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The Chefs Choice

Jun 04, 2018



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  • 8/13/2019 The Chefs Choice


    The Chef's Choiceby Josephine Kent

    Romance/Short Story

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 20! by Josephine Kent

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    Than" yo# for down$oading this eboo"% This eboo" is $icensed for yo#r persona$ en&oyment on$y% This

    eboo" may not be reso$d or gi(en away to other peop$e% )f yo# wo#$d $i"e to share this boo" with another

    person* p$ease p#rchase an additiona$ copy for each person% )f yo# are reading this boo" and did not

    p#rchase it* or it was not p#rchased for yo#r #se on$y* then p$ease ret#rn to smashwords%com and p#rchaseyo#r own copy%

    Than" yo# for yo#r s#pport* and for respecting the hard wor" of this a#thor%

    This boo" is a wor" of fiction* and any resemb$ance to persons $i(ing or dead is p#re$y coincidenta$%


    To the women who ha(e no idea of how tr#$y bea#tif#$ they are% The on$y thing yo#r $o(ed ones need

    from yo# is that yo# be the best (ersion of yo#rse$f that yo# can en(ision% )f $ife's not going the way yo#

    imagined* then change the things yo# can* and $o(e the things yo# can't% +nd chec" yo#rse$f o#t in the

    mirror e(ery now and again%

    Please return to to discover other works by this author.

    Chapter 1

    This coming ,ctober* Emi$$e Carter wo#$d t#rn thirtyfi(e years o$d% +nd for her thirtyfifth

    birthday* Emi$$e wanted on$y one thing% To fee$ $i"e the most bea#tif#$ woman in the wor$d%

    Rea$$y* a$$ she wanted for her birthday was to get good and proper$y $aid%

    )n order for that to happen* she needed a man% Tho#gh she "new any n#mber of gorgeo#s*

    e$igib$e men* none of them were interested in a gir$ $i"e her% +nd e(en if they were* she wo#$dn't

    be$ie(e it% -ea#tif#$ men $i"e the ones she h#ng o#t with did not go after a(erage gir$s* m#ch $ess

    women that were a few po#nds abovea(erage%

    Ta"e .eter as an eamp$e% .eter was one of (ery few men that she co#$d act#a$$y $oo" #p at%

    Jac"son* a(id* 1athanae$ and Ryce were more on her $e(e$ heightwise* b#t .eter was ta$$ and

    reed thin to their more h#s"y* m#sc#$ar b#i$ds% 1ot to say he wasn't fit% e'd ha(e to be* as

    ath$etic as he was% .eter trained for competiti(e sports* whi$e the other g#ys trained for fitness%

    1athanae$'s physi3#e was d#e to his great genes% e was perpet#a$$y on the h#nt for co#gar* b#t

    either Emi$$e was too big of a bait* or too sma$$% +nd Ryce4 5e$$* no one "new eact$y what Ryce

    did to $oo" $i"e a god% -#t he eisted on a strict regimen of mode$s* actresses* gro#pies* a$$ of

    whom had to be fo#rteen "arat and abo(e% Jac" $i"ed a $i(e$y* angry woman% 6ore acc#rate$y* he

    made t#rned them into hosti$e bit S#ffice it to say* if he was herboyfriend* she'd d#mp him

    within twentyfo#r ho#rs% -#t hey* women fe$$ for him $i"e rain% +nd he c$aimed to be faithf#$whi$e he was with them% a(id4 5e$$* she'd ne(er act#a$$y seen him with a woman% -#t then

    again a(id was $i"e a tomcat% 7o# heard some noise abo#t him* b#t yo# ne(er saw him in action%

    Therefore* no one "new what "ind of woman he preferred%

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    .eter's gir$friends were of a c$ass entire$y different% They tended to be the wi$$ow thin wisps

    with waist$ines as wide as one of Emi$$e's an"$es% They practiced yoga* co#$d benchpress a

    b#ffa$o* and hai$ed roc" c$imbing in 8tah as their idea$ date% .eter's gir$friends dietedon pasta

    instead of sa$ads% .eter's gir$friends ifthey had breasts had breasts that nat#ra$$y defied gra(ity%

    They had breasts that a#gmenters #sed as eamp$es of the idea$% .eter's gir$friends ne(er had totwist themse$(es into aw"ward positions in the mirror in order to ma"e s#re that their ass ce$$#$ite

    wasn9t showing thro#gh the fabric of their c$othes% .eter's gir$friends didn't ha(e #pper arms thatwere bigger than their faces%

    .eter's gir$friends were perfect%

    Emi$$e hatedthe bitches.

    .eter was perfect% e was the most caring* ta$ented* "ind* handsome man she "new%

    Emi$$e had years of eperience in "nowing eact$y what it wo#$d ta"e to catch the attention

    of an ama:ing g#y $i"e .eter% +$$ she wo#$d need was e(erything she wasn't%

    Since she was not e3#ipped to nab a g#y $i"e .eter* Emi$$e decided to go after something

    more attainab$e%

    ;ey* Jeff*; she smi$ed sweet$y as she stood in the doorway of the office across from hers%

    The office had been .eter's years before when she'd started with Orson and Son Electrical

    Engineering, Inc. fifteen years before%

    ;ey* Em*; Jeff Stafford rep$ied witho#t $oo"ing #p from the b$#eprints on his des"%;-ea#tif#$ day o#t% )sn't it4;

    Ta"ing that as an in(itation* Emi$$e stepped c$oser to the office% ;7es% 7es* it is%;

    +fter ma"ing a few scribb$es on his notepad* Jeff sat #p in his chair and ga(e her his f#$$

    attention% ;5hat can ) do for yo#* Emi$$e4;This is it,she tho#ght. The land of no return% Co#$d she do it4 Jeff wasn't what one wo#$d

    describe as good $oo"ing% 5e$$< he was% -#t yo# had to $oo" beneath that morning m#c#s that

    he hadn't 3#ite gotten o#t of his right eye% +nd yo# had to $oo" past the $egion of b$ac"heads on

    his nose and chee"s% +nd yo# had to ignore the fact that a thirtyeight year o$d man sometimes

    forgot to br#sh his teeth% -#t* #nderneath a$$ that* Jeff was act#a$$y a high$y inte$$igent h#n"% +

    gir$ wo#$d st ha(e to c$ean him #p% Jeff was $i"e< Jeff was $i"e sharing a$$ yo#r coo"ies with

    yo#r friends* and then the $ast one in the pac"age fa$$s to the gro#nd% e was what stood between

    the roc" and the hard p$ace where yo# either pic"ed #p yo#r coo"ie and fo$$owed the ten secondr#$e* or $eft it there on the gro#nd and did witho#t% +$$ Emi$$e wanted for her birthday was a


    ;8m* Jeff

  • 8/13/2019 The Chefs Choice


    accept her in(itation* and they'd ha(e a $ong and s#ccessf#$ re$ationship as friends%Just. Friends.

    ;Jackson's Mark% That's that stea"ho#se with the waiting $ist%;

    Emi$$e smi$ed and nodded% TheMarkhad gotten pretty pop#$ar o(er the past two years* e(en

    tho#gh it had been in b#siness for fo#r years now% =ate$y* they had a waiting $ist for reser(ations*

    b#t Emi$$e was an insider% 6anagement reser(ed a certain tab$e for specia$ g#ests% Tab$e n#mbertwe$(e was a$ways a(ai$ab$e to her on 5ednesdays% ;7es*; she answered%

    ;)'(e been wanting to try that p$ace o#t% +re they as good as the r#mors ma"e them o#t tobe4;

    She co#$dn't he$p the pride in her (oice* and the hea(y$idded "nowita$$ epression on her

    face as she pro#d$y rep$ied* ;-etter% -#t then again* )'m biased%;

    Jeff's grin was so wide* his g$asses act#a$$y s$id bac" uhis nose% ;)'m not abo#t to s"ip on a

    chance to eat at the finest stea"ho#se in town*; he admitted% ;5hat time were yo# thin"ing4;

    ;)'$$ meet yo# there at se(enthirty%; That wo#$d gi(e her eno#gh time to go home and change

    into something a $itt$e more datefriend$y% Tho#gh she #s#a$$y ate a$one at the Mark, the g#ys

    didn't need to "now that this was a 'J#st >riends' dinner%


    ;.eter* yo#r gir$'s here*; Jac"son anno#nced as he wa$"ed into the b#sy "itchen of his

    stea"ho#se%Chef .eter +n&o# didn't ha(e to as" whohis friend referred to% Emi$$e had been the faithf#$

    patroness of his c#$inary creations since e(en before .eter had decided to $ea(e his career as an

    e$ectrica$ engineer in order to become a chef% )t was 5ednesday night* and Emi$$e was spending

    the night doing what she'd been spending her 5ednesday nights doing for the fifteen years that

    they'd "nown each other% She was eating where(er and whate(er .eter was coo"ing%

    Technica$$y* Jac" had a say in what was fed to his g#ests% +nd it was .eter's responsibi$ity to

    prepare the men# and stic" to it% owe(er* there was an #nwritten #nderstanding when it came to

    Emi$$e% .eter c$aimed carte b$anche to prepare her mea$s off the men#% e p$anned these5ednesday night dinners with care and precision* beca#se Emi$$e ne(er fai$ed to show #p for

    them% e sti$$ didn't #nderstand why it was so important to her that she s#pport him $i"e this* b#t

    .eter was gratef#$ for the wee"$y diner at tab$e n#mber twe$(e% +s $ong as she had his bac"* he'd

    contin#e to en&oy his career%

    ;She's $oo"ing good too*; Jac" commented mi$d$y as he washed his hands%

    ;She a$ways $oo"s good*; .eter rep$ied%;7eah% -#t she $oo"s bea#tif#$ tonight%;

    Emi$$e was a big gir$% Si feet and two inches ta$$* and three h#ndred and twentysomething

    po#nds of big% She had a nice shape for someone her si:e* b#t it was #s#a$$y b#ried beneath $ayers

    and $ayers and $ayers of c$othing% espite her efforts to hide beneath mo#nds of c$othes* Emi$$eco#$dn't rea$$y change her nat#re% She $o(ed fashion and made #p for her poor choice of c$othing

    with impeccab$y maintained hair* nai$s* and ma"e#p% 7o# co#$dn't fai$ to rea$i:e she was an (erybea#tif#$ woman%

    S#bse3#ent$y* she'd set herse$f #p for peop$e fee$ing free to te$$ her she'd be a gorgeo#s gir$*


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    ca#ght this on S#nday*; he said* nodding toward the fish with a sma$$ smir"%

    Jac" $et o#t a $ow whist$e of appreciation% .eter went fishing e(ery S#nday morning%

    ,ccasiona$$y* his friends wo#$d &oin him% 6ost often it was st him and Emi$$e% )f he "new his

    friend* and after near$y ten years of "nowing each other Jac" fig#red he "new .eter pretty we$$*

    Emi$$e was the on$y woman he'd e(er in(ited to &oin them%;7eah*; .eter was saying% ;) promised her )'d gri$$ this baby #p for her tonight%; eft$y* he

    began to fi$$et the fish% ;) tho#ght )'d ser(e it with a sa(ory herb risotto* nothing tooo(erpowering% +nd an ar#ga$a and baby spinach sa$ad%; e $oo"ed #p to see his friend nodding in

    appro(a$% ;)t's $ight* ) "now% -#t ) fig#red )'d ma"e #p for that by ma"ing that choco$ate raspberry

    tart she $i"es%; 1odding toward his dropdrawer* .eter said* ;The bi$$'s in there% .#t it on my tab

    and te$$ her it's comped* wi$$ yo#4;

    The s$ight raising of a brow was Jac"'s first response* then he p#rsed his $ips in an 'If "ou sa"

    so' epression.e too" the bi$$ o#t of the drawer where .eter "ept his notes and stationary and

    too" his time $oo"ing it o(er% >ina$$y* #nab$e to "eep it in any $onger* he as"ed* ;7o# do "now

    she's on a date tonight% Right4;

    .eter a$most s$iced off a finger%

    ;) ta"e it she didn't te$$ yo#4;

    ;8h* yeah% She said something abo#t bringing some g#y from wor"%; e started wor"ing on

    something e$se% 5ednesdays were a sort of brea" for him% is so#schefs were a$$ fami$iar withthe men#* and ecept for the occasiona$ in3#iries* they didn't need to chec" with him abo#t m#ch%

    +s a team* he and Jac" ran a (ery tight ship% .eter "ept a c$ose eye on e(eryone* b#t he was on

