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1 THE DRAGONS OF ATLANTIS RISE OF THE ANTICHRIST Beast that comes out of the Sea Galactic Alignment by Luis B. Vega [email protected] for online PDF illustration in chart section And I stood upon the sand of the Sea, and saw a Beast rise up out of the Sea, having 7 heads and 10 horns, and upon his horns 10 crowns, and upon His heads the name of Blasphemy… and the Dragon gave Him power, and seat, and great authority… 4 And they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast: and they worshipped the Beast, saying, Who is like unto the Beast? Who is able to make war with Him? 5 And there was given unto Him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto Him to continue 42 months. (1260 days) -Revelation 13:3-5 This study seeks to illustrate 3 astronomical patterns and highlight 2 of them that will occur on the now famous end of the Mayan Calendar Galactic Alignment. These occurrences will provide some ‘pictures’ of what is to prophetically happen according to some interpretations of the Book of Revelation –if not starting on December 21, then perhaps in the very near future. These events specifically have to do with the imagery of the Dragon-Serpent coming out of the sea birthing the AntiChrist, the Transit of Venus as seen from Saturn and the Pentagram Planetary configuration within the Solar System on that very date and time. What is intriguing is that the current and observable alignments and astronomical patterns of what happened on December 21, 2012 appears to give credence to the much anticipated advent or ‘birthing’ of the person that will be recognized as the ‘AntiChrist’ or ‘Apollo’ rising for the coming New World Order. It will be an ‘echo’ of Atlantis Rising from sea or from its ashes as the Phoenix being ‘born’ anew out of the sea. Perhaps the Galactic Alignment is the commemoration of when the schedule of AntiChrist is to be set in motion or when the ‘Dragons of Atlantis’ or Fallen Angels if you will are to come back to help start this ‘birthing’ process. What occurs astronomically during the Galactic Alignment is that a precise alignment between the Galactic Plane that is the Milky Way with the Solar Eclipse. These symbols of cosmic dragons, pentagrams, etc., are solely taken from the cosmic alignments and time configurations that are to occur on the end of the Mayan Calendar. These astronomical scenarios presented are only suggesting a possible speculated Biblical correlation.


Mar 19, 2022



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THE DRAGONS OF ATLANTIS RISE OF THE ANTICHRIST Beast that comes out of the Sea Galactic Alignment

by Luis B. Vega

[email protected] for online PDF illustration in chart section

And I stood upon the sand of the Sea, and saw a Beast rise up out of the Sea, having 7 heads

and 10 horns, and upon his horns 10 crowns, and upon His heads the name of Blasphemy…

and the Dragon gave Him power, and seat, and great authority… 4 And they worshipped the

Dragon which gave power unto the Beast: and they worshipped the Beast, saying, Who is like

unto the Beast? Who is able to make war with Him? 5 And there was given unto Him a mouth

speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto Him to continue 42 months.

(1260 days) -Revelation 13:3-5

This study seeks to illustrate 3 astronomical patterns and highlight 2 of them that will

occur on the now famous end of the Mayan Calendar Galactic Alignment. These

occurrences will provide some ‘pictures’ of what is to prophetically happen according to

some interpretations of the Book of Revelation –if not starting on December 21, then

perhaps in the very near future. These events specifically have to do with the imagery of

the Dragon-Serpent coming out of the sea birthing the AntiChrist, the Transit of Venus

as seen from Saturn and the Pentagram Planetary configuration within the Solar

System on that very date and time. What is intriguing is that the current and observable

alignments and astronomical patterns of what happened on December 21, 2012

appears to give credence to the much anticipated advent or ‘birthing’ of the person that

will be recognized as the ‘AntiChrist’ or ‘Apollo’ rising for the coming New World Order.

