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Vorolg« If«WI. PABIS, September" *.^'Baiincatl6ns of changed. MADRID, September 2.--Tho Carlist chieftains bar« surrendered upon as- aaraooes ot the safety of their Uvea. atf: vernmont organs say that the roiuforoo- ments about to sail will .ho sufficient to crush the Cuban rebellion. LONDON, September 2.-Thc solicitors of Lady Byron's family say Mrs. Stowe's article on the séparation of Lord and Lad; Byron is not completo or au tb ont io. Dun UN, September 2,-Cardinal Col¬ len forbids parents of his church sending their children to the National Model School on pain of church punishment. i HAVANA^ September 2 - Gon. Latani li ft 8 resign od the command óf the forOOi in tho Eastern Department. Valmasedn has been offered Commander-in-Chief, with headquarters in the field. Washington NeWS. WASHINGTON, September 2.-W. G. Morris has been appointed United State; Marshal of California, vice Band, sos pended; and Claiborn R. Wollev, Fe do ral Attorney for thc Southern district o Florid a. Secretary Bawlins was again attacked Yesterday's exertion at the Cabinet meet ing, against his physician's advice caused"a relapse. Rawlins' friends an very solicitous about him, for he is re garded al tho diam pion in the Cabine of generous measures towards the Sonth Grant told Souter he had determine! not to interfere in the Stato elections- matt ors of law ns well as removals an< appointments would,be referred to th proper departments for notion. .. Internal revenue receipts to-day $912, OOO. The postal money order system witl Switzerland went into operation yestci day. Associate Justice Wiur has no presen idea of resigning. Over 1,000 .snits are pending againe New York bankers and brokers for itu der-statemeuts of capital. Conviction iu volves fine and imprisonment. -'?The Evening .Express says: "It is sai that Gen. Canby is preparing a report t the President, pitching into the polit: cal, moral and social status of Yirgini generally, and charging the people wit hindering reconstruction, and being sc eretly hostile to the congressional pc licry/' Customs from the 21st to the 28th ult inolusive, $4,500,000. The Spanish Minister, Roberts, stat« that the recent publication of an intel cepted letter in tho New York Sun is forgery. m A special to the Times makes Grant reply to Senter and tbe delegation froi .Tennessee as follows: That he recognize Mr. Senter as a Bepnblican, and cons dered that the Republicans who vote for him still'belong to the Republics party; and, in addition, that he cou] not remove from office any Federal o fieial in the State for having thrown tl weight of .his position and personal ii fluenco against Mr. Stokes. The Pres dent, in conclusion, recommends the to harmonize, and put an end to the difficulties, personal'and political, by general amnesty, Col.' McCardie, of Vicksburg, of habe, corpus.fame, is here. A private letter dated Madrid, fro an authoritative source, states th Sickles offered tho United States as mediator between Spain and Cuba, tl proposition being the abolition of slave and payment to Spain, by tho Cuban for all forts, public buildings, Arc. Whi Spain does not reject the mediation tho are various obstacles in the way of c commodation. The impression nmoi many Spanish statesmen is, howevc that Cuba will eventually pass from Sp nish oontrol. ?-* + > f- Domestic News. NEWYOBK, September 2.-The Alasb from Panama, has arrived, with dates the 23d ultimo. She brings S»0,000 treasure. Tho Piokiniohi volcano, near Qnil was erupting heavily. Several small Peruvian onrthquali are reported. President Balta issued a proclamatic declaring tho independence of Cuba, A gast 18. Snow fell hero yesterday. :, VIRGINIA CITY, MONTANA, Septoml 2.~t*Gov. Ashley, known os "impeacl Ashley," has removed the elected Ter - torial Auditor and Treasurer, and fill their places with his own favorites. T ejected officers will contest. RICHMOND. September 2.-Gov. Wa er returned here this morning, but is together reticent relative to his in ter vi with tho President, It is understoi however, that reliable advices have b( received from Washington to the efl that the test oath will not be reqnir and that the Legislature will soon convened. WHITE SULPHUR STRINGS, Septem 2.-A difficulty having arisen hero tween L. O. Washington and W. Glonn, of tho Baltimoro Gazette, gr ing out of a letter written by tho fori to a Virginia paper, which was constr as containing offensivo allusions, \ ceeded to the field, this morning, v tho intention of having a hostilo m ing. The matter was adjusted, howe' on the following text: Tho challenge Washington and the epithets of GI are hereby withdrawn, Washington avowing the intention of saying r thing offensive in his original letter. NBW OKURANS, September 1.-] crop reports from all sections of State and Western Texas represent ton very promising. Many entertain opinion that all will be made that cc be gathered with the present la Cane, though backward, promises abundant yield. The weather is coi CHARIIBSTON, September 2.-Arrrvi bark B. G. W. Dodge, Philadeír schooners Nancy Smith and M. Bichs New York. .,..,.-!.:... a quiet, nt 35. Freights firm. Gold 33«*. 7 P. M.-Cotton quiet and steady, with sales bf 600 balee, at 35. Flour- shipping grades advanced and' more dping--superfine State 6.00®6.35; 5 on tl ii; rn oomrnou to fair extra G.G5@ J.95. Wheat active and 3@5c. bettet during'tho day-red Western 1.61(211.67; Illinois 1.65; California 1.75. Corn a shade firmer and rather more doing- mixed Western 1.10(a) 1.18. Oat«-nevi Southern and Western 60(5)66. Pork heavy, at 81.87j-.i. Lard steady-kettle 19%@20. Whiskey heavy, at 1.15. Gro¬ ceries quiet and firm. Freights quiet and firm- florir, steam, 2(2)9. Govern¬ ments strong. Southerns dalt Money active, at 6@7; dosing sharp, at 7. Ster¬ ling very dull, at 9^@9}.¿. Gold active and excited, at 85, with an advancing ten deo cy. Stocks feverish and weak. BALTIMORE. September 2.-No trans¬ action in cotton to-day for the want of stock. Flour active and tending up. Wheat firmer and higher-prime to ohoice red 1.50(3)1.55. Corn-white 1.18; yellow 1.20(2)1.22. Oats firm, ot 60@G2. Rye 10@15. Pork Bteady. Bacon firm and tending ap« Lard quiet. Whiskey 147. -, A . , CINCINNATI, September 2'.-Whiskey 1.13. Pork [email protected]. Bacon-shoul¬ ders wanted at 15; held at 15.'^. Lard neglected, at 19} .1. NEW ORLEANS, September 2.-Cotton dall, with sales of 192 bales-middlings 32. Oats 64®65. Bacon lower, at 16}.< @I9WT. Whiskey dull, at 1.25® 1.27'.C. Gold33>¿. Sterling 45^. MOBILE, September 2.-Cotton closed firmer, with sales of 100 bales-low mid¬ dlings 29"^; receipts 21. SAVANNAH, September 2.-Receipts ol cotton 544 bales; sales 100; market firm with n good demand, nt last quotations. %\CHARLESTON, September 2.-Cotton firm, and demand more than supply; sales 20 bales-middlings 32^(7/33; re¬ ceipts 194. AUGUSTA, September 2.-Cotton mar¬ ket activo and firm; sales 74 bales-mid- clings 31)¿@32; receipts GO. LoNnoN, September 2-Noon.-Con¬ sols 93«^. Bonds 84,«¿. LIVERPOOL, September 2-Noon.- Cotton a shade firmer-uplands 13,1..'; Orleans 13?B@13%. LIVERPOOL, September 2-Evening.- Uplands 13*0; Orleans 133¿@137¿; sales 12,000 bales. The Charleston Neics, with reference to our State affairs, says: The rapidity with which this State is accumulating money is, indeed, marvel¬ lous, but the negroes have no part or parcel in it. It is the result of the bard work and self-denial of the white race; it is not the result of the work of the ne¬ groes. Our people spend far less than they spent before tho war. They aro economical in all their habits; they givo a close attention to the details of ma¬ nagement; they do notwasto their means in luxurious dissipation. This is tho way in which the whites are making money, and the colored people can, if they will, .make money in tho same way. We do not wish to seo them suffer. We do wish to see them prosperous and happy. The radical State Government, or the "debasing negro rule," cannot then claim the credit of ono dollar of tho mil¬ lions of money which our people havo realized from their orops. On tho con¬ trary, this radical government has stood, and still stands, like a wall across our path. It is easier to make money than to keep it, and this is the experience of South Carolina. What security have we that wo shall be able to retain tho money that we do make? Tho Governor of tho State has an interest in common with ours. Tho Legislature is composed mostly of negroes who havo even less property than sense. The laws are so jumbled up that neither gods nor men can understand them. Tho courts, with their negro juries, givo no man confi¬ dence that justice will done. $1,200,- 000 in State taxes is taken from us this year, in addition to oity and County taxes. Au hundred now schemes for plunder¬ ing the people aro afoot and will soon see day-light. Tho State and County of¬ ficers, with a fow exceptions, aro igno¬ rant and irresponsible, if not dishonest and depravad. Where, then, is our so¬ on ri ty from ruinous taxation ? Whore is tho blessing of this "debasing, negro rule?" We have drawn the wagon out of the slough, but tho mud of radicalism still clogs tho wheels. All that wo have done has been done in the faco.of ob- sta-bs unnumbered, and we say in earn¬ est, what the Now York Commercial Ad¬ vertiser says in a bitter jest: "If the Palmetto State is able to accomplish such wonders under negro rule, what a prosperous futuro awaits her under a 'white man's government.' " Mr. Morehead, delegate from the late Commercial Convention at Memphis, lately addressed the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, in relation to tho advan¬ tages of direct trado betw. m Great Bri¬ tain and the States of tho West and South, of emigration, Aro. Tho mem¬ bers of the Chamber assured him that the Chamber would assist bim in every way within their power. Tho Memphis Convention will re assemble October 13 at Louisville, Ky. Charleston will soon lose another radical. Dr. A. G. Mackey is going to live in Colnmbia. Can't the Dootor bo persuaded to take some of his friends with him?