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" It s ( J THE. DAILY APPEAL.- - WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 27, 1S5S. QTTcnneuee six per cent, bonds are now BtlliDgta Jjew York at 91 cents. ThanksJ Fer late papers we thank Capt. L. B. Ddsham of the;Ffly J5i4M. JoAl Lowxr of 'the Afoajyeptcry, and T. J- - Wood of the Admiral; gnw rr ..Ket Fokd. A Urge brasnJoor key, with the number 69 stamped open it, was yesterday found near the jail. The owner csb hare it by calling at our office and payUc lb expense of this notice. Cokcle WEAreKS The Recorder jes terday fined J. B. Lxwis and Maktin UsEeea for carrTine deadlr weapons hid about them The former individual wa charged ten, and. the latter fifteen dollars. (JSDr. Care's Gallery. No. 36 Front Row, has bo rival in America, and takes pictures as rood ajsd cheap as any in Memphis. AH boat men, from the Captain of the Si'menis '- - J third cook on the ferry baat, agent, it iKFBarsD. The laying down of gutters to the paths hi Court Sejoere, and the rounding' ' 'tbtra up with saw is a great iaprevemen'. Tec Square is ceatinuaHy increasing iu I'fUos arid vfitt seme 'be one. tjfyhs prowif st era-me- sh xtowrteoreg luc-p- nit. OarHAs's Faib. There iUi-b- e a sple-d- id supper given at ' for the benefit of the orphans, by the ladiea of the CathwHe Charch. A good chance to get a fine supper and do a eeneroat actios. Let everybody attend. 'WoCNDiDi On JiIeDdav afternoon a car penter named P. H. Bolstek had a difficulty with a free Rcjto, yewth of erghteen, who is bound is him, which res-li- ed In the latter drawKtc a eksg-fbo- t, and strikise: him v'nh it so stversly as to fracture the skull. The negro was arrested. Rheumatism A Case or Three Months' Standing Cubed. Geo. W. Hendekssk, ef Pittsburgh, bits : " After suffering for three months wHb Rheumatism, a part ef tbe time so severely as to confine mo to my bed, I have been entirely cared by using Bebhate's Hol-la- ks Bittebs. I hiv: had one attack since, bat found almost instantaneous relief in the same medicine. It is in ray opinion, a sure remedy for Rheumatism." Cbiuinal Codkt. This Court is still in session a portion ef each day. Yesterday tbe case of RarrAEtxi Mabcelli, charged wHh causing the death of 11. B. Sanders, was taken up. Ten jurymen were chosen, when the Court adjourned. The Grisd Jury brawgbt in a true MM against Eliza Milliner and John Able, charging the former as principle, and the lat- ter as accessory, to an attempt to take tbe life ef ihe woman " French Lob," by maliciously siabwiag her. A Fall. An individual from the country who was atayiBg at tbe Worsh.m House, in eeafeqacDce ef ever indulgence in liqmr, was seised by that drunkard's demofi, the delerium tremens. In this coed it ten, and pursued by tbe dreadful but imaginary berrers that haunt the victims of that terrible dieeaee, at half past 3 etclock yesterday afternoon, be leaped from a window on the fourth iterv of tbe Wer-sha-m Heuee, and feil ea the balem y surround- ing the first Soar. His frjuries are very serl- - The Radford House, oiUtated in the centre ef business, corner ef Madison atd Sec end streets, and kept by the td Memphis fa verite G. R. Resfoed, coBtinwes to grew in public estimation. We learn It is tbe inten- tion ef the proprietor ef tbe ground, duiirg tbe ensuing buiieHag season, to erect r rregnificent private betel, waters tbe present bouse stands, fer Mr. Redfokd. It is a central aid eligible roeatiea, and eaneot to he succestfal under these auspices. Pattem' Field. This place has beei closed for (emetine as a Buieenee, on account f heing bvw fitted with tbe dead, and tbe City Council net having provided another place ef t epukbre, a piece ef neglect lhat remains still to be charged against that body. A short time age, they gave permission te tbe city un- dertaker to place bodies in the cenotaph for burial, but at the tnet meting, in consequence ef complaints frees the neighborhood, they passed a reeeratiea, ordering Marthal Under wood again te cieee the place. 3?" An ageit of the General Government has been in oar city fer some days inveitiga-Ua- g setae purchases xaade by Government off- icials sent here, seme years or more ago, for the purpose ef purchasing supplies, In many instances it seems that persons selling arti- - cVee have bees induced to sign receipts and veuehers in blank, the purchaser or Govern- ment agent afterwards filling up tbe vouchers fer a larger aaeuat than was actually paid. In this way a tolerable thriving business has been dene to the disadvantage ot the United States Treasury. The Theatre. The presence ef tbe great artist, MuaDecK, at the Gaiety, has been a signal fer forti and overflowing bouses. His rtereenatteB ef " Hamlet," on Monday night was greatly admired. In this character Mua- - xecH gives the proceeds cf ardoocs labor there is polish, finish, elegance, and, we may say, iBgeaeisty, bat the guehiDg impulses of genius are absent. It is in the " Mirables," "Dick LUshaMs," and other characters of the legitimate comedy, that Murdoch shows bis 'genius. Here he has a ce&trolIiBg power that commands applause. He performs again this eventer. Sidewalks In many places in tbe city tbe cedewalks have become dilapidated, and the City Marshal has BeUfied prrperty holders to make tbe necessary repairs. In many cases the notice has bees disregarded, and the nui- sance has become daily worse. We now in form sucb property holders, that Marshal DKDEKweeD, by the direct orders of Council, wiH proceed as tbe law directs, against those who permit the nuisances to exist. It will save them expeose and trouble to be on band in time. Winter is at band, with its rain and mud, and our sidewalks must be pet into good repair In preparation for that season. Where were the Police? Seme of our citizens, resident in that direction, crmpUia that tbe police are rarely sees near the corner of Second aBd Adams streets. On Monday night, at that spot, some three or four women, and about five and twenty men, were guilty cf the mest autrageeua blackguardism there, al though parties ef both sexes were passing from time to time. The language ef tbe abandoned women was especially obscette and vile to the "lowest degree, and tbe firth that flawed from . their lips was shriekad out as loudly as fem inine hntgs could yell. During all this dis graceful disturbance sot a policeman appeared, ner was a single arrest made. Citizens dwell- -' ing is that portion of the city will feel pleased If the police will manifest a little zeal and energy they are (are those qualities are greatly wanted to be pat in exercise. Steamboat IL D. Newoosjb Sunk, As the file steamboat H. D. Ktvxemh was patsing Island Tweaty-ee- e, ex. Monday racrnlsg at 8 o'clock, on her way from Cairo to New Or-lea- she struck, ran agosnd and her stern swung reemd, ha doing which it struck a heavy log, by which it was completely shattered, giving rapid adcHesien to Ihe water. ..The beat eecan te sink quickly end great alarm prevailed fer a lime among those on board 5 fertMatelf , however, while tbe stern sunk in deep water, the bow aad the forward portion cf tbe boat were Jeft high and dry, by which means tbe passengers and even all escaped, and tbe baggage of tbe ferner, being ferward, was also saved. The number, of pssseBgers was very treat ; among the freight was large $ "nersber of horses and mules, all of which were ' '"saved except about fifty, which, being bitched up aft, were drowned. Daring the occurrence of the accident the steamer Champion came in sight, aad hastening to the scene of misfortune all en beard her spared no effort to render as sistascc te these oa board tbe Ktwcomb. The Ktw&mb was owned in Louisville, by Bekedict Carter, Capt, T. L. McGill, and others ; the latter gentleman was in command at tbe time of the occurrence. The share he held be bought of Capt Sfots, of lbe Ediptt, abcut four or five menths ago. The Korcemb had just been repaired and generally renovated at .Mound City, at an expense of five thousand dollars. Tbe trip she was making when wrecked, was the first one since her repairs. The boat was worth forty-fiv- e tbontand ras Insured, principally, if not alto gelher, in Lctilsvllle offices, for thirty thousand ,r dollars. Tbe boat lies on the bar where she eirsck, her stent is sunk unit1 the water covers the " ' .IadIeB', cabin floor; forward the water covers up to first deck. It lo the opinion cf ber offi ' cere, andipfvthose ofrthe Ciomplon, lhat she tvIII break ber bacndjiejaitotal loss. It is of congrBtulaUonTthat. among so rasny psssengeri, not a slnglefffe fbonld have been forfeited. r Jprt. joftfflfmpiis. "tigatot Is irg tttlejrapj . iRlver'Sew. The tlref remained stationary yesterday,;; the we-th- er was suputb, and the streets and landing free from dost. The levee was crowded duricc the whole day with lively nuslcess. We learn from Capt P. Fleming, of the ele gant and very commodious boat Admiral, that this evening, at six o'clock, this boat will leave our landing for white river, but that, hereafter, she will be Ihe regular Tuesday packet for lhat river. Capt. Fleming Is expe rlraced in the White river trade, and his clerk,1 T. J- - Wood, Is a popular gentleman, welt fitted I for bis position. Persons bound for White river ports should lose bo time In securing berths on board the Admiral Hodge is the agent. Capt. Dill, thejcleverage'nt,nfbrms us that the New Uncle Sam will be at our landing this mornin?. leavlr.p at eiirht o'clock. . , iii. 4h. I Aue .u.p.. n.60, we icara 1IBu, aget. will be here, leaving this evening after tbe arrival of tbe csis. This boat Das scarcely a rival on oar waters. She Is magnificent In proportions and sumptusus is her arrange- - meats- - The Hickman, Capt. Pepper's elegant low water boat did not get off last night, but leaves at four this evening, positively. She is just the boatforthe present shallow current. of . traasnlle, Munavuir, wiciaaii, ua ouirr 1 prts on Ihe Ofilo, SBOTM sot lose IDS DBS or- - I portuulty she ifftrs for a safe atd agreeable I I j The rplendid beat, James Montgomery, Sam'i Menlgoniery master, is lying atlhe land- - lg ami wni leave cvcuiug ai u 1 o'clock for New Orleans. Our readers should I bear in mind this macBificeat boat :a elance at its mrgnifficeBt interior and at the complete ness and finish of its state-roo- and offices, that the Montgomery Is an unsurpassed boat, and worthy of the warmer public patronage. Her officers are gentlemen b rrqwre only to be known tebe respected. Recorder's Court. Ef quire - East had fourteen prisoners up for examiiaticn yester- - dav. XJaner and its catKemrtants was tbe principle cbirge. Missing Moles. J. A. Asuford, at Smith & Porters, 18 Front Row, lost on tbe 224 last., two three year old mules, ese an iron gray horse mule, the other a bright sorrel mare I male, with a star in tbe forehead and white spot en the left hip ; both ehod before. A liberal reward is ofrrel oc27-d3- t: wit. Died At the residence of Mrs. SmckebV nacle. on Union street, or typuoHi lever at four o'clock yesterday morning, tbe 25th inst., Gloves H. Cowaic, in we- - twenty-tourt- n year of bis are. Younsr Cowan was born, and passed the greater porUefi of bis life, In Clin- - ton, Hinds county, Miss tie was a pupil ior many tears of that revered pioneer of erSwa-- 1 tion in that section Of country Rev. Mr. I OiiroRT and it was tbe precepts Inculcated I there that guided him through life, and made I bis character beloved and admires. I com toe I commencement of the Jltalantte, up to the time of bis death, Mr. Cowan held tbe posi- tion of mailing clerk in our office, and by bis energy, industry and honest devotion to the in- terest of bis emnlovers, as well as bis ind disposition and obliging nanners, he won for nimeelf tne conndence and rriemtsQip or an connected with bira In business, and .died be- loved t and regretted by all who knew him. irfliancAe ef Henday (y Country merchants, plasters and citi zens la general, wishing to purchase fine, well made fashionable clothing at lew prices, for cash, will do well to visit tbe bouse of R. B. De Babe, 187 Main street, under the Wor-sha-m House. He has a splendid stock at both wholesale and letail. oct23-l- m A Remedy fob DvsrErsiA. Boerhave's as Holland Bitters is now the most simple, de- lightful, and effectual remedy for dyspepsia, before tbe pijbHc. Many ef our most worthy citizens testify to Us efficacy. Te perssas sub ject to nerveus, and sick headache, It Is a val uable medicine. CetJKTERFEIT SclIElDAH ScHKAFrS. We beg leave to caH the attetrtiea ef eur readers la te the advertlsenvent ef Udm-fh- Wolfe, In paper. 3T Attention is directed to the advertise- ment of " True Turf Oil." It is all it claims to be. fT Refer to Speed, Dosoho & Stbakoe's rslumn. Hides Wanted. WILL pay caah for Dried Fist. Dried Salted, Oreeo I 3 ted asdOreen niBES asd FXLTHIKSef attkiede. W. P. LEWIS, eepl dawtf Oornrr Main and Monroe atreeea. STAR GALLERY, Xo. 2C2 East gidc of Main-st- ., Three Doers Forth ef ClarkU Marble Block. mnn nsdertlrned weeM rrseectfeltT Inrlte the cltl- - I irm and vlrlteri of Memphis, te ral at the Star OaCery as ' examine thr xaay latest taaprevementa Is tbll fasctsatlni Art. Chief amenxat Ibrm betet; tb CHROMOTYPE, the Dodss eperanll of wblch Is only knewa to himself, aad which pruenta the swat pJtaitEr iffct. Pltotograplis, Ambrotype?, and ail the varuma itnea ef H0TORKS uaen la tb moat aclesliac manner, ects dawly F JTTASSALLO. GAYOS0 GALLEEY, lA Opposite Speed, Donoho & StraBge's. LIKESESSES take-- t wMb theve 7 litest COEXKCT aad beanttfeJly cetwed at price from ItoJM Call asd examine spectraeae. FEPIOW. james a. mm & GO. No. 219 Main St., OPPOSITE ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Hare received a large asd comp'.ete aisertsiest of FANCY AND SIAPIxB DRY GOODS. ef every deecrlplien of goods to b ClOKSISTlKG artt-clw- s Dry Goods besae which tbey off r fer Caih or os Time, tr, pssctsal cstomsra aa lew aa Iter can be bad Is tbll place. Osr arrastexeat are s scb. with a r sldest partser la the city ef Kew Tork, to enable na te be best cottttantly espptled with the Bwet styles aad at tb very lowest prlcei, as oir goods are bonght exclnilvely ror cam. usr mot 10, qstcx s aira and small profits. JAMES A. STREET & oo.. eejllMawly no. 21s nainairees. lVotice. expose to psbUc sale at tbe late residence of IvvtLL TV. Thomas a, twoandabalf mi:es from Mem- pbl,, Cn BATCBPAT, the SI 1 day cf October, 1BSS, f arty or Arty f Stock Hoj-s- , between sixty and seventy nr Rom ataailng Is the neia in ia or are acres each, Farming aateriaa, iicnaenota ana juuecq rnr For a'l isms nader $M caah, asd evtr, bond with tbepnichaacra. pay. sW In six taenlbs. Sale wltblu tbebcnrs prescribed by law H TOLIarlTLne, Acmlalstrstor. ocIJ-- To Contractors. are Invited to Bend la proposala te COKTBACTOBS Meyer wltbla fifteen daja, for the aonaiisf r ilflir.IT nOCSI ordtnE U rlins and Tnr.9 rent, o tbe Bunmt rar a jciTcn pziua i 3 cub. winn-- ti with ihe avmotLDt r&a lollTWQtI CAtb tobscrtptioo to Zj men', ot tbe ccmtrncttec,, tbe Cltr refcnlsitbe rlsbt to regsute tbe xaarltn cocr, c. oc!3! M U, D. BATJOn. Mtyor. riastcr and Cciaent, 1AA BAS&SLSbett Celatsed Piaster. leobarrela X UU le Cemeat. CLABX 6c. HARRIS. SB4-- U 3I0DLDISGS FOR PICTDRE FRAMES ! 3,500 Feet of Moulding. Gilt and Imitation Rosewood. Plain and Waved. ITeiv Styles. Beautiful Patterns. Ficttircs Framed to Order. CaH anl see at Geo. Pattison e& Co's. CLERK'S SALE OF TOWS LOTS. The Union Inn in Raleigh ! -- r)T Tlrln' of a decreelil cider made by the Ctrcclt XI Cesrtot ShwbyceaatyaiiisMpeaii)erTerm,ieso, m ihe rase if Joe. R. rJanlKoa and wife, sad other, v.. S. U SaUth sod other. I will sell te tbe highest bidder, at subtle on trrr. la front f tbe ooarthesse door. In w.uirk n arnNDAT. tbe (tb diy ef December next. three lota kaowrt asd de.Lji.elel on tbe plan of the torn ofRalelcaa jetJoa i 1 Is block N," beretofert occaple by Br. inasmtih; deceaaed, ana known as mi uuiu iu. rn-llit- -d exxh. tbe residue oa . ...r. m eneil leiUlcaeat.. Bead wllh prrrv. cd scarlty n qslred for the def ered payments and a lien rrtuned nettl eae enuri rarai.te eiou-j- i. Orteber 1, 1868. M. D. L. STEWART, Clerk iren ir iiu etme and nlace. tbe adailBlilra-- ter wlH sell atpabflc .ale, lbe stuck of berscs, bogs aid cattle, ferslBg alenids, bsaiesetd indtMctenfnraltore betsartsg to the eiaw er Ann sauia, aecra.eo n . I. VAj.n iM the die Af all la lb. above la offered the Le t staaa ma oppeiism- - j far a person wUaUse Uesgace.ntbebetel baalness. Tbe let sre spadena. with aM lbe neceesary atablrs, besaas, &C. roc3itesj ausr. pauiu. im i. STOIaEX, the Bight er the SOth loit., f om 'the lUtlei of ON Madlox & Groves, a TALUS cor tilling aeme va sails piper, an b aa sotu asd accossla. ose niece cf cold state, balf as onscs cf coM foil, a Cell's BV pester, and tea or et.eea delars la silver. The vallie belocgs to Dr. A. Weaaaa. the papers bang veloabie ts bla asd to oas e!ie Tie nscer will oiuoerasyrewaruea by leavlni It at tbe above etas? a, ox where o eas gel rt. oc:i tr it iv. n. wuwa. BOX HANUFACTOB Y. PKITCHETT &BUOIT.V, located at thejcsctlas of tbe RsVtgk read HATING atreet sre Liepaird le fill ill erdera with aea-Bu- a and dlspaUh. Bcxe f all ali'a xnide lo order scd delivered ca the iborteat solpe. Thoie wlsb-- tag asytblsg In tbetr line woaid de w to girt them a call. ecio-i- Negroes! KegroeBl Negroes! received, so Tossg xe cgroea on cjomersieiea e JUST of Fted Easts, Hccse Servss, Me- - j chaelei asd Ncrwa, at xsy mart, teeth me Oerrv Ssure. Pcrsslelrwbv ' oett dlrxwfca A, WALLACE, Agntt. JJ TO AMDCIATEU rnEU OF MEMPHIS DATER FROM EUUOPE, ARRIVAL OF TEE BTEAHKK FEKSIA. KzwToii, Oct.arr S. The royal eteasjer Persia $aarilveaeS'saBy Hook, brtaxtns LI verpoes adrlssef the UUu OOKa ER"1 A LJfK WS,' LrTriro'oL Silee of Cot ten for toe tl,0W tah-a- . Oettoasee declined darts; the wl ttitaj floe end inferior ejuiMUei. IsmHdJlass Itamirk-- t la Irmeritty BBcasnced. Ppecalatora toot 100 and . peelers 5,000 baee 8il5 on Friday, tae cay o: anu-- r. Tbe mirsel closed mm. ine qsnauoce f,r cotton are : Orlfanaralrixd, KldaHinsl; Kobl e Fair MWdHaiTS-is- i; nflandrarr-7)i4icw- . dli'C 7Xd. IrtadttnCa dull. FroTliIena dsn. lajaa DOSr mir let tbe ratea hate dxllccd. ,V Xancbrater adrlrea are cs'aTanble.wltb. nttle ln .sir7 ud priceawrak. Ltvxarooi. cotton la port 49J,Cttbalta. sloci Xatrlcan S3,000 bait. Rlcbardaon, Samoa 4. C. aaf : linr Bra Baltlnor m!,4eHbU tun , Vnttn so.ej,,. olhsil& JSj ( M ina .ir.jj-wot.- rn- Btd 61 Jd M; wkltr , jdgt, 6i; Sratbera EM 7i7i M. Corn ckmd with a eee'.lninr undmcj Trtkwiugju; WhKcm ilgtti. Fork coaed e.nlct. Hidden, and hadoHnd Id d; ar at 535 Snrarqnt't. Ckff.-- e devdflm. BoilnSslOdSil. UmredOU3hlUi. S(CrlUToTn'lncl3igJSJ. -- ;f Caning fc Brs.'a, Loodoa, riv- - BmlalntTf dnD I'd adr. Wait Bar Iron jCt f 1. 101.1 Tit a. SI. Po- - JrbadiBprovd. cva.eana. SpintiTorprnUna.oa J, LAIXB. Satcidat ArrERirooBOonolj far mcn-- r fleted at J3SSMX !r a count ejed M8K. Losdos, Satcrday per TMffrapb. Ko lelncUan Is Bank ntra. Bicker'a ratea art SV per erst. GKKEBAL NEWS. Ats'dlatles bad bren accepted between Franco and I p4rBjal. Ijdia. Bombar advlcea atatn tkat tba dltannrd treP ' it" onilnii-- and bad bees nrarlj ex. lenslsated. Tbe rsnS-.m- il arrlTled antes tbelltb In it Tbe Atlantic Cabto abaree were qmted at XMOgXTTO A proepeetsi bad been tilted t form a Galwar Una Iwttb a capital cf bait am, en Tbe dlCcellfce Mmd France and Porter tl warp ccn- - atdrrel In a fair war for tpsedr rettlemest. The dlisonsti In tbe Bank of Franca bad largely 1s- - creaaed. Tba Farte bonne wai alliblly lower. The panic an lbe Vienna chanre aUU costlscrd Tbe Bask ef FrasoalMt eerentees basdred tkeneand pannda Bal- l- tea had OrruelXS.CM far tea wetk The free laportallan ef Breaditaff la'o Fortntal wis he pensitad. The Spanttb and Freich Tic Oenn'o bad bees ante- - etaatel at Fetman, U htaroeee. Bserntle tseaisrea be taken to enforce latlifartlen Chjka The Brttubbad deatroyed tba Fart i at Ky" amtoo, hot apared tte tiwn. Tb United StaUi Cam nil laser, Mr Beed, wai at Sbangbai, , Tbe Grrxusf arn wai Is Canten. river. Tie MUtU- - lifpi asd Pcaiatan wrn at Japan. Bombav, September, 21 Snceeuti were repcrted over tbe f egltlvs nb-la- . Zsauxa Bales In the great races frr tba Cxara- - "Be. banJlcap waa wen by Beckd, by a teal rryweaa and the Beaver Berae ran a eead beat for tbe a.nd pUen. Tbe trad at BlnnHghia baa treat) Improved; boy era wera naaerone and p.liea Brmly matst'lsed. DUcevxta at tbe Banket Franc dsrlar tbe month ln- - creaaed epwarda ef a mHllas asd a Quarter rttrtlnr. The TiessapABUarliei from tbe fears of rpecalatora, The bask wit returns ctah partner,!. It waa reported Ibat Anatrla wCl dem Mm of the Psps reepcctlse tbe Increase array at Bme It la rsmred that the two French ships recently sent Liibon, win. pnretd te Tetnan, Candle. Farther de- - toenitratiesB aia jat tb Chrlitlins asd a general mti-stc- re was feand. Two addl'lonel batta'llsnset troops were ordered too, sell a meellsr at at cellos, Astsst lilt. Isdia The rfbeia ef Pssree were defeated on the 6th nU. Fsr emliiartee of Keaa Sahib wire captured at Gwaller, rsleavMlas to corrupt lbs native troors. Tbe cnlprtta were ixesed. Tbe Owallorrebeta were asaln defeated en lbe ISthct September Renewel alarm ex-- tated at Caieettai tbe treepi were constantly under arms, seven Ihensana laanrxenu were reportta is lbe prevlace ef Oal stla coaiMtnd dosbtfsl Cbiica The npnte' (acklsc of afaatca (sot Cm ten. pretimly reported ) by the British la sstrae. Tbe Obtseae are r tsrslra to Cess Eena and If acao ArsTBALiA, Aoxnit 26 A nszxet rt told, 2,100 erncea wai on exbrbltlen at Met bourne traihlatlen Jtewa. WAiniKOTOJ, Oaeber ts. Scsor MaU, the rep-.