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The chaman voice

Jul 24, 2016



H.C. Elías

The book contains a lot of lessons about the way in which our universe operates. Touches on topics such as healing, life, death, love, evil, expansion of consciousness, fear, among others shown from the "quantum" Shaman's perspective. It is a story full of adventure quite dynamic where each story invites you to read the following.
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Page 2: The chaman voice


Voice Of the


H.C. Elías

The Chaman Voice ©H.C. Elías INDAUTOR 03-2015-100911141900-14

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The Chaman Voice is a book that presents several short stories, in which tell us

the life of Chaman, that of a young boy known among his people as "Restless Cat",

a being chosen, but like most such heroes ignores their fate and even the way they

perform. Another important character is "Daughter of the Stars", she is a wise

woman who represents the spiral of time that sustains the adventure of "restless

cat." "Mystical Glint" plays, like the other characters, a key role as personified the

power of guidance and protection that only true love can provide.

It is a simple and dynamic tale, full of teachings conjoined ancestral wisdom with

universal principles grounded in quantum physics. An adventure where the

essence of each episode is love.

His narrative takes us to beautiful places, some magical, others mystical with

sensitive characters, adorable, but equally fragile. Some able to overcome fear and

difficulties, other prisoners by themselves, victims of their fears.

The story has its foundations on four pillars, the Guardian of the Name, the

Guardian of the Crystal d'Akasha, the Guardians of Time, and the Guardians of the


As in every legend there is always an antagonistic dedicated to pervert and destroy

the harmony and peace. Since then his role is important, not because what he

contaminated, adulterated, perverts and destroys, but because their actions lead

many to a better world.

It is time to begin the journey that will take you through the most bizarre, beautiful,

dark, mystical and sensitive places of your own self through the eyes of "Restless


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Sitting around the campfire one evening the Chaman accompanied by a group of

young warriors together closely watching the fire, they watched amazed by the

dancing flames and nuances of his restless colors. Suddenly the youngest wonder,

what is beauty? The Chaman gently shifted his gaze from the fire and looked at

the young warrior, saw him with a gentle face saying "the harmony of shapes

framed in the original silence." The young warrior thanked the answer, but it was

clear that was too deep and continued watching the fire. The Chaman still a very

sensitive man immediately realized what happened and began saying: "Whatever

you perceive is essence and form; the essence is consciousness, shape is

geometry. Geometry is the voice of the Great Spirit recorded in time. Each form is

a musical note, together make the melody that only stands in silence, when the

union is harmonious, melody is beautiful".

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Each morning the Chaman walk to the forest, on his way passes near the sacred

cemetery of the village, far away he sees the silhouette of a woman, as it

approaches her, he think, is "Moonlight"!, a young widow sobbing inconsolably

beside the grave of her beloved husband. The Chaman that always had her great

appreciation and deeply respected his brave companion, approaches her and

says: why are you crying? ¿not know he is not there? His soul is gone, his

thoughts are free as birds ascend heaven; his body is the evening light reflected in

your beautiful eyes, is the subtle mist that cools your feet, is the wind that gently

caresses your cheeks, is the chirping of birds that herald the dawn, is the

brightness of each star clinking in your window. His hart is you. Now you can

understand, he is not there, he didn´t die.

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Every 7 moons Chaman leaves his tent and walk into the woods, no one knew

where he goes, what he did during that time, how long it takes him to back. Some

said he spoke with ancestors in the mountains, others thought he rising to the

caves to listen to the wind, the least whispered that he met with the men of the

stars. But no one ever dared to ask.

In the village there was a young man living with his grandparents because his

parents had died. The boy liked to spend time at the Chamans tent, whom

respected and admired, besides awakening in him a great curiosity to learn what

he knew, what he did and what he taught. Thus came the seventh moon again and

Chaman prepared to leave their village, but this time he would not go alone, the

young "Restless Cat" is intended to follow his beloved Chaman without noticing.

Suddenly came the dawn and set off Chaman into the woods followed at a safe

distance by "Restless Cat", after a day's journey almost sundown Chaman climbed

the hillside and entrance to a cave . "Restless Cat" followed him but hid behind

some huge rocks, from which he could look out discreetly Chaman inside the cave.

Nightfall Chaman lit a fire and began to recite several words that "Restless Cat"

amounted to listen but could not distinguish. Thus passed a few hours, "Restless

Cat" was beginning to feel quite cold as the wind hit the side of the mountain where

both were. Suddenly unable to distinguish anything more than fire and Chaman

silhouette heard another voice, so he assumed that would come from inside the

cave, but the voice sounded strange.

While this was happening just outside the cave, inside the Chaman talking with a

figure not completely defined in form, suddenly they interrupted his dialogue as

Chaman felt the chill of "Restless Cat". He made a respectful bow to be in the

cave and stood up heading towards the plateau on the outside, then stopped,

looked up at the stars and thought, "If I bring here "Restless Cat" I will save his life,

but will know the Great Secret for which his spirit is still not ready. "

Chaman then heard the voice of the silhouette of the cave in his mind telling him:

"Chaman remember that the Great Spirit is life, about the Great Secret do not

worry, if the wind brought the boy, his spirit is willing, perhaps unprepared, but


Chaman was immediately by "Restless Cat" helped him reach the cave and sat by

the fire to get warm.

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Again the being talked Chaman in his mind: "You know that Restless Cat cannot

see or hear me, because his heart is willing but not their perception. He has the

conviction that there is something that causes you each seven moon leave the

village if it were not so, he would not be here, but unknown what can be. Thanks

this conviction now I exist in his reality, but despite this, as he unknown me, he

cannot perceive me. Chaman now it's your job to teach him to focus his

perception so he can see me and hear me, on he depends observing reality and

thus materialize it, which has already done, but is your duty, change his beliefs so

he can perceive me. When he has done this, he not only will know the Great

Secret, but will be part of it.

At first "Restless Cat" only looked at Chaman sitting by the fire, with the days

began to notice a slight change in the dust near the fire, then a silhouette and

finally a strange voice. Now he could see and hear the being, he spoke to both of

them and said: "Your reality is as extensive as what you are, but as limited as

what you think."

They took leave of being saying, "May the light of each star illuminate your face

and keep the fire of love and truth in your whole being." He replied, "I wish you

south wind caress your body, the cool mountain water refresh your spirit, that soil

you tread at every step give you rest, and the fire of the great sun keeps the

warmth of your soul". And they all said "so be it". The beings silhouette

immediately transformed into a colorful cloud and vanished. Then Chaman and

"restless cat" began their journey back to the village.

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The sun was at the top of the sky when the Chaman hear a voice full of anguish,

"Chaman, Chaman,!" immediately turned his face to the place where the desperate

voice came, immediately realized that it was "White Rain", she approached and

said: "Chaman, my daughter," Flower of Dawn "is very ill, come quick, come with

me!" Chaman immediately walked with "White Rain", both came to where the girl

was, the Chaman with great serenity and a gentle gesture of compassion in his

face approached the girl, who was lying, touched his forehead, he sat down beside

her and taking her hand, then closed his eyes, he was silent for a few seconds and

then prayed pronouncing several words "White Rain" could not understand.

Whenever the Chaman came to heal the rite began touching the forehead and

taking the hand of the patient; compassionately he sat beside her silent for several

minutes. It was at that time when the Chaman weaving a "spider web like" at a

very deep level of reality with which it was linked to the patient. Then he spoke a

series of strange words by which thanked the Great Spirit.

For the Chaman every word was a sacred symbol or geometry, together

"awakened" perfect health asleep in the Great Spirit, in this way Chaman was not

only able to feel perfect health, but it was transformed into health itself, then by

the "web" that linked him to the sick, health completely covered instantly the soul

and body of the patient.

Finished the rite, the Chaman delivered another series of words to undo the subtle

"spider web like" that linked him to "Flower of Dawn". Then again fell silent and

both the girl and the Chaman, they opened their eyes and exchanged a sweet

smile, she looked at him tenderly and said softly, "Thank you, what can I do for

you?" Chaman answered her, “you did it by allowing heal, something in

me, like in the universe, has been healed."

"White Rain" thanked the Chaman and accompanied him outside his tent, but

before leaving asked, "Chaman, why innocent children like" Flower of Dawn "get

sick? Chaman took her both hands and looked into her eyes, saying, "beyond all

this your senses perceive, at the deepest level of reality, there is something like an

even more subtle some kind of spider web like and more extensive than that I

knitted moments ago when I took the hand of your daughter, that spider web like

connects everything, but there are ignorant men who do not know their

selfishness, wickedness, perversion, damage from the depths of reality the

innocent, water, plants, animals, the sun, the stars, sand, finally his ignorance and

evil are the evil that destroy balance and purity in every reality and more

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dramatically in theirs. "Chaman dropped the hands of "White Rain" and said: "Go

with" Flower of Dawn "and be love for her."

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Days passed since the return from the cave of "Restless Cat", during this days the

boy was dedicated to their daily work, but something had changed in him, and

every day he felt an urgent need to visit the Chaman, so finally he decided not

defer more time and went to his tent.

The Chaman was not in it, so "Restless Cat" decided to wait sitting in the shade of

a nearby tree. It was not long when at distance he saw approaching the Chaman:

"hallo" Restless Cat "I knew you will come, now tell me what I already know" and

"Restless Cat" answered what?, you come to ask what turned in your head for

days after what happened in the cave."

"Chaman, if at that time I could develop my perception with your help to see and

hear the being in the cave, I can do the same thing to see, hear, feel ... the Great


Chaman far to answer his question only said, "Come, follow me." Together they

walked silently through the forest to the river that crosses the valley. They sat on a

rock and Chaman took off his moccasins and asked "Restless Cat" to do the same.

Then they put both feet into the water. For a long time the Chaman said nothing, at

first "Restless Cat" was a little anxious as if he expected the words of Chaman, but

over time realized that the answer he was looking for only would find in


When the Chaman decided it was time to break the silence turned to "Restless

Cat" saying, "Describe what you have experienced". "Only when I put aside the

anxiety that caused me the expectation of hearing your words reach inner silence

that allowed me to feel the running water on my feet, the sun on my face, hear the

sound of the wind in the trees, singing birds, the croaking of frogs, see the passage

of the clouds, feel the smell of grass and some flowers, feel the heat in the rock."

Chaman saw him, and asked is that all? "Restless Cat," he replied, "no Chaman,

for a few moments I could feel a part of what was perceived, it was as if everything

join inside me. I was not only able to see how much I could see, smell how much I

could smell, to feel the sensation of water, wind, sun, rock, but I achieve go further

and felt life in all of them. I know it's hard to explain with words so sublime

situation, especially because that level of connection lasted only a moment, but it

was the most extraordinary experience I've had in my life".

Chaman said, "each being has its own Manitou and each Manitou is life, even

what you think inanimate as stones or dust. When you perceive you're not

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always aware of everything around you, but when you perceive in silence, the

noise disappears and gives way to the whisper of life. Which you perceive

yourself as a living does not necessarily make you aware of life and further even

under such circumstances you are able to consciously realize that you are life."

Chaman then leaned over and took in his hand a little water from the river and

said, "Restless Cat stretch out your hand." And he did. Chaman put two drops in

the extended palm of his hand and asked him to observe, after a moment, he

asked “what happened with the drops?” and "Restless Cat" replied "Nothing". So

is. Well, turn the palm of your hand until both drops approach but not touching.

“What happens now? they suddenly lengthened and became one."

Then the Chaman took the palm of his hand and said: "The drops are like life,

when life is conscious of itself, leans toward another life and recognized as

such, both are melted and each becomes part of the other ".