-Charleston News. Notice to Cotton Growers. THE Sabeoriber intends to run S Portable Cotton Oin from Columbia to Kingsville and the surrounding oountry. Plantera wish¬ ing my services oan apply to me, at Colnmbia. Aug 5 RICHARD TOZER. BOARDING àîd DAY SCHOOL by too.MWiïEf -BLMOflR» «rr« or and Lumber e tree ta, Co- 8. Cv' He a^raAe* fl* this »lr to WiBfl Elmpro, at her rfJalfoooe,tfgS&f* Taylor und Lumber atreota, ot peet, care P. EL Elmore. Ayer's Oáthartío Pius, for ali the posos ot a Laxative Medicine. PE RH ATS so ono medicine le so univer¬ sally required by o ver y body sa a catuartio, nor waa over any be¬ fore so univeraaUy adopted itato nae, in every country aad among all classes, as this mild but efficient purgative PILL. The obvious reason ia, that it ia a more reliable and far more effectual remedy than any other. Those who have tried it, know that it coxed them; those who havo not, know that it ourea their neighbors and friends, and all know that what it does onee it doos always-that it never fails through any fault or neglect of ita composi¬ tion. We hare thousands upon thousands of cortifloatea of their remarkable corea of the following complainte, but auoh eurea are known in every neighborhood, and wa need not publish them. Ad tpted to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing naitbor calomel or any deleterious drug, they may bo taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar coating preserves them over freah and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can ari so from their nae in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influenoo on the internal viscera to purity the blood and etimulato it into healthy action-removo the obstructions of tho stomach, bowels, liver and othor orgaus of tho body, restoring their irre¬ gular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist,nen derangements asare tho Ürst origin of disease. Minuto directions are gi von in tho wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which those PILLS rapidly cure: For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Listlessness, Languor and Loss of Appetite, thoy should be taken moderately to stimulate tho stomach and restore its healthy tono and action. For Liver Complaint and RB various symp¬ toms. Bilious Headache, Sick Headache, jaun¬ dice or Green Sickness, Bilious Colic and Bi¬ lious Fevers, they should bo judiciously taken for each case, to correct tho diseased action or remove the obstructions which causo it. For Dysenterry or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose is generally requirod. For Rheumatism, Gout, Gravel, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain thc Side, Back and Loins, thoy should bo continuously taken, aa re¬ quired, to change the diseased action of tho system. With such chango those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings, thoy should be taken in largo and frequent doses to prodnoo the effect of a drastic purge. For Suppression a largo dose should bo taken, as it producos tho desired effect by AB a Dinner Pill, take ono or two Pills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional doso stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores tho appetite, and invigorates the ayatom. Hence it is often advantageous where no serious de¬ rangement exists. One who foels tolerably well, often duds that a dose of these Pills makes him fuel decidedly better, from their cleansing and ronovating effect on tho digestivo apparatus. Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical Chtmlu, LOWELL, MASS., U.S.A. Sopt 3 _Hmo CITIZENS'"SAVINGS BANK SOUTH CAROLINA DEPOSITS OF $1 lc UPWARDS RECEIVED. INTEREST A LLO WED AT THE RATE OF SIX PER CENT. PER ANNUM, COM¬ EO ENDED EYER Y SIX MONTHS. PRINCIPAL and Interest, or any part there¬ of, may bo withdrawn at any timo-the Bank reserving tho right (though it will ho rarely exercised) to demand fourteen days'no- tico if thc amount is under $1,000; twonty days it over $ 1,000 and under $5,000, or thirty days if over $5,000. OFFICERS. Wade Hampton, President. John B. Palmer, Vico-Prosident. Thomas E. Gregg, Cashier. John C. B. Smith, Assistant Cashier. Directors. Wade Hampton, ColumV William Martin, ColumL.a. F. W. McMastcr, Columbia. A. C. Haskell, Columbia. J. P. Thomas, Columbia. E. H. Hcinitsh, Columbia. John B. Palmer, Columbia. Thomas E. Gregg, Columbia. J. Eli Gregg, Marion. G. T. Scott, Newberry. W. G. Maves, Newberry. B. H. Rutledge, Charleston. Daniel Ravcnol, Jr.. Charleston. MoohauicH, Laborers, Clerks, Widows, Or¬ phans and others may hero deposit their eav- íngs and draw a liberal rato of interest tin on. Plantera, Professional Mon and Trustees wishing to draw intorost on their funda until they require them for business or other pur¬ poses: Paronta desiring to set apart small sums for their children, and Married Women, and Minors (whoso deposits can only bo with¬ drawn by themselves, or, in caso of death, hy their legal reprosontativoa,) wishing to lay asido funds for future use. aro hero afforded an opportunity Of depositing their means whore they will rapidly accumnlato, and, at tho samo time, bc subject to withdrawal when noedod._Aug 18 To Rent. Adcsirablo RESIDENCE, containing ¡fhnt seven rooms. Well of good water on tho JUi!Lprcmisea. Apply to July 18_GREGG, PALMER A- CO. Bolting Cloths. AFULLassortmenton hand,MILLSTONES and IRONS, purchased at low rates, by FISHER, LOWRANCE de FISHER. HART BAR IRON, PLOW STEEL, NAILS, METALS, GUNS, AND G Sept 1 WHOLESALE STORE N\ RETAIL STORE CORNER KI1 Mr £ io: xU&mtoa&i > hnà'iitti i BY a yóüng lady, cbaipuhint to teach the UBoal English branche*, a situation. ia TKACHEBta «family or a. school, ShoDrefersa school, or si situation aa an assistant. Address kt!** J. H. M., St. Matthewa,8.Qi sap* a . _a* Cotton Ginning. T-^E undersigned «ives no tico to all Cotton planters in those part«, regular and amateur, lurgu «nd small, that he is now pre- Ê- àr*d to GIN from morning to night. Hit nllett and Georgia Gins were in operatiot yosterday; four bales were ginned and ship ped to Pelzer, Rogers A Co., Uh ar lost on. H< can gin and pack from eight to nine bales pe] day. G. A. HALL, Sept 2 2_ At Logan'» Stable. Pore Corn Whiskey. f)fa BBLS. Pnro Corn WHISKEY, for ssh .<Q \J low to dealers. E. fe G. D- HOPE, _May 1_Agents Old North Stato Distillery. Just Reoeived, AFBESH supply of LEMONR, CRACKER! and CANDIES, at KRAFT'S Bakery, Ang ll Imo_Main street. Bacon and Floor. 2AHA POÜND8 BACON. .UULF BBLS. FLOUB, and other good as LOW as they CAN BE BOUGHT, by FI8HEB, LOWBANCE A FISHBE. Sewing Machines at $80. WE now offer for salo the United States Mo chine, at the toto price of $20, or complet with Table, Treadle, Ac, at $30 eaoh. Thet Machines are no humbug, and arc as good a many of the Machines costing double or treb the price. They are tho simplest Machine ever constructed. Will uso any kind of thrca direct from tho spool. They will do any kin of work that any other Maohinc is capable o They uso a straight noodlo, and mako til celebrated Elastic Lock Stitch. They havo tl underfeed samo as tho high pin Machine They will not drop stitches or «oil tho dross < tho operator; and aro, in fact, the best Machii Jor such a small price ever constructed. AUK 31 G J. St T. R. AGNEW. Jos. DANIEL POPE, A. C. HASKELL. POPE & HASKELL, .4 T TO Ii N E YS A T LAW AND SOLICITORS IN BO,iriTY, Omeo-Law Range, Columbia, S. C. May 5 New Flour. ff) pf BBLS. St. Louis NEW FLOUB, supe: ¿j fj or to anything in market. 50 Bags and Barrels, asserted grades, very low figures, for salo by AUK U _ PEO. SYMMEBS. DENTISTRY! (BXStL DR. D. L. BOOZER, grateful for t "«HEWliboral patronage ho has rocoived frc the citizens of th¡H city and the surround! District, during the past year, respect tully a nDunces that ho now permanently establish himself in Columbia. All operations on t natural Tooth faithfully performed. ARI FiCIAL CA8E8, in evory approved motin carefully and satisfactorily executed-arno which he would call special attention to tl known as Reynolds' Patent; and of his si COSH in constructing Artificial Cases by tl beautiful and durable proceas, ho is enabl with oonfidenco, tn refer to bia patients and the patentee. Office on Mainstreet, over Fi National Bank. Jan Executor's Notice. ALL persons having claims against tho tate of tho late M. BRENNEN, decoas will present thom, properly attested, to undersigned. MARY BRENNEN, JOHN AGNEW, July 98 fSmo_Qualified Ex'n Religious Notice. THE Israelites of tho city of Columbia i surrounding country arc respectfully ni tied that full and ampio arrangements h been made for divine worship on the com holidays. Thc same will bo held at tho t Follows' School House, commencing on EYE of 5th September, 1869. Thoso who dosirouB of procuring seata for thcmscl and families for that occasion, can do so addressing D. EP8TIN, Aug 13 f4_ Columbia, 8. ( Notice. THE osercisos of Miss O. B. ML^^ GOWAN'S School will bo rosin feftfiM^on MONDAY, September fi, 18«! *^5HEs*her residence, corner of Tu; ^^gjpFand Assembly streets. Forman'University, Greenville, S. /fiSm\ THE next scaaion of this c&fTSRgggHtitution will open September 1 ^?raBK5jaud continue forty weeks witl ^^ra^p intermission. «ae^ THBEE YEARS' SCIIOL SHIPS may bo obtained, conditioned on payment of Thirty Dollars annually for tl years, and entitling tho holder ot a Selie ship to tho free tuition of a pupil in all regular schools, on tho payment of tho am charge of Fivo Dollars lor Incidental Expon Tho regular schools ombrace: Mathemt and Mechanical Phylosophy, Prof. Jud Latin Language and Literature, Prof. Fa Greek do., Prof. Smith: Chemistry and Na al Philosophy, Prof. Harris; Logic, Bheti Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, Prof. man. Excepting to tho holders of Scholars! tho annual charge for Tuition and Incidei will bo $05.00 For instruction in Modern Languages ( man, French and Spanish) and in Prac Chemistry, there will bo an extra charg bo regulated by tho size of tho class. Good boarding, exclusivo of lights washing, can ho obtained at about 115 month. Catalogues or Scholarships may bo obtt by addressing tho subscriber. AugJU 18 JAMES C. FUBMAN, Pre; Agricultural and Mechanical State I CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COLUMBIA, August 9,lfi IN pursuance with a resolut ion of tho Council, a subscription list will bo or at this ofnoe, to aid and assist in tho ere of the necessary buildings required foi Agricultural and Mechanical State Fair. Aug io j. s. MCMAHON, city eic & CO., MILL BOCKS, BOLTING CLO CIRCULAR SA1 HOES, PLOWS, ENERAL MERCHANTS. 