- esstativeof Gsarrxand the CesititstlossUits, haa left far Vera Cm Osr Oerersmesi Is creetderias prriect for a railroad ataeme paint oa Ihe GnJf ef CaUrsrsla, and reciprocity cexlaln artletei oi Ihe se thern f rest'er, and the neutrality ef lbe Tehanstepec raste. Mats retnrsa n!r the caete cf tie next eesilcn f Oenrrris, after what whttcan be done pretialaary lo aid firKicaratna. Some farelxn ml' Isters are cosmseleatlBC with the Slate Department ropectlst Mexico. It at p are that foreigners, gvsersll-- , e peeerited at San Lcrte de Petoli asd other places It li remo'ed that Oemmlartecer Beed vW t'-- l lsenls- - tlrn te Eertaed. Sir Gar Osietr hi net ssbsi tied the treaty with Xicaracea t osr Gsversmeet, at rep tried. It is aad Ibat Senatar Hammond has SBltedlnsss- - UIbIbb Deaflar. Kew Trk Hank tstcraest. Xcir Tori, October 26. Tbe back itateaaent for the weekabewi as Iscresee 'n Imsb cf f 667,000. of specie tl76,C60, ef dpo-l- s $l,07,e0, ttsdrawn depeslt tSM,- - 030, s deereare of ettmlattea ef 1 11,(00. Ilsve Stealer Tranblea. Kew Albabt, Ivd-- , Odbtr 16 An armed ex-- peditlau left lilt atgbt fer Brandedbsrs to rracse Horace Bsll; BeBbewevtr had been reaertd lo EHtabcthtown. Itlsvsaeied that the Kectucilans were pnpir nf to rrstit Steambaat ?tewcmb Ieat, Loeisvitxx, Cctober S6. Tbe fine steamer H. D. orremi.fretaCalro ti Xew Orleans, sink, yeiterday, at tbe feet or iitaca Tweniy-cn- e. Dae nroao is iwo. No Uvea ner bacxaie was ksl. The boat win be a loul lew. Later from Santa Fe. ST. LOCIS, OctsbrS6 Nwa treat Santa Fa if the lib baa teen received. Tbe s'cond battle with tbe Kar-- Tajeas Iedlasa Is conflrssel. Their agent baa ispended relaUeis wHb Ibea, anl saya lhat tbey bate 250,000 sheep and 6.6C0 horses, and It deatroyed, be predicts a sisosd Florida war. Fever In Hew Orleanr. Kew Obleaxs, Octaber S6. Deelba la Ibis city yesterday f rem eew fever. 45 far tb wrek, '6iiv Veiiels Arrived. Kew Oeleajis, Octcber 36 trrived ships Lls- - xle Hirwird from Uverpao', Gotten Flinter mm for. deaex, asd BrHHsnt frctn Beaten Telegraphic Markets. New OILEAHJ, October St. Silea of CitUn 6,00 bales with a firm market. Steamers news had ro effect en tbe market. Sales for Ure days 17,530 balea. Becetpta for three diya I3.OC0 balea. ftecelpta ahead ef latt year 1C7,E00 kales Flonr dell, ispertln So 25. Kew Tork bsy $16 X. TCI5CI5HATI, Oetober 16. FJonr dsll, $4 6095. Wbhky ISKC trrittrn Mess Fork $15 6). Sson'ders c Bacssdk&SK. Kew Tosk, October S6. Cettss cloeed with a declin ing tendency; sales SOCOta'ei Mitattcg Cplant II e. Mess Pork $17 Lard firm, 10Kc Cegar qsle 67C CeffjefiroaadqaletttlOSlIK. Flnr, deeUs-l- ag tendency, $( 2C&i 15, Ohio $5155 IS, Soctkern $586 15, Westera tVhlte weat till, Cera decUslaf tendency, 65A66c. Pinimi KaUrcal $mx. Fadae Mall Company $106. LAND yiISM SALE. Acres of Land for Sale. tbe FIRST DAT OF DKCXMBBk NKIT, and dar. ON at the late residence of Moses Co'lmi. dcoaaed wiwHI rell lo tbe highest bidder, the tsLowlsg aescrlDed lasdr, ijtttin Tippea ana rontetoc cosstiea. tt : 1IPPAG COtTNTT Sfcfiffn. Tnwa. Range. So9tbnite,arler .3. , 3. BaiL North hill 51, , a. SecUiweat qnartcr -- I, S. 3, 5 acrea eeathweit qr IV, 6. S. ' West fciH nrlk westqr '0, 6, X, ' ABef 1. , " Xcrtb haUcf 60. 8. I, North half of , c, t, " Nertbwrst qaarter 11, . , ABef . . . rONTOTOO OOONTT. West bait ef IS, 7, , East balf and s w or 1J, 7. I, Baatbsliaod w qr It, 7, a. " Nonhba'facqr 1. 7. 2, " Sostbeailqr IJ, 7, 4, Eaathalf 11. 7, S, " Bastbalf S. 7, sr Sestbsaitqr 31, 7. a, ' Northeast qr , 7, 8. 7d acre nerlbeait qr SI, 7, 3. " Sonlbeart qaarter S8, 7, 8, ee Northesstqnarter S, 7, a, IzOacreanwqr 8, 7, I. Sentient qr . 7, s, e Nertkcaetqr It, 7, , The above described lands, belonelsx to the estate ot Moses OolHtrt. deccaeed, ts dlrld-- d into two firms, one blEK two ml , toalhweat ot New Albaay, In Pontotoc cossty, coat lining 616 acre, with epen land ... tvralv hinda to cultivate. TbeZether Ilea Iwa ml ea rtmi nf Hew Albanv. in Ttrmh rncntr. UHel.ilT- - pi, eental2lBg300acTfa. with open lnl inCcIrat for alxti er seventy basdi. Si Id lands are la a high (tile of enlllv.ncn. asd win be sild Is qsasllUee to lilt pn.xbaser., as there la toaee of It net connected ts the rarmi. Alee, at the rams time asd clace. wa will sell lih'id of Farm Moles, seme sts.k nerats and Cattle, two Jen. jt 'fj"-- " iTl MmilV&FJ"'0" Abe, a Trrnptxe scrca mg urat, ror the una ef abost tweatv month I. Tbe terms ot sale will b two years tlateon tb lsads, sndeneyear on stl other prop- erty. Nate and approved eecxttlty will be required cf pnrthaaers. Any person wiactng to parchaae tbe Iseda ras see thern by caning en the n&derelgaed.whowlR Show the lands, anl have tbe power to ell privately. A. t . UULUA3, I. R. COLLINS. eep76-w1- d Execnters ef Moees Collins. DecM Notice. TTJ N Ooid. deceased, all persons bavlae ctalxu against Iheriiaie, are seteoy nouacu eo oiicg tarni Itr-wa-rd dsly astbecticstcd wltbla the time prescribed by i.w ; and aB nerrcBS inocoua to ine esisie, are reqcra ed te come rorwara asu Lioolv to your interest. who wllth to dlipoie ef FOTJLTRT, PRODUCERS LARD. BACON. CORN. veil, skikd vnmr. FEATQXRS. VENISON. PetBE. e- - anythisr. In short, that Is msrkttab e, wl.I Ssd It greatly to ttelr advasuge to sens sscn rmra m my care, a I have eetaNtibed as agency for the aale ef rite ion farms, tn Urgeorsma:i qnsstltles, either ts th's vlctsity or elsewhere. rtrtoais1 dttaaoewbe wl-- h to try Ihe Kempht. market, xasy 'e'y st-- having any article they may wiib ta cB. except eattn-.- , sotd by ree at tbe be t rates that cm be ercseet In the city My genersl acqsatataaca arnontth cenismericf ill kinds ef Prodsce here, my attention to tbemirtet, my cperiesce Is the Grocery scd Prodsce ba iaeaa, iH wan ant me i lying that as one ess atepaie ef enca artuse v letter adeanuge thin my. aeef , In cpnrectlcs lib the sai or Ccestry P. ante, 1 win alt tttea ts all kteds ef partbtses far the sspply cf ay ceiatrr frieaji. r. ja. cpiceb, tepISelia Gexeri! Agent, li FrcBt Saw. I jtonrtarj? anH ffinmrial KBunus daii.t appeal nmcK WESXESDAT. October 17. I5W t Mr v Inn Or the NlIcm Oct- - S : Tb Money raitxri eesltaara wer .applied, and loe er tBrei fr tto t iow rc. wittmnt faanTlatcn Thtratratr 3 to 4 ptr cent, ror iboit rrio, nlMitl imft ThBdKcomit mirkFt continue ralr at MSt VI nnt. for Intoned t ol rarer. CO a, jt to 8 n Mini, aoa o 10.1 per crct. fr onltxlvf d. Forrtca Bxcttnro n wiuitoi chanitr.oirtartithaboMiot-batkft- f 'ouiatrn Wafwaa mailt-1- . raolera atrillnf la tasted at IMHgl'OW, rd ftaaeaft ISK5 S tiotas the aili of Out.oa far hlDtilni la lcenatlca. 1h tiina drawn ualBal th'm mat iooo tome foiwart aBdreatorettTatra Biapro- - Itrattnenfalbonf tt ftrtr la ItoEcnih ha r.Urd-- I neM wiMerrtljr. EXC1I tNfiE ASP BAflK JIOTTE M3T. rOFURmXD PA1LV T TIE ATOI0 fAVIIMI l- - 8TITOT10H. U13 ond SUvtr rinj tkeSttnitri. Batof MlBrft'a.... par Back of Cos I....HI1 S al&tra, Bana...... par Bk of tba Union HU ttlitr Bart par Baeta Baak idtt ita&r or wclTn... par' atercbanla' J)k-.- .,.. Jjii Union Bask... par Ttadcra' Bank...... USUI Banker Twin.., par Bk cnaiianeoa......,w rualtra' B'k ... .. Pr farmTt' Bask, EnsxTme, Oca. Bank...... .. par 1 llltCSSBt Bk of America . 0 Oil Bank of Kiddle TesEraaee, H'tha Bk Ttnn.. .1 eiij 1 clsconnt Bank at Tarta .. 1 di Cltr Bank. 2tabTfHe.. I tfU H OT JkJWXTUlV..,....1 UilOeorcla(oMB'lil .... SdU Ekof Kmp State par Kicnanre unsn. co ui Sntb Carolina 1 X dla'aTenlnrkyBacki. Lawrenorbnrc Bask..M dli atalsEkoi isv. .IM l Sbci'v elite Bask.... lOdli atBkoflo.IKta3f Dandrl! Bask 10d!a IiOililanaOaaka H dla nk ,10dU Ultsola ard Wlaeentln.6 dla Bask of NaiETtne.... 5 at? Alabama Banka .. .,..2dia Bask of Taxewet! 3 dli M CarotlcaB'lr.. StaSdla Bank of Olatrborse...l0 dla famiera' B'k K O ..soWa" Back of Trenton.... .iddla ifortbern Bank Vim. M die Bank of JeCrraon ... .19 dla OUItrra' Rank ..Cg5 dla Bkof Fsltsn, Q Sdll MewTork V dlilOtnctsnatl KM FkUadelpbla........ X dUSt Lonla Kla noaicn x BiaiKaiumoTv.... .... New Oilraaa...... W pram AxarrlcaD Qld par LuclaTlna.... JidlaiBHrer rar la j50 Keward. of T AN A WAT on or abost thtlSlhtf July DAVJP, . Iv a alare rd M teara. of dark trJ'n ro'i .Hi .Mfh irtr m nAflndi ! abonl 5 fret 10 llKhea CA. I tllB. aomecfbla front teeth act. I wlH Eire the-- -1 anoee rewara ir apprtnnKieu obi ci idii bv ' e-- If taken la lbe state vo II a p autrer or ra 10. o3J 2w at CALVrf i.-- i 520 Acres of Land FOR SALE. LOTef BM acres of Land asd a secosd lot ."cf S00 acre, lb former lot altsated three g! andaba'.r tsllai nortbweat cf Salens, and lbaV latter adtatnlnr Dr. Garner a lisd sa Bit Greek. In Bbeltrr county ara fer aale. Tbe KO acrea ha K0 aerea ImmoTfd. and baa snos It a Eoed baUdlnr, s abira Tbe 300 acrea la snla- - srondlandof BseosalltT. rartia wusitia to pnrcsa'e win iwini imnnnui F. AKDERSOK. JtaWfh, or apply on tb presila-a- . If so rale Is en".-- d by the 16th of DKeabar, tbe waw wBI be sst at ascttaa. Tbla la a ace cpportSBliy to ae. enr eicaClent property on very aivantageosa term. Ziand for Sale. T OFFEK my tract of Land far aale, ljlsf la cestaisus rsr unn'rfa Aerea. ese nsnarea ana 'd sisal T acrea dear!, asd tbebalase well tinier- - ed. f two hasdrtd and trn acrea.l the railroad rnei near ly thronith the mM He of It. I heiretknt the place la aa hcattby aa any 1 1 the county, wltli toTer-as- ly Imrrcvemrata 1 ataeilon to elt For termi apply ta the asbacriberllvIPl oa lbe premiers. u u. suai. Tor Sale. hundred aa I tweatv acrea of land In Tipton TQRKB six mllea north of liaton'i D pot ISO acrea cleared, Ihe balance finely nabrred. Tcrma vary Alao. aq arrea en ttis uaicni., one nonarra in nl a aa" .tTvL ..f. Vf pved. wl.h f os' good csMbs, a rood f nttt bosae. Kin, ataalsa. amoxenenee, &e., asa wen aaipa to iiotk raia- - tnx. Termi e?ade kwwn on arpUcatlon. Addrcra, 5 jU3cru if WUIILCI, ocS-v- tt Sharon, Tipton cossty. Tens. Steam Mills anil lOO Acros OF LAND FOR SALE. TTTX will sell on accommodatlBS terms, oor , IV splesdM Stein Villi (both Saw and Gilst.) together wl h TOO acrea of well timbered Land,' and a leased privilege to ne timber for two years on 00 aerea ef ether lasd adjoining tbe MH1 tract. Un- ited In McNiIry county, on tbe Mcmpbts asd Charleston Railroad, asd on Tascnmbla'e fork of TTiUtla Rlrrr The tract ojctalm 60 acrea ef cleared land with comfortable hosier, and every thlsg in good repair Address iu stMeraignea ai naiamora ir uoscw. Teen. ALEIANDKB Sx RI0H lan34-w- tr Tunica Lands for Sale TnE nsdenlgned iSera for tale, a beetles cf altnatcd on White Oak ayo. fvnr mllea and a half from Anatls. It li a Xo.rvf9 1 secUon f Laid. co Tired atmoet entirely with a low beaw growth ef the large blse case, asd la far above t b httheet overflow, within tbe memory of the eldeet cttl-se- ss aoroalnted with tht part ef ih MUileaipjl bot- toms. There ate two cablsa on the tract a few acres cleared, and nearly to bsndred acres deadened, most of 11 old deeding. Terma, sis per aTe one intra caen, and the balance Is two cssal tnet almost -- tbe oee raya-b'.- e lnene, and thoUir in tiro years, each to draw in- terest at six per cent It ret sold on or befo e tbe first day cf Jansary, II will net be setd aUthe above price Jcttge Doal-- y who lltei sear tbe pdeerW Win, J. Floyd, who la aslborlsed teaell tbe Lasd, wlH stowlt to any one d sposed to psrekase, and give tbe X , Basge. &c. ai TUUJSAJI o. WUtlUWAliU. Two Hours to Memphis. SBderslxaed are dee'ross to sell spwards THE 400 acrei ot eie lent lasd in the soa'h- - eaat carn-- r of Tipton cessty, two mites srtb of Mason Cero!. on th Memnbls and Ohio Sallroad aljetslsg lbe landa of CoL Geo. T. Toler, R. B. Eomer- - vute. Eaq , sad othera ; its acres cleared, tne raesi or which la lren, navisg nern ciiarea since iooi , ine nu- ance level, rich asd we 1 timbered. Tbe lmpreveaMBta consist of an exarfest Fran.c D 'etUae; with Are noma bslt s lice r 51, a larie frame Cinllgi Home, gjd Keen Cabins, with brick chtmsrys, ant all ether ne:e-aa- ry ont boBea, In goed repair. A Urre reach and ArnJeOrebard cf cboicfrslt: a "Well of exceRent wa ter; an exc-lle- range for stock, a0MBg plesty of wa ver an ice year rosea reresns wissinx to paiae sseha placewonlddowelltolookatlhlaaawe are se"1. F.r terxs and fnrther pa'tlcnlari address the nndnslgntd at Sbarrn Poet Otao. Tipton coonty.Teon. ANK W, BHADSHAW, a 4. xa.jniva'iA". X B. If deslrd. tbe sfck of nays, Catle. fin Fodder, He , win be sold with the sbave place I will I02K acrea or good lead IK mile nrth el Mempbl i, adjoining the laBds of B. Branch. A. B. Tailor and F.Tavler. of tbla SO acrea are la cslttvatlen and a very bold spring or retnalkably cold water wltbla M yards of the dw I'lnr. Fr rnrther partlcela'a, adores B. J. IHAV3UAW, Ageni, aeiTT-w- lf FihamB P. O. Tpt n t , TeBn. A VALUABLE TRACT OF at Land for Sale! IN DESOTO COUNTY, MISS. TTAVlKG psrchaied a farm la ArkaBiae river . JJLI bottom, aadbelrgd-alros- t,eoKratetbl'h e' tola Fall I now .ler my pantatlcn cestalBtsg t 130 acres, on whleb I sow leelde. en tte re- - ten reed adlag f rem IloP, gpnsgi ti .Itikca. Aik acd I two mllea rat ef the allssleelrpl end Tenoeai.a Callrcad and three miles from CoMwater D Tot, which is thirty mllea from MespUa. The luc; hu ebnt 100 acres cearrd os It , Eeirli 100 of which are fresh, ail is a coed atateef celtlratlsa. asdas Use a farm si key tn thla or Lelibbotbou! TeleraMy rood dwelilsti, ged n'XTocabini. a arocgln and mill acd oth r , a good etitern kelduig 45 1 bbls. if water, asd thies r fa.r good sprtngi The eocielr la ins nelzhberhcen U as zooa ts any is Kcrth Mlsilsslrpl. Several Ohsrcbn s d Reboots la the Beiabberhood. It Is as pteasast and desirable a place as anv In this cmntrr. alio as healthy as any la North Mle si slpsi The tract con'd be divided ro cl to make two eettkEjentac-nlti- r necessary. As I am reeling lbe mosey 10 msxe a psysust on my Arkansas perches', I will ttke 5000 cash for tbe wbete tract, gls ml mid lctindcd ir 1 win take $6900 ta tare essal initiimests. Ills intce8 try, as laneis or no neuer caaitiy is in neigseoraooe are held at from $!6 ti tS5 per acre, bst I am determined U aVI, and IberetM etr-- r t iesi lndnctmeat te p rscas rlblcc ti locate la Notts Mtlif lrrl. to can anl exam ine ror ibemseirea beiore pnrcnaaing etaewsere. 1 hive a tract f 80 acres on the same road, fire miles ra t cf this, for sale at $0 per a r- -, teleraMyweilbBp'eved, Tbe whole, li set rrcvioatlysold, I will le i to tte high est Slider, en accownooaung lenas, at anc'.un, es MOKD AT, tbe lS.b day 1 f next November on tbe nrem- - lees. Alromy firming nirULi, trn. Fodd r. uoau hold asd Kitchen Far ltsre, and s portion of ray stock. Also tlx share ef $59 each la tie Mississippi and Railroad. For further rartlcilars. address tbe ssbierlber at Xlm Grore, Mlta. irii-w- i & u. susruns. OLttt EXGIaISII HOOKS AT Cleaves & Vadeii's. rpHR LIFB OF LORENZO DB MEDICI; By Wm. X Boiooe. MEMOIRS OP C6UNT GRAMMONT; byCocatHaxi- - 1'tca. THE W0BE3 OF DRTDKN; new first cillected, lil ni trated with Note. Olitortcil, OrHkal asd Explanato ry, ana a uie or ine Aainer, cy waiter scett. T.v. 18 volt., fine cepy, fell tree calf, SO.CO. Loaiun,186S. "Eta command f lasgsagewas lnmen-e- . 'VTUhblm died the secret or tie ed poetical dleitoa of Esglaad tte art of prndsilag rich ffeca by facnlllar wads. The tosghest and isost kno ly parte of langssge brtarse odo tlle at his teoch. 111. versinraltea la the asrse rsasarr. while Utava ibe first model ot Ibat aestaeas asd p eels-le- a which the foQowlsg generation esteeaed a high y. exEintira aiise aama lime ineiaii example, er m nesa, freedom, f .nd) variety ef pece asd ca eace Ha waa, perk.ere.tha greatest of thee whom we have aesignateaaa txte crtucu poet.' Ldinbare Review, KBIBUHR'3 UCTtrRKS ON THB niSTORrOPnOMB, from the Kartleot Ttaea ts lbs Fall ef the Western Empire, edited by Dr. Leoibsrd Bcemltx; recoeri edi tion, with from the Germaa edltm, t vets. ova. cioia. liOnacn. NBIBUHR'S LE0TDBE3 ON ANGIBNf niST .RT, from the Earliest Times te the Tiklsg of A'exandria byOctavlss; csmprlelsg the nu:ory of ike Atlstlc Natless, xryplIiBi, Greek!, Mscedonlass. and Car tbartslaas; trasa'ated frem tbe Germin rdltlsa cf Dr. Marcs Nl- - bahr, by Dr. Leonhard Schtaltx, with Aaaiuens asauorrectiesv, i vols, bvo, dels. London. NKIBtTHR'S LECTDRK3 ON ANCIENT KTONOGRA- - PUT AND GEOGRAPuT; cctnprlelng Gretreindter ooloniea. rpirss, Msceaesia. Il yitcom. Italy. Oinl Spats, Britain, the North ot A ft lea, etc ; translated frem lb German edltlea of Dr. later, by Dr. Leonbud Scbmttx, with Additions and Carreetlscs from hu en MS. Notes, 3 veil. Svo., cloth ssr. it. j. Rose's nkw general biographi cal DIGnoNART; live'.. Sec, calf, 450 con- - tun ovctzu,uuu Anicics utmotu Thl. baa bees most carelnllr cdlUd and coesdled bv asie aca ezjeriesc-- a wntera la every orpittnvnl of Bl ograpby. asd Is Intended to ssppty a deficiency in osr Ut- - erarsre wsKn sia not extaiea aisce ua completloa of "Chalmrra." which, after a lapse cf forty years bat Decocae neany ooaoieie. isis w. ri, rrom the great vs. rlrty aad extensive range ef Its contents, resit tr ac knowledge! as a most isvalsabie addlUea ta (very psb-- uc ana private iiarary, aa a cesox or reference asd a repertory ef lstomatlss and amcstmeat for all ttiesee of reader. t TIIITBLOS'S COLLECTION OP STATE PAFERSt cos. I Ulslng AsthrBtle Memorial ot Eaglish Affiln, frem I UBiounnaumira er uane n., lta I Ufe, by t?ois Birth, 7 vela folio Loudim,17l3. I ' Theae 8 tite Papers form an cxctUect LUUrycf En- - I rape daring mil period, ana are atosce a praot or Thar- - loo's abUltlea ea a sta'eeman asd bis exoeliesce as a wri-- 1 ter." Granger's Biograptteu History. S'ZP. tJ . "t TODSR ' NAPOLEON Bis own HISTORIAN, aad Ufe of Us Cases; lied. 8r., W cf. Leaden T. LITICS- - ROMAN BISTORT! with tb Snppleieent cf Joha Frelasbeim, 8 vats. I2mo.. old calf. Elln - barxh.liei. RXPOrV OF VHB DEBATES IN THE PARLIAMENT In lhKei.ln ne ITU. wi.llv.tA th. r,lfen.l. nn. cf Dab.ln, 173 SCLLT8 MEMOIRS; Prtm MlaUter ef nenry tbe ureal, e vol or.., ca cir rrSJ, BLKSSINGTON, C0DKTF.F8 Tb Uterary Ufa Bd uorreiponsetce or. by R E. Madden, 3 vo!a. Svo., clitb. Leaden AN ACCOUNT OP TUB CONSTRUCTION OF THE Britassia and Oosway Tnbslar bridges ; with a com pMenliterve their Proxreee. Br Wm Fulrbilne. TREDGOLD ON TBE STRBrlntn OP HAST IRON KEMOISS or THB LI i Eu ART AND FniLOSOFIIICAL Bocieiyer siancoeater. PLANS REFERRED TO IN TnE RjepOKT OP TTtE uomcuuroers appointed to Inquire Into the Appllu- - uos os iron u aaiiwav Btrostnrei THE W0RESO ALGERNON SIDNET. FOBTBAirs. MEMOIRS AND AHARACTERS OF RE- -. msrkab e Peraisa, irem the RrroisUos la 6S8, to lb. Ed ef th R-t- of Girie II BrlmixelAntfl Jt. nisToar of the btzahjine axd greek, em- - pirea or usorge rimer. THE TRUE INTELLECrOAL 6TETEK OF THE IJNI verse ; wherein all the asd Phlleiapby of AU li confnted. and Italmpwiiouiilr. Drtsrtrtrsted. w th Trestle E ern.1 and Imnistable Jterauir .J AJH VSQWFrui; . I I rvi saie oy leruu-cat- Cleavpt is. 'agent, For Bent. ' ; ' . nieunilln.1-..- . , tt.u .u.t ... x..-wi.n- .. n.,tn M street, ard salted fer s Tae Grsrerv and Ccaaiiitn or Dry Goods Bails en. For lemt. fit. tppiy at irs Man siren. setll-t- f uEMrRis DAlLif ArrBAL omci, I wzoiitoAv, otoi n. ISM I CoTroa Tb markrt w Wnably .Ut Tt.mOjT, tot tbaamoaot 10 d wai not 10 lr9 i on acme da;t lul wrtt Wo Bare rrported to v't f.63 UIra tti4 ia-Ur4- T. aodWba!! atlOX, 103 it II, and 1M at aoM'arttr tot rrport mid bit cam, 00 Jtaodav t. let 'roararufeiatxnr laat'a4Tiace xt H wai T- - tTf ipdr ih; roKnt Slur . churtcs fro-- II H to ItK,aifcUovSilICatOK.llatlOX, 601 t II, C0tJlI.:, l&latUK. 8atH-lS,.- at HX,eal S3 at 1IH, 18 at 41i ,7S5 balta wereeld below fix. and 10J above It 5 In olhf r wid, wh'lle rii tHei were iiii btbw tta rrJtct prior, at tin rate, and abna lt'.SSbilnwaroiold. "To do not alWoar qooUtloni, bt onblde Rtzm arob tn'ltf wa. lnfnl .7 a7li I0VO10S Ordinary ......... 18) B eoodlflddllne, &tnt Qjod Onllnarj.. Xlddllnj Pair- -. 