andersen et al.(2002), Ball and Torous (1985), Jorion (1989), and Pan (2002). Using a Bayesian approach, Eraker et al.(2003) ;nd larger jumps, with a more negative mean, than any of these papers. The implications of EJP’sestimates are considered below.

3 Poteshman (1998) also has this goal.

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1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 20000









ed %



tyS&P 100 Implied Volatility

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500






Implied volatility

Absolute changes in implied volatility as a function of its level



e ch


Fig. 1. Properties of implied volatility.

2.1. Stochastic speci�cation

The goal in this section is to propose a more general parametric form of stochasticvariance process than has been considered previously. The motivation is empirical, andit is based on the a casual inspection of the top panel of Fig. 1, which plots the VIXindex, an index of the Black–Scholes implied volatility of S&P 100 index options, fromJanuary 2, 1986, to June 2, 2000. The plot is truncated at 100% for visual clarity; inthe 2 weeks following the crash of October 1987, implied volatilities as high as 150%were recorded. The lower panel of Fig. 1 plots the absolute change in the VIX indexversus its level at the previous close over the same period.From panels it appears that periods of high volatility coincide with periods of volatile

volatility, an observation that appears to be at odds with Heston’s square root formu-lation. We can see this by deriving the stochastic volatility (as opposed to variance)process implied by Heston’s model.Let vt denote the time t instantaneous volatility, so vt =

√Vt . By Ito’s lemma,

dvt =− �2vt


4�− v2t

)dt +

12 dZ (2)

t : (2)

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The equation shows that the volatility of instantaneous volatility (as opposed to thevolatility of instantaneous variance) is not level dependent under the square root vari-ance model, at least over short intervals.Because level dependence does seem to be a feature of the data, this paper will

consider a somewhat broader class of models for stochastic variance. The ;rst gener-alization I consider is identical to the one o4ered for interest rate processes by Chanet al. (1992). The square root in the variance di4usion term is simply replaced by anexponent of undetermined magnitude, so that we have

dSt = �St dt +√VtSt dZ

(1)t ;

dVt = (�+ �Vt) dt + V 1t dZ (2)t ; (3)

where again Corr(dZ (1)t ; dZ (2)

t ) = .Following Chan et al., this constant of elasticity of variance (CEV) speci;cation

has been investigated in interest rates in a number of papers, and has been appliedto stochastic variance processes by Chacko and Viceira (2001) and Lewis (2000). Inempirical analysis of US short-term interest rates, starting with Chan et al., typicalestimates of 1 are around 1.5. Conley et al. (1997) recently noted that such processeswill have stationary distributions even when � is positive, making mean reverting driftan unnecessary condition for stationarity.It will be convenient to reparameterize the model to work with uncorrelated Brownian

motions B(1)t and B(2)

t . Henceforth I will maintain Corr(dB(1)t ; dB

(2)t ) = 0 and introduce

correlation between St and Vt by rewriting the model as

dSt = �St dt +√VtSt dB

(1)t ;

dVt = (�+ �Vt) dt + 1V 1t dB(1)

t + 2V 1t dB(2)

t : (4)

This is equivalent to the previous parameterization (3) once we set =√21 + 22 and

= 1=√21 + 22.

Writing the model as in (4) suggests a second generalization of the variance processthat falls outside the CEV class:

dVt = (�+ �Vt)dt + 1V 1t dB(1)

t + 2V 2t dB(2)

t : (5)

By introducing separate power parameters on the two random shocks to instantaneousvariance, the elasticity of variance is no longer constant, but depends instead on thelevel of the variance process. More importantly, by allowing 1 and 2 to di4er themodel allows the correlation of the price and variance processes to depend on the levelof instantaneous variance. This correlation will be equal to

(V ) =1V


21V2 1t + 22V

2 2t

: (6)

One can easily see that the correlation will increase in magnitude as Vt gets larger if 1= 2¿ 1. I will call this speci;cation the 2GAM model.

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As other studies have done, I impose an admittedly ad hoc form for the variance riskpremium and assume that the form of the risk-neutralized process is identical to thatunder the true measure. Replacing the stock price drift with the instantaneous interestrate r and replacing the variance drift parameter � with its risk-neutral counterpart �∗,we have

dSt = rSt dt +√VtSt dB

(1)∗t ;

dVt = (�+ �∗Vt) dt + 1V 1t dB(1)∗

t + 2V 2t dB(2)∗

t : (7)

The implied price of variance risk is therefore

(� − �∗)V√21V 2 1 + 22V 2 2

: (8)

Section C.8 veri;es the Novikov condition for the CEV model, although a proof forthe 2GAM model is unavailable.

2.2. Regularity conditions

One drawback to the variance processes in (3) and (5) is that they do not generallysatisfy commonly used suJcient conditions for a number of important results. Oneproblem stems from the fact that global growth and Lipschitz conditions may be vio-lated by the di4usion function depending on the values of 1 and 2. For many purposes(such as proving existence and uniqueness of solutions) violations of these conditionsare not necessarily problematic, as shown in Appendix C. They do, however, raiseconcerns about the assumed convergence of the Euler approximation scheme used be-low. For the CEV process, the growth condition will be violated as V → ∞ if 1¿ 1,while the Lipschitz condition is violated as V → 0 if 1¡ 1. For the 2GAM model,the two conditions can be violated simultaneously if 1¡ 1¡ 2 or 2¡ 1¡ 1.An additional issue, which will be shown below, is that for some values of 1¿ 1

the CEV variance process can lack all unconditional moments other than the ;rst. Thisin turn implies potentially in;nite skewness and kurtosis of market returns. In fact, theparameter estimates reported in Table 1 suggest this behavior for the CEV process.While analytical results are not available for the 2GAM model, it is likely that it alsolacks these moments given the parameter estimates in Table 1.To di4ering degrees, the Bayesian approach addresses both issues. First, the existence

of moments is irrelevant for Bayesian inference, which only requires the existenceof transition densities, a much weaker condition. Secondly, violations of growth andLipschitz conditions outside the range of data observed in the sample are less critical tothe Bayesian, whose calculations are all conditional on the observed sample, than theyare to the frequentist, who must consider other hypothetical samples. 4 Nevertheless,violations of these conditions prompt the investigation of the validity of the Eulerapproximation, in particular if the scheme is used to simulate relatively long paths for

4 There are some important exceptions to this statement. Bayesian analysis under the Je4reys prior, forinstance, requires the integration across alternative realizations of the data.

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the purpose of options pricing. The results of several tests, described in Section C.10,are highly supportive of the accuracy of the approach taken.

2.3. Expected average variance and option price approximations

The cost of the model generalizations proposed is the loss of closed form optionpricing formulas. While not o4ering closed form prices, the CEV and 2GAM modelsmay still provide accurate approximate solutions for the prices of relatively short-termat-the-money options.The approximation is based on Hull and White’s (1987) argument that when the price

and variance processes are uncorrelated, the price of an option under any stochasticvariance model could be computed as the expectation of the Black–Scholes price withthe variance argument replaced by the random future realization of average varianceover the life of the option. If variance is not priced, as Hull and White assume, thenthe expectation is taken under the true measure. In general, however, if � �= �∗ thenthe expectation would be taken under the risk-neutral measure.Let QV denote the average variance over the life of the option, or

QV t; t+� =1�

∫ t+�

tVs ds: (9)

Because the Black–Scholes formula is close to linear in its variance argument forshort-term at-the-money options, approximating EQ[BS( QV )] by BS(EQ[ QV ]) may notresult in large approximation errors, as the Jensen’s inequality error will tend to beminor.Correlation between the price and variance process presents an additional reason to

invalidate this approximation, but the practical importance of correlation is unclear forat-the-money options. To the extent that price-variance correlation and skewness arerelated, the analysis of Jarrow and Rudd (1982) suggests that for these options theadditional approximation error caused by non-zero correlation is likely to be small. 5

Approximating the Black–Scholes implied variance by the expected average futurevariance is especially attractive for stochastic variance models such as CEV or 2GAMbecause expected average variance can be accurately and easily approximated. Givenits linear drift, the expected average variance is approximately linear in the currentstate of instantaneous variance, or

EQt [ QV t; t+�] ≈ A+ BVt;

where B=1�∗�

(e�∗� − 1) and A=− �

�∗(1− B): (10)

By using Black–Scholes implied variance as a proxy for the quantity on the left-handside, EQt [ QV t; t+�], the relation can be used to provide some information about the oth-erwise unobservable process Vt . Even once error is introduced into the equation, the

5 Results in an unpublished appendix, available from the author, verify the validity of the approximationunder a wide range of parameter values.

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equation can be used to draw more precise inference about the path of Vt than wouldbe possible using returns alone. This, in turn, will lead to more precise inference aboutthe parameters that determine the dynamics of Vt , namely �, �, 1, 2, 1, 2, and .Furthermore, this relation between implied and instantaneous variance can also be usedto infer the value of the otherwise unidenti;ed risk-neutral parameter �∗.

3. Estimation strategy

This paper will adopt a Bayesian perspective and will use the procedure developedin Jones (1998) to compute posterior distributions for the parameters in (5) and (7).The Bayesian framework is used primarily for reasons of eJciency and tractability. Itis a likelihood-based method and should therefore make full use of the information inthe sample, providing exact ;nite-sample even for very complicated models. AlthoughBayesian analysis is naturally suited to situations in which the researcher has someprior information, the priors used in this analysis will be nearly uninformative, so thisis of limited importance.In this section I will describe the data, specify the econometric model, review the

data augmentation procedure of Jones (1998), and propose an extension to this methodthat will allow the information in implied volatilities to be extracted in a simpleway.

3.1. The data

The models are estimated using daily S&P 100 index returns and daily impliedvolatilities from the S&P 100 options market. The time period considered extends fromJanuary 2, 1986 to June 2, 2000, a sample size of 3537 observations. In many casesI will consider a “post-crash” subsample beginning on July 1, 1988, which contains2907 observations.The S&P 100 was chosen over the S&P 500 partly because of the S&P 100’s more

liquid options market during the 1980s. The more compelling reason to analyze theS&P 100 index, however, is the availability of the Chicago Board Options ExchangeMarket Volatility Index (VIX). This index represents an average of eight near-termnear-the-money Black–Scholes implied volatilities from options on the S&P 100 index.The construction of the VIX index is described in detail in Whaley (1993).