0. 39 IIAYNE STREE*, 70 A KD MARKET STREETS, " son, ». o. The New Tho or y of Health HEUVITSH'S PE EH DELIGHT ! THE Lifo of all Flesh ie Blood. Tho Health of Life is parity of Flesh. Without parity of blood, no Meob eau be free from disuse. HEINITSH'S QUEEN'S »«LIGHT Is now a recognized household Medicine of remarkable remedial powers, invented, a^ul compounded by the Proprietor, which bo has oallod by tho euphonious soubriquet "QUEEN'S DEL I G H T.' * ITH CONSTITUENT PBOFE&TIBS. QUEEN'S DELIGHT IS an an alterativo, produc¬ ing a gradual change in the HEINITSH'S fonctions of organs, as to permit a healthy aotion to take tho place ot disease. QUEEN'S DFLIGHT I. deobetruent by its divorsi- td action; removes obstruc- HEIMITSB'S ilona, reduces inflammation and enlargement of tho Îlands and viscera, s an lu vigoran t and Tonic; it prodnces a gentle and pormanent excitement of all the vital actions obaorvablo in the functions of organio HEINITSH'S life; and is, therefore, ad- missable in diseases of the Htomacb, Liver and organs of digestion. QUEEN'S DELIGHT ls a stin?"Vating, alterative diaphosetic, promoting per¬ spiration, removing humors in the blood, producing a HEINITSH'S healthy action of tho akin, removes Boils, PimploB, Blotches and Cutaneous eruptions. QUEEN'S DELIOHT ls aperient, gently acting upon the bowels, thereby removing effete matter, pro¬ ducing a healthy feeling of HKINITSII'K tho stomach and hoad. Headache and nervous dis¬ orders arc cured hy ita uso. QUEEN'S DELIGHT IS expectorant, increasing tho secretion from tho mucous membrano of tho air colls and passages of HEINITSH'S the lungs, or assists itu dis¬ charge; ia, thereforo, a re¬ medy, combined with Cod Liver Oil, iu all cases of Con¬ sumption, Colds, Ac. Tho high appreciation in which it is held by tho profession and thc golden opinions of thc people, and their many testimonials, will make it a desirable medicino for Druggists to keep constantly on hand. Tho sick, feohle and those in dclicato health, and all person H living in warm climates, and all unacolimatcd, will lind the QUEEN'S DELIGHT A great medicino, protecting them from all those diseases which originate in abad condi¬ tion of the blood and climatic influences- For salo by Druggists throughout the State. Tho trade suppliod by y FISHER A HEINrrSH, Columbia, 8. C. PLUMB A LEITNER, Augusta, Qa. J. H. ZEILEN A CO.. Macon, Ga. JOHN F. HENRY, Sow York. MANSFIELD AHIGBEE, Memphis,Tenn. JOHNSTON'. HOLLOWAY'A COWDEN, Aug 61 .'. ?_Philadelphia. "For Sale. MA NEAT COTTAGE, containing eix large airy Rooms,' situated corner Pendle¬ ton and Assembly airéete, ono square from State House. On tho premisos are all neces¬ sary out-buildings. Tho houso haa a piazza front and rear, wiith a Ano Flower Oarden in front. The lot comprises one-third of an acre. Apply to R. ALLEN, Aug 2'J _On tho Premiaes. Beer! Beer!! SOME dealera in this city have been in doubt that I could hold out supplying them with Beer this summer. I now inform tho public that I have a largo supply of old Lager Boer on hand, which I pu t against any Beer brought from tho North, or even imported from Ger¬ many, aa to purity and strength. I am ready to test it by the Boer scale. Aug 20 _ JOHN C. SEEGERS iiit. \V. H. TUTT'S STANDARD PREPARATIONS. SARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT, Expectorant, Vegetablo Liver Pills, Improved Hair Dye, For sale hy Feb 27 ly _ E. E. JACKSON. Hams and Strips. FRESH TO HAND: Choice Sugar-Cured HAMS, Ferris' " " Breakfast Strips, " Extra Smoked Tongues, Fulton Market Beef. Supplies of tho abovo received weekly. For sale by GEO. S Y M MERS. Fish!! Fish!!! -I f\r\ PAOKAGES NEW MACKEREL, lV/V/ consisting of whole, half and quarter barrels and kits. 100 Boxes SMOKED HERRING. Just received and for sale low hy Aug 28 J. A T. R. AGNEW. Eureka Champagne. <Tl(\ CASES California CHAMPAGNE, wn- nufactured from the nure and unadulte¬ rated juice of the Grave, and much superior in flavor and quality to the many chemically pre¬ pared and spurious imitations now offered to tho public. Price per caso of 1 dozen Quarts, $15.00; or, 2 dozen Pinta at $16. Terme cash. Aug ll_J. A T. R. AGNEW._ Sights and Sensations IN FRANCE, GERMANY, Ac. $1.50. Hilt to Hilt, by Surry, of Eagle's Nest, $1.50. Fivo Acres Too Much, hy Rooseveldt, a very pleasant and instructivo hook, il.50. How Crops Grow, for all agriculturalists, by Professor Johnson, $1.50. Old Town Polka, a uovol, hy Mrs. Stowe, $2 The Wedding Day in all Agos and Countries. Stretton, a novel, by Kiugsloy, 40 cents. Tho Yilla on tho Rhine, by Auerbach. Ho Kne w He was Right, by Trollope Tho Malay Archipelago, its Inhabitants and Animals, linely illustrated, full of information. European Vineyards, by Flagg, $1.50. Liddons' Bampton Lectures, London. Tho Virginians, The Nowcomos, cheap edi¬ tions Thackeray's works and other now books. For salo at * BRYAN A MoGARTE R'S Juno HO Bookstore. BRESS GUOBS! BRË8S G00DS ! ! AT C. F. JACKSON'S. THE season is advancing, and wo still have on hand a beautiful and varied assortment of DRESS GOODS, which has boen recently overlooked, and the prices marked down ex¬ tremely low. Wo especially invito tho atten¬ tion of tho Ladioa to thia departan nf, fooling assured that thore ia not a bettor selection to found in tho city. fe Tho friends of Mr. J. h. DIXON will lind him at this establishment, where ho will bo glad to soo thom, and pay them every atten¬ tion._, V _ Aug 12 Choice To bacoo--Snioking and Chewing CHEWING-Rough and. Beady, Gold Bar, Pancake. SMOKING-Beat "Durham," . 'Commonwealth, '' With common grades, in fall supply, for salo by GEO. SYMMERS. Buggies and Harness for Sale. ON MONDAY,'6th 8eptbmber, I will Bell, in front of the Court House, One set of extra fine COACH HARNE8H, Ono set of extra Light Fhaoton Harness, Four sets of Baggy Harnees, One Ladies' Riding Saddle, One No Top Boggy, Two Top Baggies. P. F. FR AZ EE. Sept 2 Assignee's Sale. By D. C. PEIXOTTO & SON, Auctioneers. AT KINÍIVILT.K, 8. 0. BY virtue of tho author itv in me rested as Assignoo or tho Bankrupt Estates named, 1 will sell, at Kingvllle, S. C., on tho 8th day of September next, at ll o'olock, A. M., the following property, to wit: One MARE, two MULES, seven Head of Cat¬ tle, ono old Carriage, ono Largo Plantation Wagon, one SmaH Wagon, belonging to the Bankrupt Estate of Gilbert Garner. ALSO, Ono MULE, belonging to the Bankrupt Es¬ tate of Frances Hammond. ALSO, One WAGON, one Buggy, belonging to the Bankrupt Estate of 0. A. Scott. Terms cash. Sale positive. THOMAS J. LAMOTTE, Assignee. COLUMBIA, August 26, 1869. Aug 27 fi THE .¿ETNA Fire Insurance Co., i or HARTFORD, CONN. Incorporated 1810-Charter Perpetual. GEO. HUGGINS, Agent, COLUMBIA. 18: C. CAPITAL, $3.000,000. THIS Company reooived premiums upon Are risks in the United States from July 1, 18G8, to July 1,18G9, amounting to $3,487,525.- 06. It paid losses during the same period amounting to . $1,622,000. This giant office moro than keeba pace with the growth of tho general Fire Insurance.basiness of tho coun¬ try. Nothing a hakea it from its pre-eminence. Last yoar its premiums recoivea wero double tho total received in 1863; and the ratio of loss to premiums received less than any year's ra¬ tio of the Oompany'ii previous half century of business. Tho .ETNA'S Barplus is now nearly equal to its oapital, wbioh, with ordinary Bucceaa, will make it $6,000,000. Its present management has never been sur- Easscu in ability throughout the Company's istory of fifty years. Biska taken hy GEO. HUGGINS, Agent. Oftler No. 2 Columbia Hotel Building, Co¬ lumbia, 8, C._Aag 12 2mo CLOSING OUT Summer Goods! T>BIOR TO TAKING STOCK. AND JL moving in New Store, will sell for fifteen days the above class of Goode, at and bolow first coat. Call at the Sign of BIG BOOT AND HAT, .. Opposite Colombia Hotel. Aug 1_A. SMYTHE. ?Erl © m "t ai xx. a? an t 191 Main etreot, Columbia, 8. C. '.ga AO H S 0 0 ITO iüi COLUMBIA HOTEST COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. THE Proprietors take pleasure in announc¬ ing thia elegantly-turniahed Establishment now open for the accommodation of guests. The table will always bo supplied with every delicacy of tho season-both from tho New York and Ch arl es ton markets, and no efforts will ho spared to give perfect satisfaction, in Bvery reapcet, to onr patrons. FREE LUNCH in tho refectory ovory day from ll until Ti*. M av 80 L SULZBACHER, Watch-maker and Jeweler. WARE, Fino Pocket and Table Cutlery, Ra¬ zors, -"'c. I have also a small assortment of VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS and other Mu- lical Instruments, together with a fino assort- nont of Trimmings, auch as Strings, Bows, Iridgos, .ve., Ac, Ac. All of which will bo lold at reduced prices. Aug 29 CALL AND EXAMINE. Southern Life Insurance Company, PÖBELT A SOUTUEBN IJtSTTICTION. V S S KT S ------- - «500,000. [NSURES Lives, and promptly adjusts and pays losses. Its principal business is with iouthern Statca, and to thom it appeals for latronage. It baa ample means to fully pro- ect policy holders and pay all losses. ROARD OF DiRF.cToiis. -John H. Gordon, A. ItiBtoll, E. W. Holland, J. F. Alexandor, J. H. 'allaway, J. M. Johnson, Atlanta, Ga.; B. C., fancoy, Beni. H. Hill, Robert Thomas, Athens, la.; Wade Hampton, Columbia, 8. C.; C. H. ?binizy, Edward Thomas, Augusta, Ga.: D. E.. sutler, Madison, Ga.; Robert Toomba, Wash- n g ton, (ia. B. J. Smith, Cuthbort, Ga.; A. H. lohiaitt, Newton, Ga.; Wm. Johnston, Char- otto, N. C.;B. L. Willingham, Ahóndale,S.O.; Y. A. Caldwell, Greensboro. N. C. OFFICERS.-John B. Goroon, President: B. Ï. Hill. A. H. Colqnitt, vice-Presidents; A. tustoll, E. Holland, Financo Committee; W. J. Morris, Secretarv. J. H. MILLER, Gcnoral Agent, 207} Broad street, Augusta, Ga. HARDY SOLOMON, Resident Agent at Colum¬ na. July 24 3mo

