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The Destruction of the AntiChrist - Thusia Destruction of the AntiChrist.pdfTHE DESTRUCTION OF THE ANTICHRIST 1. ... Our Sunday Visitor, Sunday

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Page 1: The Destruction of the AntiChrist - Thusia Destruction of the AntiChrist.pdfTHE DESTRUCTION OF THE ANTICHRIST 1. ... Our Sunday Visitor, Sunday



By Nyron Medina


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1. We are warned of the antichrist that was to come. 1 Jn. 4:1-3;

2 Thess. 2:3,4.

2. This antichrist has the name of blasphemy and blasphemings

everything about God. Rev. 13:5,6.

3. The antichrist was responsible for the murder of millions of

Christians. Dan. 7:24,25; Dan. 8:10,24,25; Rev. 13:7; Rev.


4. The antichrist is evidently a religious power, from the very

name antichrist, and because he is worshiped as God and

teach doctrines (that are false). Dan. 11:36-39; 2 Thess. 2:3,4;

Rev. 17:1,2.

5. We have seen that “antichrist” means “substitute Christ” or

“in place of Christ”, because the word “anti” means “in place

of” or “substitute”.

“In the papyri, this expression, used very often in business

documents, means above all “in place of”, in return, in

exchange… substitute…” Ceslas Spicq, Theology Lexicon of

the New Testament, pg. 122.

6. We have also seen that the official title for the Roman

Catholic’s pope’s office is Vicarius Filii Dei, which means

“Vicar of the Son of God”.

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“The letters inscribed in the pope’s mitre are these: Vicarius

Filli Dei, which is the Latin for Vicar of the Son of God.

Catholic hold that the Church which is a visible society must

have a visible head. Christ, before His ascension into heaven,

appointed St. peter to act as His representative. Upon the

death of Peter the man who succeeded to the office of Peter as

Bishop of Rome, was recognized as the head of the Church.

Hence to the Bishop of Rome, as head of the Church, was

given the title ‘Vicar of Christ’.” Our Sunday Visitor, Sunday,

April 18th, 1915.

7. We have seen that the word “vicar” means “substitute” or “in

place of “ thus the office of the pope is the antichrist or

substitute Christ.

“Vicar… one who holds authority as the delegate or substitute

of another, a deputy or substitute…

vicarious filling the place of another…” The Wordsworth

Concise English Dictionary, pg. 1111.

“The leader of the Catholic Church is defined by the faith as

the Vicar of Jesus Christ (and is accepted as such by

believers). The Pope is considered the man on earth who

represents the Son of God, who “takes the place” of the

Second Person of the omnipotent God of the Trinity.” John

Paul 11, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, pg. 3.

8. But this title, antichrist or substitute Christ, also belongs to the

whole priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church as well,

because it is called a substitute for Christ.

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“Accordingly the full, supreme and universal authority which

Christ entrusted to his vicar for the pastoral government of his

church is vested primarily in him. The Supreme Pontiff

himself discharges the duty of preaching and entrusts the

same task to others so that the good news of salvation may be

proclaimed… Associated with the bishops in the ministry of

evangelization and sharing in their power by a special title are

those who by their priestly ordination ‘act in the person of

Christ’…” Austin Flannery, Vatican Council 11, Vol. 2, pg.


“The priest offers the Holy Sacrifice in persona Christ…”

Ibid, pg. 74.

9. The antichrist, which is called Babylon, is allied to other

religions in the last days, they are called the daughters of

Babylon; this is only after 1798. Rev. 17:1-5.

10. These daughters of Babylon show that they are daughters,

because they keep Sunday holy, a thing for which they have

only the Roman Catholic Church as an authority.

“The Protestant world has been, from its infancy, in the

sixteenth century, in thorough accord with the Catholic

Church, in keeping “holy”, not Saturday, but Sunday.”

Rome’s Challenge, pg. 5.

“The Catholic Church for over one thousand years before the

existence of a Protestant, by virtue of her divine mission,

changed the day from Saturday to Sunday. We say by virtue

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of her divine mission, because He who called Himself the

“Lord of the Sabbath”, endowed her with His own power to

teach, “he that heareth you heareth Me”, commanded all who

believe in Him to hear her, under penalty of being placed with

the “heathen and publican” and promises to be with her to the

end of the world. She holds her charter as teacher from

Him— a charter as infallible as perpetual. The Protestant

world at its birth found the Christian Sabbath too strongly

intrenched to run counter to its existence; it was therefore

placed under the necessity of acquiescing in the arrangement,

thus implying the Church’s right to change the day, for over

three hundred years. The Christian Sabbath is therefore to

this day, the acknowledged offspring of the Catholic Church

as spouse of the Holy Ghost, without a word of remonstrance

from the Protestant world.” Ibid, pg. 24-25.

