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The Concept of Nature

Jun 01, 2018



Nestor Majno
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  • 8/9/2019 The Concept of Nature


  • 8/9/2019 The Concept of Nature


  • 8/9/2019 The Concept of Nature


  • 8/9/2019 The Concept of Nature


  • 8/9/2019 The Concept of Nature


  • 8/9/2019 The Concept of Nature


  • 8/9/2019 The Concept of Nature


  • 8/9/2019 The Concept of Nature


  • 8/9/2019 The Concept of Nature


  • 8/9/2019 The Concept of Nature


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  • 8/9/2019 The Concept of Nature


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    The bifurcation theor+ i' an atte#pt to e7hibit (I!, natura$ 'cience a' an in*e'ti ation of the cau'e of the fact of know$ed e. Na#e$+= it i' an atte#pt to e7hibit apparent nature a' ane uent fro# the #ind becau'e of cau'a$ nature. The who$e notion i' part$+ ba'ed on thei#p$icit a''u#ption that the #ind can on$+ know that which it ha' it'e$f produced and retain'in 'o#e 'en'e within it'e$f= thou h it re thou hthere i' need of a #etaph+'ic' who'e 'cope tran'cend' the $i#itation to nature. The object of 'uch a #etaph+'ica$ 'cience i' not to e7p$ain know$ed e= but e7hibit in it' ut#o'tco#p$etene'' our concept of rea$it+.

    -owe*er= we #u't ad#it that the cau'a$it+ theor+ of nature ha' it' 'tron 'uit. Therea'on wh+ the bifurcation of nature i' a$wa+' creepin back into 'cienti6c phi$o'oph+ i' thee7tre#e di cu$t+ of e7hibitin the percei*ed redne'' and war#th of the 6re in one '+'te# of re$ation' with the a itated #o$ecu$e' of carbon and o7+ en= with the radiant ener + fro#the#= and with the *ariou' functionin ' of the #ateria$ bod+. )n$e'' we produce the a$$e#bracin re$ation'= we are faced with a bifurcated nature> na#e$+= war#th and redne'' onone 'ide= and #o$ecu$e'= e$ectron' and ether on the other 'ide. Then the two factor' aree7p$ained a' bein re'pecti*e$+ the cau'e and the #ind0' reaction to the cau'e. (II,

    Ti#e and 'pace wou$d appear to pro*ide the'e a$$e#bracin re$ation' which thead*ocate' of the phi$o'oph+ of the unit+ of nature re

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    ti#e wou$d apparent$+ ha*e deeper root' in rea$it+ than ha' nature. For we can i#a inethou ht' re$ated in ti#e without (IJ, an+ perception of nature. For e7a#p$e we can i#a ineone of Mi$ton0' an e$' with thou ht' 'ucceedin each other in ti#e= who doe' not happen toha*e noticed that the %$#i ht+ ha' created 'pace and 'et therein a #ateria$ uni*er'e. %' a#atter of fact 1 think that Mi$ton 'et 'pace on the 'a#e ab'o$ute $e*e$ a' ti#e. Aut that neednot di'turb the i$$u'tration. 8n the 'econd p$ace it i' di cu$t to deri*e the true 'eria$ characterof ti#e fro# the re$ati*e theor+. ach in'tant i' irre*ocab$e. 8t can ne*er recur b+ the *er+character of ti#e. Aut if on the re$ati*e theor+ an in'tant of ti#e i' 'i#p$+ the 'tate of nature

    at that ti#e= and the ti#e orderin re$ation i' 'i#p$+ the re$ation between 'uch 'tate'= thenthe irre*ocab$ene'' of ti#e wou$d 'ee# to #ean that an actua$ 'tate of a$$ nature can ne*erreturn. 8 ad#it it 'ee#' un$ike$+ that there 'hou$d e*er be 'uch a recurrence down to the'#a$$e't particu$ar. Aut e7tre#e un$ike$ine'' i' not the point. ?ur i norance i' 'o ab+'#a$ thatour jud #ent' of $ike$ine'' and un$ike$ine'' of future e*ent' hard$+ count. The rea$ point i'that the e7act recurrence of a 'tate of nature 'ee#' #ere$+ un$ike$+= whi$e the recurrence of an in'tant of ti#e *io$ate' our who$e concept of ti#e order. The in'tant' of ti#e which ha*epa''ed= are pa''ed= and can ne*er be a ain.

    %n+ a$ternati*e theor+ of ti#e #u't reckon with the'e two con'ideration' which arebuttre''e' of the ab'o$ute theor+. Aut 8 wi$$ not now continue their di'cu''ion.

    The ab'o$ute theor+ of 'pace i' ana$o ou' to the corre'pondin theor+ of ti#e= but therea'on' for it' #aintenance are weaker. pace= on thi' theor+= i' a '+'te# of e7ten'ion$e''point' which are the re$ata in 'pace orderin re$ation' which can technica$$+ be (IK, co#binedinto one re$ation. Thi' re$ation doe' not arran e the point' in one $inear 'erie' ana$o ou'$+ tothe 'i#p$e #ethod of the ti#e orderin re$ation for in'tant'. The e''entia$ $o ica$characteri'tic' of thi' re$ation fro# which a$$ the propertie' of 'pace 'prin are e7pre''ed b+#athe#atician' in the a7io#'E!O of eo#etr+. Fro# the'e a7io#'0 a' fra#ed b+ #odern#athe#atician' the who$e 'cience of eo#etr+ can be deduced b+ the 'tricte't $o ica$rea'onin . The detai$' of the'e a7io#' do not now concern u'. The point' and the re$ation'are joint$+ known to u' in our apprehen'ion of 'pace= each i#p$+in the other. What happen'in 'pace= occupie' 'pace. Thi' re$ation of occupation i' not u'ua$$+ 'tated for e*ent' but forobject'. For e7a#p$e= Po#pe+0' 'tatue wou$d be 'aid to occup+ 'pace= but not the e*entwhich wa' the a''a''ination of u$iu' Cae'ar. 8n thi' 8 think that ordinar+ u'a e i' unfortunate=and 8 ho$d that the re$ation' of e*ent' to 'pace and to ti#e are in a$$ re'pect' ana$o ou'. Authere 8 a# intrudin #+ own opinion' which are to be di'cu''ed in 'ub'e wherea' the 'a#e thou ht' occup+ a deter#inate duration of ti#e= 'a+= fro# e$e*en to twe$*e on a certain date.

    Thu' wherea' the re$ation' of a re$ati*e theor+ of ti#e are re

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    uppo'e now we a''u#e ab'o$ute ti#e and ab'o$ute (ID, 'pace. What bearin ha' thi'a''u#ption on the concept of nature a' bifurcated into cau'a$ nature and apparent natureH)ndoubted$+ the 'eparation between the two nature' i' now reat$+ #iti ated. We canpro*ide the# with two '+'te#' of re$ation' in co##on> for both nature' can be pre'u#ed tooccup+ the 'a#e 'pace and the 'a#e ti#e. The theor+ now i' thi': Cau'a$ e*ent' occup+certain period' of the ab'o$ute ti#e and occup+ certain po'ition' of the ab'o$ute 'pace. The'ee*ent' in@uence a #ind which thereupon percei*e' certain apparent e*ent' which occup+certain period' in the ab'o$ute ti#e and occup+ certain po'ition' of the ab'o$ute 'pace> and

    the period' and po'ition' occupied b+ the apparent e*ent' bear a deter#inate re$ation to theperiod' and po'ition' occupied b+ the cau'a$ e*ent'.Further#ore de6nite cau'a$ e*ent' produce for the #ind de6nite apparent e*ent'.

    4e$u'ion' are apparent e*ent' which appear in te#pora$ period' and 'patia$ po'ition' withoutthe inter*ention of the'e cau'a$ e*ent' which are proper for in@uencin of the #ind to theirperception.

    The who$e theor+ i' perfect$+ $o ica$. 8n the'e di'cu''ion' we cannot hope to dri*e anun'ound theor+ to a $o ica$ contradiction. % rea'oner= apart fro# #ere '$ip'= on$+ in*o$*e'hi#'e$f in a contradiction when he i' 'h+in at a reductio ad ab'urdu#. The 'ub'tantia$rea'on for rejectin a phi$o'ophica$ theor+ i' the 0ab'urdu#0 to which it reduce' u'. 8n theca'e of the phi$o'oph+ of natura$ 'cience the 0ab'urdu#0 can on$+ be that our perceptua$know$ed e ha' not the character a''i ned to it b+ the theor+. 8f our opponent a r#' that hi'know$ed e ha' that character= we can on$+ after #akin doub$+ 'ure that we under'tand each(I , other a ree to di3er. %ccordin $+ the 6r't dut+ of an e7po'itor in 'tatin a theor+ inwhich he di'be$ie*e' i' to e7hibit it a' $o ica$. 8t i' not there where hi' troub$e $ie'.

    Get #e 'u##ari'e the pre*iou'$+ 'tated objection' to thi' theor+ of nature. 8n the 6r'tp$ace it 'eek' for the cau'e of the know$ed e of the thin known in'tead of 'eekin for thecharacter of the thin known: 'econd$+ it a''u#e' a know$ed e of ti#e in it'e$f apart fro#e*ent' re$ated in ti#e: third$+ it a''u#e' a know$ed e of 'pace in it'e$f apart fro# e*ent're$ated in 'pace. There are in addition to the'e objection' other @aw' in the theor+.

    o#e $i ht i' thrown on the arti6cia$ 'tatu' of cau'a$ nature in thi' theor+ b+ a'kin = wh+cau'a$ nature i' pre'u#ed to occup+ ti#e and 'pace. Thi' rea$$+ rai'e' the funda#enta$

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    The fact that the bifurcation of nature into cau'a$ and apparent co#ponent' doe' note7pre'' what we #ean b+ our know$ed e i' brou ht before u' when we rea$ice ( 1, ourthou ht' in an+ di'cu''ion of the cau'e' of our perception'. For e7a#p$e= the 6re i' burninand we 'ee a red coa$. Thi' i' e7p$ained in 'cience b+ radiant ener + fro# the coa$ enterinour e+e'. Aut in 'eekin for 'uch an e7p$anation we are not a'kin what are the 'ort of occurrence' which are 6tted to cau'e a #ind to 'ee red. The chain of cau'ation i' entire$+di3erent. The #ind i' cut out a$to ether. The rea$ and what i' thu' tran'#itted i'not co$our. Thu' co$our i' not part of the rea$it+ of the #ateria$ object. i#i$ar$+ for the 'a#erea'on 'ound' e*aporate fro# nature. %$'o war#th i' due to the tran'fer of 'o#ethin whichi' not te#perature. Thu' we are $eft with 'patio te#pora$ po'ition'= and what 8 #a+ ter# the0pu'hine''0 of the bod+. Thi' $and' u' to ei hteenth and nineteenth centur+ #ateria$i'#=na#e$+= the be$ief that what i' rea$ in nature i' #atter= in ti#e and in 'pace and with inertia.

    *ident$+ a di'tinction in

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    outco#e of tran'#i''ion a' are perception' of co$our. When co$our i' percei*ed the ner*e' of the bod+ are e7cited in one wa+ and tran'#it their #e''a e toward' the brain= and whenpu'h i' percei*ed ( , other ner*e' of the bod+ are e7cited in another wa+ and tran'#it their#e''a e toward' the brain. The #e''a e of the one 'et i' not the con*e+ance of co$our= andthe #e''a e of the other 'et i' not the con*e+ance of pu'h. Aut in one ca'e co$our i'percei*ed and in the other ca'e the pu'h due to the object. 8f +ou 'nip certain ner*e'= there i'an end to the perception of co$our> and if +ou 'nip certain other ner*e'= there i' an end to theperception of pu'h. 8t wou$d appear therefore that an+ rea'on' which 'hou$d re#o*e co$our

    fro# the rea$it+ of nature 'hou$d a$'o operate to re#o*e inertia. Thu' the atte#pted bifurcation of apparent nature into two part' of which one part i'both cau'a$ for it' own appearance and for the appearance of the other part= which i' pure$+apparent= fai$' owin to the fai$ure to e'tab$i'h an+ funda#enta$ di'tinction between our wa+'of knowin about the two part' of nature a' thu' partitioned. 8 a# not den+in that the fee$inof #u'cu$ar e3ort hi'torica$$+ $ed to the for#u$ation of the concept of force. Aut thi' hi'torica$fact doe' not warrant u' in a''i nin a 'uperior rea$it+ in nature to #ateria$ inertia o*er co$ouror 'ound. o far a' rea$it+ i' concerned a$$ our 'en'e perception' are in the 'a#e boat= and#u't be treated on the 'a#e princip$e. The e*enne'' of treat#ent i' e7act$+ what thi'co#pro#i'e theor+ fai$' to achie*e.

    The bifurcation theor+ howe*er die' hard. The rea'on i' that there rea$$+ i' a di cu$t+ tobe faced in re$atin within the 'a#e '+'te# of entitie' the redne'' of the 6re with thea itation of the #o$ecu$e'. 8n another $ecture 1 wi$$ i*e #+ own e7p$anation of the ori in of the di cu$t+ and of it' 'o$ution.

    %nother fa*ourite 'o$ution= the #o't attenuated for# ( J, which the bifurcation theor+a''u#e'= i' to #aintain that the #o$ecu$e' and ether of 'cience are pure$+ conceptua$. Thu'there i' but one nature= na#e$+ apparent nature= and ato#' and ether are #ere$+ na#e' for$o ica$ ter#' in conceptua$ for#u$ae of ca$cu$ation.