The Daily Phoenix.(Columbia, S.C.) 1869-09-03. · 2017-12-15 · Several small Peruvian onrthquali arereported. PresidentBalta issuedaproclamatic declaring tho independenceof Cuba,

Aug 08, 2020



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Page 1: The Daily Phoenix.(Columbia, S.C.) 1869-09-03. · 2017-12-15 · Several small Peruvian onrthquali arereported. PresidentBalta issuedaproclamatic declaring tho independenceof Cuba,

Vorolg« If«WI.PABIS, September"*.^'Baiincatl6ns of

changed.MADRID, September 2.--Tho Carlist

chieftains bar« surrendered upon as-aaraooes otthe safety of their Uvea. atf:vernmont organs say that the roiuforoo-ments about to sail will .ho sufficient tocrush the Cuban rebellion.LONDON, September 2.-Thc solicitors

of Lady Byron's family say Mrs. Stowe'sarticle on the séparation of Lord andLad; Byron is not completo or autbontio.DunUN, September 2,-Cardinal Col¬

len forbids parents of his church sendingtheir children to the National ModelSchool on pain of church punishment.i HAVANA^ September 2 -Gon. Latanili ft8 resignod the command óf the forOOiin tho Eastern Department. Valmasednhas been offered Commander-in-Chief,with headquarters in the field.