Use of the VIX index could be criticized on the grounds that it is a hypotheticalmeasure, since the index does not generally coincide with the implied volatility of anyparticular option traded that day. Similar criticism could be aimed at term structureresearch that uses bootstrapped and interpolated values to construct constant maturityzero coupon yields. Partly because of these concerns, I will allow for the possibility thatthe VIX index makes random deviations from the implied volatility of the hypotheticaloption that it is designed to mimic. An assessment of the magnitude of this error willbe an output of the estimation.This relaxation of the purely deterministic link between data from the underlying and

options markets represents a departure from previous studies that have combined data

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from the two markets. In theory, given the synchronous observation of the underlyingasset’s price and perhaps some other market fundamentals, option prices can be invertedto yield the underlying asset’s exact instantaneous volatility. 6 Relaxing the strictnessof this relation reTects a purely empirical perspective and is similar to the allowanceof additional error terms in term structure research, where theory implies, for example,that bond yields of all maturities are deterministically linked in a single-factor termstructure model. The realities of asset price data, which include sources of error suchas asynchronous data and bid-ask spreads, make deterministic relations as unrealisticin options. 7

3.2. The econometric model of implied volatility

The full model to be estimated is described by the SDEs that govern the dynamicsof St and Vt under the objective measure, given by (3) or (5), and a regression-typeequation that links the unobservable Vt to an observed implied variance,

IVt = A+ BVt + �t : (11)

Eq. (11) builds on (10) with the addition of an error term and the replacement ofEQt [ QV t; t+�] by its proxy, IVt . The time series IVt is a simple transformation of the VIXindex: it is converted to decimals, squared to change it from a volatility to a variance,then divided by 264 to convert to a daily basis. Since the VIX index reTects a 22-dayimplied volatility, I set �= 22.Because of the apparent heteroskedasticity in IVt demonstrated in Fig. 1, the regres-

sion error �t will be assumed be heteroskedastic as well, with a standard deviationproportional to Vt . We therefore have �t ∼ i:i:d:N(0; �2V 2

t ), with � a parameter to beestimated. The magnitude of � will reTect the accuracy of the proxy of EQ[ QV ] by IV .Allowing this form of heteroskedasticity should mitigate the concern that the level

e4ect in the volatility of volatility apparent in Fig. 1 is solely due to measurementerror. If this is the case, then we may still ;nd low values for 1 and 2.

3.3. Computing posteriors by data augmentation

Estimation of these models using standard methods is diJcult for several reasons.First, the dynamics of St and Vt are represented as a di4usion process, making standardmaximum likelihood or moment-based approaches impractical. The latency of stochasticvariance further limits the e4ectiveness of these approaches. Lastly, the method usedmust simultaneously estimate the parameters of the SDE (4) or (5) and the regressionequation (11).

6 This was proved formally by Bergman et al. (1996).7 Christensen and Prabhala (1998) have argued recently that these types of measurement errors are severe

enough to bias tests of the informational content of implied volatility. Additional sources of error could arisefrom simpli;cations made about the dividend process (Harvey and Whaley, 1991) or errors in the market’sinference about the current state of market volatility.

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The approach taken uses the data augmentation procedure of Jones (1998) and issimilar to the methods of Eraker (2001) and Elerian et al. (2000), although the latter’smethod applies only to univariate processes. The method is based on the idea that theEuler approximation, a discrete time Gaussian model, can be used to approximate thetransition density of a di4usion process. The Euler approximation has been used inmany papers, and its use in likelihood-based inference has been justi;ed by Pedersen(1995) and Brandt and Santa-Clara (2002). Under regularity conditions, the Euler ap-proximation converges to the di4usion as the time step of the Euler process shrinks tozero.It is suJcient for convergence that growth and Lipschitz conditions are satis;ed,

both of which the unconstrained model may violate. Results in Section C.10 suggestthat this is unlikely to be a problem in the present context. Simulation results in Jones(2002) suggest that the Euler approximation is accurate even in more nonlinear models.The Euler approximation for the 2GAM stochastic variance model is

S(k+1)h = Skh + h�Skh +√h√VkhSkh�


V(k+1)h = Vkh + h(�+ �Vkh) +√h1V

1kh �

(1)k+1 +


2kh �

(2)k+1; (12)

where �(1)k and �(2)k are independent standard normals and k = 0; : : : ; K .In the estimation of the model, the stock price process St will be observed at the

end of each trading day. Without loss of generality, assume that these end-of-daytimes correspond to t ∈{0; 1; 2; : : : ; T}. A discrete time stochastic variance model maytherefore be formulated by setting h= 1. One can see, however, that the 1-day returnwould then have a conditionally Gaussian distribution. To induce non-normality at thishorizon, h must be small.For convergence of the Euler approximation and for the generation of non-normality

in conditional one-period returns, it is therefore imperative to allow h to be small inthe estimation process, even if this means that the Euler approximation interval h isconsiderably smaller than the time interval at which the data are observed. This createsa problem for likelihood and moment-based inference, since neither the moments northe transition densities of the Euler approximation are known over intervals larger thanh. The strategy proposed by Pedersen (1995) and Brandt and Santa-Clara (2002) is tocompute the likelihoods by simulation. In moment-based techniques such as Gallant andTauchen’s (1996) eJcient method of moments, moments are computed by simulatinglong paths of the Euler approximation.Since estimation of (12) essentially amounts to the analysis of a conditionally Gaus-

sian model with a large number of missing data points, this paper will make useof Tanner and Wong’s (1987) data augmentation algorithm in a manner similar tothe discrete time stochastic volatility analysis of Jacquier et al. (1994). Although wedo not see the augmented data, we often know their distribution conditional on themodel parameters and the data that are observed. Data augmentation expands the pa-rameter vector to include all augmented data in addition to the structural parame-ters (e.g. � and �) and then seeks to characterize the posterior distribution of thisvector.

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Since posteriors of such high dimension can seldom be derived analytically, Markovchain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are used, in which many random draws are gen-erated from the posterior distribution rather than deriving the distribution analytically.Given enough draws from the posterior, sample moments, quantiles, and even densitiesare easy to calculate.Rather than analyzing the entire parameter vector as a whole, the Gibbs sampler

is used to break it down into a number pieces, each drawn conditional on the previ-ous draws of all the others. Eventually, the Markov chain formed by this procedureconverges to the true posterior.More formally, suppose � is a multidimensional random vector that can be partitioned

into I subvectors {� (1); � (2); � (3); : : : ; � (I)} of possibly di4erent sizes, and suppose thegoal is to generate a sequence of random draws from the distribution p(�|X ), whereX represents some data set. Choose some arbitrary initial value �0 and then iterativelyform a chain of �n = {�(1)n ; �(2)n ; �(3)n ; : : : ; �(I)n }. For i between 1 and I , let �(i)n be arandom draw of � (i) from its conditional distribution p(� (i)|�(−i)n ; X ), where

�(−i)n = {�( j)n ; j¡ i} ∪ {�( j)n−1; j ¿ i}: (13)

The result of the Gibbs sampler is that under extremely mild conditions the Markovchain �n converges in distribution to p(�|X ).For the stochastic variance process, the partitions � (i) will be de;ned as follows:

• � (1) = {�; �; �},• � (2) = {1; 2; 1; 2},• � (3) = {A; B},• � (4) = {�},• {� (5); : : : ; � T+5}= {Vt; t = 0; 1; : : : ; T},• {� (T+6); : : : ; � I}= {(St ; Vt); t �∈ integers}.

The data set X corresponds to the observations of the stock price St and the impliedvariance index IVt for t = 0; 1; : : : ; T .One can think about the procedure as “cycling” through the partitions � (i). Each

cycle (n) begins with a draw of � (1), followed by draws of � (2), � (3), and � (4). Theset of all end-of-day values of Vt are cycled through next. Lastly, the algorithm cyclesthrough the pairs of (St ; Vt) that are realized at times between the end-of-days. 8

As opposed to the simulated maximum likelihood methods of Pedersen (1995) andBrandt and Santa-Clara (2002), which simulate the Euler approximation forward, thedraws of high-frequency data here merely “bridge” the observed low frequency data

8 Although the number of partitions I =(T=h)+6 can be very large, often close to half of the I draws canbe performed simultaneously, reducing computing time considerably. Because the Euler approximation is aMarkov process, only adjacent observations (t−h and t+h) are relevant for each draw of Vt or (St ; Vt). Wecan therefore draw every other � (i) (for i ¿ 4) simultaneously and alternate between just a few matrix drawsrather than I individual draws. Describing the method as “cycling” through the I draws is for expositionalconvenience only.

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10.5Bayesian data augmentation






10.5Simulated maximum likelihood

Fig. 2. Methods of simulation for likelihood-based inference of di4usions.

with short paths of high frequency data. Fig. 2 illustrates the di4erence between the twoapproaches. The advantage of the latter method is that the variance of the simulateddata is smaller, since it must be consistent with both the start and end points. Since bothmethods must e4ectively integrate out the dependence on particular paths of simulateddata, the smaller variance makes this integration less computationally demanding. Thisis particularly apparent when considering latent variable models, such as stochasticvolatility, where simulated maximum likelihood is sometimes infeasible.The methods for performing the draws of the structural parameters (� (1) to � (4)) are

contained in Appendix A, but the most important details can be described brieTy. Indrawing these parameters, virtually “Tat” priors are used exclusively for all parametersexcept �, for which a small amount of prior information was found to be sometimesnecessary. Each parameter is assumed independent of the others in the prior, with thejoint prior given by

p(�; �; �; 1; 2; 1; 2; �∗; �; �)˙12f(�); (14)

where f(�) is the inverted gamma distribution with 15 degrees of freedom and gammaparameter 40/3. 9 The posterior distribution is computed to be proportional to the prior

9 This inverted gamma distribution would result as the posterior distribution following the observation of15 data points with a sample standard deviation of 0.1 with the di4use prior p(�) ˙ 1

� . The sample sizesused in the analysis are all over 2,500, making f(�) a relatively uninformative prior. With a truly di4useprior, however, the algorithm occasionally approached a ;xed point at � = 0.

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times the complete likelihood, which includes both the product of transition densitiesand the likelihood of the initial observation (S0; V0). Since S0 is non-stationary, itsdensity is assumed to be di4use, and so the joint density of (S0; V0) is replaced withthe unconditional density of just V0.In drawing the augmented price and variance data, two algorithms are required. The

;rst is applicable at non-integer t, which represent times at which neither St or Vt (norimplied volatility) is observed. Our goal for these t is therefore to draw St and Vt from

p(St ; Vt |� S ;S−t ;V−t ; IV); (15)

where W−t refers to all realizations of the time series Ws save the value at s= t andwhere �S refers to the parameters of the stock price=variance process.Since we are already conditioning on V−t , the additional conditioning on IV is

irrelevant, since past and future values of IV just provide noisy signals about thecontemporaneous values of V . The Markovian nature of the model further makes ob-servations of S and V at times before t−h and after t+h irrelevant as well. The drawtherefore reduces to the somewhat simpler

p(St ; Vt |� S ; St−h; Vt−h; St+h; Vt+h): (16)

Invoking Bayes rule, this can be shown to be proportional to

p(St ; Vt |� S ; St−h; Vt−h)p(St+h; Vt+h|� S ; St ; Vt); (17)

which is the product of a bivariate Gaussian density for (St ; Vt) and a bivariate Gaussiandensity conditional on (St ; Vt). Their product, unfortunately, is not a standard densityfor (St ; Vt).To draw the pair (St ; Vt), a Metropolis–Hastings algorithm is proposed in which

candidate draws are generated by p(St ; Vt |� S ; St−h; Vt−h). The probability of acceptinga candidate draw (S∗t ; V

∗t ) over the previous draw (St ; Vt) will therefore be equal to

min{p(St+h; Vt+h|� S ; S∗t ; V ∗

t )p(St+h; Vt+h|� S ; St ; Vt) ; 1

}: (18)

Thus, candidate draws are generated to be consistent with (St−h; Vt−h) and acceptedbased on there consistency with (St+h; Vt+h).The second main type of data augmentation draw is for integer t, in which St is

observed but Vt is not. A contemporaneous value of implied variance IVt is observedas well. Slightly di4erent from before, we would like to draw from

p(Vt |St ; � S ;S−t ;V−t ; IV): (19)

In this case, the implied variance time series is informative, because IVt providesinformation about Vt , and Vt is not contained in V−t . As before, however, past andfuture values of IV are irrelevant given past and future values of V . In addition, theMarkovian nature of the model again makes observations of S and V at times beforet − h and after t + h irrelevant. The density therefore simpli;es to

p(Vt |� S ; St−h; Vt−h; St ; St+h; Vt+h; IVt); (20)

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which by Bayes rule (after eliminating irrelevant conditioning variables) is proportionalto

p(Vt |� S ; St−h; Vt−h; St)p(IVt |� S ; Vt)p(St+h; Vt+h|� S ; St ; Vt): (21)

Details of the Metropolis step used to draw Vt are relegated to Appendix B.In practice, the acceptance rates of both Metropolis draws are typically around 50%

for the bivariate draw of (St ; Vt) and 67% for the univariate draw of Vt .