    Aut what i' a for#u$a of ca$cu$ationH 8t i' pre'u#ab$+ a 'tate#ent that 'o#ethin orother i' true for natura$ occurrence'. Take the 'i#p$e't of a$$ for#u$ae= Two and two #ake four.

    Thi' 'o far a' it app$ie' to nature a''ert' that if +ou take two natura$ entitie'= and then a aintwo other natura$ entitie'= the co#bined c$a'' contain' four natura$ entitie'. uch for#u$aewhich are true for an+ entitie' cannot re'u$t in the production of the concept' of ato#'. Thena ain there are for#u$ae which a''ert that there are entitie' in nature with 'uch and 'uch'pecia$ propertie'= 'a+= for e7a#p$e= with the propertie' of the ato#' of h+dro en. Now if there are no 'uch entitie'= 8 fai$ to 'ee how an+ 'tate#ent' about the# can app$+ to nature.For e7a#p$e= the a''ertion that there i' reen chee'e in the #oon cannot be a pre#i'' in an+deduction of 'cienti6c i#portance= un$e'' indeed the pre'ence of reen chee'e in the #oonha' been *eri6ed b+ e7peri#ent. The current an'wer to the'e objection' i' that= thou hato#' are #ere$+ conceptua$= +et the+ are an intere'tin and picture'

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    unfortunate$+ it $ea*e' out co$our a' percei*ed. Thu' the percei*ed redne'' or= other co$ourha' to be cut out of nature and #ade into the reaction of the #ind under the i#pu$'e of the

    actua$ e*ent' of ( L, nature. 8n other word' thi' concept of the funda#enta$ re$ation' withinnature i' inade

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    di'c$o'ure in 'en'e awarene'' of entitie' in nature known #ere$+ b+ their te#pora$ re$ation'to (J!, di'cerned entitie'. ti$$ further= thi' 'eparation of the idea' of 'pace and ti#e ha'#ere$+ been adopted for the 'ake of ainin 'i#p$icit+ of e7po'ition b+ confor#it+ to current$an ua e. What we di'cern i' the 'peci6c character of a p$ace throu h a period of ti#e. Thi' i'what 8 #ean b+ an 0e*ent.0 We di'cern 'o#e 'peci6c character of an e*ent. Aut in di'cerninan e*ent we are a$'o aware of it' 'i ni6cance a' a re$atu# in the 'tructure of e*ent'. Thi''tructure of e*ent' i' the co#p$e7 of e*ent' a' re$ated b+ the two re$ation' of e7ten'ion andco redience. The #o't 'i#p$e e7pre''ion of the propertie' of thi' 'tructure are to be found in

    our 'patia$ and te#pora$ re$ation'. % di'cerned e*ent i' known a' re$ated in thi' 'tructure toother e*ent' who'e 'peci6c character' are otherwi'e not di'c$o'ed in that i##ediateawarene'' e7cept 'o far a' that the+ are re$ata within the 'tructure.

    The di'c$o'ure in 'en'e awarene'' of the 'tructure of e*ent' c$a''i6e' e*ent' into tho'ewhich are di'cerned in re'pect to 'o#e further indi*idua$ character and tho'e which are nototherwi'e di'c$o'ed e7cept a' e$e#ent' of the 'tructure. The'e 'i ni6ed e*ent' #u't inc$udee*ent' in the re#ote pa't a' we$$ a' e*ent' in the future. We are aware of the'e a' the far o3 period' of unbounded ti#e. Aut there i' another c$a''i6cation of e*ent' which i' a$'o inherentin 'en'e awarene''. The'e are the e*ent' which 'hare the i##ediac+ of the i##ediate$+pre'ent di'cerned e*ent'. The'e are the e*ent' who'e character' to ether with tho'e of thedi'cerned e*ent' co#pri'e a$$ nature pre'ent for di'cern#ent. The+ for# the co#p$ete

    enera$ fact which i' a$$ nature now pre'ent a' di'c$o'ed in that 'en'e awarene''. 8t i' in thi''econd c$a''i6cation of e*ent' that the di3erentiation of 'pace fro# ti#e take' it' ori in. The

    er# of (JI, 'pace i' to be found in the #utua$ re$ation' of e*ent' within the i##ediateenera$ fact which i' a$$ nature now di'cernib$e= na#e$+ within the one e*ent which i' the

    tota$it+ of pre'ent nature. The re$ation' of other e*ent' to thi' tota$it+ of nature for# thete7ture of ti#e.

    The unit+ of thi' enera$ pre'ent fact i' e7pre''ed b+ the concept of 'i#u$taneit+. Theenera$ fact i' the who$e 'i#u$taneou' occurrence of nature which i' now for 'en'e

    awarene''. Thi' enera$ fact i' what 8 ha*e ca$$ed the di'cernib$e. Aut in future 8 wi$$ ca$$ it a0duration=0 #eanin thereb+ a certain who$e of nature which i' $i#ited on$+ b+ the propert+ of bein a 'i#u$taneit+. Further in obedience to the princip$e of co#pri'in within nature thewho$e ter#inu' of 'en'e awarene''= 'i#u$taneit+ #u't not be concei*ed a' an irre$e*ant#enta$ concept i#po'ed upon nature. ?ur 'en'e awarene'' po'it' for i##ediate di'cern#enta certain who$e= here ca$$ed a 0duration0> thu' a duration i' a de6nite natura$ entit+. % durationi' di'cri#inated a' a co#p$e7 of partia$ e*ent'= and the natura$ entitie' which are co#ponent'of thi' co#p$e7 are thereb+ 'aid to be 0'i#u$taneou' with thi' duration.0 %$'o in a deri*ati*e'en'e the+ are 'i#u$taneou' with each other in re'pect to thi' duration. Thu' 'i#u$taneit+ i' ade6nite natura$ re$ation. The word0 duration0 i' perhap' unfortunate in 'o far a' it 'u e't' a#ere ab'tract 'tretch of ti#e. Thi' i' not what 8 #ean. % duration i' a concrete '$ab of nature$i#ited b+ 'i#u$taneit+ which i' an e''entia$ factor di'c$o'ed in 'en'e awarene''.

    Nature i' a proce''. %' in the ca'e of e*er+thin direct$+ e7hibited in 'en'e awarene''=there can be no e7p$anation of thi' characteri'tic of nature. %$$ that can be done i' to u'e$an ua e which #a+ 'pecu$ati*e$+ (J , de#on'trate it= and a$'o to e7pre'' the re$ation of thi'factor in nature to other factor'.

    8t i' an e7hibition of the proce'' of nature that each duration happen' and pa''e'. Theproce'' of nature can a$'o be ter#ed the pa''a e of nature. 8 de6nite$+ refrain at thi' 'ta efro# u'in the word 0ti#e=0 'ince the #ea'urab$e ti#e of 'cience and of ci*i$i'ed $ife enera$$+#ere$+ e7hibit' 'o#e a'pect' of the #ore funda#enta$ fact of the pa''a e of nature. 8 be$ie*ethat in thi' doctrine 8 a# in fu$$ accord with Aer 'on= thou h he u'e' 0ti#e0 for thefunda#enta$ fact which 8 ca$$ the 0pa''a e of nature.0 %$'o the pa''a e of nature i' e7hibitede

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    duration' which are re'pecti*e$+ re$ated b+ 'i#u$taneit+ to the two di'cerned co#ponent' arenece''ari$+ di'tinct. Thi' i' an e7hibition of the te#pora$ (JJ, pa''a e of nature> na#e$+= oneduration ha' pa''ed into the other. Thu' not on$+ i' the pa''a e of nature an e''entia$character of nature in it' ro$e of the ter#inu' of 'en'e awarene''= but it i' a$'o e''entia$ for'en'e awarene'' in it'e$f. 8t i' thi' truth which #ake' ti#e appear to e7tend be+ond nature.Aut what e7tend' be+ond nature to #ind i' not the 'eria$ and #ea'urab$e ti#e= which e7hibit'#ere$+ the character of pa''a e in nature= but the

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    a' we con'ider duration' of increa'in te#pora$ e7ten'ion. %ccordin $+ there i' an approachto idea$ 'i#p$icit+ a' we approach an idea$ di#inution of e7ten'ion.

    The word 0$i#it0 ha' a preci'e 'i ni6cation in the $o ic of nu#ber and e*en in the $o ic of non nu#erica$ (JD, one di#en'iona$ 'erie'. %' u'ed here it i' 'o far a #ere #etaphor= and it i'nece''ar+ to e7p$ain direct$+ the concept which it i ' #eant to indicate.

    4uration' can ha*e the two ter#ed re$ationa$ propert+ of e7tendin one o*er the other. Thu' the duration which i' a$$ nature durin a certain #inute e7tend' o*er the duration whichi' a$$ nature durin the I"th 'econd of that #inute. Thi' re$ation of 0e7tendin o*er0

    0e7ten'ion0 a' 8 'ha$$ ca$$ it i' a funda#enta$ natura$ re$ation who'e 6e$d co#pri'e' #ore thanduration'. 8t i' a re$ation which two $i#ited e*ent' can ha*e to each other. Further#ore a'ho$din between duration' the re$ation appear' to refer to the pure$+ te#pora$ e7ten'ion. 8'ha$$ howe*er #aintain that the 'a#e re$ation of e7ten'ion $ie' at the ba'e both of te#pora$and 'patia$ e7ten'ion. Thi' di'cu''ion can be po'tponed> and for the pre'ent we are 'i#p$+concerned with the re$ation of e7ten'ion a' it occur' in it' te#pora$ a'pect for the $i#ited 6e$dof duration'.

    The concept of e7ten'ion e7hibit' in thou ht one 'ide of the u$ti#ate pa''a e of nature. Thi' re$ation ho$d' becau'e of the 'pecia$ character which pa''a e a''u#e' in nature> it i' there$ation which in the ca'e of duration' e7pre''e' the propertie' of 0pa''in o*er.0 Thu' theduration which wa' one de6nite #inute pa''ed o*er the duration which wa' it' I"th 'econd.

    The duration of the I"th 'econd wa' part of the duration of the #inute. 8 'ha$$ u'e the ter#'0who$e0 and 0part0 e7c$u'i*e$+ in thi' 'en'e= that the 0part0 i' an e*ent which i' e7tended o*erb+ the other e*ent which i' the 0who$e.0 Thu' in #+ no#enc$ature 0who$e0 and 0Part0 refere7c$u'i*e$+ to thi' funda#enta$ re$ation of e7ten'ion> and accordin $+ in thi' technica$ u'a eon$+ e*ent' can be either who$e' or part'. (J ,

    The continuit+ of nature ari'e' fro# e7ten'ion. *er+ e*ent e7tend' o*er other e*ent'=and e*er+ e*ent i' e7tended o*er b+ other e*ent'. Thu' in the 'pecia$ ca'e of duration' whichare now the on$+ e*ent' direct$+ under con'ideration= e*er+ duration i' part of otherduration'> and e*er+ duration ha' other duration' which are part' of it. %ccordin $+ there areno #a7i#u# duration' and no #ini#u# duration'. Thu' there i' no ato#ic 'tructure of duration'= and the perfect de6nition of a duration= 'o a' to #ark out it' indi*idua$it+ anddi'tin ui'h it fro# hi h$+ ana$o ou' duration' o*er which it i' pa''in = or which are pa''ino*er it= i' an arbitrar+ po'tu$ate of thou ht. en'e awarene'' po'it' duration' a' factor' innature but doe' not c$ear$+ enab$e thou ht to u'e it a' di'tin ui'hin the 'eparateindi*idua$itie' of the entitie' of an a$$ied roup of '$i ht$+ di3erin duration'. Thi' i' onein'tance of the indeter#inatene'' of 'en'e awarene''. 7actne'' i' an idea$ of thou ht= andi' on$+ rea$i'ed in e7perience b+ the 'e$ection of a route of appro7i#ation.

    The ab'ence of #a7i#u# and #ini#u# duration' doe' not e7hau't the propertie' of nature which #ake up it' continuit+. The pa''a e of nature in*o$*e' the e7i'tence of a fa#i$+of duration'. When two duration' be$on to the 'a#e fa#i$+ either one contain' the other= orthe+ o*er$ap each other in a 'ubordinate duration without either containin the other> or the+are co#p$ete$+ 'eparate. The e7c$uded ca'e i' that of duration' o*er$appin in 6nite e*ent'but not containin a third duration a' a co##on part.

    8t i' e*ident that the re$ation of e7ten'ion i' tran'iti*e> na#e$+ a' app$ied to duration'= if

    duration % i' part of duration A= and duration A i' part of duration C= then % (K", i' part of C. Thu' the 6r't two ca'e' #a+ be co#bined into one and we can 'a+ that two duration' whichbe$on to the 'a#e fa#i$+ either are 'uch that there are duration' which are part' of both orare co#p$ete$+ 'eparate.

    Further#ore the con*er'e of thi' propo'ition ho$d'> na#e$+= if two duration' ha*e otherduration' which are part' of both or if the two duration' are co#p$ete$+ 'eparate= then the+be$on to the 'a#e fa#i$+.

