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The Crowborough Runner November 2013 Mo-vember Issue Ron says “Welcome to your Mo-vember issue” (and “pay your subs please!”) So much to read about, including… Great turnouts for the Cross Country events. Fab marathon results The return of Dan’s column Immediate stuff THIS THURSDAY. Discount night at Cotswold store in Tun Wells. Special Crowborough Runners opening, come along The Crowborough 10k is on Sunday 1 st December. Please volunteer to help out Reach me at [email protected]. Let us all know what you’ve been up to Tony Next Issue: early Jan (start of every odd month)

The Crowborough Runner Nov 2013

Mar 29, 2016



Tony Hufflett

Mo-vember 2013 Issue
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: The Crowborough Runner Nov 2013

The Crowborough Runner November 2013

Mo-vember Issue

Ron says “Welcome to your Mo-vember issue” (and “pay your subs please!”)

So much to read about, including…

Great turnouts for the Cross Country events.

Fab marathon results

The return of Dan’s column

Immediate stuff

THIS THURSDAY. Discount night at Cotswold store in Tun Wells. Special

Crowborough Runners opening, come along

The Crowborough 10k is on Sunday 1st December. Please volunteer to help out

Reach me at [email protected]. Let us all know what you’ve been up to


Next Issue: early Jan (start of every odd month)

Page 2: The Crowborough Runner Nov 2013

COMING VERY SOON …. 1st December: Crowborough 10k. The Big one

Thursday November 14th…

Cotswold Outdoor Tunbridge Wells

Invite Crowborough Runners to a Christmas shopping evening

Enjoy 20% off your purchases On

Thursday 14th November 2013

6pm – 8pm At

95 – 97 Mount Pleasant Road Tunbridge Wells

TN1 1QG Not to be used in conjunction with any other promotion or offer.

Only one voucher per transaction Offer applicable to full price items only

Page 3: The Crowborough Runner Nov 2013


15th Sept 2013 Firle 1/2M & 10k

1/2M Katerina Clarke: 2:15:20

10k Scott Linden 52:06

22nd Sept 2013 Tonbridge 1/2M

Posn Gun time Category Chip time Grading

99 01:35:12 Dan Aubrey Male Senior 01:35:07 63.37

155 01:38:56 Anna Tolmachova Female Senior 01:38:55 66.51

817 02:18:08 Chloe Kirkin Female Senior 02:16:53 47.63

894 02:24:26 Bernadette O'Connor Female Vet 45-54 02:23:27 53.39

974 02:38:45 Sue Pople Female Vet 45-54 02:37:20 48.58

See Dan’s write up of this run along with his Bournemouth Marathon below…

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The World Triathlon Championship Sept 2013. Hyde Park.

Annie Sidgwick

I qualified in Bristol in June.

Distances: Swim 750 mtrs Cycle 22 k Run 5k.

Many thanks to Maggi, Dave H, and Fran who came to support from the club. Magnificent shouting!

My race was great -The swim, in the Serpentine, was cold , but managed to come out of the water at the back of the first half - then after a 300 mtr run to the bike in festival like mud conditions I cycled the 20+ k on extremely wet roads. "Flat and technical" they called it!

There had been many crashes throughout the morning, so by the time us older competitors got there we were taking it steady around the dead turns and S bends. I didn't come off which was a bonus.

Back into transition with my bike and managed to find my bike slot in order to rack my bike, but no room - it had been taken up with others rather spreading out - I pushed one bike to the side and it fell off into the next bike. I was stuck! Yelled for help and a brilliant marshall came and held the other bikes while I racked and set off for the run. Just got wetter and wetter. The run was fine, two circuits of the serpentine. I kept going at a good pace (for me) although I do wish I could run faster!! More work for the winter months.

Finishing down the blue shoot was incredible - holding a union jack flag the team had given me just before the end I found the whole thing quite emotional. Finished 46 out of 61 in my age group. 25 min behind the winner and 30 mins in front of the final finisher.

Happy with that!

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29th Sept 2013 Barns Green 1/2M

We all had a good race on this warm and sunny Sunday in early autumn:

Kevin Battell: 1.33.15 John Tighe 1.43.03 James Welbury 1.45.18 Marije Field 1.59.34 Sharon Wheeler, 2.13.18 Brenda Styles. 2.22.48



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.. and Brenda says “Hi” …

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6th October 2013 Bournemouth Marathon

First of all I would like to apologize for not being around much during the summer and for not making the most of the club runs. This is all down to my own personal training plans and my shift work. I was pleased to find out I won the club championship again even know there is not many in my age group which competes for it , but as you can see from the results it’s well earned!

As most of you are aware, I have been training for the Bournemouth Marathon which took place on the 6th October 2013. On most mornings I have been going out at about 5am to either do hill repeats or some long runs. I have changed my diet too after reading Scott Jurek’s book “Eat and Run”, I managed to get a long run in with John Tighe which it was nice to have his company. My personal target for a marathon was sub 3:30, with this in mind I looked at my training runs and everything seemed to be looking good.

I knew that I had the Tonbridge Half marathon coming up in about 2 weeks’ time (before the Bournemouth Marathon). I was deciding whether to aim for a new personal best time or to just take it easy. I met up with Anna and we made our way over there. The weather was ideal for running. I placed myself near to the front so that I could be in front of the slower paced runners. Whilst I was there I saw Kevin and Sharon who then gave me advice to slow down but as I usually do I set off like a greyhound. I caught up with Anna at around mile 3 and then carried on at a pace of around 6.50 to 7.00 minutes per mile. At this point I was thinking to myself that I should slow down, but I found it hard to do so. I decided from then on to just go for it. I got to mile 10 and looked at my running watch to see my progress, by mile 12 it was looking like I was going to achieve a personal best. I came across the finish line at 1:35:07. Although I was happy with this time I still had concern as to whether this would affect my marathon in two weeks’ time.

