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The Duel & Road to Revolution AP Chapters 6 & 7

The Duel & Road to Revolution

Jan 01, 2016



Chloe Foley

The Duel & Road to Revolution. AP Chapters 6 & 7. Quebec. 1608 Samuel de Champlain. Hurons. Allied with French to defeat their old enemy the Iroquois In return, the Iroquois: Ravaged…. Slowed.. Served…. New France. Primary source of wealth: fur trade especially beavers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: The Duel & Road to Revolution

The Duel & Road to RevolutionAP Chapters 6 & 7

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Quebec 1608 Samuel de


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Hurons Allied with French

to defeat their old enemy the Iroquois

In return, the Iroquois: Ravaged…. Slowed.. Served…

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New France Primary source of

wealth: fur trade especially beavers

French fur trappers would travel extensively through North America

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Jesuits French Catholic

missionaries that tried to convert the Indians

Filled vital role as explorers & geographers

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Antoine Cadillac founded Detroit

La Salle founded the colony of Louisiana Later New Orleans is

established in 1718

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King William’s WarQueen Anne’s WarKing George’s War

(War of Jenkins’s Ear)

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The Seven YearsWar “French & Indian

War” 21 yr old George

Washington… Fort Necessity… July 4, 1754

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French Acadians in Nova Scotia Brutally uprooted by

the British in 1775 Most sent to LA

(about 4,000) Today over a million

“Cajuns” there

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Albany Plan of Union - 1754

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The Real Fighting Begins… Braddock Pitt

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The Plains of Abraham…

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Treaty of Paris (1763) French Power fades

in North America… Proclamation Line of

1763 angers many… Marks the end of

salutary neglect…

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Daniel Boone….

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Pontiac’s Rebellion 1763 Ottawa Chief

leads a handful of tribes…

British send regular troops (want colonies to pay for them)….

Rebellion crushed but creates further problems…

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Republicanism… Radical Whigs… Impact on the

Colonists… Plato

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Mercantilism Advantages

Protection Assured Trade

Disadvantages Stifled Economy Currency Issues

Colonists used butter, nails, pitch & feathers

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Adam Smith Scottish born “Father

of Economics” Argued against

Mercantilism in Wealth of Nations

Encouraged free trade

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Prime MinisterGeorge Grenville Britain: Biggest

Empire and Biggest Debt Proclamation Line

(1763) Enforce Navigation

Laws (1650) Sugar Act (1764) Quartering Act (1765) Stamp Act (1765)

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Colonial Reaction

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Stamp Act Congress 1765 Largely Ignored but… Nonimportation

Agreements & Boycotts took their toll…

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Sons of Liberty… 1766 Parliament

repeals the Stamp Act..

Passes the Declaratory Act

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CharlesTownshend Townshend Acts

(1767) indirect tax on glass, paper, paint & tea….

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George III “A good man, a bad

ruler” Townshend Acts

were a failure… repealed by Parliament – except for the 3 pence tax on tea…

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Samuel Adams “Zealous, tenacious,

and courageous” he was a “master propagandist and engineer of rebellion”

Organized the Committees of Correspondence…

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Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts) 1774

Boston Port Act… New Quartering Act… Quebec Act…

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1st Continental Congress - 1774

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The Shot Heard ‘Round the World

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April 1775 Lexington & Concord Minute Men… 8 Americans – 70

British killed…

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EdmundBurke Led Whig

opposition…felt the battle for British freedom was being fought in America…

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