11. The Bible tells us in different ways that the Antichrist will

be destroyed in the end of time.

1. The antichrist horn is destroyed with the beast in the

flame. Dan. 7:11.

2. The antichrist’s dominion is consumed and destroyed

to the end. Dan. 7:26.

3. The antichrist is to be broken without hand. Dan. 8:25.

4. He (Christ) pours out that that is determined (the

plagues) upon the desolate, which is the antichrist. Dan.

9:27; Dan. 11:36.

5. The antichrist comes to his end and none helps him.

Dan. 11:45.

6. The antichrist is consumed by the spirit of God’s

mouth and destroyed with the brightness of His coming. 2

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Thess. 2:8.

7. The antichrist is to be cast into great tribulation. Rev.


8. The antichrist is to be killed with the sword

(weapons). Rev. 13:10.

9. The antichrist unity is broken up by the plagues that

falls to destroy it. Rev. 16:19.

10. The antichrist is to be symbolically eaten, and to be

burnt in fire by the nations of a united Europe. Rev. 17:16.

11. God will destroy the antichrist with the plagues. Rev.


12. The antichrist is destroyed in one hour (15 days). Rev.


13. The antichrist is thrown down with violence. Rev.


12. To understand the circumstances about the destruction of

the antichrist, we need to understand that he was wounded in

the head in the year 1798. Rev. 13:1-3.

13. The antichrist was to have control over civil law and

dominion over the truth for 3 ½ times. Dan. 7:25.

14. One time is one year thus 3 ½ times equals to 3 ½ years.

Dan. 4:16.

15. In Bible prophecy 1 year is 360 days, and a prophetic day

equals one year. Thus 360 days x 3 ½ +1260 days or years.

Num. 14:34; Eze. 4:6.

16. Thus the antichrist’s reign was to last 1260 days/years.

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This equals 42 months according to scripture. Rev. 13:5.

17. The date of the beginning of the 1260 years starts in 538

when the final of the three anti-Catholic Arean horns was

driven from Rome by Belisarius, this made Emperor

Justinian’s decree of 533 A.C.B., establishing Papal

supremacy, effective in 538 A.C.B.

“Such was the position of affairs, when, A.D. 533, Justinian

entered upon his Vandal and Gothic wars. Wishing to obtain

the influence of the pope and the Catholic party, he issued that

memorable decree which was to constitute the pope the head

of all the churches, and from the carrying out of which, A.D.

538, the period of papal supremacy is to be dated. And

whoever will read the history of the African campaign, 533-

534, and the Italian campaign, 534-538, will notice that the

Catholics everywhere hailed as deliverers the army of

Belisarius, the general of Justinian. But no decree of this

nature could be carried into effect until the Arian horns which

stood in its way were overthrown. A turn came, however, in

the tide of affairs, for in the military campaign in Africa and

Italy the victorious legions of Belisarius dealt a crushing blow

to Arianism, so much so that its final supporters were

vanquished.” Uriah Smith, Daniel and the Revelation, pg.


“Elliot summarizes: “I might cite three that were eradicated

from before the pope out of the list first given, viz., the Heruli

under Odoacer, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths”. From the

historical testimony above cited, we think it clearly

established that the three horns plucked up were the powers

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named: the Heruli, A.D. 493, the Vandals, in 534, and the

Ostrogoths finally in 533, though effective opposition by the

latter to the decree of Justinian ceased when they were driven

from Rome by Belisarius in 538.” Ibid, pg. 113.

18. Thus 1260 years, from 538 A.C.B., ends in 1798 A.C.B., the

exact date when the papal antichrist was wounded to the head.





19. This wounded to the head were to be healed because it is

described another way as being led into captivity. Thus the

papal antichrist was led into captivity in 1798 when it was

attacked in the French Revolution. Rev. 13:1-,10.

“This time period lasted from 538 to 1798. The Napoleonic

wars brought an end to papal dominance, for on February 11th

1798, Pope Pius VI was taken prisoner by General Berthier of

France.” Roy Allan Anderson, Unfolding Daniel’s Prophecies,

pg. 150.

“For 538+1260=1798; and in the year 1798, Berthier, with a

French army, entered Rome, proclaimed a republic, took the

pope prisoner, and inflicted a deadly wound upon the papacy.”