It will be an ‘echo’ of Atlantis Rising from sea or from its ashes as the Phoenix being

‘born’ anew out of the sea. Perhaps the Galactic Alignment is the commemoration of

when the schedule of AntiChrist is to be set in motion or when the ‘Dragons of Atlantis’

or Fallen Angels if you will are to come back to help start this ‘birthing’ process. What

occurs astronomically during the Galactic Alignment is that a precise alignment between

the Galactic Plane that is the Milky Way with the Solar Eclipse. These symbols of

cosmic dragons, pentagrams, etc., are solely taken from the cosmic alignments and

time configurations that are to occur on the end of the Mayan Calendar. These

astronomical scenarios presented are only suggesting a possible speculated Biblical




This study suggests that these 3 astronomical events, in particular appear to correlate

to Biblical prophecies from the Book of Revelation, mainly the ‘rise’ and disclosure of

the AntiChrist that symbolically comes out of a ‘Sea’ and that is empowered by a Red

Dragon, aka Lucifer during the Tribulation period. The magnitude of such cosmic events

occurring on the Galactic Alignment leads one to theorize that perhaps such

astronomical symbology and events could indeed constitute the advent or ‘birth’ of the

AntiChrist very soon upon the world stage. As the Last Generation before the 2nd

Advent of Jesus Christ is coming into focus, it can be ascertained that the likelihood o

the coming ‘New Order’ will be in need of a New ‘Man’ to lead it.

The world will be seeking such an ‘AntiChrist’ to step in place of after the vacuum that

will ensue. Many believe that the principle cause of such a vacuum will be the Rapture

of the Christian Church. The AntiChrist will be seen as the One that will bring Humanity

up from the ashes of the chaotic inferno of violence and despair that will probably occur

as a direct result of the Rapture and world economic collapse that might be in tandem.

He will be looked at to lead the masses into a new ‘dawn of enlightenment’ as the

Luciferians ‘gospel‘ promises. Thus the AntiChrist to come will be seen as a ‘Light

Bearer’, like the Statue of Liberty you might say.

Nonetheless the speculation of the end of the Mayan Calendar being a possible

AntiChrist cosmic event gives the opportunity to consider its timing of the Galactic

Alignment and the cosmic symbology surrounding it as it involves the symbology of the

Statue of Liberty in New York City. The Bible does clearly state that an AntiChrist will be

revealed at the End of Days, but only after the Rapture of the Church occurs as some

interpret the Bible. As to a possible time gap between the Rapture and the identification

of the AntiChrist, that will remain to be seen. Until that time these illustrations presented

in this study will thus focus on 3 of the primary astronomical events that will deal with

the symbology of the Galactic Alignment. The first 2 will be expounded upon.

1) The Dragon (Ouroboros) birthing the AntiChrist - Milky Way as in NYC Statue of Liberty.

2) The Venus Transit from Saturn’s perspective – possible depiction of Rapture of the Church.

3) The Pentagram Planetary Alignment – inverted star with planet Mars at center prominence.

The rationale of linking the Biblical AntiChrist to come with the Galactic Alignment

cosmic symbology only seeks to understand such a possible connection to each other.

It is coming from the perspective that these astronomical occurrences are part of a

‘signal’ or ‘sign’ that has been pre-written in the stars and planetary alignments.



The Spirit of AntiChrist

Although the Bible declares very clearly that the ‘Spirit of AntiChrist’ has already come

and is already unleashed on Earth, it will be fulfilled literally in a ‘Man’ in the Last

Generation of Humanity. There have been many men and women that have taken on

the attributes of such a ‘Beast’. Throughout Human history, one can study the prophetic

characteristics when applied to certain personages like Nimrod, Nebuchadnezzar,

Alexander the Great, Xerxes, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, etc. The end result of

such men and women’s deeds have been nothing but pure evil, genocide, murder and

destruction of the Human Race. Moreover it has been an aim of such Satanic inspired

people to replace and dethrone the true Christ, Jesus of Nazareth and make war with all

those Believers that follow the Lamb wherever He goes; thus the Spiritual Warfare that

the Bible warns about is the current reality.

Those past and present ‘type and shadows’ of the characteristics of what the AntiChrist

will be like were only prophetic ‘signs’ pointing to the eventual One that is to come out of

a tumultuous sea as in peoples at the ‘End of Days’ on Earth. Perhaps the world is now

on the verge of such a ‘galactic’ and perhaps prophetic Biblical fulfillment that the

coming years will see the Book of Revelation unraveled before their very eyes. Perhaps

the timing of the Galactic Alignment on the Winter Solstice is when it is to start the

process and perhaps countdown to such a revelation and/or birthing of the AntiChrist.