Chaman said: "Now you know" and "Restless Cat" added: "Yes, now I know

that everything is life, and that being can only merge with the life that is the Face

of the Great Spirit understanding that not only has life, it is life itself. So "Restless

Cat," life is not an attribute of being is its essence. "The being has no life, IS


Both drew their feet from the river, they put his moccasins and started back to the

village. During the journey the Chaman thought to himself, "one thing is certain,"

Restless Cat "will not perceive himself or his world the same way. Now he

knows that every being is the Face of the Great Spirit perceiving himself in

every being. "

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After "Shooting Star" slept with his ancestors, his daughter "Golden Sunset" spent

his days remembering his mother. Thus it passed some moons and the village

elders met with the Chaman to explain his concerns about the attitude of "Golden

Sunset". The Chaman who was a wise and compassionate man asked the elders

to invited her to the ceremony of the new moon to be held in three days.

The elders did as told them the Chaman and when the day had come, the meeting

began before sunset. All were sitting around the campfire including "Golden


Late at night the Chaman put out the fire and watched the sky, he said: "Although

there is no moon tonight, because its light does not illuminate the sky, its looks

beautiful, full of stars."

"When a light is gone its absence allows the brightness of thousands

illuminate the night."

The Chaman walked around saying, "Great Spirit is in everything and that's why

everything exists, because the Great Spirit exists. When the moon disappears from

the sky it has been devoured by the Great Wolf, but not because it has ceased to

exist ".

Then he approached "Golden Sunset" and said to her: "the light of" shooting

star "has not turned off just because you no longer can see it, its absence is

not dark, however it is now all the lights that you couldn´t see before."

The elders intervened and the foremost among them said: "Our ancestors called

the lights, the house of souls".

Then "Golden Sunset" respectfully talked to the elderly and with a little oddly

asked, what is the house of souls?

They said. "Imagine a light that never fails, that is the soul, then imagine countless

water mirrors, all with different characteristics, each mirror reflects a life, when the

water mirror dries up, a life ends, but light as I said, never changes nor dies,

only his reflection. "

Now you know, "Shooting Star" does not exist in your reality, but exists in

infinity of other realities, and when she finally extinguished in those all, yet it will

still exist in the reality of the Great Spirit. "

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From that day "Golden Dunset" not again feel sad because now she understood

that life transcends reality.

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By midsummer the Chaman went to visit "Restless Cat," who was sorting various

herbs. When "Restless Cat" became aware of the presence of Chaman suspended

immediately what he was doing and respectfully saluted him. Chaman said,

"Restless Cat, I want you enlist for morning departure before dawn, carrying

supplies for five days." Then he left. "Restless Cat" could not believe that the

Chaman would have awarded such honor, for he had not only chosen to

accompany him, but had gone to look to his tent. "Restless Cat" knew in his heart

that this trip would be very important.

The next day, just before dawn, "Restless Cat" came to the tent of the Chaman,

informed him that he was ready to go and together they entered the forest. When

the sun was at its highest point they reached a small plateau upstream, close

enough to the waterfall that the people of the village known as "horsetail" to hear

the waterfall, and far enough for the sound serve only as background to what could

be heard in that place.

Together they armed the tent, because it would be several days there. Upon

completion the Chaman looked for a place that he saw fit and they sat in the shade

of a huge tree. Just to one side was a large spider web in the undergrowth which

was indistinguishable unless it looks at a certain angle.

Chaman stood, then was for some water and began spraying the spider web with

it, because water droplets cobweb went gradually revealing. Chaman then saw

"Restless Cat" and said: "As you can see the web links two different branches,

which have not seen not mean it was not there, but only by the use of water, this is

revealed before our eyes "."Everything is connected by a large invisible web, but

when you become aware of it, this is revealed, allowing you to consciously

perceive your merge with every being that exists in your reality."

Chaman continued to speak out loud: "Restless Cat" close your eyes, let your

conscience now illuminate every part of the spider web that binds me to you, as I

did with the water”."When the web has revealed to you completely and visualize

both of us together through it, you do a slight movement of your chin down."

Chaman carefully watched "Restless Cat," and as time passed he kept talking

loudly. "Remember that living beings merge like water droplets, let your water-

consciousness, slipping on the web that has been revealed to you to mine but

without touching, now just wait for them to melt. Said so, Chaman noted a slight

movement of his chin, and stopped talking aloud continuing the conversation with

the voice of his mind. And so, in apparent silence, he asked "Restless Cat" to raise

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his chin, which he did immediately again. Chaman knew now "Restless Cat" had

joined his conscience to his and continued for a long time talking to him. Finally he

asked him to separate his drop of water and asked him to settle back with a slight

movement of his chin after he did it. When the Chaman observe the smooth

movement stopped speaking only in his mind and turned back to him in a loud

voice, saying, "now be removing the light of the spider web to stop be obvious the

union between both" and so did "Restless Cat”."Finally he said, open your eyes, for

today is all, light the fire, have dinner and then rest in the stillness of the starry sky.

Early in the morning they both got up and took a short walk along the river to the

waterfall, they were a while and returned to camp, ate breakfast there, rested and

regained what they had been doing the previous day.

Chaman suggested that they be located in the same place, so their sat in their

places. They repeated the process until "Restless Cat" kept hearing the voice

although Chaman said the words only in his mind. Then the Chaman said to him

"hereinafter want you to concentrate on feel and as you go by, describe to me each

thing you feel". "When you directed you'll begin and you´ll told me what you

perceive." Chaman then put his hand on the ground and focus their perception in

heat emanating from the earth, and moments later said in his mind: "Ready,"

Restless Cat" tell me, what sensation you perceive? "Restless Cat" response

aloud, "I feel something hot and rough in my hands”. Chaman then focused his

perception to the wind caressing his face. "Now I feel the damp wind that crosses

my face”. Chaman focused his gaze to the tree under which they sat and asked

"Restless Cat", "What you perceive ?," Restless Cat”, said," something like a

shadow with big arms, well done "Restless Cat" now concentrate in that silhouette

and tries to perceive more clearly”. "The arms are branches and even distinguish

their leaves, the shadow is the trunk". Chaman finally concentrated on

simultaneously perceive all stimuli coming from that place at that time so he could

build in his mind the whole picture.

"Restless Cat" was silent for a few moments and finally said, "Chaman, I can´t

express what I perceive as it is confusing, but I can tell you what I feel, harmony,

balance, peace, tranquility". The Chaman gave him the same information as the

day before to separate the bond between them. Once "Restless Cat" opened his

eyes, the Chaman knew he was ready to know what still unaware of what they had

been doing.

"Restless Cat", "the connection between us is beyond the sensory field, for you

have been able not only to hear my voice in the wind, but also the voice of my

mind as well to feel what I felt and see what I saw".

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What was learned by “Restless Cat” left him exhausted, so the Chaman decided it

was time to rest and continue the next day.

Like the day before, they began with a walk to the waterfall and then breakfast.

Chaman this time chose a place slightly away from the previous one, and unlike

previous days began around sunset. And he said to "Restless Cat", now you let

your conscience be made aware of the web that join you with other living beings,

first you will join a tree, then a rock, after with the water flowing in the river.

Whenever you join a new being you shall go away from the earlier one. You will

also join the sun, the moon and finally to one of the lights in the sky.

Chaman reminded “Restless Cat” before they start to connect, "life merges with

life and beings joined like that perceived as if they were self. Now you are

ready to be tree and perceived like the tree perceived, to be rock, water, sun,

moon, light of the night sky and perceive like they perceive.

As tree, "Restless Cat" could feel the passing of life from its roots through his body,

the sun on their leaves, the wind gently rocking the branches. As stone felt the heat

of the day and the cool of the evening, life as a moment frozen in time. As water

running in the river he felt the course of life. As the sun felt the heat and the fire

that emanated from him, with each heat emanation part of his life escaped, but the

life that he lost as Sun, was giving life to all that illuminated. At nightfall “Restless

Cat” merged with the moon feeling the coldness of an inert life, but could also

perceive his world and more lights in the sky than anyone ever thought it could be.

When he revealed the spider web that linked him with one of the lights in the sky,

he realized that such a thing as here or there does not exist, everything is where

your consciousness is, when you become one with another life, the notion of

distance disappears.

To finish what I wanted you to know I'll just asking for something else, that you link

you with our brother wolf and you remain with him the rest of the night.

So did "Restless Cat." By the dawn, the Chaman asked "Restless Cat" to separate

from the Brother Wolf. Until this day no one knows where he went and what he saw

that night "Restless Cat."

Chaman asked "Restless Cat" came into the tent, lie down and rest.

After reasonable time, the Chaman awakened "Restless Cat" and focused him,

saying, "The Chaman is linked to every being, extra sensory perceive what

they perceive sensory, during the duration of the union both are one, so being

also becomes what the Chaman is. So if the Chaman is love, peace, health, the

being linked will also be, but if it is fear, despair, anguish, the same will happen.

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That is why the Chaman can communicate telepathically, see distance, heal,

change the weather, "transform" into another being, and more.

When they finished ate breakfast, got up their tent and Chaman talk to "Restless

Cat" giving him a couple of pats on the back, it is time to return to the village "little

chaman". So they began the way back to the village.

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From dawn until the sun reached its highest point in the sky was blowing a strong

wind coming from the east. Almost all the people being held in their stores, just a

few warriors who always kept guarded the camp remained outside. Suddenly one

of them noticed a figure approaching from the east, quickly made a sound with his

mouth and two warriors rushed to the spot where he stood. The three enlisted their

axes and bows and waited for the figure began to be defined as he approached.

Not knowing if it would come alone, the other warriors readied their weapons in

their respective checkpoints.

In such a state of uncertainty one of three warriors, the bravest, he decided to walk

toward the approaching figure and at times blended into the underbrush. When he

was close enough to identify it, without the being of the forest saw it, he realized it

was a woman, however, immediately he noticed that belonged neither to his

people, or any people of the region and there was something very strange in her

appearance, it was as if his body vanished. He was deeply impacted by the vision,

he remains frozen not knowing what to do, but he was a warrior, so he took

courage and approached her.

When she noticed the presence of the warrior, he stopped, looked at him, and after

a few moments just ignored him and kept going to the village, then the other two

warriors who had seen what happened they told others, that's how one of them ran

to the tent of the Chaman, and asked him to accompany him as soon as possible.

Chaman arrived and also saw the strange woman whose figure seemed to fade, he

immediately approached her, this time, she facing the Chaman and stopped,

stretched both arms out in front with the palm of the hand stretched upward, then

she puts a palm over the other as to form a cross. Although the Chaman could not

know what was the meaning of this strange gesture, he decided to do the same, as

he assumed it was a kind of salute. She sat down and did the same Chaman,

meanwhile Warriors only watching from a safe distance.

On one side of where they sat was a huge rock, she extended her index finger

as if pointed, then began to move his finger, immediately rock was chiseled with

fire, with signs that followed the movement of the woman´s finger. When the fire

was extinguished, the Chaman could see several symbols engraved on the rock.

Chaman turn to the woman and gave her a puzzled expression, as if expecting

something more from her, something that could help him understand not only

what it meant, but why she did that?

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The woman seemed not to understand the expression on the face of the Chaman,

simply made the same greeting with palms, stood up, walked to the rock, seal it

stood, stared at Chaman without any expression, then turned away, went to the

rock and when touching symbols by his hand, the image of the rock, weeds,

trees behind the rock, looked deformed in a spiral, she stepped to the center of

that and disappeared.

Immediately the forest area that seemed deformed, returned to normal.

