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Khang Minh
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All Scripture references in this book are from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible unless otherwise

indicated. Revised in 2018




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Copyright 2018 by Christ Embassy Healing School

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Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................... 3

What is a Counter Attack? .......................................... 4

The Ways Of The Enemy............................................. 5

The Counter Attack ..................................................... 14

Don't Give Up Your Healing ..................................... 22

Look To The Word ...................................................... 38

Conclusion ...................................................................... 42

Frequently asked Questions ................................... 45

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Many times, you hear people make statements

such as, “I had faith, I acted on the Word of God,

I know that I received my healing, but I don't

know what is happening now, all the symptoms

are back, and I feel like I am not healed


Why do people have such complaints after they

have received their healing? They felt the

anointing surge through them; in fact, the

sickness disappeared immediately they were

ministered to, but suddenly all the symptoms

return, they feel the same pains they felt in the

past, and they wonder and ask, what is


The reason this happens is that after one has

received anything from God, the adversary will

always launch a counter attack.

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What is a Counter Attack?

A counter attack is the questioning of the

authenticity of the Word of God that comes

once you have received something from God. If

the adversary does not launch a counter attack

on you, then you did not really receive

something from God. So, when there is an

attack from the enemy after you have received

divine healing, you can be sure you actually

received your healing. An awareness of the

ways in which the enemy launches his attacks

after you have received healing will help you

deal rightly with such attacks when they occur,

and handle them by the Word of God.

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The Ways Of The Enemy

God never promised you that the devil would

leave you alone when you receive divine

healing. In fact, it is the very nature of the

adversary to return to question your healing,

once you have received it.

“And Jesus when he was baptized, went up

straightway out of the water: and, lo, the

heavens were opened unto him, and he saw

the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and

lighting upon him: And lo a voice from

heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in

whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3: 16-


Just before the Lord Jesus started His ministry

on the earth, He was baptized in the river

Jordan, and the Bible records God that testified

about Him, declaring Him to be His Son. Right

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after the Father's testimony of Jesus, the next

verse says “then was Jesus led by the Spirit

into the wilderness, to be tempted of the

devil” (Matthew 4:1).

“And the tempter came to him, he said; if

thou be the Son of God, command that these

stones be made bread” (Matthew 4:3).

Notice from this verse of scripture that the

enemy questioned the very words that God

spoke. God testified of Jesus to be His Son, and

the enemy came immediately saying, “If you are

really the Son of God then command these

stones to become bread”. He was testing Jesus

to find out if He really believed what God had

said about Him. He wanted to get Him to doubt,

and thereby lose His identity.

This is similar to what happened to Adam and

Eve in the Garden of Eden. After God had told

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them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of

good and evil, the devil's first words to Eve

were, “hath God said…” He questioned the

Words that God spoke because that is his


“…Yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of

every tree in the garden…, And the serpent

said unto the woman, you shall not surely

die” (Genesis 3: 1, 3).

In their case, they fell into the enemy's trap

and lost their God-given place. But our Lord

Jesus triumphed victoriously, and so can we.

As Christians, we must become aware of the

truth that there would be a time of testing, and

we have an adversary who would always try to

steal from us what we received from the Lord.

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When you receive divine healing, the enemy

will come to you saying, “Were you really

healed?” He would try to get you to question

the Word of God, so that you would

eventually doubt it, and decide you never

really got your miracle; or he'll try to make

you believe you are sick again. If he can get

you to that point, then he has you where he

wants you.

When these thoughts or words come,

sometimes people think they are just facts

based on circumstances they are actually facing,

but the truth is that those thoughts and words

are from the devil; they are not ordinary.

You have to be ready and know how to deal

rightly with the counter attacks when the

enemy shows up. The Bible says we are to resist

the devil, and he will flee (James 4:7).

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Do not listen to the lies of the enemy; the Bible

calls him the father of lies (John 8: 44). There is

no truth in him, so when he comes to you, do

not fall for his tricks.

From the account of the temptation of Jesus

Christ, we observe how the enemy works. He

will always come back to challenge the Word

of God. He will come back to question your


The enemy attacks you in the following ways:

1. He tries to steal the Word from your


“When any one heareth the Word of the

kingdom, and understandeth it not, then

cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away

that which was sown in his heart” (Matthew

13: 19).

