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THE CRIMESTOPPERS Written by Sean Arthur Address Phone Number

The Crimestoppers - Pilot - Screenplay

Feb 18, 2017


Sean Arthur
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Page 1: The Crimestoppers - Pilot - Screenplay


Written by

Sean Arthur

AddressPhone Number

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An empty school locker room. Practice is over and the sound of students emptying out echo across the halls.

A lone student, ROBERT (18, burly) approaches his locker. He gives the lock a twist and opens it up.

Students’ voices start playing over the scene.

MALE STUDENT 1 (V.O.)Did someone really do that? Nobody deserves that.

FEMALE STUDENT 1 (V.O.)I’m always astonished by how far some people are willing to go to hurt others.

Robert reaches into his locker and pulls out his letterman jacket. His locker is dirtied with old clothes and pictures of scantily-clad women taped on the locker door.

MALE STUDENT 2 (V.O.)He’s not the nicest guy. We’ve all heard the stories.



MALE STUDENT 2 types at his computer, his face hidden from the shot. His voice over states his thoughts as he types them out on the social media website FriendLink.

MALE STUDENT 2 (V.O.)Honestly, I’d say he had it coming.



Robert pulls a backpack out of the locker.

FEMALE STUDENT 2 (V.O.)I don’t care who it is.


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FEMALE STUDENT 2 also types out her thoughts on FriendLink.

FEMALE STUDENT 2 (V.O.)This is bullying. It’s violent and dangerous. The school shouldn’t let stuff like this happen.



Robert sets his backpack down as he pulls on his letterman.

MALE STUDENT 3 (V.O.)The school won’t do anything. They never do. This isn’t the first incident and it won’t be the last.

FEMALE STUDENT 2 (V.O.)If not the school, then who?

Robert slams his locker door shut, revealing a MASKED ASSAILANT staring him down on the other side of the door. His face is covered with a ski mask and he’s clad in all black.

Robert jumps back.


What the hell?

The Masked Assailant reacts quickly. He pushes Robert into the lockers. Robert struggles to fight back, attempting to pull the mask off.

ROBERT (CONT’D)Get off of me! Who are you? Too scared to show your face, coward?

The Masked Assailant struggles against the stronger Robert as he nearly pulls up his mask. With his free hand, the Assailant punches Robert in the ribs. Robert goes down.

Robert gasps for breath as he rolls down the lockers. He looks up at his attacker.

ROBERT (CONT’D)What do you want?


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The Masked Assailant responds with a swift punch across Robert’s face, sending him sprawling. Robert grabs his bleeding nose, groaning in pain.

The Masked Assailant spots Robert’s backpack and grabs it. He starts running down the hall and exits out the door, leaving Robert bruised and bleeding on the ground.


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A dark, quiet bedroom. Light has just started to trickle through the windows. Posters of basketball greats line the wall. A shelf with athletic trophies and ribbons lies over the bed.

An alarm clock interrupts the silence.

The bed sheets begin to rustle as TYLER MCGUIRE (16, tall, athletic) slinks out of bed. He turns the alarm clock off and staggers to the bathroom.


Tyler gets ready for the day: he jumps into the shower, brushes his teeth, and picks out the day’s outfit.


A stillness in the early morning. The lights are off. Nobody else seems to be home. Pictures of a young couple and their kid line the walls.

Tyler walks out of his bedroom and makes his way downstairs.


Turning the lights on, Tyler fetches himself a bowl of cereal. He eats alone at the table as the sun begins to shine a bit brighter through the kitchen windows. The only sounds are the chirps of the birds outside.

Tyler glances at the stove clock. It reads 7:45. Tyler finishes his bowl and puts it in the sink. In a rush he grabs his backpack and heads to the door.


A quiet neighborhood. There is little traffic on the streets as the sun has finally illuminated the morning shade.

Tyler drives his hand-me-down 1998 Honda Accord down the street. Mellow classic rock adds a soundtrack to the ride.


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At a red light, Tyler spots a MOM waiting at a bus stop with her TWO KIDS. He’s transfixed. He spends some time looking at the scene even after the light turns green.

The sound of people mingling grows louder as Tyler pulls into a parking lot of his high school. The face of the school reads JACK HAYS HIGH SCHOOL in bold letters.


The school is packed. Students run around with schedules in hand as faculty unsuccessfully bark out directions. It’s a madhouse.

Tyler, calm, enters the chaos. He’s not in the school for five seconds before ETHEL, the school’s secretary, warmly greets him.

ETHELGood morning, Tyler! Excited for the new year?

Tyler responds with a smile.

TYLERYes ma'am. I always forget how crazy it gets on the first day.

ETHELYou get used to it after a while. Good luck in basketball this year.

TYLERThanks, I appreciate it.

Tyler pats her desk and sets off into the swarm of people. He pulls out his own schedule to see where his first class is.

A voice calls out to him.

KATIETyler! Hey!

Tyler turns to see KATIE WILLIAMS (16, brunette) motioning him to stop. She walks over to a smiling Tyler. He’s clearly smitten with her.

KATIE (CONT’D)Wait up, bro. You in that big of a hurry to get to class?


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TYLERYou know me. Always trying to make a good first impression. What’s up?

The school bell rings loudly as students begin scrambling to get to their proper classes. Tyler and Katie take their time walking towards the halls.


Just excited for the start of another super fun year.


Tell me about it. I’ve been thinking of junior year my whole life.

KATIERight? Just old enough for SATs and college apps, but still too young for the prom or walking on the senior bridge. Really the best of both worlds.

As they talk, the two walk under the mentioned senior bridge. Seniors look down from above, laughing amongst themselves.

TYLERWhat’s your first class?

KATIEAP English with Patterson.

Tyler gets a quizzical look on his face and looks down at his own schedule.

KATIE (CONT’D)Not sure if I’m going to take the test, but the class looks good on apps, ya know?

TYLERDefinitely. That’s why I’m taking it too.

He points down at his schedule. He shares the class with Katie.

KATIEWell that’s cool. Greg’s also in that class.


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At the mention at that name, Tyler visibly grimaces. Katie notices and responds despondently.

KATIE (CONT’D)I know you guys would get along if you just talked to each other.

Tyler feigns surprise.

TYLERWhat did I say? Everyone loves Greg! Dude was class favorite for a reason.

Katie sighs.

KATIELet’s just get to class. I’d hate for you to miss that good first impression you’re always trying to make.

Tyler chuckles and the two walk down the hall as the school bell rings again, signaling the start of class.

A beat as the last students make their way to class.

The school halls are empty as one last student, BRIAN SPONSOR (16, short, frazzled hair) stumbles into the fray. He looks down at his schedule and up at the mess of hallways before him. His disgruntled expression indicates he’s lost.

With an eye down at his schedule, Brian walks down the first hallway he sees.


Students look up at the teacher, MR. DUGGAR (50s, glasses, graying hair) with blank expressions. His opening monologue isn’t getting anyone’s spirits up.

MR. DUGGAR--is not easy. Physics is the study of matter. It’s how the universe behaves. I can tell you in my 30 years of teaching, no subject has impacted my life more on a daily basis. My hope is that--


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The monologue is interrupted as Brian awkwardly steps into the class. Some students look at him with contempt. Mr. Duggar raises his eyebrow.

