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Creativepreneur The Volume 1, Issue 4 February 2013 Copyright © 2013 by Blue Sun Studio, Inc. The Crossroads of Business, Art, Life and Soul
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  • CreativepreneurTheVolume 1, Issue 4 February 2013

    Copyright 2013 by Blue Sun Studio, Inc.

    The Crossroads of Business, Art, Life and Soul

  • The Creativepreneur, February 2013

    The Creativepreneur Studio

    Volume 1, Issue 4

    February, 2013

    The Creativepreneur is published on the first Friday of every month.

    Send submissions or contact us at: [email protected]

    Blue Sun Studio, Inc. 4695 Marnell Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89121

    Find us on the Web at:

    Copyright 2013 by Blue Sun Studio, Inc.

    Book Two:On Sale Now!

    Click Here Order your Copy Today!

  • Fusion

    In This Issue:

    Peter Wuebker: Our Journey to Passive

    Income and Location Independence

    8 14 20

    From the Editors ......................................................................................... 4

    Inspired Life:

    The Road Not Taken ................................................................................... 6

    Inspired Business:

    Marketing Lifestyle: Peter Wuebker ........................................................... 8

    Creative Clarity: Do You Have a Problem? Good! ..................................... 10

    Designers Corner: Using Pinterest For Your Non-Graphic Business ......... 12

    Inspired Artist:

    Featured Artist: Anastasia Pergakis .......................................................... 14

    Writers Corner: Improvisation and the Art of Writing ............................ 16

    Inspired Soul:

    Soulful Quotes .......................................................................................... 18

    Soulful Spotlight: Joy Resor ...................................................................... 20

    Little Inspirations: Is Forgiveness Selfish? ................................................. 22

    Anastasia Pergakis: The Hard,

    The Bad and the Oh So Great

    Joy Resor: Inspiration Wherever

    We Look

  • 4 The Creativepreneur, February 2013

    Hello everyone!We hope you had as much of a refreshing winter break as we did.

    Ours was filled with so much inspira-

    tion were well stocked with brand

    new ideas and projects for 2013.

    In this months edition of The Cre-

    ativepreneur youll notice we have a

    new tag line and some new sections.

    Over the break, we took the oppor-

    tunity to step back and do our yearly

    assessment of where the business

    was going. Like many entrepreneurs

    with a TON of ideas, we realized

    we were in need of some cohesion.

    What was our underlying message?

    What was it that brought together

    everything we do?

    And then it hit us, The crossroads

    of business, art, life and soul. Ev-

    erything we do, and do for our clients, is

    a fusion of these four areas. Its more than

    a way to sell services or products, its a

    lifestyle, something that permeates every

    aspect of our daily lives.

    Some of you may remember The Inspired

    Artist, our first digital magazine. Producing

    a digital magazine takes a lot of time and

    effort and we found we just couldnt fit two

    of them into our schedules anymore. But...

    we didnt want to let go of The Inspired

    Artist either.

    The solution? Add it to The Creativepre-

    neur! In this and future issues youll find

    our Writers Corner, Featured Artist, Poetry

    Corner and more.

    With that said, go grab a cup of your

    favorite hot beverage and settle in for your

    monthly dose of inspiration.

    Blessings and abundance!

    Wendi & Deb





  • Fusion 5

    Be A Part of The Creativepreneur!

    Give us your feedback AND your submissions for next months issue! If you like it (and

    we know you will!) be sure to share this magazine with anyone you know would enjoy it.

    See our submission guidelines here: Magazine Submission Guidelines. The deadline

    for the next issue is February 22nd.

    Wendi KellyWendi Kelly is the International business coach behind Cre-

    ative Clarity Coaching, a division of Blue Sun Studio. Wendi is

    devoted to coaching creative entrepreneurs who are ready to

    take the leap into clarity, happiness and success in business

    and life.

    Deb DorchakDeborah Dorchak has been a graphic designer for more

    than 28 years and an artist since she could hold a crayon. Deb

    got her start in Illustration, and her passion for telling stories

    through images hasnt wavered yet. She is the designing force

    behind Blue Suns graphics department.

    Meet the Team

  • 6 The Creativepreneur, February 2013




    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

    And sorry I could not travel both

    And be one traveler, long I stood

    And looked down one as far as I could

    To where it bent in the undergrowth;

    Then took the other, as just as fair,

    And having perhaps the better claim

    Because it was grassy and wanted wear,

    Though as for that the passing there

    Had worn them really about the same,

    And both that morning equally lay

    In leaves no step had trodden black.

    Oh, I marked the first for another day!

    Yet knowing how way leads on to way

    I doubted if I should ever come back.