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Satan comes immediately the Word is sown in

your heart, to try to steal it from you. When the

Word has no root in you, when you do not

understand it, or when it has no foundation in

you, he can steal it from your heart. How does

he steal it? By causing you to question the

Word, and agree with his lies rather than the


When God’s Word concerning your health

comes to you, and yet you ask, “But if I am

healed, how come I still feel this way?” you are

questioning the Word of God, and making it

possible for it to be stolen from your heart.

Learn to agree with the Word, and it will

have deep roots in you.

2. He tries to return to your life

“When the unclean spirit is gone out of a

man, he walketh through dry places,

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seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he

saith, I will return into my house from

whence I came out; and when he is come he

findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then

goeth he, and taketh with himself seven

other spirits more wicked than himself, and

they enter in and dwell there: and the last

state of the man is worse than the first…”

(Matthew 12:43).

Here, the Bible makes us understand that

devils always return to the places that they

leave. It is their nature to return to the life of

the person to try and gain dominion again. And

if the devil returns and finds the heart and life

of the person empty of God’s Word, he can gain

influence, causing sickness to return. When

this occurs, the Word says the state of the man

is worse than his former state.

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3. He tries to attack your testimony

Did you know the devil tried to kill Lazarus

after the Lord Jesus raised him from the dead?

The Bible says the chief priests tried to kill him

because many believed in Jesus on account of

his testimony.

“Much people of the Jews therefore knew

that He was there: and they came not for

Jesus' sake only, but that they might see

Lazarus also, whom He had raised from the

dead. But the chief priests consulted that

they might put Lazarus also to death;

because that by reason of him many of the

Jews went away, and believed on Jesus”

(John 12: 9-11).

The devil does not want you well because many

would believe in the healing power of the Lord

Jesus as a result of your testimony. He would,

therefore, try to attack your testimony.

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From these verses of scripture, we see and

understand the nature of the devil.

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The Counter Attack

The counter attack of the enemy comes in

various ways:

1. Contrary Symptoms The counter attack can come through the experience of former symptoms related to the condition you were healed of. This could be in a day, a week, a month or even several months after you have received healing. Suddenly, all the symptoms you had may return

and you may feel sick again. All the pains and

weaknesses come back, and the pressure is on

you to doubt your healing or think that the

sickness has returned.

What do you do at this point? You must

remember who you are, and what the Word of

God says about your healing and health. You

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must also take your eyes off the symptoms and

focus on the Word of God, which is the truth.

“They that observe lying vanities forsake

their own mercy” (Jonah 2:8).

Symptoms are lying vanities. The Bible lets us

know that those who look to and observe lying

vanities set aside the grace that is theirs by so


The nature and definition of symptoms in

themselves show us that they are not a sure

foundation to build our faith on. A person, who

undergoes an operation to take care of a severe

abdominal pain, will still feel pains after the

operation; but there's a difference in the way he

sees the pain. Before the operation, he looked at

the pains as a sign of sickness, but afterward, he

looks at the pain as a sign of the cure.

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How you see the symptoms you have, will

depend on your faith and confidence in God’s

Word. The adversary tries to get you to believe

in them, and thereby affirm that you are still

sick. Don't regard symptoms; they are only lies

to keep you in the bondage of sickness.

“For to be carnally minded is death; but to be

spiritually minded is life and peace” (Romans

8: 6).

Those that mind their bodies and its symptoms,

feelings, and cravings will not live in the reality

of what God has done for them, but those that

yield to the realities of the Spirit will live in the

fullness of this reality.

2. Contrary Medical Report

A counter attack can come in the form of a

contrary medical report. When you go for a

check-up, expecting to hear good news from

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the doctor that the sickness is no longer in

your body; the results may come out,

appearing to show that you are still sick. But

remember, healing is not based on medical

opinion. It's as real as God’s Word that says,

“…by whose stripes, you were healed” (1

Peter 2:24).

Medical knowledge is ever evolving, as new

discoveries are made every day. The medical

facts of today may be invalidated by scientific

breakthroughs tomorrow. Such knowledge has

the limitations of human insight and

experience, and you should not base your life or

future on it.

God's eternal Word is the evidence and the

proof of your healing, not a medical report. The

Word declares your healing and health, and that

is the truth. You’re not the sick, person the

doctor’s report or circumstances are describing.

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You’re whole, perfect, and sound in Christ;

you’re the glory of God, a victor in Christ Jesus,

the perfection of divine health. So, whose report

will you believe?

