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The Dumb Waiter Script

Aug 07, 2018



Mark Mirando
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  • 8/21/2019 The Dumb Waiter Script


    THE DUMB WAITERby Harold Pinter 

     THE DUMB WAITER was first presented at the Hampstead Theatre Clb on !"st #anary$ "%&'$with the followin( )ast*

    BE+ +i)holas ,elby-U, -eor(e To.ey

     THE DUMB WAITER was sbse/ently presented at the Royal Cort Theatre on 0th Mar)h$ "%&'$with the same )ast1

    Scene * A basement room. Two beds, flat against the back wall. A serving hatch, closed, betweenthe beds. A door to the kitchen and lavatory, left. A door to a passage, right.

    BE+ is lying on a bed, left, reading a paper 1 -U, is sitting on a bed, right, tying his shoelaces, withdifficulty. Both are dressed in shirts, trousers and braces1  Silence1

      -U, ties his laces, rises, yawns and begins to walk slowly to the door, left. He stops, looks down,and shakes his foot 1  BE+ lowers his paper and watches him1 -U, kneels and unties his shoe-lace and slowly takesoff the shoe. He looks inside it and brings out a flattened matchbo. He shakes it and eamines it.Their eyes meet 1 BE+ rattles his paper and reads1 -U, puts the matchbo in his pocket and bendsdown to put on his shoe. He ties his lace, with difficulty 1 BE+ lowers his paper and watches him1-U, walks to the door 1 -U, puts the packet in his pocket, bends down, puts on his shoe and tiethe lace.  He wanders off, left 1  BE+ slams the paper down on the bed and glares after him. He picks up the paper and lies on hisback, reading.  Silence.  A lavatory chain is pulled twice off, left, but the lavatory does not flush.

     Silence1 -U, re-enters, left, and halts at the door, scratching his head 1 BE+ slams down the paper 1

    BE+1 2aw 3

      He picks up the paper.

     What abot this4 5isten to this 3

      He refers to the paper 1

     A man of ei(hty6se.en wanted to )ross the road1 Bt there was a lot of traffi)$ see 4 He )oldn7t seehow he was (oin( to s/ee8e thro(h1 ,o he )rawled nder a lorry1-U,1 He what 4BE+1 He )rawled nder a lorry1 A stationary lorry1-U,1 +o 4BE+1 The lorry started and ran him1-U,1 -o on 3BE+1 That7s what it says here1-U,1 -et away1BE+1 It7s eno(h to ma9e yo want to p9e$ isn7t it 4-U,1 Who ad.ised him to do a thin( li9e that 4BE+1 A man of ei(hty6se.en )rawlin( nder a lorry 3-U,1 It7s nbelie.able1

    BE+1 It7s down here in bla)9 and white1-U,1 In)redible1

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    Silence.-U, shakes his head and eits1 BE+ lies back and reads.The lavatory chain is pulled once off left, but the lavatorydoes not flush.BE+ whistles at an item in the paper 1-U, re-enters1

      I want to as9 yo somethin(1BE+1 What are yo doin( ot there4-U,1 Well$ I was :st66BE+1 What abot the tea4-U,1 I7m :st (oin( to ma9e it1BE+1 Well$ (o on$ ma9e it1

    -U,1 ;es$ I will1 )ept for ri(ht in the middle$ where the )p (oes$ where it7s white1

      BE+ reads1

    Then the plates are the same$ yo see1 ?nly they7.e (ot a bla)9 stripe66the plates66ri(ht a)ross the

    middle1 ;es$ I7m /ite ta9en with the )ro)9ery1


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    -U,1 How did she do it4BE+1 ,he66

      He picks up the paper and studies it.

      It doesn7t say1

    -U,1 Why not4BE+1 Wait a minte1 It :st says66Her brother$ a(ed ele.en$ .iewed the in)ident from the toolshed1-U,1 -o on3BE+1 That7s bloody ridi)los1


    -U,1 I bet he did it1BE+1 Who4-U,1 The brother1BE+1 I thin9 yo7re ri(ht1



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      -U, picks up a small bag by his bed and brings out a packet of tea. He eamines it and looksup1

    -U,1 Eh$ I7.e been meanin( to as9 yo1BE+1 What the hell is it now4-U,1 Why did yo stop the )ar this mornin($ in the middle of that road4


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    BE+1 They7re playin( away1-U,1 +o$ are they4 Caarr3 What a pity11BE+1 Anyway$ there7s no time1 We7.e (ot to (et strai(ht ba)91-U,1 Well$ we ha.e done in the past$ ha.en7t we4 ,tayed and wat)hed a (ame$ ha.en7t we4or a bit of rela>ation1BE+1 Thin(s ha.e ti(htened p$ mate1 They7.e ti(htened p1