11 V eil H LowUldJHnt....t3 ($10 M fair US16IIX VBrpte'iCt.jho ObI BVUnaijeitrdar.'fnlrpw. Ale'ioicaiil SUitj, alaanla, OiTawir II, wigieasscttjSS. . , Tne iew uneaaa cm nipecUsg mercantile natten : Tha wMk now drawls to a cioa) hat tea one of eos- - tlrud actlrt'r Is tte Cotton market, thmb at attll eatler ratea. wbBe a (od baalaaaa kaa bean dine In Sa- - ar and Afolajaea, tnonia priwii mr ui lauer save IS (JrWt)et4ltnomlt(Illl,cjullaJ mardi prtua.aat rravlaiens are Hill qnua onu jtuicou sia oeen in more arttrorraneil. bnt rrl' " 'IU ke(t aecrrt to tbe prtncipil tranuctlo- - a. COTTOX TfiOOWOana waarwiBBira wits conaioera. bte rnlrlt In tba earlj part of tin week, ant thinib only SEOOSakactiinefdbaJidaenOatoidar, tte baMoeaaof tCocdar rracbei 11,000, asd Ibat ef Toradir i.OCO balra, prlcea b--li r He. eaater for btjera la moit IniUncet, lb bawbdoalntwllb more Annuel after In noeptlon ef ikenArl'l'a al'lte. cn tbe lUr dar OB TTidneadar ao 7.C0D aa'ea ebasstd handi, at atlll carter rataa f . r tbsnrdlim sradVa, ud reatcrdir fcDj 12.00), tirrora'ir eratea. ibonxb wth n esotabla ckasee Io-d- wltb reoeral demacd. tbe rata asm cpIIJOO baKa tsaxtss n ioiai ior vi uuHinfvua It far lbe larttit bnalcrai tbsi tar tbla vaaoa. Tie market cloaea eaar at osr qnotalloni, wblch lie V attnllewerXorddUnztbanoatblidi7weck. Tbe pnrchaita tare been malnlr for Great Britain. France, tba ontlnmt f Bsrope, at a me xiarin Wfft rt. Vvnorta. Iimi time. 2TR71 fctVi TIcrrit. u Ihe rerelpte at alltbe UaKed 8U:ca pcrta. ly, as cunpare. with laat year, ZSi.DOO ba-c- tnrerlor. A A IH I MldJltrf 11M0I1K Ortmry 8W 4SX I Good JIlMUsc. (312 Cord Mtdd'Ut Fair... Low Klddllnx .. IlMKII.t I ratr ts Stock en band I it SeptitoberJ fffS8 balea SO.Tl Kmrrd ....... ........... 9 435 BecrlredpTloaaiy .......i.,..ji-,T- i XS9.7J1 ExporUdloday ... lt.130 Exported prevlesiry ...IC3.663-lI9.7- kS ltock s band sot drared.... bales.. 113,SEJ TOia'cco Sales free at anotatlosi: Lvsi 6. leaf inferior to fair. CM U1H. Bee SS), choice OlarksvlHe SKAI1. 8tk on basl, U,Ki. 8U0AB. bereaaii?en a fair icasiry mil lriu, wblch baa tatea tff tht cartect ncalxta enlte xeaddy. and at pretty rd prlcei nr dottss qs ta- - tlcm cetex as foiiowa i commas ets. rair te rmiy rair SXtjUK orisie and choice 77M, on'-rifcf- at.d clarl nlHTH Toe wriR-- a aaie are aconi i ouo ssaa., tsCndiax ISO to diy. at caller ptlca. Wetk'a receipt! 1,673 bhda , ezpjrta 61 dj. Xolasses. -- rrtcea have Ure a!r fall's off tbla week. 'wedniada to SSgSO . ? aal on. bst te-d-ar tbe colsf ratea are aic. f a:tjD. ror crime ana cnue. is tsu. asd balf bbia., which li an Improveoest. Wcek'i re- ceipt! 3,68 1 bbla ; ex porta 461 do. CorrxE. Aaosecueo of s.oco bca fthe octavu) baa been a' Id. to arrive, at 10 He tbe bsitSfiathif week Las been qnlte larre, tbe lalea asmmtni sp 9,669 sac, atarasxeef loSlOKforerdlaaryJoritr. asd 10H6UX atd 11 he for txd filr ta'prteie And cbolcs. Twj ei toxetber 7 150 ban rrctlved tbla wtek. Stock ,63 ban, Katost 119,000 at the laae dito last jttr. MEJirlllS PAICE CURREMT. jL9iao...,lj9la batting, 2311a.; Kentucky Haa' Loob. I5SI6SC.; Cestecky Power Locei I6911C BLAcuna....8s)aa betH, $9t 50 Ijttoie, e9My W groes. 8orrEr....Mo, iiseiJHi oato 9h CBAClEm.. ..Water, $1; Better, $4 0 Soda, $5 Tt tex; Jccir, $1 U; Soda, $1 60 ft box. CcaiLaT....Lonlavaie Hydranllc, $V 0031 SS, and Newark, S 756100. actDLXS....Sterl2021c fib. )r.DE....MaaWi SUM; ttotteo, 2Jenu. fisn.. ..Mackerel, balf bbla. No. 1 $1 50 bbK No. $17 M ; bbla No. 3 $11; bait 1Mb No. 2 $3 50. FLOun....3Tp"rsn;,$6 OOSt ; City Kxlra. (6 75 $7 CO; St. Iym'.a Extra. $7 75$S ; Knexvl Is, $3 60 6$3 75. J. Glass. ...(Per box f 50 ft.) Preach Win lew, 8x10, IJ153 50; 10x12, $2 60Q. Pltftieesh, xll, J the C$J U; 10x12, $2 5Se?l SO; bis amrowDEB....Xestscky BJSe, $4 25475 It keg) Klnlng, $1755 50. bis Inon....Tcnneisice, (Osmberiand bar) 6M1. V B.) faoasyrraraa (PlttsVcrgh bar) S H 4 He; Castings, (hol wsr 45c. LcATaxn....$eles at helesal for eilrtldg, ie HijJlieneurf.TIgl c ;OskSce,Ko 1, 23311c.; rjeni-to- ck S4te,:6 3i8c.; t BrMJe Leather, $SOia 4oaan;Dpper Leatber, SUtotwp dosen. UME....Obio rlva$l IO$l 35 Alloa and St. Oe-- f nerlevi $2 CO. UanoRS....OH Bosrbon Wblsky, $1 60V gallon; 0M Bye, $1$2; Old Beservc, $I$I 66; ImlUtlos, 19c.; Irlth, $2; Cemmoa Rectlfled WbUky,2t to lie; Dexter'a. 23U: I Peach Brandy, $ Tsatl; Apple srasdy, $1 75$$7. LrAD....Bir,7Kf'ic. ft , LuasEB....PIr, 12M; Cypress, $16, renew Pine, roogV, $16. Pine PloctlRg, (Mi dear While Ptae. $50; 1st Ceosaoa Pise, $15; 2nd do, $25. MOLAtlEi... Old, 15916c; balf bbU , 272V) Hew, 40:; bill tbll. 44945. flOMB'l !BO!eTlE....8SC jt B. Naval Stobes... .'Spirits Tarptstlee, 61865:; Tar $1 0$$l 5), stnsll atd largs bHi; Km In, ....; Oaksm Krrrs....PtcaB lStfl.; Atmanda, Soft SbeBa, 20 tic; Bird Stella, 12615:. Nails. ...JU591 E0?te. 0tL....Ueed, $l0ai,2S; Lard Oil 8i; Caster 1 50. rxovisiotis....Baceo, 0:eir 81'ca. 8Hg9V; Bib Si'1ea,SH 1 Shoulders, 7&7X. Laid, iabUs. 10 10Xe; kegs, VHQllH- - Mess Peik, nominal. PAFEB,.... Wrapping, (Oc.Q$t fi ream. ,Hce....4M$5c. V B- - Borc ipsa, s (tSc; Machtne,7KSHc. Salt.. lets. Coarse, $1 10g$l 16; Pine $1 48 Jt . -- lH,l al 59 forOaarso, asd $1 75$I 80 forPlse. Silesult lnloti Iron lis tin; are being made $1 for Coarse, anl ft 15 for Fine. Shot.... Drop. $2 00; Back, $2 402 60 ft en dC0AR ...blTe declined. We newcisets Choice, t )llc; Prtse, ffe , Fair, 8H38K; aarlCed, Uh 812X1 tar, IStSIS; Crashed, tslt; Pawdcred, ltaI5c. ft r Somi em ill lots of New Ssisrs ro'd Cbie yHIOorprlxe, S VK ; Fair, BWg8.SC 3rin!.... Peeper 4e. ; Clnsaaes. 4T55IR; ctovei. J&it i Git.&er,8; S.iM, H15ct 3TEEI...-.HiTJi- tei:)ji. 71 ; Germaa, III' r&rUee34fr, 18c; Arsencaa Bliter, lec.; Cut 25c. It eds ...Oanrr, $6$IS; BrseOrass, $30092 25; lewotl '. f 4 50e? JA; asrdsgraw, 23$'l 25; -l, 1 S09S4; Orehcrd. $1 75 lkiivOLXS....(t r'$t T:n....nl7b-i- . 8. $I2 25;X $11; Block 40c TEA....1mrierli: 75c.;2; Ocspowder, 5c31 1 fesag nyeoa, 76c $l 60; Black, 15e.$I. ToBACCO....merarl, Keatecky and Tenneee, 20 lac ft; Virginia, KXai$l TT7t5E....I718c ? ft. V15EOAJi....Pnr White wine. 75t Tl fallen; Pare Apple, $I0T)bM Chemical, $t 60S$S FBODCCE mlEE CDRRE.M. COB ECTED DAILT BT B. II SrlCrB, AOIST, 51 raojrr bow. APPLE.,, gl iO 5 1 CO i barrel BAC03....Rlb Sllea 8Wgi Clear Sldea sk10c; 3boaMers. iH&lci Const y rjins, II 12 He; Cin- - vaisrd Qims, 13SI4:? 6. StrTTEB....Crealry Extra, 35c. ft) CenntryFsir, 11330c; Extrs Western Reterve, I5e. atA33....Vsvy White, $1 35 per hnahK. Bb is. . ..T"5oc per cwl. In ilATTLX....0nft,4d5Hc. aett Cabbaoe....$10 05111 60 11 bsalred . 00BX....ISackF, 80,6. Cheese... .sai'c tl . CntCKESS....3 75t M T doier In dnind. DrttID FBOlT....App-e.- , $IO0$I 31; Praebw peeied t 00e 0; nrpeeied, t 75$J 00. Dccxj....Vta-covy- , oop-rpu- r; acguo, ts '.0s per pair Ksss....!0S35c f iVoien FLUD3....IS sacks, Ssperdae, 13 Cog I so; cons- - try Bxtra Fam ly, 3 08 U 00 ; In tKs., 7 C0g7 0. FATrrEBJ....Goose,40e343c.'B B. Tou.vo Geese. ...10 lo 50c each. Hides. ...Hist, 13M14:; Grees, lirer b; Dry Salted, 13811 He ; Green Salted, 6c f UAT... tndtoilid; RetaU, )Uf3 per ten. noHIXT....$3 COgtl 60 T tnsbeL Iatd... Cms ry Leaf Ko.I, lOSUc per ft; la kegs. I331JC- - MEAL....Cenntrr, 7'75-l- a demand. MOTTO....Onfo t.Ke.1 $1 5 9,1 00 per teal. OSIOSI. ...75890 1ba bet; Sett. $1 00 13 bnl tel. OATf....I7Cperbcsbe!-l- 3 demsod. PXAS... -- Tills, $1 OOgH 69 T bsihel. PEA!trrri....70c.l pertnihel. Potato E.....S we t, t99Cc tastel rlilsb, Nortb era. 11BI lOperbcaiel. F0M....0nfoc4,Gcp-rB- ; Mess, ais ootsie w 7 bbl., wholostle. RTE... .No demand Tallow... .ec ptrponni. TcaaiM.... 40350c. per bntbel. TcRKET....0:d, 1 1, In demand. Wheat... .Seaing at 70 to POc. per bnibei. Wool.. .. Wished, ?6e; Unwashed, t 'mc GAME....Vcnl!OS, 8e6i Bear, lOglJc; Dacks, Mallard" $1 CO t? dens; "Teal," $1 00 doxeoj Sdslrrvls. SI 15 ds.; rar.rwges, f t ou as; Tnrieys .75-- - I CO. r n t. ihire rates ere the wholesale prices cf a sad and merchant Jble articles ; when the sals la by ro- ta I, additional price, will be rtqolred; If Inferior, a propottMsala dliionnimnii n ium: iu imyu. HUFUS SMITH, RECEIVINC, FORWARDING, AND COMMISSION MEHCIIANT, AND General P r od ii c c Dealer, No. 29 Madison Street, Memphis. aiteaile given lo tbe sale ot every .Pjp7Sa otProdnce extT Cotton. Also. Agest for H. v wiri.IAVV WAGONS, FLOWS, WHEBLBAR- - lnnvq a. I w.....e.TnerlenceintbeFrodncellne. I flit ter my- - I self tbst 1 cao give tm,tpf.'n ?f vl!!? I wfcn ntr riTBT me Wi.a w cbasta generallr. MEDICAfii BOOKS. WATSON & BEARD, 111 Mam street, nave jnsfc jeccirni aa.eiecnaiT Net ef MEDIOAL BOOrS. wblch tty M iellsg very low- - Also, a as enter of new aat tclrMV- - UitpsbacatlcB EeUgicns. UterirysndBc-sntls- c octs in Dr. J. B. Gentiv,. well known ocausi ef rranuori, aaaaBat. THE lhat be wm SExTbV- - T.i rlnnbaevJUrs.. on tso 1Mb (exactly) (('TW' v,Mnt,f. in-- rrciiltr fnsr feczttbs. After . which ha wtu seay au nun mnuu.., K..ieinr llir.b I6.1e53e fc'.whlch lint, and place ha ,11, beprerared tsatlead ta aUlniies c( lb eya. Tbe rjetor is aiiaprepai w ...u uucuib taipcuoiu u enrdceJ otwatteai pertaining to tbeeyq, ai wen u treat te niirmiuonia iv. HrrtBTo Gov Morebead, Hon. 3. J. Crittenden, Trail 'erl. E J H 0. Wtatersalth, Memphis,- - Teaa.l lireji nisio, .itor jacasiau Appeu;deail O; r. Jasae. Marshall 'casaty.MUt.l J. L. H.l I Tcm!lo,Gl-n'ar- , uoa, lean nooi.' uieua, ,i... f Jaaratsbaris. Masiinrilaa. FTeMia.PJBrwmrEi. T. , .. . :aslllsgnl.aupeyvjiiia- - - jciwpvss' t I OK CASrSByoea Lcalon 3rter, eraart anJtUiU, (tej lor St.. tn.Ul O'iiBrffHAfigJJ. Atrial cjofos. To Mothers of Plttsbnrgh. WOULD yes arpty pelsoss le tb dilliat hervonaceal. tn$ f lbs atooeca. fer 'lest dtflcalty lite. Fehn, 1 broken brent, a pilnfo'l iweiUos, e? BrJn meica Then de not gin polaocwai Direct Ua artl liritalisg drags to year chad fir Crvsa. as, bst 79ly DEGaATn'a Xlecibic Oil., and If It dsa't esrs tb Crasp toon day, ceme totbssfflte asd get $59. Trtaelpal cQce 29 Sooth Eighth itrrel, PhHsdelrtla. Tbll OU will lake est a Vera la 20 mlnstes. Tbi Great Bexaedy caa be had of the aseat her CnABCLEB a Co. PrM,25eBta,aO(BUaad$l a That BvQTjrlJBitr flays Must be True. VXbavt biard bat en epbalen tsfeaaMkl t lbs cej-- llavl rAqo'lABCTIt Xiarisresnr. II U ssireraally prcnasc-- d to be tbe best listmenl n lb world fres- - rlsglUieanitUa, Scralss, Eroises, Kearalgla, PiIit, Sor Breasts, Tetter. Blaxwers, and B dUeases of the Skin It la also aa Infants reaecy rar nearly sit which aslmalaar ssbjeeted, ipceUlly heraea aad xasle. BrsaaArctleLlBlmeatUfwr salecT H reepecUMe DraggiaataroagtestthtcoaBlry. Fever antl Ane a ttnlhte disease. Of "ail the MM Ibat Stab la heir te," U la tbe faintest is H first maslfeatatlaea, the tnsat ssrsleBttBg la Itapregreas, aad lbe meat denial of 0. medical sklH. Fever aad A gee I tatro destrsrtive ef Ufa than ooeunmpllou teessie K is mete e titty ladoced. aad therefere more prevalel It mills its victim! for tbe grave. Mle aa exreatleBe.'s bead. Diy by day. iBOerar grow weaker iM weaker, aad each bear doea he fear a itreeg eeasebnaseas ef appreacblsg lbs tomb. We have aald thit the diieaie ts ore if tbs which bss nearly alwaya defied medical aeieaee a few caieioBcesBlawbnekivief beea cared asd repertM. We are hippy le aineasce Ibat Dr. J. ni tetter, ef PllUbargb, bas prepared a ajmpmcd that Laa never beta knewa to fall la caring lee waiat rates oT this tcr- - rib e disease. We reocemisenel Dr. J. BosTETTEB S Celebbated Bittebs to iiSfrmg humanity generi;- - ii a ssre aad speedy speetse. For ills by Prsgglata, aaat dealers generally, erery-Wher- e. oc274twawlw To the Public nnd the Afflicted. DB.. J. WIIIT2 la dary gralefal fer tba confluence aad patranacecr tbe ASUCtett, beatawed spoa him fer more thin 300 ml'ca areesrt Memebis. Many persona visit tbe city, dtilrlas; his adrlee aad remedlne, oa In- quiring for bla etace of ths who do not know that there arotweDrs White Is tbe city, are d'rected to Dr. J. S. White, or thl AWrithic K M scaoej prof'lllen. Neith- er cf aa dealrlag the legMscaale pa Welti of lbs other, Dr J. or Jaaa White leeme Hawary asd proper for bias to adtl.e the pabllc aad tbe aa beted that bis OSes aad Medical Depot 1 en Cales atreet, cext deer te Messrs. F. Line 4. C'.'l OatUw led Haute This U a branch of Dr. J Wklt Otsctaaatt Medtca InaUtsle," chartered by Ihe LegfjUtare ef Okla, and be sew nader tbe charge f Prof. 1 B, WhlVeesere, aa able Chemist. Drngglitaad Pin I'll la at E6 Bresdway. Vy nmedlis are prepare 1 at the IsstHate from ray farm0-- U'.byDr. Wbltteaa, l a3 their erlirsal psrlty they a ay be hil at wbe:ale aad retail; a'sobypre. salptloa, with the able advtea ef Dr. WhHtemore. Dr. Joha While, oa Galea street, sl aKegrther InNa-tar- e's remedies. Then remedies, aettag la specific harmony with the Iawaf ;e, rarely faBta arrest atd permaseallycare the mist farmMaMe dlKsua chronic and acate aad a llajartes, Acaea aad Talna wherever located Thsle ceap'ete rernvsttea of the entire orgsE- - Um, iteilUyretilrUgaU tb waster, aad baHdlsgcs ibessUr ayitem; the extraereisary cores which tbay qatckly perfrai la all eretntry casei aed caeipUecatcd aad isveterate diaeisas wbea persevered la prove them iteatly aspcrlcr to asy let of ttls reentry or Europe. DB. JOHN WTHTB, uatea street. Memphis. Tax Collector's Xotice. AFTSR the 15 h of thspracfnl Death I caa be fsacd at the hosse ot Messrs. Wb &. Rawltaji, Main street, from S o'ctcck A sr. tmtH 2 r. at , whre It win glee me pleijare to wilt npon aad rate exraesUy reijarst lb(m ts sstUe by tb 16th December and aave trouble and cost. J W. B07ST8X. Octaber 14tb, IR53. eclS-dl- w RemoTal. E CnADWICC takea tUa fp- - tselty te tesder his a acknowledgmenta te bl relay friends aad csstomers far ef Hbertl patresage they ksve extended lo hua stsce a Jjnia la Memphsa, anl a villi hlmieU cf this 00 caeleo to Inform them tad thepMiethathhaereeved Isssracce Odce to lb roea fonaerlj occxpled by tbe It Sonthces Baak. oa the west Me of Mala street, second drer soath ef Madlsoa, wh're he wtH te hippy to iffjrd the them any f,el!lly In bis III tor the protection of ttelr property. lie Hitlers hlssetl f at tbe csapasle be re- presents (with as aggregate cash cspftsl ot over TBBSB A!D A HALV MILLION tor DOIXAR3.) areaeeendte Bene la tbe Onion In tbe aecsiMr they offer, and the alraeta with which they settle aad the prwpteesa with which they psy their lesaes. It I with ptesssra that hi refers lolhet Howlsc Hat f (he he has tbe wl honor te represent. Aetna Inssrasce Cvapisy. eaib eapttal. $l,(Ot,0C0 Homiinssrancecoccpiav,N x. tfiO.COO te nirterd Vtre Isscraace Coaapaay, 500000 Ftceilx Iassraoea Cos) piny rpp.oco Cbsrtrr Oak Plre ft Matte las. C , " JO0.0CO Charter Oak Life InraaeOe. " 450,000 Kaickerborker 1 He I eraBce Os " 200,000 Policial Usaed la Ihs ahive Oeesniiiei 1 at Hkcrsl terms as asy f eail rapeulkwHy. ecl7.1n J. JS. GHADWICK, Ac at. Burnett's Cocoaiuc. COMPOOKDef Oeeea.Nat OM, etc, fer dreiilrg the Hair, rer efficacy ad aATeeaMeaess, It Is wltheat a rival. It prevtnti the Hair from faMing off. It promote t ilt AWy one! tigertut grovlh. It it not greaty or tlitlty. It fares no dUagreeabtt er. It e.lrut the Hair when hard and dry. It toothtt the irritated nalp skin. It offordt the richest Itutre. It remaim longest ineffttt. It cotli fifty ante for a half battle. Burnett's Cocoaine. X single application readers the Hslr (ee xeatter bow stm asd dry) aoft asd ileasy fer a.vsrsl dryr. It Is conceded by iH whs have seed It to be thl till and cheapest Hair Dreuimg is Me trerfi. rrefan-- 4 hy J03ZPB BUBNETT &. 08 , Settee. KJTFarsa byS HAie.riELO K Oo. asd dealers geseratly. ecll-- 1 tw2m E. F. OOOBE & CO.. (accessor, to Thrall 5i Co.) WHOLESALE ARD RETAIL DEALERS III LIGHTNING RODS A very aaaerler article, with ALl, '1 HE LATE IMPROVEMENT. Leave order with GOODTBAR. KNAPP On. . Ne Post office Block, er address X F. GOODS. CO- - mr!t-!- r Memphla. Tena All Those WIIO are .aided with say cbrealc dlieaio cetuldered Incurable, will receive a Letter gtvtxg teferaitltn which win leunte a speedy aad permaaeat care by asd- - lag leelr namea and oa itasap (to p cpaypta'age) to Dr. E. B. FOOTE, the ceirbraledCbreste Phyrldas. and aather cf " Medical Ootaaua Seaee' Para'cgi 5primes. New Tork. ifnU-diwl- Edmondson & Armstrong, Wholecale asd Retail Pe tiers Is HIDES, OIL AND LEATHER, no. an main STSxxT, Opposite Court Square Sign of the 3r eo 1 d o n StlrruTj, UBPconataatly en bead a fall assortment of articles Is their line, consisting In part ef French aad Americas Calf Skins, Hemlock asd Sole Leather SxlrtlEgj.narntis, Bridle, Wax asd Xtp Upper Leather, Xsaaelrd and Patent Leather ef an klBds; Fad, Hog, Cbamols, Deer, Using and Teppisg Slim Also, a fsl aaaortaent ot ZaddUra', Shoemakere' asd Taanere' Tsols&c. Saddlery Hardware aad tlim-- ei MotsUscs of variety to wblck we reopoctfallv Invite tbe attention ef persona baying s osr tine. Saddles, Harness, Ilridlcs. &c. WB are sow Jsat rrcelelsg a fresh end wee1 sefKled lock otgoodl In this Xae. atieli a. "ADDLES, (RID!. HARNESS, OOLLARS, QAMBb, WHlPfl! WAGON HARNESS BRIDLE P1LI.1NB8. R0RS3 OOVitRS. SABDLB BAGS, ETO BTO. BTC. Or ETE&T TABiy.TT. An of which we wlB eg at the very iswtat market rale. PM0ND8ON It ARMSTRONG, No. 147 rfala street, ae39-dtwaw- sua of the Gerden Sttrrnp Bands! Bands! Bands! WB keep casstaatty oa bead a fait assortment ef both KsihlavSlretcbrd Leather sad GIN AND MILL BANDS. f allslxe. Irons two to sixteen Inches la width, asd as we are the A seats of the maasf astarers, can eeHthexs al low a. they caa be feand la Ihe market, aad gsaraate them lobe ef tbe beet qsaHty made. EDKONCSOX A ARMSTRONG, Xo. an Msla street. ly stga af tte GeKlen Stlmrp. Hides! Sides! Elides! WB are prepared at aay tteae to psy the H1GE2ST MARKET PRICES, la CASS, ts DRY HIDES, SHEEP AND DEER SKINS Shipment! solicited, to which w premise ear prompt asd special atteatiea. KDKONDSON It, ARMSTRONG, No. 2 Hilt street, Bbrc ef the Golden 8Urrtp. TENNESSEE MARIfiE AND FIRE ISSURAIItE CO CAPITAL, : : : : $160,000. All Paid In. RISES takea on DweKtsgi Bd otter bosre. Goods Is stare sralsst Lee r Dsasg by rire. Ahe, RIVER AND MARINR HAZARDS Te aad from .H Part.. Atse, NBGB0IS, Against damage, ef tbe Rteer. MBBOTORS: Jno. II. HtB, Alex. Aaderaea, itl. Taalx, James Cersey, Ttienr I . Aadee MC. n. Gardiner, G. M. Face, w J.utB. ucBryKe'i. jaa. jsuss, . s. AHsway. JOS. VAOLX, President. A. W. BOTLBR, Seeretaey. J. O. LONSDALE. Agist, Mo Jeartastef?r;Meaiph'.TesB. prepared to Oil rler trees, tb ef TAM p. nwL of Pn'ladiirAli.forw' Irsn JlalllagS, iin awkiiu. Teraodsbs, ral Werss, , Gites,wtor cut, S,alr.wtIi!PalilBg, Chaira. Balceaw Btaeke!, Foeratatis. "T Hitching rests, SUtsiry, rrm. SCTaners. T.M.t with Mirbie T cl. Hit aad Hmbntls Etsnda. A portfolio cf ese ravine cewiainiK aueiueiatcsiasa most approTBu atji., w uj ,.t wawn rmien and Main strretv G. W HANNA. A cent. Ledger copy. aepi Fine xVrts. ARTIST, ProfeiKir USUMIHQTOV. bis i OCR froax the csatercxi'les. and luo prepared ts taka an tbe zuwest attics et P:ctare.kaowa ts tbe cbotegraphle wcrM. CaB at tba Marble Block. I aaplB-dl-w . r.nCLABg CO. Ci f ZATtntlW Cepparas, P. i w.. for tls ty KJ his h. p. r ARNawoara oo. ... r B . F . WILLIAMS of AND pops' ar remedy ts w S red ta ibis eta mostly with the cosfidsece ef It sspplf la I tbe win I ef a rellahte It la parucalsrly srp.leabt U Chreelc Dkers, Tetter, Syphl- - Utlcdlscrdir. sad other dliesarsef the Stla, iBfiammatloa f the rinneys, Bhenaittisi, e. Ireaseress: rreta lbe Nilhvae Geiett j To tbe ArrtiCTED. Aatit a'ltba medutnes to which the atteaUeei ef the aaefie ts so freoeently call d ta roach Use aewspsper pert) s asd otbrv mediaraa, there hibv ejeapaasrs isxiraci er aifiiparuis m soeiae or rn, preparra ta tsiacHy 07 nr. 0. jr. wuhisds. Am sptelyasd e3et kdsI) fer ScrefaU, Cereal Sere aye, r.crra, DyseeU, Liver Cofaplalats, aad a aaxabeT ef stnrr 4 IB that Sub. U Taetr to," It Ma rapidly gslaed pah K fanr wherever tatudaced la tht ttv wttbta the past Ihrre year wehaveltwd isy lutee-- f Ita t CBeficlsl effects atea dlara-- " systetaa. Onder ill brslih eeeteung Ufissece we have seen the lean etysxeptlegrewstreBg la maecle sad wei.thy Ifi Sesb ; tbeweaas whohadiexgh-txttheprxteate'rscim- i.r daeiie. rure u. health aad tbe enjoyment ot life i aad laf aat and adalt vktlai lo scieisla estlrely leleased treat tb bi er that ten iM' aXlcl-oa- . Oa Uitince ef tb lt'-tkn- d waa partcnlaily tratltylx to as A ittsl bey. aged thru years, ta whem we sr attacked by the atrec-re- at waa fer seme lira sQctd with sere eye. Be eenared the meat rxcrnltiUngpiln.aadalU'li'alt seemed alsesl Uerttible that he wsald lose the aecaeef althL The aaoet eminent or aklll waaempteyed, aad Ihe pareatsef the Utile tttrrjeer attended bla trealsr-- wllh an that partatal aollcHade asd lender earewbkh osly a mother and a father can feet aad bestow, bat all. It stesi. with bst stltbt benefit to little JSdiy Slapirests were fisally advised, by these whs had witnessed and experienced ita great eenttv qsilltlei, to try Dr. WUIUma' SarsspsrUa and lodld ef Potassa. They (Hd so, asd bleu those wh thnaadvtaed them, and ask God'a btesatsg spoa the proprietor of tbe Bedletae Tb little hey aew enloja his forxaer ctcd health, aad bla eyee are almoal eatualy well. Mir lbe mrdldae that hat wrecght thl care swea bla, e,Maln a wtrld-wa- la lepa-tatlo- asd klad heaves ahswer Ita rlcbeat bltasmxs aces ear geaeroat yeesx tewBimaa. Dr. B. T. WlDtama. ai perbotu. lor 5. Foi laleky guiMttj glateriais. b moors 1- - nALSTIAO. R. BANCS. fo PLANING MILL AND SASH. BLINB6, MANTLES, MOBLDISeg, DOOBJI, aad WINDOW FIUXXS aad CAS IPO 3 ea COBNICK, BBACCBTS, ICKWBLFOOTft, BAlXISrxSS TCB.1INO aad SCSeLI. WOBX. of ery variety. FIiOOB.IIO'Gi WB ATTTBR BOABD, CZIXJKG, LATTIOB 8HKL7IKO fait ktada.reexhiat er dreaeed. xtaideTa will fladlttalheetr Utereitustvesaacaa. MOO BB, 1LAL3THAD It CO , Smai atreet. aeath ef UnWm. Atrial nXms, DYSPEPSIA ASD FITS Sr. O. Pholps Bro-xn- . THE rreat carer of CONaHMPnnv. w.. f. i--mi I year, so bsdly .aided by Dyspepsia, that fer . p.rtof the lice be was ceafised to bis bed. lie wse evestssBy I cared by s prescription tarnished by a yeanz dalrvey- - ' aat girl. Thla prescription, gtrea by a mere ekOd. ef whuelasuleettrasce, baa cared everrhody who hss Ukra It, never tarter failed eaee. It Is eeaaBy as sare Isea-es- Fits a of Dyspepsia. Tbe tagredleata aaay tsa4 Is aay Drtg Store I wffl yrA this valsaMe prescription ta asy person so rreetpf ot en sieasp t psy pestar ACdie., DB. O. PHBLPB BSOWM, No 21 Graad St., Jersey GHy, K. J. To the Citizens of Z.ouisiaua, Florida, Alabama, Hiselssippl, AritansaK, , f Tennessee, f j Texa. ba . ' 1 I J3 J3 ' J S3 o CO 6 XL CO U ta 5 o ' la - & te ' o o o S S I j CABTIOS TO THE PUBLIC. aB After etveral years experlaeBt ts tbe Gwaaf ictare of Gls, I fertaaately 1 ercceded, in the year 158, to railbeg dijeevery Is l's masataetarr, by which K was devrlved 14s acrid aad leflimmatery preferttes, aad isadeied perfectly pen. My masafactory la at Echetdsm, IIsBaael. After sev- - ta eralmaathareflealnwbat UOe to give H, I teitrodared to tte Americas pcbHc sader tbe title r " WOLFE'S eae SOnEIDAM AROVATIO SOnNAPPS " Seseldam la Baraeof tbe place In Hot!aBd where the Gta ts mas- - sfaetsred; "ArooaHe," derives It same frem the ItalUn Jealper berry wHb which It H Savered; sad tbe word Schnapps ' la tbe G renin fer drtak-eee- ae, dram WeitVaSchetdam A recast driak. Ne Meser bad my Schsappa bees latredaee ts tbe Americas psMK, and recel-e- d with aaereeaUea. thaa the Htaer-miie- ef New Te-- k, Bolton acdPttladeephla started la parsaK h their mixed and reieeaea atsfi", asder varia. saaea. la several lnstincsa my labeta have been to per- fectly lmlUted, with only lbe aJdlLna ef a few letters, plead a tecbafeal avoMaace ef tbe Taw, aad no care- - faeVy prepared, aa te lspeae oa careless aarcburrs I aaferstaad a large ejaaalHy has bees parchased by the merchants at N.w Orteaai, oa a ceaat ef the eheapaw f tbestel TweDiaaraperd! nfar the Qiarta, and One Djilir aad lea cents a dexea fer tbe Ftete, hetac the wholesale price la New Teck. It Is noehjBg bat Aaser- l- caa Whisky Havered -- th the Oi! of Jenifer, asd redac-- tblrty percent, belewprxf. A merchant who partici pate It directly Is the traad, by setMag the sparleaa li aa msea aa effesder 11 cheprineipal, whe plaasKd the Impesttlaa. I every reipectabW clttsea who vatae the h aiih the crsmealty tas whKh be Hve mM aM me la fer ret!"; sit, and expeeteg the BBanspaieaaaterehintwha, fr the sike ef a few ceat, wHi pat la lecrdy Ihe Hve tbe cemmaatty ta which he Uvee. Sah mea sheaid sabVd te Ihe pottery of peMKexccratiea. Udolpho U'olfe, 2e Iaperter, Net. Ml. 30 sed 22 B 11 rer lire. I. VewTeek. The feHewteg resptiMe fiesa la New Orleans seal the Genatae SCHNAPPS J. HART & Co. WaettfBfe Geeeera. EATOll a GoeBBICH d Co D OBItrreiCO., L Alleu hOs, Block kCo.. Jons T. Moose & Ce , J01. H h.1 N. MABXS, BISCOE S- IIMJIS. a Hall. Iemf i.Co , B'aadles, Wlaes, tie. ly B01T5EU. (t BAILIErr. OassfeMen XerehaaU. Jons wbioht 4c Co , Wheiesale Dratgists.