A certain lady was born with the sickle cell

genotype and suffered terrible crisis every

month, for the first 23 years of her life. But

when she gave her life to Christ, she was

miraculously healed, and never experienced

any form of illness from then on. After more

than 8 years of living without any illness

whatsoever, she went to the hospital to check

her genotype and discovered that her medical

report showed the very genetic condition was

still there. But she had lived in health for years

because she didn't live according to a medical

report, but according to God’s Word. She lived

sickness free despite her medical report.

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Choose to believe and live by the report of the

Lord instead.

3. Contrary Thoughts And Words

Counter attacks can also come through

negative thoughts and beliefs from the

adversary. If the devil does not come with

symptoms, he will bring you thoughts and

words questioning your healing. He would

make you feel the Word of God you heard and

learned that brought you your healing was not

true. He could make you feel that you will

become sick again, tormenting you through

thoughts, even if there are no physical signs to

back up his words.

The adversary does this, all with the aim of

getting you to agree with those thoughts, and

speak the wrong words.

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Every thought that comes to your mind is not

necessarily from you, or from God. It is the

Word of God that can discern which is right.

The Bible says “For the Word of God,…is a

discerner of the thoughts and intents of the

heart” (Hebrews 4: 12).

Any thought that doesn't line up with God’s

Word is from the devil, and so you should reject

it. The Bible says, “casting down imaginations

(thoughts), and every high thing that exalteth

itself against the knowledge of God, and

bringing into captivity every thought to the

obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

When the words and imaginations that the

adversary brings to you try to exalt themselves

above the knowledge of God that speaks of your

healing, cast them down, by observing God’s

Word instead. Give up those thoughts of defeat,

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negativism or weakness and meditate more on

His thoughts of victory, faith and strength.

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Don't Give Up Your Healing

As a child of God, you cannot lose your healing;

except you give it up. No matter the attacks the

adversary brings to you, he cannot take your

healing from you, until you willfully give it up.

You can give up your healing by choosing to

exalt and accept the symptoms, thoughts and

lies of the devil, and even a medical report, over

and above what the Word of God has said about

your healing.

You can also give up your healing through

negative confessions. Declaring that you were

not really healed, or that the sickness has

returned, would cause you to give up your

healing. When you do that, you are actually

agreeing with sickness to take charge of your

body again.

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Meditate on the Word and speak it

What you should do is to continually meditate

on the Word of God that proclaims your

healing and health, and keep declaring it, in

spite of sensory perceptions.

You meditate by consciously and continually

pondering on the Word that speaks of your

healing and health. You should consistently

think on the Word that declares your healing,

muttering it under your breath, till it gets a hold

of your spirit. And then keep declaring it out


Meditation causes the Word of God to become

real to your spirit. It makes the Word of God

move from being just letters to becoming spirit

and life, like the Bible declares it to be. Jesus

said, “It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh

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profiteth nothing: the Words that I speak

unto you, they are spirit and they are life”

(John 6:63). When the Word becomes real to

your spirit, and you speak it out, the Words you

speak becomes a creative force that would

bring in existence that which you desire, or

make real that which is yours already in Christ

Jesus. Keep calling yourself what God has called

you; you are the healed of God.

Share your testimony

Another way to keep your healing and not give

it up is to share your testimony. The Bible says

that we overcome the adversary by the Word

of our testimony.

“And they overcame him by the blood of the

lamb, and by the Word of their testimony...”

(Revelations 12: 11)

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The enemy does not want you to share your

testimony because he knows that is the way to

keep your healing. Satan would rather have you

silent, “just in case you lose your healing”. But

that is the wisdom of this world and not the

wisdom of God. By declaring your healing

through the Word of your mouth, you are

making it permanent.

Make sure you testify of what the Lord has done

for you, tell your friends, neighbors, and

everyone who cares to listen how God took

away that condition that seemed hopeless. Your

gratitude multiplies the blessings of God in your


Give your body time to recover

It is important to note also that sometimes

when a person who has been sick for a long

time gets healed, it could take a while for that

person to regain strength. For example, where a

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person was bedridden, it may take a little while

for that person to regain strength because of

the effects the years of sickness has left on such

a person. This does not mean he has not been

healed. Such a person would have to give

himself time to regain strength. Jesus told Jairus

to give his daughter food after He raised her

from the dead (Mark 5:25).

You should not think the weakness signifies

that the sickness is still there; No!, the body just

needs time to regain strength and should be

treated well, to speed up the recovery process.