      -U, chuckles to himself 1

    -U,1 I saw the illa (et beat in a )p tie on)e1 Who was it a(ainst now4 White shirts1 It was one6allat half6time1 I7ll for(et it1 Their opponents won by a penalty1 Tal9 abot drama1 ;es$ it was adispted penalty1 Dispted1 They (ot beat two'one$ anyway$ be)ase of it1 ;o were there yorself1BE+1 +ot me1-U,1 ;es$ yo were there1 Don7t yo remember that dispted penalty4BE+1 +o1-U,1 He went down :st inside the area1 Then they said he was :st a)tin(1 I didn7t thin9 the otherblo9e to)hed him myself1 Bt the referee had the ball on the spot1BE+1 Didn7t to)h him3 What are yo tal9in( abot4 He laid him ot flat3-U,1 +ot the illa1 The illa don7t play that sort of (ame1

    BE+1 -et ot of it1


    -U,1 Eh$ that mst ha.e been here$ in Birmin(ham1BE+1 What mst4-U,1 The illa1 That mst ha.e been here1BE+1 They were playin( away1-U,1 Be)ase yo 9now who the other team was4 It was the ,prs1 It was Tottenham Hotspr1BE+1 Well$ what abot it4-U,1 We7.e done a :ob in Tottenham1BE+1 How do yo 9now4

    -U,1 I7d remember Tottenham1

      BE+ turns on his bed to look at him1

    BE+1 Don7t ma9e me la(h$ will yo4

      BE+ turns back and reads$ -U, yawns and speaks through his yawn1

    -U,1 When7s he (oin( to (et in to)h4


    ;es$ I7d li9e to see another football mat)h1 I7.e always been an ardent football fan1 Here$ what abot)omin( to see the ,prs tomorrow4


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    -U,1 5oo91BE+ trns his head and sees the en.elope1 He stands .BE+1 What7s that4-U,1 I don7t 9now1BE+1 Where did it )ome from4-U,1 Under the door1

    BE+1 Well$ what is it4-U,1 I don7t 9now1

    They stare at it 1

    BE+1 Pi)9 it p1-U,1 What do yo mean4BE+1 Pi)9 it p3

    -U, slowly moves towards it, bends and pick it up1

    What is it4

    -U,1 An en.elope1BE+1 Is there anythin( on it4-U,1 +o1BE+1 Is it sealed4-U,1 ;es1BE+1 ?pen it1-U,1 What4BE+1 ?pen it3

    -U, opens it and looks inside1

    What7s in it4

    -U, empties twelve matches into his hand 1

    -U,1 Mat)hes1BE+1 Mat)hes4-U,1 ;es1BE+1 ,how it to me1

    -U, passes the envelope. BE+ eamines it.

    +othin( on it1 +ot a word1-U,1 That7s fnny$ isn7t it4BE+1 It )ame nder the door4

    -U,1 Mst ha.e done1BE+1 Well$ (o on1-U,1 -o on where4BE+1 ?pen the door and see if yo )an )at)h anyone otside1-U,1 Who$ me4BE+1 -o on3

    %&S stares at him, puts the matches in his pockets, goes to his bed and brings a revolver fromunder the pillow. He goes to the door, opens it, looks out and shuts it 1

    -U,1 +o ?ne1

    He replaces the revolver 1

    BE+1 What did yo see4

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    -U,1 +othin(1BE+1 They mst ha.e been pretty /i)91

    -U, takes the matches from pocket and looks at them1

    -U,1 Well$ they7ll )ome in handy1

    BE+1 ;es1-U,1 Won7t they4BE+1 ;es$ yo7re always rnnin( ot$ aren7t yo4-U,1 All the time1BE+1 Well$ they7ll )ome in handy then1-U,1 ;es1BE+1 Won7t they4-U,1 ;es$ I )old do with them1 I )old do with them too1BE+1 ;o )old$ eh4-U,1 ;es1BE+1 Why4-U,1 We ha.en7t (ot any1BE+1 Well$ yo7re always )ad(in( mat)hes1 How many ha.e yo (ot there4

    -U,1 Abot a do8en1BE+1 Well$ don7t lose them1 Red too1 ;o don7t e.en need a bo>1

    -U, probes his ear with a match1

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    -U, takes the hands from his throat 1

    -U,1 All ri(ht$ all ri(ht1  "ause1

    BE+1 Well$ what are yo waitin( for4

    -U,1 I want to see if they li(ht1BE+1 What4-U,1 The mat)hes1

    He takes out the flattened bo and tries to strike1


    He throws the bo under the bed 1BE+ stares at him1-U, raises his foot 1

    ,hall I try it on here4

    BE+ stares1 -U, strikes a match on his shoe. )t lights1

    Here we are1


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    BE+ looks at him1I tho(ht perhaps yo4 I mean4 Ha.e yo (ot any idea4 Who it7s (oin( to be toni(ht4BE+1 Who what7s (oin( to be4

    They look at each other 1


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    I7.e been thin9in( abot the last one1BE+1 What last one4-U,1 That (irl1

    BE+ (rabs the paper$ whi)h he reads1

    BE+ slams the paper down and rises1BE+

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    BE+1 ;es$ they )han(e hands$ these pla)es1 -o into li/idation1 The people who rn it$yo 9now$ they don7t find it a (oin( )on)ern$ they mo.e ot1-U,1 ;o mean the people who ran p this pla)e didn7t find it a (oin( )on)ern and mo.ed ot4BE+1 ,re1-U,$ Well$ WH?7, -?T IT +?W4  Silence

    BE+1 What do yo mean$ who7s (ot it now4-U,1 Who7s (ot it now4 If they mo.ed ot$ who mo.ed in4BE+1 Well$ that all depends6 

    The bo descends with a clatter and bang. BE+ levels his revolver.  -U, goes to the bo and brings out a peace of paper.


