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THE DAILY 'Let oar fost Censures Attend the True Event." BY J. A. SELBY. COLUMBIA, S. C., WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 19, 1872. VOL. VIII-NO. 78. gi ENCASED TN loa AND YKT Anira.-On Saturday morning, aa Mr. Joseph Mot- tert, an op-town ioe dealer, sawed ont a piece of ioe about two feet by twenty inches, a bag resembling a Juno bug, excepting that its winga and body were of a buff oolor, rolled oat upon the side¬ walk. It had not remained thero many minutes before it ovinced signs of life, and in a very few minutes the effect of the sun was BO marked, that the liber¬ ated prisoner started to find now quar¬ ters. The block of ioe from which this piece was sawed, was very heavy, and came from the far North. How the bug oonld have lived in this mass of ice, is a question the ice dealer could not an¬ swer. It must, however, have been en¬ cased in its ice prison for several months. [Richmond DispatcJi. -? A Detroit woman saved herself and children from a rabid dog by seizing and bestriding the animal and holdiog him in 8uoh a position that he could not bite. She then dragged him to the gate, flang him out, and shut and bolted the gate. The dog made a desperate at¬ tempt to get in again, but got bis head fast, and was struck with an axe, when he struggled out and ran across the street, where ho was killed. The brave woman was badly scratched, and her dress was covered with green speaks of foam, but, no thanks to imbeoile law¬ makers, abe was not seriously injured. If Grant's expenses "are 810,000 pei year more than his salary," and in three years he manages to lay by over $500,000, what's the nae of any one bringing oat any more arithmetics?-Free Press. Frames for the Columbia Maps, OF every style, of Walnut and Gilt Mould iDg. Also, for Paintings, Photograpbi and Engravings. It. L. BRYAN'S June 14_Bookstore. New Batter and Cheese. .j f\ TUBS choice May BUTTER. 11/ 10 boxes new cutting Choose. Just received and for salo by JnneO_JOHN AGNEW & SON. Prices of G-oods ON JACKSON'S BARGAIN COUNTER -jj Cy SPOOLS of COTTON for 25 cents. JL«W S papors of Needles for 10 couts. 12 dozen Buttons for 16 cen tb. 3 Linen Collara for 25 ceqts. 2 cakes of Sweet Soap for 5 cents. 6 yards of good Lace for 25 cents. No. i Satin Ribbon vt 5 cents a yard. Good Fans at 10,15 and 25 cents each. Ladies' Silk Ties at 50 couts, worth $1 00. Dressing Combs (Rubber) at 10 cents. Parasols at half price. A lot of Piquet Trimming at half prico. June 12_C. F. JACKSON^ How the World was Peopled. ETHNOLOGICAL LEOTURE. By Bo- Edward Fontaine. (2. Thoughts upon Government. By Artht Helps. $2 25. Roughing lt. By Mark Twain. Illustrate) full of fun. At Home and Abroad. By John P. Kel neely. (2. Foster's Lifo of Charles Dickens. $2. Taine's Notes on Lngtand. $2.00. Pro-Historic Times. By «ir John Lubbocl Popular Life of Gen. R. E. Lee. And other now publications, for salo at Juno 8_K. L. BRYAN'S Booketoro. Corn! Corn! Corn! 2nnn BUSHELS PRIME: WHIT t\jKJ\J CORN, just receivr d and for HU low by_JOHN AGNEW & SON. Motz's Celebrated North Carolina COEN WHISKEY. IHAVE a lot of tho above WHISKEY ( band, and having made arrangement» \ take all Whiskey manufactured by Motz, w constantly keep it on hand. Can onlv be ht at W. J. BLACK'S, March 29 Gmo_Charlotte. N. C. Hay and Oats -| f\f\ BALES prime Timothy HAY. 1UU 500 bushels heavy feeding Oats. For sale low by JOHN AGNEW & SON. SPARKLING RUBIES! NEW SABBATH SCHOOL SONO BOO! AN appropriate name for this neat, coi plete and most pleasing eolleotion musical gems, (about 150 of them.) by A. H and H. Saunders. Musio new, fresh, spiritt Price 35 Cents. "Never Trouble Trouble till Trouble Trc bles You," is the title of a favorite Song Wellman, 30 conta. THE PILGRIM'S HARP. Is the name of a compact book of 210 pag< wbioh caa be carried in the pocket, and 3 contains a very large proportion of the m< popular psalm tones, spiritual songs, & ÄC. It would be difficult to oompile a mc convenient book for the Ventry, the Praj Meeting, or Singing Meetings. By A Hull. Price 60 Cents. Everybody likes "Kissing at the Gard Gate," bong. Loeseb. 40. THE MUSICAL TREASURE continues be a "great success." Great variety of t best Vocal and Instrumental Musio. Pr ia bas. $2 50; doth $3.00; gilt $4.00. The above Rooks and Pieces sent, po paid, on receipt of retail prioo. OLIVER DITSON A CO., Roston CHAS. H. DITSON & CO., Now tort. June 5 wsl $500 Reward WILL be given to any medical expert vt will dot oct the bligh teat impurity In composition of Ile mush's Celebrated Blood and Liver PU These Pills are a sore and effective cure all bilious disease": DYSPEPSIA,Costivonc Liver Complaint, Fover and Ague, Bili« Fevers, Nervous and Sick Headache, Dj rheo a and Dyaentory of a bilious type, Im rity of the Blood, Dropsy, Boils, Mel an chi Heartburn, Jaundice, Nervousness, Obstri ed Menstruation; also, a preventive and o for Piles, Sick Stomach, Dizziness or Verti Bad Taste ia tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, 1 pitation of the Heart, Nervousness,Const! tion, Pains in tho Breaat and Back, Kid Affect ions. To our o all Disorders of Liver. To Rogulate the Bowels, to Purify Blood. To give new life to the whole syst the Blood and Liver Pills cannot be surpaBE Try only ons box; yon will be convinced. I pared by E. H. HEINITSH, at his Labon ry, Columbia, B. C._ May 5 Elegant Cough Kisses. TAKE a kiss and cure yonr cough. A i confection; agreeable and effect Cures Coughs, Diptberia, Sore Tbr Croup, Whooping Cough; an admirable dioino for children; no coughing at night disturbance; sweet slumber secured by ni the Cough Kiusort. For Kale only at April 161 HEINITSH'S Drug Stor Notioe. COLUMBIA, S. C., JUNE 1,181 THEundoi-siRuod has associated with in business Mr. JOHN E. GYLES, general Grocery business will hereaftei conduotcd by the firm of HOPE & GYLEP Juno 2 EDWARD HOP filx>eojLetl Notice©. CAUSELESS UKPU KS SION.