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THE CHOWAN HERALD A MQUM MEWMPAPMM DEVOTED TO TEE IMTBREETM OF CHOW AM COUNTY Yoluipe XIII. Number 49. Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina. Thursday, December 12,1946. Edenton’s Lion Club, Endorses Higher Pay 1 1 For State’s Teachers, Resolution Will Be Pre- sented to Legislators For Consideration Increased pay for school teachers | ! claimed tlu attention of Edenton. I Lions at their meeting Monday night, jas the result of which the Club en- -1 dorsed a resolution calling for an in- j crease in salary of not less than 20 per cent. The resolution will be pre- sented to Senators Charles 11. Jen- kiiis and Larimer Midgett and Rep- resentative John W. Graham in the ! hope that they will do all in then- power in the General Assembly to, bring about mor' equitable salaries for .school ti achers in the State. ' A feature of the meeting »vas an address by Charles Lee Overman, son 'of County Agent and Mrs, C. W. Overman, v.hich he prepared in the recent contest sponsored by the Good .-Health' Association. The ad- dress was very ably presented and included strong argument for the State improving its health condition, j During the meeting plans were dis- i cussed for the Club’s anniversary and ladies’ night which will he observed; next Thursday night. December 19, Meetings on December 16 and 23 have j been caljed off due to the anniversary meeting and the Christmas holidays. I Christmas Pageant j At Chowan High On Sunday Night! About 50 Students Will Take Part In “At The Inn” Students <>f Chowan High School . will present a Christmas pageant in ' the school auditorium next Sunday night, December 15, beginning at 7:30 o’clock: The title of the pageant will ¦ be "At the Inn." with about 50 stu- dents taking part. There will be no admission'.charged: and the public is cordially invited to : attend and enjoy what is expected to i be a splendid evening's entertainment. 96-Year-Old “Aunt < Raney” Breaks Hip 1 In Fall On Tuesday | ( I Mrs. John Layton, better known as ' “Aunt Re ad tie i. isforteiie to, stumble and fall Tuesday afternoon, •resulting in breaking her hip. Mrs. j| Layton, who is 96 years old, has for j the past, 1! years made her home with Mr. and Mrs, John : Waff, and ¦ despite s er age, has been very active. The a d d humv-ned while Mrs, ; Waff was in the . yard doing some , ( work with flowers. Hearing a noise |, lin the ' . i'c'i -in entered and found , Aunt ' ’ai'ey” lying on the floor. She | was tak. n to Albemarle Hospital in j Elizabeth City Tuesday night. Wake Forest And Windsor Play In j Armory Tonight Fast Basketball Game In Prospect Starting At 8 O’clock I Tonight (Thursday) bask it ball j I fans will have an opportunity to see the Wake Forest College varsity j j squad in action in the Edenton arm-1 , ory. when they meet tne strong 1 ! Windsor Firemen at 8 o’clock. The j college team will include Hank Lougee, Warren Hicks. Derail Wal- ters and Jack Gentry, members of last' year’s team, who together with Wil- j lard Kaylor will compose the start- ing lineup. Two members of this year's football team, John O’Qu'iin j and George Pryor, are also on the squad. Other players are Jim Patton.' Coleman Jackson, Eddie Henry. Jim j Lyles and Warren Holmes, j The Windsor team is coached by Jimmy Bonds, former captain of ' Wake Forest, and includes, besides I Bonds, Charles “Punk” Spruill as i forwards, Ben Askew of Edenton at ! center and Johnny Walker and Jack i Goldstein as guards. Sidney Keeler ' and Harry Stubbs are reserves. j Windsor is a member of the Golden j Belt League and is reported to have l a fast aggregation, so that fans | should be provided a very interesting game. j Murray Greason is coach of the j Wake Forest team and is well.known to many local sports fans. Embargo Is Lifted ; For Parcel Post Conditions Still Make It ; Necessary to Mail At Once I. ' : With John L. Lewis calling olf the coal strike, the parcel post embargo has been lifted, but Postmaster C. E. Kramer warns that conditions make 1 ft just as important as before that Christinas parcels be mailed without delay to be assured of delivery by , Christinas Day, Christmas greetings should also be mailed before December 15, says Mr. Kramer, in order to avoid congestion of the mails and delayed delivery. “Mail now and be assuerd of Christ- mas delivery,’” says Mr. Kramer. i The Edehton post office with ¦n . ! , i open Saturday afternoon, December ! 14 and 21 for the convenience of pat- I , rolls. jMrs. Richburg Joins .j Husband In Austria j Mrs. 11. A. Richburg and two chil- dren have arrived in Austria and , joined their husband and father, Major Richburg. Mrs. Richburg, the 1 , former Miss Madge Pettus, flew from | ; New York on November 19 and ar- j l rived in Paris the following day, . making the remainder of the trip by , j train. Increased Number Os Chowan Farmers Vote In Electing AAA Committeemen Group Charged With Responsibility of Assisting In Farm Program In Various Communities; Election Held Saturday * Oh Saturday, December 7, farmers of Chowan County went to their community voting places and elected community committeemen for 1!