Take a look here at my Tonbridge race

Soon after the Tonbridge half marathon I caught a cold, but I luckily managed to shake it off in just three days. By this time I was already preparing for the Bournemouth marathon on Sunday by loading myself up with Carbohydrates.

RACE DAY @ Bournemouth

I got dropped off at the start around 8:30am, by 9:15am I had dumped my bag off and I

was ready to run. I had done a few stretches along with a little warm up, and then I was ready to go to my orange pen. I must say that for their first event the start was very well organized.

Standing in my pen I could see the start which was no more than 20 yards away. My pen was full of elite and good club runners, I was starting to think that I might be in the wrong pen but I then thought that I have done the training so I deserve to be here. At 10am the race had started, I was running at 7.40 to 7.50 minutes per mile, I felt very comfortable so I continued at this pace. At mile 5 I had two shot blocks and some water knowing that there was a slight incline to mile 7, feeling good, I still continued at the same pace. When I reached mile 10 I looked at my watch to realize that I was 3 minutes under my 10 mile personal best. I then looked at my pace band and saw that I was 3 minutes in front of my target. Between mile 12 and mile 13 there was slight incline passing through some gardens up onto the beach promenade. The weather was beginning to warm up a bit so I decided to have another drink and some more fuel. I was still 3 minutes in front of my target so I was feeling great! At mile 16 I slowed to a pace of 8 minutes per mile until I reached mile 18. Mile 18 was a short, steep hill which carried on climbing until mile 20. Fortunately my wife was standing at mile 18 with a

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much needed glucose drink. It took me a while to recover from this hill and I realized that I was now doing a pace of 9 minutes per mile. After another shot block along with a salt tablet I knew at this point that my 3:30 target was slowly becoming out of my reach. I thought to myself that a time that was sub 3:40 would still be good and achievable. It was now around 18 degrees Celsius with no wind and no shade. I had 6 miles left to run and I began passing so many elite runners who were telling me that the heat was beginning to kill their race. At mile 22 I began to suffer both mentally and physically. My legs were tired, I knew I had 4 miles to go, but I was struggling with the heat. I was now averaging with a time of 10 minutes per mile and the only thoughts running through my head were to finish mile 25. I saw my wife again at mile 26 where I crossed the finish line with a time of 3:45. I grabbed my medal, T-shirt and goody bag. I then had 20 minutes to myself. I was an emotional wreck – upset that I didn’t achieve my target time. I was so angry as I trained so hard. I then had a bag of crisps and a recovery drink. After this I then shuffled through the gardens to retrieve my personal

belongings and telephone my wife to tell that I was feeling ok. After about 1 hour I was having a well-deserved pint in the pub with my wife.

Here is the Bournemouth race

The more I thought about this race I started to think about what could have gone wrong. Could it have been that I got up at 5am? The after effects of a cold? The weather conditions? My training? Or even over doing it at the Tonbridge half marathon? When I now look back at what I have achieved, I now realize that a performed very well. I managed a personal best time at the Tonbridge half and also this marathon, both within two weeks. I will take all of the negative aspects from my race performance and use them in my training to become a positive for me in my next race. All my races are getting faster so I have to be patient. I am now looking at a different training plan and fuel strategy. I have learnt a lot from this race. My future plans include a 10K and a 10 mile race in January, followed by a 50K ultra run in March, then I will aim for a Sub 3:30 marathon in May. I’m going to try and get my half marathon time under 1:30 too. I’m also looking into another marathon next October or even the downslink ultra 38 mile race.

On the whole the race is a great event with numerous hotels near the start. For the spectators there is easy viewing along the full stretch of the 26 miles. You can see mile 18 and mile 26 all within 100 yards or watch from the beach like my wife did in-between sunbathing and reading. The baggage drop is very well organized and the course has very good facilities for both runners and spectators. There are 3 high-five fuel stations, the marshals were very good with encouragement and were very visible. The course is similar to the Brighton Marathon as they both run along the sea front. However Bournemouth provided many more twists and turns in and out of the town but had a much more scenic route. The 3 hills between miles 18 to 20 had great support. The finish also has great support but is very busy. The medal and T-shirt are fantastic! For a first event I cannot fault!

Dan Aubrey

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Sunday 6th October Lewes Downland 10

A total of seven runners competed in the Lewes Downland races on Sunday 6th October.

The hot weather provided an extra challenge, especially on the 10 mile race with its demanding hills, but it was a welcome change from some previous years when the weather has been bitterly cold and accompanied by driving rain.

Most of the runners were not quite at their fittest, but nevertheless produced some encouraging performances:


Alan Stewart 1:15:45 40th Scott Linden 1:28:56 121st Steve Hickey 1:37:47 165th

Sharon Wheeler 1:51:15 207th Brenda Styles 1:55:10 21 218th


Roger Stone 40:06 31st Dominique Welbury 64:08 71st


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13th Oct 2013 ESSCCL Whitbread Hollow

Feint italics = our Wadhurst teammates


14 CIRAN OSBOURNE 32-21 M40 187

36 ALAN STEWART 34-37 M50 168

59 SCOTT LINDEN 36-25 M40 150



70 ROD CHINN 37-12 M50 142

77 DAVID HENRY 37-32 M40 135

85 JULIAN FORD 38-13 M50 128

88 DAVID POTTS 38-41 M40 126

105 AUDREY NIOUCEL 39-33 F35 187

118 CAROL WOODWARD 40-10 F55 180

124 STEVE HICKEY 40-36 M40 103

134 MARY NIGHTINGALE 41-12 F55 174

137 PETER BURFOOT 41-17 M60 96

146 ROGER STONE 42-27 M50 91

149 BRYAN TAPSELL 42-54 M50 89

153 NATALIE WELSH 43-16 F45 166

156 RON CUTBILL 43-22 M50 87

168 ALBERT KEMP 44-29 M65 82

204 RICHARD KING 53-27 M60 72

209 SARAH HILLIARD 55-53 F45 130

212 SARAH WRENN 61-44 F45 128


692 821 905 1144 1150 1213 1250 1658 1829 Points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Pos

As a team we came fifth out of nine teams, which is good; lowest points give higher positions by the way

We were only six points behind Hastings runners, who had first and second individual places in the race, but because we had a full team of 10 men and five women we did well.