    I shall be telling this with a sigh

    Somewhere ages and ages hence:

    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

    I took the one less traveled by,

    And that has made all the difference.

    Robert Frost; The Road Taken

  • Fusion 7

    The Road Not Taken

    Thirty six years and nine months ago, I stood at a fork in a road, much like the traveler in Mr. Frosts poem. I was fifteen

    years old and had a choice to make.

    There I stood at the fork in the road of the

    remainder of my teenage years or immanent


    And now, today, here I am, telling this with

    a grateful sigh, ages and ages hence, happy

    to say, I took the road less traveled and it has

    made all the difference.

    Now Im not saying that choice would be

    right for everyone. I know for a fact that it is

    not. The road I chose is a dirt road with pot

    holes and is not paved with gold. There were

    many twists and turns along the way, and the

    street lamps are often burnt out and you have

    to feel your way around in the dark. It takes

    courage, faith, commitment and I dare say a

    fair amount of sleepless nights. But for me,

    thirty- six years ago, my life was turned around

    by a tiny bundle of love that is celebrating her

    birthday today, and each year on this day I am

    reminded how much this anniversary of her

    birth changed the path of my life forever.

    I am profoundly grateful that I chose the

    road less traveled, the road named love.

    I turned my back on that other road. The

    road of anger, the road of blaming others for

    perceived injustices, the road of numbing my

    pain with drugs, and the road of fear.

    I chose love instead. And it took me down

    the path of becoming a mother, not only to

    this one, but of three more, and to a handful

    of others that call me mom, and two wonder-

    ful grandchildren.

    Of all the successes and victories I have had

    along the way, being a mom is the one I hold

    closest to my heart. Bringing four wonderful

    human beings into this world that I am so

    dang proud of, is the number one thing that

    I will claim as my victory as I leave this world

    for heaven someday.

    And it all began with the road taken. The

    road to love.

    ButThe One Thing That Robert Frost Didnt

    Tell Us

    The road taken isnt a straight highway. It

    intersects here and there, with other roads.

    I am profoundly grateful that I chose the road less traveled, the road named love.

    Road continued on page 24

    Wendi Kelly

  • 8 The Creativepreneur, February 2013





    Our Journey to Passive Income and Location Independence

    Several years ago, while I was still employed, I stumbled upon a company, Zazzle, which would

    promote and sell on your behalf

    bumper stickers that you designed.

    Just for fun, I made one with a po-

    litical message, and was surprised

    when someone bought it. Then it

    happened again. And again. I started

    to pay more attention with each sale,

    and began to think this might be a

    modest way to supplement our fam-

    ily income.

    My wife and I had already concluded

    that it was going to be necessary for

    us to work during traditional retire-

    ment years. She was toiling away in

    her retail business, and I was Director

    of Marketing for a small non-profit.

    At the same time, we wanted more

    independence in our lives so that we

    could travel and enjoy life. These aspects

    of reality appeared to be in competition

    with each other, and, to be honest, we felt

    kind of trapped in our circumstances.

    We decided to start a blog, PassingThru,

    in anticipation of an upcoming dream vaca-

    tion to Alaska. She would write about our

    travels, and it would feature my photog-

    raphy. Upon our return, I put some of my

    images from the trip on Zazzle products as

    well: cards, stamps, coffee mugs, etc. And

    they started to sell.

    Then my wife coauthored an e-book,

    The Narcissist: A Users Guide. This is a

    subject she is passionate about, and it was

    downloaded over 1000 times for free. We

    thought maybe we should start charging a

    small amount for it. We did and it started

    to sell.

    My wife sold her retail business and kept

    writing, doing consulting work and adding

    Peter Wuebker



    g L



  • Fusion 9

    Our Journey to Passive Income and Location Independence

    to our blog. I kept on making products for

    our Zazzle store. We were seeing significant

    monthly deposits in our PayPal account. We

    began to think maybe there was something

    to this whole passive income idea when prod-

    ucts Id created earlier sold for the first time

    and my wifes book sales resulted in regular


    We began to strategize. What if we could

    create even more diversification in income,

    much in the same vein as financial advisors

    talk about diversifying your investments to

    avoid risk? Could this be our ticket to more

    freedom? Would we be able to share what we

    knew to help others in similar situations with

    similar values achieve similar results?

    Ive worked in traditional marketing all

    my life, for my own agency and for others,

    specializing in direct mail and membership

    acquisition. This online marketing concept

    was a bit different. The USP (unique selling

    proposition) required people to make a leap

    of faith away from a traditional career path,

    going into business on their own and relying

    upon themselves. It was risky, but at the same

    time, it could be done part-time with a tradi-

    tional employment safety net such as we had.