Without comment, the Chaman and all the warriors returned to camp. For a long

time no one mentioned what had happened that afternoon in the forest.

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It had been two moons and rarely Chaman had stopped to think about what

happened about the woman in the woods. But despite their reluctance to

remember strange encounter, he knew he could not keep postponing the matter.

There were several things he did not understand, but he could not forget, so he

began to meditate on what happened that day.

He recalled that the woman had put her outstretched palms up, one above the

other, forming a kind of cross like a greeting, or at least that's what he understood.

What would have wanted him to understand?

Meditating realized that the hands represent opposite principles, which were

placed one above the other forming a cross, meant that the four elements, earth,

wind, fire and water, opposed by nature must overcome not join or merge

because, if that being had wanted to insinuate so, a hand had clasped each other

with palms found. However both pointed upwards and only touched each other

forming the cross.

The mystery began to unfold, but Chaman knew that was not all, something else

was missing, so he continued in contemplative mood.

While this was happening in the Chaman´s tent, "Restless Cat" had gone to the

forest to hunt a hare to eat. After walking a considerable distance away finally he

saw a hare, so he began to chase and shoot with his bow. He ran and ran until he

was exhausted, inadvertently came to a place near the camp, but the hare had

been too quick and "Restless Cat" has no other choice to stop for catch his breath.

He bent a little, put his hands on his knees and his heart was gradually regaining

its normal pace. During this recovery trance, "Restless Cat" raise his face and

noticed in front of him a huge rock, which looked somewhat blurred, so he thought

that this perception was due to his extreme exhaustion.

When he finally recovered approached the rock, which still saw blurry, but it did not

seem strange, because he was sure that was due to his exhaustion. When he was

close enough he observed strange symbols engraved on it, and as they were

several, decided to save only one which seemed simpler. As "Restless Cat" knew

well the forest, he immediately began his way back to the community.

While this was happening Chaman awoke from his trance, now he knew that day

three of the four elements implied by the greeting of the creature had been present.

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The wind that blowing in the same direction from which she had appeared, the fire

with which he had chiseled the rock and earth represented by the rock itself, but

the water? He not remembered any stream, or rain, nor even had dew on the


The Chaman was in his tent doing that when unexpectedly entered "Restless Cat",

certainly the Chaman winced because he was very focused on what he was deeply

involved. After the shock Chaman said: What happens Restless Cat? why you get

in this way to my tent?" Then "Restless Cat" replied, "I was in the woods chasing a

hare when I inadvertently got to a place where the fatigue would not let me

continue and when I looked up in front of me was a huge rock with a series of

symbols that I didn´t recognized graven on it. So I decided to memorized just one

of them and ran to the village as soon as I can for not to forget any details”.

"Restless Cat" asked Chaman to leave the tent and taking a branch drew the

symbol on the floor, and said: "What I saw was something like this".

Seeing Chaman the drawing of "Restless Cat" it simply watched in silence for a

while, then said: "This symbol should represent water as it is the missing element

that the woman said in his greeting." Then he continued watching, and after once

said: "the symbol was recorded in the rock, represents a kind of static water, time

invariant." Then "Restless Cat" said, "Yes Chaman, is frozen water, is snow!"

That was how the Chaman knew that the fourth element was engraved on the rock.

But still then was something that bothered him, if it had taken a single symbol to

discover what it represented, why there were several more symbols?

"Restless Cat" saw again the symbol and without waiting said, "must be a kind of

language, we use symbols to express ideas, which not even understand what each

symbol represents, don’t wants to say that not have a meaning. I think it is a

<snow language> ".

Chaman then stood up and said: "Lets go to rock and wood carving the symbols on

it, so we can study them carefully and if we can decipher them, we will know the

mystery they contain. And so they did.

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When Chaman and "Restless Cat" came to the rock began to carve the symbols

that were in it on wood. While doing this, Chaman told the story of what happened

with the woman who had carved with fire the rock. Given the pleasant and

interesting conversation and although they spent enough time on their work, they

did not realize that the sun was about to fall, so they suspended their work and

returned to the village.

In the tent of the Chaman followed the pleasant chat and "Restless Cat" asked "in

all the places you've visited throughout your life, never saw symbols like these?,

no" Restless Cat ", however there is a place two days from here where a woman

his people known as the "Daughter of the Stars” lives, is a wise woman who guides

and advises his people. She talks about her ancestors as immigrants from distant

lands, whom at the start of the times settled in the Valley of Silence, with the

passage of the moons some families moved south in search of better land, and

they were the founders of her town. This story, though fascinating, would have

little or nothing to do with these symbols except that before leaving, she

said, water is the mirror of time, it enclose wisdom and understanding.

Although I have never understood what this means, these symbols brought me his

words to memory.

The town where "Daughter of the Stars" lived was known in the region as Or, the

Town of Light. It was in a valley surrounded by high mountains, so it was not easily

accessible. Required to climb up and then climb down by steep slopes. Those who

had visited described as being full of beautiful plants, huge trees, brightly colored

birds, a place where mild and pleasant scent in the wind is always perceived.

"Restless Cat" suggested to Chaman to visit the town of Or. After such an

interesting story, he had no doubt that "Daughter of the Stars" help them

understand what was enclosed in the mysterious secret symbols of water.

The next day they went to the rock to finish carving the missing symbols and then

began their journey to the town of Or.

Two days later they reached their destination, many people in that place knew

Chaman well, so when they recognized him immediately went to greet them.

Upon hearing "Daughter of the Stars" that Chaman was on Or she went to meet

him with his beautiful teenage daughter "Mystical Glint". Then the four ate in the

tent of "Daughter of the Stars".

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"Daughter of the Stars" asked, "Well, what is the purpose of your visit? Chaman

told her what happened in the woods with the woman who arrived with the wind

and the way in which he had understood everything, remarked that he and

"Restless Cat" assumed that the signs have to be a kind of language founded on

frozen water or snowflakes."

"Mystical Glint" was very interested and asked them to show those symbols of

what had been talking ". Both said, "this is what was craved in the rock."

After touring with the view all symbols that Chaman and "Restless Cat" showed

them, "Mystical Glint" glanced at "Daughter of the Stars" and as if to guess what

each one thought about it, both nodded. "Mystic Glint" got up and walked to a

corner of the tent, there he took a stone slab, returned to his place and put it to one

side of the group of symbols.

"Daughter of the Stars" talked to Chaman and "Restless Cat" saying "your symbols

have some similarity with ones craved on this stone. My people known as the

Stone of the Dreaming, has been handed down from father to son since our

ancestors came to this valley, countless moons ago. By the similarity of both

symbols I´m sure your symbols predate our stone, but can only check if you travel

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to the Valley of Silence whence our people, there you will find the answers you

seek about the mysterious language that is contained in the craved symbols made

by the woman who came with the wind."

Chaman still pondering what he just heard, when "Restless Cat" broke the silence

and said, "I will go, there's something inside me that drives me to unravel the

mystery of the language of water". Chaman then said, "find and fulfill your destiny,

this is your way, not mine."

"Mystical Glint" has led to "Restless Cat" and said "if you're going to make the trip

there are two things you should know, the first is that no one remembers the exact

location of the Valley of Silence, and the second you must not travel alone”.

"Daughter of the Stars" interjected: "Chaman, remember the gesture made by the

woman with his hands, that you thought as some kind or greeting?" Chaman

replied: "Yes, that greeting in our village is known, but only for some elderly and

means that the true essence of what one craved is manifested in the moment

in which opposites are diluted into each other”.

At that time "Mystical Glint" continue the conversation "although it is true that

nobody knows how to get to the Valley of Silence, it is also true that there is an old

legend that says: when the chosen comes, his heart will guide him, and the

path that craving will be revealed in the evanescent moment when the day

turns into night, and the night becomes the day."

"If you're the one your heart will know how to find the way."

Then "Restless Cat" as surprised as confused, asked "what if I'm not the chosen

one? your journey will never end. Now that you know all this, yet do you want to go

for your mystery?" restless cat keep silent for a moment, looked at the symbols

again and said:" I do not know whether I am or not the chosen one, what I do know

is that my spirit is strong and my desire is firm, so my decision to go is final, but

I will require all the help you can give me."

"How will I know which is the precise moment when day and night are diluted into

each other and who is to come with me?"

To such questions "Mystical Glint" replied him, "your companion will be my wolf-

hawk, by night she as a wolf will jealously take care of you, by day as a hawk

accurately guide your steps. Also through her you know the precise time when

night and day meet. From the expression on your face I see you do not

understand. Your mate by day manifests as hawk, but at the moment day

touches the night his true essence is perceptible and changes its

appearance to a wolf. The moment of transformation of your mate is the moment

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when your heart can perceive the way to the Valley of Silence and its actual

appearance. But remember, if your heart is not conformed to hers or to the

heart of the Valley of Silence, although everything reveals to you, nothing

can perceive."

Finally "Daughter of the Stars" said to Chaman, both should remain with us until

the next moon, time that you will leave, you will return to your people and "Restless

Cat", well, only he will know.

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The early days in Or were very quiet, basically they became involved in walking in

the company of "Daughter of the Stars" and "Mystical Glint". After three days,

"Restless Cat" being alone with the Chaman said: "Have you not noticed

something strange?, it's like Or every day was slightly different, the trees although

they seem, have fruits of shapes and colors that changes continuously. The

animals of the same species are presented with different spots on their skin,

sometimes are grated, others speckled, others are white, others blue, well so does

with water, stones, earth, everything changes here, but without losing their luster

and beauty.

It´s true "Restless Cat", here everything changes, that´s because Or is the

reflection of the inner being of its inhabitants.

Chaman told "Restless Cat": "Tonight we will not rest in our tent, we will go into the

valley, on this occasion "Daughter of the Stars "and" Mystical Glint" will not be with

us". And so they did, nightfall went into the valley, when they came to a place far

enough away from the tents of the people, Chaman told to "Restless Cat", "before

departing you must become man."

Chaman asked "Restless Cat" to sit on a log, then blindfolded him and said, "for

any reason you must take off the bandage overnight no matter the noises you

hear. You also can not ask anyone for help. Only with the appearance of the first

ray of sunshine you can withdraw your face band. I will return to the tent and back

for you at sunrise."

Without a doubt it was a long night for "Restless Cat" listening the sounds of the

owls, the howling of wolves, growling bears, frogs croaking, some different noises

in the undergrowth anticipating the movement of animals. Curious Coyotes who got

to close.

So he passed the night sitting stoically in the trunk without removing the bandage

despite the deep fear he felt when he hear the wind whistling through the trees and

the rustling of small shrubs. Finally, with the first rays of sun that terrible night

ends, "Restless Cat" removed his band, he is now a man! and with great surprise

discovers that Chaman was always sitting beside him.

Chaman never left, he watched him all night in silence to protect him from danger

without him noticing.

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The transition from childhood to adulthood had been consummated.

Chaman took the hand of "Restless Cat" to help him up and together in an

atmosphere of happy camaraderie returned to his tent and rested.

Two days later, "Daughter of the Stars" sends for "Restless Cat" and says "the time

to discover great and hidden things, which you don´t know have come”. She

continues saying, "there was a time in which the other world was united the world

of men. Even now this has not changed, but is the man who has forgotten and

refused this union. You must transmute your being so free from all impurity lasts

beyond the world, only then you will be worth to transit the eternity.

Everything that will join you will be a true reflection of your being, but not

mean that you can fully perceive. Only you can perceive what you believe, if

you limit your beliefs, very little of yourself you will perceive, whether broad

yet that does not want to perceive it will reveal, but if you learn to target them

and transform them in belief, perceive only what your heart desired.