Bryan (ex Cross Country Top Dog)

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Hardy Souls @ Whitbread Hollow

Training with Nick, Oct 2013

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Thursday 24th October ‘Street-O’ Night Orienteering Event

The “Kent Night Cup” a winter series organised by Kent and Sussex Orienteering clubs came to Crowborough for the first time for many years.

A good turn out from Crowborough Runners who ran in pairs and had a great time

Congratulations to Mary and Roger Nightingale who were the top Crowborough Runners with 11 controls and no penalty points (i.e. they got back in time)

Crowborough Runners Competing as Pairs

Position Name Controls Time Net Score 14th Mary & Roger Nightingale 11 56:27 11 17th Roger Stone & Ashley Box 11 60:03 (oops!) 10 21st Theo Stewart, Dave Hynes, Brenda Styles 8 53:50 8 26th Russell Taylor & Ron Cutbill 9 61:04(oops!) 7

This was a 1 hour score event, to check in electronically at as many controls around Crowborough as possible (out of 20) in 1 hour from 7:30-8:30pm.

1 point awarded for each control minus 1 point for each minute or part thereof for late return – note that it was the male-only teams who failed to get back on time!

I have agreed to update the street map and Saxons Orienteers ( would be very pleased to make this an annual event, I will try and give more notice next time

If you would like any more details about orienteering events in Kent or Sussex (mainly in the daylight!) just chat to me when you see me.

Tony Hufflett

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The Crows On Tour – Frankfurt, October 27th, 2013.

Vell, vee decided another Deutsche vell organized run vood be a good idea, ja, az

Frankfurt iz billed az ein of zee flattest marathons in Europe. So, vee booked with the

Vorld’s favourite flug-flyer* und signed ourselves up for zee marathon und marathon

relay. Frau Sharon organized the frau’s relay team und Herr (how many marathons hat sie

laufen Velbury?) booked up for drei (3) herren to fly und to run das marathon. Herr

Battell came to my door at funf hour (morgen) Freitag the 25th und vee vent to catch an

early flug over the briney. On arrival, vee registered in a huge hall called the “Messe”

and visited a sehr gut expo.

Samstag morgen vee varmed up in the Frankfurter 5K Brezellauf (breakfast run to you)

and got a medal plus a huge Pretzel to kick off the carbo loading. Die frau then spent

some time reckying the relay handover points zee day before das relay getting lost on

the S bahn and U bahn but it was vorth checking out zee handover points at 12.5, 19,

und 28K. Zee herren took a leisurely city bus reise around zee city stadt going past an

Irish pub several times. Vee had to schtop Herr Doktor Tighe from going into an Irish

pub to get pints of Killkenny more than ein mal. (The beer keller vos better anyhow).

The abend woz spent in a sehr gut Italienische restaurant.

Race day schtarted mitt sonner and blue sky und it voz warm (19) but zee clouds brewed

up nicely as did a bit of squally vind. Herr Battell vent off at 10.30 und John und

mich in zee second wave at 10.37 mitt Sharon leading the relay team off at elf uhr

(11). Vee vound our vay around the skyscrappers in the finanz stadt tvisting rund many

corners until vee hit 12.5k and went over the Main river and past Dom und Frau Sharons

1st handover. About 14K das rain came down for a few K mit vind as we headed vest and

past Dom und Fraulein Joanna’s handover at 19K. Then after going thru many somewhat

inconspicuous suburbs we vent back over the Main river to head back to zee city stadt

(not many old buildings left but I won’t go into that here...) I heard Fraulein Pippa

shout “come on John” at 28K but vee nicht seen her focusing on the task in hand. The

Herren were a bit vorried (for a millisecond) that the frau might beat the Herren’s

marathon times but they had no chance with Pippa bringing them home with a quick finish

in 4.07 all zee same. They were 46th ladies team out of a few hundred teams though which

woz very gut.

Nicht much music on zee way round but Herr Tighe sped up a bit wenn he heard AC/DC at

one point. It got hard after 32K as it always does. Mit das vind und rain und a few

minor undulations Herr Battell finished in 3 uhr, 27 minuten. Herren Tighe und Velbury

completed in 3.48. Vee had soft vater cups on the course vich vasted time and vich

were useless in my view. Anyway, the finish was inside (yes, inside) the huge Messe

Hall complex mit flashing lights and everything which voz strange. The course has

definite PB potential but even the top Kenyans seemed a bit slower this year (So I said

to John as we came into the hall at the end, “that’s another fine Messe you got me

into...........). Zee evening vos spent relaxing in die beer kellar mit schnitzel und


Sehr gute laufen - Johann (apologies to our welcoming and well organised German race


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Kev had suggest flying to Frankfurt Hahn on Ryanair but if you do go there be

aware it is over 120K away and a two hour bus ride!

The relay team

James and John

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10th November 2013 ESSCCL Firle

(no results yet)

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New member Kyle Brown

New Members: Dave and Sam Fee


Mary Nightingale has kindly volunteered to keep us in the news where possible and had already had us in the Courier about the 10K.

Thanks Mary!


A reminder to all runners on these dark and wet evenings to be suitably attired in high vis vests or bibs, flashers and headlamps or whatever is reflective. High vis

vests can be bought for as little as £5 from most sportsshops so please don't forget them, even if you come up to the track as it may be flooded and we might

have to use the roads. Please see Sharon for very reasonably priced flashers.

If you do turn up to run with the Club with only dark, non reflective gear we may have to ask you to go and get or borrow something suitable before you run with

the group.

