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The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private School Principals in Amman the Capital and their Relationship to the Organizational Identification from Teachers’ View Point : . 2013

The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private

Feb 03, 2018



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Page 1: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private

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The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions

by Private School Principals in Amman the Capital and their

Relationship to the Organizational Identification from Teachers’

View Point

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Page 2: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


Page 3: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


Page 4: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private



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Page 12: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions

by Private School Principals in Amman the Capital and their

Relationship to the Organizational Identification from Teachers’

View Point

Prepared by

Kholoud Fawaz al-zuobi

Supervised by

Prof. Dr. Kamal Salim Dawani


This study aimed at identifying the degree of practicing

transformational leadership dimensions by private school principals, from

the teachers’ view point, in Amman,the capital, and their relation to

Organizational Identification.

The population of the study consisted of (14001) teachers, and a

cluster sample (375) was chosen randomly.

Two questionnaires were developed by the researcher. The first

questionnaire of (20) items related to the Transformaional Leadership

Dimensions, and the second questionnaire of (20) items related to the

Organizational Identification.

The validily and reliability of the two questionnaires have been


By Calculating means, standard deviation and pearson correlation

coefficient, the study showed the following result:

1. The degree of practicing transformationl leadership Dimensions

by the private school principals in Amman, the Capital, from

the teachers’ view point was medium.

2. The degree of practicing Organizational the

private school teachers in Amman, the Cabital, from the

teachers’ view point was medium.

Page 13: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


3. There was a positive relationship at the level (0.05 α≥ ) between

practicing Transformationl Leadership Dimensions by the

private school principals in Amman, the Cabital, and the

Organizational Identification.

Page 14: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 15: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 19: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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D" �N���'+�B'� 6��e� <� ��3 6��e� ��9� �� �����X��, #� + �� �. J�A�

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+�B'� +'�)�.

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Page 20: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 21: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 23: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 24: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 27: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 28: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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#�(��)( +�$(� %��'4 �(! -������ b$)', �, ��X7, +�(�! #�:� �2D"�� ��9A, �,

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D"4 ��)�4�� -��(� #$� #� �(! �� #�� �+�'I, +��)� #� �X$� C(,�� #� +�2 6���I(

+A�)3� 6����, #� ���) -���� �0�� ���I �� +�2D"� +�B'� +���� �), �� �+���,

�+3(,"� +�2D"4 6D:)� �� +A��(� +�2D"� 6��2 � � N�,�, �, . +� 9�A� �A),

#� ���,!�� 10� #7* � -��2D"� -�$,�� +���, 6��B'� ��%, ��� b�� <� ���),� �O�I

���*A� �A � +A���� �AI� �A�$�, ��A���= P�A�' �A�I�,)Stephen &


Page 29: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


�B'�#3 $ ) Colvin, 1999( ����I( �0'� �(! +�(��, ����2 1�I �(! �$�,

+$�,*� #�)��, ��%, ��$ 6���E ��I�, ����I ��� #� d�� ���� +��" ��),

���E, .

�0'7� +�(��, ����I J�), ��$ %�' ����2 �� +�9� +�: #! ��I,�� J���

����� +�: <�*� #�)��, +$��*� �(! �� (��� +�9� +�(�I,�� ����, J���

+�: +�)2 +�B'�( . �)���(��, �O�I � � ���E, >���� ��%, � +��',

+���8 ���,��� �'�,� -+�B'� �� ��� +����2 +'�� #$�, #� 1(27, J�$, <� 6�%,

6���E, +�� �) �����)� 1,0� ��) �� �!��� B'� 1� ��'� ���) ��� ��)� �(!

����� +O�� +���� 1I, �(! 1��3, � �� ���'� � +$��*� 6��,�� #�� +���8

+3(,"� .)�����2006(.

��'$ �0 �B'�)Conger, 2002: 47 (#� � � 1��I, ���,, �, ����I C(,

��*, ��%, � � �e�� ��4 ���I� ��� ��, -��!��� -���$� #��9�� < �

��� #$, +�,� 10,����,�+�B'�( ��() + ��� #� -������ .

1 ���� ��*�)Fairholm, 1995 ( d9� �1�0 8 1�",�, +�(��, ����I #� � �

���3�, ���$3, 6��,�� �(!� � � #��9�� �O�I <�� �1�I �+$�,*� P� <��

4 <��, �'� ����I �� i+�')� 1��0� +3!�:� � � ���+$�,*� J��4 ��I�, .

�� �� ��*� ��$ +�(��, ����I J�), ��$ (Lusser & Achua, 2003)

�0'7�����2 %�'���E, ���I ��",�� +�O�I 6D$*� �� #��9�� J��),� #�� <:

+�B'� �� d,�� ��I�, ��� #� ����X8 5�'28 1�0 8 �D" #� ��0�� #(�)� �,

+$�,*� J��4 g(� �+�: +�9� #� ���! .

Page 30: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


#'�� J�! (Feenan,2004) ��'� �+%(�( -�$��, �'), = �0'7� +�(��, ����I

:�3,-�'�$�, 6���D�( -���2 \O�,' ��I�, #�(��)( ( +(���X� 1���3�, �D" #� b��I


��'��� �03� ��$ �+�(��, ����I � (Burns)�0 D" #� �)�� +�(�! #�)��, �O�I

M0'( ��0'� �$�� �"�6��,�� �(!� � � �� ��� #� � 4 +�)�� ��), ��D"

#�)��, ���, �(!+�2D"� ��� � � ���I ����2 � � �� ���, <2 #� -�2D%'

#����, ���I JD," b$)� #������ �:�p, �), 1 �, �+����I %��'K 10��",� ��

�0'$ �#��B'� 8 M�e7� �3, = +���(I,-D�I,�� -�:�� +����� ���. 6�0B �I�

����I( �O�� +�2��,�= ����I �0'� (Anticipatory Leadership)

+�O�2 ����I (Preventive Leadership) 6�0� +����� 1���3� +��X�� 6'�$

�, +�(��, ����I 103� �0B (�! �X�, �, �+X��� ����I 5'� ��� �), -+���� -+�

6���B'� ��'� d9� 6�+�$��*, +��IX ��'� �+����I 6��0� <��, >�� #� +��B'���),

1BA' 6DA"�� +���3A 6�$��*A� Barnett, &McCormick, 2001)(.