There is also a deeper perception that goes beyond what your senses can reveal,

one that comes from free trip of your astral being through space and time as your

physical body lies motionless. This is the Falcon Vision, together perception

that your senses gets you and Vision Falcon, allow you to establish a

conscious communication with the part of reality that your heart has been

targeting ".

Once "Daughter of the Stars" spoke these words to "Restless Cat," she said,

"come into this tent, here there is nothing more than a bowl of water for drinking,

you will spend the next two days inside".

"The first day I go into the tent and leave you a bowl of earth, you will focus your

senses and mind into it, then after a certain time in the evening I will come back

and retire the container, I will open your tent and you will feel the night wind, again

you'll focus your mind and your senses in the wind. When the dream beat you do

everything you can to resist, then sleeps ".

"The second day will come in the tent and I'll leave a bowl of water, you'll do the

same, you will let your mind and senses to focus on it, in the evening I will retire

the container with water and introduce other with fire, the same you´ll have to do,

and then, when sleep overcomes you will resist as much as you can and then


"The third day you will go with me to the Matrix of Or, an ancient cave, there you

will achieve the transmutation of being and get the Falcon Vision…. will be your


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"Restless Cat" do whatever "Daughter of the Stars" says during the first two days,

when the third day came he knew he was ready to go with her to the ancient cave

that his people known as the Matrix of Or. They walked the journey in silence,

when they reached the Cave, she went with him and took him to a place that was

used by his people as a sanctuary.

She said "sit there, do not drink, do not eat, or sleep, nor you will move over the

next seven days. In this cave runs the wind, there will be fire that will stay on for

seven days you're here, you'll hear the running water flowing through the bed of

the underground river and you will put away the clothes while you remains seated,

your body will remains in contact with the earth".

"When your mind ceases to receive the stimuli of these four elements in your body,

and the only thing you recognize be the darkness and silence, whatever your

senses do not know will begin to unfold in your mind, you will see without looking,

hear without hearing transports without moving, you will know the unknowable. But

beware! if fear dominates you, you will enter into regions of darkness and maybe

never come back. So I ask you, are you ready for this? is still time for you to

retract, nobody will judge you for it. But "Restless Cat," replies, "let´s do it, I'm


For a while it seemed that nothing was happening, did not reach the level of altered

consciousness necessary to ignore stimuli that came to their senses, but in an

instant all that changed, not understanding how, he perceived only silence in the

dark, "Restless Cat" knew that despite having reached the mystical moment that

had been craving, also represented the most dangerous trance, because he

recognized that the darkness and silence are partners of fear.

This was the moment for which he had prepared the previous day, could not fail,

should not be afraid, he knew that if he passed the threshold, be ready to

experience the Falcon Vision. And so it was. "Restless Cat" fearlessly crossed

the threshold and looked without seeing, listened without hearing, traveled

without moving and great things that he don´t knew were revealed at the

Shrine of the Matrix or Or.

At the end of the seven days "Daughter of the Stars" returned to the cave with

water and some food, when he saw "Restless Cat" still in trance he do not doubt

for a moment that had managed to cross the threshold and reached the conscious

state of falcon Vision. Stealthily he approached him and with a gentle touch on his

face and a sweet whisper in his ear pulled him out of the trance. He looked at her

with a smile on his face just said, "Thank you."

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During the following days "Mystical Glint" and "Restless Cat" lived a lot, almost

were always together, talked, played, roamed trails at sunset, climbed trees,

harvested fruits were certainly moments of happiness for both.

In Or there were several young men, one of them was "Cunning Coyote" active boy

who continually gave trouble to her parents and felt a great attraction for "Mystic

Glint", but she never gave him standing for the pretend some kind of formal


One day "Mystical Glint" invited "Restless Cat" to the top of one of the mountains

into the valley, once reached the viewpoint of rock in the mountainside overlooking

the river which crosses the valley, they sat and admired the beautiful landscape.

That day "Mystical Glint" was carrying some objects in his bag while she talked

took a willow hoop, tied it hawk feathers, horse hair and beads, then he began to

weave a kind of spider web inside.

While advancing in their tissue "Mystical Glint" commented: "in each time of life

there are many forces, some good some bad. If you are in the good will guide you

in the right direction, but if you listen to the bad hurt you and will take you in the

wrong direction. There are many forces and different directions that can interfere

with the harmony of nature and with the Great Spirit and his wonderful teachings ".

When "Mystical Glint" finished woven network from outside to inside was handed to

"Restless Cat" saying, "See, the web is a perfect mystical way, but in the center

there is a hole. The positive and creative energy poured dream trapped in the web

of life, while all the bad, negative and frightening leak through the center hole never

to be part of them. "

"This object gift today will help you on your journey, will protect you dissolving fear

and negative energies. Never separate yourself from it, hang it from your neck.

When you look at it, you'll remember me, when you touch it, I´ll be with you. Well,

it's late, it's time to go because I do not want to walk at night. "

They crossed the road like the others days, playing, laughing, talking, picking up

small stones and when they arrived, farewell with a tender embrace. What no one

realized was that "Cunning Coyote" spied hidden behind trees.

Thus the term agreed happened, the next moon, and with it came time to leave.

The night before the four dined, "Daughter of the Stars", "Mystical Glint", "Chaman"

and "Restless Cat." Then they parted and went to sleep, at night "Restless Cat"

had a strange vision, something like a figure with straight lines and semicircles. In

the morning he described his vision to Chaman, then both were with "Daughter of

the Stars" and "Restless Cat" again describe it to her.

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When she finish listening the description of "Restless Cat", "Daughter of the Stars"

and "Mystical Glint," they said, "it's time to start your journey. Just will bring with

you the wolf-hawk, the object that flatters you, your clothes and your shoes.

"Daughter of the Stars" approached him, took both his hands and said, "always

remember these words, when the time come pronounces them aloud”.

"KRESHT SE SI UL'T S'SL ILJU" is a phrase that my ancestors legated me in an

ancient language, now nonexistent, meaning "shining in your flight, just in

presence of the sun."

It was the turn of "Chaman" who said, "wherever your heart takes you, stay close

to the Great Spirit, shows great respect for your neighbor, treats

the Earth and everything in it with respect, give assist and affection where

needed, be honest and sincere and that your efforts will always be routed to

the benefit of all mankind".

Likewise "Mystical Glint" tenderly embraced him and said:

"May the warm winds of Heaven blow softly on your face. May the Great Spirit

bless you and take care of you, and everyone you encounter on your way. May

your moccasins make happy trails through many lands. May the rainbow always

touch your shoulder and bring peace to you"

Again "Daughter of the Stars" looked at him saying: "start your journey directing

your steps towards where the sun rises", and did so "Restless Cat", soon his

silhouette and his falcon vanished blending in with the landscape. The adventure of

"Restless Cat" had begun. Chaman said goodbye to his old friend and his lovely

daughter, like "Restless Cat" his image was diluted as he was away from the town

of Or.

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"Restless Cat" soon found a trail on his way to where the sun rises, so he follows it

as his hawk flying in front of him. He had not gone to far when he saw at his feet a

figure that resembled what he had seen in a dream the night before.

While hawk circling above the image craved on the ground, "Restless Cat" walked

into their grooves along the path that would lead to the center, when he stood in

the innermost part of the figure, called his hawk and he landed on his arm. As it

was almost dark, placed on the floor his hawk, and without him noticing change its

shape to the wolf. From the center he glance around and saw a "door" between the

trees, immediately he felt the urge to go there. He went inside and began touring

the first semicircle figure as it did just before at the figure on the forest. Of course it

was quite dark, he knew not to be afraid because the wolf was at his side and

nothing would separate from him, besides wearing around his neck the object

"Mystical Glint" had given him and this will certainly be of great help to banish fear.

There was little progress when in front of him a kind of mist began to take shape, to

be defined in full, he realized it was himself as a child, which surprised him a lot,

but still had not recovered from the shock when the figure vanished, while he kept

walking, then another image materialized before him, this time it was himself but a

little older than their actual age, the same thing happened, faded and moved on,

near the end of the first semicircle materialized another form, this time it was an old

man, whom "Restless Cat" was sure it was himself. He turned into "U" and go

through the second path in a semicircle inside the labyrinth, this time the mist

materialized in different versions of himself at the same age. There were many kids

running all despite being slightly different, representing himself in the stage of

childhood, as he advanced so did, there were many men like him in its present age

but with subtle differences, and lately many versions of himself in old age. Without

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understanding what he saw reached the next level of the labyrinth, again he turned

into "U" and entered the third semicircle, and walked with wolf aside crossing the

deep darkness, on the way nothing happened, and so came to the next level, but

not to back in the customary "U". At this level he not observed anything, but he felt

like scour the semicircle dawn head, however due to the dense darkness, he could

not know what was really happening. At the end of the semicircle the strange

sensation ceased. Again he reached the point where he had to turn in "U" into the

fifth level.

As he had just left the "U" when he began to see his life as a child in the time when

their parents were still alive, but as if it were transparent sheets, also saw a boy in

slightly different situations. In his past he saw the death of his parents, but in other

“sheets”, which seemed transparent and overlapping each other, he continue

seeing them alive and with him. In another “sheet” mom was another person, in

another lived alone with his father in a different village, finally he could see as

many possibilities as if could see if don´t moving on the semicircle. Soon he

recovered from the fascination that this produced on him and continued to

advance, before he appeared in one of the transparent sheets a picture of himself

at the point where it was at the time in the labyrinth and in others, he looked him

with "mystical glint" walking in the Valley of Or, with his grandfather in his village,

hunting with his father, in short, like happens at the entrance of the semicircle, in

many possibilities as willing to perceive as not go his way inside labyrinth.

Finally start walked and visions faded to give way to others that showed several

future possibilities, some lived to an old age, in another he died young, in another

was reunited with his people, in others not, in one he never leave the labyrinth, in

another he reached mysterious places he had ever met, not wanting to see more

went ahead reaching the next stage in "U" and keep walking. There was only

darkness, so he moved to the next level, the seventh, but like what happened in

the fourth level it seemed that ran dawn head, but at the end there wasn´t a section

on "U" but that it was a turn in squad, then that feeling was gone and no longer

seemed that walked dawn head, then traveled a straight path, it was unlike

anything before so we continued with some stealth encountering the end with a

circular shape room.

He sat in what seemed were the central place and the wolf lay down beside him.

He recalled for an instant his experience in the Cave of Or, then spent some time

and suddenly in his mind began to appear a series of pictures one after another of

things that were known, but also things he had ever seen, information came too

fast, so it was impossible to assimilate, so overwhelming was the event that broke

down and fainted.

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When he finally opened his eyes, the wolf was lying beside him, but the darkness

was gone and he could see small brush and a beautiful starry sky. Even without

fully regaining consciousness he looked around and saw a stone with the labyrinth

figure engraved on it.

After seeing the stone looked in different directions, but could not find anything

similar to the entry for which he had entered with the wolf. He also reminded that

the forest where the drawing was on the ground had enormous trees that impeded

see the stars, but now there were no trees, only small bushes and the sky was

totally full of stars with veils of beautiful colors that ran from one end to another.

They walked a bit and found a suitable place to spend the rest of the night.

While this was happening, in the Town of Or "Cunning Coyote" had followed

through the trees "Restless Cat" without anyone noticing and had seen him enter

the labyrinth. As he thought that within that place would be something to use as a

gift for "Mystic Glint" decided to go and find something better to give the girl who

attracted him so much.

"Cunning Coyote" never saw the labyrinth drawing done on the ground, simply

followed in the footsteps of "Restless Cat" and walked toward the entrance.