4. Results

Three versions of the model will be considered. The unrestricted version is the2GAM model as it was described in (5). The ;rst restricted version is the CEV model,in which the constraint 1= 2 is imposed. The ;nal version (the SQRT model) imposesthe additional restriction that 1 = 1

2 , and is therefore identical to the square root modelof Heston (1993). Both versions will be estimated over the full sample of January1986 to June 2000 and the post-crash sample, which begins in July 1988. Six hundredthousand iterations of the estimation algorithm are made, with the ;rst hundred thousanddiscarded to eliminate dependence on the initial conditions.In this section I will begin with a summary of the posterior distributions of the

model parameters, followed by an assortment of model diagnostics. The focus willthen shift to the implications of the results for the distribution of returns, and I willexamine both the higher moments and the options prices generated by each model.In examining the implications of the models, I focus on parameter estimates obtained

from the 1988–2000 sample. My intention is to examine whether the behavior of stockprices and implied volatilities over a period that excludes the stock market crashes of1929 or 1987 o4ers any suggestion that such extreme events are possible. In otherwords, is there anything fundamentally di4erent about the biggest market crashes, orare they simply extreme cases of more frequently observed phenomena?

4.1. Parameter posteriors

Table 1 presents summary statistics on the posterior distributions of the model para-meters computed using h= 1

10 .10

The ;rst two columns of the table contain posterior means and standard deviations ofthe parameters of the SQRT model. The second two columns report the same statisticsfor the CEV model, and the last two contain results for the 2GAM model. I reportposterior statistics for the 10 parameters of the model as well as two simple trans-formations of these parameters. The ;rst transformation, (0:0001), is the correlationbetween the price and variance processes when V=0:0001, computed from (6). 11 Thisvalue of V corresponds to a daily volatility of 1%, a fairly typical day for the S&P

10 Similar results are obtained by setting h = 13 , but results are noticeably di4erent from those obtained

using h=1, suggesting that discretization bias is potentially a problem but that a relatively small amount ofaugmented data leads to the approximate convergence of posteriors.11 For the CEV and SQRT models, this correlation does not depend on V .

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100 index. Second, I report (0:0001), the volatility of instantaneous variance givenV = 0:0001.For all three models, results vary noticeably across the two samples. This demon-

strates the large e4ect the crash of October 1987 has on the estimates, since the secondsample only di4ers from the ;rst in its exclusion of the months prior to July 1988.Di4erences are particularly large in the parameters that determine the volatility of in-stantaneous variance, namely 1, 2, 1, and 2. For the SQRT model, 1 and 2are much larger in the sample that includes October 1987, attesting to the massivevolatility spike that occurred at the time of the crash. These higher volatilities shouldgenerate much fatter tails and also alter the implied volatility smile. Di4erences in theparameters of the CEV and 2GAM di4usions are more diJcult to interpret because ofthe interaction of the di4erent variance parameters.The ;rst main empirical ;nding of the paper concerns the CEV model and is found

in the two middle columns of Table 1. In both the whole sample and the post-July1988 subsample, I ;nd precise estimates of 1 that are greater than one, capturing thelevel dependence of the volatility of implied volatility that was evident in Fig. 1. Ahigh variance elasticity it also found by Chacko and Viceira (2001) and by Poteshman(1998), the latter using a non-parametric approach to estimate a di4usion functionthat is convex, at least for low to moderate levels of V . The level dependence ofthe volatility of volatility that is implied by the CEV model is somewhat similar tothe so-called “GARCH di4usion” model, in which 1 = 2 = 1, and to the EGARCHmodels proposed by Nelson (1991) and favored by Pagan and Schwert (1990). It is, inaddition, a characteristic of the GARCH speci;cation estimated by Hentschel (1995).The second main result is that the additional generalization to the 2GAM model

appears to be important. The last columns of Table 1 show that the 1 parameter issubstantially higher than 2 for both sample periods. Since 1¡ 0, this will have thee4ect of making the leverage e4ect stronger (or the correlation between the price andvariance processes more negative) as the level of variance increases. In many otheraspects, the CEV and 2GAM models are quite similar, with drift parameters that areextremely close to zero over both samples.For both the CEV and 2GAM models, the volatility of instantaneous variance on a

typical day, (0:0001), is lower than it is for the SQRT model and is somewhat closeracross the two sample periods. For all three models, strong negative correlations aretypical between the price and variance process.One potential concern is that � is essentially indistinguishable from zero for the CEV

and 2GAM models. Since � determines the degree of mean reversion in the varianceprocess drift, these results might lead one to conclude that the variance processes isexplosive. Conley et al. (1997) show, however, that this conclusion is false, becausestationarity will be generated through the di4usion term as long as either 1 or 2 aregreater than one, regardless of the sign of �. These results are reviewed in Appendix C.For the SQRT model, further parameter instability is evidenced in the estimates of

�∗. Since this parameter is important in determining the relation between implied andinstantaneous variances, this instability is somewhat consistent with the observation ofBates (2000) that the implied volatility smile of S&P 500 index options appeared toexperience a regime switch at the time of the crash of 1987. In contrast, the CEV and

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Table 1Posterior means and standard deviations (in parentheses)

SQRT SQRT CEV CEV 2GAM 2GAMParameter 1986–2000 1988–2000 1986–2000 1988–2000 1986–2000 1988–2000

� 4:82 × 10−4 1:75 × 10−4 4:60 × 10−4 4:50 × 10−4 5:35 × 10−4 4:58 × 10−4

(1:52 × 10−4) (1:19 × 10−4) (1:42 × 10−4) (1:46 × 10−4) (1:37 × 10−4) (1:40 × 10−4)

� 3:86 × 10−6 2:41 × 10−6 0:58 × 10−6 0:53 × 10−6 0:51 × 10−6 0:89 × 10−6

(0:04 × 10−6) (0:07 × 10−6) (0:09 × 10−6) (0:10 × 10−6) (0:10 × 10−6) (0:11 × 10−6)

� −1:47 × 10−2 −1:81 × 10−2 −0:03 × 10−2 0:05 × 10−2 −0:06 × 10−2 −0:48 × 10−2

(0:31 × 10−2) (0:22 × 10−2) (0:22 × 10−2) (0:25 × 10−2) (0:23 × 10−2) (0:25 × 10−2)

1 −1:99 × 10−3 −0:97 × 10−3 −1:76 −0:43 −8:16 −3:67(0:07 × 10−3) (0:03 × 10−3) (0.35) (0.10) (2.56) (0.89)

2 2:63 × 10−3 1:05 × 10−3 1.74 0.38 7:81 × 10−1 0:18 × 10−1

(0:04 × 10−3) (0:03 × 10−3) (0.33) (0.08) (2:36 × 10−1) (0:07 × 10−1)

1 0.50 0.50 1.33 1.17 1.50 1.39N/A N/A (0.02) (0.02) (0.03) (0.03)

2 1.24 0.84(0.03) (0.03)

�∗ −4:73 × 10−2 1:13 × 10−2 3:14 × 10−2 3:40 × 10−2 3:80 × 10−2 3:55 × 10−2

(0:14 × 10−2) (0:19 × 10−2) (0:16 × 10−2) (0:22 × 10−2) (0:27 × 10−2) (0:31 × 10−2)

� 4:49 × 10−2 6:55 × 10−2 8:18 × 10−2 6:14 × 10−2 8:43 × 10−2 5:59 × 10−2

(0:16 × 10−2) (0:27 × 10−2) (0:25 × 10−2) (0:42 × 10−2) (0:35 × 10−2) (0:31 × 10−2)

(0:0001)a −0:60 −0:68 −0:71 −0:75 −0:70 −0:78(0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01)

(0:0001)a 3:30 × 10−5 1:43 × 10−5 1:14 × 10−5 1:22 × 10−5 1:13 × 10−5 1:27 × 10−5

(0:06 × 10−5) (0:03 × 10−5) (0:02 × 10−5) (0:03 × 10−5) (0:02 × 10−5) (0:02 × 10−5)

a(0:0001) is the correlation of the price and volatility processes given an instantaneous variance of0:0001, corresponding to a daily volatility of 1%. (0:0001) is the volatility of instantaneous variance giventhe same condition.

2GAM models show relative stability for �∗ across sample periods. As in the resultsof Pan (2002), this parameter is positive, implying a lack of mean reversion in thevariance process drift. In the SQRT model, this causes the variance process to explode,while volatility-induced stationarity again prevents explosion in the CEV and 2GAMmodels.