Uriah Smith, Daniel and the Revelation, pg. 130.

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20. That was the first attack upon the papal antichrist, and it was

only temporary, because the wound was to be healed.. This

wounded is described another place as the “King of the South

pushing against him” the antichrist or king of the north. Dan.


21. The King of the South was ancient Egypt. Dan. 11:8,9.

22. This was used to symbolize religious atheism or the pagan

denial of the true God YHWH, because this is what Egypt did.

Thus the King of the South that pushed against the papal

antichrist is a power identified as religious atheism. Ex. 5:2.

23. This religious atheistic power is also called the “beast that

ascendeth out of the bottomless pit”. It is seen here as making

France into it Egypt state among others… Rev. 11: 7.

“In many of the nations of Europe the powers that ruled in

church and state had for centuries been controlled by Satan

through the medium of the papacy. But here is brought to

view a new manifestation of Satanic power.” Ellen G. White,

The Great Controversy, pg. 268-269.

“According to the words of the prophet, then, a little before

the year 1798 some power of satanic origin and character

would rise to make war upon the Bible. And in the land

where the testimony of God’s two witnesses should thus be

silenced, there would be manifest the atheism of the Pharaoh

and the licentiousness of Sodom. This prophecy has received

a most striking fulfillment in the history of France.” Ibid, pg.

269. (Emphasis supplied).

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“ ‘The beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall

make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill

them’. The atheistical power that ruled France during the

Revolution and the Reign of Terror, did wage such a war

against God and His holy word as the world has never

witnessed.” Ibid, pg. 273. (Emphasis supplied).

This power that wounded the Roman Catholic Antichrist was

The Illuminati, but to understand this we need to understand

something about the character of apostate Talmudic Jews.

The Bible tells us that they are contrary to all 24. men, they

hate God and men, and God’s wrath is upon them to the

uttermost. 1 Thess. 2:14-16.

25. Concerning the Jewish character, we are told how horrible

many of them are.

“Jews, writes Faure, are possessed of an eternal anguish,

which alienates them from all the peoples of the earth; they

upset their habits, they devastate their well-worn paths and

they dislocate their ancient moral structures… Their anguish

is expressed in constant dissatisfaction, in stubborn

recrimination in a need to convince which gnaws at them like

a prurient and which was only permitted them when they

could not lay claim to political domination, and in intellectual

restlessness; and thus they are led to criticize everything, to

judge everything, to speak ill of everything, which

automatically draws upon them the double tyranny of

persecution and exile.” Quoted in, Ray M. Jurjevich, Christian

Revolt Long Overdue, pg. 50.

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“It cannot be without reason poor Israel has spent its life as a

people in being massacred. When all nations and all ages

have persecuted you, there must be some motive behind it all.

The Jew up to our own time [1800s], insinuated himself

everywhere, claiming the protection of the common law; but,

in reality, remaining outside the common law. He retained his

own status; he wished to have the same guarantees as

everyone else, and over and above that, his own exceptions

and special laws. He desired the advantages of the nations

without being a nation, and without helping to bear the

burdens of the nations. No people has ever been able to

tolerate this. The nations are military creations founded and

maintained by the sword; they are the work of peasants and

soldiers; towards establishing them the Jews have contributed

nothing. Herein is the great fallacy inspired in Israelite

pretensions. The tolerated aliens can be useful to a country,

but only on condition that the country does not allow itself to

be invaded by him.” J. Ernest Renan, quoted in, Ibid, pg. 51.

“Jewish leaders are criminally-minded. Their mentality is

that of merciless and treacherous exploiters of the host people.

They are motivated by talmudic hatred of everyone,

sometimes including their own race. Their morality is that of

jungle beasts. They are hypocrites, liars and the sons of the

devil, as Christ perceived them. They would stab any goyim

in the back as soon as an opportunity arose. They hate Christ

and Christians with a passion. They manifested their true

nature whenever they were in absolute communist power by

killing millions of so-called gentiles. Communism is an

uninhibited expression of the criminal Jewish mind. The

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Jewish leaders would perpetrate those crimes on Americans as

soon as they achieved full power through a revolution or an

evolution guided by them. Americans continuing to naively

see Jewish people as persecuted, wronged or holocausted are

running a grave risk of being enslaved and destroyed. This is

the delusion that should be wiped out: with a friendly face, the

Jewish leaders are disarming you and would stab you at the

first opportunity. The Jewish leaders are beastly by their

nature. If any nation does not keep them in check, it will

sooner or later be their victim.” Ray M. Jurjevich, Christian

Revolt Long Overdue, pg. 46-47.