-.- . O woodsa-v- . Tnoarjoj & Baxxzv, Grocers, VBEvaEtt, Greerr!s, Win rs Si LHse-- s. Geo F. Witte H Oo , M ' Xaxstesbeik &. Co., Wtees acd Uejatrs. IIOE21ES a; srtMU, W L LA3IEB&CO . NewOOeaa . A. VI 0 LETT E St CO . a ' Kollcc of Dissolution. THE berstefere exlitlat betwee snderslgsed ander U style of TITOS Jt CO., Is daydbvelved byllmltallan T. THUS, B A. A. MOON, Jt, T. PATTISON. ! Messrs F T1TM aad B. A. MOON WW ceattaae th COTTON FACTORAGE AND tXMVB8lN ECSI-NES- 3, sader Ike ityte ef TITUS & CO.; asd I wesH erdiaHy commend then to tbe patresage er my frteeda asd tbepsMie generaUi . yll-- m R. T. PATT180X. TtTtrs. R- A MOO. TITUS & CO., Cotton Factors. ABD OMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bonk nuililiug, Opposite Commercial Hotel, JeflenoB Street, MEMPHIS. TENNHSSHB. OFFER ttelr eervlera to their frlesda and patrea far tbe eeison, spoa the same term, aad principle! as beretufere tbserved. Bitting aad Bale Bepe of beet brands, at reasonable rate. Order fer Planta- tion Snpplles BBed with rare, asd a dse regard to the Interest ot csr friends. All COTTIN censlxaed to as by Rallrcad, River or otherwise, lssared asles. laxtrse-te- d to lb cratrsry . Oar F. Titcs hi Ting withdraws frombnitseas connect loss in New Orleans entirely, wlB hereafter deeote bis entire time aad mesas te tie later- - est of till arm. lySI-dn- s Fall and Winter Goods AT THE Emporium of Fashion 290 MAW STREET J49D MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. STILIjJfl.ltJl $ CO. IM?0RTER? AND TBALIRS IN TUcU Goods or all lanus. Dress Good. ElegiBt .ills, TetTeta, end Cahmre Rebes, Rka Plaids, Flsla sat Black Silks for Dresses. French, iH wool DeLaloea, plals aad printed, ssd sB other klad. ef Dies Goods. Cloaks and Shawls. The largest s'eck of Velvet aad Cleth CM ill la tbe city Asstetbletot Cheneal, OrieptsL SleHs, Sb.wl. aad b'anllfal Scarfs. TelTct and Straw Bonnets. 2bs The most extensive stock et Paris Bos- - iLJ seta ever exblbtted to Ihe If eaepMi ladles, a all of ear own Importation. Cap and Head Dresses. The largest assortment ta lews. Dress Trimmings, 01 all kinds, the largest ateck la the city. Millinery Goods. Ribbons, Flowers. Feathers, Besses, &r., a. wfcH sell cheap to the trade. T.ace Goods a:d Embroidea'fes. Valesctesces.GlsipBre, Brssaei, Foist Lsce and Point Alpacca Lci. Ltcea sad Uastta Setts, OeBars, Sleeves, Chttdrtaa'Robei, le, 4c. aiourninir Goods, tlwara oa haat, aad order pramstly attended ts. Black Tdret aad Cleth for tnoaka. Almcst every thlsg that U pertalalBg te Ladies' Ward. nr, caa be fesad at tbls Esspsrlam, aad fer less meaey Usa can re aia in ise ciiy neais can ea i iiiuiy rnarselves. It 1. so trosbie m c to shew ear Qeed. Osr DEPART INT la the lariat In the eltr. asd Ladles can aepeca oa caviar iseirwotk den m la most tmprsTea seyre STILLwAN & CO , 13' Mala street. Mrsiphta. WILLIAM . WILLIAMS. .............OEOBat WEST. Laie sf Meapals, Teac. Late ot H0y Sprlaga, Mlji. WILLIAMS & WEST, General Land and Collecting; Agents, HELENA, ARK. TXT ILL iter prctapt attest!. to thelntereita ef nan V V ri. Iitrntaad other awasn ef Uad ia Aikaaea. aadMbilaitwil. ta Ox sutler f paytag taxes ; rtde ruc- tion of laada setd Ier tax ; location et wsrraata asd scrip ; the Mjnitesee' of titles sad laeexazslsaHea and sale or iaaa. Spedal itlecUas glrea alao lo On ceftectfcm r debts LAND FOR SALE. parthsae gsod heere-- . wltbla PERSONSdeslreasef cf Cosrt fq'are, wssld do wen to caH os B TeBlstlee two (toorsframTheGommerelal Eatel. lie will n 1 0 or IfO acres w uts le (ait pny- - chaaers net ea tesa :o acres " anll-d- tf 'n TOLLtNTINB. MESSRS. ITATSOIf & BEARD, NovJi3-Mii- a Street, ; "TT ATE jnst received s reseral iiscrtrniat ot'AO- - XA. COUNT, RZCORO aad MZMOBANDCM BOOKS; Ooixtttt-Hon- txd F.ncy S tatlasery, ta, wblch tbey win i it rcsnoeq pnra. aca sa iSBti PotassiiimJ la son spoa which we pleoe a higher eattmat ttixa, WU- - WABD k. J0NB3, waiesal Axeste, Mempets. Tens. psy THE LiWEIV PREPARED BV DR. SANDFORD. Compounded Entirely rroa Guas! IBeaeottbebeetPargattveaad Liver MedleiaeS new a Cathartic, eaalrr, milder. aa.t so re effeetael than asy other seedldae knows It la Bet only s Cathartic, bat a Uver remedy, settee first en the to eject IU morbid autter, then the stoat sea asd bowels carry off thai metier, this accenpiiakbig tw parse aetBally, wtlaxst asy ef the palatal rectsga experieBeed In the epentlea ef sat Catharfle. It etresgtheas the ryitem at ts same time aaat It parts tti aad whes takea dally la xaederat gw. vui 4caibea aad baud it sp with saal r.p-- Tbe Lrvxa is ea of the . principal refalater. ef the bsaua body aad when ltj perform 111 fsaetlooa welt thepewers ef the systemare fatly deveieved. Tbe (temeeele alsust eatlreiy depeadeat on the hcaltbfa actleaettk Liver for UeOeper perteraiaaeeef Ms rasctlesM; wbea Ike atom- - ich u aCfaart, thbew--et aia at fasK, aad heCwaele aystea sacert. la J. csaseaeBce of en- - 'rgaaw the LirEB-havt- ag ceas- ed ts do tta daty. FerthedlMaM ef that eraas, eae A the preprleters haa'Smase It hu stse'y, ta a practlc of mure thaa twen-.- y yesrs, teaad seme re BMdy wierewlth Is ceaaCTZteract the many eeraa g- ems te watch It K Ua- - bte. TepToretaaltbUrexae-fJ-Vf- y ta at laat teead, aaj 7.. VT 7." L, u ,4 rClSt'lii CtBTU- - er tloa la certala. V pty T"0 Gssu reneve iBjraoTbTa er sad matter from the evstem. sasaiilagiB their slice healthy Saw bile, lrlcarattac thestesace. caMt-- g tewt te digest well, rwrurriverTBZ slood, glvnac tese aad keafta te tb wbler michlnery, remevtst the cssae ef the dlaease et- - feeling a radieal car. Bihjocs attacxi are, .eared, aad, what is better, rar vested, by the sae ef the Livxn ImaoBATOS. Ose des after eatiac lsSMieat te retteve the stemaca aad prevest th.pfod Iron rising aad sear- - Only ene due takes re rati rlcg pr-v- ea NlHTMAE. Only one del takea atKatght, loceesa the berwefa geBtlyasdaan CosTtv-pBE- Oa doae lakea after, .enh meal win csie A. Os dote ef two lea- -i 'lipocetsta wlB always Sicx KrAOACHE.'"" ' One bottle takes for re-- male ebstrectsees remeve by the close ef tbe disease, asd make a perfect care Only eae dose Imstedla-GQles- y roller.. Cnauc, while Ooedeae arte repeated 1 a sare care ier CtieLX- - mobbcs, and a pre-- e ventrre of CnoLEHA Oaayeaebotite la BeededT iu, threw est ef the system thaeacetaof One bottle takes fori jAU3rDICE, remeve an seweni or lasiiaiu-ce- wr ma lnviua. One deee takes sabertVaMma befere estfsg give tier ts the apteUt. aad . nukes food digest weO One ease often re'pesteetLearee Cheosic DtAB, BdAlait. went forais.whlleSusiJirn asd Bow eneaatalaU yleM a7mealt the first deee One r two deee csre.c-'attak- a casaedby Wean. ehHelrea ; there Is aessrer, safer, er speeeier rsse4ylathewerld, aa ItiHTer tilH. A few betUee care DaOMT, by excHtag the seserbaeau. Cu We'ake peeaaare la rrimmaartlac tbla medieta is a prevvative for Feveb asd Aobe. Chill FET'a, asd Fevob. ef a BiLLiens Trrn It operates with car-- 1 j. taiaty, aad thoasaads are wBtrag to tratlfy te Ita wead--. erfnl elrtses. ALL WHO tE IT ABE OIVIXS THEIS VSABI- - uods iimaosr is its favob. D. tMlX WATEB I!l THE MOUTH WITH THE ASD SWALLOW BOTR TOSETTlXK. THE LITER INTIGORATOR s sdeatlfic swdlial icoTriy, and la daily werktBg care, alaeettoe great to beUeve. Itcareaaa if by magic, even the first dese clrlng bene at, aad seeded mere Ssaa bottle la reeaired to csre asy kind of LIVES at. frem the worst Jasadtee or Dyspepsia to cera-ss- on Headache, all ef which are the matt of s Diseased A. Lives.. ONB DOLLAR PER BOTTTJI J3 DB. SANTORD, Frecrtewi 646 Broadway, Ke-- e Tel a Aad retailed by an Dragtlsta. Sold la MesaMa by 8. MANS7ISLO a CO , JOHNSON at LOXG BOEHHAV S-- " f HOLLAND BITTER ' w-i. .i NT, ' . . AKD ACUE. Aad the viiwsa aSbctloB. eeaseqseat afn a dsserdered STOMACH OH LITER, ulaearesilea, AcidMy ef the Stem, Oattcky SCOH Beartberes. Lose f Appetite. Desptadescy, 6et!vess, Bted and BleedtBC Plies. Ia H Nerveaa, Rhesnallc and Nearalglc ASketleas, It bas Is assures tBitaacesprwsdbUBrybeaesVtal, aad la other esVetsd decided ear". Thla Is a rmreiv veutahteuauioaBd. srepared ea strict sci.Btiac principle, arter tae asaaer of tbeeelehraled Heaaad Piofeiaor. Boeehave. Beeasee of its ci -- t sae-ee- e ta sse-i- l ef lee Karopeaa States, Ks IBtrailB 1 ! tbe Halted States waa tateaded mere eipeetany ter Ikes ef ear fitherlind scattered here sad tser ever e he face ef skis mlKhtv eesBtry. Maetlsz wHs crest sacces aaaeear tbeD. I aew eeer te the Americaa peeple. kaew-- lme tk.t Ki ires wasdMrel Tlrlaee sat fiekaewlesjeeig. It Is psmeaiarly rmsiaMaded ts tbeee penes whose ceMiUlstteaasaay have been Isapahred ay tbe eeetlaasss see or ardent astnis. sr mser reraH er aamyaneB. Geseretly iaslaBtaseoaa 1b ettect. It Sad It' way JrieeOy essesestef life. tartmss asd qsKleoteg every nerre. raletac a? the eroopiEx sptrli, aad, in lacs, laraseag sealSBi aad vfaser In the svstem. Nottcx Wkoever expect te 2a ' tbls abeeeras wall be dtuBsoSated : bat to tbe atcx. weak aad lew rntrtted. wlB prove a grateful aromatic cardial, poel ef sla- - gaiar remeiHal prepertie. Tbe great pepalartty ef tMe dellghtfat Area haa In- - dscio masy isliauuB, wsies MipecaK i agalat parebastsg. Be set peraaadeit t bay asvtMeg ease nslH yea have Uvea Beeraave'. HeBsirt Bitter, s fair Till. Oaebettntwill ceevtae. yea sew tnanKe iimtU, e w tn teee lmltatlee. CE-S- eid H tl ptT bottle, or ill bnttlee fee $5, by tb. sere iroarieiers, DEJTJAMIX PAGE, JR., &.CO. KAStrrALTCBIKO Pharmaceutists and Chemists, piTVHarrRHR pa. 3. XANSFIRLD fe, 00 , Agent for Mempaie sera else by H F PARNS WORTH. WARD Si JONB8 and JOirXSOX av LONG asd Draaxtst. geserauy removal immmm H. F. FARNSWORTH.. HENRT WADB. H. F. FABNSWOETH & CO WHOLESALE DRUG G IS J S AND APOTHECARIES, Ifo. 29S Main Street, TvrwTvi pliH - TonnoHsco. Ml J9SRFMOVBD From their OM Stand, Xe. 7 Front Row to that Beauti ful large Five Story BoHiHnx, No. 298 Main Street, south or MormoE. JTUST RECEIVED AND FOB SALE wnOL.ES ALE AXD RETAIL ! QDININE 1600 oaaces, pare. LARD OIL extra fiae 10 barrels. FISH OIL pore 20'Darrels. TANNERS' OIL aByRTqasaUty desired on band. , LINSEED OIL pcre 5 casks. MACHINERY OIE fiss and cheap. ROSIN OIL 50 barrels. FRENCH ZINC In oil 10,000 lbs. very low SNOW WHITE ZINC 19JH9 lbs. warran'sd. WHITE LEAD PORE is ay quality SPTS. TURPENTINE 50 justrecelved. ROSIN common ami white 25 barrels. FB.ESH DRUGS Alans astsrtaeat la star tai dally arriving. TBE RETAIL DRUd BUSINESS win receive ear parUcslar atisntten at oar New Stand, No. 29S Main Street; PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Proajt isd CrtisEy Caopenaded, xja."sr --e3u3a-x nxxa-- : - By tboae who can be relied ea aa coiliaed. XI. F. FAB58WOBTH & CO. ecS-d- tt A VALrjASLB realdeaca (3 JeTrrasa .tteel far all. Xi. xor term snu to a10-t- t .E.SwT5JlA9S, Septa farto r-- New Orleass. Eeave (VUlwr S7. atp. sr. t:.?'1 u- -' lMfiOMAR. B. FASaaiv.Msstet Wiuu ate or the above aad an laadiac. Per feeack. . v. mr9 j a oeara se ' J rtAWIlNea. Aarat c" " lie Mela atreet. New Orteaes. Leaves r.IIAT. OeSaae s .ts w a. B. W HILL. .TBO. H. Newxll, Mester. rimio an iwiHtr wwi leave far the X above and ad lalerasedane cefcau. Per freiaht er aesieae aaaSv .m fe.e erto II. KAWLT1MS. Ant. HaaaawXtxaaWil I oct7-- Jt No. IM Mats sawet. Zc fe OrtMM. Uve jiOVMT, NkveBwr 1, at 5 p. sr. RAPIDES .'. B. CLABI. Meetes- - T1"1.??-"- :" rj rtfit, tegi Fer rr-t-tkt er pes iay ass bcareLert J. 1 uwuiree, aw, oc24 6t Net. J Vaa atnei. F Whete aad Little Red Bters, vte Nipsissa. LeveTO-lA- a4 cteX p. K. ADMIRAL P. FLaasiso Master; T. J, Wawaa, tnark LZATEaaxeaMaHlalraaenat fl 1 ea beard, er aa 3SaSmmmit Tartas. H- - wnuAietiwj., ABea4. Ne 3 WewasePa Beer. Learee THMKBAT. Oetaker 2) at p. at. JAB. KONTSOMBRT .SAX KOSTMMBXir. Mast. 'PHIS sp.xdd fatthi and pinanger A ma r win irav for UM sewn poet, a- - leTetn-- e. pv,r rreagh er lil, ispre hearJ. wn-- 2. Fer Caere Lealmni aad ClaellaCl. Leeve THIS BAT. a t attack r m HICEMAK at H Psppan . Mast lean tor ie t v aad aB WILL P"tI. Pot rreaght or paaeag, mTfn eeese or 1 A. v. wuazauHiav.1 M Peeat Rjw Fa Se aVeavs. UireTSBAr. UltstirX. 4 4 s'aliak. f as ABKIBAL. P. Faas saw. Master. eteaaa. tnKkt led yaseel THIS laser w lewv) tar law a pert, aa aweertlMw. Her Inert t eraai. late, aaerrea heard er a I w. nr. UU Ne. 3FrectBw Old Line far iVapaleoa, ArkaatM awl Unite Birer. C. M'VAKXO, raptatn; A. S. POLO BR, Clerk. Frtt-- d State MaU THE hirlBT eatraet fertae bmx rr le.'e. .ae wil tear Men sets reeiy MOM DAT aaaa TH0B3DAT. at 1 e'duck r K , paetUeely; aa4 Me 'orn errTT TTJBaUf ' T i FBI DAT. at 1 o'eMI r Threoxk tletete ti a'l 'oeat at r-- r rate. Meat aaaa w'i in ht aansml atteatiea loose waala bla Mtraew aeno e itar Per fretafct er tins sv- - a sun, er to w w m ma. as rreaa isew, or ocxi-i.- m;rsL,auiBUKiu, Kegular Mmphis and Xew r- - leuas riCKei, rrtHB seeseaer X W. 'PAMSwoiee X aaesee T Ula on THLRD-lT- . tte 21staXOcteter i eoaua rea rears- - larly tMeeHraest ttw aa asseia ' Osseaaa aad 'a Meaaaaaa every as erait Tharaday, at ictj k For rre Mhl er pan lew, asaMy t a ess arvAL ALSSSO m CO FerCper Ked River frem New OrsVso. Ber . Br., 'skewwe- - , 5?aWwW ON ter'hreagh tta ot eeraaser. BRA f tfr T rarV Ne. 1. 2 aoi 2. Hav for asere Rift rra rmy e k Cteer bin laden akseaeh aaa.tcirseat raw Sole sad eedei is parctaes sraceries, ex reaetfai y!lci-ed- , o L diCliSblhi S. e?!Im JS x rrnl fireei, jiw enseal, St. Louie, Memphis & Vickburg UMTKH STATSS AIL 1 -g- --w PACKET LINE. Making Close Coniteetioii avt MEMPHIS FOK ST. LOUIg. gfevuier Philadelphia, n. MAMMAL Mer Lessee w StCP. K. 9femsr r. ri. Lhem, H. SiLTBR, Maecer learrs every t(p at. Sfoantcr JhIih li. aicKey, DANL. ABLZ Maetrr Leeve a every BATtTBStAT, ast 8 p. II. FOR VltKSHJJKG. Steamer Daulel Done, B. HANOOCK. Maater Lrsees teesr laaawawAa, al 4 r. M. Steamer TTilliam eSarviit, MABSS MILLBH, M eater Leave eeetr ataWaWaUT st p. JS. O aaecsirr at Selae.' Iisdsat with ales aei. Caa deotrr. Beeeade .v I al Ua ef Msr aaaa aaat eo.cfc- -i Oi'-O-r. wuaaastea laa MM araaas. Aa- - Ives al Yikbsc swentay at 5 A St. Fr Ibsk Ttckea, North i d asaak, em etsser st aseve Beai. aeaey ea seer j er se TBOS K WIU I IMS i. CO., Aawass. cp4-- tf Ne. 3 go-H- Ps Mew. Schedule or Fare. Mssal ta Waalastea. aaa as) FROM Hoe Sftwf aa ns Frees Ttsaawcsa; t Wi abase, a . m ..... st a Tt Ihfah Tl lets aa is Its, aaaary as torn deft ed Mnam Bealrl tweae sad WUttsaa Bel las. oris TOg. H. WILLIAMS i. OO., Aasaas, 1 Huentw's Banr. Veweha taaaa. OlfBSHk. BBSkaSaV i. CO . Pvewtefa ef tie acsre as TV- - rik Si m m Oats.' Laaexnx acre lstte4 Beaeeai as as speeder. United States Rlail Stitr W. II. Langley, J J. WIMMf AM, Master ; BAM WODXS, t mtatsri.. t Ms I Kj ttk Wba seat Art aorsi river blast 1 Best Liaiiisjiiiasajsaa sen l dar aad StatasaWr Psiieraee reeetv thsessh isrhet t awy aasat oat wsateer Arasas- - sas river he waata of an dofxg swaiseea wath tae stcketwin be Breassely alwaded te. The Laaasay caa lues, at ..laipsaa wna tae svewiiTiuw aad St. Laat packets. JHU Bl. JBOBSBSB. ASXOja. MPreatBaw. To tlie Zatiie9.' MRS. KOBIHSOX, llJlPiIijoH-st- ., tivo e!etr Kaaet ss the very t.b- -l pstreaaow ef wataw GRVrxrLfor im 'us recipkat, rreaa aett city aaat utastrv. sge ' at s ,area to her ystrcaa saw tWladtaa geaerally. teal at e l sow m etvtag kei paB aeaa wsseae G.ed coe- - s 1: g o- ' . ery ocenp tea eg MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS? Wh ck, fer i Khnea of ssatmwd. esaBc "I lty, sss-t- et iHtiii.ii. are wa.thr a'tta'soa. ar FALL AND WINTER HAT. OwieiiBK it Tcls CVaeBw. Pvtss, PBSeewaaw WbHe BraMe atriwi, me., sea e isjs snssaa larawr-w-tle-a. aad aasrrward ha the wnsry. BtetK..TrkesaBsr.(. sVaal Bmae.Tea is.arr-saya- . aad Baraeets. la cm vsrxety iksb ta ef beaaty t lbe plain Her tone wEl b rea far Baec-tle- n el ae ea Tlitirsiiliy S?ornis$, e3teler 74, Oa which eeeaeiaei. sad skereefter wlilbea py ta watt . see eld release sari sack esfaev ma beaar ber wtth a cell Grand Opening OF WE WILL OFEX OX TV!liSAY, October 5tli, lb Samt 'Clec-vae- f P.rll lasacrte-- B O 3ST B T S -- , OT Jt,a Biead ld Fetat Last. WeaSBSip. Smyceactly say tkat far bm, bsss.-H- P Lara aid variety. It as tb aswlUsat assert Wi. Bies.1 ever ritnla Memphis Ostrich and Maraboot Fetbr3, Head-Ikewe- rs aged UsiBRarM, InfABts' mi L.diV Capi. B ribs s asd Capes few Krejsiag, tte. OCR ASVOItTbiSS-- OF Silka Woolen & Draee Ooewk, reseweeBet af lbmet:xawsaa. Alas See Fiech kaaaei 1 ' La a al Lct a, Bres TVIasasSBaw, Brsteae Heewvy, ht. we are atea a saMfi ace a ar rssssasi aaas law a.awaw la general, tM we Ine added a aew biases te esx sav-- !'' DRSSS.XA1IISG. MADAMS CflAPUIS. who I. so weBkssssi Sr ta la diea Ibat acy ersssB-- at a ar part weaaa aasaaasi his chare f tau aepanssesi aaaaacsaaaa syj DeFORNBAVX laa Iyer Puts Wei tM. deparlaseas tw ' he Lsel s with rler t asv In se riry E BAEINDS & CO.. eft 3S3 MAIM lVIRS. MENDEL, Ilavirp -- e urneei from Um gsst, ?SJ 23fci Now Opoaa ONE Of The Fiavest aad moot Fasbtooabla Stocks of n 1 it ill s. AiMJiixuMva. LiOTTEHS, BRESSES, Qnimpiro, Brnaatla Iace, aad tha large t Variety of Cress Trinmmgn KVBK XXBIBTTBD IX TBI8 CRT, To wMch ah Os the ittanlkHi of the Ladiea st KsSl rsaaad vtcasrty. Call asd see. 218 Odd Fellows' nail. oc47.1o Roue : Rone eeelee.rVt No. Peat e. lent eered Jef Jfr-- T lew. a sMersl toeat ."Vf1' naa Rape. ( cl OaTatt. . Key Wharf -- Boat, . . APOLEON, ARKANSAS. COMMISSION A FORWARDING WBCMANTS, And U- - - octstuawly IpetHlsn to Sell tand tta 2M- - Tlsion K. T. 9iilHetll )SUUof Tesneliee, asa J5 5?r ?f (CotmtyCoart, October Trs, Oe j saeeisast petitioner, atu -- U affidavtt " ta awl letftMot theCeart from aaavavx' I JeftaanraB. nniHiHt lss - stsU fTniae,sa Ibat tbe ordtsary aeewtxtf Cart easaethe served apoa Mr : tbat psMtcsttoa betasde ta tta APPBAU a nTwuaptxprlsted id puML hed 13 ' "55 weex, once ta easa weeK, iXdcaSaVto appear at the ant Daejsalfsr e r at S CMTtTto bo held at th Court He ot i ri oaths flritMeiyotrceober next , aaorttapIJ,sswr erdsr tsaaii Pa 5 r .iVwlH t tilts sr eessMstt a. s - v t rsrltefjapArt-- . JOas, . , MM