4.2. Diagnostics

As in Eraker (2001), model diagnostics may be developed by examining the residualsde;ned implicitly by the Euler approximation of the SDE. At each iteration of theMarkov chain, given the current draw of the parameter vector and the augmented data,these residuals can be evaluated. Under the SQRT model, for instance, these residualsare de;ned as

�ak = (Sk − Sk−1 − h�Sk−1)=(√h√Vk−1Sk−1);

�bk = (Vk − Vk−1 − h(�+ �Vk−1))=(√h√21 + 22

√Vk−1): (22)

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Since �ak and �bk are assumed to be standard normals, correlated with each other butserially independent, the examination of low-order moments and autocorrelations isa convenient way to detect model misspeci;cation. Additional tests make use of theresiduals of the implied variance, or “VIX”, Eq. (11), which implies that (IVt − A −BVt)=(�Vt) ∼ i.i.d. N (0; 1).Following Zellner (1975), we may view these residuals as model parameters or as

latent variables. Like other parameters, posterior distributions can be constructed forfunctions of these parameters simply by evaluating the function given the residualscomputed at each step of the Markov chain. For the purpose of model diagnostics,these functions will consist of the sample mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis,and two autocorrelations. The Euler approximation residuals are situated in time hdays apart from another, so the “intra-day” autocorrelation is simply their ;rst-orderautocorrelation. For these residuals, the “daily” autocorrelation is therefore the (1=h)thorder autocorrelation. The VIX equation produces only daily residuals.Table 2 reports the posterior medians and 95% con;dence intervals for these statis-

tics over both sample periods. For the CEV and 2GAM models, residual means andstandard deviations are indistinguishable from their theoretical values of zero and one,respectively. Some failures are observed for the SQRT model, however, most impor-tantly in the standard deviation of the price equation residuals over the 1986–2000sample. Since the standard deviation is less than one, residuals are on average weretoo small, indicating that the model-implied returns variance was often too high, mostlikely caused by an attempt to ;t the crash of 1987.The CEV and 2GAM models also perform well in matching the theoretical skewness

and kurtosis of zero and three, respectively, for the price and variance equation residualsover both samples. The SQRT model, in contrast, ;ts only the post-crash sample, asits variance equation residuals over the 1986–2000 sample display substantial excesskurtosis. Autocorrelations in price and variance equation residuals are also smaller forthe CEV and 2GAM models over both samples, although a small amount of negativeautocorrelation is detectible in the CEV price equation residuals.Where the CEV and 2GAM models fail is in describing the behavior of the VIX in-

dex. Over the 1986–2000 sample, residuals from the VIX equation display pronouncedskewness and excess kurtosis as well as substantial positive residual autocorrelations.While the SQRT model displays problems here as well, they are not as severe. Theresults di4er appreciably in the post-crash sample, in which the 2GAM model displaysonly marginal misspeci;cation and the other two models show signi;cant if modestdeviations from normality.To summarize, the SQRT model fails to describe neither the price, variance, nor VIX

dynamics over the full sample period, but performs reasonably well in the post-crashsample. The CEV and 2GAM models appear to describe the actual price and variancedynamics well, even over the full 1986–2000 sample period, but are inconsistent withthe dynamics of the VIX index. The 2GAM model o4ers moderate improvements overthe CEV process on a number of measures.One possible explanation for these results is that the price of variance risk is mis-

speci;ed, with the true price of risk more time-varying than any of the models allow.In October of 1987 the VIX index peaked at 150%, equivalent to a one-month implied

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Table 2Posterior medians and 95% con;dence intervals for model diagnosticsa

Mean Standard Skewness Kurtosis Intra-day Dailydeviation autocorrelation autocorrelation

Price equation, 1986–2000 sampleSQRT −0:004 0.975 −0:005 3.006 −0:047 0.000

(−0:012; 0:004) (0:967; 0:982) (−0:030; 0:021) (2:956; 3:060) (−0:057;−0:037) (−0:011; 0:010)

CEV 0.003 0.994 −0:006 3.016 −0:011 −0:001(−0:006; 0:013) (0:987; 1:001) (−0:032; 0:019) (2:965; 3:069) (−0:022;−0:002) (−0:011; 0:009)

2GAM 0.001 0.997 −0:006 3.017 −0:005 −0:001(−0:008; 0:011) (0:989; 1:005) (−0:032; 0:019) (2:967; 3:070) (−0:016; 0:006) (−0:011; 0:009)

Price equation, 1988–2000 sampleSQRT 0.013 0.994 −0:003 3.014 −0:011 −0:001

(0:004; 0:022) (0:986; 1:002) (−0:031; 0:025) (2:957; 3:073) (−0:022; 0:000) (−0:012; 0:010)CEV 0.004 0.993 −0:006 3.011 −0:012 −0:001

(−0:007; 0:014) (0:985; 1:001) (−0:034; 0:022) (2:955; 3:070) (−0:024;−0:001) (−0:012; 0:010)2GAM 0.004 0.997 −0:006 3.012 −0:006 −0:001

(−0:007; 0:014) (0:988; 1:005) (−0:034; 0:022) (2:956; 3:070) (−0:018; 0:006) (−0:012; 0:010)

Variance equation, 1986–2000 sampleSQRT 0.009 0.991 0.462 9.021 −0:014 0.006

(0:001; 0:017) (0:983; 0:998) (0:413; 0:528) (8:289; 10:102) (−0:025;−0:004) (−0:004; 0:017)CEV −0:001 0.997 0.022 3.033 −0:005 0.001

(−0:011; 0:009) (0:990; 1:004) (−0:004; 0:047) (2:981; 3:089) (−0:016; 0:005) (−0:009; 0:011)2GAM −0:001 0.999 0.019 3.030 −0:002 0.002

(−0:011; 0:009) (0:992; 1:006) (−0:006; 0:045) (2:978; 3:085) (−0:012; 0:009) (−0:008; 0:012)

Variance equation, 1988–2000 sampleSQRT −0:014 0.996 0.021 3.030 −0:008 0.002

(−0:023;−0:005) (0:987; 1:004) (−0:007; 0:049) (2:973; 3:090) (−0:020; 0:003) (−0:009; 0:013)CEV −0:003 0.996 0.018 3.028 −0:007 −0:004

(−0:014; 0:008) (0:988; 1:004) (−0:010; 0:046) (2:971; 3:089) (−0:019; 0:004) (−0:015; 0:007)2GAM −0:006 0.998 0.020 3.036 −0:003 −0:004

(−0:017; 0:004) (0:990; 1:006) (−0:008; 0:048) (2:978; 3:097) (−0:015; 0:008) (−0:016; 0:007)

VIX equation, 1986–2000 sampleSQRT 0.003 0.991 0.210 8.428 0.064

(−0:030; 0:036) (0:968; 1:015) (0:059; 0:734) (7:226; 14:082) (0:032; 0:095)CEV 0.000 0.999 −1:335 21.188 0.152

(−0:033; 0:033) (0:976; 1:022) (−1:539;−1:128) (18:157; 24:285) (0:116; 0:186)2GAM 0.000 0.999 −1:365 24.053 0.141

(−0:033; 0:033) (0:976; 1:022) (−1:582;−1:164) (20:861; 27:802) (0:111; 0:171)

VIX equation, 1988–2000 sampleSQRT 0.000 0.996 0.111 3.599 0.047

(−0:036; 0:037) (0:971; 1:022) (−0:009; 0:227) (3:288; 4:081) (0:011; 0:083)CEV 0.000 0.995 −0:093 4.050 0.040

(−0:036; 0:037) (0:970; 1:021) (−0:755; 0:102) (3:133; 13:236) (−0:002; 0:092)2GAM 0.000 0.994 0.006 3.254 0.016

(−0:036; 0:037) (0:969; 1:020) (−0:120; 0:119) (2:994; 3:961) (−0:020; 0:052)

aA correct speci;cation implies that the residual mean is zero, the standard deviation is one, skewness iszero, kurtosis is three, and autocorrelations are zero.

volatility of 43%, roughly ten times the average monthly volatility of the S&P 100 in-dex. The magnitude of this value suggests the that the di4erence between the objectiveand risk-neutral volatility forecasts may have been unusually large. Time variation inrisk premia should be expected to produce both outliers and positive autocorrelationsin the VIX residuals.

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4.3. Dynamic behavior of implied volatility

To illustrate the kinds of implied volatility paths one might expect to see undereach model, I graph several simulated trajectories of implied volatility. Each path ofIVt is simulated using the post-July 1988 posterior means as the true parameters andrepresents a time series of 3537 days, the length of the entire sample from January1986 to June 2000.Fig. 3 plots eight simulations performed under each model, where the implied volatil-

ities are plotted on an annualized percentage basis. The SQRT simulations on the leftside are fairly uniform, displaying relatively regular and moderate Tuctuations. In themiddle and right-hand columns, the simulations of the CEV and 2GAM models exhibitbehavior more consistent with the actual data, plotted in Fig. 1. Long periods of lowand non-volatile volatility are interrupted by occasional volatility spikes, which tendto die out quickly, especially for the 2GAM model. This is the same characteristicthat Schwert (1990) noted of S&P 500 index volatilities around the crash of October1987.This fast decay following volatility spikes might be somewhat surprising since the

values of � used in the CEV and 2GAM simulations are extremely close to zero, whichin linear Gaussian models would correspond to autoregressive coeJcients in excess of0.995. For nonlinear models, however, Conley et al. (1997, p. 532) argue that focusingon the drift alone “abstracts from the role of uncertainty,” and they demonstrate thatmean reversion can be due to either the di4usion or the drift. Intuitively, when thevariance elasticity is large, then large movements in volatility are likely when volatilityis high. When the move is upward, the volatility of volatility increases even more,furthering the chance of another large move. But when these movements are downward,the volatility of the next movement in volatility is reduced dramatically, and the processtends to stay down, sometimes for very long periods.

4.4. The leverage e:ect

For the 2GAM model, Table 1 showed that 1¿ 2 with extremely high posteriorprobability. Since 1¡ 0, the e4ect of this is to make the correlation between priceand variance processes inversely related to the level of instantaneous variance. This isclear from (6).Fig. 4 shows this correlation as a function of instantaneous volatility. On a typical

day, the volatility of the S&P 100 is just under 1% per day, and the ;gure shows thatall models imply relatively similar correlations. It is when markets become turbulentthat the correlation implied by the 2GAM model becomes even more negative. In themost extreme cases, when daily volatility exceeds 3%, this correlation is fairly closeto negative one. Through this mechanism, extreme shocks to volatility are likely tobe associated with large negative returns. This will substantially increase the skew-ness of returns under the 2GAM model relative to the CEV model, as will be shownnext.

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0 1000 2000 30000




0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000




0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000




0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



0 1000 2000 30000



Fig. 3. Simulated volatility paths.

4.5. Unconditional skewness and kurtosis of returns and implied volatilities

The ability to generate realistic higher moments in stock returns is one of a stochas-tic volatility model’s most crucial requirements. For several reasons, I focus not onthe population moments implied by the various models, but on the distributions ofsample moments generated by each model. These distributions supply a more informa-tive description of the return characteristics implied by each model than do populationmoments since they address more directly what values of higher moments are likely to

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0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05-1







Instantaneous volatility







Fig. 4. Correlation between price and instantaneous variance processes (posterior means and 90% con;denceintervals).

be found in a ;nite sample of data. 12 For this reason, the focus on sample momentso4ers a more parallel basis to compare observed and model-implied moments.The focus on model-implied distributions of sample moments is also motivated by

the fact that some model-implied population moments may not exist, as shown inSection C.6. For example, given the parameter estimates reported in Table 1, CEVmodel returns have ;nite mean and variance, but not skewness or kurtosis, since thevariance process has no ;nite moments higher than the ;rst. Distributions of samplemoments remain well-de;ned and ;nite even when their probability limits are not,and they provide an intuitive means to measure the degree of non-normality that eachmodel is capable of generating.The sample moments of the levels and changes in the VIX index are also statistics

that can be compared with their model-implied counterparts. Examination of these mo-ments could reveal whether model misspeci;cation is caused by unreasonable volatilitydynamics or an incorrect characterization of the distribution of returns conditional onvolatility (e.g. jumps or no jumps).

12 For example, they will reveal whether higher moments are driven primarily by large returns occurringsomewhat infrequently (a high median, low variance distribution of sample kurtosis) or by enormous returnsoccurring with minute probability (a low median, high variance, and right skewed distribution of samplekurtosis).