>47. About one-third more farmers voted in Saturday’s election than in pre- vious elections. Therefore, the new committeemen take over the respon- sibility of the position, as committee- men knowing that they have the en- dorsement of a large number of farm- ers. ! These committeemen have the res- i p mibility of assisting in the admin- istration of marketing quota, price support and soil-building farm pro- gram to farmers in this local com- munity. By taking an interest in the program and fulfilling the res- ponsibilities of committeemen, these men can render a valuable service to their neighbor farmers. Since working closely together through the AAA Farm Program is the farmer’s way of assuring hiniself a fair re- turn for his work, it is essential that each fanner cooperate with the men elected on these committees in his community. In order that every' farmer may know who was elected in Saturday's! Voting-, the new committm men are .listed by communities: Kdenton Community- .1. Wallace Goodwill; L, C. Bunch, H. K. White, Frank Ward and W. A. Ha ro'l. Macedonia Community—A. C, Gris fin, O. J. Forehand, A. A. Parrish, W. S. Bass and Gilbert Harrell. Center Hill Community—K. E. Privott, Faye Byrum, G. M. Belch, Norman C. Hollowed a. d T. O. As- bell. Rocky Hock Community-—G. K. Nixon, Alphonso Spivey, 1. L. Harrell, Edward Haste and C. M. Evans. Rvland Community—T. L. Ward. J. C. Leary, C. J. He Howell, •). K. Baker and E. M. Howell. Gliden Community—il. G. Blanch- ard, A. C. Hobbs, D. H. Berryman, L. E. Twine and E. E. Boycm Veopim Community—l . E. Over- ton, Jr., J. L. Hassell, William Cor- prew, Ward Hoskins and T, C. Jack- 1 son. The positions held by the commit- 1 teemen listed are in the following or- j der: Chairman, vice-chairman, reg- ular member, first alternate and sec- ond alternate. The alternates serve in the absence of a regular member. I Edenton Requests Changes Jo Be Made In Lease For tdenion Naval Air Station —i —- ¦s> Lengthy Document Dis- j cussed With Repre- j sentative of Navy LONG MEETING Officers’ Club Is Sub- j Leased to Ed Bond Post In a -long session Tuesday night, Town Councilmen devoted a consider- able amount of time in reviewing the lengthy lease of the Edenton Naval Air Station and suggested quite a few alterations in the wording of an- other lease which will replace the one recently prepared by the Navy De- partment. Present at the meeting were Conulr. J. T. Brown, acting for the commander of naval air bases in the Fifth Naval District, and Lieut.- Comdr. R. T. Rrinn, commanding of- ficer of the Edenton Naval Air .Sta- tion. Town Attorney John W. Gra- ham was asked by Mayor Leroy Has- kett to designate the objectionable portions of the recent permanent, lease, which was done. In a few in- stances Comdr. Brown clarified the meaning of certain words or phrases and in other instances he made a iiote of the objections. He requested ; Mayor Haskett to prepare a letter setting forth those portions of the• lease which were objectionable to the Town, as well as substituting wording in connection With the pavtie tier phase of the base in question. I'pon receipt of this letter Comdr. Hrown ) said he would go to Washington per-i sonally and have the lease rewritten. Comdr, Brown told the Councilmen that it was necessary for him to make , a request for an extra appropriation in connection with closing the Eden- ton base arid it was his desire to wind n the lease as soon as possible in k dor to prevent the embarrassing B sition of having to make another ¦quest. Comdr. Brown said it was the desire of the Navy Department for Edenton to benefit by the base] and that in some cases the Navy will j "bend over backward” to be of as si stance. During the meeting Mayor Haskett j informed Comdr. Brown that during j Coindr. Brinn’s stay at the base, he lias been as congenial, cooperative and helpful as any person could be j and that the Town of Edenton appre- ' ciafed what he has done, and re- j gretted when the time comes for him to leave. John W. Graham, speaking for Fid Bond Post of the American Legion, again requested sub-leasing of the I Officers’ Club at the base. Mr. Gra- ham stated that it was the Legion's ! purpose not only to provide head- ! quarters for the Post and Auxiliary, \ but that a program will be started to ' develop recreational facilities which can be enjoyed by those not members I of either organization. Membership, as planned, will be by card system. A delegation from the Junior Wo-j man’s Club was present at the meet- j ing and with Mrs. Roland Vaughan as spokesman, requested use of the building used as a canteen at the base as club headquarters. A motion was , made and passed that the Town re- ¦ quest the Hervey Foundation to re- ' lease the building to be included in those reserved by the Town. The Electric and Water Department was given authority by Town Council,' to purchase a lot adjoining Town property on West Freemason Street, which is needed for contemplated im- provements. J. Edwin Bufflap, Street Commis- sioner, was authorized to proceed j with constructing a new sidewalk on the east side of Broad Street in North j Edenton, much of which was damaged when the recent highway improve-! ments were made. Work on the side- , walk will begin immediately. Fire Chief R. K. Hall reported that five fire calls were answered during the month of November and