The ‘Spirit of AntiChrist’ can be said to have had an immediate, concurrent and futuristic

fulfillments of the type of what the Antichrist will be like eventually. In the metaphorical

language of the Book of Revelation, it describes a future time when a ‘Man’ will step-up

onto the world stage at a time when the world as we know it will have experienced an

economic, political, social, religious vacuum and calamity.

Some have suggested a global economic melt-down, others a nuclear war, others still,

the Rapture or a combination of them all simultaneously. This ‘Man’ will be

supernaturally empowered to sell and implement a false renaissance of ‘love, peace

and brotherhood’, but at a cost. The cost will be one’s eternal soul and condemnation.

His power of lawlessness that will energize the AntiChrist will imamates from Lucifer

and will once again seek to destroy and overcome those Saints that will come to Christ

Jesus during the Tribulation period after the Rapture. This scenario is based on a

particular interpretation of the End of Days and a difference between Church Age

persecution and the coming Wrath of the Lamb Tribulation. The Bible describes that is

will be done specifically through the power and persuasion of the AntiChrist.



Why the LORD will allow the AntiChrist to wage war against the Saints and ‘wear them

out’ at that time during the Tribulation period is a frightening mystery. On one hand, the

Remnant of Israel will be sheltered for 1260 days in Petra, yet those refusing the Mark

of the Beast will be decapitated on the spot….It maybe because the Holy Spirit is not in

a collective presence as it is today throughout the entire Body of Christ while on Earth.

The purpose and goal of the AntiChrist in the Last Days will be to set the world up for a

false peace, a false Covenant with Israel, a false economy and a false religion, etc. His

eventual aim will be to lead all of Humanity into the ‘worship’ of Lucifer from the 3rd

Temple in Jerusalem. Any that will refuse such a New World Order prescription of

mandatory allegiance to the AntiChrist will be physically exterminated. Moreover,

according to the Bible, the Spirit of AntiChrist will have and use astronomical symbols

and signs that also will accompany such a character; it is that profound the mysterious.

The AntiChrist will have power to call ‘fire’ down from heaven and perform lying

wonders and miracles, etc. Such signs will be possible because they have happened in

the past according to the Biblical narrative. The Fall of Mankind has allowed Lucifer to

use the very same cosmic symbols and alignments to twist and confuse the meaning for

his own purpose and end. This study is not suggesting that the AntiChrist was

manifested, ‘birthed’ or identified to the world on the Galactic Alignment; it is only a

study in types and shadows. The emphases will be nonetheless on the literal fulfillment

of the AntiChrist prophecy and not just a prophetic application of a metaphor over the

past centuries during the Church Age. It perhaps alluded to a false world church

organization and governmental system led by the Papacy that will legitimize the this

coming man as.

Prophetic Cosmic Signs

The Bible depicts that Jesus Christ is the LORD of Creation and has made all things,

included prophetic ‘signs’ and wonders in the Heavens or Cosmos. He made the Sun,

Moon, planets, and Stars etc. The Bible further declares that He set them up as a

celestial clock and for ‘signs’ meaning appointments. The signs themselves are not the

actual fulfillment of the prophetic event related to the atoning work of GOD the SON on

the Cross, for one example. As an illustration, if one is driving to a city for example the

road taken will likely have several signs with the ‘name’ of the city destination along the

way. The signs with the name are not the event or city itself. The signs will also tend to

occur more frequently as the city is approached. The fulfillment of the journey is realized

when one gets to the city limits and the real city emerges. What is experienced along

the way is the passing of ‘time’. The signs only provide the conditions, markers and/or

estimated time of arrival (ETA).