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Table 3Distribution percentiles of 13-year sample moments

Returns VIX Levels VIX Changes

Skewness Kurtosis Skewness Kurtosis Skewness Kurtosis

Actual sample momentsPost-crash sample (1988–2000) −0.299 8.058 1.102 4.975 0.795 15.426Whole sample (1986–2000) −2.230 49.218 4.627 54.696 17.201 990.817

Model-implied sample moment distributionsSQRT 1st −0.247 3.570 0.029 2.263 −0.099 3.025

5th −0.189 3.720 0.144 2.392 −0.067 3.09650th −0.055 4.156 0.469 2.886 0.008 3.29295th 0.067 4.851 0.885 4.057 0.089 3.55499th 0.118 5.273 1.106 4.909 0.121 3.699

CEV 1st −1.255 4.137 0.935 3.584 −2.892 4.7915th −0.491 4.644 1.167 4.454 −1.071 5.73150th 0.012 8.779 2.276 10.074 −0.010 14.56495th 1.014 48.031 5.143 38.554 0.921 98.28499th 3.576 140.375 7.388 71.721 2.297 238.658

2GAM 1st −2.384 3.868 0.892 3.732 −5.833 4.5565th −0.702 4.177 1.125 4.473 −1.734 5.46150th −0.097 6.205 2.184 10.305 −0.024 14.92295th 0.140 24.930 5.797 56.651 1.356 192.17499th 0.460 68.774 9.548 144.287 4.062 604.541

EJP-SVJa 1st −2.147 5.062 0.056 2.324 −0.139 3.2725th −1.636 6.150 0.174 2.460 −0.101 3.38350th −0.692 11.108 0.502 2.970 −0.015 3.70495th −0.074 22.430 0.965 4.259 0.073 4.24899th 0.182 31.252 1.266 5.287 0.112 4.590

aThe EJP-SVJ model is Eraker et al. (2003) model of stochastic volatility with jumps in the price process.

To account for the uncertainty of the parameter estimates, distributions of samplemoments are computed using many di4erent draws from the posterior distribution ofthe parameter vector. Speci;cally, I draw ;ve thousand parameter vectors at randomfrom each model’s posterior distribution. For each parameter draw, I simulate a 13-yearsample of returns and variance data, starting with a randomly drawn initial level ofV . Given the level of instantaneous variance V at the end of each day, I draw acorresponding value of the VIX index from (11). For each sample I compute skewnessand kurtosis for daily returns (simple, not logarithmic), VIX levels, and VIX changes.Various percentiles of these distributions are reported in Tables 3.For comparison, I also include the results generated by Eraker et al. (2003, EJP)

jump-di4usion (“SVJ”) model, which combines the square root stochastic varianceprocess with a Poisson jump. Because the full posterior distribution is not available for

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this model, distributions of sample moments are computed using the point estimatesreported in Table 3 of their paper. These estimates are calculated from daily S&P500 returns from the 1980–1999 period, which is notable since it contains the 1987crash. 13

The simulated distribution for the SQRT, CEV, and 2GAM models represent a typeof predictive distribution that is not conditioned on the terminal values of the sampledata, since the initial value of volatility in each simulation is drawn from the uncondi-tional distribution of the process rather than the ;ltered distribution of volatility on thelast day of the sample. The simulations for EJP’s SVJ model, since they are based on asingle set of point estimates, generate what is commonly called a parametric bootstrapdistribution.Table 3 compares model-implied distributions of 13-year sample moments with ac-

tual sample moments calculated over the 1986–2000 and 1988–2000 periods. 14 It isimmediately apparent that the 2GAM and CEV models typically generate far greaterdeviations from normality in returns than does the SQRT model. The table shows thatfor both sample periods the sample skewness and kurtosis lie beyond the 1st and 99thpercentiles of the distributions implied by the SQRT model. The 1986–2000 samplemoments are particularly hard to reconcile with the square root volatility process.By adding jumps, the SVJ model comes close to capturing the negative skewness in

returns observed around the 1987 crash. It is not as successful as the CEV or 2GAMmodels at generating the required level of kurtosis, however. This is despite the factthat the SVJ parameters are estimated on a sample of returns that includes the 1987crash, while the other models are based on post-crash posterior distributions.By allowing the leverage e4ect to increase in magnitude as the level of variance

rises, the 2GAM model is able to produce substantially more negative skewness thanthe CEV model while producing more moderate levels of kurtosis. While the skewnessfalls short of being consistent with the 1986–2000 sample moments, it is on par withthat generated by the model that includes jumps.Additional insight is gained from looking at the sample and model-implied moments

of the levels and daily changes in the VIX index. In both sample periods, both levelsand changes were positively skewed with substantial excess kurtosis. The level ofnon-normality is extreme in the 1986–2000 sample, which is largely due to the increasefrom 36% to 150% in the VIX index that occurred on the day of the 1987 crash. Whilenone of the models is capable of reproducing the skewness or kurtosis of VIX changes,the 2GAM model comes closest. Only the CEV and 2GAM models are successful inmatching the higher moments in the levels of the VIX index.

13 Simulations of the VIX index under the SVJ model are performed by numerically establishing the relationbetween Vt and the 22-day ATM call price, which is then converted into an implied volatility. Since novolatility or jump risk premia are estimated by EJP, these parameters are assumed to be zero. Finally, aproportional error of 6% (in line with the results for the CEV and 2GAM models from Table 1) is addedto the simulated implied volatility.14 The average length of these two samples is about 13 years.

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Table 4Conditional moments

Returns VIX Levels

Skewness Kurtosis Skewness Kurtosis

Moments conditional on V0 = 0:0001SQRT � = 1 −0.100 3.009 0.106 3.017

� = 5 −0.238 3.105 0.155 2.978� = 22 −0.414 3.317 0.326 2.960

CEV � = 1 −0.096 3.013 0.238 3.115� = 5 −0.240 3.145 0.588 3.654� = 22 −0.508 3.675 1.398 7.072

2GAM � = 1 −0.107 3.020 0.261 3.135� = 5 −0.267 3.194 0.646 3.843� = 22 −0.568 3.954 1.786 11.898

EJP-SVJ � = 1 −0.559 8.491 0.089 3.014� = 5 −0.304 4.117 0.162 3.027� = 22 −0.215 3.299 0.248 3.053

Moments conditional on V0 = 0:001SQRT � = 1 0.053 3.001 0.003 3.012

� = 5 0.105 2.989 0.061 3.004� = 22 0.190 3.014 0.065 2.997

CEV � = 1 −0.089 3.021 0.357 3.227� = 5 −0.235 3.133 0.874 4.508� = 22 −0.462 3.558 2.271 14.445

2GAM � = 1 −0.241 3.126 0.655 3.853� = 5 −0.602 3.825 2.043 14.720� = 22 −1.049 5.252 5.350 105.352

EJP-SVJa � = 1 0.072 3.091 0.021 3.002� = 5 0.162 3.050 0.081 2.995� = 22 0.320 3.161 0.173 3.050

aThe EJP-SVJ model is Eraker et al. (2003) model of stochastic volatility with jumps in the price process.

4.6. Conditional skewness and kurtosis of returns and implied volatilities

It is well-known (see Das and Sundaram, 1999, for example) that although stochas-tic volatility models may produce large unconditional deviations from normality, theirconditional distributions often look relatively Gaussian. Table 4 presents the higherconditional moments of the same models considered previously, where the sole con-ditioning variable is the level of the instantaneous variance process Vt . One, 5- and22-day time horizons are considered.

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For simplicity, conditional population moments are calculated using the posteriormean parameter values taken from the 1988–2000 sample, and are computed from ;vehundred thousand independent simulated paths of prices and instantaneous variances.As before, Eraker et al. (2001) SVJ model uses parameter values estimated from S&P500 returns from 1980–1999. Since the conditional moments of the levels and changesin the VIX index are nearly identical, I report only the results for the former.Table 4 shows that conditional 1-day return distributions under the SQRT, CEV,

and 2GAM models are very nearly Gaussian, in stark contrast to the unconditionaldistributions. Given a relatively typical initial variance of 0:0001 (a volatility of 1% perday), return distributions of all three models are only slightly left-skewed with almostno excess kurtosis. The SVJ model of Eraker et al. (2001) produces substantially greaterdeviations from normality at the 1-day horizon, with a conditional kurtosis almost ashigh as the median unconditional level from Table 3. At longer horizons, however, theordering is reversed, with the three continuous models producing the greatest levelsof kurtosis for 22-day returns. The 2GAM model, for instance, has a 22-day returnkurtosis of 3.95, while the kurtosis of the SVJ model is just 3.30.When volatility is unusually high (V0 = 0:001, corresponding to a volatility of about

3.2% per day), the 2GAM model o4ers the highest conditional kurtosis at all timehorizons. Furthermore, the two speci;cations based on the square root volatility process(the SQRT and SVJ models) imply positive skewness in the returns distribution. Oneinterpretation is that because the square root variance di4usion function is concave inVt , the volatility of the variance process decreases relative to its level, causing therandomness in the variance process to becomes less important as Vt increases. As aresult, the process approximates more closely the lognormal model, implying the rightskew in simple returns observed in Table 4. The SVJ model exhibits similar behaviorbecause at high levels of di4usive volatility, the jump component becomes relativelyunimportant.Similarly to the unconditional moments in Table 3, the conditional distributions of

the VIX process in Table 4 are substantially less Gaussian for the 2GAM and CEVprocesses. While intuition about the “right” levels of conditional skewness and kurtosisin volatility is less readily available than it is for returns, these moments perhaps mostclearly distinguish the various speci;cations from one another.

4.7. Option prices

If the CEV and 2GAM models produce substantially greater non-normality in returns,at least over longer horizons, they should have an advantage over the SQRT model inexplaining the volatility smile, or the tendency of options far from the money to sell atpremiums relative to a Black–Scholes benchmark calculated using the implied volatilityof an at-the-money option. I will therefore examine how the di4erent models price putsand calls of di4erent maturities with varying degrees of moneyness. I calculate theseprices by simulation under the risk-neutral measure, again using the post-July 1988posterior means as the parameter values for simulation. For simplicity, I assume thatthe interest and dividend rates are zero.