that the damage amounted to SI,BOO. The matter of purchasing pamph- lets advertising the Town and County was brought up by Mayor Haskett,, who has had requests for many of them. After some discussion, a mo-1 tion was made and passed to order <O,OOO pamphlets similar to those 'rchased a number of years ago, ¦ ' th the understanding that the ounty Commissioners will pay half of the expense, the cost of the pam- phlets being in the neighborhood of S6OO. ROTARY CLUB MEETS TODAY Edenton’s Rotary Club meets today (Thursday) at 1 o’clock in the Par- ish House. All members are urged to attend. [Christmas Lights] of the Electric and Water Department early this week were busily engaged in in- stalling Christmas lights in the business section. The vari-color- ed lights will criss-cross on Broad Street, lending a holiday spirit to the community. John White Deeds 71/2 Acres Land To Board Os Education Increases Gift For Rec- reational Purposes at Chowan High John F. White this week presented a deed to the Board of Education for 7 V-i acres of land adjoining the Clio- wan High School to be used for rec- reational purposes and to be known as the “John F. White Athletic Field,” The deed calls for: practically double the amount of land offered by Mr. White about a year ago. when the .need arose for athletic fa litios at the school. Mr. White increased th .¦.mount of land given to the Bn\rd of Educa- tion so that if and when a gymna- sium is erected, the land will be al- ready available, thus a' - us ing for proper planning with reference to the location of the athletic fie'J or other recreational activities. Sale Os Christmas Seals Now Lagging i Mrs. R. C. Holland Re- ports $530 Returned Up to Tuesday Mrs, R. C. Holland, treasurer of the Christmas Seal sale in Chowan County, reported Tuesday that the drive was lagging up to the present time and hoped receipts would take on an upward trend. Up to Tuesday only about #53(1 had been received by Mrs. Holland, while it is hoped that $1,500 will be realized through the seal sale. Quantities of the seals were sent through mail and it is Mrs. Holland’s belief that the envelopes and seals were laid aside and forgotten or over- looked on the part of many who re- i reived them. She is not of the opirt- -1 ion that the interest is lacking, so she is appealing to those who have not sent in their money for the seals to do so at once. Mrs. J. A. Moore is Christinas Seal chairman and emphasized the fact that the more money realized through the sale of seals, the more will he able to be done in Chowan County in combatting tuberculosis. Opportunity To Send Vets Christmas Cards Mrs. Paul Holoman, president of the American Legion Auxiliary, has received the names of 20 boys at Oteen Hospital to whom she hopes Christmas cards will be sent. The names of these boys, who will appreciate cards sent by members of the Legion, Auxiliary nr other citi- zens, are as follow s: M. J. Cantwell, J. P. Childress, Wil- liam Heath. James Bird, L. Hop on. R. H. Mitchell. John Roberts, Joseph Tippett, Joe Sedar. Janies Traffioanti. Leon Mertino, George Hilton, Joseph Young. Paul Gay, Ernest Pritchard. Carroll Hummer, Braxton Nash. Harry Smith, John Luzz and Gaither Clow. Arrests In Edenton Drop In November Arrests in Edenton dropped con- siderably during November, Chief of Police George I. Dail reporting 65, of which 65 were found guilty and two not guilty. Drunks again led the list with 16, followed by 11 parking and traffic violations and 9 for speeding. Fines amounted to $531.60 and costs $745.50. Officers’ fees turned over to the town amounted to $127.60. $1.50 Per Year. A. T. Lane Charges Electric Water Department Fighting Rural Electrification Plan | Help! Help! J Members of Ed Bond I’ost are anxious to send Christmas pres- ents to all Chowan County vet- erans now in hospitals as well as I send flowers to every Gold Star Mother. However, they are hav- ing difficulty in learning the j names and addresses of either, , so an appeal is made to relatives or friends who know of a Chow- an County veteran in a hospital or a Gold Star Mother, to send information to Walter Holton, Jesse Harrell or William (Spec) Jones, so that none will be over- | looked. In order to he of some help, till in the following and take or mail to either of the above nam- Name . .! ... .1 ! i Address ... i Relative ... .... ... Edenton Stores Open Nights Beginning On! Thursday Next Week Also Agree to Close Two Days For Christmas Holidays According to the Merchants Com- , mittee of the Chowan County Cham- ber of Commerce and Merchants As- sociation, stores in Edenton will be 1 gin opening at nights on Thursday of j n oit week. 1 'ecemix r 19. The stores , will remain open until 9 o’clock, thus allowing an opportunity for those to 1 shop who do not have time during the : regular hours. , The committee also reported that j stores will close for two days over the Christmas holiday, remaining closed Wednesday and Thursday. I tecemher 25 and 26. Stocking Fund To Resume Operation Efforts Will Not Be on As Large Scale as In Former Years ! I hough it’will not he necessary to operate oil as large a scale as before , the war, the Christinas Stocking Fund will be revived this year. The fund was for many years sponsored by the Young People’s Service Lea- ; gue of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, and for many years Miss Louise Coke, took a major part in handling funds. > purchasing gifts and seeing to it! that they were distributed. Several years ago a survey dis- closed that conditions were so im- proved that there were practically no children in the community w.hoj would be lacking Christinas gifts and goodies, so that the Christmas ( Stocking F’utid was abandoned. As stated, the fund will not he! conducted on as. large a scale, but! funds are solicited to assure needy ! children a stocking on Christmas' morning. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Jones, Jr., will be in charge of this year’s Stock- j ing Fund, and anybody desiring to: make a contribution should send or j take it to either Mr. or Mrs. Jones. | Needy children in the community! will be certified by Mrs. J. H. Mc- Mullan. superintendent of public’ | welfare. Presents will be purchased, | made up in packages and delivered to needy children on Christmas eve. Bowling: Alleys At Base Now t Being: Removed I Workmen this week a: rived at the Edenton Naval Air Station and are! now engaged in taking up the six j splendid bowling alleys'. nt (lie base.- fact that for some time ! Edenton pimple have made some ef- fort to save the alleys, high ranking Navy officials ordered them removed and sent to Guam, which is being done. Local Red Men had planned to bowl Friday night but, of course, they will i not be able to carry out their plans. Says Poles Set Side Bv Side With REA Line Already Ereeted WORD BROKEN Manager Says Financial Damage Amounts to Over $2,000 Rural 'electrification in Chowan County is being blocked by action tak en by Edenton’s Water & Light Dr partment, it was charged early this week by A. T. Lane of Hertford manager of the Albemarle Electric Membership Corporation. 'Mr. Lane stated that Edenton is one of the first countv seats in North Carolina to fight its county rural electrification program. The Town of Edenton’s Water and Light Department is setting poles side by side with the Rural Electric Membership Cooperative lines, which have been completed for 60 days, ex cept for the stringing of the ‘hard to get’ conductor," said Mr. Lane. “This conductor was promised to be shipped by the manufacturer in April of this year, hut due to strikes, which shut down all copper mills for more than six .months, they were unable to meet, their shipping schedule, "According to rcco-ds copied by REA officials from Albemarle Filer trie Membership Coop files in their office in Hertford, on October 16, 1945, there was a meeting held in the Edenton Water and Light De- partment's office. Those pr-s i;t were J. H. Cong. i, chairman, O. IVr'y and G. B. Potter, itepr- seit'-iig the Edenton Water and Eight Depart mei.t: J. M. Granger, representing the North Carolina Rural Electriti cation Authority, Raleigh: it. M McQnirt. representing the Rural Ft! eetrificalrun Administration, Wash iiigton, I). t', and A. T. Lane.,,repre. sent ing the Albemarie Electric Mem bership Coop.-ra'i\e I n this meeting I placed maps. oil their table and pointed out every line proposed to be built mil every .member to be ser ved in Chav, an County, which would give every farmer in the. county elec trie current that wanted it. It was also plainly shown to the Edenton board that if they built all lines within a li-. e-mile radius of Edenton that the average member per mile left would, he so low that the co- operative could not borrow: tie- teces sary money needed to g : ve , uowan County complete area cove age. ••.According to the REA officials present, tile F.denton V liter and Light Department thanked them for the information and told them that they would reach an agreement and inform them as to what they decided On October 19 a letter was received from U. N. Hines which read is fol- lows: “•Dear Mr. Lane: 1 June been di rected by the Board of Public Works to advise you that this department has determined not to interfere with the program of the Albemarle Co- operative of which you are manager, and will make no further attempt to serve any customer shown on your maps. However, if in the future an occasion should present itself that would appear to he to our mutual ad j vantage for us to serve a group or a single cu-'tomer, We will be happy to discuss these cases individually with you. We wish to thank you for the consideration you have shown us and to expros our hope for the success i of your organization’.” Mr. Lane states that upon this promise he completed 80 per cent of all lines in Chowan County, with the ' exception of stringing approximately 117 units of conductor. The financial damage done the Cooperative to date by the Fldcnt n Water and Light De- partment, says Mr. Lane, is estimated ¦ to he between $2,000 and $3,000, Fourth G’-ade Pupils Entertain Members Os Woman’s Club ' The Edenton Junior Woman’s Club I held its regular luncheon at Hotel Joseph Wednesday of last week. Christmas greens and red candles were used as decorations, which lent a festive air to the oc- casion. After the regular business meeting was concluded a group of students from Mrs. Lloyd Griffin's fourth grade rendered several selections, in- cluding Christmas carols.