-TL ia ex¬ pression ia often uocd, but it is manifestly ab¬ surd. Qloom and melancholy are not spon¬ taneous. They are unnatural mental condi¬ tions and usually have corresponding canaca. If there ia no apparent reason for despond¬ ency, it is a symptom of physical disoaso. In niuo casos out of ton the stomach, tho livor and the bowels aro responsible for the cloud whioh rests upon tho brain. In all such cases immediato and parmanent relief may be ob¬ tained by the uso of HOSTETTER'S STO¬ MACH BITTERS. If the digestive organs are weak, an invigorant Is necessary; if tho liver ia disordered, au alterativo ia required; if the bowels aro constipated or irregular, a gentle aperient is needed. In that famous vogotable remedy these three medioinal pro¬ perties are commingled with several othera of a scarcely lesa important character, and hence it speedily onres every species of hypo¬ chondria arising from material causes, by re¬ moving the caneos themselves. In the aummer, when disorders of tbs sto¬ mach and bowel«, bilious complainte and all diseaaea whioh affeot the assimilating and secretive organs are especially prevalent, the importance of having this Invaluable tonio, alterative and correctivo in ever dwelling, and within the reaob of all who travel by land or water, cannot be over-estimated. As it ia a staple article thoughout the country, it would bo next to impossible to find a settle¬ ment, near or remote, unprovided with a stock of this famous vegetable restorative. J 14_t3 Flavoring Kxtructa ar3 of primary im¬ portance in cookery; and of all articlca ot thia description the highly concentrated STANDARD EXTRACTS, prepared by Joseph Bur¬ nett & Go., Boston, are pronounced by lead¬ ing cuisiniers-Professor Blot among thc numbor- tbe purest and best. Hainan wrécit».-Every day and hom wo moot with broken down specimens of hu¬ manity-wrecks that seim past hopo of salv¬ age. At least Boven-eightha of these migh! be tilled with new vitality, by a courte of Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINIOAH BITTERS Many are suffering from the reaction of lum polluted bittera or powerful minerals. It ii characteristic of Br. Walker's Great BcHtora tive that it neutralizea tho effect of then mis-called remedies, and accomplishes, il duo timo, a perfect euro. Nature Gives Us Teeth, bnt tihe CIOCB no preserve and purify them. That must bi done wiih Fragrant Sozodont. Tho denta bono and its enamel casing are made invr.l ncrablo to all destructivo influences by th daily uso ot thia beneficent preparation. $50.000 -will be Pula for any terned I whioh will ouroChronio Rheumatism. Pain in the Limha, Back and Cheat, Sore Throat Insect Sliuga, Croup, Dysentery, Colic Sprains and Vomiting, quicker than Dr. T»; bias' Venetian Liniment; established in 1M' nover fails. Sold by all Drnggiata. Depot Park Place, New York. J'iutt'a Astral OH-Moro accidents occu from using unsafe oils than from steamboat and railroada combined. Over 200,000 fain lies continuo to burn Pratt's Astral Oil, an no accidenta, directly or indirectly, have ot curred from burning, atoriug or handling ii Oil nouse ot Charlo;' Pratt, established 1771 New York. A Beautiful White, soft, smooth and clea akin is produced by utiug G. W. Laird "Bloom of Youth." It removoa tan, frocklei aun-buruB, and all other discolorations froi the skin, leaving tho complexion brilliant an beautiful. Sold at all druggists. Thia pn paration is entirely free from any materi detrimental to health. Just tile Remedy Needed.-Thanks i Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, we have, ft years, boon relieved from sleepless nights painful watching with poor, Buffering, teotl lng children. For Dyspepsia, indigestion, depression spirits and general debility in their varioi forma; alan, as a preventive against Fovi and Ague, and other intermittent fevers. Tl Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya, ma« I by Caswell, Hazard & Co., Now York, and so by all druggists, ia the best tonic, and aa tonio for patient a recovering from fever I other sickness, it has n.i equal. I Risley'* Genuine Golden Bell Coiogi Water, according to the original formula Prévost, Paria, so long and favorably knov to the customors of Hnviland, Barral & Ri I ley, and tboir branches, for its fine permano I fragrance, ia now made by H. W. Risley ai the trado supplied by his iucoeseora, Morg & Risley, Wholesale Druggists, New York. I Thu rat o n's Ivory Pearl Tooth Powell -The best arttols known for cleansing ai preserving the teeth and gums. Sold by Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents por bott! P. C. Wells * Co., New York. I Carbolic Salve unequaled aa a Heali I Compound. Physicians recommend it as t moat wonderful remedy ever known. Pr; 25 cents per box. John F. Henry, aolo Pi prletor, 8 College Place, New York. ! Chrlatadoro'a Hair IJye.-Thia magn I oent compound ia beyond contingency, t aafeat and most reliable Dye in existen never failing to impart to the Hair uniform of oolor, nourishment and elasticity. Mai faotory, 63 Maiden Lane, New York. I Nvapnla is Opium purified of ita sickoni and poisonous qualities, lt is a perfect ai I dyne, not producing headache or constipât: j of bowels, as is tho case with other prepa lions of opium. John Farr, Chemist, N York._Jnna 2 jflmi Every Day XTTE are in receipt of letters making knn VV to us the high estimation in which are held aa the proprietor and manufactn of HEINITSH'SBLOOD AND LIVER PILI The very high appreciation thua voluntai exhibited is a source not only of ploaauro of profit. Thua practically encouraged, I propose to go on with tho good work of so lng relief to thousands of the sick at vory tie cost. Road the following letter from No I Carolina: A lotter from Raleigh, North Carob speaks of Heinitsh's Blood and Liver Pille the following omphatio language: "Y Blood and Liver Pills should bo called 'Eureka.' My wife will givo you a certifie I testifying to their remarkable curativo t pertiea. For females, the beat pill out." Heinitoh's Blood Pills ara adapted to ages, sexes and conditions, in all olima good for Liver Complaint, biliousness, Ht aches, Chills. Try thom; only twenty- cents a box. For salo only at the family m cine atoro E. H. HEINITSI Jone 7_ New Books. rjIHE SPEAKER'S COMMENTARY, by B JL ops and other Clergy of tho Angli Church. Vol.1. $5. Aunt Jane's lloro, by Author of Stop) Heavenwards. $1.50. Hannah, a new Novel, hy Misa Moloch. I Jan 14 DUFFIE A CU ATM A DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. -«»\- 2,000 WHITE QUILTS at $1.25, worth $2.00 5,000 yarda 10-4 BLEACHED 8HEETING. 5 oaaoB CAMBRIC L. CLOTH. 5 caacB SHIRTING MUSLIN. 5 balee MOSQUITO NETTING. 