MR. DUGGAR (CONT’D)Ahh. I was thinking nobody would willingly want to miss the fun of physics. You must be--

Mr. Duggar looks at his roll sheet.

MR. DUGGAR (CONT’D)--Brian? Brian Sponsor?

BRIANYeah, that’s me. Sorry I’m late. It’s my first day here and I hadn’t had time to find my classes and--

MR. DUGGARDon’t worry about it, Mr. Sponsor. You’re not the first person to wander in late on the first day. In fact, on my first day teaching--

Mr. Duggar gets lost on his tangent as Brian nods and shuffles towards the rows of desks. The other students don’t acknowledge him and try to keep their distance.

Brian spots an open desk in the back of the classroom. In the neighboring desk lies Robert, the jock from the teaser.

Brian sits down and takes an expensive looking laptop out of his backpack. Robert turns his attention away from Mr. Duggar and towards the laptop that has suddenly caught his eye.


Motivational posters and quotes line the walls of the brightly-lit classroom. The desks are arranged in rows, with a couch and bean bag lying in wait at the back of the class. It’s a class with a very modern feel.

LAURA PATTERSON (early 40s, blonde, tall) sits at her desk at the front of the class. Her attention is preoccupied by whatever papers she’s gathering on her desk. The students take the opportunity to talk amongst themselves.

Tyler sits next to Katie and her boyfriend GREG VOWELL (17, brown hair, all-American look). He keeps to himself as he keeps an ear on the conversation between Katie and Greg, too quiet to actually hear.


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Greg breaks off his conversation with Katie.

GREGTyler? You there?

Tyler looks up with disinterest. He plays along.

TYLERSorry, I think I’m just already over school. And we haven’t even started class yet.

GREGYeah, for real.

An awkward pause. Katie steps in.

KATIETyler, how’s the basketball team looking?

Greg jumps at the chance.

GREGOh, yeah. I heard the team is looking really good this year.

TYLERI suppose it couldn’t really be any worse than last year.

GREGC’mon man. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Not your fault that the rest of the team should be on JV.

Tyler rolls his eyes. He doesn’t even look at Greg.

TYLERIf you saw any of our games last year, you’d know I was just as responsible for us sucking. Probably more so.

Another awkward pause. Greg bites his lip as he struggles to respond.

GREGWell, ya know, hopefully the students really turn out this year. I’d imagine it’s a big help with a loud home court advantage.


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TYLERIt is. Makes it hard for people to show up, though, when even the class favorite himself won’t go to the games.

Tyler turns to look at an offended Greg. Katie can only shake her head.

TYLER (CONT’D)But hey, thanks for the kind words. I know you really mean it.

Tyler smiles and leans back into his chair. Mrs. Patterson stands up and begins her lecture as Greg, confused, stares down Tyler.


The school bell rings again, signaling the end of first period. Students bustle out of their classrooms and begin to chatter about their first class impressions.

Tyler exits the classroom, followed by Katie and Greg. Greg grabs Katie near the door.

GREGWait up. We got to talk.

KATIENow? My next class is on the other side of the school.

GREGNot long. Listen, about Tyler. Seriously, what’s his problem?

KATIEJust drop it, Greg. I already have.

Katie turns to leave. Once again Greg stops her and turns her around. Katie is visibly annoyed.

GREGNo. I’m not going to ‘just drop it.’ I tried to be nice, like you said. I tried to be friendly. Tried to find some common ground.

KATIEWith my help.


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GREGStill. He’s the one with the problem here Katie, not me. Sorry I can’t be at every basketball game, as if that’s a requirement of being class favorite.

KATIEHow many games did you go to last year?

Greg hears the question, but he’s not sure how to respond. He’s thrown for a loop.


KATIEHow many basketball games did you go to last year, Greg? Be honest.

Greg pauses as the halls begin to quiet down. Students filter into their classrooms, leaving Greg and Katie standing awkwardly outside their English class.

GREGI...I didn’t go to any.

Katie scoffs and shakes her head. She walks away without saying bye from a defeated Greg.

Greg waits a beat. He tries to come up with something to say.

GREG (CONT’D)(yelling)

The team was terrible!

No response from Katie, who is well on her way to class now. He looks around, realizes that he’s the only one left in the hall, and walks in the opposite direction of Katie.


Same passing period. Brian again struggles to find his next class, continuously looking down at the schedule and up at the room numbers. He’s running out of time.

A large hand grabs his shoulder. Brian turns around to find Robert behind him, wearing a friendly disposition.

ROBERTHey man. You lost?


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BRIANUh, yeah. But don’t worry about it. I can find my way around. I wouldn’t want you to be late either.

ROBERTDon’t worry about it. I’m happy to help.

Robert takes the schedule from Brian’s hand.

ROBERT (CONT’D)Oh, geography with Curtis, huh? That’s in B wing, other side of the school. I can show you if you don’t know. My next class is over there too.

BRIANReally? Thanks. That would be really nice.

Brian reaches for his schedule, but Robert keeps it away from him.

ROBERTNo problem. It’s only a few minutes before class starts, so we have to hurry.

The two make their way to the other side of the school with Robert leading the way. The very last students get into their classes as the period is about to start.

ROBERT (CONT’D)So what’s your name again?

BRIANBrian. And you?

ROBERTI’m Robert. Nice to meet you man.

Brian nods and continues to follow. He looks up and sees a bunch of room numbers with “B.”

BRIANHey, all these rooms that start with B, aren’t we in the B wing now?

Robert looks down the halls, looking more like a lookout than someone looking for a class.


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ROBERTUh, yeah, but this class is in the far reaches of the school.

The school bell rings.

ROBERT (CONT’D)This school is sort of crazy like that. Weird room numbers, weird class locations. Was it like that in your old school?

The halls are completely empty now. They should have found the class by now. Robert keeps moving as the doors in the halls change from classrooms to closets. It’s darker too.

Brian gets slightly concerned.

BRIANActually, I was homeschooled for most of my life.

ROBERTAnd how was that?

BRIANDifferent than here.

ROBERTYeah, I’d imagine it’s much different.

A pause in the conversation as the two keep walking. The walls are littered with spare chairs, desks, and other miscellaneous items. They’re not near classes; it’s a storage area. Brian’s had enough.

BRIANHey, listen, thanks for helping me find my class, but it’s pretty late and I don’t want you to be tardy. I can find my way from here.

Robert stops moving.

ROBERTNo need. We’re here.

Brian, confused, steps ahead of Robert. In front of him lies a dirty, dark wall. He turns back around to face Robert. Too late he realizes he’s cornered.

BRIANWhat is this?


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ROBERTThis is the part where you give me that laptop.

Robert reaches for the backpack. Brian steps back.

BRIANWhat the hell? No. I’m not giving you anything.

Brian tries to sidestep Robert, but he pushes him back against the wall.

ROBERTDon’t try to play tough. Give me the laptop. Now.

BRIANThe hell are you talking about? When the principal hears about this-

Robert doesn’t waste anymore time. He punches Brian in the stomach, sending him to the ground. Brian coughs and tries to catch his breath. Robert viciously grabs the backpack.