#� 6���3$ 6��0� #$(,�� b��� ����� �� �(%,� +���, 6���9� ��%,

�+����2, $�'6����,�= +��(, �(! #(�)� ���� ��" 10,��0� 1���� +��7, #� 10 +���8

� �� #�(��)( +�'3 ��(�� <�,�� ��'�� #� �0)� #�(��),� �+��� <� �*��,� ���

+���, ��� +���, +���� 1�(), .)Florence, 2008(.

����I �0B �)� +�(��, (Transformational Leadership) �I! �D"

'�'��X ��$4 <�,�� 6��(%,� +���,� +��X�� #��*) #�I #� 6� ��I�, !�, �����

6� +���, 6���9� PD�� �� +���� �,�, �+���(), 6���9� ��� �� +�(!�3

Page 31: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


��%, J�): ���'8 �0�� ��4.#$, +L�(��, ����I L#� C � �� +��D� +�(!�� �X$�

(��)( <�� +��� ;'� �D" #� �+L���(), +�����$4 6��B'� 6�"�'� �(! ��) �#�

+�!��8 1���$�� ��(� (Bryant , 2003).

��$ �(! +�(��, ����I ��� �$,���6���E <� �O�� +��� �(! ���I�

+�2D"� 6�)(%, +��B! +�'��'� M�e� ��I�, 6���9� ��$*, ���!� ��$*, . 1I�

C��� �(! ����I %�' ������B 6���� � #��9��( +'��$ � 5��*� �(! ��)

��I�, J�0� #��9�� 6�2�% ��2� ���X,� 6���� C(, ���E, ��I�

)�����E 2001Q �72.(

, �O�I #f� �(%'� �� #� �)��, �! ����� � � �)�� �(�� �10,����,���

1X #� �6�)2, ���q � � 6����,�=�� �! �� ���,,, C(, 5��*8 +�)�� 10�� �

6���� +�(�) 10,��� �� 6� ��I�, C��f� �(),� ���� )Tichy & Devanna,

1990 .(

d�A �!A ���A�� �A � )�� #� ���I �(! �E�'� 'f� 103� �� �: ��

�X� +�2D"� 1�2 ��(! �X� �(! ��$�, �� C � �#�)��, : �) �+A��� ����A� �+A

1D� �*' #! ��),�= ���" ��+���$ ���E �"� J" .

6����( ���0 J�'�, �: �� #�)��, d� ��() 6���� %*'� #� 10�(! �E�'� ��$

�'!"(��� ." 6� ��I�, C��f� �(),� ���� 10,���� 5��*8 +�)�� 10�� � ,, 1X #� ��

+�(�) 10,���)2002 ,.(Yukl & Gary

10� �D" #� �+ �)� + ���,� +2D! �� 5��,4 ���I <��, +�(��, ����I �� �$�

���X$ ��� �� 103 #� +� �! +��� �� �� C � �X�,� �#���% ��2 #� J��4

Page 32: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


+��"�'��� �0�(! �(%� �, C(, )Burns ("> �X1�I "�� �" +��� �+ �) �

���� "�D" #� � ��$*, ���I <�%,�� 103 �� 5��,4 <�� ��%, 1X #� ���),

� � +'()� ��e +'��$ 6��e� ��� �� ����I( ���(), �� �D" #� 10���� 10��2

�X�� d�E� �� ���E, >��� �� C � �)� �0��",� 1,� +�(),� 6���� #� �$ 6����,�

5��,4 ���I .

� �/) �� ��� � � �����

(�)� #��"� 1�0 � +�(�! �� �+���� J��� �' +0�� ��$� +�(��, ����I #�

+���2 ��!�2 �(! 6��B'� ��'� ��� #� +�e�',� +I��%� . -�A��E, >�A�, +A�(��, ����I

#�)��, �� -�����.

�� ,1!� <:, ���2 �+�B'�( >��, 6���E, �� �0,��IX 10�, ��0,�I,)� �� <:

����)� ��K ��B'� #�: ��' ���$,� %��,� �0()�� ���,I� �(! +���,�= +A(!�3

6���E,( +�("� +����" )(Avolio 1999.

6��B'� �� ����)� �� ����� �6���� #�(��) (��),� #� �0�� 10,�A�e� ���A�,�

���E,�; ��� ��!�,� �� 6���2 C(,�, �O��"-� -���2 6�I,)� JA(,", �����A� #A!

����I QO��" +���(I, >��� #$, ���,I� �(! J�B, �!�3 ���( � 6��'I, � 1B'

6��()� � +�B'� ����2 �� J�B 6�"�'� �+����', 6��B'� �� +(!�3 �� 6�A�B'�

�, �(�,, +'�� �����$,�= � ��,), 6���,�,� +�: ���E,( ���, .

#� ����I +�(��, %�,�, �-%��,� �������� ���, �� �� ��4 �:� �3�B �� #�(��A)(

63*$ 1B)� 6���� #� ����I +�(��, ��), �(! �� �,7�) (Anderson, 2001:

1. <�� 6��,�� ��4 ��B'� .

Page 33: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


2. +���,�= +(!�3 6��E,( +(��� �� r�'� ��! 6��B'� 6��(I, +���� �A�

6���� #�(��) #�(��),� <� +�B'� 10,��e� .

3. <�� d,�� +IX #�(��) +�B'� �� 1���)* P�� +'%� ����,'= >)�, �A�

10�3' +�)�� +��D ��I�, ��4 ���,� .

���) �� ��� � � �����:

��,* #���,� ����I ��),� ��)

Mulifactor Leadership Questionneire form 5X (MLQ)�� ): b��

)(Bass , 1985�(! +XDX ��)�� ����I( +�(��, #��)� b��I �+� ���, ����I #$��

����, ��)�� ����I +�(��, ��� �� #���,�= �$�� � C � �(! �,� �' :

1 .��% �+��:

�� 1I� �O�I 5��� �����$ �� b3' �#�(��) ��,�, 6�� � 6��0� J�A),

6��� �X$4 �+���� �*' b���8 + ���� �O�I �� �+�B'� ������$ <:� �A')� �

�d�E� #� �D" 103 ��, ��,�� <� �#�(��) ��$ '� C(,�� ���I� +A� �! �A(!