    The further characteri'tic' of the continuit+ of nature 'o far a' duration' are concernedwhich ha' not +et been for#u$ated ari'e' in conne7ion with a fa#i$+ of duration'. 8t can be'tated in thi' wa+: There are duration' which contain a' part' an+ two duration' of the 'a#efa#i$+. For e7a#p$e a week contain' a' part' an+ two of it' da+'. 8t i' e*ident that acontainin duration 'ati'6e' the condition' for be$on in to the 'a#e fa#i$+ a' the twocontained duration'.

    We are now prepared to proceed to the de6nition of a #o#ent of ti#e. Con'ider a 'et of duration' a$$ taken fro# the 'a#e fa#i$+. Get it ha*e the fo$$owin propertie': (i, of an+ two#e#ber' of the 'et one contain' the other a' a part= and (ii, there i' no duration which i' aco##on part of e*er+ #e#ber of the 'et.

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    There are a$'o #o#ent' of the 'a#e fa#i$+ 'uch that the 'horter duration' in theirco#po'ition are entire$+ 'eparated fro# the i*en duration. uch #o#ent' wi$$ be 'aid to $ie0out'ide0 the i*en duration. % ain other #o#ent' of the fa#i$+ are 'uch that the 'horterduration' in their co#po'ition are part' of the i*en duration. uch #o#ent' are 'aid to $ie0within0 the i*en (K , duration or to 0 inhere0 in it. The who$e fa#i$+ of para$$e$ #o#ent' i'accounted for in thi' wa+ b+ reference to an+ i*en duration of the a''ociated fa#i$+ of duration'. Na#e$+= there are #o#ent' of the fa#i$+ which $ie without the i*en duration=there are the two #o#ent' which are the boundar+ #o#ent' of the i*en duration= and the

    #o#ent' which $ie within the i*en duration. Further#ore an+ two #o#ent' of the 'a#efa#i$+ are the boundar+ #o#ent' of 'o#e one duration of the a''ociated fa#i$+ of duration'.8t i' now po''ib$e to de6ne the 'eria$ re$ation of te#pora$ order a#on the #o#ent' of a

    fa#i$+. For $et % and C be an+ two #o#ent' of the fa#i$+= the'e #o#ent' are the boundar+#o#ent' of one duration d of the a''ociated fa#i$+= and an+ #o#ent A which $ie' within theduration d wi$$ be 'aid to $ie between the #o#ent' % and C. Thu' the three ter#ed re$ation of 0$+in between0 a' re$atin three #o#ent' %= A= and C i' co#p$ete$+ de6ned. %$'o ourknow$ed e of the pa''a e of nature a''ure' u' that thi' re$ation di'tribute' the #o#ent' of the fa#i$+ into a 'eria$ order. 8 ab'tain fro# enu#eratin the de6nite propertie' which 'ecurethi' re'u$t= 8 ha*e enu#erated the# in #+ recent$+ pub$i'hed bookE!O to which 8 ha*e a$read+referred. Further#ore the pa''a e of nature enab$e' u' to know that one direction a$on the'erie' corre'pond' to pa''a e into the future and the other direction corre'pond' toretro re''ion toward' the pa't.

    uch an ordered 'erie' of #o#ent' i' what we #ean b+ ti#e de6ned a' a 'erie'. ache$e#ent of the 'erie' e7hibit' an in'tantaneou'> 'tate of nature= *ident$+ thi' 'eria$ ti#e i'the re'u$t of an inte$$ectua$ proce'' of (KJ, ab'traction. What 8 ha*e done i' to i*e preci'ede6nition' of the procedure b+ which the ab'traction i' e3ected. Thi' procedure i' #ere$+ aparticu$ar ca'e of the enera$ #ethod which in #+ book 8 na#e the 0#ethod of e7ten'i*eab'traction.0 Thi' 'eria$ ti#e i' e*ident$+ not the *er+ pa''a e of nature it'e$f. 8t e7hibit' 'o#eof the natura$ propertie' which @ow fro# it. The 'tate of nature 0at a #o#ent0 ha' e*ident$+$o't thi' u$ti#ate

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    the proce''e' of thou ht and of 'en'e awarene'' e7cept b+ a corre$ation of the'e proce''e'with the te#pora$ 'erie' i#p$icated in their procedure'.

    o far the pa''a e of nature ha' been con'idered in conne7ion with the pa''a e of duration'> and in thi' conne7ion it i' pecu$iar$+ a''ociated with te#pora$ 'erie'. We #u'tre#e#ber howe*er that the character of pa''a e i' pecu$iar$+ a''ociated with the e7ten'ionof (KL, e*ent'= and that fro# thi' e7ten'ion 'patia$ tran'ition ari'e' ju't a' #uch a' te#pora$tran'ition. The di'cu''ion of thi' point i' re'er*ed for a $ater $ecture but it i' nece''ar+ tore#e#ber it now that we are proceedin to di'cu'' the app$ication of the concept of pa''a e

    be+ond nature= otherwi'e we 'ha$$ ha*e too narrow an idea of the e''ence of pa''a e.8t i' nece''ar+ to dwe$$ on the 'ubject of 'en'e awarene'' in thi' conne7ion a' ane7a#p$e of the wa+ in which ti#e concern' #ind= a$thou h #ea'urab$e ti#e i' a #ereab'tract fro# nature and nature i' c$o'ed to #ind.

    Con'ider 'en'e awarene'' not it' ter#inu' which i' nature= but 'en'e awarene'' init'e$f a' a procedure of #ind. en'e awarene'' i' a re$ation of #ind to nature. %ccordin $+ weare now con'iderin #ind a' a re$atu# in 'en'e awarene''. For #ind there i' the i##ediate'en'e awarene'' and there i' #e#or+. The di'tinction between #e#or+ and the pre'enti##ediac+ ha' a doub$e bearin . ?n the one hand it di'c$o'e' that #ind i' not i#partia$$+aware of a$$ tho'e natura$ duration' to which it i' re$ated b+ awarene''. 8t' awarene'' 'hare'in the pa''a e of nature. We can i#a ine a bein who'e awarene''= concei*ed a' hi' pri*atepo''e''ion= 'u3er' no tran'ition= a$thou h the ter#inu' of hi' awarene'' i' our own tran'ientnature. There i' no e''entia$ rea'on wh+ #e#or+ 'hou$d not be rai'ed to the *i*idne'' of thepre'ent fact> and then fro# the 'ide of #ind= What i' the di3erence between the pre'ent andthe pa'tH 9et with thi' h+pothe'i' we can a$'o 'uppo'e that the *i*id re#e#brance and thepre'ent fact are po'ited in awarene'' a' in their te#pora$ 'eria$ order. %ccordin $+ we #u'tad#it that thou h we can i#a ine that #ind in the operation of (KD, 'en'e awarene'' #i htbe free fro# an+ character of pa''a e= +et in point of fact our e7perience of 'en'e awarene''e7hibit' our #ind' a' partakin in thi' character.

    ?n the other hand the #ere fact of #e#or+ i' an e'cape fro# tran'ience. 8n #e#or+ thepa't i' pre'ent. 8t i' not pre'ent a' o*er$eapin the te#pora$ 'ucce''ion of nature= but it i'pre'ent a' an i##ediate fact for the #ind. %ccordin $+ #e#or+ i' a di'en a e#ent of the#ind fro# the #ere pa''a e of nature> for what ha' pa''ed for nature ha' not pa''ed for#ind.

    Further#ore the di'tinction between #e#or+ and the i##ediate pre'ent i' not 'o c$eara' it i' con*entiona$ to 'uppo'e. There i' an inte$$ectua$ theor+ of ti#e a' a #o*in knifeed e= e7hibitin a pre'ent fact without te#pora$ e7ten'ion. Thi' theor+ ari'e' fro# theconcept of an idea$ e7actitude of ob'er*ation. %'trono#ica$ ob'er*ation' are 'ucce''i*e$+re6ned to be e7act to tenth'= to hundredth'= and to thou'andth' of 'econd'. Aut the 6na$re6ne#ent' are arri*ed at b+ a '+'te# of a*era in = and e*en then pre'ent u' with a 'tretchof ti#e a' a #ar in of error. -ere error i' #ere$+ a con*entiona$ ter# to e7pre'' the fact thatthe character of e7perience doe' not accord with the idea$ of thou ht. 8 ha*e a$read+e7p$ained how the concept of a #o#ent conci$iate' the ob'er*ed fact with thi' idea$> na#e$+=there i' a $i#itin 'i#p$icit+ in the

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    The conc$u'ion of thi' di'cu''ion i' that 'o far a' 'en'e awarene'' i' concerned there i'a pa''a e of #ind which i' di'tin ui'hab$e fro# the pa''a e of nature thou h c$o'e$+ a$$iedwith it. We #a+ 'pecu$ate= if we $ike= that thi' a$$iance of the pa''a e of #ind with thepa''a e of nature ari'e' fro# their both 'harin in 'o#e u$ti#ate character of pa''a e whichdo#inate' a$$ bein . Aut thi' i' a 'pecu$ation in which we ha*e no concern. The i##ediatededuction which i' 'u cient for u' i' that 'o far a' 'en'e awarene'' i' concerned #ind i' notin ti#e or in 'pace in the 'a#e 'en'e in which the e*ent' of nature are in ti#e= but (L", that iti' deri*ati*e$+ in ti#e and in 'pace b+ rea'on of the pecu$iar a$$iance of it' pa''a e with the

    pa''a e of nature. Thu' #ind i' in ti#e and in 'pace in a 'en'e pecu$iar to it'e$f. Thi' ha'been a $on di'cu''ion to arri*e at a *er+ 'i#p$e and ob*iou' conc$u'ion. We a$$ fee$ that in'o#e 'en'e our #ind' are here in thi' roo# and at thi' ti#e. Aut it i' not

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    to be found in nature. %' an u$ti#ate fact it i' a nonentit+. What i' i##ediate for 'en'eawarene'' i' a duration. Now a duration ha' within it'e$f a pa't and a future> and thete#pora$ breadth' of the i##ediate duration' of 'en'e awarene'' are *er+ indeter#inate anddependent on the indi*idua$ percipient. %ccordin $+ there i' no uni

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    Chapter : The Method of 7ten'i*e %b'traction T?4%90 $ecture #u't co##ence with the con'ideration of $i#ited e*ent'. We 'ha$$ then

    be in a po'ition to enter upon an in*e'ti ation of the factor' in nature which are repre'entedb+ our conception of 'pace.

    The duration which i' the i##ediate di'c$o'ure of our 'en'e awarene'' i' di'cri#inatedinto part'. There i' the part which i' the $ife of a$$ nature within a roo#= and there i' the partwhich i' the $ife of a$$ nature within a tab$e in the roo#. The'e part' are $i#ited e*ent'. The+ha*e the endurance of the pre'ent duration= and the+ are part' of it. Aut wherea' a durationi' an un$i#ited who$e and in a certain $i#ited 'en'e i' a$$ that there i'= a $i#ited e*entpo''e''e' a co#p$ete$+ de6ned $i#itation of e7tent which i' e7pre''ed for u' in 'patiote#pora$ ter#'.

    We are accu'to#ed to a''ociate an e*ent with a certain #e$odra#atic and thi' factor i' that 'o#ethin i'

    oin on then there. For e7a#p$e= we percei*e the oin on of the Breat P+ra#id in it're$ation' to the oin ' on of the 'urroundin +ptian e*ent'. We are 'o trained= both b+$an ua e and b+ for#a$ teachin and b+ the re'u$tin con*enience= to e7pre'' our thou ht' inter#' of thi' #ateria$i'tic ana$+'i' that inte$$ectua$$+ we tend to i nore the true unit+ of thefactor rea$$+ e7hibited in 'en'e awarene''. 8t i' thi' unit factor= retainin in it'e$f the pa''a eof nature= which i' the pri#ar+ concrete e$e#ent di'cri#inated in nature. The'e pri#ar+factor' are what 8 #ean b+ e*ent'.

    *ent' are the 6e$d of a two ter#ed re$ation= na#e$+ the re$ation of e7ten'ion which wa'con'idered in the $a't $ecture. *ent' are the thin ' re$ated b+ the re$ation of e7ten'ion. 8f ane*ent % e7tend' o*er an e*ent A= then A i' 0part of0 %= and % i' a 0who$e0 of which A i' a part.Who$e and part are in*ariab$+ u'ed in the'e $ecture' in thi' de6nite 'en'e. 8t fo$$ow' that inreference to thi' re$ation an+ two e*ent' % and A #a+ ha*e an+ one of four re$ation' to eachother= na#e$+ (i, % #a+ e7tend o*er A= or (ii, A #a+ e7tend o*er %= or (iii, % and A #a+ bothe7tend o*er 'o#e third e*ent C= but neither o*er the other= or (i*, % and A #a+ be entire$+'eparate. The'e a$ternati*e' can (LK, ob*iou'$+ be i$$u'trated b+ u$er0' dia ra#' a' the+appear in $o ica$ te7tbook'.

    The continuit+ of nature i' the continuit+ of e*ent'. Thi' continuit+ i' #ere$+ the na#efor the a re ate of a *ariet+ of propertie' of e*ent' in conne7ion with the re$ation of e7ten'ion.