26. Thus Jesus Himself identified the Jews as children of the

devil who would do the lusts of the devil. Jn. 8:44.

27. In the wounding of the papal Antichrist, the Jews were

responsible, but they used the Illuminati that formented the

French Revolution. To understand this we must get a

background history. These are the situations that led to the

overthrow of the papal antichrist.

“In order to put his plan of 1773 into effect, Amschel

Rothschild and his co-conspirators set out to establish an

organization or “machine” which they could control and use

to carry out their desired revolutionary activities. One Dr.

Adam Weishaupt was given the task, and, in 1776, he

completed the job. On May 1st, 1776, Adam Weishaupt

founded the Order of the Illuminati. He established Lodges of

the Grand Orient as secret headquarters for the Order.” Aric Z.

Leavitt, The Illuminati, pg. 9.

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28. Mayer Amschel Rothschild was Jewish.

“Mayer Amschel was born to Jewish parents in Germany in

1743 and lived until 1812.” Stephen Mahowald, She Shall

Crush Thy Head, pg. 80.

29. Adam Weishaupt, was also Jewish.

“Adam Weishaupt, a Jew by birth…” Ibid, pg. 85.

30. Concerning Rothschild we are told.

“The origin of formal plans for a conspiracy to take over the

entire world can be traced to the year 1773 and to a man

named Amschel Mayer Rothschild. Amschel Mayer

Rothschild’s original name was Amschel Mayer Bauer, a

goldsmith who had settled in Germany and had established a

counting house (bank) called, “A Red Shield’. Red shield in

German is Rothschild, thus the House of Rothschild came into

being. After his father’s death, Amschel Mayer took over the

business and changed his name to Amschel Mayer Rothschild.

He had five sons. All were well trained in the field of finance

and became very wealthy.” Aric Z. Leavitt, The Illuminati, pg.


31. It was the Jewish House of Rothschild that financed the Jew

Adam Weishaupt to found the Illuminati.

“It was the House of Rothschild, along with other financiers,

which had financed Adam Weishaupt to organize the

Illuminati.” Ibid, pg. 15.

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32. Rothschild laid out before Weishaupt the overall scheme for

world dominion, and Weishaupt thus founded the Illuminati to

achieve this scheme.

“Rothschild laid out before Weishaupt the overall scheme for

world domination through financial and political manipulation

hiring the scholar to design a comprehensive plan that would

ensure its complete implementation. On May 1st. 1776, the

Order of the Illuminati of Bavaria was founded by Adam

Weishaupt and his Masonic Internationalist conspirators. It

would be the very vehicle used to accomplish the grand

design of world control.” Stephen Mahowald, She Shall Crush

Thy Head, pg. 85.

33. Weishaupt used Rothschild’s money to form and use the


“When Weishaupt first formed the Illuminati with the

financial resources provided by the House of Rothschild, the

first step taken was to recruit, throughout Europe, as many

promising leaders as possible. Armed with the “deep

pockets” of the House of Rothschild, Weishaupt was able to

“hire” two thousand potential leaders for the Illuminati.” Ibid,

pg. 100.

34. What was the purpose of the Illuminati? We are told.

“The Illuminati was organized to infiltrate every aspect of

human life and establish influence and control. The Illuminati

plot was the destruction of the existing social order and the

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establishment of an international One World dictatorship, or a

New World Order.” Aric Z. Leavitt, The Illuminati, pg. 9.

35. The complete aim of the Illuminati was the complete

annihilation of Catholicism and Christianity as a whole, (thus

the papal Antichrist was first attacked in 1798).

“Our final aim is that of Voltaire, and ultimately of

Christianity.” Piers Compton, The Broken Cross, pg. 13.

“Catholicism must be destroyed throughout the whole world.

Prowl about the Catholic sheepfold and seize the first lamb

that presents itself…” Ibid, pg. 14-15.

36. The Illuminati sought to overthrow religions through the use

of revolution.

“The Illuminati, then, set out to overthrow the established

governments and religious institutions through revolution.”

Aric Z. Leavitt, The Illuminati, pg. 12.

“At that time most of the people followed their government

and religious leaders. All the existing government and

religious institutions would therefore have to be destroyed.”

Ibid, pg. 15.

37. Thus it was that the Illuminati, controlled by Jews started the

French Revolution.