The same principle applies to Biblical Prophecy. What is key as it relates to the

fulfillment of a prophetic event is the dimension of time involved. This ‘time’ factor has

been understood by all ancient cultures to be in direct proportion to the astronomical

procession of time that can measure when things are to occur, at least from the

perspective of the cosmos. In other words, there is a big clock out there where certain

times that can be calculated. Biblical Prophecy is all about such ‘timing’. Cosmic signs

are such ‘markers’ and can speak of the conditions leading up to the fulfillment of the

prophetic object and/or event, or in this case, the person of the AntiChrist for example,

the Rapture and/or the 2nd Coming of Christ. Such was the case in the advent of the

LORD’s birth in Bethlehem too with the Star of Bethlehem and the Astronomers from

the East that followed such a cosmic ‘sign’. Such cosmic markers are comets, eclipses,

transits and planetary alignment to name a few.

The ‘Signs’ that the LORD has given Humanity through astronomical configurations and

alignments throughout His Creation perhaps speaks of a ‘birthing’ of ‘The AntiChrist’ as

it did for the real Christ over 2000 years ago. This study suggests that the Rapture could

occur simultaneously at a certain appointed time marker. Perhaps such Galactic

Alignments are such a time when certain astronomical alignments within Creation have

been pointing to such a prophetic simultaneous event. The illustrations thus given in this

study are purely speculative; they are to be taken as ‘sign posts’ and not the real event.

Or maybe it is? For example, on the Galactic Alignment the same astronomical

alignments could be referring to 2 distinct events, yet using the same configuration. For

example, from a top view of the Solar System for that day the cosmic configuration

depicted a sinister inverted Satanic Pentagram wherein Mars, the God of War is within

its center composition.

The inverted Planetary Alignment converged or met at the Planet Neptune, which is at

the heart of Aquarius. It is believed that as this Same picture also alludes to the Saints

being translated to Glory as depicted by the Venus Transit as seen from Saturn against

the backdrop of Pisces and Pegasus. In other words, as Saints go up, the ‘Dragons of

Atlantis’ or the Fallen Angelic host will be coming down to Earth. Many in the occult will

be ascribing such as the Ascended Master or ‘Alien’s come to save Humanity. As

speculated above, perhaps the time of the Galactic Alignment will be either that ‘time’ or

a sign that the ‘time’ is near for a prophetic event of the coming convergence of Biblical

prophecy to occur. It could involve the alien disclosure to explain away the Rapture.

This is just how close the actual revealing and birthing of both the AntiChrist and the

Bride are. Not only will the AntiChrist be revealed after the Rapture but those that were

of the Bride of Christ will be revealed as well to the world, as they were among them.



The Dragon out from the Sea

If the conditions of the world will demand an AntiChrist figure, it will be because of an

event like the Rapture that will create such a vacuum that the world will seek an ‘Anti’ or

instead of Christ to resolve all of Humanity’s issues that will ensue. What has been

alarming is that prophetic signs have been occurring over the past decade and they

have been intensifying in particular over the last 2-3 years. It can be reasoned that like

the city limits approaching example, the Event is about to occur. One astronomical

occurrence was the alignment of the Galactic Center this this study suggests has to do

with the imagery involving New York City Statue of Liberty. On the Galactic Alignment,

the Sun had a low arch over the New York Statue of Liberty (Lucifer) horizon due its

winter trajectory.

The Statue of Liberty in NYC on December 21, 2012 approximated the literal

representation of what is transpiring in the cosmic realm. The Statue had 3 spectacular

alignments, probably more corresponding to certain occultic time and numbers. During

the Galactic Alignment, there were several ‘pictures’ or imagery of spectacular cosmic

alignment that associated ‘Lady Liberty’ with occultic symbology. The Statue of Liberty

has both a male and female association to it in the occult. It is a fusion of Apollo (Osiris)

and Venus (Isis). The symbology involving the Statue of Liberty has to do with the

Galactic Plane that is the demarcation of the Milky Way. The Milky Way from the side

view appears to look like a ‘Serpent’ biting its Tail. This is referred to as the Ouroboros.

The 1st symbology dealing with Lady Liberty and the Dragon coming up from the Sea

occurred at 9:11am, the 2nd at 11:11:11am and then the 3rd at 2:33pm local time.