    I had reached the point where it was almost

    comfortable, so I took the leap myself and

    quit my job. Folks were thinking a) I was crazy

    or b) Id retired. We explained over and over

    again what we were doing, and most people

    didnt really get it. They were very locked in

    to traditional career paths, even though there

    was a significant recession that derailed things

    for several folks we are close to. But slowly, it

    started to dawn on people that we were seri-

    ously making things work.

    We thought we could share how people

    could begin with their own online store, so I

    wrote an e-book, How to Get Started on Zaz-

    zle. People bought it. Then I wrote a follow-up

    Journey continued on page 24

  • 10 The Creativepreneur, February 2013

    Imagine this:You have been sitting in paradise now for forty days and forty nights.

    The weather has been perfect, the

    food divine, in just the right amounts

    and your weight has miraculously

    snapped into its perfect number,

    leaving you fit, lean and healthy.

    Money is not an issue. It is flowing

    abundantly just yonder in that river

    of gold.

    You have no need to strive toward

    goals, because the moment you

    have a thought, wish or desire, it is

    instantly manifested.

    Soak it all in for a second. Really

    take in what life would be like if it

    stretched on and on like this, endless days

    and nights with instant satisfaction, instant

    success, instant desires met at every turn.

    No finger-lifting required.

    Bored out of your skull yet?

    I want you to be really honest. How many

    of you would have found some arbitrary

    thing to worry about from the past, just

    for the heck of it, picked a fight with your

    loved one, or wandered off to shake off

    that bothersome feeling of unrest that was

    making your skin crawl?

    The truth is that creative people werent

    created to sit in paradise and sip an end-

    less amount of fruity umbrella drinks while

    time stretched out to eternity.

    A week or twomaybe. Forty days and

    Wendi Kelly









  • Fusion 11

    The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting other-wise and thinking that having problems is a problem.

    ~Theodore Isaac Rubin

    forty nights? Get the straight-jacket because

    were heading for the loony bin.

    We were born to create from the well of

    wonder and brilliance. And in the absence

    of doing that, we will create something else.

    Usually trouble. We can obsess in the negative

    pit of mental hell, manifesting worry, stress,

    clutter- in its many forms- thinking up all

    sorts of ways to sidetrack ourselves from our

    purpose here.

    Life is a series of problem solving and cre-

    ation. Lets face it. Everything is a problem

    looking for a solution. That book you are

    writing? It is filled with land mines, twists and

    turns that need to be solved and worked out.

    But because your ego is taking that problem

    personally, its easier to go obsess over some

    other problem. That glorious artwork you are

    worried wont turn out just quite right? Easier

    to shove in a drawer and bicker with a mate

    over a perceived grievance.

    Your creative enterprise, the one you want

    to so badly to be successful? The one you are

    procrastinating on doing the few things that

    would make all the difference in the world? (

    Deep down, you know what they are) Those

    are the good problems to have. But instead,

    you are spending your time on somebody

    elses problem. Because that one is emotion-

    ally easier for you to handle.

    Lets go back to that paradise for a moment,

    shall we?

    Remember the scenario in paradise, I said

    that everything we desired would be instantly


    Which would have meant there would have

    been nothing standing in our way to keep us

    from creating exactly what our hearts desired

    to create.

    The lack of paint, pens, supplies, time, and

    distractionslike worries over money, or re-

    lationships or any of the other excuses we tell

    ourselves would have been an illusion.

    Exactly like they are now. They are illusions

    we are using to deflect us from the problems

    we need to be focusing on. The creative prob-

    lems we are uniquely designed to solve in the

    first place.

    So the next time you find yourself stirring

    up trouble, worry, anxiety, feelings of loss,

    frustration or blame

    Ask yourself this:

    What problem am I supposed to be solving

    right now? What creative purpose and prob-

    lem was I designed to work on and solve?

    Go do that.

    Leave that other stuff to some other trouble-

    maker. You have God-given work to do.

  • 12 The Creativepreneur, February 2013

    I was very excited when Pinterest hit the scene. Being a visually oriented person, I loved the idea of having a

    place for saving all the great images I

    ran across on the internet.

    Everyone else did, too. Pinter-

    est grew fast in popularity. People

    started using it in a variety of creative

    ways. The Foodies love it for pinning

    recipes, Fashionistas enjoy creat-

    ing boards filled with their dream

    fashions. Wendi and I like using it for

    color palettes, vision boards and our

    all time favorite, our Bonds of Blood

    & Spirit Dream Cast, where we pin all

    the actors and models we envision

    in our novels when the movies are


    Pinterest goes beyond playtime

    and dreaming. This social network seems

    tailor made for photographers, designers,

    painters and other visual artists.