Brian, finding strength, fights back. It’s no use. Robert again punches Brian in the gut for the finishing blow. Weak, Brian doesn’t fight back as Robert lifts the backpack (and Brian) off the ground and takes it for himself.

ROBERTThe principal isn’t going to hear about this, because if she does, you’re going to have a lot more to worry about than a few bruised ribs. Got it?

Brian, still reeling with his hands on his stomach, gives him a slight nod. Robert smiles.

ROBERT (CONT’D)Good. I’m glad we agree.

Robert starts to walk away. He stops as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out Brian’s crumpled schedule. He turns around and throws it at him.

ROBERT (CONT’D)Here, I’d hate for you to be late.

Brian barely acknowledges the crumpled schedule before him. He props himself up against the wall, still in a great deal of pain.


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Robert walks away.

ROBERT (CONT’D)See you tomorrow!



In the above, the teaser uses superimposed text rather than voice over. Also Greg does something that’s more malicious than just missing basketball games that will be addressed later.



An older, large classroom. Looks a bit like a souped up garage. Different robotics cover the tables as posters of scientists line the walls.

An old teacher, MR. CROSS (60s, frizzy white hair), addresses his class of disinterested students.

MR. CROSSThis will be my forty-first year teaching this advanced engineering course. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my time it’s how to spice up the class with jokes--

ALAN MIDDLETON (17, short, burly build) plays with his pencil as his teacher softly speaks. He’s fading out, more interested in anything other than what Mr. Cross is saying.

MR. CROSS (CONT’D)--so he leans in and says, ‘You and I would add up better than a Riemann sum.’ I always thought that one was--

Mr. Cross is interrupted as Brian enters the classroom, late once again. Brian’s entrance catches the attention of Alan, who looks up from his table.

A beat.

Mr. Cross breaks the silence.


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MR. CROSS (CONT’D)Excuse me, are you in the right class?

Brian tentatively hands him his crumpled schedule. Alan observes the situation with an uneasiness about him.

BRIANThat’s what it says here.

MR. CROSSThat it does. Welcome to Advanced Engineering and Robotics, Mr. Prosper. Feel free to take a seat anywhere.

Brian nods and takes back his schedule. He gingerly approaches the rows of desks and takes one of the many open seats in the first row.

Alan, still not listening to Mr. Cross, stares down Alan.


Mayhem. Loud. The school’s cafeteria is filled with busy students as friends try to save spots in line while others look for tables to sit at. There’s already been one incident of spilled food and it won’t be the last.

Tyler sits down with his food at a lone table, away from the chaos of the first lunch day. Seconds later, Alan joins him, sitting across from Tyler.

ALANUnbelievable. It’s like a zoo, maybe a bit dirtier.

TYLERAt least we were able to get a spot. I sat next to Peter Harris my entire freshman year.

ALAN‘Puke City’ Peter?


Yeah. I was there when he earned that nickname too. I didn’t mean to stay, but I sat by him the first day and felt bad about leaving him.


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TYLERSome might say the noblest.

A beat as the two begin to dig into their food.

ALANSo, got any, uh, classes with Katie?

TYLERYeah, just one. AP English with Patterson.


Oh, that’ll be fun. I heard there’s lots of group projects in that class.

TYLERYeah. Too bad Greg’s in the class too, though.

Alan smirks.


Alan looks up, feigning surprise.

ALANNothing. Nothing at all. Nothing that we haven’t ever talked about before.

Tyler frowns.

TYLERI’m telling you man, that dude’s not right for her.

ALANWould any guy be right for her? Besides you, I’m assuming.

TYLERDon’t go there. You know Greg’s fake as hell. Says one thing, does another. Can’t trust a word he says.


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ALANThen don’t. Look, you know I’m not a big fan of his either, but, and I don’t mean to offend, but you’re sounding sorta jealous again.

TYLERYeah, OK, you’re right. I admit it. But think about it, man. The guy says the right things, becomes the ‘face’ of our class--

ALANDates Katie.

TYLER--...dates Katie, and then when he’s got it all, doesn’t do anything that he promised. And it’s not like he’s the principal or someone with real responsibilities. How about you just don’t talk about the dangers of alcohol one day and then get drunk off your ass that weekend?

Alan stares back at Tyler, slight smile on his face. He’s finished his meal.

ALANYou done?

It’s Tyler’s time to smirk.

TYLERYes, I’m sorry dear. How has your day been?

ALANDoesn’t sound like it’s been nearly as exciting. Classes are boring...did you hear about the new kid who keeps showing up late?

Tyler shakes his head and takes another bite.

ALAN (CONT’D)Yeah, apparently this kid just doesn’t have a clue where he’s going. He came into my engineering class, like, ten minutes late. I feel kind of bad for him.


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TYLERHe’ll figure it out. It is a big school.

ALANYeah. But it was weird. He didn’t have any supplies with him.

TYLERWell, I lose my pencil sometimes too.

ALANNo, I mean he didn’t have any supplies. At all. No backpack, no paper, nothing. Just his schedule.

Tyler looks up, confused.

ALAN (CONT’D)It was really weird. And he didn’t say anything to anyone. Super shy.

TYLERYikes. I guess you never know what you’re gonna get on your first day.

The school bell rings, signaling the next passing period. Tyler and Alan stand and grab their trays.

ALANI guess. I don’t know. I just can’t shake it. Nobody’s stupid enough to not bring a backpack on the first day of class.

TYLERSounds like a chance for you to make a new friend.


Thanks dad.


Alan walks into class and takes a seat in the second row. He pulls out a notebook and a pencil.

The school bell rings.

Seconds later, Brian walks into class, again without a backpack.


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He looks around at the clock, the teacher MRS. FRENCH (50s, brown hair) and, noticing that he’s actually on time, has a sigh of relief and takes a seat next to Alan.

Alan notices.

Mrs. French stands up in front of the class.

MRS. FRENCHGood afternoon, class. My name is Mrs. French. Before we get started, I’d like everyone to take out a piece of paper and pencil.

Alan looks down, paper and pencil in hand. He moves his glance to Brian, who’s awkwardly looking around the room.

Their eyes meet.

ALANHey man, you need a paper and pencil?

BRIANYeah, that’d be great. I left my backpack at home.

ALANNo problem.

Alan rips out a piece of paper from his notebook and hands him a spare pencil.

ALAN (CONT’D)What’s your name, man?

Alan extends his hand. Brian reciprocates.


ALANAlan. Nice to meet you.

Brian leans back with suspicion. He’s heard this before.


Alan and Brian walk through the halls, immersed in conversation.

ALANSo where’s your next class?


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Brian peers down at his schedule.

BRIANIt’s, uh, English. With Patterson.

ALANI can point it out if you’d like.

Brian slows his walk, recoiling ever so slightly. Alan notices.

BRIANThat’s alright. I can find it myself.

Alan stops him.

ALANYou OK, man? I mean, I know we just met, so you don’t need to tell me your life story. It’s just--

A pause as Brian blankly stares back.

ALAN (CONT’D)--I’ve seen this sort of thing before.

Brian squints his eyes, trying to show a puzzled look on his face.

BRIANWhat sort of thing?

Alan sees right through it.

ALANJust, the way you’re acting. I’m in that engineering class with you earlier. I could sort of see it there too. You seem like a smart guy, Brian. I don’t think you’d forget to bring anything on the first day of school.