    #o $ot #isturbwhen Emi$$e ate at the resta#rant%

    ;7eah% 5e$$% )t $oo"s $i"e she $i"es him%;.eter's feat#res were ne#tra$ as he as"ed* ;ow co#$d yo# te$$4;

    Emi$$e and Jac" weren't bosom b#ddies* b#t they'd become fast friends o(er the years beca#se

    of .eter% +nd anyone who "new Emi$$e on that $e(e$ "new that a man was the $ast thing on her

    mind% )n fact* other than a few sporadic inter$#des* Emi$$e ne(er rea$$y "ept a man aro#nd% 6aybe

    it was beca#se she had .eter* Jac"* a(id* and 1athanae$% +nd of co#rse* Ryce* whene(er he was

    bac" in town%

    Jac" tipped his head bac" and grinned% ;She's wearing red%;

    This time* .eter near$y spi$$ed a pot of hot water o(er on himse$f% -$ac" was the name of thegame for Emi$$e% e tried hard* b#t he co#$dn't remember e(er seeing her in anything b#t b$ac"%

    6aybe na(y* or brown% 6aybe a mishmash of b$ac"ish co$ors on a b$ac" base% -#t ne(er anything

    as bright as red%

    ;+re yo# ta$"ing abo#t her $ipstic"4; he as"ed* beca#se then that wo#$dn't be so strange%

    ;1ope*; Jac" sm#g$y rep$ied% is $ips c#r$ed and his eyes narrowed as he roc"ed his head

    from side to side reciting in an anno#ncer's (oice* ;She's wearing a bright red dress with a s$in"y$itt$e b$ac" bo$ero* and an >me pair of $eopard print shoes with red hee$s%;

    .eter went a$ong with it #p #nti$ Jac" started describing the shoes* beca#se as inconcei(ab$e

    as it was that Emi$$e might de(iate from the b$ac"* it was high$y #n$i"e$y that she'd be wearing

    p#mps% She had stopped wearing anything higher than f#$$y f$at abo#t a decade before% .eterwo#$d "now since he fo#nd nothing in the wor$d seier than a ta$$ woman in ta$$ hee$s% e co#$d

    e(en gi(e an approimate ro#nding of the year he'd $ast seen her in f$ats beca#se it was aro#ndthe same time that her weight had gone off the rai$s a$most o(ernight%

    ;)'$$ stop by her tab$e once she's done eating*; he said need$ess$y% e a$ways stopped by her

    tab$e before she $eft%

    ;,"ay*; Jac" said* before he t#rned and departed thro#gh the swinging doors%

  • 8/13/2019 The Chefs Choice


    Chapter !

    >or some reason* whi$e he wor"ed .eter spent the net ho#r and a ha$f ref$ecting on

    e(erything Jac" had to$d him abo#t Emi$$e tonight% 5as she rea$$y wearing red4 5as she wearing

    hee$s4 id she rea$$y $i"e this g#y that she'd bro#ght to dinner tonight4 She'd mentioned that hewo#$d be coming with her* b#t who had done the in(iting4Jackson's Markwas Emi$$e's spot% ad

    she been the one to as" this g#y o#t4;They're done* Chef*; Emi$$e's waitress informed him as she posted another order%

    ;+$right*; he rep$ied% ;Than"s* Cath$een%;

    -#rning with c#riosity* .eter $eft the "itchen%

    Jac" stopped him st o#tside the swinging doors% ;1o #se p#$$ing the big brother ro#tine*; he

    ad(ised% ;This one's not her type%;

    .eter co#$dn't pre(ent the eha$ed $a#gh% 1o one rea$$y "new what Emi$$e's type was* b#t

    Jac" was con(inced he "new her preferences% ,n top of Jac"'s $ist was 'a (ery ta$$ man%' is $ogic

    was that etreme$y ta$$ men were rare* so that's why Emi$$e co#$dn't find one% >rom what .eter

    co#$d see of his sho#$der height* the g#y sitting across the tab$e from Emi$$e was abo#t si feet*

    which was ta$$% )n most circ$es%

    e strode across the room and positioned himse$f behind Emi$$e's chair% is $ong arms

    wrapped aro#nd her sho#$ders as he p$anted a smac"ing "iss against her chee"%She s#c"ed her teeth in p$ayf#$ annoyance* b#t he st ch#c"$ed against her face%

    ;,h% )t's st yo#*; Emi$$e said in a bored tone that be$$ied the happiness in her eyes% ;)

    tho#ght for s#re wayne Johnson had fina$$y $eft his ewife and decided to come find the

    woman of his dreams%; +s she'd intended* both men $a#ghed at her 3#ip% ;Jeff Stafford* )'d $i"eyo# to meet Chef .eter +n&o#*; she introd#ced% ;.eter* this is Jeff% e's the one that rep$aced


    .eter* who had been p$easant$y sha"ing Jeff's hand* sw#ng his head aro#nd to $e(e$ a $oo" on

    Emi$$e% 5hat did she mean by that4 She was so snea"y with her words* yo# ne(er 3#ite "new

    what she meant% +ny of the patrons in the resta#rant hearing her now wo#$d thin" that there was

    more to her words% -#t* the tr#th was* other than a mi$d f$irtation when they'd first met* there was

    no attraction there between him and Emi$$e% She was his b#ddy% The one he ca$$ed #p when he

    needed company for a $owpress#re acti(ity $i"e a mo(ie when he was between gir$friends% +ndhe was the g#y she ca$$ed #p for e(ents that re3#ired a date%

    She recogni:ed the $oo" he'd gi(en her* beca#se Emi$$e r#shed to ep$ain* ;e's one of the

    engineers at Orson and Sons. e's got yo#r o$d office%;

    ;,h4; he grinned* t#rning his attention bac" to Jeff% ;a(e yo# fo#nd the p$#gin coo$er

    behind the fi$ing cabinet4;

    ;7ep*; Jeff said with a $a#gh% ;Em here showed it to me on my first day%;;id she4 Em's a$ways been a he$pf#$ $ady%; The coo$er was Emi$$e's idea% )t was where

    they'd "ept their $#nch whene(er .eter decided to practice a new dish%

    Emi$$e's $ips were p#rsed tight as she a(oided .eter's ga:e%

    ;She is% 7o# $eft a big gap when yo# resigned*; Jeff contin#ed to say% ;)f it wasn't for her* )thin" )'d ha(e had a m#ch harder time fitting in o(er there%;


  • 8/13/2019 The Chefs Choice


    fact* .eter wo#$d m#ch rather she remain sing$e than date anyone who didn't "now her worth%

    ;) made p$ans for this wee"end%;

    .eter had a system% e ne(er had s$eepo(ers on Sat#rday nights beca#se he went fishing on

    S#nday mornings% Sometimes his other friends &oined him% -#t most of the time* it was st him

    and Emi$$e o#t on the water% So* it wasn't #nreasonab$e for him to epect that Emi$$e wo#$d bethere this coming S#nday morning%

    ;5hat "ind of p$ans4; he as"ed* once she was on her feet%;8nbrea"ab$e p$ans*; she rep$ied crisp$y%

    >or the first time since he'd $eft the "itchen* .eter too" a good $oo" at what Emi$$e was

    wearing% Jac"son hadn't $ied% Emi$$e was indeed wearing a bright red dress% )t e(en $oo"ed $i"e a

    ha$ter* b#t he co#$dn't te$$ beca#se of the $itt$e &ac"et she was wearing% 5hat he did notice was the

    epanse of creamy white c$ea(age% e'd a$ways "nown that she had a si:eab$e bosom* b#t things

    $i"e that were easy to forget when they were so we$$ hidden% 5ith her smo"y eyes and matching

    red $ipstic"* she had p#t a good dea$ of effort into $oo"ing good tonight% +fter a 3#ic" g$ance at

    her companion* .eter started thin"ing that maybe Jac"son's first impression was right% 6aybe

    Emi$$e rea$$y was serio#s$y into this gu"% e r#bbed his chin tho#ghtf#$$y% )f that was the case*

    then good for her% -#t he co#$dn't he$p the fee$ing of $oss that came o(er him% She was a$ready

    cance$$ing their fishing trips to spend time with this gu"% 1et thing she'd be ca$$ing to cance$

    dinner on 5ednesdays% She'd a$ready as"ed him if the fish wo#$d be eno#gh to share with thisgu"% 5hat net4

    .er(erse$y* he too" a step bac" to chec" o#t her shoes% S#re eno#gh* she was wearing a

    wic"ed pair of $eopard print sti$ettos% e hadn't e(en remembered that Em had s#ch shape$y

    ca$(es% )f that didn't confirm it* then nothing wo#$d% e co#$d bare$y remember ever seeing herca$(es%

    ;7o# $oo" nice*; he said* abr#pt$y changing the con(ersation%

    Emi$$e b$in"ed at him% ;Thanks4;

    ;ey*; he pointed o(er his sho#$der% ;)'(e got to get bac" to wor"% =et me "now when yo#'re

    ready to come o#t again% )t wi$$ sti$$ be yo#r t#rn to bring $#nch%;

    ;,"ay*; she said on an eha$ed breath% ;) wi$$%;

    .eter reached o#t to sha"e the other man's hand% ;Jeff* it was a p$eas#re to meet yo#% on't be

    a stranger aro#nd here%;Jeff accepted the handsha"e with a wry smi$e% ;) wo#$d* if it wasn't so hard to get reser(ations

    to this p$ace%;

    -eca#se .eter "new deep down in his heart he wanted this to be the first and $ast time he e(er

    saw Jeff Stafford* he didn't pretend that the other man co#$d #se their association to get

    reser(ations% ;7eah*; he said with fa$se p$easantry% ;)t's the "ind of p$ace that peop$e come bac"

    to%; 5ith one $ast win" at Emi$$e* .eter t#rned to $ea(e%Emi$$e watched him wa$" away* a p#::$ed frown on her face% 5hen she'd changed her p$ans

    for this coming S#nday* she hadn't tho#ght that it wo#$d matter a$$ that m#ch to .eter if she wasn't

    there to go fishing with him% +$$ she'd wanted was a day at home to re$a and en&oy her own

    company% 6ost of the time* they spend a$$ morning o#t on his boat* not e(en echanging propersentences% 1ot e(en rea$$y fishing% J#st ta"ing the morning to decompress% J#dging by the way he

    was acting now* she wasn't so s#re that her company wasn't as important to him as it was to her%She stepped away from the tab$e* her hand etended as if she co#$d reach o#t and stop him from

    wa$"ing away%%eter, are "ou oka"&That's a$$ she intended to say%


    e sw#ng aro#nd 3#ic"$y* instincti(e$y grabbing for her hand% -#t it was too $ate% They were

    too far apart%

  • 8/13/2019 The Chefs Choice


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    )n that instant* she $oo"ed #p and met .eter's ga:e% )t was as if they had an entire con(ersation

    in that one $oo"%

    ;5rap yo#r arms aro#nd my nec"*; he said* $eaning his head c$ose so she co#$d comp$y% ;)'$$

    ta"e yo# to the E%R%;;1o*; she said st as soft$y% ;J#st pass me a chair* and )'$$ he$p myse$f #p%;

    .eter b#ried his face in the g$ossy b$ac" wa(es at her temp$e% ;Tr#st me*; he ca&o$ed%S$ow$y* Emi$$e wrapped her arms aro#nd the firm co$#mn of his nec"% She did it beca#se he'd

    as"ed her to tr#st him% )t was ne(er a matter of whether or not she co#$d% )n the fifteen or so years

    that they'd been friends* .eter had ne(er done anything to embarrass her% She tr#sted him so m#ch

    that she didn't e(en notice when he p$aced his arm beneath her "nees* ma"ing s#re to t#c" her

    dress for modesty% )t was on$y when he was ha$fway to his feet that she rea$i:ed he wasn't mere$y

    he$ping her to stand% .eter f#$$y intended to carr"her%

    ;.eter* no(; she hissed* scramb$ing to get o#t of his arms% Emi$$e was wi$$ing to t#mb$e right

    bac" onto another tab$e if it meant no one wo#$d witness .eter hissing and whee:ing as he

    r#pt#red his sp$een attempting to carry her%

    5hene(er anyone did something to annoy him* .eter had this $oo"% e had this way of

    pa#sing a$$ acti(ity to gi(e yo# his f#$$ attention% +nd if yo# were smart eno#gh to recogni:e that

    yo#'d done something to irritate him* yo# were probab$y smart eno#gh to rea$i:e yo# didn't wanthis foc#s on yo#% Emi$$e had dodged her way aro#nd it ear$ier tonight with sass and brash% -#t

    there was no escaping the $oo" now% Especia$$y since the man wearing it was ho$ding her semi

    s#spended as if he had a$$ the time in the wor$d% Especia$$y if he $oo"ed $i"e he'd st drop her if

    she said the wrong thing%)re "ou going to let e do this&that $oo" as"ed%

    She t#rned to Jac"son for he$p% -#t* that was in (ain* beca#se Jac" was $oo"ing at .eter with

    shoc" and awe $i"e he was seeing a s#perhero in action% e$p$ess$y* she t#rned to Jeff% -#t Jeff

    was gaping open$y too% Emi$$e "new what they were thin"ing% They were a$$ thin"ing the same

    thing%Even her% She had (isions of an ant trying to carry an e$ephant% e might be sma$$ and

    mighty* b#t a tragedy was bo#nd to occ#r% There was no way to stop it from happening beca#se