    But what if your business isnt graphically

    oriented? Then you have to get creative.

    One commonly used blogging strategy is

    to include images in your post. People like

    pictures. Images enhance the articles, help

    capture attention, and illustrate your point.

    Theres an easy way to take the pretty pic-

    ture a step further, and improve your SEO

    (Search Engine Optimization). All it takes

    is a little Photoshop, or similar program,

    if you know how to use itor asking your

    designer to do it for you.

    You may have noticed that weve

    changed our blog post format. The images

    accompanying the blogs arent just pretty

    pictures anymore. They serve a purpose.

    Deb Dorchak







    rs C



  • Fusion 13

    Theyre like little covers for each post. Weve

    enhanced the image with the blog post title,

    made it larger and centered it over the text.

    Then we make sure each image has the same

    Title and Alt Text (the text that shows up when

    you mouse over the image). This is what will

    help you in the search engines.

    The best part? Each little cover image is

    PINNABLE! Yes! Now you, or anyone else can

    pin your post cover image to their boards on

    Pinterest, right along with an automatic link

    right back to your site!

    How cool is that? And you dont have to

    be a graphics or gallery website to enjoy the


    Go ahead and try it. Get creative with your

    images, have fun with them.

    But Deb, I hear you say, I cant do this my-

    self, I dont have Photoshop, Im not an artist,

    and I have no clue how to make one. Thats

    okay, thats what Blue Sun is here for. Give us

    a call, lets talk solutions.

    About Blue Sun Studio, Inc.

    Want more design tips? Need help with

    your latest design project?

    Blue Sun Studio, Inc. is a Coaching and

    Design Studio that specializes in assisting

    creative entrepreneurs to create the busi-

    ness they have been dreaming of.

    Find Blue Sun Design Studio on the web


    Tips for Better Pinning

    Create Boards

    Pins add up fast, and theres no reason to

    lump them all into one single board. Make a

    category for everything you can think of.

    Add a Pin Button to Your Browser

    You never know when inspiration will hit

    and you want to save that cute cat image or

    lovely landscape for future reference. Go to

    Pinterest Goodies and get a Pin It button

    for your browser, or an app for your mobile


    Pin From The Source

    Every image links back to the source where it

    was first found. When possible, link from the

    post or site you found the image on, not from

    the thumbnails in a Google image search.

    Check Out Other Boards

    Go exploring, dont wait for inspiration to

    land in your Pinterest updates. Wander

    around in the various categories, you never

    know what youll find.


    Pinterest is social, so...Socialize! Like and

    comment on other images you see.

  • 14 The Creativepreneur, February 2013





    Anastasia V. Pergakis

    2012 was a hard year for me, both personally and in business. I real-ized that while it was hard, it wasnt

    bad. In fact, I had a great year. The

    difficult thing for me, and Im sure

    other people too, is to remember that

    hard doesnt automatically mean

    bad. So, with that in mind, here is

    a list of things I learned (sometimes

    the hard way).

    1: Just because it works for Them,

    doesnt mean itll work for you.

    I had to learn this lesson the hard

    way and the sequel to my book suf-

    fered as a result. As an author - or

    a business owner you have to find what

    works best for YOU, for YOUR business.

    Yes, try what the experts say, try what

    your friends say, listen to other business

    owners in the same field as you. The key

    is figuring out when to quit putting energy

    into something that obviously isnt work-


    I burned myself out with marketing after I

    published my first book, doing what the ex-

    perts said to do, doing what the best sell-

    ers said to do. In the end (after months of

    heartache and struggling to make it work)

    I realized the harsh truth: I had to do what

    was best for me, my time, and my book.



    d A


  • Fusion 15

    Through a six month long experiment, I real-

    ized what social media sites were working for

    me and which ones werent. I have saved SO

    much time focusing on the ones that actually

    work for me, rather than throwing away my

    energy into sites that dont. I also discovered

    what marketing tactics (advertising, blogging,

    etc) worked for me and which ones didnt. Ive

    found a way to market without it being a total

    heartache! Is it still hard? Yes. But its become

    so much easier to handle since I took the time

    to figure out what is best for me and my book.

    Find what works for you that not only makes

    the business and marketing process easier but

    doesnt keep you from doing what you love. (I

    mean, you do love your business right?)

    2: A change in direction or plans, does not

    mean you failed.

    This relates to my first point in some ways,

    as you have to discover what works for your

    business and your personal life too. When I

    first started my business, I had a plan in mind

    for what products I was going to offer and who

    my market would be. Through the course of

    year however, the powers that be decided my

    plans wont work. Sure, I could have buckled

    down and kept my business exactly the way

    it was and maybe I could have had success

    with it. But I learned (again after struggling for

    months) that while my plans were good, I was

    barely touching the surface in what I can do.