Page 19: The Crowborough Runner Nov 2013

The 2012-2013 Season

AGM – The Winners Not present – but big congrats to…

Cross Country Cup Ladies - Carol Woodward

Handicap Ladies - Swati Patel

Club Championship Ladies - Audrey Nioucel

Female 45 award - Fran Nelson

Senior Men - Dan Aubrey

Most Improved Runner –Chloe Kirkin

Services to the Club award - Dave Hynes

And now the personal appearances…

General pre-event milling around

Handicap Ladies Cross Country Cup Men – Bryan Tapsell Louise Ellis (joint award with Swati)

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Handicap Men – Ashley Box Female 35 award - Louise Ellis

Female 55 award - Brenda Styles Club Championship - Roger Stone

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V2 Men – Kevin Battell V50 Men – James Welbury

V60 Men – Peter Maddison Captain’s cup – Kevin Battell

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COLLECT YOUR TROPHIES PLEASE Crowborough Runners trophies have now been engraved with the names of 2013 winners so can winners please see me to collect their awards.




Membership of Crowborough Runners is one of

the last great bargains of the Western World

Please pay you subs promptly to Ron

You don’t want our Ronnie to turn into THIS

Ronnie do ya!

Page 23: The Crowborough Runner Nov 2013

The Christmas Party Dear Runners and not so runny members

Christmas is fast approaching............

Christmas Party – Barnsgate Manor Saturday 14th December all booked.

I have had deposits (well from most – you know who you are!) and I will be after the balance at end November and menu selections.

I am still looking for a volunteer to host the annual Christmas Eve run. Please let me know if interested.

Julie H has kindly offered to host the New Years Day social – it is a great way to clear the cobwebs and start your spring marathon training (steady on....)

Watch this space


Social Sec.

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SGP 2014 For anyone that does not know, the Sussex Grand Prix gives clubs and runners a great chance to compete against others all across Sussex. Your best 8 results, which must include at least 2 races of 10 miles or over, count towards your individual points total, with prizes going to the first 3 in each age category. Vet categories are in 5 year age bands – ladies from 35-39 up to 60+ and men from 40-44 up to 65+. For overall team prizes the 10 best men in each club count and the best 5 ladies – for veteran teams you need 5 men and 3 ladies.

If you like to plan ahead, here is the list of races for next year (for races in italics, the date is still provisional).

Date Day Race 09-Feb-14 Sunday Chichester 10K

02-Mar-14 Sunday Eastbourne Half Marathon

09-Mar-14 Sunday Worthing 20

23-Mar-14 Sunday Hastings Half Marathon

04-May-14 Sunday Haywards Heath 10M

11-May-14 Sunday Hastings 5 Miles

18-May-14 Sunday Horsham 10K

25-May-14 Sunday Rye 10M

04-Jun-14 Wednesday Worthing 10K

22-Jun-14 Sunday Heathfield 10K

06-Jul-14 Sunday Bewl 15M

16-Jul-14 Wednesday Phoenix 10K

30-Jul-14 Wednesday Bexhill 5K

24-Aug-14 Sunday Newick 10K

07-Sep-14 Sunday Hellingly 10K

14-Sep-14 Sunday Hove Prom 10K

28-Sep-14 Sunday Barns Green Half Marathon

05-Oct-14 Sunday Lewes Downland 10

16-Nov-14 Sunday Brighton 10K

30-Nov-14 Sunday Crowborough 10K

08-Feb-15 Sunday SGP Chichester 10K The prize giving for 2013 will be held at the Jack & Jill pub in Clayton on Friday February 7th – food will be provided.

There are two important rules changes for 2014

SGP points for the big races (Chichester 10K, Hastings 1/2 , Brighton 10K and

Barns Green ½) will be allocated on the basis of chip time to avoid rewarding

slower runners who push their way to the front at the start

The results of club runners who are not affiliated to England Athletics will count

in the SGP competitions but obviously any such runners will have to pay the race

organisers the £2 supplement for non-affiliated runners.

Please let me know if you have any questions or visit for more details


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Water rota November 2013 – January 2014

The water rota for the next few months has been altered slightly with some swaps.

The new rota is:

Crowborough Runners Water Rota Date Day Club Run Who

17-Nov-13 Sunday Brighton 10K ----

24-Nov-13 Sunday Club Run Jane Clements

01-Dec-13 Sunday SGP Crowborough 10K ----

08-Dec-13 Sunday Club Run Audrey Nioucel

15-Dec-13 Sunday Club Run Andy Parkin

22-Dec-13 Sunday ESSCCL Framfield ----

24-Dec-13 Tuesday Christmas Eve TBA

29-Dec-13 Sunday Club Run Dominique Welbury

01-Jan-14 Wednesday New Year's Day TBA

05-Jan-14 Sunday Club Run Sharon Wheeler

12-Jan-14 Sunday ESSCCL Pett ----

19-Jan-14 Sunday Club Run Dan Aubrey

26-Jan-14 Sunday Club Run Brenda Styles

02-Feb-14 Sunday ESSCCL Snape Wood ----

09-Feb-14 Sunday SGP Chichester 10K ---- If you cannot make your turn, please arrange to swap with someone else.

Once we have a fuller list of who has re-joined the club this year, we will aim to publish a rota to cover at least the next six months to give plenty of advance notice. Unless you have told one of us that you are not willing to take part on the rota, you can expect to take your turn every 12-18 months.

Please contact one of us if you have any questions.

Roger Stone & Bryan Tapsell

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CLUB NOTICES From Andy Parkin, Club Secretary

Recent information received by Club

1. London Marathon places.

The draw for the 2 places resulted in the following result:- Places allocated to Scott Linden and Louise Ellis.

1st Reserve Audrey Nioucel 2nd reserve John Tighe. Congrats to Louise and Scott. Commiserations to Audrey and John!