Immediately darkness enveloped him, the silence and fear swept over him. The fog

appeared and began to take shape right before his eyes, but so was the fear of

"Cunning Coyote" that could not stick around long enough for the mist took shape,

so he ran without knowing where it was in the middle of darkness.

By his fear "Cunning Coyote" was caught in the labyrinth, his journey will never


But the labyrinth was a very sensitive entity and could not be in a state of

imbalance, so that if he won "existence" must throw out of the labyrinth the

same amount of "existence". So in the place where "Restless Cat" had left he

appeared a being whose form was indefinite and of dark nature.

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"Restless Cat" woke up just before dawn and fail to see the mystical moment when

the wolf was transformed into a hawk, but could not perceive only darkness at that

time. Thinking he had nothing perceived regarding the way it should go toward the

Valley of Silence, he decided to stay and wait for the evening to see if at the

moment of change now he had the vision needed to know where to go and so

resume his way.

He take the day to pick up some fruits and go to the river for water, come evening,

he wait for the moment of transformation, but again nothing happened, or at least

that was his perception, only a small moment of darkness in the transformation of

the wolf -hawk.

He returned to where he had slept the night before and sat with the wolf at his side

as he delighted watching the stars, the wolf got up suddenly and began to growl in

an attitude of defense-attack walking around "Restless Cat" immediately also he

got up but could not tell that to which the wolf tried to attack, "Restless Cat"

observed more carefully because it was night and saw that it was a shadow

moving in circles around him, as if to overtake the wolf.

At the moment he felt fear, but again touched the object "Mystical Glint" had given

him and the fear went away. Then he thought of taking his ax to defend, but

remembered did not, because "Daughter of the Stars" and the Chaman had not

allowed him to travel with any weapon. Meanwhile the wolf took care jealously

preventing the shadow approached him, he thought fast, why they would not want

to bring with me weapons if they knew expected me unknown hazards? Now all

took sense. The darkness does not overcome by violence, and fear because it is

his food.

"Restless Cat", stroked the wolf and said, come with me, lie next to me and she

did, then walked toward the dark entity and with great love and mercy he touch it,

just then a flash was formed white light so powerful that "Restless Cat" and the

wolf became unconscious.

When they awoke the landscape were asked unknown, facing them it could see

the sea, but it was not the only strange, lying was a coyote. When they saw him

they did not know what to do, if he will attack or what would happen, but the coyote

stood up and licked the hand of "Restless Cat."

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When morning came, for the transmutation of the wolf in the hawk "Restless Cat"

felt something like a very bright structure. So he decided to go inland. Now during

the day the coyote protected him and Hawk guided his steps.

Night came again, and as "Restless Cat" and coyote slept, wolf zealously protected


When they woke "Restless Cat" and coyote it was morning and the hawk was near

them, but they were not alone, there were about a group of very high light-skinned

people all dressed in white robes.

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The group of people ask "Restless Cat" to accompany them, then he, coyote and

hawk moved with them. As no one knows the language of the other walked in

silence, at dusk and during the change of falcon to wolf, "restless cat" had a vision,

in it he hear the phrase "Daughter of the Stars" had taught him: "Kresht se si ul't

s'sl Ilju ". Of course he did not know what would be the importance of remembering

that phrase just now, but kept in memory until his intuition will tell him when to

pronounce it.

The white-robed beings told to "Restless Cat" where to spend the night. With the

first rays of light "Restless Cat" wake up and walked a bit to look around, but there

was only green fields, then they told him to sit down and they made a circle around

him and began to pronounce a number of words in their language. Then the night

came again and all rested. The next day "Restless Cat" got up and as he had done

the day before he looked around and saw the same, only green fields. The beings

returned to sit in a circle around him and continued saying a series of phrases that

back then "Restless Cat" did not understand, but later he will known them as "the

language of the soul." So it passed another day and another, but on the morning of

the fourth day, when "restless cat" wake up his eyes were opened and where the

previous days had only seen beautiful green fields, an extraordinary crystal city

was revealed, he not yet recovered from his astonishment, when the beings told

him they should start the journey to the city, because they were waiting for him.

This beautiful city was built in circles of land surrounded by waterways, the

structure evoked the image of the eighth threshold labyrinth. And with this

extraordinary picture in his eyes, "restless cat" moved with his hawk, coyote and

with the enormous white-robed beings.

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After crossing the enormous glass doors of the city, he was taken to a room where

he waited, he noted that the walls were composed of thousands of tiny crystals that

emit faint flashes of color, of course his hawk and coyote were with him.

While waiting began repeating the phrase "Daughter of the Stars" had taught him

"Kresht se is ul't s'sl Ilju".

Over time two beings entered one with the appearance of a man and the other like

a woman, when they heard what "restless cat" recited, they repeated just two

words of the phrase "Kresht Ilju".

Then she points to the man and said "Ituk Gamzu" then he pointed to her saying

"Ineni" and both pointed to "restless cat" while saying "Kresht Ilju".

"Restless Cat" realized that they were presenting and assumed that "Kresht Ilju"

was his name.

After the presentation they brought to him, the hawk and the coyote food and


They passed many moons until "Kresht Ilju" manages to learn the language of their

hosts. "Ituk Gamzu" and "Ineni" visited him again in the room where they met, he

said, I am the Guardian of the Name and she is the Guardian of the Crystal

thereupon asked him, "Where did you learn the words you pronuonced the first

time we saw you?, he replied: "a wise woman who knew his people as" Daughter

of the Stars "taught me."Ineni" said "only the first and last word were known for us,

the others allude to an even prior language to ours. As we could only recognize

those two, we decided to give you the name "Shining Sun" or "Kresht Ilju". Tell us

more about that woman and how you find our civilization. "Kresh Ilju" told them

everything that had happened since Chaman took him to see the symbols of the

rock until the present time. When he finished his story drawing some of the

symbols and asked, "Do you know what they mean?" With a slight nervousness in

unison they said " we don´t know" but "Kresht Ilju" felt they were not sincere, he

realized they did know its meaning, however pretended to accept his refusal. He

also recalled the greeting Chaman described him and showed it to the woman and

the man, again asked "do you know this expression of hands?" And both said yes,

is the greeting using by the Guardians of Time. Then they retreated and said

"rests is enough for today."

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With the passage of time, different guides were showing him their city, brought him

to the places where they grew their food, where the crystal structures produced a

strange, intense light, they also showed him small crystals, that when were

touched produced images on his mind. "Kresht Ilju" learned a lot with crystals.

When "Ineni" considered that it was time he took "Kresht Ilju" with the Guardians of

Time. "Kresht Ilju" said them, "I have noticed that here all seem to have the same

age, no children or elderly, so I presume you do not age, but not born?" Guardians

of Time looked at each other and one of them replied, "You are perceptive, Ineni

was right to send you to us. As for your question, the answer is this:

Your sense of time is different from ours, there are no past or future, all

simply is, our childhood occurs simultaneously in an eternal now parallel to

this, as our birth, and our old age. In your notion of time the stages of life are

perceived by you as if childhood were back and old age in front, for us,

childhood and old age are all around us, our time is not linear, it is spherical.

Days after "Ineni" sought to "Kresht Ilju" and took him to the site of the Crystal

d'Akasa, which she protected.

The Crystal was shaped like two pyramids interlaced one with the tip up and the

other with the tip down. It seemed made of thousands of tiny crystals, each

emitting a different color, similar to the crystals that when was touched became

images in the mind. The crystal was suspended in the air on what looked like a six-

pointed star made of strange liquid silver.

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After "Ineni" was shown the Crystal d'Akasa to "Kresht Ilju" he asked, "What is its

function?", Then "Ineni" replied, "If you ask, you are not ready to understand "

"Kresht Ilju" again asked "how will I know that I am ?, Ineni said" when your heart is

able to perceive the true essence behind the form."

Both left the scene and "Kriesht Ilju" continued enjoying the hospitality of their

hosts for several more days.

Was the turn of "Ituk Gamzu" for spending time with "Kresht Ilju". The Guardian's

Name invited him to walk together, as they headed to their destination, "Ituk

Gamzu" talking about issues, and so came the time when he said, "do you

remember the question you asked us to" Ineni "and me about the strange symbols

that take your here with us? "Kresht Ilju "answered" yes of course, how can forget

it, after all is the reason for my trip. "Ituk Gamzu" he continued saying "if it's your

time, today you'll find the answer you seek."

Just something I will advance "these symbols were here before we arrived, so its

origin is lost in the mists of time. Although all of our people know them, just the

Guardians of Time, the Guardian of the Name and the Guardian of the Crystal

d'Akasa understand them. Also you have to know whom your people known as

"Gitche Manitou" or "Great Spirit" is the "Name".

He is the All, the matrix of existence, of life, of the essence, of form, of

intelligence, of feeling and of the names. Nothing that does not exist in the

Reality of the Name may exist in small realities. Everything that exists in

every reality has life, intelligence, essence, shape, is sensitive and has a

name, that still in the forgotten, only the Name and the being known".

"If something is not named does not exist. Similarly if you want to engage in a

dialogue with a being you must call whom you want to talk by his real name, the

secret, which one only he knows although he do not remember, otherwise he

won´t hear you."

"I've already revealed too much, the rest you'll have to find out by yourself, as well

we almost arrived at the Atman´s Precinct, a place which" daughter of the stars

"he referred to as Valley of Silence".

At the end of the words of the Guardian's Name, they climbed a hill and from there

viewed the Atman´s Precinct, like everything in that place was a crystal structure,

but unlike Crystal d'Akasa that was suspended in the air, this was suspended in


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"Ituk Gamzu" placed aside from "Kresh Ilju" and said "from here you have to

continue alone, you must have to find the way to go inside the center chamber,

your hawk and your coyote should remain with me, we'll wait for you at the last

precinct we saw when we were coming here."

"Kresh Ilju" said "okay, later I will meet with you." After the three left him and went

to the precinct. "Kresht Ilju" went down the hill to look more closely at the Atman´s

Precinct, he soon realized two things, the temperature of the water around it was

too cold to swim in, and the second was that there was nothing resembling to a

door, it was a one-piece structure. So he thought, "my physical body can never

enter, but that does not mean that I can´t do it."

"Kresh Ilju" found a place where he could sit comfortably, then remembered what

"Daughter of the Stars" had taught him about Falcon Vision, so he went into a state

of trance, whereby he could leave his physical being, and was his other being that

who was no problem crossing the icy walls and crystal walls of the Atman´s


Inside there was only light and silence. Then in his mind was revealed to him how

the precinct expanded through its six vertices taking the geometric shape of a

beautiful snowflake while he was absorbed integrating his consciousness to that

form, then he felt how the form was diluted in the water around, when this

happened, he opened his eyes and left the trance.

Once recovered from his experience could see the Atman´s Precinct with the same

form it had before his other being enter it.

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Now he was ready to go to the precinct aside the road and tell his story to "Ituk

Gamzu", so he began his journey. When he arrived the three were waiting with

water and hot food.

He ate, drank and begins to relate his experience. The first thing I realized was that

nothing material could enter the Atman´s Precinct therefore should go with my

other self and leave my physical body on the hill. Only consciousness can enter the

Precinct, as the Precinct itself is pure consciousness. Then the image formed in my

mind in the shape of a snowflake that was built from the core structure of the

Precinct, I knew it was representing my real name. This made me realize that each

name is an extension and expression of the Name and that the final

destination of every name is diluted in the Name.

I also understand that as each name comes from the Name it shares the same

essence, but nevertheless is different, so no two snowflakes are alike.