    This is where having a business plan writ-

    ten down can really help. I had to get to the

    nitty gritty basic of my business to find out

    what I actually wanted to do. In the end, it

    had nothing to do with a specific product or

    market I simply wanted to help people.

    As a result, my business has grown in ways I

    never expected. I offer services and products

    now that I never thought I would at the begin-

    ning, but theyve become my biggest sellers.

    Ive met amazing people I never would have if I

    didnt allow my business to grow as IT wanted

    to, not as I wanted it to. My business doesnt

    look anything like it did when I first started it

    but does that mean my original plans failed?

    Absolutely not.

    Be open minded! Your plans are good, but

    consider what else is out there, what else you

    can learn, do, see, that will take your business

    beyond your wildest imaginings. Step outside

    of your comfort zone! You just might find its

    your comfort zone after all!

    3: A bad situation just might be the catalyst

    you need to step toward a great situation.

    As the saying goes, life happens. In both

    your personal life and in business, things are

    going to happen that are beyond your control.

    You might even feel like the world is against

    you! I know I have felt this way on numerous


    But heres a tip for you: Who says that a

    bad situation cant actually be good? Okay,

    so you might not see it at that moment, or

    even a week later, but the good does show

    Hard, Bad & Great continued on page 24

  • 16 The Creativepreneur, February 2013





    e W


    s C


    r When it comes to writing the Bonds of Blood & Spirit se-ries, the collaboration Wendi and I

    share is one part planning and one

    part improvisation. This isnt saying

    we totally pants every book we

    write. Our improv occurs inside the

    actual writing.

    Wendi and I dont work like most

    collaborators do. We rarely write

    alone. We wont assign whole

    chapters to each other and wait for

    one person to finish before the next

    person jumps in. Nope, we always write to-

    gether, in real time. Even the conversations

    between characters are done on the spot

    between us. We do this by writing all our

    drafts in a Google Document and sharing it

    between us.

    This is improvisation. Were in charac-

    ter, reacting as our characters, and never

    knowing what each others character is

    going to say next.

    What I find so refreshing about improv

    is the way it challenges creativity. Often,

    thinking of responses on the spot makes

    Deb Dorchak

  • Fusion 17

    the story so much more fresh and exciting.

    The structural boundaries you set out for

    yourself with your plot and scenes gets your

    brain thinking around these self-imposed


    Improv Tips and Tricks:

    No Second Guessing. Forget about the

    perfect line or paragraph. Many writers

    spend far too much time sweating over

    perfection, constantly over thinking and

    dreading the thought of committing

    those words to paper. You know what?

    So what if the words dont come out right

    the first time. Thats what delete is for.

    When you play with improv, the idea is

    dont think. Just do. Go with that first

    response, see where it leads. If it doesnt

    work when you read it later, go back and

    fix it.

    Flip That Script. Stuck? Try removing

    one element of your story and replace it

    with something else. Flip it around, turn

    it on its ear. Explore a new perspective.

    I Am Joes Big Toe. Want to really get

    into a characters head? Try writing one in

    the first person. This worked out well for

    us in Uncivil Wars. We knew we wanted

    to do some background on Diego, so I

    started writing him in first person one

    day while I sat outside with a notebook

    at the coffee shop. I had never fleshed

    out his life before, and once I started

    writing whatever came to mind in his

    voice, the rest fell into place. It worked

    and we used it.

    No Is Not An Option. In acting, no

    is not allowed. Someone asks you a

    question, you have to say Yes and add

    something more to it. This keeps the

    improv session going. Say no, and where

    do you go with it? Nowhere. The same

    applies in improv writing. Dont say no

    to any idea. Follow it, add to it and see

    where it goes.

    Raise the Stakes. Conflict stokes the

    fires of any story. Throw in a new curve

    and then throw in another. This is es-

    pecially fun for Wendi and I since we

    never know how well react to any given

    conversation between characters. In

    Loyalties, we interrupted a conversation

    with a particular phone call that changed

    the course of the story.

    Have you ever tried creative writing improv?

    Any of these exercises are doable if youre

    writing solo, but theyre so much more fun

    when you do them with someone else. Go

    ahead, grab a partner, open a G-doc and have

    at it. Start with a simple premise and take

    turns writing paragraphs. Then come back

    here and tell us how you did!

    Visit Behind the Words

    Want more articles like this one? Go to:

  • 18 The Creativepreneur, February 2013





    lful Q



    Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

    Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

    where there is injury,pardon;

    where there is doubt, faith;

    where there is despair, hope;

    where there is darkness, light;

    and where there is sadness, joy.