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Yoluipe XIII.— Number 49. Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina. Thursday, December 12,1946.

Edenton’s Lion Club,Endorses Higher Pay 1 1For State’s Teachers,Resolution Will Be Pre-

sented to LegislatorsFor Consideration

Increased pay for school teachers |! claimed tlu attention of Edenton.I Lions at their meeting Monday night,jas the result of which the Club en-

-1 dorsed a resolution calling for an in-jcrease in salary of not less than 20per cent. The resolution will be pre-sented to Senators Charles 11. Jen-

• kiiis and Larimer Midgett and Rep-resentative John W. Graham in the

! hope that they will do all in then-power in the General Assembly to,bring about mor' equitable salariesfor .school ti achers in the State.

' A feature of the meeting »vas anaddress by Charles Lee Overman, son

'of County Agent and Mrs, C. W.Overman, v.hich he prepared in therecent contest sponsored by theGood .-Health' Association. The ad-dress was very ably presented andincluded strong argument for theState improving its health condition, j

During the meeting plans were dis- icussed for the Club’s anniversary andladies’ night which will he observed;next Thursday night. December 19,

Meetings on December 16 and 23 have jbeen caljed off due to the anniversarymeeting and the Christmas holidays. I

Christmas Pageantj At Chowan High

On Sunday Night!About 50 Students Will

Take Part In “AtThe Inn”

Students <>f Chowan High School .will present a Christmas pageant in 'the school auditorium next Sundaynight, December 15, beginning at 7:30o’clock: The title of the pageant will ¦be "At the Inn." with about 50 stu-dents taking part.

There will be no admission'.charged:and the public is cordially invited to :attend and enjoy what is expected to ibe a splendid evening's entertainment.

96-Year-Old “Aunt <

Raney” Breaks Hip 1In Fall On Tuesday |(

I Mrs. John Layton, better known as '“Aunt Re ad tie i. isforteiie to,

stumble and fall Tuesday afternoon,

•resulting in breaking her hip. Mrs. j|Layton, who is 96 years old, has for jthe past, 1! years made her homewith Mr. and Mrs, John : Waff, and ¦despite s er age, has been very active.

The a d d humv-ned while Mrs,; Waff was in the . yard doing some ,( work with flowers. Hearing a noise |,lin the ' . i'c'i -in entered and found,“Aunt ' ’ai'ey” lying on the floor. She |was tak. n to Albemarle Hospital in jElizabeth City Tuesday night.

Wake Forest AndWindsor Play In

j Armory TonightFast Basketball Game

In Prospect StartingAt 8 O’clock

I Tonight (Thursday) bask itball jI fans will have an opportunity to see• the Wake Forest College varsity jj squad in action in the Edenton arm-1

, ory. when they meet tne strong 1! Windsor Firemen at 8 o’clock. The jcollege team will include HankLougee, Warren Hicks. Derail Wal-ters and Jack Gentry, members of last'year’s team, who together with Wil- jlard Kaylor will compose the start-ing lineup. Two members of thisyear's football team, John O’Qu'iin

jand George Pryor, are also on thesquad. Other players are Jim Patton.'Coleman Jackson, Eddie Henry. Jim

j Lyles and Warren Holmes,

j The Windsor team is coached by• Jimmy Bonds, former captain of' Wake Forest, and includes, besidesI Bonds, Charles “Punk” Spruill asi forwards, Ben Askew of Edenton at! center and Johnny Walker and Jacki Goldstein as guards. Sidney Keeler' and Harry Stubbs are reserves.

j Windsor is a member of the Goldenj Belt League and is reported to have la fast aggregation, so that fans

| should be provided a very interesting• game.

j Murray Greason is coach of thej Wake Forest team and is well.knownto many local sports fans.

Embargo Is Lifted ;For Parcel Post

Conditions Still Make It ;Necessary to Mail

At OnceI. ' :

With John L. Lewis calling olf thecoal strike, the parcel post embargohas been lifted, but Postmaster C. E.Kramer warns that conditions make

1 ft just as important as before thatChristinas parcels be mailed withoutdelay to be assured of delivery by

, Christinas Day,

Christmas greetings should also bemailed before December 15, says Mr.Kramer, in order to avoid congestionof the mails and delayed delivery.“Mail now and be assuerd of Christ-mas delivery,’” says Mr. Kramer. i

The Edehton post office with ¦n . !, i open Saturday afternoon, December

! 14 and 21 for the convenience of pat- I, rolls.

jMrs. Richburg Joins.j Husband In Austria

j Mrs. 11. A. Richburg and two chil-dren have arrived in Austria and

, joined their husband and father,Major Richburg. Mrs. Richburg, the 1,former Miss Madge Pettus, flew from |

; New York on November 19 and ar- jl rived in Paris the following day,

. making the remainder of the trip by

, j train.

Increased Number Os Chowan FarmersVote In Electing AAA Committeemen

Group Charged With Responsibility of AssistingIn Farm Program In Various Communities;

Election Held Saturday*

Oh Saturday, December 7, farmersof Chowan County went to theircommunity voting places and electedcommunity committeemen for 1!>47.About one-third more farmers votedin Saturday’s election than in pre-vious elections. Therefore, the newcommitteemen take over the respon-sibility of the position, as committee-men knowing that they have the en-dorsement of a large number of farm-ers.