200 WHITE MARSEILLES QUILT8. Thia completo stock-Dry Goods, Bootb, Sboea, Hats, Caps and Millinery Goods- equals in value any FIVE Stores in the State, and will bo sold at TRICES THAT DEIY COMPARISON. It. C. SHIVER & CO. Juno 12 Sparkling Catawba Springs. I HAVE THIS DAY taken charge of tho abovo Springs, and will open them on tho _I10TH INSTANT. Persons de¬ sirous or spending a few months at a water¬ ing place, will lind nowhere in tho South a moro comfortable resort. Terms roasonablo J. M. BLAIR, Formorly of tho Yarborough Houao, Juno (i Imo_Haleigh, N. C. "Where to Spend the Summer !" GLENN'S SPRINGS, SPAJITANBUJtQ, 8. C. THI8 celebrated WATER¬ ING PLACE will be open for visitors the 10th day of Juno. _ _;The medicinal qualities of this Water aro not excelled, and from the numerous wonderful cures that have boen effected by tho use of thia Water, I am satis- lied that this is tho placo for all whose condi¬ tion can bo improved by tho salubrious cha¬ racter of any Water. ifwaw ROOMS large and pleasant. Good and at¬ tentive servants. TABLE supplied with tho best tho market affords. Fancy Balls during tho summer. Ten Pin Alley, Billiard and Bagatelle Tables, for tho amusement of guests. Charges per fday, $2.50; per week, $13 00; per month, $33 1)0. Cottages to rent at $25 00 and $50.00 perTaoason. Hacks dail> from Jonesville, after tho 25th June. W. D. FOWLER, Proprietor. JiSrCharloston Daily A'cir.s. Newberry He¬ rald, Edgefield Advertiser, Marion /-tor Wiunsboro A'ews and Beaufort Depublicai copy for ono month, and iurward bill to Pro¬ prietor. Juno 4 jtltnor* "Horace Greeley," fcfc-r ITTLE GEM " and "Ticket ot Leavo" JLi are the finest CIGARS in this market for tho price. Any one not Coming to the City should send their orders, aa extra in¬ ducements will be offered to all who «bb to invest 53 cents or more. Gentlemen attend¬ ing tho Columbia Convention Should not fai' to call to see the "INDIAN GIRL."_June 8 The Favorite Resort of the Ladies is at 1 the Elegant and Well-appointed Show Room and Millinery Es¬ tablishment of Mrs. MCCOR¬ MICK, in the Store of J. H. KINARI), Main Street. &OODS are now being offered at such low figures as will defy compolition. The DOLLAR COUNTER is an especial at¬ traction, where one can obtain gooda at half the original prico. LADIES' SUITS, Buperbly trimmed, on hand, of tho latest and most fashionable styles. A call will su nico to eath fy everv one. May 26_MRS. A. McTJbllMICR. Announcement Extraordinary. CLOTHING AT COST. OWING to tho dullness of the season, we odor our large and well selected stock of Roady-mado CLOTHING and GontB' FUR¬ NISHING GOODS at cost. Parties desiring to purchase will And it to their interest to call at onco, as wo are determined to lessen our stock; which, for quality and durability, wo defy competition. 8. STRAUSS A BRO., Juno 5 Under Columbia Hotel. New England. NEW ENGLAND COUGH SYRUP. Whitcomb's Asthma Remedy. Young American Liniment. Ready Spread Mustard Plasters. Porns Plasters and Rheumatio Plasters. Ayor'B Chorry Peotoral. Oriental Croam for tho complexion. Fumigating Paetollosfor tho Bick room. Genuino CaBtile Soap in bars. Darby Disinfecting Fluid. Olivo .Tar, Juniper Tar and Tar Soap. Baking Powders, fifteen cents a box. All for salo at HEINI IBH'S May 5 t_Drugstore North Carolina Hay. fr pr BALES good N. O. HAY, for sale low I *J by HOPE A GYLES. Stop and Think ! CCUSTOMERS in want of CHEAP GOODS J will LOOK Over the flue assortment of Goods AT W. D. LOVE Si CO.'S, THAT Tbey are displaying on their BARGAIN COUNTER, at lees than half prico. NOW Ie tho timo to get your pick, as they are clear¬ ing out fast. Call early and call often, and bring green¬ ham with you. W. D. LOVE. B. B. McCREERY. May 28 Ice! Ice! Ice! GREENVILLE AND COLUMBIA R. R. CO. COIXMUIA, S. C., Juno 12,1872. TO enable residents on tho lino of this and the Bpartunburg aud Union and Bluo Ridgo Roads to procure supplies of ICE by Passenger Trainw, arrangements liavo been made by which tho SOUTHERN EXPRESS COM¬ PANY will take charge of all leo sent by Pas¬ senger Trains, and will deliver tho samo at tho respectivo denote, at tho following very low rates of freight, viz: Columbia to Alston, GO cent H per 1O0 pounds. Columbia to Newberry, 73 cents per ICO pounds. Columbia to Abbeville, 83 cents per 100 pounds. Columbia to Andereon, 83 cents per 1001 pounds. Columbia to Greenville, 83 cents per 100 pounds. Columbia to Pendleton. $1 j or 100 pounds. Columbia tu Walhalla, $1 per IOU pounds. Columbia lo Unionville, $1 per 100 pounds. Columbia to Hpartanburg, $1 per 100 pound*. Ice in bulk by tho oar load or packed in casks or hogsheads, will bo transported at very low rates by Freight Train, which can bo ascertained on application to tho agents of tho several stations. TITOS. DODAMEAD, June H fi General Superintendent. Excursion Seaton cf 1872, THE WILMINGTON LINE, COMMENCING JUNE 1, 1872. WILMINGTON, MAY 31, 1872. ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS can be procured at tho office of Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, to the fol¬ lowing well-known and attractive Virginia Watering Places and Summer Resorts: Green- brier White Sulphur Springs, Bockbridge] Alum, Balli Alum, Hot or Healing, Sweet or Sweet Chalybeate, Cogner, Alleghauy, Mont-1 gomery White. Sulphur, Yellow Sulpltur, Kit- treU's Springs, North Carolina, and the en¬ tirely new and first class Sea-side Watering Placo in Hampton Hoads, Virginia-Vue ae L'eau. Also, a full lino oi Excursion Tickets rta the "Bay Line," to all prominent Northern Lake and New England Sea-side Watering Places, by variable and attractive routes. Those Tickets aro good to return by No¬ vember 1, 1872. A. PO PE. dineral Freight Agent. J. H. BOWEN, Agent Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, Columbia, S. C. June 9 2mo Excursion Season of 1872. CHABLOTTE, COLUMBIA Sc AronsTA lt. H Co, G KN K HAI. FUEtOnT AND I ICU I T Bl P'T. COLUMBIA, 8 C.. Mo 2(1.1872. ON and after JU^K 1, PRGXliiO. EXCUR¬ SION and Sinei« Tickets will bo placed lon sal«« nt Hm ftio-s of this Company, AT AUGUSTA AND COLUMBIA, for the follow¬ ing celebrated andfar famed Mineral Springs] of Virginia: Rockbridge Alum, Bath Alum, Warm, Hut, Healing, .Sweet, Sweet Chaly¬ beate and Greonbrier Whito Sulphur. Also, for the colobrated Sparkling Catawba Sprin (s of North Carolina. Tickets good to return until November 1. Also, for Howell's Point, opposite Fortress Monroe-a neu» Watering Flare. This being its first seaoon, parties who delight in Surf] Bathing, Fishing, Boating, tte, will find thia point particularly inviting. E. R. DORSEY, May 27 Imo Geooial Ticket Agent. Initial and Monogram Press. E. R. STOKES 'Snow prepared, with a Presa and apper- L tainmcnts, to manufacture INITIAL PA¬ PER and ENVELOPES to order, embossed and in colors, of all sizes and quality. Aneo, Keeps constantly in store a full stock ot Fancy and Staplo STA IONERY, BLANK BOOKS, Fancy Articles and all gooda pertain¬ ing to a first class Stationery House. ©April 20 ___ Native Wines. ONE cask Concord, One cask Scnppernong, Turo Grapo Wino. ALSO, Ono hogshead Rhino Wino, Ono hogshead Claret Wino, Will bo Bold very low, bv gallon or dozen. Onjlranght «bis day. HOPE OYLES. Look Out for K. RVS! lO.O0O^aTCOlUD,b5a- 'i0bcl March 28 JOHN C. SEEGERS'. The Mösl Fashionable Promenade IN THE CITY 18 AT TUE GREAT COMBINATION DRY GOODS AND Millinery Establishment