BRIANWhat are you saying?

ALANDid someone take your stuff?

Brian grimaces. The gig is up, but he still hesitates. Alan’s demeanor gets more serious. The halls are emptying out.


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ALAN (CONT’D)Look, you can tell me. I don’t appreciate it when people are taken advantage of.

Brian tries to keep quiet, but sighs as he breaks.

BRIANDo you know a big kid named Robert?

Alan’s mood immediately changes. He squints his eyes a bit and frowns.

ALANYeah, I know that douchebag. The guy’s got a terrible reputation.

BRIANYeah, well, you can guess the end result. Basically he cornered me, punched me, and took my backpack because he liked my laptop. It was like out of a movie.

ALANThat piece of-

The school bell rings. Class has started.

BRIANHe said if I told anyone that he’d hurt me more, so...

ALANDon’t worry about that. I’ll take care of it. I’ll get your stuff back.

BRIANCan’t we just tell the teachers or something?

Alan shakes his head.

ALANIt’s better to do it this way. This isn’t the first thing Robert’s done, but his family are big boosters for the football program, so the school usually lets him off with a slap on the wrist.

Alan pulls out his phone.


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ALAN (CONT’D)And then he finds out you snitched and comes looking for you. No. I’ll take care of it myself. I’m done with people pulling stuff like this.

Alan hands Brian his phone.

ALAN (CONT’D)Give me your number. I’ll let you know when I get your stuff back.

BRIANAnd how are you going to do that?

ALANI have my ways. I promise you you’ll get your stuff back.


It’s the end of the school day. The basketball team practices their fundamentals to get themselves ready for the season.

Tyler, one of the members of the team, starts hitting a couple three point shots. The rest of his TEAMMATES slow down to watch.

He hits one.




Another. The team gets louder.


This continues as the team gets even louder and rowdier the more shots Tyler hits. Eventually he misses after seven in a row. His teammates surround and celebrate with him.

COACH KENT (40s, balding) blows his whistle.


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COACH KENTNow that seems like a good way to end practice. That’s all for today, boys. Good work.

Coach Kent approaches Tyler.

COACH KENT (CONT’D)Great shooting, Tyler. Looks like you’ve been working hard this offseason.

TYLERThanks, coach. Yeah, just doing the little things to get better.

COACH KENTI can see that. Keep shooting like that and we’ll probably see you starting for varsity this year. Great work today.

TYLERI appreciate that, coach.

Coach Kent pats Tyler on the shoulder and leaves. Two other players, DARRELL (17, skinny) and BENNETT (18, stout) approach Tyler.

DARRELLHey McGui, you doing anything this weekend?

TYLERNothing planned, I think. What’s up?

BENNETTAmy’s throwing a party at her house. I think her parents are going to be out of town. Should be a good time. You in?

Tyler palms the basketball and gives it some thought.

TYLERUh... yeah. Yeah, I think I can make an appearance.

Darrell and Bennett smile back.

BENNETTCool. I’ll let you know when I hear more.


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Bennett gives him a pat on the shoulder and leaves. Darrell grabs the ball out of Tyler’s hand and shoots a wild shot.


DARRELLAh! Looks like some of your skill rubbed off on the ball. I’ll see you around.

Darrell heads off as the ball rolls back to Tyler. He picks it up, pauses, and continues shooting.


Players from various sports are exiting out the locker room door. Snippets of athletic feats can be heard through the bustle of the crowd.

Tyler exits, his backpack over shoulder and his car keys in hand. Outside the door, not twenty feet away, lies Alan. He looks up to Tyler.


Sorry sir, this locker room is strictly for athletes only. No mathletes allowed.

Alan doesn’t respond to the joke.

ALANI’m not here for you.

Tyler stops. Laughing athletes walk by, oblivious to the situation.

Tyler frowns.

TYLERWhat are you doing here, Alan?

ALANDon’t worry about it. It doesn’t concern you.

TYLERI think every time you’re about to do something stupid it concerns me. I can’t always be there to protect you, bro.


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Alan looks up with contempt. We haven’t seen him like this before. Tyler doesn’t flinch.

ALANI don’t need your protection. I’m 17. I can make my own decisions. I can deal with the consequences.

TYLERJesus, man. You’re not a superhero. I don’t even know what you’re doing but you’re clearly not thinking straight.

A beat.

TYLER (CONT’D)...are you?

Alan’s temper flares.

ALANGod, dude, no! I told you, I’ve been off that stuff for years. Just let me do what I need to do. No need to get involved. Please.

Tyler looks him over and shrugs. More oblivious people continue to walk by.

TYLERFine. I can’t stop you, you know that. Just, please, don’t do anything too hasty. Think before you act.

Alan nods his head as Tyler leaves him behind.


Alan, alone and impatient, continues to wait outside the locker room. His breathing is getting heavier. He taps his foot. The wait is agonizing.

Suddenly, Robert exits the locker room holding Brian’s backpack. He’s alone. Alan looks up and immediately walks towards him. Robert doesn’t notice until Alan stops him.

ALANHey, Robert. I believe you have something there that’s not yours.


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Robert looks at Alan quizzically. He begins to look over and ‘search’ himself.


Nope, this letterman is definitely mine. Got my name and everything. Thanks for looking out for me though, officer.

Robert attempts to get by, but Alan gets in his way again. Robert gets slightly agitated.

ALANNo, dumbass. The backpack. Give it here and that will be the end of it.

Robert reacts quickly and pins Alan to the wall. Alan looks on with shock. He can’t believe he was stopped so fast.

ROBERTReal tough guy, huh? Maybe I could knock out some teeth and then we’ll see who’s still got something to say?

Robert holds him there as Alan struggles. Then, suddenly, he laughs and lets him go. Alan drops to the ground, catching his breath.

ROBERT (CONT’D)But you’re just too funny. Go cry to someone else.

Robert starts walking away. He doesn’t get three steps before Alan comes from behind and throws a punch. Again, Robert reacts quickly, dodging the punch and countering with his own punch to Alan’s jaw. Alan goes straight down.

ROBERT (CONT’D)(laughing)

Is that how it is? Don’t get your way so you resort to cheap shots? Buddy, you’re lucky I’m in such a good mood. Try that again and next time your ego won’t be the only thing broken. You’re not worth the effort today.

Robert starts walking away, leaving Alan reeling on the ground. He hasn’t moved.


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ROBERT (CONT’D)Oh, and I’ve always had this backpack, dumbass.

Robert laughs his way down the hall. Alan remains on the ground, nursing the cut on the side of his face. His breaths are heavy and he starts to tear up just a bit.

Two more students walk down the hall in friendly conversation. The notice Alan, don’t acknowledge him and, while maintaining their conversation, leave him on the ground.

Alan has hit rock bottom.


In Act Two, I’d make Alan a bit weirder. He’s someone that is a little unstable and someone that you wouldn’t be surprised does the things he does. I’d make Brian more skiddish with Alan after his interaction with Robert and sell that he’s OK with Alan not helping him. Alan still learns it was Robert, either through Brian or by surmising it himself. I’d shorten the Darrell and Bennett dialogue and cut out Robert’s long line of dialogue at the end too.



Tyler walks through the empty parking lot. He joins a few teachers as one of the last to leave school grounds.