5�'28 P�%� d9� -��$�� #! ��I,�� �+�B'� ���I �� ������$ # #$�� 1�����, #A!

1���e #� ���I #� >�� 10��",� 6������ +���� +�'0� + I�� >��, ����X7, C�A,,

��!��%' ���: d� #�(��) .

2 . �� ���� ,!������:

C � M�3,� 6���D� �10 10'�$�, #� �0,����� 1���3�, �A(! J�*A,$

����, 6��" +���(), 10����, ��%, 10,��0� ��!�� ��3 +���3 10'��.

Page 34: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


3 .%����� �+C��:

�')� ���X� #�(��) ��$3,( ��%� ����� �� �� �6D$*A� 1�",A� �A�$3,

�I%'� 1�28 ��2 �(! �� +����� � �I �J��, 1, ��%, ��� ��)�4 �D" #� <��,

+ � 6�*9� �(! �$ ��$ ��)� 1, +��:� �)� �"q ���� ��)�K �, ��A*� b�A� �A0� �

)(Bass 1985�O�I �� �(��, ��)� �(! 1���, +�9� +�: C�*A� #�(��A) �A�

��0,e��� �$�� �, �(!��( 6D$*� ���) ��%, 6��0� #�(��) ��AX� 1���A$��

�(� ����8 +�!��� �6D$*� ��0 ��$ '� ��)� �(! <�� #� 6���� #�(��) 10�!

10()� J��7� +����� �X$� +�B'� ��0, ��� �O�I �(��, C �� ���� +!��� #A�

QO��" �� 6��0� <��� 6@��� ���)� �/:

1. \��� ��� ���:

J�)� � �� #�"q)(Avolio, 1999��X7, � �X� '7� ��0B� 1�,�= �!�*�

�#��"� ��'� +IX + ���,� +IX �� + ��� �+�B'� �� <�%,�� �O�I #� �(��, �)��

#� #�(��) #�X7,� � ,������� C � ���'! b��,� #(��) )� I� ,�� �A�I�, �A(!

J��� +�B'� ��0, ��� ��$ �0B� ��X7, � �X� #� �D" +��2� 6�*� ��) �%, �,

6��0� #�(��) 10()�, #���,I� �(! ����2 �10�3'� ��X7, �� � �X� � +��,' �X4 <A���

QO��" ����I +�(��, .

#� 6��" �O�I ,��I� �)�, +�'�� '� ���� ���!� ���2 '$�, #� ��X7,

�#��"� �� C � ��X7, �� >��� ���� ���,= ��, ��,�� <� #�(��) �A�

J�0� ���) <2� ��I�, #�), 10!�'2� �10'�� #7� ��I�, 10���� +��"* = 1,� ��)��

��I�, #! �+�B'� J��� �� �')� ����� 5' #� ���, ���I ��"* ��A�B'�

Page 35: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


���� >��� ���B', #�, ���'� #�� J��� +�B'� 5��A*� 6�A��� #�(��A)

) ��,��I 2001.(

2 .% C���� �+C��:

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�3, �, �6�)2, �0B� �� �O�I #� D"� J%�), <� #��"� 5��,�= 1���$�4�

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�O�I �� �(��, ��� #� ��)� �(! ����� 6���� +�2 !�, � � #�(��) ���!� �B' �A�

��% 1���$3, ���, 6D$*� ��) +�'I, +�'��'8 10��2 �+��"* 1��!��� #� �A(!

�� 6D$*� +���I ��%� ����� #� �D" �� � 1��I, +A �4� +A�!� #���A�

�(�( +�!��8.

3 .� ��!�8� � �����:

1�0 8 '7� ���X� �!�*� J%) d� #�(��) �+$�� ��)( ����I +�0(�

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10,��e�� 10)��*, �(! ��$,�= 5��8 5', ��,�� ��%, J�,!= � ���*8

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10)��, ���, �6��)� �)� ��,�� ����8 �')� �� � #�I� #� ����!� b���

Page 36: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


�O�I � ��X� �(! ��3�, �#�(��) �0� b��� ����� �(! ��)� ���3 P� +�e� ��

��I�, ; ��� +�B'� .

4 . �� ����:

� � �O�I �(��, �����,� 6����� #�(��) )� �, 1�,, �+���" �� ����� 10,

6�� ���� �� 62 �3' �$�� �O�I �(��, �(! ��'� +AIX +A��)� � �A'�

J): .#� ���X$ #� ���I = �(! #�X9� #��"� J�0� ���E, 10$(� ���� �� ����4

����� 10�� J�0� 10)�� ���'8 +%�'� ��4 10� �$*� �2 ��:�� ��� M)� #�X���

J�'�, ��X7, � � 6��,�� ��'� ���I� �(! �O�I � ��� �� 5�'2� ��:�,� #�(��A)

� )� �I� #$� ��X7, 1�",��� �O�I,�= �(�4 1O�I �(! �), J 6���� #�(��) � �2

1,� 1�",��� +���,�,� 1$�, 1O�I 5���'= �(! ��K <: ����)� ��!� +����

���'8 � 6��0 %E: ��,�� #�(��) �(! ��I�, ��4 �(%� � ��$ ��, +���,�,�

J �, �, ��*, � � 6=��� ��'� �O�I J ��, <� #�(��) � 1���)*� 10,���7�� b��7,

%�� +2�� 10)�� ��'X �(! ��$ 1��0� �2 1�",�� �O�I +���,�,� �%'� �, ��,),

�(! ,�1�" �I) ��$3, 5�'28 +���7� #��"� 1����'� 1���4 +�3�B .