Water is pure consciousness and its crystallization in each geometric form is

a name.

As there was only silence even when viewing my name, I realized that the snow

language does not involve sounds, only form and essence. Now I know that

snowflakes represent the language of consciousness, the most basic and

primary of all, the only one that provides a real communication between all

beings of the Name.

Now I know that if I want to communicate with the stone I have only to visualized its

name, or equivalently the crystalline form of his conscience (Snowflake), the same

if I want to communicate with a tree, or with the wind, with the sea, with fire, with

the moon, with the deer, the bear, finally, with every manifestation of the Name.

After carefully listening "Ituk Gamzu," he said to him, "now you've solved the

mystery of the symbols of water, who constituted the reason why you came up

here, what you have discovered is what you expected? , do you feel that your

journey is over ?, satisfaction that invades your mind is enough to fill your heart? "

Kresht Ilju "responded " Although my enthusiasm is great and my satisfaction

enormous, I still have a gap in my heart and if what I was looked can´t fill it, I don´t

what can. "Ituk Gamzu" said, "this shows you that you found what you came for,

but not what you are really looking for. Your time for leave has come, what you

don´t know you are looking for here you will not find. Leave when you're ready,

you will always be welcome".

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Now it was time to leave the city of Crystal he was happy to have found the

meaning of the symbols, but also felt a void for failing to understand what

accounted the Crystal d'Akasa. He leave happy for the moments he had shared

with those wonderful beings and whose knowledge certainly mark the way he

would walk along the ways that still have to go.

When "Kresh Ilju" was ready to go, "Ituk Gamzu", "Ineni" and "Guardians of Time"

gathered to say good bye to him. The Guardian of the Name gave him a crosier of

crystal, and said, "when you want to talk with the wind, just feel the wind in your

heart-be wind and the image of his name will appear on the crosier, then he will

listen, the same will be with all being with who you want to communicate.”

"Ineni" meanwhile, gave him a small crystal imitating the shape of Crystal d'Akasa,

and said to him, "take it hanging from your neck, never take it off, when you be

able to see the true essence behind the forms, It will be activated and will take you

where your heart belongs." Then she reached out her hand and the hawk landed

on it, caressed her and said: "She will guide you."

Meanwhile, the Guardians of Time give him small crystals in which much

information were enclosed along with a beautiful little sphere all enshrined in the

shape of a crown that has to carry in his head. "Kresht Ilju" wore a beautiful, bright

white robe.

Finally all say goodbye to "Kresht Ilju" falcon and coyote with the greeting of hands

palms, then led by a crystal that was in the middle of a beautiful garden, they

asked him to sit next a coyote and had hawk in his hand, when he was ready just

had to touch the crystal with his crosier and he did. The three faded and their

images disappeared from the place.

"Kresht Ilju" did not know, but his physical appearance had changed, it was a little

taller now, his skin was clearer, and his hair white.

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Almost at the same instant in which "Kresht Ilju" was surrounded by white-robed

beings, he found himself in a valley accompanied by coyote and his falcon.

Looked around and in the distance were mountains before deciding where he will

go, he sent his falcon to explore, he returned shortly after. As "Kresht Ilju" seen

through the eyes of your falcon, he knew where to go.

Around sunset he had already reached a very green valley, surrounded by a forest

near a large lake. It was not difficult to find a suitable place to rest. Falcon had

already been transformed into a wolf and coyote was lying at his feet. After dark,

the moon reflected in the lake's surface, some stars were visible; It was a clear

night without clouds. In the quiet you could hear the sounds of the night, the scent

of flowers filled the place, a scene that don´t paled beside the beauty of Crystal

City. Imbued with his memories and enjoying everything around him did not notice

the presence of the spirit of the forest who openly manifested before him. Suddenly

his intuition made him turn, there was unfolding before his eyes.

"Kresht Ilju" approached and respectfully approached the female spirit of the forest,

he requested permission to build a city on the banks and promised that the forest

and its creatures would be respected and protected. But he asked permission to

use rocks on the slopes of some mountains with adjoining the forest to carry out

the construction of his city. The forest spirit said, "I am only the joint

demonstration of all beings that inhabit this place, but each has its own will, if

you need the stones talk to them and ask for their approval, if they do not object,

us neither".

"Kresht Ilju" was satisfied with the proposal from the spirit of the forest and

accompanied by wolf and coyote walked through the forest, whose creatures in

peace, not in any way obstructed their path. So they arrived to the first side of a

mountain and used his crosier in the way in which the Guardian of the Name had

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indicated to him. Immediately appeared the right symbol on the crosier and the

rock began the dialogue. She told "Kresht Ilju" it would be an honor to be useful in

the city he wanted to build and gladly would shift to the right place, but only asked

one thing, do not separated from their loved ones.

"Kresht Ilju" said, "be sure I will do as you asked, but for not commit a mistake, tell

me who are your loved ones ?, and Rock replied," The rising sun, the wind of

south, the morning dew, the light of the moon and stars, sunset colors, the

aromas of flowers and refreshing snow on winter months. ""Kresht Ilju" he

said, "be sure that so will be, I never depart you from your loved ones." That night

"Kresht Ilju" the wolf and coyote slept under the shelter of the forest beings.

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The next day "Kresht Ilju" in the moment when wolf was transformed into a falcon,

the vision of a city in a circle surrounded by waterways was revealed. Now he

knew that his city should emulate the Crystal City.

"Kresht Ilju" left the forest accompanied by falcon and coyote to go to the valley

and lake. He buried his crosier in the ground and when the sign appeared in it,

asked land to open up in circular grooves, leaving rings of land between ones and

others. And so did the land, formed three circular rings defining a circular center

and two outer rings. Then he went to the lake water, and sank into it his crosier,

when the sign appeared on it, he asked the water that flooded the rings that the

land had formed, for which again he touched the ground asking to do a channel

from the last ring to the lake. Done this water began filling the outer ring, then the

land made a second channel for water to flow into the next ring, and so happen

with the innermost. Finally he asked the land to close the channels.

He walked into the lake until the water covered him waist, stuck his crosier in the

bottom of the lake and asked him to raise three concentric rings leaving a central

portion of water and two concentric rings in a way of separation between them, and

bottom did so.

This was the work of the first day, now the valley looked with ground water rings

and rings of land in water.

Rings of water on land Rings of land on water

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The second day asked the earth that releases the rocks he would use to make

constructions in both cities, then asked the wind that moved from the slopes of the

mountains to the new location. He built enclosures inner rings land and homes in a

half sphere shape with an opening at the top along the outer ring of land on both

cities. All enclosures have a circular shape, except that it was located in the

innermost circle, this was hexagonal and none were covered in order to do what he

had promised to the rocks involved in the construction.

The third day he invited the lake fishes to live in water rings on the city in the

valley, some accepted the invitation, as did with the trees and plants of the valley,

invited them to live in the land rings of the lake City. Plants were accepted freed

from the earth, carried by the wind at them arrival the land pulled away, then with

its roots in her, hugged each. Meanwhile the trees yielded seeds in the wind and

these were deposited in the rings of land.

The fourth day he invited forest animals to make the rings of land in both cities their

new home. As in the previous day, several accepted his invitation and traveled to

their respective rings.

The fifth day he asked land to hand over different types of rock crystals that he

required to place in different precincts, this was necessary for each to perform its

function. The first is devoted to food production, the next to provide the "strength"

of union between the two cities and their inhabitants. The third would be the

precinct of knowledge and the fourth would be located in the central hexagon of

both cities, an area where hold the entrance to the Crystal City, gateway to the

Valley of Silence.

The sixth day at dawn time he sent falcon to look around to find human

settlements. Falcon showed him three relatively close, quickly "Kresht Ilju" and

coyote departed guided by falcon. Soon came where the first group, there were no

more than two hundred families living in nearby caves.

Because of his appearance scare people, but he was becoming apparent that

came in peace. Afraid the chief of the group left the place where it was hidden.

Thanks to the crosier, "Kresht Ilju" began to dialogue whit him in his own language,

which of course offer them an efficient means of approach. After a short dialogue,

"Kresht Ilju" saw that it was mostly simple people, so invite the whole group to live

with him in the City of the Rings, as he supposed, only a few accepted the


Intuitively "Kresht Ilju" decided not to visit the other two settlements.

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Those families and individuals who accepted his invitation got ready to leave.

Some carried their animals, others few belongings as ornaments. But all men

carried knives, stones and other tools made especially for hunting or defense.

Seeing this "Kresht Ilju" said, who wants to follow me must leave everything.

Some were not able to do it and stayed. Finally "Kresht Ilju" left with falcon, coyote,

seventy persons and two young orphans, altogether 72.

When they reached he placed 35 people and an orphan in every city, giving them

one of the houses in the outer circle of land in the form of a sphere. The number of

people corresponded exactly to the amount of spherical structures of each city.

That was how both cities were conformed in just six days.

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Once his guests have installed, "Kresht Ilju" brought everyone to a hill from where

they could see both cities, there he sat down them and began to teach. "The first

thing you most to learn is that everything you see and what you don´t see,

everything you touch and what you can´t touch, everything you hear and

what you couldn´t listen, all the aromas and flavors you know and those who

you don´t know make up the NAME or Gitche Manitou. At the Great Spirit

there is no loss or gain, everything remains in balance, everything is

preserved. You may wonder "why two cities and not one? Well, if you look closely

both cities find that one is the counterpart of the other, if put one on another, the

rings disappear and the valley back to its original shape. So the two cities

represent the principle of balance, this means that its construction did not affect the

valley, is the same, only now "parts" are positioned differently, but nothing is lost,

nothing is gained. The second reason why a city is the counterpart of the other is

that by this way its inhabitants are always united by a kind of spider web that

can´t be seen but also can´t be broken ".

"You may also wonder why 6 rings? However, the structure of the cities

determines the connection between its inhabitants, but the shape of each

provides the binding of each inhabitant with his city, this is very important

because energy generated in the city will be shared with the body each

inhabitant, similarly, the feelings of each inhabitant feedback the energy of

the city. This is because both the city and their bodies are living beings and

share the same geometry energy. The body has 7 energy centers and each

has its counterpart in the rings of both cities. "

"You should know that both cities were built in harmony, with the acceptance of

all beings who participated in it, and under a system of brotherhood, respect and


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"Never destroy something to build, it is not necessary, the alternative of

cooperation and mutual protection which enlarges the soul and remains

healthy the body and the earth is better."

"When you respect all the beings of earth, you respect yourselves. The land shall

not inherit their children, but is borrowed from them. You are the Guardians of the

Earth. All you give her or the beings that inhabit it, will be compensated to

you, when you give you will receive. But if you take from the earth and its

inhabitants betrayed the brotherhood of Guardians of the Earth, the balance

of Gitche Manitou remove you what you most appreciate, as love, health,

peace, harmony. "

"On the subject of food, you know that hunting is not allowed, only the

consumption of fruits and vegetables that the earth offers."

"Before proceeding with the issue of feeding we must return to the cities to rest and

continue tomorrow with your learning tasks."

During the time that "Kresht Ilju" remained in the Crystal City acquiring knowledge

and skills, he developed the ability to project its presence in two different places


The next day he took two groups, each in their city to the Precinct of Foods. At the

entrance was a stone carvings with a series of symbols, which "Kresht Ilju"

translated for them. "What hurts the beings is not what goes into the mouth,

but what comes out of it."

Some of those present were directed to "Kresht Ilju" saying: "How is that possible?