”In order to topple the lawful governments in Europe, it was

necessary to start a revolution. The Illuminati first took

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control of certain areas in government. This was done by

“virtue” of the fact that the international bankers are, in a

material sense, the chief executives of the Illuminati… It was

decided to first start such a revolution in Germany. However,

at the Masonic Convent of Wilhelmsbad in 1782, when the

Illuminati was merged with the Masons, it was agreed to

instead execute a revolution in France in the year 1798.” Ibid,

pg. 12.

“In 1778, through his agent Weishaupt, Rothschild ordered

the Grand Orient, France’s Masonic lodge, to be ready for

insurrection. This insurrection aomed at eliminating the king

and the Christian faith…” Nicola M. Nicolov (ex-Bulgarian

foreign minister), The World Conspiracy, pg. 103-104.

“The [French} revolution was planned by Adam Weishaupt

and the Rothschild family twenty years before its execution.

Weishaupt was its principal draftsman, while the Rothschilds

provided the money needed to put the plans into practice.”

Ibid, pg. 155-156.

38. Even Napoleon, under whom the pope was taken prisoner,

was financially aided by the Jewish Rothschild.

“At this very time Amschel Rothschild was looking for a

talented military man. Talleyrand helped him by discovering

Napoleon… Rothschild’s goals were, firstly, to destroy

millions of Christians and thus weaken the church, and

secondly, to keep Europe continuously at war. Thus he

ordered his banks to help the young Corsican in all his

endeavors, a protection Napoleon used until he assumed

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power.” Ibid, pg. 169.

39. When Pope Pius was taken captive in the wounding of the

Papal Antichrist, it was one of Rothschild’s sons that ordered

his capture.

“Carl Rothschild, who was the head of the Italian branch of

the family, instigated a very repulsive incident in which the

Pope was arrested by a general without Napoleon’s

knowledge.” Ibid, pg. 172.

40. Thus the wounding of the papal Antichrist was due to Jewish

intrigue through the Illuminati in the French Revolution. Rev.


41. The same teachings of the Illuminati became the teachings

of Communism which followed it, Karl Marx; a Jew

reworked Weishaupt’s diabolical principles into the form of


“...Karl Marx reworked Weishaupt’s diabolical principles and

embodied them in the socialist (Communist) movement. The

views expressed by both men are identical at many points.

The first Communist Manifesto published by Marx in 1848

embodies both the principles and the spirit of the Illuminati.

Therefore, what we know as Communism today is the lineal

descendant of the same anti-Christ conspiracy that brought

about the French Revolution.” Ray M. Jurjervich, Christian

Revolt Long Overdue, pg. 53.

42. Communism was another form of the Jewish Illuminist

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teaching with even the name “Communism being known and

used before Marx was called to write the Communist

Manifesto; and its aim was still the destruction of Christianity.

“With this ultimate goal of the destruction of Christianity—

and in particular Catholicism— firmly implanted, the

Illuminati proceeds to the next phase of their Satanically

inspired plan for world domination. In 1829, in New York, a

secret meeting of the Illuminati was told that the nihilists and

the atheists were going to be joined into a united body of

secret societies, that was secretly known as Communism.

Stemming from that meeting, a committee was formed that

eventually financed Karl Marx. That committee included

Clinton Roosevelt, a direct ancestor of Franklin D. Roosevelt,

and Horace Greeley, who founded the New York Tribune and

also ran for the presidency of the United States. In 1849,

while world Communism was still secret, the Jewish poet,

Heinrich Heine, with inside information wrote, ‘The shadowy

creatures, the nameless monsters to whom the future belongs.

Communism is the secret name of this tremendous adversary’.

Thus Communism, which so many believed to be an

invention of Marx, had been fully hatched in the mind of the

Illuminatists long before he was put on the payroll.” Stephen

Mahowald, She Shall Crush Thy Head, pg. 102-103.

43. Communism was Jewish.

“Art Hollowell has collated Jewish statements that leave no

doubt that Communism is a thoroughly Jewish movement

designed to destroy and enslave Christian nations and

Christianity.” Ray M. Jurjevich, Christian Revolt Long

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Overdue, pg. 54.

44. Thus Lenin, who was a Jew, and his Jewish name was Hiam

Goldmann, said this about religion

“Marxism is materialism. As such, it is as relentlessly hostile

to religion as was the materialism of the eighteenth century

Encyclopaedists or the materialism of Feuerbach. This is

beyond doubt… We must combat religion— that is the ABC

of all materialism, and consequently of Marxism. But

Marxism is not a materialism which has stopped at the ABC.