Live a Healthy Life Style

A lot of times, symptoms of sicknesses are

consequences of unhealthy living. No matter

how one gets healed, as long as his unhealthy

life style remains the same, he will always need

healing; so, cultivate a healthy lifestyle.

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One of the keys to living healthy is staying

hydrated and drinking plenty of water. Water

helps to expel wastes from the body; regulates

the pH balance and supports a multitude of

physiological processes the body requires to

function optimally. Learn to drink a lot of water.

Do not drink water because you are thirsty but

because you need it.

Another way to improve your health is making

sure you have enough rest for your physical

body; good sleep has a role to play in this. It's

recommended to sleep for a certain number of

hours every day. Although, some people say,

"There're days that I sleep throughout; and then

other days, I just stay awake." That isn't a

normal lifestyle. If you're that way, always

cutting back on sleep, then you've got to

reorder your lifestyle.

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You're not supposed to go on for several days

without sleep, hoping to make up by sleeping

eventually for twenty-four hours. That's not

going to work. Over time, chronic insomnia

could drastically affect your health. God made

day and night on purpose. Night has a cooling

effect on the natural body. The biological effect

of night is to cause you to sleep, to create the

instincts of sleep, yet some people will still not

want to give in to sleep. Such a lifestyle impacts

your health negatively.

The Bible says, "…wherewith ye may cause the

weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet

they would not hear" (Isaiah 28:12). Can you

see that? He wants you to be vibrant, healthy,

and strong. Therefore, He's telling you that a

good rest is a way to improve and extend your

health; it's a way to care for your physical body.

Some people leave the responsibility of caring

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for their physical bodies to God, but your body

is your house, and you're the custodian of it. So,

you must take care of your body.

You can’t afford to compromise on your

nutrition; fast foods may seem more convenient

for a busy lifestyle, but are destructive in the

long term, if not taken wisely. Eat a balanced

diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. Eat

because you need it and not because you are

hungry. Those who eat when they are hungry

either become very thin because they hardly

ever get hungry; or very fat because they are

always hungry. Eat at the appropriate time and

in the required quantity.

Do not ignore simple routines like physical

exercises. The Bible says bodily exercise profits

little; it doesn't say that it profits nothing. It's

important that you learn to keep your body

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healthy and strong; ensure proper hygiene, and

don't wear out your body from excessive labor.

Safeguard your health, through the consistent

application of the Word of God, and some basic

health regimen. Make your body healthier.

Resist The Devil

You resist the devil by being fully kitted with

the armor of God. Put on the whole armour of

God, that ye may be able to stand against the

wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11).

With your armor on, you'll be able to stand your

ground and resist every onslaught from the

enemy; you'll not succumb to fear, irrespective

of what you feel or see.

However, if you don't put on the armor, it

doesn't matter how intensely you pray; it'll not

work. The instruction is to put on "the whole

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armor of God," not some of it. And notice also

that it doesn't say, "So that you may be able to

stand against the power of the devil"; that's

because the devil isn't a factor; he has no

power. The new creation is superior to him. The

reason you're to put on the armor of God is for

you to be able to stand against "the wiles of the

devil," not his power.

The underlined word is "methodeia" in Greek,

from where the English got the Word,

"method." It refers to the travesties, stratagems,

schemes, and manipulations of the devil. When

you're kitted with the whole armor of God,

you'll have the ability to frustrate and nullify

these stratagems and deceptive mechanisms of


The Bible says having done all to stand

(Ephesians 6:13-14); in other words, endure to

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the end. Don't give in; don't give up. Wear the

devil out. He doesn't have what it takes to

withstand you; resist him and he'll flee from


The spoken Word is part of your armor for

resisting the devil; it's called the sword of the

Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). Use it and the rest of

the armor to keep Satan, his thoughts and his

words where they belong.

Jesus gave us a wonderful example of how to

deal with the adversary when he comes with

those thoughts and words.

“And when the tempter came to Him, he said,

If thou be the Son of God, command that these

stones be made bread. But He (Jesus)

answered and said, it is written, Man shall

not live by bread alone, but by every word

that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

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Then the devil taketh Him up into the holy

city, and setteth Him on a pinnacle of the

temple, and saith unto Him, If thou be the Son

of God, cast thyself down; for it is written, He

shall give His angels charge concerning thee:

and in their hands they shall bear thee up,

lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a

stone. Jesus said unto him, It is written again,

Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

Again, the devil taketh Him up into an

exceeding high, and sheweth Him all the

kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

And saith unto Him, All these things will I give

thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

Then saith Jesus unto him, get thee hence,

satan: for it is written, thou shalt worship the

Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.