OF J. H. KINARD. IT in there that tho greatest display o TASTE aud STYLES can bo Been. A choice and elegant aaaortmcHt of GRE¬ NADINES, MARIPOSAS, besides the newest and now mos*, popular patterne in "DOLLY VARDEN'S. " These goods have been bought at such ad¬ vantageous, prioos as to enable me to oiler them at astonishingly low figurón. Call and examine, and I am sure you will buy. Mayl9_J. H. KINARD. Elegant Supply OF SHINE EyTHH, AT KINARD & WILEY'S, (SfCCEKSOKS TO CniLDS A WILEY.) C1HEVIOT DERBY SUITS. J Blue and Black Morning Costa, CaBsimcro Light Mixed Suits. Black and Bluo Granites. Vont h's. Boy's and Children'a Suits. New style and handsomely made Star Shirts. Silk Scarfs, Ties, BOWB, of the latest stylo. Linen and Paper Collars and Cuffs. HATS I HATS ! I HATS 11I Splendid lino. The best and cheapest in tho market. DRESS HATS, Bilk and beaver, spring etvle. M. L. KINARD. J. 8. WILEY. April 19_Iv Irifih Champagne! <"\7"ES, IRISH CHAMPAGNEl Why not? JL Waa no* ac great Apoetlo of Temper¬ ance, Fat' jfathew, an Irishman? Still, were I»' i to-day, ho would quaff a cup of tli: -iago, and, smacking his lips, bless an who invented "Irish Champagne." rbis can be drank with perfect safety by the Kuigbts of Pythias. Good Templars, or Bad Templars, Sons of Malta, Sons of Temper¬ ance, or anybody else's eons or daughters, masons, brick-layers, chimney-sweeps-in fact, anybody, particularly thoeo who wear Grant hate and Greeley hate, or their own hats, aro invited fraternally to imbibe (at your own expense, mindi; this superlatively delicious beverage. This notice would have been further ex¬ tended, but a man borrowed onr . iotionary, and Bli vera 1 big words we intended to use aro necessarily omitted; but win n that man re¬ turns that Dictionary, the public may expeot to hear from us again. _May 18_QF.OUGTJ BYMMERB. NEW CROCKERY AND HOUSE PUaNIMIIlia ÜTORB. c-y jf\^_ THE undersigned have re- y^Bj^jyiig-B cent Iv om ned an entire now \ 1 ftiS-ir stock of new goods in the \ I tiimw? above ¡ino. Articles of all a 1 iWffiBK» kit.d« tor house keeping, Ac. Citizens are invited io call and examine goods and prices. KINGSLAND A HEATH, Under Colombia Hotel. R. KINGSLAND. J. A. HEATH. April 24_ Spiced Beef, &c. 4HALF BARRELS Hart Sc Hensley'* Rolled St'ICED BEEF, delicate and highly fla¬ vored, and much superior to Fulton Market Beef. 4 dozen SMOKED BEEF TONGUES, for sale at reduced prices. 10 tubs new May BUTTER, just received and for sale low by JOHN AGNEW A BON. Fresh Biscuits and Crackers. ALARGE assortment and choice variety, Just in and for salo low. E. HOPE._ Rúñalo Tongues, NEW sugar-cured HAMS, Breakfast Strips, Smoked Beef, for sale low. HOPE A GYLES. Tongues, Strips, Beef, &c. 6D07.. SMOKED B. TONGUES, SCO Iba. primo Smoked Beef, 1.000 lbs. Breakfast Strips, Fulton Market Corned Beef, Pickled Pig Pork, for sale low by April 24_HOPE A OYLES. Lime. Z\f\f\ BARRELS of LIME, for oilo low by ¿\ JU JOHN AGNE\ ?»? «ON^_ Seegers' Beer is Pare. IT don't contain COCOCUIUB Indiens Flab Berries to make sleepy or headache. Imported Cordials. THE undersigned baa Just opened a lot ot IMPORTED CORDIALS, of various kinda, embracing Perfect Lovo, Vanilla, Roee, Anisette, otc. Also, Imported Maraschino, Curacoa and Absinthe T. M. POLLOCK. kSt*T^>L Pavilion Hotel, Atfwtff^iJ CHARLESTON, 8. C. ? ?^UELSL- °- T- ALFORD A CO., Pro- Sa¿i£2SdS& priotora; JL HAMILTON, Sup't. For Sale. ^ A LOT of fine Kentucky A ¡fe,--. MULES and HOR8ES, juat ar-fy£&C VW rived. Call at ¿Ol iii H' DALY'S STABLES, Oct 7 On Assembly street. D Ch 0 R 0 D Y S FOB SPRING AND SUI! ll ER TRAD WE would respectfully invite th att tlon of tho Trade to our fresh asa meut of DRY GOODS! Anticipating a liberal trade, wo are no prepared to exhibit in great variety a well- selected stock, embracing every style and quality of Mon's and Boys' WEAR. DBE88 GOODS. FABABOLS, PANIERS, SKIRTS, SHEETINGS,SHIRTINGS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS, and an endlose lino of NOTIONS. As it wonld bo almost impoBBiblo te enume¬ rate our large stock, will say, au the season advances, a number of new styles will be added, so that purchasers can always rely upon hoing supplied with the latest novelties in tho market. All orders receive our prompt and personal attention. Onr prices will ho found as low as any can or will offer for cash. Soliciting the favor of a call and examination of our stock, wo aro, very respectfully, April 25_PORTER & STEELE. Agricultural Implements, ftc. THRESHERS, HORSE POWERS, Portabio EnglneB. «Fan Mills. Grain Cradles, .Smut Machines, all of the »moat improved patents and best terms. Garden Plows and Cultivators. 200 Dixon Steel Sweeps, better and cheaper than tho Farmer can make Hu tu himself. May ll_LÖRICK it LOWRANCE. 2.000 lbs. HAMS, 2.000 bushels CORN, 20,000 lbs. BACON, at prices that loffcr every inducement of other mar¬ kets._LÖRICK & LOWRANCE. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST, AND Get the Best, BUT GO TO THE BEST PLACE. » WE claim to have one of the finest stocks of WATCHES, of all beBt Eng- _lliah, Swiss and Amorican makers. With Diamonds and other fine Jewelry, our stock ts largo, and wo aro going to self tho Goods. REPATJIINO and ENGRAVING, in al braoohea, by the beat of workmen. WM. GLAZE, Nov 19_Formerly Glaze & Radcliffe. LOOIT TO YOUR INTEREST, AND Get the Best I MY line of WATCHES ie now full and complete, and _fcthe publia may dopend on getting the beat at tho lowest possible figures, as my facilities aro such that I defy competi¬ tion from any market. I have also in store and constantly arriving all the newest styles of Ladies' Sets, in Dia¬ mond, Coral,Cameo, Etruscan, Gold, Jet, ic; elegant designs in Chains, Bracelets, Charms, Lockets, Sta.; the latest and most beautiful patterns in solid Silver and heavy Plated Waro-Gooda suited for bridal, holiday and other presentations. Repairing in »ll branches, hythe best work¬ men and at reasonable rates. I8AAO 8ULZBAOHER, Oct 18_Colara bia Hotel Row. BARGAINS! DULI. SEASON ! FINEST FRENCH CASSIHERE PANTS Made to order For Twelve Pollars. Twonty per cent, discount. NO, HUMBUG ! As we mark everything in plain figures. BOYS' CLOTHING At coet-or less. STRAW HATS At a sacrifice. FINEST AND CHOICEST SHIRTS In tho market. CALL AND SEE For yourself. H. & W. C. SWAFF1ELD. The Doctors Recommend Seegera'Beer TN preference to London Porter and Scotch Ale. Why? They know tt ls unadulterated 5,000 Live Indians Jnst Arrived. THEY are pitted against John Seegors' 10,000 K. K.'s, at tho odds. But all may end in smoke._GEO. BYMMEP8. _American Club Fish. JSTÜ5$5J15?& A DELICIOUS rolish; bettor and much oheaper than Bardines. For sale by HOPE & GYLES.