Marxism goes further. It says: We must know how to combat

religion, and in order to do so we must explain the source of

faith and religion among the masses in a materialist way. The

combating of religion cannot be confined to abstract

ideological preaching, and it must not be reduced to such

preaching. It must be linked up with the concrete practice of

the class movement, which aims at eliminating the social

roots of religion… And so: ‘Down with religion and long live

atheism; the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!’”

V. I. Lenin, Marx, Engles Marxism, pg. 232.

“… The struggle against that enemy of culture and progress

which has persisted for thousands of years (i.e., religion) is to

be subornated to the class struggle…” Ibid, pg. 233.

“A Marxist must be a materialist, I.e., an enemy of

religion…” Ibid, pg. 234.

45. Communism abolishes all religion, thus the future

destruction of religion is the goal of the King of the South, or

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the Scarlet Coloured Beast. The Antichrist is to be destroyed

by this power, a power that, though joined by godless

“gentiles”, is essentially Jewish.

“We shall always preach the scientific world outlook, and it is

essential for us to combat the inconsistency of various

“Christian”.” V. I. Lenin, On Religion, pg. 11.

“The [Communist] Party’s objective is to completely destroy

the connection between the exploiting classes and organized

religious propaganda and really liberate the working people

from religious prejudices. For this purpose it must organize

the most widespread scientific education and anti-religious

propaganda.” Ibid, pg. 49.

“There are, besides, eternal truths, such a Freedom, Justice,

etc. that are common to all states of society. But Communism

abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all

morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it

therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical

experience.” Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles, The

Communist Manifesto, pg. 103.

46. Thus a summary of all we have covered thus far is:

1. The Papal antichrist was overthrown for a while in


2. The power that did it was the beast that rose out of the

bottomless pit in Rev. 11:7.

3. This beast was also called the King of the South in

Daniel chapter verse forty [40].

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4. This power was a form of religious atheism.

5. It was called the Illuminati

6. The power caused the French Revolution.

7. It was started and funded by apostate Jews.

8. The movement took the form of Communism after the

French Revolution.

9. It is fully dedicated to the overthrow of Roman

Catholicism and all religions.

10. The movement is essentially Jewish in its real nature.

47. We are told that the teachings of the beast from the

bottomless pit has now spread all over the world, and is

preparing the world in the near future for the scenes of riot,

murder, and revolution, such as convulsed in France in the

French Revolution.

“At the same time anarchy is seeking to sweep away all law,

not only divine, but human. The centralizing of wealth and

power; the vast combinations for the enriching of the few at

the expense of the many; the combinations of the poorer

classes for the defense of their interests and claims; the spirit

of unrest; of riot and bloodshed; the world-wide dissemination

of the same teachings that led to the French Revolution— all

are tending to involve the whole world in a struggle similar to

that which convulsed France.” Ellen G. White, Education, pg.


48. It is no secret, but the aim of this Jewish inspired movement,

is the total destruction of Christianity and religion in the


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“We have long past taken care to discredit the priesthood of

the goyim, and thereby to ruin their mission on earth which in

these days might still be a great hindrance to us. Day by day

its influence on the peoples of the world is falling lower.

Freedom of conscience has been declared everywhere, so that

now only years divide us from the moment of the complete

wrecking of that Christian religion, as to other religions we

shall have still less difficulty in dealing with them, but it

would be premature to speak of this now. We shall set

clericalism and clericals into such narrow frames as to make

their influence move in retrogressive proportion to its former

progress. When the time comes finally to destroy the papal

court the finger of an invisible hand will point the nations

towards this court. When, however, the nations fling

themselves upon it, we shall come forward in the guise of its

defenders as if to save excessive bloodshed. By this diversion

we shall penetrate to its very bowels and be sure we shall

never come out again until we have gnawed through the entire

strength of this place.” Translated by Victor E. Marsden, The

Protocols of Zion, pg. 204-205.

“The fact is that the ultimate goal of the Left Elite has never

been to change the Catholic Church — it has been to destroy

it.” Tammy Bruce, The Death of Right and Wrong, pg. 48.

49. Thus we can now clearly see, that as this apostate Jewish

movement called the Illuminati temporarily overthrow the

Papal antichrist wounding it, so in these times, it threatens to

destroy Christianity and all religions.

“Satanism was finally shown to be the ultimate goal of the

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Illuminati. Ecrasez infame! The slogan announced by

Voltaire (“Smash the Infamy!”) was taken as the principal

method of destroying the Christian Church. Guiseppe

Mazzini, the Italian revolutionary leader, who destroyed the

state of the Vatican and announced his preference for a secular

state, was the Supreme World Pontiff of the Illuminati, he was

a self-admitted Satanist and worshipper of Judas. Illuminati

Freemasons were veritable Satanists. They were possessed by

a demonic hatred of Christ and His Church. The Talmudic

venom in them was unmistakable.” Ray M. Jurjevich,

Christian Revolt Long Overdue, pg. 219.

