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The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall (Excerpt)

Jul 17, 2016




Asylum meets Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, in this riveting tale of ghosts, secrets, and family, from master of suspense Katie Alender.

Delia's new house isn't just a house. It used to be an insane asylum, a place to lock up "troubled" young women long ago. And a restless, wicked spirit is still at play--and it doesn't want defiant girls like Delia to go anywhere.

So the house kills her.

Now Delia is a ghost, trapped in her creepy home forever. As she meets the other ghost girls who haunt the narrow hallways, as well as the handsome ghost boy on the grounds, she learns shocking truths about the house's history. Delia also realizes that her alive and grieving sister might be the house's next target. Can Delia unlock the mystery of the old asylum, save her sister, and free herself?
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K a t i e a l e n d e r


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For Eve, a true friend

Copyright © 2015 by Katie Alender

All rights reserved. Published by Point, an imprint of Scholastic Inc., Publishers since 1920. scholastic, point, and associated logos are

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The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any

resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Alender, Katie, author.The dead girls of Hysteria Hall / Katie Alender.—First edition.

pages cmSummary: Sixteen-year-old Cordelia and her family move into the house they

just inherited in Pennsylvania, a former insane asylum the locals call Hysteria Hall—unfortunately the house does not want defiant girls like

Delia, so it kills her, and as she wanders the house, meeting the other ghosts and learning the dark secrets of the Hall, she realizes that she has to find a

way to save her sister, parents, and perhaps herself.ISBN 978-0-545-63999-6 (jacketed hardcover) 1. Asylums—Juvenile fiction. 2. Haunted houses—Juvenile fiction. 3. Secrecy—Juvenile fiction. 4. Sisters—

Juvenile fiction. 5. Families—Pennsylvania—Juvenile fiction. 6. Horror tales. 7. Ghost stories. [1. Haunted houses—Fiction. 2. Psychiatric

hospitals—Fiction. 3. Ghosts—Fiction. 4. Secrets—Fiction. 5. Sisters—Fiction. 6. Family life—Fiction. 7. Horror stories.] I. Title.

PZ7.A3747De 2015813.6—dc23


10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 16 17 18 19

Printed in the U.S.A. 23First edition, September 2015Book design by Yaffa Jaskoll

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PART ONE(Before the Fact)

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You know that feeling when someone’s eyes are on you—

watching you, studying your movement, your breathing? And

how it gives you this whole new awareness of how much effort

it takes to just stand there like a normal person?

Well, that’s basically how I’d felt for the past three months.

Like I was being watched. Stalked . . .

By my own parents.

Even at a gas station in the middle of nowhere, Pennsylvania,

Mom hovered about three feet away from me, her eyes con-

stantly darting in my direction, as if at any second I might

decide to run for the hills. But every time I glanced up, she

whipped her gaze to something else—a can of Spam, a maga-

zine about crocheting, a package of tropical-fruit-flavored


It was almost like a game. Could I catch her? Tag! I got you!

You’re it! I never caught her. But I still knew she was looking.

A sinking, suffocating feeling came over my chest.

They were never going to trust me again.

I hunched over my phone and typed SAVE ME, then held

my breath as the “sending” bar made an agonizing crawl across

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the top of the screen. Finally, the text went through, and a few

seconds later, my best friend Nic’s reply popped up: <:(

A clown-hat sad face. The saddest kind of sad face there is.

EXACTLY, I replied, but this time the message failed. I felt

a shock of anxiety. I was intellectually prepared to be entering a

cellular dead zone, but I hadn’t prepared myself emotionally to

be cut off from society for two whole months.

Mom leaned toward me, holding up a can of bean dip.

“Does that say partially hydrogenated corn oil?” she asked. “I

left my reading glasses in the car.”

“Mom,” I said. “You’re a million miles from Whole Foods.

Everything here is made of toxic waste. Get used to it.

Embrace it.”

She suppressed a shudder, then reluctantly tucked the bean

dip into the crook of her elbow.

“You wanted to do this,” I said, an edge of accusation in my

voice. I wasn’t going to let her class herself in my category—in

the victim column.

Unintentionally, her eyes flicked over to my father in the

next aisle. “I guess just get whatever you want,” she said. “We’re

not going to make it to the grocery store tonight.”

I gave her an aloof shrug and went to troll the aisles, where

I passed my little sister, Janie, jittering around with a month’s

supply of sugary cereals in her arms. Perfect. Just what she

needed, more unnecessary energy. In a family of academics,

Janie stood alone. My parents were professors, and I hoped to

major in some Romance language (I just hadn’t decided which

one yet) and become a scholar of obscure European literature.

Janie’s dream? To someday have her own reality show.

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Even her looks set her apart—willowy, with white-blond

hair and crystal-blue eyes, where the rest of us were average

height, with dirty-blond hair and eyes ranging from gray-blue

(Mom) to blue-gray (Dad), with me in between, sporting a

color you could probably call “dishwater,” if dishwater had

a few redeeming qualities.