    O Divine Master,

    grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;

    to be understood as to understand;

    to be loved as to love.

    For it is in giving that we receive;it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;and it is

    in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

    Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

  • Fusion 19

    Nobody else knows your reason for being. You do. Your bliss guides you to it. When you follow your bliss, when you follow your path to joy, your conversation is of joy, your feelings are of joy -- youre right on the path of that which you intended when you came forth into this physical body.

    Esther Hicks

    A desire is anything but frivolous. It is the interface between you and that which is greater than you. No desire is meaningless or incon-sequential. If it pulls you, even a little bit, it will take everyone higher. Desire is where the Divine lives, inside the inspiration of your desire. Every desire is of profound importance with huge consequences, and deserves your attention.

    Mama Gena

    Set a goal, and in small, consistent steps, work to reach it. Get support from your peers when you start flagging. Repeat. You will change.

    Seth Godin

  • 20 The Creativepreneur, February 2013





    lful S


    ght A

    re you like me?

    Do you love reading a line in

    a book that resonates? Viewing a

    piece of art that makes your heart

    race? Or reading a poem three times,

    because the message in it just makes

    you smile from here to the corner?


    It surrounds us, motivates us, and

    encourages us.

    We are the beneficiaries of all the

    artists and lovers of life that went

    before us who share their gifts with

    the world.

    What treasures we receive!

    How we benefit!

    We are touched by all those before us

    who stepped into their potential.

    In my life, a quote of Mariann William-

    sons became a touchstone for introverted,

    low self-confident me,for me hiding in the

    corner not believing in myself.

    Each time I read her quote, I took it per-

    sonally, knowing there was a light in me

    that needed to heal.

    Our deepest fear is not that we are in-

    adequate. Our deepest fear is that we are

    powerful beyond measure. It is our light,

    not our darkness that most frightens us.

    We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,

    gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually,

    who are you not to be? You are a child of



    r W

    e Lo


    Joy Resor

  • Fusion 21

    God. Your playing small does not serve the

    world. There is nothing enlightened about

    shrinking so that other people wont feel

    insecure around you. We are all meant to

    shine, as children do. We were born to make

    manifest the glory of God that is within us. Its

    not just in some of us; its in everyone. And as

    we let our own light shine, we unconsciously

    give other people permission to do the same.

    As we are liberated from our own fear, our

    presence automatically liberates others.

    Lo and behold, there came a time in my life

    when I was lead to heal the wounds in me

    covering my light.


    I was finally able to honor that voice within

    that howls for expression, the shadow longing

    to merge with the Light. It is an act of faith

    to respond to this voice, to give it our time;

    and in return we are blessed with work that

    has light and life of its own.Jan Phillips, No

    Ordinary Time

    Honoring that voice knocking on my soul,

    I birthed radiant creations, handmade trea-

    sures of Batik beauty with inspirational mes-

    sages on them.

    Off I went to my first business conference

    with Joy on Your Shoulders TM radiant creations

    flowing from hangers, where the positive re-

    sponse wowed me.

    I learned that birthing this creation was an

    act of faith thats rewarded over and over, as

    these creations offer customers inspiration

    and joy.

    Very cool.

    And more than that, this first creation I was

    able to birth has lead me deeper into my work

    in the world, to inspire all the peace and joy I

    can in a variety of ways.

    My website offers articles of healing and

    inspiration, I see clients in my home and

    serve them on the phone as a spiritual/joyful

    mentor, I create a weekly on-line newsletter

    called Go In Joy!, and I offer Circles of Joy to

    celebrate and expand joy through journaling.

    All these aspects of my work feel joyful and

    inspired, fed through my daily spiritual prac-


    Im in joy inspiring joy.


    Find Joy On The Web:

    Could you use a reminder here and there to lighten up? Do you find yourself feeling

    bogged down with life sometimes? Would you enjoy a few more reasons to smile?

    Joy on Your Shoulders hopes to inspire a little bit or A LOT OF JOY IN YOUR LIFE and the

    lives of everyone you touch. Visit Joy On Your ShouldersTM today and learn more about Joy

    and join The Joy Movement on Facebook.

  • 22 The Creativepreneur, February 2013





    le In



    There are very few things that can separate us from happiness and success as quickly and effectively

    as resentment and anger. And yet,

    despite our most glorious dreams,

    goals and desires, we hold on to our

    battle scars and wounded hearts,

    pointing almost deliriously to those

    who cause us pain as the excuse for

    all of our discomfort.

    We tell our worn and repeated sto-

    ries to anyone who will sit through

    them. We wear the shield of in-

    jury like a badge of courage against

    change and growth. We hold it up

    against the light as an explanation as to

    why our lives couldnt ever be different,

    ever grow why we alone are the ones

    who couldnt hold the golden ring within

    our grasp.