�� ����� � �����

���B', �X��, �)a� ) +���B', +�0 �� 6����4 M)� �� ���� �� ( ��$*4 ���

#(��) #$� #4 �0 ��!� JD," �(! 6��B'� �)�, � ��!��,�= �X��,( ����,� �0��

�0I�I�, � � J�0, �, +�9� �� �0, ���� #�I�,(�)Simon, 2000 .(

Page 37: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


�A0� �A�, �0��A�� +�B'� 1�I� 10%��,� #�(��) 1�, #�:,� ���B', �X��,

1�0�= ��0��0� <2,� �� ���'= ��0� �� +��"* +��:, ��0 ��!� �� N���'

�0� �� C�,*� �0���0,��" �� ���,�= ��I� �� +�e� �)Hant&Morgan,1994.(

+���, 6��B'� J�AB +AO�0, �(! ��), �, 6��B'� C(, #� ���'X,� 6��

�)� �(! � +��() +�����$4 �0, ���� #�I�,(� �0�� +�����, +O�0 ��:!� �)� +�OD�

��� � �0)� -���,� 10$(� �0II�I�, %%"� J��4 1�"� > . ��A� <A� #(X�A�,� >���

6��B'� 1�I +��IX 1���3� -���$)' #$, +��" 1���3� 10�� �$*,, +A)��� +�($

�0� � #��,'� �A0'� ��,�A� �, � �0�O��" �0,��� �D" #� �3' �(! :) JL�)�� �

,� +�03� � �, ��) ���*�2003 .(

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6�3� <��� / ��% +2D! � �%'� �� �X��, b$) / �A')� ���A� �� �X��,

�F�*, ��: #� ��: +eD� �� �X��, � #���) ���,) � �B'� #�2003 . (

3��#2�� : �L�! #����A' ����'* ��)Hall , Schnider & Nygren , 1970 ( #� �A �

<� +�B'� J�� ���%,, ���$,, �0 D" #� �, +�(�) C(, � �X��, ��3 J�� . # ��$

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�0)� ���,=�� �)*� � +'�)� +!��� � �"q Q"* <� %�� ��3 �0 D".

Page 38: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


�'�*, �'$��, �� )Tompkins & Cheney ,1985 ( #�3BA� #� �A � ��*7�

�� 1���3� #� +!��� <� ��,, �,� 10����3� ��$*, #��)� 10,��B'� <� #(X��,� #

�0�� #(�)� �, +�B'� �� ��O�� 1�I . #$'� ��)Duncan ,2002 ( +A�(�! J��

+�,� +(O�4 �D" #� C � ;:,� � +'�)� +�B'� <� %�,�� ���) # �D" #� �X��, :

L�)a� �� ��A)� P�A�� �A� � � �0$(,�� �, �0�3' J��4 �� +�B'� J��� ���)

� �, +�B'� JB� ��) N��" #�$ �� �0�� ��).

g�A��� #�'� #�'� 1L�2 (Johnson, Johnson & Heimberg ,1999)

' �(! ���B', �X��, : ����" -��("� 5�'28 �0� 1,� +�(�! #� 1,, � #�(��) #�3B�( -�

b�A�� �(! �X��, #� + �� �0'! \,'� � +�B'� 6��e� <� ���) 6��e� N���' �D"

6��e� N���' ���� >�3*� ��*� )Ashforth & Mael , 1989 ( #� +��" + �� '7�

!��,�= ���%, � �X��, �� ���� <� 103� C � ��A�L�! ��A �� � �A�2 A'��

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�AX�� A' �A(! �3' +�9� � ���� ,�B'� <� �X��,� JB� �� � #��"= <� ��I, =

�3, �� +�B'� +���,�,�8 ,��2 �� +����� ���)a� ��0� ��� #:,�� #��"= <� ,D!

�$*, �0'f� 1X #� � �0��� +�B'� 1�2 <� 10���� 10��2 M2�',, #�� #! �3'� d7'�

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�0��I,� +'�)� +�� #� .Johnson , Johnson & Heimberg ,1999). (

Page 39: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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)Elsbach&Bhattacharya ,2001 (= ' �(! ��3 +�� #�� ��$3 � ���)� ���3'

+A�0 CA(, #A! �0(�� �3' ��)�� �� ��3 +�e� '� ��$ � +�B'� +�� � �AX��,(

�0� J�,� +XDX QO��" ���B', )Johnson, Johnson & Heimberg, 1999)�� �:

1. 6�$��� �� -���E� -�I�)� ���B', �X��, L�)a�)��, �6�I,)� � �!�*A� �6��

C(� ( 6=��A,= 5A' ��A�, 6�$��8 ��� � +�B'� �� #�(��) ���4

+�B'� d,�� �(! �0($* .

2. +�B'�( +�!��,�= �'� �� -��2 -�%��,� ���B', �X��, %�,�� .

3. 6��I ��", �� #�(��) �%'� -������ -�$,�� ���B', �X��, L�)a�+���B', .

������ ���8 ;:,�� +���8 6���B' �%, #�� +2D) #��� �D" #� C �

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Page 40: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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2D) �"�� ������, 1, �, J��4 #� �,7� �� +�'��'8 6�) �'�' ���* 2001 :(

1. +��3' +����,2= +�!��,�= 10,���� 5��*� �� 10,�!��� ���4�� 1��,�= .

�A��) J�A�7� 6A�,� �2 +�'��'8 6�2D) +��B' #f� � ��� �� � � -��',�

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+�B'� #�(��) �� #�(X�,� #���% #�� �(%� �X��, d,��.

2. �A, J�A�4 ��I�, �!��� �$*� ��)( ���4 #�� ���3 P� +��', #�),

�$$ +�B'� d,�� �(! +!��� ��3 d,�� �(! �0I�I�, � � #)�� .

3. )( ���4 ��3�, �(! ��) ���3$� N���'8 ��.

��A�4 J�A�� +�B'� J��� ��I�, #� �� D� �J��4 �� +�(��$, ��I�,

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1. 4 �A�I�, � ��( �0,���(,�� JO�B 6����,� ����, +A��) J�A�

+�B'�( .

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Page 41: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


4. +!A:� %A%" �� +�(%� J��K �0� � �� 1, �, \O�,' 1��I,

�0'! J��'= d��.