The Daily Phoenix.(Columbia, S.C.) 'Let oar fost Censures AttendtheTrueEvent." BY J. A.SELBY.

May 19, 2019



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Page 1: The Daily Phoenix.(Columbia, S.C.) 'Let oar fost Censures AttendtheTrueEvent." BY J. A.SELBY.

THE DAILY'Let oar fost Censures Attend the True Event."


giENCASED TN loa AND YKT Anira.-OnSaturday morning, aa Mr. Joseph Mot-tert, an op-town ioe dealer, sawed onta piece of ioe about two feet by twentyinches, a bag resembling a Juno bug,excepting that its winga and body wereof a buff oolor, rolled oat upon the side¬walk. It had not remained thero manyminutes before it ovinced signs of life,and in a very few minutes the effect ofthe sun was BO marked, that the liber¬ated prisoner started to find now quar¬ters. The block of ioe from which thispiece was sawed, was very heavy, andcame from the far North. How the bugoonld have lived in this mass of ice, is aquestion the ice dealer could not an¬swer. It must, however, have been en¬cased in its ice prison for several months.

[Richmond DispatcJi.-?

A Detroit woman saved herself andchildren from a rabid dog by seizingand bestriding the animal and holdioghim in 8uoh a position that he could notbite. She then dragged him to the gate,flang him out, and shut and bolted thegate. The dog made a desperate at¬tempt to get in again, but got bis headfast, and was struck with an axe, whenhe struggled out and ran across thestreet, where ho was killed. The bravewoman was badly scratched, and herdress was covered with green speaks offoam, but, no thanks to imbeoile law¬makers, abe was not seriously injured.

If Grant's expenses "are 810,000 peiyear more than his salary," and in threeyears he manages to lay by over $500,000,what's the nae of any one bringing oatany more arithmetics?-Free Press.

Frames for the Columbia Maps,OF every style, of Walnut and Gilt Mould

iDg. Also, for Paintings, Photograpbiand Engravings. It. L. BRYAN'SJune 14_Bookstore.New Batter and Cheese.

.j f\ TUBS choice May BUTTER.11/ 10 boxes new cutting Choose.Just received and for salo byJnneO_JOHN AGNEW & SON.

Prices of G-oodsONJACKSON'S BARGAIN COUNTER-jj Cy SPOOLS of COTTON for 25 cents.JL«W S papors of Needles for 10 couts.12 dozen Buttons for 16 cen tb.3 Linen Collara for 25 ceqts.2 cakes of Sweet Soap for 5 cents.6 yards of good Lace for 25 cents.No. i Satin Ribbon vt 5 cents a yard.Good Fans at 10,15 and 25 cents each.Ladies' Silk Ties at 50 couts, worth $1 00.Dressing Combs (Rubber) at 10 cents.Parasols at half price.A lot of Piquet Trimming at half prico.June12_C. F. JACKSON^How the World was Peopled.

ETHNOLOGICAL LEOTURE. By Bo-Edward Fontaine. (2.

Thoughts upon Government. By ArthtHelps. $2 25.Roughing lt. By Mark Twain. Illustrate)

full of fun.At Home and Abroad. By John P. Kel

neely. (2.Foster's Lifo of Charles Dickens. $2.Taine's Notes on Lngtand. $2.00.Pro-Historic Times. By «ir John LubboclPopular Life of Gen. R. E. Lee.And other now publications, for salo atJuno8_K. L. BRYAN'S Booketoro.

Corn! Corn! Corn!2nnn BUSHELS PRIME: WHITt\jKJ\J CORN, just receivr d and for HUlowby_JOHN AGNEW & SON.Motz's Celebrated North Carolina

COEN WHISKEY.IHAVE a lot of tho above WHISKEY (

band, and having made arrangement»\ take all Whiskey manufactured by Motz, wconstantly keep it on hand. Can onlv be htat W. J. BLACK'S,March 29 Gmo_Charlotte. N. C.

Hay and Oats-| f\f\ BALES prime Timothy HAY.1UU 500 bushels heavy feeding Oats.For sale low by JOHN AGNEW & SON.

SPARKLING RUBIES!NEW SABBATH SCHOOL SONO BOO!AN appropriate name for this neat, coi

plete and most pleasing eolleotionmusical gems, (about 150 of them.) by A. Hand H. Saunders. Musio new, fresh, spirittPrice 35 Cents."Never Trouble Trouble till Trouble Trc

bles You," is the title of a favorite SongWellman, 30 conta.THE PILGRIM'S HARP.

Is the name of a compact book of 210 pag<wbioh caa be carried in the pocket, and 3contains a very large proportion of the m<popular psalm tones, spiritual songs, &ÄC. It would be difficult to oompile a mcconvenient book for the Ventry, the PrajMeeting, or Singing Meetings. By AHull. Price 60 Cents.Everybody likes "Kissing at the Gard

Gate," bong. Loeseb. 40.THE MUSICAL TREASURE continuesbe a "great success." Great variety of tbest Vocal and Instrumental Musio. Pria bas. $2 50; doth $3.00; gilt $4.00.The above Rooks and Pieces sent, popaid, on receipt of retail prioo.OLIVER DITSON A CO., RostonCHAS. H. DITSON & CO., Now tort.June 5 wsl

$500 RewardWILL be given to any medical expert vt

will dot oct the bligh teat impurity Incomposition ofIle mush's Celebrated Blood and Liver PUThese Pills are a sore and effective cureall bilious disease": DYSPEPSIA,CostivoncLiver Complaint, Fover and Ague, Bili«Fevers, Nervous and Sick Headache, Djrheo a and Dyaentory of a bilious type, Imrity of the Blood, Dropsy, Boils, Melan chiHeartburn, Jaundice, Nervousness, Obstried Menstruation; also, a preventive and ofor Piles, Sick Stomach, Dizziness or VertiBad Taste ia tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, 1pitation of the Heart, Nervousness,Const!tion, Pains in tho Breaat and Back, KidAffect ions. To our o all Disorders ofLiver. To Rogulate the Bowels, to PurifyBlood. To give new life to the whole systthe Blood and Liver Pills cannot be surpaBETry only ons box; yon will be convinced. Ipared by E. H. HEINITSH, at his Labon

ry, Columbia, B.C._May 5

Elegant Cough Kisses.TAKE a kiss and cure yonr cough. A i

confection; agreeable and effectCures Coughs, Diptberia, Sore TbrCroup, Whooping Cough; an admirabledioino for children; no coughing at nightdisturbance; sweet slumber secured by nithe Cough Kiusort. For Kale only atApril 161 HEINITSH'S Drug Stor