THE. DAILY APPEAL.- Jprt. Is It PotassiiimJ J,cVee have bees induced to sign receipts and veuehers in blank, the purchaser or Govern-ment agent afterwards filling up tbe vouchers fer

Sep 24, 2020



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Page 1: THE. DAILY APPEAL.- Jprt. Is It PotassiiimJ J,cVee have bees induced to sign receipts and veuehers in blank, the purchaser or Govern-ment agent afterwards filling up tbe vouchers fer








QTTcnneuee six per cent, bonds are nowBtlliDgta Jjew York at 91 cents.

ThanksJ Fer late papers we thank Capt.L. B. Ddsham of the;Ffly J5i4M. JoAlLowxr of 'the Afoajyeptcry, and T. J- - Woodof the Admiral;

gnw rr

..Ket Fokd. A Urge brasnJoor key, withthe number 69 stamped open it, was yesterdayfound near the jail. The owner csb hare it by

calling at our office and payUc lb expense of

this notice.

Cokcle WEAreKS The Recorder jesterday fined J. B. Lxwis and Maktin UsEeea

for carrTine deadlr weapons hid about them

The former individual wa charged ten, and.

the latter fifteen dollars.

(JSDr. Care's Gallery. No. 36 Front Row,

has bo rival in America, and takes pictures as

rood ajsd cheap as any in Memphis. AH boat

men, from the Captain of the Si'menis '- - Jthird cook on the ferry baat, agent, it

iKFBarsD. The laying down of gutters tothe paths hi Court Sejoere, and the rounding'

' 'tbtra up with saw is a great iaprevemen'.Tec Square is ceatinuaHy increasing iu

I'fUos arid vfitt seme 'be one. tjfyhs prowif stera-me- sh xtowrteoreg luc-p- nit.

OarHAs's Faib. There iUi-b- e a sple-d- id

supper given at' for the benefit of the orphans, by the ladiea of

the CathwHe Charch. A good chance to get afine supper and do a eeneroat actios. Leteverybody attend.

'WoCNDiDi On JiIeDdav afternoon a carpenter named P. H. Bolstek had a difficulty

with a free Rcjto, yewth of erghteen, who isbound is him, which res-li- ed In the latterdrawKtc a eksg-fbo- t, and strikise: him v'nh itso stversly as to fracture the skull. The negrowas arrested.

Rheumatism A Case or Three Months'Standing Cubed. Geo. W. Hendekssk, efPittsburgh, bits : " After suffering for threemonths wHb Rheumatism, a part ef tbe timeso severely as to confine mo to my bed, I havebeen entirely cared by using Bebhate's Hol-la- ks

Bittebs. I hiv: had one attack since,bat found almost instantaneous relief in thesame medicine. It is in ray opinion, a sureremedy for Rheumatism."

Cbiuinal Codkt. This Court is still insession a portion ef each day. Yesterday tbecase of RarrAEtxi Mabcelli, charged wHhcausing the death of 11. B. Sanders, was takenup. Ten jurymen were chosen, when the Courtadjourned. The Grisd Jury brawgbt in a trueMM against Eliza Milliner and John Able,charging the former as principle, and the lat-

ter as accessory, to an attempt to take tbe lifeef ihe woman " French Lob," by maliciouslysiabwiag her.

A Fall. An individual from the countrywho was atayiBg at tbe Worsh.m House, in

eeafeqacDce ef ever indulgence in liqmr, wasseised by that drunkard's demofi, the deleriumtremens. In this coed it ten, and pursued bytbe dreadful but imaginary berrers that hauntthe victims of that terrible dieeaee, at halfpast 3 etclock yesterday afternoon, be leapedfrom a window on the fourth iterv of tbe Wer-sha-m

Heuee, and feil ea the balem y surround-

ing the first Soar. His frjuries are very serl- -

The Radford House, oiUtated in thecentre ef business, corner ef Madison atd Secend streets, and kept by the td Memphis faverite G. R. Resfoed, coBtinwes to grew in

public estimation. We learn It is tbe inten-tion ef the proprietor ef tbe ground, duiirg tbeensuing buiieHag season, to erect r rregnificentprivate betel, waters tbe present bouse stands,fer Mr. Redfokd. It is a central aid eligibleroeatiea, and eaneot to he succestfal underthese auspices.

Pattem' Field. This place has beeiclosed for (emetine as a Buieenee, on account

f heing bvw fitted with tbe dead, and tbe CityCouncil net having provided another place eftepukbre, a piece ef neglect lhat remains stillto be charged against that body. A shorttime age, they gave permission te tbe city un-

dertaker to place bodies in the cenotaph forburial, but at the tnet meting, in consequenceef complaints frees the neighborhood, theypassed a reeeratiea, ordering Marthal Underwood again te cieee the place.

3?" An ageit of the General Governmenthas been in oar city fer some days inveitiga-Ua- g

setae purchases xaade by Government off-

icials sent here, seme years or more ago, for thepurpose ef purchasing supplies, In manyinstances it seems that persons selling arti- -

cVee have bees induced to sign receipts andveuehers in blank, the purchaser or Govern-ment agent afterwards filling up tbe vouchersfer a larger aaeuat than was actually paid.In this way a tolerable thriving business hasbeen dene to the disadvantage ot the UnitedStates Treasury.

The Theatre. The presence ef tbe greatartist, MuaDecK, at the Gaiety, has been asignal fer forti and overflowing bouses. HisrtereenatteB ef " Hamlet," on Monday nightwas greatly admired. In this character Mua- -

xecH gives the proceeds cf ardoocs laborthere is polish, finish, elegance, and, we maysay, iBgeaeisty, bat the guehiDg impulses ofgenius are absent. It is in the " Mirables,""Dick LUshaMs," and other characters of thelegitimate comedy, that Murdoch shows bis'genius. Here he has a ce&trolIiBg power thatcommands applause. He performs again thiseventer.

Sidewalks In many places in tbe city tbecedewalks have become dilapidated, and theCity Marshal has BeUfied prrperty holders tomake tbe necessary repairs. In many casesthe notice has bees disregarded, and the nui-

sance has become daily worse. We now inform sucb property holders, that MarshalDKDEKweeD, by the direct orders of Council,wiH proceed as tbe law directs, against thosewho permit the nuisances to exist. It will savethem expeose and trouble to be on band intime. Winter is at band, with its rain andmud, and our sidewalks must be pet into good

repair In preparation for that season.

Where were the Police? Seme of ourcitizens, resident in that direction, crmpUiathat tbe police are rarely sees near the cornerof Second aBd Adams streets. On Mondaynight, at that spot, some three or four women,

and about five and twenty men, were guilty cfthe mest autrageeua blackguardism there, although parties ef both sexes were passing fromtime to time. The language ef tbe abandonedwomen was especially obscette and vile to the

"lowest degree, and tbe firth that flawed from. their lips was shriekad out as loudly as fem

inine hntgs could yell. During all this disgraceful disturbance sot a policeman appeared,ner was a single arrest made. Citizens dwell- -'

ing is that portion of the city will feelpleased If the police will manifest a little zealand energy they are (are those qualities aregreatly wanted to be pat in exercise.

Steamboat IL D. Newoosjb Sunk, As thefile steamboat H. D. Ktvxemh was patsingIsland Tweaty-ee- e, ex. Monday racrnlsg at 8o'clock, on her way from Cairo to New Or-lea-

she struck, ran agosnd and her sternswung reemd, ha doing which it struck a heavy

log, by which it was completely shattered,giving rapid adcHesien to Ihe water. ..Thebeat eecan te sink quickly end great alarmprevailed fer a lime among those on board 5

fertMatelf , however, while tbe stern sunk in

deep water, the bow aad the forward portion cf

tbe boat were Jeft high and dry, by which

means tbe passengers and even all escaped, andtbe baggage of tbe ferner, being ferward, was

also saved. The number, of pssseBgers wasvery treat ; among the freight was large

$ "nersber of horses and mules, all of which were' '"saved except about fifty, which, being bitched

up aft, were drowned. Daring the occurrenceof the accident the steamer Champion came insight, aad hastening to the scene of misfortuneall en beard her spared no effort to render assistascc te these oa board tbe Ktwcomb.

The Ktw&mb was owned in Louisville, by

Bekedict Carter, Capt, T. L. McGill, andothers ; the latter gentleman was in commandat tbe time of the occurrence. The share heheld be bought of Capt Sfots, of lbe Ediptt,abcut four or five menths ago. The Korcembhad just been repaired and generally renovatedat .Mound City, at an expense of five thousanddollars. Tbe trip she was making whenwrecked, was the first one since her repairs.The boat was worth forty-fiv- e tbontand

ras Insured, principally, if not altogelher, in Lctilsvllle offices, for thirty thousand

,r dollars.Tbe boat lies on the bar where she eirsck,

her stent is sunk unit1 the water covers the" ' .IadIeB', cabin floor; forward the water covers

up to first deck. It lo the opinion cf ber offi

' cere, andipfvthose ofrthe Ciomplon, lhat shetvIII break ber bacndjiejaitotal loss. It is

of congrBtulaUonTthat. among so

rasny psssengeri, not a slnglefffe fbonld have

been forfeited.


Jprt. joftfflfmpiis. "tigatot Is irg tttlejrapj. iRlver'Sew.

The tlref remained stationary yesterday,;;

the we-th- er was suputb, and the streets and

landing free from dost. The levee was crowded

duricc the whole day with lively nuslcess.We learn from Capt P. Fleming, of the ele

gant and very commodious boat Admiral, thatthis evening, at six o'clock, this boat willleave our landing for white river, but that,hereafter, she will be Ihe regular Tuesdaypacket for lhat river. Capt. Fleming Is experlraced in the White river trade, and his clerk,1

T. J- - Wood, Is a popular gentleman, welt fitted I

for bis position. Persons bound for Whiteriver ports should lose bo time In securingberths on board the Admiral Hodge is theagent.

Capt. Dill, thejcleverage'nt,nfbrms us thatthe New Uncle Sam will be at our landing thismornin?. leavlr.p at eiirht o'clock.

. , iii. 4h. IAue .u.p.. n.60, we icara 1IBu,

aget. will be here, leaving this evening aftertbe arrival of tbe csis. This boat Das scarcelya rival on oar waters. She Is magnificent In

proportions and sumptusus is her arrange- -

meats- -

The Hickman, Capt. Pepper's elegant low

water boat did not get off last night, but leaves

at four this evening, positively. She is justthe boatforthe present shallow current.


traasnlle, Munavuir, wiciaaii, ua ouirr 1

prts on Ihe Ofilo, SBOTM sot lose IDS DBS or-- I

portuulty she ifftrs for a safe atd agreeable I

IjThe rplendid beat, James Montgomery,

Sam'i Menlgoniery master, is lying atlhe land- -

lg ami wni leave cvcuiug ai u 1

o'clock for New Orleans. Our readers should I

bear in mind this macBificeat boat : a elance atits mrgnifficeBt interior and at the complete

ness and finish of its state-roo- and offices,

that the Montgomery Is an unsurpassed boat,and worthy of the warmer public patronage.Her officers are gentlemen b rrqwre only tobe known tebe respected.

Recorder's Court. Efquire - East hadfourteen prisoners up for examiiaticn yester- -

dav. XJaner and its catKemrtants was tbeprinciple cbirge.

Missing Moles. J. A. Asuford, at Smith& Porters, 18 Front Row, lost on tbe 224last., two three year old mules, ese an irongray horse mule, the other a bright sorrel mare I

male, with a star in tbe forehead and whitespot en the left hip ; both ehod before. Aliberal reward is ofrrel oc27-d3- t: wit.

Died At the residence of Mrs. SmckebVnacle. on Union street, or typuoHi lever atfour o'clock yesterday morning, tbe 25th inst.,Gloves H. Cowaic, in we- - twenty-tourt- n yearof bis are. Younsr Cowan was born, andpassed the greater porUefi of bis life, In Clin- -ton, Hinds county, Miss tie was a pupil iormany tears of that revered pioneer of erSwa-- 1tion in that section Of country Rev. Mr. I

OiiroRT and it was tbe precepts Inculcated I

there that guided him through life, and made I

bis character beloved and admires. I com toe I

commencement of the Jltalantte, up to thetime of bis death, Mr. Cowan held tbe posi-

tion of mailing clerk in our office, and by bisenergy, industry and honest devotion to the in-

terest of bis emnlovers, as well as bis inddisposition and obliging nanners, he won fornimeelf tne conndence and rriemtsQip or anconnected with bira In business, and .died be-



and regretted by all who knew him.irfliancAe ef Henday

(y Country merchants, plasters and citizens la general, wishing to purchase fine, wellmade fashionable clothing at lew prices, forcash, will do well to visit tbe bouse of R. B.De Babe, 187 Main street, under the Wor-sha-m

House. He has a splendid stock at bothwholesale and letail. oct23-l- m

A Remedy fob DvsrErsiA. Boerhave's as

Holland Bitters is now the most simple, de-

lightful, and effectual remedy for dyspepsia,before tbe pijbHc. Many ef our most worthycitizens testify to Us efficacy. Te perssas subject to nerveus, and sick headache, It Is a valuable medicine.

CetJKTERFEIT SclIElDAH ScHKAFrS. Webeg leave to caH the attetrtiea ef eur readers

late the advertlsenvent ef Udm-fh- Wolfe, In


3T Attention is directed to the advertise-

ment of " True Turf Oil." It is all it claimsto be.

fT Refer to Speed, Dosoho & Stbakoe'srslumn.

Hides Wanted.WILL pay caah for Dried Fist. Dried Salted, OreeoI 3 ted asdOreen niBES asd FXLTHIKSef attkiede.

W. P. LEWIS,eepl dawtf Oornrr Main and Monroe atreeea.

STAR GALLERY,Xo. 2C2 East gidc of Main-st- .,

Three Doers Forth ef ClarkU Marble Block.

mnn nsdertlrned weeM rrseectfeltT Inrlte the cltl- -

I irm and vlrlteri of Memphis, te ral at the StarOaCery as ' examine thr xaay latest taaprevementa Istbll fasctsatlni Art. Chief amenxat Ibrm betet; tb

CHROMOTYPE,the Dodss eperanll of wblch Is only knewa to himself,aad which pruenta the swat pJtaitEr iffct.

Pltotograplis, Ambrotype?,and ail the varuma itnea ef H0TORKS uaen la tbmoat aclesliac manner,

ects dawly F JTTASSALLO.


Opposite Speed, Donoho & StraBge's.LIKESESSES take-- t wMb theve 7 litestCOEXKCT aad beanttfeJly cetwed at price from

ItoJM Call asd examine spectraeae.FEPIOW.

james a. mm & GO.

No. 219 Main St.,OPPOSITE

ODD FELLOWS' HALL,Hare received a large asd comp'.ete aisertsiest of


DRY GOODS.ef every deecrlplien of goods to b

ClOKSISTlKG artt-clw- s Dry Goods besae which tbeyoff r fer Caih or os Time, tr, pssctsal cstomsra aa lewaa Iter can be bad Is tbll place. Osr arrastexeat ares scb. with a r sldest partser la the city ef Kew Tork,

to enable na te be best cottttantly espptled with theBwet styles aad at tb very lowest prlcei, as oir goodsare bonght exclnilvely ror cam. usr mot 10, qstcx sairaand small profits. JAMES A. STREET & oo..

eejllMawly no. 21s nainairees.

lVotice.expose to psbUc sale at tbe late residence of

IvvtLL TV. Thomas a, twoandabalf mi:es from Mem-

pbl,, Cn BATCBPAT, the SI 1 day cf October, 1BSS, fartyor Arty f Stock Hoj-s-, between sixty and seventy

nr Rom ataailng Is the neia in ia or are acreseach, Farming aateriaa, iicnaenota ana juuecq rnr

For a'l isms nader $M caah, asd evtr, bond withtbepnichaacra. pay.

sW In six taenlbs. Sale wltblu tbebcnrs prescribed bylaw H TOLIarlTLne, Acmlalstrstor.


To Contractors.are Invited to Bend la proposala te

COKTBACTOBS Meyer wltbla fifteen daja, for theaonaiisf r ilflir.IT nOCSI ordtnE U rlins and

Tnr.9rent, o tbe Bunmt rar a jciTcn pziua i 3 cub. winn-- ti

with ihe avmotLDt r&a lollTWQtI CAtb tobscrtptioo toZj men', ot tbe ccmtrncttec,, tbe Cltr refcnlsitberlsbt to regsute tbe xaarltn cocr, c.

oc!3! M U, D. BATJOn. Mtyor.

riastcr and Cciaent,1AA BAS&SLSbett Celatsed Piaster. leobarrelaX U U le Cemeat. CLABX 6c. HARRIS.



3,500 Feet of Moulding.

Gilt and Imitation Rosewood.

Plain and Waved.

ITeiv Styles.

Beautiful Patterns.Ficttircs Framed to Order.

CaH anl see at

Geo. Pattison e& Co's.


The Union Inn in Raleigh !

--r)T Tlrln' of a decreelil cider made by the CtrccltXI Cesrtot ShwbyceaatyaiiisMpeaii)erTerm,ieso,m ihe rase if Joe. R. rJanlKoa and wife, sad other, v..S. U SaUth sod other. I will sell te tbe highest bidder,at subtle on trrr. la front f tbe ooarthesse door. Inw.uirk n arnNDAT. tbe (tb diy ef December next.three lota kaowrt asd de.Lji.elel on tbe plan of the tornofRalelcaa jetJoa i1 Is block N," beretofert occaple by Br. inasmtih;deceaaed, ana known as mi uuiu iu.

rn-llit- -d exxh. tbe residue oa. ...r. m eneil leiUlcaeat.. Bead wllh scarlty n qslred for the def ered payments and a lienrrtuned nettl eae enuri rarai.te eiou-j- i.

Orteber 1, 1868. M. D. L. STEWART, Clerk

iren ir iiu etme and nlace. tbe adailBlilra--ter wlH sell atpabflc .ale, lbe stuck of berscs, bogs aidcattle, ferslBg alenids, bsaiesetd indtMctenfnraltorebetsartsg to the eiaw er Ann sauia, aecra.eon . I. VAj.n iM the die Af all

la lb. above la offered the Le t staaa ma oppeiism- -jfar a person wUaUse Uesgace.ntbebetel baalness. Tbelet sre spadena. with aM lbe neceesary atablrs, besaas,&C. roc3itesj ausr. pauiu. im i.

STOIaEX,the Bight er the SOth loit., f om 'the lUtlei ofON Madlox & Groves, a TALUS cor tilling

aeme va sails piper, an b aa sotu asd accossla. oseniece cf cold state, balf as onscs cf coM foil, a Cell'sBV pester, and tea or et.eea delars la silver. The valliebelocgs to Dr. A. Weaaaa. the papers bang veloabie tsbla asd to oas e!ie Tie nscer will oiuoerasyrewarueaby leavlni It at tbe above etas? a, ox where o eas gel rt.

oc:i tr it iv. n. wuwa.


located at thejcsctlas of tbe RsVtgk readHATING atreet sre Liepaird le fill ill erderawith aea-Bu- a and dlspaUh. Bcxe f all ali'a xnide loorder scd delivered ca the iborteat solpe. Thoie wlsb--tag asytblsg In tbetr line woaid de w to girt them acall. ecio-i-

Negroes! KegroeBl Negroes!received, so Tossg xe cgroea on cjomersieiea eJUST of Fted Easts, Hccse Servss, Me- - j

chaelei asd Ncrwa, at xsy mart, teeth me OerrvSsure. Pcrsslelrwbv 'oett dlrxwfca A, WALLACE, Agntt.



KzwToii, Oct.arr S. The royal eteasjer Persia$aarilveaeS'saBy Hook, brtaxtns LIverpoes adrlssefthe UUu


LrTriro'oL Silee of Cot ten for toe tl,0Wtah-a- . Oettoasee declined darts; the wl ttitajfloe end inferior ejuiMUei. IsmHdJlass Itamirk-- t la

Irmeritty BBcasnced. Ppecalatora toot 100 and .peelers 5,000 baee 8il5 on Friday, tae cay o: anu-- r.

Tbe mirsel closed mm. ine qsnauocef,r cotton are : Orlfanaralrixd, KldaHinsl; Kobl e

Fair MWdHaiTS-is- i; nflandrarr-7)i4icw-.

dli'C 7Xd.IrtadttnCa dull. FroTliIena dsn. lajaa DOSr mir

let tbe ratea hate dxllccd. , V

Xancbrater adrlrea are cs'aTanble.wltb. nttle ln

.sir7 ud priceawrak.Ltvxarooi. cotton la port 49J,Cttbalta.

sloci Xatrlcan S3,000 bait.Rlcbardaon, Samoa 4. C. aaf : linr Bra Baltlnor

m!,4eHbU tun , Vnttn so.ej,,. olhsil&JSj ( M ina .ir.jj-wot.- rn- Btd 61 Jd

M; wkltr , jdgt, 6i; Sratbera EM 7i7i M.Corn ckmd with a eee'.lninr undmcj Trtkwiugju;WhKcm ilgtti. Fork coaed e.nlct. Hidden, andhadoHnd Id d; ar at 535 Snrarqnt't. Ckff.-- e

devdflm. BoilnSslOdSil. UmredOU3hlUi.S(CrlUToTn'lncl3igJSJ. -- ;f

Caning fc Brs.'a, Loodoa, riv- - BmlalntTf dnD I'dadr. Wait Bar Iron jCt f 1. 101.1 Tit a. SI. Po- -

JrbadiBprovd. cva.eana. SpintiTorprnUna.oaJ,LAIXB.Satcidat ArrERirooBOonolj far mcn--r fleted

at J3SSMX !r a count ejed M8K.Losdos, Satcrday per TMffrapb. Ko lelncUan Is

Bank ntra. Bicker'a ratea art S V per erst.GKKEBAL NEWS.

Ats'dlatles bad bren accepted between Franco and I

p4rBjal.Ijdia. Bombar advlcea atatn tkat tba dltannrd

treP ' it" onilnii-- and bad bees nrarlj ex.lenslsated.

Tbe rsnS-.m- il arrlTled antes tbelltb In itTbe Atlantic Cabto abaree were qmted at XMOgXTTO

A proepeetsi bad been tilted t form a Galwar UnaIwttb a capital cf bait am, en

Tbe dlCcellfce Mmd France and Porter tl warp ccn- -atdrrel In a fair war for tpsedr rettlemest.

The dlisonsti In tbe Bank of Franca bad largely 1s--creaaed. Tba Farte bonne wai alliblly lower. The

panic an lbe Vienna chanre aUU costlscrd Tbe Baskef FrasoalMt eerentees basdred tkeneand pannda Bal- l-

tea had OrruelXS.CM far tea wetkThe free laportallan ef Breaditaff la'o Fortntal wis

he pensitad.The Spanttb and Freich Tic Oenn'o bad bees ante- -

etaatel at Fetman, U htaroeee. Bserntle tseaisreabe taken to enforce latlifartlen

Chjka The Brttubbad deatroyed tba Fart i at Ky"amtoo, hot apared tte tiwn.

Tb United StaUi Cam nil laser, Mr Beed, wai atSbangbai, ,

Tbe Grrxusf arn wai Is Canten. river. Tie MUtU--lifpi asd Pcaiatan wrn at Japan.

Bombav, September, 21 Snceeuti were repcrtedover tbe fegltlvs nb-la- .

Zsauxa Bales In the great races frr tba Cxara- -"Be. banJlcap waa wen by Beckd, by a tealrryweaa and the Beaver Berae ran a eead beat for tbea.nd pUen.

Tbe trad at BlnnHghia baa treat) Improved; boyera wera naaerone and p.liea Brmly matst'lsed.

DUcevxta at tbe Banket Franc dsrlar tbe month ln- -creaaed epwarda ef a mHllas asd a Quarter rttrtlnr.

The TiessapABUarliei from tbe fears of rpecalatora,The bask wit returns ctah partner,!.

It waa reported Ibat Anatrla wCl demMm of the Psps reepcctlse tbe Increasearray at Bme

It la rsmred that the two French ships recently sentLiibon, win. pnretd te Tetnan, Candle. Farther de- -

toenitratiesB aia jat tb Chrlitlins asd a general mti-stc- re

was feand. Two addl'lonel batta'llsnset troopswere ordered too, sell a meellsr at at cellos, Astsst lilt.

Isdia The rfbeia ef Pssree were defeated on the 6thnU. Fsr emliiartee of Keaa Sahib wire captured atGwaller, rsleavMlas to corrupt lbs native troors. Tbecnlprtta were ixesed. Tbe Owallorrebeta were asalndefeated en lbe ISthct September Renewel alarm ex--tated at Caieettai tbe treepi were constantly underarms, seven Ihensana laanrxenu were reportta is lbeprevlace ef Oal stla coaiMtnd dosbtfsl

Cbiica The npnte' (acklsc of afaatca (sot Cm ten.pretimly reported ) by the British la sstrae. Tbe

Obtseae are r tsrslra to Cess Eena and If acao

ArsTBALiA, Aoxnit 26 A nszxet rt told, 2,100erncea wai on exbrbltlen at Met bourne

traihlatlen Jtewa.WAiniKOTOJ, Oaeber ts. Scsor MaU, the rep-.-

esstativeof Gsarrxand the CesititstlossUits, haa leftfar Vera Cm

Osr Oerersmesi Is creetderias prriect for a railroadataeme paint oa Ihe GnJf ef CaUrsrsla, and reciprocity

cexlaln artletei oi Ihe se thern f rest'er, and theneutrality ef lbe Tehanstepec raste.

Mats retnrsa n!r the caete cf tie next eesilcnf Oenrrris, after what whttcan be done

pretialaary lo aid firKicaratna.Some farelxn ml' Isters are cosmseleatlBC with the

Slate Department ropectlst Mexico.

It atp are that foreigners, gvsersll-- , e peeerited atSan Lcrte de Petoli asd other places

It li remo'ed that Oemmlartecer Beed vW t'--l lsenls- -tlrn te Eertaed.

Sir Gar Osietr hi net ssbsi tied the treaty withXicaracea t osr Gsversmeet, at rep tried.

It is aad Ibat Senatar Hammond has SBltedlnsss- -UIbIbb Deaflar.

Kew Trk Hank tstcraest.Xcir Tori, October 26. Tbe back itateaaent for the

weekabewi as Iscresee 'n Imsb cf f 667,000. of specie

tl76,C60, ef dpo-l-s $l,07,e0, ttsdrawn depeslt tSM,--030, s deereare of ettmlattea ef 1 11,(00.