! These committeemen have the res-i p mibility of assisting in the admin-istration of marketing quota, pricesupport and soil-building farm pro-gram to farmers in this local com-munity. By taking an interest inthe program and fulfilling the res-ponsibilities of committeemen, thesemen can render a valuable serviceto their neighbor farmers. Sinceworking closely together through theAAA Farm Program is the farmer’sway of assuring hiniself a fair re-turn for his work, it is essential thateach fanner cooperate with the menelected on these committees in hiscommunity.

In order that every' farmer mayknow who was elected in Saturday's!

Voting-, the new committm men are.listed by communities:

Kdenton Community- .1. WallaceGoodwill; L, C. Bunch, H. K. White,Frank Ward and W. A. Ha ro'l.

Macedonia Community—A. C, Gris•

fin, O. J. Forehand, A. A. Parrish, W.S. Bass and Gilbert Harrell.

Center Hill Community—K. E.Privott, Faye Byrum, G. M. Belch,Norman C. Hollowed a. d T. O. As-bell.

Rocky Hock Community-—G. K.Nixon, Alphonso Spivey, 1. L. Harrell,Edward Haste and C. M. Evans.

Rvland Community—T. L. Ward.J. C. Leary, C. J. He Howell, •). K.Baker and E. M. Howell.

Gliden Community—il. G. Blanch-ard, A. C. Hobbs, D. H. Berryman,L. E. Twine and E. E. Boycm

Veopim Community—l . E. Over-ton, Jr., J. L. Hassell, William Cor-prew, Ward Hoskins and T, C. Jack- 1son.

The positions held by the commit- 1teemen listed are in the following or- jder: Chairman, vice-chairman, reg-ular member, first alternate and sec-ond alternate. The alternates servein the absence of a regular member. I

Edenton Requests Changes

Jo Be Made In Lease Fortdenion Naval Air Station

—i—- ¦s>Lengthy Document Dis- j

cussed With Repre- jsentative of Navy


Officers’ Club Is Sub- jLeased to Ed Bond

PostIn a -long session Tuesday night,

Town Councilmen devoted a consider-able amount of time in reviewing thelengthy lease of the Edenton NavalAir Station and suggested quite afew alterations in the wording of an-other lease which will replace the onerecently prepared by the Navy De-partment. Present at the meetingwere Conulr. J. T. Brown, acting forthe commander of naval air bases inthe Fifth Naval District, and Lieut.-Comdr. R. T. Rrinn, commanding of-ficer of the Edenton Naval Air .Sta-tion. Town Attorney John W. Gra-ham was asked by Mayor Leroy Has-kett to designate the objectionableportions of the recent permanent,lease, which was done. In a few in-stances Comdr. Brown clarified themeaning of certain words or phrasesand in other instances he made a iiote

of the objections. He requested ;Mayor Haskett to prepare a lettersetting forth those portions of the•lease which were objectionable to theTown, as well as substituting wordingin connection With the pavtie tierphase of the base in question. I'pon •receipt of this letter Comdr. Hrown


said he would go to Washington per-isonally and have the lease rewritten.

Comdr, Brown told the Councilmenthat it was necessary for him to make ,a request for an extra appropriationin connection with closing the Eden-ton base arid it was his desire to wind

n the lease as soon as possible ink dor to prevent the embarrassingB sition of having to make another

¦quest. Comdr. Brown said it wasthe desire of the Navy Departmentfor Edenton to benefit by the base]and that in some cases the Navy will j"bend over backward” to be of assi stance.

During the meeting Mayor Haskett jinformed Comdr. Brown that during jCoindr. Brinn’s stay at the base, helias been as congenial, cooperativeand helpful as any person could be jand that the Town of Edenton appre- 'ciafed what he has done, and re- jgretted when the time comes for himto leave.

John W. Graham, speaking for FidBond Post of the American Legion,again requested sub-leasing of the IOfficers’ Club at the base. Mr. Gra-ham stated that it was the Legion's !purpose not only to provide head- !quarters for the Post and Auxiliary, \but that a program will be started to 'develop recreational facilities whichcan be enjoyed by those not members Iof either organization. Membership,as planned, will be by card system.

A delegation from the Junior Wo-jman’s Club was present at the meet- jing and with Mrs. Roland Vaughan asspokesman, requested use of thebuilding used as a canteen at the baseas club headquarters. A motion was ,made and passed that the Town re- ¦quest the Hervey Foundation to re- '

lease the building to be included inthose reserved by the Town.

The Electric and Water Departmentwas given authority by Town Council,'to purchase a lot adjoining Townproperty on West Freemason Street,

which is needed for contemplated im-provements.

J. Edwin Bufflap, Street Commis-sioner, was authorized to proceed jwith constructing a new sidewalk onthe east side of Broad Street in North jEdenton, much of which was damagedwhen the recent highway improve-!ments were made. Work on the side- ,

walk will begin immediately.Fire Chief R. K. Hall reported that

five fire calls were answered duringthe month of November and that thedamage amounted to SI,BOO.