Notioe.COLUMBIA, S. C., JUNE 1,181THEundoi-siRuod has associated within business Mr. JOHN E. GYLES,general Grocery business will hereafteiconduotcd by the firm of HOPE & GYLEPJuno 2 EDWARD HOP

filx>eojLetl Notice©.CAUSELESS UKPUKS SION.-TL ia ex¬

pression ia often uocd, but it is manifestly ab¬surd. Qloom and melancholy are not spon¬taneous. They are unnatural mental condi¬tions and usually have corresponding canaca.If there ia no apparent reason for despond¬ency, it is a symptom of physical disoaso. Inniuo casos out of ton the stomach, tho livorand the bowels aro responsible for the cloudwhioh rests upon tho brain. In all such casesimmediato and parmanent relief may be ob¬tained by the uso of HOSTETTER'S STO¬MACH BITTERS. If the digestive organsare weak, an invigorant Is necessary; if tholiver ia disordered, au alterativo ia required;if the bowels aro constipated or irregular, agentle aperient is needed. In that famousvogotable remedy these three medioinal pro¬perties are commingled with several othera ofa scarcely lesa important character, andhence it speedily onres every species of hypo¬chondria arising from material causes, by re¬moving the caneos themselves.In the aummer, when disorders of tbs sto¬

mach and bowel«, bilious complainte and alldiseaaea whioh affeot the assimilating andsecretive organs are especially prevalent, theimportance of having this Invaluable tonio,alterative and correctivo in ever dwelling,and within the reaob of all who travel byland or water, cannot be over-estimated. Asit ia a staple article thoughout the country, itwould bo next to impossible to find a settle¬ment, near or remote, unprovided with astock of this famous vegetable restorative.J14_t3Flavoring Kxtructa ar3 of primary im¬

portance in cookery; and of all articlca otthia description the highly concentratedSTANDARD EXTRACTS, prepared by Joseph Bur¬nett & Go., Boston, are pronounced by lead¬ing cuisiniers-Professor Blot among thcnumbor-tbe purest and best.Hainan wrécit».-Every day and hom

wo moot with broken down specimens of hu¬manity-wrecks that seim past hopo of salv¬age. At least Boven-eightha of these migh!be tilled with new vitality, by a courte of Dr.WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINIOAH BITTERSMany are suffering from the reaction of lumpolluted bittera or powerful minerals. It iicharacteristic of Br. Walker's Great BcHtorative that it neutralizea tho effect of thenmis-called remedies, and accomplishes, ilduo timo, a perfect euro.Nature Gives Us Teeth, bnt tihe CIOCB no

preserve and purify them. That must bidone wiih Fragrant Sozodont. Tho dentabono and its enamel casing are made invr.lncrablo to all destructivo influences by thdaily uso ot thia beneficent preparation.$50.000 -will be Pula for any ternedI whioh will ouroChronio Rheumatism. Painin the Limha, Back and Cheat, Sore ThroatInsect Sliuga, Croup, Dysentery, ColicSprains and Vomiting, quicker than Dr. T»;bias' Venetian Liniment; established in 1M'nover fails. Sold by all Drnggiata. Depot1Ü Park Place, New York.

J'iutt'a Astral OH-Moro accidents occufrom using unsafe oils than from steamboatand railroada combined. Over 200,000 fainlies continuo to burn Pratt's Astral Oil, anno accidenta, directly or indirectly, have otcurred from burning, atoriug or handling iiOil nouse ot Charlo;' Pratt, established 1771New York.A Beautiful White, soft, smooth and cleaakin is produced by utiug G. W. Laird"Bloom of Youth." It removoa tan, frocklei

aun-buruB, and all other discolorations froithe skin, leaving tho complexion brilliant anbeautiful. Sold at all druggists. Thia pnparation is entirely free from any materidetrimental to health.Just tile Remedy Needed.-Thanks iMrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, we have, ft

years, boon relieved from sleepless nightspainful watching with poor, Buffering, teotllng children.For Dyspepsia, indigestion, depressionspirits and general debility in their varioiforma; alan, as a preventive against Fovi

and Ague, and other intermittent fevers. TlFerro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya, ma«I by Caswell, Hazard & Co., Now York, and soby all druggists, ia the best tonic, and aatonio for patient a recovering from feverI other sickness, it has n.i equal.I Risley'* Genuine Golden Bell CoiogiWater, according to the original formulaPrévost, Paria, so long and favorably knovto the customors of Hnviland, Barral & RiI ley, and tboir branches, for its fine permanoI fragrance, ia now made by H. W. Risley aithe trado supplied by his iucoeseora, Morg& Risley, Wholesale Druggists, New York.I Thu rato n's Ivory Pearl Tooth Powell-The best arttols known for cleansing aipreserving the teeth and gums. Sold byDruggists. Price 25 and 50 cents por bott!P. C. Wells * Co., New York.I Carbolic Salve unequaled aa a HealiI Compound. Physicians recommend it as tmoat wonderful remedy ever known. Pr;25 cents per box. John F. Henry, aolo Piprletor, 8 College Place, New York.! Chrlatadoro'a Hair IJye.-Thia magnI oent compound ia beyond contingency, taafeat and most reliable Dye in existennever failing to impart to the Hair uniformof oolor, nourishment and elasticity. Maifaotory, 63 Maiden Lane, New York.I Nvapnla is Opium purified of ita sickoniand poisonous qualities, lt is a perfect aiI dyne, not producing headache or constipât:j of bowels, as is tho case with other prepalions of opium. John Farr, Chemist, N

York._Jnna 2 jflmiEvery Day

XTTE are in receipt of letters making knnVV to us the high estimation in whichare held aa the proprietor and manufactnof HEINITSH'SBLOOD AND LIVER PILIThe very high appreciation thua voluntaiexhibited is a source not only of ploaauroof profit. Thua practically encouraged,I propose to go on with tho good work of solng relief to thousands of the sick at vorytie cost. Road the following letter from NoI Carolina:A lotter from Raleigh, North Carob

speaks of Heinitsh's Blood and Liver Pillethe following omphatio language: "YBlood and Liver Pills should bo called'Eureka.' My wife will givo you a certifieI testifying to their remarkable curativo tpertiea. For females, the beat pill out."Heinitoh's Blood Pills ara adapted toages, sexes and conditions, in all olimagood for Liver Complaint, biliousness, Htaches, Chills. Try thom; only twenty-cents a box. For salo only at the family mcine atoro oí E. H. HEINITSIJone 7_

New Books.rjIHE SPEAKER'S COMMENTARY, by BJL ops and other Clergy of tho AngliChurch. Vol.1. $5.Aunt Jane's lloro, by Author of Stop)Heavenwards. $1.50.Hannah, a new Novel, hy Misa Moloch.I Jan 14 DUFFIE A CUATM A


2,000 WHITE QUILTS at $1.25, worth $2.00

5,000 yarda 10-4 BLEACHED 8HEETING.5 oaaoB CAMBRIC L. CLOTH.

5 caacB SHIRTING MUSLIN.5 balee MOSQUITO NETTING.200 WHITE MARSEILLES QUILT8.Thia completo stock-Dry Goods, Bootb,

Sboea, Hats, Caps and Millinery Goods-

equals in value any FIVE Stores in the State,and will bo sold at TRICES THAT DEI Y


It. C. SHIVER & CO.Juno 12

Sparkling Catawba Springs.I HAVE THIS DAY taken

charge of tho abovo Springs,and will open them on tho_I10TH INSTANT. Persons de¬

sirous or spending a few months at a water¬ing place, will lind nowhere in tho South amoro comfortable resort. Terms roasonablo

J. M. BLAIR,Formorly of tho Yarborough Houao,Juno (i Imo_Haleigh, N. C.

"Where to Spend the Summer !"


THI8 celebrated WATER¬ING PLACE will be open forvisitors the 10th day of Juno.