We do not understand what you mean. ""Kresht Ilju" with great patience and

understanding replied, "what goes into the mouth are food, inside your body

there are small structures called" living cells "these are the ones that absorb

nutrients from food and convert them into energy for the body to perform its

functions. The shape of the "living cells" determines the type of food that can enter

them. The feeling which is the foundation of belief can change their ways. Thus, if

we are convinced that fruits and vegetables that land gift to us will be enough to

get the energy required by our body, so be it. But if we are convinced that only

meat can feed properly, so be it.

As you can see nutrition is not about what is ingested as food, but the

convictions related to what we eat. In short, if we are convinced that feeds us

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meat, eating fruits and vegetables of little use to us, similarly, if our belief is around

fruits and vegetables eat meat will be useful. "

"What comes out of the mouth are words and they reflect what is in the heart

of everyone. If your heart is dominated fear in any of its manifestations, "cells of

life" will have shapes that will prevent absorb nutrients from food and therefore the

body not being able to have the energy to perform their functions will

deteriorate, will sicken and die. "

"What feeds you is a matter of conviction, what sick you is the feelings inside

each word and thought."

"Kresht Ilju" showed them the crops inside the precinct, legumes were large, their

leaves and forms reminiscent of the harmony and balance that flooded the

atmosphere in both cities. The fruits were beautiful colors and textures. Before

leaving each visitor will be flattered with one he choose, the taste could not be

compared with anything known, it touched the limits of the sublime, it´s delicate

texture was like a sigh.

After a few days, "Kresht Ilju" led the groups of each city to the second precinct,

which named Precinct of Crystals.

On those precincts the combination of light, color, sound, magnetism and

thought energies canalized through crystals provided physical energy

required to sustain each city, maintaining the link between them and the

union between people and their cities.

This precinct was covered entirely by colored crystals which emanating lights with

a pyramid-shaped crystal in the center rotating clockwise in Valley city and left in

Lake City.

The direction of rotation of the crystal pyramid provided the entanglement between

the two cities, if a temperature down in one, the other up simultaneously for

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balance. If a group of birds arrives in one, on the other departed the same amount.

Another function of the pyramid crystal was to serve as the collective conscience of

each city.

The color of the crystal pyramid at the center reflects the spiritual level of the

inhabitants. If this was high, so it was that of his city and was reflected in better

crops, beautiful colors, beautiful and abundant wildlife, crystal clear water,

peace and harmony in relations between the inhabitants and their city. Both

were living cities with a heart of crystal pyramid.

Again "Kresht Ilju" left a few days before driving to both groups at the third precinct,

the one of knowledge.

Precinct of Knowledge located in the Valley City had an half sphere type

excavation area in its center, and airborne had a crystal that was shaped like two

pyramids inverted relative to each other and having their bases inserted into each

other . Half floated out of the hollow half sphere shaped and half inside. Knowledge

Precinct located in the Lake City was similar, except that the gap in with the shape

of a half sphere was outlined by water and not by land as in the Valley City.

In this precinct the initiate must learn to connect to the crystal, as this will allow he

to expand his sensory perception and develop extrasensory powers, such as talk

and listen with the mind, acquire the vision of a hawk, move objects without

touching, moving without leaving a place to another, among many others that not

all would achieve develop equally.

When the initiate achieves that, learning to focus his perception on the part of the

reality he want to experience.

This was something that everyone should experience and achieve according to

their own spiritual level.

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And as they reach the targeted perception ability "Kresht Ilju" gave them a glass

like that was given to him in the Crystal City in the shape of two opposing

interlocking pyramids, which they always had to wear hanging from their neck.

When 72 reached the level of the six-pointed star, "Kresht Ilju" take them again into

the Precinct of Knowledge and said: "There is still a higher level of perception. This

can only be achieved when able to perceive the true essence behind beings. "Until

then the inhabitants saw "Kresht Ilju" by day accompanied with falcon and coyote.

By night with wolf and coyote, but thought they were different. That afternoon

allowed the inhabitants of the Valley City see the mystical moment when the falcon

was transformed into a wolf during sunrise and did the same with the inhabitants of

Lake City, allowing them to see the transformation of the wolf in falcon. Then he

said: "As has accompanied me by day the wolf-falcon you should find a partner or

a similar companion for the trip between the creatures of the city. Perhaps some of

you, the most perceptive, have realized that all here changes its appearance,

showing one form during the day and another at night.”

After all witnessed the moment of transformation, "Kresht Ilju" asked them to go to

the gardens of their respective cities, each under the guidance of his heart joined

whit the creature that will accompany them on their upcoming journey.

Over time some found their partner in the eagle-jaguar, others in the bear-hawk or

wolf-hawk or even in the eagle coyote.

When the 72 acquired their companions, they were again cited by "Kresht Ilju" in

the Precinct of Knowledge. He looked them saying: "The true essence of beings

will reveal to everyone just in time for the change in the appearance of your peers.

What will happen? I can only tell you that the double pyramid crystal bearing on

your neck will be activated and something will happen, what? I do not know, that's

a personal experience. "One of the initiates asked him "how was your

experience?," Kresht Ilju "replied," I do not know, it has not yet reached my time to

discover the true essence behind the forms. "But I'm sure one day my time will

come, as will happen to each of you.

Now you just need to enter the dark chamber, this was the only close enclosure

and was not made of stone but of trees intertwined.

In the chamber of darkness each initiate must enter alone and stay there only long

enough. The aim was to control the fear of the presence of dark beings. All the

initiates who came succeeded, but only two went beyond, the two young orphans,

one in each city. They not only controlled his fear, but felt compassion for those

beings and touched lovingly, the flash of light that came was so intense that both

were taken in light to the e Hexagonal Chamber, where the doors of the Crystal

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City were opened for them. Like "Kresht Ilju" they will receive the same knowledge

that was given to him. "Kresht Ilju" never knew but the name by which was known

in his village the female young orphan was "Daughter of the Stars".

Now the remaining 70 were ready to go with their peers. But before doing so

everyone should enter the Hexagonal Precinct of the Crystal Door, where not only

the bridge to the Crystal City was established, but also was the place where each

initiate would know his truly name.

Before revealing the names, "Kresht Ilju" divided the 70´s into 3 groups of 23 each

initiated each, then assigned within each group 17 builders and 6 teachers. The

names of initiates who formed each group were:

First group


Napayshini; Kanda; Wanikiya; Wahkan; Manitú; Sakina; Alyana; Takoda;

Wakanda; Nidawi; Nahimana; Harvir; Elu; Imala; Urika; Meda; Umi.


Meda; Kimana; Imala; Wemilo; Wunad; Nayati.

This group will go to the West and will build six cities.

Second group


Lecabel; Aniel; Eyael; Haayah; Shehayah; Rehael; Akayah; Jaamyah; Yeratel;

Yehuyah; Daniel; Poyel; Mejiel; Umabel; Anavel; Jabuyah; Mumyah.


Miveael; Henayah; Menadel; Vehuyah; Vehuel; Ashalyah

This group will go to the South and will build six cities.

Third group


Anechka; Neeru; Chandani; Aniha; Asmi; Nirvana; Nishka; Karunda; Jyoti; Veda;

Asha; Saisha; Garima; Neha; Sharmila; Vidya; Mandira

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Kalid; Kara; Nesha; Rakha; Anandi; Nirima

This group will go to the East and will build six cities.

The seventieth disciple took by name

It was the only name on the language used in the Crystal City or language of the

soul, and it means Inner Master. He would stay with "Kresht Ilju" at the City of the

Rings, their work would be to maintain the balance between the cities, the union of

the 69 initiates each other, with their respective cities and with the City of the


After the naming "Kresht Ilju" gave instructions for the journey of the 3 groups.

He said, "Go and share with the people of the earth what you have learned, teach

that all being that exist have life, is sensitive and intelligent, so it must be

respected and heard. Teach the people to work within a framework of

cooperation and respect with the beings of the earth. Always act according to

what you learned here, be compassionate and patient with the people who resist

to understanding or oppose to accept your teachings. Also respect them and if

they do not open their heart, not stands in their way. His time has not yet come.

Just take for food what the earth offers you."

"The six cities, built in three pairs, each pair will complement one another, so the

balance will be maintained, as was done with the Cities of the Rings."

"Cities should have pyramidal structures with square bases, the entire structure

will be made of stone. Three cities will be built on land and three in water. If in

the lands where you will settle no lakes, then 6 cities most have been built so that

the pyramidal shapes be built over water eyes or over underground rivers.

This will not only ensure the balance, but will provide energy to the city while

maintaining the union between the material world and the spiritual world."

"In each city will build three major pyramid shapes, to complete its construction

inscribed the names of eight of its builders in the outer edges, two on each edge,

these will be pronounced during each equinox in direction from west to east. The

other eight names will be inscribed on the inner edges, also in pairs. These will be

pronounced in the direction from east to west during the solstices. The remaining

name should be inscribed in the inner center of the base and there should never be


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"At the top edge, on the outside you will inscribed one of the names of the six

teachers, another name shall be entered under the pyramid, either underground or

low water at a depth equivalent to the height of the tip. This will ensure a balance

between the natural and spiritual forces that will be present in every pyramid


"As it goes completing construction of each city, builders continue their search for

new places of settlement, leaving there a teacher responsible for the instruction of

their inhabitants. The same will be done to complete the construction of the 6

cities. At the end builders will be distributed according to his own desire in one of

the built cities and will participate in the teaching work."

At the end of the instructions. "Kresht Ilju" gave each teacher a crosier of wood,

which would serve as an instrument of communication with beings on earth, similar

to its own crosier, but with the difference that in these true names represented by

symbols snowflakes not be revealed.

The next day the three groups departed along with his companions. In the City of

the Rings only they remained "Kresht Ilju" wolf-falcon, coyote, Inner Master and his

wolf-hawk. In addition to the beings of the earth as birds, animals, fish, flora and


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In the same way that the City of the Rings was built, the cities of the west, south

and east were built in six days. Thirty-six days later all cities were completed under

the circular pattern of the Rings City, and pyramidal specifications dictated by

"Kresht Ilju".

As cities were populated, Inner Master oversees broke no link between the cities

with the City of the Rings.

Also he kept intertwined with the Guardians of the Earth that had departed.

Over time, cities flourished and its residents was acquiring a hart like "Kresht

Ilju" heart, the inhabitants of the earth were his companions, harmony reigned

and happiness was something that was reflected in the beings inside the cities.

All were in balance with nature and with the spiritual world.

Apparently everything was all right, but Inner Master began to feel that "Kresht Ilju"

had a recognition by the townsmen did not deserve, after all who had the

responsibility of taking care that the balance is not broken and if that happened

compensate, it was him.

At first it was just a small concern, but then became stronger and recurrent to the

point that love that "Kresht Ilju" taught him to dump over the creatures of the

earth began to focus it on himself, forgetting increasingly the others.

This went on and abusing the trust "Kresht Ilju" had placed in him, he began acting

at his back, probing different teachers in 18 cities. Inner Master naively believed

that "Kresht Ilju" was not aware of what was happening behind him, but it was not,

"Kresht Ilju" knew from the start what was happening, but let forward with the hope

that Inner Master reversed the matter and again directed his love of beings on

earth. But it did not happen, so before he could use the means at his disposal in

the City of the Rings to pervert the Guardians of the Earth located in 18 cities

decided to call his presence.

When "Kresht Ilju" called Inner Master to his presence, they were with him wolf,

coyote and a translucent human figure that seemed made of water?! he look into

his eyes intently and waited for the dialogue started, but it was not, his attitude was

haughty and body expression was a challenging attitude. Given the situation,

"Kresht Ilju" said, "You know well why I call you, and the very thing you know, also

says you can no longer stay in the City of the Rings, so in this act I expels you and

your companion. The water creature, wolf and coyote escorted to the outskirts of

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the city. As they passed the threshold immediately the bond between him,

"Kresht Ilju" City of the Rings and the Guardians of the Earth was broken.