    8n the 6r't p$ace= thi' re$ation i' tran'iti*e> 'econd$+= e*er+ e*ent contain' other e*ent'a' part' of it'e$f> third$+ e*er+ e*ent i' a part of other e*ent'> fourth$+ i*en an+ two 6nitee*ent' there are e*ent' each of which contain' both of the# a' part'> and 6fth$+ there i' a'pecia$ re$ation between e*ent' which 8 ter# 0junction.0

    Two e*ent' ha*e junction when there i' a third e*ent of which both e*ent' are part'= andwhich i' 'uch that no part of it i' 'eparated fro# both of the two i*en e*ent'. Thu' twoe*ent' with junction #ake up e7act$+ one e*ent which i' in a 'en'e their 'u#.

    ?n$+ certain pair' of e*ent' ha*e thi' propert+. 8n enera$ an+ e*ent containin twoe*ent' a$'o contain' part' which are 'eparated fro# both e*ent'.

    There i' an a$ternati*e de6nition of the junction of two e*ent' which 8 ha*e adopted in#+ recent bookE1O. Two e*ent' ha*e junction when there i' a third e*ent 'uch that (i, it

    o*er$ap' both e*ent' and (ii, it ha' no part which i' 'eparated fro# both the i*en e*ent'. 8f either of the'e a$ternati*e de6nition' i' adopted a' the de6nition of junction= the otherde6nition appear' a' an a7io# re'pectin the character of junction a' we know it in nature.Aut we are not thinkin of $o ica$ de6nition 'o #uch a' the for#u$ation of the re'u$t' of directob'er*ation. There i' a certain continuit+ (LL, inherent in the ob'er*ed unit+ of an e*ent= and

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    the'e two de6nition' of junction are rea$$+ a7io#' ba'ed on ob'er*ation re'pectin thecharacter of thi' continuit+.

    The re$ation' of who$e and part and of o*er$appin are particu$ar ca'e' of the junction of e*ent'. Aut it i' po''ib$e for e*ent' to ha*e junction when the+ are 'eparate fro# each other>for e7a#p$e= the upper and the $ower part of the Breat P+ra#id are di*ided b+ 'o#ei#a inar+ hori onta$ p$ane.

    The continuit+ which nature deri*e' fro# e*ent' ha' been ob'cured b+ the i$$u'tration'which 8 ha*e been ob$i ed to i*e. For e7a#p$e 8 ha*e taken the e7i'tence of the Breat

    P+ra#id a' a fair$+ we$$ known fact to which 8 cou$d 'afe$+ appea$ a' an i$$u'tration. Thi' i' at+pe of e*ent which e7hibit' it'e$f to u' a' the 'ituation of a reco ni'ab$e object> and in thee7a#p$e cho'en the object i' 'o wide$+ reco ni'ed that it ha' recei*ed a na#e. %n object i'an entit+ of a di3erent t+pe fro# an e*ent. For e7a#p$e= the e*ent which i' the $ife of naturewithin the Breat P+ra#id +e'terda+ and to da+ i' di*i'ib$e into two part'= na#e$+ the BreatP+ra#id +e'terda+ and the Breat P+ra#id to da+. Aut the reco ni'ab$e object which i' a$'oca$$ed the Breat P+ra#id i' the 'a#e object to da+ a' it wa' +e'terda+. 8 'ha$$ ha*e tocon'ider the theor+ of object' in another $ecture.

    The who$e 'ubject i' in*e'ted with an un#erited air of 'ubt$et+ b+ the fact that when thee*ent i' the 'ituation of a we$$ #arked object= we ha*e no $an ua e to di'tin ui'h the e*entfro# the object. 8n the ca'e of the Breat P+ra#id= the object i' the percei*ed unit entit+ whicha' percei*ed re#ain' 'e$f identica$ throu hout (LD, the a e'> whi$e the who$e dance of #o$ecu$e' and the 'hiftin p$a+ of the e$ectro#a netic 6e$d are in redient' of the e*ent. %nobject i' in a 'en'e out of ti#e. 8t i' on$+ deri*ati*e$+ in ti#e b+ rea'on of it' ha*in there$ation to e*ent' which 8 ter# 0'ituation.0 Thi' re$ation of 'ituation wi$$ re and the ether #ere$+ 'ub'er*e' the purpo'e of 'ati'f+inthe de#and' of the #ateria$i'tic theor+. The i#portant concept i' that of the 'hiftin fact' of the 6e$d' of force. Thi' i' the concept of an ether of e*ent' which 'hou$d be 'ub'tituted forthat of a #ateria$ ether.

    8t re

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    Thu'= 'o far a' the ab'tracti*e 'et' of e*ent' are concerned= an ab'tracti*e 'etcon*er e' to nothin . There i' the 'et with it' #e#ber' rowin inde6nite$+ '#a$$er and'#a$$er a' we proceed in thou ht toward' the '#a$$er end of the 'erie'> but there i' noab'o$ute #ini#u# of an+ 'ort which i' 6na$$+ reached. 8n fact the 'et i' ju't it'e$f andindicate' nothin e$'e in the wa+ of e*ent'= e7cept it'e$f. Aut each e*ent ha' an intrin'iccharacter in the wa+ of bein a 'ituation of object' and of ha*in part' which are 'ituation' of object' and to 'tate the #atter #ore enera$$+ in the wa+ of bein a 6e$d of the $ife of nature. Thi' character can be de6ned b+

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    concept' of 'pace and ti#e. Thi' e#er ence of a de6nite intrin'ic character fro# anab'tracti*e 'et i' the preci'e #eanin of the $aw of con*er ence.

    For e7a#p$e= we 'ee a train approachin durin a #inute. The e*ent which i' the $ife of nature within that train durin the #inute i' of reat co#p$e7it+ and the e7pre''ion of it're$ation' and of the in redient' of it' character ba e' u'. 8f we take one 'econd of that#inute= the #ore $i#ited e*ent which i' thu' obtained i' 'i#p$er in re'pect to it' in redient'=and 'horter and 'horter ti#e' 'uch a' a tenth of that 'econd= or a hundredth= or athou'andth 'o $on a' we ha*e a de6nite ru$e i*in a de6nite 'ucce''ion of di#ini'hin

    e*ent' i*e e*ent' who'e in redient character' con*er e to the idea$ 'i#p$icit+ of thecharacter of the train at a de6nite in'tant. Further#ore there are di3erent t+pe' of 'uchcon*er ence to 'i#p$icit+. For e7a#p$e= we can con*er e a' abo*e to the $i#itin carScter(DI, e7pre''in nature at an in'tant within the who$e *o$u#e of the train at that in'tant= or tonature at an in'tant within 'o#e portion of that *o$u#e for e7a#p$e within the boi$er of theen ine or to nature at an in'tant on 'o#e area of 'urface= or to nature at an in'tant on 'o#e$ine within the train= or to nature at an in'tant at 'o#e point of the train. 8n the $a't ca'e the'i#p$e $i#itin character' arri*ed at wi$$ be e7pre''ed a' den'itie'= 'peci6c ra*itie'= andt+pe' of #ateria$. Further#ore we need not nece''ari$+ con*er e to an ab'traction whichin*o$*e' nature at an in'tant. We #a+ con*er e to the ph+'ica$ in redient' of a certain pointtrack throu hout the who$e #inute. %ccordin $+ there are di3erent t+pe' of e7trin'ic characterof con*er ence which $ead to the appro7i#ation to di3erent t+pe' of intrin'ic character' a'$i#it'.

    We now pa'' to the in*e'ti ation of po''ib$e conne7ion' between ab'tracti*e 'et'. ?ne'et #a+ 0co*er0 another. 8 de6ne 0co*erin 0 a' fo$$ow': %n ab'tracti*e 'et p co*er' anab'tracti*e 'et < when e*er+ #e#ber of p contain' a' it' part' 'o#e #e#ber' of

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    There are a$'o the corre$ati*e ab'tracti*e 'et' which 8 ca$$ the 'et' of $ower ca'e 'i #aantipri#e'. %n ab'tracti*e 'et i' a $ower ca'e 'i #a antipri#e when it ha' the two propertie'=(i, that it 'ati'6e' the condition and (ii, that it co*er' e*er+ ab'tracti*e 'et which both co*er'it and 'ati'6e' the condition $ower ca'e 'i #a . 8n other word' +ou cannot et an+ ab'tracti*e'et 'ati'f+in the condition $ower ca'e 'i #a which e7hibit' an intrin'ic character #oreco#p$e7 than that of a $ower ca'e 'i #a antipri#e.

    The intrin'ic character of a $ower ca'e 'i #a pri#e ha' a certain #ini#u# of fu$$ne''a#on tho'e ab'tracti*e 'et' which are 'ubject to the condition of 'ati'f+in $ower ca'e

    'i #a > wherea' the intrin'ic character of a $ower ca'e 'i #a antipri#e ha' a corre'pondin#a7i#u# of fu$$ne''= and inc$ude' a$$ it can in the circu#'tance'.Get u' 6r't con'ider what he$p the notion of antipri#e' cou$d i*e u' in the de6nition of

    #o#ent' which we a*e in the $a't $ecture. Get the condition a be the propert+ of bein ac$a'' who'e #e#ber' are a$$ duration'. %n ab'tracti*e 'et which 'ati'6e' thi' condition i'thu' an ab'tracti*e 'et co#po'ed who$$+ of duration'. 8t i' con*enient then to de6ne a#o#ent a' the roup of ab'tracti*e 'et' which are e

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    of M with another #o#ent % i' an in'tantaneou' p$ane in the in'tantaneou' 'pace of M> and if A be a third #o#ent inter'ectin both M and %= the inter'ection of M and A i' another p$ane inthe 'pace M. %$'o the co##on inter'ection of %= A= and M i' the inter'ection of the two p$ane'in the 'pace M= na#e$+ it i' a 'trai ht $ine in the 'pace M. %n e7ceptiona$ ca'e ari'e' if A andM inter'ect in the 'a#e p$ane a' % and M. Further#ore if C be a fourth #o#ent= then apartfro# 'pecia$ ca'e' which we need not con'ider= it inter'ect' M in a p$ane which the 'trai ht$ine (%= A= M, #eet'. Thu' there i' in enera$ a co##on inter'ection of four #o#ent' of di3erent fa#i$ie'. Thi' co##on inter'ection i' an a''e#b$a e of ab'tracti*e e$e#ent' which

    are each co*ered (or 0$ie in0, a$$ four #o#ent'. The three di#en'iona$ propert+ of in'tantaneou' 'pace co#e' to thi'= that (apart fro# 'pecia$ re$ation' between the four#o#ent', an+ 6fth #o#ent either contain' the who$e of their co##on inter'ection or none of it. No further 'ubdi*i'ion of the co##on inter'ection i' po''ib$e b+ #ean' of #o#ent'. The0a$$ or none0 princip$e ho$d'. Thi' i ' not an a priori truth but an e#pirica$ fact of nature.

    8t wi$$ be con*enient to re'er*e the ordinar+ 'patia$ ter#' 0p$ane=0 0'trai ht $ine=0 0point0for the e$e#ent' of the ti#e$e'' 'pace of a ti#e '+'te#. %ccordin $+ an in'tantaneou' p$anein the in'tantaneou' 'pace of a #o#ent wi$$ be ca$$ed a 0$e*e$=0 an in'tantaneou' 'trai ht $inewi$$ be ca$$ed a 0rect=0 and an in'tantaneou' point ( !, wi$$ be ca$$ed a 0punct.0 Thu' a punct i'the a''e#b$a e of ab'tracti*e e$e#ent' which $ie in each of four #o#ent' who'e fa#i$ie'ha*e no 'pecia$ re$ation' to each other. %$'o if P be an+ #o#ent= either e*er+ ab'tracti*ee$e#ent be$on in to a i*en punct $ie' in P= or no ab'tracti*e e$e#ent of that punct $ie' in P.

    Po'ition i' the

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    character a' an e*ent partic$e. The 'i#p$icit+ of the punct ari'e' fro# it' indi*i'ibi$it+ b+ a#o#ent.

    The 'i#p$icit+ of an e*ent partic$e ari'e' fro# the indi*i'ibi$it+ of it' intrin'ic character. The intrin'ic character of an e*ent partic$e i' indi*i'ib$e in the 'en'e that e*er+ ab'tracti*e 'etco*ered b+ it e7hibit' the 'a#e intrin'ic character. 8t fo$$ow' that= thou h there are di*er'eab'tracti*e e$e#ent' co*ered b+ e*ent partic$e'= there i' no ad*anta e to be ained b+con'iderin the# 'ince we ain no additiona$ 'i#p$icit+ in the e7pre''ion of natura$propertie'.

    The'e two character' of 'i#p$icit+ enjo+ed re'pecti*e$+ b+ e*ent partic$e' and punct'de6ne a #eanin for uc$id0' phra'e= 0without part' and without #a nitude.08t i' ob*iou'$+ con*enient to 'weep awa+ out of our thou ht' a$$ the'e 'tra+ ab'tracti*e

    'et' which are co*ered b+ e*ent partic$e' without the#'e$*e' bein #e#ber' of the#. The+i*e u' nothin new in the wa+ of intrin'ic character. %ccordin $+ we can think of rect' and

    $e*e$' a' #ere$+ $oci of e*ent partic$e'. 8n 'o doin we are a$'o cuttin out tho'e ab'tracti*ee$e#ent' which co*er 'et' of e*ent partic$e'= without the'e e$e#ent' bein e*ent partic$e'the#'e$*e'. There are c$a''e' of the'e ab'tracti*e e$e#ent' which are of reat i#portance. 8wi$$ con'ider the# $ater on in thi' and in other $ecture'. Meanwhi$e we wi$$ i nore the#. %$'o 8wi$$ a$wa+' 'peak of 0e*ent partic$e'0 in preference to 0punct'=0 the $atter bein an arti6cia$word for which 8 ha*e no reat a3ection.( J, Para$$e$i'# a#on rect' and $e*e$' i' nowe7p$icab$e.