    .eter was wearing that epression* and no amo#nt of fast ta$"ing wo#$d ma"e him re$ease her% +$$

    that was $eft for Emi$$e to do was re$a and $et the disaster contin#e to #nfo$d%-#t .eter s#rprised e(eryone in the resta#rant%

    ,b(io#s$y* it wasn't an easy feat for him to rise from a s3#at with Emi$$e in his arms% + dot of

    sweat e(en bro"e o#t abo(e his top $ip beca#se of it% Emi$$e co#$d see it* beca#se she was so c$ose

    to him% -#t he didn't p#t her on a chair once he was #p% .eter act#a$$y carried her o#t of the

    resta#rant and across the par"ing $ot to his car% The distance wasn't far by norma$ standards% ,n$y*

    it was a wor$d away to Emi$$e% e carried her as if%%% She% 5eighed% $othing% She was aware ofthe tr#th tho#gh% She co#$d fee$ the tension in his m#sc$es and hear the way he caref#$$y

    contro$$ed his breathing as if this was a session of yoga or something%

    5hen they reached his car he caref#$$y $owered her to the gro#nd beca#se he needed to chec"

    his poc"ets for his "eys% e c#rsed #nder his breath when his poc"ets came #p empty% e'd $efthis "eys in the drawer%

    ;)'(e got to go grab my "eys% =ean against the car% Stay right here and "eep yo#r weight offthat an"$e*; he to$d Emi$$e% )t was probab$y the most insensiti(e thing he'd e(er said to her* b#t

    Emi$$e co#$dn't say anything abo#t it when he didn't seem to notice she fe$t bad%

    ;) can't $ea(e my car here*; she protested%

    ;)'$$ drop it off in the morning%;

    e wassofr#strating% ;5hy are yo# being so nice4;

    is brows rose moc"ing$y% ;.ardon me% ) tho#ght friends $oo"ed o#t for each other%;

    ;) ha(e her p#rse*; Jeff anno#nced from behind him%

    >or her part* Emi$$e wanted to forget that he'd been present for tonight's episode of The

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    Twilight *one% She didn't $oo" anywhere near Jeff's face as she reached for her p#rse% She co#$dn't

    imagine how she'd face him tomorrow in the harsh $ight of day% 6aybe she'd ca$$ in sic"%

    -efore Emi$$e co#$d ta"e her p#rse* .eter intercepted the mo(e%

    ;ey* .eter@; Jac" ca$$ed as he &ogged across the par"ing $ot% ;7o# forgot yo#r "eys@; +s he

    drew c$oser* he said in a $ow (oice* ;on't worry% )'(e got e(erything co(ered here%; e s$appedthe ring into .eter's hand% ;7o# s#re yo#'re doing o"ay* "iddo4; he as"ed* ti$ting his head to

    inspect Emi$$e%Emi$$e ro$$ed her eyes at that% She was a good fi(e years o$der than Jac"% ;)'$$ be o"ay* Jac"%

    )'$$ st p#t some ice on it once ) get home%;

    ;7o#'$$ do whate(er the doctor orders*; .eter informed her as he opened the door and handed

    her inside% e didn't say anything* b#t Emi$$e winced as the car s#n" to the right #nder her

    weight% e t#rned bac" to Jeff% ;7o# coming4;

    ;1o@; The word was o#t of her mo#th before she co#$d thin" abo#t it% ;) mean*; she said*

    ;yo# go home% )'$$ be fine* )'m s#re%;

    ;)f yo#'re not coming* )'m going to ta"e her to get that an"$e chec"ed o#t*; .eter snapped

    short$y% e didn't wait aro#nd to etend another in(itation% The man was c$ear$y #se$ess%

    ,nce they were #nderway* Emi$$e premat#re$y ended what wo#$d ha(e been a $ong* si$ent

    dri(e% She started with a deep sigh% ;J#st ta"e me home* .eter% )'$$ p#t an icepac" on it%;

    e c#t a g$ance her way% ;>or a$$ we "now* yo#r an"$e co#$d be bro"en%;The fact that she wasn't screaming in pain was proof eno#gh that her an"$e wasn't bro"en%

    She co#$d end#re the stabbing throbs% )t was nothing a few pain"i$$ers co#$dn't e$iminate% ;Jac"

    said nothing's bro"en* and ) be$ie(e him%;

    ;Jac" co#$d be wrong*; he protested%;Jac" grew #p in +owbo"sville, Teas% e's probab$y hand$ed more bones than any E%R%

    doctor% )f he says )'m fine* then )'m fine%; She bit her $ips% ;-esides* the pain is easing% 6aybe )

    st twisted it in the fa$$%;

    .eter "ept his eyes on the road* b#t he spo"e in a $ow m#rm#r% ;#mor me* Emi$$e% =et me

    ta"e yo# to the emergency room% ) st want to ma"e s#re yo# are o"ay%;

    Emi$$e g$anced at him o#t of the corner of her eyes% ;)f it's the $ega$ities of it* .eter* yo# don9t

    ha(e anything to worry abo#t% )'m not going to s#e the Markfor my own c$#msiness%; -eca#se

    she was $oo"ing at him* she saw his eyes widen as if he hadn't e(en considered that possibi$ity%;J#st ta"e me home%;

    is $ips compressed in disp$eas#re* b#t he no $onger protested%

    Twenty min#tes $ater* they p#$$ed into the dri(eway of the s#b#rban property that Emi$$e was

    renting from the si$ent mi$$ionaire net to her% She rented the ho#se from him beca#se she'd gotten

    a fair dea$ on the three bedroom* two bathroom ho#se% +nd beca#se she tr#sted the $and$ord to

    maintain the property% -ac" when the rea$ estate ind#stry was booming* .eter had harnessed hista$ents and started b#ying and remode$ing property tho#gh they were not st ho#ses% 1or did he

    in(est in strip ma$$s% e'd so$d a few homes* b#t .eter had decided that he preferred the $ongterm

    income of renta$ properties instead of 3#ic" sa$es% =ater* he had t#rned to in(esting in a few start

    #ps as a si$ent partner% T#rned o#t he had good instinct for (ent#re capita$ism%.eter wasn't s#per wea$thy by any means* b#t he $i(ed a far simp$er $ife than what he co#$d

    act#a$$y afford% e paid the rent on a sing$e bedroom apartment in one of his own comp$ees%6anagement didn't e(en "now that the owner resided right #nder foot% The red 6#stang he dro(e

    was o(er ten years o$d% )t wasn't one of the f$ashy new (intageinspired mode$s* neither was it a

    c$assic% )t was st an o$d 6#stang% .erhaps the thing that set him apart from most men was the

    care he p#t into the things he in(ested in% .eter's car wo#$d probab$y be aro#nd for another ten

    years% e be$ie(ed in maintaining (a$#ab$e things% E(en friendships%

    e c$imbed o#t of the car and ro#nded to open her door% Emi$$e panic"ed% S#ppose he

    intended to carry her into the ho#se4 She co#$dn't stand another moment of him str#gg$ing not to

    whee:e% She scramb$ed o#t of the car before he co#$d get to her door* and str#gg$ed to her feet*

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    fighting the #rge to wince and cry o#t in pain% er pa$ms and #pper $ip dampened with sweat%

    esperate$y* Emi$$e c$#tched her p#rse c$oser%

    ;Than"s for the ride* .eter% ) rea$$y appreciate it*; she said* $imping past him* pretending to

    ignore the way he was g$aring at her%

    .eter fo$$owed her to the door% ;)'$$ chec" on yo# in the morning%;She was #n$oc"ing the door* so her bac" was t#rned to him% ;+$right% ri(e safe$y%;

    Chapter #

    =ast night* when .eter had said he wo#$d chec" on her in the morning* Emi$$e had tho#ght

    he'd meant he wo#$d ca$$% She hadn't anticipated the "noc" on her door% ,f co#rse she was #p and

    abo#t beca#se it was Th#rsday% + wor"day% She'd ca$$ed in to the office and ep$ained that she'd

    had an accident% +pparent$y* Jeff had ca$$ed some peop$e from wor" and to$d them abo#t what

    happened* beca#se by the time she'd ca$$ed her boss* J#nior ,rson* was #p to date on e(erything%

    Than"f#$$y* her boss agreed that she co#$d wor" from the comfort of her home (ia the comp#ter

    for the rest of the wee"%

    +$so* whi$e Emi$$e hadn't forgotten abo#t her car* she'd ass#med that .eter wo#$d drop it off$ater in the morning* gi(ing her time to get some wor" in before she went to see her doctor% 6ost

    nights he and Jac"son didn't $ea(e the resta#rant #nti$ we$$ after two o'c$oc"% Jac" #s#a$$y was the

    one who ret#rned at si to co$$ect the prod#ce* and .eter s#rfaced at noon to start on any wor"

    needing to be done #nti$ Jac" came in at two in the afternoon% )t was $i"e a we$$ greased engineo(er there* b#t they p#t in some $ong* strange ho#rs%

    .eter "noc"ed on the door three times by the time Emi$$e was ab$e to open it% er hair was

    sti$$ "notted on top of her head% Raccoon eyes and f$#shed pin" s"in to$d the ta$e that she had not

    fo$$owed the go$den r#$e of good grooming by washing off the night's ma"e#p before going to

    bed% She didn't care% This was .eter% e'd ne(er rea$$y lookat her anyway% .eter's "ind of woman

    didn't f$#sh% She g$owed% +nd if she fe$$ as$eep with mascara on* she didn't wa"e #p $oo"ing $i"e

    an o(erweight strawberry s"#$$% She wo"e #p withsok" e"es%

    ;7es% ) s#r(i(ed the night*; she gr#mpi$y anno#nced by way of greeting% 5ho wo#$dn't begr#mpy when someone showed #p at their door at se(en in the morning $oo"ing $i"e 6r%

    S#nshine4 e was e(en wearing an eyeb#rning neon ye$$ow tshirt% +nd the damn shirt had the

    a#dacity to $oo" good on him%

    ;6ornin'% ) bro#ght yo#r car%;

    Emi$$e too" a good $oo" at him and wished she hadn't% e was dressed for a r#n% e co#$dn't

    ha(e had more than si ho#rs of s$eep* b#t here he was< ready to go for a r#n% ho does that&she wondered si$ent$y% ;7o# need a ride4; she as"ed instead%

    .eter shoo" his head% ;1o% )'d p$anned to do si mi$es this morning anyway% )t's on$y se(en

    bac" to my p$ace%;

    )t wo#$d ta"e him st o(er a ha$f an ho#r if he was fee$ing $a:y% ;1eed some water* orsomething4; She a$ready "new the answer%

    ;1o% )'$$ be fine*; he answered% e t#rned to $ea(e* b#t changed his mind and didn't step away%;ow's yo#r an"$e doing4;

    Emi$$e st#c" her foot o#t and did the wigg$e test% ;Sore% -#t ) thin" it's st a sprain%;

    Concerned* he frowned at her foot% ;5hat's yo#r pain $e(e$4;

    Emi$$e smi$ed at that% ;7o# "now me* .eter% )'m either in pain* or )'m not%; )t wasn't that she

    was to#gh% +# contraire% 5hen it came to pain* Emi$$e was a tota$ wimp% + pinpric" was a ten as

    far as she was concerned% She might bite her $ip and end#re in si$ence* b#t any "ind of pain was

    a$ways bad pain%

    ;id yo# ta"e any pain"i$$ers4; Typica$ .eter* he maintained a serio#s epression as he as"ed

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    is first memory of Emi$$e p$ayed thro#gh his mind% )t was the day she'd come in to app$y for

    a secretaria$ &ob at Orson and Son% .eter was on his way bac" to his office when he'd spotted her

    standing in front of the receptionist's des"% )t was ta"ing the receptionist o(er a ha$f an ho#r to