Washington NeWS.WASHINGTON, September 2.-W. G.

Morris has been appointed United State;Marshal of California, vice Band, sospended; and Claiborn R. Wollev, Fedoral Attorney for thc Southern district oFlorid a.

Secretary Bawlins was again attackedYesterday's exertion at the Cabinet meeting, against his physician's advicecaused"a relapse. Rawlins' friends an

very solicitous about him, for he is regarded al tho diam pion in the Cabineof generous measures towards the SonthGrant told Souter he had determine!

not to interfere in the Stato elections-matt ors of law ns well as removals an<appointments would,be referred to thproper departments for notion.

.. Internal revenue receipts to-day $912,OOO.The postal money order system witl

Switzerland went into operation yestciday.Associate Justice Wiur has no presenidea of resigning.Over 1,000 .snits are pending againeNew York bankers and brokers for itu

der-statemeuts of capital. Conviction iuvolves fine and imprisonment.-'?The Evening .Express says: "It is saithat Gen. Canby is preparing a report tthe President, pitching into the polit:cal, moral and social status of Yirginigenerally, and charging the people withindering reconstruction, and being sceretly hostile to the congressional pclicry/'Customs from the 21st to the 28th ultinolusive, $4,500,000.The Spanish Minister, Roberts, stat«

that the recent publication of an intelcepted letter in tho New York Sun isforgery. mA special to the Times makes Grant

reply to Senter and tbe delegation froi.Tennessee as follows: That he recognizeMr. Senter as a Bepnblican, and consdered that the Republicans who votefor him still'belong to the Republicsparty; and, in addition, that he cou]not remove from office any Federal ofieial in the State for having thrown tlweight of .his position and personal iifluenco against Mr. Stokes. The Presdent, in conclusion, recommends theto harmonize, and put an end to thedifficulties, personal'and political, bygeneral amnesty,Col.' McCardie, of Vicksburg, of habe,corpus.fame, is here.A private letter dated Madrid, fro

an authoritative source, states thSickles offered tho United States asmediator between Spain and Cuba, tlproposition being the abolition of slaveand payment to Spain, by tho Cubanfor all forts, public buildings, Arc. WhiSpain does not reject the mediation thoare various obstacles in the way of ccommodation. The impression nmoimany Spanish statesmen is, howevcthat Cuba will eventually pass from Spnish oontrol.

?-* + > f-Domestic News.

NEWYOBK, September 2.-The Alasbfrom Panama, has arrived, with datesthe 23d ultimo. She brings S»0,000treasure.Tho Piokiniohi volcano, near Qnil

was erupting heavily.Several small Peruvian onrthqualiare reported.President Balta issued a proclamaticdeclaring tho independence of Cuba, A

gast 18.Snow fell hero yesterday.

:, VIRGINIA CITY, MONTANA, Septoml2.~t*Gov. Ashley, known os "impeaclAshley," has removed the elected Ter- torial Auditor and Treasurer, and filltheir places with his own favorites. Tejected officers will contest.RICHMOND. September 2.-Gov. Wa

er returned here this morning, but istogether reticent relative to his in ter viwith tho President, It is understoihowever, that reliable advices have b(received from Washington to the eflthat the test oath will not be reqnirand that the Legislature will soonconvened.WHITE SULPHUR STRINGS, Septem2.-A difficulty having arisen herotween L. O. Washington and W.Glonn, of tho Baltimoro Gazette, gring out of a letter written by tho forito a Virginia paper, which was constr

as containing offensivo allusions, \ceeded to the field, this morning, vtho intention of having a hostilo ming. The matter was adjusted, howe'on the following text: Tho challengeWashington and the epithets of GIare hereby withdrawn, Washingtonavowing the intention of saying rthing offensive in his original letter.NBW OKURANS, September 1.-]crop reports from all sections ofState and Western Texas representton very promising. Many entertainopinion that all will be made that ccbe gathered with the present laCane, though backward, promisesabundant yield. The weather is coiCHARIIBSTON, September 2.-Arrrvibark B. G. W. Dodge, Philadeírschooners Nancy Smith and M. BichsNew York.

.,..,.-!.:...a quiet, nt 35. Freights firm. Gold

33«*.7 P. M.-Cotton quiet and steady,with sales bf 600 balee, at 35. Flour-

shipping grades advanced and' moredping--superfine State 6.00®6.35;5 on tl ii; rn oomrnou to fair extra [email protected]. Wheat active and 3@5c. bettetduring'tho day-red Western 1.61(211.67;Illinois 1.65; California 1.75. Corn ashade firmer and rather more doing-mixed Western 1.10(a) 1.18. Oat«-neviSouthern and Western 60(5)66. Porkheavy, at 81.87j-.i. Lard steady-kettle19%@20. Whiskey heavy, at 1.15. Gro¬ceries quiet and firm. Freights quietand firm- florir, steam, 2(2)9. Govern¬ments strong. Southerns dalt Moneyactive, at 6@7; dosing sharp, at 7. Ster¬ling very dull, at 9^@9}.¿. Gold activeand excited, at 85, with an advancingtendeo cy. Stocks feverish and weak.BALTIMORE. September 2.-No trans¬action in cotton to-day for the want ofstock. Flour active and tending up.Wheat firmer and higher-prime toohoice red 1.50(3)1.55. Corn-white1.18; yellow 1.20(2)1.22. Oats firm, ot60@G2. Rye 10@15. Pork Bteady.Bacon firm and tending ap« Lard quiet.Whiskey 147. -, A .

,CINCINNATI, September 2'.-Whiskey1.13. Pork [email protected]. Bacon-shoul¬ders wanted at 15; held at 15.'^. Lardneglected, at 19} .1.NEW ORLEANS, September 2.-Cottondall, with sales of 192 bales-middlings32. Oats 64®65. Bacon lower, at 16}.<@I9WT. Whiskey dull, at 1.25®1.27'.C.Gold33>¿. Sterling 45^.MOBILE, September 2.-Cotton closed

firmer, with sales of 100 bales-low mid¬dlings 29"^; receipts 21.SAVANNAH, September 2.-Receipts ol

cotton 544 bales; sales 100; market firmwith n good demand, nt last quotations.%\CHARLESTON, September 2.-Cottonfirm, and demand more than supply;sales 20 bales-middlings 32^(7/33; re¬ceipts 194.AUGUSTA, September 2.-Cotton mar¬

ket activo and firm; sales 74 bales-mid-clings 31)¿@32; receipts GO.LoNnoN, September 2-Noon.-Con¬sols 93«^. Bonds 84,«¿.LIVERPOOL, September 2-Noon.-Cotton a shade firmer-uplands 13,1..';Orleans 13?B@13%.LIVERPOOL, September 2-Evening.-Uplands 13*0; Orleans 133¿@137¿; sales12,000 bales.