1st ‘Picture’

The Statue of Liberty’ torch was the focal point of the intersection between the Galactic

Plane and were the Ecliptic met; this is the Galactic Alignment. The perspective is from

the point on Liberty Island and behind the Statue itself. As noted this cosmic intersection

occurred around 9:11am when looking southeast toward the direction of the Pyramids of

Giza and Jerusalem after sunrise. Of note also, it was at that precise time of 9:11am

that the Planet Mars rose above the NYC ocean horizon. Later on, the setting of Mars

takes place around 5:55pm local time. The number 555 in the occult is the sign for

death and resurrection. Most are all too familiar with the association of 911 and NYC.

To the unobserving eye, the morning dawning in NYC might have seemed like any

other, but if you were to transpose the Zodiac, the planets, the Galactic Lines and

Eclipse, the sky background would come alive with a ‘message’. The cosmic ‘birthing’

out a ‘man’ from its mouth.



2nd ‘Picture’

This cosmic message is accented by the Statue’s Torch that very few places on Earth, if

any could have been designed to have such a symbolism associated with it. Perhaps

the intersection of the Galactic Line and the Ecliptic with the Apollo-Venus aka Lady

Liberty signaled that the ‘time’ of the ‘Light Bearer’ or Lucifer has arrived as a type in the

form of his AntiChrist. The Statue of Liberty has to do with the ‘Eye of Lucifer’ also. This

‘cosmic Eye’ is the left eye of the Cosmic Serpent Ouroboros. At precisely 11:11:11

local time in NYC, if one stood looking toward the south direction in back of the Statue

of Liberty, one would have seen the Torch of Lady Liberty eclipsing the very ‘Eye’ of the

Serpent. For a possible esoteric and occultic significance, a truncated All-Seeing Eye

pyramid is transposed over the celestial region in the accompanying charts. It appears

to match such a rendering of corresponding attributes of Lady Liberty with the All-

Seeing Eye pyramid that is clearly the signature of the Luciferians.

The 11:11:11 time marker at which the Sun traversed the Dark Rift echoes and perhaps

has a link to the trek of the 13 Crystal Skull across America by the Maya Elders. The

Serpent Trek across the USA ended up in the City of Angels (Fallen) Los Angeles, CA

on 11:11:11 or Nov 11, 2011. It is striking that this event was yet another depiction of a

Serpent or Dragon the Fallen Angel, aka Lucifer, Satan, Apollo etc., ‘birthing out of its

mouth a man, the AntiChrist to come. This ‘Fallen Angel’ will be the Torch Bearer of

‘Light;’ to the world in the New World Order to come that perhaps the Galactic

Alignment cosmic sign was announcing. What is intriguing is that at 11:11:11 Universal

Time corresponds to 6:11am NYC local time, a reversed 9-11. Moreover it is when at

that precise time, Mars, the god of War rises in the Eastern horizon at 9:11am local time

in NYC.

The Book of Revelation declares that this ‘Apollo’ will be rising out of the pit when an

Angel that has the Key to the Abyss is released; it will be none other than that of the

minions of AntiChrist. The Torch of ‘Light’ perhaps is symbolizing the ‘Spark’ that

energizes the Beast or AntiChrist that the Dragon coming out of the ‘Sea’ or pit will

support. The Eye of the Cosmic Serpent is where Ophiuchus, the 13th added

constellation starts his ascent holding Serpens that ascends toward the ‘Crown’ or

Corona. The Biblical rendition according to the works of EW Bullinger is that Ophiuchus

is a picture of the true Christ wrestling with Satan, the Serpent-Dragon that is trying to

usurp the ‘Crown’ or ‘birthright’ of Heaven. To the occult and Luciferians, it the Serpens,

the Dragon, aka Satan that is upholding the ‘man’, or AntiChrist. It is the Dragon that

‘births’ the AntiChrist out of the ‘Sea’ as if they return from the ancient ruins of Atlantis.



3rd ‘Picture’

The Statue of Liberty also has to do with the intersecting of the point at which the

Galactic Plane or often also referred to as the Milky Way meets the Ecliptic Line. It was

at this particular time when the Galactic Line was entirely vertical or perpendicular to the

Earth’s horizon. If one stood looking toward the southwesterly direction in front of the

Statue of Liberty at 2:33pm local time, a 322 Skull and Bones association, one would

have seen the Sun as the Torch of Lady Liberty. The implied symbology of the Galactic

Alignment in relation to the timing and positioning with respect to the Statue of Liberty is

remarkable. If one transposed the Milky Way or Cosmic Serpent onto the NYC skyline

against the backdrop of the Statue of Liberty at that very hour, one would have had a

spectacular interpretation of ‘Apollo’ being birthed.

