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The College of Liberal Arts

May 30, 2018



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  • 8/14/2019 The College of Liberal Arts



    College ofLiberal Arts

    Learning that

    Lasts a Lifetime

  • 8/14/2019 The College of Liberal Arts


    A Message from the

    the Dean of Liberal ArtsGreetings from the Collegeof Liberal Arts! As one of theleading public Liberal Artscolleges in the country, werely on all members of ourcollege community to continueour tradition of excellence inacademics, leadership, and

    civic engagement. Our students have a

    very important role in the life of the collegeand are encouraged to pursue our COREprinciples while on the Forty Acres.

    CommunityStudents play a vital role in our community

    by conducting research, organizing events,and volunteering.

    OpportunityLiberal Arts students are taught by facultymembers that rank among the best in

    their elds; and students interested in theprofessional world have many internshipopportunities.

    ResponsibilityThe college has been built and supported by

    generation upon generation of Texans. Withthis generous gift comes the responsibilityfor students to do the best work they can andleave the college better than they found it.


    Texas was founded by people willing totake risks to better themselves and theircommunities. Our students embody thisspirit by creating new programs, changingold ways, and blazing their own trails.

    Thank you for taking the time to learn moreabout Liberal Arts. I hope to see you oncampus soon.

    DeanRandy L. Diehl

  • 8/14/2019 The College of Liberal Arts


    The College of Liberal Arts offers educationalopportunties unparalleled by any Texaspublic university. Students receive a classicliberal arts education while reaping thebenets of a world-class research institution.For over 125 years, alumni have utilizedLiberal Arts as a springboard to everyimaginable career.

    With over 50 departments and centers andhundreds of faculty members, students aresure to nd classes or faculty research thatwill suit virtually any interest. The faculty-student ratio of 20-1 affords students manyopportunities for small-group learningand mentoring; and Liberal Arts highlydistinguished faculty has won hundreds of

    awards for teaching, research, and writing.

    Several of the colleges departments andcenters have been nationally recognized. In2009, US News and World Reportrankedthe economics, English, history, government,

    psychology, and sociology departments in thetop 25 programs in the country. The collegeoffers over 50 different areas of study, andstudents are encouraged to customize theireducational experiences to their goals and

    interests with minors, certicates, internships,and study abroad. The colleges faculty andacademic advisors are available to assiststudents in making the most of the collegeand university resources available to them.

    Liberal Arts provides excellent preparationfor law, medical, or graduate school; andgraduates work in a variety of elds, fromgovernment, education, and the media tobanking, consulting, and business. Alumnican be found working and living all over

    Texas, the nation, and the globe.

    Liberal Arts at a Glance

  • 8/14/2019 The College of Liberal Arts


    Career and

    Internship ResourcesWhat are you going to do with that? is thequestion most Liberal Arts students dreadhearing after they have told friends andfamily about their chosen major. Studentswho want to have a clear and condentresponse have Liberal Arts Career Services(LACS), where the friendly and experiencedstaff will guide them towards career-relatedopportuntities during college and beyond.

    LACS resources include:Credit-based career education courses tohelp students identify and capitalize onthe strengths that Liberal Arts students can

    offer the professional world.Unique career coaching packages thatprepare students for competing in todayschallenging job market or applying to lawschool.Connection to over 3,400 employers

    ranging from Fortune 500 companies togovernment agencies and nonprots.

    David Paschall, a government sophomore,offered this testimonial:

    I cant stress enough how useful LACS has beento me. As a transfer student, I was unsure ofmyself and my own capabilities before I steppedinto this ofce. I walked out one day, nished myresume and cover letter, and submitted them tothree ofces in Austin. Within one week, I had

    interviewed in two of those ofces and acquiredone position as an intern at the ofce I wanted towork for most. LACS is invaluable to the Collegeof Liberal Arts and the university.

    Learn more at

  • 8/14/2019 The College of Liberal Arts


    Study Abroad Opportunities

    Each year, Liberal Arts students study in over80 countries. The college and the universityoffers more than 350 programs, rangingfrom Maymesters, which last a few weeks inthe summer, to semesters or full academicyears abroad. The Study Abroad Ofce helpsstudents determine which programs areright for them based on educational goals,desired length of study, and chosen level ofimmersion. Financial aid is available to makethe study abroad experience available to all


    Benets of study abroad include:Approved programs allow students tostudy abroad and still graduate on time.

    Foreign language immersion. Enhanced employment opportunities.New friends and contacts from aroundthe world.

    Popular study abroad options administered

    by the College of Liberal Arts are theNormandy Scholar Program on World War II,the Oxford English Summer Program, and theArcheological Field School in Belize.

    Students studying abroad in Africa

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  • 8/14/2019 The College of Liberal Arts


  • 8/14/2019 The College of Liberal Arts








    Social science majors deal with socioculturalaspects of human behavior, with an emphasis

    on scientic methods of inquiry and directapplication of knowledge.


    These restricted programs have additionalapplication requirements and applicationdeadlines. More information is found on thenext page.

    Humanities programPlan II Honors



    LinguisticsPsychology, BAPsychology, BS



    Foreign language majors focus on learning aforeign language through speaking, listening,reading, and writing, as well as building

    cultural knowledge of regions represented bythat language.

    in Liberal Arts

    overnment, social science, foreign language,ence, ne arts, and humanities to fulll the Liberalum. Many students enter the college undeclared andbest suit them. Students interested in more than onef Liberal Arts or pursue dual degrees.

  • 8/14/2019 The College of Liberal Arts


    Honors Programs


    The Liberal Arts Honorsprogram gives rst-yearstudents the opportunity to

    enroll in honors sectionsof introductory courses

    taught by distinguishedprofessors. Benets include peer

    mentoring, eligibility for honors housing,and engagement in volunteer work, culturalevents, a theater group, a music ensemble,and a literary magazine. Upper-divisionprograms include the college honors programand the humanities major.

    Learn more


    One of the most prestigious honors programsin the country, Plan II is a challenging majorwith an interdisciplinary core curriculum thatincludes the study of literature, philosophy,society, the arts, math, and natural sciences,and culminates with an honors thesis. Manycore courses are organized as intimate

    seminars that emphasize writing, presentationskills, and close interaction with faculty.

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    Each department offers students theopportunity to earn special honors.These honors programs offer advancedundergraduate work and require an honors

    thesis. Students typically select a facultyadvisor and research topic in their junior yearand complete their thesis in their senior year.

  • 8/14/2019 The College of Liberal Arts


    UTeach-Liberal Arts is a teachercertication program designed for Collegeof Liberal Arts students who wish tobecome certied for secondary educationin humanities and social science subjects.The program is a collaboration between theColleges of Liberal Arts and Education, andemphasizes practical, hands-on experiencein K-12 public schools.

    UTeach-Liberal Arts students completeteacher preparation courses while theycomplete requirements for their majors.The program consists of at least four longsemesters of vigorous coursework. Eachsemester requires eld placement in localschools, starting with an elementary school,

    then going on to middle and high school,and culminating in apprentice teaching in thenal year. UTeach-Liberal Arts graduates areamong the most prepared teachers to enterthe eld upon graduation.

    Areas of certication:ArabicChineseEconomicsEnglishFrenchGeographyGermanGovernmentHistoryJapanese


    Learn more at

    UTeach-Liberal Arts

  • 8/14/2019 The College of Liberal Arts


    Campus Involvement

    Campus organizations offer studentsthe opportunity to make new friends,develop leadership skills, gain professionalexperience, and make an impact on theuniversity, city, state, and planet. With over900 registered student organizations oncampus, there is an organization for almostany interest, from preparing for medicalschool to volunteering internationally.

    Types of organizations include:

    CulturalEducationalHonoraryPoliticalProfessionalRecreationalReligiousServiceSocialStudent governance

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    Liberal Arts students are urged to join Liberal

    Arts Council (LAC), the ofcial studentgoverning body for the college. LAC servesas the student voice to the Liberal ArtsDeans Ofce and university administration.Members also work to build community

    through events and link students to theprofessional world through Liberal ArtsCareer Services and alumni. Members haveopportunities to work with communityinvolvement, academic affairs, public affairs,and more.

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  • 8/14/2019 The College of Liberal Arts


    Life on Campus

    Generation upon generation of Texans havecalled the Forty Acres home as the campuscontinues to evolve to serve the ever-changing needs of its members. Studentstoday have more resources than ever beforeto try new activities, meet new people, anddevelop personally and professionally.

    Popular resources on campus include:First-year Interest Groups (FIGS) helpease rst-year students into campus

    life by allowing them to register for acluster of classes they will share withup to 20 classmates. The FIG programalso sponsors a series of seminars led bypeer mentors and staff facilitators thataddress student social, academic, anddevelopmental issues.RecSports hosts one of the bestrecreational sports programs in thenation, with gyms, pools, a climbingwall, intramural sports, and tness and

    exercise classes.Texas Student Media allows studentsinterested in journalism, broadcasting,or lm to join The Daily Texan, TexasStudent Television, KVRX-FM, Cactus

    Yearbook, or Texas Travesty.The Blanton Museum of Art is the largestuniversity museum in the United States,with works from the U.S., Latin America,and Europe.

    The City of Austin has enjoyed a long andproductive relationship with the university,and is itself a valuable resource for students.Being the state capital, Austin offers studentsinternship opportunities in politics, private

    industry, and nonprots. Students can alsoenjoy excellent outdoor recreation and avibrant music, lm, and art scene.

  • 8/14/2019 The College of Liberal Arts


    Helpful Resources


    Ask Libby is thecolleges top source ofinformation for currentand prospective students.

    This Web site includesan interactive FAQ andinformation about majors,minors, special programs,important deadlines,college and universitypolicies, nancial aid, andmuch more. Visitors who

    do not nd the information they are seekingcan e-mail a question to Libby and receive ananswer from an academic advisor.

    Learn more at



    The College of Liberal Arts Parents League,created in 2008, was designed to engageparents in the life of the college and informthem about opportunities available to theirstudents. Members provide input on thecolleges communication efforts and receiveinformation on volunteer opportunities andspecial events.

    Ultimately, students will prosper if they havea web of support around them, AssociateDean Marc Musick said. One of the bestthings parents can do is to let us know whattheyneed to know. The League can act asthat conduit.

    Learn more at


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