The Charleston Neics, with referenceto our State affairs, says:The rapidity with which this State is

accumulating money is, indeed, marvel¬lous, but the negroes have no part orparcel in it. It is the result of the bardwork and self-denial of the white race; itis not the result of the work of the ne¬groes. Our people spend far less thanthey spent before tho war. They aroeconomical in all their habits; they givoa close attention to the details of ma¬nagement; they do notwasto their meansin luxurious dissipation. This is thoway in which the whites are makingmoney, and the colored people can, ifthey will, .make money in tho same way.We do not wish to seo them suffer. Wedo wish to see them prosperous andhappy.The radical State Government, or the

"debasing negro rule," cannot thenclaim the credit of ono dollar of tho mil¬lions of money which our people havorealized from their orops. On tho con¬trary, this radical government has stood,and still stands, like a wall across ourpath. It is easier to make money thanto keep it, and this is the experience ofSouth Carolina. What security have wethat wo shall be able to retain tho moneythat we do make? Tho Governor of thoState has an interest in common withours. Tho Legislature is composedmostly of negroes who havo even lessproperty than sense. The laws are sojumbled up that neither gods nor mencan understand them. Tho courts, withtheir negro juries, givo no man confi¬dence that justice will done. $1,200,-000 in State taxes is taken from us thisyear, in addition to oity and Countytaxes.Au hundred now schemes for plunder¬ing the people aro afoot and will soon

see day-light. Tho State and County of¬ficers, with a fow exceptions, aro igno¬rant and irresponsible, if not dishonestand depravad. Where, then, is our so¬on ri ty from ruinous taxation ? Whore istho blessing of this "debasing, negrorule?" We have drawn the wagon outof the slough, but tho mud of radicalismstill clogs tho wheels. All that wo havedone has been done in the faco.of ob-sta-bs unnumbered, and we say in earn¬est, what the Now York Commercial Ad¬vertiser says in a bitter jest: "If thePalmetto State is able to accomplishsuch wonders under negro rule, what aprosperous futuro awaits her under a'white man's government.' "

Mr. Morehead, delegate from the lateCommercial Convention at Memphis,lately addressed the Liverpool Chamberof Commerce, in relation to tho advan¬tages of direct trado betw. m Great Bri¬tain and the States of tho West andSouth, of emigration, Aro. Tho mem¬bers of the Chamber assured him thatthe Chamber would assist bim in everyway within their power. Tho MemphisConvention will re assemble October 13at Louisville, Ky.Charleston will soon lose anotherradical. Dr. A. G. Mackey is going to

live in Colnmbia. Can't the Dootor bopersuaded to take some of his friendswith him?-Charleston News.

Notice to Cotton Growers.THE Sabeoriber intends to run S PortableCotton Oin from Columbia to Kingsvilleand the surrounding oountry. Plantera wish¬ing my services oan apply to me, at Colnmbia.Aug 5 RICHARD TOZER.

BOARDING àîd DAY SCHOOLby too.MWiïEf -BLMOflR» «rr«or and Lumber etreeta, Co-8. Cv'Hea^raAe* fl* this

»lr to WiBfl Elmpro, at her rfJalfoooe,tfgS&f*Taylor und Lumber atreota, otpeet, care P. EL Elmore.Ayer's Oáthartío Pius, for ali the

posos ot a Laxative Medicine.PERHATS so ono

medicine le so univer¬sally required by overybody sa a catuartio,nor waa over any be¬fore so univeraaUyadopted itato nae, inevery country aadamong all classes, asthis mild but efficientpurgative PILL. Theobvious reason ia, thatit ia a more reliable and far more effectualremedy than any other. Those who havetried it, know that it coxed them; those whohavo not, know that it ourea their neighborsand friends, and all know that what it doesonee it doos always-that it never failsthrough any fault or neglect of ita composi¬tion. We hare thousands upon thousands ofcortifloatea of their remarkable corea of thefollowing complainte, but auoh eurea areknown in every neighborhood, and wa neednot publish them. Ad tpted to all ages andconditions in all climates; containing naitborcalomel or any deleterious drug, they may botaken with safety by anybody. Their sugarcoating preserves them over freah and makesthem pleasant to take, while being purelyvegetable no harm can ari so from their nae in

any quantity.They operate by their powerful influenoo onthe internal viscera to purity the blood andetimulato it into healthy action-removo theobstructions of tho stomach, bowels, liver andothor orgaus of tho body, restoring their irre¬gular action to health, and by correcting,wherever they exist,nen derangements asaretho Ürst origin of disease.Minuto directions are gi von in tho wrapperon the box, for the following complaints,which those PILLS rapidly cure:For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Listlessness,Languor and Loss of Appetite, thoy should betaken moderately to stimulate tho stomachand restore its healthy tono and action.For Liver Complaint and RB various symp¬toms. Bilious Headache, Sick Headache, jaun¬dice or Green Sickness, Bilious Colic and Bi¬lious Fevers, they should bo judiciously takenfor each case, to correct tho diseased actionor remove the obstructions which causo it.For Dysenterry or Diarrhoea, but one milddose is generally requirod.For Rheumatism, Gout, Gravel, Palpitationof the Heart, Pain i» thc Side, Back and Loins,thoy should bo continuously taken, aa re¬quired, to change the diseased action of thosystem. With such chango those complaintsdisappear.For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings, thoyshould be taken in largo and frequent dosesto prodnoo the effect of a drastic purge.For Suppression a largo dose should botaken, as it producos tho desired effect byAB a Dinner Pill, take ono or two Pills topromote digestion and relieve the stomach.An occasional doso stimulates the stomachand bowels into healthy action, restores thoappetite, and invigorates the ayatom. Henceit is often advantageous where no serious de¬rangement exists. One who foels tolerablywell, often duds that a dose of these Pillsmakes him fuel decidedly better, from theircleansing and ronovating effect on tho digestivoapparatus.

Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical Chtmlu,LOWELL, MASS., U.S.A.Sopt 3 _HmoCITIZENS'"SAVINGS BANK

SOUTH CAROLINADEPOSITS OF $1 lc UPWARDS RECEIVED.INTEREST A LLOWED AT THE RA TE OFSIX PER CENT. PER ANNUM, COM¬EO ENDED EYERY SIX MONTHS.PRINCIPAL and Interest, or any part there¬of, may bo withdrawn at any timo-theBank reserving tho right (though it will horarely exercised) to demand fourteen days'no-tico if thc amount is under $1,000; twonty daysit over $ 1,000 and under $5,000, or thirty daysif over $5,000.

OFFICERS.Wade Hampton, President.John B. Palmer, Vico-Prosident.Thomas E. Gregg, Cashier.John C. B. Smith, Assistant Cashier.Directors.Wade Hampton, ColumVWilliam Martin, ColumL.a.F. W. McMastcr, Columbia.A. C. Haskell, Columbia.J. P. Thomas, Columbia.E. H. Hcinitsh, Columbia.John B. Palmer, Columbia.Thomas E. Gregg, Columbia.J. Eli Gregg, Marion.G. T. Scott, Newberry.W. G. Maves, Newberry.B. H. Rutledge, Charleston.Daniel Ravcnol, Jr.. Charleston.MoohauicH, Laborers, Clerks, Widows, Or¬phans and others may hero deposit their eav-

íngs and draw a liberal rato of interest tin c¬on. Plantera, Professional Mon and Trusteeswishing to draw intorost on their funda untilthey require them for business or other pur¬poses: Paronta desiring to set apart smallsums for their children, and Married Women,and Minors (whoso deposits can only bo with¬drawn by themselves, or, in caso of death, hytheir legal reprosontativoa,) wishing to layasido funds for future use. aro hero affordedan opportunity Of depositing their meanswhore they will rapidly accumnlato, and, attho samo time, bc subject to withdrawal whennoedod._Aug 18

To Rent.Adcsirablo RESIDENCE, containing¡fhnt seven rooms. Well of good water on thoJUi!Lprcmisea. Apply to

July18_GREGG, PALMER A- CO.Bolting Cloths.

AFULLassortmenton hand,MILLSTONESand IRONS, purchased at low rates, byFISHER, LOWRANCE de FISHER.