Tyler keeps his eyes on the road. The car ride is quiet. No music. His thoughts are elsewhere.


Tyler parks the car outside his house on the street. The house is your typical suburban residence. Small, lawn needs to be mowed, low hanging fence lining the backyard. It looks like nobody has been home since Tyler left for school.


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Tyler puts his backpack down and makes his way to the kitchen. Lights are out throughout the house. He starts cooking: rice, eggs, vegetables. Fried rice is on the menu.

He starts making the table for two. With everything cooking, he pulls out his phone and makes a call.

It rings for a bit as he mixes in the vegetables. Finally, someone picks up.

KATIE (V.O.)Hello?

TYLERHey Katie. You doing anything?

KATIE (V.O.)No. Alexis was over, but she just left. What’s up?

TYLERNothing much. Just wondering if you wanted to come over and hang for a bit.

Tyler wedges the phone between his shoulder and cheek as he puts the silverware on the table.

KATIEYeah, that sounds fun. I wouldn’t mind beating you in Mario Kart again. Should I come now?

TYLERYeah, just come whenever.

KATIEOK. I’ll be over in a bit. See you soon.


Tyler hangs up and puts the phone in his pocket. The table is set and dinner is almost done.

A door opens and the security system beeps.

Tyler’s dad, CHARLES MCGUIRE (late 40s, gruff, looks older than he is) enters the room through the garage.


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TYLER (CONT’D)Hey, dad.

His dad smiles and nods. He’s had a long day. He goes into his room and closes the door.

Tyler goes back to the fried rice and fixes himself two plates, putting them down at the kitchen table. He grabs himself a glass of water and sits down as his dad comes back, grabs a beer from the fridge, and joins him at the table.

Charles gestures at the food.

CHARLESLooks great.

TYLERThanks. Last time I didn’t use enough soy sauce, so hopefully this tastes a bit better.

CHARLESI’ll let you know.

Charles takes in a big spoonful. As Tyler helps himself, Charles gives him a smile and thumbs up in between chews.

CHARLES (CONT’D)I think you’ve outdone yourself.

TYLERAppreciate it. Yeah, it’s actually better than I thought.

A long beat as the two eat in relative silence.

CHARLESSo, I wanted to surprise you, but I was able to get every other Friday off, so I should be able to see more of your basketball games this year.


CHARLESYeah, I’ll have to make up the hours elsewhere, but I think it’s worth it.

He smiles. Tyler smiles back.


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TYLERYeah, coach is pretty happy with how things are going. We should be much better this year.

CHARLESDid that camp teach you a new thing or two this summer?

Tyler finishes chewing.

TYLERYeah, I think so. My form’s a lot better. Still need to break down in man to man though. I drift too much.

CHARLESThat’ll come with experience. I know it did for me.

Another long beat.

CHARLES (CONT’D)So, uh, how was school today?

TYLERIt was alright. Nothing too cra--

A knock on the door interrupts their conversation.

TYLER (CONT’D)Oh, sorry dad, I invited Katie over.

Tyler gets up and puts his plate in the sink.

TYLER (CONT’D)There’s more in the pan if you want any.

CHARLESDon’t worry, I’ll need lunch tomorrow.

Tyler nods and goes to the door. He opens it and ushers Katie in.

TYLERHey. Sorry, we were just finishing up dinner.

KATIEOh, I could’ve waited a bit longer.


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TYLEROh no, you’re fine. We’re done.

They walk into the kitchen. Katie notices Charles and gives him a wave.

KATIEHey, Mr. McGuire. How are you?

CHARLESDoing fine, Katie. Yourself?

KATIEOh you know, just school and tests and stuff. The usual.

Tyler gestures Katie upstairs.

TYLERDad, there’s more rice in the pan if you want any.

CHARLESDon’t worry, I need lunch tomorrow. You two have fun.

Tyler and Katie make their way out of the kitchen and go upstairs. Charles is left eating in the kitchen, alone.


Tyler and Katie sit on the floor of the tiny bedroom playing video games. Their eyes are on the television, even if their focus is elsewhere.

KATIE--and then he turns to me and says, ‘Sometimes I think animals are the only ones who understand me.’

TYLERYou really seem to attract the best people.

Katie laughs.

KATIEI’m being serious! If this was just the first day, I don’t know if I can make it the whole year.

TYLERWhy don’t you just drop it?


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KATIEDrop AP Environmental Science? I would if there were another AP class I could take at the time.

Their eyes remain focused on the television, their hands firmly playing on the controllers.

TYLERReal talk. Are colleges really going to read your app and say, “This girl didn’t take AP Viro, she doesn’t belong here.”?

KATIE (smirking)

Yeah, well, enjoy Tech.

Tyler grins.

TYLERI will. Enjoy second.

He stands up in a victory pose as his phone starts buzzing. Tyler answers it.

TYLER (CONT’D)What’s up, man?

Katie brings her controller down.

KATIECongrats. That’s the first time you’ve won since ‘Nam. Rematch.

Tyler doesn’t respond to her. He grows concerned.

TYLER(into the phone)

Wait, what?


Tyler runs down the stairs and opens the door. Waiting for him is a disheveled Alan. His hair is all messed up and he’s got the beginnings of a bruise on his face.

Tyler looks at him in disbelief.


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The video games have stopped. Alan sits on the bed as Katie sits on a bean bag and Tyler stands against the closet. They’re listening to Alan’s story intensely.

ALANAnd he just, punched me. I mean, I know he’s bigger than me, but I didn’t think it would come to that.

TYLERJesus, Alan. What did I tell you? What did I specifically tell you not to do?

KATIEC’mon Tyler...

Tyler is visibly frustrated. He cuts off Katie.

TYLERNo, it’s always something with you, Alan. Always. I can’t go one semester without you doing... something.


Sorry for inconveniencing you.

TYLERThis isn’t about me, man. You just got your ass beat for trying to play hero on a hunch and then you come to me and want me to pick up the pieces? What am I supposed to say?

A beat.

ALANHow about, ‘You’re right, Alan. I’m glad you stood up for yourself. As your best friend, I’ll help you out.’?

TYLERYeah, if you didn’t have a history with this.

Tyler sighs.


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KATIEThis isn’t new for Robert, though. You know that Tyler.

TYLERThe guy’s a terrible person. So? Sounds like someone I’d go out of my way to avoid, not someone I’d pick a fight with.

Alan’s voice raises.

ALANI didn’t go to pick a fight. I told you, I went to get that backpack--

TYLERFor someone you just met?

ALANDoes it matter? If someone doesn’t protect them, who will? What if it was someone you knew?

TYLERThat’s different.

ALANOh, yeah?

Alan stares him down, making sure to show his bruises. Tyler sighs. He gets the message.

TYLERLook, I’ll go talk to Robert, OK?

ALANAnd then what? Just wait until he does this sort of thing again?

TYLERI mean, maybe. What, you want me to fight him?

ALANIt’s just not fair.

Tyler shakes his head.

TYLERDon’t get me started on fairness. Yeah, life sucks sometimes.



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You just have to roll with the punches, man. And that doesn’t mean punching back.

KATIEWhat if it does?


Tyler looks at her quizzically. Katie chooses her words carefully.