50 At this time we must look at the Christian-murdering nature

of the beast from the bottomless pit, or Illuminism and its

Communism image.

“Their hatred of God, Christ and any religion is a clue to the

hidden satanic nature of the socialist systems.” Ray M.

Jurjevich, National Christian Manifesto 1990, pg. 36.

“That is why God was made into the chief enemy of

Communism and millions of believers were destroyed in the

insane trials to eliminate the belief in God from human minds.

The confidence of the revolutionary leaders with which they

ordered or incited their followers to kill religious believers is

a sure sign that Satan inspired the monstrous mass-murderers,

like Stalin and Mao.” Ibid, pg. 37.

“The Jewish leaders, the Talmudic rabbis, i.e., the modern

Pharisees, and the prominent bankers, were always on the

lookout for any harm they could do to Christ’s Church and the

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Christian states. They infiltrated Freemasonry and made it

into an instrument of destruction of the Christian power and

culture. The secrecy of Freemasonry suited well the crafty

Jewish designs against the Church and the Christian order…

The Freemasonic/Jewish slanders against the Church caused

much unbelief in Christian ranks. They created so much

hatred for the Church and Christianity and directed the fury of

the “French” Revolution against Christians. Many priests and

lay Catholics… were the victims.” Ibid, pg. 54-55.

“Guiseppe Mazzini, the “liberator” of Italy, showed his true

aims by warring on the Vatican and forcing the Pope to flee

from Rome. [This happened in the 1800s].” Ibid, pg. 55.

“Communism is the sledge hammer used by Judo-Masons

against Christianity.” Ibid, pg. 55.

“If one considers that according to the Congressional

investigations in U.S.A., Communists murdered and

otherwise destroyed anywhere between 60 and 100 million

Christians in the Soviet Union and (according to other

investigators) in East and South Europe, one must admit that

the Pharisees, under the guise of Communists, have taken

terrible revenge on Christianity. The Holocaust of Christians

pales into insignificance the much publicized [and false]

Jewish Holocaust under Nazis. Let us emphasize this fact,

often down played by our “Jewish” overlords: The Jewish

crime over the Christians far, far out strips the Nazi crimes

over the Jews.” Ibid, pg. 56.

51. In the future destruction of the Antichrist and all religions,

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the power will figure. But here is an account of some of the

names this religion-slaying power was and is known by today.

1. Illuminati.

2. Grand Orient Freemasonry Lodges.

3. Communism/Socialism/Socialist International.

4. One World Government.

5. New World Order.

6. Globalism.

7. Humanism.

8. Fabian Socialism.

9. New Age Movement.

10. Secularism.

52. As the Papal Antichrist was led into captivity in 1798, so, in

the near future it shall be killed. Rev. 13:10.

53. But joined to the Papal Antichrist are other religions that are

called her daughters. Rev. 17:5.

54. They are harlots like the Papal Antichrist because they fell

away from the Gospel of help. Dan. 11:34,35.

55. The testing of these Protestant Churches was until the time

of the end which is 1798. After that they were now

considered daughters of Babylon, thus fell under the Papal

Antichrist. (Dan. 11:35; Dan. 12:4,6,7).

a. Time (1) =1 year.

b. Times (2) = 2 years.

c. 1/2 time = 1/2 year.

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d. This equals 3 1/2 yrs.

e. 1 year = 360 days.

f. 360 days 3 1/2 times = 1260 dys.

g. A day for a year would be 1260 years.

h. Starting in 538 ACB, it ends in 1798 ACB.

i. Thus the time of the end began in 1798.

56. Thus how would the Babylonian Antichrist be destroyed? It

is destroyed when the seven last plagues fall upon the earth.

(Rev. 15:1; Rev. 16:1).

57. The plagues fall upon the Babylonian Antichrist and its

followers. Rev. 18:1-4,8; Rev. 16:19.

58. We are told that one of the seven angels that had the plagues

shows John more details about the judgment of destruction

upon the Babylon Antichrist. Rev. 17:1.

59. The powers introduced that leads to this destruction are:

a. The Scarlet coloured beast from the bottomless pit.

Rev. 17:3.

1.The bottomless pit is the dark unseen world of the

chaos and disorder of demons. (Gen. 1:2; Lk. 8:31).