    'deliver' J#nior's morning coffee* and e(eryone "new it wo#$d be another ha$f ho#r before she wasdone%

    .eter had ta"en one $oo" at the ta$$ woman in the sey b$ac" s#it and prompt$y redirectedhimse$f to the front des"% +ny woman who co#$d ma"e s#ch a mannish sty$e $oo" so (ery

    feminine was worth his attention%

    ;?ood morning% 6y name is .eter +n&o#*; he'd said% ;Can ) he$p yo# with anything4;

    ;e$$o% )'m Emi$$e Carter*; she'd rep$ied p$easant$y% ;Ky$e ,rson* J#nior in(ited me to come

    in and fi$$ o#t a &ob app$ication%;

    .eter's brows had risen at that% e'd gi(en Emi$$e a thoro#gh once o(er% J#nior didn't #s#a$$y

    go for br#nettes% 1either did .eter* #s#a$$y% 1ot that he had a preference% -#t Emi$$e's hair wo#$d

    ma"e any man ta"e a second $oo"* e(en fifteen years $ater% )t was thic"* and $#sh* and< (ery*

    (ery decadent% +nd in the years since their first meeting* the (ery scent of it had ne(er fai$ed to

    grasp his attention% .eppermint was his fa(orite herb for a reason%

    That day* her dar" hair was p#$$ed into a >rench ro$$* re(ea$ing the seiest $itt$e c#r$s at her

    nape and abo(e her ears% er brows were thic"* b#t perfect$y shaped to accent#ate her bright*brown eyes% She was a c$assic bea#ty not the "ind that yo#'d find in maga:ines% -#t a$$ that hair

    set her apart from other women% Emi$$e's bea#ty was more $asting than a mode$'s% )t was the "ind

    of bea#ty that wo#$d ne(er be ca$$ed c#te* or pretty% )t was a bea#ty that e(o$(ed into st#nning*

    then stri"ing as she aged%The fact that a$$ that had topped one of the ta$$est* c#r(iest* most +ma:onian fig#res he'd e(er

    seen was what had compe$$ed .eter to change his co#rse in the first p$ace% )t wasn't e(ery day that

    a man of his stat#re fo#nd a woman that he co#$d $oo" direct$y in the face% She was wearing b$ac"

    p#mps that made her an inch or two ta$$er than him% +nd he'd $o(ed it% +t si feet and fi(e inches

    ta$$* it was rare to find anyone* especia$$y a woman who matched his height% .eter $o(ed nothing

    more than seeing a ta$$ woman in high hee$s% Emi$$e was $#sh to his $eanness% -#twhat a lush it

    was% She wasn't a woman who wo#$d everbe ab$e to wear a man's shirt s#ccessf#$$y% The women

    in his $ife seemed to thin" it was sey for them to p#t on his shirts after ma"ing $o(e% Emi$$ewo#$d b#st o#t of that shirt at the chest and the hips% Tho#gh her $egs went on for mi$es* her hips

    were c#r(ed $i"e a woman's hips sho#$d be% That was the day that .eter had become con(inced

    that in order to create perfection $i"e Emi$$e Carter ?od m#st s#re$y be ma$e%

    8p #nti$ that moment* he'd been con(inced that ta$$ women came on$y in one shape% Straight%

    +nd that those same ta$$ women wore on$y one height of shoes% >$at% 8nti$ he'd met Emi$$e* he

    hadn't e(en "nown he had a definite preference for ta$$* shape$y women who wore hee$s that madethem ta$$er than him% She'd #n"nowing$y created a fetish for him%

    e remembered thin"ing that if Emi$$e was J#nior's $atest swing* then it was probab$y a good

    thing that 6iche$$e was de$i(ering his coffee% The receptionist wo#$d ha(e ta"en one $oo" at

    Emi$$e and sent her pac"ing% She wo#$dn't get the &ob* and he wo#$dn't get a chance to as" hero#t% Thin"ing bac" on it now* it was definitel"a good thing* beca#se fifteen years $ater* 6iche$$e

    was now the ewife and bane of Ky$e ,rson* J#nior's eistence%Thin"ing J#nior had gotten to her first* .eter changed his mind abo#t approaching her with

    interest% e'd ended #p crac"ing a few &o"es as he'd he$ped her thro#gh the app$ication process*

    and had a$$owed himse$f to be "-friend-ied.

    )t was definite$y good that things had wor"ed o#t that way% )t t#rned o#t Emi$$e wasn9t

    in(o$(ed with J#nior% Their re$ationship had been strict$y b#siness% + few of the g#ys at the firm

    had cast their $ines in her direction* b#t Em had ne(er bitten% She was a pretty pri(ate person%

    .eter had st ass#med she was pri(ate abo#t her re$ationships% )t wasn't #nti$ a few years into

    their friendship that he'd fina$$y broached the topic in a ro#ndabo#t way%

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    + few of the g#ys in the office had been teasing him abo#t his S#nday rit#a$* and Emi$$e had

    bo$d$y confessed that she was the on$y chi$d of an a(id ang$er so she saw nothing wrong with a

    man who preferred to spend his S#nday mornings on his boat% 5ith a tong#e in chee" epression*

    she'd s#ggested that she probab$y had more eperience hand$ing a rod than a$$ of them in the

    office combined% The g#ys had g#ffawed abo#t it* b#t .eter had ta"en her serio#s$y% Thatafternoon* he'd stopped by her office and in(ited her to &oin him on his boat the net S#nday

    morning* pro(iding her boyfriend didn't ob&ect% She'd gracio#s$y accepted his offer* ep$ainingthat there was no one in her $ife to ob&ect%

    The fo$$owing S#nday* .eter had waited for her to arri(e* f#$$y intending to try his $#c" with

    her o(er the co#rse of the day% -#t* when Emi$$e had arri(ed at the boat e3#ipped for b#siness*

    and had spent the rest of the morning pro(ing her worth as a fishing companion* he'd "ept his

    mo#th sh#t% She was so cas#a$ abo#t being a$one with him* there was ob(io#s$y no interest there

    other than friendship% 5hy roc" the boat4 Right4

    )t was a$$ st as we$$ anyway% )f he'd made a mo(e on her bac" then* he'd ha(e missed o#t on

    what had t#rned o#t to be a (ery c$ose friendship% is first and on$y with a woman%

    Then there was the fact that for whate(er reason* Emi$$e wasn't happy with herse$f% +nd it had

    shown in the way she'd we$$* for $ac" of a better term let herself go% )t had been a s$ow* painf#$

    process for her as we$$ as those who cared abo#t her% )t had gotten to the point where if one of the

    g#ys didn't ca$$ her #p and in(ite her o#t* Emi$$e wo#$dn't $ea(e her home for anything b#t wor"*grocery shopping* or to pay her bi$$s% )t was $i"e she stopped epecting men to find her attracti(e*

    and s#bse3#ent$y* she'd stopped going to the effort of dressing attracti(e$y% ,h* her grooming was

    impeccab$e* b#t she was one headpiece away from a f#$$ on b#r3a%

    E(ent#a$$y* she'd started getting a $ot of criticism abo#t her si:e% -eca#se he'd wanted to be agood friend and offer her s#pport* .eter had ne(er mentioned anything to her abo#t the weight

    gain% )nstead* he'd tried to engage her in a$$ sorts of acti(ities% She'd gone hi"ing with him a few

    times ear$y on% +nd had e(en tried "aya"ing before deciding to s"ip a$$ acti(ities b#t fishing%

    .eter was a (ery physica$ man% e'd ne(er (omited a day in his $ife beca#se of physica$ eertion%

    Emi$$e was whee:ing and spitting in fi(e min#tes of bris" hi"ing% +t the time* he hadn't

    #nderstood that Emi$$e wasn't st a woman trying to "eep #p with him% Emi$$e was a ver"#nfit

    woman trying to "eep #p with a ver"acti(e man% -y the time he'd #nderstood that* he'd b$own

    any chances of getting her to tr#st him to he$p her manage her weight%+ part of him be$ie(ed she wo#$dn't ha(e appreciated the he$p% E(en now* she was more

    concerned with the criticism than she was with her own we$fare% 8n$ess that changed< #n$ess

    she $earned to be happy with the woman she was* she wo#$d ne(er want his he$p% 1or wo#$d she

    be wi$$ing to try to he$p herse$f%

    e was a$most home%

    h" did I kiss her&he as"ed himse$f for the tho#sandth time since he'd $eft her ho#se%e'd "issed her before% ,n her nec"% ,n her hair% ,n her hands% ,n her chee"s% er temp$es%

    E(erywhere b#t her $ips% .eop$e "issed their friends on the mo#th a$$ the time% -#t her$ips were

    off $imits for some reason% +fter the scare she'd gi(en him $ast night* he'd needed to show her he

    cared% Tho#gh his intention had been to "iss her temp$e* somehow his foc#s had $owered to hermo#th* and it happened%

    She'd been shoc"ed too@ Shoc"ed eno#gh to "iss him bac" instincti(e$y% Then her eyes hadopened* and she'd seen it was him at the other end of that "iss% Emi$$e's start$ed epression had

    been eno#gh to send him bo$ting% e sho#$d ha(e apo$ogi:ed% They were friends and he didn9t

    want her to start thin"ing there was more there than there rea$$y was% e wasn't attracted to her in

    that way% Emi$$e was his fishing b#ddy% She was his b#ffer when he needed a date who didn't ha(e

    any epectations of him% )t wasn't often% -#t* there were e(ents that a man simp$y preferred not to

    ta"e the woman he was dating to% is co$$ege grad#ation% is grandmother's f#nera$% is mother's

    wedding% +nd so on%

    e'd st p$ay it off the net time he saw her% She didn't p$an on fishing with him this S#nday*

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    so it wo#$d be another wee" before he saw her again% 8n$ess* of co#rse* he stopped by to chec"

    #p on her% e co#$d p$ay it coo$* and they'd get past that aw"ward stage a$$ the sooner%

    e was sti$$ trying to con(ince himse$f to p$ay it coo$ when he arri(ed at wor" a few ho#rs

    $ater* and saw Emi$$e's $eopard print p#mp $ying on top of his des"% Jac" m#st ha(e p#t it there

    after they'd c$eaned #p the tab$e $ast night% is se$fappointed feat became nigh on impossib$e ashis ga:e "ept wandering to the s$im* red hee$ of her shoe% e was in tro#b$e% There were certain

    things that made certain women irresistib$e to certain men% 5hate(er his +chi$$es' hee$ was*Emi$$e had possessed it in spades bac" when they'd first met% The handwriting was there on the

    wa$$ for a$$%%% we$$< ehem@ The shoe was on the des" for anyone who cared to see% )f Emi$$e was

    remembering what it was $i"e to be the most bea#tif#$ woman in the wor$d* he was in big tro#b$e%

    Chapter %

    )t was an entire month before .eter saw her again% >or wee"s after the accident* Emi$$e

    a(oided him% 6aybe it wasn't him* per se% -#t .eter too" it persona$$y% e'd gone to the apartment

    to see her* b#t Emi$$e had s"ipped town that first wee"end%

    >ine% She'd said she had p$ans% +nd he "new that e(ery now and again she went home to (isither fami$y%

    )t wasn't #nti$ she fai$ed to show #p for dinner the fo$$owing 5ednesday night that .eter had

    decided something was #p% E(ery time he ca$$ed her* the phone went to (oicemai$% >ina$$y* she'd

    pic"ed #p the phone the Sat#rday night before he had epected her to ret#rn to their norma$fishing sched#$e% +s if she was ta$"ing to a stranger* Emi$$e had coo$$y informed him that she

    wo#$d be ;too b#sy to recreate; with him in the near f#t#re%

    ho the hell sa"s stuff like that& 'Too bus" to recreate' "/

    e hadn't seen or heard from her since% She wasn't e(en coming in for dinner on 5ednesdays%

    Emi$$e was an important part of his $ife* and s#dden$y she was acting $i"e she'd $ost a$$ common

    sense the night of the fa$$%

    >r#strated* .eter decided to mai$ her shoe to her% That wo#$d get a reaction o#t of her%

    Emi$$e immediate$y responded by mai$ing him the rent chec"%That h#rt% The ho#se she $i(ed in was one of a few that he managed persona$$y% Emi$$e had

    a$ways paid her rent the $ast 5ednesday of e(ery month in person% .eter paid the $awn care

    company to $oo" after the gro#nds* b#t he #s#a$$y too" care of any prob$ems with the b#i$ding

    itse$f% Emi$$e hadn't comp$ained abo#t any iss#es with the b#i$ding* so he co#$dn't (ery we$$ barge

    into her home% +nd he co#$dn't comp$ain abo#t the fact that she'd mai$ed him the chec" after he'd

    initiated it a$$ by mai$ing her shoe in the first p$ace%5hate(er was going on with her* it was time for it to end%