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Table 5Model-implied put and call pricesa

Puts ATM Calls

Strike 80 90 95 99 100 101 105 110 120

� = 5, SQRT 0.0000 0.0001 0.0223 0.5252 0.9259 0.4960 0.0069 0.0000 0.0000V0 = 0:0001 CEV 0.0000 0.0001 0.0243 0.5286 0.9288 0.4988 0.0074 0.0000 0.0000

2GAM 0.0000 0.0002 0.0268 0.5350 0.9339 0.5015 0.0072 0.0000 0.0000

� = 5, SQRT 0.0030 0.2386 1.0023 2.3852 2.8651 2.4004 1.0623 0.2965 0.0094V0 = 0:001 CEV 0.0207 0.3530 1.1213 2.4337 2.8901 2.4030 0.9968 0.2306 0.0030

2GAM 0.0484 0.4267 1.1658 2.4011 2.8348 2.3249 0.8669 0.1422 0.0002

� = 22, SQRT 0.0029 0.1382 0.6391 1.7566 2.1917 1.6980 0.4515 0.0365 0.0000V0 = 0:0001 CEV 0.0131 0.2004 0.7204 1.8148 2.2400 1.7408 0.4619 0.0357 0.0000

2GAM 0.0206 0.2320 0.7687 1.8639 2.2859 1.7771 0.4761 0.0367 0.0000

� = 22, SQRT 0.6294 2.4101 4.0695 5.8383 6.3434 5.8735 4.2372 2.6998 0.9499V0 = 0:001 CEV 1.3255 3.0786 4.5571 6.1290 6.5822 6.0574 4.2280 2.5147 0.6906

2GAM 1.2805 2.8082 4.1204 5.5521 5.9724 5.4191 3.4959 1.7684 0.2538

� = 66, SQRT 0.4527 1.7044 2.9967 4.5010 4.9524 4.4323 2.6957 1.2541 0.1589V0 = 0:0001 CEV 1.1603 2.5670 3.7987 5.1711 5.5796 5.0198 3.0819 1.4078 0.1343

2GAM 1.1338 2.5198 3.7481 5.1232 5.5332 4.9702 3.0402 1.3772 0.1254

� = 66, SQRT 4.4168 7.9026 10.1267 12.1362 12.6699 12.2145 10.5199 8.6627 5.7329V0 = 0:001 CEV 6.7271 9.6490 11.4727 13.1332 13.5781 13.0387 10.9941 8.7315 5.1907

2GAM 4.1383 6.6201 8.2791 9.8487 10.2778 9.7215 7.6608 5.4667 2.3888

aAssuming an initial stock price of $100 and an interest rate of zero.

Each option price is calculated from one-hundred thousand simulations assuming aninitial stock price of $100. Two variance reduction techniques are used: antithetic vari-ables and conditional simulations, whereby only Vt is simulated. The latter techniqueis developed by Willard (1997) and implemented recently by Poteshman (1998). Forthe 2GAM model, Willard’s method is inapplicable since the price/variance correlationis time-varying, so I instead use the extension of Romano and Touzi (1997).Table 5 shows the prices of puts and calls generated by each model for a variety of

strike prices, times to maturity, and initial variance levels. To highlight the di4erencebetween the models, no in-the-money options were included. Standard errors of the putand call prices are not reported but are less than 2% of the option price for all optionswhose values exceed 0:0001.Because the drift of the variance process under the risk-neutral measure is everywhere

positive for all three models, option prices in Table 5 tend to be high. For the shorterterm options, however, this e4ect is relatively minor. While all models generate com-parable prices for options that are approximately at-the-money, substantial di4erencesexist for options that are far from at-the-money. Deep out-of-the-money put optionsare valued higher by the CEV and 2GAM models than by the SQRT model. In some

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cases these options are over ;ve times more expensive under the CEV model and over10 times more expensive under the 2GAM model. In contrast, the deep out-of-the-money call options are generally more expensive under the SQRT model, reTectingthe less negative skewness of returns for that model.For longer term options, the large positive drift in the CEV variance process implies

very expensive options of all degrees of moneyness. The plausibility of these prices isundermined by the implication that the implied volatility term structure is unreasonablyupward sloping. Given an initial level of variance equal to 0:0001 (a volatility of 1%per day), the 5-day, 22-day, and 66-day ATM implied volatilities are 17%, 19.5%,and 28%, respectively, for the CEV model. While implied volatility curves are oftenupward sloping, consistent upward slopes of this magnitude are unreasonable, as Pan(2002) argues. Misspeci;cation in the assumed price of volatility risk is a possibleexplanation for these results.

4.8. Implied volatility smiles

To determine whether the implied volatility smiles generated by the CEV and SQRTmodels are consistent with options price data, I engage in a preliminary analysis us-ing closing prices of S&P 100 equity options from July 1988 through August 1996.Black–Scholes implied volatilities are calculated using the method of AXYt-Sahalia andLo (1998). Since this method is only applicable to European-style options, the resultshere are open to criticism. It will be apparent below, however, that the early exercisepremium would have to be extremely large to alter the results. In addition, the quali-tative results are identical if S&P 500 options are used instead, and these options areEuropean.Using this method, simultaneously observed puts and calls with the same strike price

and maturity are used to infer the implied index forward price. This circumvents theneed for an accurate dividend forecast and a concurrent value for the true value ofthe index, but allows only one implied volatility to be extracted from every pair ofoptions.I de;ne “at-the-money” as the equality of the strike price and the implied forward

price. I discard all option prices that are not part of matched pairs as well as all optionprices recorded on days without at least two matched pairs. On each day, at-the-moneyimplied volatilities for each maturity are calculated by interpolating (or occasionallyextrapolating) the corresponding volatility smiles on that day.I compute the di4erence between each matched pair’s implied volatility and the

contemporaneous at-the-money implied volatility for the same maturity. This di4erence,the “smile magnitude,” will be plotted against a normalized strike price, which isequal to the true strike price over the implied forward price minus one. Looking atthe di4erence between two implied volatilities calculated from the same model shouldreduce the extent with which the di4erences between the models are driven simply bydi4erent levels of risk-neutral drift.Although we should expect this measure of the volatility smile to depend on both

the time to maturity of the option and the level of at-the-money implied volatility, Igroup data only by the former. Three maturity groups are considered: (a) options with

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-0.1 -0.05 0 0.05-0.05







22−day smiles, V0=.0001



-0.1 -0.05 0 0.05-0.05







22−day smiles, V0=.001


-0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 -0.05





0.266−day smiles, V


moneyness -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05






0.266−day smiles, V



-0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 -0.05




0.15132−day smiles, V


moneyness -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05





0.15132−day smiles, V



Fig. 5. Implied volatility smiles.

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between 21 and 23 days to expiration, (b) options with between 64 and 68 days toexpiration, and (c) options with between 120 and 144 days to expiration. 15

The observed smile magnitudes (dots) are plotted in Fig. 5 along with the volatil-ity smiles generated by the CEV (solid line), the 2GAM (dashed line), and SQRT(dot-dash line) models. Subplots on the left-hand side assume an initial level of in-stantaneous variance equal to 0:0001, while those on the right assume V0 = 0:001.In general, the model-implied smiles for 22-day (1-month) options are far less se-vere than those observed in the data. For 3-month options, the ;t of the CEV and2GAM models is somewhat better, while for 6-month options the ;t is quite good. Inall cases, the SQRT model is clearly inadequate in explaining most in-the-money andout-of-the-money options prices.

5. Conclusion

As opposed to the GARCH literature on stock volatility, in which new modelsare primarily introduced to explain previously unnoticed features of price dynamics,the continuous-time literature has tended to favor models that generate closed formsolutions for derivative prices. While such an emphasis is natural given the typical usesof these models, the inability of popular models to generate realistic price dynamicslimits their usefulness.The models introduced in this paper have obvious advantages over the square root

model of Heston (1993) and others. While the square root model does produce non-Gaussian returns, the skewness and kurtosis it generates are far too small to be con-sistent with equity index returns. The unconditional skewness and kurtosis generatedby the CEV and 2GAM models matched the sample moments remarkably well, eventhose moments calculated from a sample that included the crash of 1987. It is notablethat the model-implied moments reported were implied by parameters estimated over asample that did not include that crash. The results therefore suggest that the patterns ofreturns and volatility in relatively calm markets can be informative about less benignstates as well. In other words, we may not need to see a crash to know the probabilitywith which one will occur.Unfortunately, while the option prices and volatility smiles generated by the CEV

and 2GAM models are in many cases much more realistic that the prices implied bythe square root model, they are still inconsistent with the volatility smile consistentlyobserved in short-term equity index options. This suggests that while unconditionalmoments are well-described simply by modeling volatility as a more nonlinear pro-cess, conditional moments may not be. An analysis of conditional moments showsnear-Gaussian behavior for all of the stochastic variance models, particularly at shorthorizons. Jumps, which substantially increase conditional non-normality, may thereforebe an important component of returns, at least under the risk-neutral measure.

15 In an earlier version of this paper, I examined the implied volatility smile of 5-day options as well. Afterobserving that the bulk of the out-of-the-money option prices were no larger than a single tick, I excludedall very short-term options data from the paper.

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The CEV and 2GAM models are also incapable of matching the time series behaviorof the VIX index of implied volatility during the crash of 1987, although they o4ertremendous improvement over models based on the square root variance process. Onepossible explanation is that the price of risk is misspeci;ed. Another is that volatilityitself might jump, an interesting idea introduced by Bates (2000) and DuJe et al.(2000) and carefully pursued by Eraker et al. (2003). A third is that volatility is betterdescribed by a two-factor model, which has been pursued by Alizadeh et al. (2001)and Chernov et al. (2003), among others.Although option prices and conditional moments remain somewhat of a puzzle, many

other aspects of the data are less perplexing. The results of this paper suggest a simplelink between the observed intertemporal patterns in volatility and the existence of veryrare and very large market crashes.When volatility is low, it tends to stay low, sometimes over extremely long periods,

since its drift is near zero and its own variance is small. When eventually there isa large positive shock to the volatility process, volatility itself rapidly becomes morevolatile, and the probability of a larger subsequent rise in volatility increases dramat-ically. Successive positive shocks to volatility can therefore compound rapidly, andthe eventual occurrence of such shocks makes the extreme return a rare but regularevent. When the degree of negative correlation between prices and volatility increases,these extreme returns, more likely than not, are stock market crashes. Following thecrash, these high volatility states tend to die out quickly because the mean reversionin volatility is itself volatility induced.While there remain unanswered questions regarding the correct speci;cation of con-

ditional moments, risk premia, and options pricing, the models developed here showclear potential as simple yet much more realistic generalizations of existing models.With the growing popularity of derivatives written on realized volatilities rather thanprices, future work using these derivatives’ prices may provide a natural way to im-prove our understanding of volatility dynamics even further.


I thank David Bates, Greg Bauer, Mike Chernov, Mike Johannes, Nour Meddahi,Jun Pan, Neil Shephard, Ane Tamayo, and seminar participants at McGill, Rochester,the 2000 Meetings of the Western Finance Association, the 2000 World Congress ofthe Econometric Society, and the 2000 Duke-CIRANO Conference on Risk Neutral andObjective Probability Distributions for many helpful comments. I am especially gratefulto Iulian Obreja for sharing his technical expertise, to the editor, George Tauchen, formany suggestions, and to an anonymous referee for an excellent report. All errorsremain my own.

Appendix A. Drawing the parameters

In this appendix I describe draws of the four parameter blocks of �=(� (1); � (2); � (3);� (4)) given the entire set of high-frequency stock prices and variances, written in

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shorthand as S and V . As an illustration, consider the draw of � (3). We would liketo draw from the distribution p(� (3)|� (1); � (2); � (4); S; V ), which is, by Bayes rule,proportional to p(S; V |�)p(� (3)), where p(� (3)) is the prior on � (3). The likelihoodfunction, p(S; V |�), can be decomposed as the likelihood of the initial observation timesthe likelihood of all subsequent observations, or p(S; V |�)=p(S0; V0|�)p(S; V |�; S0; V0).The second term here is the product of Gaussian transition probabilities, and were weto ignore the ;rst non-Gaussian term many analytical results would be available aboutthe conditional distributions of the parameters in � (1) to � (4).In fact, the strategy in drawing parameters will be to ignore this ;rst term and then

make a correction for it later. Speci;cally, we generate a candidate set of parameterdraws � (1) to � (4) from distributions such as p(S; V |�; S0; V0)p(� (3)) and then acceptor reject the collection of draws � (1) to � (4) depending on what they imply about themissing term, p(S0; V0|�). Sections A.1–A.4 consider the draws of � (1) to � (4), whileSection A.5 gives the criterion for acceptance.