2. Women's Christmas Cracker Chase 5km and 10km Run

10am Saturday 7th December 2013. The Lido, Worthing Seafront Entries: £5 with competition licence. £7 without competition licence. On the day £10 Telephone: 01903 537617 Email: [email protected] Website:

3. Coaching courses.

I have received details of 2 coaching courses taking place in Ashford. Course 1 is for qualification as a

Coaching Assistant (16th and 17th November) and Course 2 is for qualification as a Coach in Running

Fitness (23rd and 24th November). For further details please contact me.

4. Surrey Spitfire 20 and Surrey Tempest 10

These races will be held on Sunday 16th March 2014. It is four weeks before VLM. It

is a UKA measured course and is held under the Association of Running

Clubs. It is the 5th year of holding this event which starts and

finishes on the Top Gear track at Dunsfold, taking in the Surrey

countryside. The 20 miler is two laps and the ten miler is one lap.

There are prizes for first, second and third places for both Gents and

Ladies as well as age group prizes.

5. Benefits of registration with England Athletics

Athletes who are registered with England Athletics are able to access a range of benefits and offers through the athletes’ online portal. These include offers on products at the England Athletics store as well as with partners such as Sweatshop.

Andy Parkin Club Secretary Tel 01892 654719 E mail: [email protected]

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What we do together

Our weekly events, “rain or shine” ...

Sunday Club runs: 08:30 a.m. Goldsmiths Leisure Centre

Beginner Mondays: Every Monday 18:30 p.m. – 19:15 pm

(Goldsmiths track)

Tuesday Night Training: Every Tuesday 18:30 p.m.

(interval /speed training at 18:30 Goldsmiths track)

Wednesday night club run: Leaving from Goldsmiths Leisure Centre

19:15 easy pace/ 19:20 middle pace

19:30 the chasing group/late arrivals!

Race Series

SGP (Sussex Grand Prix) - contact Roger Stone.

Links to clubs entry forms on SGP website Most

races can be entered via (small charge applies).

East Sussex Cross Country - contact Bryan Tapsell

website at

Crowborough Runners Committee 2012/2013 Secretary Andy Parkin

XC Manager Bryan Tapsell

Development Officer James Welbury

Chairman John Tighe

Child Protection & Welfare Manager Julie Harker

10K Director Kevin Battell

Road Race Manager Roger Stone

Membership Secretary Ron Cutbill

Treasurer Sarah Hilliard

Club Captain Sharon Wheeler

Newsletter Editor Tony Hufflett

Social Secretary Ian Gowing

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Start of the Tunbridge Wells Half


Email me, closest wins

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Minutes - Crowborough Runners AGM 23rd September 2013

1. Apologies: Elaine Taylor, Annie Sidgwick, Audrey Nioucel, Dave Hynes, Maggi Bradgate, Lynda Brown,

Steve Hickey, Shelley Berry, Chloe Kirkin, Pippa Purnell, Russell Taylor, Ian Gowing.

2. Minutes of Meeting 24th September 2012. Accepted as a true record and no matters arising.

3. Chairman’s report :

John highlighted the input by a number of colleagues, namely Ian Gowing for his organisation of some

excellent social events, Andy Parkin for his work in organising and minuting Committee meetings, The

10k committee for the continued success of the race, Tony’s work on the newsletter, Gary Callaghan for

hosting a very successful Sunday morning run and Dave Hynes for his work on taking forward the junior


He referred to the decision in 2012 by UK Athletics to double the affiliation fee payable on 1/4/13.

Unfortunately there had been no warning of the increase and the Club learned of the decision just after

the 2012 AGM. The £5 increase per athlete had been absorbed by the Club for 2012/13, but Sarah would

be highlighting the situation for 2013/14.

John mentioned that he for one, would be very happy to host a Sunday morning run.

He also felt that the Club should make more effort to target certain races in an effort to get a large group

of Crowborough Runners at these races. This would parallel the success of the Waddies in attending

certain races.

John advised members that the committee had decided to award Honorary membership to Min and Avis

for all their work for the Club over the past few years. Andy was asked to formally write to them to

confirm the award.

4. Secretary’s report :

Andy mentioned the debate in Committee regarding the draw for the Club London Marathon places.

After much discussion it had been decided that the draw would still include 2 reserves (assuming that

there were at least 4 entrants for the Club ballot).

The criteria for entering the draw would still be:-

Hold a reject slip for the main Marathon draw

Have been a member for more than a year

Helped at the 10k or with the Sunday water rota

Not received a Club place the previous year.

In addition Andy asked that anyone receiving a Club place in the Club ballot should give real consideration by mid-January as to how their training was progressing, in order that if there was doubt over their fitness to run, then the place could still be allocated to one of the reserves. Equally if an injury occurred after the cut-off date then the place could still be carried forward to next year through the normal deferral arrangements and it was hoped that the Club member would take up the place the next year so that the club allocated place was not lost Tony Hufflett said that the Club may need to consider the criteria regarding “holding a reject slip from the main draw” if the period between the entry for London Marathon places opening and closing continued to reduce (In 2013 the draw closed by about 11am after opening just after midnight. )The Club draw would take place as soon as the reject slips had been received.

5. Treasurer’s report: Sarah circulated a copy of the final 2012/13 accounts (period ending 31/8/13). It

had been a successful year financially. A profit of £3422 had been realised, compared to the previous

year’s loss of £555. The total bank balance stood at £7201.10p. The 2012 10K had contributed a profit of

£3675 including sponsorship. Grants had been received by the junior section. Sarah highlighted a

number of activities subsidised by the Club- the Christmas meal (£518) and the South Downs relay

(£291). In addition the Club had absorbed the increase in the affiliation fee to UK Athletics. The cost to

the Club of this had been approximately £300.

Sarah said that the Committee proposed to set the subscriptions for 2013/14 as follows:-

Competing members £15 plus £10 affiliation fee to UKA.

Non competing / Social members £15

Junior athletes £20 plus £10 if the athlete wanted to compete in open races and was over 11years of age.