__;The medicinal qualities ofthis Water aro not excelled, and from thenumerous wonderful cures that have boeneffected by tho use of thia Water, I am satis-lied that this is tho placo for all whose condi¬tion can bo improved by tho salubrious cha¬racter of any Water. ifwawROOMS large and pleasant. Good and at¬tentive servants. TABLE supplied with thobest tho market affords. Fancy Balls duringtho summer. Ten Pin Alley, Billiard andBagatelle Tables, for tho amusement ofguests. Charges per fday, $2.50; per week,$13 00; per month, $33 1)0. Cottages to rentat $25 00 and $50.00 perTaoason. Hacks dail>from Jonesville, after tho 25th June.

W. D. FOWLER, Proprietor.JiSrCharloston Daily A'cir.s. Newberry He¬rald, Edgefield Advertiser, Marion /-torWiunsboro A'ews and Beaufort Depublicaicopy for ono month, and iurward bill to Pro¬prietor. Juno 4 jtltnor*"Horace Greeley,"

fcfc-r ITTLE GEM " and "Ticket ot Leavo"JLi are the finest CIGARS in this marketfor tho price. Any one not

Coming to theCity should send their orders, aa extra in¬ducements will be offered to all who «bb toinvest 53 cents or more. Gentlemen attend¬ing tho

Columbia ConventionShould not fai' to call to see the "INDIANGIRL."_June 8The Favorite Resort of the Ladies is at 1the Elegant and Well-appointedShow Room and Millinery Es¬

tablishment ofMrs. MCCOR¬MICK, in the Store of

J. H. KINARI),Main Street.

&OODS are now being offered at such lowfigures as will defy compolition.The DOLLAR COUNTER is an especial at¬traction, where one can obtain gooda at halfthe original prico.LADIES' SUITS, Buperbly trimmed, onhand, of tho latest and most fashionablestyles.A call will su nico to eath fy everv one.May26_MRS. A. McTJbllMICR.Announcement Extraordinary.


OWING to tho dullness of the season, weodor our large and well selected stock ofRoady-mado CLOTHING and GontB' FUR¬NISHING GOODS at cost. Parties desiringto purchase will And it to their interest tocall at onco, as wo are determined to lessenour stock; which, for quality and durability,wo defy competition.8. STRAUSS A BRO.,Juno 5 Under Columbia Hotel.

New England.NEW ENGLAND COUGH SYRUP.Whitcomb's Asthma Remedy.Young American Liniment.Ready Spread Mustard Plasters.Porns Plasters and Rheumatio Plasters.Ayor'B Chorry Peotoral.Oriental Croam for tho complexion.Fumigating Paetollosfor tho Bick room.Genuino CaBtile Soap in bars.Darby Disinfecting Fluid.Olivo .Tar, Juniper Tar and Tar Soap.Baking Powders, fifteen cents a box.All for salo at HEINI IBH'SMay 5 t_Drugstore

North Carolina Hay.frpr BALES good N. O. HAY, for sale lowI *J by HOPE A GYLES.

Stop and Think !


LOOKOver the flue assortment of Goods


THATTbey are displaying on their BARGAINCOUNTER, at lees than half prico.

NOWIe tho timo to get your pick, as they are clear¬ing out fast.Call early and call often, and bring green¬

ham with you.W. D. LOVE. B. B. McCREERY.May 28

Ice! Ice! Ice!

GREENVILLE AND COLUMBIA R. R. CO.COIXMUIA, S. C., Juno 12,1872.TO enable residents on tho lino of this andthe Bpartunburg aud Union and BluoRidgo Roads to procure supplies of ICE byPassenger Trainw, arrangements liavo beenmade by which tho SOUTHERN EXPRESS COM¬PANY will take charge of all leo sent by Pas¬senger Trains, and will deliver tho samo attho respectivo denote, at tho following verylow rates of freight, viz:Columbia to Alston, GO cent H per 1O0 pounds.Columbia to Newberry, 73 cents per ICOpounds.Columbia to Abbeville, 83 cents per 100pounds.Columbia to Andereon, 83 cents per 1001pounds.Columbia to Greenville, 83 cents per 100pounds.Columbia to Pendleton. $1 j or 100 pounds.Columbia tu Walhalla, $1 per IOU pounds.Columbia lo Unionville, $1 per 100 pounds.Columbia to Hpartanburg, $1 per 100 pound*.Ice in bulk by tho oar load or packed incasks or hogsheads, will bo transported at

very low rates by Freight Train, which canbo ascertained on application to tho agents oftho several stations.TITOS. DODAMEAD,June H fi General Superintendent.

Excursion Seaton cf 1872,THE WILMINGTON LINE,


WILMINGTON, MAY 31, 1872.ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS canbe procured at tho office of Wilmington,Columbia and Augusta Railroad, to the fol¬lowing well-known and attractive VirginiaWatering Places and Summer Resorts: Green-brier White Sulphur Springs, Bockbridge]Alum, Balli Alum, Hot or Healing, Sweet orSweet Chalybeate, Cogner, Alleghauy, Mont-1gomery White. Sulphur, Yellow Sulpltur, Kit-treU's Springs, North Carolina, and the en¬tirely new and first class Sea-side WateringPlaco in Hampton Hoads, Virginia-Vue aeL'eau.Also, a full lino oi Excursion Tickets rta the"Bay Line," to all prominent Northern Lakeand New England Sea-side Watering Places,by variable and attractive routes.Those Tickets aro good to return by No¬vember 1, 1872. A. POPE.dineral Freight Agent.J. H. BOWEN, Agent Wilmington, Columbiaand Augusta Railroad, Columbia, S. C.June 9 2mo

Excursion Season of 1872.


ON and after JU^K 1, PRGXliiO. EXCUR¬SION and Sinei« Tickets will bo placedlon sal«« nt Hm ftio-s of this Company, ATAUGUSTA AND COLUMBIA, for the follow¬ing celebrated andfar famed Mineral Springs]of Virginia: Rockbridge Alum, Bath Alum,Warm, Hut, Healing, .Sweet, Sweet Chaly¬beate and Greonbrier Whito Sulphur.Also, for the colobrated Sparkling CatawbaSprin (s of North Carolina.Tickets good to return until November 1.Also, for Howell's Point, opposite FortressMonroe-a neu» Watering Flare. This beingits first seaoon, parties who delight in Surf]Bathing, Fishing, Boating, tte, will find thiapoint particularly inviting.

E. R. DORSEY,May 27 Imo Geooial Ticket Agent.Initial and Monogram Press.

E. R. STOKES'Snow prepared, with a Presa and apper-L tainmcnts, to manufacture INITIAL PA¬PER and ENVELOPES to order, embossedand in colors, of all sizes and quality.

Aneo,Keeps constantly in store a full stock otFancy and Staplo STA IONERY, BLANKBOOKS, Fancy Articles and all gooda pertain¬ing to a first class Stationery House.©April 20___

Native Wines.ONE cask Concord,One cask Scnppernong,Turo Grapo Wino.

ALSO,Ono hogshead Rhino Wino,Ono hogshead Claret Wino,Will bo Bold very low, bv gallon or dozen.Onjlranght «bis day. HOPE OYLES.Look Out for K. RVS!

lO.O0O^aTCOlUD,b5a- 'i0bclMarch 28 JOHN C. SEEGERS'.

The Mösl Fashionable PromenadeIN THE CITY 18 AT TUE


Millinery EstablishmentOF

J. H. KINARD.IT in there that tho greatest display o

TASTE aud STYLES can bo Been.