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QO��" )���(� 1993 ( �'� �0'�:

1. 6��I J��4 ��I L�),��+�!��� .

2. ��I J��4 <� 1���'= ����#�(��) +!��� #� �",, �, 6.

3. #�(��) <� -=��, -D!�3, �X$� #$�.

4. J��4 ��3', �(! ��)( L�),��6��I .

�X��, � +�(�! � �)� �0,'� ��e� ��E,� �62 ��� <� �%,� 6��E,� �� �X7,

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),� 6���� �� #3(,"� �X��,( 1���)Glynn ,1998 .(

�A��B', �X��, ���� <� +2D) 6� 6��E,� ��) M)� �,�� ����)Shamir &

Kark ,2004(:

1. � ���B', �X��, �� #! +�,�,� \O�,' d��� +�B'� �� ��I� �� +�e� §�)a�

0)� 1��'� +�B'� <� �X��,� �� ��3 #4 C � �A0$�, �0,���E� #� d�� � �

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Page 42: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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��:!��+�B'� <A� ���), #� �X$� ���� #��$ <� ���), �0� #� '4 C �

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+!��� �� +�����8 ���� %��,��� +2D! 6� +'�)� +!��� <� .

5. 10�A3'� Q�"*4 L�! d�� b$)� �� � +�B'� �(! �'�� 6� 1�,� 1��I,

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Page 43: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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+�B'� �� +��" .

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M2�', .

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'� d�"4 6��B.

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+��) +�(��( .

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6. #� �A� 1��&�A¡2 1����� #� �� ��! ���3$ #�(��) #�� ��3' %��,�=

� P��' -�)��� 10�� �X9� �*3 .

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Page 44: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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= #� ���� ��� 6����,�= ��� ���B', 10O� ��) #� ���� � � 10)��� ) . �A�!

2007: Q 212.(

2. 6����� : d�� ��( )2006( �!��A, +�("� 6����� �(! �'�, ��) ���: #�

1�B', �� #�(��) ���4 6���� 5��*� �(!� �� d�A �A�� �(! J��),� � ��$�

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Page 45: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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4. J��4 P: :!��� d�A �A��B', �=A ����� �(! +���B', J��4 P: �

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+A���,'8 �'�A, �+��� 1�! ��=���D �3�B #�� �����) . ��A( � 2006:


7. +���B', +IX ��'�: ; ��� �I�� ��� 10$(� 1���' ���4 6�)2, ��, +IX �'),

10 +$�,*� � �� +���B', +IX " � +�,$� �! ��I�,� +!��� � ��3 <2,

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Page 47: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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+�(!���#��"��� ���8 �� #�e�� = <��� #� .)��!� 20071 : Q214(.

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%(�, #! ���)� ;���, #�. )� �0 � 20081 :Q 30(.

8. ���B', <��%, : ���B', <��%, �� ��I�" 6�A���,= 1�I �0�� ��3 ��,$� +�(�!

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Page 48: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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�0��,$ A,� #A! ���� ��, �� #$,� �I,��� +�B'� <� (!�3, �� ��3) ��A�!

2007: Q215.(

�A0���' ��,)� +�B'� ��3 #�� +��� � � ���B', <��%, +�(�! J�0, >��

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+�B'� �� $��,.) ��'�)� 2007:Q 55(.

d�� " ��! " (A� \O�,' � � ��9� C � #f� ���B', <��%, +�(�! 6(*� �� '� +��

1A��= �AI� �3�BA �A:� 1�! 1���� #�(��)( +�')� P� M3"',� 1�B',(

C � ��e +��E �� #�)*� ���B', )��!� 2007:Q 216.(

9. 1�B', �� #�(��) +$��*�: �A� ��A3( �(I) �()3 C�,*= �'), +$��*� #�

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Page 49: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Q130 .( +��� 6�0B� �2 " ��*� " #� ���� ��I +!�'� �� #�(��) +$��*� #�

+�B'� �� #�(��) d� ���B', �= +���. )��*� � 2007(.

10. ����I �(��: ��AB' >�A��4 6���,$ #� ��X$ �� ����I 103� #X��� ��',

10� �"��$ ,���4 6�A�B'� �� #�(��) ���4 d� ���B', �= +��',� >A��

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Page 50: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


1. #�(��)( +�')� P� 5�3,�:I� �� �'�� ��),�= C � � +�')� P� �� ��

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+'�%I � 2008 �Q17@18.(

2. #�(��) ���, #� �� : , �'), ���%" +���B', ����B � +�:A) #! ��3 J2

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Page 51: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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�� +�e� �0� ��� .)����� 2004:Q 20(.

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��A�4 �� #! \,�' ��� �3�B ��4�� #��,�� 10(�! 6�O�� �� ���B', �=

1�B', J��7� 10��, ��)( 10����. )��( � 2006 1 : Q 134(� 6�A$� �A2

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Page 52: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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6D$*� �� �� �O�I(, . )����� 2004:Q 20.(

6. +�B'� ���8 6��2D"� 1�,�� �0� 1�, = +�'0� 6��2D"4: 6��B'� Q��,

+�B'� �"� 6D��), J(,"� 1$�, +������ 6��2D"� �� �(! +���' � #�A� ��

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6��2D"4 ��0� 1�, D ��2� #�$ ��($ ,�B'�. )����' � 2008:Q 71(.

7. +�B'�( 6��3$ ��%I,� + 0�: ��3 ��2 #� �O��� ��I #� 6���� d��� 6'��

#�)� 1�B', � � 1��:'D ��:� �= #� ��3 � � ���� ��� %�,�� ��'� � +A�B'� #4

= �� 6��3$ �e�� ��� ���� �0,)�� ;��, <3,�� �=� ������ �)*� �, �0 1��:'

)����4� 2007:Q 7(.

8. +��" #�(��) ���� �(! �����8 ��X7, : #��A #�(��A) #� � � 6���� 6��*�

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�(O�) %��,�= ���)� .

Page 53: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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�� � ����� ������ 7@���� � ��� �@ � 1".