Ilsve Stealer Tranblea.Kew Albabt, Ivd-- , Odbtr 16 An armed ex--

peditlau left lilt atgbt fer Brandedbsrs to rracse Horace

Bsll; BeBbewevtr had been reaertd lo EHtabcthtown.Itlsvsaeied that the Kectucilans were pnpir nf torrstit

Steambaat ?tewcmb Ieat,Loeisvitxx, Cctober S6. Tbe fine steamer H. D.

orremi.fretaCalro ti Xew Orleans, sink, yeiterday,at tbe feet or iitaca Tweniy-cn- e. Dae nroao is iwo.No Uvea ner bacxaie was ksl. The boat win be a loullew.

Later from Santa Fe.ST. LOCIS, OctsbrS6 Nwa treat Santa Fa if the

lib baa teen received. Tbe s'cond battle with tbe Kar--

Tajeas Iedlasa Is conflrssel. Their agent baa ispendedrelaUeis wHb Ibea, anl saya lhat tbey bate 250,000

sheep and 6.6C0 horses, and It deatroyed, be predicts asisosd Florida war.

Fever In Hew Orleanr.Kew Obleaxs, Octaber S6. Deelba la Ibis city

yesterday f rem eew fever. 45 far tb wrek, '6iivVeiiels Arrived.

Kew Oeleajis, Octcber 36 trrived ships Lls- -xle Hirwird from Uverpao', Gotten Flinter mm for.deaex, asd BrHHsnt frctn Beaten

Telegraphic Markets.New OILEAHJ, October St. Silea of CitUn

6,00 bales with a firm market. Steamers news had roeffect en tbe market. Sales for Ure days 17,530 balea.Becetpta for three diya I3.OC0 balea. ftecelpta ahead eflatt year 1C7,E00 kales Flonr dell, ispertln So 25.

Kew Tork bsy $16 X.TCI5CI5HATI, Oetober 16. FJonr dsll, $4 6095.Wbhky ISKC trrittrn Mess Fork $15 6). Sson'ders

c Bacssdk&SK.Kew Tosk, October S6. Cettss cloeed with a declin

ing tendency; sales SOCOta'ei Mitattcg Cplant II e.

Mess Pork $17 Lard firm, 10Kc Cegar qsle67C CeffjefiroaadqaletttlOSlIK. Flnr, deeUs-l- ag

tendency, $( 2C&i 15, Ohio $5155 IS, Soctkern$586 15, Westera tVhlte weat till, Cera decUslaftendency, 65A66c. Pinimi KaUrcal $mx. FadaeMall Company $106.


Acres of Land for Sale.tbe FIRST DAT OF DKCXMBBk NKIT, and dar.ON at the late residence of Moses Co'lmi.

dcoaaed wiwHI rell lo tbe highest bidder, the tsLowlsgaescrlDed lasdr, ijtttin Tippea ana rontetoc cosstiea.

tt : 1IPPAG COtTNTTSfcfiffn. Tnwa. Range.

So9tbnite,arler .3. , 3. BaiLNorth hill 51, , a.SecUiweat qnartcr --I, S. 3,5 acrea eeathweit qr IV, 6. S. 'West fciH nrlkwestqr '0, 6, X, 'ABef 1. , "Xcrtb haUcf 60. 8. I,North half of , c, t, "Nertbwrst qaarter 11, . ,ABef . . .


West bait ef IS, 7, ,East balf and s w or 1J, 7. I,Baatbsliaod w qr It, 7, a. "Nonhba'facqr 1. 7. 2, "Sostbeailqr IJ, 7, 4,Eaathalf 11. 7, S, "Bastbalf S. 7, srSestbsaitqr 31, 7. a, 'Northeast qr , 7, 8.7d acre nerlbeait qr SI, 7, 3. "Sonlbeart qaarter S8, 7, 8, ee

Northesstqnarter S, 7, a,IzOacreanwqr 8, 7, I.Sentient qr . 7, s, e

Nertkcaetqr It, 7, ,The above described lands, belonelsx to the estate ot

Moses OolHtrt. deccaeed, ts dlrld-- d into two firms, oneblEK two ml , toalhweat ot New Albaay, In Pontotoccossty, coat lining 616 acre, with epen land... tvralv hinda to cultivate. TbeZether Ilea Iwa ml ea

rtmi nf Hew Albanv. in Ttrmh rncntr. UHel.ilT- -pi, eental2lBg300acTfa. with open lnl inCcIrat foralxti er seventy basdi. Si Id lands are la a high (tileof enlllv.ncn. asd win be sild Is qsasllUee to liltpn.xbaser., as there la toaee of It net connected ts therarmi.

Alee, at the rams time asd clace. wa will sell lih'idof Farm Moles, seme sts.k nerats and Cattle, two Jen.

jt 'fj"-- " iTlMmilV&FJ"'0"Abe, a Trrnptxe scrca mg urat, ror the una efabost tweatv month I. Tbe terms ot sale will b twoyears tlateon tb lsads, sndeneyear on stl other prop-erty. Nate and approved eecxttlty will be required cfpnrthaaers. Any person wiactng to parchaae tbe Isedaras see thern by caning en the n&derelgaed.whowlRShow the lands, anl have tbe power to ell privately.


eep76-w1- d Execnters ef Moees Collins. DecM

Notice.TTJN Ooid. deceased, all persons bavlae ctalxu

against Iheriiaie, are seteoy nouacu eo oiicg tarni Itr-wa-rd

dsly astbecticstcd wltbla the time prescribed byi.w ; and aB nerrcBS inocoua to ine esisie, are reqcraed te come rorwara asu

Lioolv to your interest.who wllth to dlipoie ef FOTJLTRT,

PRODUCERS LARD. BACON. CORN.veil, skikd vnmr. FEATQXRS. VENISON. PetBE.e- - anythisr. In short, that Is msrkttab e, wl.I Ssd Itgreatly to ttelr advasuge to sens sscn rmra m mycare, a I have eetaNtibed as agency for the aale ef

rite ion farms, tn Urgeorsma:i qnsstltles,either ts th's vlctsity or elsewhere.

rtrtoais1 dttaaoewbe wl-- h to try Ihe, xasy 'e'y st-- having any article they may wiibta cB. except eattn-.-, sotd by ree at tbe be t rates thatcm be ercseet In the city My genersl acqsatataacaarnontth cenismericf ill kinds ef Prodsce here, myattention to tbemirtet, my cperiesce Is the Groceryscd Prodsce ba iaeaa, iH wan ant me i lying that as oneess atepaie ef enca artuse v letter adeanuge thin my.aeef, In cpnrectlcs lib the sai or Ccestry P. ante, 1 win

alt tttea ts all kteds ef partbtses far the sspply cf ayceiatrr frieaji. r. ja. cpiceb,

tepISelia Gexeri! Agent, li FrcBt Saw.

I jtonrtarj? anH ffinmrialKBunus daii.t appeal nmcK

WESXESDAT. October 17. I5W tMr v Inn Or the NlIcm Oct- - S : Tb Money

raitxri eesltaara wer .applied, and loe er tBreifr tto t iow rc. wittmnt faanTlatcn Thtratratr3 to 4 ptr cent, ror iboit rrio, nlMitl imftThBdKcomit mirkFt continue ralr at MSt VI nnt.for Intoned t ol rarer. CO a, jt to 8 n Mini, aoa o 10.1per crct. fr onltxlvf d. Forrtca Bxcttnro n wiuitoichanitr.oirtartithaboMiot-batkft- f 'ouiatrn Wafwaamailt-1- . raolera atrillnf la tasted at IMHgl'OW,rd ftaaeaft ISK5 S tiotas the aili of Out.oa farhlDtilni la lcenatlca. 1h tiina drawn ualBal th'm

mat iooo tome foiwart aBdreatorettTatra Biapro- -Itrattnenfalbonf tt ftrtr la ItoEcnih ha r.Urd-- I

neM wiMerrtljr.


8TITOT10H.U13 ond SUvtr rinj tkeSttnitri.

Batof MlBrft'a.... par Back of Cos I....HI1S al&tra, Bana...... par Bk of tba Union HUttlitr Bart par Baeta Baak idttita&r or wclTn... par' atercbanla' J)k-.- .,.. JjiiUnion Bask... par Ttadcra' Bank...... USUIBanker Twin.., par Bk cnaiianeoa......,wrualtra' B'k ... .. Pr farmTt' Bask, EnsxTme,Oca. Bank...... .. par 1 llltCSSBtBk of America . 0 Oil Bank of Kiddle TesEraaee,H'tha Bk Ttnn.. .1 eiij 1 clsconntBank at Tarta .. 1 di Cltr Bank. 2tabTfHe.. I tfU

H OT JkJWXTUlV..,....1 UilOeorcla(oMB'lil .... SdUEkof Kmp State par Kicnanre unsn. co uiSntb Carolina 1 X dla'aTenlnrkyBacki.Lawrenorbnrc Bask..M dli atalsEkoi isv. .IM lSbci'v elite Bask.... lOdli atBkoflo.IKta3fDandrl! Bask 10d!a IiOililanaOaaka H dla

nk ,10dU Ultsola ard Wlaeentln.6 dlaBask of NaiETtne.... 5 at? Alabama Banka .. .,..2diaBask of Taxewet! 3 dli M CarotlcaB'lr.. StaSdlaBank of Olatrborse...l0 dla famiera' B'k K O ..soWa"Back of Trenton.... .iddla ifortbern Bank Vim. M dieBank of JeCrraon ... .19 dla OUItrra' Rank ..Cg5 dlaBkof Fsltsn, Q Sdll

MewTork V dlilOtnctsnatl KMFkUadelpbla........ X dUSt Lonla Klanoaicn x BiaiKaiumoTv.... ....New Oilraaa...... W pram AxarrlcaD Qld parLuclaTlna.... JidlaiBHrer rar

laj50 Keward. ofT AN A WAT on or abost thtlSlhtf July DAVJP, .Iv a alare rd M teara. of dark trJ'n ro'i.Hi .Mfh irtr m nAflndi ! abonl 5 fret 10 llKhea CA. I

tllB. aomecfbla front teeth act. I wlH Eire the-- -1

anoee rewara ir apprtnnKieu obi ci idii bv ' e--

If taken la lbe state vo II a p autrer or ra 10.

o3J 2w at CALVrf i.--i

520 Acres of LandFOR SALE.

LOTef BM acres of Land asd a secosd lot."cf S00 acre, lb former lot altsated three g!

andaba'.r tsllai nortbweat cf Salens, and lbaVlatter adtatnlnr Dr. Garner a lisd sa Bit Greek.In Bbeltrr county ara fer aale. Tbe KO acrea ha K0aerea ImmoTfd. and baa snos It a Eoed baUdlnr, s Tbe 300 acrea la snla- -srondlandof BseosalltT.

rartia wusitia to pnrcsa'e win iwini imnnnuiF. AKDERSOK. JtaWfh, or apply on tb presila-a- . Ifso rale Is en".-- d by the 16th of DKeabar, tbe wawwBI be sst at ascttaa. Tbla la a ace cpportSBliy to ae.enr eicaClent property on very aivantageosa term.

Ziand for Sale.T OFFEK my tract of Land far aale, ljlsf la

cestaisus rsr unn'rfa Aerea. ese nsnarea ana 'dsisal T acrea dear!, asd tbebalase well tinier- -ed. f two hasdrtd and trn acrea.l the railroad rnei nearly thronith the mM He of It. I heiretkntthe place la aa hcattby aa any 1 1 the county, wltli toTer-as- ly

Imrrcvemrata 1 ataeilon to elt For termiapply ta the asbacriberllvIPl oa lbe premiers.

u u. suai.Tor Sale.

hundred aa I tweatv acrea of land In TiptonTQRKB six mllea north of liaton'i D pot ISO acreacleared, Ihe balance finely nabrred. Tcrma vary

Alao. aq arrea en ttis uaicni., one nonarra innl a aa" .tTvL ..f. Vf

pved. wl.h fos' good csMbs, a rood fnttt bosae. Kin,ataalsa. amoxenenee, &e., asa wen aaipa to iiotk raia- -tnx. Termi e?ade kwwn on arpUcatlon. Addrcra, 5

jU3cru if WUIILCI,ocS-v- tt Sharon, Tipton cossty. Tens.

Steam Mills anil lOO AcrosOF

LAND FOR SALE.TTTX will sell on accommodatlBS terms, oor ,

IV splesdM Stein Villi (both Saw and Gilst.)together wl h TOO acrea of well timbered Land,'and a leased privilege to ne timber for two yearson 00 aerea ef ether lasd adjoining tbe MH1 tract. Un-ited In McNiIry county, on tbe Mcmpbts asd CharlestonRailroad, asd on Tascnmbla'e fork of TTiUtla RlrrrThe tract ojctalm 60 acrea ef cleared land withcomfortable hosier, and every thlsg in good repair

Address iu stMeraignea ai naiamora ir uoscw.Teen. ALEIANDKB Sx RI0H

lan34-w- tr

Tunica Lands for SaleTnE nsdenlgned iSera for tale, a beetles cf

altnatcd on White Oak ayo.fvnr mllea and a half from Anatls. It li a Xo.rvf91 secUon f Laid. coTired atmoet entirely with a lowbeaw growth ef the large blse case, asd la far above t bhttheet overflow, within tbe memory of the eldeet cttl-se- ss

aoroalnted with tht part ef ih MUileaipjl bot-toms. There ate two cablsa on the tract a few acrescleared, and nearly to bsndred acres deadened, most of11 old deeding. Terma, sis per aTe one intra caen,and the balance Is two cssal tnet almost -- tbe oee raya-b'.- e

lnene, and thoUir in tiro years, each to draw in-

terest at six per cent It ret sold on or befo e tbe firstday cf Jansary, II will net be setd aUthe above priceJcttge Doal-- y who lltei sear tbe pdeerW Win, J. Floyd,who la aslborlsed teaell tbe Lasd, wlH stowlt to anyone d sposed to psrekase, and give tbe X , Basge. &c.


Two Hours to Memphis.SBderslxaed are dee'ross to sell spwardsTHE 400 acrei ot eie lent lasd in the soa'h- -

eaat carn-- r of Tipton cessty, two mites srtb ofMason Cero!. on th Memnbls and Ohio Sallroadaljetslsg lbe landa of CoL Geo. T. Toler, R. B. Eomer- -vute. Eaq , sad othera ; its acres cleared, tne raesi orwhich la lren, navisg nern ciiarea since iooi , ine nu-ance level, rich asd we 1 timbered. Tbe lmpreveaMBtaconsist of an exarfest Fran.c D 'etUae; with Are nomabslt s lice r 51, a larie frame Cinllgi Home, gjdKeen Cabins, with brick chtmsrys, ant all ether ne:e-aa- ry

ont boBea, In goed repair. A Urre reach andArnJeOrebard cf cboicfrslt: a "Well of exceRent water; an exc-lle- range for stock, a0MBg plesty of waver an ice year rosea reresns wissinx to paiaesseha placewonlddowelltolookatlhlaaawe are

se"1. F.r terxs and fnrther pa'tlcnlariaddress the nndnslgntd at Sbarrn Poet Otao. Tiptoncoonty.Teon. ANK W, BHADSHAW,

a 4. xa.jniva'iA".X B. If deslrd. tbe sfck of nays, Catle. fin

Fodder, He , win be sold with the sbave place I willI02K acrea or good lead IK mile nrth el

Mempbl i, adjoining the laBds of B. Branch. A. B. Tailorand F.Tavler. of tbla SO acrea are la cslttvatlen and avery bold spring or retnalkably cold water wltbla Myards of the dw I'lnr. Fr rnrther partlcela'a, adores

B. J. IHAV3UAW, Ageni,aeiTT-w- lf FihamB P. O. Tpt n t , TeBn.



TTAVlKG psrchaied a farm la ArkaBiae river .

JJLIbottom, aadbelrgd-alros- t,eoKratetbl'he' tola Fall I now .ler my pantatlcn cestalBtsg t130 acres, on whleb I sow leelde. en tte re- - tenreed adlag frem IloP, gpnsgi ti .Itikca. Aik acd I

two mllea rat ef the allssleelrpl end Tenoeai.a Callrcadand three miles from CoMwater D Tot, which is thirtymllea from MespUa. The luc; hu ebnt 100 acrescearrd os It , Eeirli 100 of which are fresh, ail is a coedatateef celtlratlsa. asdas Use a farm si key tn thla

or Lelibbotbou! TeleraMy rood dwelilsti, gedn'XTocabini. a arocgln and mill acd oth r ,

a good etitern kelduig 45 1 bbls. if water, asd thies rfa.r good sprtngi

The eocielr la ins nelzhberhcen U as zooa ts any isKcrth Mlsilsslrpl. Several Ohsrcbn s d Reboots la theBeiabberhood. It Is as pteasast and desirable a place asanv In this cmntrr. alio as healthy as any la North Mlesi slpsi The tract con'd be divided ro cl to make twoeettkEjentac-nlti- r necessary.

As I am reeling lbe mosey 10 msxe a psysust on myArkansas perches', I will ttke 5000 cash for tbe wbetetract, gls ml mid lctindcd ir 1 win take $6900 ta tareessal initiimests. Ills intce8try, as laneis or no neuer caaitiy is in neigseoraooeare held at from $!6 ti tS5 per acre, bst I am determinedU aVI, and IberetM etr-- r t iesi lndnctmeat te p rscasrlblcc ti locate la Notts Mtlif lrrl. to can anl exam

ine ror ibemseirea beiore pnrcnaaing etaewsere. 1

hive a tract f 80 acres on the same road, fire miles ra tcf this, for sale at $0 per a r--, teleraMyweilbBp'eved,Tbe whole, li set rrcvioatlysold, I will le i to tte highest Slider, en accownooaung lenas, at anc'.un, esMOKD AT, tbe lS.b day 1 f next November on tbe nrem- -lees. Alromy firming nirULi, trn. Fodd r. uoauhold asd Kitchen Far ltsre, and s portion of ray stock.Also tlx share ef $59 each la tie Mississippi and

Railroad. For further rartlcilars. address tbessbierlber at Xlm Grore, Mlta.

irii-w- i & u. susruns.


Cleaves & Vadeii's.rpHR LIFB OF LORENZO DB MEDICI; By Wm.X Boiooe.

MEMOIRS OP C6UNT GRAMMONT; byCocatHaxi- -1'tca.

THE W0BE3 OF DRTDKN; new first cillected, lil nitrated with Note. Olitortcil, OrHkal asd Explanatory, ana a uie or ine Aainer, cy waiter scett. T.v.18 volt., fine cepy, fell tree calf, SO.CO. Loaiun,186S."Eta command f lasgsagewas lnmen-e- . 'VTUhblm

died the secret or tie e d poetical dleitoa of Esglaad tteart of prndsilag rich ffeca by facnlllar wads. Thetosghest and isost kno ly parte of langssge brtarse odotlle at his teoch. 111. versinraltea la the asrse rsasarr.while Utava ibe first model ot Ibat aestaeas asd p eels-le- a

which the foQowlsg generation esteeaed a high y.exEintira aiise aama lime ineiaii example, er mnesa, freedom, f .nd) variety ef pece asd ca eace

Ha waa, perk.ere.tha greatest of thee whom we haveaesignateaaa txte crtucu poet.' Ldinbare Review,KBIBUHR'3 UCTtrRKS ON THB niSTORrOPnOMB,

from the Kartleot Ttaea ts lbs Fall ef the WesternEmpire, edited by Dr. Leoibsrd Bcemltx; recoeri edition, with from the Germaa edltm, t vets.ova. cioia. liOnacn.

NBIBUHR'S LE0TDBE3 ON ANGIBNf niST .RT,from the Earliest Times te the Tiklsg of A'exandriabyOctavlss; csmprlelsg the nu:ory of ike AtlstlcNatless, xryplIiBi, Greek!, Mscedonlass. and Cartbartslaas; trasa'ated frem tbe Germin rdltlsa cfDr. Marcs Nl- - bahr, by Dr. Leonhard Schtaltx, withAaaiuens asauorrectiesv, i vols, bvo, dels. London.

NKIBtTHR'S LECTDRK3 ON ANCIENT KTONOGRA- -PUT AND GEOGRAPuT; cctnprlelng Gretreindterooloniea. rpirss, Msceaesia. Il yitcom. Italy. OinlSpats, Britain, the North ot A ft lea, etc ; translatedfrem lb German edltlea of Dr. later, by Dr. LeonbudScbmttx, with Additions and Carreetlscs from hu enMS. Notes, 3 veil. Svo., cloth

ssr. it. j. Rose's nkw general biographical DIGnoNART; live'.. Sec, calf, 450 con- -tun ovctzu,uuu Anicics utmotuThl. baa bees most carelnllr cdlUd and coesdled bv

asie aca ezjeriesc-- a wntera la every orpittnvnl of Blograpby. asd Is Intended to ssppty a deficiency in osr Ut- -erarsre wsKn sia not extaiea aisce ua completloa of"Chalmrra." which, after a lapse cf forty years batDecocae neany ooaoieie. isis w. ri, rrom the great vs.rlrty aad extensive range ef Its contents, resit tr acknowledge! as a most isvalsabie addlUea ta (very psb--uc ana private iiarary, aa a cesox or reference asd arepertory ef lstomatlss and amcstmeat for all ttieseeof reader.

t TIIITBLOS'S COLLECTION OP STATE PAFERSt cos.I Ulslng AsthrBtle Memorial ot Eaglish Affiln, fremI UBiounnaumira er uane n., ltaI Ufe, by t?ois Birth, 7 vela folio Loudim,17l3.I ' Theae 8 tite Papers form an cxctUect LUUrycf En- -I rape daring mil period, ana are atosce a praot or Thar- -

loo's abUltlea ea a sta'eeman asd bis exoeliesce as a wri-- 1ter." Granger's Biograptteu History.

S'ZP. tJ . "t TODSR'

NAPOLEON Bis own HISTORIAN, aad Ufe of UsCases; lied. 8r., W cf. Leaden

T. LITICS- - ROMAN BISTORT! with tb Snppleieentcf Joha Frelasbeim, 8 vats. I2mo.. old calf. Elln -barxh.liei.

RXPOrV OF VHB DEBATES IN THE PARLIAMENTIn lhKei.ln ne ITU. wi.llv.tA th. r,lfen.l. cf Dab.ln, 173

SCLLT8 MEMOIRS; Prtm MlaUter ef nenry tbeureal, e vol or.., ca cir rrSJ,

BLKSSINGTON, C0DKTF.F8 Tb Uterary Ufa Bduorreiponsetce or. by R E. Madden, 3 vo!a. Svo.,clitb. Leaden

AN ACCOUNT OP TUB CONSTRUCTION OF THEBritassia and Oosway Tnbslar bridges ; with a compMenliterve their Proxreee. Br Wm Fulrbilne.


Bocieiyer siancoeater.PLANS REFERRED TO IN TnE RjepOKT OP TTtE

uomcuuroers appointed to Inquire Into the Appllu--uos os iron u aaiiwav Btrostnrei


msrkab e Peraisa, irem the RrroisUos la 6S8, to lb.Ed ef th R-t- of Girie II BrlmixelAntfl Jt.nisToar of the btzahjine axd greek, em- -


verse ; wherein all the asd Phlleiapby of AUli confnted. and Italmpwiiouiilr. Drtsrtrtrsted.

w th Trestle E ern.1 and ImnistableJterauir .J AJH VSQWFrui; . I I

rvi saie oyleruu-cat- Cleavpt is. 'agent,

For Bent. ' ; '. nieunilln.1-..- ., tt.u .u.t ...x..-wi.n- .. n.,tnM street, ard salted fer s Tae Grsrerv and

Ccaaiiitn or Dry Goods Bails en. For lemt. fit.tppiy at irs Man siren. setll-t- f

uEMrRis DAlLif ArrBAL omci, IwzoiitoAv, otoi n. ISM I

CoTroa Tb markrt w Wnably .Ut Tt.mOjT,

tot tbaamoaot 10 d wai not 10 lr9 i on acme da;tlul wrtt Wo Bare rrported to v't f.63 UIra tti4 ia-Ur4- T.

aodWba!! atlOX, 103 it II, and 1M at

aoM'arttr tot rrport mid bit cam, 00 Jtaodav t.let 'roararufeiatxnr laat'a4Tiace xt H wai T- -

tTf ipdr ih; roKnt Slur . churtcs fro-- II H to

ItK,aifcUovSilICatOK.llatlOX, 601 t II,C0tJlI.:, l&latUK. 8atH-lS,.- at HX,eal

S3 at 1IH, 18 at 41i ,7S5 balta wereeld below

fix. and 10J above It 5 In olhf r wid, wh'lle rii tHeiwere iiii btbw tta rrJtct prior, at tin rate, and abnalt'.SSbilnwaroiold. "To do not alWoar qooUtloni,

bt onblde Rtzm arob tn'ltf wa.lnfnl .7 a7li I0VO10SOrdinary ......... 18) B eoodlflddllne, &tntQjod Onllnarj.. Xlddllnj Pair- -. 1 1 V eil H

LowUldJHnt....t3 ($10 M fair US16IIXVBrpte'iCt.jho ObI BVUnaijeitrdar.'fnlrpw.Ale'ioicaiil SUitj, alaanla, OiTawir II,wigieasscttjSS. . ,

Tne iew uneaaa cm

nipecUsg mercantile natten :Tha wMk now drawls to a cioa) hat tea one of eos- -

tlrud actlrt'r Is tte Cotton market, thmb at attlleatler ratea. wbBe a (od baalaaaa kaa bean dine In Sa--ar and Afolajaea, tnonia priwii mr ui lauer save

IS(JrWt)et4ltnomlt(Illl,cjullaJ mardi prtua.aatrravlaiens are Hill qnua onu jtuicou sia oeen in morearttrorraneil. bnt rrl' " 'IU ke(t aecrrt to tbeprtncipil tranuctlo- - a.

COTTOX TfiOOWOana waarwiBBira wits conaioera.bte rnlrlt In tba earlj part of tin week, ant thinib onlySEOOSakactiinefdbaJidaenOatoidar, tte baMoeaaoftCocdar rracbei 11,000, asd Ibat ef Toradir i.OCO balra,prlcea b--li r He. eaater for btjera la moit IniUncet, lbbawbdoalntwllb more Annuel after In noeptlon efikenArl'l'a al'lte. cn tbe lUr dar OB TTidneadar

ao 7.C0D aa'ea ebasstd handi, at atlll carterrataa f . r tbsnrdlim sradVa, ud reatcrdir fcDj 12.00),tirrora'ir eratea. ibonxb wth n esotabla ckasee

Io-d- wltb reoeral demacd. tbe rata asm cpIIJOObaKa tsaxtss n ioiai ior vi uuHinfvua

It far lbe larttit bnalcrai tbsi tar tbla vaaoa.Tie market cloaea eaar at osr qnotalloni, wblch lie VattnllewerXorddUnztbanoatblidi7weck. Tbe

pnrchaita tare been malnlr for Great Britain. France,tba ontlnmt f Bsrope, at a me xiarin Wfft rt. Vvnorta. Iimi time. 2TR71 fctViTIcrrit. u Ihe rerelpte at alltbe UaKed 8U:ca pcrta. ly,as cunpare. with laat year, ZSi.DOO ba-c-

tnrerlor. A A IH I MldJltrf 11M0I1KOrtmry 8W 4SX I Good JIlMUsc. (312Cord Mtdd'Ut Fair...Low Klddllnx .. IlMKII.t I ratr ts

Stock en band I it SeptitoberJ fffS8 balea SO.TlKmrrd ....... ........... 9 435BecrlredpTloaaiy .......i.,..ji-,T- i

XS9.7J1ExporUdloday ... lt.130Exported prevlesiry ...IC3.663-lI9.7- kS

ltock s band sot drared.... bales.. 113,SEJ

TOia'cco Sales free at anotatlosi: Lvsi 6. leafinferior to fair. CM U1H. Bee SS), choice OlarksvlHeSKAI1. 8tk on basl, U,Ki.