The Dragon-Serpent was ’birthing’ the AntiChrist through the Serpent or Dragon's

mouth that comes out of the sea or waters. The Bible depicts several ‘Beasts’ or

Dragon-Serpents that come out of the ‘Sea. One very prominent Beast has 7 Heads

and 10 Horn ridden by a Harlot in Purple. As noted, the Statute of Liberty is actually a

fusion of the god Apollo (Osiris) and Diana (Isis). It is a trophy to Venus that it too has

male and female attributes. In the female mythology, it would be Venus being birthed

out of the Shell of the primordial waters. How fitting was to have the Statue of Liberty,

be a euphemism for this ‘Harlot’ riding the Beast that is birthed by the Dragon coming

out of the Sea. Some interpret that the sequence of astronomical occurrences that

occurred on the Galactic Alignment were a fulfillment of ancient omens. They allude to a

time and place of Atlantis from which such ‘Dragons’ or Fallen Angels once had

dominion over the Earth and have now released their demonic powers upon the Earth.

The Dragons of Atlantis

This imagery associated with the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island echoes that of

Atlantis Rising out of the sea as she looks out as a vigil over. She ponders the remains

of their sunken continent and its former glory and ‘light’ of Lucifer given to Humanity by

the Fallen Angels and their prodigy with hybrid demi-god giant Titans of old. It speaks of

the resurgence of the Guardians of Atlantis or Fallen Angels of old that are said to come

back again at the End of Days to reclaim dominion on Earth over Mankind to finish what

they started in since Genesis 6. They have had almost 6000 years to perfect their

genetic engineering of the Human species. The Book of Revelation depicts that these

serpents are a euphemism for Fallen Angels, ‘Stars’ cast down, Lucifer etc. This could

be a picture or ‘sign’ that the former ‘dragons’ or serpents of Atlantis are to rise again.



The Cosmic Serpent - OUROBOROS

The Book of Revelation specifically states that the Dragon or Beast that comes out of

the Sea will have 7 Heads etc. It will be ridden by a Harlot dressed in purple

metaphorically speaking. The Statue of Liberty would be a very befitting euphemism of

a woman having domain over them, as in a country, a church or an organization

perhaps. The point is that the Statue of Liberty was not just placed at a random location

like New York City. To depict such a sophisticated and calibrated timing is not a mere

coincidence. It is just another example of how celestial patterns are mirrored on Earth

as they are in the Heavens, both for good and for evil. Very few places on Earth had this

imagery of a ‘Man’ being birthed from a Serpent’s mouth concur with a Galactic


The Milky Way Galaxy from a side view has from ancient times been depicted as a self-

consuming Cosmic Serpent or Dragon. It is referred to as the Ouroboros in which the

head meets its tail. During the Galactic Alignment not only was the Sun approximately

at the Galactic Center and Equator of the Dark Rift or the ‘Mouth’ of the Cosmic Serpent

but there was a Planetary Alignment as well. It specifically consisted of Saturn, Venus,

Mercury, Sun, Pluto and Mars, 5 planets. The Galactic Alignments and the near

conjunction of the Sun specifically on the Winter Solstice occur at 11:11:11 UT and will

not happen again in another ~26,000 years. Ancient civilizations like the Aztecs and

Mayan venerated a Serpent-Dragon birthing the ‘One’, the Cosmic Christ that will usher

in the Ages of time. In the case of the Mayan eschatology, it was to have been the ‘time’

of the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. It is believed that Quetzalcoatl or ‘Apollo’ would

return during the beginning of this New Age to lead it.