    .eter didn't "now what he'd been epecting% +$$ he "new was that when he did manage to

    h#nt her down* he'd been def$ated% e hadn't e(en "nown he'd had epectations that co#$d be

    disappointed%e was sitting on her front porch when she p#$$ed into the dri(eway% Emi$$e sat in the car for

    a good fi(e min#tes* st staring at him thro#gh the tinted windshie$d% e maintain his re$aedpose on her front steps as he stared right bac"% The 6eican standoff wo#$d ha(e been am#sing if

    they weren't both death$y serio#s% >ina$$y* she c$imbed o#t of the car and p#$$ed an o(ernight bag

    from the bac"seat%

    is 3#ic" ga:e too" in e(erything% >rom the tired drag of her feet across the concrete

    wa$"way* to the s$#mp in her sho#$ders* and the $imp $idded $oo" she was gi(ing him% She $oo"ed

    different% Eha#sted* certain$y% -#t there was something e$se there that he co#$dn't 3#ite p#t his

    finger on%

    She was wearing a tshirt and shorts% e was seeing her "nees% 6aybe that was it% >or years*

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    Emi$$e's idea of shorts was capris% )d$y* he noted that her $egs were nice$y toned% Ecept for that

    one detai$* she rea$$y $oo"ed $i"e he$$%

    ;ow $ong ha(e yo# been sitting here4; Emi$$e as"ed as she drew c$oser%

    ;=ong eno#gh*; he said* standing to fo$$ow her inside%

    She tossed her p#rse into a maga:ine rac" beside the door and "ept mo(ing% ;?rab me aminera$ water* wi$$ yo#4;

    .eter went into the "itchen and too" a co#p$e of bott$es from the refrigerator% e sighedhea(i$y when he saw what was inside the fridge% ,r wasn9t% +s far as he was concerned* an empty

    refrigerator was a tragedy% Emi$$e had sandwich fiings* a ta"eaway container from a seafood

    chain resta#rant* one from a Chinese p$ace* and ha$f of a rotting $ett#ce% The rest of the space was

    ta"en #p with water* minera$ water* and tonic water* and a we$$ aged bott$e of te3#i$a sitting in the

    (egetab$e chi$$er% She was a great coo"* b#t years ago when he'd first to$d her abo#t wanting to

    switch careers Emi$$e had mentioned that whi$e growing #p her fami$y had eaten o#t a$most

    e(ery night% e g#essed the habit st#c"%

    e start$ed when her (oice as"ed* ;5hy are yo# standing there staring into my fridge4;

    + wry smi$e twisted his $ips as he t#rned to face her% ;7o#'(e got to do better than this* Em%;

    er ga:e darted to the refrigerator and bac" to his face% ;5hat do yo# care4; she as"ed

    defensi(e$y% ;+s $ong as ) contin#e to spend my money at TheMarkyo# don9t need to worry

    abo#t my eating habits%;is brows bo#nced a#tomatica$$y before he res#med a ne#tra$ epression% Somehow* he'd

    managed to get himse$f on thin ice% ;)s that what yo# rea$$y thin"4; he as"ed 3#iet$y%

    She ro$$ed her eyes and too" her be(erage from his hands% er dining at TheMarkwasn't

    abo#t the money and they both "new it% )t was abo#t friendship% Jac" and .eter were her friends*so the resta#rant had become her fa(orite dining estab$ishment% )t was the one p$ace in this city

    where she co#$d go and be s#re that she'd b#mp into other friends% E(ery now and again* Jac"'s

    sister C$a#dia and her best friend 6arcia showed #p and they'd share a tab$e% 5hen a(id had

    b#siness in +#stin* he'd ma"e arrangements for 5ednesday* beca#se he "new Emi$$e wo#$d be

    there% +nd whene(er Ryce was in town* there was a$ways a dinner at the Mark with her and a$$

    the g#ys% The fact that the food was great was a bon#s* b#t Emi$$e rare$y ate off the men# beca#se

    .eter a$ways had something specia$ p$anned for her% a$f the time* he didn't e(en charge her for

    her mea$s% er acc#sation was #nfair* b#t Emi$$e wasn't abo#t to recant it%.eter was re$ent$ess% is eyes narrowed on her% ;+nswer me* Em% Te$$ me again why ) care

    abo#t yo#4;

    She co#$dn't stand that $oo"% The way he ga(e her his f#$$ attention when she wanted anything

    b#t% )t made her ner(o#s% 5hat did she do when she was ner(o#s4 =a#gh things away%

    ;=oo"* .eter*; she said with a wide* happy smi$e% ;7o#'re not ob$igated to care abo#t me* so

    chilla0on the stress% )'m a big gir$% ) can ta"e care of myse$f%;)t wasn't his p$ace to "eep pestering her% e didn't want to pester her in the first p$ace* b#trom the safety of the $ifting area* he obser(ed her% Emi$$e was in her :one% This was the

    second f$oor* and she was staring o#t the window into the night% She wore her fa(orite pair red

    and go$d d%&% headphones% She'd won them from Ryce in a po"er game% They cance$$ed o#t the

    noise* and fit so sn#g$y o(er her ears that yo# co#$dn't hear any so#nd escaping% -#t .eter "new

    their secret* and he smi$ed beca#se of it% 6ost $i"e$y Emi$$e was $istening to her m#sic at

    deafening decibe$s% e didn't need to hear it to "now* she was $istening to co#ntry or roc"% ,r

    maybe the mash#p that Ryce had become famo#s for%

    She was dressed in a baggy b$ac" tshirt and capris% -#t he co#$d see that her efforts had paid

    off big time% er sho#$ders were sharper* and she $oo"ed ta$$er and $eaner% e co#$dn't "eep thegrin off his face% )t was a$$ he co#$d do to "eep his foc#s on his own wor"o#t% Emi$$e had e(en

    gone to the etent of in(esting in a pair of r#nning shoes to match her headphones% 5ho wo#$d

    ha(e tho#ght4 The thic" $ength of her ponytai$ bo#nced with the rhythm of her steps% >or the ho#r

    that it too" him to wor" thro#gh the weights section of the gym* Emi$$e stayed on that treadmi$$*pa#sing on$y $ong eno#gh to ta"e a sip or two from her water bott$e% )t was a far cry from the days

    when she co#$dn't e(en wa$" a mi$e% 5hen it $oo"ed $i"e she was ready to begin the circ#its* .eter

    $eft the gym% e'd a$ready been there that day% This was her time* and he didn't want to do

    anything that wo#$d brea" her foc#s% 5hen he too" $ast $oo" at her o(er his sho#$der* she was

    wor"ing thro#gh a set of $#nges%

    Right on c#e* she ca$$ed him a few days $ater%;ey* stranger*; he answered%

    ;ey there yo#rse$f*; she rep$ied cheerf#$$y% ;ow're yo# doin'4;

    ;+in't no s#nshine when yo#'re gone*; he sang in his baritone%

    She s#c"ed her teeth% ;7o# areso f#nny%;

    ;)'msoserio#s*; .eter confessed% ;)t's been what< two months4 ) miss yo#%; e $i(ed right

    down the road from her* b#t between his wor" sched#$e and her ho#rs at the gym* it wasn't as ifhe co#$d st drop in on her%;

    ;)t hasn't been two months%;

    ;J#st abo#t% ) "now% )'(e been co#nting the S#ndays and 5ednesdays%;

    ;That's what )'m ca$$ing abo#t*; she said% ;Can yo# come o(er when yo# get a chance4 ) wantto ta$" to yo# abo#t something%;

    )t was >riday night% She wo#$dn't be going in to wor" tomorrow% ;ow abo#t ) come o(erafter wor"4;

    Emi$$e snorted% She act#a$$y snorted at him% ;on't yo# "now* .eter4 Cas#a$ arrangements

    between midnight and fo#r are booty ca$$s%;

    e $a#ghed o#t $o#d at that% ;So* yo#'re ca$$ing me for some booty4; he as"ed pro(ocati(e$y%

    ;)'m ca$$ing yo# to arrange a con(ersation*; she said $e(e$$y%

    Sti$$* he co#$d imagine the epression on her face that tight$ipped way she tried to not smi$e%

    )t was what "ept a smi$e on his face% e'd missed this% +n #nhappy woman was a miserab$e thing%

    1ot that Emi$$e was miserab$e* or made him miserab$e% J#st* when she wasn't happy* the part of

  • 8/13/2019 The Chefs Choice


    him that wanted her $a#ghing a$$ the time was< we$$* that part of him was iserable% Tr#th be

    to$d* he fe$t $i"e he'd st come #p from a $ong di(e%

    ;)t st so happens that yo#'re most a$ert d#ring the booty ca$$ ho#rs% +nd ) did not as" yo# to

    come by d#ring said ho#rs% !ouoffered%;

    ;5e$$* dar$in'*; he draw$ed f$irtatio#s$y* ;yo#'re st gonna ha(e to ta"e me when yo# can getme% ) won't ha(e any free time for the net co#p$e of wee"s%;

    ;7o#'re fishing this S#nday4; she as"ed%;=ea(e the porch $ight on% )'$$ be there in abo#t an ho#r*; he to$d her* a(oiding her 3#estion%

    The resta#rant was a$most c$eaned and c$osed%

    ;) can meet yo# o#t on the boat on;

    ;)'$$ be there in an ho#r*; he said% e was ecited at the prospect of seeing her for the 'first'

    time since she'd beg#n wor"ing o#t%

    ;-e where4;

    ;-eware4 5hy4;

    ;5hy what4;

    ;5hy sho#$d ) beware4;

    ;) was as"ing where yo# p$anned to be%; This con(ersation was getting strange%

    ;+hilla0, Em*; he ch#c"$ed% ;) was st messing with yo#% )'$$ be at yo#r p$ace in an ho#r%;

    ;7o#'re in a strange mood tonight*; she said #ncertain$y% ;+$right% )'$$ see yo# when ) seeyo#%;

    Emi$$e didn't "now what to do with herse$f% She wanted to $oo" her best% This was the firsttime he wo#$d be seeing her in a month% +t the time she'd $ost twentyfi(e po#nds* b#t they

    weren't noticeab$e% Sityfi(e po#nds was a h#ge$y noticeab$e difference% )t wasn't m#ch*

    considering her goa$% She was sti$$ fat* b#t there was some definition in her arms% The ce$$#$ite

    wasn't so bad% She had some $oose s"in* b#t no one co#$d acc#se her of $oo"ing $i"e she was

    pregnant any more% She winced at the memory of the woman in the grocery store* who had

    act#a$$y reached o#t and r#bbed her be$$y fo#r years before% Some things st st#c" in a gir$'s

    mind* and that incident had ha#nted her%

    %ositive thoughts, E%%ositive thoughts%She wo#$dn't dress #p% She didn't want him to thin" she had a cr#sh on him or anything $i"e

    that% )t might ma"e things aw"ward between them% +w"ward $i"e it had gotten after the "iss% -est

    she st act norma$$y and sa(e herse$f the embarrassment if he fai$ed to notice any changes in her

    body% )t was $ate* after a$$% .eter wo#$dn't epect her to be wearing anything b#t her pa&amas

    anyway% +nd it wasn't $i"e she co#$d $ay aro#nd in a peignoir waiting for him not that she owned

    one%The "noc" on her front door came a$most an ho#r $ater eact$y%

    She opened the door to .eter% ;ey%;

    >or $ong moments* he st stood there* staring at her with a strange $ight in his eyes as his

    ga:e ro(ed o(er her% + pro#d $itt$e smir" appeared on his $ips as he presented her with a sma$$ togo bo fromJackson's Mark.

    ;) made this for yo#*; he said* handing her the bo%;5hat is it4; she as"ed* $oc"ing the door behind him%

    is grin said it a$$%

    Cr#shed* Emi$$e tried to pretend she wasn't abso$#te$y horrified by his offering% She popped

    open the container* and s#re eno#gh* it contained a se$ection of her a$$time fa(orite desserts%

    .eter was an etraordinary chef* b#t he had one partic#$ar specia$ty% 6ignardises% e was a$ways

    $oo"ing for an ec#se to create the tiny pastries%

    .eter m#st ha(e noticed the change in her epression beca#se he hastened to ep$ain himse$f%

    ;Each one is on$y aro#nd eighty ca$ories% ) twea"ed the recipes to ma"e them hea$thier and it was

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    a hit*; he anno#nced pro#d$y% ;Jac" and ) are thin"ing abo#t ma"ing most of the dishes on the

    men# hea$thier%;

    ;That's nice*; she said wea"$y% ;-#t* .eter% ) can't accept this%;

    e sobered instant$y% ;5hy not4;

    Emi$$e fe$t h#nted as she so#ght for a way to escape ha(ing to answer him% ;S#ffice it to say*that tho#gh ) appreciate the tho#ght* ) cannot accept this%; She tried to hand it bac" to him%

    .eter ignored her% She was the one who had inspired him to go and re(ise the whee$ in thefirst p$ace% 5hat the he$$ was she ta$"ing abo#t now4

    Emi$$e rea$$y hatedit when he $oo"ed at her that way% ;Stop g$aring at me $i"e that@; she


    is epression became the definition of ne#tra$ity% ;) wasn't aware that ) was g$aring at yo#*;

    he said forma$$y%

    ;+nd don't get a$$ co$d on me either%;

    .eter ro$$ed his eyes% +pparent$y nothing he did tonight was going to p$ease her% ;)'$$ stop

    whate(er )'m doing to annoy yo#* if yo# te$$ me why yo# can't ta"e the pastries%;

    ;,h@Fine(; She threw her hand #p in the air* caref#$ not to toss the petit fo#rs aro#nd in the

    bo% There was no point in r#ining s#ch pretty desserts% ;)'m on a (ery strict diet% ) ha(e to $earn

    better eating habits% 7o# "now )'(e been trying to $ose weight% 7et the first thing yo# bring me

    after not seeing each other for months is dessert4; Emi$$e fo$ded her arms across her chest% ;owthoughtfulof yo#*; she said wry$y%

    She probab$y epected him to apo$ogi:e% )nstead* what she got was a thoro#gh$y tic"ed off

    .eter% e was bac" to g$aring at her% ;Tho#ghtf#$4 7es@ ) p#t a $ot of tho#ght into ma"ing yo#r

    fa(orite things diet friend$y% So pardon me if ) don't see why yo# can't eat my coo"ing any more%;Emi$$e &er"ed her head bac" in s#rprise%Is he hurt&;.eter* it's not yo#r coo"ing that;

    ;7o# stopped coming aro#nd%; She was his biggest fan% e wanted her to p#rs#e a hea$thier

    $ifesty$e* b#t .eter wasn't going to $ie to himse$f% +s m#ch as he wanted the o$d Emi$$e bac" the

    Emi$$e from fifteen years ago he a$so wanted the Emi$$e that he'd grown to $o(e bac"% The

    simp$e fact was* if she wasn't aro#nd to eat* he didn't ha(e anyone whom he wanted to coo" for%

    er epression was sardonic as she ba$d$y to$d him the tr#th% ;.eter* ) ha(e no prob$ems with

    yo#r coo"ing% -#t* ) am not setting foot inside that resta#rant again #n$ess ) get to my goa$

    weight% That's why ) ca$$ed yo# tonight% +nd as for the desserts*; she wa(ed her hands aro#nd infr#stration% ;)'m st not there yet% ) ha(e a hard eno#gh time contro$$ing myse$f with my mea$s%;

    e b$in"ed% ;) don't #nderstand yo#%;

    She $ed him o(er to the $i(ing room and sat net to him on the sofa% ;.eter*; she began* $ic"ed

    her $ips* sett$ed her hands in her $ap* then started o(er again% ;.eter* )'(e $ost sityfi(e po#nds%;

    She waited for his reaction since he hadn't noticed it himse$f%

    e nodded% ;)'(e noticed% 7o# $oo" nice%;That was the highest praise she was $i"e$y to get o#t of him% So* Emi$$e didn't a$$ow herse$f to

    fee$ bad that he wasn9t going on abo#t her transformation% ;The prob$em is* )'(e p$atea#ed% .ortia

    and ) ha(e #pped my cardio* and increased my strength training* b#t )'m not $osing the weight as

    3#ic"$y as ) was when ) first started o#t%;;5hat do yo# mean4;

    ;) started o#t $osing ten po#nds a wee"* then se(en% 1ow* )'m down to fi(e%;.eter sti$$ed% ;>i(e po#nds a wee" is a lot of weight* Em%;

    She was sha"ing her head e(en before he'd finished% ;,n$y fi(e po#nds this onth,.eter% )t's

    not eno#gh*; she said in a sma$$ (oice% ;.eter* )'(e been fat a$$ my $ife% +nd a$$ ) want for my

    birthday this year is to $oo" in the mirror and not be ashamed of what ) see%;

    e p#$$ed her into his arms% ;7o#'(e got nothing to be ashamed of%; espite her attempts to

    p#sh away* he he$d firm%

    ;)t's hard to be$ie(e that% Especia$$y coming from a man who's ne(er str#gg$ed with his

    weight a day in his $ife%;

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    ;) str#gg$e with my weight e(ery day*; he admitted% )t was hard eno#gh trying to "eep the

    weight on when he wasn't training% )t was e(en worse when he was in training% .eter had to

    cons#me ridic#$o#s amo#nts of ca$ories st so he co#$d $oo" hea$thy% To maintain his c#rrent

    m#sc$e mass* he sometimes had to force himse$f to eat% 6ost women didn't find etreme$y thin

    men attracti(e* and Emi$$e was st $i"e the rest of them% ow many times had he heard herg#shing o(er hea(i$y b#i$t m#sc#$ar men4

    The on$y time he'd e(er gotten a reaction o#t of her was that first S#nday morning when she'd&oined him fishing% They'd gone o#t on the water at dawn* b#t as the s#n had risen with the

    temperat#re* .eter had stripped o#t of his shirt% e'd been twentyfi(e at the time% )n the prime of

    his $ife% Emi$$e had ta"en one $oo" at him* then s$ow$y as if she was in a trance she'd stretched

    o#t her hands to co(er his abdomen% + shi(er co#rsed thro#gh his body at st the memory of how

    he'd reacted to the way her fingers had trai$ed o(er each ta#t m#sc$e% 6ista"en$y* he'd be$ie(ed

    that something had started in that moment% -#t Emi$$e had swift$y eting#ished whate(er f$ame

    of attraction had been "ind$ed% She'd patted his stomach and said* ;1ice abs* .eter% idn't "now

    yo# had a$$ that #nder yo#r c$othes%; e'd wor"ed hard to maintain that body e(er since* b#t no

    matter how many S#nday mornings she'd spent with him shirt$ess* she'd ne(er said another word

    abo#t his physi3#e%

    ;Emi$$e* ) #nderstand where yo#'re coming from*; he said% ;)f ) ate according to the

    prescribed standards* )'d be emaciated%;;7o# wor" o#t $i"e a fiend*; she pointed o#t%

    ;) o(ereat to b#$" #p% =ift to b#i$d m#sc$e% +nd r#n to trim down% )f ) want to $oo" hea$thy* )

    ha(e to wor" hard for it%; ?ent$y* he br#shed her hair bac" from her face% ;1ot e(eryone's b#i$t

    the same way% 7o# may ha(e to wor" harder than most to s$im down* b#t yo#'(e come a $ong way%+nd yo# ha(e achie(ed great res#$ts%;

    ;)'m sti$$ o(er two h#ndred and sity po#nds*; she comp$ained%

    ;+nd net month* yo#'$$ be two h#ndred and fifty something po#nds*; he pointed o#t% ;That's

    a far cry from o(er three h#ndred%;

    She sighed* and beca#se his g#ard was down* she was ab$e to escape his embrace% ;.eter*

    yo#'$$ ne(er #nderstand% 6en don't find women o(er one fifty attracti(e% So* e(en tho#gh it fee$s

    good to be in this moment* where )'(e $ost a$$ this weight* )'m sti$$ $oo"ing at o(er a h#ndred

    po#nds that need to go%;;,ne fifty4 That's yo#r goa$4 7o# thin" yo#'d $oo" good at that weight4 )'d be$ie(e that if yo#

    were b#i$t $i"e most women* Emi$$e*; he said with a bored epression%

    efeated* she sat forward on the sofa in m#$ish si$ence%

    e t#gged on her ponytai$% Emi$$e was dressed in her pa&amas% )t was white $inen shorts and a

    white camiso$e% They were far too big for her% e'd e(en noticed that the tight yoga pants she'd

    started o#t wearing to the gym now fit $i"e baggy sweats% )t was probab$y time she downsi:ed herc$othes* b#t he wasn't abo#t to say anything to her% She rea$$y did ha(e a nice pair of $egs tho#gh%

    Strong% =ong% Rob#st% )t wo#$d be nice to see her r#nning on the treadmi$$ in shorts% er arms

    were toning #p nice$y as we$$% Those he co#$dn't remember everseeing* #n$ess she was dressed

    for bed% Em's arms and sho#$ders were on $oc"down for most of their association% Then therewere her breasts% She co#$d $ose e(erything e$se* b#t .eter was definite$y in fa(or of her "eeping

    the breasts%She wasn't near$y as far from perfect as she tho#ght% -#t* he co#$dn't te$$ her that% Emi$$e

    wo#$dn't be$ie(e him% 1ot yet anyway%

    ;-y the way% ow ta$$ are yo#4; he as"ed* reaching for the container of mignardises%

    ;Sitwo*; she answered* eyeing him as he disappeared into the "itchen%

    ;5hat goa$ did .ortia gi(e yo#4;

    Emi$$e heard c#pboards opening and the door to the microwa(e being s$ammed sh#t% ;,ne

    eighty to one ninety%;

    ;+nd yo# want to weigh one fifty4;

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    ;1ot eact$y% ,ne fortyfi(e%; She proceeded to ep$ain* ;)f ) weigh one fortyfi(e and ) p#t

    on a few po#nds* ) can stop myse$f at one fifty and get things bac" #nder contro$%;

    The microwa(e dinged% + few min#tes $ater* .eter ret#rned to the $i(ing room with two c#ps

    of coffee* a "nife* and a sma$$ p$ate bearing the fo#r desserts% +fter setting e(erything down on

    the coffee tab$e* .eter began to s$ice the desserts into two portions%;So*; he anno#nced once he was done% ;7o# ca$$ed me o(er here to te$$ me that yo#'re being

    #nreasonab$e4;;)t's not #nreasonab$e%;

    ;Em* yo#'$$ $oo" $i"e a stic" at that weight*; he said with m#ch $ongs#ffering%

    She b$in"ed at him as if he was stating the ob(io#s% ;on't try to te$$ me yo#'re not attracted

    to stic"s* .eter% )'(e seen yo# in action% Remember4;

    ;5rong% ) $i"e tall women%; e g$anced at her o#t of the corner of his eye and popped a piece

    of choco$ate raspberry tart into his mo#th% ;Thirtyfi(e ca$ories%;

    She $oo"ed at the p$ate and the coffee% .eter's c#p had mi$" in it% e probab$y had s#gar too%

    ers was st b$ac"% ;7o# don9t $i"e fat women tho#gh%;

    ;) do#bt there's a man a$i(e that $i"es women who aren't fit% )f a woman's not fit* the se

    s#ffers% )'m an acti(e man* Em% )n bed and o#t of it%;

    Emi$$e decided then and there that the con(ersation was getting o#t of hand% So* to a(oid

    being responsib$e for responding to his comment* she t#rned on the te$e(ision%5ic"ed$y* he grinned at her as he ate the $arger piece of choco$ate cream Bc$air% e ch#c"$ed

    to himse$f when her eyes f$ared in o#trage* b#t she didn't say a word abo#t it% e pointed to the

    remaining piece% ;>ifty ca$ories% 7o# can sa(e the rest for $#nch tomorrow*; he s#ggested%

    ;Together* they sho#$d be somewhere aro#nd one h#ndred%;Tragica$$y* Emi$$e shoo" her head% She didn't need to $oo" at the white choco$ate and b$ac"

    cherry ba(arois with its $itt$e sai$ of brandy snap t#i$e% onest$y* she admitted* ;)t won't ma"e it

    #nti$ the morning%;

    .eter "issed her on the chee"% 6ore acc#rate$y* he $a#ghed against her face% ;)t's a good thing

    it's a$ready morning then*; he said%

    ;on't e(er do this to me again*; she said in a sma$$ (oice%

    er tone got his attention% e didn't $i"e to hear her spea"ing $i"e this as if he'd ta"en her

    wor$d and (io$ent$y cr#shed it #nder his feet% ;+re yo# serio#s* Em4; he as"ed 3#iet$y* a frown$ining his brows%

    er $ashes $owered% ;.eter* )'m serio#s abo#t this%; She set her face in a m#$ish epression% ;)

    need he$p p$anning my mea$s* and ) tho#ght that ) co#$d as" yo# as my friend to he$p me* b#t )

    see now that ) can't tr#st yo#%;