A.1. Drawing � (1) = {�; �; �}

Given the parameters of the di4usion function, 1, 2, 1, and 2, and observation ofthe full price and variance paths, we can derive the conditional distribution of � (1) usingthe SUR methodology of Chib and Greenberg (1996). From the Euler approximation(22), the parameters �, �, and � can be seen as the coeJcients of a bivariate linearregression with a time-varying but known residual covariance matrix.Inference about � is complicated, however, by the fact that additional information

about � is also provided by the intercept of the regression equation for implied variance,IVt=A+BVt+Vt*t , where B=(1=�∗�)(e�

∗�−1), A=−(�=�∗)(1−B), and *t ∼ N (0; �2).Rearranging, we get

IVt − BVtVt

=−1− B�∗Vt

�+ *t : (A.1)

Conditional on �∗ and � and assuming a Tat prior, this regression equation implies anormal distribution for �.Now using this conditional posterior as a prior for �, and choosing extremely di4use

prior means and variances for � and �, the method of Chib and Greenberg (1996) canbe applied directly.

A.2. Drawing � (2) = {1; 2; 1; 2}

The parameters 1 and 2 enter the model in a nonlinear way, so drawing fromtheir distribution presents an additional challenge. Because little is known about thedistribution of 1 and 2, I will use the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm to generatetheir posterior. I will assume di4use prior information about both, or p( 1; 2) ˙ 1.As a candidate generating density I will use an independent bivariate random walk, sothat the candidate draw is equal to the previous draw plus two independent Gaussianinnovations with mean zero and standard deviation + .

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EJciency will be improved if 1 and 2 are drawn jointly with 1 and 2, becausethe four parameters are highly correlated in the posterior. The candidate draws ̃1 and̃2 will be conditioned on the candidate draw of ̃1 and ̃2. This conditional draw canbe motivated by a rearrangement of the Euler approximation (12):

S(k+1)h − (1 + h�)Skh√h√VkhSkh

= �(1)k+1;

V(k+1)h − Vkh − h�− hVkh�√hV 2kh

= 1V 1− 2kh �(1)k+1 + 2�


Note from the ;rst equation that given � and the time series of (Sk ; Vk) the residual�(1) can be treated as an observed variable. The second equation can then be interpretedas a linear regression on an observed variable, V 1− 2kh �(1)k+1, with 1 as the regressioncoeJcient and 2 as the standard deviation of the residual. 16

With the Tat prior p(1; 2) ˙ 1=2, 2 has an inverted gamma distribution and1 has a normal distribution given 2. This bivariate distribution is used to generatecandidate pairs (̃1; ̃2) given the draw of 1 and 2. The complete candidate generatingdensity is therefore given by this IG/normal density multiplied by the bivariate normalrandom walk density used to draw 1 and 2. Let fG(1; 2; 1; 2) denote this density.

We can calculate the true conditional distribution of (1; 2; 1; 2) up to a constantof proportionality by an application of Bayes rule:

p(1; 2; 1; 2|�; �; �; S; V; S0; V0)

˙ p(S; V |�; �; �; 1; 2; 1; 2; S0; V0)p(1; 2; 1; 2): (A.2)

The ;rst term on the right side is the completed likelihood function—the probabilityof generating the full set of high frequency S and V given the model parameters.This likelihood is calculated using the Euler approximation and is therefore the prod-uct of bivariate Gaussian transition densities. The second term is the prior, which isproportional to 1=2.The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm dictates the probability with which the candidate

draws must be accepted in order for convergence to the proper distribution to occur.The probability of moving from the previous draw (1; 2; 1; 2) to the candidate draw(̃1; ̃2; ̃1; ̃2) is

min{p(S; V |�; �; �; ̃1; ̃2; ̃1; ̃2)p(̃1; ̃2; ̃1; ̃2)fG(1; 2; 1; 2)p(S; V |�; �; �; 1; 2; 1; 2)p(1; 2; 1; 2)fG(̃1; ̃2; ̃1; ̃2) ; 1

}: (A.3)

The resulting draws will converge to p(1; 2; 1; 2|�; �; �; S; V; S0; V0).

A.3. Drawing � (3) = �∗

Again recall the assumptions about the relationship between the instantaneous andoption-implied variances: IVt = A + BVt + Vt*t , where B = (1=�∗�)(e�

∗� − 1), A =−(�=�∗)(1− B), and *t ∼ N (0; �2).

16 This approach is borrowed from Jacquier et al. (2001).

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Conditional on all parameters save �∗, the normality of *t enables the computationof a likelihood function for �∗. This likelihood is non-standard, however, and theconditional posterior for �∗ is of an unknown form. A value of �∗ is therefore drawnusing the griddy Gibbs sampler of Ritter and Tanner (1992), where the Grid consistsof ten thousand equally-spaced points between −0:1 and 0.2.

A.4. Drawing � (4) = �

Given A and B, a time series of homoskedastic regression residuals is de;ned by*t = (IVt − A− BVt)=Vt . The parameter � is the standard deviation of *t , so given anyprior of the inverted gamma form the posterior of � is also an inverted gamma.

A.5. Incorporating the information in V0

Suppose we have drawn a candidate set of parameters � using the steps describedin B.1–B.4. Then these parameters are jointly drawn from a density proportional top(S; V |�; S0; V0)p(�), which ignores the information in the initial observation (S0; V0).In order to take the full likelihood into account, we require the posterior be given byp(S; V |�; S0; V0)p(S0; V0|�)p(�) .We therefore correct the previous draws of � = (� (1); � (2); � (3); � (4)) by rejecting

the parameter draws that are least likely to generate V0 in their stationary distribution.Given the nonstationarity of St , its initial value can be assumed di4use, containing noinformation about the model parameters. This accept/reject step is accomplished againusing the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm, with the draws described in B.1–B.4 jointlyused as the candidate generator. The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm therefore dictatesthat the set of new draws (�̃ (1); �̃ (2); �̃ (3); �̃ (4)) is accepted over the old set of draws(� (1); � (2); � (3); � (4)) with probability


{p(V0|�̃ (1); �̃ (2); �̃ (3); �̃ (4))p(V0|� (1); � (2); � (3); � (4))

; 1

}: (A.4)

If the new draw is rejected, we repeat the old one.

Appendix B. The distribution of high-frequency variance

For integer t both St and IVt are observed, so draws of the latent variable Vt shouldcome from

p(Vt |� S ; St−h; Vt−h; St)p(IVt |� S ; Vt)p(St+h; Vt+h|� S ; St ; Vt); (B.1)

where the ;rst term is proportional to a the conditional density of a bivariate normalrandom variable with mean

M = Vt−h + h(�+ �Vt−h) + (Vt−h)(Vt−h)√Vt−h

(St − h(1 + �)St−h) (B.2)

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and standard deviation is√h(Vt−h)

√1− 2(Vt−h), where (V ) = (1V 1 )=√

21V 2 1 + 22V 2 2 and (V ) =√21V 2 1 + 22V 2 2 . The second term, p(IVt |� S ; Vt), is

proportional to




(IVt − A− BVt


)2): (B.3)

Again using the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm, a candidate draw of Vt is generatedfrom the convolution of the ;rst term, p(Vt |� S ; St−h; Vt−h; St), and an approximationto the second term, p(IVt |� S ; Vt), that is given by

pa(IVt |� S ; Vt) = 1QVexp


(IVt − A− BVt

� QV


˙ exp


(Vt − (IVt − A)=B

� QV=B

)2); (B.4)

where QV = 12(Vt−h + Vt+h). The approximate density therefore represents a normal

distribution for Vt , making the candidate generating density

p(Vt |� S ; St−h; Vt−h; St)pa(IVt |� S ; Vt) (B.5)

normal as well. The Metropolis acceptance probability, or the probability of replacingthe previous draw Vt with the candidate draw V ∗

t , is

min{p(St+h; Vt+h|� S ; St ; V ∗

t )p(IVt |� S ; V ∗t )pa(IVt |� S ; Vt)

p(St+h; Vt+h|� S ; St ; Vt)p(IVt |� S ; Vt)pa(IVt |� S ; V ∗t ); 1}: (B.6)

Appendix C. Some results for the CEV process with � ¿ 1

The relatively simple speci;cation of the CEV process makes it possible to prove anumber of results that are diJcult to show for the 2GAM process. Given the parameterestimates in Table 1, I focus on the case in which ¿ 1.

C.1. De�nition of the scale measure

The scale measure is de;ned as∫ n

ms(x) dx; (C.1)

where s(x), the scale density, is

s(x) = exp



: (C.2)

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For the CEV process dV = (�+ �V ) dt + V dB, the scale measure is equal to∫ n


2�2(2 − 1)

1x2 −1 +

2�2(2 − 2)

1x2 −2

)dx: (C.3)

C.2. Boundary behavior at +∞

In;nity is not attainable as long as∫ +∞

ms(x) dx =+∞ (C.4)

for arbitrary m (see Karlin and Taylor, 1981, pp. 230–231).For the CEV process with ¿ 1, the result is obtained regardless of the signs of �

and �. We can observe that as x ↑ +∞,


2�2(2 − 1)

1x2 −1 +

2�2(2 − 2)

1x2 −2

)→ 1; (C.5)

since 1=x2 −1 and 1=x2 −2 both converge to zero. The integral therefore diverges in thiscase as well.

C.3. Boundary behavior at 0

The lower bound of 0 is not attainable if∫ n

0s(x) dx =+∞ (C.6)

for arbitrary n.For the CEV process with ¿ 1,


2�2(2 − 1)

1x2 −1 +

2�2(2 − 2)

1x2 −2

)≈ exp


2(2 − 1)1

x2 −1


as x ↓ 0, since the 1=x2 −2 term diverges to +∞ at a slower rate.If �¿ 0 and ¿ 1, then 2 − 1¿ 1 and 1= 2�=2(2 − 1)¿ 0. This implies that


2�2(2 − 1)

1x2 −1

)= exp


x2 −1

)¿ exp




holds for small enough x. Since 1=x is not integrable at 0, (C.6) is satis;ed.

C.4. Existence and uniqueness of the solutions

We have proven that as long as ¿ 1, the sign of � is irrelevant for the attainabilityof 0 and +∞ by the CEV variance process. Furthermore, the sign of � is irrelevantfor the attainability of +∞. For the zero drift case, identical results are proved byAndersen and Andreasen (1998).

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Together, the unattainability of 0 and +∞ is equivalent to Assumption 1 of Conleyet al. (1997). They note that this assumption is a suJcient condition for the existenceand uniqueness of the solution of the variance SDE, according to Theorem 5.7 ofKaratzas and Shreve (1991, p. 335).Given the existence of the solution to the variance SDE, the solution of the price

SDE can also be shown to exist using a theorem of Revuz and Yor (1999, p. 375).De;ning dM = � dt +

√V dB (which is well-de;ned due to the square integrability

of√V , proved below), the price process can be written as dS = f(t; S) dM , where

f(t; S)=St . Since f satis;es a Lipschitz condition and is locally bounded, the solutionof the price SDE exists and is unique.