KATIEI mean, this isn’t the first time this has happened. Robert’s just the latest. Are we supposed to just stand by and let this continue?

TYLERWhat else are we going to do? Bully the bullies?

KATIEIt could be a start.

Tyler shakes his head again. This isn’t what he expected to hear.

KATIE (CONT’D)You know what, Tyler? Yeah, life’s unfair. Anyone with eyes can see that. But does that mean we can’t do anything about it? Robert’s violent and he’s gotten away with it since before high school.

Katie gestures to Alan.

KATIE (CONT’D)And now your best friend comes to you, beaten up by this guy, and you’re just going to let it slide? Going to let him get away with it, because maybe Alan shouldn’t have talked to him in the first place?

TYLERIt’s more complicated than that.

KATIENot from what I can see. Sometimes talking isn’t enough. Robert’s done worse than this.




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Someone should’ve done something before, but someone can do something now.

A beat.

Tyler starts, but pauses. He’s not sure exactly how to respond. Alan sports a subtle grin.

Tyler sits down.

TYLERSo... OK. Say we teach Robert a lesson. Say we beat him up for what he did to Alan--

ALANAnd Brian. And, really, everyone he’s ever hurt.

TYLERAnd show everyone that if you don’t get your way, just resort to violence?

ALANIt’s not about getting your way. It’s about righting wrongs. It’s about what’s fair. We see it. We can be the ones to make things right.

TYLERAnd beating someone up makes things right?

ALANIf that someone makes a living beating and bullying others, hell yes.

Tyler clenches his jaw and looks towards Alan and Katie. He’s remaining silent. For now.

ALAN (CONT’D)And it doesn’t have to stop there. Robert’s just the first. We see stuff every day in school. Injustices, unfairness--

Tyler stands up, seething.



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TYLERJesus, Alan! I get it! I get that life’s not fair! I get that bad things happen! I get the concept. I don’t need you to come in here and lay it out for me like I live a perfect life. You’re talking to the guy who’s mom got hit by a drunk driver. You’re talking to the guy who has to get himself up for school every morning and make sure he gets home in time to cook his dad dinner every night. Sorry that you got your ass kicked trying to be a hero, but I know that life’s not fair, OK? I live it.

A long pause as Alan and Katie stare at Tyler. They have no response. Tyler calms his breathing and sits back down.

TYLER (CONT’D)Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. I just lost my cool. Tomorrow I’ll go to talk to Robert, OK? I promise.

He looks towards Alan, who pauses and then approvingly nods his head.

TYLER (CONT’D)I’ll always have your back, bro. Always.


Tyler sees his two guests out. Alan and Tyler share a handshake and bro hug. Alan leaves.

Tyler stops Katie at the door.

TYLERHey, about what I said. Sorry if it was, uh, over the top. I was just tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. I really appreciate you coming over.

KATIEYeah, I know. Don’t worry about it. It was a pretty, eh, unique situation.

They hug and she turns to leave.


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TYLERYou know if you need anything you can come to me, right?

Katie smiles and nods.

KATIEI know.

Tyler nods back and waves goodbye before closing the door.


Tyler sits at his desk on his computer. The ceiling fan buzzes to soften the silence of the room. The video game is still on from before.

He surfs the website FriendLink. With squinting eyes and a hand resting on his chin, he cycles through pictures of Katie. It’s compassionate, but overbearing. He loves her.

He comes to one with her and Greg and pauses. He leans back in his chair and stares up at the ceiling for a beat. The humming of the fan gets louder. He comes back to the computer and clicking on Greg’s profile.

He cycles through Greg’s pictures, slower than he did with Katie. He only gets through a couple. The fan is prominent now.

He pauses, again, and this time types in Robert’s name into the search bar. He pulls up Robert’s profile. He leans in close and stares at the picture looking back at him: a happy Robert flexing his muscles for the camera. The fan is deafening as Tyler continues to stare it down.


The next day. It’s the same setup as the teaser, sans the superimposed text and voice overs. Practice is over and the sound of students emptying out echoes across the halls.

Robert approaches his locker and opens it up. He pulls out his letterman jacket and Brian’s backpack. He sets the backpack down as he pulls on the jacket.

Robert slams his locker door shut, revealing the Masked Assailant staring him down on the other side of the door. His face is covered with a ski mask and he’s clad in all black.

Robert jumps back.


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What the hell?

The Masked Assailant reacts quickly. He pushes Robert into the lockers. Robert struggles to fight back, attempting to pull the mask off.

ROBERT (CONT’D)Get off of me! Who are you? Too scared to show your face, coward?

The Masked Assailant struggles against the stronger Robert as he nearly pulls up his mask. With his free hand, the Assailant punches Robert in the ribs. Robert goes down.

Robert gasps for breath as he rolls down the lockers. He looks up at his attacker.

ROBERT (CONT’D)What do you want?

The Masked Assailant responds with a swift punch across Robert’s face, sending him sprawling. Robert grabs his bleeding nose, groaning in pain.

The Masked Assailant spots Brian’s backpack and grabs it. He starts running down the hall and exits out the door, leaving Robert bruised and bleeding on the ground.


The Masked Assailant turns a corner out the door. He briefly looks back to make sure he’s not being followed, then looks across the parking lot to make sure the coast is clear. Satisfied, he takes off running to the nearest parked car, a ‘98 Honda.


Once safely inside the car, the Assailant takes off his mask to reveal Tyler, breathing heavily and suffering from a slight bit of shock. He puts the car into drive and exits the parking lot as quickly as he can.

END ACT THREE*************************************************************I wouldn’t change a whole lot to Act 3. I’d write the reveal a bit differently, maybe preventing Tyler and Alan from “making up,” but I think the audience will put it together that Tyler is the attacker. I’d also trim Tyler’s outburst to Alan and clean up some of the dialogue in that whole scene.


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Dirty laundry covers the carpeted floor. Old bowls of cereal lie stacked on the night stand by the bed. A ragged poster of Batman hangs from an otherwise barren wall.

Alan walks in, carrying bottled water. He sits down at his desk and opens his laptop.

Right behind him is Brian. He stands around the room before finding a spot on the bed.

ALANYou sure you don’t want anything?

BRIANNo thanks, I’m good.

Alan opens FriendLink and takes a drink. His eyes squint at the brightly-lit screen. He’s confused.

ALANThe hell?

He continues to scroll down the page.

ALAN (CONT’D)Hey, come check this out.

Alan beckons Brian over as his phone rings. He answers while getting up from the desk, giving Brian a chance to look.



Alan opens the door, revealing Tyler, looking disheveled. He’s still dressed in all-black, carrying Brian’s backpack.

Alan notices the backpack and smiles.

ALANNo way.


The two enter the room in a rush. Brian is now seated at the desk, reading the screen intently.


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ALAN(to Tyler)

You won’t believe what they’re saying online.

TYLERIt’s online?

Tyler and Brian see each other for the first time. Alan is giddy.

ALANTyler, this is Brian. He’s the kid who started this whole thing.

BRIANWell, I don’t know if I’d say that.

Tyler and Brian shake hands.

TYLERIt’s nice to meet you, man.

Tyler sheepishly looks down at the backpack in his hands.

TYLER (CONT’D)I, uh, think this belongs to you.