Sept 1



Mr£ io: xU&mtoa&i > hnà'iitti i

BY a yóüng lady, cbaipuhint to teach theUBoal English branche*, a situation. iaTKACHEBta «family or a. school, ShoDrefersaschool, or si situation aa an assistant. Addresskt!** J. H. M., St. Matthewa,8.Qisap* a . _a*Cotton Ginning.

T-^E undersigned «ives no tico to all Cottonplanters in those part«, regular andamateur, lurgu «nd small, that he is now pre-Ê-àr*d to GIN from morning to night. Hitnllett and Georgia Gins were in operatiotyosterday; four bales were ginned and shipped to Pelzer, Rogers A Co., Uh arloston. H<can gin and pack from eight to nine bales pe]day. G. A. HALL,Sept 2 2_ At Logan'» Stable.Pore Corn Whiskey.f)fa BBLS. Pnro Corn WHISKEY, for ssh.<Q \J low to dealers. E. fe G. D- HOPE,_May 1_Agents Old North Stato Distillery.

Just Reoeived,AFBESH supply of LEMONR, CRACKER!and CANDIES, at KRAFT'S Bakery,Ang ll Imo_Main street.

Bacon and Floor.2AHA POÜND8 BACON..UULF BBLS. FLOUB, and other goodas LOW as they CAN BE BOUGHT, byFI8HEB, LOWBANCE A FISHBE.

Sewing Machines at $80.WE now offer for salo the United States Mochine, at the toto price of$20, or completwith Table, Treadle, Ac, at $30 eaoh. ThetMachines are no humbug, and arc as good amany of the Machines costing double or trebthe price. They are tho simplest Machineever constructed. Will uso any kind of thrcadirect from tho spool. They will do any kinof work that any other Maohinc is capable oThey uso a straight noodlo, and mako tilcelebrated Elastic Lock Stitch. They havo tlunderfeed samo as tho high pin MachineThey will not drop stitches or «oil tho dross <tho operator; and aro, in fact, the best MachiiJor such a small price ever constructed.AUK 31 G J. St T. R. AGNEW.Jos. DANIEL POPE, A. C. HASKELL.



Omeo-Law Range, Columbia, S. C. May 5New Flour.

ff) pf BBLS. St. Louis NEW FLOUB, supe:¿j fj or to anything in market.50 Bags and Barrels, asserted grades,very low figures, for salo byAUK U_


(BXStL DR. D. L. BOOZER, grateful for t"«HEWliboral patronage ho has rocoived frcthe citizens of th¡H city and the surround!District, during the past year, respect tully anDunces that ho now permanently establishhimself in Columbia. All operations on tnatural Tooth faithfully performed. ARIFiCIAL CA8E8, in evory approved motincarefully and satisfactorily executed-arnowhich he would call special attention to tlknown as Reynolds' Patent; and of his siCOSH in constructing Artificial Cases by tlbeautiful and durable proceas, ho is enablwith oonfidenco, tn refer to bia patients andthe patentee. Office on Mainstreet, over FiNational Bank. JanExecutor's Notice.

ALL persons having claims against thotate of tho late M. BRENNEN, decoaswill present thom, properly attested, toundersigned. MARY BRENNEN,JOHN AGNEW,July 98fSmo_Qualified Ex'nReligious Notice.

THE Israelites of tho city of Columbia isurrounding country arc respectfully nitied that full and ampio arrangements hbeen made for divine worship on the comholidays. Thc same will bo held at tho tFollows' School House, commencing onEYE of 5th September, 1869. Thoso whodosirouB of procuring seata for thcmscland families for that occasion, can do soaddressing D. EP8TIN,Aug 13f4_ Columbia, 8. (Notice.

THE osercisos of Miss O. B.ML^^ GOWAN'S School will bo rosinfeftfiM^on MONDAY, September fi, 18«!*^5HEs*her residence, corner of Tu;^^gjpFand Assembly streets.

Forman'University, Greenville, S./fiSm\ THE next scaaion of thisc&fTSRgggHtitution will open September 1^?raBK5jaud continue forty weeks witl^^ra^p intermission.«ae^ THBEE YEARS' SCIIOLSHIPS may bo obtained, conditioned on

payment of Thirty Dollars annually for tlyears, and entitling tho holder ot a Selieship to tho free tuition of a pupil in allregular schools, on tho payment of tho amcharge of Fivo Dollars lor Incidental ExponTho regular schools ombrace: Mathemtand Mechanical Phylosophy, Prof. JudLatin Language and Literature, Prof. FaGreek do., Prof. Smith: Chemistry and Naal Philosophy, Prof. Harris; Logic, BhetiIntellectual and Moral Philosophy, to tho holders of Scholars!tho annual charge for Tuition and Incideiwill bo $05.00For instruction in Modern Languages (

man, French and Spanish) and in PracChemistry, there will bo an extra chargbo regulated by tho size of tho class.Good boarding, exclusivo of lightswashing, can ho obtained at about 115month.Catalogues or Scholarships may bo obttby addressing tho subscriber.AugJU 18 JAMES C. FUBMAN, Pre;

Agricultural and Mechanical State ICITY CLERK'S OFFICECOLUMBIA, August 9,lfiIN pursuance with a resolut ion of thoCouncil, a subscription list will bo orat this ofnoe, to aid and assist in tho ereof the necessary buildings required foiAgricultural and Mechanical State Fair.Aug io j. s. MCMAHON, city eic






son, ». o.

The New Thoory of Health


THE Lifo of all Flesh ie Blood. Tho Healthof Life is parity of Flesh. Without parityof blood, no Meob eau be free from disuse.

HEINITSH'S QUEEN'S »«LIGHTIs now a recognized household Medicine ofremarkable remedial powers, invented, a^ulcompounded by the Proprietor, which bo hasoallod by tho euphonious soubriquet"QUEEN'S DEL I G H T.' *

ITH CONSTITUENT PBOFE&TIBS.QUEEN'S DELIGHT IS an an alterativo, produc¬ing a gradual change in theHEINITSH'S fonctions of organs, as topermit a healthy aotion totake tho place ot disease.QUEEN'S DFLIGHT I. deobetruent by its divorsi-td action; removes obstruc-HEIMITSB'S ilona, reduces inflammationand enlargement of thoÎlands and viscera,

s an lu vigoran t and Tonic;it prodnces a gentle andpormanent excitement of allthe vital actions obaorvabloin the functions of organioHEINITSH'S life; and is, therefore, ad-missable in diseases of theHtomacb, Liver and organsof digestion.QUEEN'S DELIGHT ls a stin?"Vating, alterativediaphosetic, promoting per¬spiration, removing humorsin the blood, producing aHEINITSH'S healthy action of tho akin,removes Boils, PimploB,Blotches and Cutaneouseruptions.QUEEN'S DELIOHT ls aperient, gently actingupon the bowels, therebyremoving effete matter, pro¬ducing a healthy feeling ofHKINITSII'K tho stomach and hoad.Headache and nervous dis¬orders arc cured hy ita uso.QUEEN'S DELIGHT IS expectorant, increasingtho secretion from thomucous membrano of thoair colls and passages ofHEINITSH'S the lungs, or assists itu dis¬charge; ia, thereforo, a re¬medy, combined with CodLiver Oil, iu all cases of Con¬sumption, Colds, Ac.Tho high appreciation in which it is held bytho profession and thc golden opinions of thcpeople, and their many testimonials, will makeit a desirable medicino for Druggists to keepconstantly on hand.

Tho sick, feohle and those in dclicato health,and all person H living in warm climates, andall unacolimatcd, will lind theQUEEN'S DELIGHT

A great medicino, protecting them from allthose diseases which originate in abad condi¬tion of the blood and climatic influences-For salo by Druggists throughout the State.Tho trade suppliod by yFISHER A HEINrrSH, Columbia, 8. C.PLUMB A LEITNER, Augusta, Qa.J. H. ZEILEN A CO.. Macon, Ga.JOHN F. HENRY, Sow York.MANSFIELD AHIGBEE, Memphis,Tenn.JOHNSTON'. HOLLOWAY'A COWDEN,Aug 61 .'. ?_Philadelphia."For Sale.MA NEAT COTTAGE, containing eixlarge airy Rooms,' situated corner Pendle¬ton and Assembly airéete, ono square fromState House. On tho premisos are all neces¬sary out-buildings. Tho houso haa a piazzafront and rear, wiith a Ano Flower Oarden infront. The lot comprises one-third of anacre. Apply to R. ALLEN,Aug2'J _On tho Premiaes.