Janie was a performer. She was the prettiest, wittiest, most

sparkling complete twerp of a human being you ever wanted to

backhand on a daily basis. And with all that sugar to fuel her,

she’d be insufferable. But what else was new?

Continuing through the aisles, I came across my father,

studying a can of chicken. He shook his head. “How can they

legally call this food?”

“Spare me,” I said, grabbing a bag of Doritos and a jar of

bright-orange queso dip.

My parents were welcome to pretend this was some grand

family adventure, but I knew better. We all knew better. I was

the only one of us willing to admit it.

Mom, Janie, and I converged on the register, Mom’s cheeks

flushing pink as the clerk, whose name tag read tom, surveyed

our purchases.

“We just drove up from Atlanta,” she said. “That’s why we

have all this junk.”

The clerk looked up at her, blank incomprehension on

his face.

“Mom, Tom doesn’t care,” I said. “As long as you don’t try to

steal anything.”

He grunted gratefully in my direction.

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For some reason, my mother assumes strangers are inter-

ested in our lives. Maybe because her students spend all their

free time kissing up to her and pretending to care about insig-

nificant details of her existence. Mom never met a situation she

couldn’t kablooey into an awkward overshare.

“We’re actually going to be staying the whole summer near

here,” she went on. “In Rotburg.”

Tom looked up—not at Mom, but at me. “Rotburg, huh?

You got family there?”

“Kind of,” my mother said. “My husband’s great-aunt

recently passed away, and we’re going to her house.”

“Cordelia Piven,” I put in. “I was named after her.”

Abruptly, Tom stopped messing with the cash drawer. “Her


“Yeah,” Janie said, picking a Ring Pop out of a box on the

counter and adding it to the pile. “She died and left it to Delia.

It’s so unfair. She didn’t leave me anything.”

Tom seemed to know that I was Delia, and he set his gaze

squarely on me. “You been up there before?”

“To the house?” Mom answered. “No.”

“We couldn’t even see it online,” I said. “The satellite image

was all cloudy.”

Pretty frustrating, actually. To inherit a house from one’s

old great-great-aunt and not even be able to see what it looked

like. The picture in my head had come to resemble a little cottage

full of overstuffed floral chairs and ceramic cats (or possibly

actual cats).

I’d never met Aunt Cordelia in person, but still, her death

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had made me a little sad. Back when I was in the sixth grade,

she and I had exchanged a series of pen-pal letters for one of my

school assignments. We’d long since fallen out of touch, but

our brief correspondence had given me a sense of connection

with her.

When Mom and Dad had shared the news that she’d passed

away and left me everything she owned, I had gone back and

looked over her letters. She seemed like a nice old lady, always

overflowing with excitement about the tidbits of my life I’d sent

her (of course, that could have been nice-old-lady manners).

But there was nothing that indicated she felt some deep bond—

certainly nothing to suggest that she might someday blow right

by my dad’s possible claim to his family’s property and bestow

the entire cat-and-crocheted-blanket-filled house on me, a


I suggested we all go to the funeral, but Mom and Dad said

there wasn’t going to be one. Which was pretty sad in itself, I


“Oh,” Tom said now. “There’s plenty to see. Where are you

all staying?”

Mom and I exchanged a glance. “At the house,” she said.

Tom’s jaw dropped. “You’re staying at Hysteria Hall?”

“Where?” I asked.

Just then, Dad plopped his bags of cashews and roasted

almonds on the counter.

“Did you say Hysteria Hall?” Mom asked.

“I don’t mean any disrespect,” Tom said. “But that’s what

folks call it, on account of the . . . ah . . . the women.”

“The women? Brad, have you heard this?” Mom asked.

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I sensed a change in my father’s energy—a sudden rigidity

in his posture. “We should get back on the road, Lisa,” he said.

Dad, for his part, had a way of making authoritative pronounce-

ments as if we were all his royal subjects. Probably from being

treated like a minor god-figure by his eager-beaver students.

(Sadly, when your parents are professors, college loses a lot of

its mystique.)

“But what does it mean?” Mom stared at the counter, as if

the answer might lie in the Pick Six lotto tickets displayed

under the glass.

“Well, people kind of forgot about the place for a long time,”

Tom said, sounding apologetic. “But now they’re all talking

about it again because of how she died.”

“And what does that mean?” my mother asked Tom. “How

did she die?”

“It’s starting to get dark,” Dad announced. “There’s sup-

posed to be a storm this evening.”

“Wouldn’t you like to know, Brad?” Mom turned to him. “I

just assumed she passed away peacefully in bed or something.

The lawyers never said anything, come to think about it.”

“I’d definitely like to know,” I said.

When I spoke, my parents realized that Janie and I were

listening to every word of the conversation.

Dad glanced from my little sister to me and then handed his

credit card over the counter. Tom swiped it and passed it back.

“They did, actually,” Dad said to Mom, a tight smile on his

lips. “And we can talk about it later.” He grabbed all the bags

and started for the door.

“Have a nice day,” Tom called as the door closed behind us.

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As we settled back into the car, I sent what I figured might

be my last text to Nic in a long time:



I watched it send, and then I added one final message: