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The Chronicles of Erika… Vol. 2 - 2011 PHOTOS: A ceramic dragon shows off its silhouette as the sun sets in the central highlands of Dalat, Vietnam (May 2011) Just about the time when my last update left-off in late February, I started to embark on a very introspective journey, to assess where I am in my life, and make a more formative decision on where I wanted to go (ie. stay in the MENA region, go back to my beloved Montreal, or elsewhere?). My mind kept venturing back into my past, and for some reason, I kept thinking back to the expectations I had set for myself at another time. “Childhood is a Promise that is Never Kept” Flashback to when I came back from my summer in West Africa in 2006; I vividly recall an exercise that our ‘cross-cultural advisor’ had made me and a group of my peers do, all of us having just returned from our respective ‘cultural envoys’ from places like Kenya, China, Togo, Brazil and India. Part of the program enrolled us all in a two day seminar where we were pushed to re-visit our cultural experiences, talk about the frustrations and challenges of trying to live and work in a country where one did not understand the language, the culture, or the way of thinking. I remember it being a particularly emotional two days for me; in retrospect, I can now say that my experience in Togo was a deeply challenging one that certainly had me experiencing what it truly meant to have a “Culture-Shock” in every sense of the term. And even 5 years later – thoughts of West Africa conjure up contradicting feelings of pride for having gone through the experience, anger at some of the experiences I witnessed, and exhaustion at the memory of both my cultural-shock experienced in Togo, as well as the much stronger reverse-cultural shock that I experienced once I came back home to Canada.

The Chronicles of Erika | Vol 2 | 2011 | Childhood is a promise never kept...

Feb 07, 2016



I reflect upon childhood expectations I had of myself, and discover that my life just doesn't emulate what I had envisioned 5-years prior, and my life is more hectic than ever, somehow a sense of "settledness" has overtaken me.
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Page 1: The Chronicles of Erika | Vol 2 | 2011 | Childhood is a promise never kept...

The Chronicles of Erika… Vol. 2 - 2011

PHOTOS: A ceramic dragon shows off its silhouette as the sun sets in the central highlands of Dalat, Vietnam (May 2011)

Just about the time when my last update left-off in late February, I started to

embark on a very introspective journey, to assess where I am in my life, and make

a more formative decision on where I wanted to go (ie. stay in the MENA region,

go back to my beloved Montreal, or elsewhere?). My mind kept venturing back

into my past, and for some reason, I kept thinking back to the expectations I had

set for myself at another time.

“Childhood is a Promise that is Never Kept”

Flashback to when I came back from my summer in West Africa in 2006; I vividly

recall an exercise that our ‘cross-cultural advisor’ had made me and a group of my

peers do, all of us having just returned from our respective ‘cultural envoys’ from

places like Kenya, China, Togo, Brazil and India. Part of the program enrolled us all

in a two day seminar where we were pushed to re-visit our cultural experiences,

talk about the frustrations and challenges of trying to live and work in a country

where one did not understand the language, the culture, or the way of thinking. I

remember it being a particularly emotional two days for me; in retrospect, I can

now say that my experience in Togo was a deeply challenging one that certainly

had me experiencing what it truly meant to have a “Culture-Shock” in every sense

of the term. And even 5 years later – thoughts of West Africa conjure up

contradicting feelings of pride for having gone through the experience, anger at

some of the experiences I witnessed, and exhaustion at the memory of both my

cultural-shock experienced in Togo, as well as the much stronger reverse-cultural

shock that I experienced once I came back home to Canada.

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PHOTOS: A flashback to my 2006 adventures in West Africa (Togo & Benin)

At the cross-cultural seminars that I attended in October 2006, the

last exercise our advisor had made us do was quite a liberating one:

The advisor asked us all to close our eyes, and think about where we

might be five years from now (aka 2011). Now, for those of you who

knew the ambitious side of me, you might assume that I calculated

my way through this exercise (by simply adding 5 years, consider

how many years I might be out of University, and think “where

should I be in life as a 25 year old young professional???”) --- but

you, in this case, would assume wrong.

Instead of asking myself “Where should I be in 5 years, I simply let

my emotions guide my thoughts and paint a picture of “Erika at 25”...

I let go of all expectations that I had set for myself, and truly lived the

exercise as opposed to imagining the reality that I thought I wanted.

Well, as they say, “different roads lead to different destinations”;

and this new method did not disappoint: upon opening my eyes and

finishing that exercise, I had a very clear vision of what I wanted my

life to feel like at 25... I didn’t come up with any idea of what I might

be doing, or where I might be living... but I truly felt and sensed that

by the time I reached the age of 25, I would feel very much at peace

and full of tranquillity. I suppose that even at 20 years old, I felt that

my life was a bit too hectic, a bit too fast-paced, and I had hoped that

by the time I was 25, I would learn to subside the hecticness in my

life. I guess I awoke from that exercise expecting that I would feel

“settled” by 25, which came as an incredible shock to me at the time

because I had always assumed up until then that I’d be running

around living life at maximum volume until...

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PHOTO: One of my recent June weekends, some friends and I jump for joy after having successfully dug out our car that got

stuck in the beautiful Wadi Rum desert... (June 2011)

PHOTO: Mosaics from Cathedrals in Beirut, Lebanon (May 2011)

The Sand is Always Whiter on the Other Side Well, five years later, I can tell you that my life looks nothing like what I had envisioned for myself 5 years ago. I’m here, just

starting my 3rd

year living in the Middle East, travelling to different countries each month, meeting inspiring and ambitious people,

and doing work that gets my blood pumping as a sustainability strategy consultant. There is nothing peaceful about my work-hours,

travel schedule, or living-out-of-a-suitcase lifestyle... and there is a big part of me that longs for the one thing I cannot have right

now --- which is a quiet, settled lifestyle... no stress, no worries, just calmness. I suppose, as some in the desert might say, “the sand

is always whiter on the other side”...

But, despite my current reality not looking anything close to what I envisioned for myself five years ago... I can honestly say that in

this case I am happy that I did not keep that childhood promise to myself. This year has been a year of shedding (childhood and

adulthood) expectations; the reality is that, amidst all the chaos and the hecticness, I think I have found an underlying tranquil

rhythm – a rhythm which is supported by a great community of friends, a healthy holiday schedule, and supportive family. One

might even consider this “rhythm” as a ‘settled vibe’.

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PHOTOS: Sights and Sounds hanging out with friends around Jordan

PHOTO: Mosaics from Cathedrals in Beirut, Lebanon (May 2011)

“To Affect the Quality of the Day, that is the Highest of Arts...”

As I look around my apartment, I’m not quite sure how, or when, I miraculously felt “settled”, but at some point in the past 6

months, I have crossed a threshold. The possible explanations:

a) Somehow I have become so used to this pace of life,

that I have become a “chilled out hippy-like business

woman”, or

b) Painting my apartment, buying furniture and putting

up paintings has actually successfully manipulated

myself to thinking that I am settled... or,

c) My life has actually become much more settled... or,

d) All of the above

Some say “You are what you eat”... but truth be told, I never really got that saying (What, so if you’re a vegetarian, you’re a

vegetable? That can’t be right?!). But I’d use the just-made-up-saying “You are where you live” any day. My apartment is a perfect

example of “resident emulating its’ own residence”... Last year, around this time, my apartment was hardly lived in; it was simply a

place to rest my suitcase before I set-off for somewhere again. I look around my apartment now, and I see it has transformed in 12

short months, and I think the transformation of my apartment illustrates well the transformation I have experienced myself. Walls

are painted beautiful and lively colors (which my roommate and I carefully picked at a paint shop over the course of 3 weekends

earlier this year)... pictures and paintings from my travels have been put up... The balcony is full of plants, as are most of the rooms

in our apartment (and contrary to what you might think they are not dying!)... and there are stacks and more stacks of books all

over my bedside table – and unlike the past, where some books sat collecting dust, the majority of these books have been read! So

much so that, my current favourite duty-free purchase is stacks of books. And beyond that, our apartment is not chaotic and messy

anymore... I finally buckled and my roommate and I got ourselves a house-keeper to come in to clean once a week which has really

helped us ‘live life’ when we’re at our apartment instead of spending weekends cleaning it.

The transformation my apartment has undergone over the past year feels much like the transformation I have gone through as

well. Work is as busy as ever, but I no longer pick up my phone or computer on the weekends, except for the rare occasion when

there is a looming deadline. I haven’t pulled an all-nighter for work since September of last year, and I feel very comfortable overall

at work, confident with my role, efficiency, and quality of output. I no longer stress as much as I used to about the long lists of

things to do, and instead have learned to leave work behind at a reasonable hour each evening, so I can share bottles of wine on

my beautiful balcony, cooking with friends, and reading in my own spare time. Every second weekend is filled with an adventure

where some friends and I set off for the mountains, the forests, the desert, or the Red Sea and connect with nature... and when I

think of all of these things, I realize that though my life may revolve around Boeing Jets and fast-paced work... I have never felt

more settled or calm in the ebb and flow of my life.

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PHOTO: Taking in the sights at the Temple of Jupiter in

Baalbek, Lebanon (May 2011)

Life is What Happens to You While You’re

Busy Making Other Plans... I must admit that there was one other major factor that really led to

this sense of peaceful fulfilment. In late March, I really began to put

pencil to paper, and draft out what sort of goals I wanted to

accomplish – personally and professional on various levels. Here’s a

sample of the ambitions I have for the next 5 years:

• Personal: Travel to 3 new countries each year; buy property

in Montreal; take a rock-climbing course; learn to play the

guitar; and become a certified Yoga instructor; Take 6-

months off to Travel South East Asia; Travel to Antarctica or

Australia (to reach the goal of travelling to 6/7 continents);

Take 30 days of vacation each year

• Professional: Obtain a Postgraduate Degree (Masters or

MBA); Move to Abu Dhabi to officially head up UAE

operations (Important: if you want to have a free place to

stay to check out Jordan... come visit me within the next

year – as I will likely move to Abu Dhabi in 2012!); Join 2

Boards in the region; Have 3 clients become globally

recognized; Hit certain annual financial savings targets

So there are a wide range of goals there... and having key

professional and personal goals have re-focused me. It’s fun to also

review some of them, as I have had some successes in the past few


• I have travelled to 3 new countries in 2011: Qatar (April

2011), Lebanon (May 2011) and Vietnam (May 2011)

• One of my first clients, the National Bank of Abu Dhabi,

has been globally recognized by Financial Times / IFC for

being one of the “Most Sustainable Bank in the World

(Emerging Markets)” in 2011

• I have nearly completed my first rock-climbing course that

I am taking with one of my dear friends, Osama, in Jordan.

• I sat on an ‘expert’ panel on sustainability management for

the Region’s Civil Society Sector in Beirut (below)

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PHOTO: Mosaics in Mountain-top Cathedrals in Beirut, Lebanon (May 2011)

Anyhow, that’s enough of my ramblings of what my

life is like these days and where I’m hoping it’s

headed. I am just rounding the corner to start my 3rd

year in the MENA Region (Man! Time flies!) and I am

very excited about what the future holds in terms of

work, family and friends visiting, and adventures to be


I’m glad to get this update out now too, because so

much is coming up! Some of my best-friends from my

time living and working in Toronto are coming to visit

me in Jordan in July. And even bigger news, my Mom

is coming to visit me in Jordan! I’m super excited to

have a real adventure with my mom, sprinkled with

Spas and relaxation. It should be a holiday my mom

wont soon forget!

As for the adventures I’ve recently been on... the last

few months has taken me to Oman, Qatar, UAE and

Lebanon for work, and more recently, I took a

vacation to Vietnam followed by a holiday in Hawaii

to see my gorgeous sister get married --- it was

honestly the most beautiful wedding I have ever seen

(even compared to Hollywood film weddings!), and it

was lovely to see my family.

Enjoy the photos... I’ll let them tell the tales...

And for those of you who wrote to me last update,

thank you! It was great to hear from some of you (and

even more wonderful, as I didn’t know some of you

actually READ these updates!) Hugs from the Middle


Remember, I’m only a phone-call or a skype chat

away! Until my next update... keep safe, and send me

an update on your life soon!



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PHOTO: Mosaics in Mountain-top Cathedrals in Beirut, Lebanon (May 2011)

We watch the sun-set on these Mediterranean fishermen

as we smoke Sheesha on the sea side...

Beirut, Lebanon

(May 2011)

A Palestinian School in Rubble

post-war in a town between

Beirut and Mt. Lebanon, Lebanon

(May 2011)

Overlooking the

Temple of Jupiter

Baalbek, Lebanon

(May 2011)

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PHOTO: Mosaics in Mountain-top Cathedrals in Beirut, Lebanon (May 2011)

Rowing on the Mekong Delta,

Vietnam (May 2011)

Emperor’s Pagoda

Saigon, Vietnam

(May 2011)

Paradise Lake, Central Highlands

(A big honeymoon destination for locals)

Dalat, Vietnam

(May 2011)

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PHOTO: Mosaics in Mountain-top Cathedrals in Beirut, Lebanon (May 2011)

Incense burns in a Temple

worshipping Sea Gods

Saigon, Vietnam

(May 2011)

This new friend did not make me

feel warm and fuzzy inside...

Mekong Delta, Vietnam

(May 2011)

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PHOTO: Mosaics in Mountain-top Cathedrals in Beirut, Lebanon (May 2011)

A Pagoda built entirely out of Ceramics

Dalat, Vietnam

(May 2011)

The cutest Vietnamese boy wakes up from

his afternoon nap...

Mekong Delta, Vietnam

(May 2011)

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PHOTO: Mosaics in Mountain-top Cathedrals in Beirut, Lebanon (May 2011)

Maui, Hawaii at

my sister’s



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PHOTO: Mosaics in Mountain-top Cathedrals in Beirut, Lebanon (May 2011)

Maui, Hawaii at

my sister’s



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PHOTO: Mosaics in Mountain-top Cathedrals in Beirut, Lebanon (May 2011)

Email: [email protected]

Skype ID: erika.welch

Mobile (Jordan): +962.79.506.3741

Mobile (UAE): +971.50.834.3971

I have Whatsapp for free text-messages, add my Jordan number!

Until Next Time,

Bye from Jordan!