Then the devil leaveth Him, and behold angels

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came and ministered unto Him” (Matthew 4:


The Bible says, “…Resist the devil and he will

flee from you” (James 4:7). You resist the devil

by standing firm on the Word of God. When you

do that, he will leave you, just as he left Jesus

when He spoke God’s Word back to him. Every

time the devil came with a temptation, the Lord

Jesus responded with God’s Word.

You too should act like Jesus, and speak the

Word when the enemy comes. Notice that the

devil did not leave Him after the first

temptation; he came back again and again.

Finally, on the last count, the Bible says, “..the

devil leaveth Him”. He left Jesus because He did

not give in to him; He responded with the


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Fight The Good Fight of Faith

The Bible says in 2 Timothy 6: 12, “fight the

good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life…”

The fight of faith is the conflict between our

earthly transient, temporal circumstances (with

which we are confronted) and our spiritual

realities (that we find in the Word of God). It is

the unleashing of our faith on (or against) the

rebellious circumstances of time to compel

changes to correspond with our stubborn

faith’s proclamations.

The scripture above tells you to unleash your

faith against those circumstances of life that do

not correspond with the vision of God’s Word in

your heart. Counter attacks are circumstances

that don’t comply or correspond with your

vision or understanding of God’s Word. These

circumstances or symptoms stand up against

the healing you have received in your body. So,

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let loose your faith on these circumstances and

compel them to correspond with the dictates of

your stubborn faith. These circumstances may

be rebellious by nature, but your faith is

stubborn enough.

The fight of faith is a personal fight. It's the only

fight God expects us to fight and the weapon

you need is the sword of the Spirit, which is the

Word of God. You engage in the fight of faith by

holding unswervingly onto God's Word,

maintaining your confessions, irrespective of

circumstances, irrespective of symptoms,

irrespective of the thoughts, and words the

enemy brings to you.

Don't succumb to your sensory perceptions.

Don't give in to, or accept anything that's

contrary to your divine health in Christ. Be

strong in faith; maintain your confessions of the

Word. Though it seems the symptoms may not

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correspond with what the Word of God says, or

the miracle you have received; that's the time to

fight the fight of faith. That's when to declare,

“I’m what God says I am; I have what He says I

have; and I can do what He says I can do!"

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Look To The Word

First, the Word of God is true, irrespective of

your experience. What God wants is that you

look to His Word always, and not at yourself or

your experiences.

When symptoms return, take your eyes off the

physical things you observe on your body, and

focus on the Word of God. The Bible says in

Hebrews 12: 2, “looking unto Jesus the

author and finisher of our faith…” The

Amplified Version of this scripture says,

“looking away unto Jesus”. In other words,

take your eyes away from the problem, and fix

your gaze on Jesus. How do you look to Jesus

today? You look to Jesus by looking at His Word

because He is the Word of God.

2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “But we all, with open

face beholding as in a glass the glory of the

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Lord, are changed into the same image from

glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the

Lord.” As you fix your gaze more on the Word,

all the physical symptoms you may be feeling

will not matter; all that will matter to you is

who God says you are.

Don’t try to meditate on yourself instead of

contemplating the Word, which is the mirror. If

you wanted to look at your body, you won’t

check your shadow to know what you’re like,

would you? You’d rather look at the mirror.

Likewise, the Word says “… by whose stripes,

you were healed” (1 Peter 2:24). According to

this scripture, you are not the sick trying to get

healed. You have been healed! If you were

healed, then you remain healed irrespective of

circumstances. What you ought to do is to

accept the Word, and declare it saying, “I refuse

to observe lying vanities in the Name of Jesus, by

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the stripes of Jesus, I was healed, and therefore I

remain healed”.

You ought to declare God’s Word by saying,

“The Holy Ghost lives in me, therefore, God

vitalizes my body daily by His Spirit, I can never

be sick” (Romans 8:11).

You ought to declare that you are a new

creation, old things, including sicknesses and

diseases are passed away, and all things are

become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).

You ought to declare that you have the very life

of God running through your veins eternal life,

therefore your body cannot be infected by

disease (1 John 5: 11).