Beer! Beer!!SOME dealera in this city have been in doubtthat I could hold out supplying them withBeer this summer. I now inform tho publicthat I have a largo supply of old Lager Boeron hand, which I pu t against any Beer broughtfrom tho North, or even imported from Ger¬many, aa to purity and strength. I am readyto test it by the Boer scale.Aug 20



SARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT,Expectorant,Vegetablo Liver Pills,Improved Hair Dye, For sale hyFeb 27 ly


Hams and Strips.FRESH TO HAND:Choice Sugar-Cured HAMS,Ferris' " " Breakfast Strips," Extra Smoked Tongues,Fulton Market Beef.

Supplies of tho abovo received weekly. Forsaleby GEO. SYM MERS.Fish!! Fish!!!

-I f\r\ PAOKAGES NEW MACKEREL,lV/V/ consisting of whole, half and quarterbarrels and kits.100 Boxes SMOKED HERRING.Just received and for sale low hyAug 28 J. A T. R. AGNEW.

Eureka Champagne.<Tl(\ CASES California CHAMPAGNE, wn-nufactured from the nure and unadulte¬rated juice of the Grave, and much superior inflavor and quality to the many chemically pre¬pared and spurious imitations now offered totho public. Price per caso of 1 dozen Quarts,$15.00; or, 2 dozen Pinta at $16. Terme cash.Augll_J. A T. R. AGNEW._Sights and SensationsIN FRANCE, GERMANY, Ac. $1.50.Hilt to Hilt, by Surry, of Eagle's Nest, $1.50.Fivo Acres Too Much, hy Rooseveldt, a verypleasant and instructivo hook, il.50.How Crops Grow, for all agriculturalists, byProfessor Johnson, $1.50.Old Town Polka, a uovol, hy Mrs. Stowe, $2The Wedding Day in all Agos and Countries.Stretton, a novel, by Kiugsloy, 40 cents.Tho Yilla on tho Rhine, by Auerbach.Ho Knew He was Right, by TrollopeTho Malay Archipelago, its Inhabitants andAnimals, linely illustrated, full of information.European Vineyards, by Flagg, $1.50.Liddons' Bampton Lectures, London.Tho Virginians, The Nowcomos, cheap edi¬tions Thackeray's works and other now books.For salo at




C. F. JACKSON'S.THE season is advancing, and wo still have

on hand a beautiful and varied assortmentof DRESS GOODS, which has boen recentlyoverlooked, and the prices marked down ex¬tremely low. Wo especially invito tho atten¬tion of tho Ladioa to thia departan nf, foolingassured that thore ia not a bettor selection tofound in tho city. feTho friends of Mr. J. h. DIXON will lindhim at this establishment, where ho will boglad to soo thom, and pay them every atten¬tion._,V_ Aug 12

Choice To bacoo--Snioking and ChewingCHEWING-Rough and. Beady,Gold Bar,Pancake.

SMOKING-Beat "Durham,".'Commonwealth, ' '

With common grades, in fall supply, forsaloby GEO. SYMMERS.

Buggies and Harness for Sale.ON MONDAY,'6th 8eptbmber, I will Bell, infront of the Court House,One set of extra fine COACH HARNE8H,Ono set of extra Light Fhaoton Harness,Four sets of Baggy Harnees,One Ladies' Riding Saddle,One No Top Boggy,Two Top Baggies. P. F. FRAZ EE.Sept 2

Assignee's Sale.By D. C. PEIXOTTO & SON, Auctioneers.

AT KINÍIVILT.K, 8. 0.BY virtue of tho author itv in me rested asAssignoo or tho Bankrupt Estates named,1 will sell, at Kingvllle, S. C., on tho 8thday of September next, at ll o'olock, A. M.,the following property, to wit:One MARE, two MULES, seven Head of Cat¬tle, ono old Carriage, ono Largo PlantationWagon, one SmaH Wagon, belonging to theBankrupt Estate of Gilbert Garner.ALSO,Ono MULE, belonging to the Bankrupt Es¬tate of Frances Hammond.ALSO,One WAGON, one Buggy, belonging to theBankrupt Estate of 0. A. Scott.

Terms cash. Sale positive.THOMAS J. LAMOTTE, Assignee.COLUMBIA, August 26, 1869. Aug 27 fi

THE .¿ETNAFire Insurance Co.,

i or

HARTFORD, CONN.Incorporated 1810-Charter Perpetual.


CAPITAL, $3.000,000.THIS Company reooived premiums uponAre risks in the United States from July 1,18G8, to July 1,18G9, amounting to $3,487,525.-06. It paid losses during the same periodamounting to . $1,622,000. This giant officemoro than keeba pace with the growth of thogeneral Fire Insurance.basiness of tho coun¬try. Nothing a hakea it from its pre-eminence.Last yoar its premiums recoivea wero doubletho total received in 1863; and the ratio of lossto premiums received less than any year's ra¬tio of the Oompany'ii previous half century ofbusiness.Tho .ETNA'S Barplus is now nearly equal toits oapital, wbioh, with ordinary Bucceaa, willmake it $6,000,000.Its present management has never been sur-

Easscu in ability throughout the Company'sistory of fifty years.Biska taken hy GEO. HUGGINS, Agent.Oftler No. 2 Columbia Hotel Building, Co¬lumbia, 8,C._Aag 12 2mo


Summer Goods!T>BIOR TO TAKING STOCK. ANDJL moving in New Store, will sellfor fifteen days the above class ofGoode, at and bolow first coat. Callat the Sign of

BIG BOOT AND HAT,.. Opposite Colombia Hotel.

Aug1_A. SMYTHE.?Erl © m "t ai xx. a?an t

191 Main etreot, Columbia, 8. C.'.ga AO H S 0 0 ITOiüiCOLUMBIA HOTESTCOLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA.

THE Proprietors take pleasure in announc¬ing thia elegantly-turniahed Establishmentnow open for the accommodation of guests.The table will always bo supplied with everydelicacy of tho season-both from tho NewYork and Ch arl eston markets, and no effortswill ho spared to give perfect satisfaction, inBvery reapcet, to onr patrons. FREE LUNCHin tho refectory ovory day from ll until Ti*.

Mav 80

L SULZBACHER,Watch-maker and Jeweler.

WARE, Fino Pocket and Table Cutlery, Ra¬zors, -"'c. I have also a small assortment ofVIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS and other Mu-lical Instruments, together with a fino assort-nont of Trimmings, auch as Strings, Bows,Iridgos, .ve., Ac, Ac. All of which will bolold at reduced prices. Aug 29

CALL AND EXAMINE.Southern Life Insurance Company,


[NSURES Lives, and promptly adjusts andpays losses. Its principal business is withiouthern Statca, and to thom it appeals forlatronage. It baa ample means to fully pro-ect policy holders and pay all losses.ROARD OF DiRF.cToiis. -John H. Gordon, A.ItiBtoll, E. W. Holland, J. F. Alexandor, J. H.'allaway, J. M. Johnson, Atlanta, Ga.; B. C.,fancoy, Beni. H. Hill, Robert Thomas, Athens,la.; Wade Hampton, Columbia, 8. C.; C. H.?binizy, Edward Thomas, Augusta, Ga.: D. E..sutler, Madison, Ga.; Robert Toomba, Wash-

n g ton, (ia. B. J. Smith, Cuthbort, Ga.; A. H.lohiaitt, Newton, Ga.; Wm. Johnston, Char-otto, N. C.;B. L. Willingham, Ahóndale,S.O.;Y. A. Caldwell, Greensboro. N. C.OFFICERS.-John B. Goroon, President: B.Ï. Hill. A. H. Colqnitt, vice-Presidents; A.tustoll, E. Holland, Financo Committee; W.J. Morris, Secretarv.

J. H. MILLER, Gcnoral Agent,207} Broad street, Augusta, Ga.HARDY SOLOMON, Resident Agent at Colum¬na. July 24 3mo