    Con'ider the in'tantaneou' 'pace be$on in to a #o#ent %= and $et % be$on to thete#pora$ 'erie' of #o#ent' which 8 wi$$ ca$$ $ower ca'e a$pha. Con'ider an+ other te#pora$'erie' of #o#ent' which 8 wi$$ ca$$ $ower ca'e beta . The #o#ent' of $ower ca'e beta do notinter'ect each other and the+ inter'ect the #o#ent % in a fa#i$+ of $e*e$'. None of the'e$e*e$' can inter'ect= and the+ for# a fa#i$+ of para$$e$ in'tantaneou' p$ane' in thein'tantaneou' 'pace of #o#ent %. Thu' the para$$e$i'# of #o#ent' in a te#pora$ 'erie'be et' the para$$e$i'# of $e*e$' in an in'tantaneou' 'pace= and thence a' it i' ea'+ to 'ee thepara$$e$i'# of rect'. %ccordin $+ the uc$idean propert+ of 'pace ari'e' fro# the parabo$icpropert+ of ti#e. 8t #a+ be that there i' rea'on to adopt a h+perbo$ic theor+ of ti#e and acorre'pondin h+perbo$ic theor+ of 'pace. uch a theor+ ha' not been worked out= 'o it i' notpo''ib$e to jud e a' to the character of the e*idence which cou$d be brou ht forward in it'fa*our.

    The theor+ of order in an in'tantaneou' 'pace i' i##ediate$+ deri*ed fro# ti#e order.For con'ider the 'pace of a #o#ent M. Get $ower ca'e a$pha be the na#e of a ti#e '+'te# towhich M doe' not be$on . Get %1= %!= %I= etc. be #o#ent' of $ower ca'e a$pha in the order of their occurrence'. Then %1= %!= %I= etc. inter'ect M in para$$e$ $e*e$' $1= $!= $I= etc. Then there$ati*e order of the para$$e$ $e*e$' in the 'pace of M i' the 'a#e a' the re$ati*e order of thecorre'pondin #o#ent' in the ti#e '+'te# $ower ca'e a$pha. %n+ rect in M which inter'ect'a$$ the'e $e*e$' in it' 'et of punct'= thereb+ recei*e' for it' punct' an order of po'ition on it. o'patia$ order i' deri*ati*e fro# te#pora$ order. Further#ore there are a$ternati*e ti#e'+'te#'= but there i' on$+ one de6nite 'patia$ order in each in'tantaneou' ( K, 'pace.%ccordin $+ the *ariou' #ode' of deri*in 'patia$ order fro# di*er'e ti#e '+'te#' #u'thar#oni'e with one 'patia$ order in each in'tantaneou' 'pace. 8n thi' wa+ a$'o di*er'e ti#e

    order' are co#parab$e.We ha*e two reat

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    ab'o$ute. ?n the theor+ of re$ati*e ( L, 'pace= it #a+ perhap' be ar ued that there i' noti#e$e'' 'pace for ph+'ica$ 'cience= and that there i' on$+ the #o#entar+ 'erie' of in'tantaneou' 'pace'.

    %n e7p$anation #u't then be a'ked for the #eanin of the *er+ co##on 'tate#ent that'uch and 'uch a #an wa$ked four #i$e' in 'o#e de6nite hour. -ow can +ou #ea'ure di'tancefro# one 'pace into another 'paceH 8 under'tand wa$kin out of the 'heet of an ordnance#ap. Aut the #eanin of 'a+in that Ca#brid e at 1" o0c$ock thi' #ornin in the appropriatein'tantaneou' 'pace for that in'tant i' J! #i$e' fro# Gondon at 11 o0c$ock thi' #ornin in the

    appropriate in'tantaneou' 'pace for that in'tant beat' #e entire$+. 8 think that= b+ the ti#e a#eanin ha' been produced for thi' 'tate#ent= +ou wi$$ 6nd that +ou ha*e con'tructed whati' in fact a ti#e$e'' 'pace. What 8 cannot under'tand i' how to produce an e7p$anation of #eanin without in e3ect #akin 'o#e 'uch con'truction. %$'o 8 #a+ add that 8 do not knowhow the in'tantaneou' 'pace' are thu' corre$ated into one 'pace b+ an+ #ethod which i'a*ai$ab$e on the current theorie' of 'pace.

    9ou wi$$ ha*e noticed that b+ the aid of the a''u#ption of a$ternati*e ti#e '+'te#'= weare arri*in at an e7p$anation of the character of 'pace. 8n natura$ 'cience 0to e7p$ain0 #ean'#ere$+ to di'co*er 0interconne7ion'.0 For e7a#p$e= in one 'en'e there i' no e7p$anation of thered which +ou 'ee. 8t i' red= and there i' nothin e$'e to be 'aid about it. ither it i' po'itedbefore +ou in 'en'e awarene'' or +ou are i norant of the entit+ red. Aut 'cience ha'e7p$ained red. Na#e$+ it ha' di'co*ered interconne7ion' between red a' a factor in natureand other factor' in nature= for e7a#p$e wa*e' of $i ht which are wa*e' of e$ectro#a neticdi'turbance'.( D,

    There are a$'o *ariou' patho$o ica$ 'tate' of the bod+ which $ead to the 'eein of redwithout the occurrence of $i ht wa*e'. Thu' conne7ion' ha*e been di'co*ered between red a'po'ited in 'en'e awarene'' and *ariou' other factor' in nature. The di'co*er+ of the'econne7ion' con'titute' the 'cienti6c e7p$anation of our *i'ion of co$our. 8n $ike #anner thedependence of the character of 'pace on the character of ti#e con'titute' an e7p$anation inthe 'en'e in which 'cience 'eek' to e7p$ain. The '+'te#ati'in inte$$ect abhor' bare fact'. Thecharacter of 'pace ha' hitherto been pre'ented a' a co$$ection of bare fact'= u$ti#ate anddi'connected. The theor+ which 8 a# e7poundin 'weep' awa+ thi' di'conne7ion of the fact'of 'pace.

    Note'E1O Cf. n

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    Chapter J: pace and Motion T- topic for thi' $ecture i' the continuation of the ta'k of e7p$ainin the con'truction of

    'pace' a' ab'tract' fro# the fact' of nature. 8t wa' noted at the c$o'e of the pre*iou' $ecturethat the

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    the e*ent' of an+ ab'tracti*e 'et 'ati'f+in it ha' a$$ the e*ent partic$e' of 'o#e particu$ar'o$id $+in (1"!, in it. Then the roup of a$$ the $ower ca'e 'i #aU pri#e' i' the ab'tracti*ee$e#ent which i' a''ociated with the i*en 'o$id. 8 wi$$ ca$$ thi' ab'tracti*e e$e#ent the 'o$ida' an ab'tracti*e e$e#ent= and 8 wi$$ ca$$ the a re ate of e*ent partic$e' the 'o$id a' a $ocu'.

    The in'tantaneou' *o$u#e' in in'tantaneou' 'pace which are the idea$' of our 'en'eperception are *o$u#e' a' ab'tracti*e e$e#ent'. What we rea$$+ percei*e with a$$ our e3ort'after e7actne'' are '#a$$ e*ent' far enou h down 'o#e ab'tracti*e 'et be$on in to the*o$u#e a' an ab'tracti*e e$e#ent.

    8t i' di cu$t to know how far we appro7i#ate to an+ perception of *a rant 'o$id'. Wecertain$+ do not think that we #ake an+ 'uch appro7i#ation. Aut then our thou ht' in theca'e of peop$e who do think about 'uch topic' are 'o #uch under the contro$ of the#ateria$i'tic theor+ of nature that the+ hard$+ count for e*idence. 8f in'tein0' theor+ of

    ra*itation ha' an+ truth in it= *a rant 'o$id' are of reat i#portance in 'cience. The who$eboundar+ of a 6nite e*ent #a+ be $ooked on a' a particu$ar e7a#p$e of a *a rant 'o$id a' a$ocu'. 8t' particu$ar propert+ of bein c$o'ed pre*ent' it fro# bein de6nab$e a' an ab'tracti*ee$e#ent.

    When a #o#ent inter'ect' an e*ent= it a$'o inter'ect' the boundar+ of that e*ent. Thi'$ocu'= which i' the portion of the boundar+ contained in the #o#ent= i' the boundin 'urfaceof the corre'pondin *o$u#e of that e*ent contained in the #o#ent. 8t i' a two di#en'iona$$ocu'.

    The fact that e*er+ *o$u#e ha' a boundin 'urface i' the ori in of the 4edekindiancontinuit+ of 'pace.

    %nother e*ent #a+ be cut b+ the 'a#e #o#ent in another *o$u#e and thi' *o$u#e wi$$a$'o ha*e it' boundar+. The'e two *o$u#e' in the in'tantaneou' (1"I, 'pace of one #o#ent#a+ #utua$$+ o*er$ap in the fa#i$iar wa+ which 8 need not de'cribe in detai$ and thu' cut o3 portion' fro# each other0' 'urface'. The'e portion' of 'urface' are 0#o#enta$ area'.0

    8t i' unnece''ar+ at thi' 'ta e to enter into the co#p$e7it+ of a de6nition of *a rantarea'. Their de6nition i' 'i#p$e enou h when the four di#en'iona$ #anifo$d of e*ent partic$e'ha' been #ore fu$$+ e7p$ored a' to it' propertie'.

    Mo#enta$ area' can e*ident$+ be de6ned a' ab'tracti*e e$e#ent' b+ e7act$+ the 'a#e#ethod a' app$ied to 'o$id'. We ha*e #ere$+ to 'ub'titute 0area0 for a 0'o$id0 in the word' of the de6nition a$read+ i*en. %$'o= e7act$+ a' in the ana$o ou' ca'e of a 'o$id= what wepercei*e a' an appro7i#ation to our idea$ of an area i' a '#a$$ e*ent far enou h downtoward' the '#a$$ end of one of the e

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    The enera$ prob$e# for our in*e'ti ation i' to deter#ine a #ethod of co#pari'on of po'ition in one in'tantaneou' 'pace with po'ition' in other in'tantaneou' 'pace'. We #a+$i#it our'e$*e' to the 'pace' of the para$$e$ #o#ent' of one ti#e '+'te#. -ow are po'ition' inthe'e *ariou' 'pace' to be co#paredH 8n other word'= What do we #ean b+ #otionH 8t i' thefunda#enta$ na#e$+= that there #a+ be a$ternati*e de6nition = of ab'o$utepo'ition. Thi' po''ibi$it+ enter' with the ad#i''ion of a$ternati*e ti#e '+'te#'. Thu' the'erie' of 'pace' in the para$$e$ (1"K, #o#ent' of one te#pora$ 'erie' #a+ ha*e their ownde6nition of ab'o$ute po'ition corre$atin 'et' of e*ent partic$e' in the'e 'ucce''i*e 'pace'='o that each 'et con'i't' of e*ent partic$e'= one fro# each 'pace= a$$ with the propert+ of po''e''in the 'a#e ab'o$ute po'ition in that 'erie' of 'pace'. uch a 'et of e*ent partic$e'wi$$ for# a point in the ti#e$e'' 'pace of that ti#e '+'te#. Thu' a point i' rea$$+ an ab'o$utepo'ition in the ti#e$e'' 'pace of a i*en ti#e '+'te#.

    Aut there are a$ternati*e ti#e '+'te#'= and each ti#e '+'te# ha' it' own pecu$iar roupof point' that i' to 'a+= it' own pecu$iar de6nition of ab'o$ute po'ition. Thi' i' e7act$+ thetheor+ which 8 wi$$ e$aborate.