C.5. Stationarity

Given the unattainability of 0 and +∞, the stationary density, if it exists, will beproportional to 1=(s(x)2(x)) (see Karlin and Taylor, 1981, p. 241). Existence of thestationary distribution is ensured as long as∫ +∞



dx¡∞ (C.9)

(see Karlin and Taylor, 1981, p. 221).When �= 1, the stationary density must take the form


2x2 exp(− 2�2(2 − 1)

1x2 −1 − 2�

2(2 − 2)1

x2 −2

); (C.10)

where C is an integrating constant.If ¿ 1, then as x ↑ +∞ this density approaches C=(2x2 ) since the exponential

converges to 1. Since∫ +∞



dx¡∞ (C.11)

for m¿ 0, the right tail of the density is integrable regardless of the signs of � and �.As x ↓ 0, the behavior of the exponential is determined solely by the term inside

the exponential that diverges at the fastest rate. When ¿ 1, this is the 1=x2 −1 term,making the density asymptotically proportional to


exp(− 3x2 −1

); (C.12)

where 3 = 2�=2(2 − 1)¿ 0 as long as �¿ 0.De;ning a change of variable u= x1−2 , we have∫ m



exp(− 3x2 −1

)dx =

∫ +∞


11− 2

exp(−u) du; (C.13)

which is ;nite.

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Thus for ¿ 1 and �¿ 0, both tails of the density are integrable. Given the absenceof singularities inside (0;+∞), the whole density is therefore integrable, implying theexistence of the stationary distribution. Again, the sign of � is irrelevant as long as ¿ 1.Following Conley et al. (1997), the stationarity of a process is said to be “volatility-

induced” when a deterministic process with the same drift would be explosive. Since theparameter region de;ned by ¿ 1, �¿ 0, and �¿ 0 implies stationary behavior eventhough the drift is everywhere positive, stationarity in this region is volatility-induced.These are the conditions given by Conley et al. (1997, p. 539) for the cases consideredhere. 17

C.6. Existence of moments

For ¿ 1, the variance process will have a ;nite kth moment whenever the integral∫ +∞



exp(− 2�2(2 − 1)

1x2 −1 − 2�

2(2 − 2)1

x2 −2

)dx (C.14)

is ;nite. As long as k ¿ 0, the xk term reduces the integrand as x ↓ 0 (which wasalready shown to converge as long as �¿ 0), so the integral converges at 0. Thus,only the upper limit of the integral must be shown to converge for a positive momentto exist.Since the exponential term converges to 1 as x ↑ +∞, convergence of the integral

just requires that∫ +∞



2dx (C.15)

is ;nite. This will be the case whenever k ¡ 2 − 1. Therefore if ¿ 1, then V has a;nite unconditional ;rst moment, while a ;nite second moment requires that ¿ 1:5and a ;nite “11

2” moment requires that ¿ 1:25. As long as ¿ 1, the sign of � isunimportant.

C.7. Expected future variance

AXYt-Sahalia (1996, p. 532) argues that E[Vt+5|Vt] = a + bVt under conditions ap-parently satis;ed by the CEV process. His result, however, makes use of Dynkin’sformula (see Oksendal, 2000, p. 118), which is not necessarily applicable if Vt is onlya local martingale. It is possible to demonstrate, however, that the linear form likelyprovides an accurate approximation for values of 5 from 1 to 22 days, the horizonsfor which it will be used.For the CEV process, posterior means of � are very close to zero, hence highly

suggestive results are available from examining the case of � = 0, for which the

17 Note that the parameter used by CHLS is equivalent to 2 in the present notation. In addition,identi;cation issues related to subordination require CHLS to set equal to 1, without loss of generality.

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transition density of the CEV process has been derived by Cox (1996) among others. Inthis case, we can compute the expectation of Vt+5 both using the linear approximationand using the actual density function. For the parameter values in Table 1, the twoapproaches yield very similar answers. For a 5-day horizon they are virtually identical,while for the 22-day horizon the approximate expectations are slightly higher for highinitial values of Vt .When �¿ 0, it is obvious that the approximate expectation must be biased upward,

because the stationary variance of Vt is ;nite while the limit as 5 → ∞ of a + bVtis not (since b → ∞). This approximation error is likely to bias �∗ towards slightlylower values, will which tend to o4set the upward bias in E[Vt+5|Vt].Taking the approximation as given and integrating E[Vt+5] from 5=0 to �, Fubini’s

theorem implies E[Vt; t+�|Vt]=A+BVt , where B=(1=��)(e��−1) and A=(�=�)(1−B).

C.8. The Novikov condition

It is assumed that the process under the objective measure follows dS = �S dt +√V dZ (1) with dV =(�+�V ) dt+V dZ (2). Under the risk-neutral measure it satis;es

dS = rS dt +√V dZ (1)∗ with dV = (�+ �∗V ) dt + V dZ (2)∗.

These dynamics implicitly de;ne the prices of risk. These functions, 61(V ) and62(V ), are the solutions to

√V61(V ) = � − r and V 62(V ) = �V − �∗V . Thus

61(V ) =� − r√V

and 62(V ) = cV 1− ; (C.16)

where c = (� − �∗)=.The implied Radon–Nikodym derivative is well-de;ned and markets are free from

arbitrage opportunities if the Novikov condition is satis;ed:


∫ T

0(621(Vt) + 622(Vt)) dt

)]¡∞: (C.17)

To check the condition, we may derive an upper bound for the expectation in(49) using Jensen’s inequality and Fubini’s theorem. Since the exponential is convex,


∫ T

0(621(Vt) + 622(Vt)) dt

)]6∫ T

0E[exp(12(621(Vt) + 622(Vt))



It therefore suJces to show the ;niteness of

E[exp(12(621(Vt) + 622(Vt)) dt


=E[exp(12((� − r)2V−1

t + c2V 2−2 t )

)]: (C.19)

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Using the stationary density derived above, this requires that∫ +∞

0exp(12((� − r)2x−1 + c2x2−2 )


× 12x2

exp(− 2�2(2 − 1)

x1−2 − 2�2(2 − 2)

x2−2 )

dx¡∞: (C.21)

As long as ¿ 1, exp( 12 ((�− r)2x−1 + c2x2−2 )) is decreasing in x. With the previousresult that the stationary density is integrable at +∞, the integral in (53) must alsoconverge at +∞.As x ↓ 0, the behavior of the exponential terms is determined solely by the term

inside the exponentials that diverges at the fastest rate. As long as ¿ 1, the x−1

and x2−2 terms diverge more slowly than x1−2 . Following the previous proof of theexistence of a stationary distribution, the integral in (53) therefore converges at 0.Since the integrand lacks other singularities, (53) is satis;ed.Thus as long as ¿ 1 and �¿ 0, the Radon–Nikodym derivative is well-de;ned

even though the prices of risk are unbounded.

C.9. Derivative pricing

The absence of arbitrage implies an equivalent probability measure Q under whichdiscounted security prices are local martingales. Without additional restrictions on thedrift and di4usion functions (such as growth and Lipschitz conditions), discountedprices will not necessarily be martingales. It therefore does not follow that the time-tprice of a security with payo4 f(St+�) can always be represented as EQt [e−r�f(St+�)].

Lewis (2000) notes, however, that in certain cases this representation still holds. Forexample, the absence of arbitrage implies that the price of a European put option bebounded by the strike price, K . Since the discounted put price is a local martingalethat is bounded below by 0 and above by K , it must be a martingale (see Oksendal,2000, p. 126). The put price can therefore be represented as EQt [e−r�max{K−St+�; 0}].

While it is straightforward to value a call option by appealing put-call parity, Lewis(2000, p. 285–286) also proves that the call price is given by EQt [e−r�max{St+�−K; 0}]as long as the variance process is non-explosive under the objective and risk-neutralmeasures (which we have shown) and that the correlation between the price and volatil-ity processes is negative (which we ;nd empirically).

C.10. Validity of the Euler approximation

While the convergence of the Euler approximation may not be established analy-tically, experimentation can provide some evidence of its validity for speci;c cases.Establishing the accuracy of the Euler approximation’s implied transition densities isproblematic, however, because the true transition densities of the CEV process areunknown as long as � �= 0. For both sample periods, however, the posterior mean of� is extremely close to zero, and the transition density of the CEV process for � = 0has been derived by Cox (1996) among others. It is therefore relevant and convenient

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to look at the convergence of the restricted CEV process, dV =�V dt+V dB, as thediscretization parameter h goes to zero.For a given h, ten million 1-day paths variance paths were simulated from initial

values of either 0.0001 or 0.001. Since the correct transition density of the di4u-sion process is known, a cumulative distribution function, denoted as 8D(V ), may becalculated by numerical integration. Now let Vi denote the terminal value of the ithsimulation and 8N the CDF of the standard normal. Under the null hypothesis that thesimulated distribution matches the analytical one,

Xi ≡ 8−1N (8D(Vi)) ∼ N (0; 1): (C.22)

E ≡ :X 2i therefore has a chi-squared distribution under the null and may be interpreted

as a summary statistic for the accuracy of the Euler approximation.Given the large number of simulations, the limiting behavior of E can be character-

ized with great accuracy. For either level of initial variance, and using either sets ofCEV parameter estimates reported in Table 1 (but with �=0), the deviation of E fromits expected value of ten million declines by more than half each time h is halved untilthis deviation is within the 95% con;dence interval implied by the chi-squared distri-bution. While statistically signi;cant deviations are observed for values of h as smallas 0.01, the e4ects on posteriors of choosing a much larger h are extremely minor.Posteriors are not noticeably di4erent for h=0:33 or h=0:1, for instance, though theyare obviously di4erent from those obtained with h= 1.In option pricing applications, it is sometimes necessary to simulate the variance

process over signi;cantly longer intervals. In these applications, extremely small valuesof h appear to be necessary for accurate results, making the approximation very slowand possibly unreliable. Much better performance is obtained by simulating the Eulerapproximation of the log volatility process. For the CEV model, the log volatilityprocess becomes d ln V=((�=V )+�−2V 2 −2) dt+V −1 dB. While the transformationinduces nonlinearity in the drift, the convexity of the di4usion is greatly reduced. Theresult is that option prices computed by simulating the log process are not noticeablydi4erent for values of h smaller than 0.1.A formal test of accuracy of the Euler approximation over long horizons can be con-

structed based on the steady-state density of the CEV process calculated inSection C.5. Letting 8S(V ) denote the true steady-state CDF of ln V , the convergenceof the Euler approximation implies

Yi ≡ 8−1N (8S(ln Vi)) ∼ N(0; 1); (C.23)

where ln Vi is the terminal value of a suJciently long simulation of the log process.Using one million 100-year simulated paths, :Y 2

i is observed to quickly converge to itsexpected value as h goes to zero. The result appears robust to the choice of parametervalues and is obtained for the 2GAM model as well.

For further reading

The following reference may also be of interest to the reader: Black and Scholes(1973).

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