    Its all HER fault. HIS too.

    And we are saved from taking respon-

    sibility for the life we were brought here

    to travel. We have a champion we can

    hate enough to bear the banner. The only

    banner we must carry is the one labeled


    And then someone casually mentions

    that there is a way out.

    We could forgive. We could let go. We

    Wendi Kelly

  • Fusion 23

    could hold them in the light of love, wish

    them well with Gods blessing and walk away.

    But the first thought that flashes through

    our angry minds is, No way in hell am I giving

    them the satisfaction of forgiving them. They

    dont deserve it.

    Let me share a radical concept with you.

    Forgiveness has nothing to do with them. It

    has nothing to do with what they do or do not

    deserve, or understand or even have asked


    It has to do with you, your heart, your heal-

    ing and your well-being. It has to do with your

    relationship with God, Spirit, The Universe

    whatever name you meet your creator by. It

    has to do with your hopes, your dreams and

    your ability to step into your own personal

    power and future.

    It is for you and only you. It is a selfish,

    self-fulfilling, self-fixing cure. Your monster

    may never even be aware of your forgiveness

    because they may never bother to tap into

    the Well of Spiritual Connectivity where we

    all reside with God. If they dont, your secret

    will be safely kept.

    And if they do.they wont be your monster

    anymore anyhow. They will have already

    been profoundly changed by that miracle of

    forgiveness into someone that would be easy

    for you to forgive.

    Dont do it for them. Do it for your own self-


    Marianne Williamson, in The Law of Divine

    Compensation puts it profoundly like this:

    We forgive, then, out of self-interest. I

    forgive you because I want out of my pain. I

    forgive you so that I can be free of what you

    did. I see beyond your mistake to the love in

    you so that I can see beyond the mistake to

    the love in me- because only then can I have

    a miracle.

    Arent you worth being set free? Dont you

    deserve it? Havent you had enough pain?

    There is a way to set yourself free and heal

    the separation.

    Open your heart and forgive.

    To read more from Wendi or contact her for your own personal

    creative coaching, visit us today at Creative Clarity Coaching.

  • 24 The Creativepreneur, February 2013

    Its easy to get lost. Its important to keep a

    map close at hand, so you can keep your des-

    tination in front of you. If youre not looking

    at that map frequently, you may very quickly

    end up on some side road that you dont want

    to be on.

    Its a life-long and often daily journey to

    eradicate fear, blame, perceived injustice, and

    numbing ourselves with substitutes for living

    wide awake. You have to keep your eye on

    the road. And those roads can be tricky too.

    I gave up drugs and turned to food. Gave up

    binge eating and discovered the internet, got

    that under control and oh mywasnt there

    something else waiting in the wings. It took

    a commitment to living on purpose to finally

    get off that road and believe meI dont take

    it for granted that I wont get lost next time.

    I choose the road of love. But that doesnt

    mean its a choice I made thirty-six years ago

    and forgot about it.

    Its a choice I have to make, overand over.

    and over

    And over again.

    Otherwise, I might find myself on that road

    more often taken after all.

    By the way, Happy Birthday, Tania, I love you.

    Road continued from page 7:

    up. Sometimes its not even obvious, but trust

    me its there.

    As an example for you, I used to use an on-

    line payment portal to handle all the money

    for my business. I wont say which one as I

    dont want to scare anyone who might be us-

    ing the same thing. This is just my experience

    and doesnt mean it will happen to you.

    In short, this online payment portal com-

    pletely froze my business. I couldnt accept

    payments, move the money to my bank

    account, spend money, nothing. So, I began

    looking for other ways to run my business.

    This took over a month to finally figure out,

    researching the many different options. I

    cried, on more than one occasion, thinking my

    business had just died because of this. How-

    ever, the time and stress was worth it. In the

    end, I have a much better payment portal for

    my clients. I have an actual business account

    now, rather than using some online payment

    site and I took a giant step forward by getting

    my business license so I can operate under my

    business name rather than my real name.

    A stressful month in exchange for a better

    business and better interaction with my cli-

    ents? Ill take that!

    4: Experience is the key to long term suc-


    Since I am an artist of a sort, in both of my

    businesses, there is always something to be

    learned with each project I do. Even if its

    one of my own personal projects. Each client

    I interact with, each new project presents

    Hard, Bad, Great continued from page 15:

    Hard, Bad, Great continued on page 26:

  • Fusion 25

    e-book, More Products, Less Time A How-To

    Zazzle E-book, which shared techniques I used

    to scale our store to over 40,000 products in

    four years. People bought that one, too. My

    wife coauthored another book, The Narcissist

    at Work, and people bought it.