The matter of purchasing pamph-lets advertising the Town and Countywas brought up by Mayor Haskett,,who has had requests for many ofthem. After some discussion, a mo-1tion was made and passed to order<O,OOO pamphlets similar to those

'rchased a number of years ago,¦ ' th the understanding that the

ounty Commissioners will pay halfof the expense, the cost of the pam-phlets being in the neighborhood ofS6OO.

ROTARY CLUB MEETS TODAYEdenton’s Rotary Club meets today

(Thursday) at 1 o’clock in the Par-ish House. All members are urgedto attend.

[Christmas Lights]of the Electric and

Water Department early thisweek were busily engaged in in-stalling Christmas lights in thebusiness section. The vari-color-ed lights will criss-cross onBroad Street, lending a holidayspirit to the community.

John White Deeds71/2 Acres Land ToBoard Os Education

Increases Gift For Rec-reational Purposes at

Chowan High

John F. White this week presenteda deed to the Board of Education for7 V-i acres of land adjoining the Clio-wan High School to be used for rec-reational purposes and to be knownas the “John F. White AthleticField,” The deed calls for: practicallydouble the amount of land offered byMr. White about a year ago. when the

.need arose for athletic fa litios atthe school.

Mr. White increased th .¦.mount ofland given to the Bn\rd of Educa-tion so that if and when a gymna-sium is erected, the land will be al-ready available, thus a'


us ing forproper planning with reference to thelocation of the athletic fie'J or otherrecreational activities.

Sale Os ChristmasSeals Now Lagging


Mrs. R. C. Holland Re-ports $530 Returned

Up to Tuesday

Mrs, R. C. Holland, treasurer ofthe Christmas Seal sale in ChowanCounty, reported Tuesday that thedrive was lagging up to the presenttime and hoped receipts would takeon an upward trend. Up to Tuesdayonly about #53(1 had been received byMrs. Holland, while it is hoped that$1,500 will be realized through theseal sale.

Quantities of the seals were sentthrough mail and it is Mrs. Holland’sbelief that the envelopes and sealswere laid aside and forgotten or over-looked on the part of many who re-

i reived them. She is not of the opirt--1 ion that the interest is lacking, soshe is appealing to those who havenot sent in their money for the sealsto do so at once.

Mrs. J. A. Moore is ChristinasSeal chairman and emphasized thefact that the more money realizedthrough the sale of seals, the morewill he able to be done in ChowanCounty in combatting tuberculosis.

Opportunity To SendVets Christmas CardsMrs. Paul Holoman, president of

the American Legion Auxiliary, hasreceived the names of 20 boys at

Oteen Hospital to whom she hopesChristmas cards will be sent.

The names of these boys, who willappreciate cards sent by members ofthe Legion, Auxiliary nr other citi-zens, are as follows:

M. J. Cantwell, J. P. Childress, Wil-liam Heath. James Bird, L. Hop on. R.H. Mitchell. John Roberts, JosephTippett, Joe Sedar. Janies Traffioanti.Leon Mertino, George Hilton, JosephYoung. Paul Gay, Ernest Pritchard.Carroll Hummer, Braxton Nash.Harry Smith, John Luzz and GaitherClow.

Arrests In EdentonDrop In November

Arrests in Edenton dropped con-siderably during November, Chief ofPolice George I. Dail reporting 65, ofwhich 65 were found guilty and twonot guilty. Drunks again led the listwith 16, followed by 11 parking andtraffic violations and 9 for speeding.Fines amounted to $531.60 and costs$745.50. Officers’ fees turned over to

the town amounted to $127.60.

$1.50 Per Year.

A. T. Lane Charges ElectricWater Department FightingRural Electrification Plan| Help! Help! J

Members of Ed Bond I’ost areanxious to send Christmas pres-

ents to all Chowan County vet-

erans now in hospitals as well as Isend flowers to every Gold StarMother. However, they are hav-ing difficulty in learning the jnames and addresses of either, ,

so an appeal is made to relativesor friends who know of a Chow-an County veteran in a hospitalor a Gold Star Mother, to sendinformation to Walter Holton,Jesse Harrell or William (Spec)Jones, so that none will be over- |

looked.In order to he of some help,

till in the following and take ormail to either of the above nam-



.1! i

Address ... i

Relative ... .... ...

Edenton Stores OpenNights Beginning On!Thursday Next WeekAlso Agree to Close Two

Days For ChristmasHolidays

According to the Merchants Com- ,mittee of the Chowan County Cham-ber of Commerce and Merchants As-sociation, stores in Edenton will be

1 gin opening at nights on Thursday of jn oit week. 1 'ecemix r 19. The stores ,

will remain open until 9 o’clock, thusallowing an opportunity for those to 1shop who do not have time during the :regular hours. ,

The committee also reported that jstores will close for two days over theChristmas holiday, remaining closedWednesday and Thursday. I tecemher25 and 26.

Stocking Fund ToResume Operation

Efforts Will Not Be onAs Large Scale as In

Former Years!