    .eter was h#rt by her anno#ncement% She co#$dn't trusthim4 Their who$e friendship was

    based on tr#st% Em had ne(er fai$ed to ha(e his bac" #nti$ recent$y% +nd now that she'd ep$ainedher intention to ret#rn to TheMarkonce she reached her goa$* he wasn't so #pset abo#t her

    p#tting her (isits to the resta#rant on pa#se% -#t this4 ow co#$d she acc#se him of being


    ;.eter*; she contin#ed* ;yo# are the on$y person ) "now who can he$p me% ) need yo#% ) needyo# to care abo#t my hea$th as m#ch as ) do% This is not st abo#t being pretty for me%;

    ;) care* Em*; he said defensi(e$y%;) "now yo# do* .eter*; she whispered* t#rning at $ast to face him% ;-#t right now* ) need yo#

    to care abo#t me more than yo# e(er ha(e before% )'m diabetic* .eter%;

    Chapter '

    The room s#dden$y became si$ent* as if they'd both stopped breathing% +fter she'd inred her

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  • 8/13/2019 The Chefs Choice


    a bo of macaroni and a can of ancho(ies into go#rmet fare%; She waited for his wry smi$e% ;) was

    hoping yo# co#$d $oo" at my $ist of appro(ed foods* and we can wor" together on what ) can

    afford* and create a mea$ p$an that ) can act#a$$y wor" with%;

    ;o yo# ha(e the $ist4; he as"ed%

    She was o#t of her seat $i"e a shot* disappearing into the "itchen% .eter fo$$owed at a moresedate pace% e d#mped the remainder of the desserts into the trash and washed #p the p$ate%

    6eanwhi$e Emi$$e p#$$ed an enormo#s fo$der from the pantry and dropped it onto the tab$e%;6ore coffee4; .eter offered* tho#gh she hadn't to#ched her first c#p%

    ;1o*; she shoo" her head% ;)'(e got green tea in the fridge%;

    e opened the door to get it for her* and had to stop and stare%

    ;o ) ha(e anything in there that yo# thin" ) sho#$dn't ha(e4; Emi$$e as"ed o(er his sho#$der%

    The $ower drawers of Emi$$e's refrigerator were pac"ed with fr#its and (egetab$es% The

    she$(es and e(en the door were fi$$ed with ga$$ons and bott$es of water as #s#a$* and a g of tea*

    b#t there wasn't a condiment in sight% e spotted eggs* and what $oo"ed $i"e s$iced t#r"ey% .eter

    po#red some tea from the g then opened the free:er for some ice% >r#its and (egetab$es ga$ore

    were bagged and stored in f$at pac"ages in the free:er% e dropped a few c#bes into her g$ass and

    shoo" his head% ;1o* ma'am% ) thin" yo#'(e made a rea$$y good start%;

    ;) rea$$y appreciate yo#r he$p* .eter*; she said%

    e deposited her g$ass on the tab$e before shifting the stac"s of c$othing maga:ines that shehad perpet#a$$y co(ering the tab$e o#t of his way% They sat down together and got down to


    Emi$$e wo"e at noon the fo$$owing day to the most de$icio#s aroma fi$$ing her home% er

    eyes f$ew open as she remembered that .eter had s$ept on her sofa after they'd finished wor"ing

    on her mea$ p$an at dawn% 5ith a groan* she ro$$ed o(er and $oo"ed at the c$oc" on her nightstand%

    E$e(en fortytwo%

    +fter br#shing her teeth and washing the s$eep from her eyes* Emi$$e na(igated her way to

    the "itchen epecting to find him there s$a(ing o(er a hot sto(e% 5hat she act#a$$y fo#nd made

    her $a#gh%

    + ye$$ow croc"pot that she hadn't remembered owning was b#bb$ing near the sin"% 1et toit* pinned in p$ace by brand new pac"ages of storage containers and bags* was a note addressed to

    'E.' )t he$d the recipe for chic"en so#p made with nonstarchy (egetab$es% +pparent$y* so#p was

    the easiest way for her to contro$ her starch and fat inta"e whi$e increasing her $i3#ids% The

    croc"pot he$d eight ser(ings* so if she had too m#ch* she'd "now it when sheD 'Freee the

    leftovers into ortions.' e m#st ha(e gone o#t whi$e she'd s$ept%

    5hen .eter arri(ed at wor" $ater that day he was a man with a mission% 6ost of the food on

    the men# at TheMark were dishes that peop$e $i"e Emi$$e co#$d not eat witho#t medication% Too

    many of those dishes were the reason why peop$e ended #p $i"e Emi$$e had%;Ro#gh night4; Jac" as"ed $aconica$$y as he wa$"ed into the office at two%

    .eter g$anced #p from his des"* b#t contin#ed wor"ing% ;) need to ta$" to yo#%;Jac" threw himse$f into the chair across from his friend's des"% ;So#nds serio#s%;

    ;) am*; .eter nodded%

    ;So* ta$"%;

    .eter's ga:e was $e(e$ as he c$osed his $aptop and tented his fingers on the des"% ;Em has

    diabetes%; She'd probab$y "i$$ him if she fo#nd o#t that he'd to$d Jac"son%

    Jac" sat #p straight% ;That doesn't come as a s#rprise* .eter% Em is gross$y o(erweight%;

    ;She's not gross*; he said in a tight* defensi(e (oice%

    Jac"'s $oo" was enigmatic* b#t he said* ;>ine% She's not gross% She's ver"o(erweight% 5hat is

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    she4 Three h#ndred4;

    )t was .eter's t#rn to sit #pright% ;She's $ost sityfi(e po#nds and co#nting%;

    ;Eille4; Jac"son as"ed% e was c$ear$y shoc"ed% + $ow whist$e escaped him% ;)s she; he

    wa(ed his finger thro#gh the air in a fig#re eight%

    .eter "new what he was as"ing% )t was the same thing he'd wondered when .ortia had to$dhim abo#t Emi$$e's s#ccess% Jac" had "nown Emi$$e bac" when too% e nodded% ;)t's coming

    bac"%;;)t's been a whi$e since ) saw her% ) sho#$d probab$y gi(e her a ca$$%;

    ;7o# sho#$d probab$y gi(eMarciaa ca$$*; .eter said specifica$$y%

    ;id yo# want to ta$" abo#t Emi$$e's diabetes4; Jac" as"ed* redirecting the con(ersation%

    ;Ca#se* if yo#'re worried abo#t that* her weight$oss is s#re to c#re it%;

    ;5e're hoping*; .eter admitted% ;-#t no% 5hat ) wanted to te$$ yo# is that her diabetes got me

    thin"ing% e proceeded to ep$ain his ideas to impro(e the 3#a$ity of the foods ser(ed at the

    resta#rant to Jac"son* p#shing forward the first draft of his proposed new men#%

    ?ra(e$y* Jac" considered the men#% +fter a few min#tes he $oo"ed #p and said* ;7o# do"now

    this is a stea"ho#se% Right4;

    .eter opened his hands% ;)s there anything on that men# that's not stea"ho#se friend$y4;

    Jac" read the men# again% )t too" e(en $onger for him to finish this time% ;Can yo# te$$ me in

    a$$ honesty that these changes won't affect b#siness4; That was the bottom $ine* after a$$%;1o*; .eter answered tr#thf#$$y% ;)'m not s#re% ) ha(en't researched it eno#gh* b#t ) "now

    there are entire gro#ps o#t there that can't come to The Markbeca#se we are not dietetic eno#gh%;

    ;The "itchen is yo#r domain*; Jac" rep$ied% ;The on$y thing )'(e got to te$$ yo# is that The

    Mark is a stea"ho#se% )f yo# try to t#rn it into a green bar yo# and ) wi$$ ha(e words% 5especia$i:e in steaks*; he wa(ed his hand in the air neg$igent$y% ;-#t we offer a b#nch of hea$thy

    a$ternati(es too%;

    .eter* who had $eaned bac" in his chair with fingertips tapping a se3#ence whi$e he $istened

    ha$fhearted$y to Jac" shoot down the idea* $oo"ed #p and fro:e% Tho#gh .eter was a ma&or

    in(estor in the resta#rant* it was sti$$ Jac"'s baby% .eter had p#t some cash and his $o(e of coo"ing

    into the resta#rant% Jac" bro#ght his $ife to the b#siness e(ery day% There was no time off for him%

    5hen .eter was fishing* Jac" was wor"ing% )t was on$y fair that the ownerof TheMark* the man

    for which it was named* appro(e the changes%;+re yo# saying what ) thin" yo#'re saying4;

    Jac"son shr#gged% ;)'m saying we co#$d gi(e it a try% -#t* if the g#ests don't ta"e to it* we're

    going bac" to the o$d men#%;

    ;+$right@; .eter $a#ghed% e stood and etended his hand to Jac" to sha"e% ;Than"sgi(ing's

    coming #p% 5e can try o#t a hea$thier men# then%;

    ;.eter* the $ast thing anyone wants for Than"sgi(ing is tof#t#r"ey%;.eter p#$$ed him in for a h#g and a brother$y "iss on his chee"% ;5e'$$ see man% 5e'$$ see% )f )

    don9t #p the sa$es this Than"sgi(ing* yo# can fire me%;

    Jac" ga(e him a wry $oo" as they wa$"ed o#t of the office% ;)'$$ remember that%;

    Chapter 1(

    Emi$$e was wor"ing her way thro#gh her fina$ reps of barbe$$ bench presses when she t#rned

    her head to g$ance in the mirror% +s her body became $eaner and more toned* Emi$$e co#$dn't he$p

    ta"ing e(ery a(ai$ab$e opport#nity to chec" o#t her ref$ection% >or a woman who #sed to wince

    e(ery time she ca#ght a g$impse of herse$f* she fe$t she'd earned the right to chec" o#t her guns

    when she $ifted% There was a good bit of $oose s"in on her arms* be$$y* and inner thighs b#t

    beneath a$$ that* she was b#i$ding a roc" so$id body% She'd ne(er fe$t seier in her $ife%

    Since her ta$" with .eter three wee"s before* she'd $ost another twenty po#nds% -eca#se she

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    wor"ed whi$e he s$ept* and s$ept whi$e he wor"ed* .eter had dropped dinner off at her p$ace a few

    times after she'd gone to wor"% >or a chef* he was a faithf#$ be$ie(er in that croc"pot* so when he

    bro#ght dinner for her* he made s#re there was a stew going for those in between nights%

    =istening to his ad(ice wasn't so hard when they were on the same page% 5hat Emi$$e appreciated

    most was the desserts% The c$eaner her diet became* the easier it was to ma"e wise choices%#ring fo$$ow #p con(ersations* she'd mentioned that she $o(ed fr#its% .eter had gone to the

    tro#b$e of preparing a miniat#re fr#it bas"et for her% She'd ne(er forget the pineapp$e topper thathe'd car(ed into the n#mber eighty to mar" her eighty po#nd mi$estone%

    5ho "new that a diet needed to be hea$thy* not st s"impy for a person to $ose weight4 She

    certain$y hadn't% .ortia had #nderstood tho#gh% Tho#gh she'd ne(er been diagnosed with diabetes*

    once #pon a time* Emi$$e's trainer had been three h#ndred and fortyfi(e po#nds at fi(e feet and

    si inches ta$$% She'd e(en shown Emi$$e a photograph of her at that weight* describing herse$f

    with one word* 'ro#nd'% 7o# wo#$dn't be ab$e to te$$ today% 7o# wo#$dn't e(en "now that .ortia

    had ended #p with tons of s"in% She'd opted for s#rgery herse$f* b#t had ass#red Emi$$e that she

    wo#$dn't ha(e eno#gh s"in to merit it% )n fact* she firm$y be$ie(ed that if Emi$$e was patient* her

    s"in wo#$d bo#nce bac" within a year or two% Emi$$e was starting to be$ie(e it% 1or did she rea$$y

    care if her s"in e(er tightened #p% >or the first time in her $ife* she co#$d wear a s$ee(e$ess top in

    p#b$ic% She'd ne(er tho#ght that was possib$e%

    + g#tt#ra$ groan escaped her mo#th as she p#t her f#$$ concentration on comp$eting the $astthree reps% 5ith a s#dden b#rst of eha$ation* she finished* sat #p and readied herse$f to wipe

    down the station% She was a comp$ete wrec"% >rom the crown of her sweaty head to the tips of her

    sweaty toes* she was a dripping* eha#sted mess% -#t she'd ne(er fe$t more awesome% Today* her

    doctor had to$d her that she was no $onger diabetic% She sti$$ had to wor" to get o#t of the categoryof prediabetic* b#t for the first time in years* she fe$t optimistic abo#t her f#t#re%