    Here we are now: Our Zazzle store has over

    50,000 products, and we have just opened

    an additional retail site, Not the Post Office.

    We get monthly payments from sales of our

    products and books. We continue to share

    our philosophy for self-help, simplicity and

    independence in work and life as well as our

    products in every channel we can:

    PassingThru where we evangelize travel,

    location independence and simplicity in work

    and life via posts and email.

    Facebook pages


    How to Make Money on Zazzle

    The Narcissist: A Users Guide

    The Narcissist at Work

    And our biggest news is we are making good

    on our advocacy of location independence,

    to which all these activities have contributed:

    we are pulling up stakes in Minnesota and

    moving to Hawaii in February. All we need

    is an Internet connection to do our work, so

    why not?

    Living this dream didnt come about over-

    night. Weve worked hard over the course of

    several years to make it a reality. We have a

    Journey continued from page 9: strategy with goals and objectives for contin-

    ued diversity of income. This will continue on

    as we approach the age of traditional retire-


    The big message is this: You can do it! The

    dream of location independence and passive

    income through online work is achievable

    with commitment and dedication. All you

    need to do is make a start and keep working.


    About Peter Wuebker

    Peter Wuebker and his wife, Betsy, are en-

    trepreneurs who believe the keys to hap-

    piness are travel, simplicity and freedom.

    Instead of living to work, lets work to live!

    Visit them at

  • 26 The Creativepreneur, February 2013

    Blocked? Unleash your creative power!

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    something a new challenge for me. Instead of

    getting upset or stressed that a client throws

    something at me that is difficult or even

    something I dont know how to do, I embrace

    it! Its an opportunity to grow, to be better

    than I was. The skills I learn from that situa-

    tion always help the next time around.

    For those like me who are indie authors,

    remember your first book that you released?

    If you were like me, you probably made a lot

    of mistakes along the way. But instead of feel-

    ing guilty about your mistakes, consider how

    much easier the next book will be. And even

    if it isnt easier, think of the experience you

    can apply to make it better!

    In your business you might discover that

    you need to raise your prices or even lower

    them. Perhaps you found new products or

    service to offer as a result of the experience

    you gained. Maybe youve realized you need

    help (hiring an employee) or that you should


    Experience is key to long term success!

    Roll with the punches and apply what youve

    learned to the next big thing your imagination

    is going to cook up!

    5: Time outs arent always for when you do

    something bad!

    This is talked about over and over again, in

    different situations and in different ways. But

    its no less true. On top of our business, many

    of us have family, kids, other jobs, and our

    own fun projects to do! Then of course there

    are things like cleaning the house, doing the

    laundry, and oh yea, sleeping!

    There are different types of time outs de-

    pending on when or what you need. Some-

    times its just getting away from the computer

    Hard, Bad, Great continued from page 25:

  • Fusion 27

    to spend some time with the kids. Maybe its

    getting a baby sitter and having a date night

    with the spouse or even just saying home

    with a new movie after the kids are in bed.

    But, its all about balance. Too many time

    outs affect your business but too much work

    can affect it too. That saying all work and no

    play makes me a dull girl is absolutely true.

    Find the balance!

    Dont forget to find time for your self

    outside of being a spouse/parent/business

    owner/cleaning service you need to have a

    few quiet moments to just be you. Sometimes

    all you can fit into your schedule is those quiet

    moments just before bed or first thing in the

    morning before everyone else wakes up.

    Dont get so caught up in work that you for-

    get to enjoy your work or the rest of your life.

    Youre business will run much more smoothly

    if you take time to smell the roses.

    There are so many things I learned this year,

    but these are at the top of my list. I wish you all

    much success in the new year. Remember to

    laugh as often as possible, cry when you need

    to, and hug someone you love everyday! Em-

    brace the challenges of life with open arms,

    view the world with open eyes, and keep your

    heart open to all the good things waiting to

    happen. Its your year, so go make it happen!

    About Anastasia

    Indie-author and designer, Anastasia Pergakis, strives to help

    people discover their own magic, in publishing or business. Her

    book Cleanse Fire: The Kinir Elite Chronicles, a military fan-

    tasy novel, was published in 2011 and is available at all major

    online retailers in multiple formats. The sequel, Blood Trade

    is slated for release in 2013 from Drachen Geist Publishing.

    Anastasia Creatives provides website and book design to starving artists. Offering a range

    of services, Anastasia Creatives has the tools to help artists make their mark on the world.

    Contact Anastasia at:

    Author Website

    Series Website

    Design Website

    You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

  • 28 The Creativepreneur, February 2013

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  • Fusion 29

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    From the Editors