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Family membership: 20% discount for any children, and adults pay normal competitive or non

competitive rates.

Sarah mentioned she had researched membership subs at other Clubs in the area, and the fees proposed

were in most cases lower than these other clubs. There was discussion as to whether it was necessary to

increase fees in the light of the club financial reserves. Sarah replied that whilst it had been possible for

the Club to absorb the increased UK Athletics fee, this could not continue in the longer term. More funds

were needed for coaching and despite the good financial results in 2012/13, the reserves were still not

back to historic levels.

Each proposal concerning fees, was put to the vote and the proposals were accepted.

6. Captain’s report: Sharon said that the format of the Wednesday runs had been well received.

There was much debate though about the format of the Sunday morning runs. Apart from special events,

such as “Beat the train” and hosted events, numbers attending had been disappointing. The consensus of

the meeting was that the runs needed to be set up to give an option on shorter or longer distance

(perhaps a loop course with options of completing different numbers of loops to make up a certain

distance. Different areas should be chosen e.g. Rotherfield area, Ashdown Forest, Groombridge, Forest

Way. Although some members disliked the format of faster runners stopping to let slower runners catch

up, the suggestion was that the faster runners should be prepared to jog back along the course route to

let slower runners catch up. The Water rota was still required, even on a loop course to allow support

for runners requiring a lift and provision of first aid.

7. Social Secretary’s report: Ian had supplied a written report. Key points were :-

Thanked those that have supported Christmas events, pub runs, TWC, etc over the last year. Special thanks were given to Peri and Fran for hosting the 2012 festive socials. Ian is always open to ideas for Social events - especially if someone is interested in helping to organise it! Christmas Party, 14th December - £10 deposit per person needed by end September to reserve places (cheques/ cash can could be given to Sarah).Christmas Lights Run - Wednesday 18th December. Christmas Eve Run - 09:00hrs 24th December (venue TBC). New Year’s Day Walk & Run - 11:00hrs - Julie has kindly offered to host. Watch out for future emails.

8. Cross Country Manager’s report: Bryan outlined the Sussex Sunday Cross country events and dates.

There are now 8 possible venues, so there will be a rota of two venues not being used each year. In

2013/14 these will be Ashdown Forest and Warren Hill. New venues are New Place farm near Framfield

and Blackstock Farm near Hellingly.

9. Road Running Manager’s report: Roger reported that he had distributed the results of the Club Handicap

and Championship.

He said that 44 Club runners had completed SGP races in 2012. However the Club had not featured

prominently in the overall team results for 2012, as the competition required 10 male runners and 5

female runners to complete at least 8 races. Roger urged runners to support the SGP competition. Roger

asked all members to let him know what views were on focusing on particular SGP races. Roger

highlighted that Maggi, John, Sharon and Kevin had almost completed / completed 8 events in 2013. In

2012 particular individual results had been Brenda and Maggi who had been second in their age groups,

whilst Sharon had been 3rd in her age group.

Roger urged all members to remember their responsibility in making the water rota work efficiently on

Sunday runs. Certain members had either not turned up giving no notice or had failed to arrange cover if

absent. If the option was to base Sunday runs on a

loop course, this may simplify arrangements for the water rota.

There was considerable discussion regarding Roger’s wish to look at the arrangements for the Club

championship and Club handicap. Various ideas were discussed and it was left to Roger to bring back

proposals, initially to a Committee meeting.

Options as follows:-

Handicap: Look at different distances, perhaps 5K or 10K, in addition to/ instead of 1 mile event.

Base handicap on 10k races

Base on 10k, ½ marathon and marathon events

Club championship: Perhaps base around SGP events, perhaps based on low cost events.

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10. Club Development Officer’s report: James mentioned the future training session with Nick Anderson

the 5th October. He would be happy to arrange a further session in 2014 if the demand was there. The

session was very good value as the total cost was subsidised by the Club.

James said that in the past some of the Club reserves had been earmarked for a Track development

fund. He hoped it might be possible the Club to consider this approach in future as it would be essential

for the Club to have match funding for some grant applications. He asked for members’ views on an

approach to surfacing the track in a tarmacadam surface as this would be a lot cheaper than a Tartan

surface and be a lot safer than the current cinder surface and a lot cheaper. The work could include

upgrading the floodlights. There was general support to his proposal and James undertook to investigate


James thanked Sharon for her help with the beginners Monday night group. He was investigating the

arrangements for the beginners groups organised by Uckfield Runners as it was thought numbers

attending had been as high as 40 per session.

11. Junior section report:

Katerina reported in Dave Hynes’ absence.

50 junior athletes were registered with about 40/45 attending each week.

The junior boys and girls winners were James Ryan and Freya Cook respectively.

Katerina thanked senior athletes for their flexibility in joint use of the track on Tuesdays.

An end of season survey had been circulated. The day and time of the training were supported by

parents/carers. The Beacon School track hire had been popular. The Aviva awards would take place

throughout the season rather than during the summer holiday period.

Saturday am sessions had been started by Dave, with only a few athletes attending at present. Katerina

thanked all those who had signed up the Saturday morning coach rota.

Mention was made of the Sunday Cross Country League and the free juniors’ races. Distances vary from

venue to venue. Club vests should be worn for these races.

Further coach qualifications were to be pursued by the junior coaches.

12. Newsletter: Tony asked for all to contribute to the newsletter, particularly race reports from races

anywhere in either the UK or abroad. The newsletter was published every 2 months. Roger asked for

any race results to be copied to him.

13. Election of Committee. All members of the Committee were prepared to continue in post for a further

year apart from Julie as Welfare and Child Protection Officer. In this latter case, Nicky Darien-Smith had

been nominated by Dave Hynes and seconded by Andy Parkin. She was duly elected along with other

members of the Committee who were elected unopposed.

Press Officer. Unfortunately no one had been nominated as Press Officer and John Tighe asked all

members to consider whether they might be prepared to take on this vital role.