8U0AB. bereaaii?en a fair icasiry mil lriu,wblch baa tatea tff tht cartect ncalxta enlte xeaddy.and at pretty rd prlcei nr dottss qs ta- -tlcm cetex as foiiowa i commas ets. rair te rmiy rairSXtjUK orisie and choice 77M, on'-rifcf- at.d clarlnlHTH Toe wriR-- a aaie are aconi i ouo ssaa.,tsCndiax ISO to diy. at caller ptlca. Wetk'a receipt!1,673 bhda , ezpjrta 61 dj.

Xolasses. -- rrtcea have Ure a!r fall's off tbla week.

'wedniada to SSgSO . ? aal on. bst te-d-ar tbe colsfratea are aic. f a:tjD. ror crime ana cnue. is tsu.asd balf bbia., which li an Improveoest. Wcek'i re-ceipt! 3,68 1 bbla ; ex porta 461 do.

CorrxE. Aaosecueo of s.oco bca fthe octavu)baa been a' Id. to arrive, at 10 He tbe bsitSfiathif weekLas been qnlte larre, tbe lalea asmmtni sp 9,669 sac,atarasxeef loSlOKforerdlaaryJoritr. asd 10H6UXatd 11 he for txd filr ta'prteie And cbolcs. Twj ei

toxetber 7 150 ban rrctlved tbla wtek. Stock,63 ban, Katost 119,000 at the laae dito last jttr.

MEJirlllS PAICE CURREMT.jL9iao...,lj9la batting, 2311a.; Kentucky Haa'

Loob. I5SI6SC.; Cestecky Power Locei I6911CBLAcuna....8s)aa betH, $9t 50 Ijttoie,

e9My W groes.

8orrEr....Mo, iiseiJHi oato 9hCBAClEm.. ..Water, $1; Better, $4 0 Soda, $5 Tt

tex; Jccir, $1 U; Soda, $1 60 ft box.

CcaiLaT....Lonlavaie Hydranllc, $V 0031 SS, and

Newark, S 756100.actDLXS....Sterl2021c fib.)r.DE....MaaWi SUM; ttotteo, 2Jenu.fisn.. ..Mackerel, balf bbla. No. 1 $1 50 bbK No.

$17 M ; bbla No. 3 $11; bait 1Mb No. 2 $3 50.FLOun....3Tp"rsn;,$6 OOSt ; City Kxlra. (6 75

$7 CO; St. Iym'.a Extra. $7 75$S ; Knexvl Is, $3 60

6$3 75. J.Glass. ...(Per box f 50 ft.) Preach Win lew, 8x10,

IJ153 50; 10x12, $2 60Q. Pltftieesh, xll, J theC$J U; 10x12, $2 5Se?l SO; bis

amrowDEB....Xestscky BJSe, $4 25475 It keg)Klnlng, $1755 50. bis

Inon....Tcnneisice, (Osmberiand bar) 6M1. V B.)faoasyrraraa (PlttsVcrgh bar) S H 4 He; Castings, (hol

wsr 45c.LcATaxn....$eles at helesal for eilrtldg, ie

HijJlieneurf.TIgl c ;OskSce,Ko 1, 23311c.; rjeni-to- ck

S4te,:6 3i8c.; t BrMJe Leather, $SOia4oaan;Dpper Leatber, SUtotwp dosen.

UME....Obio rlva$l IO$l 35 Alloa and St. Oe-- fnerlevi $2 CO.

UanoRS....OH Bosrbon Wblsky, $1 60V gallon;0M Bye, $1$2; Old Beservc, $I$I 66; ImlUtlos,19c.; Irlth, $2; Cemmoa Rectlfled WbUky,2t to lie;Dexter'a. 23U: I Peach Brandy, $ Tsatl; Apple

srasdy, $1 75$$7.LrAD....Bir,7Kf'ic. ft ,

LuasEB....PIr, 12M; Cypress, $16, renewPine, roogV, $16. Pine PloctlRg, (Mi dear WhilePtae. $50; 1st Ceosaoa Pise, $15; 2nd do, $25.

MOLAtlEi... Old, 15916c; balf bbU , 272V)Hew, 40:; bill tbll. 44945.

flOMB'l !BO!eTlE....8SC jt B.

Naval Stobes... .'Spirits Tarptstlee, 61865:; Tar

$1 0$$l 5), stnsll atd largs bHi; Km In, ....; OaksmKrrrs....PtcaB lStfl.; Atmanda, Soft SbeBa, 20

tic; Bird Stella, 12615:.Nails. ...JU591 E0?te.0tL....Ueed, $l0ai,2S; Lard Oil 8i; Caster1 50.rxovisiotis....Baceo, 0:eir 81'ca. 8Hg9V; Bib

Si'1ea,SH 1 Shoulders, 7&7X. Laid, iabUs. 10

10Xe; kegs, VHQllH- - Mess Peik, nominal.PAFEB,.... Wrapping, (Oc.Q$t fi ream.

,Hce....4M$5c. V B- -

Borc ipsa, s (tSc; Machtne,7KSHc.Salt.. lets. Coarse, $1 10g$l 16; Pine $1 48

Jt . -- lH,l al 59 forOaarso, asd $1 75$I 80

forPlse. Silesult lnloti Iron lis tin; are being made

$1 for Coarse, anl ft 15 for Fine.

Shot.... Drop. $2 00; Back, $2 402 60 ft endC0AR ...blTe declined. We newcisets Choice, t

)llc; Prtse, ffe , Fair, 8H38K; aarlCed, Uh812X1 tar, IStSIS; Crashed, tslt; Pawdcred,

ltaI5c. ft r Somi em ill lots of New Ssisrs ro'dCbie yHIOorprlxe, S VK ; Fair, BWg8.SC

3rin!.... Peeper 4e. ; Clnsaaes. 4T55IR; ctovei.J&it i Git.&er,8; S.iM, H15ct

3TEEI...-.HiTJi- tei:)ji. 71 ; Germaa, III'r&rUee34fr, 18c; Arsencaa Bliter, lec.; Cut 25c.

It eds ...Oanrr, $6$IS; BrseOrass, $30092 25;lewotl '. f4 50e? JA; asrdsgraw, 23$'l 25; -l,

1 S09S4; Orehcrd. $1 75lkiivOLXS....(t r'$tT:n....nl7b-i- . 8. $I2 25;X $11; Block 40cTEA....1mrierli: 75c.;2; Ocspowder, 5c31 1

fesag nyeoa, 76c $l 60; Black, 15e.$I.ToBACCO....merarl, Keatecky and Tenneee, 20

lac ft; Virginia, KXai$lTT7t5E....I718c ? ft.V15EOAJi....Pnr White wine. 75t Tl fallen; Pare

Apple, $I0T)bM Chemical, $t 60S$S


raojrr bow.APPLE.,, gl iO 5 1 CO i barrelBAC03....Rlb Sllea 8Wgi Clear Sldea sk10c;

3boaMers. iH&lci Const y rjins, II 12 He; Cin- -vaisrd Qims, 13SI4:? 6.

StrTTEB....Crealry Extra, 35c. ft) CenntryFsir,11330c; Extrs Western Reterve, I5e.

atA33....Vsvy White, $1 35 per hnahK.

Bb is. . ..T"5oc per cwl. In

ilATTLX....0nft,4d5Hc. aettCabbaoe....$10 05111 60 11 bsalred .

00BX....ISackF, 80,6.Cheese... .sai'c tl .CntCKESS....3 75t M T doier In dnind.DrttID FBOlT....App-e.-

, $IO0$I 31; Praebwpeeied t 00e 0; nrpeeied, t 75$J 00.

Dccxj....Vta-covy- , oop-rpu- r; acguo, ts'.0s per pairKsss....!0S35c f iVoien

FLUD3....IS sacks, Ssperdae, 13 Cog I so; cons- -

try Bxtra Fam ly, 3 08 U 00 ; In tKs., 7 C0g7 0.

FATrrEBJ....Goose,40e343c.'B B.Tou.vo Geese. ...10 lo 50c each.Hides. ...Hist, 13M14:; Grees, lirer b; Dry

Salted, 13811 He ; Green Salted, 6c fUAT... tndtoilid; RetaU, )Uf3 per ten.

noHIXT....$3 COgtl 60 T tnsbeL

Iatd... Cms ry Leaf Ko.I, lOSUc per ft; la kegs.

I331JC- -

MEAL....Cenntrr, 7'75-l- a demand.

MOTTO....Onfo t.Ke.1 $1 5 9,1 00 per teal.OSIOSI. ...75890 1ba bet; Sett. $1 00 13 bnl tel.OATf....I7Cperbcsbe!-l- 3 demsod.PXAS... --Tills, $1 OOgH 69 T bsihel.

PEA!trrri....70c.l pertnihel.Potato E.....Swe t, t99Cc tastel rlilsb, Nortb

era. 11BI lOperbcaiel.F0M....0nfoc4,Gcp-rB- ; Mess, ais ootsie w

7 bbl., wholostle.RTE... .No demand

Tallow... .ec ptrponni.TcaaiM....40350c. per bntbel.TcRKET....0:d, 1 1, In demand.

Wheat... .Seaing at 70 to POc. per bnibei.

Wool.. ..Wished, ?6e; Unwashed, t 'mcGAME....Vcnl!OS, 8e6i Bear, lOglJc; Dacks,

Mallard" $1 CO t? dens; "Teal," $1 00 doxeoj

Sdslrrvls. SI 15 ds.; rar.rwges, f t ou as; Tnrieys.75-- - I CO.

r n t. ihire rates ere the wholesale prices cfa sad and merchant Jble articles ; when the sals la by ro-

ta I, additional price, will be rtqolred; If Inferior, apropottMsala dliionnimnii n ium: iu imyu.




General P r o d ii c c Dealer,No. 29 Madison Street, Memphis.

aiteaile given lo tbe sale ot every.Pjp7Sa otProdnce extT Cotton. Also. Agest for H.v wiri.IAVV WAGONS, FLOWS, WHEBLBAR- -

lnnvq a.I w.....e.TnerlenceintbeFrodncellne. I flit ter my- -I self tbst 1 cao give tm,tpf.'n ?f vl!!?I wfcn ntr riTBT me Wi.a w

cbasta generallr.


111 Mam street, nave jnsfc jeccirni aa.eiecnaiTNet ef MEDIOAL BOOrS. wblch tty Miellsg very low- - Also, a as enter of new aat tclrMV--UitpsbacatlcB EeUgicns. UterirysndBc-sntls- c

octs in

Dr. J. B. Gentiv,.well known ocausi ef rranuori, aaaaBat.THE lhat be wm SExTbV- -

T.i rlnnbaevJUrs.. on tso 1Mb (exactly) (('TW'v,Mnt,f. in-- rrciiltr fnsr feczttbs. After .which ha wtu seay au nun mnuu..,K..ieinr llir.b I6.1e53e fc'.whlch lint, and place ha,11, beprerared tsatlead ta aUlniies c( lb eya. Tberjetor is aiiaprepai w ...u uucuib taipcuoiu uenrdceJ otwatteai pertaining to tbeeyq, ai wen utreat te niirmiuonia iv.

HrrtBTo Gov Morebead, Hon. 3. J. Crittenden,Trail 'erl. E J H 0. Wtatersalth, Memphis,- - Teaa.l

lireji nisio, .itor jacasiau Appeu;deailO; r. Jasae. Marshall 'casaty.MUt.l J. L. H.l

I Tcm!lo,Gl-n'ar- , uoa, lean nooi.' uieua,,i... f Jaaratsbaris. Masiinrilaa.FTeMia.PJBrwmrEi. T.

, .. .:aslllsgnl.aupeyvjiiia- - - jciwpvss'tI OK CASrSByoea Lcalon 3rter, eraart anJtUiU,

(tej lor St.. tn.Ul O'iiBrffHAfigJJ.

Atrial cjofos.To Mothers of Plttsbnrgh.

WOULD yes arpty pelsoss le tb dilliat$ f lbs atooeca. fer 'lest dtflcalty lite. Fehn, 1

broken brent, a pilnfo'l iweiUos, e? BrJn meicaThen de not gin polaocwai DirectUa artl liritalisg dragsto year chad fir Crvsa. as, bst 79ly DEGaATn'aXlecibic Oil., and If It dsa't esrs tb Crasp toonday, ceme totbssfflte asd get $59. Trtaelpal cQce 29Sooth Eighth itrrel, PhHsdelrtla. Tbll OU will lakeest a Vera la 20 mlnstes.

Tbi Great Bexaedy caa be had of the aseat herCnABCLEB a Co. PrM,25eBta,aO(BUaad$l a

That BvQTjrlJBitr flays Must beTrue.

VXbavt biard bat en epbalen tsfeaaMkl t lbs cej--llavl rAqo'lABCTIt Xiarisresnr. II U ssireraallyprcnasc--d to be tbe best listmenl n lb world fres- -rlsglUieanitUa, Scralss, Eroises, Kearalgla, PiIit,Sor Breasts, Tetter. Blaxwers, and B dUeases of theSkin It la also aa Infants reaecy rar nearly sit

which aslmalaar ssbjeeted, ipceUlly heraeaaad xasle.

BrsaaArctleLlBlmeatUfwr salecT H reepecUMe


Fever antl Anea ttnlhte disease. Of "ail the MM Ibat Stab la heir

te," U la tbe faintest is H first maslfeatatlaea, thetnsat ssrsleBttBg la Itapregreas, aad lbe meat denial of 0.

medical sklH. Fever aad A gee I tatro destrsrtive efUfa than ooeunmpllou teessie K is mete etitty ladoced.aad therefere more prevalel It mills its victim!for tbe grave. Mle aa exreatleBe.'s bead. Diy by day.

iBOerar grow weaker iM weaker, aad each beardoea he fear a itreeg eeasebnaseas ef appreacblsg lbstomb. We have aald thit the diieaie ts ore if tbswhich bss nearly alwaya defied medical aeieaee a fewcaieioBcesBlawbnekivief beea cared asd repertM.We are hippy le aineasce Ibat Dr. J. ni tetter, efPllUbargb, bas prepared a ajmpmcd that Laa neverbeta knewa to fall la caring lee waiat rates oT this tcr- -rib e disease. We reocemisenel Dr. J. BosTETTEB S

Celebbated Bittebs to iiSfrmg humanity generi;- -ii a ssre aad speedy speetse.

For ills by Prsgglata, aaat dealers generally, erery-Wher- e.


To the Public nnd the Afflicted.DB.. J. WIIIT2 la dary gralefal fer tba confluence

aad patranacecr tbe ASUCtett, beatawed spoa him fermore thin 300 ml'ca areesrt Memebis. Many personavisit tbe city, dtilrlas; his adrlee aad remedlne, oa In-

quiring for bla etace of ths who do not know that therearotweDrs White Is tbe city, are d'rected to Dr. J. S.White, or thl AWrithic K M scaoej prof'lllen. Neith-er cf aa dealrlag the legMscaale paWelti of lbs other,Dr J. or Jaaa White leeme Hawary asd proper forbias to adtl.e the pabllc aad tbe aabeted that bis OSesaad Medical Depot 1 en Cales atreet, cext deer teMessrs. F. Line 4. C'.'l OatUw led HauteThis U a branch of Dr. J Wklt Otsctaaatt MedtcaInaUtsle," chartered by Ihe LegfjUtare ef Okla, and besew nader tbe charge f Prof. 1 B, WhlVeesere, aa ableChemist. Drngglitaad Pin I'll la at E6 Bresdway. Vynmedlis are prepare 1 at the IsstHate from ray farm0--U'.byDr. Wbltteaa, l a3 their erlirsal psrltythey a ay be hil at wbe:ale aad retail; a'sobypre.salptloa, with the able advtea ef Dr. WhHtemore. Dr.Joha While, oa Galea street, sl aKegrther InNa-tar- e's

remedies. Then remedies, aettag la specificharmony with the Iawaf ;e, rarely faBta arrest atdpermaseallycare the mist farmMaMe dlKsua chronicand acate aad a llajartes, Acaea aad Talna whereverlocated Thsle ceap'ete rernvsttea of the entire orgsE- -Um, iteilUyretilrUgaU tb waster, aad baHdlsgcsibessUr ayitem; the extraereisary cores which tbayqatckly perfrai la all eretntry casei aed caeipUecatcdaad isveterate diaeisas wbea persevered la prove themiteatly aspcrlcr to asy let of

ttls reentry or Europe. DB. JOHN WTHTB,uatea street. Memphis.

Tax Collector's Xotice.AFTSR the 15 h of thspracfnl Death I caa be fsacd atthe hosse ot Messrs. Wb &. Rawltaji, Main street,from S o'ctcck A sr. tmtH 2 r. at , whre It win glee mepleijare to wilt npon aad rate exraesUyreijarst lb(m ts sstUe by tb 16th December and aavetrouble and cost. J W. B07ST8X.

Octaber 14tb, IR53. eclS-dl- w

RemoTal.E CnADWICC takea tUa fp- - tselty te tesder his a

acknowledgmenta te bl relay friends aad csstomers far efHbertl patresage they ksve extended lo hua stscea Jjnia la Memphsa, anl avilli hlmieU cf this 00

caeleo to Inform them tad thepMiethathhaereevedIsssracce Odce to lb roea fonaerlj occxpled by tbe It

Sonthces Baak. oa the west Me of Mala street, seconddrer soath ef Madlsoa, wh're he wtH te hippy to iffjrd thethem any f,el!lly In bis III tor the protection of ttelrproperty. lie Hitlers hlssetl f at tbe csapasle be re-

presents (with as aggregate cash cspftsl ot over TBBSBA!D A HALV MILLION tor DOIXAR3.) areaeeendteBene la tbe Onion In tbe aecsiMr they offer, and thealraeta with which they settle aad the prwpteesa with

which they psy their lesaes. It I with ptesssra that hirefers lolhet Howlsc Hat f (he he has tbe wlhonor te represent.Aetna Inssrasce Cvapisy. eaib eapttal. $l,(Ot,0C0Homiinssrancecoccpiav,N x. tfiO.COO tenirterd Vtre Isscraace Coaapaay, 500000Ftceilx Iassraoea Cos) piny rpp.ocoCbsrtrr Oak Plre ft Matte las. C , " JO0.0COCharter Oak Life InraaeOe. " 450,000Kaickerborker 1 He I eraBce Os " 200,000

Policial Usaed la Ihs ahive Oeesniiiei 1 at Hkcrslterms as asy f eail rapeulkwHy.

ecl7.1n J. JS. GHADWICK, Ac at.

Burnett's Cocoaiuc.COMPOOKDef Oeeea.Nat OM, etc, fer dreiilrg the

Hair, rer efficacy ad aATeeaMeaess, It Is wltheat arival.

It prevtnti the Hairfrom faMing off.It promotet ilt AWy one! tigertut grovlh.It it not greaty or tlitlty.It fares no dUagreeabtt er.It e.lrut the Hair when hard and dry.It toothtt the irritated nalp skin.It offordt the richest Itutre.It remaim longest ineffttt.It cotli fifty ante for a half battle.

Burnett's Cocoaine.X single application readers the Hslr (ee xeatter bow

stm asd dry) aoft asd ileasy fer a.vsrsl dryr. It Isconceded by iH whs have seed It to be thl till andcheapest Hair Dreuimg is Me trerfi. rrefan-- 4 hyJ03ZPB BUBNETT &. 08 , Settee.

KJTFarsa byS HAie.riELO K Oo. asd dealersgeseratly. ecll-- 1 tw2m

E. F. OOOBE & CO..(accessor, to Thrall 5i Co.)


LIGHTNING RODSA very aaaerler article, with


Post office Block, er addressX F. GOODS. CO- -

mr!t-!- r Memphla. Tena

All ThoseWIIO are .aided with say cbrealc dlieaio cetulderedIncurable, will receive a Letter gtvtxg teferaitltnwhich win leunte a speedy aad permaaeat care by asd--lag leelr namea and oa itasap (to p cpaypta'age) toDr. E. B. FOOTE, the ceirbraledCbreste Phyrldas. andaather cf " Medical Ootaaua Seaee' Para'cgi 5primes.New Tork. ifnU-diwl-

Edmondson & Armstrong,Wholecale asd Retail Pe tiers Is


Opposite Court Square Sign of the3r eo 1 d o n StlrruTj,UBPconataatly en bead a fall assortment of articles Is

their line, consisting In part ef French aad AmericasCalf Skins, Hemlock asd Sole LeatherSxlrtlEgj.narntis, Bridle, Wax asd Xtp Upper Leather,Xsaaelrd and Patent Leather ef an klBds; Fad, Hog,Cbamols, Deer, Using and Teppisg Slim Also, a fslaaaortaent ot ZaddUra', Shoemakere' asd Taanere'Tsols&c. Saddlery Hardware aad tlim-- ei MotsUscsof variety to wblck we reopoctfallv Invitetbe attention ef persona baying s osr tine.

Saddles, Harness, Ilridlcs. &c.WB are sow Jsat rrcelelsg a fresh end wee1 sefKled

lock otgoodl In this Xae. atieli a."ADDLES, (RID!.




Or ETE&T TABiy.TT.An of which we wlB eg at the very iswtat market rale.

PM0ND8ON It ARMSTRONG,No. 147 rfala street,

ae39-dtwaw- sua of the Gerden Sttrrnp

Bands! Bands! Bands!WB keep casstaatty oa bead a fait assortment ef both

KsihlavSlretcbrd Leather sadGIN AND MILL BANDS.

f allslxe. Irons two to sixteen Inches la width, asd aswe are the A seats of the maasf astarers, can eeHthexsal low a. they caa be feand la Ihe market, aad gsaraatethem lobe ef tbe beet qsaHty made.


ly stga af tte GeKlen Stlmrp.

Hides! Sides! Elides!WB are prepared at aay tteae to psy the H1GE2ST


Shipment! solicited, to which w premise ear promptasd special atteatiea.

KDKONDSON It, ARMSTRONG,No. 2 Hilt street,

Bbrc ef the Golden 8Urrtp.


CAPITAL, : : : : $160,000.All Paid In.

RISES takea on DweKtsgi Bd otter bosre. Goods Isstare sralsst Lee r Dsasg by rire. Ahe,


Te aad from .H Part.. Atse,

NBGB0IS,Against damage, ef tbe Rteer.


Jno. II. HtB, Alex. Aaderaea, itl. Taalx,James Cersey, Ttienr I . Aadee MC. n. Gardiner,G. M. Face, w J.utB. ucBryKe'i.

jaa. jsuss, . s. AHsway.JOS. VAOLX, President.

A. W. BOTLBR, Seeretaey.J. O. LONSDALE. Agist, Mo Jeartastef?r;Meaiph'.TesB.

prepared to Oil rler trees, tb efTAM p. nwL of Pn'ladiirAli.forw'Irsn JlalllagS, iin awkiiu.Teraodsbs, ral Werss, ,

Gites,wtor cut, S,alr.wtIi!PalilBg,Chaira. Balceaw Btaeke!,Foeratatis. "THitching rests, SUtsiry,rrm. SCTaners.T.M.t with Mirbie T cl. Hit aad Hmbntls Etsnda.A portfolio cf ese ravine cewiainiK aueiueiatcsiasamost approTBu atji., w uj ,.t wawnrmien and Main strretv G. W HANNA. A cent.

Ledger copy. aepi

Fine xVrts.ARTIST, ProfeiKir USUMIHQTOV. bisi OCR froax the csatercxi'les. and luo prepared

ts taka an tbe zuwest attics et P:ctare.kaowa ts tbecbotegraphle wcrM. CaB at tba Marble Block.

IaaplB-dl-w . r.nCLABg CO.

Ci f ZATtntlW Cepparas, P. i w.. for tls tyKJ his h. p. rARNawoara oo.

... r B . F . WILLIAMS


pops' ar remedy ts w S red ta ibis eta mostly with the cosfidsece ef It sspplf laI tbe win I ef a rellahteIt la parucalsrly srp.leabt U Chreelc Dkers, Tetter, Syphl--

Utlcdlscrdir. sad other dliesarsef the Stla, iBfiammatloa f the rinneys, Bhenaittisi, e. Ireaseress:rreta lbe Nilhvae Geiett j

To tbe ArrtiCTED. Aatit a'ltba medutnes to which the atteaUeei ef the aaefie ts so freoeently call dta roach Use aewspsper pert) s asd otbrv mediaraa, therehibv ejeapaasrs isxiraci er aifiiparuis m soeiae or rn, preparra ta tsiacHy 07 nr. 0. jr. wuhisds. Am

sptelyasd e3et kdsI) fer ScrefaU, Cereal Sere aye, r.crra, DyseeU, Liver Cofaplalats, aad a aaxabeTef stnrr 4 IB that Sub. U Taetr to," It Ma rapidly gslaed pah K fanr wherever tatudaced la tht ttv wttbtathe past Ihrre year wehaveltwd isy lutee-- f Ita t CBeficlsl effects atea dlara-- " systetaa. Onder illbrslih eeeteung Ufissece we have seen the lean etysxeptlegrewstreBg la maecle sad wei.thy Ifi Sesb ; tbeweaaswhohadiexgh-txttheprxteate'rscim- i.r daeiie. rure u. health aad tbe enjoyment ot life i aad laf aat andadalt vktlai lo scieisla estlrely leleased treat tb bi er that ten iM' aXlcl-oa- . Oa Uitince ef tb lt'-tkn- d

waa partcnlaily tratltylx to as A ittsl bey. aged thru years, ta whem we sr attacked by the atrec-re- atwaa fer seme lira sQctd with sere eye. Be eenared the meat rxcrnltiUngpiln.aadalU'li'alt

seemed alsesl Uerttible that he wsald lose the aecaeef althL The aaoet eminent or aklll waaempteyed,aad Ihe pareatsef the Utile tttrrjeer attended bla trealsr-- wllh an that partatal aollcHade asd lender earewbkhosly a mother and a father can feet aad bestow, bat all. It stesi. with bst stltbt benefit to little JSdiy

Slapirests were fisally advised, by these whs had witnessed and experienced ita great eenttv qsilltlei, to tryDr. WUIUma' SarsspsrUa and lodld ef Potassa. They (Hd so, asd bleu those wh thnaadvtaed them, andask God'a btesatsg spoa the proprietor of tbe Bedletae Tb little hey aew enloja his forxaer ctcd health, aad blaeyee are almoal eatualy well. Mir lbe mrdldae that hat wrecght thl care swea bla, e,Maln a wtrld-wa- la lepa-tatlo-

asd klad heaves ahswer Ita rlcbeat bltasmxs aces ear geaeroat yeesx tewBimaa. Dr. B. T. WlDtama. aiperbotu. lor 5. Foi laleky

guiMttj glateriais.b moors 1- - nALSTIAO. R. BANCS.





fait ktada.reexhiat er dreaeed.xtaideTa will fladlttalheetr Utereitustvesaacaa.

MOO BB, 1LAL3THAD It CO ,Smai atreet. aeath ef UnWm.

Atrial nXms,

DYSPEPSIA ASD FITSSr. O. Pholps Bro-xn-.

THE rreat carer of CONaHMPnnv. w.. f. i--mi I

year, so bsdly .aided by Dyspepsia, that fer . p.rtofthe lice be was ceafised to bis bed. lie wse evestssBy I

cared by s prescription tarnished by a yeanz dalrvey- - 'aat girl. Thla prescription, gtrea by a mere ekOd. efwhuelasuleettrasce, baa cared everrhody who hssUkra It, never tarter failed eaee. It Is eeaaBy as sareIsea-es- Fits a of Dyspepsia. Tbe tagredleata aaay

tsa4 Is aay Drtg Store I wffl yrA this valsaMeprescription ta asy person so rreetpf ot en sieasp tpsy pestar ACdie.,

DB. O. PHBLPB BSOWM,No 21 Graad St., Jersey GHy, K. J.