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    Do yo mean I )an 9eep the E))les )a9e then4BE+1 2eep it4-U,1 Well$ they don7t 9now we7.e (ot it$ do they4BE+1 That7s not the point1-U,1 Can7t I 9eep it4BE+1 +o$ yo )an7t1 -et the plate1

    -U, eits, left 1 BE+ looks in the bag. He brings out a packet of crisps. +nter -U, with a plate1

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    Why doesn7t he (et in to)h4 I feel li9e I7.e been here years1 )ited toni(ht$ or anythin(1 I7m feelin( a bit off1 I7.e (ot a splittin(heada)he1


    The bo descends1 BE+ #umps up1-U, collects the note1

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    -U,1 Blow4BE+1 It whistles p there if yo blow1 Then they 9now yo want to spea91 Blow1

    -U, blows. Silence1


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    To mouth1


    To ear 1

    ;es1 ;es1

    To mouth1

    ;es )ertainly1 Certainly1 Ri(ht away1

    To ear. The voice has ceased. He hangs up the tube1

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    Hardboiled e((s1


    The lot1 They7.e probably (ot a )rate of beer too1 Probably eatin( my )risps with a pint of beer now1Didn7t ha.e anythin( to say abot those )risps$ did he4 They do all ri(ht$ don7t worry abot that1 ;o

    don7t thin9 they7re :st (oin( to sit there and wait for stff to )ome p from down here$ do yo4 They7ll(et them nowhere1


    They do all ri(ht1


     And he wants a )p of tea1


    That7s part a :o9e$ in my opinion1

    He looks over at  BE+$ rises, and goes to him1

    What7s the matter with yo4 ;o don7t loo9 too bri(ht1 I feel li9e an Al9a6,elt8er myself1

    BE+ sits up1


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    -U,1 He won7t 9now I7m there1BE+1 I ta9e ot my (n1-U,1 ;o ta9e ot yor (n1BE+1 He stops in his tra)9s1-U,1 He stops in his tra)9s1BE+1 If he trns rond66

    -U,1 If he trns rond66BE+1 ;o7re there$-U,1 I7m here1

    BE+ frowns and presses his forehead 1

    ;o7.e missed somethin( ot1BE+1 I 9now1 What4-U,1 I ha.en7t ta9en my (n ot$ a))ordin( to yo1BE+1 ;o ta9e yor (n ot66-U,1 After I7.e )losed the door1BE+1 After yo7.e )losed the door1-U,1 ;o7.e missed that ot before$ yo 9now that4

    BE+1 When he sees yo behind him66-U,1 Me behind him66BE+1 And me in front of him66-U,1 And yo in front of him66BE+1 He7ll feel n)ertain66-U,1 Uneasy1BE+1 He won7t 9now what to do1-U,1 ,o what will he do4BE+1 He7ll loo9 at me and he7ll loo9 at yo1-U,1 We won7t say a word1BE+1 We7ll loo9 at him1-U,1 He won7t say a word1BE+1 He7ll loo9 at s1-U,1 And we7ll loo9 at him1BE+1 +obody says a word1


    -U,1 What do we do if it7s a (irl4BE+1 We do the same1-U,1 E>a)tly the same4BE+1 E>a)tly1


    -U,1 We don7t do anythin( different4BE+1 We do e>a)tly the same1-U,1 ?h1

    -U, rises, and shivers1

    E>)se me1

    He eits through the door on the left 1 BE+ remains sitting on the bed, still.The lavatory chain is pulled once off left, but the lavatory does not flush.Silence1-U, reenters and stops inside the door, deep in thought. He looks at  BE+$ then walks slowly across

    to his own bed. He is troubled. He stands, thinking. He turns and looks at  BE+1 He moves a few pacestowards him1

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    BE+ sei*es the tube and flings -U, away. He follows -U, and slaps him hard, back-handed, acrossthe chest 1

    BE+1 ,top it3 ;o mania)3-U,1 Bt yo heard3BE+

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    To ear. He listens. To mouth1

    ,trai(ht away1 Ri(ht1

    To ear. He listens. To mouth1

    Understood1 Repeat1 He has arri.ed and will be )omin( in strai(ht away1 The normal method to beemployed1 Understood1

    To ear. He listens. To mouth1

    ,re we7re ready1

    To ear. He listens. To mouth1


    He hangs the tube up1


    He takes out the comb and combs his hair, ad#usts his #acket to diminish the bulge of the revolver. Thelavatory flushes off left 1 BE+ goes $uickly to the door, left 1


    The door right opens sharply 1 BE+ turns, his revolver leveled at the door 1-U, stumbles in.He is stripped of his #acket, waistcoat, tie, holster and revolver.

    He stops, body stooping, his arms at his sides.He raises his head and looks at  BE+1

     A long silence.They stare at each other 1