#� �$ �(! ���X� +�(��, ����I #�� +2D) #��� � � +��� 6���

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+��� )52 ( +�O*! +����)458 (�(� �'� +I%'� �� �����.

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+��� �� ���� )Al`Taneiji, 2006 (#')� " , ������ � � ����� �� ���

� �.����� ����� �� �����".

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#�) +I%'� �� +����' +���� ��.

Page 54: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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+�����$4 10,��0� ��%, Q�� #� #�()� � � N�,�� �� �#��"�.

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Page 55: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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d��� �����$ )Ejmofor, 2007 (#')� +��� " �� ��� 0��!�

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Page 56: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 57: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 58: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 59: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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X��, d,�� �� �X9, �, +3(,"� 6���� +��� �� <�, � � #�X��� �!��.

d��� #�(�' #�$ )Kuhn & Nelson,2002( ? � ,�?!C� ? ��� ���

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Page 60: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


��3�� 1�2)Jeffry ,2002 ( J�0, +����� � ;�:, \?��� �? ����� � �?�����

�? �C�� 0������� ������ ���� 0����� .���� �� ������� �� �� ����� 1A, �

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��", �� #�), �� ���B', 6��I .

6��� 1�,�� =�� )Puurula & Lofstrom , 2003 ( J�A, +��� �?2�

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�� #�3B� #����� #$��*� )175 (�'('� �� 1�� +%�,� ���E� +��9�.

+���%��� � � )Ceri`Booms, 2010 ( #A')� " �? � ����� ��? ���

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��B'� �X��, �O�I �� +IX #��.

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$�, 6�$�* +!��� #� +��� <�,�� #� +��� +'�! 6'$, >�� �+� )232 (

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Page 61: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 62: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


+��� ������ )2005( #')� " ��� �+�'��� ) ��?�� �� ���u���� �+

�? ��� 0�?������ �?� � ?��� �?@ / >�B�) �� �!�� �� �� ����� � �����

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,��A'�� �$*, �O���8 ��(�, M�e4 +� �� '��,�)82.8 (% +A'�! #A�

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)3,�� 1�I d,�� �(! ���2 ����� %�,�� �+)4.14.(

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#�X��� d� ���B', �X��, ��(�.

Page 63: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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#��()� d� \O�,' �b���, . �� ��$+��� 0 ��� )Barnett, 2003(� 5+���

')2003( . J*$ � � J�0, �0'7� +I��� 6���� #! +� �� +��� ���,,

+����� <2 #!��)�� +��" b��� �� #��()� �B' +0� #� +�(��, ����I

+���) #��!���B', �X��, �� �0,2D! .

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���B', �X��, .

��� ���� +��� �3,,)Ceri@Booms,2010 ( �0'� �� +� �� +��� <�

#� +��� 6'�� ��$ ��O�I �� +IX ��I� <� +��� +2D! �0 ����I 5'� #� 6�0B�

#�3B� #�� �3�B �X��, �%, #� �0'7* #� �O�I �� +IX .

$ +��� 6I3, �����)� +(�D" )2010( �, +� �� +��� <� � �A � 6(A�,

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Page 64: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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+�(��, ����I +����� ���8�����B', �X��, .

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Page 65: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 66: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 67: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 68: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 69: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 70: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 71: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 72: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 73: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 74: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private



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Page 75: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 76: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 77: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 78: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 79: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 80: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 81: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private



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Page 82: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 83: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 84: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


6�'��� +��� +��,' <� +��,' ��� �3,,)Barnett, 2003 (6�0B� �, #�

���� #�� +2D) �$* �(! +����� ���8 +)��% �(! +�(��, ����I( ���$ �X� C�'�

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+���� ��0)� ���), � � +���� +����� ���8 ����I .

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>�� 6�I3 #� ��I� �$ +����)� 6����'= +����� 6�%�,� N�",� 1,

#�� �� +����� 6�%�,� 6��,)[email protected] (%�,� #�$ +�(��, ����I( 1�)

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#��! �� +��" b��� �� #��()� �B' +0� #� ���B', �X��,( b��� �����

-�%�,� #�$ +���) .

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Page 85: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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#! +���° H(� >�� #���� %��,� ���)� ���� 1, �9� ��)0.75 ( �� �

+ =� d,�� �'!)α≥0.05 ( d,�A� �A'! +�O��A�� + =� 6� +2D! �� �')� ���

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Page 86: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 87: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 88: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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%2#��4 �#��! � ��$3 ��.

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M��� @+��)� .

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�, �*'( +����'� <��.

Page 89: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


� ���� ������ )2008 .(+���8 6��I ��", �� +���, ����I 6��0�. �� �%

#��! �<��, �*'( �\��'� @#��4.

� ����, ��O�� ����)� i���� d�� �+(�D" )2010 .( b��� ����� +����� +���

()� +���B', +'%� C(�� �0,2D! +�(��, ����I( �0,���� ��2�� +B���� ��

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6����( +���) #��! ���() :#��4.

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� �; �� �+)��� )2010 .(+���� �� +�(��, ����I .+"�� ¸���� ���� ���, 5

�5Z� �� � ��) :15319.

� #�� ���� �����)2008 .( � ����� ��8� �� �� ����� o����� . +���'$A�8 : ��

�*'( ��� .

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�)� C(� .

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�� �����.#��! :���� �� .

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� ���� +�D� ��'� ����� )2009 .(����� @�" ,) �� ��� @�" �� ����8� @����.

)��*'� ��e ��,���� + ���(A �)� C(� +)��� �+���, +�($ .+��)� .

� �(! ���(� )1993 .(�� ����� +C�� �2�����I � :���e +�,$�.

� $��� �'�' #�'� ����* )2001 .(��4� :� ���4� ������% �1��� � : �$��

�*'( ��I .

� �3��* � ���� ���� ��'� �;', i��0� ��! b��!)2010 .( +��� ����� +�����

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� #�$� �#D)* )2010 .( � �>�C+� �� ����� >4��� �"#� �?2�� � ���?��� q� >��

Z� ��� ����� ��� o�����) ��*'� ��e ��,���� + ��� ( : 1()( +���) J��' +)���

+�'�4.M��� @+��)� .