To the Citizens of Z.ouisiaua,Florida,Alabama,Hiselssippl,AritansaK,

,f Tennessee,f j Texa. ba

.' 1I

J3 J3 'J

S3 o CO 6 XLCO Uta

5 o ' la

- & te'oo o S S I


After etveral years experlaeBt ts tbe Gwaaf ictare ofGls, I fertaaately 1 ercceded, in the year 158, to railbeg

dijeevery Is l's masataetarr, by which K was devrlved14s acrid aad leflimmatery preferttes, aad isadeied

perfectly pen.My masafactory la at Echetdsm, IIsBaael. After sev-- ta

eralmaathareflealnwbat UOe to give H, I teitrodaredto tte Americas pcbHc sader tbe title r " WOLFE'S eae

SOnEIDAM AROVATIO SOnNAPPS " Seseldam laBaraeof tbe place In Hot!aBd where the Gta ts mas--

sfaetsred; "ArooaHe," derives It same frem the ItalUnJealper berry wHb which It H Savered; sad tbe word

Schnapps ' la tbe G renin fer drtak-eee- ae, dramWeitVaSchetdam A recast driak. Ne Meser bad mySchsappa bees latredaee ts tbe Americas psMK, andrecel-e- d with aaereeaUea. thaa the Htaer-miie- efNew Te-- k, Bolton acdPttladeephla started la parsaK

h their mixed and reieeaea atsfi", asder varia.saaea. la several lnstincsa my labeta have been to per-

fectly lmlUted, with only lbe aJdlLna ef a few letters,plead a tecbafeal avoMaace ef tbe Taw, aad no care- -

faeVy prepared, aa te lspeae oa careless aarcburrs Iaaferstaad a large ejaaalHy has bees parchased by themerchants at N.w Orteaai, oa a ceaat ef the eheapaw

f tbestel TweDiaaraperd! nfar the Qiarta, andOne Djilir aad lea cents a dexea fer tbe Ftete, hetac thewholesale price la New Teck. It Is noehjBg bat Aaser- l-

caa Whisky Havered -- th the Oi! of Jenifer, asd redac--tblrty percent, belewprxf. A merchant who partici

pate It directly Is the traad, by setMag the sparleaali aa msea aa effesder 11 cheprineipal, whe plaasKd

the Impesttlaa.I every reipectabW clttsea who vatae the h aiihthe crsmealty tas whKh be Hve mM aM me la fer

ret!"; sit, and expeeteg the BBanspaieaaaterehintwha,fr the sike ef a few ceat, wHi pat la lecrdy Ihe Hve

tbe cemmaatty ta which he Uvee. Sah mea sheaidsabVd te Ihe pottery of peMKexccratiea.

Udolpho U'olfe,2e Iaperter, Net. Ml. 30 sed 22 B 11rer lire. I.

VewTeek.The feHewteg resptiMe fiesa la New Orleans seal the

Genatae SCHNAPPSJ. HART & Co. WaettfBfe Geeeera.


D OBItrreiCO.,L Alleu hOs,Block kCo..

Jons T. Moose & Ce ,J01. H h.1 N. MABXS,BISCOE S- IIMJIS. aHall. Iemf i.Co , B'aadles, Wlaes, tie. lyB01T5EU. (t BAILIErr. OassfeMen XerehaaU.Jons wbioht 4c Co , Wheiesale Dratgists.-.- .

O woodsa-v- .Tnoarjoj & Baxxzv, Grocers,

VBEvaEtt, Greerr!s, Win rs Si LHse-- s.

Geo F. Witte H Oo , M'Xaxstesbeik &. Co., Wtees acd Uejatrs.

IIOE21ES a; srtMU,W L LA3IEB&CO . NewOOeaa .

A. VI 0 LETT E St CO .a '

Kollcc of Dissolution.THE berstefere exlitlat betweesnderslgsed ander U style of TITOS Jt CO., Isdaydbvelved byllmltallan T. THUS, B



sader Ike ityte ef TITUS & CO.; asd I wesHerdiaHy commend then to tbe patresage er my frteedaasd tbepsMie generaUi .

yll-- m R. T. PATT180X.

TtTtrs. R- A MOO.

TITUS & CO.,Cotton Factors.



Opposite Commercial Hotel, JeflenoB Street,MEMPHIS. TENNHSSHB.

OFFER ttelr eervlera to their frlesda and patrea fartbe eeison, spoa the same term, aadprinciple! as beretufere tbserved. Bitting aad Bale Bepeof beet brands, at reasonable rate. Order fer Planta-tion Snpplles BBed with rare, asd a dse regard to theInterest ot csr friends. All COTTIN censlxaed to asby Rallrcad, River or otherwise, lssared asles. laxtrse-te- d

to lb cratrsry . Oar F. Titcs hi Ting withdrawsfrombnitseas connect loss in New Orleans entirely, wlB

hereafter deeote bis entire time aad mesas te tie later- -est of till arm. lySI-dn- s

Fall and Winter GoodsAT THE

Emporium of Fashion290 MAW STREET J49D



TUcU Goods or all lanus.Dress Good.

ElegiBt .ills, TetTeta, end Cahmre Rebes, RkaPlaids, Flsla sat Black Silks for Dresses. French,

iH wool DeLaloea, plals aad printed, ssd sB otherklad. ef Dies Goods.

Cloaks and Shawls.The largest s'eck of Velvet aad Cleth CM ill la tbe cityAsstetbletot Cheneal, OrieptsL SleHs, Sb.wl. aadb'anllfal Scarfs.

TelTct and Straw Bonnets.2bs The most extensive stock et Paris Bos- -iLJ seta ever exblbtted to Ihe If eaepMi ladles,a all of ear own Importation.

Cap and Head Dresses.The largest assortment ta lews.

Dress Trimmings,01 all kinds, the largest ateck la the city.

Millinery Goods.Ribbons, Flowers. Feathers, Besses, &r., a. wfcH

sell cheap to the trade.T.ace Goods a:d Embroidea'fes.

Valesctesces.GlsipBre, Brssaei, Foist Lsce and PointAlpacca Lci. Ltcea sad Uastta Setts, OeBars, Sleeves,Chttdrtaa'Robei, le, 4c.

aiourninir Goods,tlwara oa haat, aad order pramstly attended ts. BlackTdret aad Cleth for tnoaka.

Almcst every thlsg that U pertalalBg te Ladies', caa be fesad at tbls Esspsrlam, aad fer less meaeyUsa can re aia in ise ciiy neais can ea i iiiuiyrnarselves. It 1. so trosbie m c to shew ear Qeed.

Osr DEPART INT la the lariatIn the eltr. asd Ladles can aepeca oa caviar iseirwotkden m la most tmprsTea seyre

STILLwAN & CO ,13' Mala street. Mrsiphta.

WILLIAM . WILLIAMS. .............OEOBat WEST.Laie sf Meapals, Teac. Late ot H0y Sprlaga, Mlji.

WILLIAMS & WEST,General Land and Collecting; Agents,

HELENA, ARK.TXT ILL iter prctapt attest!. to thelntereita ef nanV V ri. Iitrntaad other awasn ef Uad ia Aikaaea.

aadMbilaitwil. ta Ox sutler f paytag taxes ; rtde ruc-tion of laada setd Ier tax ; location et wsrraata asdscrip ; the Mjnitesee' of titles sad laeexazslsaHea andsale or iaaa.

Spedal itlecUas glrea alao lo On ceftectfcm r debts

LAND FOR SALE.parthsae gsod heere-- . wltblaPERSONSdeslreasefcf Cosrt fq'are, wssld do wen

to caH os B TeBlstlee two (toorsframTheGommerelalEatel. lie will n 1 0 or IfO acres w uts le (ait pny- -chaaers net ea tesa :o acres "

anll-d- tf 'n TOLLtNTINB.

MESSRS. ITATSOIf & BEARD,NovJi3-Mii- a Street, ;

"TT ATE jnst received s reseral iiscrtrniat ot'AO--XA. COUNT, RZCORO aad MZMOBANDCM BOOKS;Ooixtttt-Hon- txd F.ncy S tatlasery, ta, wblch tbeywin i it rcsnoeq pnra. aca sa


PotassiiimJla son spoa which we pleoe a higher eattmat ttixa, WU- -

WABD k. J0NB3,waiesal Axeste, Mempets. Tens. psy


PREPARED BV DR. SANDFORD.Compounded Entirely rroa Guas!IBeaeottbebeetPargattveaad Liver MedleiaeS new

a Cathartic, eaalrr,milder. aa.t so re effeetael than asy other seedldaeknows It la Bet only s Cathartic, bat a Uver remedy,settee first en the to eject IU morbid autter, then

the stoat sea asd bowels carry off thai metier, thisaccenpiiakbig tw parse aetBally, wtlaxst asy efthe palatal rectsga experieBeed In the epentlea ef satCatharfle. It etresgtheas the ryitem at ts same timeaaat It parts tti aad whes takea dally la xaederatgw. vui 4caibea aad baud it sp with saal r.p--

Tbe Lrvxa is ea of the . principal refalater. ef thebsaua body aad when ltj perform 111 fsaetlooa weltthepewers ef the systemare fatly deveieved. Tbe(temeeele alsust eatlreiy depeadeat on the hcaltbfaactleaettk Liver for UeOeper perteraiaaeeef MsrasctlesM; wbea Ike atom- - ich u aCfaart, thbew--et

aia at fasK, aad heCwaele aystea sacert. la J.csaseaeBce of en-- 'rgaaw the LirEB-havt- ag ceas-ed ts do tta daty. FerthedlMaM ef that eraas,eae A the preprleters haa'Smase It hu stse'y, ta apractlc of mure thaa twen-.- y yesrs, teaad seme reBMdy wierewlth Is ceaaCTZteract the many eeraa g-ems te watch It K Ua-- bte.

TepToretaaltbUrexae-fJ-Vf- y ta at laat teead, aaj7.. VT 7." L, u ,4 rClSt'lii CtBTU- - ertloa la certala. V

ptyT"0 Gssu reneve iBjraoTbTa er sad matter fromthe evstem. sasaiilagiB their slice healthy Saw

bile, lrlcarattac thestesace. caMt-- g tewt tedigest well, rwrurriverTBZ slood, glvnac teseaad keafta te tb wbler michlnery, remevtst thecssae ef the dlaease et- - feeling a radieal car.

Bihjocs attacxi are, .eared, aad, what is better,rar vested, by the sae ef the LivxnImaoBATOS.

Ose des after eatiac lsSMieat te retteve thestemaca aad prevest th.pfod Iron rising aad sear- -

Only ene due takes re rati rlcg pr-v-ea

NlHTMAE.Only one del takea atKatght, loceesa the berwefa

geBtlyasdaan CosTtv-pBE-

Oa doae lakea after, .enh meal win csie A.

Os dote ef two lea- -i 'lipocetsta wlB alwaysSicx KrAOACHE.'"" '

One bottle takes for re-- male ebstrectsees remeve bythe close ef tbe disease, asd make a perfect care

Only eae dose Imstedla-GQles- y roller.. Cnauc,while

Ooedeae arte repeated 1 a sare care ier CtieLX- -mobbcs, and a pre-- e ventrre of CnoLEHA

Oaayeaebotite la BeededT iu, threw est ef the systemthaeacetaof

One bottle takes fori jAU3rDICE, remeve anseweni or lasiiaiu-ce- wr ma lnviua.One deee takes sabertVaMma befere estfsg givetier ts the apteUt. aad . nukes food digest weOOne ease often re'pesteetLearee Cheosic DtAB,

BdAlait. went forais.whlleSusiJirn asd BoweneaatalaU yleM a7mealt the first deee

One r two deee csre.c-'attak- a casaedby Wean.ehHelrea ; there Is aessrer, safer, er speeeier

rsse4ylathewerld, aa ItiHTer tilH.A few betUee care DaOMT, by excHtag the

seserbaeau. CuWe'ake peeaaare la rrimmaartlac tbla medieta is a

prevvative for Feveb asd Aobe. Chill FET'a, asdFevob. ef a BiLLiens Trrn It operates with car-- 1 j.

taiaty, aad thoasaads are wBtrag to tratlfy te Ita wead--.erfnl elrtses.

ALL WHO tE IT ABE OIVIXS THEIS VSABI- -uods iimaosr is its favob. D.


THE LITER INTIGORATORs sdeatlfic swdlial icoTriy, and la daily werktBg

care, alaeettoe great to beUeve. Itcareaaa if by magic,even the first dese clrlng bene at, aad seeded mere Ssaa

bottle la reeaired to csre asy kind of LIVES at.

frem the worst Jasadtee or Dyspepsia to cera-ss- on

Headache, all ef which are the matt of s Diseased A.Lives..

ONB DOLLAR PER BOTTTJI J3DB. SANTORD, Frecrtewi646 Broadway, Ke--e Tel a

Aad retailed by an Dragtlsta.Sold la MesaMa by 8. MANS7ISLO a CO ,





' w-i. . i NT,

' . . AKD ACUE.Aad the viiwsa aSbctloB. eeaseqseat afn a dsserdered

STOMACH OH LITER,ulaearesilea, AcidMy ef the Stem, Oattcky

SCOH Beartberes. Lose f Appetite. Desptadescy,6et!vess, Bted and BleedtBC Plies. Ia H Nerveaa,Rhesnallc and Nearalglc ASketleas, It bas Is assurestBitaacesprwsdbUBrybeaesVtal, aad la other esVetsd

decided ear".Thla Is a rmreiv veutahteuauioaBd. srepared ea strictsci.Btiac principle, arter tae asaaer of tbeeelehraled

Heaaad Piofeiaor. Boeehave. Beeasee of its ci -- t sae-ee- e

ta sse-i- l ef lee Karopeaa States, Ks IBtrailB 1 !

tbe Halted States waa tateaded mere eipeetany ter Ikesef ear fitherlind scattered here sad tser ever e he faceef skis mlKhtv eesBtry. Maetlsz wHs crest saccesaaaeear tbeD. I aew eeer te the Americaa peeple. kaew--lme tk.t Ki ires wasdMrel Tlrlaee satfiekaewlesjeeig.

It Is psmeaiarly rmsiaMaded ts tbeee penes whoseceMiUlstteaasaay have been Isapahred ay tbe eeetlaassssee or ardent astnis. sr mser reraH er aamyaneB.Geseretly iaslaBtaseoaa 1b ettect. It Sad It' way JrieeOyessesestef life. tartmss asd qsKleoteg every nerre.

raletac a? the eroopiEx sptrli, aad, in lacs, laraseagsealSBi aad vfaser In the svstem.

Nottcx Wkoever expect te 2a ' tbls abeeeras wallbe dtuBsoSated : bat to tbe atcx. weak aad lew rntrtted.

wlB prove a grateful aromatic cardial, poel ef sla- -gaiar remeiHal prepertie.

Tbe great pepalartty ef tMe dellghtfat Area haa In- -dscio masy isliauuB, wsies MipecaK iagalat parebastsg. Be set peraaadeit t bay asvtMegease nslH yea have Uvea Beeraave'. HeBsirt Bitter, sfair Till. Oaebettntwill ceevtae. yea sew tnanKeiimtU, e w tn teee lmltatlee.

CE-S-eid H tl ptT bottle, or ill bnttlee fee $5, by tb.sere iroarieiers,


Pharmaceutists and Chemists,piTVHarrRHR pa.

3. XANSFIRLD fe, 00 , Agent for Mempaie seraelse by H F PARNS WORTH. WARD Si JONB8 andJOirXSOX av LONG asd Draaxtst. geserauy

removal immmmH. F. FARNSWORTH.. HENRT WADB.




APOTHECARIES,Ifo. 29S Main Street,

TvrwTvi pliH - TonnoHsco.

Ml J9SRFMOVBDFrom their OM Stand, Xe. 7 Front Row to that Beauti

ful large Five Story BoHiHnx,

No. 298 Main Street,south or MormoE.



QDININE 1600 oaaces, pare.

LARD OIL extra fiae 10 barrels.

FISH OIL pore 20'Darrels.

TANNERS' OIL aByRTqasaUty desired onband. ,

LINSEED OIL pcre 5 casks.

MACHINERY OIE fiss and cheap.

ROSIN OIL 50 barrels.

FRENCH ZINC In oil 10,000 lbs. very low

SNOW WHITE ZINC 19JH9 lbs. warran'sd.

WHITE LEAD PORE is ay quality

SPTS. TURPENTINE 50 justrecelved.

ROSIN common ami white 25 barrels.

FB.ESH DRUGS Alans astsrtaeat la star taidally arriving.


ear parUcslar atisntten at oar New Stand,


Proajt isd CrtisEy Caopenaded,

xja."sr --e3u3a-x nxxa-- :

- By tboae who can be relied ea aa coiliaed.

XI. F. FAB58WOBTH & CO.ecS-d- tt

A VALrjASLB realdeaca (3 JeTrrasa .tteel far all.Xi. xor term snu to

a10-t- t .E.SwT5JlA9S,

Septa fartor-- New Orleass.

Eeave (VUlwr S7. atp. sr.t:.?'1 u- -' lMfiOMAR. B. FASaaiv.MsstetWiuu ate or the above aad an

laadiac. Per feeack..v. mr9 j a oeara se

' J rtAWIlNea. Aaratc" " lie Mela atreet.New Orteaes.

Leaves r.IIAT. OeSaae s .ts wa. B. W HILL. .TBO. H. Newxll, Mester.rimio an iwiHtr wwi leave far theX above and ad lalerasedane cefcau.

Per freiaht er aesieae aaaSv . m fe.eerto II. KAWLT1MS. Ant. HaaaawXtxaaWil I

oct7-- Jt No. IM Mats sawet.

Zc fe OrtMM.Uve jiOVMT, NkveBwr 1, at 5 p. sr.

RAPIDES .'. B. CLABI. Meetes- -

T1"1.??-"- :" rj rtfit,tegi Fer rr-t-tkt er pes iay assbcareLert

J. 1 uwuiree, aw,oc24 6t Net. J Vaa atnei.

F Whete aad Little Red Bters, vte Nipsissa.LeveTO-lA- a4 cteX p. K.

ADMIRAL P. FLaasiso Master; T. J, Wawaa, tnark

LZATEaaxeaMaHlalraaenat fl1

ea beard, er aa 3SaSmmmitTartas. H- - wnuAietiwj., ABea4. Ne 3 WewasePa Beer.

Learee THMKBAT. Oetaker 2) at p. at.JAB. KONTSOMBRT .SAX KOSTMMBXir. Mast.'PHIS sp.xdd fatthi and pinanger

A ma r win irav for UM sewnpoet, a- - leTetn--e. pv,r rreagh erlil, ispre hearJ. wn-- 2.

Fer Caere Lealmni aad ClaellaCl.Leeve THIS BAT. a t attack r m

HICEMAK at H Psppan . Mastlean tor ie t v aad aBWILL P"tI. Pot rreaght or

paaeag, mTfn eeese or 1

A. v. wuazauHiav.1M Peeat Rjw

Fa Se aVeavs.

UireTSBAr. UltstirX. 4 4 s'aliak. f asABKIBAL. P. Faas saw. Master.

eteaaa. tnKkt led yaseelTHIS laser w lewv) tar law apert, aa aweertlMw. Her Inert t eraai.late, aaerrea heard er a I

w. nr.UU Ne. 3FrectBw

Old Line far iVapaleoa, ArkaatM awlUnite Birer.

C. M'VAKXO, raptatn; A. S. POLO BR, Clerk.Frtt-- d State MaUTHE hirlBT

eatraet fertae bmx rr le.'e. .ae wiltear Men sets reeiy MOM DAT aaaaTH0B3DAT. at 1 e'duck r K , paetUeely; aa4 Me

'orn errTT TTJBaUf ' T i FBI DAT. at 1 o'eMI rThreoxk tletete ti a'l 'oeat at r-- r rate.Meat aaaa w'i in ht aansml atteatiea loose waala

bla Mtraew aeno e itar Per fretafct er tins sv- -a sun, er to w w m ma. as rreaa isew, or

ocxi-i.- m;rsL,auiBUKiu,Kegular Mmphis and Xew r--

leuas riCKei,rrtHB seeseaer X W. 'PAMSwoieeX aaesee T Ula on THLRD-lT- . tte

21staXOcteter i eoaua rea rears- -larly tMeeHraest ttw aa asseia 'Osseaaa aad 'a Meaaaaaa every as eraitTharaday, at ictj k For rre Mhl er pan lew, asaMy t a

ess arvAL ALSSSO m CO

FerCper Ked River frem New OrsVso.Ber . Br., 'skewwe- - , 5?aWwWONter'hreagh tta ot eeraaser. BRA f tfr T rarV

Ne. 1. 2 aoi 2. Hav for asereRift rra rmy e k Cteer bin ladenakseaeh aaa.tcirseat raw Sole sadeedei is parctaes sraceries, ex reaetfai y!lci-ed- ,

o L diCliSblhi S.e?!Im JS x rrnl fireei, jiw enseal,

St. Louie, Memphis & VickburgUMTKH STATSS AIL

1 -g---w

PACKET LINE.Making Close Coniteetioii avt


gfevuier Philadelphia,n. MAMMAL Mer Lessee w

StCP. K.

9femsr r. ri. Lhem,H. SiLTBR, Maecer learrs every

t(p at.

Sfoantcr JhIih li. aicKey,DANL. ABLZ Maetrr Leeve a every BATtTBStAT, ast


Steamer Daulel Done,B. HANOOCK. Maater Lrsees teesr laaawawAa,

al 4 r. M.

Steamer TTilliam eSarviit,MABSS MILLBH, M eater Leave eeetr ataWaWaUT

st p. JS.O aaecsirr at Selae.' Iisdsat with ales aei. Caa

deotrr. Beeeade .v I al Ua ef Msr aaaa aaateo.cfc- -i Oi'-O-r. wuaaastea laa MM araaas. Aa--

Ives al Yikbsc swentay at 5 A St.Fr Ibsk Ttckea, North i d asaak, em etsser st

aseve Beai. aeaey ea seer j er seTBOS K WIU I IMS i. CO., Aawass.

cp4-- tf Ne. 3 go-H- Ps Mew.

Schedule or Fare.Mssal ta Waalastea. aaa as)

FROM Hoe Sftwf aa

nsFrees Ttsaawcsa; t Wi abase, a . m..... st a

Tt Ihfah Tl lets aa is Its, aaaary as torn

deft ed Mnam Bealrl tweae sad WUttsaa Bel las.oris TOg. H. WILLIAMS i. OO., Aasaas,

1 Huentw's Banr. Veweha taaaa.OlfBSHk. BBSkaSaV i. CO .

Pvewtefa ef tie acsre asTV- - rik Si m m Oats.' Laaexnx acre

lstte4 Beaeeai as as speeder.

United States Rlail Stitr W.II. Langley,

J J. WIMMf AM, Master ; BAM WODXS, t

mtatsri.. t Ms IKj ttk Wba seat Art aorsi river blast 1

Best Liaiiisjiiiasajsaa sen ldar aad StatasaWr Psiieraeereeetv thsessh isrhet t awy aasat oat wsateer Arasas--

sas river he waata of an dofxg swaiseea wath taestcketwin be Breassely alwaded te.

The Laaasay caa lues, at ..laipsaa wna tae svewiiTiuwaad St. Laat packets.


To tlie Zatiie9.'MRS. KOBIHSOX,

llJlPiIijoH-st- ., tivo e!etr Kaaet ss

the very t.b- -l pstreaaow ef watawGRVrxrLfor im 'us recipkat, rreaa aett city aaatutastrv. sge ' at s ,area to her ystrcaa saw tWladtaageaerally. teal at e l sow m etvtag kei paB aeaa wsseaeG.ed coe- - s 1: g o- ' . ery ocenp tea eg

MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS?Wh ck, fer i Khnea of ssatmwd. esaBc "I lty, sss-t- et

iHtiii.ii. are wa.thr a'tta'soa. arFALL AND WINTER HAT.

OwieiiBK it Tcls CVaeBw. Pvtss, PBSeewaawWbHe BraMe atriwi, me., sea e isjs snssaa larawr-w-tle-a.

aad aasrrward ha the wnsry.BtetK..TrkesaBsr.(. sVaal Bmae.Tea is.arr-saya- .

aad Baraeets. la cm vsrxety iksb ta efbeaaty t lbe plain Her tone wEl b rea far Baec-tle- n

el ae eaTlitirsiiliy S?ornis$, e3teler 74,Oa which eeeaeiaei. sad skereefter wlilbeapy ta watt . see eld release sari sack esfaevma beaar ber wtth a cell

Grand OpeningOF


TV!liSAY, October 5tli,lb Samt 'Clec-vae- f P.rll lasacrte--

B O 3ST B T S--, OT Jt,a Biead ld Fetat Last. WeaSBSip.Smyceactly say tkat far bm, bsss.-H- PLara aid variety. It as tb aswlUsat assert Wi.

Bies.1 ever ritnla Memphis

Ostrich and Maraboot Fetbr3,Head-Ikewe- rs aged UsiBRarM,

InfABts' mi L.diV Capi.B ribs s asd Capes few Krejsiag, tte.


Silka Woolen & Draee Ooewk,reseweeBet af lbmet:xawsaa. Alas

See Fiech kaaaei 1 ' La a al Lct a, Bres TVIasasSBaw,

Brsteae Heewvy, ht.we are atea a saMfi ace a ar rssssasi aaas law a.awaw

la general, tM we Ine added a aew biases te esx sav--

!'' DRSSS.XA1IISG.MADAMS CflAPUIS. who I. so weBkssssi Sr ta ladiea Ibat acy ersssB-- at a ar part weaaa aasaaasihis chare f tau aepanssesi aaaaacsaaaa syjDeFORNBAVX laa Iyer Puts WeitM. deparlaseas tw ' he Lsel s withrler t asv In se riry


lVIRS. MENDEL,Ilavirp -- e urneei from Um gsst,

?SJ 23fci Now OpoaaONE Of

The Fiavest aad moot Fasbtooabla Stocks of

n 1 itills. AiMJiixuMva.


Qnimpiro, Brnaatla Iace, aad thalarge tVariety of Cress Trinmmgn

KVBK XXBIBTTBD IX TBI8 CRT,To wMch ah Os the ittanlkHi of the Ladiea st KsSlrsaaad vtcasrty. Call asd see.

218 Odd Fellows' nail.oc47.1o

Roue : Roneeeelee.rVt No. Peat e. lent eered Jef


lew. a sMersl toeat ."Vf1'naa Rape. ( cl OaTatt. .

Key Wharf -- Boat,. . APOLEON, ARKANSAS.




IpetHlsn to Sell tand tta 2M- -Tlsion

K. T. 9iilHetll )SUUof Tesneliee, asa J55?r ?f (CotmtyCoart, October Trs,

Oe jsaeeisast petitioner, atu --

U affidavtt " ta awlletftMot theCeart fromaaavavx' I JeftaanraB. nniHiHt lss -

stsU fTniae,sa Ibat tbe ordtsary aeewtxtfCart easaethe served apoa Mr :

tbat psMtcsttoa betasde ta tta APPBAU anTwuaptxprlsted id puML hed 13 ' "55weex, once ta easa weeK,iXdcaSaVto appear at the ant Daejsalfsr e r atS CMTtTto bo held at th Court He ot iri oaths flritMeiyotrceober next ,

aaorttapIJ,sswr erdsr tsaaii Pa 5 r.iVwlH t tilts sr eessMstt a. s - v t

rsrltefjapArt-- .JOas, . ,