A choice and elegant aaaortmcHt of GRE¬

NADINES, MARIPOSAS, besides the newest

and now mos*, popular patterne in "DOLLYVARDEN'S. "

These goods have been bought at such ad¬

vantageous, prioos as to enable me to oilerthem at astonishingly low figurón. Call and

examine, and I am sure you will buy.

Mayl9_J. H. KINARD.

Elegant SupplyOF



C1HEVIOT DERBY SUITS.J Blue and Black Morning Costa,CaBsimcro Light Mixed Suits.Black and Bluo Granites.Vont h's. Boy's and Children'a Suits.New style and handsomely made Star Shirts.Silk Scarfs, Ties, BOWB, of the latest stylo.Linen and Paper Collars and Cuffs.

HATS I HATS ! I HATS 11ISplendid lino. The best and cheapest intho market. DRESS HATS, Bilk and beaver,spring etvle.M. L. KINARD. J. 8. WILEY.April 19_Iv

Irifih Champagne!<"\7"ES, IRISH CHAMPAGNEl Why not?JL Waa no* ac great Apoetlo of Temper¬ance, Fat' jfathew, an Irishman? Still,were I»' i to-day, ho would quaff a cup oftli: -iago, and, smacking his lips, bless

an who invented "Irish Champagne."rbis can be drank with perfect safety by theKuigbts of Pythias. Good Templars, or BadTemplars, Sons of Malta, Sons of Temper¬ance, or anybody else's eons or daughters,masons, brick-layers, chimney-sweeps-infact, anybody, particularly thoeo who wearGrant hate and Greeley hate, or their ownhats, aro invited fraternally to imbibe (atyour own expense, mindi; this superlativelydelicious beverage.This notice would have been further ex¬tended, but a man borrowed onr . iotionary,and Bli vera 1 big words we intended to use aronecessarily omitted; but win n that man re¬turns that Dictionary, the public may expeotto hear from us again._May 18_QF.OUGTJ BYMMERB.


c-y jf\^_ THE undersigned have re-y^Bj^jyiig-B cent Iv om ned an entire now\ 1 ftiS-ir stock of new goods in the\ I tiimw? above ¡ino. Articles of alla 1 iWffiBK» kit.d« tor house keeping, Ac.Citizens are invited io call and examine goodsand prices. KINGSLAND A HEATH,Under Colombia Hotel.R. KINGSLAND. J. A. HEATH.April 24_Spiced Beef, &c.

4HALF BARRELS Hart Sc Hensley'* RolledSt'ICED BEEF, delicate and highly fla¬vored, and much superior to Fulton MarketBeef.4 dozen SMOKED BEEF TONGUES, for saleat reduced prices.10 tubs new May BUTTER, just receivedand for sale low by JOHN AGNEW A BON.

Fresh Biscuits and Crackers.ALARGE assortment and choice variety,Just in and for salo low. E. HOPE._

Rúñalo Tongues,NEW sugar-cured HAMS,Breakfast Strips,Smoked Beef, for sale low. HOPE A GYLES.

Tongues, Strips, Beef, &c.

6D07.. SMOKED B. TONGUES,SCO Iba. primo Smoked Beef,1.000 lbs. Breakfast Strips,Fulton Market Corned Beef,Pickled Pig Pork, for sale low byApril24_HOPE A OYLES.

Lime.Z\f\f\ BARRELS of LIME, for oilo low by¿\JU JOHN AGNE\ ?»? «ON^_

Seegers' Beer is Pare.IT don't contain COCOCUIUB Indiens FlabBerries to make sleepy or headache.

Imported Cordials.THE undersigned baa Just opened a lot otIMPORTED CORDIALS, of various kinda,embracing Perfect Lovo, Vanilla, Roee,Anisette, otc. Also, Imported Maraschino,Curacoa and Absinthe T. M. POLLOCK.kSt*T^>L Pavilion Hotel,Atfwtff^iJ CHARLESTON, 8. C.??^UELSL- °- T- ALFORD A CO., Pro-Sa¿i£2SdS& priotora; JL HAMILTON, Sup't.

For Sale.^ A LOT of fine Kentucky A¡fe,--. MULES and HOR8ES, juat ar-fy£&CVW rived. Call at ¿Oliii H' DALY'S STABLES,Oct 7On Assembly street.

D Ch0




WE would respectfully invite th atttlon of tho Trade to our fresh asameut of

DRY GOODS!Anticipating a liberal trade, wo are no

prepared to exhibit in great variety a well-selected stock, embracing every style andquality of Mon's and Boys' WEAR. DBE88GOODS. FABABOLS, PANIERS, SKIRTS,SHEETINGS,SHIRTINGS, LINENS, WHITEGOODS, and an endlose lino of NOTIONS.As it wonld bo almost impoBBiblo te enume¬rate our large stock, will say, au the seasonadvances, a number of new styles will beadded, so that purchasers can always relyupon hoing supplied with the latest noveltiesin tho market. All orders receive our promptand personal attention. Onr prices will hofound as low as any can or will offer for cash.Soliciting the favor of a call and examinationof our stock, wo aro, very respectfully,April25_PORTER & STEELE.

Agricultural Implements, ftc.THRESHERS, HORSEPOWERS, Portabio EnglneB.«Fan Mills. Grain Cradles,.Smut Machines, all of the»moat improved patents andbest terms.

Garden Plows and Cultivators.200 Dixon Steel Sweeps, better and cheaperthan tho Farmer can make Hu tu himself.Mayll_LÖRICK it LOWRANCE.2.000 lbs. HAMS,2.000 bushels CORN,20,000 lbs. BACON, at prices thatloffcr every inducement of other mar¬kets._LÖRICK & LOWRANCE.



Get the Best,BUT


WE claim to have one of the fineststocks of WATCHES, of all beBt Eng-_lliah, Swiss and Amorican makers. WithDiamonds and other fine Jewelry, our stockts largo, and wo aro going to self tho Goods.REPATJIINO and ENGRAVING, in albraoohea, by the beat of workmen.WM. GLAZE,Nov 19_Formerly Glaze & Radcliffe.



Get the Best IMY line of WATCHES ie

now full and complete, and_fcthe publia may dopend ongetting the beat at tho lowest possible figures,as my facilities aro such that I defy competi¬tion from any market.I have also in store and constantly arrivingall the newest styles of Ladies' Sets, in Dia¬mond, Coral,Cameo, Etruscan, Gold, Jet, ic;elegant designs in Chains, Bracelets, Charms,Lockets, Sta.; the latest and most beautifulpatterns in solid Silver and heavy PlatedWaro-Gooda suited for bridal, holiday andother presentations.Repairing in »ll branches, hythe bestwork¬men and at reasonable rates.

I8AAO 8ULZBAOHER,Oct 18_Colarabia Hotel Row.




For Twelve Pollars.

Twonty per cent, discount.

NO, HUMBUG !As we mark everything in plain figures.

BOYS' CLOTHINGAt coet-or less.

STRAW HATSAt a sacrifice.


CALL AND SEEFor yourself.

H. & W. C. SWAFF1ELD.The Doctors Recommend Seegera'BeerTN preference to London Porter and ScotchAle. Why? They know tt ls unadulterated

5,000 Live Indians Jnst Arrived.THEY are pitted against John Seegors'10,000 K. K.'s, at tho odds. But all mayend in smoke._GEO. BYMMEP8.

_American Club Fish.JSTÜ5$5J15?& A DELICIOUS rolish; bettorand much oheaper than Bardines. For saleby HOPE & GYLES.