Ian Gowing had reminded Andy that he was no longer Assistant Club Captain and the “Roles and

Responsibilities” document needed to be amended.

14. Award of Trophies

Cross Country Cup Ladies - Carol Woodward

Cross Country Cup Men – Bryan Tapsell

Handicap Ladies - Swati Patel and Louise Ellis (joint award)

Handicap Men – Ashley Box

Club Championship Ladies - Audrey Nioucel

Senior Lady - Not awarded

Female 35 award - Louise Ellis

Female 45 award - Fran Nelson

Female 55 award - Brenda Styles

Club Championship - Roger Stone

Senior Men - Dan Aubrey

V2 Men – Kevin Battell

V50 Men – James Welbury

V60 Men – Peter Maddison

Most Improved Runner –Chloe Kirkin

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Captain’s cup – Kevin Battell

Services to the Club award - Dave Hynes

15. Any Other Business

(i) 10K report. Kevin reported that the race was scheduled for 1st December, at the normal Beacon

School base. Louise Ellis and Dave Hynes would be Chief Marshalls. About £750 of sponsorship

was expected. The entry fees for the race had been held at 2012 levels. He hoped that it might be

possible to achieve a profit of £3500.

(ii) Since there was no Sunday Cross Country League race organised by Crowborough Runners, it

was decided to organise a family event with various distances provided (possibly 1 mile, 2 miles

and 5 miles), probably based on Goldsmith’s grounds. Sometime in May was suggested as a

possible time.

(iii) There was discussion about making sure that two teams were entered into the South Downs

Relay, as the race organiser had a waiting list of other teams waiting for places and if

Crowborough did not enter then it was likely that the place would be lost. Any runner wanting

to run had to be committed, be able to run at 8 minute mile pace for the 3 separate legs (total

mileage could be between 12 miles and 20 miles ), and be prepared to research the route by

training runs over the various legs.

25 Crowborough Runners attended the AGM.

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Crowborough Runners Committee Meeting minutes for meeting held on

12th September at 8pm at Heather Cottage

Present : John Tighe, Sarah Hilliard, Sharon Wheeler, Roger Stone, Kevin

Battell, Ron Cutbill, Bryan Tapsell, James Welbury, Andy Parkin, Tony

Hufflett, Ian Gowing, Julie Harker, Dave Hynes (For item 2) 1.Apologies: None Action

2. Junior Section Developments. Dave Hynes updated the Committee on the proposed developments of the Junior Section * Saturday morning sessions were to be offered to athletes, 11 years of age or older who were interested in developing their running. (9.45/10.45am) *Competitions could be entered in the winter and summer seasons *A nominal charge of £2 would be made for each athlete for attending the session. Funds could be used to subsidise race entries and travel. Sarah mentioned that appropriate care would need to be taken with Health and Safety issues and Child Protection matters. Dave requested all club coaches in the first instance be prepared to help with a few of the sessions throughout the year. He mentioned that appropriate clearance had been received from Freedom Leisure and the Town Council. Mention would be made of the development at the AGM and in the forthcoming newsletter. Andy mentioned that there were a couple of possibilities for grant application for the junior section – SE Water and Wealden District Council. Further discussion would be needed

DH All Coaches DH/TH DH/AP/ JW/SH

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 20/5/13 : Accepted as a true record

4. Matters arising: London and Brighton Marathon places. Some concern had been expressed by a few Club members about a proposal made at the last Committee meeting to cease to draw reserves for the 2 allocated places. In 2013, it seemed that the reserves drawn for London had not necessarily been interested in taking up the places if they had become available in February. If allocated places became available because of the withdrawal of the allocated runner by the required deadline, it had been suggested that a redraw take place among interested Club members. In addition, there had been occasions where a Club runner who had drawn a Club place in the Club ballot, had become injured before the race, but after the withdrawal date, had deferred the London place but then had not run the following year. Further discussion took place. It was agreed to discuss at the AGM that 2 reserves should be drawn for London Marathon ( no information is available at present about Brighton Marathon Club places ) along with the 2 allocated places and if the reserves should not be available to cover in the event of a withdrawal, then the places would be offered in the Club . Rules for the Club draw would be : Member of Club for more than one year Didn't receive a club place last year Helped on water rota or helped at Crowborough 10k Possess a reject slip from the main draw for the LM In addition any Club runners receiving a place would be expected to give real consideration as to how their training had progressed up until just before the withdrawal date and if the runner had experienced training problems then to come to a realistic view about their ability to race. This hopefully would enable one of the reserves /another Club runner to substitute if necessary.


5. Chairman’s report – Nothing additional to report

6. Treasurer's report; Draft accounts were presented. The profit for the year to 31/08/13 was £3194. This was mainly due to a very successful 10K and an increase in the number of junior and senior members. Also £985 of grants had been received for junior section grants. The total bank balance of £7200 was back to level before 2010 when the Club had been forced to draw on bank reserves, when the 10k had not taken place due to bad weather. Sarah highlighted that the junior section would need extra funds in 2013/14 to fund a further

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Level 2 and Level 1 coach. More detailed accounts were tabled for the 10k expenditure and income. Agreed that Andy would write to the parent of one of the junior athletes in connection with some coaching qualifications that had been funded by the Club. Member ship fees for 2013/14 were proposed at £15 for all club members plus £10 to cover the UK athlete’s affiliation fee of £10, which was now known having been decided by UK athletics. Non-competitive members would therefore pay £15. Kevin mentioned that savings had been made on the fee charged to the 10k for a race licence, by UK athletics. Clubs were now allowed to retain all entry fees, rather than having to remit the athlete race affiliation fee to UKA. Charitable Status for Crowborough Runners. Sarah outlined some of the pros and cons of this financial status for the Club. Further discussions to await arrangement of an England Athletics sponsored workshop on Governance of Athletics Clubs – see 7 below. It was also noted that although the outstanding claim for minibus damage incurred during the South Downs Relay, several years ago had been written off in the Club accounts, further action could still possible be considered regarding a claim back of the cost.