2. This beast is made up of the dark concept of the seven

mountains or kings, since he is the eight one and is of the

seven. Rev. 17:3,9-11.

3. Five are fallen Rev. 17:10. (Zech. 1:18-21; Dan.

10:20). Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo/Persia, Greece.

4. One is Rome existing at that time. Lk. 2:1; Lk. 3:1.

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5. The other is not yet come. The U.S.A. did not yet

come in John’s time. Rev. 13:11.

6. The scarlet coloured beast is the eight but derives his

dark concepts that make him up from the seven world

empires. Rev. 17:11.

7. Thus the list should be as follows: Egypt, Assyria,

Babylon, Medo/Persia, Greece, Rome, The United States

of America and Illuminati New World Order/One World


b. The ten horns are the ten nations of the Western

Europe that succeeded the breakup of the Western Roman

Empire after 457 A.C.B. Rev. 17:3,12.

60. The beast from the bottomless pit is full of names of

blasphemy because every dark teaching of rebellion from

demons is its profession. This is indeed

Illuminism/Communism, etc. Rev. 17:3.

61. These ten nations, currently the nations of the European

Union, will have one mind or opinion [Communism] and shall

give their power/dunamis [Constitutions] and strength/exousia

[executive authority] to the scarlet coloured beast

Illuminati/Communism. Rev. 17:12,13.

62. They together [Illuminism with the European Union/New

World Order] shall hate and destroy the Babylonian

Antichrist. Rev. 17:16,17.

63. Thus we are told that it is with violence shall the Babylonian

Antichrist be overthrown forever. Rev. 18:21.

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64. So that the plagues and violence overthrows the Babylonian

Antichrist. Rev. 18:8,21.

65. The plagues fall in one day this equals to one year in the

Biblical prophetic reckoning. (Eze. 4:6; Rev. 18:8; Isa. 34:8).

66. It takes one hour to destroy the Babylonian Antichrist itself.

Rev. 18:10,17,19.

67. How much is one hour in prophetic reckoning? It is fifteen

days. 360 days is a prophetic year. 24 hours make one day,

thus 24 divided into 360 days = 15 days. Thus, each single

hour (that makes up the 24 hours in a day) is value as 15 days.

68. So it is in the last 15 days of the year of the plagues that the

Babylonian Antichrist is destroyed. Rev. 18:8,10,17,19.

69. We know that the 1 hour or 15 days begin when the dense

darkness falls upon the kingdom (the followers) of the

Beast/Antichrist over which he sits. This is the fifth plague.

(Rev. 16:10,11; Rev. 17:15,18).

70. It is then that the waters of the Babylonian Antichrist drys

up, or the Babylonian Antichrist loses her support of many

peoples. (Rev. 16:12; Ps. 77:16; Ps. 18:4; Isa. 17:12,13; Isa.


71. This prepares the way of the Kings of the east. This means

that it is then that Christ and his angels (which Cyrus and

Darius symbolized) shall come from heaven to the earth.

(Rev. 16:12; Isa. 21:2,9; Isa. 45:1,2).

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72. Thus while millions of the Antichrist followers are dying in

the plagues, the global violence that occurs from under the

fifth (5) plague, particularly slaughters the people that makes

up the institutions of the Babylonian Antichrist itself. (Rev.

16:1,2,10,11; Rev. 18:10,19,21).

73. However, the office of the Pope himself, with a pope, is slain

literally with the brightness of the glory of the coming of

Jesus Christ, thus ends the Antichrist. (Matt. 25:31; 2 Thess.


74. But the people and Jewish conspirators that make up the

Scarlet coloured beast from the bottomless pit self destruct at

the time of Christ’s second glorious coming. This means that

they turn upon each other in mutual slaughter or mutually

assured destruction (MAD), and as they kill each other on

their feet, Christ is seen in the heavens and smite them down

on their feet as their flesh fall off their bones etc. (Rev. 17:8;

Isa. 11:4; Zech. 14:13,12).

75. The following chart illustrates what has been just said:

76. However in all this, God’s people is not affected but is

preserved. Ps. 46.

77. Thus the warning to leave Babylon to escape her sins and

thus her plagues must be heeded. Rev. 18:4.

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Chart # 1

Second Appearance of

Christ in the Heavens

Dense Babylon Hailstones Pope Slain

Darkness Loses People Illuminist Leaders and

Support People Slain

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

Pla. Pla. Pla. Pla. Pla. Pla. Pla. Earthquake, Violence,



345 days 1 Hour/15 Days



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