    8n $ookin to nature for e*idence of ab'o$ute po'ition it i' of no u'e to recur to the fourdi#en'iona$ #anifo$d of e*ent partic$e'. Thi' #anifo$d ha' been obtained b+ the e7ten'ion of thou ht be+ond the i##ediac+ of ob'er*ation. We 'ha$$ 6nd nothin in it e7cept what weha*e put there to repre'ent the idea' in thou ht which ari'e fro# our direct 'en'e awarene''of nature. To 6nd e*idence of the propertie' which are to be found in the #anifo$d of e*entpartic$e' we #u't a$wa+' recur to the ob'er*ation of re$ation' between e*ent'. ?ur prob$e# i'to deter#ine tho'e re$ation' between e*ent' which i''ue in the propert+ of ab'o$ute po'itionin a ti#e$e'' 'pace. Thi' i' in fact the prob$e# of the deter#ination of the *er+ #eanin of the ti#e$e'' 'pace' of ph+'ica$ 'cience.8n re*iewin the factor' of nature a' i##ediate$+

    di'c$o'ed in 'en'e awarene''= we 'hou$d note the funda#enta$ character of the percept of 0bein here.0 We di'cern an e*ent #ere$+ a' a factor in a deter#inate co#p$e7 in which eachfactor ha' it' own pecu$iar 'hare.( 1"L,

    There are two factor' which are a$wa+' in redient in thi' co#p$e7= one i' the durationwhich i' repre'ented in thou ht b+ the concept of a$$ nature that i' pre'ent now= and the otheri' the pecu$iar $ocu' 'tandi for #ind in*o$*ed in the 'en'e awarene''. Thi' $ocu' 'tandi innature i' what i' repre'ented in thou ht b+ the concept of 0here=0 na#e$+ of an 0e*ent here.0

    Thi' i' the concept of a de6nite factor in nature. Thi' factor i' an e*ent in nature which i'the focu' in nature for that act of awarene''= and the other e*ent' are percei*ed a' referredto it. Thi' e*ent i' part of the a''ociated duration. 8 ca$$ it the 0percipient e*ent.0 Thi' e*ent i'not the #ind= that i' to 'a+= not the percipient. 8t i' that in nature fro# which the #indpercei*e'. The co#p$ete footho$d of the #ind in nature i' repre'ented b+ the pair of e*ent'=na#e$+= the pre'ent duration which #ark' the 0when0 of awarene'' and the percipient e*entwhich #ark' the 0where0 of awarene'' and the 0how0 of awarene''. Thi' percipient e*ent i'rou h$+ 'peakin the bodi$+ $ife of the incarnate #ind. Aut thi' identi6cation i' on$+ a rou hone. For the function' of the bod+ 'hade o3 into tho'e of other e*ent' in nature> 'o that for'o#e purpo'e' the percipient e*ent i' to be reckoned a' #ere$+ part of the bodi$+ $ife and for

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    other purpo'e' it #a+ e*en be reckoned a' #ore than the bodi$+ $ife. 8n #an+ re'pect' thede#arcation i' pure$+ arbitrar+= dependin upon where in a '$idin 'ca$e +ou choo'e to drawthe $ine.

    8 ha*e a$read+ in #+ pre*iou' $ecture on Ti#e di'cu''ed the a''ociation of #ind withnature. The di cu$t+ of the di'cu''ion $ie' in the $iabi$it+ of con'tant factor' to be o*er$ooked.We ne*er note the# b+ contra't with their ab'ence'. The purpo'e of a di'cu''ion of 'uch(1"D, factor' #a+ be de'cribed a' bein to #ake ob*iou' thin ' $ook odd. We cannoten*i'a e the# un$e'' we #ana e to in*e't the# with 'o#e of the fre'hne'' which i' due to

    'tran ene''.8t i' becau'e of thi' habit of $ettin con'tant factor' '$ip fro# con'ciou'ne'' that wecon'tant$+ fa$$ into the error of thinkin of the 'en'e awarene'' of a particu$ar factor in naturea' bein a two ter#ed re$ation between the #ind and the factor. For e7a#p$e= 8 percei*e a

    reen $eaf. Gan ua e in thi' 'tate#ent 'uppre''e' a$$ reference to an+ factor' other than thepercipient #ind and the reen $eaf and the re$ation of 'en'e awarene''. 8t di'card' theob*iou' ine*itab$e factor' which are e''entia$ e$e#ent' in the perception. 8 a# here= the $eaf i' there> and the e*ent here and the e*ent which i' the $ife of the $eaf there are bothe#bedded in a tota$it+ of nature which i' now= and within thi' tota$it+ there are otherdi'cri#inated factor' which it i' irre$e*ant to #ention. Thu' $an ua e habitua$$+ 'et' beforethe #ind a #i'$eadin ab'tract of the inde6nite co#p$e7it+ of the fact of 'en'e awarene''.

    What 8 now want to di'cu'' i' the 'pecia$ re$ation of the percipient e*ent which i' 0here0to the duration which i' 0now.0 Thi' re$ation i' a fact in nature= na#e$+ the #ind i' aware of nature a' bein with the'e two factor' in thi' re$ation.

    Within the 'hort pre'ent duration the 0here0 of the percipient e*ent ha' a de6nite#eanin of 'o#e 'ort. Thi' #eanin of 0here0 i' the content of the 'pecia$ re$ation of thepercipient e*ent to it' a''ociated duration. 8 wi$$ ca$$ thi' re$ation 0co redience.0 %ccordin $+ 8a'k for a de'cription of the character of the re$ation of co redience. The pre'ent 'nap' into apa't and a pre'ent (1" , when the 0here0 of co redience $o'e' it' 'in $e deter#inate #eanin .

    There ha' been a pa''a e of nature fro# the 0here0 of perception within the pa't duration tothe di3erent 0here0 of perception within the pre'ent duration. Aut the two 0here'0 of 'en'eawarene'' within nei hbourin duration' #a+ be indi'tin ui'hab$e. 8n thi' ca'e there ha'been a pa''a e fro# the pa't to the pre'ent= but a #ore retenti*e percepti*e force #i htha*e retained the pa''in nature a' one co#p$ete pre'ent in'tead of $ettin the ear$ierduration '$ip into the pa't. Na#e$+= the 'en'e of re't he$p' the inte ration of duration' into apro$on ed pre'ent= and the 'en'e of #otion di3erentiate' nature into a 'ucce''ion of 'hortened duration'. %' we $ook out of a rai$wa+ carria e in an e7pre'' train= the pre'ent i'pa't before re@e7ion can 'ei e it. We $i*e in 'nippit' too

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    an+ bio$o ica$ character of the e*ent which i' re$ated b+ it to the a''ociated duration. Thi'bio$o ica$ character i' apparent$+ a further condition for the pecu$iar conne7ion of a percipiente*ent with the percipience of #ind> but it ha' nothin to do with the re$ation of the percipiente*ent to the duration which i' the pre'ent who$e of nature po'ited a' the di'c$o'ure of thepercipience.

    Bi*en the re

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    $ocu'. % 'tation ha' accordin $+ the u'ua$ three character'= na#e$+= it' character of po'ition=it' e7trin'ic character a' an ab'tracti*e e$e#ent= and it' intrin'ic character.

    8t fo$$ow' fro# the pecu$iar propertie' of re't that two 'tation' be$on in to the 'a#eduration cannot inter'ect. %ccordin $+ e*er+ e*ent partic$e on a 'tation of a duration ha' that'tation a' it' 'tation in the duration. %$'o e*er+ duration which i' part of a i*en durationinter'ect' the 'tation' of the i*en duration in $oci which are it' own 'tation'. A+ #ean' of the'e propertie' we can uti$i'e the o*er$appin ' of the duration' of one fa#i$+ that i'= of oneti#e '+'te# to pro$on 'tation' inde6nite$+ backward' and forward'. uch a pro$on ed

    'tation wi$$ be ca$$ed a point track. % point track i' a (11 , $ocu' of e*ent partic$e'. 8t i'de6ned b+ reference to one particu$ar ti#e '+'te#= $ower ca'e a$pha 'a+. Corre'pondin toan+ other ti#e '+'te# the'e wi$$ be a di3erent roup of point track'. *er+ e*ent partic$e wi$$$ie on one and on$+ one point track of the roup be$on in to an+ one ti#e '+'te#. The roupof point track' of the ti#e' +'te# $ower ca'e a$pha i' the roup of point' of the ti#e$e'''pace of $ower ca'e a$pha. ach 'uch point indicate' a certain

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    de6nin perpendicu$arit+ i' of critica$ i#portance in the theor+ of con ruence which i' thetopic for the ne7t $ecture.( 11 ,

    8 re ret that it ha' been nece''ar+ for #e in thi' $ecture to ad#ini'ter 'uch a $ar e do'eof four di#en'iona$ eo#etr+. 8 do not apo$o i'e= becau'e 8 a# rea$$+ not re'pon'ib$e for thefact that nature in it' #o't funda#enta$ a'pect i' four di#en'iona$. Thin ' are what the+ are>and it i' u'e$e'' to di' ui'e the fact that 0what thin ' are0 i' often *er+ di cu$t for ourinte$$ect' to fo$$ow. 8t i' a #ere e*a'ion of the u$ti#ate prob$e#' to 'hirk 'uch ob'tac$e'.

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    Chapter K: Con ruence T- ai# of thi' $ecture i' to e'tab$i'h a theor+ of con ruence. 9ou #u't under'tand at

    once that con ruence i' a contro*er'ia$

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    8n #+ opinion both di'putant' were ri ht= a''u#in the round' on which the di'cu''ionwa' ba'ed. 2u''e$$ in e3ect pointed out that apart fro# #inor ine7actitude' a deter#inatecon ruence re$ation i' a#on the factor' in nature which our 'en'e awarene'' po'it' for u'.Poincare a'k' for infor#ation a' to the factor in nature which #i ht $ead an+ particu$arcon ruence re$ation to p$a+ a pree#inent ro$e a#on the factor' po'ited in 'en'e awarene'' 8 cannot 'ee the an'wer to either of the'e contention' pro*ided that +ou ad#it the#ateria$i'tic theor+ of nature. With thi' theor+ nature at an in'tant in 'pace i' an independentfact. Thu' we ha*e to $ook for our pree#inent con ruence re$ation a#id nature in

    in'tantaneou' 'pace> and Poincare i' undoubted$+ ri ht in 'a+in that nature on thi'h+pothe'i' i*e' u' no he$p in 6ndin it.?n the other hand 2u''e$$ i' in an e it i' in it' e''ence #ere$+ (1!J, 'en'e awarene'' in it' capacit+ of po'itinbefore u' factor' in nature which do not pa''. For e7a#p$e= reen i' percei*ed a' 'ituated in acertain 6nite e*ent within the pre'ent duration. Thi' reen pre'er*e' it' 'e$f identit+throu hout= wherea' the e*ent pa''e' and thereb+ obtain' the propert+ of breakin into

    part'. The reen patch ha' part'. Aut in ta$kin of the reen patch we are 'peakin of thee*ent in it' 'o$e capacit+ of bein for u' the 'ituation of reen. The reen it'e$f i' nu#erica$$+one 'e$f identica$ entit+= without part' becau'e it i' without pa''a e.

    Factor' in nature which are without pa''a e wi$$ be ca$$ed object'. There are radica$$+di3erent kind' of object' which wi$$ be con'idered in the 'ucceedin $ecture.

    2eco nition i' re@ected into the inte$$ect a' co#pari'on. The reco ni'ed object' of onee*ent are co#pared with the reco ni'ed object' of another e*ent. The co#pari'on #a+ bebetween two e*ent' in the pre'ent= or it #a+ be between two e*ent' of which one i' po'itedb+ #e#or+ awarene'' and the other b+ i##ediate 'en'e awarene''. Aut it i' not the e*ent'which are co#pared. For each e*ent i' e''entia$$+ uni

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    nature not di'c$o'ed in 'en'e awarene'' but known b+ $o ica$ inference a' nece''ari$+ inbein . Thu' object' for our know$ed e #a+ be #ere$+ $o ica$ ab'traction'. For e7a#p$e= aco#p$ete e*ent i' ne*er di'c$o'ed in 'en'e awarene''= and thu' the object which i' the 'u#tota$ of object' 'ituated in an e*ent a' thu' inter re$ated i' a #ere ab'tract concept. % ain ari ht an $e i' a percei*ed object which can be 'ituated in #an+ e*ent'> but= thou hrectan u$arit+ i' po'ited b+ 'en'e awarene''= the #ajorit+ of eo#etrica$ re$ation' are not 'opo'ited. %$'o rectan u$arit+ i' in fact often not percei*ed when it can be pro*ed to ha*e beenthere for perception. Thu' an object i' often known #ere$+ a' an ab'tract re$ation not direct$+

    po'ited in 'en'e awarene'' a$thou h it i' there in nature. The identit+ of

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    8n the third ca'e= k i' ne ati*e. Get u' ca$$ it C!= where c wi$$ be of the di#en'ion' of a*e$ocit+. Thi' ca'e +ie$d' the for#u$ae of tran'for#ation which Gar#or di'co*ered for thetran'for#ation of Ma7we$$0' e

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    e7cept that the $aw' of #otion are then true. uppo'e that with 'o#e e7po'itor' we cut outthe reference to fa#i$iar *e$ocitie' 'uch a' the rate of rotation of the earth. We are thendri*en to ad#it that there i' no #eanin in te#pora$ con ruence e7cept that certaina''u#ption' #ake the $aw' of #otion true. uch a 'tate#ent i' hi'torica$$+ fa$'e. 5in %$fredthe Breat wa' i norant of the $aw' of #otion= but knew *er+ we$$ what he #eant b+ the#ea'ure#ent of ti#e= and achie*ed hi' purpo'e b+ #ean' of burnin cand$e'. %$'o no one inpa't a e' ju'ti6ed the u'e of 'and in hour $a''e' b+ 'a+in that 'o#e centurie' $aterintere'tin $aw' of #otion wou$d be di'co*ered which wou$d i*e a #eanin to the 'tate#ent

    that the 'and wa' e#ptied fro# the bu$b' in e

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    The #ea'ure#ent of ti#e wa' known to a$$ ci*i$i'ed nation' $on before the $aw' werethou ht of. 8t i' thi' ti#e a' thu' #ea'ured that the $aw' are concerned with. %$'o the+ dea$with the 'pace of our dai$+ $ife. When we approach to an accurac+ of #ea'ure#ent be+ondthat of ob'er*ation= adju't#ent i' a$$owab$e. Aut within the $i#it' of ob'er*ation we knowwhat we #ean when we 'peak of #ea'ure#ent' of 'pace and #ea'ure#ent' of ti#e andunifor#it+ of chan e. 8t i' for 'cience to i*e an inte$$ectua$ account of what i' 'o e*ident in'en'e awarene''. 8t i' to #e thorou h$+ incredib$e that the u$ti#ate fact be+ond which therei' no deeper e7p$anation i' that #ankind ha' rea$$+ been 'wa+ed b+ an uncon'ciou' de'ire to

    'ati'f+ the #athe#atica$ for#u$ae which we ca$$ the Gaw' of Motion= for#u$ae co#p$ete$+unknown ti$$ the 'e*enteenth centur+ of our epoch. The corre$ation of the fact' of 'en'e e7perience e3ected b+ the a$ternati*e account of

    nature e7tend' be+ond the ph+'ica$ propertie' of #otion and the propertie' of con ruence. 8ti*e' an account of the #eanin of the eo#etrica$ entitie' 'uch a' point'= 'trai ht $ine'= and

    *o$u#e'= and connect' the kindred (1 1, idea' of e7ten'ion in ti#e and e7ten'ion in 'pace. The theor+ 'ati'6e' the true purpo'e of an inte$$ectua$ e7p$anation in the 'phere of natura$phi$o'oph+. Thi' purpo'e i' to e7hibit the interconne7ion' of nature= and to 'how that one 'etof in redient' in nature re in other word'= the+ are not in nature at a$$ but are accidenta$ product' of there$ation' between nature and #ind.