I hough it’willnot he necessary tooperate oil as large a scale as before ,the war, the Christinas StockingFund will be revived this year. Thefund was for many years sponsoredby the Young People’s Service Lea- ;gue of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church,and for many years Miss Louise Coke,

took a major part in handling funds. >purchasing gifts and seeing to it!that they were distributed.

Several years ago a survey dis-closed that conditions were so im-proved that there were practicallyno children in the community w.hojwould be lacking Christinas giftsand goodies, so that the Christmas (Stocking F’utid was abandoned.

As stated, the fund will not he!conducted on as. large a scale, but!funds are solicited to assure needy !children a stocking on Christmas'morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Jones, Jr.,will be in charge of this year’s Stock- jing Fund, and anybody desiring to:make a contribution should send or jtake it to either Mr. or Mrs. Jones. |

Needy children in the community!will be certified by Mrs. J. H. Mc-Mullan. superintendent of public’

| welfare. Presents will be purchased, |made up in packages and deliveredto needy children on Christmas eve.

Bowling: Alleys At BaseNowt Being: Removed I

Workmen this week a: rived at theEdenton Naval Air Station and are!now engaged in taking up the six jsplendid bowling alleys'. nt (lie base.-

fact that for some time! Edenton pimple have made some ef-fort to save the alleys, high rankingNavy officials ordered them removedand sent to Guam, which is beingdone.

Local Red Men had planned to bowlFriday night but, of course, they will

i not be able to carry out their plans.

Says Poles Set Side BvSide With REA Line

Already Ereeted


Manager Says FinancialDamage Amounts to

Over $2,000

Rural 'electrification in ChowanCounty is being blocked by action taken by Edenton’s Water & Light Drpartment, it was charged early thisweek by A. T. Lane of Hertfordmanager of the Albemarle ElectricMembership Corporation. 'Mr. Lanestated that Edenton is one of thefirst countv seats in North Carolinato fight its county rural electrificationprogram.

‘ The Town of Edenton’s Water andLight Department is setting polesside by side with the Rural ElectricMembership Cooperative lines, whichhave been completed for 60 days, except for the stringing of the ‘hard toget’ conductor," said Mr. Lane. “Thisconductor was promised to be shippedby the manufacturer in April of thisyear, hut due to strikes, which shutdown all copper mills for more thansix .months, they were unable to meet,

their shipping schedule,"According to rcco-ds copied by

REA officials from Albemarle Filertrie Membership Coop files in theiroffice in Hertford, on October 16,1945, there was a meeting held inthe Edenton Water and Light De-partment's office. Those pr-s i;t wereJ. H. Cong. i, chairman, O. IVr'yand G. B. Potter, itepr- seit'-iig theEdenton Water and Eight Departmei.t: J. M. Granger, representingthe North Carolina Rural Electritication Authority, Raleigh: it. MMcQnirt. representing the Rural Ft!eetrificalrun Administration, Washiiigton, I). t', and A. T. Lane.,,repre.sent ing the Albemarie Electric Membership Coop.-ra'i\e I n this meetingI placed maps. oil their table andpointed out every line proposed tobe built mil every .member to be served in Chav, an County, which wouldgive every farmer in the. county electrie current that wanted it. It wasalso plainly shown to the Edentonboard that if they built all lineswithin a li-. e-mile radius of Edentonthat the average member per mileleft would, he so low that the co-operative could not borrow: tie- tecessary money needed to g : ve , uowanCounty complete area cove age.

••.According to the REA officialspresent, tile F.denton V liter andLight Department thanked them forthe information and told them thatthey would reach an agreement andinform them as to what they decidedOn October 19 a letter was receivedfrom U. N. Hines which read is fol-lows:

“•Dear Mr. Lane: 1 June been directed by the Board of Public Worksto advise you that this departmenthas determined not to interfere withthe program of the Albemarle Co-operative of which you are manager,and will make no further attempt toserve any customer shown on yourmaps. However, if in the future anoccasion should present itself thatwould appear to he to our mutual ad

j vantage for us to serve a group or asingle cu-'tomer, We will be happy todiscuss these cases individually withyou.

“ We wish to thank you for theconsideration you have shown us andto expros our hope for the success

i of your organization’.”Mr. Lane states that upon this

promise he completed 80 per cent ofall lines in Chowan County, with the

' exception of stringing approximately117 units of conductor. The financialdamage done the Cooperative to dateby the Fldcnt n Water and Light De-partment, says Mr. Lane, is estimated¦ to he between $2,000 and $3,000,

Fourth G’-ade PupilsEntertain Members

Os Woman’s Club' The Edenton Junior Woman’s Club

I held its regular luncheon at HotelJoseph Wednesday of lastweek. Christmas greens and redcandles were used as decorations,which lent a festive air to the oc-casion.

After the regular business meetingwas concluded a group of studentsfrom Mrs. Lloyd Griffin's fourthgrade rendered several selections, in-cluding Christmas carols.