    ;5hat's #p* yo# sey beast yo#4; someone grow$ed behind her%

    She g$anced in the mirror to (erify that the (oice she heard did indeed be$ong to who she

    tho#ght% =a#ghing* deepset gray eyes met her own beneath his $ongish pompado#r sty$e hairc#t%

    Tho#gh it was o#t of p$ace in the gym* this c$eanc#t $oo" s#ited him better than the dread$oc"s of

    a do:en years before% E(en then* he had been a gorgeo#s star in the ma"ing% )t wasn9t #nti$ he'd

    gi(en #p on trying to sha"e his co#ntry roots in his p#rs#it of roc" and ro$$ fame that he'd fina$$y

    bro"en thro#gh to g$oba$ stardom% e was a phenom%;Ca$eb Ryce@; Emi$$e escaped on an o(er&oyed $a#gh%

    5ith a wic"ed grin* Ryce wrin"$ed his nose% ;)'d "iss yo#* b#t yo#'re a$$ sweaty%;

    ;5hat are yo# doing here4 ow did yo# "now ) was here4;

    e grinned and pointed o(er his sho#$der% ;.eter bro#ght me here with the promise of a

    s#rprise* then bet me that ) wo#$dn't be ab$e to find it%;

    Emi$$e $eaned sideways a $itt$e to see .eter wor"ing thro#gh a series of p#$$ #ps% is eyesac"now$edged her* b#t he didn't cease his wor"o#t% e was as sweaty as she was% She wa(ed* b#t

    a frown marred her smi$e as she t#rned her attention bac" to the peop$e's n#mber one most

    bea#tif#$ man of the year% ;ow $ong ha(e yo# g#ys been here4;

    Ryce f$ic"ed his wrist to chec" his watch% ;+bo#t two ho#rs now*; he rep$ied% ;e wo#$dn't$et me come o(er and say hi% Said ) sho#$dn't bother yo# #nti$ yo#'re done%; .eter had predicted

    that she'd be done after the presses%She grinned% ;5e$$* )'m done now%;

    ;) see yo# can bench press a horse now*; Ryce $a#ghed% ;=et me see those g#ns%;

    Emi$$e b$#shed% )t was one thing for her to be admiring her own arms* it was another thing

    entire$y to be f$eing in front of her friends%

    ;) saw yo# chec"ing yo#rse$f o#t*; he teased%

    She grabbed her towe$ and sashayed past him% ;Somebody's got to do it%;

    Ryce wo$fwhist$ed as she wa$"ed away% ;7o# ma"e sweatyse0"%;

    +t the $ast moment* Emi$$e stopped and $oo"ed o(er her sho#$der% ;5ipe down that bench for

  • 8/13/2019 The Chefs Choice


    me* wi$$ yo#4 )'m going to ha(e a shower% +nd then )'m coming bac" for my "iss from the 'seiest

    man a$i(e'%

    ;) didn't bring yo# here to f$irt with her*; .eter gr#mb$ed when Ryce ret#rned to his side%Ear$ier that day* when Ryce had ca$$ed to say he needed a brea" from his to#r and wo#$d be f$ying

    into town* .eter had been ecited to see his friend% Ryce hadn't been to +#stin in we$$ o(er a year*so their gro#p of friends missed him%

    ,ne friend in partic#$ar had missed him a $itt$e too m#ch* it seemed%

    ;+re yo# "idding me4; Ryce as"ed in disbe$ief% ;)'m not doing anything ) ha(en't done


    Tr#e% -#t before* Emi$$e hadn't been a hottie% 1efore* Ryce hadn't $et his eyes $inger on

    Emi$$e's assets% Ryce co#$d ha(e his pic" of any woman in the wor$d* b#t he was sweet ta$"ing

    Emi$$e as tho#gh she was the $o(e of his $ife%

    .eter was notimpressed%

    5hi$e they had waited for her to finish her wor"o#t* he'd had to end#re Ryce's repeated

    comments abo#t Emi$$e's ama:ing transformation% Shestillhadn't p#rchased a new set of wor"o#t

    c$othes* b#t connoisse#rs $i"e Ryce wo#$d ha(e no tro#b$e seeing what was beneath the $ayers%

    Especia$$y since Emi$$e was wearing an o$d tshirt that she had ripped the s$ee(es o#t of% +n o$d tshirt from the days when Ryce had gone by the name +aleb% 1ow* he #sed his f#$$ name% )t was

    a$$ .eter had been ab$e to do to stop his friend from #psetting Emi$$e's wor"o#t% The min#te she'd

    finished her $ast co#nt* Ryce had gone wa$"ing%

    ;J#st* don't $ead her on $i"e that*; he warned% ;Em's not some gro#pie%;;on't ) "now it*; Ryce said with a $echero#s smi$e% ;She's my specia$ gir$%;

    Choosing to ignore the fact that allof Ryce's smi$es were $echero#s* .eter started his bo

    mps% is friend was ab$e to simp$y stand there and $oo" fit% .eter had to do a$$ sorts of strength

    training eercises in order to maintain eno#gh m#sc$e mass to be comparab$e to Ryce% E(en then*

    he'd on$y ended #p $oo"ing $eaner and more ripped instead of b#i$t $i"e his b#ddy% Ryce was

    Emi$$e's type% 8nti$ that moment* .eter had ne(er resented his own physi3#e more%

    5hen .eter's epression smoothed o#t* Ryce who had started a set of power c$eans to "i$$

    time stopped after the third one% e ga(e .eter a thro#gh $oo"* his eyes narrowing% ;ey*; hesaid after a whi$e* ;there's nothing going on between yo# and Emi$$e* is there4;

    The g$ance .eter rac"ed him with was scathing%

    Shr#gging bac" into his $eather &ac"et* Ryce decided to $et .eter wor"% is si$ence $asted

    abo#t ten min#tes% e was comp$ete$y incapab$e of ignoring something $i"e this% ;Serio#s$y*

    man*; he said at $ast% ;)s there something going on between yo# and Em4;

    ;1o%;,ne word% +nd .eter didn9t so#nd too happy abo#t that% ;o yo# want something to go on

    between yo# two4; Ryce as"ed s$ow$y%

    ;There's nothing there togo on*; .eter anno#nced* his brow &er"ing in annoyance%

    Ryce snorted% ;Come on* man% This is me yo#'re ta$"ing to% ) remember when yo# had thehots for her% She's starting to $oo" $i"e that gir$ again%; e tho#ght abo#t it a moment% ;She $oo"s

    better* in fact% Something yo# were 3#ic" to te$$ me as soon as ) got into town tonight%;Si$ence%

    ;7o# getting fee$ings for her again4; he pressed% ;,r are yo# rea$i:ing yo#r fee$ings ne(er

    rea$$y $eft4;

    ;7o# going to sh#t #p and $et me finish what )'m doin'4;

    ;?ood*; Ryce $a#ghed* strategica$$y distancing himse$f from .eter% The man was wiry as f#%

    5e$$* he was wiry* b#t Ryce had wor"ed o#t with .eter often eno#gh o(er the years to "now that

    those compact m#sc$es pac"ed both strength and stamina% )f .eter s#dden$y decided to $ay him

    f$at* f$at he'd be% ;)f there's nothing going on between yo#* then yo# won't mind if ) ta"e her o#t

  • 8/13/2019 The Chefs Choice



    .eter stopped mping% 5ith his hands on his hips* he t#rned his f#$$ attention on Ryce%

    ;=ea(e Emi$$e a$one* Ryce% She's not some gro#pie% She's a good friend who's st getting her $ife

    in order% The $ast thing she needs is yo# coming in here o(ernight and f$irting with her before yo#

    f$y o#t again on a dime% Em's not the "ind of woman yo# do that to% 7o# start f$irting with her*she's going to start be$ie(ing that yo#'re rea$$y interested% -#t* we a$$ "now the "ind of women

    yo# reall"$i"e% To yo#* Em's st a safe f$irt% There's no threat there for yo#% -#t if yo# mess withher right now* a$$ yo#'re going to do is end #p h#rting her% She doesn't need that right now% So* )

    say it again for the $ast time% =ea(e% Emi$$e% +$one%;

    5hi$e he $istened to .eter te$$ him a$$ the reasons why he sho#$dn't f$irt with Emi$$e* Ryce

    $oo"ed down at his feet considering% e had wor"ed hard to c#$ti(ate his rep#tation as a $adies'

    man% )t came with his &ob% -#t to hear his best friend say he wasn't good eno#gh for a woman $i"e

    Emi$$e< that h#rt% E(ery where he t#rned* he was $earning how easy it is to h#rt somebody yo#

    cared abo#t%

    ;on't yo# thin" she'd find it strange if ) didn'tf$irt with her4; he as"ed 3#iet$y%

    ;7es*; a soft (oice answered%

    Ryce $oo"ed #p* b#t .eter stood arrested staring into the mirror a hard $oo" coming o(er his


    ;7es*; Emi$$e said again soft$y% ;)'d find it strange if yo# stopped f$irting with me%; She cameo(er to the bench on which Ryce was seated and t#gged him #p% ;1ow* gi(e me my "iss and

    ma"e it good% ) p#t on perf#me for yo#%;

    Ryce saw the de(i$ in her eyes st a sp$it second before her $ips were pressed against his% She

    wanted a "iss $i"e the ones he ga(e o#t on stage% The "ind of "iss that made him famo#s% So* hega(e it to her* wrapping his arms aro#nd her body* and ti$ting her bac"ward% e'd tho#ght for s#re

    Emi$$e wo#$d change her mind once he went f#$$ tong#e on her* b#t she s#rprised him% She was

    doing this beca#se she'd heard their con(ersation* and he didn't want her fee$ing $i"e anything $ess

    than a desirab$e woman% So* Ryce did what any good friend wo#$d do% e made s#re* in that "iss*

    that Emi$$e "new she was one of the best things that e(er happened to him%

    >ina$$y he $ifted her bac" #pright* p$anted a "iss on her chee"* and s3#ee:ed her with a$$ the

    $o(e and affection of their $ongstanding friendship% e credited Emi$$e with his s#ccess% )t was

    her who had s#ggested he "i$$ +aleb* and st eist as +aleb 2"ce% That night* ten years ago hadbeen a t#rning point for him% This was his girl% 6ore .eter's than anyone e$se's* b#t his

    nonethe$ess< Together* they t#rned to .eter* b#t he was no $onger standing there%

    ;5here'd my ride go4; Ryce 3#ipped* hoping to a(oid an aw"ward sit#ation%

    ;Shower*; Emi$$e said* co(ering her $ips with the bac" of her hand% >orcib$y* her epression

    brightened% ;ey* did yo# g#ys ha(e any p$ans for tonight4; )t was 6onday% The Mark was

    c$osed%;7eah*; Ryce answered% ;That's why we came to get yo#% a(id's dri(ing #p from San

    +ntonio% 5e were p$anning on hitting 1ate's p$ace tonight%;

    ;,pen mic4;

    + s$ow smi$e to#ched his $ips% ;1ow* why e$se wo#$d ) come to +#stin4;

    Chapter 11

    .eter fo#nd Ryce waiting for him in the $obby of the gym% ;5here's Em4; he as"ed% is

    mood hadn't impro(ed d#ring the time he'd been gone%

    Ryce stood% ;She went home to change% She'$$ meet #s at rongdoings.;

    .eter nodded and headed o#t the door% e didn't say anything at a$$ abo#t the "iss%

    ;) sho#$dn't ha(e "issed her*; Ryce 3#iet$y admitted when they p#$$ed #p o#tside of 1ate's

  • 8/13/2019 The Chefs Choice


    c$#b% e didn't want to go inside with hard fee$ings between them% )t wo#$d affect the rest of the

    night* and the g#ys were bo#nd to pic" #p on it% +nd Em% +s the on$y gir$ and the ca#se of the

    tension* she wo#$dn't fee$ comfortab$e%

    Sti$$* .eter said nothing%

    ;6an* $et's st get this o#t before we go inside*; he said% ;) don't want Em fee$ing#ncomfortab$e beca#se of the "iss% )t didn't mean anything%;

    -#t "issing Emi$$e meant e(erything to .eter%;Say something%;

    Sharp$y* .eter t#rned his head to g$are at his friend% ;5hat do yo# want me to say* Ryce4 )

    as"ed yo# not to mess wit