    The e7p$anation of nature which 8 ur e a' an a$ternati*e idea$ to thi' accidenta$ *iew of nature= i' that nothin in nature cou$d be what it i' e7cept a' an (1 !, in redient in nature a'it i'. The who$e which i' pre'ent for di'cri#ination i' po'ited in 'en'e awarene'' a' nece''ar+for the di'cri#inated part'. %n i'o$ated e*ent i' not an e*ent= becau'e e*er+ e*ent i' a factorin a $ar er who$e and i' 'i ni6cant of that who$e. There can be no ti#e apart fro# 'pace> andno 'pace apart fro# ti#e> and no 'pace and no ti#e apart fro# the pa''a e of the e*ent' of nature. The i'o$ation of an entit+ in thou ht= when we think of it a' a bare 0it=0 ha' nocounterpart in an+ corre'pondin i'o$ation in nature. uch i'o$ation i' #ere$+ part of theprocedure of inte$$ectua$ know$ed e.

    The $aw' of nature are the outco#e of the character' of the entitie' which we 6nd innature. The entitie' bein what the+ are= the $aw' #u't be what the+ are> and con*er'e$+ the

    entitie' fo$$ow fro# the $aw'. We are a $on wa+ fro# the attain#ent of 'uch an idea$> but itre#ain' a' the abidin oa$ of theoretica$ 'cience.

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    Chapter L: ?bject' T- en'uin $ecture i' concerned with the theor+ of object'. ?bject' are e$e#ent' in

    nature which do not pa''. The awarene'' of an object a' 'o#e factor not 'harin in thepa''a e of nature i' what 8 ca$$ 0reco nition.0 8t i' i#po''ib$e to reco ni'e an e*ent= becau'ean e*ent i' e''entia$$+ di'tinct fro# e*er+ other e*ent. 2eco nition i' an awarene'' of 'a#ene''. Aut to ca$$ reco nition an awarene'' of 'a#ene'' i#p$ie' an inte$$ectua$ act of co#pari'on acco#panied with jud #ent. 1 u'e reco nition for the non inte$$ectua$ re$ation of 'en'e awarene'' which connect' the #ind with a factor of nature without pa''a e. ?n theinte$$ectua$ 'ide of the #ind0' e7perience there are co#pari'on' of thin ' reco ni'ed andcon'e

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    keepin o3 the profound and *e7ed a$'o= b+ a doub$e u'e of theword 0'ituation=0 8 wi$$ ca$$ the e*ent in which an object i' 'ituated 0the 'ituation of the object.0

    Thu' a 'ituation i' an e*ent which i' a re$atu# in the re$ation of 'ituation. Now our 6r'ti#pre''ion i' that at $a't we ha*e co#e to the 'i#p$e p$ain fact of where the object rea$$+ i'>and that the *a uer re$ation which 8 ca$$ in re''ion 'hou$d not be #udd$ed up with the re$ationof 'ituation= a' if inc$udin it a' a particu$ar ca'e. 8t 'ee#' 'o ob*iou' that an+ object i' in'uch and 'uch a po'ition= and that it i' in@uencin other e*ent' in a tota$$+ di3erent 'en'e.Na#e$+= in a 'en'e an object i' the character of the e*ent which i' it' 'ituation= but it on$+in@uence' the character of other e*ent'. %ccordin $+ the re$ation' of 'ituation and in@uencinare not enera$$+ the 'a#e 'ort of re$ation= and 'hou$d not be 'ub'u#ed under the 'a#e ter#0in re''ion.0 8 be$ie*e that thi' notion i' a #i'take= and that it i' i#po''ib$e to draw a c$eardi'tinction between the two re$ation'.

    For e7a#p$e= Where wa' +our toothacheH 9ou went to a denti't and pointed out the toothto hi#. -e pronounced it perfect$+ 'ound= and cured +ou b+ 'toppin another tooth. Whichtooth wa' the 'ituation of the toothacheH % ain= a #an ha' an ar# a#putated= ande7perience' 'en'ation' in the hand which he ha' $o't. The 'ituation of the i#a inar+ hand i'in fact #ere$+ thin air. 9ou $ook into a #irror and 'ee a 6re. The @a#e' that +ou 'ee are'ituated behind the #irror. % ain at ni ht +ou watch the 'k+> if 'o#e of the 'tar' had *ani'hedfro# e7i'tence hour' a o= +ou wou$d not be an+ the (1 D, wi'er. *en the 'ituation' of thep$anet' di3er fro# tho'e which 'cience wou$d a''i n to the#.

    %n+how +ou are te#pted to e7c$ai#= the cook i' in the kitchen. 8f +ou #ean her #ind= 8wi$$ not a ree with +ou on the point> for 8 a# on$+ ta$kin of nature. Get u' think on$+ of herbodi$+ pre'ence. What do +ou #ean b+ thi' notionH We con6ne our'e$*e' to t+pica$

    #anife'tation' of it. 9ou can 'ee her= touch her= and hear her. Aut the e7a#p$e' which 8 ha*ei*en +ou 'how that the notion' of the 'ituation' of what +ou 'ee= what +ou touch= and what+ou hear are not 'o 'harp$+ 'eparated out a' to def+ further

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    wearin it or otherwi'e touchin it. 8f +ou are a '#oker= +ou #a+ a$'o 'ubcon'ciou'$+ beaware of the (1JJ, faint aro#a of tobacco. The pecu$iar fact= po'ited b+ thi' 'en'e awarene''of the concurrence of 'ubcon'ciou' 'en'e object' a$on with one or #ore do#inatin'en'eobject' in the 'a#e 'ituation= i' the 'en'e awarene'' of the perceptua$ object. Theperceptua$ object i' not pri#ari$+ the i''ue of a jud #ent. 8t i' a factor of nature direct$+po'ited in 'en'e awarene''. The e$e#ent of jud #ent co#e' in when we proceed to c$a''if+the particu$ar perceptua$ object. For e7a#p$e= we 'a+= That i' @anne$= and we think of thepropertie' of @anne$ and the u'e' of ath$ete'0 coat'. Aut that a$$ take' p$ace after we ha*e ot

    ho$d of the perceptua$ object. %nticipator+ jud #ent' a3ect the perceptua$ object percei*edb+ focu''in and di*ertin attention. The perceptua$ object i' the outco#e of the habit of e7perience. %n+thin which con@ict'

    with thi' habit hinder' the 'en'e awarene'' of 'uch an object. % 'en'eobject i' not theproduct of the a''ociation of inte$$ectua$ idea'> it i' the product of the a''ociation of 'en'eobject' in the 'a#e 'ituation. Thi' outco#e i' not inte$$ectua$> it i' an object of pecu$iar t+pewith it' own particu$ar in re''ion into nature.

    There are two kind' of perceptua$ object'= na#e$+= 0de$u'i*e perceptua$ object'0 and0ph+'ica$ object'.0 The 'ituation of a de$u'i*e perceptua$ object i' a pa''i*e condition in thein re''ion of that object into nature. %$'o the e*ent which i' the 'ituation wi$$ ha*e there$ation of 'ituation to the object on$+ for one particu$ar percipient e*ent. For e7a#p$e= anob'er*er 'ee' the i#a e of the b$ue coat in a #irror. 8t i' a b$ue coat that he 'ee' and not a#ere patch of co$our. Thi' 'how' that the acti*e condition' for the con*e+ance of a roup of 'ubcon'ciou' 'en'e object' b+ a do#inatin (1JK, 'en'e object are to be found in thepercipient e*ent. Na#e$+ we are to $ook for the# in the in*e'ti ation' of #edica$p'+cho$o i't'. The in re''ion into nature of the de$u'i*e 'en'e object i' conditioned b+ theadaptation of bodi$+ e*ent' to the #ore nor#a$ occurrence= which i' the in re''ion of theph+'ica$ object.

    % perceptua$ object i' a ph+'ica$ object when (i, it' 'ituation i' an acti*e conditionine*ent for the in re''ion of an+ of it' co#ponent 'en'e object'= and (ii, the 'a#e e*ent can bethe 'ituation of the perceptua$ object for an inde6nite nu#ber of po''ib$e percipient e*ent'.Ph+'ica$ object' are the ordinar+ object' which we percei*e when our 'en'e' are not cheated='uch a' chair'= tab$e' and tree'. 8n a wa+ ph+'ica$ object' ha*e #ore in'i'tent percepti*epower than 'en'e object'. %ttention to the fact of their occurrence in nature i' the 6r'tcondition for the 'ur*i*a$ of co#p$e7 $i*in or ani'#'. The re'u$t of thi' hi h percepti*e powerof ph+'ica$ object' i' the 'cho$a'tic phi$o'oph+ of nature which $ook' on the 'en'e object' a'#ere attribute' of the ph+'ica$ object'. Thi' 'cho$a'tic point of *iew i' direct$+ contradicted b+the wea$th of 'en'e object' which enter into our e7perience a' 'ituated in e*ent' without an+conne7ion with ph+'ica$ object'. For e7a#p$e= 'tra+ '#e$$'= 'ound'= co$our' and #ore 'ubt$ena#e$e'' 'en'e object'. There i' no perception of ph+'ica$ object' without perception of 'en'e object'. Aut the con*er'e doe' not ho$d: na#e$+= there i' abundant perception of 'en'e object' unacco#panied b+ an+ perception of ph+'ica$ object'. Thi' $ack of reciprocit+ inthe re$ation' between 'en'e object' and ph+'ica$ object' i' fata$ to the 'cho$a'tic natura$phi$o'oph+.( 1JL,

    There i' a reat di3erence in the ro$e' of the 'ituation' of 'en'e object' and ph+'ica$

    object'. The 'ituation' of a ph+'ica$ object are conditioned b+ uni

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    The character' of the conditionin e*ent' in*o$*ed in the in re''ion of a 'en'e objectinto nature can be $ar e$+ e7pre''ed in ter#' of the ph+'ica$ object' which are 'ituated intho'e e*ent'. 8n one re'pect thi' i' a$'o a tauto$o +. For the ph+'ica$ object i' nothin e$'ethan (1JD, the habitua$ concurrence of a certain 'et of 'en'e object' in one 'ituation.%ccordin $+ when we know a$$ about the ph+'ica$ object= we thereb+ know it' co#ponent'en'e object'. Aut a ph+'ica$ object i' a condition for the occurrence of 'en'e object' otherthan tho'e which are it' co#ponent'. For e7a#p$e= the at#o'phere cau'e' the e*ent' whichare it' 'ituation' to be acti*e conditionin e*ent' in the tran'#i''ion of 'ound. % #irror which

    i' it'e$f a ph+'ica$ object i' an acti*e condition for the 'ituation of a patch of co$our behind it=due to the re@ection of $i ht in it. Thu' the ori in of 'cienti6c know$ed e i' the endea*our to e7pre'' in ter#' of ph+'ica$

    object' the *ariou' ro$e' of e*ent' a' acti*e condition' in the in re''ion of 'en'e object' intonature. 8t i' in the pro re'' of thi' in*e'ti ation that 'cienti6c object' e#er e. The+ e#bod+tho'e a'pect' of the character of the 'ituation' of the ph+'ica$ object' which are #o'tper#anent and are e7pre''ib$e without reference to a #u$tip$e re$ation inc$udin a percipiente*ent. Their re$ation' to each other are a$'o characteri'ed b+ a certain 'i#p$icit+ andunifor#it+. Fina$$+ the character' of the ob'er*ed ph+'ica$ object' and 'en'e object' can bee7pre''ed in ter#' of the'e 'cienti6c object'. 8n fact the who$e point of the 'earch for'cienti6c object' i' the endea*our to obtain thi' 'i#p$e e7pre''ion of the character' of e*ent'.

    The'e 'cienti6c object' are not the#'e$*e' #ere$+ for#u$ae for ca$cu$ation> becau'e for#u$ae#u't refer to thin ' in nature= and the 'cienti6c object' are the thin ' in nature to which thefor#u$ae refer.

    % 'cienti6c object 'uch a' a de6nite e$ectron i' a '+'te#atic corre$ation of the character'of a$$ e*ent' throu hout a$$ nature. 8t i' an a'pect of the '+'te#atic ( 1J , character of nature.