To the ancient civilizations like the Maya and Egyptians, the Milky Way or the Serpent-

Dragon represents the passage of Osiris or Quetzalcoatl from Age to Age. He is said to

enter the tail of a Great Serpent, where he is drawn through its body by the powers of

the Dragon to come up and out through its mouth to be born ‘anew.’ This occurs at the

Galactic ‘Cross’ which is considered to be the ‘Sacred Tree of Life’. This imagery

echoes the Tree of Life from the accounts of the Garden of Eden in the Book of

Genesis. What is interesting about this cosmology is that it is believed that when this

‘crossing’ occurs, the ‘souls’ will emerge like in a birth canal from the ‘mouth’ of a

Serpent (or worm hole). How this could possibly infer to the Resurrection and Rapture is

that the ancient peoples believed that when this intersection of the ‘crossing’ occurred,

the souls of the righteous on Earth would be ‘harvested. This tends to support a

simultaneous event of the Rapture occurring and then the AntiChrist being revealed.



Universal Time (UT)

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the international time standard. It is the current

term for what was commonly referred to as Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT). Zero (0)

hours UTC is midnight in Greenwich England, which lies at the ‘0’ longitudinal Meridian.

Universal time is based on a 24 hour clock. Afternoon hours such as 4 pm UTC are

expressed as 16:00 UTC (sixteen hours, zero minutes).

Local Time Conversion

For December 21, 2012 – New York

11:11:00 UTC (GMT) 24-hour format:

= 06:11:00 (11-9 or 911) same time as Mars is rising over the NYC ocean horizon

Planet Risings

December 21, 2012 from New York City looking Eastward

local time (approximate)

1. Moon Rise: 12:40am in the Constellation Pisces

2. Neptune Rise: 10:52am in the sign of Aquarius

3. Mars Rise: 6:11am (911) | Sets 5:55pm

The Venus Transit

Another astronomical event that occurred at the end of the long-count Mayan Calendar

had to do with the Transit of Venus. The Transits of Venus that most are familiar with

was the one that occurred on June 5-6th, 2012. That Transit of Venus was a Transit that

occurred from the perspective and reference point of Earth. But there was another

Transit of Venus, it will occur on the Galactic Alignment in 2012 but from Saturn’s

perspective. The Planet Saturn has long been associated with Satan. This Transit

occurred against the backdrop of the constellations of Pisces and Pegasus on that date.

In some Christian communities, this rare occurrence of the Venus Transit was yet

another ‘picture’ of the Rapture or a snatching-away that is to precede the rising of the

Dragon from Atlantis, I.e., Lucifer‘s AntiChrist.

This particular Transit of Venus was accented by being associated with the symbology

of Pisces and Pegasus. As many believed that the June Transit was a ‘Picture of the

Rapture’. Perhaps so too was this Venus Transit event, as seen from Saturn. It provided

a depiction to a similar ‘picture of the Rapture’ and was a sort of ‘double witness’. The

chances of having 2 Transits of Venus in the same year are astronomical. In terms of

possible prophetic interpretations, Saturn is a type of the ‘Old Age’ coming to an end as

in the Grim Reaper or Father Time signals an end of a ‘time’ or Age.



Such an alignment with Saturn and Venus would be ‘signaling’ such an end of an Age.

What Age? It is the Church Age. In many religious and non-religious circles, the year

2012 was considered to be a ‘Passage Year’. It was the start of the transition of ages.

What better imagery for the Body of Christian Believers to ‘Passage Out’ of this present

evil age. Many are sensing that a monumental shift in Humanity, society, the Earth is

about to occur in the years following. The Venus Transit could therefore also allude to

the Church as a Pearl or a Woman that is bound as Pisces is (Old and New Testament

Saints) to the Sea Monster Cletus, (Dragon-Satan). If so, then the Church or ‘Woman’

that has been bound like Pisces is about to take flight as in Pegasus to escape the

Wrath that is to come upon the world. This ‘picture’ could be alluding to the ‘Fishes’

being loosed or transited awaiting Resurrection and Rapture at such an ‘end of the

Age’. The Bible states that the Church Age will one day end. The last day will be the

cause for the Resurrection and Rapture of it.

It could perhaps coincide with the symbology that the Galactic Alignment was depicting.