� 1B�$ ��:" ���� �#�� ���� ��(" �5��* )2000 .( ������� � �� #��! � : ��

����� .

� ���� � �" ������ )2005(�B', �X��, � �� +�����, 6�O�0 ��:!4 ��

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� �1 �� ���� �����) )2002 .( �� +���B', +'%� C(� �(��, ����I C(�

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Page 91: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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��� o���� ������ � ��� �@ / >�B�) q� �� �����. M��� : +A�($ >�� �$��

��! ��)� C(� +)���� +���8 1() )1(��� �.

� ����E 5; �� #� ���� ��)�) 2001(. � ����� 0������� �� � � ����� �� ��� :

� � �+�� 0�� ��� ��" �� �!�@��� o#���� �!����� q?�. _ ��A,$� +��%�

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� �#�9� ��! ��I3 )2009.(������� � ���� ��8� � ��� +)��� 6�*'� �b'�


� ���� 67*' �+'�%I i +3�(" ��0� ���03 )2008 .( �A� +���B', + �) 6��X7,

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5��e� � ��������I : �(�� �+���8 +��',( +���) +�B'� 24��) �2.Q79

� + �I d�� �)2011.( �� ����� � ����� ���� �� ���u���� �+��� �+�'��� )

5� ���� � ��� 0������� �� � ��� �@ / >�B�) �� �!�� ��)��,���� + ���

��*'� ��e(+,9� +)��� �.

� 1��2 ���� ��,��I )2000 .(�� ����� o����� :�C�� �����8� o����� ���

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Page 99: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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+�!:� ��e.

3` ��,�� �O=� �)*�+����(. 4` +O�� ��:!� ��� #$� #7� �"�� �� b���,

+���� ���.

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�0�� b���, +O��.

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Page 100: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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Page 101: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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+X��� 1I, ��,���� +��� �(! ��� 6��(%,� ���$,��� ��!� �� �(" / ����2 ���� Q�",

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+0� #� +�(��,

B'���B', �X��, �� �0,2D! +���) #��! b��� �� #��()� �.

b��I� #� -���2 +X��� 1�",�, J� �� MLQ ����I �� '� �(),� �� ���� = ��) ���),� ����I ��

+�(��, .

I� ��')� +2� #� �$7,( +���) ,���,� ��'�4 Q' +'��I�� 1,��$, ��$�* #$� �X��, �X��, b��

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Page 102: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


ا"<=ء ا";%ص -%"06%دة ا"�*�ی08./ا&�/%7. ا"06%دة م�,!دة ا",�ام3 Multifactor leadership Questionnaire"(MLQ-Form 5x)"

-0A@�?% ا'و"0.

BCر ا"6D(ة

صFح0. ا"6D(ة ا"6D(ة

ا"�,!ی3 ا"+6�(ح -*%ج. إ"H ت,!ی3

1- Instils pride in me for being

associated With him /her.

�� . �& �%$� ل ��� ����#ی"�س ال ��ی�ء

)0L .*"%ص ص%"*. ص%"*.

2- Goes beyond self – interest For the

good of the group.

ی��1وز ال/��� ال.-� �, أ*( ال��ل) .ال�3م

3- Acts in ways that builds my


ی���ف �8�ق 53�ُز اح��ا�� ل&

4- Displays a sense of power and


. ��ل=�ة وال<= ً�ح$��ی�ي إ

5- Talks about his / her most

important values and beliefs.

&/@ Aأه ,C و��3=�ا�& ی���ث .

6- Specifies the importance of having

strong sense of purpose.

ی��د أه/ ا��Gك إح$�س @�ي �"�ض .ال/�ر�

7- Considers the moral and ethical

consequences of decisions.

IJ��Kر ال���CL�� MخOوی ی�K3/ال @GخLا .ل�=�ارات

8- Emphasizing the Importance of

having collective sense of mission.

.ه/ ال�S ال�C�/1 ����ل ال/�ر�یRآ� أ

9- Talks optimistically about the


.ی���ث ��%�ؤل C, ال$/�=�(

10- Talks enthusiastically about what

needs to be accomplished.

Vإ��1ز Wی� �/C ی���ث ��/�س.

Page 103: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


ا"<=ء ا";%ص -%"06%دة ا"�*�ی08./ا&�/%7. ا"06%دة م�,!دة ا",�ام3 Multifactor leadership Questionnaire"(MLQ-Form 5x)"

-0A@�?% ا'و"0.

11- Articulates a compelling vision of

the future.

�Kی�3K=� . رؤی �$�=��

12- Expresses confidence that goals

will be achieved.

.ه�اف ����=�ی�3� �=> C, أن ا

13- Re –examines critical assumptions

to question whether are


@�Kت ال�Yا���Lا Z�� ��V ل��Oآ� �, ُی3 .�Gء����

14- Seeks differing perspective when

solving problems.

*��ت �\� �-��% �KC ی$3] ل����ل �C] و .ح( ال/. Gت

15- Gets me to look at problems from

many different angles.

�� ال/. Gت �, زوای� �-��% ی�K�31 أ�\� .

16- Suggests new ways of looking at

how to complete assignments.

إ%�� آ �\K@ً� *�ی�ة ل��ح [�آ/�ل ال�ا*��ت ی=�

17- Spends time teaching and


�3A وال��ری�Wی=_� و@�ً� �� ال.

18- Treats me as an individual rather

than just as a member of group.

�� ��K آ.-Z ولS �1�د ی��3 �_C C�/1�.

19- Considers me as having different

needs, abilities, and aspirations

from others.

ی��3��� آ.-Z ل�ی& اح��*�ت، و@�رات .و[/�ح�ت �-��% C, اLخ�ی,

20- Helps me to develop my strengths.

�� ��8ی� *�ا�W ال=�ة ���C�$ل�يی .

Page 104: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


+'��,����B', �X��, "8!آ��ر خ%"! ا"A(ی(ة

BCر ا"6D(ة

-*%ج. إ"H ا"6D(ة ت,!ی3

ا"�,!ی3 ا"+6�(ح

4�) :>4��� ����

1- 1,�� ��I,��� +)��� +����.