    The e$ectron i' not #ere$+ where it' char e i'. The char e i' the

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    ab'tracti*e e$e#ent'. There i' a deri*ati*e re$ation between object' and 'patia$ e$e#ent'which 8 ca$$ the re$ation of $ocation> and when thi' re$ation ho$d'= 8 'a+ that the object i'$ocated in the ab'tracti*e e$e#ent. 8n thi' 'en'e= an object #a+ be $ocated in a #o#ent of ti#e= in a *o$u#e ?f 'pace= an area= a $ine= or a point. There wi$$ be a pecu$iar t+pe of $ocationcorre'pondin to each t+pe of 'ituation> and (1K1, $ocation i' in each ca'e deri*ati*e fro# thecorre'pondin re$ation of 'ituation in a wa+ which 8 wi$$ proceed to e7p$ain.

    %$'o $ocation in the ti#e$e'' 'pace of 'o#e ti#e '+'te# i' a re$ation deri*ati*e fro#$ocation in in'tantaneou' 'pace' of the 'a#e ti#e '+'te#. %ccordin $+ $ocation in an

    in'tantaneou' 'pace i' the pri#ar+ idea which we ha*e to e7p$ain. Breat confu'ion ha' beenocca'ioned in natura$ phi$o'oph+ b+ the ne $ect to di'tin ui'h between the di3erent t+pe' of object'= the di3erent t+pe' of 'ituation= the di3erent t+pe' of $ocation= and the di3erencebetween $ocation and 'ituation. 8t i' i#po''ib$e to rea'on accurate$+ in the *a ue concerninobject' and their po'ition' without keepin the'e di'tinction' in *iew. %n object i' $ocated inan ab'tracti*e e$e#ent= when an ab'tracti*e 'et be$on in to that e$e#ent can be found 'uchthat each e*ent be$on in to that 'et i' a 'ituation of the object. 8t wi$$ be re#e#bered thatan ab'tracti*e e$e#ent i' a certain roup of ab'tracti*e 'et'= and that each ab'tracti*e 'et i'a 'et of e*ent'. Thi' de6nition de6ne' the $ocation of an e$e#ent in an+ t+pe of ab'tracti*ee$e#ent. 8n thi' 'en'e we can ta$k of the e7i'tence of an object at an in'tant= #eaninthereb+ it' $ocation in 'o#e de6nite #o#ent. 8t #a+ a$'o be $ocated in 'o#e 'patia$ e$e#entof the in'tantaneou' 'pace of that #o#ent.

    % but the tune a' a tune i' not at an+ #o#ent of that duration thou h one of the indi*idua$ note' #a+ be $ocated there.

    8t i' po''ib$e therefore that for the e7i'tence of certain 'ort' of object'= e. . e$ectron'=#ini#u# and if it anticipated= it wou$d 'oon percei*e for it'e$f.

    8n the'e $ecture' we ha*e been 'crutini'in the foundation' of natura$ phi$o'oph+. We are'toppin at the *er+ point where a bound$e'' ocean of en

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    happen' can be for#u$atedH The ai# of 'cience i' to 'eek the 'i#p$e't e7p$anation' of co#p$e7 fact'. We are apt to fa$$ into the error of thinkin that the fact' are 'i#p$e becau'e'i#p$icit+ i' the oa$ of our

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    chunk in the tran'itor+ $ife of nature and of that chunk we 'a+= 0There i' C$eopatra0' Need$e.0 8f we de6ne the Need$e in a 'u cient$+ ab'tract #anner we can 'a+ that it ne*er chan e'. Aut aph+'ici't who $ook' on that part of the $ife of nature a' a dance of e$ectron'= wi$$ te$$ +ou thatdai$+ it ha' $o't 'o#e #o$ecu$e' and ained other'= and e*en the p$ain #an can 'ee that it

    et' dirtier and i' occa'iona$$+ wa'hed. Thu' the andunder 'o#e circu#'tance' we adopt one wa+ and under other circu#'tance' we adoptanother wa+. Thu' there i' no parado7 in ho$din that what we #ean b+ 'pace under one 'etof circu#'tance' i' not what we #ean b+ 'pace under another 'et of circu#'tance'. %nde becau'e when it i'one= it i' one. 9ou #a+ ob'er*e another e*ent of ana$o ou' character= but the actua$ chunk

    of the $ife of nature i' in'eparab$e fro# it' uni

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    he 'i#u$taneou'$+ e7c$ai#ed 0There0' a nice bit of co$our.0 9et +ou were both e7pre''in +ourreco nition of di3erent co#ponent character' of the 'a#e e*ent. Aut in 'cience we ha*efound out that when we know a$$ about the ad*enture' a#id e*ent' of #ateria$ ph+'ica$object' and of 'cienti6c object' we ha*e #o't of the re$e*ant infor#ation which wi$$ enab$e u'to predict the condition' under which we 'ha$$ percei*e 'en'e object' in 'peci6c 'ituation'.For e7a#p$e= when we know that there i' a b$a in 6re (i.e. #ateria$ and 'cienti6c object'under oin *ariou' e7citin ad*enture' a#id e*ent', and oppo'ite to it a #irror (which i'another #ateria$ object, and the po'ition' of a #an0' face and e+e' a in into the #irror= we

    know that he can percei*e the redne'' of the @a#e 'ituated in an e*ent behind the #irror thu'= to a $ar e e7tent= the appearance of 'en'e object' i' conditioned b+ the ad*enture' of #ateria$ object' . The ana$+'i' of the'e ad*enture' #ake' u' aware of another character of e*ent'= na#e$+ their character' a' 6e$d' of acti*it+ which deter#ine the 'ub'e

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    nature without ab'tractin . %$'o 8 repeat= the ab'traction' of 'cience are entitie' which aretru$+ in nature= thou h the+ ha*e no #eanin in i'o$ation fro# nature.

    The character of the 'patio te#pora$ 'tructure of e*ent' can be fu$$+ e7pre''ed in ter#'of re$ation' between the'e #ore ab'tract e*ent partic$e'. The ad*anta e of dea$in withe*ent partic$e' i' that thou h the+ are ab'tract and co#p$e7 in re'pect to the 6nite e*ent'which we direct$+ ob'er*e= the+ are 'i#p$er than 6nite e*ent' in re'pect to their #utua$re$ation'. %ccordin $+ the+ e7pre'' for u' the de#and' of an idea$ accurac+= and of an idea$'i#p$icit+ in the e7po'ition of re$ation'. The'e e*ent partic$e' are the u$ti#ate e$e#ent' of the

    four di#en'iona$ 'pace ti#e #anifo$d which the theor+ of re$ati*it+ pre'uppo'e'. 9ou wi$$ ha*eob'er*ed that each e*ent partic$e i' a' #uch an in'tant of ti#e a' it i' a point of 'pace. 8 ha*eca$$ed it an in'tantaneou' point @a'h. Thu' in the 'tructure of thi' 'pace ti#e #anifo$d 'pacei' not 6na$$+ di'cri#inated fro# ti#e= and the po''ibi$it+ re#ain' open for di*er'e #ode' of di'cri#ination accordin to the di*er'e circu#'tance' of ob'er*er'. 8t i' thi' po''ibi$it+ which#ake' the funda#enta$ di'tinction between the new wa+ of concei*in the uni*er'e and theo$d wa+. The 'ecret of under'tandin re$ati*it+ i' to under'tand thi'. 8t i' of no u'e ru'hin inwith picture'

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    #u't not #ake the #i'take of thinkin that there i' a 'pace in addition to the 'pace ti#e#anifo$d. That #anifo$d i' a$$ that there i' for the deter#ination of the #eanin of 'pace andti#e. We ha*e ot to deter#ine the #eanin of a 'pace point in ter#' of the e*ent partic$e'of the four di#en'iona$ #anifo$d. There i' on$+ one wa+ to do thi'. Note that if we *ar+ theti#e and take ti#e' with the 'a#e three 'pace co ordinate'= then the e*ent partic$e'= thu'indicated= are a$$ at the 'a#e point. Aut 'eein that there i' nothin e$'e e7cept the e*entpartic$e'= thi' can on$+ #ean that the point (p1= p!= pI, of the 'pace in the p '+'te# i' #ere$+the co$$ection of e*ent partic$e' (p1= p!= pI= Ep O,= where p i' *aried and (p1= p!= pI, i' kept

    67ed. 8t i' rather di'concertin to 6nd that a point in 'pace i' not a 'i#p$e entit+> but it i' aconc$u'ion which fo$$ow' i##ediate$+ fro# the re$ati*e theor+ of 'pace.Further#ore the inhabitant of Mar' deter#ine' e*ent partic$e' b+ another '+'te# of

    #ea'ure#ent'. Ca$$ hi' '+'te# the < '+'te#. %ccordin to hi# (

    pair= a ti#e '+'te# and a 'pace '+'te#= wi$$ do in which to 6t our de'cription of the )ni*er'e.We 6nd that under i*en condition' our #ea'ure#ent' are nece''ari$+ #ade in 'o#e one pairwhich to ether for# our natura$ #ea'ure '+'te#. The di cu$t+ a' to di'cordant ti#e '+'te#'i' part$+ 'o$*ed b+ di'tin ui'hin between what 8 ca$$ ti$e creati*e ad*ance of nature= which i'not proper$+ 'eria$ at a$$= and an+ one ti#e 'erie'. We habitua$$+ #udd$e to ether thi' creati*ead*ance= which we e7perience and know a' the perpetua$ tran'ition of nature into no*e$t+=with the 'in $e ti#e 'erie' which we natura$$+ e#p$o+ for #ea'ure#ent. The *ariou' ti#e'erie' each #ea'ure 'o#e a'pect of the creati*e ad*ance= and the who$e bund$e of the#e7pre'' a$$ the propertie' of thi' ad*ance which are #ea'urab$e. The rea'on wh+ we ha*e notpre*iou'$+ noted thi' di3erence of ti#e 'erie' i' the *er+ '#a$$ di3erence of propertie'between an+ two 'uch 'erie'. %n+ ob'er*ab$e pheno#ena due to thi' cau'e depend on the' and the earth take' rather#ore than 1L=JI1 ha$f hour' to do the 'a#e. -ence a$$ the e3ect' due to thi' #otion are of the order of the ratio of one to the '

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    ha*e been ob'er*ed howe*er. uppo'e we co#pare two ob'er*ation' on the *e$ocit+ of $i ht#ade with the 'a#e apparatu' a' we turn it throu h a ri ht an $e. The *e$ocit+ of the earthre$ati*e$+ to the 'un i' in one direction= the *e$ocit+ of $i ht re$ati*e$+ to the ether 'hou$d bethe 'a#e in a$$ direction'. -ence if 'pace when we take the ether a' at re't #ean' the 'a#ethin a' 'pace when we take the earth a' at re't= we ou ht to 6nd that the *e$ocit+ of $i htre$ati*e$+ to the earth *arie' accordin to the direction fro# which it co#e'. The'eob'er*ation' on earth con'titute the ba'ic princip$e of the fa#ou' e7peri#ent' de'i ned todetect the #otion of the earth throu h the ether. 9ou a$$ know that=

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    in'tein 'howed how to e7pre'' the character' of the a''e#b$a e of e$e#ent' of i#petu' of the 6e$d 'urroundin an e*ent partic$e in ter#' of ten

  • 8/9/2019 The Concept of Nature


    Chapter : The )$ti#ate Ph+'ica$ Concept'

    T- 'econd chapter of thi' book $a+' down the 6r't princip$e to be uarded in fra#inour ph+'ica$ concept. We #u't a*oid *iciou' bifurcation Nature i' nothin e$'e than thede$i*erance of 'en'e awarene''. We ha*e no princip$e' whate*er to te$$ u' what cou$d'ti#u$ate #ind toward' 'en'e awarene''. ?ur 'o$e ta'k i' to e7hibit in one '+'te# thecharacter' and inter re$ation' of a$$ that i' ob'er*ed. ?ur attitude toward' nature i' pure$+0beha*iouri'tic=0 'o far a' concern' the for#u$ation of ph+'ica$ concept'.

    ?ur know$ed e of nature i' an e7perience of acti*it+ (or pa''a e,. The thin ' pre*iou'$+ob'er*ed are acti*e entitie'= the 0e*ent'.0 The+ are chunk' in the $ife of nature. The'e e*ent'ha*e to each other re$ation' which in our know$ed e di3erentiate the#'e$*e' into 'pacere$ation' and ti#e re$ation'. Aut thi' di3erentiation between 'pace and ti#e= thou h inherentin nature= i' co#parati*e$+ 'uper6cia$> and 'pace and ti#e are each partia$ e7pre''ion' of onefunda#enta$ re$ation between e*ent' which i' neither 'patia$ nor te#pora$. Thi' re$ation 8 ca$$0e7ten'ion.0 The re$ation of 0e7tendin o*er0 i' the re$ation of 0inc$udin =0 either in a 'patia$ orin a te#pora$ 'en'e= or in both. Aut the #ere 0inc$u'ion0 i' #ore funda#enta$ than eithera$ternati*e and doe' not re

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    percei*ed object i' #ere$+ known to u' a' 'i ni6ed b+ our bodi$+ 'tate= i.e. b+ our percipiente*ent. 8n fact perception re

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    The in'tantaneou' 'pace' of a i*en ti#e '+'te# are the idea$ (non e7i'tent, duration'of ero te#pora$ thickne'' indicated b+ route' of appro7i#ation a$on 'erie' for#ed b+durati