7. Secretary’s report: AGM date set for evening of 23rd September. Sharon to contact Louise re offer of help with refreshments. A number of specified items had been requested for discussion at AGM.

Marathon Draws – see above

Election of Club officials (Vacancies for Press Officer and Child Protection and Welfare Officer

Format of Club Handicap event

Membership fees 2013/14. All members to be asked to bring means of payment for subs.

Honorary Memberships

Christmas events

Sunday runs and water rota operation Club development workshop programme. Andy to contact Elspeth Turner re arrangement of workshop as indicated above in 6. 2/3 Club members to attend Andy to amend Crowborough Directory entry for Club to note session for beginners group organised by James, noting the easy paced session on a Wednesday (7.15pm start) and the junior section developments. Discussion also took place on the Club website and arrangements for updating. Roger Champion is seen as first point of contact for new information, and once again the Committee thanked him for his continued work on the site. Further discussion to take place between Sarah and Tony regarding the website subscription arrangements.


8. Membership Secretary’s report. Crowborough Runners Directory on Dropbox. All those using Dropbox reported on its usefulness. Transferring members from other clubs. Further work need to determine if the athlete’s previous Club had completed the correct paperwork. Ron had experienced difficulties registering these athletes for Crowborough Runners. Non-competitive members. From the Crowborough Runners listing on Dropbox, it was evident that there were some athletes who were probably would not want to compete and therefore in future need only pay the lower membership fee. Non-payment of 2012/13 subs. It was agreed that where athletes had not paid the 2012/13 membership fee for the Club, membership would be ceased.


9. Captain’s report: Sharon asked for guidance in recognising the input to Club activities by two long standing members. Appropriate methods of recognition were agreed.


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It was also agreed to purchase a new Captain’s cup for presentation at the AGM. Tony was asked to remind members in the next newsletter about the need to be visible on Wednesday night runs- arm flashers/ fluorescent vests etc.


10. Social Secretary’s report: Ian mentioned that various alternatives had been investigated for the Christmas dinner and disco event. After discussion it was clear that Barnsgate Manor offered a good standard meal, entertainment and disco. Saturday 14th December selected as the preferred date. £35 gross costs per person with subsidy of £10 for members and £5 for non-members. Ian reported that the Wednesday night pub runs had been successful but there had been slightly disappointing numbers for the round Tunbridge Wells walk/run. Date to be confirmed for Christmas lights run and request to be made at AGM for hosts for Christmas Eve run and New Year’s day run. To be also included in newsletter.


11. Cross Country Report: Bryan outlined the Sussex Sunday Cross country events and dates. There are now 8 possible venues, so there will be a rota of two venues not being used each year. In 2013/14 these will be Ashdown Forest and Warren hill. New venues are New Place farm near Framfield and Blackstock Farm near Hellingly. Information to be included in newsletter,


12. Road Running report. Roger explained problems that had occurred recently where members who were down for the water rota had not turned up or withdrawn at the last minute without arranging a substitute. The Committee felt that all members should be expected to undertake the Sunday water duty especially as the duty was only about every 18 months. A suggestion was made that reference should be made on the membership form. One of the criteria for entering the London Marathon Draw was to have helped with the water rota/or 10k marshalling. Sunday run attendance in general had been disappointing apart from a recent run organised from Gary’s house or the “Beat the train “ event. Consideration to be given to holding more hosted Sunday runs/ or special events to see if this would increase numbers. To be discussed at AGM. Roger also indicated that he would arrange to discuss at the AGM the issue of a different form of handicap event. The results of the various Club competitions were circulated as these had a bearing on the award of certain cups at the AGM.


13. Club Development Manager’s report James reminded members of the forthcoming Nick Anderson event. He said he was reviewing the operation and timing of the beginners group at 6.30pm on a Monday. Some had suggested it was too early but there were difficulties postponing the start time as that would conflict with the Tri Club use of the track. James was congratulated on the sponsorship that he had established for the 2013 10K. Contributions would need to be chased up in line with promised amounts.


14. 10 K report. Kevin reported that all arrangements were on target. Beacon School had dropped their insistence for additional portaloos, and would open more toilets in school. Kevin said he reminded optimistic about good profit levels from the 10k in 2013.

15. Newsletter. Tony reminded members that the next issue was due out shortly and all were asked to post any material via the Dropbox file. He would use the AGM to ask for more input from members who were very welcome to contribute articles and race reports / photos. The newsletter frequency was every 2 months.


16. Welfare and child Protection Officer. Julie had no issues to raise but reminded Committee members that she would like to stand down

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from this post Andy said that discussions with UK athletics had indicated that once the Club Child Protection Officer had evidenced the Disclosure and Barring Service form (was CRB form), the form was returned direct to the originator of the form and that the only way of ensuring that all those working with junior athletes were cleared, was to ensure that they had the appropriate coaching certificate. This could be achieved by the Child Protection Officer having access to the Club UK membership database which showed not only all competitive athletes but also coaches and officials. More work would be required to ensure this database was up to date.

CP officer

17. AOB. No specific items but all thanked Tony Hufflett for his hospitality,

18. Date and venue of next meeting : To be fixed after AGM. After meeting Ian Gowing kindly volunteered to host the next meeting.


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How can I help out Crowborough Runners?

In case you were wondering:

Organise a Sunday Club run

Help the Juniors on a summer Tuesday night

Help the New Junior Track Club on a Saturday morning 9:45am

Drive the support car on a Sunday

Help out at the 10k

Help out at our Cross Country (we have a year off this season)

Host a Sunday run from your house

Write an article for the Newsletter

Volunteer for a post at the AGM

Recruit a new member

Run a Cross Country race as a Crowborough Runner

Run an SGP race as a Crowborough Runner

P.S. when you’ve completed all of the above, please come and see me for additional homework!

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