Tyler hands over the backpack. Brian accepts and looks quickly through it, making sure everything is there. He pulls out his laptop and has a sigh of relief.

BRIANThank you. Seriously, thank you so much.

Tyler nods. He turns to Alan.

TYLERSo what are they saying?

ALANPeople are happy. They’re calling you a hero.

TYLERA hero?

ALANWell, paraphrasing. And it doesn’t look they know it’s you specifically. But look at this.

Alan shows Tyler the screen. He reads from the comments.


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ALAN (CONT’D)‘He’s not the nicest guy. Honestly, I’d say he had it coming.’

Tyler scans the page as Alan continues.

ALAN (CONT’D)They’re all like this.

BRIANNot all.

Brian points out another comment.

BRIAN (CONT’D)‘I’m always astonished by how far people are willing to go to hurt others.’

ALANOK, sure, some people don’t agree with the means, but most people are in support.

Tyler finishes reading and looks up at Alan.

TYLERWhat are you saying?

ALANI’m saying what I said last night. Think about it, Tyler. Robert was a bully and got what was coming to him. But he’s only one. There could be hundreds like him.

BRIANSure, but don’t you think you’re just escalating the problem without really solving anything?

Alan looks towards Brian. He’s confused.

ALANWhat? You got your stuff back, didn’t you?

BRIANWell, yeah, but Robert was a bad guy. What he did was wrong, but even he is getting some sympathy from people. Everyone’s problems aren’t going to be so black and white.


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ALANWell, sorry that you’re feeling sorry for the bully who stole your backpack and beat you up. I don’t think other people would have as much pity for those hurting them.

BRIANI’m not saying I feel sorry for Robert and I’m glad I got my stuff back. I guess--

Brian hesitates. He chooses his words carefully.

BRIAN (CONT’D)--I just, I don’t know, I don’t think it’s smart to pick and choose what’s fair and then also be the one to correct it.

ALANWe’ll be judge of that.

BRIANThat’s exactly why I don’t think--

Tyler steps up.

TYLERBrian’s right, Alan.

Alan looks towards Tyler. A hint of uneasiness lingers between the two.

ALANWhy? Have you seen what people are saying? We have a chance to make a difference. To help people!

TYLERBe reasonable, man. Nobody liked Robert. I didn’t like Robert and he never even bothered me. I did what I did because I was tired of the way he treated people, like you two, and felt like doing something about it. That’s it. One and done.

Tyler gets up and heads to the door.

TYLER (CONT’D)Do you really think people are going to reach out to us with their problems anyway?


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Tyler turns his back to leave. Alan hardens up. His voice gets stern.

ALANYeah, I do. If we extend our hand, people will respond. Because that’s what people in need do, Tyler. They look for help.

Tyler stops at the doorway. He turns to face Alan.

TYLERWell then Alan, by all means, go do it. You’re a smart guy. Help as many people as you can. I’m just going to keep myself out of it.

Tyler exits. Alan turns back to his computer and begins typing away. Brian looks around the room, keeping silent.


Laura Patterson sits in a morning administration meeting. Her fellow TEACHERS exist in various states between asleep and barely awake as the faculty find their seats. It’s too early.

Laura is handling it better than her peers. With coffee in hand, she scans the room. Nobody is in the mood to talk.

Entering from the side door is principal DEBBIE JACKSON (looking every bit of her 58 years old). She motions for the silent crowd to settle down, a habit.

DEBBIEThank you all for meeting this early. I apologize that we had to come together under such circumstances, but as some of you may have heard, one of our students was attacked yesterday after school in the locker room. Robert Paulsen.

Laura’s interest is piqued. Only a handful of her fellow peers seem to be as intrigued.

DEBBIE (CONT’D)As the teachers for the majority of the upperclassmen, I felt it was important to bring this to your attention. Robert’s told us that his attacker was a tall student, but he was wearing all black and a ski mask. He couldn’t see his face.


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The coffee is kicking in for Laura. She stands up in her seat. Debbie’s voice continues to ring throughout.

DEBBIE (CONT’D)I would like to remind you all that we value the safety of our students and we have a strict no-tolerance policy against these sorts of actions. If any of you learn any new information, please come forward.

Laura raises her hand. Debbie, slightly confused, gestures at her.

LAURAWhat you’re saying is good and all and I agree with it, but where was this meeting when Robert was the attacker, not the victim?

Laura gestures to her fellow teachers, more of whom are becoming interested.

LAURA (CONT’D)All of us have heard about Robert’s past. I mean, some of us have seen it. Not saying that we shouldn’t care when Robert is the victim, but I’m just curious why we’re having this conversation now?

Debbie remains firm. Her demeanor and voice doesn’t change.

DEBBIEAs I said before, the safety of all our students is our number one priority. If a student can’t feel safe at school, we’ve failed our job. Every case of violence we see is received and treated with the same attitude, Mrs. Patterson. I can assure you of that.

Laura looks disapprovingly at Debbie. She leans back in her chair.


The school bell rings. The students in Mrs. Patterson’s English class file in. Sitting together again are Tyler, Katie, and Greg.


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Mrs. Patterson addresses the class.

LAURAClass, before we get to our lesson today, I need to talk about an incident that happened yesterday, something that most of you have probably heard about already.

The class listens intently. Tyler tries to blend in as he looks in Katie’s direction. She’s totally focused.

LAURA (CONT’D)One of your classmates was attacked late yesterday in the locker room. You can probably ask around to find out who it was, but the school has informed me that if you have any information that could help, to please pass it along to me or one of the other adults.

Laura turns to chalkboard and begins writing that day’s agenda.

LAURA (CONT’D)Of course, if you don’t know anything, that’s fine too. I’m just letting you know there are people you can go to.

Tyler looks back down at his notebook then shifts his eyes around the class to gauge their reactions. Most don’t seem to care.


Another school bell. Another passing period. Students pass and whisper with rumors of who may have done the attack.

Katie and Greg walk out. Tyler lingers behind, but remains close enough to be part of the conversation.

GREGCan’t believe someone would beat up Robert like that. Can’t believe Robert didn’t defend himself, honestly.

TYLERCrazy start of the semester, huh?

Greg looks back and shows a quick smile.


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GREGI’ll say. The guy may have gone too far though. I heard Robert’s nose is, like, super broken.

KATIEEh, he’ll be fine. Noses heal. Don’t know if I can say the same for all those he bullied over the years.

GREGYou’re really not a Robert fan, are you?

KATIEYou know what I think. A douchebag and a bully. Don’t exactly feel sorry for him.

They stop at a junction. Greg turns towards one hallway.

KATIE (CONT’D)And, really, he’s not the only one that could use that treatment.

Tyler perks up at those words. He’s heard something similar before. Greg chuckles.

GREGRemind me never to piss you off. I’ll see you guys around.

He turns and walks down the adjacent hall, leaving Tyler and Katie alone.

TYLERWell, that was nice. Maybe he isn’t so bad after all.

Katie pulls Tyler in close. Her voice is hushed.

KATIETyler, was it you or Alan that did it?

Tyler’s eyes light up. His face gets flushed and he takes a small step back.

TYLERWhy do you think one of us did it?

KATIEBecause I’m not an idiot. And...


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Katie smiles ever so slightly.