Because of such a time, many cultures are anticipated the New Age to begin and the

AntiChrist to arrive at any moment now. What is need is the ‘Event’. It has been said

that the current years since the Galactic Alignment are to be the transitional years

nonetheless, the Biblical depictions of the advent of the AntiChrist sequence scenario is

understood to follow the Rapture. It is Christ’s promise in John 14 to return for His own

before the Wrath is poured out on the Age and the Dragon of Atlantis as foretold in

Revelation 4. Why? Because the LORD’s Wrath will be directed specifically at the

AntiChrist and Lucifer‘s last Masonic empire. The Galactic Alignment was perhaps just

another ‘picture’ of this possible sequence of the anticipated prophetic event that is yet

to occur. The unveiling of who the Bride is as much of an anticipation of who the

AntiChrist will be to many.

As for the Bride of Christ, it will be a veiling as it is still customary to veil the Bride in a

Jewish wedding until the wedding night. This is the ’Event’ that in turn will lead to the

unveiling of who also is to be the AntiChrist. Astonishingly, Lucifer will also be having a

wedding of sorts. It will between the Serpent and Israel that was divorced of YHVH in

Jeremiah. The AntiChrist is going to enter a similar ‘marriage’ union with Israel as the

false Groom. If this Galactic Alignment in this generation is to be the start of this

prophetic End of Days event, it will be a time when the Earth will enter into the last final

year countdown of its history. The occult and Luciferians promise their ‘Golden Age’ to

come but it will be one of mass murder and chaos to birth the AntiChrist through water

and blood.



The Golden Age to Come

To reiterate, what was spectacular about the Galactic Alignment on the Winter Solstice

is that the Sun has not been in such approximation to the Galactic Center for nearly

26,000 years, so this particular ‘time’ is very significant. The oldest accounts from

ancient civilizations on Earth like the Maya have calculated this time precisely to a ‘time’

of an End and a Beginning of an Age of Gold. It was not literally the ‘end of the world’ as

many dooms-day prophets suggested but perhaps it has been the beginning of it.

Perhaps the Statue of Liberty was designed to symbolize this specific time when the

Cosmic Dragon or Serpent would be coming from the “Sea’ to initiate a Man, i.e.,

Apollo. Many believe that the AntiChrist is currently alive and well but in the Luciferian

dark shadows of world government awaiting his revealing.

He is to rise and rule the coming New Age very soon; some say in this generation.

Many End Times Biblical researchers believe that if these particular astronomical events

are signaling the advent of the AntiChrist to come, then perhaps the Rapture of the

Church is on the verge of occurring much sooner. According to the Book of Revelation,

the AntiChrist is coming to the Earth; upon a Christ-rejecting humanity. The Bible

declares that the LORD will actually allow for the AntiChrist to have direct control and

absolute power only for 42 months or 1260 days just before His 2nd Coming. Many Bible

scholars believe this is to be the 2nd Half of a 7 year long Tribulation period often

referred to as the ‘Time of Jacob’s Trouble’ because it will have to do with the Holy

Land, Israel, Jerusalem, and the 3rd rebuilt Jewish Temple.

The AntiChrist, referred in the Bible as the ‘Beast’ will be infused and empowered by the

Dragon, or Lucifer himself. It will be Lucifer that possesses the AntiChrist in physical

form during the last years of this coming New World Order which will be the last actually

according to the Bible. This will lead up to the Millennial Kingdom of Christ is to be

established on Earth but not before the AntiChrist and the False Prophet are cast alive

into the Lake of Fire; no Jury or Appeal Courts to be had. This study is only insinuating

that such cosmic events and their timing are a sort of dress rehearsal and signs alerting

the Church that the closure of the Church Age has commenced.

Nonetheless, the speculation of the end of the Mayan Calendar being a possible

AntiChrist cosmic event gives the opportunity to consider its timing of the Galactic

Alignment and the cosmic symbology surrounding it. The Bible does clearly state that

an AntiChrist will be revealed in the End of Days, but only after the Rapture of the

Church occurs. As to a possible time gap between the Rapture and the identification of

the AntiChrist, that will remain to be seen. Until that time, such astronomical events that

will deal with the symbology of the Alignment can only give us a ‘picture’ of what

possibly is to occur and that all is lining up according to the prophetic schedule of Christ

and the AntiChrist.




Some Sources