City gates were closed and his appearance, like that of his companion was

changed immediately.

Wolf-hawk was separated into two beings, their image of wolf became a creeping

being poisonous that "Kresht Ilju" gave the name snake. The Hawk took the form

of a white owl. "Kresht Ilju" refused to give him a name in spite of he was not

able to lead his companion.

At the moment Inner Master through the door of the City of the Rings, "Kresht Ilju"

changed its name to "Random" and his appearance became indefinitely, he had

lost his identity, although he was not given notice that. He kept thinking he

had an identity, but in the eyes of "Kresht Ilju" was just a mirage. Now only fear

could feed his presence. And without fear he would have no way of knowing

it was not.

The snake and owl were no more images in which one essence were

manifested, now his image would be linked to that of "Random". His mystical

moment of transformation was lost forever, and with it the possibility of

discovering the true essence behind the forms. Under the identity of Inner Master

one day his Akasha Crystal would have turn on, but now, with the mystical

moment lost forever, his crystal will never be activated.

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THE SIEGE TO THE GUARDIANS OF THE EARTH For many winters nothing was heard of "Random", until it began to spread the

rumor among the cities of the West about a strange being they called "Feathered

Serpent", after in the cities of southern and eastern talked about a creature part

man, part serpent. Also in every city it was said to be a winged being with human

traits hovered nearby.

The curiosity of some and the fears of others led to that in some cities the

"Feathered Serpent" and in others the man- woman snake was invited by the

Guardians of the Earth to their respective cities.

Once inside, "Random" began to adulterate the teachings that "Kresht Ilju" shared

with the Guardians of the Earth. "Random" showed them how to extract minerals

from the earth without showing respect or previously request permission to

transform them into various utensils. He teach them to cut down the trees to

make with them different objects of "utility" creating a false need for them and

more dangerous, using them to awaken greed. With plants that pull out from

earth taught to prepare magic potions to enhance sexual performance, don´t

have children, damage the health of people, breaking the balance in how many

ways he could think of. He convinced them that it was necessary to eat meat, and

animal sacrifice and murder became commonplace. The Guardians of the Earth

who succumbed to the wiles of "Random" did not realize that now required

instruments to do by force which previously only had to apply and in

communion had. The wind not more moved the rocks, so they had to design

and build tools to cut and move them. The land became hostile and did not

always produce food, so they had to develop ways for improvement and food

production. The constant killing of animals for their livelihood caused an

imbalance in nature and in their bodies, entering the disease in them, plus

most of the animals that had previously served as his companions had left

and now turned hostile.

As cities and their inhabitants were succumbing to the seduction of "Random"

entanglement with the City of the Rings it was breaking.

That's how "Random" began the era of "civilization" perverting many of the

Guardians of the Earth. Hereinafter being take by force what it needs from

the inhabitants of the earth to satisfy his greed, his vanity, his meanness.

Everything now takes is to build a crude substitute for what land gave him

when cooperation, love and respect bound them, at that time both worlds

were one, and one also with the spiritual plane.

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"Random" deceived the Guardians of the Earth teaching them what they did not

need to know, to meet needs that would not necessarily have.

But not all the Guardians of the Earth fell into the deception of "Random", some

managed to escape from the cities and hid of men. They formed small

communities, passed on from father to son the teachings of the legendary "Kresht

Ilju". They continued to maintain entanglement with the Cities of the Rings and the

own "Kresht Ilju". When it came time for parents to sleep with their ancestors, the

children were intertwined with the Cities of the Rings and "Kresht Ilju", every first-

born inheriting the companion of his parents, because he-she was not sleeping.

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In the home village of "restless cat" they had spent seven winters, at that time

Chaman made a few trips to the town of Or. One morning as he watched a deer

that ran through the valley, saw three people approach seemed a family. He wait a

little to see them clearly, actually it was a man, a woman and a young, everyone

wore a headband on his forehead, wearing white robes, the man's neck hung a

crystal as two opposite pyramids inserted into the base each other. He carried a

wooden crosier and a beautiful eagle was with them.

Chaman realized that they must come from far away, also looked tired, thirsty and

hungry, so before filing a conversation with them, he sat them outside his tent, lit

the fire and offered them water and food.

The three, very grateful, asked him if there was any place in the village where

they could spend the night, without thinking the Chaman offered his store.

Chaman returned the next day and although they did not speak the same

language, they use similar words.

With patience and good will, they were slowly getting it. Chaman asked them,

"where do you come from?" The man replied "beyond the mountains", then asked

again, "Who are your ancestors, where your people come from?" The man began

his story, "our ancestors lived in the Valley of Silence, then left the city to build new

cities. In the Valley of Silence, a wise man of great spiritual force called "Kresht

Ilju" shared his knowledge with our ancestors taught love the earth and all its

inhabitants. Also taught the respect for life in all its forms, work in harmony

and cooperation among the different beings involved in performing a task. Taught

that we should not take from the earth nothing that she not flatters us to feed

ourselves. He prepared us to protect and guide all being in the world.” Chaman

interrupted asking, "What else you know about "Kresh Ilju "?," he dressed like us,

wearing a crown of crystal on his head, around the neck a crystal like this that I

have in mine. Also wearing a neck pendant round wooden object with an inner

tissue, hoop hung eagle feathers, horse hair and some beads. He had a crosier of

glass, similar to this of wood and always was accompanied by a wolf-hawk ".

Hearing this paled Chaman undoubtedly "Kresht Ilju" and "restless cat" were the

same person.

Once recovered from the shock his heart was filled with joy, "restless cat" had

gotten! He had reached the Valley of Silence.

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Hiding his emotion, Chaman asked "Why are you here? Our ancestors say that

when the first inhabitants of Valley of Silence came to share what they had learned

from "Kersht Ilju" one of them remained, which bore the name "Inner Master", but

last time "Inner Master" began to love himself more than the beings of the earth,

"Kersth Ilju" had no choice but to expel the Valley of Silence and changed its name

to "Random" his companion was a wolf-hawk, she became two separated beings a

serpent and a white owl. "Random" was presented to the inhabitants of cities as

feathered serpent, or serpent man-woman, deceiving the Guardians of the Earth to

pervert and adulterate the teachings of "Kresht Ilju". Under such circumstances our

ancestors faithful to the teachings of "Kresht Ilju" and being minority they had to

leave the cities and found small communities away from the followers of the


"But now the children of the serpent with their machines and objects that have

been obtained by destroying the creatures of the earth have come to our lands,

they bring what they call “civilization", "technology "and "evangelization". So we

fled in different directions to warn the people who love the beings of the earth of

the impending danger."

Chaman asked " Kresht Ilju "knows about this?", "Certainly, our heart has always

been intertwined with his. Well come with me to the town of Or, there you will tell

to" Daughter of the Stars" what you had been told me."

After two days' journey they reached the people of the light, there give them the

welcome "Daughter of the Stars" and "Mystical Glint". Chaman introduced his three

companions and the same story they told to Chaman, they told to the two women.

"Daughter of the Stars" stood up and asked, "Is the heart of three of you is

intertwined with that of Kresht Ilju?" The three answered firmly: "Yes." Well make a

circle around "Mystical Glint" hold your hands to close the circle. Now you,

"Mystical Glint" sit in the center of the circle. Then she said to the three visitors,

"without letting go of hands spread them and place them on the head of "Mystical


"Daughter of the Stars" told "Mystical Glint", "It's time to look into your heart for

"Restless Cat”. "When "Mystical Glint" be ready, she will put an open palm behind

the other and place them in his heart. At that moment you without letting go of

hands will separate them from the head of "Mystical Glint" and then you will up it

skyward, and remain as necessary ". And so they did.

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While this was happening in the town of Or, in the City of the Rings "Kersht Ilju" felt

compassion in his heart for all the people who had been trapped in the lies of

"Random" and had broken entanglement with cities and with he. But he also felt joy

for the remainder faithful to his teaching and inhabitants of the earth. Suddenly he

remembered the happy times he lived with "Mystical Glint" on the Town of the

Light, when ran, climbed trees, raised stones, climbed mountains together, saw the

flashing stars in the night sky. Thus came the evening, "Kresht Ilju" was sat in one

of the gardens of the City and falcon did something she had never done, she

leaned over his legs. This surprised "Kresht Ilju" but began to stroke her with

tenderness and sensitivity. Without noticing came the time for the mystic

transformation and in the precise moment of change, finally managed to perceive

the essence behind the forms, what he saw was the image of "Mystical Glint". As

if he had been struck by lightning, he realized that "Mystical Glint" had never left,

had traveled with him at all times, the love they had, about which he never

realized until that moment, was the one protected him by night and guided him

by day.

At that moment it was as if time froze. Finally Akasha Crystal had been activated,

the crystal began to turn in his neck, upper pyramid turned in one direction and

lower in another. Then he saw everything as if absorbed in a spiral.

As this happens he hear a voice within him saying, "This is the mystery of

Crystal D´Akasha, the essence behind the form is the same form of love, that

love is the one who guides and protects. The Akasha Crystal opens the door

to the perception of worlds sustained by love."

The time had frozen, forming a bridge between the City of the Rings and the Town

of the Light. The three visitors who placed their hands on "Mystical Glint" were

intertwined with "Kersht Ilju" and as happened with him, the moment of change

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from his eagle jaguar, did not finish the three vanished into the light that arose

the man's neck.

The same applies to the other disciples of "Kersht Ilju" wherever they were.

In this mystical moment, thousands of worlds sustained by love opened their

doors to the perception of those who knew the essence behind the form.

Just finished hearing those words, he found playing with "Mystical Glint" suddenly

he hear a voice said "Restless Cat", reach us if you can. When he turned he saw

"Cunning Coyote" that ran with his friend "Rainbow Sky".

From a hill just outside the cave where "Daughter of the Stars" lived, Chaman and

she were watching happily play four youths. Chaman always knew the woman

who arrived with the wind was "Daughter of the Stars", took her hands and

said, "Now everything has been accomplished", "Daughter of the Stars" gave

him a mischievous smile while she nodded his head slightly.


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At the end like all epic hero restores the order of things, giving himself and his

universe a new opportunity based on love, respect, fellowship, cooperation,

understanding and participation of all beings whose existence, he, to some extent,

is responsible.

That young orphan whose admiration for Chaman led him to follow him in secret,

never imagined that his little prank would transform it into "Kresht Ilju" wise man,

even more than Chaman, whose greatness reflection of his humility led him to

restore his innocence and that of everyone whose heart was according to him,

opening the doors of perception to a universe sustained in the guidance and

protection of true love.

The story teaches us that we only needs a disposed heart, for the truth behind the

forms, at some point in the journey, can be perceived as love that has always

guided and protected our pathway.

Each time this happens, the doors of perception open. With the rotation of the

Crystal d'Akasha space unfolds, the heart is disclosed, the names are clarified, life

flourishes. A universe is released from oblivion!

Although everyone is welcome to the universe of "Restless Cat" I'm sure he would

rather prefer that each of you open the doors of perception to yours.

With love,

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Physical engineer specializing in quantum physics, has studied Hebrew Bible, Sacred Scripture (BIBLE), Kabbalah, Sacred geometry, Apocrypha Godspell, Hinduism, Buddhism. The voice of the shaman is a lightweight, full narrative teachings, where the ideas of the ancient peoples of North America are mixed with the fundamental principles underlying our universe from a quantum perspective.