KATIE (CONT’D)I don’t think Alan could’ve pulled off something like that.

Tyler sheepishly smiles back. His “cover” is busted.

KATIE (CONT’D)Why did you do it, though? You were totally against it.

TYLERI, uh, had a change of heart, I guess.


The school bell rings again. They’re late for class as students cycle through the hallways.

KATIE (CONT’D)Well, I’m glad you did. I’ll be seeing you around.

TYLERYeah, for sure.

She smiles again and heads off down a different hallway.

Tyler stands alone, perplexed, but smitten.


Basketball practice is over. Athletes are filing out after showering and getting dressed. Tyler stands by his locker, putting his shirt on.

He overhears a conversation in the locker wing next to him.

BENNETT--and she was wasted. Black out.

DARRELLShe throw up on him?

BENNETTMaybe, I don’t know. Apparently after she passed out Chad took her up to her room and they stayed there for, like, a few hours.


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DARRELLThat’s pretty creepy.

BENNETTYeah, but nobody saw anything, so...

Darrell and Bennett walk by Tyler, who makes it look like he wasn’t eavesdropping. They briefly stop as they walk out.

BENNETT (CONT’D)Hey McGui, you going to Amy’s tomorrow?

TYLERUh, yeah. I thought I’d stop by.

BENNETTCool. We’ll see you there then.

They exit. Tyler leans against the locker, contemplating what he just heard.





Katie and Greg lounge around in her room. It’s adorned with blue ribbons and awards from her childhood. A few old boy band posters line the walls, mostly ironically.

Katie plays with her phone on her bed. Greg surfs through FriendLink on Katie’s computer.

Something piques Greg’s interest.

GREGWoah. Come look at this.

Greg motions for Katie. Together they look at the post on screen.

“HAYS HIGH SCHOOL CRIMESTOPPERS” titles a long post. Katie and Greg look on. Alan’s voice reads the post.


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ALAN (V.O.)Hello students of Hays High School. There has been a lot of talk about the recent attack on Robert Paulsen, notorious bully. His actions were brought to us, the Crimestoppers, and we dealt with him accordingly. We take full responsibility for our actions.

Greg leans back.

GREGThe hell? Who are these guys? This is some Batman stuff right here.

Katie is even more confused.

KATIEI, don’t get it.

ALAN (V.O.)We want to let every student know that if you have a problem, you can come to us for help. Send us a direct message online or text us at 214-500-1122. We can’t guarantee that we’ll solve your problem, but we will hear you. We promise.

GREGThat’s crazy. Like, I can’t believe someone would do something like this. It’ll never work.

Katie looks over at Greg and sighs.


Tyler and Alan briefly argue in his bedroom. Tyler’s more confused than upset.

TYLER‘We?’ Why’d you use ‘we?’

ALANIt’s smarter that way. People won’t care if it’s just one person. Just because you’re not involved doesn’t mean I have to let people know that.

Tyler paces throughout the room.


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ALAN (CONT’D)And, you know, you could still get involved.

TYLERI don’t think so. It’’s just asking to get caught.

ALANOK. Fair, but I told you, I’ve taken precautions.

TYLERPosting from an Internet cafe isn’t exactly foolproof.

ALANAnd the phone is a disposable. Paid with cash.

TYLERIf someone wants to find you, they’ll still find you.

ALANWho? I think the police have other things to worry about. As long as we don’t kill anyone.

TYLERAgain with this ‘we.’ There is no ‘we.’ Why do you think I’ll join in?

A beat.

Alan pauses and then looks behind Tyler into the open doorway. He sees Katie walking up. He smirks.

ALANI can think of one reason.

Katie’s walking catches Tyler’s attention. He turns around, startled. He didn’t invite her over, but he’s not complaining.

TYLEROh, Katie. Hey. What are you doing here?

KATIEYour dad let me in. I needed to talk to you. About this post online.


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Alan’s smirk grows a bit wider. A bit more scheming.

ALANOh! You told her?

TYLERNot quite, but--

KATIEBut you decided posting about the attack was a good idea? To make a spectacle of it?

Tyler puts his hands up. He gets defensive, in a friendly way.

TYLERWoah! Hey now, that wasn’t me. I’m just as shocked as you.

Tyler and Katie turn to Alan, who can only shrug.

ALANDon’t be shocked, y’all. You knew my thoughts on the matter.

KATIEBut you’re putting yourself out there. You’re putting Tyler out there. If you get caught--

ALANWe’re not getting caught, and if we did, we’d just tell whoever found out about Robert’s history. The attack was... self-defense.

KATIEThat’ll go over well.

ALANAnd besides, I thought you were supportive of this? You wanted to see my plan come together. What’s so different now?

Another beat.

Tyler is listening intently. The friendly trio is a little more on edge.

KATIEIt’s just, dangerous. I don’t want to see you two get hurt.


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TYLERBut you do want to see things made right? To see things made fair?

Katie looks to Tyler. She pauses briefly.


Tyler looks around the room. He gathers his thoughts and takes a deep breath.

TYLERAlan, has anyone responded to you yet?

Alan smiles. He’s reeling him in and he knows it.

ALANAs a matter of fact, yes. More than I imagined.

Alan pulls out the disposable phone. There are rows of messages from various unnamed numbers. The sheer size of the list is staggering.

ALAN (CONT’D)Now, I haven’t gone through them all. And I’m sure there’s more on FriendLink, although I’m hesitant to log in here.

He scrolls down the page. There must be over 30 messages. Tyler is shell-shocked. Katie is enamored.

TYLERI never thought there’d be this many.

ALANAs you might expect, some of them are just trolls, asking who we are or to help them with some fake problem. But there’s a good number of real calls for help.

He picks a message and opens it up.

TYLERHow do we choose who to help?

ALANIt’s our call. But this one caught my attention. Read it.


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Tyler and Katie lean down. A female student’s voice reads out what’s in the message.

FEMALE STUDENT 4 (V.O.)Hello. I don’t know if this is legit or not, but I don’t know what else to do. My friend Marcy got drunk at a party a few weekends ago and thinks she was taken advantage of. She doesn’t know who it was and doesn’t want to go to police with it. I know that isn’t a whole lot of information, but it’s worth a shot. If you find out who did it, please text me back. Thank you.

Katie and Tyler draw back, sighing. Alan is more giddy.

TYLEROh my God. I, I think I know who this is.

Alan and Katie look up in shock.

ALANWait, the person who sent this?

TYLERNo. The person who took advantage of Marcy.

ALANWait, really? Who?

TYLERSome guy named Chad. I’m not positive, but--

KATIEWell, what are we going to do about it?

Tyler perks up.


KATIEIf you’re in this, then I am too. I don’t want to be on the sidelines while you two have all the fun.

Tyler smiles. He’s all-in.


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TYLERWell, I’m not sure. There’s a pretty big party tomorrow though. This Chad guy may be there.

ALANWe can come up with something.

TYLERIf it’s him. We have to be sure.

ALANWe will. Don’t worry.

Alan looks to the other two. He leans back and smiles.

ALAN (CONT’D)Well, Crimestoppers, looks like school is going to be a little bit different this year.

Alan is all smiles. Katie looks to Alan, then Tyler. She smiles.

Tyler smiles back then sighs.