2- #�"� �I,'� ���'! ���:,� +)��� +I��%� +�!:� ��e.

3- ��,�� �O=� �)*� ��+)� .

4- �� b���, +O�� ��:!� ��� #$� #7� �"�� ��� +)���.

5- #! <���+)��� #��"� 1��� �0,����� .

6- +)��� 6���'� #� d�� ��:!4 �"� ��!�� �0�� b���, +O��.

7- +���' <���*� #! #() �� >��, ��� ���3', �, +)��� .

3� �� :Y��'��� ����

8- �I�, �0� ��2� ����+)��� �0���� .

9- �� ��!�+)��� �0, ��� ��I�, ��� #� .

10- �",� #� ���� \O�,' -��'�,� ��) �� �,��2 �(! �), �2 �, +��(� +)��� .

11- 6D$*� � � �B'�+)��� �,D$*� �0'� �(! +��"* .

12- �� 1�2 ���2 #� d+)��� �� � � +(X��,� ���$.

13- ��� #� �I,!�+)��� �(�� <�,�� �� �,�)(%, �,�0�, �X��,.

� 3� � :� �B��� ����

15- ���,' L�� +)��� �0�� ��!� �, .

16- ��� �� ��!� �''4 i���$ ���� �)*�+)��� .

17- ��"� ��3' J���I �� #" : �� ��!�+)��� �"+)��� #� �'�."

18- �D" #� �,�� ����+)��� + 0�� .

19- <� +$�,*� ���X$ +����� J2� �� #� d���� #(�)� #�� #��"�+)��� .

20- J� <�%,��+)��� ����$ ���� �0'7� .

Page 105: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


";%ص -%"06%دة ا"�*�ی08.ا"<=ء ا/ا&�/%7. ا"06%دة م�,!دة ا",�ام3 Multifactor leadership Questionnaire"(MLQ-Form 5x)"

-0A@�?% ا'و"0. BCر ا"6D(ة

صFح0. ا"6D(ة ا"6D(ة

ا"�,!ی3 ا"+6�(ح -*%ج. إ"H ت,!ی3

1- Instils pride in me for being

associated With him /her.

�� . �& �%$� ل ��� ����#ی"�س ال ��ی�ء

)0L .*"%ص ص%"*. ص%"*.

2- Goes beyond self – interest For the

good of the group.

ی��1وز ال/��� ال.-� �, أ*( ال��ل) .ال�3م

3- Acts in ways that builds my


ی���ف �8�ق 53�ُز اح��ا�� ل&

4- Displays a sense of power and


. ��ل=�ة وال<= ً�ح$��ی�ي إ

5- Talks about his / her most

important values and beliefs.

&/@ Aأه ,C و��3=�ا�& ی���ث .

6- Specifies the importance of having

strong sense of purpose.

ی��د أه/ ا��Gك إح$�س @�ي �"�ض .ال/�ر�

7- Considers the moral and ethical

consequences of decisions.

IJ��Kر ال���CL�� MخOوی ی�K3/ال @GخLا .ل�=�ارات

8- Emphasizing the Importance of

having collective sense of mission.

.ه/ ال�S ال�C�/1 ����ل ال/�ر�یRآ� أ

9- Talks optimistically about the


.ی���ث ��%�ؤل C, ال$/�=�(

10- Talks enthusiastically about what

needs to be accomplished.

Vإ��1ز Wی� �/C ی���ث ��/�س.

Page 106: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


ا"<=ء ا";%ص -%"06%دة ا"�*�ی08./ا&�/%7. ا"06%دة م�,!دة ا",�ام3 Multifactor leadership Questionnaire"(MLQ-Form 5x)"

-0A@�?% ا'و"0.11- Articulates a compelling vision of

the future.

�Kی�3K=� . رؤی �$�=��

12- Expresses confidence that goals

will be achieved.

.ه�اف ����=�ی�3� �=> C, أن ا

13- Re –examines critical assumptions

to question whether are


���ا�Yت الV�@�K ل��Oآ� �, Lا Z�� �ُی3 .�Gء����

14- Seeks differing perspective when

solving problems.

*��ت �\� �-��% �KC ی$3] ل����ل �C] و .ح( ال/. Gت

15- Gets me to look at problems from

many different angles.

�� ال/. Gت �, زوای� �-��% ی�K�31 أ�\� .

16- Suggests new ways of looking at

how to complete assignments.

إ%�� آ �\K@ً� *�ی�ة ل��ح [�آ/�ل ال�ا*��ت ی=�

17- Spends time teaching and


�3A وال��ری�Wی=_� و@�ً� �� ال.

18- Treats me as an individual rather

than just as a member of group.

�� ی�K���3 آ.-Z ولS �1�د �_C C�/1�.

19- Considers me as having different

needs, abilities, and aspirations

from others.

ی��3��� آ.-Z ل�ی& اح��*�ت، و@�رات .و[/�ح�ت �-��% C, اLخ�ی,

20- Helps me to develop my strengths.

�� ��8ی� *�ا�W ال=�ة ل�ي ���C�$ی.

Page 107: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


����)4( , @�J/ أ�/�ء ال/� /

,"�� � �+���� >���) 6����� ����� ��+�

1. � .�'D�$ ���'� � +���, ���� +�'��= +)���

2. � .�'��� ��! � +���, ���� +�'��= +)���

3. � .�� 6�� ����)� �� b���, ��% \��'� %�4 ��* +)���

4. � .�3��* b��! � +���, ���� %�4 ��* +)���

5. � .�,��� ���� ��! � +���, ���� %�4 ��* +)���

6. � .+(�� ���� � b���, ��% \��'� %�4 ��* +)���

7. � .+'�'� �� +�'! +���, ���� ��* +)���%�4

8. � .J��% #� J%�! +���, ���� +�'��= +)���

9. � .#�� ���� +���, ���� +�'��= +)���

Page 108: The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership · ل The Degree of Practicing Transformational Leadership Dimensions by Private


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