Don't let symptoms scare you; keep declaring

your victory because this is the way to stay in


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After you are healed, you must base your

healing on the Word of God, and not on your

senses. You must realize that no matter the

physical signs of sickness that return, they are

not real. The Word of God that declares you

healed is what is real. This is how to fight the

faith of faith and stay in health.

The Bible says we live by faith in His Word, not

by sensory perception (2 Corinthians 5:7).

You do not live by what your senses tell you.

You do not base your healing on the feelings of

the flesh but on the Word of God, which lives

and abides forever. Jesus through His Word

declared you healed, you received the healing

anointing into you, and you were healed. This

should be your confidence when the signs and

symptoms come. Base your healing on the

Word, and refuse to give up or give in to the


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What God wants is for the Word to be in your

spirit, and produce in you the victory mentality.

No wonder He says, "Let the word of Christ

dwell in you richly in all wisdom..."

(Colossians 3:16).

You must continue in the Word of God if you

would keep your healing and maintain sound

health. If you do not continue in the Word,

when the devil launches his attacks, you will

not be strong enough in your spirit to resist


The Bible says, “…be strong in the Lord, and in

the power of His might. Put on the whole

armour of God, that ye may be able to

withstand in the evil day… Above all taking

the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able

to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

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And take the helmet of salvation, and the

sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of

God…” (Ephesians 6:10-11, 16-17).

With the Word of God you are able to go against

the adversary offensively, and he cannot stay;

he's got to go. But you must be consistent.

Set your gaze on the things that are not seen

because the things that are seen are temporal

(subject to change), but the things that are not

seen are eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18).

The medical report is subject to change and

would conform to the Word of God if you

observe the Word only.

Let the Word of God abide in you richly

(Colossians 3:16). Let the Words that speak of

your healing and health dwell in you richly, that

you may be able to stand in the day of trial.

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Do not let go of your health; do not let go of the

Word of God. Stand firmly on the Word, and the

devil would have no choice but to back off. Do

not be weary in persevering; instead, make the

devil weary.

Remember, the Word of God is truth (John

17:17) and His Word is the true light (John 1:9)

that reveals who you really are, and your

inheritance in Christ. If God said it in His Word,

then you can stake your life on it, that divine

healing and health are yours. You have gotten a

hold of it; they are your present-hour


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Frequently Asked Questions Q. Do I need to go for a medical check-up immediately after my healing? A. The Word of God is the only sure evidence of your healing. The Word is surer than a report from the doctor.

Q. I have gone for a medical test, and the results

say the condition is still there. Am I still healed?

A. Your healing is based on God’s Word which

says, “Who His own bare our sins in His own

body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins

should live unto righteousness: by whose

stripes ye were healed” (1 Peter 2: 24). This is

the report you are to believe. God cannot lie,

what He has said in His Word is truth.

Q. I still feel weak; I thought all the weaknesses

would leave me immediately after my healing.

Am I still healed?

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A. Yes, you are still healed, and your healing

remains no matter how you feel. Sometimes,

after we are healed our bodies need some time

to regain strength. This is due to the effect years

of sickness has had on us. We need to eat well

and rest properly to speed up the recovery

process. Do not change your testimony because

you feel weak. You are healed; just give yourself

some time to regain strength. Do not give up

your healing; keep it, while your body recovers.

Q. There are still symptoms of the sickness in

my body, what do I do?

A. Symptoms are just a lie of the adversary to

get you to believe you are not healed. You are

healed in spite of the symptoms. Take your

eyes off the symptoms, and focus on the Word

of God. Symptoms are lying vanities, do not

observe them, instead stand on the Word that

declares your healing because you are healed.

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The healing anointing has been deposited, and

it will remain in you, till it destroys every root

of sickness from your body.

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For more information about the Healing School, or to share your testimony concerning this book, please

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The world-renowned Healing School is a Ministry of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Ph.D., which manifests the healing works of Jesus Christ today, and has helped many receive healings and miracles through the gifts of the Holy Spirit in operation.

Healing sessions take place annually and also during special ministry programs when advertised. The power of God is present to heal as Pastor Chris ministers to many who have participated in these sessions.

Diverse cases of paralysis, deafness, blindness, cancers, medical conditions and lots more are healed by the power of God.

The authentic and documented miracles done in the Name of Jesus are featured on the various flagship TV programs of the Healing School, which are aired on major television networks around the world, the Healing School magazine, and Special Miracle DVDs distributed worldwide.

For more information visit our website at